November 2015 78259 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Encino Park, Evans Ranch, Redland Heights, Emerald Forest and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER

November 2015 Issue




520 Madison Oak Drive, San Antonio, TX 78258

ACTIVITIES TO ENJOY: • Featuring AirLIFE Santa & Mrs. Claus

• Winter playground with REAL SNOW

• Bring an unwrapped toy for “Living Through Giving” to get a photo with Santa

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November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259 10/8/15 11:55 AM

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November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


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November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Note From The Publisher


Winter Celebration Just Around The Corner

ear Neighbors, As the weather starts to cool and the leaves turn in for the season, we turn our attention to the holidays that bring our community together. Hopefully no one had any issues with setting their clocks back, which we all know is the real marking of the holiday season! With that in mind, I am excited to announce that the Holiday Toy Drive officially kicked off on November 1st! The season of giving is upon us and we have a fantastic line of local schools and business working with Welcome Home Newspaper and Living Through Giving. By collecting toys for the kids in need within San Anotnio, local schools will be competing all this month for a trophy and the chance to win $500.00, courtesy of RBFCU, donated to their school organization. May the school that collects the most toys win! Visit for updated information about vendors, toys drop off locations and more. Just click on the Winter Celebration icon. Our Annual Event, Winter Celebration, will also be collecting toys to hand out at the end of the year. Winter Celebration has become one of the largest events in San Antonio! This year, we anticipate Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa will be better than ever. We hope you can join us for the fun! You can read all about our FREE Shuttle Service on page 7! Leave your car at Reagan High School or Cornerstone Church and take one of the shuttles to North Central Baptist Hospital. You can find out all the details on page 10 and read up on our $1000 giveaway!

Stop the Frustration. Start the Learning.

Kids enjoying the snow at Winter Celebration.

Santa will once again be making his grand entrance via AirLife helicopter. Your donation of a new, unwrapped toy will also grant you or your child the opportunity to receive a FREE photo with Santa, a FREE Sled Ride, and a general prize drawing ticket. There will be lots of REAL snow for the kids to enjoy as well as games, rides, food and entertainment. Stay tuned for our December issue, which will include all the details of scheduled events. Mark your calendar: Winter Celebration Featuring AirLife Santa will be December 5, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at North Central Baptist Hospital. But enough talk about the December holiday, let’s remember that November is also a time of thanks for what we have and who we have. Welcome Home would like to thank each one of our readers, advertisers, and schools for their participation in making our paper mean something to this community. From our family to yours, be safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

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Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Francis Nugyen

Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver Distribution Israel Vazquez

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Contributing Photographer Karen Little

Contributing Writers Melinda Cox Jewel English Bella Gamez Maribel Gardea Alan Hibberd Steve Johnson Lisa Rosenfeld Donnette Tyler Nikki Young

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November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


On The Cover

By Stefanie Young he season is upon us where the air becomes crisp and many bring out their scarves and steamy drinks, there are baked goods in the oven and there is almost a tangible excitement that resonates with many as they anticipate the quickly approaching holidays. For many friends and families, November marks a time for traditions and thanks (and maybe some football). It’s a time to reflect on the year that has passed and the choices that have brought the present union (or reunion) of the people around you. We hope that you will raise your glasses high this

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year and be thankful for all the unexpected you made it through, whether good or bad, and all the unexpected to come. This year, Welcome Home will be toasting to the many lives we get to be part of through submissions, articles and events. We look forward to continuing to share the good news of the community and shining a spotlight on the local students, teachers and schools who put their best efforts forward. We hope you will have a safe and fun filled holiday and hope to hear from you in December and from us here at Welcome Home, Happy Thanksgiving!

John Nguyen, MD

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By Debby Seguin

hanksgiving is just around the corner and I have to admit, sometimes being thankful isn’t all that easy. After all, life can be difficult, things don’t always go my way, but I have learned that thankfulness is a matter of perspective. For instance, I am thankful for my children. Even though my 4 year old chooses to pour sand down that “really cool pipe” (designed for phone wire) and I get to spend my Saturday helping him dig up said pipe so we can cut it, empty it, splice it and rebury it, I’m still thankful. And even though my daughter “promises” to turn the dryer on, the next morning I know I’m out of luck unless it happens to be “Wear Wet Clothes To School Day,” I’m still thankful. And even though my son is told he must share 5 chips with his little brother and promptly crushes one chip into 5 pieces, thereby, reaching his “sharing quota” but certainly missing the point, I’m still thankful. Because one of my best friends can’t have any children… I’m thankful for my husband. Even though, when I am in the shower, he feels the need to let me know that “½ a peach has gone bad in the fridge” and “that’s at least 13 cents down the drain” and “do you know how long I have to work for that 13 cents?” And knowing he’s not a “rhetorical question” kind of guy, I begin analyzing the figures while pumicing my heels, but before I can even answer, “37 seconds?” he’s already gone, I’m still thankful. Because of that young woman on the news, 2 children, newly widowed...

I’m thankful for my home. Even though it’s so small that Barbie and Ken opted for the “Dreamhouse” instead, and even though I can vacuum it from one outlet, don’t have a dishwasher (unless you count me) and can actually: fix dinner, help with homework, do laundry, answer the phone and start the shower without getting out of my chair, I’m still thankful. Because of that homeless guy I saw near the bowling alley… So remember this Thanksgiving when your great aunt talks about her toe fungus and your niece is sporting a nose ring (to complement the purple hair?) and that strange odor is not coming from refuse but from the general direction of Uncle Joe, be thankful. It truly is a matter of perspective. Debby Seguin can be reached at

November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

FREE Shuttles To Winter Celebration Special By Welcome Home he holiday season is nearing, and Winter Celebration is right around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper, North Central Baptist Hospital and the nonprofit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the annual holiday event, Winter Celebration, on Saturday December 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In anticipation of the large number of families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer a FREE shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at North Central Baptist Hospital. This year, The Independence Hill Retirement Community, Coronado at Stone Oak, and The Haven and The Laurel have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. Shuttle service pick-up this year will be located at Ronald Reagan High School (19000 Ronald Reagan Drive) and Cornerstone Church (18755 Stone Oak Parkway). Shuttles will begin transporting the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrance. All cars must be clear of the parking lots by 4 p.m. Winter Celebration featuring AirLIFE Santa is a wonderful family event for all ages. The celebration begins with an opening parade showcasing performances from school choirs and area high school marching bands. The event itself includes photos with Santa, raffles for prizes, vendors as well as other activities to create endless fun for families and volunteers. Santa’s arrival by helicopter always brings excitement from the crowd, and of course, the celebration would not be complete without 60,000 lbs. of snow for snowball fights and snow angels! Over the past thirteen years, Winter Celebration has become the largest Christmas toy drive in Stone Oak, San Antonio. Welcome Home would like to thank all shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, call (210) 348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!


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Menopause Equals Hormone Decline NOT Mental Illness!!!

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 ecently I received an official looking letter from Medicare. Unfortunately, I tore it into pieces after reading it. I wish I had framed it for all to see. The Medicare people sent me a letter stating that estradiol - inexpensive, natural, found in every young woman’s body - was now deemed dangerous! The letter said they had received notice from several prescription companies that I was prescribing dangerous estradiol for women over 65. The government does not approve estradiol for menopausal symptoms in the


“elderly”. Instead, their recommendations for treatment of symptomatic menopause is - you won’t believe it - to prescribe one of 4 different powerful antidepressants. I don’t argue or doubt there can be side effects to estradiol. Even a young woman can get breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer, or blood clots. Other problems associated with estradiol can be problems with the liver. Side effects and risks that may be associated with anti-depressants actually includes suicide, weight gain, and lack of libido.

I believe the Medicare officials discount the side effects of lack of hormones: vaginal shrinkage and dryness, the loss of collagen from the skin all over the body, the memory decline, crumbling bones, mood swings, insomnia, tooth loss, and even an increase of macular degeneration. How can antidepressants address any of these terrible problems? However please note, not every woman experiences all or even some, of these degenerative effects. Depression is a terrible illness and thank goodness, skilled physicians who specialize in disorders of the mind, psychiatrists, have medications that may alleviate suffering of this type. Depression = treatable mental

Being Thankful, A Tradition At Stone Oak Vision Source


By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020

now and it is remarkable the growth we have experienced and the relationships we have built in caring for the eyes of Stone Oak. Because I live in the Stone Oak area as well, I get to see my patients and their families all throughout the community. It is wonderful to be able to see how the children are growing up right before my eyes. To show our appreciation to our patients, we are planning a Holiday Open House, Tuesday, December 1. We will have refreshments, raffle drawings, and great

specials for all to enjoy. We have some new frame lines that we are highlighting and it will be a great opportunity to use your yearend benefits! Those HSA dollars can be used on eyewear and this would be a great time to use them. Also, it’s always a good idea to think about a cool pair of sunglasses for Christmas for that hard to shop for person! I am thankful for my staff and I appreciate them as they are an invaluable part of my practice. We are blessed to have a great team of staff and doctors. Dr. Denison has

Avoid Costly Repairs Down The Road

improving your investment’s longevity, sticking to the manufacturer recommended service intervals in your owner’s manual is equally important. Please see your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual for replacement recommendations. Keep in mind that some owner’s manual will have recommendations options based on weather conditions. Being in South Texas, our weather condition is considered to be extreme due to the hundred plus degree weather that we see each and every year. It is important to keep this in mind as extreme weather conditions will cause components and parts to age and rot more quickly. If you have any questions on your vehicle’s owner’s manual please call our knowledgeable Service Advisors today! Different vehicle manufacturers allow for different schedules as far as your vehicles maintenance. While you may feel that costs

or the past 6 years I have used the November column to take some time and share a few things that I am thankful for in my practice, so now it has become tradition. First and foremost I am again thankful for all of the families that trust their eye care to our team. We have been the owners in our location for over 10 years


By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

i Rusty Belden here for our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires. Each and every month we try to give you tips to avoid catastrophic failure to your vehicle. This month I would like to focus on simple maintenance tips to help avoid costly repairs down the road. Sticking to your vehicles maintenance schedule is best in order to avoid unexpected and dreaded vehicle repairs. Frequent maintenance

will keep your car healthy and will help minimize future repair costs. The simplest of all maintenance tips I can give to you is to perform frequent oil changes. Frequent oil changes can prevent the buildup of harmful deposits and allow your internal engine components to work efficiently together to lengthen your vehicle’s engine life span. While keeping an eye on your vehicle’s fluid levels is a good first step toward

The Value Of Double-Checking Your Retirement Strategy

By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 otivational speaker Denis Waitley income than previously assumed. With those once remarked, “You must stick factors and others in mind, here are some to your conviction, but be ready to signs that you may need to double-check abandon your assumptions.” That statement your retirement strategy. Your portfolio lacks significant certainly applies to retirement planning. Your diversifi cation. Many baby boomers are effort must not waver, yet you must also approaching retirement with portfolios examine it from time to time.1 For example, the level of risk you chose heavily weighted in equities. As many to tolerate at 35 or 40 may not be worth of them will have long retirements and a tolerating at 55 or 60. Additionally, you may sustained need for growth investing, you realize that you will need more retirement could argue that this is entirely appropriate.



If your retirement is near at hand, however, you might want to consider the length of this bull market and the possibility of irrational exuberance. A poor quarter makes you anxious. You start watching the market like a hawk and check up on your investments more frequently than you once did. Some of this vigilance is only natural as you near retirement; after all, you have far more at stake than a millennial investor. Even so, this is a sign that you may be uncomfortable with the amount of risk in your portfolio. You find yourself listening to friends

illness, Menopause = treatable hormone decline. I prescribe the dose of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone very precisely, based on the woman’s life style, blood levels, and chief complaints. I base this treatment as summation of many lectures and my own research, drawing blood on hundreds of patients and monitoring their responses. Hormone replacement is not right for everyone, and neither is an antidepressant. I treat hormone decline and I will discuss your options. Not everyone requires hormone replacement. Menopausal symptomatic sufferers-see me for help. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit been with us for just over 3 years now and lives in the Stone Oak area. Dr. Ip joined our practice 2 years ago and was a graduate from O’Connor HS, and she also lives in the Stone Oak area, so we are all locals now. It is nice to all be so close to the office and we get to see our patients and their families all around the community. Stop by and meet and greet the team at our open house. If you have any eye questions at all or are looking for a family eye doctor, please visit us online at www.visionsource-stoneoak. com or give us a call 210-495-9020 and come in. We are located at 19202 Stone Oak Parkway Ste 106 (at the NE corner of Stone Oak and Huebner). add up quickly when having to change your oil, rotate the tires or replace your air filter every few thousand miles, the preventative care saves you money in the long run. Call us today for recommended preventative maintenance schedules for your vehicle. Our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires is here to help. Look us up online at for money saving coupons. Buckle up, drive safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires, “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Six Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830-9819700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd.: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www. & pundits. Your tennis partner has an opinion about when you should claim Social Security. So does your dentist. So does a noted radio personality or columnist. If you seem increasingly interested in the financial opinions of friends, this hints at anxiety or restlessness about your financial strategy. It may be time to reexamine some assumptions. Looking at your retirement strategy anew has merit. As the years go by, priorities change and needs arise. Reviewing your approach to investing and saving at mid-life is only rational, for your retirement strategy must suit the objectives you now have before you rather than those you set in your past.

Client Centric Wealth Management may be reached at 210-807-7599 or www.ccwmgmt. com. They are located at 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315. Citations: quotes.

November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Open Your Eyes To The Best Option In Vision Care . . .

I love meeting new people and visiting with the returning patients and seeing the children grow up in all of our families here. The smile of a child putting glasses on for the first time, or the joy of the new teen contact lens wearer never stops being a thrill. Vision is so important and it is a joy to help preserve and protect it for all of our patients.” – Dr. Monica Allison, Vision Source Stone Oak

By Stefanie Young


he gift of clear, accurate sight can bring wonder, beauty, excitement and increased functionality into our lives. However, over time, vision needs and concerns may change. Dr. Monica Allison at Vision Source Stone Oak has been treating patients with all vision needs in the Stone Oak community since 2005. She now has 2 associate doctors to assist her in providing this care: Drs. Lindsey Denison and Kim Ip. Their passion is to help each patient see clearly, regardless of their age or vision concern, and this is reflected in the growing practice. Dr. Allison always envisioned running her own optometry practice, helping families with their vision needs in a personable setting. In order to provide her patients with such an intimate level of care with the added benefit of access to the latest technology, she decided to partner with Vision Source, the country’s premier network of private practice optometrists. Her partnership with Vision Source has allowed her to tailor an advanced level of care to each individual patient. “Vision Source is a franchise, but each office is individually owned,” explained Dr. Allison. “We get to use their buying power. There are more than 3,200 offices and thousands of doctors, and we get to see many of the new technologies on the market first because the industry is always introducing new technology and other new products through us. Vision Source also emphasizes licensing to the highest level.” Dr. Allison ensures that her practice is equipped with the latest pieces of advanced technology and the best treatment options available for her patients. To document diseases of the eye, Stone Oak Vision Source uses a retinal imaging system that captures images of the back of the eye. They also have a digital refracting system in every doctor’s lane that is linked to their software and lab to ensure the most accurate prescriptions. Another technology is the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). “This is an instrument that obtains sub-surface images of translucent or opaque materials at a resolution equivalent to a low-power microscope,” Dr. Allison said. “It is effectively ‘optical ultrasound,’ imaging reflections from within tissue to provide a straightforward method of assessing macular degeneration, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and other conditions.” Stone Oak Vision Source also includes on-site labs that can generate prescriptions the same day―even for nonglare lenses. “We get comments all the time about our high-tech office,” said Dr. Denison. “Every test has a function and

November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

we make sure and provide the most comprehensive care possible for our patients. It’s great to share information with patients about preventative measures that we can do to protect and preserve vision long-term.” New options for contact lens wearers―or those interested―have also exploded onto the optometry scene. “We have daily use lenses that over 90 percent of people surveyed cannot feel in their eyes, even at the end of the day,” Dr. Allison explained. “Dailies Total 1 offers a revolutionary lens design that has never been on the market. For people with astigmatism or needing help up close, there have been tremendous strides in contacts for astigmatism

Dr. Kim Ip, Dr. Monica Allison & Dr. Lindsey Denison

and multifocal options. We fit a large amount of postsurgical patients in specialty lenses as well and there are some great options available, even if you’ve been told you cannot wear contacts, there may be a choice now.” Dr. Allison and associates are passionate about Orthokeratology or Ortho-K. Ortho-K is a non-surgical process, which actually reshapes the cornea of the eye using contact lenses. The patient wears the lenses overnight, while they sleep, and upon waking, enjoy clear vision all day long, without the assistance of contacts or glasses.“Ortho-K has been shown to slow down nearsightedness in children,” explained Dr. Allison. “My own daughter actually benefits from Ortho-K. It’s a great option for children because they’re not having to worry about their lenses during the day.” Treating children is a large part of Dr. Allison’s practice. She and Dr. Denison participate in the InfantSEE® program – a free public health program for infants between six and 12 months to determine if the baby is at risk for eye or vision disorders. Although school-aged children often have their vision

checked at school or by their family physician, it is not uncommon for reading, focusing or other vision problems to go undetected. Through comprehensive eye examinations, all the doctors at Stone Oak Vision Source check eyes, inside and out, for glaucoma, cataracts, and all other eye diseases. However, the eye also provides a picture into an individual’s overall health and can indicate whether he or she may be suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, reaction to medication, or other systemic diseases. “Looking into the eye is like looking into your body,” explained Dr. Ip. “It gives us a clear picture of the arteries and veins and what’s going on with your health. With the changes in the healthcare industry, all the doctors at Stone Oak Vision Source have embraced their new positioning as primary care physicians. They want their patients to feel that they can contact them in the case of an eye emergency, even after hours. “All major medical insurance will take care of problems with the eye, but places like the emergency room won’t have the equipment that we have,” Dr. Allison said. “We take calls after hours and treat all kinds of eye problems including infections, injuries and dry eye.” Vision Source Stone Oak is also one of only a few providers in San Antonio of TAG Heuer eyewear, which has integrated design, superior materials, ergonomic engineering and is unrivaled in performance and patented innovation. The doctors at Stone Oak Vision Source enjoy finding the perfect solution to their patients’ vision needs. From contact lenses and glasses to medical eye care and LASIK surgery consultation, they are available to those who desire treatment from a confident professional with years of growth and experience. “I love meeting new people and visiting with the returning patients and seeing the children grow up in all of our families here,” said Dr. Allison. “The smile of a child putting glasses on for the first time, or the joy of the new teen contact lens wearer never stops being a thrill. Vision is so important and it is a joy to help preserve and protect it for all of our patients.”

Vision Source Stone Oak 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste 106 210-495-9020


2015 Winter Celebration Rules


n December 5th, the generosity of Stone Oak and the surrounding city will be brought to life along with the Holiday Spirit as Welcome Home Community Newspaper and North Central Baptist Hospital team up with the non-profit Living Through Giving for their annual Winter Celebration. The event kicks off at 10:00 a.m. with the High School Marching Bands, cheerleaders, choirs and mascots leading the parade. The highlight of the event will happen around 10:45 a.m. when Santa arrives via AirLIFE helicopter to take pictures and Holiday Wishes from all the children (and Mom and Dad) that come out to see him. Don’t think for a second that Mrs. Claus would miss out on the joy that lights up the children’s faces. She will most definitely be there too. The liveliness of 60,000 lbs. of snow, vendors, and raffle prizes draws in a crowd that makes one of the largest toy drives in San Antonio come to life. Over 10,000 people arrive, many with toys

in hand, to enjoy the snowball fights, carnival rides and funnel cakes. Performances by local schools take place throughout the day bringing the joy of Christmas music and family fun to the festival grounds. The goodness and hospitality of Winter Celebration’s guests, volunteers, and participating schools always makes Winter Celebration a successful event! This year, Independence Hill Retirement Community, Coronado at Stone Oak, and The Haven and The Laurel all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. (See page 7 for shuttle details). With so many people in attendance, Living Through Giving is thankful to have so many people volunteering, with the help of Out of the Box Productions, the celebration will be yet another great success! In 2014 Living Through Giving’s Toy Drive brought in over 8,000 toys

for children in need. Once the toys were collected in full, the Living Through Giving staff made stops throughout San Antonio where kids in need were be surprised to learn their community had not forgotten them during the holiday season. Donations ranged from action figures and toy cars to dolls, stuffed animals and instruments. With such an array of toys and trinkets, Living Through Giving was able to help light up the faces of so many children and restore some hope within their surroundings. This year Living Through Giving is hoping to shatter that record. “There are so many children, teens and families in need every year. Our mission is to take [on] some of the burden and make sure there is something underneath the tree for each child.” Russell Groomer, Founder of Living Through Giving, stated. Through the course of 2015, Living Through Giving has hosted a number of events and sponsors and businesses

2015 Winter Celebration Performers Parade starts at 10:00 am Community is encouraged to join. Lineup will be at 9:30 am at Reindeer Lane. Come out and and kick off the Holidays with a Parade and see Santa fly in on his Helicopter.

In The Parade: UIW – Cheer, Dance UIW Red The Cardinal Alamo City Marching Band Miss Latina SA Teen Alyssa Salinas Betsy Dippo & State Farm Bear Subway Mascot

Jets Pizza Slice Cowboy Cash Buckner Fanning Cheerleaders Tuscany Heights “Tusky” HEB Buddy Aue Elementary Aue Gator Las Lomas – Libro the Lion

Area A – DJ & Dance Stage 10:30 am 11:00 a.m. 11:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m.

Tex Hill Dance Johnson HS Dance LA Performing Arts Woodlawn Theatre AABCD Star Performance Co. Heather Stolle School of Dance Cynergy Dance Co. TBD TBD

Vineyard Ranch Elem Mascot Encino Park Elem Soaring Eagle SA Missions Ballapeno Benson Honda 3T San Antonio Tiger ProMartial Arts Rocky The Rhino

Area B – Band Stage 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00

AABCD Star Performance Co. Alamo City Marching Band Alamo City Marching Band School Of Rock School Of Rock TBD TBD Rawlinson M.S. Jazz Band

Area C – Choir Stage 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

Las Lomas Honors Choir Hardy Oak Elem. Choir Buckner Fanning School Choir Indian Springs Choir Vineyard Ranch Elem. Choir

1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

Bill Brown Elem. Choir Specht Elem. Choir Stone Oak Elem. Choir Aue Elem. Choir

Don’t Forget Bring A New Unwrapped Toy 10


have helped bring new light to the nonprofit. Living Through Giving’s focus has remained true since the beginning: to focus on “children and youth who may have experienced abuse, neglect or some other type of family disruption.” Those working with the Living Through Giving organization said they strive to protect the hopes and dreams of children who may not have anywhere else to turn. Living Through Giving works to raise awareness for the youth of San Antonio who are in need. The countdown to this event has now begun and Winter Celebration 2015 will be here before we know it! Welcome Home Community Newspaper, Living Through Giving and North Central Baptist Hospital would like it to be bigger and better than ever! If you would like to participate or contribute to Living Through Giving or any of the upcoming events, call (210) 348-8233, or email at

New Winter Celebration Rules:

tarting at 10 a.m. on December 5, 2015, the Welcome Home check-in booth will be collecting toys for Living Through Giving. For every toy donated the guest will receive a general prize drawing ticket, a FREE photo with Santa and a FREE Slide Ride. You can bring as many toys as you’d like. ($5.00 minimum value, must be new unwrapped toys). This year Winter Celebration will also host a Silent Auction presented by Give Back Auctions. You will have the opportunity to bid on Signed Sports Memorabilia, Signed Tracy Byrd Autographed USA Guitar, Exotic Hunts, Experiences, Name Brand Jewelry, Reverse Silent Auction Package worth $15,000, Limo Party Packages, Music Memorabilia, and much, much more. Area businesses have also graciously donated a ton of silent auction items like; hotel stays, rounds of golf, James Avery ornaments and jewelry, gift baskets and more. Living Through Giving and Welcome Home are overwhelmed by the outpouring of donations. Welcome Home has once again donated $1000.00 dollars which will be rafflled off at 2:30 pm. You do not have to be present to win. Come out and do some early Christmas shopping and support San Antonio kids in the process.

Volunteers are still needed, loved and appreciated. Call (210) 348-8233 to donate your time to a worthy cause. • 210.348.8233 November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

A Student Thanks Honor Flight Veterans

Mortgage Rates Are On The Rise!

By Bella Gamez, Tex Hill 8th Grade ella Gamez is a seventh grader at Tex Hill Middle School. She is also an Honor Flight supporter and volunteer. She wrote this article to pay tribute to the veterans of Honor Flight San Antonio de Valero and to remind us all the importance of saying thank you and showing appreciation to our military community. Honor Flight San Antonio de Valero is a special organization because of what the group does for veterans of World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Honor Flight works to thank and show appreciation to veterans by escorting them to Washington, DC to visit memorials such as the World War II Memorial, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam and Lincoln Memorial. The veterans also get to spend time at the Arlington National Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknown and watch the Changing of the Guard. I believe it is important veterans from this era are recognized and thanked for their service. We owe much to the greatest generation. This group of young men and women paved the way for freedom and prosperity in our country and set a standard for military service our soldiers strive to achieve today. Many thanks are given to and deserved by our present day servicemen, but we shouldn’t forget those who served before. Honor Flight works to ensure that each veteran who takes the flight is show the upmost respect and appreciation. It is a program that exists completely for the veteran and the service that veteran gave to our country. It is a group that exists solely to make sure our oldest veterans are reminded that their country still remembers, appreciates and is forever grateful for their service. My father had the honor to be one of the

By AJ Reygadas Power Real Estate Group (210) 313-5554



This group of young men and women paved the way for freedom and prosperity in our country and set a standard for military service our soldiers strive to achieve today.

guardians on the most recent Honor Flight. He assisted the veterans on their trip. He had the privilege to meet a 105 year old Colonel who is the oldest living Aggie, a woman who served as a field nurse in World War II, a man who was a prisoner of war in World War II and a Korean War Marine among others. “It was an emotional experience to see them all together, just talking and sharing stories as well as experiencing the monuments for the first time” said my father after his trip. And that is what it is all about. The Honor Flight trip is a time to share, remember and reflect on a time in a young soldier’s life and a time in our country that changed the world. Honor Flight San Antonio de Valero is an amazing group. I am honored to be able to volunteer with this group and I encourage you to become involved in it as well. It is important for young people to remember, understand and appreciate the history of our country. Honor Flight provides a very unique opportunity for everyone to share in and pay tribute to an important living history.

s the 2015 marches on, we are still seeing a fantastic and aggressively moving market in San Antonio. The chief economist of Realtor.Com predicts that 2015 will have some exciting, positive trends in the real estate industry! But even with the new onset of a high volume of pre-qualified buyers, end to the foreclosure crisis, and construction of new homes being built again, buyers will likely now face higher mortgage rates. The improving economy means mortgage rates will probably rise, and are forecasted to be around 5% by the end of 2015 for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. People, who are considering buying, may find that buying in the first half of the year would be more beneficial to them. Millennials will now be looking to buy, and will make up 65% of the first time buyers in the market this year. This is a huge generation and is bigger than the Baby Boomers generation. Economists predict that access to credit will still be limited. New federal housing policies may help change the current strict qualification standards that many consumers face. That being said it still may take more effort for consumers to get the credit they need. If you are in the market to buy, it is always good to let your lender

or realtor know your financial situation up front so they can help determine, what needs to be done to get you on the path to home ownership with as few hurdles as necessary. The old saying, “Now is a great time to buy!” has never been truer than in today’s market! If you are looking to buy or sell, or both, we offer packages designed to help save you money! Just ask! AJ Reygadas won many awards including Multi-Million Dollar Producer, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014; Top 1% of San Antonio REALTORS, 2013, 2014; Top 150 Latino Realtors Nationwide, 2013,2014. You can reach AJ at (210)313-5554.


A Comedy Inspired By Shakespeare? Submitted By Donnette Tyler ave you ever had difficulty understanding Shakespeare? Does the mere mention of his name make your eyes roll, head fall back, and moan so loud everyone around can hear you? The classics can often times be hard to digest. Perhaps you are you one of those people who is pulled into each of Shake spears works and is inspired by the deep twists and turns of the plots. Whichever you are, we can guarantee you will never look at Shakespeare quite the same after seeing “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged).” This play has lumped all of the main ideas of Shakespeare’s works in under two hours and is high speed fun and laughter. Knowledge about Shakespeare’s works is helpful, but not at all necessary. It is a highspirited and a fun time for all. If you like Shakespeare already, you’ll like the clever satire. If you like slapstick comedy this is right up your alley. If you get bored easily, have no fear. One can pick out bits and pieces of this production and find humor


in it without having to pay attention to the whole thing! Please join the Johnson High School Theatre Department as the present, “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare” November 12-14 at 7pm and Sunday, November 15th at 2pm in the Johnson Black Box Theatre. Tickets will be 8 dollars at the door. Come early as the Black Box Theatre is an intimate seating environment and can fill up fast.

November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


Multi-Million Dollar Producer, 2011, 2012,2013,2014 Top 1% of San Antonio REALTORS, 2013,2014 Top 100 Latino Realtors Nationwide, 2013,2014




Good For You Coffee And Tasty Cakes By Tanji Patton one are the days when just any cup of coffee will do. Starbucks upped the ante for coffee drinkers, and now many local baristas have raised the bar even higher. I’ve become as picky about my coffee as I am about my wine. While setting up for a recent television segment for WOAI’s Living Show, I got into a conversation with a coffee


expert, who was a guest on the same show, about ramping up that cup of joe even more by adding MCT oil. A lot of the independent coffee shops are now offering what some call ‘bullet coffee.’ MCT oil is essentially a supplementstrength coconut oil. This supposedly naturally-derived supplement has been

The Fish Thanksgiving By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 know what you’re thinking. “What does fish have to do with Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is all about Turkey!” Well, maybe to some, but believe it or not Thanksgiving is one of our heaviest times of the year. Why is that? Just look at the first Thanksgiving, or perhaps I should say, the “Fish Thanksgiving!” At the First Thanksgiving, turkey was actually not the main attraction. Being in a coastal area, seafood was in fact one of the main stars of the Thanksgiving show.


Lobster, mussels, clams, oysters, and eels made up the bulk of the menu. Fresh cod and bass were also served up by the dozen. In fact, it was said that Chief Massasoit went to and from the ocean “carrying as many eels as he could handle”. Today the tradition of seafood still holds true in many households. In the Northeast, lobster is commonly found side by side with the turkey, on the West Coast it’s not unheard of to have a nice slab of salmon in the center of the table and here in the Gulf region,

studied for its reported weight loss and cognitive function benefits – it’s said to even have helped patients with neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and epilepsy! You can expect increased mental focus and productivity, weight loss, and an incredible boost in healthy, natural energy. So, now that I’ve got you all fired up for that next cup of coffee, how about some delish coffee cakes to go with. One of my all-time favorite recipes was discovered on one of our trips to Napa. We stayed at a delightful turn of the century B&B, and I asked the proprietors for the recipe to their delicious coffee cake. You can bake it the night before you serve it. Check out the recipe at Another all-time favorite comes from

one of my fellow Les Dames d’Escoffier members, streusel-topped sour cream coffee cake muffins. These beauties even have a little bit of chocolate sprinkled inside, a perfect pairing with a good cup of coffee. For more fun recipe ideas and wine pairings, head to While you’re there sign up for our newsletter and a chance to win a two night stay at the beautiful Hyatt Hill Country Resort. Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at

especially in Louisiana, seafood-heavy jambalaya is a Thanksgiving dinner staple. This is a dish consisting of fish, sausage, rice, and many spices and is one of my personal favorites. It’s simple, it’s easy and while there are many great Seafood Thanksgiving recipes to share (oyster stuffing anyone?), I’ve decided to give you this spicy little number of a recipe called Gulf Shrimp Jambalaya using our boat run shrimp. Ingredients: 2 lbs of Boat run Gulf Shrimp, 1lb of Andouille sausages, cut into circles, 1 white onion, chopped into 1/4 inch pieces 2 green peppers cut into 1/4 pieces, 3 stalks of celery cut into 1/4 pieces, 3 cloves of chopped garlic, 1 dash of crushed red pepper, 1 tsp Cayenne pepper, 1 28 oz can of diced tomatoes, 2 fresh bay leaves, 1 fresh bundle of thyme, 5 chopped scallions, and 2 cups of long grain rice. Directions:

1. Shell the shrimp and put the shells in water to boil for 20 min to create a stock 2. Lubricate a large pot with olive oil and add the sausage pieces and cook for 5 minutes 3. Add in the peppers, celery, and onions and season with salt and the crushed red pepper 4. Cook this mixture for about 8 minutes or until it softens. Then add in the garlic and cook for 3 more minutes, and then add in the tomatoes and cayenne pepper 5. Stir in the rice and add 4 cups of the shrimp stock with along with the bay leaves and thyme and cook for 25 minutes. 6. Add in the shrimp and cook for 5-7 more minutes until shrimp is pink. Top with scallions and you’re ready to serve!


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K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

Holiday Foods And Your Pet


ovember is a special time of year when we remind ourselves of what we’re thankful for. I’m thankful for so many things in my life, but my dogs top the list. For many of us, our pets are an extension of our family, giving unconditional love and asking for little in return. So this holiday, why not thank them by treating them to something extra special? With a little caution and creativity, your dog can enjoy much of the same delights you do. One of the biggest mistakes people make during the holidays, is giving their pets foods they aren’t used to eating - smothered in rich gravies, sugars, salt, etc. You may think you’re making them the happiest creature on earth, but such a heavy diet, even for just one night, can wreak havoc on their bodies, especially if they’re not use to human foods. Below are a few alternatives to help keep everyone happy and healthy and maybe keep you from a visit to the emergency vet hospital. • Don’t feed turkey skin. Ooohh I know…it’s the best part! But not only is it high in fat and hard to digest, it also holds marinades, oils, and spices used in baking, which can cause an upset stomach.


I think you’ll enjoy changing things up just a bit with seafood!

• Set aside some of the good stuff before adding all of the salts, butter, wine, etc. A scoop of plain sweet potatoes, a cup of cooked carrots, even some stuffing without gravy is a delight for your dog. • Juices and gravies of course are loaded with spices so don’t pour it all over your pet’s kibble, just drizzle! • Desserts: The compound Theobromine in chocolate is toxic to your pet and can even cause death. Caffeine is also present and can pose a danger to your pet’s heart. Unsweetened baker’s chocolate is the worst and contains 8 times the amount of Theobromine as milk chocolate. So keep them far from Chocolate. • If your dog isn’t use to table scraps, don’t offer up a big plate full all at once. This can stress their system. Add a little at a time and freeze the rest for treats later. Your pet is going to be pretty happy with any morsels you give them so choose wisely. Stay away from salts and spices; those are for our taste buds, not theirs. If they can drink out of a toilet, they can surely enjoy turkey without gravy! K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit

November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


Medical Allergy & Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 •

Allergy & Immunology

Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 494-0690 •

Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Ste. 2601 545-5224 • Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men


Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D.McMyler, MD P. Mehta, MD., R, Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 614-1234 •


General Dentistry

Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533

General Dentistry

Canyon Dental Care Jeff Beal, DDS & Justin Rich, DDS 3111 TPC Pkwy., Ste. 114, San Antonio, 78259 424-3611

General Dentistry

Dr. Perry E. Wood Family Dentistry, Cosmetics & Orthodontics 16616 San Pedro (281/Thousand Oaks) 491-9898 Accepts most insurance

General Dentistry

Garrison Family Dental Austin J Garrison DDS, Gary J. Garrison DDS 22100 Bulverde Rd., Ste. 114 494-7222

Internal Medicine

Orthodontics For Adults/Children

Internal Medicine of Stone Oak Lubna Naeem, M.D. 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 105 490-3800 Laser treatment, Botox, Skin care available

Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Ste. 201 272-7129


Pediatric Dentistry

Alamo City Eye Physicians, P.A. J. Mark Berry M.D. William T. Walton M.D. 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 216 491-2020

Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry Dr. “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 491-4141


Speech Therapy

Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 119 697-3821

Speech & Language Center of Stone Oak Barbara A. Samfield 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 108 495-9944


Urgent Care

Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937)

Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine

College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to once again honor and recognize a local educator at Lady Bird Johnson High School as the College Tutors Educator of the Month for November. This award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven and Leave It Better. This month, we honor Coach Kelly Parker. Coach Parker has been at Johnson High School since the day it opened. In that time, Coach Parker has developed a great reputation as a strong math teacher, a great coach and has been a big part of a strong foundation that has been built at Johnson High School. Coach Parker is all about the students, he spends extra time tutoring his math students and spends extra time working with the athletes that he is responsible for. Coach Parker is always on committees and helps sub for administrators when needed. On the coaching staff, Coach Parker is always one of the first to volunteer for extra duties as they come up. The owners of College Nannies + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily


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19284 Stone Oak Pkwy 11212 State Hwy 151 210.268.0124 Medical Plaza 1 This month, we honor Coach Kelly Parker. Coach Parker has been at Johnson High School since the day it opened.

a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Nannies + Tutors at 210-202-0303 or stoneoaktx@

November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259


ALLERGY SEASON! Stone Oak Allergy 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78258

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A Choice And A Warning

Johnson High School’s Distracted Driving Event SAPD brought a police car/ taxi cab and a wrecked truck as part of their efforts to remind students to never drink and drive.

By Melinda Cox


ohnson High School and the Jaguar PTSA held its third annual Distracted Driving Event on campus this week to coincide with homecoming. Volunteers from the JHS PTSA Smart Driving Club, the JHS Winners Circle and the PTSA worked together to bring information, resources and interactive opportunities to the campus to remind students to make safe choices behind the wheel. Johnson High School has been fortunate to have many outside organizations and groups make time to attend the distracted driving event each year. These groups consistently bring a message of safety and reminders of the possible impact of choices to our event and Johnson High School and the Jaguar PTSA are very grateful for the effort and commitment of these groups. These groups all bring important information and fun activities for the student, but this year it may have been a small single voice that delivered the most overwhelming message. This year the impact of a choice was brought close to home through a story shared by O’Connor High School senior Peyton Grasso. On June 14, 2014 Peyton was the victim of a near fatal traffic accident involving a drunk driver who lost control of their vehicle. The vehicle rolled over 3 times and slammed into a steel utility pole. Peyton lost her leg on impact, sustained a burst fracture of her C-2 spinal vertebrae, went into cardiac arrest twice, fractured both femurs and sustained an axonal brain injury. Peyton has endured 15 surgeries on the amputated leg, due to the traumatic nature of the amputation and several other very dangerous neurosurgeries to repair the burst fracture in her cervical spine. Peyton has had a long road to recovery and she is still on her journey. Peyton spoke to JHS students during three separate lunch periods to recount her story and warn her peers about the dangers of drinking and driving. “I made a bad decision. I went to a party and drank for the first time and I got in the car with someone who had been drinking and I almost lost my life. I made one bad choice and I will deal with this for the rest of my life,” Peyton told the students as stood in the courtyard and listened. Peyton continued, “You must pay attention to what you are doing and who you are with. I am a good kid and a good student and I made a choice that changed my life. I lost a leg because I made a choice about going to a party. Most kids in high school won’t even remember the parties they went to with their friends. I have a constant reminder.” During all three lunches, Johnson students listened intently as Peyton told her story of choices, consequence, survival and recovery. Her determination proceeds her and her survivor mentality gives her the courage to tell others her story. Peyton comfortably took off her prosthesis in


Peyton spoke to JHS students during three separate lunch periods to recount her story and warn her peers about the dangers of drinking and driving.

each talk with the students and talked about the obstacles, struggles and victories she has endured and achieved. “I died twice the night of the accident and because the EMT’s and the doctors did not give up on me, I survived to fight and recover. I owe it to them, my family and to myself to continue to beat the odds and not only to survive, but to excel,” said Peyton. Julia Miller-Grasso, Peyton’s mom, says her daughter

TXDOT provided a pedal kart for students to navigate through cones while texting and while wearing drunk goggles. This activity always draws a big crowd while friends watch as a texting driver crashes into cones and onlookers!

is determined to handle what comes her way. She knows Peyton will continue to excel and said her daughter will begin the next stage of her journey at Louisiana State University in the fall of 2016. She knows Peyton is determined to continue to tell her story and helps support her with that decision. “We live in a military town, a military community. We expect to see our soldiers missing legs and arms and with injuries. We have almost become immune to the sight of a soldier injured in that way, but when a young person, a young girl with long blonde hair shows up with a prosthesis, it gets noticed and can make people uncomfortable. Most people don’t expect to see an injury like that with someone so young,” Miller-Grasso said. Peyton is aware of the impact her injury can have on people. She has turned her misfortune into a way to take care of and help protect others. She shares her message with the hope that someone in the audience remembers her and her struggle and decides to make a different choice. Despite daily pain and weekly therapy visits, Peyton is committed to her senior year, her friends and family and the community. The JHS campus and community are grateful to Peyton and her mom for the story and life experience Peyton shared with the Jaguar campus. Everyone in the courtyard that day took away a story of choice and consequence and is sure to

carry that message with them. Peyton helped make the JHS Distracted Driving Event the most effective and valuable event yet at the campus. Her message to students was very impactful for homecoming and beyond. The Distracted Driving event has become tradition during the homecoming week. It is a good time to remind students to make smart choices in their daily lives and behind the wheel. The week includes videos about the dangers of driving distracted and posters and information are put out around the campus to remind students as they walk the halls the responsibility of being behind the wheel. Activities took place in the courtyard during lunch and in the cafeteria. SAPD brought a police car/ taxi cab and a wrecked truck as part of their efforts to remind students to never drink and drive. Students were also given the opportunity to “walk the line” with drunk goggles on and SAPD is standing right behind to deliver the message of underage drinking. TXDOT provided a pedal kart for students to navigate through cones while texting and while wearing drunk goggles. This activity always draws a big crowd while friends watch as a texting driver crashes into cones and onlookers! University Hospital also drew a big crowd inside the cafeteria with the driving simulator which gave students the chance to drive a course while making various driving decisions. Other organizations included the Bexar Bulverde Volunteer Fire Department, Union Pacific, the City Of San Antonio Vision Zero and My Three Feet program, Acadian Ambulance, Baptist Hospital, MADD, Please Be Kind to Cyclists, SACADA and ATT. Johnson High School PTSA President Ginger Siebert believes the event is crucial to the campus and the community. “Our distracted driving event doesn’t only reach the students …..It reaches their parents and our community. If we truly want to make our students safer drivers, then we must also reach out beyond our campus and engage the entire community. When we are able to bring in various groups such as SAPD, SAFD, TXDOT, UHS and others, we are able to bring information and opportunities to our students while creating a fun atmosphere to talk about a serious topic. We continue to hold this event because the campus and PTSA is committed to reminding our campus and community to make smart choices behind the wheel,” said President Siebert. The JHS Jaguar PTSA would like to thank the campus, school administration and all off campus organizations for their support and committed to this important program. We extend a Jaguar thank you to Peyton and her family for her courage and determination and hard work. Thank you to Papa Johns for the generous donation and continued support in helping us feed our volunteers and organizations.

November 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259

Johnson Cheerleaders Honor Firefighters

Johnson High School Cheerleaders brought some spirit to local firehouses!

Submitted By Diane Valderama he Johnson High School JV and Varsity Cheerleaders recognized September 11th by honoring our local firefighters. The girls prepared spaghetti dinners and delivered them to two area fire stations, the Bexar-Bulverde Volunteer Fire Department on Borgfeld Dr. and the Bexar-Bulverde Volunteer Fire Department on Bulverde Rd. The girls visited with the firefighters thanking them for their service. Since 1966, the Bexar-Bulverde Volunteer Fire Department has proudly provided fire prevention, fire suppression, rescue, and first-responder services to over 40 square miles of Bexar County. The


department has over 100 active volunteer firefighters plus reserve firefighters, trainees, and junior members. These individuals are utilized during weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. as well as three firefighters who rotate 24 hour shifts every third day, to make rapid and timely service available while most volunteer members are at work. Meghan Mollicone, head cheerleader, said “They do so much for us and we sometimes forget all the sacrifices they make to keep our community safe. Serving them dinner is the least we could have done for these brave heroes. We thank them so much and loved this experience we got to share as a team.”

2015 Winter Celebration

The Jags visited with the firefighters thanking them for their service.

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Saturday, December 5, 2015

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4:51 PM November 2015 • Welcome Home 2/8/13 • 78259

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