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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas Postal Customer

October 2013 Issue


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Winter Celebration 2013 Featuring AirLIFE Santa

Reserve Your Booth Today! – $350.00 Date: Time: Place:

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October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257



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October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Note From The Publisher Planning Winter Festival Still Time To

Winter Celebration 2013

Book Your Festival Booth!


ctober is when we at Welcome Home are busy planning the festivities for the Annual Winter Celebration. This year has some exciting news and will be bigger than ever. We are moving the location of the event to the area right beside Main Event at the Legacy Shopping Center. To start our event, we always have the Reagan HS marching band kick off the event. This year, we will have four of our area high school marching bands to kick off our event. This will be a sight to see. The Holiday Scavenger Hunt will take place at the Winter Celebration featuring AirLIFE Santa, which will take place on December 14, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The day of the Winter Celebration, scavenger hunt players will receive a stamp for each vendor they visit. Our grand prize will be a $1,000 shopping spree donated by Welcome Home Community Newspaper, There will be many general prizes given out that day from restaurant gift certificates to spa packages, to gift baskets for scavenger hunt players. The more vendors you visit, the more opportunity to win general prizes and a chance to win a grand prize! Visit our website at welcomehomesa.com for more information on scavenger hunt rules. We will have Santa, snow, games, rides, singing, dancing and food at the Legacy Shopping Center parking lot. Last year, at the Winter Celebration, the community showed its generosity by bringing over 7,000 new unwrapped toys for the Marines’ Toys For Tots organization. The Winter Festival/Celebration has been the largest Toys for Tots collection event in San Antonio for the past nine years. This

will be the tenth year collecting toys for Toys for Tots. Our mini parade starts the Celebration at 10 a.m. We encourage families to participate. You can bring a wagon, shoebox or anything that will roll. Make your own mini float for all to see! After the mini parade, watch for the skies as Santa will arrive by helicopter! Free photos with Santa are given with a donation of a new unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots. I was so blessed to tour the Food Bank in September. What an incredible organization. Read more about them on page 11 and see if there is anything you can do to support this fine San Antonio Institution. SpaySa is having their Casino Night on October 5th. I hope to see you there and let’s do what we can to help as many animals as we can and have some fun in the process. It’s hard to believe the Spurs season is already starting. I hope to see many of you at the preseason games starting this month. Have a wonderful October, and don’t forget to check next month’s issue for a list of vendors in the Winter Celebration event. If you know of any business in the area encourage them to support this incredible community event. Before you know it, the holidays will be here!

In past years Winter Celebration Scavenger Hunt has been held during the month of November leading up to Winter Celebration in December. This year we are challenging you! Scavenger Hunt will be held at Winter Celebration at the Legacy Shopping Center. How it Works—Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home checkin booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one "General Prize" drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one "Grand Prize" drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Stay tuned for what we are drumming up in Grand Prizes this year! Drawings will begin at 3 p.m. You must be present to win. Come out to Winter Celebration, play Scavenger Hunt, build a snowman and Win prizes! *All toys are donated to US Marine Corps Toys for Tots-San Antonio

Date: Time: Place:

December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604)

Presenting Sponsors:


20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com

Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Contributing Photographers Chasity Furse

Managing Editor Amanda Burris

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Libby Thorman

Writer/Copy Editors Chasity Furse Ben Spicer

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer Contributing Writers Deanna OMarah Geri Berger Dr. Jerry Woods Val Martinez Julie Ann Matonis Paula Allen Sarah Porter

Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

01 3 C asino Night 2 Join us for Casino Night benefiting SpaySA’s mission to end dog and cat overpopulation. Saturday, October 5th, 2013 7:00pm- 11:00pm 7pm-7:30pm Cocktail Reception Dominion Country Club Tickets at www.spaysa.org - only $50



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By Ben Spicer t’s that time again – football is here and the fall athletic season is underway. This month’s front cover showcases Mitchell Globe and George Gutierrez, two Clark High School senior athletes. Globe, an inside linebacker for the Cougars, and Gutierrez, an offensive lineman, are two of Head Coach Steven McGhee’s key players. Both players this season despite the team’s slow start are providing veteran leadership on and off the field. Their performance has been an example to the younger players within the program. Welcome Home has had PHOTO CREDIT: Chasity Furse the opportunity to watch Seniors George Gutierrez and Mitchell Globe of the Clark High School football the duo grow within the team. Clark football program. goes into being a successful athlete and on We are proud to recognize Mitchell and George for their determination, what they intend to do upon graduating. Our best wishes and support goes out hard work and commitment both on the to all high school athletes as they their fall field and in the classroom. This issue of Welcome Home has their athletic season. To find out more about the thoughts on what originally motivated them Clark athletes featured on the front cover, to play football, the amount of work that turn to page 9.


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By Debby Seguin

adies, I apologize in advance for bringing up such an ugly and vile subject, however, I would be remiss if I did not touch on a problem that has been chipping away at the very heart of marriage! Yes, I speak of the dreaded F-word: Football. The season is almost here! We must bring up this painful subject NOW before it’s too late! For too long this parasitic pastime has been rendering the males of our species round, deaf and blind, (though, unfortunately, not mute). Young wives, at the cusp of trying to please and “understand” their mates, foolishly fall for lines such as, “Honey, you are so wonderful. Listen, in order to finish this love poem I started for you, I really need to run it by the guys. We’re meeting over at Lou’s for a few hours, ok?” as she giggles and naively pushes him out the door, wondering why he needs 3 bags of chips and a case of beer to write poetry. The excuses become ever more clever. In fact, you can tell how long a couple has been married by the football excuse. 5 yrs: “Baby, Lou and Sara are having some struggles and he needs to talk.” 10 yrs: “Sweetie, Lou got laid off from his job and needs some support.” 20 yrs: “Honey, Lou had a heart attack. I really should go see him.” 30 yrs: “Darling, Lou’s dead. I really should go to the funeral.” (Fritos and Funyuns at a funeral? She may get suspicious. Better pick them up on the way!) It’s a conspiracy. At the grocery store a giant STOMPERS VS. CRUSHERS! is


written above a life size cheerleader with medically enhanced pom-poms pointing to a beer display. No sign of an actual football player. Even a legally blind man paused for a glance. During the game, it’s even worse. How are wives to compete and get some attention? Once, just as a test, I carried cheese dip through the living room stark naked, told my husband I was seeing another man and had lost all our money in online gambling. He grabbed the dip, high-fived his buddy and yelled, “TOUCHDOWN!” Clearly outmanned, I left and went shopping for a ladies-sized football jersey. Debby Seguin (who joined the Tim Tebow Over 50 Fan Club) can be reached at writewell62@yahoo.com

October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Aue Elementary Seeing Double And Triple By Deanna OMarah ulia Newton Aue Elementary may have just begun their eighth year of school, but never before has the school seen as many look-alikes as this year. This year, Aue Elementary has counted thirteen sets of twins and two sets of triplets on campus. While most studies indicate twin births occur in only 1 out of every 85 human births, Aue Elementary appears to be breaking the mold. “Having triplets is the most challenging and rewarding experience all packaged into one birth,” Susan Friar, a parent of triplets said. “A huge challenge is that when the parents are outnumbered at birth, the triplets have an inherent need to be competitive whether it’s for time, attention, toys or


friends. The most rewarding part of being a parent of triplets is watching the kids become individuals as their own unique personalities and traits continue to develop.” Seeing double and even triple around the campus has been quite the sight for the faculty at Aue. For many of the students who are a twin or triplet, it means always having a companion to spend their time with. Blake Friar, one of Susan Friar’s triplets, said “It’s fun being a triplet, because when Chloe doesn’t want to play with me then I can always go play with Grant. It’s like you always have a friend at home.” With many familiar faces walking down the hallway at Aue Elementary, it is without a doubt a unique occurrence that is one for the books.

Hello From Clark, Texas By Dr. Jerry Woods Principal Clark High School 210-397-5150 I want to thank the community for a great start to the 2013-14 school year. This year’s theme is “Over 35 years of Believing and Achieving” and we continue to do this in all areas of academics, athletics, fine arts and ROTC. Last year, we were honored as one of the best high schools in the country by both Newsweek and The U.S. News and WorldReport publications. Both awards were based on graduation rate, number of AP exams given, results of the AP exams and SAT/ACT scores. On the state level, the new accountability ratings were

released this summer, and Clark was the only comprehensive high school in the San Antonio and surrounding areas to achieve all three academic distinctions. We take great pride in these accomplishments and look forward to more success this year. I want to congratulate four outstanding students for being named a National Merit Semifinalist. This recognition is earned by their results on the 2012 PSAT/NMSQT. Less than 2% of all the seniors in the country achieve this honor. The Clark National Merit Semifinalists are: Jack Carlisle, William Lewis, Jacqueline Mellin, and Stephen Rabke. Again, congratulations to these students and their families. Our Cougars are busy and active. Fall

The Aue twins and triplets gather together for a photo.

school combination. The achievements we celebrate each day are the result of this combination I like to refer to as the Clark Family.

athletics, band, spirit teams, ROTC, etc., are practicing hard each day and representing Clark, Texas well at their competitions. I hope you are able to come out and see these dedicated, talented, and hard-working students. In addition, I want to recognize our amazing Clark staff. From the support staff overseeing the daily operations to the teachers who make the magic happen in and out of the classroom, Clark is truly a phenomenal place to be. Finally, I want to emphasize the importance of all of us being in this together and working as a team towards student success. Northside ISD’s theme this year is “Northside Connected”. There is no greater connection than the student-parent-

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October, The Month Of Pink

By Amanda Burris s the hot summer months begin to diminish and the cool breezes of fall begin to slowly trickle in (hopefully!), many get wrapped up in school, work and sports. While watching football, or looking through newsletters at work or even dropping the kids off at school, many may notice the abundance of the color pink this month. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, established by a collaboration of organizations and agencies that work together to promote breast cancer awareness to the public, and a pink ribbon has been established as the symbol for awareness. Many can say that they have heard of the disease either through passing or because someone they know has had it. While this is the case, many still fail to establish a plan for themselves that could detect the disease in its early stages of development. Research, studies and funding have come a long way over the years, but there is still a ways to go. One in Eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime and the disease is the second leading cause of death among women —but this doesn’t mean women (and men) can’t put up a fight! Early detection is the best way to catch and treat the cancer and can be done both at the doctor and in your own home. Mammograms are


recommended for women every one or two years and allow individuals to detect the cancer before you can feel a lump. At home, individuals should check their breasts and armpits each month for any lump, thickening or a hardened knot as well as for a change in appearance such as swelling or dimpling of the skin. If any of these changes have occurred, one should notify their healthcare provider. Self-awareness is just as crucial as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While October is specifically Breast Cancer Awareness Month, various people, doctors and organizations continue to promote yearround awareness and healthy lifestyles, as well as raise funds to one day find a cure. So next time you see the color pink or see a pink ribbon, use it as a reminder to talk to those around you so that you can spread awareness and help take a stand in the fight against cancer.

October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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K9 Corner

kittens and wagging tails run the risk of getting burned. If you dress up your pet, make sure the costume isn’t constricting, annoying or unsafe. Don’t obstruct their vision. Even the sweetest dog can get snappy when they can’t see what’s going on around them. Dressing your pet up can cause them stress. If he doesn’t love it, don’t do it. Keep pets in a separate room during trick-or-treat visiting hours; too many strangers in strange garb can be scary for them. Plus when the door opens you run a high risk of your cat or dog darting out during the commotion. Be sure your pet’s collars and IDs are on secure. Even if they don’t normally wear one, this would be the night to do so. If there is an accidental escape, identification will increase the chances of them being returned to you. If Tricks and Treats are your thing this month, DON’T miss our brand new “Clicks

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Martinez contacted Catholic Charities to see if he could start going there on Thursdays. The organization was ecstatic about the idea and instructed Martinez to work it out with the management at the apartment complex. Consequently, the group began the following Thursday with three guitars and fifteen eager students. A recent graduate from Brandeis worked with the students who wanted to learn chords while Martinez took the beginners and worked with them for about fifteen minutes each. The group did this through the school year until the summer of 2009. Once Martinez felt the need, he sought out Jennifer Langford who was the local librarian at the time. Moved by what was happening, she provided an open mike night on Fridays. The pair talked about how

both their daughters were music majors and had performed in musicals. During the discussions, Martinez asked if Langford would help write a grant to purchase some guitars – and it worked. The Northside Education Foundation provided the group a $1,000 grant. With the money the group purchased seven Yamaha classical guitars. Since the fall of 2011, the class and Martinez have enjoyed the Leisure and Learning Guitar Club. And while the club began with just limited English proficient students, the guitar club is now home to both beginners and advanced guitar enthusiasts. The club is lots of fun for all, all while fulfilling the first objective of the club: to bridge culture through music.

By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476

hen you say “Happy Halloween” you think of candy and fun, but beware of some dangers this night can pose to your pets. Lots of visitors, people roaming the streets and scary costumes can all contribute to your normally calm, friendly pet turning into Kujo. Here are some safety tips to follow during this night of ghosts and goblins: Don’t leave your pet in the yard. There are plenty of stories of vicious pranksters who have teased, injured, stolen, even killed pets on Halloween. This time of year can be


especially deadly for black cats. If you can’t keep them secure in your house, consider boarding them. No Candy for Fido: As much as they beg, remember chocolate can be dangerous for pets. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, even seizures. Candies containing the artificial sweetener xylitol can be poisonous to dogs, even in small amounts. Ingesting tin foil and cellophane wrappers can pose a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockage. If you do suspect your pet has ingested a potentially dangerous substance, you can call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. Watch those lit pumpkins: Pets can knock it over and cause a fire. Curious

By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

oday’s modern vehicles are popular on our roads, and it’s no wonder. They can be sleek and stylish and energy efficient. Unfortunately, people think that finding a repair facility to fix today’s modern cars can be difficult. Because modern vehicles require specific knowledge, parts, and equipment, people often feel that taking it to a dealership is their only choice. The good news is that Belden’s Automotive & Tires is a domestic and foreign specialist! Belden’s has made a concerted effort

to bring in factory-trained technicians that specialize in all makes and models like Volvo, Acura, BMW, Ford, Chevrolet and more. These technicians have extensive knowledge of a broad range of vehicles, and we provide them with the latest diagnostic equipment as well as continuous vehicle training. Additionally, we are proud to be an AC Delco Service Center along with a Bosch Service Center, which aides us in providing our customers with complete care. Customer satisfaction is a top priority

Leisure And Learning Guitar Club Submitted By Val Martinez wo years ago, Val Martinez taught a unit of traditional holiday songs to a resettlement student population. The purpose of the class was to teach American culture, to practice oral language skills and to understand the variety of music associated with the holiday. The class sang “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree”, “Feliz Navidad,” (due to the locale) and “Jingle Bells” among others. The class practiced them and then recorded themselves singing. Some of the students eventually asked Martinez to teach them some music chords. As a result, the group started a small guitar class after school. A few of the students brought their own guitars, but the class never had more than


two or three usually. Martinez asked the students if any of them could read music – which none of them could. Martinez is not completely proficient on the guitar, but took a couple of classes in college. He had, however, been playing since middle school. Martinez asked them if they wanted to learn and enthusiastically they all said yes. The class found out quickly it was going to take a commitment, and Martinez realized they needed to extend the number of practices for those learning to read music. At the time, Martinez was only teaching after school one day a week. But the class wanted more. They, as a group, told Martinez some people from a local church had been giving them lessons at the clubhouse at their apartments, but had stopped.

Ava’s Wish Fundraises To Support Children

Submitted By Traci Lopez va’s Wish is pleased to announce its inaugural Tennies and Tiara’s 5K Fun Run on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at Eisenhower Park. The intent is to join with the community in fundraising efforts to support families whose children have suffered head trauma or other related disorders. The goal is for Tennies and Tiaras to become a premier annual event.

A 8

Funds raised will be used to provide scholarships for special needs children to attend adaptive sports classes and camps offered at Alamo Kid Sports, as well as help in the continued effort at University Hospital. Ava’s Wish visits patients that have been affected by pediatric head trauma or related disorders on a bi-weekly basis and provides each family with a tote bag filled with items that are helpful to them during

hospitalization. Ava’s Wish Inc. was founded amidst a tragic event in the lives of the Lopez family. On April 23, 2009, 18-month Ava Lopez, her three-year-old sister Isabella and their mother Traci were struck down by an intoxicated driver while in the front yard of their home. Ava was airlifted to University Hospital, the pediatric trauma center in San Antonio, where it was believed she suffered life ending head injuries. Miraculously,


with Tricks” class beginning October 24th. This action packed class will have you and your pet challenged and entertained. It’s great for building relationships and foundation for all future training. Young or old, all dogs and handlers can benefit. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net.

she survived – and after time spent in the pediatric intensive care unit, was transferred to the Christus Santa Rosa Pediatric Inpatient Hospital for rehabilitation. As of today, Ava is alive and continues to rehabilitate. The strength of the event relies on your support and the commitment of our sponsors. The title sponsor is University Hospital. To register and learn more about the Ava’s Wish fun run, please visit www.avaswish. org or contact Traci at 210-542-4628.

October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Fun, Fall And Football

Photo Credit: Christina Ramirez

Photo Credit: Christina Ramirez

Returning Varsity Offense

Returning Varsity Defense

By Ben Spicer ootball season is currently underway and at Clark High School it is no different. And while finding success has been more difficult than they would like due to a slow start, the team still has its sources of bright spots. Mitchell Globe and George Gutierrez, two Clark seniors, are working hard to provide the leadership necessary to turn the season around. Despite playing on different sides of the ball, the pair offers valuable experience that head coach Steven McGhee can rely on. Mitchell Globe plays inside linebacker on the second level of the Clark defense. Globe, like his teammates, has to remain fundamentally sound in his gap responsibilities or the result could be a big gain for the opposing team. Not surprisingly, his favorite player is recently retired NFL linebacker, Ray Lewis. “It’s because of his enthusiasm and love for the game,” Globe said. “I like to think I share a similar quality.” Globe has been playing football for 10 years. He credits his parents for allowing him to try different sports. But football quickly became his favorite in part due to his love of making tackles. “I had liked the idea of tackling people from an early age,” Globe said. The demands placed on Globe by his position are both physical and mental however.


When asked to reflect about the first time he played in the Gucci Bowl, Globe responded, “I was mesmerized. But during the game you can’t think about the crowd, you have to play your game. After you make a play, then you can use the crowd’s energy.” Globe’s present goal is to help Clark make the playoffs. He wants the team to go as far as it possibly can. George Gutierrez plays left guard on the offensive line. During run plays, he’s responsible for creating holes for the offense, and on pass plays, he’s protecting the quarterback. Being an offensive lineman is often a thankless job. When things go well, other players receive the lion’s share of the attention and praise. And when things go wrong, they are often penalized and flagged specifically. It’s also perhaps the most physically demanding position. Gutierrez however, embraces it. “It’s a fight getting hit on every single play,” Gutierrez said. “But the physical contact after the snap, (off the ball) is why I loved my position.” Gutierrez has been playing football since he was 7 years old. Football was perfect for him being as physical as he was growing up. But at only 5 foot

Photo Credit: Chasity Furse

Photo Credit: Jesse Villarreal

8 and 250 pounds, he’s often matched up against players quite larger. It is during these match ups, Gutierrez falls back on his training habits. “Whenever I’m given the opportunity, I am weightlifting and running,” he said. Sadly, there often is a misnomer that football linemen are big and dumb. In reality, that could not be further from the truth. The amount of information linemen have to absorb on each and every single play is immense. And while other positions only do a specific set of skills, linemen are often asked to do a specific skill on one play, and then do something completely different on the next. So when asked about what he’d like to do next after football, it was not surprising Gutierrez responded like many of the bright offensive linemen before him. “I plan to focus on my education in pursuit of my goal, which is to be an anesthesiologist,” he said. Coach McGhee said Gutierrez does well in the classroom, and that has helped to make him a two year starter on the field. “He makes sure that the (offensive) line is making the proper calls so that they do not turn anyone loose,” he said.

Photo Credit: Jesse Villarreal

“You have about a second to get your key reads and then fill your gap,” he said. “Otherwise someone is already hitting you.” To prepare himself for all the contact he will be involved in every game, Globe works continuously to improve his body from the ground up. The time spent in the weightroom also has an added bonus for Globe since he intends to major in fitness after graduating. “The amount of training that goes into being a successful athlete is immeasurable,” he said. “It is training for speed or power that pushes the athlete to new levels. Just when you think that you can’t do another rep, you grind it out because of the end goal.” Head Coach Steven McGhee calls Globe the heart and soul of his defense. “Mitchell plays the game with a purpose. He is focused at the task at hand and he makes the other players around him better. He is a pleasure to coach and be around,” he said. As a senior, Globe is aware each and every game could be the last time he suits up and plays with his teammates.

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Photo Credit: Jesse Villarreal

Coach McGhee also added that Gutierrez brings another element needed for every team. “George is a player that likes to have fun,” he said. “He brings a lot of humor.” Gutierrez intends to leave every ounce of athleticism he has out on the field. His plan is simple – to make some great memories he will never forget.


Wine, Women and Shoes, Teams Up With The Food Bank

Special To Welcome Home t seems almost impossible to most women that anything could be better than an event filled with wine tasting, shoes, a silent auction and a boutique marketplace. But it can. The Wine, Women and Shoes event has partnered with the San Antonio Food Bank to fight hunger and feed hope. So while women have the opportunity to indulge in some of their favorite pleasures, they are doing so for a great cause. This unique event, driven by women for women, is a national fundraising event platform that offers sponsors a unique opportunity to place their businesses in front of successful, savvy and community minded women. The event will include marketplace shopping from designer and local boutique vendors who sell the latest styles in the


marketplace. Wineries from all over the globe will offer tastings of their most chic wines as guests also have the opportunity to have a bite from the Food Bank’s Catalyst Catering. The San Antonio Food Bank will receive 20 percent of all vendor proceeds. Guests will also get a chance to bid on trips, and other one of a kind items in the live and silent auction. Ladies can kick back for the glamorous fashion show with community and sponsor models that will be displaying the latest looks. While all these events and opportunities are available, the “Shoe Guys” will mingle around the room while serving up the season’s hottest shoes on silver platters. For once, indulging in a shopping spree

is encouraged. The San Antonio Food Bank provides food and groceries to more than 58,000 individuals each week in 16 counties throughout Southwest Texas. With a mission to fight hunger and feed hope, the Wine, Women and Shoes event is a way to help make a difference. Every dollar spent and donated will enable the San Antonio Food Bank to provide meals to individuals in need.

Wine, Women and Shoes will take place on Wednesday, November 6th from 6-9 p.m. at the Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum. The cost to attend this event is priced at $100 per attendee. For more information or details about sponsorship, contact Dabney Fletcher at 210-431-8306 or dafletcher@ safoodbank.org. To purchase your ticket online visit: http://winewomenandshoes. com/safoodbank

2nd Annual SpaySA Casino Night Special To Welcome Home et your gambling face on and come out to the beautiful Dominion Country Club for a night of Casino fun while supporting a great cause! SpaySA will be hosting their 2nd annual SpaySA Casino Night on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at the Dominion Country Club. Throughout the evening guests will enjoy a variety of Casino games, dinner & drinks, entertainment by The Music Connection and a Silent Auction! All of the funds raised at the event will go directly to SpaySA who provides spay and neutering services at little or no cost to the San Antonio community. Tickets are available for $50and can be purchased at www.spaysa.org. Each guest will receive $500 in casino playing chips to play all the casino games including


Blackjack, Roulette and many more! Tables at the event start at $1,000. The event is expected to sell out so get your tickets early! Following the success of their first year, SpaySA is excited about this event being even bigger and a fun experience for all animal lovers. “We are very lucky to have wonderful supporters and this event is a way for us to show them a good time while we continue to help get all pets spayed and neutered in San Antonio,” said SpaySA Executive Director, Cathy McCoy. Many SpaySA supporters are expected to be in attendance this year including C.J. Cruz and FOX29’s Kimberly Crawford and Cynthia Lee. “With over 21,000 cats and dogs euthanized each year, we need organizations

Step Into Decorating

By Mary Lozano-Jenkins The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he holidays are in the air and we’re accessories and clothing. already receiving calls for our Magical • Owls and birds are extremely popular Table Top and Magical Makeovers! this season not only in ornaments but also Here’s what’s hot in today’s trends. for tabletops. • Purple and lime seem to be one of the • Zebra and leopard prints are everywhere the new looks in color décor. with other bright yellows, oranges, magentas • Blacks with greys and reds are HOT, and even lime greens. HOT, HOT! We are happy to assist our clients in • Blues and chocolates continue to be choosing the styles and looks that make popular, even in holiday decorating. them comfortable. It’s always easy to fall in • Metallics and burlap with bling seem to love with new fashions and fads, but make be racing to the top. sure you stay in touch with the style that you • Bling continues to be a favorite in love, not someone else’s! When I work with



like SpaySA to help us to put a stop to this problem. This is a fun way for all San Antonio residents to help us do just that,” said SpaySA Board Vice-President and CEO of Outside the Box Productions, Wendy Welsh. SpaySA is a 501©3 organization and the community leader in providing and promoting accessible subsidized services for dogs and cats in San Antonio. Through the generosity of many supporters, SpaySA provides ongoing programs such as nocost or low-cost spay/neutering services, a pet wellness clinic and an education outreach services to areas with the greatest stray animal population. This would not be possible without your support!

clients, I often see neighbors and friends who try to pursuade them in a different direction. They mean well, but remember, you are the one who has to live with those colors and styles at the end of the day! Give yourself a Christmas gift and let us restage the home you live in. Remember to book those thanksgiving and Christmas makeovers now before it’s too late! Mrs. Clause and her elves get quite busy during this time of year! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at mjkg1@aol.com or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Designer at jessicacjenkins@gmail. com or 210-464-1519. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com.


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f you are familiar with some of the non-profit organizations in the San Antonio area, you have probably heard of the San Antonio Food Bank. Their amazing impact on not just this city, but 16 counties throughout Southwest Texas has provided more than 48 million pounds of food in hopes to fight hunger through food distribution, programs, education and advocacy. Because their compassion and dedication seems endless, many remain unaware of just how many programs and extraordinary things they have become involved in. Through the generosity and support of local businesses, churches, foundations, corporations, government, civic group and individuals, the San Antonio Food Bank (SAFB) is able to partner with 530 different agencies to distribute food to more than 58,000 individuals every month. The SAFB warehouse, which is currently about to expand to store even more, holds all of the food and grocery products donated, including produce. Through the help of donations, onsite community gardens and many volunteers, the SAFB is able to gather food and keep all of it organized through an inventory that shelters can even access online. Many may be familiar with this portion of the Food Bank and may have even seen one of their three mobile pantries that make trips each day for distribution. But, it is in the way that they have used their resources to impact others in the long run that is truly impressive. While around 49 million Americans are food insecure and will take what they can, the SAFB has seen the need for nutrition education and for providing a way to end what seems like an ongoing cycle of hunger and unemployment. The SAFB has nutrition educators who focus on teaching those in need how to shop efficiently to buy products that are not just quick and easy, but rather, healthy items that they can prepare to make meal that have a more long-term difference to their nutritional health. Ultimately, the goal of the SAFB is to aid as many as they can in the fight against hunger. One of the most common reasons that individuals are forced to rely on food pantries is the lack of job training and inability to find sustainable employment. Through the Community Kitchen program, the SAFB established an exciting way to train the unemployed while continuing to feed the hungry. The students enrolled in the Community Kitchen program get trained in everything from basic food safety to general food prep, all skills needed to qualify them for a culinary career. This 20-week course allows students to prepare food for others in need, while establishing a trade for themselves that they can use to become successful members of society. The hope for this program was that the Food Bank could establish a way to help diminish hunger through education, and so far it has been incredibly successful. The kitchens at the SAFB are always abuzz with students and trained chiefs making and preparing food. It was around four years ago when a new idea for further growth came to light, as community members who toured the Food Bank continued to be impressed with the delicious food prepared and served to them. After getting various requests to host lunches or serve food for business events, there was no question to use this as an opportunity for the SAFB to grow and do more. “The first and ultimate goal is to have a social enterprise program,” said Michael Guerra, the SAFB Chief Development Officer, as he explained what the Catalyst Catering program was all about. This program, lead by a team of catering professionals and high quality chiefs, generates funding by providing a catering service (using purchased products and not donated food) to Southwest Texas. While most know the SAFB for their service to those in need, they have also quickly established themselves as impressive chiefs, even winning best Mac and Cheese and best chili in culinary competitions. Their large menu features an array of choices for all types of events.

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“From the mayor’s office to top culprit companies to high end quinceañeras and weddings, this catering group does it all,” Guerra explained. While the program only uses fully trained Chiefs for their catering events, they do occasionally use student graduates from their Community Kitchen program to get more experience and training. Current students can also act as extra help in the kitchen when necessary to prepare for events. “The most rewarding part about the Catalyst program, 100 percent, is seeing the students participating in the program out in front and getting jobs,” said Guerra. By using Catalyst Catering for your next event, you are not only booking exquisite food, but are taking part in this new concept of catering for a cause. With the holidays just around the corner, many parties are being planned and organized and need caterers. To book Catalyst Catering, a decision you wont regret, call 210-431-8401 or email catalyst@ safoodbank.org. Through new and diverse ways, the SAFB has found opportunities to reach out and not only aid the communities of Southwest Texas, but to enhance them through education as well. With many partnerships with other organizations and various life-altering programs offered, the Food Bank is looking to make a difference in the lives of many not just today, but for tomorrow and for life. As always, the San Antonio Food Bank welcomes the community to donate food, their time through volunteering and money. While the SAFB may be a far drive for most, there are food barrels at every Goodwill where individuals can make drop-offs. For more information on the San Antonio Food Bank and how you, your company or your organization can aid and give back in some way, visit safoodbank.org.



Brandeis High School Happenings By Geri Berger, ED. D. Principal Brandeis High School 210-397-8200


ronco Family, we are excited about starting the 2013-2014 school year! We challenge all Broncos to get involved on campus through a club/ organization or program. Additionally, we encourage all Broncos to apply themselves in their academic courses. Bronco parents, we request that you actively monitor your child’s attendance and grades through Parent Connection. We are anxiously waiting for our students to be successful in and out of the classroom! Please mark your calendar for upcoming events at Brandeis:

Tues., Oct. 1: Choir Concert – Auditorium – 7:00 p.m. Sat., Oct. 12: Theater II Children’s Theater – Igo Library – 11:00 a.m. Sat., Oct. 12: HOMECOMING - Varsity Football vs. Clark at Farris – 7:30 p.m. Mon., Oct. 14: Student Holiday / Staff Development Wed., Oct. 16: PSAT testing Thurs., Oct. 17: Orchestra Spaghetti Dinner and Concert – Zion Lutheran Church – 5:00 p.m. Mon., Oct. 28: Fri., Nov. 1 – Red Ribbon Week Please visit our website http://www.nisd. net/brandeis/ for additional information and for athletic schedules. Go Broncos!

Reagan Teen Using Title To Serve

Beauties of America Texas Teen, Paige Dausin, Miss San Antonio Texas Teen Alayah Benavidez and Miss San Antonio Texas, Alexandra Ahmadi lend their support to the MDA “Lock Up” Fundraiser at The Vault in downtown San Antonio.

Special To Welcome Home espite some often held beliefs, beauty pageants are a lot more than just tiaras and glamour. Title holders learn to combine their beauty, brains and time for worthy causes. Paige Dausin on August 3 was crowned Beauties of America Texas Teen. Since then, she has been spending her summer utilizing her new title to bring awareness to causes and charities in and around San Antonio. “Being a pageant title holder is a brand new experience for me,” Dausin said. “I’m still learning where and how I can help the most to make a difference.” Paige spent the first month of her reign making appearances and doing fundraising for major organizations alongside the Miss San Antonio Texas Teen, Alayah Benavidez, and Miss San Antonio Texas, Alexandra Ahmadi. “We collected and raised funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s


donation, Lock Up. We acted as judges who set the bail – with bail being any donations made by corporations, individuals, etc. It was so much fun!” This summer, Dausin also got to stand shoulder to shoulder with service men and women to help the USO at their largest fundraiser/telethon of the year. “To be able to have fun and help a worthy organization is very gratifying,” she said. As for what’s next for Paige only time will tell. “I look forward to bringing awareness to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,” she said. “They have their annual 5k in October so that is something I’d like to pursue, helping them to fundraise. My oldest sister Kayla has been living with Type 1 diabetes since she was 3 so it is something that has impacted my family directly and profoundly.” Welcome Home would like to congratulate Paige and wish her continued success in her efforts in the coming year.

SACS Takes On Technology Special To Welcome Home his is so cool!” is a phrase spoken often around San Antonio Christian Schools (SACS) high school hallways as classes get underway this year. While SACS begins its forty-fifth year in operation, they join a small group of schools around the country equipping students with cutting edge technology. Out are the traditional, heavy textbooks, and in are Samsung tablets loaded with digital texts and homework assignments.

“T 12

“It had the feel of Christmas morning,” said Robert Armstrong, high school principal after tablets where handed out first to the senior class. “All of the students were truly excited and ready to give their tablets a quick test drive.” The device exceeded all expectations. SACS has made a strong commitment to success with this program. The work for school IT director, David Hoeft, and his team has involved long hours and dedication to the school’s vision for each student’s

Aue Teacher Among Best In SA



hen your school song is sung to the tune of “Stars and Stripes Forever,” Constitution Day is a perfect day to celebrate pride in your country and pride in your school. For Aue Elementary School 5th grade teacher Ursula Silberschlag, the schoolwide assembly was also the perfect gathering to celebrate receiving the ExCEL award. All of her colleagues and students were on hand and decked out in festive red, white and blue. The ExCEL award is given to outstanding teachers in San Antonio by KENS5TV and the San Antonio Federal Credit Union. KENS Anchor Deborah Knapp and representatives from SACU joined the Aue assembly to present Silberschlag with a

golden apple and a $1,000 check. “This award represents a united effort here at Aue,” Silberschlag said. “This honors all of us. I could not do my job alone. I rely on my team, my fellow teachers, and my administrators.” Silberschlag also paid tribute to her family. She and her husband have eight children between them, and four were on hand for the surprise award. Silberschlag was Aue’s 2013 Educator of the Year and has been teaching for 17 years. She is 5th grade Team Leader at Aue and mentors teachers new to the profession. Teaching was not the profession she planned to enter herself. At an early age, she set her sights on becoming a pediatrician, but instead found a love for teaching children.

TMI Senior Named Runner Of The Week Submitted By Paula Allen hris Pietraszkiewicz, a senior at TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas, was named Runner of the Week for private schools by TXRunning.com, an affiliate of MileSplit.us, which tracks the performance of elite high-school crosscountry and track and field athletes. Pietraszkiewicz achieved national elite status in cross-country when he was ranked in the Top 50 after he finished with a 15:41 5K time at the Southlake Carroll Invitational cross-country meet held Sept. 7 in Dallas. Pietraszkiewicz finished fourth behind three nationally ranked runners. Last year, Pietraszkiewicz placed first among all male runners in the 5,000 meter at the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) State Championship, held Oct. 20 at Baylor University in Waco. At the end of the 2012 cross-country season, Pietraszkiewicz was named to the TAPPS Academic All-State team. He is a member of the National Honor Society at TMI.


college preparation. “It is not merely opening a box and handing 700 devices out at once,” said Hoeft. “Each device goes through a series of downloads to insure that the device is prepared for the individual student.” Hoeft’s team went through approximately nineteen steps that took about thirty minutes per device to prepare them for use on the school network. Senior student, Logan Cheney, said, “It is like having a personal assistant. Working


TMI senior Chris Pietraszkiewicz was named privateschool runner of the week by TXRunning.com.

with the SkyDrive is amazing. I can write a paper and send it to my printer at home if I want to. I can check news headlines and schedule out my homework load. This is so much better than the way school use to be.” SACS is located in north central San Antonio at 19202 Redland Road, and is currently the largest private school in the city.

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Ancira treme Jeeps For A Cause

X By Amanda Burris


hen a project came about that featured a couple of jeeps receiving a makeover by Xtreem Outfitters for Motorhead Garage, a show on the velocity channel, an unexpected opportunity presented itself to help a local non-profit organization. Motorhead Garage is a television show that features industry innovators while covering all types of rides that can range from off road vehicles to racecars. Xtreem Outfitters specializes in customizing vehicles in unbelievable ways. For this show, two 10th anniversary Rubicons were made over with various alterations to the vehicles, including gun mounts. While it was exciting to see these jeeps made over in edgy and exciting ways for the TV show, what came from the end result was the beginning of something much more. “When the show was done and we had a jeep on the floor, we looked at selling it,” explained Jarrod Ashley, an Ancira Chrysler Jeep Dodge Sales Manager. “Then David Tullo, my General Sales Manager, thought it would be a good idea to auction it off and let the net proceeds go to a charity.” After talking it over with owner Roy Ward, the decision was made to have the Wounded Warriors Project as their non-profit charity they would support though the auction. Wounded Warriors aims to raise awareness and aid for the well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. Due to living in a military city with friends and family who have been in service, they felt it was appropriate to give back to those who have already given so much. “I wanted to take it a step further,” said Ashley, “and host an event to support our troops and show off some jeeps and have a little fun!” The excitement continued as Ancira began planning and preparing for this event that had so much potential to continue giving back. A theme and concept were established and shirts that they could sell were soon made. The event became known as the Ancira Xtreme Jeep Bash. With a live band, food vendors and opportunities for attendees to get their jeeps detailed and displayed, the event was exciting for all who attended. The event was particularly fun for the members of Jeep Nation, a club that ran and organized the jeep show at the Bash.

“Jeep Nation is a family club for jeep enthusiasts who enjoy their jeeps, who want to learn about wheeling their jeeps off-road and for those who just want to hang out and talk about jeeps,” said Lory Lahtinen, Vice President of Jeep Nation. “Jeep Nation had 44 jeepers and their families show up and participate in this event. We were asked by Ancira and Xtreme Outfitters to be involved and we offered to help with selling the raffle tickets with all proceeds benefiting the Wounded Warrior project.” The involvement and the support for the Ancira Xtreme Jeep Bash was outstanding. While a passion for Jeeps drew many there, it was the cause that kept them inspired. The original jeep that sparked the entire idea for the event was sold and the net was $10,025, which was given to the Wounded Warriors Project. At the event, with shirts sold and interactive opportunities, such as buying tickets for a chance to run over a 1987 Bonneville, an additional $5,511 was raised. In total, $15,536 was raised and given to the Wounded Warriors Project. “Our soldiers have given so much to their country and many have paid the ultimate

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price for our freedom,” explained Ashley. “I am just honored that we as a dealership and as a community with our customers and car clubs (Alamo-City LX and Jeep Nation) came together and made this a success.” It has already been decided that this event will continue to make an appearance each year in hopes of continuing to grow and raise awareness for such a great cause in an exciting way. T-shirts are still available for the public and can be purchased through the parts department at Ancira Chrysler Jeep Dodge. For jeep enthusiasts looking to become more involved in the community and events such as these, Jeep Nation hosts events throughout the year including beginner classes, hill country drives, monthly meet ups and various wheeling trips to off-road parks in the state. To find out more, visit www.jeep-nation.com.


Desperation and Hormones

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 give everyone a 15 minute free consultation to describe the treatment plan and for me to judge if I am able to help. I am not turned off by the patients who place thick files on my desk and exclaim, “you’re the (fill in the number) doctor I’ve seen, no one can help me!” But, if someone has a condition better handled by another specialist, then I readily refer. For example, a patient came to me who gingerly placed a


small pillow on the chair before sitting. This person had an advanced form of cancer, which limited their ability to sit. I spoke to him/her (I am being careful to not embarrass anyone) for an hour. The patient had been frightened by too much information delivered too fast (I think) and possibly not a very empathetic doctor. Using all my persuasive skill and promise to help as needed, I convinced the patient to see a very sweetly tempered expert for definitive care. Another patient came to me with a few

Northside Goes Mobile Submitted By Julie Ann Matonis he Northside Independent School District app is now available for Android users. An updated version of the app for Apple users was also recently released. “We encourage our students, parents and staff to download the Northside mobile app,”


said Lori Jones, Assistant Superintendent for Technology Services. “We’re thrilled to have both an Apple and Android version available. It will allow you to have important district information at your fingertips while you’re on the go.” Northside ISD first launched the iPhone and iPad app in January 2013 to provide

pages of labs and asked if I thought I might be able to help her with hot flashes and dryness of the vagina. She described fasting one to two days a week to keep her weight in control. She had emotional outbursts, which had driven her to a psychiatrist who prescribed several powerful sedative-type of antidepressants (with the side effects of weight gain). She had never been depressed like this before, she said. Think of depression like an ankle sprain, I told her. Sometimes, you “sprain” your mind with events beyond your control. Thank goodness there are medications to help your mind, just like an ankle brace for the ankle. I told her that hormone replacement would help resolve her hot flashes and vaginal dryness. I had observed in my practice, of over ten years in the field of hormone

replacement, that testosterone might have mood elevating effects. Progesterone helped one to be calm and most of all, sleep through the night. Estradiol aided memory and helped one to feel, well normal. “I don’t feel like myself, at all, that’s right!” We briefly discussed side effects and risks of hormone replacement therapy and would do so in depth at her first clinical visit. Are you desperate? Think there is no hope? Not true. You are going to live maybe 50 + years in menopause, get help now. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.

community members a quick and easy way to access information about NISD schools and services. The app provides information such as campus phone numbers and addresses, cafeteria menus, as well as district news and events and a parent connection. More than 3,000 people have already downloaded the app which is available

for free through the iTunes App Store and the Google Play store. Both versions have the same feel, but the Android version of the app uses Google Maps to display map location and turn-by-turn route directions.

A 10 West End To The Summer

The 10 West Business Association gathered at Hofbräu for their August mixer.

By Amanda Burris t was a night of delicious food, tasty drinks and fantastic company that brought the members of the 10 West Business Association together at the end of August. Each month, the business community has come together for a monthly meeting of networking and forging new


Association members ended their summer with networking, food and drinks.

yet lasting relationships. In August, the members and their many guests came together to “kühl down” at Hofbräu at the Rim shopping center. This Texas-style restaurant was the perfect spot for the 10 West community to end the summer with a bang. The 10 West Business Association aims to bring the business professionals of the community

together in new and different ways. While networking is always a constant, the association always changes up the venues to not only aid everyone in having an amazing time, but to give others a chance to connect with the restaurants of their area. August was a huge success as new guests had the opportunity to find out what the association was all about and current

members got a chance to unwind and meet new people. To find out more about the 10 West Business Association or how to get involved in the monthly meetings, visit www.10westbusiness.com or call 210-3488233.

10 West Welcomes Frost Bank


he 10 West Business Association welcomed Frost Bank to the association with a Ribbon Cutting. Frost’s business banking customers appreciate Frost’s way of doing business. Based on customer assessments of products, services and experiences, Frost was recognized with an industry-leading 22 Greenwich Excellence Awards earlier this year. It’s the seventh year Frost has received these awards in small business and middle marketing banking. On top of that, for the fourth consecutive year, Frost ranks highest


in the Texas region in the J.D. Power U.S. Retail Banking Satisfaction Study. Frost employees and sponsorships are also available, helping improve the community. Dedication to communities is embedded in Frost’s core values and for good reason: Frost has been serving Texans almost as long as Texas has been a state. Stop by the 10 West location at 10215 Wurzbach at Ironside or call 210-220-4011 to experience how Frost helps people like you make sound financial decisions in banking, investments and insurance.


October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Taking Ad Reservations for 2014! The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2012–2013 copy at any of these locations: • Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. • Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. • Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus • Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. • Janie Christine's Gift Boutique – 19141 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 109 • Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway • Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) • State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112

For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit


10 West Business Association presents:

Year-End Financial Planning


Get Your Financial House In Order!

his workshop is designed around tax-smart ideas that can be done before the end of the year. We will address ways to get your financial house in order by walking you through ways to identify, update, and organize your financial documents. You’ll have a chance to figure out what you’ve got, where to put it, and how long to keep it.

When: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Where: Mimi’s Cafe 17315 IH-10 West 78257 Cost: Members – $15, Non-Members – $20 (members & non-members invited to attend)

E-mail: info@10westbusiness.com

To RSVP, call 210-348-8233 or visit www.10westbusiness.com October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257



Live Well, Be Healthy CHARLES MARINO

Personal Fitness Trainer, ISSA & ACE

Specializing in Weight Loss, Body Sculpting & Toning • Over 20 Years Experience • Train in the Comfort of Your Own Home or a Private Studio • 30 Minute or 1 Hour Sessions • Private and Group Sessions for All Ages and All Abilities

Call Today for Availability! Book 12 Sessions and Get the 13th Session FREE!

Enjoy this FREE service if you live or work in the Dominion / Fair Oaks area. We will pick-up & deliver your laundry to your home or office. Call us to schedule a pick-up.

10 OFF Dry Cleaning


(Min order of $ 40) Bring this coupon and receive 10 OFF with $ 40 of drycleaning. Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other discounts or 3 pant special. One coupon per day. Exp. 10/31/13 NC $




(Bedspreads & Comforters) Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other offer. One coupon per day. Exp. 10/31/13 NC

Call or TXT 210.724.9253 Email ProFit@reagan.com


50% OFF Dry Cleaning (Max discount $10)

Wearing apparel only. Not valid on household item, leather, or suede. Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other discounts or 3 pant special. One coupon per day. Exp. 10/31/13 NC


Winter Celebration 2013 Featuring AirLIFE Santa

4th Men’s Shirt FREE Laundry

Reserve Your Booth Today! – $350.00

Bring this coupon with 4 shirts and get your 4th shirt FREE. Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other discounts. Men’s shirts only. One coupon per day. Exp. 10/31/13 NC

• Expert Dry & Wet Cleaning • Drapery, Bedspread Cleaning • Leather, Fur & Suede • Hand Finished Shirt Laundry • Wedding Gown Preservation • Fire, Smoke & Water Restoration

Fair Oaks & IH-10 (830)981–8183

Each year, thousands of families from across San Antonio attend Stone Oak Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa to celebrate the season. There’s no better way to introduce your business to the community. We invite your business to be a part of Stone Oak’s largest and longest running holiday event.

24123 Boerne Stage Rd. (210)698–2578

www.DutchBoyCleaners.com 16

Date: December 14, 2013 Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Place: 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604)

Presenting Sponsors:

Vendor RSVP: (210)348–8233 • www.welcomehomesa.com


October 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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