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November 2016 Issue
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SOBA’s November Mixer
The Stone Oak Business Association has teamed up with Smoke to give our members & non-members an evening of merriment before the holiday rush.
Date: Tuesday, Nov 15, 2016 Time: 5:30 pm – 8 pm Place: Smoke The Restaurant 700 E. Sonterra #1117, 78258
Join us for some of Chef Brian West’s cooking, a drink & a few prizes. Don’t Miss This SOBA November Mixer.
Make Sure To RSVP Today!
Stone Oak Business Association
Cost: Members & Non-Members $25, Includes Buffet Style Hor D’oeuvres & One Drink Ticket
E-mail: soba@satx.rr.com
RSVP: 348-8233 or visit www. stoneoakbusiness.com 2
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
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2016 Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa
Save The Date! OVER 60,000 lbs OF SNOW FUN! You are invited to eat, play, enjoy rides and have your FREE photo with Santa taken at the largest and longest running holiday event in San Antonio. Enjoy local school bands and talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun! Admission $5 or donation of a new toy. Date: Time: Place:
Saturday, December 10, 2016 10 am – 3 pm 502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital) $5 or donation of a new toy
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Vendor RSVP:(210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com www.welcomehomesa.com
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
Note From The Publisher November-The Month Of Generosity
ecember 10, 2016! Have you saved the date? Where will you be? If you’re like one of thousands of San Antonio families, you’ll definitely be at the 14th annual Winter Celebration! Located at North Central Baptist Hospital again this year, Winter Celebration will kick-off the holiday season with 60,000 pounds of snow, rides, food and SANTA! Co-Host North Central Baptist Hospital will be there to assist with wellness checks, access to local doctors, and plenty of arts and crafts stations for the little ones. It’s also important to remember the reason for the season. Winter Celebration helps to raise money and toys for children in the care of the Department of Family and Protective Services in Bexar County. Non-profit organization Living Through Giving, Welcome Home Community Newspaper and North Central Baptist Hospital truly believe that every child deserves a holiday season to remember, especially those who are facing difficult circumstances during a time that should be filled with joy. Living Through Giving and Welcome Home Community Newspaper’s annual toy drive begins November 1. Check out livingthroughgivingsa.org to find out where to donate toys this year; many local businesses and schools are on board to help. And of course, bring a toy or donation to Winter Celebration on December 10! So mark your calendar today, gather up the kids and participate in the event-based Scavenger Hunt leading up to the Winter Celebration for a chance to win awesome prizes, visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clause, and help over 8,000 kids in foster care enjoy the holidays. November is such a big month - Election Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving…it makes me wonder who decided it was such a good idea to pack so much into just a few weeks. Even with all the hustle and bustle, it’s still
a month filled with fun! The first long break of the school year is approaching. Kids are coming home from college, family is flying in or your family is flying out, everyone is excited for something that’s just around the corner. In Texas, as the temperatures drop from insanely hot and begin to hover around our idea of “cool,” we tend to emerge from under the shade and out of the air conditioning for some outdoor fun! Biking, hiking, chili cook-offs... you name it, we’re there. This is also the time of year that the importance of generosity and gratitude is emphasized. Not just through the work done by Living Through Giving, but for many important causes across the city of San Antonio. If you’re looking for ways to give back or volunteer, check out our city’s amazing array of non-profit organizations, especially those who support our unsung heroes in the military. These days, when watching the news or scrolling through social media, it’s impossible to overlook the negativity the election process has brought to our doorstep. The media outlets forget that there is still work to be done within virtually every community for so many American families in need. I ask you to let the negativity of the political system roll off your back the best that you can, and instead focus on what you have and who you can help in your own way. Whether it be a donation to an organization that supports local veterans, or the gift of a toy that will help a displaced child feel at home this Christmas, America needs the help of the American people. Let’s make November the month of generosity. Want to know how to help? Visit www.volunteermatch.org to find the perfect way to give back this holiday season! Until December!
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
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On The Cover By Alissa Reinhard wo tenured educators, experts in their fields and highly respected professors, one day decided that they wanted more out of their careers. They wanted to make a direct and tangible difference in the lives of children. They wanted to see a ripple effect throughout the community as a result of their work. They didn’t want to be the best they could be, they wanted to be the MOST they could be, and they wanted to help the youth in our community do the same. Thus, iMOST was born. iMOST Founders Maria Kaylor and Kim Kennedy, are driven by their passion to make an impact by offering affordable educational services for families. They believe in the phrase: Be Local. Think Global. Their goal for iMOST is twofold: to act as social entrepreneurs (a combination of people and resources that significantly improve society’s capacity to address problems) and to engage children in activities that teach social entrepreneurship. The programs at iMOST are designed so that children can learn to be creative, grow, and
understand that while doing their “best,” is great, there’s always an opportunity to be more than they ever thought they could be. To be their MOST. The cornerstones of iMOST are iMatter, iOpen, iShine, and iThank. A wide variety of iMOST programs handcrafted by Maria and Kim and their combined experience as educators have been designed to emphasize each. Maria and Kim found their dream career and are dedicated to helping children grow and learn so that they can be the best and MOST version of themselves. To read more about this awe-inspiring organization and learn how you can get involved, turn to page 9.
Networking Into A New Year
or those of you who are involved with the Stone Oak Business Association (SOBA) you probably know that October was a very busy month! SOBA, Stone Oak and North San Antonio’s longestablished networking organization, welcomed five new businesses to the business community! A huge welcome to SOBA’s newest members: Brides by Elizabeth, Cyclebar, Eterna Cosmetic Surgery, Nationwide Insurance-Ruben Saucedo and Baptist Orthopedic Hospital at North Central Baptist Hospital. To read more about these new SOBA members and find contact information and locations for each, please turn to page 2. In between ribbon cuttings, SOBA also hosted the 2016 Fall Expo at Johnson High School, an annual event organized to unite the business community with local residents while raising money for high school students. This year, the Expo raised $1,000 for Johnson High School’s Student Council. SOBA presented the Student Council with a check on October 25. Expo is just one of the ways in which SOBA gives back to the very community that has supported the organization for 16 years. With 2017 just around the corner, SOBA is excited to continue to incorporate new, fresh ways to keep the association growing so it can accomplish its ultimate goal: “helping businesses grow businesses.” Stone Oak and the surrounding areas are booming and SOBA is excited to be a part of that growth, fully prepared to facilitate even more business-to-business networking opportunities in the new year. SOBA’s last networking mixer of 2016 will be held at Smoke The Restaurant, located on Sonterra, on November 15. Moving into 2017, SOBA will hit the ground running in January with even more Ribbon Cutting celebrations and the annual Speed
Networking event! If you’d like to follow SOBA and see what events are planned for the near future, search Stone Oak Business Association on Facebook and check out www.stoneoakbusiness.com for a calendar of events and information on how to join. SOBA would like to take this opportunity to thank its valued Board of Advisors. Without the following group of business owners, much of what SOBA has accomplished within the business community would not be possible. Sincere thanks and gratitude to each and every of one of the businesses listed below: Brent McCrary, Mcrary Stone Financial Services Steve Johnson, College Nannies, Tutors and Sitters Molly Sowry, Virtuoso Builders Scott Smith, Alamo City Chocolate Factory Mike Haddock, Firstmark Credit Union Madhu Chadha, WSI Kathy Masterson, BConnected J.J Rodriguez, J.J Rodriguez Professional Real Estate Wilbur Boden, Hampton Inn by Hilton SOBA members, guests and interested parties, don’t forget to join in on the networking experience at SOBA’s final 2016 networking event at Smoke on November 15.
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
FREE Shuttles To Winter Celebration T
he holiday season is nearing, and Winter Celebration is right around the corner! Welcome Home Community Newspaper, North Central Baptist Hospital and the nonprofit Living Through Giving are sponsoring the annual holiday event, Winter Celebration, on Saturday December 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In anticipation of the large number of families and children, Welcome Home is proud to once again offer a FREE shuttle service to and from Winter Celebration located at North Central Baptist Hospital. This year, The Independence Hill Retirement Community, Franklin Park Retirement Resorts, Coronado at Stone Oak, and The Haven and The Laurel have all generously donated shuttles and buses for easy and convenient transportation to Winter Celebration. Shuttle service pick-up this year will be located at Ronald Reagan High School (19000 Ronald Reagan Drive). Shuttles will begin transporting the public at 9:30 a.m. and will run continuously until 3:30 p.m. Cars should enter through the Sonterra entrance. All cars must be clear of the parking lots by 4 p.m. Winter Celebration featuring AirLIFE Santa is a wonderful family event for all ages. The celebration begins with an opening parade showcasing performances from school choirs and area high school marching bands. The event itself includes photos with Santa, raffles for prizes, vendors as well as other activities to create endless fun for families and volunteers. Santa’s arrival by helicopter always brings excitement from the crowd, and of course, the celebration would not be complete without 60,000 lbs. of snow for snowball fights and snow angels! Over the past thirteen years, Winter Celebration has become the largest Christmas toy drive in Stone Oak, San Antonio. Welcome Home would like to thank all shuttle service providers for assisting in transportation and ensuring that everyone in the community can attend the celebration. If you have any questions or would like more information regarding Winter Celebration, call (210) 348-8233. Welcome Home looks forward to celebrating the holiday season with the entire community!
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
Too Much Testosterone By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 he had heard the television ads recommending hormone replacement by pellets, so she made an appointment at a clinic that specializes in this type of therapy. Testosterone and estradiol can be pressed into tiny, rice sized pellets which are implanted under the skin. The major benefit of this type of hormone replacement include the fact that you no longer have to take a pill, smear on a cream, or place a patch on yourself daily. Just a 15 minute, quick, mostly painless procedure, and the little pellet is
placed under the skin where it slowly melts releasing hormones into the body for three to four months before a renewal is needed. Without bloodwork, she was told yes! She could have her libido and energy restored virtually overnight by using this pellet! The major problem with pellet placement is that it cannot be removed, once placed into the body. Other downsides could include infection and even extrusion could occur if the pellet pops out after a few days to a week. In her free consultation with me, she told me that she did indeed get the testosterone
A Tradition of Thankfulness at Stone Oak Vision Source
By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020 or the past seven years, I have used this November column to take some time and share a few things that I am thankful for in my practice, so I think it’s safe to say that it has now become a tradition. First and foremost, I am once again thankful this year for each and every family who has trusted their eye care to our team. We have been the owners of Stone Oak Vision Source for over 11 years now and it is remarkable the growth we have experienced and the
relationships we have built in caring for the eyes of Stone Oak. I am also very thankful for my staff. They are an invaluable part of my practice and I appreciate them very much. We are very excited to end the year in our new building with some new doctors added to the practice as well. Drs. Lindsey Denison and Kim Ip are still with us and Lindsey’s husband, Dr. Jed Martin joined us this summer. In October, we welcomed another doctor to the team to help
Service Your Cooling System Today!
By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
ooler weather is right around the corner, and although your first instinct may be to burrow somewhere deep within the blankets, you should also take a moment to consider the maintenance of your vehicle. Believe it or not, your vehicle’s cooling system is of the upmost importance as the dreary winter months roll in. The cooling system protects your vehicle’s engine as well as other components. Proper cooling system maintenance will help avoid any damage to your car’s engine block during extremely cold
weather. Proper cooling system maintenance will also help the engine maintain a proper temperature, regardless of the temperature outside. By having your system serviced, you can help ensure that components located within your vehicle don’t deteriorate and eventually break down. Belden’s Automotive & Tires performs a multi-point inspection on your vehicle, each and every time you bring your vehicle in for service. Checking the fluid levels is of utmost importance to keep you rolling. To ensure proper operation, it’s important to
Step Into Decorating
By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 t’s that wonderful time of the year when décor. A favorite theme beginning with the we decorate to share and create the front door and into the tree and mantle. Holidays! The new Christmas decorating has a lot of Start with a theme on your Christmas BLING… We are also finding that the new
I 8
pellet at that particular clinic. She was also given a written prescription for progesterone, but no estradiol, since she was still having periods, although not regularly. Within a few days, a feeling of rage and extreme unhappiness descended upon her. She felt terrible and returned to the clinic. She was told that the pellet could not be removed and to calm down. She then developed acne, which had since resolved. My advice to her during the consultant was to begin slowly and that we could determine the correct hormone replacement therapy guided by her blood work. I also told her that it’s usually better to start taking the hormones cream form, especially powerful testosterone. Women do need testosterone for libido and zest for life, but a large increase in levels can be disturbing to the mood. Instead, a testosterone cream massaged into the delicate vaginal tissues can be rapidly absorbed and last for about 24 hours. Apply
the testosterone cream in this manner for approximately a month and then get blood work done again. Pellets supply your body with hormones very well, but first, blood levels must be obtained to guide this therapy. I place women on pellet therapy, but only after their blood levels stabilize with more immediate acting forms of hormones, such as tablets, creams, or patches. Blood work must guide therapy in hormone prescriptions for women and men. Without blood work, it’s just experimentation and guess work. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call 210-545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
in our new building - Dr. Victoria Perez. We are blessed to have a great team of staff and doctors. Dr. Victoria Perez is a native of South Texas. She attended Texas A&M University at Kingsville where she graduated Summa Cum Laude with her Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Perez continued her studies at the University of Houston College of Optometry where she earned her Doctor of Optometry degree. Dr. Perez conducted her clinical rotations at Hastings Hospital in Tahlequah, Oklahoma as part of the Cherokee Nation Rural Eye program. Her clinical training entailed comprehensive medical and emergency eye care including anterior segment ocular laser therapy. To show our appreciation to our patients, we are hosting our Annual Holiday Open House, Friday, December 2. We will offer
refreshments, raffle drawings, and great specials for all to enjoy. We also have some new frame lines that we are highlighting and it will be a great opportunity to use your yearend benefits! Those HSA dollars can be used on eyewear and this would be a great time to use them. Also, it’s always a good idea to think about a cool pair of sunglasses for Christmas for that hard to shop for person! Stop by and meet and greet the team at our open house. If you have any eye questions at all or are looking for a family eye doctor, please visit Stone Oak Vision Source online at www.visionsource-stoneoak.com, give us a call 210-495-9020, or just stop by for more information. We are now located at our new building at 810 Knights Cross, Ste. 101, at the NE corner of Knights Cross and Stone Oak Parkway (behind the Excellence ER building).
have your radiator and coolant maintained – these items are what runs your heater and keeps your vehicle at a proper temperature during cold months. We want to ensure your vehicles coolant is filled properly. If it’s not, it could cause your engine to freeze during the worst of dipping temperatures. Belden’s recommends a Coolant System Service every 30,000 miles. If you haven’t had one performed recently, we recommend you have it performed before the cold weather hits.
before new fluid is fed into the system. Lastly, Belden’s hand pours a treatment to keep the contaminants at bay, ensuring that your service lasts another 30,000 miles until another service is necessary. Don’t forget to make time for your vehicle during these cooler months. Proper maintenance can help ensure that you and your vehicle don’t get caught out in the cold. You can always call our friendly, knowledgeable Service Advisors with any questions or visit us at beldensautomotive. com. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has six locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830-9319700; Bulverde Rd: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www. beldensautomotive.com.
Over time, dirt and contaminants build up in your vehicle’s cooling system. Belden’s Coolant System Service basically empties all the old contaminated fluid from your cooling system. The contaminated fluid should always be removed in full as it can form what is called electrolysis and begin to deteriorate other components such as the heater core and water pump. Once the old fluid is removed, a cleaner follows, making sure all the contamination is flushed out Blue tones/ Agua/ etc. are very popular for ornaments. Adding to the new colorsways are the hot pink Fuschia Colors. It is a great idea to have a few trees in the home. Begin with a family tree and then have the children decorate their own tree in their play are and in their rooms. The lights of the Christmas Holiday time are so appealing to all. The theme in your décor can also be used with pillows in the living area, as well as placemats in the dining area. We do Christmas Magical Makeovers.
Call us so that we can assist you. Using your own décor and adding a few new items is a great idea as well. Your Home is Your Castle. For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at mjkg1@aol.com or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jessicacjenkins@gmail.com or 210-464-1519 or Jennifer Jenkins, Interior Decorator at jennjenkins720@ aol.com or 210-325-3772. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com.
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
Contributing Positively To Our Families, Communities & World
By Alissa Reinhard
f you’re a parent, you’ve probably wondered, at one time or another, about the type of person your son or daughter will one day grow up to be. Will she be happy and fulfilled? Will he stick to the values you’ve tried to instill in him? Does she have the tools she needs to be the best possible version of herself and the creativity and vision to take on the world and make a difference? These are all important questions, but they can also get lost in the daily grind of long school days, extracurricular activities, etc. Maria Kaylor and Kim Kennedy’s belief is so strong in the importance of these deep-seated questions that the concept of iMOST was born - a variety of programs designed to help every child become more than they ever thought they could be. To not just do their best, but to be their MOST. “iMOST was born during a long talk between the two of us,” explained Maria. “We started discussing career changes. After a while of brainstorming different career paths, we decided to throw everything out and begin thinking about what we would do if we could do anything. And as we talked, we realized that we were not focusing on careers in the traditional sense. Instead, we were talking about how we wanted to FEEL as we were working. Like wanting to make a difference in our community and seeing results that have a positive ripple effect.” Maria and Kim both have had a tenured career in education. Maria received her undergraduate and Master’s degrees from the University of Texas at San Antonio in Sociology and Educational Leadership, respectively. She then received her Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Texas at Austin and taught in public elementary and secondary schools as a special educator and in higher education as an assistant and then associate professor at UTSA for 10 years. Kim holds three degrees from the University of Texas at Austin: a Bachelor’s in Applied Learning and Development, a Master’s in Special Education, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. She also worked as an assistant and then associate professor at UTSA and previously taught in public schools as a bilingual and special education teacher. Both women have earned numerous honors, grants, scholarships, awards, and fellowships and have 45 years of education experience combined. Although they enjoyed their work in higher education, they both dearly missed working with children. “We were teaching others to become teachers, but we rarely had the chance to work with kids ourselves,” explained Kim. “So that motivated us to create something where we could use our experience and knowledge in a unique way.” The driving force behind iMOST is Maria and Kim’s passion to make an impact in the community. Their goal is two-fold: to be social entrepreneurs by offering affordable educational services for families and to engage kids in activities that teach the tenets of social entrepreneurship. They believe in the importance of social entrepreneurship defined as “new combinations of people and resources that significantly improve society’s capacity to address
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
problems” (Bornstein & Davis, 2010). “When we started to think more specifically about what iMOST would look like, we wanted to use all of our experience in education to design situations in which kids could be creative and grow,” explained Maria. “We started talking about what could make a difference to kids and the idea of doing your best in every situation. But when we thought about what that meant, we wanted to expand on it. Doing your best is great, but what about being more than you ever thought you could be? What about being your most? That really stuck with us. So we came up with the ‘i’ to represent each individual, and the ‘MOST’ to represent what we stood for. Those concepts became our cornerstones – iMatter, iOpen, iShine, iThank.” The iMOST Learning Studio was designed with those four cornerstones in mind. iMOST offers families affordable services to enrich the academic and social lives of elementary and middle school students, including Homework Club, tutoring, and Project iMOST. Homework Club staff helps students with teacher-assigned homework to identify and correct their own mistakes, answer questions, work through examples, provide mini-lessons and use other strategies to help students succeed. Individualized instruction/tutoring is also available through the iMOST Learning Studio. Unlike franchised learning centers, iMOST offers an old-school approach where staff meets learners where they are academically and designs engaging and meaningful activities and instruction that will move them forward. “Franchised tutoring services have strengths, but they typically have their own predesigned curriculum and assessment,” explained Kim. “And much of it is computer based. We consider ourselves homegrown. We know that kids need to be successful in their school environment, so we offer assistance through Homework Club, and if they need more, we offer enrichment activities based on the skills they are working on and then go from there as far as individualized tutoring and reading assessments.” Project iMOST is a series of one-week programs or camps that immerse kids in self-discovery. Kids become involved in activities that help them find their voice, identify social problems in their community, propose solutions to those problems, and reach out to others who are focused on solving those problems. The overarching goal of Project iMOST is to introduce the tenets of social entrepreneurship and get kids thinking about how they can make a difference in their community. The goal is that Project iMOST will continue on to Project Impact during which kids propose their innovative solutions to community members and some are selected to receive seed money to implement their idea with the guidance of a mentor. iMOST appeals to families as a whole. Maria and Kim have received positive feedback from iMOST members who have stated how nice it is to have their kids come home after Homework Club, finished with homework, so that they can enjoy family time.
“I highly recommend iMOST Learning Studio,” stated iMOST member, Leah G. “The staff has identified my children’s strengths and weaknesses and are working with them on the subjects that need improvement.” iMOST Learning Studio welcomes children of all abilities and specializes in duallanguage and ESL. There are scheduled sessions during the day for homeschooled children and afterschool sessions for those in a traditional school setting. iMOST also offers camps at the iMOST Learning Studio and as plug-in programs at area schools including a Spanish camp this past summer and a series called Destination Dialogues (language-immersion mini-field trips designed to engage children in small-group settings for fun, active, and hands-on language acquisition of Spanish or English). “The primary aim is to increase confidence-building and communication opportunities in the target language,” explained Kim. Scheduled at iMOST through the end of 2016 are “Writers Workshop: Stories Within” where students will develop their own story idea and take it through the stages of writing; “iThank Mini Camp” offered Thanksgiving week where children will be introduced to the social problem of hunger and work on a group project to address this problem; and “Saturday Morning Storytellers” a bilingual storytelling club which offers students an opportunity to learn while having fun with language.” iMOST ascribes to the catch phrase: Be Local. Think Global. As Maria and Kim’s business grows, they hope to eventually offer partially and fully funded services so that their outreach and impact on the community can expand. If you could pick your dream career – a path that’s truly fulfilling and makes a difference in your life and the lives of others, what it would it be? Maria and Kim have chosen theirs and are helping children grow and learn so that they can prepare to be the best and MOST version of themselves today, tomorrow, and for the rest of their lives. For more information about iMOST and a schedule of their upcoming programs, visit www.iMOST.me or call/text (210) 306-4455.
iMOST Learning Center 21790 Bulveerde Road (210) 306-4455 www.iMOST.me 9
The Endless Benefits of Volunteerism
By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 f you’re reaching retirement age or and social interaction have been attributed thinking about retiring, you may wonder to lower blood pressure. – how will I fill my days? Volunteering is “It makes you feel good in every way,” a great way to spend some of that free time. declared one Independence Hill Retirement Retirees often say that volunteering for a Community resident who volunteers to read meaningful cause that has a positive impact with young elementary students. on others gives their own life a greater “We have seen the positive results of purpose. In addition, there are also positive, setting up programs where our residents can tangible side effects to volunteerism. interact with children,” Martha Anderson, People who volunteer regularly have a Communications Director at Independence much lower risk of depression. Volunteerism Hill further explained. “Both the residents boosts self-esteem and provides a means and the children enjoy the relationships that to meet new people and apply the skills form.” you’ve learned over your lifetime. It also There are many people throughout slows cognitive decline by keeping your Independence Hill’s campus that truly enjoy brain active, alert and always thinking. One and have passion for volunteerism and example of a volunteer opportunity that can giving back to their community. Volunteer produce wonderful benefits is the act of activities that residents participate in include mentoring elementary students in math or assisting travelers at the airport as airport reading. greeters, participating in sewing groups that Volunteering can be a part of your make baby blankets and caps for premature exercise program as well. Participating in babies, and volunteering at the assisted living a walk-a-thon, working a golf tournament community next door. Retired residents or helping out at a soup kitchen all require from the medical field have even used their movement, resulting in improved balance, dentistry skills to provide dental care to the agility and flexibility. This extra movement homeless at Haven for Hope. Independence
A Fish Thanksgiving, From The Net To Your Door
By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 know what you’re thinking…“What does fish have to do with Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is all about the turkey!” Well, maybe to some, but believe it or not Thanksgiving is one of our busiest times of the year here at Groomers. Why is that, you ask? Just look at the first Thanksgiving, or perhaps I should say, the “Fish” Thanksgiving! At the first Thanksgiving, turkey was actually not the main attraction. Located in the coastal area of Plymouth, seafood was in fact one of the main stars of the Thanksgiving show. Lobster, mussels, clams, oysters, and
eels made up the bulk of the menu. Fresh cod and bass were also served up by the dozen. In fact, it was said that Chief Massasoit, leader of the Wampanoag when the Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth in 1620, went to and from the ocean carrying as many eels as he could handle. Today the tradition of seafood still holds true in many households. In the Northeast, lobster is commonly found side by side with the turkey. On the West Coast it’s not unheard of to see a nice slab of salmon in the center of the table. And here in the Gulf region, especially in Louisiana, seafoodheavy jambalaya and oyster stuffing are Thanksgiving dinner staples. And the great news is, you can now have these traditions
Independence Hill residents and members of the sewing group and Blue Bird Auxiliary show off some of their creations.
Hill residents give back in many ways and it shows through their health and well-being. At Independence Hill, our emphasis is on providing endless opportunities to residents who want to continue to be active and independent. Volunteerism is just one of the ways. See what possibilities being a part of our neighborly community of volunteers is all about. Contact Sherrill or Laura at 210209-8956, join us for lunch, a tour and share your interests with us. Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located in Stone Oak at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) delivered right to your door! That’s right! Groomer’s Seafood has just launched an entire new division for online next-day delivery orders. No more traffic, no more long holiday lines! You can now order straight from the “net” and have it delivered right to your door! So if you’re looking to pass on the turkey food coma and opt instead for some healthy, delicious ocean bounty, now is the time! What do I recommend? Well, if I had to recommend just one seafood item to try, I’d have to suggest gulf oysters for oyster stuffing. You just haven’t lived until you’ve had an oyster stuffing filled with fresh shucked gulf oysters. There’s a reason this dish goes back all the way to the 1600s. How do you order? The process is simple, just go to www.groomerseafood. com and click on “ship seafood”. Here you will find all the collections (shellfish, fish fillets, whole fish, etc.) and you can choose the amount of each item you’d like. Then,
Independence Hill residents are active volunteers throughout the community, including resident George Workman, a greeter at the San Antonio airport.
209-8956 or visit www.independencehill. com just check out and we will do the rest! Your order will be packed in a sturdy, insulated box and kept nice and cold. If you’re not going to be home during the day of delivery, have no worries! Your product will sit just fine until the end of the day, right outside your door. All orders must be in by 2:00 p.m. central time in order to qualify for next-day delivery. You can also choose to send product to loved ones, remember to think of your out of town friends and family this Holiday season! In closing, I would like to send our most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our followers. You folks make it an absolute joy to come into the “fish house” every morning and there is no way we could do this without you all. I think you’ll enjoy changing things up just a bit with seafood this year, especially now that our delivery service has made it easier than ever. So from our family to yours, have a happy Thanksgiving!
Anna Flores Awarded CASA Peer Coordinator of the Year
Submitted by Leticia Hernandez ot only has Anna Flores always been an invaluable community member with a huge heart, but for the past four years, she has also admirably served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for children in Bexar County. Anna is a trained volunteer with Child Advocates of San Antonio (CASA). CASA recruits, trains and supervises court-appointed volunteer advocates who give abused and neglected children in the family court system a voice. Anna dedicates her time and energy to ensure these children are placed in safe, permanent homes as quickly as possible. Let’s take a look at a young boy named Andy and his journey to learn how his CASA Volunteer, Anna, made a difference in his life. When Andy was just four years
old, his life was disrupted and he was too young to understand why. Both his parents were extremely young, unable to speak English and had no family in the states. Intimidated by the language barrier and the involvement of Child Protective Services, they were unable to explain how certain injuries came upon Andy and his brother. When it came time for Andy’s case to be heard in court, the judge ordered the children be removed for their safety. He requested the parents complete services to achieve reunification with their children. Most importantly he asked for a Spanish speaking CASA Volunteer to report back to the court regarding what was in the children’s best interest. Before Andy knew it, he found himself in a foster home where no one spoke Spanish. Unable to ask where his parents
were, he found himself afraid and unsure of what was happening. Anna, his Spanish speaking CASA volunteer, was the only person communicating with him in Spanish. As time progressed, Andy began to struggle to differ between the two languages and it became very apparent that maintaining his language and culture needed to become a priority. Anna attended court hearings and acted as Andy’s voice in court. She informed the judge about a delay in Andy’s speech and advocated for services in Spanish. When it came time for Andy and his brother to return to their parents, Anna knew it would take time for the family to heal from this experience. Anna was able to advocate that family therapy also be conducted in Spanish. Anna played a pivotal role for during a difficult time in Andy and his family’s lives,
and without her, Andy would have become one of the many children lost in the system. As Anna states “CASA Volunteers have the power to be the bridge between cultures.” Andy’s story is just one of the many that lingers, proving that the voices of community members are needed for the sake each child’s wellbeing. CASA Volunteers are not required to be experts on the court system; they just have to have a huge heart and willingness to help provide the court with insight on the best interest of these children. For further details about how to become CASA volunteer, contact CASA Recruitment and Training Manager, Leticia Hernandez at (210) 225-7070 or visit www.casa-satx.org.
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
By Alissa Reinhard
nless you’re noticing a problem with your eyesight, booking an annual eye exam probably isn’t at the top of your priority list. But what many people don’t realize is that regular eye exams are very important to your overall health. Many diseases of the eye can exist without any initial symptoms to the patient, yet when left untreated, can cause permanent vision loss. You only have two eyes – it’s important to be proactive in caring for your sight, an invaluable and precious sense that no one wants to lose! At Stone Oak Vision Source, Dr. Monica Allison and her experienced team are dedicated to serving each patients’ vision needs with customized treatment plans, advanced technology, and a commitment to top of the line patient care. Dr. Allison, owner of Stone Oak Vision Source, is a strong believer in the importance of focused, patient-centric care. For 11 years, she has built her practice around the belief that every patient deserves the best treatment available. Dr. Allison and her staff pride themselves on continued education so that each team member may reach their full potential. “All of the optometrists at Stone Oak Vision Source are therapeutic, optometric glaucoma specialists which means we are licensed to the highest level in the state. Our technicians have also achieved the highest level of certification, and both of our managers are licensed opticians. Our continued and higher education only brings more benefits to our patients, and going the extra mile has instilled a sense of pride in our team and helps maintain our cohesiveness.” Your eyesight is in very capable hands at Stone Oak Vision Source. Dr. Allison also diligently incorporates innovative technology into her practice to make sure that the correct plan for your vision health can be put into place. “When patients come in for their first visit, our equipment and comprehensive exams are usually something they have never before experienced,” explained Dr. Allison. “We have digital refraction systems, the ability to take photos of the inside of the eye, and a high tech method to screen for macular degeneration and glaucoma.” Dr. Allison herself is especially passionate about Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) which is the fitting of specially
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
Bring Your Eye Health Into Focus designed gas permeable contact lenses that you were overnight. While you are asleep, the lenses gently reshape the front surface of your cornea so that you can see more clearly the following day after you remove the lenses. Ortho-K has been shown to slow the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children, which could mean that the child doesn’t need a stronger prescription year after year. “I strongly believe in the myopia control elements of Ortho-K, and I love being able to preserve children’s eyesight with this amazing technology.” The importance of routine eye exams and early detection cannot be overstated when it comes to your vision. The eyes are truly a window to your health and a trained optometrist like those at Stone Oak Vision Source can detect a host of systemic conditions including diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune disorders, cancer and more – all through a routine, comprehensive eye exam. “People have been trained to visit the dentist twice a year, yet regular eye exams often fall by the wayside,” stated Dr. Allison. “People don’t think about the value of their sight until it’s compromised.” Stone Oak Vision Source encourages patients of all ages – including parents of infants – to schedule an exam to gain an accurate understanding of their own and/or their child’s vision health and make the best choices for their sight going forward. As the Stone Oak community has grown, so has Stone Oak Vision Source’s patient base and staff. Previously located off Stone Oak Parkway at Huebner, Stone Oak Vision Source expanded twice before Dr. Allison decided that a new location was needed. The big move was complete at the end of October. “We were landlocked in our previous space, and because we had already expanded twice, our office didn’t have the most efficient flow,” she explained. “Our new location on Knights Cross off Stone Oak Parkway will allow for better efficiency in the flow of patient care throughout the entire clinic which means a better experience for patients and less wait time. Stone Oak Vision Source also welcomed a fifth doctor to their practice. Three doctors will be present at Stone Oak
Vision Source’s new location, six days per week, which means better access for patients which can be important when experiencing an eye emergency “Every doctor at Stone Oak Vision Source can prescribe medication to treat pink eye, dry eye, etc.,” explained Dr. Allison. “But what I don’t think most people know is that we can also treat scratched eyes and remove foreign bodies that may get stuck in the eye, even on weekends or after hours. We will meet patients at the office in these cases. This will save you on an emergency room copay and because we’re included on most medical plans, we will submit the visit to the insurance company for you.” As Dr. Allison moves into her second decade with Stone Oak Vision Source in a beautiful, new location in the heart of Stone Oak, she is excited for the future. “I know that our new home is going to allow us to provide even more focused, patient-centric care for the Stone Oak community,” she stated. “It’s great to be where we are. I live and work in Stone Oak and my children have grown up here. It’s a wonderful community and I’m proud to be a part of it.” Stone Oak Vision Source is a proud sponsor of many area Stone Oak schools including Tuscany Heights Elementary where Dr. Allison’s children attended, Bush Middle School, Reagan and Johnson High Schools, and more. “We believe it’s important to give back and we are always looking for those opportunities,” she explained. With 2016 rapidly coming to a close, there’s no better time than now to make an appointment for your yearly exam to ensure that you’re starting a new year with clear, healthy vision for yourself and the whole family.
Vision Source - Stone Oak 810 Knights Cross, Suite 101 210.495.9020 www. VisionSource-StoneOak.com 11
College Tutors Educators Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors t is our pleasure here at College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors to announce the College Tutors Educator of the Month for November. The purpose of the award is to highlight and recognize a local high school educator that acts as a role model to our students. The award recipient, determined by input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: “Can Do, Results Matter and Leave It Better.” This November, we recognize April Collum of Johnson High School. Mrs. Collum has made a huge impact in the ALE (Alternative Learning Experience)
department just in the few years she has been at Johnson. It takes a very special person to work with ALE students and we are thankful that Mrs. Collum is a Johnson Jaguar. Many of Mrs. Collum’s students are eager to learn, but their disabilities can present roadblocks. It takes a strong individual with a lot of patience and a phenomenal amount of compassion to help students who have disabilities find success. Mrs. Collum is able to overcome these roadblocks by balancing each student’s individual needs while keeping them focused on their tasks. Although her students are non-verbal, she has found unique ways to communicate with each. Mrs. Collum’s students truly enjoy her class. While some of her students can be
aggressive, Mrs. Collum knows their actions are not intentional and she never holds these incidents against them. She has been hit, slapped, and bitten several times during her tenure at Johnson, yet she continues to focus on results. She strives to leave each day better than the one before. Mrs. Collum is a positive influence on each of her students and she always shows compassion through her work each and every day. The owners of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home! Community Newspaper in order to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. We firmly believe that the quality of education in our community is primarily
a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Tutors at 210-202-0303 or stoneoaktx@ collegenannies. com.
April Collum.
Is Social Media Distracting Your Child from His Studies?
By Steve Johnson, Owner College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors or most students, social media is a large part of everyday life, and it can be a great tool when used in moderation. However, social media can oftentimes be a distraction for students, both in school and at home. Continue reading to see how you can encourage your child to spend less time on social media and ultimately help them succeed in school. Set rules about phone use at school - Cell phone use is already banned in many San Antonio area schools. However, creative rule breakers may try to use their phones during class anyway. Instead of texting during
class, teach your child the healthy habit of leaving their cell phone at home or in their locker if they cannot resist the temptation. Paying attention in class and developing relationships with the students who surround them will serve their life skills better than gluing their eyes to social media. Unplug for homework time - Sit down with your student and determine how much time per day should be spent unplugged from technology in order to focus on homework and other activities. Whether it’s one hour or the entire night, spending time without the distraction of technology will help students thrive. Tip: Allow this decision to be a joint agreement. Valuing your child’s input
demonstrates your trust in them and ensures the best chance for success. As a bonus, when you take away electronics during homework, it’s a well-received reward when they get the technology back after completing their studies. Give them suggestions for other activities - If your child is constantly on their phone, tablet, or computer, encourage them to do other enticing activities instead. Spending too much time isolated indoors can negatively affect your child’s developing social skills. Encourage them to explore the world and socialize face-to-face with their friends and family. Social media is not something you need
to be afraid of. There are many positive aspects to this social platform. However, developmental psychologists recommend that technology be limited, as it should not replace social interactions with the people in your child’s life. If your student is having trouble focusing and achieving success in school, feel free to contact the staff at College Tutors in San Antonio at 210-202-0303 or nwsanantonio@collegetutors.com. We will be happy to answer your questions and recommend a personalized approach for your child.
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November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
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General Dentistry
Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533 www.dentalcareSA.com
General Dentistry
Canyon Dental Care Jeff Beal, DDS & Justin Rich, DDS 3111 TPC Pkwy., Ste. 114, San Antonio, 78259 424-3611 www.dentalworks.com
General Dentistry
Dr. Perry E. Wood Family Dentistry, Cosmetics & Orthodontics 16616 San Pedro (281/Thousand Oaks) 491-9898 Accepts most insurance
General Dentistry
Garrison Family Dental Austin J Garrison DDS, Gary J. Garrison DDS 22100 Bulverde Rd., Ste. 114 494-7222 www.garrisonfamilydental.com
Internal Medicine
Orthodontics For Adults/Children
Internal Medicine of Stone Oak Lubna Naeem, M.D. 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 105 490-3800 Laser treatment, Botox, Skin care available
Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Ste. 201 272-7129 www.alohasmiles.net
Pediatric Dentistry
Alamo City Eye Physicians, P.A. J. Mark Berry M.D. William T. Walton M.D. 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 216 491-2020
Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry Dr. “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 491-4141 www.drsusie.net
Speech Therapy
Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 119 697-3821
Speech & Language Center of Stone Oak Barbara A. Samfield 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 108 495-9944 www.stoneoakspeech.com
Urgent Care
Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) www.stoneoaktso.com
Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • www.fossilcreekurgentcare.com Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine
Save The Date - Johnson Craft Fair And Market Submitted By Suzanne Engle he Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School Band will hold their Seventh Annual Holiday Craft Fair and Market on December 3, 2016 and you’re invited! This special event will take place in the Johnson Cafeteria located at 23203 Bulverde Rd (near TPC/Evans) from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All are welcome to this unique shopping experience with free admission and free parking! There will also be free crafting activities for children and entertainment throughout the day with performances from local student groups. With over 55 vendors in attendance, you’re sure to find something special for everyone on your gift list. Vendors will feature one-of-a-kind handcrafted art, jewelry, candles, pottery, woodworking, clothing and more. For a complete list of vendors, visit holidaymarket.wixsite.com/ ctjbandholidaymarket. In addition a great opportunity to get some serious shopping checked off your list, there will also be a Silent Auction and plenty of food for purchase. Stop by, enjoy a fun day of shopping and support the band! For more information contact johnsonholidaycraftfair@gmail.com.
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
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Lil Ladybirds Dance Clinic a Huge Success!
Tex Hill Middle Supports Veterans
Mrs. Stephanie Trevino-Felan addresses the Johnson Dance Team before the annual dance clinic begins.
Tex Hill Middle School Student Council raised funds to send Major Bill Roberts on an Honor Flight trip to Washington, D.C. last fall. They are once again raising money to send another veteran on the trip.
Submitted by Shelly Miles uring football season, on any given Saturday night, the stands at Comalander stadium are filled with Johnson High School parents and fans. But on October 1, the stadium was bursting with not only Johnson families, but also parents from nearby elementary and middle schools. The extra turnout was there to watch Johnson take on MacArthur and enjoy the half time performance featuring nearly 350 dancers from local schools performing alongside the Johnson Legacies Dance Team and Belles Drill Team. The “Lil’ Ladybirds Dance Clinic” kicked off early Saturday morning with girls as little age four gathering in the Johnson gym to learn a special half-time routine taught by the Legacies and Belles. “It’s so important for the girls to be active in our community,” said Director Stephanie Trevino-Felan. “These kids look up to them, they see them as role models and big sisters. The whole day is a lot of fun and I hope we will see some of these kids pursue dance when they get to high school.”
The 2016 Johnson’s Lil Ladybird logo.
The “Lil’ Ladybirds” were treated to lunch and a special photo session with their big sisters before performing in front of a full house of fans, friends, and family. If your child missed out on this year’s clinic, be sure to mark your calendar for next year!
Cultivating Friendships At Hill Tiger Garden Submitted by Melinda Cox all is here! Cooler weather is just around the corner and the students at Tex Hill Middle School are hard at work, preparing the Tiger garden ready for the winter season. However, the long summer months proved fruitful. The garden still has a few summer vegetables ready for picking including melons, okra, peppers, and blackeyed peas. But soon, the transition will be made to tasty fall and winter vegetables better suited for the cooler weather. Tex Hill ALE students often visit the garden with their teacher, Ms. Pino, to check in on the crop, water, and tidy up so that it can remain a place for all to enjoy. Ms. Pino is new to Tex Hill and is thankful to have the garden as a special place to share and
Submitted By Rebecca Engle he Tex Hill Middle School Student Council is gearing up for their second annual fundraiser in support of the Honor Flight Network through Honor Flight San Antonio. Honor Flight is a nonprofit organization dedicated to provide America’s Veterans transportation to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor the service and sacrifices of themselves and their friends. Tex Hill’s fundraiser will run October 11 through November 11 with the goal of raising at least $1,500, the cost of sending one soldier on a flight to Washington. The money collected will be used to sponsor a WWII Veteran. All donations are accepted, from spare change collected by students to larger donations from parents, staff and the public. The fundraiser will close with a Veteran’s Day Celebration on November 11 at the school where students will host a dinner to honor veterans working with the program and announce the amount of money raised for the next Honor Flight in May 2017. Last year, Tex Hill’s Student Council raised enough money to send Major Bill
visit with her students. She understands and appreciates the value and the gift of a campus garden for all. The ALE students even placed several scarecrows to keep watch over the garden beds! “I am so excited to have this area to share with our students,” said Ms. Pino. “They really enjoy coming outside and working in the garden.” Once a month, PALS and ALE students share time together in the garden. PALS students show their ALE partners how to care for the crops, follow instructions and work together as a team. In October, the pairs worked together, pulling weeds, harvesting old plants and watering. Some ALE students simply enjoyed spending time outside on the new benches built for the garden as a summer Eagle Scout project.
Tex Hill students greeting veterans at the airport.
Roberts on the Honor Flight trip. An Army Air Corps pilot himself, Major Roberts actually knew David Lee “Tex” Hill, the school’s namesake. Major Roberts, 92 years old, was captured in Poland and interrogated by the opposition. He was held as a POW for over 11 months. He refused to release information and was thrown in solitary confinement before he was finally liberated. Tex Hill Middle School and the Student Council are honored and excited to continue their work with the Honor Flight organization. Tex Hill Tigers pride themselves on being fearless leaders and we are honored to support our veterans and fellow fearless leaders.
Tex Hill Middle students care for their campus garden.
There really is something for all students and campus family in the Tiger garden at Tex Hill!
Once a month, Tex Hill PALS and ALE students meet to work together in the garden, learning from one another.
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
2016 Winter Celebration
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Inviting Vendors Over 10,000 Attendees In 2015 Reserve Your Booth Today For 2016 Winter Celebration Now With Scavenger Hunt Contest You are invited to participate in the largest and longest running holiday event in San Antonio. Entertainment includes local school bands, talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun!
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Now with on-site scavenger hunt to booths, prizes for contest winners. 2016 Winter Celebration Sponsors
Date: Saturday, December 10, 2016 Time: 10 am – 3 pm Place: 502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital)
www.welcomehomesa.com Vendor RSVP: 210.348.8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com
November 2016 • Welcome Home • 78259
www.welcomehomesa.com 6519.01-WHNICU5x12.25_v2.indd
4:52 PM November 2016 • Welcome Home 2/8/13 • 78259