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May 2015 Issue
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May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Note From The Publisher
Mother’s Day
ear Neighbors, May is the month of my favorite holiday, Mother’s Day. I have always been a Mama’s boy and love my Mother dearly. My life has been so blessed by the relationship I have with her because she has always been there for me, to share my thoughts, my hopes and dreams. My favorite thing to do with my Mom is to go to Spurs games. She is a Spurs fanatic and we always have the best time! The laughter, cheering and excitement are the memories that I will cherish forever. On pages 8 and 9 are letters that will make you smile and cry as these children express their love for their mothers. As I write this letter, I am faced with the decision to let my dog go to her final rest. Sasha, has been with me for 11 years and is a part of my family. This decision is one of the hardest I have had to face in this lifetime. Knowing that this is the right thing to do doesn’t make it any easier. Sasha will be greatly missed by the Welcome Home staff. She has left her mark on my family, and I couldn’t have asked for a better companion and friend. I was blessed with 11 years with her and nothing ever prepares you for this decision. Rest in Peace, Sasha. With the loss of a loved one I would like to remind our readers that May is a month of remembrance as we approach Memorial Day on the 25th. I am always grateful to live in Military City, USA on this holiday. The people of San Antonio have a deep reverence and appreciation for the sacrifices of our military men and women and their families. May we never take for granted the high cost at which our American liberties are earned. On May 2nd the Stone Oak Business
Association will have their annual Spring Business Expo. This event is open to the community at Mays YMCA. Many local businesses will be there for you to visit and learn more about. The Stone Oak Business Association tries to have a couple of these expos a year to bring your local businesses to the community. Please stop by and give them your support as we enjoy the festivities at Mays YMCA. I have always been a community person and do everything I can to promote community businesses. I want to bring attention to two locally owned family businesses, World Karate and College Nannies. Each of these is reputable and brings a special element to the community. For many in our community, this month is also a transitional time of year. With school wrapping up and summer right around the corner, teachers and families are celebrating the end of classes and looking forward to summertime activities. For graduating seniors who are coming to the end of their high school careers, this transition may be the greatest they have ever faced. The Stone Oak Business Association once again had the privilege of granting scholarships to five seniors from local high schools, which will be announced this month. The many scholarship applications confirmed what we already knew – the Class of 2015 is full of bright young leaders who are full of potential. I look forward to seeing the positive impact they will make on the world in the coming years.
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(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com
Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.
Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
Distribution Israel Vazquez
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver
Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young
Contributing Photographer Karen Little
Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Katrina Cunningham Heather Jemente Sierra Hernandez
Staff Writer Debby Seguin
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Contributing Writers Lisa Brown, Ellison Parent and PTA Member Kassie Schulze Monica Faulkenbery Paula Allen Scott Milder
SUCCESSFUL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Proper Planning. True Craftsmanship. Constant Communication.
W W W. V I R T U O S O B U I L D E R S . C O M
On The Cover By Stefanie Young eing a mom is demanding and a tough job. There aren’t any sick days or vacation time and definitely no overtime pay. Moms pour their heart and soul into the wellbeing and happiness of their children. Welcome Home would like to take a moment to say thank you to all the hardworking mothers in our community. Whether you’re a new mother, grandmother or someone who stepped in to fill the position, your job is never ending and at times, thankless. It’s unfortunate that there is only one day out of the year that we focus on mothers (and fathers) when they work so hard to teach, listen, keep patience and provide. The students that we hear about or write about wouldn’t be where they are without a push in the right direction, discipline, support and the love they find at home. Thank you for all that you do and know
B The Welcome Home Community Newspaper has had the privilege of serving the community for 11 years as one of the few local papers that shines a spotlight on the good things in life – the accomplishments of our amazing youth, inspirational stories and the residents and local businesses that comprise the heart of our area. With �ive different papers covering northern San Antonio, Welcome Home is directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution.
How To Submit Articles • We work a month in advance so submit by the given deadline (ex: if you submit in January it will be for the February edition) • Like us on Facebook or let us know if you would like to be put on our email list that will notify you of each deadline
What To Submit
• Email articles to: articles@welcomehomesa.com
• News tips or story ideas that one of our writers can turn into a story
• Or submit articles to our website at: www.welcomehomesa.com/submit-a-story
• Announcements (births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and grand openings) • Community, School, and Sports News • Upcoming events
Welcome Home Community Newspaper is pleased to offer this free service to the community. Upon submission of a story idea or photo, you give Welcome Home the right to use that submission without compensation. By submitting to Welcome Home, you guarantee that your material is sent with the express consent of the owner, and that its contents are non-proprietary and non-confidential. We cannot guarantee all submissions will be published. Welcome Home is under no obligation to use any idea, photo or article submitted. We reserve the right to edit or alter submissions for conciseness and grammar as needed and may need to prioritize certain events for any reason before publication.
Happy Mother's Day from
Welcome Home Newspaper would like to thank you for having had the privilege of serving you for 13 years as your local newspaper that shines a spotlight on the GOOD news in life, including the accomplishments of our amazing youth and truly inspirational stories about our residents and our local businesses that comprise the heart of our community. We publish 5 different newspapers covering northern San Antonio that are directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution at local businesses.
For Advertising Info Please Call 210.348.8233 or Visit Our Website www.WelcomeHomeSA .com 6
that Mother’s Day isn’t the only time of year you’re appreciated.
Family Life
*Always submit photos with your submissions!
Photo Credit: Karen Little
Queen For A Day
By Debby Seguin
t’s almost Mother’s Day, that wonderful day when (in theory) accolades abound and every mother is “Queen For A Day”. So after cleaning the royal toilet and feeding the royal hound (the “prince” forgot again) I am ready for some pampering. My family places me in my pumpkin carriage (it’s really a Ford Explorer but DOES have a small bite of pumpkin pie squished into the seat), and it’s off to Taco Bell for the royal feast. (What? No sour cream?! OFF with their heads!) Along the way, I have occasion to reflect on this journey called Motherhood. Amazed at how much I have learned over the years, when I was but a Commoner, it is hard to narrow down the really important lessons, but a few come to mind. Some of these lessons were gleaned from simple observation. For example, the main reason why God chose women to have babies---men are just too fragile! While they do take the brunt of the heavy lifting, war fighting, tire changing, etc., once they see childbirth (akin to pushing a watermelon through a garden hose), they seem perfectly satisfied with their “microscopic” contribution. Some lessons came in the form of “expert” advice (which apparently includes everyone who has ever seen a real baby at least once). For instance, this advice from “Instructions for breastfeeding: If your (hmm-hmms) become sore, encourage your baby to latch on as often as possible to toughen them up.” What are they—leather!? Who came up with THAT, Al Qaidda? By far, though, the most precious things I have learned came from my children. Here is a sampling: “Dogs are naked!” “The guy who catches the ball at a baseball
game is the “glover”, “Do you, Ken, take Barbie to be your awful wedding wife?”, “The tooth fairy takes the teeth to heaven so God can recycle them”, and of course when a mommy forgets to send something for show-n-tell, the kindergartener will frantically rummage through his karate bag and show-n-tell his “protector cup thingy,” causing a flurry of laughter in the teacher’s lounge and at least one phone call from a participating female student’s mother... Mostly I know I have survived this wonderful journey so far, by hugging, listening, setting boundaries and sticking to them and, above all, a lot of praying. When God is in control, fear not! The monarchy is in Good Hands. Debby Seguin (warning: she can be grumpy in the morning!) can be reached at Deborah.seguin@comalisd.org
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Got Your Back 2015 By Stefanie Young o many children in Bexar County will begin the school after the summer without a backpack. At Living Through Giving [LTG], they feel that shouldn’t be the case and have begun their annual event, “Got Your Back”. After collecting more than 800 backpacks during the 2014 backpack drive, LTG has started collecting backpacks with participating schools and businesses. LTG will aim to break that record and collect new and slightly used backpacks to give to needy children for the upcoming school year. The purpose of the drive is to help children begin the year with the tools necessary to succeed. “Being able to see the children’s faces light up while going through the backpacks, is such an emotional sight,” Russell Groomer, Living Through Giving founder
and owner of Welcome Home Community Newspaper said. “Living Through Giving strives to make an impact in these children’s lives as best as we possibly can.” Living Through Giving will be accepting backpacks or cash donations that will be used to purchase school supplies and other needs for children in the San Antonio area. If you, your business or school would like to join them in their cause, or if you have any questions, contact them at 210-3848233.
“Living Through Giving”
Participating in “The Big Give S. A.” When will The Big Give S. A. take place? The Big Give S.A. is a 24-hour online giving event that will happen on May 5, 2015 from midnight to 11:59 p.m. All event-related donations must be made on this website during that 24-hour period.
When: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Midnight to 11:59 pm Where: www.TheBigGiveSA.org
Why give through TheBigGiveSA.org?
Living Through Giving Teams Up With The Big Give S.A.
We encourage you to support your local nonprofits with year-round giving, but we are creating a special event on May 5– a charitable holiday! It’s our day to celebrate San Antonio’s spirit of generosity and support the work of nonprofits. Plus, your gift made through The Big Give S.A. website during that 24-hours may be amplified by matching funds. Your gift may also help nonprofits qualify for prize incentives and other contests.
After collecting more than 800 backpacks for children in need during their recent summer backpack collection drive, the local non-profit Living Through Giving hosted a backpack selection party for kids with the Boys and Girls Club of San Antonio.
In short, the goal of the Big Give S.A. is to introduce supporters to all of the wonderful charitable organizations located in South Central Texas.
210.348.8233 • info@livingthroughgiving.com www.facebook.com/livingthroughgivingsa
Special To Welcome Home iving Through Giving has been working with the local business, communities, and schools of San Antonio to bring children in need a helping hand. This year, they have teamed up with The Big Give S.A and hope to kick off their fundraising year with bang! The Big Give S.A. is a 24-hour day of giving that will take place from midnight to midnight on May 5, 2015. With hundreds of local nonprofits represented over a dozen counties, there is certainly a cause to fit your passion. While we hope you will keep Living Through Giving in mind, helping the community in general always results in a better living standard for those who may have less. “The purpose of this community-wide giving challenge is to increase public awareness of the impact local nonprofits make in addressing our community’s social challenges, bring nonprofits and donors together, expand the idea of online giving, connect people to the causes that move them the most and, of course, make giving FUN,” States The Big Give S.A.’s Site. “By turning giving into a shared region-wide experience, we can significantly impact the future of South Central Texas and make a huge collective difference. Last year’s event raised over $2,000,000 for 467 participating agencies!” How does a charity participate? Any 501(c)(3) organization in Atacosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, or Wilson county is welcome to participate
in The Big Give S.A. Nonprofit registration closes April 10, 2015. There is no fee to participate. An eligible organization will have one profile on The Big Give S.A. site. While the organizational description can include all of the agency’s programs and services, donors cannot designate or restrict their donations to a particular program. Each participating nonprofit is eligible for matching funds and prize incentives. If you missed the chance to sign up this year, please mark your calendars for 2016! How do individuals participate? On May 5, anyone can make an online gift to a participating organization. All donations on May 5 give your favorite nonprofit the opportunity to earn matching funds and prize incentives. This means that your gift has the capacity to leverage additional funding. You can give by smart phone, tablet, or computer. Minimum donation is $10. There is not a maximum donation. Living Through Giving hopes to hear from you on May 5th and hopes you will visit the local schools for their “Got Your Back” backpack drive! To find out more about their drives and sponsorship options, visit them at www.livingthroughgivingsa. org.
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
19141 Stone Oak Pkwy
(210) 494-5858 www.welcomehomesa.com
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Letters To Mom
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Letters To Mom
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Say Aloha to Summerat our Beach Blanket Bow-Wow! Join Us on June 6th from 11AM–3PM Music • Food • Games • Prizes • Agility Demos •Swimming
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Heather Jemente
Emotional Outbursts Sign Of Estrogen Dominance By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 ttractive and well dressed, this home schooling mother who managed a large home and 4 active children, did not appear desperate. She began calmly describing symptoms of hot-cold at night, surges of warmth during the day, feeling mildly confused and forgetful all the time. Now, the smallest upset during her busy day might lead to an angry outburst which very much surprised her. But she also noted that she could cry “at the drop of a hatfor nothing at all, really!” She had learned to just walk away from her family into another room when she felt so unbalanced and emotional. Suddenly she burst out: “It seems to be getting worse! I can’t stand myself!” I told her it was not her fault, “Your hormones may be unbalanced.” As women approach menopause, the hormones begin to fluctuate. The first hormone to precipitously drop is progesterone, the great balancer. Progesterone is a mild diuretic and sedative. Without progesterone, the unopposed estrogen causes one to feel very emotional and anxious. Progesterone moderates many side effects of excess estrogen by reducing water retention, headaches, bloating, bleeding, and fibroids. Progesterone in excess causes sedation, while the right amount is calming. Progesterone decreases proliferation of the cells in the milk ducts by 400%. (Fertility
Sterility 1995; 63:785-91) Progesterone protects against hyperproliferation in the uterus as well as the breast. Yet, most menopausal women are prescribed only a synthetic estrogen without the balancer, progesterone. Progestin is not progesterone. The synthetic progestin has effects very different from the bio-identical progesterone. Progestin side effects may include depression, breast swelling, weight gain, water retention, and in some studies, increased risk of breast cancer. The mom described above had a high level of estrogen, practically no progesterone, and very little testosterone. I discussed in detail with her the side effects of hormone replacement therapy, history, physical, and reviewed three pages of her labs. Women’s hormone replacement must be precisely prescribed based on laboratory analysis. Hormone replacement should not be prescribed according to age adjusted normal. Rather, hormones should be prescribed according to the levels of a young adult. I suggested progesterone capsule at night to balance her estrogen dominance and a precise amount of testosterone cream applied intravaginally. Later, she told me, “I feel like myself, again!” Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
SA Mayoral Candidate Forum
Each candidate had a chance to answer the six questions and they were also able to offer an introduction and closing remarks.
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Submitted By Kassie Schulze n Wednesday, March 18, 2015, four of the candidates running for the position of mayor attended the San Antonio Mayor Candidates Forum. The four attending candidates were Mayor Ivy Taylor, former Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Adkisson, former State Senator Leticia Van de Putte, and former State Representative Mike Villarreal. These candidates met with voters, parents and students of the Dr. Hector Garcia Middle School’s (HGMS) surrounding area and enlightened them to their ideas about what the mayor should do, why they should be mayor and answered questions generated by the students of the school. Prior to the event the school held a reception for the honored guests, Northside ISD administrators and board members. During that event two alumnus of
HGMS, one from Brandeis High School and one from O’Connor High School, acted as moderators and posed questions generated by the students. Each candidate had a chance to answer the six questions and they were also able to offer an introduction and closing remarks. The citizens that were old enough to vote had a chance to get to know these candidates and their reasons for running for mayor. The running candidates also got a chance to further the citizen’s knowledge on their plans as mayor. After all the closing remarks were made, the audience and candidates moved to the foyer and had a chance to take pictures and ask specific questions. Overall, the San Antonio Mayoral Candidate Forum was a success by bringing these candidates closer to the people of the Sonoma Ranch area.
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
FYI On DIY: Home Improvements
a wall, building a wall, adding a room, or extending a room. Structural changes to a house are not DIY projects. You may also be involved with replacing windows and doors as well as upgrading the electrical and plumbing systems. What appears to be simple changes can end up involving more extensive work, which means time and money you hadn’t planned on. Consider the following before you pick up a hammer: Do you have the skills needed and tools required to do the job? Are you on a timeline? Will you need assistance to perform the job and if so, do you have access to highly skilled, licensed and insured tradespeople? Are you familiar with your local building codes and permit requirements? Do you have suppliers for materials needed? Are you prepared for safety issues? If you answered yes to most
of the above questions then more power to you. DIY all the way! If you answered no, hiring a professional remodeler is going to be your best choice. For more tips on home improvement and to subscribe to our newsletter, visit www. virtuosobuilders.com. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. At Virtuoso Builders, we work closely with our clients and have a reputation for developing unprecedented trust with them, which ultimately leads to the finest project results. If you would like for us to write about any specific topics or would like more information, please contact us at info@ virtuosobuilders.com
it’s operating at maximum efficiency. Let’s face it, we all know the only thing worse than the Texas heat is getting into a car that’s been sitting in the Texas sun all day! 3. Avoid excessive heat where the rubber meets the road: Driving on underinflated tires can affect the handling and braking of a vehicle, but it also can cause tires to overheat and increase the likelihood of a blowout. This problem becomes even more of a concern when road temperatures are extremely high. 4. Have Your Battery Tested: High temperatures can make the battery fluid evaporate, which damages the interior of the battery, and drastically shortens the life of the unit! Also, the high temperatures can encourage corrosion and deterioration. Batteries should be tested to ensure that they are charging at the correct rate, that the battery fluid is topped off, and
that they are clear of any corrosion. Don’t forget to check us out on the web for coupons and specials at beldensautomotive. com. We have tons of savings as the season starts to get warm, so please call our friendly Service Advisor today to ask about our newest Chalkboard Special! We look forward to seeing you soon at any of our 6 locations. As always, from our family to yours: Buckle up and drive safe! Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Five Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830981-9700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive. com
K9 Corner
say goodbye. During those few days I was surrounded by people who were distraught about their pets, for many, more like their kids. It’s a helpless feeling not to be able to comfort those you care about when they are suffering. As a mother of only the fourlegged variety, I salute all the moms out there of any kind if you have ever had one of your babies sick or injured. I was told recovery would be long, he could still crash, and most likely would have to be under ER care for a week. But Rip had different plans. He wanted his mommy. By Sunday morning the vet was amazed with how fast he was recovering. Instead of a full week on oxygen, she was sending him home! Rip survived those nights because of the outstanding work by EPC, but also I believe he defied the odds on recovery
time through the power of prayer (yes it even works for dogs) and the Canine Health supplement I use, whose job is to help the body at the cellular level. I have seen first-hand how this supplement helped my dogs recover from injuries and this latest testament has blown me away. You can find out more about it on our web site www. feelgreat-begreat.com So this Mother’s Day, give an extra squeeze to your babies, no matter how many legs they have! Even though YOU should definitely be the one honored for all you do year-round, without them, you wouldn’t have the day at all. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call or visit www. k9countryclub.net.
Rehearsing For Retirement
off your investment accounts that you can safely maintain through your retirement.2 Try living off of that monthly income for a month or more while you are still working. See how it feels to retire. Arrange some “previews” of your retirement lifestyle. Your “rehearsal” need not be last-minute. If you think you will retire at 65, you could try doing this at 63 or 60 or even before then. Rehearsing for retirement can be very insightful. Some new retirees leave work abruptly only to have their financial and lifestyle assumptions jarred. As you want to make a smooth retirement transition to a future that corresponds to your expectations, test-driving your retirement before it begins is only wise. Client Centric Wealth Management may be reached at 210-807-7599 or
www.ccwmgmt.com. They are located at 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315, Stone Oak Parkway, SA, TX, 78258 Eric Zeitler, Eric Weissgarber and Michael Simpton offer securities through Sigma Financial Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC. Citations.1 - bankrate.com/financing/ r e t i r e m e n t / t a ke - a - r e t i r e m e n t - t e s t drive/ [12/13/13] 2 - blogs.wsj.com/ experts/2014/12/05/how-to-practiceretirement-before-you-retire/ [12/5/14] 3 - time.com/money/3615581/test-driveretirement/ [2/9/15]
By Mike and Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750
ith summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start that home improvement project you’ve put off all winter. Now, the question is whether to hire a professional or do the project yourself. Before you run off to the nearest home improvement center, be sure to do your homework before spending money. Remodeling is a complex process. It can either be rewarding or a nightmare experience. You may very well be capable
of taking on a remodeling project yourself but do you really have the time and experience to cover the potential problems that you could face if you proceed without a professional? For the handy homeowner, a DIY project done right can be satisfying but not necessarily cost effective. If you’re looking to shave costs, exercising your DIY skills could actually add to your bill. Remodeling to add or to reallocate space can mean knocking out
Beware Of San Antonio Heat Waves
By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
here has been such unusual weather across the country lately, and San Antonio was no exception. While we’ve probably enjoyed the slow start to summer, the heat is coming fast! Because of the extreme heat we have here it is important to take extra precautions with your vehicle. While there are a number of systems affected by the heat on your vehicle, this month we are focusing on four specific concerns. 1. Keep your engine cool: Make sure the cooling system is serviced as recommended
by the vehicle manufacturer. Between flushes, make sure the coolant is filled to the proper levels by checking the overflow reservoir. Inspect hoses and drive belts for cracking, soft spots or other signs of poor condition. Worn parts are more susceptible to failure in hot conditions and should be replaced. 2. Stay Cool: Exceptionally high temperatures can cause an uncomfortable ride. So take the time to get your vehicles air conditioning system serviced. Make sure
By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
Nothing Says Love Like The Wag Of A Dog’s Tail
o truer words were ever spoken as I turned down the hallway of the Emergency Pet Center in Stone Oak after 2 days of being told my boy would probably not make it through the night. As I approached I heard ‘thump, thump, thump’
By Eric Zeitler Client Centric (210) 807-7599
ry living as a “retiree” for a month or two before you commit to leaving your career. Imagine if you could preview your retirement in advance. In a sense, you can. Financially and mentally, you can “rehearse” for the third act of your life while still enjoying the second. Pretend you are retired for a month or two. Take two steps to act out your rehearsal – one
and the technician say, “Wow, that’s new, he must know mom is here”. My dog Rip had to have 8” of a rope toy removed from his intestines and suffered complications during surgery. By the time we got to the ER his prognosis was so poor that I stayed in the parking lot overnight in case he crashed. I wanted to be there to
having to do with your budget, the other with your expectations. Draw up a retirement budget & live on it for one, two or three months. Make a list of essential expenses (groceries, gas, utilities, etc.), and then a list of discretionary expenses (movie tickets, dinners out, etc.). This may reveal that you can live handily on less than what you currently spend each month.1 Next, list your income sources for retirement. (Social Security, IRA, pension, dividends, investment income, other revenue streams.) Check with a financial professional to determine a withdrawal rate
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Ryan Schmidt Design Receives Best Of Houzz 2015 Award Special To Welcome Home yan Schmidt Design LLC of San Antonio has been awarded “Best Of Houzz” for Customer Satisfaction by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design. The emerging, Architect led, residential design firm was chosen by the more than 25 million monthly unique users that comprise the Houzz community from among more than 500,000 active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals. The Best Of Houzz award is given in two categories: Design and Customer Satisfaction. Design award winners’ work was the most popular among the more than 25 million monthly users on Houzz, known as “Houzzers.” Customer Satisfaction honors are determined by a variety of
factors, including the number and quality of client reviews a professional received in 2014. Winners will receive a “Best Of Houzz 2015” badge on their profiles, helping Houzz users around the world who discover and love a professional’s work to learn even more about that business’ popularity and satisfaction rating among their peers in the Houzz community. “It’s been an honor to serve our clients to the best of our ability in 2014 and to win this award for Best of Houzz in Customer Service. We look forward to outdoing ourselves in the coming year and again providing the best service possible to our clients,” said Ryan Schmidt, Owner/ Architect, Ryan Schmidt Design LLC. “Houzz provides homeowners with a 360 degree view of home building, remodeling
and design industry professionals, empowering them to engage the right people and products for their project,” said Liza Hausman, vice president of industry marketing for Houzz. “We’re delighted to recognize Ryan Schmidt Design LLC among our “Best Of” professionals as judged by our community of homeowners and design enthusiasts who are actively remodeling and decorating their homes.” Houzz is the leading platform for home remodeling and design, providing people with everything they need to improve their homes from start to finish - online or from a mobile device. From decorating a room to building a custom home, Houzz connects millions of homeowners, home design enthusiasts and home improvement professionals across the country and around
Houzz is delighted to recognize Ryan Schmidt Design LLC among their “Best Of” professionals.
the world. With the largest residential design database in the world and a vibrant community powered by social tools, Houzz is the easiest way for people to find inspiration, get advice, buy products and hire the professionals they need to help turn their ideas into reality. For more information, visit www.houzz.com or ryanschmidtarchitect.com..
Local Charity Receives Recognition from SA Food Bank Submitted By Cynthia Hudson uesdays at West Avenue Compassion are busy days. This 501c3 organization operating out of San Antonio First Church of the Nazarene on West Avenue, will serve food boxes, breads and produce to approximately 180 families on this day. Most of the breads and specialty items are donated by local grocery and food service stores. In addition to Tuesday, once a month on a Thursday is Senior Distribution day-special goods for qualifying senior citizens. Because of their personal touch and variety of services-- nurse on site, job
referrals, free tax preparation, community garden, and Social Service referrals --West Avenue Compassion has been awarded “Golden Apple Honorable Mention for Multiple Services Agency” at the San Antonio Food Banks yearly banquet, March 18, 2015. There are over 500 agencies working with the food bank and only seven “Golden Apples” awarded in five categories. West Avenue Compassion is honored to have been nominated for such an award. In operation just five years, West Avenue Compassion distributes nearly 225,000 lbs. of food each year. As an all-volunteer organization, 100% of the contributions are
used to provide food and services to the needy. Partnered with San Antonio Food Bank, every dollar received in donation provides over thirteen dollars’ worth of food and supplies to those who are struggling. West Avenue Compassion’s mission is to foster healthy families and create a stable environment for both the families and our community assisting them to Move Forward. May 5th will be San Antonio’s “The Big
Ellison Parents And Staff Help Kids Thrive By Lisa Brown, Ellison Parent and PTA Member hen your kids attend a great San Antonio elementary school like Aue, Blattman, or Leon Springs and you learn they will move to a new school, anxiety and worry ensue. That’s what happened last year when Bonnie Ellison Elementary School (BEES), opened. Change can be scary, especially when it involves your children. However, thanks to fabulous teachers and staff, and a great PTA, students are thriving “BEES” at Ellison Elementary. An energetic group of parents from various schools and backgrounds jumped in to form the new Ellison PTA. With great leadership and teamwork, the PTA was determined to help make Ellison a success, right from the beginning. Soon after the school opened, they held the “Hive Hustle” a 5K run/walk on the school grounds, establishing community and raising money for the school. These busy bee parents recently executed the first annual BuzzFest, Ellison’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Thanks to the PTA’s innovative efforts, each Ellison student will be able to go on a field trip in the inaugural year of the school! Since teachers pour so much into the education of our children, PTA also invests in teachers’ morale. Recently, in recognition of national “Bubble Wrap Day”, Ellison teachers came in to a stress-relieving break room decked out in bubble wrap, and each teacher received their very own bubble wrap pack, to ward off stress throughout the day. The PTA threw a “SOUPer Bowl” luncheon with yummy soups to send Ellison teachers
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Give”. This presents a great opportunity for individuals to donate to the many charitable organizations whose mission it is to address the needs of those who live on the edge of provision for themselves and their families in San Antonio. West Avenue Compassion is working hard to assist in your neighborhood. Help accomplish this mission by naming West Avenue Compassion the recipient of your generous donation during “The Big Give”.
into Super Bowl weekend feeling loved and appreciated. Not taking their success for granted, Ellison PTA, together with the administration and staff, finds innovative ways to give back to others. After Halloween, they supported OPERATION GRATITUDE by collecting candy to send to our US troops. Ellison adopted a sister school with many economically challenged families. The PTA sponsored a food drive and collected over 50 turkeys so those families could have Thanksgiving dinner. In recognition of their efforts, the Northside Independent School District PTA Council recently presented Ellison with the Community Involvement Award. Carin Adermann, Ellison’s principal, together with her teachers and staff, ensured a smooth transition to the new school. They put to rest the fears that a new school would lack all the structure, programs and organization enjoyed by older schools. Ellison already has a fully functioning Accelerated Reader (AR) system, Gifted and Talented program, Choir, Orff Ensemble, Strings, and BEES TV news. Additional clubs and activities include Young Astronauts; Bits, Bytes and Bots; Golf; My Art Starz; and Drama Kids, among others. Thanks to leadership, teachers, staff, and PTA, Ellison students have many opportunities, both academically and artistically. Ellison parents’ fears are put to rest, and the latest buzz is that the BEES are doing well in the Ellison hive. Change can “BEE” good!
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Rededication Of Jake Inselmann Baseball Field
Submitted By Monica Faulkenbery riginally built and dedicated in 1977, Inselmann Baseball Field #1 was completely rebuilt with an increased field size to match that of nearby Baseball Field #2, which was completed in 2006. The redesigned field includes new field turf, outfield fencing, spectator seating with a capacity of 1,000, sports field lighting, dugouts, and a press box. In addition, there are new accessible restrooms, concessions, and ticket booth. Parking was also reconfigured to accommodate an additional 125 vehicles. Inselmann Baseball Field is part of the Don Hardin Athletic Complex, a 70-acre site which provides competition-level sports facilities. These including Gustafson Football Stadium, Paul Taylor Field House,
George Block Aquatics Center, Northside Softball Stadium (2 fields), and the Annemarie Tennis Center. Jake Inselmann was a family man who knew the value of hard work and the importance of a good education. He served as the city clerk for the City of San Antonio from 1962 until his death in 1975. His children attended Northside schools, and he was active in the PTA, Marshall Ram Booster Club, and Holmes Athletic Booster Club. With his connection to the city, he helped Northside develop the rapport and philosophy of cooperation with the City that has led to a sharing of many facilities and programs. He was also instrumental in helping with infrastructure issues within NISD, and is credited with working through the City to make additional athletic playing fields available throughout the district.
Boutique Assisted Living And Memory Care In SA By Kelly Schwennesen Shavano Park (210) 492-4040
Boutique[ bo͞ oˈtēk ] NOUN: boutique · plural noun: boutiques 1. a small store selling fashionable clothes or accessories. 2. a business that serves a sophisticated or specialized clientele.
New to the Area? If you are new to the area, we’d like to extend a special welcome with a free gift filled with maps, magazines, local business coupons and info to help you get settled in your community.
Please call (210) 414-6200 or e-mail kathy@bconnectedusa.com.
hen we think “boutique” we envision high-end designer clothes and accessories; if you’re a foodie, you may be inclined to think of gourmet delicacies like organic quinoa coated oatmeal raisin cookies sprinkled with sea salt (it’s actually very tasty), but this concept is not limited to wearables and edibles, it can be applied to any business model that offers uncommon customization and unique amenities. What about the senior housing industry? Yes, actually, but only a very specially designed community that intends to do this from the inception of the idea; to the architects careful crafting on the drawingboard, and to the final plans being carried out with site selection and through the construction phase. Welcome to Shavano Park Senior Living, San Antonio’s first boutique assisted living and memory care community located in Shavano Park. Shavano Park Senior Living is brought to you by developers who are visionaries. They understand the desires and preferences of a new generation of seniors that want the custom and uncommon in their senior housing options. A community that is truly “boutique” and will afford residents a place they can be proud to call home and feel comfortable with life. Mediterranean style architecture and extensively manicured grounds are the first of many attractive design elements to greet those who arrive at our doors. When walking into the community, one is introduced to the tranquility of fluid cascading water and blue hues that calm and delight the senses. The size of our community and number of apartments within are thoughtfully designed to afford intimate neighborhood
The redesigned field includes new field turf, outfield fencing, spectator seating with a capacity of 1,000, sports field lighting, dugouts, and a press box.
settings in two programs: Assisted Living and Memory Care. Spacious and well-designed apartments are offered in the assisted living neighborhood and private suites with complete bath facilities in each are offered in our memory care neighborhood. Both programs will have expert staff that will provide professional and courteous care for our residents. Shavano Park Senior Living’s boutique concept will also be found in our expanded life engagement program, both in our assisted living and memory care neighborhoods. Activities are designed for each neighborhood to have ample opportunity to enjoy socialization with peers, and we will also encourage the goals and abilities of each individual through a one-on-one approach of nurturing and support to afford physical and cognitive wellness. Our very special senior living community is currently under construction and will be open fall of 2015. We are already speaking with families who will only consider the boutique approach for their senior housing choice. Community ambassadors are standing by to provide information and prelease units. To learn more about Shavano Park Senior Living and discover boutique assisted living and memory care in San Antonio, please call Kelly Schwennesen at (210) 492-4040.
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
TMI Student Selected For SeaWorld Council
Want to Polish Your Ping Pong Game?
TMI junior Eric Gibbons, shown here with Bitaka, a black-and-white lemur, during a special presentation by SeaWorld’s Animal Ambassadors.
Submitted By Paula Allen ric Gibbons, a junior at TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas, has been selected to serve as a member of the inaugural SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Youth Advisory Council, which brings together young leaders ages 14-20 from all over the country to provide input and ideas to SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment and its partners regarding conservation initiatives, education programs and strategies for reaching and engaging young people in conservation work. Members of the council will serve a two-year term, working alongside leading professionals in conservation and education to elevate the importance of
Submitted By Loren Williams ere comes something we don’t see much of here in South Texas: A professional table tennis player / coach / trainer. Common in Europe and Asia, the terms “professional” and “table tennis” are not often linked together in the USA. But times are changing. This opportunity to “Polish” your game can actually be pronounced like the country. Poland. Polish. Get it? Because here comes Milosz Przybylik, a 30-year old professional table tennis player right out of Poland. He is coming here directly to the Alamo City for five months, April through August, to give a boost to local members of the San Antonio Table Tennis Club (SATTC) and to anyone else who is interested in this world-wide, healthful, affordable, lifelong, recreational and Olympic sport. Milosz will offer small group clinics and private lessons for adults and kids. Plans are underway for summer group programs for middle school, high school and college students. Any interested schools, churches or corporate groups are encouraged to call Loren Williams, President of SATTC, at 210-254-0987. Training will take place at your location or at the home venue of SATTC, which consists of eight standing tables and about 100 members within the Alamo Gymnastics Center complex at 16675 Huebner Road.
youth leadership in these fields. Gibbons, who is one of 17 students selected, has been a participant in the San Antonio park’s Resident Camp program, and helped to organize a special presentation at TMI by SeaWorld’s Animal Ambassadors team, featuring endangered and threatened species, as well as a fundraiser to which TMI students contributed more than $2,000 to the SeaWorld Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, a nonprofit organization that provides resources for conservation programs worldwide. Gibbons also was awarded a $1,000 scholarship for his volunteer work and will be honored in June at SeaWorld’s annual meeting.
Milosz Przybylik – professional player from Poland coming to San Antonio for five months.
There is a rumor going around that early lessons will include how to pronounce “Milosz” (Note: you’re probably in for a surprise). SATTC - San Antonio’s only organized table tennis club – is a nonprofit, allvolunteer organization. The club is open to the public seven days a week and welcomes all skill levels, regardless of how much polish (small “p” this time) you might need. Or even if you just want the fun, exercise and recreation of ping pong with no polish at all. Check the club website for scheduled hours: www.satabletennis.org
2015 SOURCE IS HERE! The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2015 copy at any of these locations: • • • • • • •
Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112
For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit
May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
NETWORK ING Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s premier events! During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone in attendance. Because of the high turnout, make sure to RSVP early. Please bring
SOBA Gives Back! The May Speed Networking event will begin with a special
a minimum of 150 business cards. Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Time: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Location: Canyon Springs Golf Club 24405 Wilderness Oak
check presentation ceremony, honoring the scholarship recipients awarding $ 5000 in SOBA Scholarships. Thank you, SOBA members, for your impact on our community’s future! S
Cost: $20 for Members $ 25
R S V P: ( 2 10 ) 3 4 8 - 8 2 3 3 e - m ail : s ob a @ s a t x.r r.c o m w w w. S t on e O a k Bu s in e s s .c o m
Stone Oak Business Association
for Non-Members $ 30 at the Door
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses
2015 SOBA B USINESS EX PO The Stone Oak Business Association and Mays Family YMCA have partnered up to bring you Spring EXPO.
FREE Open To Public
Date: Saturday, May 2, 2015 Time: 1-3 pm (on the lower Soccer Field) Location: Mays Family YMCA 21654 Blanco Road
Vendors (Sign Up Today!) $ 85.00 SOBA members $125.00 NON members
Stone Oak Business Association
R S V P: ( 2 10 ) 3 4 8 - 8 2 3 3 e - m ail : s ob a @ s a t x.r r.c o m w w w. S t on e O a k B u s in e s s .c o m
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57