November 2013 78259 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Encino Park, Evans Ranch, Redland Heights, Emerald Forest and surrounding areas Postal Customer

November 2013 Issue




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November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

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November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259


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Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Silver Bells

Winter Wisp

Candy Cane

Tree of Lights

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

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Winter Mittens

Winter Wonderland

Snow Globe

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Dashing Through the Snow


St. Nick


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10/9/2013 5:00:07 PM November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

Note From The Publisher Winter Celebration Is Right Around The Corner!


ear Neighbors, November is a time that we can enjoy some cooler weather and look forward to the holidays. As Thanksgiving approaches, I am constantly reminded of how thankful I am for my family and friends that are in my life and the amazing community that I live in. I hope that everyone stays safe as they embark on their holiday travels this year to spend time with the ones they love. November 11th is Veterans Day. I am truly appreciative for all of the men and women who have dedicated their lives to serve our great country. Remember to use this day to thank and remember those who have and are still serving. November also will be very hectic for me because our San Antonio Spurs will have started their season. I love watching the Spurs on tv but there is a special feeling when I go with my friends and family to watch them at the AT&T center. With December approaching, I am also looking forward to our highly anticipated Winter Celebration. We have begun the hundreds of hours of preparation to make sure this year’s Winter Celebration will be the best ever. There are so many groups to contact and schedule. I have never been more excited than I am this year. We will be at a new location which is the Legacy Shopping Center, by Main Event. This will give us more room to offer more rides, booths and have the best parade ever. Over the years, Winter Celebration has become the largest Toys for Tots event in San Antonio. Officially beginning on November 1 and running through December 11, local

schools around town will be participating in the 2013 Toys for Tots Challenge. Welcome Home has partnered with the U.S. Marine Corps to collect toys for those in need and we are excited to once again support this great cause. I would like to invite the community to come out to Winter Celebration, on December 14 at the Legacy Shopping Center. This event will include a scavenger hunt, AirLIFE Santa, vender booths and performances from local schools. To read more about Winter Celebration, turn to page 8. For the Scavenger Hunt rules and a performance schedule, turn to page 9. If you would like to take part in riding a shuttle to and from the event, turn to page 10. This event remains near and dear to my heart. Please join me in making a difference in children’s lives who need it the most and by bringing the joy of the holidays to this wonderful community. We will hopefully continue to get some beautiful fall weather as this season goes on. I wish the community a wonderful and safe November. Remember to always be thankful for what you have in your life! As always, please let the businesses in this newspaper know you saw them in Welcome Home so they can continue to support our children and our community.

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20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: Ad Inquiries Email:

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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Contributing Photographers Chasity Furse Rashell Groomer

Managing Editor Amanda Burris Writer/Copy Editors Chasity Furse Ben Spicer Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Libby Thorman Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer

Contributing Writers Kim Hager Sharon Newman Stacy Irons Melinda Cox Bridgett Dunlap Julie Teplitz Julie Cheatwood Michelle Noel

22100 Bulverde Road San Antonio, Tx 78259


Bulverde Road, next to Walgreens on Evans & Bulverde

North Star Mall Alamo Heights Broadway Bulverde Rd

7122 San Pedro • 78216 8009 North New Braunfels • 78209 3900 Broadway • 78209 22100 Bulverde Road • 78259

Hours: Mon - Sat 7 am – 7 pm



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November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259



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New to the Area? If you are new to the area, we’d like to extend a special welcome with a free gift filled with maps, magazines, local business coupons and info to help you get settled in your community.

By Amanda Burris he season is upon us where the air becomes crisp and many bring out their scarves and steamy drinks. There are baked goods in the oven and there is almost a tangible excitement that resonates with many as they anticipate the quickly approaching holidays. For the Dowling family, it is a time for thanks and faith as they count their many blessings from each year during Thanksgiving. During this season, like many PHOTO CREDIT: Chasity Furse families, the Dowling family John and Suzanne Dowling with their daughters Molly, an 8th grader continues a tradition that is at Hobby Middle School, and Ellie, a 2nd grader at Blattman Elementary School at St. Thomas Pumpkin Patch. unique to their family. A few years ago, Susan have forgotten, and some that were difficult Dowling bought a plain table runner and journeys. But, as we sit at our ‘table of each year they have written down and dated blessings,’ we are easily overwhelmed their blessings with a permanent fabric by God’s goodness and reminded to be marker. thankful for all things.” “So, the key is to think about the other During this time of year, many celebrate, blessings specific to the year and write those give thanks and come together in a variety down,” Dowling said. “Now, when we set of ways. This year, Welcome Home is our table for Thanksgiving dinner, we are thankful for the many lives we get to be part able to look at a bounty of events, each to of through submissions, articles and events, be thankful for, and we can recall many of and we look forward to continuing to share the wonderful blessings that occurred in our the good news of the community. lives; some big, some little, some we may

Family Life

Please call (210) 414-6200 or e-mail

Fire and Ice By Debby Seguin


ith the weather finally cooling down, it’s none too soon to revisit one of the great mysteries of life. No, not “why are we here?” or “what is our purpose in life?” or even “why is the comb over still in use today?” No, this mystery of life is the one where God made men 15 degrees warmer than women and then sat back to watch the show! The battle of the thermostat is a wellknown skirmish of married couples the world over. Well, ok, where air conditioners are prevalent anyway. It’s always the same. In the summer, the air is so low penguin dads would feel perfectly comfortable sitting on their egg under my dining room table. In the winter the heat is so low I can Agility




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see my breath. My husband yells, “Shut the refrigerator door!” at a teenager and I’m thinking, “Why bother?” This arctic habitat causes problems let me tell you. How am I supposed to look alluring in two layers of sweat pants? How can I sound confident when doling out chores with my teeth chattering? So what is a girl to do? One solution is to add a couple of inches of subcutaneous fat, but oh, NO, can’t do THAT. That would make me cold AND fat, like a side of bacon hanging in some pioneer shed –which goes perfectly with the double sweat pant layer, come to think of it. Another solution would be for our men to gut it up and be hot. But hot means sweaty and sweaty means, well, sweaty. The “married couples always sleep in the same bed” thingy also has its pitfalls. For one thing, he needs a GPS to find his way through the blankets to hug me goodnight. Forget using the bathroom at 2 am. I can’t lift the covers off. Instead, I wait until morning and wake up grumpy. And he does all the heavy lifting. I’m not exactly sure what God had in mind when he made us as opposite as fire and ice, but I think perhaps it has something to do with teaching us how to need, how to give, how to love and how to live. And that’s worth a few extra goose bumps, don’t you think? Debby Seguin (who sneaks off to change the thermostat between articles) can be reached at writewell62@yahoo. com.

November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

Hormone Blood Levels Needed

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 “I feel sort of high and my breasts are so swollen.” patient explained that she felt dizzy, tired and sort of fuzzy. She had been to another physician who had seen her for about 20 minutes and written three months of hormone prescriptions. Now alarmed at feeling strange, she came to ask my opinion of her prescriptions in a free, 15-minute consultation. She showed me capsules of compounded estradiol, progesterone and thyroid.


“Compounded? What is that?” A compounded prescription means that a pharmacist must mix it precisely from the basic ingredients as written by the physician. A compounding pharmacy is regulated and must meet standards of purity just as strict as conventional pharmacy. Conventional pharmacies basically count out pills and label bottles. “So, why do I feel so terrible?” I explained that estradiol is best taken transdermally, or through the skin as a patch or gel from a conventional pharmacy, or a cream from a compounding pharmacy. Both

We Keep You Rolling


By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

elden’s Automotive and Tires always strives not only to serve our customers with the best personal care but also to provide convenient locations throughout the San Antonio area. We were overjoyed when the Ferguson family contacted us recently about their retirement from the automotive industry. The Fergusons have owned and operated Alamo Garage, located at the corner of

NW Military Highway and Lockhill-Selma. Dedicated to maintaining quality car care and integrity, the Fergusons proudly served the community for 34 years. We continue to pray for the Ferguson family as they deal with the loss of Charles, and we know that all who knew him and frequented Alamo Garage will miss him greatly. We would like to thank Mrs. Ferguson for initiating our purchase of Alamo Garage;

progesterone and estradiol must be prescribed based on blood levels and then rechecked until a desired blood level is achieved. “And, what exactly is my desired blood level?” I showed her a chart of the estradiol and progesterone cycles in a young menstruating woman and explained that the desired blood levels matched those measured in the first week of the cycle. I explained to her that other hormones and other substances such as sodium, glucose and potassium for example, all have ranges of normal. Too much or too little is bad. So, to give a prescription of a hormone with no idea of the desired range, and no plan to evaluate that prescription, does not make sense. I further explained that more research was needed in this area. I told her that both synthetic and bio-identical hormones might be associated with an increased risk

of cancer of the breast, uterus, or ovaries and blood clots. Some research seems to indicate that the culprit in the big Women’s Health Initiative Study was progestin, which is not progesterone. I told her that hormone restoration is a life style choice and there are risks. We know that age-related loss of hormones may lead to bone loss, collagen loss from the skin and shrinkage or atrophy of the vagina. We know that people who have never taken hormones may get cancer also. Blood levels really can guide therapy. It should not be done any other way, in my opinion. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

it is important to us that we maintain our AAA certified shops as well as exceptional personalized service, and Alamo Garage has provided just that for their customers. We value Alamo Garage’s dedication to their community, church, charitable organizations and schools. It is because of our respect for the Ferguson’s outstanding reputation and sincerity that we will proudly keep the name Alamo Garage. As we grow with our fifth location, Belden’s will continue to serve San Antonio as a full automotive repair facility, caring for all vehicles, both foreign and domestic. Our ASE certified technicians will continue to repair engines, transmissions and all large and small vehicle maintenance needs. We are proud to offer a full line of tires as well as BG products, and we will carry on our standards of excellence by being a BBB

member, offering shuttle service when a customer needs to be dropped off or picked up, and always offering trustworthy care. As your dealer alternative, we look forward to seeing you at the new Belden’s Alamo Garage, or any of our five locations. Buckle up, drive safe, and remember: at Belden’s Automotive, we keep you rolling! Belden’s Automotive & Tires has four locations: 13811 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX 78232, phone number (210) 4940017; 29137 IH-10 W., Bourne, TX 78006, phone number (830) 981-9700; 8825 Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, TX 78240, phone number (210) 481-3330; 22000 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78259, phone number (210) 690-1100. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive. com.

Johnson Emphasizes Safe Driving Submitted By Melinda Cox he Johnson High School Parent Teacher Student Association drove home the importance of safe driving decisions during Teen Smart Driving Week. The events on campus took place during homecoming week October 7 through 11. Students were able to participate in activities which encouraged smart driving decisions and illustrated the dangers and risks involved with poor driving decisions. A local AllState office sat through lunch periods for two days encouraging students to sign a banner and pledge to X the Text and provided a driving simulator to students which gave participants the chance to drive while distracted under simulated driving conditions. Johnson PTSA volunteers were on hand both days as well to remind students of their year-long program to “Stay Alive. Don’t Text and Drive” by handing out It Can Wait No Text on Board stickers provided by AT&T and literature geared toward safe driving choices and rules and regulations. Students were reminded about the weeklong activities via the school simulcast system. The simulcast message for this event was provided by two third graders who asked the high school students, “Are you smarter than a third grader? We know not to text and drive. Do you?” The week long reminders to not drive distracted ended with a lunch time event on Friday held throughout the campus. SAPD SAFEE officers filled up the cafeteria courtyard with police vehicles reminding students not to engage in underage drinking


Johnson PTSA volunteers help to encourage students not to drive distracted.

and to encourage everyone not to drink and drive. SAFFE officers brought a new Tahoe and trailer loaded with a truck which had been involved in a recent actual fatality crash. Officers told the horrific story to students and showed students firsthand the terrible outcome that comes from drinking and driving. TXDOT worked with students inside the cafeteria to remind them the dangers of driving distracted. A crash test dummy walked the cafeteria as a reminder of the dangers of speed and the dangers of not wearing a seat belt. TXDOT representatives provided a spinning wheel for students which had different driving scenarios around the wheel. Students were asked to spin the wheel and then were asked a question. If they answered correctly, they were given a prize. University Health Systems took over the Jaguar band pad and set up a driving

November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

Johnson volunteers during Teen Smart Driving Week SAPD SAFEE officer speaks to students about the smile with a crash dummy. importance of not texting while driving.

obstacle. Licensed student drivers were then given a chance to drive a “real” NEISD driving school car while texting and driving. Students had to then make their way through the obstacle course without hitting any cones. None were successful and many students watching were shocked and surprised with the outcome. This demonstration made the dangers of driving distracted very tangible and real for all who participated and watched. University Healthy Systems also encouraged students to sign their pledge to Drive Now Text L8R and gave students a phone sleeve to help them avoid the temptation to use their phones while driving. The Johnson Jaguar PTSA would like to thank everyone who participated in the Teen Smart Driving Week. We are very grateful for the support, time and effort given by University Health Systems, TXDOT and San Antonio Police Department SAFFE

officers. These individuals worked tirelessly to help the PTSA bring the message of smart driving to our campus and therefore out to our community. We would also like to thank the school administration and staff for their continuing support and encouragement of our program and message. We want to lead the way in helping empower our students to be smart drivers and to also take that message of campus to their friends and family.


The 2013 Winter Celebration – NEW LOCATION! By Amanda Burris


s winter approaches, excitement settles into the hearts of both adults and children alike as the season for holidays, cheer and giving become more prevalent. This December, Welcome Home Community Newspaper and the new non-profit organization, Living Through Giving, will be helping the community celebrate the season by putting on the 10th Annual Winter Celebration on December 14 at the Legacy Shopping Center at 1803 East Sonterra Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Winter Celebration brings the community together for food, fun, fellowship, and most importantly, to gather toys to benefit children throughout San Antonio. Schools from across town will take part in a friendly competition starting in November to raise the most toys for Toys for Tots and the donations will continue to be open to the public at Winter Celebration. Toys for Tots is a nationwide organization headed by the United States Marine Corps that aims to change the lives of local children by keeping their spirits intact. Last year, Winter Celebration collected 85 percent of the toys for Toys for Tots, collecting over 7, 000 total toys for local children. This year, Winter Celebration has made it a goal to raise enough toys so that no child goes without one. Families from across the city are invited to join in on this celebration that embodies the entire spirit of the season, while also establishing a true sense of community. The event will kick off at 10 a.m. with a parade filled with high school bands, mascots and various other eye-catching spectacles. The community is invited to dress in holiday attire and bring decorated wagons to be part of the parade. Winter Celebration will feature AirLIFE Santa, the Marines, 30,000 pounds of snow, performances from local bands, spirit groups, choirs and much more. Businesses will also have booths set up where they will offer everything from delicious food and drinks to face painting, giveaways and other fun activities for individuals of all ages. This year, the annual Scavenger Hunt for Winter Celebration will take place at the actual event. The Welcome Home check-in booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots as well as handing out the official Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to visit all of the vendors on the list and get their Scavenger Hunt card stamped at the vendor booths. Each stamp earns participants one general prize drawing ticket. Every 15 stamps will earn participants one grand prize drawing ticket. General prize drawings will be throughout the event and Grand Prize drawings will be held at 2:45 p.m. Everyone is invited to take part in this enjoyable opportunity. You may just end up as a lucky winner! This FREE admission event will not only be fun for the whole family, but will ignite some holiday spirit into the community and give back to those less fortunate. Come out to support those performing, be part of this great cause and represent your school while having a great time. For more information on Winter Celebration, Living Through Giving or the Welcome Home Community Newspaper, please visit or call 210-348-8233.


November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

Official Scavenger Hunt Rules 1st Grand Prize: $1,000 Shopping Spree 5th Prize: 2 Night Stay w/Breakfast 8th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast at from Welcome Home Newspaper

2nd Grand Prize: $500 in VIP Movie

Passes from


at Homewood Suites

from Stone Oak Residence Inn by Marriott from Residence Homewood Suites (Value $350) Inn Marriott Stone Oak (Value $200)

6th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast 9th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast

3rd Grand Prize: Apple iPad Mini from at Hyatt Place Stone Oak (Value $400)

Broadway Bank

from Marriott

4th Prize: 1 Year Family Membership 7th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast

to Mays/Thousand Oaks YMCA

from Mays

Family YMCA (Value $1,117)

at Courtyard by Marriott

from Marriott SA North Stone Oak (Value $200)

2013 Winter Celebration Performers Parade starts at 10:00 a.m. Community is encouraged to join. Lineup will be at 9:30 a.m. at Reindeer Lane. Bring your decorated wagons or dress up in Holiday Attire and have some fun!

In The Parade: Johnson High School Reagan High School Churchill High School

Betsy Dippo & State Farm Bear Subway Mascot Broadway Bank Bee Chick-fil-A

Texas A&M Jaguar Tuscany Heights “Tusky” Mascot Aue Gator: Aue Elementary Vineyard Ranch Elem. Mascot

Area A – DJ & Dance Stage

Area C – Choir Stage

10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

Johnson High School Dance Team Reagan High School Dance Team Heather Stolle School of Dance Jumping Dragons Woodlawn Theater Cynergy Dance San Antonio Youth Ballet: Ballet SA Kathy Marfin’s Performing Group San Antonio Dance Academy Leading Edge Dance Company

Hardy Oak Elementary Las Lomas Elementary Honors Canyon Ridge Elementary Encino Park Elementary Indian Spring Elementary Stone Oak Bobcats Arlon Seay Timberwood Park Elementary Tuscany Heights Wilderness Oak Elementary

Area B – Band Stage

Street Performances

10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

10:00 Vineyard Ranch Elem. Chorale 10:30 Buckner Fanning Cheerleaders

Aue Elementary Choir Bulverde Academy of Music Bulverde Academy of Music Stone Oak Youth Theater Malena Reyes Alaya Daoud Primrose School of Stone Oak Hannah Cavazos Bulverde Academy of Music

November • Welcome HomeHome • 78259 Dec. 2012/2013 Jan. 2013 • Welcome • 78258

For a detailed map of the Festival Grounds, visit and click on the Stone Oak Winter Celebration icon.

at Drury Plaza/Drury Inn & Suites

from Drury Plaza and Drury Inn & Suites Stone Oak (Value $200)

10th Prize: 1 Night Stay w/Breakfast

at Candlewood Suites

How it Works: Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home check-in booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one “General Prize” drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one “Grand Prize” drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Grand Prize Drawings will begin at 2:45 p.m. You must be present to win.

Read Here For New Scavenger Hunt Rules: • You must bring a new unwrapped toy to the Winter Celebration in order to be eligible to enter the general and grand prize drawings at the event. • The card must include your name, address and phone number. • Children must be accompanied by an adult during Scavenger Hunt. • One entry per person. • When you turn in your card at the Stone Oak Winter Celebration on December 14, you will receive a raffle ticket for each sponsor visited. For example, if you visit 12 stores, you will receive 12 tickets to be entered into the General Prize Drawing (prizes range from gift certificates from local restaurants, salon and spas, gift baskets and more). • As an extra bonus, for every 15 businesses that you visit, you will receive one Grand Prize raffle ticket to be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. • All cards must be turned in by 12:30 p.m. the day of the Winter Celebration to be entered in the Grand Prize Drawing. • You must be present to win for the drawings. • The Grand Prize drawings will take place on December 14, at 2:45 p.m., at the DJ booth.

• Volunteers are still needed, loved and appreciated. Call (210) 348-8233 to donate your time to a worthy cause.

9 1

FREE Shuttles to Stone Oak Winter Celebration from Community Bible Church Special To Welcome Home he holiday season is upon us and Winter Celebration is just around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper and the non-profit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the holiday event on Saturday, December 14 from 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m. In anticipation of the large amount of local families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer FREE shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at the Legacy Shopping Center. This year, The Lion and Rose British Restaurant & Pub, Independence Hill Retirement Community, Via and The Haven and The Laurel have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. This year, we will have the shuttle service pick-up located at Community Bible Church at 2477 North Loop 1604 E. Shuttles will begin transportation the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrance. All cars must be clear of the parking lot by 4 p.m. Welcome Home would like to thank all of our shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, please call 210-348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!



Winter Celebration 2013 Featuring AirLIFE Santa

Reserve Your Booth Today! – $350.00 Date: Time: Place:

December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604) Presenting Sponsors:

Each year, thousands of families from across San Antonio attend Stone Oak Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa to celebrate the season. There’s no better way to introduce your business to the community. We invite your business to be a part of Stone Oak’s largest and longest running holiday event.

Vendor RSVP: (210)348–8233 • 10

November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259


Being Thankful, A Tradition At SO Vision Source By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020 or the past four years I’ve used the November column to take some time and share a few things that I’m thankful for in my practice. First and foremost, I’m thankful for all of the families that trust their eye care to our team. We have been the owners in our location for over eight years now and it is remarkable the growth we have experienced and the relationships we have built. Because I live in this area, I get to see my patients and


their families throughout the community. It’s wonderful to be able to see how the children are growing up. To show our appreciation to our patients, we are planning a Holiday Open House, Tuesday, December 10. We will have refreshments, raffle drawings and great specials. We have some new frame lines that we are highlighting and it will be a great opportunity to use your year-end benefits! Those HSA dollars can be used on eyewear and this would be a great time to use them. Also, it’s always a good idea to think about a pair of sunglasses for Christmas for that hard

to shop for person! Our new addition to the office this year was a lens system that allows us to actually finish more lenses in house so we can get prescription eyewear to our patients faster – even on the same day for most single vision prescriptions! We are constantly striving to provide better customer service for the community. I’m thankful for my staff and I appreciate them, as they are an invaluable part of my practice. We are blessed to have a great team of staff and doctors. Dr Capelle has been with us for just over two years now and loves Texas. Dr Denison joined us just over a year ago and is settling in to San Antonio as well. Our staff will all be participating in the “Light the Night for Sight” 5K at Seaworld Dec. 6, proceeds going to Prevent Blindness. Follow us on Facebook to see how we are

doing. If you have any eye questions or are looking for a family eye doctor, please visit us online at www.visionsource-stoneoak. com or give us a call 210-495-9020 and come in. Drs. Monica Allison, Jeffery Capelle and Lindsey Denison practice at Stone Oak Vision Source located at 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 106. All of the doctors are members of Vision Source, the nation’s number one network of private practice optometrists. Founded in 1991, the Vision Source network includes more than 2,100 offices in all 50 states and Canada. If you or a loved one needs to find a family eye doctor, please call (210) 495-9020 or visit

Roan Forest Celebrates Walk To School Day Submitted By Michelle Noel tudents and parents from Roan Forest Elementary took part in a global event on Wednesday October 9. International Walk to School Day is an event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking to school on the same day. Thousands of schools across America – from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico participate every October. The event grows every year for the following reasons: • It’s fun! –There’s a feeling of joy and independence. Parents, children and friends can enjoy one another’s company without


the usual distractions. • Healthy Habits –Encouraging your child to walk to school is a way to instill in him or her active habits that can contribute to a lifelong healthy lifestyle. • Cleaner Environment –The more people who walk or bicycle, the better off our air quality will become. • Promoting Safety –The event provides an opportunity to identify safe paths and address any potential concerns in the neighborhood. It also allows parents to teach children to watch for traffic and be safe. • Community Benefits –The common goal of improving conditions for walking brings families, neighbors, school officials

and community leaders together and creates a stronger community. Those walking during the event experienced a feeling of joy and independence. Parents, children and friends enjoyed one another’s company without the usual distractions. Even the students agreed that a little physical activity and social time was a great way to start their day.

Parents and Students walk to school as part of an international event.

2nd Annual SpaySA Casino Night A Success Special To Welcome Home paySA hosted its 2nd annual SpaySA Casino Night on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at the beautiful Dominion Country Club. Guests enjoyed Casino games, dinner and drinks, entertainment by The Music Connection and an amazing Silent Auction! This year’s Casino Night raised $10,000, all of which directly benefited SpaySA who provides spay and neutering services at little or no cost to the San Antonio community. Following the success of their first year, SpaySA was excited to see the event grow even larger.


“We are very lucky to have wonderful supporters and this event was a way for us to show them our appreciation while we continue to educate people on the solution to reducing dog and cat overpopulation through spaying and neutering,” said SpaySA Executive Director, Cathy McCoy. Many SpaySA supporters were in attendance this year including Spurs Commentator and former player, Sean Elliott and his wife Claudia, BMP Radio host C.J. Cruz, FOX29’s Kimberly Crawford and Cynthia Lee, and News4 Jacqueline Ortiz and Leslie Bohl. “With hundreds of cats and dogs euthanized each week, we need

organizations like SpaySA to help us to put a stop to this problem. This is a fun way for all San Antonio residents to help us do just that,” said SpaySA Board Vice-President and CEO of Outside the Box Productions, Wendy Welsh. Guests were able to shop at the remarkable silent auction, which included items such as a Safari Trip to South Africa, Girls’ Weekend in Beverly Hills, Sean Elliott Autographed memorabilia and much more! After an exciting evening of Casino Games, the event was closed out with a raffle where five lucky guests either won a day of golf with Sean Elliott, Jewelry by Stella and

Dot and Silpada, Liquor and Wine package, Dinner for eight catered to your home or an iView Cyperpad! SpaySA is a 501©3 organization and the community leader in providing and promoting accessible subsidized services for dogs and cats in San Antonio. Through the generosity of many supporters, SpaySA provides ongoing programs such as no-cost or low-cost spay/neutering services, a pet wellness clinic and educational outreach services to areas with the greatest stray animal population. This would not be possible without your support!

SOBA Expo Raises Scholarship Money By Amanda Burris or 11 years the Stone Oak Business Association (SOBA) has hosted a night of fun filled with local businesses and community members joining together to raise money for scholarships. The SOBA Business Expo took place on September 26th this year and featured 70 vendors from northern San Antonio. The Expo was a free event held for the public in the Ronald Reagan cafeteria. A variety of both members and non-members attended and provided everyone with a chance to network, sample food and take home fun giveaways. Each business brought something special to this event. In addition, many also donated wonderful door prizes that were raffled off to lucky winners throughout the evening. The purpose of Expo is to raise scholarship money. 100 percent of the money


The Subway mascot poses with the School of Rock employees at the 2013 SOBA Business Expo.

earned from this event goes to the collegebound Reagan and Johnson seniors. Each booth purchased and raffle ticket bought contributed to the money raised. SOBA would like to thank all of the businesses who participated and all of the community

November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

SOBA member J.J. Rodriguez, announcer for the raffle prizes, smiled as he gave away sunglasses from Texas State Optical.

members who attended. SOBA was able to raise thousands of dollars through the expo this year to award to the seniors looking to continue their education. The SOBA Business Expo was only made possible through the incredible support of

the staff and student volunteers of Reagan High School. Students from various clubs assisted in setting up the cafeteria and aided the vendors with unloading their materials. The winners of the 2013-2014 SOBA Scholarship will be announced in May 2014.


Groomer’s Seafood Stands Against Breast Cancer

Photos By Rashell Groomer The crew from Groomers Seafood with Event Organizer, Lilly Ramos. “Overall, those of us representing Barbells for Boobs By Amanda Burris s many know, October was Breast Cancer Awareness were met with kindness, openness and generosity,” Ramos Month. This disease, that one in eight women are said. “On behalf of Mammograms in Action and Barbells diagnosed with in their lifetime, has made an impact for Boobs, Carrie Kauffman, Eric Tan and I are all very thankful for Groomer’s Seafood customers’ kindness and on dozens of families around the world. “Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time of the year generosity, and Groomer’s Seafood for allowing us to set up that we can remind people that too many women are still shop, allowing their employees to help us and donating to suffering and dying of breast cancer,” explained Blake Barbells and Boobs.” The whole event was fun for all, as the Groomer’s Groomer of Groomer’s Seafood. “These women are our mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers. People need Seafood employees even sported pink T-shirts, the color to know that breast cancer, if detected early on, is totally for breast cancer awareness, as they enjoyed a rewarding experience. treatable and doesn’t have to be a death sentence.” “It means a lot to all of us here at Groomer’s Seafood On Saturday, October 12, Groomer’s Seafood hosted an event with local volunteers from Barbells for Boobs to to be able to give back to the community even in this small spread awareness for breast cancer and raise money for the way and to know that what we did may make a positive difference in someone’s life,” Blake Groomer said. cause. To learn more about Barbells for Boobs, visit Barbells for Boobs is a non-profit organization that provides funding to breast centers globally through their To find out more about Groomer’s Mammograms in Action Grant Program as a resource for Seafood, visit or call 210-377- Lilly Ramos, Russell Groomer and Blake Groomer thousands of people who do not qualify for government 0951. funding or other charitable resources to detect breast cancer. “Barbells for Boobs really brings a great concept to the fight against breast cancer by focusing on early detection,” Groomer explained. “While we don’t have the cure to this cancer yet, we do have the ability to save lives by finding it early on.” Breast cancer survivor, Lilly Ramos was a local representative for Barbells for Boobs at the Groomer’s Seafood event. Through her passion for the breast cancer cause and her close connection with Groomer’s Seafood, it was clear that they could support one another. “When I first came across Groomer’s Seafood I was excited to know that I could finally get a variety of FRESH seafood! I came to know the employees and owners and can honestly say that they are all as important as my family. I love them all,” Ramos explained. “Groomer’s had been my ‘community’ for the past few years. Therefore, I thought it would be the perfect place to talk to people and spread the word about Barbells for Boobs because Groomer’s is everyone’s community.” During the event at Groomer’s Seafood, a percentage of every purchase made that day was given towards Barbells for Boobs. Customers also had the opportunity to make donations and were informed on various fundraising events taking place in October. The event that Ramos was promoting took place on Saturday, October 19. Because Barbells for Boobs is CrossFit affiliated, the event included a series of short heats for the main event. Family and friends came out to support the participants while also enjoying everything the vendors had to offer as well as a silent auction. “The goal of the fundraising event is to raise awareness about early detection of breast cancer, proactive healthcare and the Mammograms in Action grant program,” Ramos said. “The event is meant to bring the community together. There is one cruel thing that brings us together there that day; however, the friendships and community we build far exceed the negativity of cancer.” The support at Groomer’s Seafood for Barbells for Boobs and the event for the following weekend was fantastic. L to r: Michael Groomer, Blake Groomer, Gilbert Groomer (Family Patriarch) and Russell Groomer. Not pictured Richard Groomer and Susie


Groomers Seafood 9801 McCullough 210-377-0951

Groomer ( Family Matriarch).


November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

Johnson Cheerleaders Reach Out To Community Special To Welcome Home n September 30, the Johnson High School Cheerleaders were at Heroes Stadium to help cheer on the participants in the National Down Syndrome Society 10th Annual Buddy Walk. The event was established in 1995 to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. “They were so happy to be with us and receive our hugs,” Logan Kingry, freshman cheerleader said. “It was a life changing experience for me.” The Buddy Walk raised over $150,000 that will benefit families affected by Down syndrome living in the San Antonio community. Johnson Cheer Honors Firefighters Earlier in September, in honor of the firefighters lost in the 9/11 attacks, both the JV and Varsity squads prepared and delivered a spaghetti and meatball dinner for two local fire stations.


Director Shannon McKinely with newly elected officers. Head Cheerleader Kali Whitaker, Assistant Head Destanie Chalker and Co- Head Cheerleaders Taylor Dow and Sami Kingry.

“They constantly risk their lives for our community and it was nice to be able to show our appreciation and gratitude with a simple meal,” cheerleader Kaitlyn Hamilton said. “We really enjoy doing this for the fire fighters each year,” cheerleader Caitlin McGrath added. “They let us tour the fire

JV Cheerleaders pose at San Antonio Fire Station #14.

station and teach us a little bit about how the fire equipment works. They even let us try on their fire suits!” A big thank you goes to fire stations 46 and 14 for keeping our community safe and for being such good sports during the cheerleader’s visits. Participation in these service projects would not have been possible without the

Head Cheerleader Kali Whitaker makes a new friend at the Buddy Walk.

coordination efforts from the cheer officers. A special thanks to Head cheerleader, Kali Whitaker, Assistant Head Cheerleader, Destanie Chalker, and Co- Head Cheerleaders, Sami Kingry and Taylor Dow for organizing these service opportunities and for their continued dedication throughout the upcoming season.

Holiday Girls Night Out Special To Welcome Home amiliar to San Antonio, Tanji Patton is an Emmy award-winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Her fun, engaging and informative website, features chefs, wines and food pairings from around the world. GoodTaste with Tanji teamed up with Wendy Welsh and Outside the Box Productions several years ago to produce Girls’ Night Out which is an event held every other month to bring together Tanji’s closest friends and viewers to feature local vendors, food and wine, as well as raise money for a good cause.


Tanji will be hosting her Special Holiday Girls Night Out on Thursday November 14 at Franklin Park at Sonterra, located at 18323 Sonterra Pl. San Antonio, TX 78258 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. As part of GoodTaste, guests will experience new holiday wines courtesy of Deutsch Family Wine and Spirits, beer tastings courtesy of Ben E Keith, tastings from Little Black Dress Vodka and amazing holiday gifts! Giveaways usually include gift certificates for dinner at various restaurants including Boudro’s, Jewelry Giveaways including Stella and Dot, Wine from HEB, hotel stays from great places like the Westin

La Cantera and many, many more! “We have so much fun bringing great food, wine and new interesting places to our viewers. It will be the perfect time to catch up with friends and get your Holiday shopping in before the rush!” said Patton. As with all of Tanji’s Girls Night Outs, there will also be fabulous shopping including Stella and Dot, K Hampton Designs, Bolingo Bags, Votre Vu skincare, Contourlase Body Institute and many more. Girls Night Out

guests will sample scrumptious tastings from Drew’s American Grill and enjoy amazing holiday shopping while mingling with great company. This next Girls Night Out will have a portion of its proceeds benefiting the San Antonio Food Bank. Tickets are available for Pre-Sale only for $30 at Get your tickets now and join Tanji and friends for a fun Girls Night Out!

An Art Project For A Cure Special To Welcome Home uring the middle of the night Cindy Matteson, a local breast cancer survivor and awareness advocate, came up with a unique idea. Matteson decided to make custom belt buckles out of recycled material and sell them for affordable prices donating the proceeds to a cause. In the past Welcome Home has written stories about Matteson and her team of Pink Ninjas, San Antonio’s top fundraising team for the Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure in 2012 and 2013 – but this time her idea was something new and completely different. And so it began. Finding buckles was a bit of a challenge for Matteson since she had never done anything like this before; but by doing a little homework on where to get blank buckles and everything else she would need, it all started coming together. She called friends to ask for their broken costume jewelry, and then purchased a few beads along with the chemicals for gluing and the final coating process. One of Matteson’s teammates, Jennie, donated her time to help but overall each buckle was designed, crafted, signed and dated by Cindy. The more Matteson crafted the buckles, the more she realized the possibilities of the items. Price ranges for the buckles are now $25-$40. Matteson has many other projects in the works besides the belt buckles that keep her very busy in the continued fight to help raise


One of the belt buckle designs Cindy Matteson came up with to benefit Breast Cancer Awareness.

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November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

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Unique belt buckles were created out of recycled material for a cause.

money to end breast cancer. Matteson is approaching her 8th year as a breast cancer survivor and has vowed not to stop until a cure is found. Since 2006, Matteson and her team of Ninjas have raised $95,000 in the fight against the disease. Their goal is to exceed over $100,000 since Matteson started her Pink Ninjas team. To follow the team of Pink Ninjas visit

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Never Say Never… By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 s there something you have always to make this happen. Moral of the story… loved to do? Chances are, these have never say never! been with you most of your life and will The fact that you are a bit older should never change. At least the love for it never not keep you from the hobbies and activities changes. Sometimes people think they have you have been passionate about in your life. to give up things they loved to do as they Isn’t that what retirement is all about? “grow up.” Time and time again, mature Retirees living the full life are taking adults or senior citizens are proving that this advantage of opportunities to explore new is not the case. interests or to spend more time doing things The most recent example of this was they have loved doing in the past. Staying 64-year-old, Diana Nyad completing her young is as much attitude as anything else. If life long challenge of swimming from Cuba you look for the positive, new or interesting to Florida, after many failed attempts. While things to do that day, then you will expand this would be extreme for most due to the your resources, gain new friendships, keep athletic ability needed, her passion and love you mind sharp and body active. for this is alive and as strong as it was some You don’t have to be an expert at what 30+ years ago. It took her drive and maturity you’ve always wanted to do. Just make a


Student Nationally Recognized Submitted By Julie Teplitz student at the Northeast School of the Arts on the Lee High School campus was nationally recognized with an award. Dominica Ruelas is a Nationally Recognized STAR student in the northeast side community. Presently she is academically ranked twelfth out of 530 seniors at NESA (North East School of the Arts), located within Robert E. Lee High


School. Last week, Ruelas was one of eight students at Lee High School honored with the National Merit Hispanic Scholar Award. The award is earned by only the top scoring 5,300 students (out of 259,000) in the United States – based on their outstanding PSAT scores and GPA achievement. On Friday, October 4, an exciting prep rally took place at Lee. The cheerleaders and school band performed in their honor.

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A breakfast was held in their honor as well. Special guest Superintendent Dr. Brian Gottardy also spoke individually with each award recipient. Saturday night, October 5, the prestigiously awarded students were celebrated again during the halftime show at the Lee vs. Reagan high school football game. Ruelas in addition to her outstanding academic achievement has already directed nine short films. She is the co-founder of Lee High School’s Gender Equality Club and co-coordinator of the Outsiders Film Festival ~ 2013. She worked in Los Angeles as a casting director for the NESA cinema group short films and has already received several full scholarship opportunities including AZ, NE and NM. Lee High School on its campus also had 4 merit scholars and 1 achievement scholar for a total of 13 academically recognized students. The NEISD community has been inspired by Ruelas achievements. They look

information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit

Dominica Ruelas, a nationally recognized STAR student.

forward to her many future adventures and successes. Applications for the NESA program at Lee High School are underway and fall auditions took place on October 19. The best of luck goes out to all future NESA students.

Bridges Of Support Fundraiser A Success

Submitted By Kim Hager ridges of Support, San Antonio’s newest nonprofit organization, hosted their first fundraiser on Saturday, October 5. Bridges of Support is a bereavement services organization dedicated to helping families who have unexpectedly lost a child. The nonprofit was set up after the devastating loss of the board president’s son, Wyatt McDaniel, in a tragic accident. Lara McDaniel and her family were devastated and unable to function following the sudden death of their seven year-old son. Friends and family members rallied around the McDaniel’s, handling necessary details such as funeral and burial arrangements, setting up a care calendar for meals, child care, etc., fundraising, memorial events and more. This allowed the family to grieve and spend time with their two surviving children. Bridges of Support will support


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choice to revive what you did not have the time for or to do the things you have always wanted to try. This is a good place to start to springboard your retirement years into some of the most fulfilling of your life. The “Good ol’ Days” are here and now! At Independence Hill and Independence Village Retirement Communities, residents are doing just that. Some are continuing their lifelong passions of biking, swimming, golfing, dancing and teaching, while others are trying new things like painting, singing, traveling, cultural events, Zumba, Yoga, drumming, social clubs and more. They are enjoying having neighbors their age who have the time and common interests to share in these activities. The community calendars are purposely packed and ever changing to keep the opportunities abundant. Call one of our Lifestyle Specialists today at (210) 209-8956 to schedule your personal tour and to see what top-notch retirement living looks like. Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more

grieving families as they did with the McDaniels. The first fundraiser combined the launch of the organization, as well as a celebration of life, on what would have been Wyatt’s eighth birthday. The event included carnival-themed games, barbeque, live music, silent auction, pony rides, a petting zoo and more. The amazing support of the community will allow Bridges of Support to begin assisting local grieving families. Bridges of Support would like to thank all of the volunteers, donations of auction items and monetary donations, and the overwhelming support from the community. For more information on Bridges of Support, to make a donation, or to volunteer, please visit or Bridges of Support’s Facebook Page. For information on Wyatt McDaniel and his family, please visit Wyatt’s Page on Facebook.

November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259


Medical Allergy & Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 •

Allergy & Immunology

Southwest Allergy & Asthma Martin • Rodriguez Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 494-0690 •

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Colon & Rectal Surgery San Antonio General Surgery Jorge L. Rincon MD, FACS 1162 E. Sonterra, Ste. 210 587-7744


Facial Plastic Surgery

William R. Thornton, M.D., F.A.C.S. Ophthalmic/Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Cosmetic Eye Lid & Facial Surgery 15316 Huebner Rd., Ste. 101 576-5150 (by appt)

General Dentistry

Canyon Dental Care Jeff Beal, DDS & Justin Rich, DDS 3111 TPC Pkwy., Ste. 114, San Antonio, 78259 424-3611

General Dentistry

Dr. Perry E. Wood Family Dentistry, Cosmetics & Orthodontics 16616 San Pedro (281/Thousand Oaks) 491-9898 Accepts most insurance

General Dentistry

Garrison Family Dental Austin J Garrison DDS, Gary J. Garrison DDS 22100 Bulverde Rd., Ste. 114 494-7222

Internal Medicine

Orthodontics For Adults/Children

Internal Medicine of Stone Oak Lubna Naeem, M.D. 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 105 490-3800 Laser treatment, Botox, Skin care available

Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Ste. 201 272-7129


Pediatric Dentistry

Alamo City Eye Physicians, P.A. J. Mark Berry M.D. William T. Walton M.D. 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 216 491-2020

Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry Dr. “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 491-4141


Speech Therapy

Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 119 697-3821

Speech & Language Center of Stone Oak Barbara A. Samfield 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 108 495-9944


Urgent Care

Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937)

Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine

The Redland Waver

Submitted By Julie Cheatwood ave you ever been in a store and walked by a stranger and that person greeted you with a smile, a nod, and words of kindness or possibly a wink? What would you do if that happened to you? Would you ignore the person, nod or smile back? Maybe ask yourself what is wrong with that person? If you drive down Redland Road, outside the 1604 Loop, you probably have seen “The Redland Waver.” He walks up and down Redland Road for an hour and a half Monday through Friday and one Saturday a month. In March of 2009 Brad Cornwall, also known as the Redland Waver, found himself weighing in at 350 pounds. It was while sitting on his couch in the Redland Ridge development he decided to get up and start


moving. At first he was going to walk for only 30 days. At 2 weeks into his daily walks he just about stopped walking. He was tired, worn out, hurt too much, almost hit by a motorist texting and was just about ticketed by the police for distracting a motorist. Then, on his way back to his truck parked at DNT, he came across a woman that thanked him for making her day with his daily waves and smiles. Cornwall decided to walk on! On October 11, four and half years after his first walk, he has racked up 5000 miles. That comes out to around 25 miles a week. He crossed his 5000th mile in front of DNT Construction with many of his fans and friends there to cheer him on. Even Cornwall’s Facebook page is flooded with encouragement. His friends and groupies have gathered there to reiterate just how much they appreciate his dedication.

Fans and family gather at DNT Construction site for a group photo.

Before starting any walk or any exercise program, such as this one, it is first wise to consult with your doctor. So the next time you are on Redland

Brad Cornwall talks about his 5000 miles walked.

Road and see Brad waving give him a honk, wave and maybe even a smile. Did you know a smile burns more calories than a frown?

Girl Scout Troop 858 Takes In Lessons

Submitted By Stacy Irons irl Scout Troop 858 bridged from brownies to juniors level this fall. The Troop celebrated this “flying up” to juniors level by going to the Tower of Americas and riding the elevator to the top. They also enjoyed watching a 4-D movie. The movie was titled, “Skies over Texas,” and the film used 4-D images, shaking chairs, blown air and tossed water at just the right time to make you jump. The tour guide showed the girls many landmarks, each remarkable from the picturesque vantage point; La Villita for example has a large sunflower painted on


its roof. The Girls also took the time to learn about an alp horn. Bernard Rosenberg, Tejeda Middle School band director and father of one of the juniors, showed the girls the antique alp horn he brought back from his trip to Switzerland, this past summer. The alp horn was handmade in Switzerland and breaks down into two pieces. The horn is such a large object Rosenberg had to have a special bag made to carry it. Each girl of the troop was able to blow the Alp Horn and also to try Swiss chocolate.

November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

Troop 858 learning about an Alp Horn by Bernard Troop 858 at the Tower of the Americas. Rosenberg.


Johnson Theatre Presents November Performance Submitted By Bridgett Dunlap he Johnson High School Theatre Department is proud to present the hilarious comedy, “Dearly Departed” by David Bottrell and Jessie Jones. Performances will be held November 14 through 16 at 7 p.m. and November 17 at 2 p.m. in Johnson’s Black Box Theatre. Tickets are $6 presale and $8 at the door. Despite their efforts to pull themselves together for their father’s funeral, the Turpin family’s other problems keep overshadowing the solemn occasion: Firstborn Ray-Bud works himself into a frenzy as the funeral


bills mount; Junior is juggling financial ruin, a pack of out-of-control kids, and a wife who won’t speak to him; their spinster sister, Delightful, copes with death as she does with life, by devouring junk food; and all the neighbors add more than their two cents! During the chaos, the Turpins turn for comfort to their friends and neighbors, an eccentric community who manage to somehow help one another in this hysterical southern fried comedy!

Johnson Theatre is preparing for their upcoming performance, “Dearly Departed.”

Great Gift Ideas For Teachers


ew opportunities to thank teachers for all of the hard work they do present themselves during the course of a typical school year. But a thoughtful holiday gift is one way that students and parents can show their appreciation for a teacher’s efforts. It’s customary for students to offer teachers small tokens of their affection, whether it’s during the holiday season, at the end of the school year or both. Choosing a gift for a teacher can be challenging, as the relationship between student and teacher and/or parent and teacher is not personal, and it’s very possible students and parents have little knowledge of a teacher’s interests outside the classroom. But the following gift ideas are essentially universal in their appeal, making them great gifts for the special educator in your life. Handwritten notes from students: Rather than trinkets that proclaim “World’s Best Teacher,” students can write their own sentiments about their teachers and present

it with a gift card or another gift that doesn’t take up much space. A heartfelt note of appreciation and gratitude can be all it takes to put a smile on a teacher’s face this holiday season. • Food: Food can be enjoyed in and around the season. Avoid making items yourself, as some people are particular about eating foods that were cooked in someone else’s kitchen. Stick to pre-packaged food baskets, or even treat the teacher to a meal with a gift card to a restaurant. • Something scholarly: A gift that provides a teacher with some intellectual stimulation might just do the trick this holiday season. For example, a set of safety goggles or a kit for doing in-class experiments might work well for a science teacher, while a biography or a best-selling novel may fit the bill for English teachers. • Gift cards: Very often all of the students in a class donate a small amount toward a gift card. Consider a card that is redeemable at a nearby store or a generic cash card the

teacher can use anywhere credit and debit cards are accepted. • Classroom supplies: Budget constraints have forced many teachers to supplement classroom materials out of their own pockets. So a gift of school supplies or a gift certificate to an office-supply store or teacher-supply center may be greatly appreciated. • Catered lunch: Consult with the school principal to set aside a day when teachers can enjoy a catered lunch provided by the students. Each class parent can collect funds, which can then be pooled to host a lunch for the teachers. When gifting teachers, there are some gifts to avoid. • Trinkets and mugs: Through the years a seasoned teacher has likely collected a fair share of trinkets and coffee mugs. Chances are he or she does not need another one. • Perfume and lotion: Avoid scented lotions, perfumes and other cosmetic products, as such items are more personal.

• Overly expensive gifts: Do not give a gift that is beyond the standard range of others in the classroom, which usually falls between $10 and $20. It could appear as if you’re buying affections for the student, and it could make the teacher uncomfortable.

Professionals Meet Need In Community Special To Welcome Home group of state certified special education teachers, general education teachers, speech therapists, school counselors, registered nurses, special education instructional assistants and parents have not just identified a need in our community, but also came up with a solution to meet this need. This outstanding group of educators, healthcare providers, and parents serve as volunteers for Special Reach Inc. – a nonprofit organization that serves children with special needs. Motivated by the fact that children with special needs have to work doubly hard to achieve many things that we all take for granted, this elite group of professionals work tirelessly, donating their time and expertise to ensure that all children with special needs in San Antonio have fun all year round. To this end, they organize monthly “Party Nights” and summer programs where parents can drop off their child. Special Reach Inc. fosters independence in each child by building social skills, improving physical fitness and developing healthy outlets for stress reduction through structured fun activities. Simultaneously, Special Reach Inc. also provides the families of children with special needs the comfort of knowing that they are entrusting their child to the same experts that care for



them during the school day. Special Reach Inc. organizes monthly “Party Nights” where children with special needs and their siblings come to have fun and experience unconditional love. Additionally, these exceptional professionals provide summer programs where children are exposed to a wide variety of experiences. Experts from various works of life are invited to entertain the children and expose them to new experiences, such as professional athletes, local celebrities, and other professionals such as chefs,

Special Reach Inc. includes an outstanding group of volunteers that help serve children with special needs.

fire fighters, police officers, health care providers, animal care, etc. Crown of Life Lutheran Church on Stone Oak Parkway has played a significant role in making sure that Special Reach Inc. can provide this service to our community by providing the large space in which these children are entertained. You can join this group of selfless

individuals in enriching the lives of children with special needs by making a taxdeductible donation to Special Reach Inc. For more information on Special Reach programs and details on how you can contribute, go to or send an email to or call 210-784-7478.

November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

November Calendar of Events 10 WEST NOVEMBER MEETING Wed, November 20 (Pericos Mexican Cuisine at Huebner Oaks, 11075 IH-10 West,)11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Join the 10 West Business Association for lunch and a special presentation by Northside Independent School District Superintendent Brian T. Woods. He has been Superintendent since 2012 and will be speaking about the state of the school district. Cost is $15 for members, $20 for non-members, and $25 at the door. For more information or to RSVP, call 210-348-8233.

Street, New Braunfels, Texas) Join a unique annual celebration rich in German culture and full of Texas fun. It is located near the headwaters of the beautiful Comal River in New Braunfels, Texas. Enjoy good food, music, dancing, exciting carnival rides and games, German, Texan and domestic beer, special events and the finest in Alpine and Bavarian Style Entertainment. 30TH ANNUAL TOUR DE GRUENE FALL BICYCLE CLASSIC Sat, November 2 & Sun, November 3 (Gruene Historic District) Participants enjoy a leisurely ride through the Texas Hill Country or competitive time trials with prizes for the best course records. The weekend is sponsored by area businesses and benefits a local New Braunfels charity. Visit for more information or call (210) 862-3524 to receive an entry form.

SOBA NOVEMBER MEETING The Stone Oak Business Association invites you to take part in its next big event. The cost is $20 for members, and $25 for non-members. To RSVP call 210-348-8233. DISNEY IN CONCERT Fri, November 1 8 p.m., & Sat, November 2, 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. Experience the Magic of Disney like never before, with singers, film clips and scenes from your favorite Disney movies – including The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King and more.

DIWALI SAN ANTONIO Sat, November 2 (Hemisfair Park) 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. Come join us for this FREE event. There will be live entertainment, food and handicrafts for sale, 2,000 floating diyas to be released into the park fountains and a DJ area for dancing the night away. The event concludes with a spectacular FIREWORKS display.

HILL COUNTRY FLOWDOWN Fri, November 1 & Sat, November 2 (9800 Hyatt Resort Drive, Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa) Join World Champion FlowBoarders Sean Silviera and Nick Nguyen as well as Mateo Hernandez, Hayley Balderrama and Cathy and Morgan Seabert as they spend some quality time on the FlowRider® showing you their award-winning moves. For information, call 210-647-1234 and ask for Recreation. Cost is $5 per person.

MEATOPIA TEXAS COME TO PEARL Sat, November 2 & Sun, Nov. 3(Pearl Brewery) Held annually in New York City, Meatopia is a world-class culinary event founded and hosted by Time magazine food columnist and James Beard Award–winning food writer Josh Ozersky. Meatopia will encompass multiple events in various venues throughout Pearl, including some of the country’s best chefs, greatest meat, live music, cold beer and aged spirits. 33 notable chefs from all over the country will be in attendance, cooking over live fires.

JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY FOOTBALL Fri, November 1 (Heroes Stadium) 7:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. The Johnson High School varsity football team looks to keep its winning ways going versus Robert E. Lee High School. Last year, Johnson defeated Lee 41-0.

RIVER CITY RUN 5K RUNNING TOUR Sat, November 2 – Sun, Dec. 29 (300 Alamo Plaza) 8:30 a.m. Join a fun and active way to tour downtown San Antonio. River City Run is a 5K guided running tour that takes place every Saturday and Sunday at 8 a.m. There are 15 stops along the way where guides share interesting and historical information about many downtown sites. The tour is group oriented and runners of all abilities are encouraged to participate. The cost is $30 per runner which includes a t-shirt, water during and after the tour, and a link to action photos taken during the tour. Registration is encouraged prior to participation online at

NEISD SPECIAL OLYMPICS HIGH SCHOOL BOWLING TOURNAMENT Fri, November 1 (Country Lanes Bowling Alley, 13307 San Pedro Ave.) 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Support Special Olympics competitors as they compete in the NEISD tournament. BANDS OF AMERICA SAN ANTONIO REGIONAL Fri, November 1 (Alamodome) 12 a.m. Watch the Johnson High School Band perform in the San Antonio Regional. BOA Super Regionals attract bands from across the nation and make each venue a destination for these world class high school band events, second only to the Grand Nationals experience. Super Regionals offer a positively life-changing fall marching band experience for band members, band directors, families and enthusiasts. Up to 60 bands perform in a two-day preliminary competition with 12-14 bands (depending on the total number of bands enrolled) advancing to finals.

differences between what you see on television and what happens in real life, from the crime scene to the crime laboratory and the courtroom. Enjoy a special after-hours viewing of CSI: The Experience, 5-6:30 p.m., at the member surcharge rate of $6. Reservations are required. WINE WOMEN & SHOES Wed, November 6 (Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum) Wine Women & Shoes brings together the best of both worlds with world-class wines and high fashion shopping, all benefitting the San Antonio Food Bank. San Antonio women will gather in their sassiest stilettos to sip varietals from some of the country’s top winemakers , shop the latest trends in a multi-designer Marketplace and mingle with “Shoe guys” serving up the season’s must haves on a silver platter. THE WIZARD OF OZ Fri, November 8 (Lopez Middle School Cafeteria) 3:45 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. The Lopez Middle Schol Theatre department is inviting the community to their performance of “The Wizard of Oz”. Tickets will be available at Lopez the week of the show during all lunches and can also be purchased at the door. Tickets are $3 per person, pre-school children are free. The cast and crew of Oz consists of 6th, 7th and 8th grade theatre students who auditioned in September for a position in the production company. Join Dorothy and her friends in the Lopez cafetorium on November 8. For more information contact Christi Eanes at Lopez 356-5048 or BRUCE NOLL AS WALT WHITMAN IN “PURE GRASS” Sun, November 10 (600 Soledad St., Central Library Auditorium) 2 p.m. “PURE GRASS” is a dramatic interpretation created by Dr. Bruce Noll, an actor, poet and retired University of New Mexico professor. The program is composed entirely of excerpts from poet Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass and weaves together many of the writer’s themes. Since its first performance in 1970, “PURE GRASS” has undergone many changes but Noll always strives to represent the

spirit of Walt Whitman in his oral interpretation of this timeless work of literature. MEXICO JOINS THE FIGHT IN WWII Sun, November 10 (Institute of Texan Cultures, 801 E. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd.) 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Learn about the courageous Mexican volunteers of the Fuerza Aérea Expedicionaria Mexican, or the 201st Fighter Squadron, who trained and fought alongside American soldiers during World War II. Join Mario Longoria, UTSA doctoral candidate, for a presentation on the lost history of this fighter squadron. Cost is $6-8. SUNDAY JAZZ AT THE WITTE Sun, November 10 (Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway,) 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Don’t miss the final performances of the 9th season of Sunday Jazz at the Witte. Come join the second Sunday of the month, through November, at our new time. Bring the entire family, lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the Witte’s shady Will Smith Amphitheater, along the beautiful San Antonio River. Price included with museum admission. TUESDAY MUSICAL CLUB ARTIST SERIES: ANDREW GARLAND Tues, November 12 (Laurel Heights United Methodist Church, 227 W. Woodlawn Ave.,) 2 p.m. Offering concerts by world-class artists, the Tuesday Musical Club Artist Series presents four concerts with renowned artists for the 2013-2014 season. ROCK ‘N’ ROLL SAN ANTONIO HEALTH AND FITNESS EXPO Fri, November 15 & Sat, November 16, (Alamodome, 100 Montana St) Friday, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon & 1/2 Marathon features a twoday Health & Fitness Expo prior to the race, where all participants must pick up their race packets. Free and open to the public, this expo features the latest in running technologies, fitness apparel, health and nutrition information and interactive displays.

FREE FAIR TRADE MARKET Sun, November 3 (15315 Huebner Road) 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Woodland Baptist Church is hosting a fair trade market. Money from the items purchased goes directly back to the artisan. Each purchase has a purpose. CSI: THE REAL EXPERIENCE Wed, November 6 (Witte Museum, 3801 Broadway) 6:30-8:30 p.m. Do you love CSI and other shows on television about forensic science? Ronald Singer, Technical and Administrative Director of the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Office in Fort Worth and a forensic scientist for over 40 years, will explain the

WURSTFEST Fri, November 1- Sun, November 10 (120 Landa

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November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259


Golf Classic Benefits Children’s Education Submitted By Sharon Newman, Head of Buckner Fanning Christian School very fall, Buckner Fanning Christian School celebrates a long-standing tradition with its annual Fairway to Heaven Golf Classic at Canyon Springs Golf Club. This year’s shotgun start is on Friday, November 8, and will begin promptly at 8 a.m., followed by lunch and a silent auction. Golfers of any skill level are welcome to enter. It’s not too late to sign up. Buckner Fanning founded The Fairway to Heaven Golf Classic many years ago as


a benefit to support BFCS with a mission of providing an exemplary education grounded in faith and focused on the future. Over the years, as the school has grown, so has the tournament’s participants, volunteers, donors and community supporters who contribute each year making the dream a reality for many students in Pre-K to 8th grade. Sponsorships are offered on several convenient levels, many of which offer foursomes for the tournament along with the opportunity to promote your organization all while supporting a worthy cause. Donors

will be recognized at the event and all year long on the school’s website that serves its existing and prospective families. If you like to golf, and enjoy the outdoors while raising money to help keep the cost of attending school affordable, then there’s still time to call and sign up to play in the tournament or volunteer your time. The Buckner Fanning Christian School is located at 975 Mission Springs Road, San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information on how you can contribute, call the office at 210-495-0688 or visit www.

Photo from Buckner Fanning Golf Tournament in 2011.

Choose Lighter Fare This Thanksgiving


tatistics indicate the average Thanksgiving dinner exceeds 3,000 calories. That is more calories than a person should eat in an entire day, much less a single meal. Many people admit to indulging on bigger portions and more fattening foods come the holiday season, but choosing some lighter fare this Thanksgiving can make the meal healthier without sacrificing taste. Although there are staples of Thanksgiving dinner, many low-calorie foods can be included to make the meal healthier. The following are a few healthy substitutions or alterations holiday hosts can make when preparing their Thanksgiving feasts. Trim down the turkey. Play up the main course with aromatic seasonings or unexpected flavors. Use garlic, olive oil and basil to add a boost of flavor to turkey without having to rely on butter or salt. Marinate the bird with lemon juice and citrus marmalade for a sweet, yet pungent flavor. Consider omitting the bread stuffing and making a stew of roasted root vegetables instead. Opt for turkey breast. White meat of a turkey tends to have less fat and calories than the darker cuts. Serve turkey breasts only, which will not only cut down on

calories, but also on the amount of time needed to cook the meal. Make homemade cranberry sauce. Taking the time to make your own cranberry sauce means you can control the ingredients. Cut down on the amount of sugar used in the recipe or substitute it with honey or molasses. Reduce the number of courses. Thanksgiving dinner often features multiple courses. Extra courses can be expensive, but such massive spreads also lead many people to overeat. Stick to two or three courses, and chances are guests will not miss the extra food. Choose whole-grain breads. Sliced whole-grain breads or rolls paired with an olive tapenade will be flavorful and such breads are healthier than white bread and butter. Flavor vegetables with herbs. Vegetables grilled or sautéed with fresh herbs may be so flavorful they will not need added dressings that tend to be rich or cream- or butter-based. Have a wide variety of vegetable side dishes available so guests can fill up on healthier fare rather than more calorie-dense items. Serve only low- or no-calorie drinks. Beverages can add a substantial amount of calories to Thanksgiving meals. Give guests the option of sparkling water or even diluted

Thanksgiving meals can feature lighter fare to discourage guests from overindulging in unhealthy foods.

cider so they’re not filling up on sugary sodas or other high-calorie beverages. Serve fresh fruit for dessert. Create a fresh fruit salad that can be served in lieu of fatty cakes and pastries. Include other activities. Do not make the

meal the centerpiece of the celebration. Plan activities, such as a game of football in the yard or a walk around the neighborhood. This places a smaller emphasis on eating while giving guests the opportunity to burn off some of their meal.

SOBA Networking Opportunity

NSARTA Hosts November Meeting

By Ben Spicer he Stone Oak Business Association held a networking opportunity for local businesses on Friday, September 13. The event, “Fish, Shrimp, and Networking” took place at the Canyon Springs Golf Club on Wilderness Oak from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Roughly 35 SOBA members attended the outdoor event along with members of the Canyon Springs Golf Club, giving participants the opportunity to mingle with a large number of potential clients. Tables were set up outside of the pavilion. The laidback night was enjoyed by those who attended. Names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses were exchanged, while business cards were often swapped. Those who took part were offered a delicious menu varying from peel and eat shrimp, to fried fish, chicken fried chicken, or a baked potato and salad bar. The food was prepared in front of the guests. Topping it off, participants were given the opportunity to enjoy either apple or peach cobbler. SOBA is always looking for new ways

Submitted By Michele Bibb he North San Antonio Retired Teachers Association would like to invite all retired educators to their November meeting on Wednesday, November 20. The meeting will take place at the San Pedro Presbyterian Church located at 14900 San Pedro. The meeting will begin with a short “Meet and Greet” at 9:45 a.m., followed by the general meeting starting roughly at 10:15. NSARTA meets the third Wednesday of each month and loves welcoming both guests and members. The guest speaker this month will be Devin Schei from the Wounded Warrior Project of San Antonio. November is the month all Americans celebrate Veteran’s Day, and since San Antonio is very much a military city, we want to let our veterans know how much we appreciate their service to our wonderful country. Please join in recognizing this wonderful young man. NSARTA looks forward to seeing those interested. For more information, please contact Michele Bibb at 210-494-8197.




to bring its members together each month while providing opportunities that will benefit the various business professionals involved. Networking is said to be a key way to make connections and grow opportunities. To find out more about the Stone Oak Business Association or the monthly meetings, visit, email or call 210-3488233.

NSARTA Celebrates Veteran’s Day.

November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259


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Se habla español. “Like Us" For Special Offers

Start your morning right with a delicious breakfast at the

SOBA Breakfast Mixer


et your alarm clock EARLY and join the Stone Oak Business Association on Friday, November 22, for a GREAT opportunity to meet your Stone Oak business neighbors! Each attendee will be able to introduce themselves and their business—so don’t forget to bring your business cards!

Date: Friday, November 22 Time: 7:30 – 9:30 AM (Breakfast Served at 8:15 AM) Location: The Egg & I 700 E Sonterra Blvd, 78258

To RSVP: 210-348-8233 E-mail:

Cost: $8 for Members & Non-Members S




Stone Oak Business Association

SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259


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November 2013 • Welcome Home • 78259

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