May 2015 78259 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Encino Park, Evans Ranch, Redland Heights, Emerald Forest and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER

May 2015 Issue



May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

The ONLY GrandPal SUMMER CAMP “Fun for the Young and Young at Heart!” June 15th - July 10th, 2015

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May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


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NETWORK ING Speed Networking is one of SOBA’s premier events! During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself to everyone in attendance. Because of the high turnout, make sure to RSVP early. Please bring

SOBA Gives Back! The May Speed Networking event will begin with a special

a minimum of 150 business cards. Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Time: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Location: Canyon Springs Golf Club

check presentation ceremony, honoring the scholarship recipients awarding $ 5000 in SOBA Scholarships. Thank you, SOBA members, for your impact on our community’s future! S




Stone Oak Business Association

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May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Note From The Publisher

Mother’s Day


ear Neighbors, May is the month of my favorite holiday, Mother’s Day. I have always been a Mama’s boy and love my Mother dearly. My life has been so blessed by the relationship I have with her because she has always been there for me, to share my thoughts, my hopes and dreams. My favorite thing to do with my Mom is to go to Spurs games. She is a Spurs fanatic and we always have the best time! The laughter, cheering and excitement are the memories that I will cherish forever. On pages 10 and 11 are letters that will make you smile and cry as these children express their love for their mothers. As I write this letter, I am faced with the decision to let my dog go to her final rest. Sasha, has been with me for 11 years and is a part of my family. This decision is one of the hardest I have had to face in this lifetime. Knowing that this is the right thing to do doesn’t make it any easier. Sasha will be greatly missed by the Welcome Home staff. She has left her mark on my family, and I couldn’t have asked for a better companion and friend. I was blessed with 11 years with her and nothing ever prepares you for this decision. Rest in Peace, Sasha. With the loss of a loved one I would like to remind our readers that May is a month of remembrance as we approach Memorial Day on the 25th. I am always grateful to live in Military City, USA on this holiday. The people of San Antonio have a deep reverence and appreciation for the sacrifices of our military men and women and their families. May we never take for granted the high cost at which our American liberties are earned. On May 2nd the Stone Oak Business

Association will have their annual Spring Business Expo. This event is open to the community at Mays YMCA. Many local businesses will be there for you to visit and learn more about. The Stone Oak Business Association tries to have a couple of these expos a year to bring your local businesses to the community. Please stop by and give them your support as we enjoy the festivities at Mays YMCA. I have always been a community person and do everything I can to promote community businesses. I want to bring attention to two locally owned family businesses, Powers Real Estate and Beldens Automotive. Each of these are reputable and bring a special element to the community. For many in our community, this month is also a transitional time of year. With school wrapping up and summer right around the corner, teachers and families are celebrating the end of classes and looking forward to summertime activities. For graduating seniors who are coming to the end of their high school careers, this transition may be the greatest they have ever faced. The Stone Oak Business Association once again had the privilege of granting scholarships to five seniors from local high schools, which will be announced this month. The many scholarship applications confirmed what we already knew – the Class of 2015 is full of bright young leaders who are full of potential. I look forward to seeing the positive impact they will make on the world in the coming years.

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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante

Contributing Photographer Karen Little

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Contributing Writers

Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Katrina Cunningham Heather Jemente

Administrative Assistant Sierra Hernandez Brittany Oliver

Staff Writers Debby Seguin

May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Steve Blake Amy Chandler Melinda Cox Cynthia David Katrina Gonzales Stacy Irons Steve Johnson Catherine Leigh Martha Staufert Diane Valderama


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On The Cover By Stefanie Young eing a mom is demanding and a tough job. There aren’t any sick days or vacation time and definitely no overtime pay. Moms pour their heart and soul into the wellbeing and happiness of their children. Welcome Home would like to take a moment to say thank you to all the hardworking mothers in our community. Whether you’re a new mother, grandmother or someone who stepped in to fill the position, your job is never ending and at times, thankless. It’s unfortunate that there is only one day out of the year that we focus on mothers (and fathers) when they work so hard to teach, listen, keep patience and provide. The students that we hear about or write about wouldn’t be where they are without a push in the right direction, discipline, support and the love they find at home. Thank you for all that you do and know


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By Debby Seguin


t’s almost Mother’s Day, that wonderful day when (in theory) accolades abound and every mother is “Queen For A Day”. So after cleaning the royal toilet and feeding the royal hound (the “prince” forgot again) I am ready for some pampering. My family places me in my pumpkin carriage (it’s really a Ford Explorer but DOES have a small bite of pumpkin pie squished into the seat), and it’s off to Taco Bell for the royal feast. (What? No sour cream?! OFF with their heads!) Along the way, I have occasion to reflect on this journey called Motherhood. Amazed at how much I have learned over the years, when I was but a Commoner, it is hard to narrow down the really important lessons, but a few come to mind. Some of these lessons were gleaned from simple observation. For example, the main reason

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that Mother’s Day isn’t the only time of year you’re appreciated.

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Say Aloha to Summerat our Beach Blanket Bow-Wow!

Photo Credit: Karen Little

why God chose women to have babies---men are just too fragile! While they do take the brunt of the heavy lifting, war fighting, tire changing, etc., once they see childbirth (akin to pushing a watermelon through a garden hose), they seem perfectly satisfied with their “microscopic” contribution. Some lessons came in the form of “expert” advice (which apparently includes everyone who has ever seen a real baby at least once). For instance, this advice from “Instructions for breastfeeding: If your (hmm-hmms) become sore, encourage your baby to latch on as often as possible to toughen them up.” What are they—leather!? Who came up with THAT, Al Qaidda? By far, though, the most precious things I have learned came from my children. Here is a sampling: “Dogs are naked!” “The guy who catches the ball at a baseball game is the “glover”, “Do you, Ken, take Barbie to be your awful wedding wife?”, “The tooth fairy takes the teeth to heaven so God can recycle them”, and of course when a mommy forgets to send something for show-n-tell, the kindergartener will frantically rummage through his karate bag and show-n-tell his “protector cup thingy,” causing a flurry of laughter in the teacher’s lounge and at least one phone call from a participating female student’s mother... Mostly I know I have survived this wonderful journey so far, by hugging, listening, setting boundaries and sticking to them and, above all, a lot of praying. When God is in control, fear not! The monarchy is in Good Hands. Debby Seguin (warning: she can be grumpy in the morning!) can be reached at

May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Educator Of The Month Announced By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to highlight and recognize a local teacher as Educator of the Month for May. This award recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Nannies and Tutors: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven and Leave It Better. This month’s recognition goes to Mrs. Leann Henderson. In her first year at Johnson High school she has been an inspiration to


the World Languages department. She is a dedicated teacher with an amazing passion for helping students find success in the Spanish language. She has provided many new opportunities to our students. Because of her leadership, for the first time Johnson students will take the National Spanish exam for the opportunity to win recognition, prizes, and scholarships. Also, Johnson will have its first Dual Credit Spanish course. Mrs. Henderson embraces every aspect of being a Jaguar. She attends many campus events, spirit events, and makes her presence

Stronger Together Wellness Expo Submitted By Melinda Cox, Tex Hill PTSA he first annual Stronger Together Wellness Expo was held at Tex Hill Middle School March 27. The expo was a combined effort, with Hill Middle School, Bulverde Creek Elementary and Cibolo Green Elementary coming together in the spirit of campus and community. Campus PTA’s worked to organize the event and bring information, resources and fun to the campus. Everyone focused on being stronger together to foster a sense of campus and community and work toward a healthier future. Tex Hill school administration and staff was also an integral part of the planning of the event. Tex Hill Principal Jimenez said, “I have been absolutely thrilled with the amount of cooperation and participation from our feeder PTA’s and community vendors. We are definitely “Stronger Together” when


we combine our resources to create a fun, educational, and engaging event for our students and the community.” The wellness expo was kicked off with the start of a clock and the 2K walk/ run. Parents, teachers and students alike made their way around the campus track. The field then opened up for a variety of fitness stations including, Lions Futball Club, Games 2 U, JC Ultimate Training, Camp Gladiator and school P.E. coaches. Rowdy Roadrunner from UTSA, the HEB Buddy, Cibolo Green Turbo the Tortoise, the Scorpion Sting and SAPD McGruff were out to support the event and encourage everyone to have fun. The event included lots of different vendors and activities to keep participants engaged. Truckin Tomato, a mobile farmers market, brought vegetables and other local items to the event for purchase.

From Cradle to College We Suppor known with the hands on activities she does information on Step of the Way Yourmore Family Every around the school with her students. She is this award, or to submit

co-sponsor of the Spanish National Honor a nomination, + Full Serviceplease Childcare Solutions Society. Nannies Full-time |contact Part-timeCollege | Summer | After School | Babysitting | Back Up Ca The owners of College Nannies + Tutors + Tutors at 210-202+ Customized for College Bound Students | Stone Oak established this recognition 0303 or Tutoring stoneoaktx@ Homework Help – All Subjects | ACT/SAT Prep | AP Support | Study Sk with the support of Welcome Home . Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for Leann Henderson their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For

Learning Center Now Open! 20079 Stone Oak Parkway | Ste 1104

210.202.0303 University Health Systems conducted baseline concussion testing through the ImPACT Testing program. Blood donations were taken by the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center. Methodist Reach Air landed a helicopter on the campus and SAFD FireHouse #48 provided support. Foods trucks provided dinner and Bahama Bucks helped keep participants cool. The Encino Library branch was available to promote its new location, Brickz4Kidz reminded us all the fun and educational value of legos and play and the Reptile Man impressed with snakes and lizards and one very sweet tortoise. Other vendors and organizations included, Fossil Creek Complete Care, SA Parks and Recreation Mobile Fit, Britton Bike shop, Sharkeys, Institute for Women’s Health, Learning RX, Sam’s Club, Airrosti Rehab Centers, the American Heart Association,

Texas A&M Agri Life Extension Service, Toe Juice, the Animal Defense League, Acadian Ambulance, Whole Foods, the Mays YMCA, the Metropolitan Planning Group, San Antonio Waste Management, Baptist North Central Hospital, Randolph Brooks FCU and others. The Stronger Together First Annual Wellness Expo brought together families and community and provided information, resources and fun for all who attended. The PTA’s of Tex Hill, Bulverde Creek and Cibolo Green would like to thank all you came out to the event, all volunteers and school administration and send out a huge Tiger thanks to our awesome custodial staff. A huge thank you also went to the vendors and organizations who gave their time and resources to help make a healthier and stronger community.

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May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

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Emotional Outbursts May Be A Sign Of Estrogen Dominance

sedation, while the right amount is calming. Progesterone decreases proliferation of the cells in the milk ducts by 400%. (Fertility Sterility 1995; 63:785-91) Progesterone protects against hyperproliferation in the uterus as well as the breast. Yet, most menopausal women are prescribed only a synthetic estrogen without the balancer, progesterone. Progestin is not progesterone. The synthetic progestin has effects very different from the bio-identical progesterone. Progestin side effects may include depression, breast swelling, weight gain, water retention, and in some studies, increased risk of breast cancer. The mom described above had a high

level of estrogen, practically no progesterone, and very little testosterone. I discussed in detail with her the side effects of hormone replacement therapy, history, physical, and reviewed three pages of her labs. Women’s hormone replacement must be precisely prescribed based on laboratory analysis. Hormone replacement should not be prescribed according to age adjusted normal. Rather, hormones should be prescribed according to the levels of a young adult. I suggested progesterone capsule at night to balance her estrogen dominance and a precise amount of testosterone cream applied intravaginally. Later, she told me, “I feel like myself, again!” Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

Summer In Stone Oak

Ortho-k is the process of using special contact lenses that are only worn at night while you sleep. Similar to how a retainer works on your teeth, the molding lenses gently reshape the front surface of your eye while you sleep and when you wake up and remove the contact lens, your vision is clear throughout the day. Because children are not candidates for LASIK, it is a great option for them. Speaking of LASIK, summer is a great time to consider refractive surgery. Having clear vision without using any devices is a great option for adults whose eyes are no longer changing. We co-manage refractive surgery at our office and can determine which procedure would be best for you. At Stone Oak Vision Source, we accept

most insurance plans. We will go over all your options and together we will determine what is best for you as an individual. We also treat eye emergencies such as pink eye and foreign bodies, so be sure to call and we will get you in if the need ever arises. We have three doctors to serve you and are located at 19202 Stone Oak Parkway Ste 106. Visit us online at or call for an appointment at 210-495-9020. Drs. Monica Allison, Kim Ip, and Lindsey Denison practice at Stone Oak Vision Source located 19202 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste 106. If you or a loved one needs to find a family eye doctor, please call (210) 495-9020 or visit www.

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 ttractive and well dressed, this home schooling mother who managed a large home and 4 active children, did not appear desperate. She began calmly describing symptoms of hot-cold at night, surges of warmth during the day, feeling mildly confused and forgetful all the time. Now, the smallest upset during her busy day might lead to an angry outburst which very much surprised her. But she also noted that she could cry “at the drop of a hatfor nothing at all, really!” She had learned to just walk away from


By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020


ummer is here and so are the days of having lots of fun choices of things to do with our families in San Antonio. At Vision Source, we definitely recommend a good pair of sunglasses for protecting your eyes from the intense summer sun. Even if you don’t need prescription eyewear, everyone should have protective sun wear, including children. If you are normally a

her family into another room when she felt so unbalanced and emotional. Suddenly she burst out: “It seems to be getting worse! I can’t stand myself!” I told her it was not her fault, “Your hormones may be unbalanced.” As women approach menopause, the hormones begin to fluctuate. The first hormone to precipitously drop is progesterone, the great balancer. Progesterone is a mild diuretic and sedative. Without progesterone, the unopposed estrogen causes one to feel very emotional and anxious. Progesterone moderates many side effects of excess estrogen by reducing water retention, headaches, bloating, bleeding, and fibroids. Progesterone in excess causes

glasses wearer, contact lenses may also be a good option to allow you to enjoy some summer fun. And as an option, you could even wear a pair of non-prescription sunglasses over them. If swimming is a big part of your family’s summer and a family member is nearsighted, they may have difficulty being able to see clearly at the pool. Daily use contact lenses are a great option. We can also make prescription swim goggles or we can prescribe ortho-k lenses.

Johnson High’s New Cheerleader Line Up

Varsity Cheerleaders.

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Junior Varsity Cheerleaders..

Submitted By Diane Valderama ohnson High School held cheerleader tryouts in March and 35 members were selected for the 2015-2016 season. Congratulations and Good Luck in the new school year! Varsity Cheerleaders: Shelby BubenikEvans, Mya Carnahan, Gracelyn Doctor, Autumn Flaharty, Kaitlyn Hamilton, Alex Hernandez, Kate Hudson, Caroline Kirbo, Meghan Mollicone, and Danielle Simon. Junior Varsity Cheerleaders: Parker Canario, Alexis Ellerbe, Maddie Faust, Larek Green, Eliza Harris, Meredith Haushill, Addison Lewis, Ashlyn Losoya, Macie Mackey-Berry, Alyssa Milo, Haley Rentz, Grace Valderama, Justin Villanueva, and Milana Williams. Freshmen Cheerleaders: Gabriella Blanchard, Kayla Briggs, Emily Erickson,


Freshman Cheerleaders.

Kennedy Hrncir, Madison Hrncir, Katie Loftus, Colette McMillan, Chantel Pike, Maggie Ploetz, and Bella Wildeman (Not Pictured).

May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

By Stefanie Young

Turning Smart but Struggling Students into Confident, Independent Learners


o parent wants to see their child suffer. Still, the parents of children with learning and attention challenges face this difficult situation on a daily basis. While they know their children are gifted, creative and intelligent, their constant battle with school starts to make it harder for their kids to cope. When something as simple as an hour of homework turns into a race against the clock, it can be frustrating and start to leave a mark on a child’s self-confidence. This is where Learning Foundations can help. They provide kids and teens that are smart, but struggling in school, with the tools needed to succeed and overcome their frustrations. Their programs focus on eliminating the pain of a smart child being wrongly labeled or not identified early, and work one-on-one with them to overcome underlying issues that are holding them back. “We help kids overcome learning and attention challenges” explained Rafael Scarnati, Director at Learning Foundation. “For parents who have a child that is struggling in school, or may have tried tutoring but sense that there may be an underlying problem, they would come to us and we would do an initial evaluation to find out the child’s strengths and weaknesses.” Based on the evaluation, the staff will put together an individualized program that will focus on using the child’s strengths to overcome challenges and work past their weaknesses. This model addresses the root causes of the learning problem and not just the symptoms In order to get to that point, the parent needs to recognize some of the warning signs. “Warning signs can come in a variety of forms. For Dyslexia there are a few signs, such as letter reversals after 1st grade, especially with the letters “b”, ”d”, ”p”, and “q”. Ear infections, left and right confusion, and difficulty learning to tie their shoes are signs as well,” said Rafael. “For attention and hyperactivity challenges, some of the early warning signs can show themselves through clumsiness, poor hand eye coordination, if they are oversensitive to certain sounds, if they have frequent headaches while at school, or if they complain about certain kind of fabrics or tags on their clothing. All of these are signs of possible attention issues.” The idea that there is a possible learning disability holding your child back can be overwhelming and leave you wondering where to start. Learning Foundations understands that although it is not a quick fix, scientific research has proven that the brain can be trained and learning challenges can be corrected for students at any age, given the right intervention. “Our assessment process always starts with a free parent seminar. It’s an information session where we talk about all the skills that are necessary to be successful in school and socially,” explained Scarnati. “It helps parents identify where they might see some gaps in their child and it also helps them understand that while schools can provide accommodations, they are not really equipped to correct those weak skills.” The skills Rafael is referring to are neuro-developmental and cognitive processing skills, such as auditory processing, body control and balance. These are things that schools expect children to have upon entering the classroom setting and therefore don’t usually have someone on staff to teach such skills. Most teachers really want to help their students succeed, but their hands are tied when it comes to making recommendations as to what might be wrong. Scarnati explained how he experienced first-hand what it was like to be a teacher without the training. “I used to be a middle school teacher and while I was teaching I had kids with dyslexia, ADHD, and other sensory issues in my class, but I did not know how to work with them,” he said. “I had no idea how to even identify if there was a problem or if they were just being lazy or acting out. We just didn’t get that kind of training.” Now that he works in a setting with kids that act out, he and the staff know that behavior is usually an indicator of an underlying challenge, whether it is with learning or with

May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

We don’t have a one size fits all mentality. We don’t think that any single program is going to be the answer for everybody, so we work to truly tailor a program to the needs of the student.” – Leslie Jernigan Learning Foundation’s Center Director processing information. As a parent, it’s important to react to the signs sooner, rather than later, to help your child get the skills they need and to better your child’s chances for reaching his or her full potential. “It’s not that schools don’t want to help kids in need, but that they don’t have the resources on hand to do so. Teachers may suggest for a parent to wait until 2nd or 3rd grade but I would disagree,” Scarnati stated. “By that time kids have already developed frustrated behaviors and the self-image that they aren’t smart. The earlier they see a specialist, the less they will have to catch up or unlearn those behaviors.” Learning Foundations wants kids to be happy and healthy by reducing the chances of a poor self-image. The majority of the kids that walk through their doors have average to above average intelligence which can make it much more frustrating for the kids and the parents because they have kid that they see are visibly smart and completely capable but cannot read or cannot sit still in class. This scenario is one of many that can make a smart kid label themselves as lazy or “dumb”. The staff at Learning Foundations knows all too well what it’s like to see a kid taken over by what they have labeled themselves or been labeled as by their peers. What sets

Learning Foundations apart from other facilities is the way they handle each situation separately and individualize a plan for each child to work through the hardships. “Because we are not a franchise, we have the flexibility and ability to incorporate different programs and practices that address each individual need,” Said Scarnati. “Everything that we do is one-on-one; everyone who works with our students has at least a bachelor’s degree and has worked with kids. And of course, all of our recommendations are based off of solid research.” “We don’t have a one size fits all mentality,” added Leslie Jernigan, another director at Learning Foundations, “We don’t think that any single program is going to be the answer for

everybody, so we work to truly tailor a program to the needs of the student.” They use state of the art technology and tools that incorporate rhythmic based and multisensory approaches to learning that assist in focus and brain training. For parents not wanting to face the challenge with their child this summer, Learning Foundations offers summer intensive classes to help kids gain the skills they need before the coming school year and offer long term help during the year depending on the child’s needs. “If I were to paint a before and after picture I would do it best by repeating the conversation Gisele and I had last night,” Said Candice Escobedo, a parent to one of the students. “After reading 3 stories in a row and decoding words like “revolving”, “escalator”, and “department” my heart was overflowing with joy. What [Learning Foundations] has given my daughter is worth so much more than money. Confidence, happiness, independence are only a few attributes that Gisele has gained in the short months that we have been here.” Not only that, they just opened a new location in Boerne at 215 W. Bandera Rd., Suite# 105. They have also opened a new phone line at 1-844-TX-LEARN. Scarnati also offers weekly homework tips via email. If you would like to receive those emails and find out more information about Learning Foundations and their programs, visit them at www.

2817 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX 78232 210-495-2626 214 Bandera Road, Suite# 105 Boerne, Texas 78006 9


om, Dear M

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t will om tha ould M f o , m w o pe Dear M om is the tythe mom who would she My M go. She’s w o n k t e most . I never lebullet for me y mom is thn’t live M take a protect me. ever. I could ey and always dinary Mom Made of Mon I know extraor r. My mom is ttle harsh but r. She with he es she is a li me stronge e other sometimly is to makeam sad and th r and I she on me up when I best mom eve y mom warms und.he is the ut her. I love m way aro be here withoa hippo! couldn’th I would kiss so muc nah By Han helps om, ice. She Dear M om is really n rk. She helps My M y homewo m sad, she m Ia me within need. When mom is funny y le p M o . hing y e p e happ ars matc makes m she never we wearing two becauseunless she is uld probably socks, ocks. She wo . I know she weird s ou happy too make y e happy makes m. By JJ

Dear M

om, My mo ther is around th that it . Even if she sa e best moth is my fav for the bes ys “no,” I kn er whenev orite dinner, t. She makes ow eating iter. And someti Shrimp Scam me She lau , we will wa mes when we pi, and Adaghs so loud whtch “The Voic are e” en m Levin e rag on Blake Shelton. She som e a ch othe r. stuff lik etimes wil and can e clothes, gu l get me m d not like y, for no reas , shoes but my Batman or Sp on. She is mom is id my Sup erman, erhero! By Ryle igh

My Mom is so unique and is always on top of things. She buys me beautiful clothes and jewelry. Whenever my Mom is tired, she is right there to make my brother and I some food. If my Dad is out of town or working, she will take my brother to soccer and take me all the way downtown to dancing and use up a half a tank of gas. My mom is beautiful and creative. She always makes the cutest presents for my teachers. That is my Mom! By Gabriella

Letters To Mom Dear Mom, My Mom, the most hardworking mom I’ve known. She loves me and works to pay for what we need in life. She is loving in any way possible. When I am wrong, she still loves me. When I need help, she helps. When I am injured she is always there. I’m glad I have my mom because she will love me. By Alex Dear Mom, My mom is the best, most beautiful, caring, loving person you will ever meet. She takes the best care of me and my sister. She takes us to fun places for vacation. She helps us get better when we are sick by comforting us and making us smile. I could on telling you how loving and caring she is forever. By Cody

My m word in om means th much I the whole u e world to m her, beclove her. Enou niverse can e e. Not one for me e ause she love gh about how xpress how my spo very day. I see s me more. I much I love how pr rting events, her love whensee her love me at ti oud she is of mposts on Face she attends handle. mes that life be e and when s book about to love Not to mentio comes a little he comforts I don’t others. She g n, she has shotoo tough to Once, I deserve it. Shives me grace wn me how thought qualified for e always beli even when me. Wh I wouldn’t do Worlds in ho eves in me. confide en it was my tu well, but sherse riding. I cheerin nce knowing rn to go, I w believed in she saidg me on. I did she was in th ent out with e great in Iw the end audience, I used to ould. . Just li th “You lo ink tha ke always ok so good” t, “I love you” a s r o a e r, things a my mo ys. I know m the bottm tells me th now, that anyti om thank m om of her h at, it comes fr me done fo y mom enougeart. I can ne om “Every r me. My mothh for all she ver their owchild will be a er once told has possible n.” I don’t th better mom me, mom an for me, becauink that wouldthen yo se b By Mad ne could ever I have the bese ask for. eline t

Dear M


if the t mom as on s e b e est ide m is th My Mo e has the b ou need some h y S om if world. ht out, and on over. My M ool ig h e n c s m ls o c ir le g advice, a midd tar fashion zing. She has me, an all-s to s a d e n g m a na is a player, still ma footballader, and she cheerle rything done. told get eve always m has y any sport I o m y M la rt I can p ll suppo me hownd she will sti aby koala want, a el like I’m a bOne of the me. I fe d to her 24/7. is tuck me attache gs she does baby bear best thinI feel like a n. Most of in and to hibernatio e. Thanks going in mom loves m all, my Mom!

Dear M


By Kyli

Dear Mom, I love my mom because she says yes to everything. I ask if we can have a playdate. Her answer is usually yes. I ask for a pet. She got me a fish. And my favorite thing is when I ask for a hug. And I get a hug. My mom helps me understand things like multiplying and adding 754 and 300. If it weren’t for my mommy, I would never go to a great school. My mommy comes to my bed at night and kisses my goodnight. I need to serve her too, so I come to her room when she is tired and kiss her goodnight. My mommy makes sure I have the right amount of breakfast, dinner, and lunch. She is the best mom I could have. She helps me with homework, makes sure I’m healthy, and makes the best French toast! I don’t think I could have a better mom!

om, My mom is the m know. S o maid, p he is a cook, st amazing wo a c k m She is th ule, a doctor, peace man I injuries e one who ta nd mother of maker, our me and sickness kes care of all three. way poals. She settle es and cooks of our s fights extrava ssible and alw in th all of g a n t tales. S ays listens e fairest and run h of us. s all the erran e cleans our to our ds whil e takinghouse My mo care we are m is patien She he insane and un t even when answer lps with hommanageable. hardly s our ques ework and rambun ever gets ti tions. She always ctious attitude red of our most. S strong when s and she is and sic ometimes she we need her hesitate k but even themay be tired my insp s to help us. Mn she never iration and my y mother is hero. By Gra cie

By Lena


May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

ll nt to te nd I wais is shy om, a M h r a a n e n D Ha ! Th Hi, I amt my mommy hugs me and s u e o h b S a y m e make r you sad, sh fo my mom I love e. When I’m hat she does for kisses mpy! This is w e. She pays my me hap cooks for m elps me with nd me-She ool and she h y is the best! A my sch ork. My momm ! homew s all about her this wa nah By Han ch so mu om, Dear Mve my mom ed get over I lo he has help ed s en I ne becausegest fears. Whk, my mom my big my homewor lp me. My help on ys there to hey sport or is alwa ays for ever d she also mom p that I do an hungry. I activity e when I’m would be feeds mnow where I don’t k my mom. without By JT

. e world De om in th urt, like m t s e b is the I’m h e My Mom me out whene loves me mor . s h rld S lp . She he broke my arm whole wide wo me when I ything in the rt and teaches My than anm is very sma the computer. so I My mo do stuff on xpress News how to orks at the E asily. Mom w in the paper e can get ua. By Josh

Dear Mom, My mom is special because she has a big heart and she cares for me. She also makes me very happy when she makes me good food. She is nice, sweet and pretty. She accepts me for who I am and she helps me out with my homework and questions I do not know. She also lets me go places with my friends. She lets me go to my friends’ parties and sleepovers. She is nice enough to let me have a guinea pig and pay for his food and bedding. My mom also is nice to pack my lunches and snacks. I love my mom very much.


t, most the bese end of is m o th My m go home at m about I mo beWhen, I talk to my he always y S a e the d at school. keeps m things ges me and mom and a encour I love my r me. going. ing she does fo everyth By Ella

Letters To Mom Dear Mom, Every time I hear “Mom” I think of my amazing, talented, and loving mother. My Mom works really hard on giving me a good upbringing. Whenever I am sad, she is always there to comfort me. My mom helps me in so many ways. I love her and don’t know what I’d do without her. By Tatum


portant. very im mom is is m o ving my m I think patient and lo protects me e e h y s r e v e s u eed. Sh y My e nt beca that I n importays me things now so that think and bu e learn things am older. I th get helps mlp me when I t sadly, don’t elp will he re amazing bu should all h for moms a ed often. We r all they do recogniznk our moms fo and tha us. By Paris on’t y I w om, Dear M Mother ’s Da’t use my won For ake you! I hen I w annoy voice and w ou run up squeaky on’t make y the closet up, I wirs. I’ll face ange, fluffy the stars with my or ghts before monste ll turn on the lik me to, I’ll stare. I’ . When you as ke daddy’s you ask be done! I’ll tave me more already to make you lo ommy. chores . I love you m than himlexander By A

Dear M

May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

om, My mom is specia is the o l meet o nly one who c because she u trying r family neeould possibly to theirto feed and g ds. Imagine time 24 after school et four kids herself! /7, and don’t activities on forget a bout If she d less tha oes all that to be o n 24 hours, work in ever! ne of the hardthat has est jobs By Bish op

By Lakyn

, ar Mom

Dear M

Dear M

Dear Mom, My mom is one of the best moms on the planet. She has been there for me all of my life. My mom would do anything for me. You name it, she will do it. She buys me the best stuff. She is the best. She loves me no matter what I do. My mother is also very caring and helpful. I don’t know what I would do without her. She sits hours and hours just to see me go on stage for competitions, for about a three minute dance. My mom will do what it takes to get me on that stage. I want to say thank you and Happy Mother’s Day to all other mothers too!

By Lorena

Dear M

om, My mom is alway dad tra s th the end vels alot. Some ere for me sin moved h we still love e times we fight ce my to leave ere my mom m ach other. Wh but at United her family in Made a huge sa en we hurt or States. Since m exico and go crifice everyth sick alot of the e and my sisteto the scratch ing to help us time, my mom r get and non. One time I h , even if it is does cheered e of my friend ad a birthday just a games w my up by le s came, so my party ttin ith my s m ister an g me play o om th d her fr Thro iends. er severe inughout my life cap, an juries like an I have had and nigd she took car open knee stitches ht because I e of my day . never g ot By Cha rly

Dear M om Hi, m , you ab y name is Da She is out my ama niel. I am go clothes very, very nice zing, wonder ing to tell the mag or shoes or to . Whenever I ful mom. to me. I ic word, pleasys, all I have toneed new fast as f we forget to s e! Every night do is say togethe I can down th ay our prayer she reads a hug! Sr. I do the same hall and we s, I run as e sa h She is th e always gives if I forget to g y them ive her me the e best m be om in th By Dan e univer st presents. iel se! Dear M om, My m takes ca om is the be always re of me, she st to me. She she lov wants me to b is funny. She about h es me. But the healthy, and she mig er is she is su e best thing my dad ht not take m per nice. Yes, stuff an has to, or s e to school so like I d d I stay with m he leaves for this is on’t like him. y dad (It’s not don’t mabout mom). TI love him but She is thake my mom hose reasons one bit e By Alex best! bad! ander


Discoveries Thru Vision: Top Eye Care At


Nevelow Eye Associates

By Amanda Burris hen Dr. John Nevelow was a mere eight years old, he got glasses for the first time. On his way home, as the cars drove past, his parents didn’t realize that a whole new world was opening up for him. He could now read the license plates on the cars in front of them and see the birds that flew in the sky above. Years later, he too would be changing the lives of dozens of others as he aided them with their vision at his family owned optometry practice, Nevelow Eye Associates. Doctors John and Erin Nevelow, the father-daughter team at Nevelow Eye Associates, have over 50 years of combined experience. Their devotion to their practice has helped infants to adults with their eye health and vision. “We test for vision and eye health problems using the latest technology available,” said Dr. John Nevelow, O.D. “We start seeing patients at 6 months of age to make sure their vision and eyes are developing properly. We co-manage various ocular and systemic diseases. We recommend patients for refractive or cataract surgeries, then co-manage our patients after those surgeries. We can handle almost all ocular emergencies that occur.” Dr. John Nevelow went on to say that by spending about 15 minutes doing the examinations and 15 minutes talking with each patient to determine the full problem, they make sure that they are giving each patient the full one-on-one attention that they deserve. “I think the more the patient knows, the better they can be informed to make a decision for themselves,” said Dr. John Nevelow. At Nevelow Eye Associates, both doctors specialize in more than just fitting people for glasses and contacts. By taking a more medically based approach, they do Lasik evaluations, glaucoma treatments, diabetic exams, low vision exams and see patients who need specialty, hard to fit contact lenses. For patients in need of eye surgery, the Nevelows will perform all of the necessary pre-operative exams, including prepping the patient about what they should expect from the procedure. The Nevelows stay current with not only the latest eye health knowledge by attending lectures, but also by understanding and utilizing the necessary tools to provide care and preventative measures for their patients’ vision. “Our staff is very experienced and well trained and goes to continuing education courses to keep up with the


I’m here because I want to do what’s best for the patient and sometimes that doesn’t mean taking care of their eyes, it means taking care of the rest of them first. We treat the patient as a whole. You can’t just look at the eyes, you have to look at the big picture.” – Dr. John Nevelow, O.D. Nevelow Eye Associates latest technology,” said Dr. Erin Nevelow, O.D. “All of our staff has been with us for many years and know our patients well. They can handle any questions that a patient may have. Both Dr.’s continuously update their skills and knowledge base throughout the year at numerous continuing education courses. We pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible.” From generalcheckups to specialty exams and treatments, Nevelow Eye Associates has made their resources available to the Stone Oak community. As a continuation of their practice, they have found the calling to further help children through special programs. With the Texas Department of State Health Services requiring children enrolled for the first time in any public, private, parochial or denominational school to be screened or have a professional examination for possible vision problems, Nevelow Eye Associates has offered their services to a handful of schools that needed it. “85 percent of what we learn is through vision,” Dr. John Nevelow said. “Therefore, if [children] can’t see well, you can’t expect them to learn well. If they see better, it gives them a fighting chance, it makes the teachers jobs a whole lot easier.” According to Dr. John Nevelow most of what we learn comes through our eyes. With vision corrected at an earlier age, the less likely the problem will get embedded, making it harder to correct. At Nevelow Eye Associates they recommend each child be seen before kindergarten. The “Infant See” program, developed by the American Optometric Association, was developed when it was decided that the earlier a child is seen, the sooner a vision problem can be detected and understood. At Nevelow Eye Associates they will see infants from 6 to 12 months for

no charge. Through games and activities, the doctors can watch the eye development to determine their vision and eye health. Each patient, no matter the age, that doctors John and Erin Nevelow treathave their own unique reasons for needing to be seen. Their patients are more than just a file in asystem; each patient has their own health characteristics that affect their vision. “I’m here because I want to do what’s best for the patient and sometimes that doesn’t mean taking care of their eyes, it means taking care of the rest of them first,” said Dr. John Nevelow. “We treat the patient as a whole. You can’t just look at the eyes, you have to look at the big picture.” Nevelow Eye Associates is interested in looking out for the overall health of each of their patients. Through the eyes, the doctors can determine other health issues that may be affecting their eyesight. If it is through helping with general health or changing prescriptions, at Nevelow Eye Associates they aim to not just correct your eyes, but they make sure everything is functioning well together and they keep you aware of any health problems you may have that they detect. “The eye gives us so much information about the general health of a person,” Dr. John Nevelow explained. “You can see blood pressure problems, we can see diabetes and its effects on the eye, cholesterol problems, tumors, and tumors in the brain before the patient has symptoms. Therefore, those are the things we want to do for our patients, to make sure we have done everything we can to make sure that when they leave this office they have no health issues that they don’t know about and that they are seeing as well as they can see.” At Nevelow Eye Associates you can be more than just one of many patients that walk through the door of an eye doctor’s office. At this practice you will notice the effort both Dr. John and Dr. Erin Nevelow put forth to understand you and what may be causing problems as they offer you top treatment and correction. Both doctors are passionate about their practice and opening up a new world to those through vision. “I love the eyes,” Dr. Erin Nevelow said. “I love my job. I can talk about eyes for hours. We will sit with each patient until they are comfortable and as informed as possible.”

Nevelow Eye Associates 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy 210-349-2437 May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


Medical Allergy & Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 •

Allergy & Immunology

Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 494-0690 •


General Dentistry

Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533

General Dentistry

Canyon Dental Care Jeff Beal, DDS & Justin Rich, DDS 3111 TPC Pkwy., Ste. 114, San Antonio, 78259 424-3611

General Dentistry

Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Ste. 2601 545-5224 • Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men


Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D.McMyler, MD P. Mehta, MD., R, Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 614-1234 •

Dr. Perry E. Wood Family Dentistry, Cosmetics & Orthodontics 16616 San Pedro (281/Thousand Oaks) 491-9898 Accepts most insurance

General Dentistry

Garrison Family Dental Austin J Garrison DDS, Gary J. Garrison DDS 22100 Bulverde Rd., Ste. 114 494-7222

Rehearsing For Retirement


By Eric Zeitler Client Centric (210) 807-7599

ry living as a “retiree” for a month or two before you commit to leaving your career. Imagine if you could preview your retirement in advance. In a sense, you can. Financially and mentally, you can “rehearse” for the third act of your life while still enjoying the second. Pretend you are retired for a month or two. Take two steps to act out your rehearsal – one having to do with your budget, the other with your expectations. Draw up a retirement budget & live on it for one, two or three months. Make a list of essential expenses (groceries, gas, utilities, etc.), and then a list of discretionary expenses (movie tickets, dinners out, etc.). This may reveal that you can live handily on less than what you currently spend each month.1 Next, list your income sources for retirement. (Social Security, IRA, pension, dividends, investment income, other revenue streams.) Check with a financial professional to determine a withdrawal rate off your investment accounts that you can safely maintain through your retirement.2 Try living off of that monthly income for a month or more while you are still working. See how it feels to retire. Arrange some “previews” of your retirement lifestyle. Your “rehearsal” need not be last-minute. If you think you will retire at 65, you could

Orthodontics For Adults/Children

Internal Medicine of Stone Oak Lubna Naeem, M.D. 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 105 490-3800 Laser treatment, Botox, Skin care available

Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Ste. 201 272-7129


Pediatric Dentistry

Alamo City Eye Physicians, P.A. J. Mark Berry M.D. William T. Walton M.D. 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 216 491-2020

Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry Dr. “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 491-4141


Speech Therapy

Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 119 697-3821

Speech & Language Center of Stone Oak Barbara A. Samfield 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 108 495-9944


Urgent Care

Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937)

Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine

Stone Oak Gastroenterology Quality care with excellent physicians in the state of the art facility for all of your Gastrointestinal, Liver and Pancreatic Disorders.

Seema A. Dar, MD, FACG • Muhammad Naeem, MD • Chaithanya Mallikarjun, MD

try doing this at 63 or 60 or even before then. Rehearsing for retirement can be very insightful. Some new retirees leave work abruptly only to have their financial and lifestyle assumptions jarred. As you want to make a smooth retirement transition to a future that corresponds to your expectations, test-driving your retirement before it begins is only wise. Client Centric Wealth Management may be reached at 210-807-7599 or They are located at 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315, Stone Oak Parkway, SA, TX, 78258 Eric Zeitler, Eric Weissgarber and Michael Simpton offer securities through Sigma Financial Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC. Citations.1 - retirement/take-a-retirement-testdrive/ [12/13/13] 2 - experts/2014/12/05/how-to-practiceretirement-before-you-retire/ [12/5/14] 3 - [2/9/15]

May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Internal Medicine

• • • • • •

Colon Cancer Screening Irritable Bowel Syndrome Inflammatory Bowel Disease Acid Reflux, Abdominal Pain Rectal Bleeding, Hemorrhoids Constipation, Diarrhea

• Liver & Gall Bladder Disease • Gallstones & Ulcer Disease • Indigestion & Heartburn • Malabsorption • Food Allergies • Capsule Endoscopy

19284 Stone Oak Pkwy 11212 State Hwy 151 210.268.0124 Medical Plaza 1 NO SEASON HAS TO BE

ALLERGY SEASON! Stone Oak Allergy

155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78258

Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Specializing in allergy, asthma, and immunology diagnosis, testing, and treatment for adults and children.

Same day appointments available. Call today! • 210.494.0690 13

Beware Of San Antonio Heat Waves


By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

here has been such unusual weather across the country lately, and San Antonio was no exception. While we’ve probably enjoyed the slow start to summer, the heat is coming fast! Because of the extreme heat we have here it is important to take extra precautions with your vehicle. While there are a number of systems affected by the heat on your vehicle, this month we are focusing on four specific concerns. 1. Keep your engine cool: Make sure the cooling system is serviced as recommended

by the vehicle manufacturer. Between flushes, make sure the coolant is filled to the proper levels by checking the overflow reservoir. Inspect hoses and drive belts for cracking, soft spots or other signs of poor condition. Worn parts are more susceptible to failure in hot conditions and should be replaced. 2. Stay Cool: Exceptionally high temperatures can cause an uncomfortable ride. So take the time to get your vehicles air conditioning system serviced. Make sure

San Antonio Real Estate Market On The Rise


By AJ Reygadas Power Real Estate Group (210) 313-5554

an Antonio has held strong as having one of the United States most consistent, viable residential markets. The San Antonio Real Estate Market is booming right now!! The city is seeing activity that similar to the highs experienced in 2006. San Antonio and its surrounding areas have really seen a surge of qualified, eager buyers. These buyers are a good solid mix of first time buyers and buyers looking to sell and upgrade/ downsize.

Some of the keys driving factors are employers such as USAA, Valero, HEB, The United States Military, and now the rapidly growing petroleum sector. With all of these buyers out and about shopping, the need for resale homes becomes even more imperative. Many buyers are submitting offers on homes, only to find out the property has multiple offers. So, because of this reason homebuyers are finding that in order to secure a home, they need to stay

it’s operating at maximum efficiency. Let’s face it, we all know the only thing worse than the Texas heat is getting into a car that’s been sitting in the Texas sun all day! 3. Avoid excessive heat where the rubber meets the road: Driving on underinflated tires can affect the handling and braking of a vehicle, but it also can cause tires to overheat and increase the likelihood of a blowout. This problem becomes even more of a concern when road temperatures are extremely high. 4. Have Your Battery Tested: High temperatures can make the battery fluid evaporate, which damages the interior of the battery, and drastically shortens the life of the unit! Also, the high temperatures can encourage corrosion and deterioration. Batteries should be tested to ensure that they are charging at the correct rate, that the battery fluid is topped off, and

that they are clear of any corrosion. Don’t forget to check us out on the web for coupons and specials at beldensautomotive. com. We have tons of savings as the season starts to get warm, so please call our friendly Service Advisor today to ask about our newest Chalkboard Special! We look forward to seeing you soon at any of our 6 locations. As always, from our family to yours: Buckle up and drive safe! Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Five Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830981-9700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive. com

aware of what is new to the market in the neighborhoods or areas they are shopping in. When a home hits the market it is important for buyers to see it within the first day or two to see if it will fit their need/ wants. Buyers need to be prepared to submit an offer immediately, and to be aggressive the first time around. The reason for this is because with multiple offers, many buyers only get one shot at the home they are interested in. Sellers are finding that offers are so appealing, there is no need to counter them, and are able to take their pick from many offers. Home sales will remain on a high for the next six to seven months. Newly constructed and well-prepared resale homes will sell quickly. The inventory of newly constructed and resale homes will remain critically low

during this time frame, and the market will continue to favor sellers over buyers. Home prices will likely increase and San Antonio will continue to grow. Despite the growth and rapid sales, San Antonio will still remain very affordable when compared to homes in though out the rest of the country. If you are looking to sell, now is a great time! Are you curious to see what your home is worth? Contact us for a free market of evaluation of what your home. If you are looking to buy and sell, we offer packages designed to help save you money. Just simply ask! AJ Reygadas won many awards including Multi-Million Dollar Producer, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014; Top 1% of San Antonio REALTORS, 2013, 2014; Top 150 Latino Realtors Nationwide, 2013,2014. You can reach AJ at (210)313-5554.

Tejeda’s History Faire & Culture Fest Big Success


Submitted By Victor Garcia he San Antonio sun was shining brightly on March 28 and families at the Tejeda Middle School History Faire & Culture Fest truly appreciated it. A variety of cultures converged at the top of the school’s aptly named, “History Hill,” featuring performers, historical reenactments and great food. Tejeda community members learned about the Buffalo Soldiers, watched a medieval tournament, interacted with Roman soldiers, and listened to the stories of submarine voyages and the Wild West. Other attractions included, the Viking House, German Sunday Haus, Veteran’s Gazebo, Olive Orchard, WWII Nimitz Museum, Native American Culture Booth and more.

Some students may have found a new passion for dance, as they watched Irish dancers, Copuria Brazilian dancers and Native American dancers perform at the event. Families left with plenty of great items being sold by local vendors. The community is already looking forward to next year’s history faire and culture fest. A variety of cultures converged at the top of the school’s aptly named, “History Hill,” featuring performers, historical reenactments and great food.

Disney’s Tarzan Coming To Encino Park Elementary Submitted By Cynthia David he Encino Park Elementary Music Department is preparing for this year’s all-school musical performance of Disney’s Tarzan. Fifty two enthusiastic Kinder – 5th grade students will be performing four performances of the show the first week of May. Performers, directors, production crew, parents and volunteers are anxious to bring this production to the whole

T 14

community Show times for the Encino Park Elementary Music Department’s presentation of Tarzan are as follows: Thursday, May 7th - 7:00 p.m. Friday, May 8th- 7:00 p.m. Saturday, May 9th 2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $7 for VIP, $5 for adults and $2 for students (through high school). Tickets go on sale April 16th and will be available

for purchase at the Encino Park Elementary Box Office. Box office hours are: 2:45-3:15 pm each weekday. You may also contact the school for information at 210-407-3200 or email Cynthia David, Tickets go fast, so don’t delay in purchasing yours. At right: The beautiful scenery was painted by the Johnson High School honor art students..

May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

NEISD Techademy Sparks Creativity

The Voice Visits Roan Forest

3rd graders participate in first #techademy!

Submitted By Amy Chandler hird grade Gifted and Talented students from 16 different elementary schools in North East ISD had the opportunity to participate in the first ever #techademy held at Encino Park Elementary on March 24. Participating schools included: Canyon Ridge, Coker, Encino Park, Harmony Hills, Huebner, Larkspur, Longs Creek, Northwood, Oak Grove, Oak Meadow, Stone Oak, Tuscany Heights, Vineyard Ranch, Wetmore, Wilshire, and Wilderness Oak. During the #techademy field trip students had the opportunity to practice systems thinking and culminate their learning about computer programming. The #techademy also gave students the chance to work with other Gifted and Talented third graders from across the district and their teachers, as well as receive instruction from NEISD


technology specialists. Students participated in numerous “techy” experiences utilizing multiple devices, such as game development from Venture Lab, producing video games, circuit creation, inventions, SMARTamp, as well as building and programming robots. Students also had a chance to listen to Eric Jansson, Head Software Developer for SMART Technologies, and learn about the different processes involved in developing software. He shared the job descriptions for software developer, designer, tester, support, and trainer, and encouraged kids to connect these jobs to themselves and their interests. The kids even stumped him a few times during their question and answer session! It was a great day of learning and fun! They’re looking forward to planning next year’s event!

Girl Scout Troop 858 Earns Bronze Award

Roan Forest’s Staff put on quite a show when they appeared at the school as the cast from The Voice!

Submitted By Martha Staufert oan Forest Students were wowed when the curtains to the stage opened and The Voice’s Blake Boyd (Assistant Principal), Christina AguiMuzquiz (Bilingual Specialist), Segurell Williams (Counselor), Adam Gallevine (IIT), and host Carstaufert Daily (Principal), made a special appearance to encourage and applaud their students for their amazing leadership in academic performance. These guests were amazed at the talent


their Trailblazers displayed during their “STAAR” Pep rally. Second through fifth grade teachers and students presented skits, songs, or dances with a STAAR emphasis. Their students were also surprised with guest performances from the Johnson Legacy dance team, the Johnson senior cheerleaders, Blazer Bear, the Tejeda Wolf and the Johnson Jaguar. It was truly an amazing show! What talent! They are confident every child will “Shine like STAARS”!

May 9 Jag Jamboree For Current And Future Jags Submitted By Catherine Leigh ll students and families in the Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School area are invited to a Jag Jamboree from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 9, on campus, 23203 Bulverde Road. The festival is sponsored by the Jaguar Pride Association, the athletic booster club supporting all Jag athletes. The family-friendly festival will feature inflatables, including a Bungee Run, BattleDome and Double Lane Slide. A Cubs Corner will have games for the tiniest Jag


fans. Coaches and athletes from all sports will run sports-themed games for students of all ages. A dunking booth will have Jag athletes and coaches. Food trucks, snow cones, and a cake walk also will be featured. Students can meet Jag varsity players who will give tours of the locker rooms. Youngsters also can buy Future Jag T-shirts to show their spirit. Mascots from cluster schools will be joining in on the fun. A $10 wristband covers the inflatables, Cubs Corner and all athletic games.

Tex Hill Athletics Team Up For Sport A Thon Submitted By Steve Blake ex Hill Middle School just completed their 2015 Athletic Program fundraiser on February 12th. — The Tex Hill Sport-A-Thon. Wow! What an amazing show of support for the Tex Hill Athletes from local businesses, coaches, parents, and amazing volunteers! After collecting pledges from encouraging family members and neighbors, the 208 motivated 7th and 8th grade athletes competed in one of four events and raised over $22,000 to expand and sustain the growing athletics program. Tex Hill is grateful to the incredibly

T Troop 858 after they have been awarded the Bronze Award for completing their requirements! Congratulations!

Submitted By Stacy Irons irl Scout Troop 858 completed their requirements for the Bronze Award. On March 27, 2015, the girls donated 4 benches to Encino Park Elementary. The girls sold handmade items at the Encino Park Craft Fair to earn money to purchase the four benches and Stone Creek Jewelry


donated the engraved dedication plaques for each bench. The Bronze Award is the highest award a Junior Girl Scout can earn. The troop was also busy during Spring Break, they took a tour of Whole Foods Market at the Vineyard and learned about healthy eating habits.

May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

supportive local businesses who donated time, money, and supplies to ensure the athletes’ success: Thank you Fossil Creek Complete Care, Over The Top Cake Supplies, Training & Consulting, Inc., Bella Smile, El Tiron Custom Trailers, RL Wilson Law Firm, Pure Posh, Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union, HEB, Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, Academy, Main Event, and Bahama Bucks. And finally, to the parent volunteers, your willingness to spend so much time assisting the Tex Hill coaching staff is humbling, Thank you for all you do! It is truly Great Day to be a Tiger!





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May 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

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