A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER
November 2016 Issue
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
2016 Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa
Save The Date! OVER 60,000 lbs OF SNOW FUN! You are invited to eat, play, enjoy rides and have your FREE photo with Santa taken at the largest and longest running holiday event in San Antonio. Enjoy local school bands and talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun! Admission $5 or donation of a new toy. Date: Time: Place:
Saturday, December 10, 2016 10 am – 3 pm 502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital) $5 or donation of a new toy
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Note From The Publisher November-The Month Of Generosity
ecember 10, 2016! Have you saved the date? Where will you be? If you’re like one of thousands of San Antonio families, you’ll definitely be at the 14th annual Winter Celebration! Located at North Central Baptist Hospital again this year, Winter Celebration will kick-off the holiday season with 60,000 pounds of snow, rides, food and SANTA! Co-Host North Central Baptist Hospital will be there to assist with wellness checks, access to local doctors, and plenty of arts and crafts stations for the little ones. It’s also important to remember the reason for the season. Winter Celebration helps to raise money and toys for children in the care of the Department of Family and Protective Services in Bexar County. Non-profit organization Living Through Giving, Welcome Home Community Newspaper and North Central Baptist Hospital truly believe that every child deserves a holiday season to remember, especially those who are facing difficult circumstances during a time that should be filled with joy. Living Through Giving and Welcome Home Community Newspaper’s annual toy drive begins November 1. Check out livingthroughgivingsa.org to find out where to donate toys this year; many local businesses and schools are on board to help. And of course, bring a toy or donation to Winter Celebration on December 10! So mark your calendar today, gather up the kids and participate in the event-based Scavenger Hunt leading up to the Winter Celebration for a chance to win awesome prizes, visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clause, and help over 8,000 kids in foster care enjoy the holidays. November is such a big month - Election Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving…it makes me wonder who decided it was such a good idea to pack so much into just a few weeks. Even with all the hustle and bustle, it’s still
a month filled with fun! The first long break of the school year is approaching. Kids are coming home from college, family is flying in or your family is flying out, everyone is excited for something that’s just around the corner. In Texas, as the temperatures drop from insanely hot and begin to hover around our idea of “cool,” we tend to emerge from under the shade and out of the air conditioning for some outdoor fun! Biking, hiking, chili cook-offs... you name it, we’re there. This is also the time of year that the importance of generosity and gratitude is emphasized. Not just through the work done by Living Through Giving, but for many important causes across the city of San Antonio. If you’re looking for ways to give back or volunteer, check out our city’s amazing array of non-profit organizations, especially those who support our unsung heroes in the military. These days, when watching the news or scrolling through social media, it’s impossible to overlook the negativity the election process has brought to our doorstep. The media outlets forget that there is still work to be done within virtually every community for so many American families in need. I ask you to let the negativity of the political system roll off your back the best that you can, and instead focus on what you have and who you can help in your own way. Whether it be a donation to an organization that supports local veterans, or the gift of a toy that will help a displaced child feel at home this Christmas, America needs the help of the American people. Let’s make November the month of generosity. Want to know how to help? Visit www.volunteermatch.org to find the perfect way to give back this holiday season!
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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Kristin Oliver
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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On The Cover Special To Welcome Home hen leaves carpet in the yard and temperatures dip low enough for a sweater we know that the true feeling of November has come to town. Football, baseball, friends and family take up enormous amounts of our time. Weekends pass in a blur of tailgating and game watching. The family on the cover of our November edition of Welcome Home represents the feeling this time of year brings. The last few months of the year are always focused on family and tradition. Whether casting our vote, honoring our veterans, watching the game with Dad or cooking a turkey dinner for friends and family. Each one of us spend our time planning to uphold long held traditions in our families. Thanksgiving is an American tradition. In 1621, Pilgrims and Native Americans gathered to celebrate their good harvest. Thanksgiving wasn’t an actual holiday and was only celebrated sporadically until Abraham Lincoln set the date to be celebrated on the last Friday in November. A few years later, President Roosevelt decided that Thanksgiving would be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. So all we really know about that day in 1621 is that a feast was held in celebration of a full harvest. The day was somewhere between September 21 and November 9th. Only two accounts of the first Thanksgiving exist neither of which give a date time or list of
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instructions on the celebration of this feast day. Believe it or not, the pilgrims never repeated the celebration after 1621. Now you have the facts of Thanksgiving you could guess that pilgrims didn’t quite experience the Thanksgiving feasts that Americans gather for now. But we know for sure that we love pumpkin pie, stuffing, gravy and turkey. As you gather this year remember to give thanks to the Native Americans who kindly donated seeds to the Settlers from England, give thanks to the American soldiers that protect the rights those settlers sailed across the ocean to achieve. From all of us at Welcome Home Happy Thanksgiving!
Networking Into A New Year
F The Welcome Home Community Newspaper has had the privilege of serving the community for 11 years as one of the few local papers that shines a spotlight on the good things in life – the accomplishments of our amazing youth, inspirational stories and the residents and local businesses that comprise the heart of our area. With �ive different papers covering northern San Antonio, Welcome Home is directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution.
How To Submit Articles • We work a month in advance so submit by the given deadline (ex: if you submit in January it will be for the February edition) • Like us on Facebook or let us know if you would like to be put on our email list that will notify you of each deadline
What To Submit
• Email articles to: articles@welcomehomesa.com
• News tips or story ideas that one of our writers can turn into a story
• Or submit articles to our website at: www.welcomehomesa.com/submit-a-story
• Announcements (births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and grand openings) • Community, School, and Sports News • Upcoming events *Always submit photos with your submissions!
Welcome Home Community Newspaper is pleased to offer this free service to the community. Upon submission of a story idea or photo, you give Welcome Home the right to use that submission without compensation. By submitting to Welcome Home, you guarantee that your material is sent with the express consent of the owner, and that its contents are non-proprietary and non-confidential. We cannot guarantee all submissions will be published. Welcome Home is under no obligation to use any idea, photo or article submitted. We reserve the right to edit or alter submissions for conciseness and grammar as needed and may need to prioritize certain events for any reason before publication.
or those of you who are involved with the Stone Oak Business Association (SOBA) you probably know that October was a very busy month! SOBA, Stone Oak and North San Antonio’s longestablished networking organization, welcomed five new businesses to the business community! A huge welcome to SOBA’s newest members: Brides by Elizabeth, Cyclebar, Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, Nationwide Insurance-Ruben Saucedo and Baptist Orthopedic Hospital at North Central Baptist Hospital. In between ribbon cuttings, SOBA also hosted the 2016 Fall Expo at Johnson High School, an annual event organized to unite the business community with local residents while raising money for high school students. This year, the Expo raised $1,000 for Johnson High School’s Student Council. SOBA presented the Student Council with a check on October 25. Expo is just one of the ways in which SOBA gives back to the very community that has supported the organization for 16 years. With 2017 just around the corner, SOBA is excited to continue to incorporate new, fresh ways to keep the association growing so it can accomplish its ultimate goal: “helping businesses grow businesses.” Stone Oak and the surrounding areas are booming and SOBA is excited to be a part of that growth, fully prepared to facilitate even more business-to-business networking opportunities in the new year. SOBA’s last networking mixer of 2016 will be held at Smoke The Restaurant, located on Sonterra, on November 15. Moving into 2017, SOBA will hit the ground running in January with even more Ribbon
Cutting celebrations and the annual Speed Networking event! If you’d like to follow SOBA and see what events are planned for the near future, search Stone Oak Business Association on Facebook and check out www.stoneoakbusiness.com for a calendar of events and information on how to join. SOBA would like to take this opportunity to thank its valued Board of Advisors. Without the following group of business owners, much of what SOBA has accomplished within the business community would not be possible. Sincere thanks and gratitude to each and every of one of the businesses listed below: Brent McCrary, Mcrary Stone Financial Services Steve Johnson, College Nannies, Tutors and Sitters Molly Sowry, Virtuoso Builders Scott Smith, Alamo City Chocolate Factory Mike Haddock, Firstmark Credit Union Madhu Chadha, WSI Kathy Masterson, BConnected J.J Rodriguez, J.J Rodriguez Professional Real Estate Wilbur Boden, Hampton Inn by Hilton SOBA members, guests and interested parties, don’t forget to join in on the networking experience at SOBA’s final 2016 networking event at Smoke on November 15.
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
FREE Shuttles To Winter Celebration T
he holiday season is nearing, and Winter Celebration is right around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper, North Central Baptist Hospital and the nonprofit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the annual holiday event, Winter Celebration, on Saturday December 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In anticipation of the large number of families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer a FREE shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at North Central Baptist Hospital. This year, The Independence Hill Retirement Community, Franklin Park Retirement Resorts, Coronado at Stone Oak, and The Haven and The Laurel have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. Shuttle service pick-up this year will be located at Ronald Reagan High School (19000 Ronald Reagan Drive). Shuttles will begin transporting the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrance. All cars must be clear of the parking lots by 4 p.m. Winter Celebration featuring AirLIFE Santa is a wonderful family event for all ages. The celebration begins with an opening parade showcasing performances from school choirs and area high school marching bands. The event itself includes photos with Santa, raffles for prizes, vendors as well as other activities to create endless fun for families and volunteers. Santa’s arrival by helicopter always brings excitement from the crowd, and of course, the celebration would not be complete without 60,000 lbs. of snow for snowball fights and snow angels! Over the past thirteen years, Winter Celebration has become the largest Christmas toy drive in Stone Oak, San Antonio. Welcome Home would like to thank all shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, call (210) 348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!
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Just In Time For The Holidays, Overnight Shipping Anywhere In The Country! 210.377.0951 • San Antonio, Texas • 9801 McCullough 361.730.1514 • Corpus Christi, TX • 4002 East Causeway Blvd November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
The Endless Benefits of Volunteerism
By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 f you’re reaching retirement age or with young elementary students. thinking about retiring, you may wonder “We have seen the positive results of – how will I fill my days? Volunteering is setting up programs where our residents can a great way to spend some of that free time. interact with children,” Martha Anderson, Retirees often say that volunteering for a Communications Director at Independence meaningful cause that has a positive impact Hill further explained. “Both the residents on others gives their own life a greater and the children enjoy the relationships that purpose. In addition, there are also positive, form.” tangible side effects to volunteerism. There are many people throughout People who volunteer regularly have a Independence Hill’s campus that truly enjoy much lower risk of depression. Volunteerism and have passion for volunteerism and boosts self-esteem and provides a means giving back to their community. Volunteer to meet new people and apply the skills activities that residents participate in include you’ve learned over your lifetime. It also assisting travelers at the airport as airport slows cognitive decline by keeping your greeters, participating in sewing groups that brain active, alert and always thinking. One make baby blankets and caps for premature example of a volunteer opportunity that can babies, and volunteering at the assisted living produce wonderful benefits is the act of community next door. Retired residents mentoring elementary students in math or from the medical field have even used their reading. dentistry skills to provide dental care to the Volunteering can be a part of your homeless at Haven for Hope. Independence exercise program as well. Participating in Hill residents give back in many ways and it a walk-a-thon, working a golf tournament shows through their health and well-being. or helping out at a soup kitchen all require At Independence Hill, our emphasis is on movement, resulting in improved balance, providing endless opportunities to residents agility and flexibility. This extra movement who want to continue to be active and and social interaction have been attributed independent. Volunteerism is just one of the to lower blood pressure. ways. See what possibilities being a part of “It makes you feel good in every way,” our neighborly community of volunteers is declared one Independence Hill Retirement all about. Contact Sherrill or Laura at 210Community resident who volunteers to read 209-8956, join us for lunch, a tour and share
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your interests with us. Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located in Stone Oak at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit www.independencehill. com
Independence Hill residents are active volunteers throughout the community, including resident George Workman, a greeter at the San Antonio airport.
Too Much Testosterone By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 he had heard the television ads recommending hormone replacement by pellets, so she made an appointment at a clinic that specializes in this type of therapy. Testosterone and estradiol can be pressed into tiny, rice sized pellets which are implanted under the skin. The major benefit of this type of hormone replacement include the fact that you no longer have to take a pill, smear on a cream, or place a patch on yourself daily. Just a 15 minute, quick, mostly painless procedure, and the little pellet is placed under the skin where it slowly melts releasing hormones into the body for three to four months before a renewal is needed. Without bloodwork, she was told yes! She could have her libido and energy restored virtually overnight by using this pellet! The major problem with pellet placement is that it cannot be removed, once placed into the body. Other downsides could include infection and even extrusion could occur if the pellet pops out after a few days to a week. In her free consultation with me, she told me that she did indeed get the testosterone pellet at that particular clinic. She was also given a written prescription for progesterone, but no estradiol, since she was still having periods, although not regularly. Within a few days, a feeling of rage and extreme unhappiness descended upon her. She felt terrible and returned to the clinic. She was told that the pellet could not be removed
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Independence Hill residents and members of the sewing group and Blue Bird Auxiliary show off some of their creations.
and to calm down. She then developed acne, which had since resolved. My advice to her during the consultant was to begin slowly and that we could determine the correct hormone replacement therapy guided by her blood work. I also told her that it’s usually better to start taking the hormones cream form, especially powerful testosterone. Women do need testosterone for libido and zest for life, but a large increase in levels can be disturbing to the mood. Instead, a testosterone cream massaged into the delicate vaginal tissues can be rapidly absorbed and last for about 24 hours. Apply the testosterone cream in this manner for approximately a month and then get blood work done again. Pellets supply your body with hormones very well, but first, blood levels must be obtained to guide this therapy. I place women on pellet therapy, but only after their blood levels stabilize with more immediate acting forms of hormones, such as tablets, creams, or patches. Blood work must guide therapy in hormone prescriptions for women and men. Without blood work, it’s just experimentation and guess work. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call 210-545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Service Your Cooling System Today! By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
ooler weather is right around the corner, and although your first instinct may be to burrow somewhere deep within the blankets, you should also take a moment to consider the maintenance of your vehicle. Believe it or not, your vehicle’s cooling system is of the upmost importance as the dreary winter months roll in. The cooling system protects your vehicle’s engine as well as other components. Proper cooling system maintenance will help avoid any damage to your car’s engine block during extremely cold weather. Proper cooling system maintenance will also help the engine maintain a proper temperature,
regardless of the temperature outside. By having your system serviced, you can help ensure that components located within your vehicle don’t deteriorate and eventually break down. Belden’s Automotive & Tires performs a multi-point inspection on your vehicle, each and every time you bring your vehicle in for service. Checking the fluid levels is of utmost importance to keep you rolling. To ensure proper operation, it’s important to have your radiator and coolant maintained – these items are what runs your heater and keeps your vehicle at a proper temperature during cold months. We want to ensure your vehicles coolant is filled properly. If it’s not,
Step Into Decorating
By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 t’s that wonderful time of the year when décor. A favorite theme beginning with the we decorate to share and create the front door and into the tree and mantle. Holidays! The new Christmas decorating has a lot of Start with a theme on your Christmas BLING… We are also finding that the new
it could cause your engine to freeze during the worst of dipping temperatures. Belden’s recommends a Coolant System Service every 30,000 miles. If you haven’t had one performed recently, we recommend you have it performed before the cold weather hits. Over time, dirt and contaminants build up in your vehicle’s cooling system. Belden’s Coolant System Service basically empties all the old contaminated fluid from your cooling system. The contaminated fluid should always be removed in full as it can form what is called electrolysis and begin to deteriorate other components such as the heater core and water pump. Once the old fluid is removed, a cleaner follows, making sure all the contamination is flushed out before new fluid is fed into the system. Lastly, Belden’s hand pours a treatment to keep the contaminants at bay, ensuring that your service lasts another 30,000 miles until another service is necessary. Don’t forget to make time for your vehicle during these cooler months. Proper maintenance can help ensure that you and
your vehicle don’t get caught out in the cold. You can always call our friendly, knowledgeable Service Advisors with any questions or visit us at beldensautomotive. com. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has six locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830931-9700; Bulverde Rd: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive.com.
Blue tones/ Agua/ etc. are very popular for ornaments. Adding to the new colorsways are the hot pink Fuschia Colors. It is a great idea to have a few trees in the home. Begin with a family tree and then have the children decorate their own tree in their play are and in their rooms. The lights of the Christmas Holiday time are so appealing to all. The theme in your décor can also be used with pillows in the living area, as well as placemats in the dining area. We do Christmas Magical Makeovers.
Call us so that we can assist you. Using your own décor and adding a few new items is a great idea as well. Your Home is Your Castle. For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at mjkg1@aol.com or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jessicacjenkins@gmail.com or 210-464-1519 or Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jennjenkins720@ aol.com or 210-325-3772. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com.
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
SAFE! Holiday Treats For The Four Legged Family Members
ovember is a special time of year when we remind ourselves of what we’re thankful for. I’m thankful for so many things in my life, but my dogs top the list. For many of us, our pets are an extension of our family, giving unconditional love and asking for little in return. So this holiday, why not thank them by treating them to something extra special? With a little caution and creativity, your dog can enjoy much of the same delights you do. One of the biggest mistakes people make during the holidays, is giving their pets foods they aren’t used to eating - smothered in rich gravies, sugars, salt, etc... You may think you’re making them the happiest creature
on earth, but such a heavy diet, even for just one night, can wreak havoc on their bodies, especially if they’re not use to human foods. Below are a few alternatives to help keep everyone happy and healthy and maybe keep you from a visit to the emergency vet hospital. Don’t feed turkey skin. Ooohh I know…it’s the best part! But not only is it high in fat and hard to digest, it also holds marinades, oils, and spices used in baking, which can cause an upset stomach. Set aside some of the good stuff before adding all of the salts, butter, wine, etc. A scoop of plain sweet potatoes, a cup of cooked carrots, even some stuffing without gravy is a delight for your dog. Juices and gravies of course are loaded with spices so don’t pour it all over your pet’s kibble, just drizzle! Desserts: The compound Theobromine in chocolate is toxic to your pet and can
Quality Is Not Expensive. It’s Priceless.
By Mike & Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750 he word “quality” gets thrown around A quality project should consist of four a lot in the construction business. You major elements below: will see this in advertising or read • Communication. Jobs run smoothest about a company that will tell you they do good work. What we think is true more often when all communications are open. than not is that clients know quality when Progress meetings and status emails should they have had a great experience before, be scheduled throughout the project. This is during, and after the project is done. When the best time to review the timeline and any this happens, good memories are created. other items of interest or concern. Good memories translate into referrals. You can’t put a price tag on that.
even cause death. Caffeine can also pose a danger to your pet’s heart. Unsweetened baker’s chocolate is the worst and contains 8 times the amount of Theobromine as milk chocolate. So keep them far from Chocolate. If your dog isn’t use to table scraps, don’t offer up a big plate full all at once. This can stress their system. Add a little at a time and freeze the rest for treats later. Your pet is going to be pretty happy with any morsels you give them so choose wisely. Stay away from salts and spices, those are for our taste buds, not theirs. If they enjoy drinking out of a toilet, they can surely enjoy turkey without gravy!
K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde, TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit k9countryclub.net.
• Cleanliness. A client’s home is not a dumping ground. A quality project is one that provides a dumpster or trash disposal on a regular basis. A suitable location should be established for the dumpster. And the job site should be left “broom clean” every day.
hired a contractor who doesn’t understand a calendar. A quality experience is delivered when the contractor knows to build in delay days from many sources such as weather or materials on backorder, and conveys this to the homeowner before the project starts.
• Skilled Trades. These craftsmen are an important part of your job. Skill is the key word here. Skill takes years of experience and education for each trade. Skill comes at a cost that is worth every penny for your biggest investment, your home.
Remodeling is more than delivering a pretty product. Your project, of course, does have a cost attached to it, but can you put a number to an overall happy experience and peace of mind knowing that you had a professional team do the work? Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. For more tips on home improvement, subscribe to our newsletter at www.virtuosobuilders.com
• On-Time Completion. Ever seen the movie, “The Money Pit,” where the contractor says to Tom Hanks the job will be done in two weeks? A client will either be delighted that the project is being completed on time, or upset because they
Is Social Media Distracting Your Child from His Studies? By Steve Johnson, Owner College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors or most students, social media is a large part of everyday life, and it can be a great tool when used in moderation. However, social media can oftentimes be a distraction for students, both in school and at home. Continue reading to see how you can encourage your child to spend less time on social media and ultimately help them succeed in school. Set rules about phone use at school - Cell phone use is already banned in many San Antonio area schools. However, creative rule breakers may try to use their phones during class anyway. Instead of texting during class, teach your child the healthy habit of leaving their cell phone at home or in their locker if they cannot resist the temptation. Paying attention in class and developing relationships with the students who surround them will serve their life skills better than gluing their eyes to social media. Unplug for homework time - Sit down
with your student and determine how much time per day should be spent unplugged from technology in order to focus on homework and other activities. Whether it’s one hour or the entire night, spending time without the distraction of technology will help students thrive. Tip: Allow this decision to be a joint agreement. Valuing your child’s input demonstrates your trust in them and ensures the best chance for success. As a bonus, when you take away electronics during homework, it’s a well-received reward when they get the technology back after completing their studies. Give them suggestions for other activities - If your child is constantly on their phone, tablet, or computer, encourage them to do other enticing activities instead. Spending too much time isolated indoors can negatively affect your child’s developing social skills. Encourage them to explore the world and socialize face-to-face with their friends and family. Social media is not something you need to be afraid of. There are many positive
aspects to this social platform. However, developmental psychologists recommend that technology be limited, as it should not replace social interactions with the people in your child’s life. If your student is having trouble focusing and achieving success in school,
feel free to contact the staff at College Tutors in San Antonio at 210-202-0303 or nwsanantonio@collegetutors.com. We will be happy to answer your questions and recommend a personalized approach for your child.
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
LLS Launches Student of the Year Campaign Submitted By Pat Hilburn he Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Students of the Year is an exciting leadership development and philanthropy program in which high school students participate in a fundraising competition to benefit LLS. Every dollar raised counts as one vote. The candidates/ teams who raise the most money at the end of the 6-week competition earn the title Student(s) of the Year. For motivated high school students, this program ensures they stand out among their peers when engaging with colleges and/or future employers. Through guidance and mentoring from experienced professionals at LLS they will make a real impact in the fight against blood cancers.
• The funds raised through Students of the Year are used in many ways: • To fund research and advances for cures • Offer free blood cancer information, education and support • Advocate for blood cancer survivors and their families, helping patients navigate their cancer treatments and ensuring they have access to quality, affordable and coordinated care Students of the Year candidates are high school students who are interested in and enthusiastic about volunteerism, philanthropy, community outreach, and leadership. Leukemia is the number one cancer killer of children under the age of 20. This is a powerful opportunity to help other youth
2016 Student of the Year Campaign Gala
battling blood cancers and raise awareness for the mission. There are other benefits as well: • Visibility and recognition in the local community and media • Demonstrates candidates’ excellence in leadership and community engagement for college applications and professional resumes
• Scholarship opportunities • Development of skills such as networking, communication, entrepreneurship, event management, goal setting and presentation To nominate a candidate, join a team, or to learn more, visit: www.studentseries.org/ highschools/students-of- the-year or contact
Sabrina Scott at Sabrina.scott@lls.org or at 210.998.5138 The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding research, finding cures and ensuring access to treatments for blood cancer patients.
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
A Fish Thanksgiving, From The Net To Your Door By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 know what you’re thinking…“What does fish have to do with Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is all about the turkey!” Well, maybe to some, but believe it or not Thanksgiving is one of our busiest times of the year here at Groomers. Why is that, you ask? Just look at the first Thanksgiving, or perhaps I should say, the “Fish” Thanksgiving! At the first Thanksgiving, turkey was actually not the main attraction. Located in the coastal area of Plymouth, seafood was in fact one of the main stars of the Thanksgiving show. Lobster, mussels, clams, oysters, and eels made up the bulk of the menu. Fresh cod
and bass were also served up by the dozen. In fact, it was said that Chief Massasoit, leader of the Wampanoag when the Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth in 1620, went to and from the ocean carrying as many eels as he could handle. Today the tradition of seafood still holds true in many households. In the Northeast, lobster is commonly found side by side with the turkey. On the West Coast it’s not unheard of to see a nice slab of salmon in the center of the table. And here in the Gulf region, especially in Louisiana, seafoodheavy jambalaya and oyster stuffing are Thanksgiving dinner staples. And the great news is, you can now have these traditions delivered right to your door! That’s right! Groomer’s Seafood has just launched an entire new division for online next-day delivery orders. No more traffic, no more long holiday lines! You can now order
What’s the Best Wood for Smoking Meat?
By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 ooler temperatures mean something special to me: smoky barbeque! Specifically, I’m talking about the low and slow, 10-12 hour brisket type of barbeque. This begs the question, “what wood should I use?” This is a dreaded query
for us at Jeff’s Backyard. It’s like asking, “who is your favorite child?” The short answer is, “use whatever you like.” Seriously. Last year, I attended the San Antonio Live Stock Show & Rodeo’s 20th Annual BBQ Cook Off, and even among the 220 some competitors – and I’m talking serious pit masters here – there is no universal agreement. Each competitor as his
WOOD FOR SMOKING Just In Time For The Holidays!
Family Owned & Operated Since 1995
From Our Yard To Yours,
Jeff’s Backyard!
straight from the “net” and have it delivered right to your door! So if you’re looking to pass on the turkey food coma and opt instead for some healthy, delicious ocean bounty, now is the time! What do I recommend? Well, if I had to recommend just one seafood item to try, I’d have to suggest gulf oysters for oyster stuffing. You just haven’t lived until you’ve had an oyster stuffing filled with fresh shucked gulf oysters. There’s a reason this dish goes back all the way to the 1600s. How do you order? The process is simple, just go to www.groomerseafood.com and click on “ship seafood”. Here you will find all the collections (shellfish, fish fillets, whole fish, etc.) and you can choose the amount of each item you’d like. Then, just check out and we will do the rest! Your order will be packed in a sturdy, insulated box and kept nice and cold. If you’re not going to be home during the day or her personal preference. However, us commoners tend to use what is readily available in our geographic area. In East Texas, it’s hickory. In the Austin to Dallas corridor, post oak reigns supreme. In San Antonio and the Hill Country, live oak is predominant, and in West Texas the ubiquitous mesquite is king. Pecan runs throughout much of the state, except out west. Each type of wood brings its own nuance and flavor, and ultimately you’ll probably want to try them all before discovering your own personal favorite. Here is a rundown of the most popular woods for smoking in Texas. Note: the true “smokiness” in the process occurs in the first one-third of the cook time when the meat is still raw (approximately the first three to four hours in smoking a brisket): OAK - A dense wood that burns clean and hot and remains consistent, yet does not imbue an overpowering taste. A favorite among smoking woods. HICKORY - Burns clean and hot like oak, yet has a stronger smoky flavor. BLACKJACK OAK - Burns clean and hot as well. Yields a very pleasant yet strong flavor. PECAN - Part of the hickory family, yet burns cooler than hickory. Produces a sweet aroma, but can be overpowering if used too
of delivery, have no worries! Your product will sit just fine until the end of the day, right outside your door. All orders must be in by 2:00 p.m. central time in order to qualify for next-day delivery. You can also choose to send product to loved ones, remember to think of your out of town friends and family this Holiday season! In closing, I would like to send our most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our followers. You folks make it an absolute joy to come into the “fish house” every morning and there is no way we could do this without you all. I think you’ll enjoy changing things up just a bit with seafood this year, especially now that our delivery service has made it easier than ever. So from our family to yours, have a happy Thanksgiving!
long. MESQUITE - The densest wood around, mesquite burns the hottest. Yields a very strong flavor. Can also be overpowering if used too long. Lastly, there are woods that should NOT be used anywhere near a BBQ pit: cedar, elm, spruce, pine, cypress, among others. If the pit-master police find you trying to cook with any of these, they’ll take away your brisket privileges! For all your grilling needs, call us at 210342- 4760 or email us at jeffsbackyard@ att.net. Better yet, come visit us at 435 West Nakoma, San Antonio, TX 78216. Happy Grilling from Jeff’s Backyard!
A Living Rosary at Rolling Hills Submitted by Jane Lea t Rolling Hills Catholic School and Antonian Middle School, students learn the importance of many beautiful Catholic traditions. On October 20, the school community including students, families and staff celebrated the month of the Holy Rosary with a beautiful Living Rosary. This is one of the schools’ most cherished and anticipated annual events. Rosaries consist of a set of large and small beads, a crucifix, and a medal and are used by Catholics to keep count of a series of meditative prayers from the Bible about the life of Jesus Christ and Mary, the Mother of Jesus. The Living Rosary for this special event was made of helium balloons. After praying together as a group, Rolling Hills and Antonian students watched as the Rosary balloons floated up and away to the heavens.
435 W Nakoma, #104 • San Antonio, TX 78216 www. JeffsBackyardStore .com 12
Rolling Hills and Antonian students released a Living Rosary made out of helium balloons to celebrate the month of the Holy Rosary on October 20.
Rolling Hills and Antonian Schools celebrate many meaningful and engaging events during the year and are both located two miles north of Loop 1604, off Blanco Road. All are welcome at any time for a campus tour!
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
TMI To Welcome Bats To New Campus Home Submitted By Paula Allen f all goes well, someday TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas will have more bats than students. The school put up two new bat houses September 26 with hopes that this addition to the campus will lead to natural pest control and other benefits. “We are expected to get some migratory bats soon, in October, if they decide to stay in our bat houses,” said Sherry Lim, the school’s director of outdoor education. “We could have a potential of 600 bats.” Here’s why the school – which currently has 474 students – would want to share its wooded, 83-acre campus with all those bats. The nocturnal mammals can: consume up to two-thirds of their body weight in insects every night; produce droppings (guano) that can be used as soil moisturizer and fertilizer; and give students the experience of natural solutions to environmental challenges. Funded by a grant from the school’s Family Association, the TMI bat houses were installed in the school garden and near a creek that could be the hoped-for colony’s source of water. Hand-built by Lone Star Woodcraft, their design is certified as bat-friendly by the Austin-based Bat Conservation International. The new residents should cut down on mosquitoes in the student-tended school garden. The resulting guano is “gold to the garden,” said Lim, who also teaches seventh-grade Life Science. The bats also may indirectly keep the young gardeners more comfortable. “We are practicing organic gardening practices with the plants we have out
TMI Announces Homecoming Court
TMI Homecoming class representatives are presented at halftime October 15.
Submitted By Paula Allen eremy Clark and Ana Paula Velasco, seniors at TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas, were crowned Homecoming King and Queen on October 15 during halftime at the school’s Homecoming football game against St. Joseph High School of Victoria. Both are members of the Texas Military Institute Corps of Cadets; Velasco is battalion commander, and Clark is a company executive officer. Other Homecoming Court representatives announced were: seniors Emory Gordon, Noah McLaughlin, Austin Miller and Christin Solitaire; juniors Alec Bassett and Mariana Rodriguez; sophomores Anne Notzon and Cody Trevino; freshmen Bailey Dietzmann and Malikai Wickley; eighth graders Mikaela Mumme and Estefan Zorilla; seventh graders Connor Lafreeda
J New TMI bat house may attract bats to provide students with lessons in natural environmental management.
there now,” he continued. “We are trying to keep the garden green and did not want to put chemicals out there to get rid of the mosquitoes.” Now that TMI has built a habitat, will bats come? “In October, San Antonio has quite a few species of bats that migrate,” said Lim. “Chances of us getting migratory bats very soon are quite a possibility. They will have a home in the garden.”
TMI seniors Jeremy Clark and Ana Paula Velasco are crowned Homecoming King and Queen on October 15 during halftime at the school’s Homecoming game.
and Natalie Lashway; and sixth graders Mark Ervin and Maria Kyle. TMI’s Homecoming King and Queen are chosen by a vote of the student body. Class representatives are elected by their classmates.
Submit, Share & Spread The Good News! By Alissa Reinhard ello, readers! Welcome Home Community Newspaper is ready to share your community and school news! Are you involved with a student group or extracurricular activity that’s making a difference in your school community? Do you have an outstanding student or teacher whose story you’d like to share? Welcome Home is the perfect place to spread your good news. There’s no better way to capture a special moment, promote an upcoming event, or
share the play-by-play of a big game than the pages of your local, community newspaper. Non-profit and volunteer organizations are also welcome to share information about their hard work in the community and how others can get involved. The national news cycle isn’t always filled with stories of goodwill or inspiration, but Welcome Home always is. There’s room for your news within these pages! Scout troops, marching bands, choirs, theatre groups, debate and speech, JROTC, scholarship recipients and academic achievers – let your voice be heard!
Have an idea for a story in your school or community, but not sure where to start? Contact the Welcome Home staff and watch your story come to life! For more information about the publication, visit www.welcomehomesa.com. To submit an article and photos, email articles@ welcomehomesa.com or click on “Submit A Story” on the website. Deadline for the December publication is November 4. Submit today and see your good news, in print, and distributed to thousands, tomorrow!
College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Sitters +Tutors t is our pleasure to once again announce the College Tutors Educator of the Month for November. The purpose of the award is to highlight and recognize a local high school educator that acts as a role model to our students. The award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do, Results Matter and Leave It Better. For this month it is our honor to present
Kevin Rhoden of Brandeis High School as this month’s honoree. He has been at Brandeis for several years and works tirelessly as a Math teacher and Cheerleading Coach. He teaches both Pre-AP Geometry and Algebra 1 and is successful in both content areas. Kevin demonstrates a Can Do attitude in his coaching capacity. He works virtually yearround and over the holidays to prepare his teams for competitions. He coordinates all Brandeis Pep Rallies as well as serves as the Voice of Brandeis during halftime at Brandeis Football games. Kevin understands the importance of the
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
role he plays in contributing to the positive campus climate that exists at Brandeis. He works with administration to have his students serve as tour guides at our freshmen transition night, Bronco Beginnings. The owners of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. We firmly believe that the quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information
on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors at 210-202-0303 or nwsanantonio@ collegenannies.com. Kevin Rhoden
Concordia Lutheran Supports Operation Christmas Child Submitted By Deb Rich ctober may seem a bit early to begin thinking about the Christmas holidays, but at Concordia Lutheran School students were already hard at work on a global Christmas effort. Partnering in ministry with Concordia Lutheran Church, students, teachers, parents, and staff dedicated time and energy during the fall season to serving children half a world away through Operation Christmas Child, an outreach effort sponsored by Concordia’s Student Council and organized worldwide by Samaritan’s Purse. This year marks the sixth year that students in kindergarten through eighth grade supported this ministry. Concordia students began the service project by collecting and sorting items that children around the world will receive this Christmas. Because the children who receive boxes often need basic hygiene items in addition to clothing and toys, Concordia students collected a wide variety of necessities. Donations included socks, washcloths, underwear, oral hygiene items,
This year’s goal was to donate 200 boxes to Operation Christmas Child to spread holiday cheer across the globe to children in need this Christmas season.
school supplies, toys, small stuffed animals, small Bibles, and hard candy. The school also received some cash donations to help with shipping costs. No liquids could be shipped, and items that could melt were also avoided. Additionally, materials had to fit into a shoe box. Around the last week of October, the Concordia community came together and spent an afternoon packing the boxes and preparing them for shipping. Because boys and girls in need can be any age, boxes were
Christmas boxes were filled with donations and toys and marked by gender.
assembled and labeled with certain age ranges and genders. Each box was checked to ensure that it contained at least one of each type of item, and then students crafted handwritten notes to place into the boxes. Last year, Concordia students sent 180 boxes, and this year’s goal was 200. “We get to give a child the excitement of opening a gift!” said one excited middle
Concordia Lutheran School students and staffed worked together to give back through Operation Christmas Child.
school student. Concordia Lutheran Church and School partnered together in this effort to show children living in poverty, famine or areas of conflict the love of Jesus Christ one box at a time.
Taking Science Lab to the Great Outdoors Submitted by Mary Delaney here is a whole other unique aspect to learning that can only be unearthed when students are given the opportunity to immerse themselves in subject matter and really get their hands dirty! This is exactly what happened when Holy Spirit Catholic School’s eighth grade class took a field trip to Texas Tech University’s satellite campus in Junction, TX. Mrs. Rita Martinez, Eighth Grade Honors Science Teacher, cultivated the idea for a field trip so that her students could really apply what they had been learning in the classroom. Mrs. Martinez, who just began her sixth year teaching at Holy Spirit, suggested the trip after her experience of taking a group from her previous school, Rolling Hills Academy. Mr. Mark Willis, another science teacher at Holy Spirit, was also present for the excursion. The group was fortunate to be blessed with amazing weather on the day of their big adventure! The eighth grade students were engaged throughout the day during two outdoor excursions. The students first
Holy Spirit Catholic School students traveled to the Junction, TX satellite campus of Texas Tech University for a unique, hands-on science learning experience.
participated in an Aquatic Biology session which entailed stepping foot into the S. Llano River to gather samples of macroinvertebrates. Students were then able to examine and identify their “catch” of specimens using a dissecting microscope. The second activity of the day was entitled “Quail CSI.” Students became actual investigators for TTU as they tried to determine what had been predating quail in
Students gather samples of macro-invertebrates in the Students also investigated natural predators of quail in the area. S. Llano River.
the area. The students investigated several fielded areas of quail nests. “Our eighth graders were engaged in learning throughout the day,” said Mrs. Martinez. “This field trip was a success.” In addition to Mr. Willis and Mrs. Martinez, eighth grade advisors Mrs. Ardie Herring and Mrs. Teri Clay served as chaperones as well as Principal Margaret Webb, and current Holy Spirit parent Mr. Lamberto Balli. The day was long and
entailed plenty of hard work but was worth every minute, according to teachers. TTU staff were also thrilled to host their young guests. “The students were awesome and teachers, administrators and parents were fabulous,” said Koy Coffer, Administrator and Coordinator at TTU Outdoor School. “I wish we could clone your group to teach others.”
Anna Flores Awarded CASA Peer Coordinator of the Year Submitted by Leticia Hernandez ot only has Anna Flores always been an invaluable community member with a huge heart, but for the past four years, she has also admirably served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for children in Bexar County. Anna is a trained volunteer with Child Advocates of San Antonio (CASA). CASA recruits, trains and supervises court-appointed volunteer advocates who give abused and neglected children in the family court system a voice. Anna dedicates her time and energy to ensure these children are placed in safe, permanent homes as quickly as possible. Let’s take a look at a young boy named Andy and his journey to learn how his CASA Volunteer, Anna, made a difference in his life. When Andy was just four years
old, his life was disrupted and he was too young to understand why. Both his parents were extremely young, unable to speak English and had no family in the states. Intimidated by the language barrier and the involvement of Child Protective Services, they were unable to explain how certain injuries came upon Andy and his brother. When it came time for Andy’s case to be heard in court, the judge ordered the children be removed for their safety. He requested the parents complete services to achieve reunification with their children. Most importantly he asked for a Spanish speaking CASA Volunteer to report back to the court regarding what was in the children’s best interest. Before Andy knew it, he found himself in a foster home where no one spoke Spanish. Unable to ask where his parents
were, he found himself afraid and unsure of what was happening. Anna, his Spanish speaking CASA volunteer, was the only person communicating with him in Spanish. As time progressed, Andy began to struggle to differ between the two languages and it became very apparent that maintaining his language and culture needed to become a priority. Anna attended court hearings and acted as Andy’s voice in court. She informed the judge about a delay in Andy’s speech and advocated for services in Spanish. When it came time for Andy and his brother to return to their parents, Anna knew it would take time for the family to heal from this experience. Anna was able to advocate that family therapy also be conducted in Spanish. Anna played a pivotal role for during a difficult time in Andy and his family’s lives,
and without her, Andy would have become one of the many children lost in the system. As Anna states “CASA Volunteers have the power to be the bridge between cultures.” Andy’s story is just one of the many that lingers, proving that the voices of community members are needed for the sake each child’s wellbeing. CASA Volunteers are not required to be experts on the court system; they just have to have a huge heart and willingness to help provide the court with insight on the best interest of these children. For further details about how to become CASA volunteer, contact CASA Recruitment and Training Manager, Leticia Hernandez at (210) 225-7070 or visit www.casa-satx.org.
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