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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER

May 2016 Issue


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May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


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Happy Mother’s Day From Groomer Seafood. Treat Mom To A Special Dinner! Groomer Seafood features the largest selection of premium quality seafood in South Texas. Stop in and check out our expanded fresh fish and seafood market. To get it any fresher, you would have to catch it yourself! Fresh Seafood Daily • Over 700 Seafood Items • Wholesale or Retail Special Orders Available • 1 lb or 100 lbs • 100 Years in South Texas

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Living Through Giving

“You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.” Unknown “Our mission is to bring hope to families in the San Antonio community by reaching out and touching the hearts of our future. Our intent is to provide children with hope and friendship while trying to ensure that they have the tools necessary to become the future.” By protecting the hopes and dreams of children, it is LTG’s desire to allow children to see kindness and have hope during a time where both may be hard to find. The core of our passion is the belief that when children become part of ‘the system’ they become our collective responsibility – our children – and deserve the same opportunities that youth from healthy families have. For more info: 210-348-8233 4

Living Through Giving (LTG) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) which focuses on children and youth who have experienced abuse, neglect, family disruption, or a range of other factors that jeopardize their safety, permanence, or well-being.

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Note From The Publisher

Happy Mother’s Day


an you believe that its May? Honestly it feels like school just started and now its ending. Summer is literally knocking at our door. May is a busy month for everyone; graduation, proms, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, I mean really! Check out the paper for some Mother’s Day gift ideas. While you are running around trying to keep up with the busy month I’d like to have you add one more thing to your calendar. Welcome Home and SOBA are excited to announce Home Improvement Shows “How Real is Reality TV?”. This event is sponsored by Virtuoso Builders and will be held on May 26, 2016. Check page 15 for all the details and make sure to RSVP. As you flip through the pages of Welcome Home I want to ask that you take a look at each story. The submissions that are sent to us are what make Welcome Home different from your average paper. Highlighting students and organizations that make a genuine difference in their community is our way of encouraging them to continue change the world one good deed at a time. The advertisers that work with us monthly are the way we continue to spread the good news. Let me take a minute to thank those advertisers. Without out their belief in the paper and the communities it serves

Welcome Home would not be here. So THANK YOU Welcome Home advertisers and supporters. You make our job easy. Remember, Mother’ Day is May 8, 2016, you should probably make your reservations now. My own mother has requested Turkish food of all things. So we will be hunting it down in San Antonio. If it goes well maybe I’ll name drop next month, for now I am just hoping to find a Turkish restaurant. “The bond between mothers and their children is one defined by love. As a mother’s prayers for her children are unending so are the wisdom, grace and strength they provide to their children.” – President George W. Bush Until next month,

20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: Ad Inquiries Email:

Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Kristin Oliver

Distribution Israel Vazquez

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Staff Writers Debby Seguin

Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver Prinda Jemente Dianne Grosso

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Denise Wirth Elizabeth Varallo

Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante

Contributing Photographer Oscar McAnally

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Contributing Writers Paula Allen Rachel Hellums Steve Johnson Kristin Neal Jane Toh Dr. Brian T. Woods


On The Cover


You’re always set for a sitter. 3 FREE Sitter Hours Requires new customers complete family set-up process with College Sitters. Use promo code THREEFREE.

Making life easier for Moms (it’s what we do). Whether you have a meeting at school or just need to run errands, we’re the simple solution to your day to day needs. San Antonio | 210 202 0303 |

istory has taken note of the important roles of mothers. Think earth-mother goddesses, i.e. Gaia, Rhea, Hera, Anu, and Devi. All these mother goddesses are marked by their determination, mental and emotional strength, and a complete devotion to their offspring. There have been various celebrations in many countries aimed at celebrating mothers, maternal links, and motherhood in general; however, it was not until 1908 that modern Mother’s Day was recognized as an official holiday in the United States, thanks to the relentless campaigning of Anna Jarvis. Initially, Jarvis sought recognition for her own mother, Ann Jarvis, and her efforts to improve sanitation in both Union and Confederate camps. After her mother died in 1905, Jarvis extended this desire for recognition to all mothers. Mother. What is a mother? According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary a mother is a female parent. In actuality a mother is so much more. A mother is a lover of her children, a giver of nourishment and care, and a protector of hopes and inspiring dreams. She tries to be the first to

encourage and the last to hurt. And through it all, through thick and thin, until the end, she is there and there she will always be. Mothers, in return for their never-ending duties, are celebrated 1 out of the 365 days of a calendar year. As this year’s Mother’s Day descends upon us let’s give special attention, appreciation, and gratitude to the strong women who have mothered us through life.

Family Life © 2015 College Nannies and Tutors. Offer good for new customers only. Some exclusions apply. Void where prohibited.



Welcome Home Newspaper would like to thank you for having had the privilege of serving you for 13 years as your local newspaper that shines a spotlight on the GOOD news in life, including the accomplishments of our amazing youth and truly inspirational stories about our residents and our local businesses that comprise the heart of our community. We publish 5 different newspapers covering northern San Antonio that are directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution at local businesses.

For Advertising Info Please Call 210.348.8233 or Visit Our Website www.WelcomeHomeSA .com 6


May Our Differences Always Stay The Same By Debby Seguin

pring is in the air and in studying the various mating rituals and nestbuilding chores of the returning bird populations, it is easy to distinguish between the males and the females. Human males and females are very different as well (except for Michael Jackson and certain guests on Jerry Springer). My husband and I are prime examples of “different”. It’s not that we don’t agree on anything. We do; the really important stuff: God, Good Nutrition, Miracle Whip. But in other areas… Take measuring, for instance. We’re putting up a mirror in our bathroom and hubby wants me to read the measurement. I say, “It’s 2 inches and one more of those itty, bitty lines.” With a derisive snort, which I take to mean, “Yer jist plaine dum,” he corrects me. “It’s called 2 fat.” Too fat?! Has he lost his mind?! And if it’s the other way around, say the measurement is one less of the itty, bitty lines, is it 2 thin? Oh, no-o, it’s 2 short. So, in Manland, it’s either too fat or too short! How about school? Women drive the kids to practices, help with homework, attend parent conferences, plays, and games and interact with teachers about grades and upcoming assignments. Men, on the other hand, say things like, “Honey, what’s the name of the kids’school? I wanna buy that Jeff Gordon Koozie they’re selling for a fundraiser.” Now let’s look at cars. To a woman, a car is simply a large, 4-wheeled baby carrier, designed to move her now stretched-outof-shape body from errand to errand. It, therefore, houses remnants such as crushed cracker in every conceivable crevasse, a

poopy diaper thrown under one seat and formula dried deep into the carpet where no soaps or nasty disinfectants can reach it and halt its bacterial growth. To a man, a car IS his baby, the Garage just a manlier name for Nursery, where he spends all his spare time nurturing, coddling and tenderly stroking his “baby’s” skin. Upon venturing out into the world, he is there for protection and woe to the one who attempts to doording his baby! But even though our differences show, very few of us would change a thing ‘cause (ladies, back me up here!) there ain’t nothin’ finer than your man in the sun, with shorts and no shirt, busy washing his “baby” on a warm spring day. (Sigh…) Debby Seguin (warning: she can be grumpy in the morning!) can be reached at

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors e are pleased to again honor an educator at O’Connor High School as the College Tutors Educator of the Month for May. This award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify what it means to be a role model for the young people of our community. This month we honor two individuals on O’Connor’s Student Success Team. Barbi Carroll and Kendall Ellis truly exemplify all three of these core values. These two ladies work with students who have the greatest academic needs. While they monitor the grades of all 3,150 students and meet with any student who is struggling for any reason, their main focus is to prevent students from losing credits and to assist students in regaining credit so they will graduate on


time. To accomplish this, they collect work from numerous teachers and assist students in prioritizing and successfully completing work. They initiate and attend parent conferences, arrange a plan of action to get struggling students back on track, and work with and monitor those students to make sure they find success For Carroll and Ellis, there is nothing that is not in their job description. They stay after school to monitor the TSI college entrance exam for dual credit and for seniors as well as work Saturdays to provide this opportunity. They coordinate other Saturday activities such as tutoring, attendance recovery, SAT and ACT prep and End of Course Exam prep. They organize parent nights and student breakfasts. They initiated a group called the Student Success Academy and work with a group of students every day on study skills, organization, and credit retrieval. They bring in guest speakers

Northside ISD Provides Free SAT Special To Welcome Home or the second year in a row, NISD juniors were able to take the SAT college entrance exam for free, thanks for money allocated by the Northside ISD Board of Trustees. The test took place on Tuesday, April 12. Approximately 7,000 juniors took the standardized test. The SAT was administered at no cost to the student during the school day and proctored by NISD teachers. This is a


departure from the past practice of taking the test on a Saturday at the students’ own expense and at a testing center that may not have been the student’s home campus. “This is not just about students taking another test or about saving them the expense of taking the SAT,” said Superintendent Dr. Brian Woods. “This is 100 percent about signaling to every single student that college is a real option and giving them the opportunity to take a college entrance examination

to encourage these students to improve their odds of success in life. The owners of College Nannies + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, Barbi Carroll and please contact College Nannies spirit and pride. + Tutors at 210-202-0303 or nwsanantoniotx@collegenannies. com

during the school day, with transportation provided and in a familiar environment. It is about giving every student who wants to go to college a fighting chance at a college scholarship and college education.” All juniors and their teachers, prior to the SAT exam, were given access to Khan Academy online preparation materials and curriculum, which blends content and skills to reinforce learning and preparation for the SAT.

Kendall Ellis both demonstrate their O’Connor

“This means that every junior has access to a free and incredibly strong online prep program, which assists with getting students ready for their SAT exam and gives them greater confidence on test day. Students have the added benefit of being able to taking the SAT exam at their home campus, on regular school day, with teachers and staff they are most familiar with,” said Anthony Jarrett, executive director of Secondary Administration.

Young Entrepreneur On The Rise By Jane Toh hildhood, the sweet time of almost absolute freedom, less responsibility, and little restriction. For most children this is childhood. Typically, not much thought has yet gone into future endeavors, it’s all about the here and now. This is not the case for 12 year-old Nyah Bates, daughter of Stan and Naomi Bates. Like most youngsters, Bates has a lot of hopes and dreams for what lies ahead of her; however, unlike most people her age, she understands her aspirations alone cannot make her future, she must work diligently for it, and she will. Bates knows what she wants. Despite her age, she is certain of her path to becoming either a pediatrician or dermatologist. In order to support the aforementioned statement Bates, with the help of her family and friends, especially her local entrepreneur father, has, since early 2014, founded and operated a total of three businesses. The businesses, which includes bracelet manufacturing, pet sitting, and babysitting, all endeavor to make this world a better place. Always the over-achiever, Bates hopes to continue and even extend her work all while attending school. “I just really like helping people,” says Bates. The good samaritan and general humanitarian’s kindness is not exclusive to people, it simply knows no bounds.


Partially in honor of her three dogs, Bates personally donates 20% of the proceeds from her bracelet making operations to San Antonio Pet’s Alive! The result of her balancing school, friends and family, fun, and work has lead Bates to understand themes adults sometimes have trouble comprehending, themes such as commitment, selfdiscipline, and leadership. At an age when most children are more or less wrapped up in their own world, Bates is a demonstration of the opposite. A beacon, if you will.

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57



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Estrogen Improves Memory


By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224

study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, studied young female athletes, who aerobically exercised on average ten hours a week, and found that giving them estrogen improved their memory. One group was given a tiny dose of estrogen and progesterone to mimic a birth control pill, a second group was given physiologic dose of transdermal estrogen plus oral progesterone, and a third group was given no hormones. The two estrogen receiving groups scored better on memory,

but (as I would have guessed), the group given the dose of estrogen + progesterone to mimic a young normal person (physiologic dose) scored best of all! According to the April edition of Science Daily, “estrogen deficiency due to amenorrhea may possibly result in forgetfulness and poor concentration.” Amenorrhea means the lack or absence of menstruation. Another interesting study found that in post-menopausal women with a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, like a relative with Alzheimer’s, having the Alzheimer’s gene, or past history of depression, or low thyroid disorder, had improvement in

Find The Perfect Fit


By Samin Pezeshk, O.D. San Antonio Eyeworks (210) 251-2372

alking into an optical filled with frames of different colors, shapes, and sizes can be intimidating for most of us. Purchasing a frame isn’t a frequent venture like buying a new pair of black heels or blue jeans. It is an event that some of us participate yearly, others once in a decade. Some of us are lucky enough to drag a friend or loved one to an

eye appointment, others have to brave the occasion ourselves. Growing up with a passion for fashion and design, one of my favorite parts of the eye exam is assisting patients in the frame selection process. Having over 5+ years in optical and 7 years in optometry has given me a strong sense of what to look for when assisting in frame selections. There are many points to consider when choosing an eyeglass frame for your face shape. Below I have highlighted several of these points. The number one rule is the frame should contrast your face shape. An oval face, which is considered to be the ideal face shape due to its natural balance should

memory when given human type estrogen, 17-beta estradiol, as compared to women given conjugated equine (from the horse) estradiol. The researchers in this study say their findings might explain why some women given hormones have improvement in thinking, and in other studies, did not. It all depends on what type of estradiol is given to the study participants—the human copy estradiol yielded improvement in cognition, while the synthetic type, derived from pregnant mare’s urine, did not! (“17B-Estradiol Improved Postmenopausal Memory Performance” by Deborah Brauver 9/19/11 Medscape.) There are side effects. Perhaps 3 in 1000 women not taking hormones may get breast cancer, while 4 hormone-taking (both types of estrogen) women in 1000 may get breast cancer. These estimates of breast cancer risk vary slightly depending on the study. The truth is, you might get cancer, whether

you take hormones or not, and there is only a slight increase risk if you do. Best news of all is that the natural, or copy of human estradiol, is very inexpensive. As little as $4./month for the oral tablet, while the transdermal patch is a little bit more. The synthetic or non-human copy of estrogen costs quite a bit more. At least one study showed the definite superiority of 17 Beta estradiol as compared to conjugated equine estradiol. Donna Becker, D. O. prescribes only the human copy of hormones, popularly known as bio-identical. She strives to make certain her patients are comfortable and better at ease with their own bodies. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

look for eyeglasses that are as wide as or wider than the broadest part of the face. A square face has a strong jaw line and a broad forehead, so to make a square face look longer and to soften the angles, try narrow frame styles, frames that have more width than depth, and narrow ovals. A round face has curved lines with the width and length in the same proportions. To make a round face appear thinner and longer, try angular narrow eyeglass frames to lengthen the face, a clear bridge that widens the eyes, and frames that are wider than they are deep, such as a rectangular shape. Just as important as the shape of the frame is the color. You want to make sure the coloring of the frame highlights your best features. Step 1 is determining whether you have a cool or warm complexion. A cool complexion has blue or pink undertones, and a warm complexion has a “peaches and cream” or yellow cast. Olive skin is considered cool because it is a mixture of blue and yellow. Once you have determined whether you are cool or warm, the next step is to see what colors best accentuate your skin. Frame colors best for warm are: camel, khaki, gold, copper, peach, orange, coral, offwhite, fire-engine red, warm blue and blond tortoise. For cool coloring, the best hues are black, silver, rose-brown, blue-gray, plum,

magenta, pink, jade, blue and demi-amber (darker) tortoise. This article only scratches the surface of frame selection. I have been doing this for well over 15 years and enjoy assisting my patients in choosing a frame they will be both happy and proud of. At San Antonio Eyeworks we pride ourselves in bringing personalized eye care to each and every patient. We value our patients and would love to be a part of your eye care needs. Feel free to call us and schedule a time to meet and walk through some of the frames that best compliment your personality, style, and most importantly your face. See our ad on page 9. We accept most medical/vision plans and can be reached at 210-251-2372 or visit us online at www. Dr. Samin Pezeshk practices at San Antonio Eyeworks located at 4553 N. Loop 1604 W Ste. 1225. She is an accomplished eye health professional who goes to great lengths to provide the best in quality care and advice regarding vision care to every single patient. A culmination of Pezeshk’s love of fashion and her dedication to people resulted in her opening her own full-service optometry practice, San Antonio Eyeworks, in early 2016. To learn more information, please call (210) 2512372 or visit

Learning Tree Summer Camp Special To Welcome Home he Learning Tree after-school enrichment program is offered at all Northside ISD elementary and middle schools providing students a safe, supervised environment with academic, social, and recreational opportunities. In the 2015-2016 school year, the Districtoperated after-school program serves more than 6,800 students at 95 schools. Learning Tree also offers full-day Summer Camps with five camps planned for summer 2016 at Krueger, Kuentz, McDermott, Mireles, and Murnin elementary schools. Online registration is available on the Learning Tree Summer Camp website. “Learning Tree offers a quality afterschool program meant to enhance what happens during the school day,” said Lydia Martinez, Director of Adult and Community Education. “It continues the learning in a different and fun way. The best compliment we receive is when children tell their


New Agility Classes Start In May


parents, ‘don’t pick me early’ because they want to be there and participate in all the activities.” The Learning Tree program is curriculum-based and a typical day includes time for snack, homework, and enrichment activities. Activities emphasize science, math, reading, health and nutrition, college and workforce readiness, and community service. The middle school program is called Club LT and is tailored to meet the needs of older students. Learning Tree runs from the end of the school day until 5:30 or 6:30 p.m., depending on the site, and is also available on District Early Release Days. Some programs are tuition-based and others are grant-funded. Discounts and scholarships are available. Registration is ongoing throughout the year, though it’s best to register during the summer for the upcoming school year as space is limited and staff must be hired. For more information or to register children, visit the Learning Tree website.

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

FYI on DIY: What To Consider Before Doing Your Own Home Improvements By Mike and Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750 ith summer just around the corner, on a remodeling project yourself, but do now is the perfect time to start you really have the time and experience to that home improvement project cover the potential problems that you could you’ve put off all winter. Now, the question face if you proceed without a professional? is whether to hire a professional or do the For the handy homeowner, a DIY project project yourself. Before you run off to the done right can be satisfying; however, not nearest home improvement center, be sure to necessarily cost effective. If you’re looking do your homework before spending money. to shave costs, exercising your DIY skills • Remodeling is a complex process. could actually add to your bill. It can either be rewarding or a nightmare • Remodeling to add or to reallocate space experience. can mean knocking out a wall, building a You may very well be capable of taking wall, adding a room, or extending a room.


Summer And The Heat Are Coming By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017


an Antonio was able to enjoy an unusually mild winter, but the heat has come in quickly! Because of the extreme heat we have in San Antonio, it is important to take extra precautions with your vehicle. While there are a number of systems affected by the heat on your vehicle, this month we are focusing on four specific concerns: Engine: Make sure the cooling system is

flushed and the coolant replaced periodically as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Inspect hoses and drive belts for cracking, soft spots, or other signs of poor condition. Worn parts are more susceptible to failure in hot conditions and should be replaced. Air-condition: Exceptionally high temperatures can cause an uncomfortable ride. So take the time to get your vehicles air conditioning system serviced. Make sure it’s

Structural changes to a house are not DIY projects. You may also be involved with replacing windows and doors as well as upgrading the electrical and plumbing systems. What appears to be simple changes can end up involving more extensive work, which means reallocating time and money you hadn’t planned on. • Consider the following before you pick up a hammer: Do you have the skills needed and tools required to do the job? Are you on a timeline? Will you need assistance to perform the job and if so, do you have access to highly skilled, licensed and insured tradespeople? operating at maximum efficiency. Let’s face it, we all know the only thing worse than the Texas heat is getting into a car that’s been sitting in the Texas sun all day! Tires: Driving on under-inflated tires can affect the handling and braking of a vehicle, but it also can cause tires to overheat and increase the likelihood of a blowout. This problem becomes even more of a concern when road temperatures are extremely high. Battery: High temperatures can damage the interior of the battery, and drastically shortens the life of the unit! Also, the high temperatures can encourage corrosion and deterioration. Batteries should be tested to ensure that they are charging at the correct rate, that the battery fluid is topped off, and that they are clear of any corrosion. Don’t forget to check us out on the web for

Are you familiar with your local building codes and permit requirements? Do you have suppliers for materials needed? Are you prepared for safety issues? If you answered yes to most of the above questions then more power to you. DIY all the way! If you answered no, hiring a professional remodeler is going to be your best choice. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm, raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. At Virtuoso Builders, we work closely with our clients and have a reputation for developing unprecedented trust with them, which ulitimately leads to the finest project results. If you would like for us to write about any specific topics or would like more information, please contact us at coupons and specials at beldensautomotive. com. We have tons of savings as the season starts to get warm, so please call our friendly Service Advisor today to ask about our newest Chalkboard Special! We look forward to seeing you soon at any of our 6 locations. As always, from our family to yours: Buckle up and drive safe! Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has six locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830981-9700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd.: 210-877-2929. For more information, call of the locations of visit

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May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

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Letters To Our Mothers By Jane Toh


he is the first to feel you, the first to see you, the first to love you. She is with you at your best, and stands by you at your worst. She doesn’t leave your side, and; although, she can seem overbearing at times, you would never have it any other way. She is and will always be your mother.


A mother’s love is pure, it is unconditional, and it simply knows no bounds. In honor of the mothers of the world, one day of the year is dedicated to celebrate their devotion. Special thanks to all mothers. Thank you for doing what you do. It is appreciated, sincerely, truly, and deeply.

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57


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Submitted By Busola Fowowe or The Kids (FTK) is the largest student led nonprofit in San Antonio. We provide emotional, financial and social support to families in the San Antonio area battling pediatric cancer. FTK is unique in that we raise money that goes directly to families’ day-today needs. Things like gas and food bills can be huge burdens on families who are already struggling with their child’s illness. We are dedicated to providing our FTK families with anything they may need because we understand that the battle against cancer cannot be fought alone. Therefore, we stand with them against cancer Youngsters and adults alike put their best foot forward in support of and provide them with support families battling pediatric cancer. all year round. Last year alone FTK raised over $54,000 and we hope to children and families to share their stories skyrocket through that goal this year with and have fun with the UTSA community! Our UTSA athletic teams also participated your help. Our largest and last event of the in this event. The event concluded with academic year is our Dance Marathon. This a powerful and emotional family hour year’s Dance Marathon, “The Sky Is The experience, followed by our exciting Limit,” took place on Saturday, April 16 annual fundraising reveal. Registration was from 9am to 9pm at the UTSA main campus $30 per dancer and included all-day event convocation center. The Dance Marathon admission, a dancer t-shirt, and two meals. Together we can make a difference, and was a 12-hour, high-energy celebration of life during which participants pledge one day we will dance in celebration of a to stand in solidarity with families for the cure. In event of any questions, email us at duration of the event. We invited our FTK


More Than 7,500 Kindergarten Children Expected To Register Special To Welcome Home nce again, Northside is expecting a large kindergarten enrollment for the upcoming school year, making it crucial for parents to have already registered their children during Kinder Roundup in order to secure a seat at their neighborhood school. More than 7,500 kindergarten students are expected to enroll for the 201617 school year. Northside’s annual Kinder Roundup was held on April 4-8 and gave next year’s kindergarten students and their parents an opportunity to pre-register for school, meet teachers, tour classrooms, and to help


ensure there is a space for the child at the neighborhood school “If the children have never been in a school setting before, it’s a great opportunity to visit the school,” said Pat Mesquiti, Instructional Specialist for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs. Students will not be assigned to a class until the summer, but parents will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Many schools hand out packets of information to let parents know what they need to do to prepare their children for school. “Parents who can’t attend during a school’s scheduled Kinder Roundup may

register their child any time beginning April 4th during school hours through the end of the year,” Mesquiti said. “No more than 22 students can be assigned to each classroom, and once all the classes in a school are filled, children may be sent to a cluster campus,” continued Mesquiti. “By participating in Kinder Roundup, parents can assure a seat for their child when school starts in August.” Transportation will be provided for the children placed in to cluster campuses. To be eligible for kindergarten in 201617, children must be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2016. To pre-register a

child in kindergarten, parents must bring: a certified (original) copy of the child’s birth certificate, an updated immunization record, and proof of residency (such as the current and prior month’s electric bill, water bill, cable bill, or landline phone bill). A social security card is optional. Visit the NISD School Boundaries Information System, at the boundaries and buses website, to determine your neighborhood school. For more information about Kinder Roundup, call your neighborhood elementary school.

The McAndrew Highlanders Know How To Have Fun Submitted by Kristin Neal n order to celebrate the end of the bloomy spring season, McAndrew Elementary PTA organized and coordinated 2 wonderful community events: McMovie Night and the Daddy Daughter Dance. The 3rd annual McMovie Night took place on March 4 at the McAndrew campus. Students and their families were treated to games, snacks, and a silent auction. There, they had the opportunity to the assembly and production of a giant pizza (and later, eat some, too!). The night ended spectacularly with an outdoor viewing of the Peanuts Movie. The proceeds raised by McMovie Night went directly back to the school to help fund school programs and supplies for



faculty and students. On April 8, fathers were able to take their daughters to the Daddy Daughter dance, which was also held on campus. Families walked in to a cafeteria decorated with balloons, stars, and streamers. Snacks and desserts were made available, just in case the diligent dancers developed instances of the munchies. After a night of dancing and singing, all parties went home tired, exhausted, and with a professional photo and craft to forever immortalize the unforgettable night. Incoming kindergarten girls were able to attend the dance for the first time. It has been a great academic year. The funds raised by the PTA in 2016-2017 have alrady been used to paint 2 educational

murals on the walls of the school. What’s next on the list? The PTA is also planning a school garden for the children to work in and gain an understanding of where their food comes from. The McAndrew Highlanders have enjoyed a great third year, and are already looking forward to next year!

McAndrew students enjoying McMovie Night.

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

State Lawmakers Fail Miserably; Continue To Ignore Investing In Public Education By Dr. Brian T. Woods, Superintendent, Northside ISD s Texas works toward implementation of an “A-F” rating system for its districts and schools, a new report is out that, ironically, grades the 50 states on several aspects of funding public schools. The report produced by Rutgers University and the Education Law Center rates the states on their efforts to produce a system of finance that provides educational opportunity to every child, regardless of family background or the geographic location in which they live. I think we can agree that this sounds like a reasonable standard on which to rate a system of finance. The report concludes that school funding levels are widely disparate among the states and that certain states dedicate a very low portion of their economic capacity to fund public schools. The report also finds that low rankings on state funding fairness correlate with poor performance on other


key resource indicators. The report grades states on funding level, funding distribution, effort, and coverage. So, how did Texas do? Not well. Texas fails miserably on all four measures. Funding level compares each state’s average per-pupil revenue. These numbers are then corrected for regional wage differences, poverty, population density, and other factors to get a true “apples to apples” comparison. Using 2013 data, Texas was 40th in funding among the states. Funding distribution measures the funding across districts relative to student poverty. This metric looks at the amount of funding provided to schools with higher concentrations of poverty. You may be amazed to learn that Texas, and a number of other states, actually fund higher poverty districts, on average, less than their relatively low poverty neighbors. In this measure Texas earns a “D”. Effort measures a state’s spending relative to its capacity. In this report that means state spending on schools compared

to its gross state product (GSP). In this area, Texas earns an “F” with only seven states contributing a smaller percentage of their GSP to public school children. In addition, the study finds that the percentage change in this effort index from 2008 to 2013 places Texas 47th among the 50 states with an actual decline over that period of time! The final measure is particularly important given our state’s stand on privatizing public schools. Coverage refers to the percentage of the state’s students who attend its public schools as well as the economic disparity between those students who attend public schools and those in the non-public sector. According to the report, “the proportion of students enrolled in public schools affects the level of financial support necessary for public education. There are two important consequences to wealthier families opting out of public education: these opt outs further concentrate poverty and increase the need for resources in schools, and they can affect the public and political will necessary

to generate fair funding through a state’s school finance formula.” This is exactly what many of us have been saying about the issue of students leaving public schools. While Texas scores in the middle of the pack, this is largely because a very large portion of the state’s students are still enrolled in public schools. The income disparity between public and other schooling options in Texas is a whopping 182 percent. Among the major findings in the report is that, “Texas is the only state that is very poorly positioned on all four fairness measures, receiving an “F” in Funding Effort, a “D” in Funding Distribution and scoring in the lower half of the Funding Level and Coverage rankings (emphasis added). When will we begin to hold our state lawmakers accountable for taking a long term view of our state’s future? Only with investment in public education can we guarantee a solid economic future for Texas.

Magnet Schools Offer Students Choices Special To Welcome Home orthside magnet schools offer a focused, career-specific education for students who show an interest in a particular field or know what career path they want to take. Today, about 3,000 students are enrolled in NISD’s five magnet high school programs. Four programs share campuses with their larger comprehensive high schools. Business Careers HS is located at Holmes HS; Communications Arts HS is located at Taft HS; Jay Science & Engineering Academy is located at Jay HS; and Construction Careers Academy is located at Warren HS. The fifth, Health Careers HS, is located on its own campus in the South Texas Medical Center. All schools accept students via an application process. Here are some impressive accomplishments from each magnet program: Business Careers High School leads the district in computer certifications earned by students and is home to one of the largest career-based mentor programs in the state. The school’s CyberPatriot program, which focuses on cybersecurity competition and skill development, has won first place in the city, first place in the state, and third place in


national competition. Communications Arts High School students gain real-world video production skills through participation in competitions and by working with national news programs. For the past three years, advanced video students have been producing news stories as part of the PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs program. Construction Careers Academy hosts the only studentbuilt Parade of Homes event in the nation. Teams made up of student architects, engineers, construction managers, plumbers, electricians, HVAC technicians, and carpenters design, build, and sell up The various magnate schools of San Antonio. to four homes each year. In 2015, students transformed three shipping care. Student participate in cutting-edge containers which sold for a combined medical research with professionals at the UT Health Science Center. $125,000 at auction. The Jay Science & Engineering Academy Health Careers High School students are hosts one of the largest school science fairs pre-accepted into medical schools across the country each year. Over 75 percent of in the state. More than 600 projects were all Health Careers students earn medical entered in the most recent fair, and half a certifications in five different areas of health million dollars in scholarships was awarded

by St. Mary’s University and the University of the Incarnate Word. Students participate in academic research all four years of high school. For more information on NISD magnet schools visit

Did You Know These Facts About Mother’s Day? By Jane Toh other’s Day celebrations occur all over the world and on different dates. • Anna Jarvis campaigned for 3 years before modern Mother’s Day was recognized as an official holiday in the United States. Jarvis, initially did so to immortalize her mother’s effort to increase sanitation in Union and Confederate encampments.


• By the early 1920s Hallmark Cards started capitalizing on the newly-recognized holiday. • Former communist countries, ie. China, Russia, and Mongolia, celebrate International Women’s Day instead of Mother’s Day. • In Catholicism, Mother’s Day is heavily associated with the Virgin Mary. • Mother’s Day was introduced in Egypt

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

by Mustafa Amin, a journalist, in 1956. It has since spread to other Arab countries. • Carnations are the most popular flowers bought on Mother’s Day. • In Ethiopia, Mother’s Day is celebrated for 3 days. • A festival called Mata Tirtha Aunsi or Mata Tirtha Puja is the Nepalese equivalent to western Mother’s Day.


TMI Student-Athletes Claim State Honors

Don’t Quash Knowledge, Skill, And Creativity With“Rewards” Disguised As Reforms By Brian T. Woods, Ed.D. Superintendent, Northside ISD ike many of you, I read Daniel Pink’s newest book “Drive” with great interest. Pink is a bestselling author of business-focused books and “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” is particularly well done. You may have also seen the TED Talk on this topic. Pink looks at the science of human motivation. He lays out a clear argument that our traditional system of incentivizing to increase productivity only works in certain circumstances – and this is not new knowledge. Says Pink, “it’s not an aberration.” This has been replicated over and over again for nearly 40 years. These contingent motivators – if you do this, then you get that – work in some circumstances but for a lot of tasks they either don’t work or, often, they do harm. In other words, extrinsic motivators only work in some circumstances and those occurrences where they do work are few in our modern experience. Pink goes on to say, “That’s actually fine for many kinds of 20th century tasks. But for 21st century tasks, that mechanistic, reward, and punishment approach…doesn’t work.” It turns out that rewards narrow our focus which is why they work for simple tasks where there is a clear path to take and not many intervening variables. In an attempt to relate this to education, I ask, does that sound like teaching and learning to you? It sure doesn’t to me. So, when I think about our current testing and accountability system, including the notion of rating schools with a letter grade or the idea of teacher incentive pay, those concepts are clearly designed with old science at its core. These so called “reforms” are classic examples of the reward and punishment form of motivation that Pink’s meta-analysis shows actually harms motivation and performance when tasks are complex and the answer is not easy to find or is different in every case – the exact kinds of problems we wrestle with every day as educators and, I’m sure,

L LeSean Brown.

Erik Rodriguez.

Submitted By Paula Allen ongratulations to TMI, the Episcopal School of Texas, and its varsity student-athletes for being named to TAPPS (Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools) conference all-state honor teams. In Boys Basketball, senior LeSean Brown made the first team, and senior Erik Rodriguez received honorable mention. While in Boys Soccer, junior Alex Kuri received honorable mention, and in Girls Soccer, sophomore Ashley Brooke Smithson, also made honorable mention. Brown also received all-state academic honors, which is rewarded to junior and senior student-athletes who have earned a grade-point average of 90 or above, while


Alex Kuri.

Ashley Brooke Smithson.

distinguishing themselves in their sport. Other TMI winter-sports athletes with academic all-state distinction were junior Christian Solitaire, and seniors Lauren Devlin and Brianna Perez. In boys soccer, academic honors went to seniors Mario Cantu, Alvaro Madero and Luis Rodriguez; and juniors Chad Harthan, Josh Kercheville, Noah McLaughlin and Nick Perez. Founded in 1893 by the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas is a private, coeducational, college-preparatory school for grades 6-12, with optional military (JROTC) and boarding programs. For information, visit or call 698-7171.

TMI Opens New Softball Complex Submitted By Paula Allen he Episcopal School of Texas held a grand-opening ceremony on March 22 for its new softball complex, which includes a new field, batting cages, and a concession stand. The Rev. Nathan Bostian, TMI chaplain, delivered an invocation; Stephen Walker, executive chairman of the TMI Board of Governors, gave a brief welcome; and TMI Headmaster John W. Cooper, Ph.D., thanked parents, donors, and vendors for their contributions toward making the new facilities possible. “We’re delighted to be starting the season with new facilities that are among the finest in the city, all thanks to the generosity of those who have contributed to our TMI athletics program,” Cooper said, noting that the softball roster was the largest in years, with several all-district players returning. “We’re proud to be able to offer such a safe, comfortable and dynamic environment for all our student-athletes, visitors and spectators.” Each contributor was presented with a “Golden Glove” award in recognition of their gifts to the school’s athletic program. The ceremony was followed by a varsity game against San Antonio Christian Schools. The Rt. Rev. Gary R. Lillibridge, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, threw out the first pitch. TMI won the grand opening game, 21-7. Founded in 1893 by the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas is a private, coeducational, college-preparatory school for grades 6-12, with optional military (JROTC) and boarding programs. For information, visit or call 698-7171.



The Rt. Rev. Gary Lillibridge, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, throws out the first pitch at the opening of the new TMI softball complex.

An all-female color guard from the Texas Military Institute Corps of Cadets takes the field.

in your business as well. Pink concludes, “There’s a mismatch between what science knows and what business does.” Pink calls for a “new operating system” around intrinsic motivation that will improve satisfaction and productivity, “around the desire to do things because they matter, because we like it, because they’re interesting or part of something important.” Pink defines the components of this new operating system as autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Autonomy is explained as the urge to direct our own lives. Mastery is the desire to get better and better at something that matters and purpose is the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves. That sounds pretty reasonable to me and is consistent with the attitudes of many great educators and leaders in other fields I know. This new way of thinking about both business and education also is not mutually exclusive with the notion of accountability. Just like the businesses model Pink criticizes, our education system is seemingly headed in a direction focused on the wrong things – the state test as a means to an end; using student test scores to rate and then rank teachers, principals, and schools; incentive pay to motivate better performance. These are just the types of things that Pink’s research proves don’t work. In Northside ISD, we work to create a positive atmosphere for all of our employees so that they can lift our students to new heights of knowledge, skill, and creativity. We believe that giving the finest, most committed educator’s autonomy, the ability and means to work toward mastery, and a sense of purpose, is the key to a world class education.

Keep Kids Engaged Through Summer Special To Welcome Home ummer Slide” is a term parents may hear at the end of the school year. No, it doesn’t have anything to do with playground activities. Rather, “summer slide” refers to knowledge gained during the school year that may be lost over the duration of summer break. The National Summer Learning Association says many students lose about two months of grade-level equivalency in math computation skills over the summer. Students tend to score lower on standardized tests after summer vacation than they do when the same tests are taken at the onset of summer. Minds left to sit idle can haunt children when it’s time to return to the classroom. But parents who engage kids throughout the summer and reinforce educationally sound


activities can prevent summer slide. • Make vacations educational. Visit a locale kids have studied in class and explore its culture and traditions. • Offer plenty of reading materials. Reading can expand children’s minds and help them build and maintain their vocabulary. • Ask teachers for work packets. Students can stay on top of their studies by doing some light schoolwork throughout the summer. This can reinforce lessons kids have already learned and keep their minds sharp. • Purchase a journal. Encourage kids to write about their summer adventures in a journal. Chances are their teachers will ask about summer vacations and may require an essay when students return to school.

May 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57

Home Improvement Shows: How REAL Is Reality TV? Date: Thursday , May 26, 2016

Have you ever watched HGTV? Have you seen how easy it looks to remodel, “flip” or sell your house? Amazing how it all happens in an hour right? Join SOBA and Virtuoso Builders as we bring you the reality of HGTV. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning design+build remodeling firm based in San Antonio. Husband and wife team, Mike and Molly Sowry, personally handle very step of your project, from initial concept to the finished product. At Virtuoso Builders, they are uniquely different, exceptionally qualified, and committed to every customer. See more at

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Place: Independence Hill Assisted Living 20500 Huebner Rd (Just Off Stone Oak Pkwy)

Cost: Members $15, Non-Members – $20 E-mail:

Meeting is Sponsored by Virtuoso Builders.

Stone Oak Business Association

RSVP: 348-8233 or visit www.

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Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112

For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit

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