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October 2015 Issue
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October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
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Note From The Publisher
A Busy Time Of Year
ctober is when we at Welcome Home are busy planning the festivities for our annual Winter Celebration. This year has some exciting news regarding the event and it’s going to be bigger than ever. We are once again hosting the event at North Central Baptist Hospital, located on Madison Oak Dr. The event will kick off with a parade that will include many local performing groups, and a follow up with Mr. and Mrs. Claus arriving by AirLife Kids enjoying the snow at Winter Celebration. helicopter. Antonio. Winter Celebration will take place this This month the Stone Oak Business year on Saturday, December 5 from 10 Association will be hosting their Business a.m. to 3 p.m. Our staff will be accepting Expo October 17 at Bush Middle School. new toy donations at the front gates to help The Expo encourages the community to the kids within San Antonio who would meet local businesses that are participating otherwise go without. Donations will grant in our event. When you stop by one of these one slide ride, one general prize drawing businesses’ booths you will receive goodies and a free photo with Santa! General prizes and the opportunity to sample some of the are drawn throughout that day and include neighborhood’s goods. everything from restaurant gift certificates, But let’s not forget what’s on most spa packages, to gift baskets. people’s minds this month, the sports This year Winter Celebration attendees season! It’s hard to believe October is here will have the opportunity to enjoy Santa but it’s also hard to believe the Spurs season photos, 60,000 pounds of snow, sled rides, is already starting. Pre-season games begin games, singing, dancing, food, and even the this month. Go Spurs Go! chance to adopt a loving pet. Have a wonderful October, before you Last year at Winter Celebration the know it, the holidays will be here! community showed its generosity by bringing more than 7,000 new unwrapped toys. This will be our fourteenth year collecting toys at the event – which will be all be distributed to the children of San
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Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.
Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
Distribution Israel Vazquez
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Staff Writers Debby Seguin
Writer/Copy Editor Stefanie Young
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Frances Ngyen
Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante
Contributing Photographer Karen Little Contributing Writers Laura Allen Beverly Anderson
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Diana Anzollitto laura Hernandez Aplin Emily Belden Michele Bibb Marla Chaloupka Julie Cook Audrey De La Cruz Deborah Deel Cari Goodyear Gail Lamb Annjanett McNeil Christina Tuchsen Diane Valderama Melissa Volz Risa Weinberger
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On The Cover By Stefanie Young any coffee drinkers can relate to the commercial drive-thru scene with its overpriced and overcomplicated drink orders, especially when on the go. Yet, here in the heart of Stone Oak there’s a café that knows people crave that moment to themselves, where they can experience the refreshing setting with a deep breath and freshly brewed beverage made to their liking. Let’s define “Made to Their Liking”. At Punta Del Cielo, they’re not about the ‘with or without whipped cream’ setting. They break the unique coffee experience down to the bean itself, considering the soil and elevation at which they grow and how it will affect the taste of the coffee. “We have this high quality coffee in Mexico that many of the locals don’t even know about,” said Manuel Saidi, Co-Owner of the cafe. “We wanted to bring over ‘el bien hecho’, or ‘the well done’ from Mexico and truly serve great coffee.”
Manuel Saidi, co-owner of Punta Del Cielo.
To find out more about Punta Del Cielo, turn to page 11.
Family Life The F-Word By Debby Seguin
adies, I apologize in advance for bringing up such an ugly and vile subject, however, I would be remiss if I did not touch on a problem that has been chipping away at the very heart of marriage! Yes, I speak of the dreaded F-word: Football. The season is almost here! We must bring up this painful subject NOW before it’s too late!” For too long this parasitic pastime has been rendering the males of our species round, deaf, and blind, (though, unfortunately, not mute). Young wives, at the cusp of trying to please and “understand” their mates, foolishly fall for lines such as, “Honey, you are so wonderful. Listen, in order to finish this love poem I started for you, I really need to run it by the guys. We’re meeting over at Lou’s for a few hours, ok?” as she giggles and naively pushes him out the door, wondering why he needs 3 bags of chips and a case of beer to write poetry. The excuses become ever more clever. In fact, you can tell how long a couple I Can Help You If You Are . . . • Startup Businesses Clients • Growing Businesses Clients • Retired Clients Starting Biz • Taxpayers Who Previously Prepared Their Own Returns John Horton,CPA
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has been married by the football excuse. 5 years: “Baby, Lou and Sara are having some struggles and he needs to talk.” 10 years: “Sweetie, Lou got laid off from his job and needs some support.” 20 years: “Honey, Lou had a heart attack. I really should go see him.” 30 years: “Darling, Lou’s dead. I really should go to the funeral.” (Fritos and Funyuns at a funeral? She may get suspicious. Better pick them up on the way!) It’s a conspiracy. At the grocery store a giant STOMPERS VS. CRUSHERS! is written above a life size cheerleader with medically enhanced pom-poms pointing to a beer display. No sign of an actual football player. Even a legally blind man paused for a glance. During the game, it’s even worse. How are wives to compete and get some attention? Once, just as a test, I carried cheese dip through the living room stark naked, told my husband I was seeing another man and had lost all our money in online gambling. He grabbed the dip, high-fived his buddy and yelled, “TOUCHDOWN!” Clearly outmanned, I left and went shopping for a ladies-sized football jersey. Debby Seguin (who joined the Tim Tebow Over 50 Fan Club) can be reached at writewell62@gmail.com
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Questions To Ask Yourself While Choosing A College Or University
his is a critical time for our area high school seniors. As they ramp up into their final year, it is time to focus on their future beyond graduation. Choosing a college to attend is a big decision. Every college is unique with different enrollment processes, campus lifestyles, teaching styles and reputations. You can help narrow down your options by asking yourself these five important questions. What are the admission requirements? When looking at a college or university, it’s important to know the admission requirements. Knowing these requirements can help you plan your senior year and help you prepare your applications to your desired schools. Does my cumulative GPA meet admission requirements? What is the average SAT/ACT score of students? What is the student/faculty ratio? Student-to-faculty ratio is a way of showing the size of an average classroom and the amount of interaction one gets with a professor. Lower student-to-faculty ratios can increase student achievement, enhance test scores and provide lasting academic effects. If you need closer communications with your professors in order to be successful, you may want to consider a smaller school or look into what each school offers for tutoring or help services. Am I comfortable in a big school? Am I distracted in big/small classrooms? What scholarships are available? Depending on the college, your grades,
academic and athletic abilities and various other factors, you may be eligible for different types of scholarships. Don’t forget to look at the scholarships available at each school and the criteria to qualify. How many scholarships are available? How many years do the scholarships cover? Is this a good fit? Finding a school culture that matches your personality and interests is important. Whether it be sports, Greek life, arts, extracurricular clubs or educational programs -every school is different. A school may look good on paper but feel different in person. Contact the school, get a tour and see if it’s a good fit for you. Can I see myself living there? What do you value in a school? In what areas does the school excel? Schools are often specialized in certain fields and are recognized by the level of innovation and education training they provide within certain programs. Before you decide on a school, do your research and find what programs each school is known for and whether it is worth a fouryear investment. What is this school known for? How difficult is it to get admitted into this school? What majors am I interested in pursuing? If you are still confused after asking yourself these questions, consider speaking with the staff at College Nannies + Tutors. Feel free to contact us at 210-202-0303 or on the web at www.collegetutors.com.
College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to once again honor and recognize a local educator at Ronald Reagan High School as the College Tutors Educator of the Month for October. This award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven and Leave It Better. This month we are highlighting Coach Chans Chapman, the school’s head baseball coach. As is often the case, sometimes a teacher’s day and influence are hard to put into words. This educator and coach makes a difference on campus every day as a role model for our students. He is effective, purposeful, and makes it his personal mission to make a difference in the lives of the student’s at Reagan. The owners of College Nannies + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Nannies + Tutors at 210-202-0303 or stoneoaktx@ collegenannies.com.
Coach Chans Chapman, Reagan High School’s head baseball coach.
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October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Testosterone: The Vital Hormone for Men & Women
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 am accustomed to seeing women come to me, very desperate with symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, night sweats, and terrible mood changes. Andropause is the name given to lack of hormones in men. I give everyone a free fifteen minute consult for the purpose of assuring that we are a good fit. Recently a male business owner came to me with the classic statement: I DON’T FEEL LIKE MYSELF. His family doctor told him he was fine, “but I’m not fine!” and “I don’t know what is wrong with me!” He then described feeling unmotivated
and indecisive, weakness when working out, and generally, lack of joy. Without hormones, you really aren’t yourself, I told him. Some doctors might reach for the old antidepressant prescription, without even obtaining serum testosterone. The diagnosis of depression, best treated by a board certified psychiatrist, should be made after extensive blood work to rule out a medical problem. The blood levels of testosterone vary, being highest in the AM. Sex hormone binding globulin, SHBG, might be high and this hormone can bind, or make unavailable,
testosterone to the tissues. Further complicating the picture, testosterone may turn into estradiol, a female hormone, in older men. When you see those ads on TV, “ask your doctor if you have low T”, you need to ask a lot more! Ask your doctor if you have too much SHBG, too high estradiol, low thyroid, high blood sugar, or high homocysteine, a marker for Alzheimer’s and heart disease! Testosterone improves urinary and sexual function. Decreased testosterone is associated with decreased drive and motivation. Testosterone does not cause prostate cancer, but some researchers believe that it may cause the growth of pre-existing cancer. Dr. Shippen, TESTOSTERONE
Back to School: Protective Eyewear For Sports and Other Vision Correction Options
By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020
ccording to the National Eye Institute, it is estimated that 100,000 Americans experience eye-related injuries from sports activities each year. And children account for one-third of these sports-related injuries. But, you can help
defend your children’s eyes this school year by encouraging them to wear the proper protective eyewear! Which sports are related with eye injuries? The sports that are most likely to be associated with eye injuries include basketball, baseball, swimming, racket sports, football, soccer, and golf. Most of the injuries in these sports are caused by
getting poked in the eye by a finger, because larger balls like basketballs really don’t fit into the eye socket, unlike racket balls and golf balls. Golf balls, especially because of their high velocity, can cause devastating eye injuries. How can I prevent eye injuries? 90 percent of sports-related eye injuries can be prevented by wearing the appropriate protective eyewear. For most sports, we
SYNDROME author, says that it takes several months of testosterone replacement for improvement in erectile dysfunction. Muscles in the perineum must become strong again under the influence of testosterone. Women need testosterone, too. Libido, the drive and desire for sex, sharply declines in most women following a hysterectomy. Because testosterone is principally supplied by the ovaries, many women experience a complete chilling of desire at the time of menopause when the ovaries stop producing hormones. The clitoris may shrink, while the vaginal canal without estradiol may wither. These physical changes do not resolve with merely a lubricant! Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
recommend sports goggles that utilize a special lens material called polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is an extremely strong and shatter-proof plastic. Therefore, if your child does get hit in the face with a ball, their lenses will not shatter and injure their eyes further. We also recommend having the eyewear properly fit by an eye care professional to insure a good fit and proper protection for the specific sport. Whether your child is trying out for a new sport this school year or whether they are a returning athlete, it is very important to keep their eyes protected, and we at Vision
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October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Mays YMCA‘s Spartan Nation:
Building Stronger Teams & Stronger Families By Stefanie Young
magine a baseball field prepared for battle, the battle between two teams of fierce warriors. With war paint in the style of black paint lined under the eyes and helms in the form of baseball caps, the Mays YMCA Spartans prepare for their weekly battle. They run their rituals and dress themselves in their team colors before mentally preparing for the game ahead. You’d hear Coach Ricky Longhurst call to the team, “Spartans! What’s your profession?!” mocking the wellknown Spartan story told in the movie “300,” and without hesitation the warriors shout in return, “We Battle!” But “We Battle!” means so much more than going into the game expecting to win. It reminds the team of the perseverance required to keep going, even when losing. It reminds them of the respect that is to be paid to the competing team by continuing the game, again, even when losing. It’s their battle call and their reminder that they belong to a group with the same mindset and goal – To not give up when the going gets tough and to not take it easy when the odds aren’t in their favor.
Their Coach, Ricky Longhurst, along with many of the other coaches, volunteer their time to create these moments and inclusive settings for kids just like the May’s YMCA Spartans. “We have a set of principles for our team’s kids,” explained Longhurst. “We want to make sure that family comes first and that school comes second. And when they get those priorities in place, they get to play baseball.” Coming from a military background, Longhurst understands principles and priorities. He also understands what it means to be a part of something bigger than him and the way it felt to be among his comrades when welcoming a new member to the service family. “It’s a huge deal when someone new joins us,” said Longhurst “And it’s something that has become a part of this baseball team’s rituals. A new member joins and we chant, stomp our feet and perform the ceremony that ensures the newest team member knows they have a safe place among new friends.” But not all kids are afforded the same opportunities within the community and Mays YMCA is well aware of the need within their area. “As a huge advocate of community outreach, the Mays staff is doing everything we can to help as many people as possible,” explained Christina Kirkland, Membership and Marketing Director. “We want to provide a safe haven for the kids in the neighborhood to learn as they grow without putting too much on the parents financially. Through sponsorships and scholarships, we are opening doors for families who wouldn’t otherwise be here.” The YMCA provides programs and services to the entire community, regardless of an inability to pay. Through fundraising, sponsors and donations, they offer financial assistance that’s awarded based on need. This want and belief of social responsibility sets Mays apart from the average after school program and is a reflection of the values they are teaching to their youth. “We care so much about these kids,” said Coach Longhurst. “You become so attached and want the best for them, year after year. The parents are amazing, and so supportive. As a volunteer you think you’re doing something for them when in
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
actuality, the families teach you so much about giving. This is a culture that everyone should experience for themselves.” Through charitable donations and community support, the Y Partners fundraising efforts, which help all the YMCAs in the Greater San Antonio areas, help numerous families who are unable to pay for membership fees, sports, childcare and programming with the Open Doors Scholarship program. One of the largest events for the Open Doors Scholarship program, as well as for the athletic programs, is the Annual Golf Tournament that takes place every November. “The Mays Y raised nearly $150,000 this past year for the community, and the Y of Greater San Antonio raised $2.1 million during their past campaign. The annual Mays golf tournament alone brought in $42,000 last year,” said Carlos Verastegui, executive Director for the Mays Y. One hundred percent of those funds go right back into community programs. The annual golf tournament will be held on November 5th at Canyon Springs Golf Club. Mays Y encourages the community to come out and participate as volunteers or to play some golf! Members of the Y are offered discounted rates for their participation in events. Mays wants the members and the community to see first-hand the continued efforts of the Y and how those efforts have the potential to make drastic changes in the community and its members. Mays began building its relationships within the Stone Oak and surrounding areas in 2000 as a sports-only facility. By 2007, they opened a wellness center and have seen a tremendous increase in participation through the years. The wellness floor features brand new cardio equipment including full weight machine circuits and free weights. For those who visit the Y regularly, there are two studios and group exercise classes included in their membership (recently added to the lineup of classes was Barre Pilates and TRX). Mays is constantly seeking ways to set their members up for success; making healthy living a lifestyle for any age. One of the ways Mays makes healthy living easier is through Fit Path. These free personalized workouts with one of their wellness coaches helps people of all ages make the most of their time at the Y. Wellness Coaches tailor workouts to each individual based on their specific health goals and follow up on their progress frequently. Building strong minds, bodies and spirits is not the only thing on their to-do list. Building strong families is a core value at Mays. An enclosed Childwatch center overlooks the workout space ensuring that children of all ages are entertained and safe while Mom and Dad squeeze in a workout. The Y also offers free family events open to the whole community that includes their huge Camp Out each July and quality-time events like Bingo and Art nights. The events are fun for the whole family and offer a time-out from busy schedules to just spend time with family and friends. These events are often posted on Mays YMCA’s Facebook page and online calendar. Mays YMCA started as a sports facility and while they have expanded they still hold true to their roots. Mays offers soccer, baseball, softball, lacrosse, flag and tackle football all onsite at their expansive 7,000 square foot facility. Off-site sports include volleyball and basketball. Children as young as three can participate in one of their most popular athletic programs: SOCCER! The little guys and gals can begin to learn the sport by playing on a small field without referees. Winter Sports start up in mid-October so if you’re looking for a way to help your kids build confidence and be a part of something bigger than themselves Mays YMCA offers sports such as flag football, volleyball and basketball during the winter season. Registration is still available.
Mays Family YMCA 21654 Blanco Rd. 210-497-7088 www.ymcasatx.org www.welcomehomesa.com
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hile driving down the road at night have you noticed that some headlights are not as bright? Hi Rusty Belden here for our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires. Headlights will begin to fade over time. As your headlights fade, the amount of light that makes it out of the headlight becomes less, and before you know it, it can reduce visibility during night driving and driving becomes difficult and dangerous. The reason your headlights fade is usually due to age and to oxidation on the lens. Additionally, exposure to weather, pollutants and solar radiation can also diminish the appearance of an otherwise attractive vehicle. It’s a problem that affects nearly every vehicle make and model, foreign or domestic. You may have seen several quick fixes and shortcuts to do at home on the internet. These fixes only last a very short time and may have to be done several times to get your headlights looking like new. Belden’s Automotive & Tires offers a high quality BG Headlight Restoration Service that removes scratches and discoloration and restores the lens to original factory brightness. As an alternative to lens replacement, this service is completely safe and cost effective adding a new long lasting protective layer.
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Making Your Deck Last
Cleaning & Sealing Decks for 28 years in San Antonio
By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
By Barry Hagendorf Deck & Patio Care (210) 822-9147
arry Hagendorf, the leading authority on deck and patio care in South Texas, has been cleaning and sealing decks for more than 20 years. Q: Why does my wooden deck look so bad? A: According to Architectural Digest, unprotected wood only lasts for 9-14 years. I recommend that you clean the wood on your deck and seal it with an oil-based penetrating sealer. Q: What sealer would you recommend? A: My preference, after years of trial and error research, is Barry Premium Blend oil-based penetrating sealer that is designed to look for dry cell structure in the wood. It will penetrate first to the bottom of the cracks, nail holes & knots. Barry’s Premium Blend will protect from the surface down, stabilizing the cell structure of the wood. Q: What care should I give to my Pebblestone? A: On new and older pebblestone, first acid wash the film of concrete off the rocks. Then, oxidize the surface to kill mold and mildew. Last, seal the stone to its natural wet look. Q: Why are the rocks from my pebblestone pool surround sticking to my feet?
A: Moisture penetrates around the stones and changing temperatures expand the moisture and wedge the rocks out. To repair, acid wash the surface. Then, oxidize it to kill mold and mildew. Finally, lock the stones in with a clear acrylic sealer. You will also lock in the beautiful natural wet look. Q: Why is my Flagstone flaking & chipping? A: The answer is in the chemistry. When the temperature of Flagstone & rock move toward 32 degrees or freezing it contracts or becomes smaller. When water temperature moves toward 30 degrees it expands or gets bigger. Daily as temperature changes and Flagstone gets wet, the water and stone move against each other causing flaking. The Solution is to seal the stone with Solexene sealer which will keep the stone dry. If you have a salt water pool this problem is greatly multiplied. As a Welcome Home reader, you are entitled to a $55 discount on any scheduled deck or patio service offered by Barry Hagendorf’s Deck and Patio Care. Call 822-9147 for free estimate.
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Experience Your Coff ee
With Punta Del Cielo By Stefanie Young
unta Del Cielo is the definition of reinvented traditional coffee. From the first smell to the last sip, their espresso emanates superior quality. The shop is full of light and open space, with beautiful cups of layered coffee and locally made pastries on display. The ambiance they’ve created is great for meeting with friends and relaxing, yet vibrant enough to get the creative juices flowing for a work project. “We take a lot of pride in what we do here,” stated Julian Cuevas, one of the co-owners. “Our philosophy is simple; respect the coffee. We offer drinks that are focused around the coffee flavors without adding the whipped toppings or flavored syrups. It’s simplicity at its best.” Many coffee drinkers can relate to the commercial drivethru scene with its overpriced and over-complicated drink orders, especially when on the go. Yet, here in the heart of Stone Oak there’s a café that knows people crave that moment to themselves, where they can experience the refreshing setting with a deep breath and freshly brewed beverage made to their liking. Let’s define “Made to Their Liking”. At Punta Del Cielo, they’re not about the ‘with or without whipped cream’ setting. They break the unique coffee experience down to the bean itself, considering the soil and elevation at which they grow and how it will affect the taste of the coffee. “We have this high quality coffee in Mexico that many of the locals don’t even know about,” said Manuel Saidi, CoOwner of the cafe. “We wanted to bring over ‘lo bien hecho’, or ‘the well done’ from Mexico and truly serve great coffee.” And, in the end, it truly does come down to the coffee. With every drink, fresh coffee beans are ground and brewed to order. With 4 different house blends, the strength and taste of your order can change. Coffee’s roasting process is essential because of the chemical transformations involved. Without it, the aroma of coffee as we know it cannot be appreciated. “We offer 4 different levels that range from M1 to M4,” said Cuevas. “The most balanced flavor is our M3, but if you would like your coffee a bit stronger or lighter, we can
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
customize the taste to your palette and preference.” Punta Del Cielo has managed to refine the roasting process to 3 steps. Step one is when the grain loses moisture through temperature. Step two is the roasting process; this is where the various chemical and physical reactions happen. And, the final stage, is the cooling of the beans, which aims to stop these reactions after obtaining the desired browning. This café takes everything into consideration when building the perfect espresso. “We know there are moments that should be accompanied by coffee,” said Cuevas. “Moments when we need clarity and nothing helps more than an espresso when nostalgia invades on a rainy afternoon. We want to ensure that craving is fulfilled from the moment the beans are collected all the way through the process to the moment the cup is placed in front of you. A cappuccino should taste heavenly and bring a touch of happiness with it.” Not only do they offer coffee to meet your liking, they also make the Perfect Espresso. Brewed expertly at the perfect temperature and in complete proportion to the amount of beans, including the perfect amount of crema. If you’ve never had a perfect espresso, it’s an experience to be had. “Unlike the average coffee shop, nothing here is automatic,” explained Saidi. “Our baristas are trained on the techniques, recipes, measurements, and times needed to produce the perfect espresso and other menu items. We go as far as to take into consideration the grounding of the coffee and how fine it is before brewing. Respecting the coffee is something we stand by and, with that, we want to bring San Antonio the best coffee we have to offer.” To be clear, they don’t just offer hot coffee or espresso from the machine, they offer iced and frappe beverages as well. Temperatures, blends, cream, and syrups make finding your favorite beverage an adventure. And if you’re not a coffee drinker, they offer 100% fruit smoothies and locally baked goods that change regularly. Punta Del Cielo offers something for everyone.
For the business person that also enjoys meeting clients in relaxing settings Punta de Cielo offers a meeting room free of charge, seating throughout the café and a nook for chatting with friends or immersing yourself on the latest novel. The room can be easily reserved if you have a business meeting coming up, a client you would like to take somewhere unique, or if you’re visiting with friends and discussing the latest blockbuster film. “With great coffee, we wanted to create an environment that invited people in,” explained Cuevas. “Whether it’s to hold your business meeting here, meet with friends, or to get your work done, we’re here to provide the best coffee to complement those settings.” When you enjoy a good hot cup of coffee at the right moment, there’s nothing like it. Punta Del Cielo is driven by its determination to offer customers the perfectly crafted cup of coffee in all of its simplicity. You can visit Punta Del Cielo at 115 N Loop 1604 E and try the refined coffee for yourself. If you would like to find out more about their products and brewing standards, give them a call at (210) 549-3583 or visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/puntadelcielostoneoak. “Like coffee, people have their qualities: smooth, intense, sweet, strong, balanced, or maybe mild,” said Saidi. “We invite people to test all the types of coffee and decide if they’re as romantic and dreamy as a cappuccino or as strong and determined as an espresso.”
Punta Del Cielo 115 N Loop 1604 E. San Antonio TX 78258 (210) 549-3583 puntadelcielo.com.mx 11
Long-Term Investment Truths Key lessons for retirement savers.
By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 You learn how much volatility you ou learn lessons as you invest in can stomach. Volatility (also known as pursuit of long-run goals. Some of these lessons are conveyed and market risk) is measured in shorthand as reinforced when you begin saving for the standard deviation for the S&P 500. retirement, and others you glean along the Across 1926-2014, the yearly total return for the S&P averaged 10.2%. The S&P had way. First & foremost, you learn to shut out a standard deviation of 20.2 from its mean much of the “noise.” News outlets take the total return in this time frame, which means temperature of global markets five days that if you add or subtract 20.2 from 10.2, a week (and even on the weekends), and you get the range of the index’s yearly total fundamental indicators serve as barometers return that could be expected 67% of the of the economy each month. The longer you time. 1,2 You learn why liquidity matters. The invest, the more you learn to ride through the turbulence caused by all the breaking news older you get, the more you appreciate being able to quickly access your money. A family alerts and short-term statistical variations.
emergency might require you to tap into your investment accounts. You learn the merits of rebalancing your portfolio. To the neophyte investor, rebalancing when the market is hot may seem illogical. If your portfolio is disproportionately weighted in equities, is that a problem? It could be. You learn not to get too attached to certain types of investments. Sometimes an investor will succumb to familiarity bias, which is the rejection of diversification for familiar investments. You learn to be patient. Even if you prefer a tactical asset allocation strategy over the standard buy-and-hold approach, time teaches you how quickly the markets
rebound from downturns and why you should stay invested even through systemic shocks. The pursuit of your long-term financial objectives should not falter – your future and your quality of life may depend on realizing them. Client Centric Wealth Management may be reached at 210-807-7599 or www. ccwmgmt.com. 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315, 78258 Citations:1. fc.standardandpoors.com/ sites/client/generic/axa/axa4/Article. vm?topic=5991&siteContent=8088 [6/4/15] 2. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Eric Zeitler, Eric Weissgarber and Michael Simpton offer securities through Sigma Financial Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC.
Reagan High School Holiday Market Submitted By Laura Allen ot sure what to get everyone on your holiday list? Stop by the Second Annual Reagan Holiday Market on December 5 from 12 – 4 PM held in the Reagan High School cafeteria. The Market gathers vendors specializing in gifts for the whole family, including toys, custom woodwork, books by local authors, glass works, paintings, candles, jewelry,
embroidery, wreaths, personalized items, ornaments, and much more. The event also includes the winter Bake Sale, with tables of cakes, pies, cupcakes, and cookies for those holiday parties or to freeze and pull out when all the relatives arrive. Get in the holiday spirit with performances by area choirs and dance teams throughout the afternoon. Word on the street has it that Santa will also be in attendance and available to snap selfies
with your own electronic device. Don’t like traffic? Hop on a free shuttle from Reagan to the neighboring Stone Oak Winter Festival and back from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The Reagan Holiday Market is sponsored by the Reagan High School Choir Boosters. For more information or vendor opportunities, contact Laura Allen at lallen@trinity.edu or 210-326-4123.
Local, Independent, Credentialed, Planners & Investment Managers. Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor. Client Centric Wealth Management is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation and SPC”
210.807.7599 • www.ccwmgmt.com 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315
Village at Stone Oak • 210-404-0707 Thousand Oaks • 210-828-1261 Huebner Rd • 210-558-7700 San Pedro • 210-824-1209 12
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Reagan High School Presents
eagan High School’s esteemed theatre department has never been one to shy away from the most demanding of plays and shows, having presented such notable productions as The Crucible, Jekyll and Hyde and Merchant of Venice among so many others. Last year’s monumental undertaking of the very popular and extremely demanding musical, Les Miserables continues to prove Reagan Theatre is at the top of the class when it comes to providing the Stone Oak area with some of the most enjoyable entertainment around. This year will be no exception as Reagan presents William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Hamlet is literary tragedy which demonstrates how the inner conflict and ultimate revenge of one man can have unexpected and far reaching consequences. Deception, revenge and self-destruction are some of its key themes. Helping to bring the story to life on stage will be lead performances by Daniel Seavers, Sr. as Hamlet, Nick Hone, Jr. as Claudius, Paige Dausin, Sr. as Gertrude, David Mann, Sr. as Polonius and Maddie Stokes, Sr. as Ophelia. They will be under the mastery of Reagan’s highly respected Director of Theater, Gloria Robinson, now in her 15th year at Reagan high school. Gloria’s selfless commitment to her theater students is what she refers to as her “calling”. And it is evident in the passion and love of her field which she pours into each of her student ‘vessels’, whose overflow is the appreciation and excellence of performance art. Gloria’s attention to detail from the macro of sweeping sets and theatrical showmanship, to the micro of her discriminating eye of period detail in costuming is just part of the reason the productions of which she’s been an overseer have captivated the hearts of so many who have enjoyed them. Hamlet is now among the 80+ productions “GRob”, as her students affectionately call her, has directed. It will serve a two-fold purpose. One is always for the cultural enrichment and entertainment of the general audience, and the other, as GRob explains is “for the very simple and practical purpose of strongly appealing to the Reagan class of 2016’s student population that will come to see the show in order to have a better understanding of their required reading of the novel Hamlet. I hope that what we present will cause them to enjoy and comprehend on a new level all the thematic elements and personal conflicts in the story.” Each student actor shares in this goal and keeps his/
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
her mind occupied with the arduous task of effectively translating this literary classic from book to stage. Daniel Seavers would like his character, Hamlet, to be relatable to his student audience who are very close to the same age, “I want them to see Hamlet, as a real person and then to find themselves wondering what they would do if put into Hamlet’s exact, very extreme circumstances.” Paige Dausin agrees, “If an audience can have an understanding of where a character is coming from emotionally, they can better understand the storyline. I hope they understand that even though Queen Gertrude might have made some hasty decisions, it doesn’t affect how much she loves her son Hamlet.” Theater students are inclined to spend a lot of time researching and studying the best methods for effectively conveying their characters over to the audience. Nick Hone, who has been growing his hair and beard to help bring the period and styling to his character hopes the audience can understand, “Good people can do bad things so I’m hoping the audience sees Claudius’ humanity even up until that point of him snapping.” Despite little levity in the storyline, and an even sad outcome of her character, Maddie Stokes hopes the
audience will lock-in to a little of the Ophelia not often remembered, “What everyone forgets is she was once innocent, pure and fun-loving. I hope they get that.” But as we all know, the preparation is not just in the cerebral cortex. In order for the students to bring their best to all aspects of their performances, it has no doubt required many painstaking hours of rehearsals and physical preparations as well. Some that began way back in July during two weeks of theater/productions camp where students learned the basics of staged combat training in order to equip themselves with the proper knowledge to perform the convincing sword fighting scenes. “Probably the part of portraying Hamlet that I am most looking forward to” explains Daniel Seavers “is the sword fighting duel which occurs at the end of the play. Stage combat is one of my favorite aspects of theatre performance and I believe what a lot of audience members enjoys the most.” And you can’t discount the massive behind-the-scenes undertaking a huge production like Hamlet has required. The Reagan theatre tech students have been hard at work since mid-August planning and constructing all the intricate and complicated sets that you will see on the stage for each scene. All sets for Hamlet were constructed from the wood-frame up by tech students under Technical Director of James Kaiser, who has served in his position since 2011. Lighting and sound tech students had to coordinate their critical timing and cues during on-stage rehearsals. The conscientious attention of such an important aspect of a large production can sometimes go unnoticed, but when an audience is in the house watching a performance on stage and the curtain closes or the lighting is dimmed for a special scene or a spotlight is directed to highlight a particular character, that is the lighting and sound crew doing their job. The Reagan theatre tech behind the scenes is as committed to excellence and perfection in a performance as an actor is on stage and when a production runs seamlessly they have met their goal. Hamlet will be showing at the Reagan Auditorium September 30, October 1st, 2nd and 3rd. All show times are at 7 pm. For ticket information or to purchase go to www.rrhstheatre.com.
I Can’t Get High Heat On My Gas Grill
By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 f you have a gas grill, chances are you’ve already encountered this devilish little problem: you’ve gotten that bad boy up to over 600 before, but now you can’t seem to get it to 250°. You have gas. You have meat. You have a hungry table of family and friends, but you have practically no flame. I don’t know about you, but this usually triggers a colorful array of “expletive deletes” from yours truly here. So, what gives?
The short answer: there could be technical problems, but most likely you were impatient. When it comes to propane flowing from the tank to the grill, we are basically talking about a sequence of events. You wouldn’t expect to turn on a hose bib to your house and expect water to instantly run out of a 50 ft garden hose, now would you? The same is true with propane: you must allow it time to course its way from Point A to Point B. Propane is flammable, and as such it is
Show Your Heart Some Love With Seafood
By Blake Groomer Groomer’s Seafood (210) 377-0951 n 2008, almost one in every four deaths was due to heart disease. I hate to start this article with such a grim statistic, but the fact is heart disease is very real, is the #1 killer of Americans. This affects many of our friends, families, and even ourselves. I’ve been able to see a glimpse of the pain heart disease can cause, with my girlfriend who lost her father to this silent killer. What may be sadder than these facts is that many
don’t know that one simple dietary change of eating seafood twice a week can do wonders for your heart health. Seafood is a lean protein packed with things good for your heart, including essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, along with selenium, vitamins and minerals. And it’s no coincidence that the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommends even more seafood
governed by the D.O.T., which requires safety precautions be built in the system. Specifically, since 1995 regulators for portable propane tanks must have a floating ball valve that restricts the flow of gas in case of a leak. The goal is to equalize the gas pressure on both sides of the ball valve. Yet, when you get in a hurry and turn on your propane tank while simultaneously turning on all your grill burners, liquid propane rushes through the regulator causing an imbalance in pressure. In turn, it reacts as if there was a leak, and that’s when the floating ball valve kicks-in and does its job: it restricts the majority of propane running through the system. And you’re stuck cussing while trying to cook meat at 250°. Trust me; I’ve been there, done that, and got the @!#$%!! t-shirt. How to avoid it? It’s simple: give yourself an extra 20 seconds and do things
in sequence. • Open the valve on the propane bottle • Wait a few seconds to allow gas to pass through the regulator and flood the manifold in the burner assembly, i.e., allow the gas pressure to equalize •Turn on the first burner, but wait again to allow time for gas to flood the actual burner • Ignite the first burner Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for the remaining burners NOTE: IF you have already triggered the 250° dilemma, all is not lost. Simply turn all burners and the propane valve “off” and start at Step #1 above. Jeff’s Backyard is proud to offer a great line of outdoor backyard equipment to you. You can visit them at 435 W. Nakoma, #104 or contact them at (210) 342-4760 and jeffsbackyard@att.net.
as it is included in such heart-healthy dietary patterns as in the Mediterranean diet and DASH Eating Plan. Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian of the Harvard School of Public Health has stated that “seafood is likely the single most important food one can consume for good health.” In his research studies, Dr. Mozaffarian observed that eating seafood twice a week reduced the risks of dying from heart disease by 36 percent! In my experience the top reasons people don’t eat seafood (even if they know it’s good for them) is that they simply don’t know how to cook or order it. I can understand that. In this day, we’re very used to getting things pre-packaged at the super market and the transition of moving from that to an open ended “how much mahi-mahi would you like” kind of question can be a little
intimidating. This is where your hometown seafood experts at Groomer’s Seafood come in. Our crew is here for you! We will take the time to tell you exactly how to cook your seafood, what kind of portions you’ll need and we can even print recipes for you. Most seafood that is eaten these days is at restaurants, but if you’re looking to do that twice a week that can really add up in terms of money! Learning to cook seafood at home is ideal for most people and is something that both your heart and your taste buds will really appreciate. So come on down to show your heart a little bit of love, we’ll show you just how easy, fun and delicious seafood can really be! As always for any seafood questions feel free to email us at groomerseafood@gmail. com or just give us a call at 210-377-0951.
Support Your Local Shrimpers With The Fruit Of The Sea!!
9801 McCullough, San Antonio, Texas 210-377-0951 4002 East Causeway Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 361-730-1514 14
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Kick Back! Relax! By Tanji Patton Goodtaste.tv emme guess... Did everyone sigh a big ahhhhhhh when the school bells rang?! Back to school means back to a routine and yes, a bit of celebrating. ;) Put the craziness of the first few weeks of school behind you and kick your feet up with something say… with bubbles! How about a bright and fragrant Saint Hilaire cocktail? This comes courtesy of my friends at Bohanan’s and the San Antonio Cocktail Conference. It’s made with Elderflower liqueur (seasonal and quite tasty!) and the sparkling wine of your choice in a champagne flute. Garnish with a fresh lemon twist. Coconut is the new ‘it’ fruit – not to mention the hydrating sensation of the year. There’s a brand new signature cocktail that ROCKS from Sparrow Bar + Cookshop. It’s a take on a coconut daiquiri, dubbed The Cuban Cox, with an interesting origin story: During the Spanish American war, a gentleman named Jennings Cox was living in Cuba near the city of Daiquiri. He ran out of gin and was afraid to serve his guests rum straight up, so he added lime and sugar to make it more delicious. Thus, the “real” daiquiri was born, or so the story goes. There are several ‘real’ daiquiri stories floating around. Cuban Cox is made with a dry Riesling from Australia! Super crisp and tart with a floral, limey characteristic. Flor de Caña Pina Colada recipe calls for Flor de Caña 7 Rum; a Nicaraguan rum
100 Years of Combined Grilling Experience
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with a rich flavor profile of fig, vanilla, and oak: One sip and it feels like summer vacay all over again. Find your beach! :) Oldies but Goodies: Boudro’s/Zinc’s most talked about Prickly Pear Margarita... A revival of the spirit that helped create America’s cocktail culture...Vermouth. Greenhook Ginsmith Martini is full bodied and floral! The Houstonian’s Arbor Grill delivers again and again with this Belvedere Pink Grapefruit Mojito...very refreshing! To find out more about the recipes above, or for more delicious recipes and fun food and wine pairing ideas, subscribe to my newsletter. Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at Goodtaste@tanjipatton.com.
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MCOA Optical
Stop by and check out our specials! 50% off of select frames!
SO Elementary Finds Their Inner Bobcat Submitted By Deborah Deel tone Oak Elementary School started the new school year with a lot of spirit. The second Monday of the year kicked off Spirit Week with students and teachers decked out as their favorite Superheroes. Day 2 of Spirit Week was a chance to show some national pride with Red, White and Blue Day. Our patriotic Bobcats came adorned in our national colors and a lot of flags displayed on shirts and dresses. Wednesday was the traditional Wacky Wednesday. Children were encouraged to mix and match and show their creativity. Unmatched shoes and socks, prints with stripes, unique color combinations, and crazy hairstyles abounded that day. It may be the only day moms were not telling their kids that red just didn’t quite work with those orange shorts! It was back to favorites and pride on Thursday and Friday. Thursday students wore shirts or jerseys for their favorite sports team. One pint-sized UT cheerleader was even spotted that day. Friday was back to Bobcat Pride with Stone Oak students encouraged to wear the Stone Oak t-Shirts or blue and yellow clothing.
Fa m i l y O w n e d & O p e rate d
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Stone Oak
Students at Stone Oak Elementary show off their spirit and patriotic pride!
Upcoming in October the 4th grade will have their performance, Destination America, after the October 6th PTA meeting. Students will enjoy another holiday from school on Monday October 12th for Columbus Day. Stone Oak will also have a Leadership Night on October 22nd.
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
109 Gallery Circle Ste. 139
Westover Hills
www.McoaEyeCare.com 15
Our philosophy is straightforward. Devote a highly-skilled neurological team, backed by dedicated staff using the latest technological advancements and treatment programs. Then give them the goal to find the best possible solutions to improve the lives of their patients. It’s that simple. The Texas Neurosciences Institute at Methodist Stone Oak Hospital offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of world-class neuroscience services in the state, while providing the highest quality care in the safest environment possible. In fact, according to the National Research Corporation, San Antonians prefer Methodist Healthcare for their neurology care over any other hospital in the region. Patients from all over the world come to us for specialized care and treatments, such as:
Working as a collaborative team, our physicians handle every neurological problem their patients encounter, and provide a higher level of expertise. We think you’ll agree. TEXAS NEUROSCIENCES INSTITUTE 1139 E. SONTERRA BLVD. 210-587-9524
• Spinal canal explorations • Lumbar fusions • Kyphoplasty • Minimally invasive spinal surgery • Skull base surgery • Neuromodulation
To better understand the specialties we bring to patients, go to www.TexasNeurosciences.com www.welcomehomesa.com
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
METHODIST STONE OAK HOSPITAL Where high-tech meets high-touch Leader in Heart Services. For decades, Methodist Healthcare has been a leader in heart services. At Methodist Stone Oak Hospital, surgeons perform minimallyinvasive cardiac surgery options,such as coronary artery bypass and procedures to repair or replace heart valves. The cardiac cath labs have the most technologicallyadvanced equipment available. Since opening in 2009, Methodist Stone Oak Hospital, a campus of Methodist Hospital, has grown significantly to carry out its mission of serving humanity to honor God by providing exceptional and cost-effective health care accessible to all. The hospital was designed as a “hospital of the future,” offering the community a wide range of medical services that are both high-tech and high-touch. High tech. Methodist Stone Oak Hospital is equipped with some of the best technology and doctors in the nation, combining hightech with high-touch by delivering advanced medical procedures with exceptional, compassionate patient care.
Special Deliveries. Methodist Stone Oak Hospital delivers more babies every year. Family-centered care, spacious labor and delivery rooms and private postpartum rooms make each family’s experience enjoyable. The Methodist Stone Oak Fertility Surgery Center helps families grow. One in eight couples will struggle with infertility issues and the new center is dedicated to helping couples overcome medical issues that may prevent successful pregnancies. Staff can help couples with free physician referrals to doctors specializing in fertility treatment. Neurosurgery. The Texas Neurosciences Institute at Methodist Stone Oak Hospital offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of world-class neuroscience services in the state, while providing the highest quality care in the safest environment possible. In fact, according to the National Research Corporation, San Antonians prefer Methodist Healthcare for their neurology care over any other hospital in the region. Patients come from all over the world for specialized care and treatments, such as spinal canal explorations, lumbar fusions, kyphoplasty, minimally-invasive spinal surgery, skull base surgery and neuromodulation. To better understand the specialties we bring to patients, go to www.TexasNeurosciences.com
Robotic Surgery. Methodist Stone Oak Hospital has one of the busiest robotic surgery programs in South Texas. The daVinci® Surgical System is a minimallyinvasive device that offers faster recovery, less blood loss, lower chance for infections and smaller scars than traditional surgeries. The program is a member of The Texas Institute for Robotic Surgery.
For more information on Methodist Stone Oak Hospital, visit www.SAHealth.com.
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Have You Been Thinking About Selling Your Home? Bill Barkley River Valley Real Estate (210) 853-5327 he first questions sellers typically want to know are: How much will my home sell for? How long will it take to sell? How much will I have to pay in closing costs? To answer the first question, River Valley will complete a detailed inspection of your property, and prepare a comparable market analysis based on the most recent sales and current listings within the immediate area. This analysis will provide you with specific residential sales history, and we will be able to give you a strong indication of your home’s value. The second question depends on three primary factors: the current state of the market, selling price and condition of the property. Any of these three factors can have a dramatic effect on how long your home sits on the market. Overpricing a property or allowing a property to be shown in poor condition will ultimately increase the time
your property requires to sell. Lastly, seller’s want to know what it will cost to sell their home. A good rule of thumb is 8% to 10% of the sales price. The range is due to unknown variables such as real estate taxes, HOA fees, concessions, repairs requested by the buyer, and the buyers financing. VA and FHA buyers typically request the seller to pay some of the buyer’s closing costs which can also increase the percentage. Realtor fees or commissions are not fixed, however, the market does provide an indication of current commission rates. Typically, the listing agent will offer half of the contracted rate to the buyer’s agent for bringing in a qualified buyer and for working the buyer’s side of the transaction. River Valley Real Estate will gladly provide you with our formal listing presentation at no cost. This presentation will outline our service, provide you with a competitive market analysis and demonstrate our marketing platform. We are confident that after seeing the type of real estate brokerage service we provide, you will consider working with River Valley
North SA Retired Teachers Meeting
Submitted By Michele Bibb ou’re invited to the October meeting of the North San Antonio Retired Teachers Association on Wednesday, October 21 at 9:45AM. We begin each meeting with a short “Meet and Greet” with delicious snacks and coffee. The business meeting begins at 10A with all meetings
ending before noon. The Assistance League of San Antonio will present a Style Show with clothes from their retail store. This organization is a nonprofit volunteer program that develops and implements programs to benefit children and adults in the San Antonio area. Their Thrift House is located at 2611
Real Estate Company. The foundation of River Valley Real Estate Company was developed on four corner stone principles: trust and confidence, knowledge and determination, professional ethics and moral values,
consideration and understanding. River Valley Real Estate is located at 19202 Huebner Road, Suite 100. For more information call (210) 853-5327 or email Bill Barkley at bill@rvreco.com.
West Avenue. Donated merchandise is tax deductible and gratefully accepted. Items found at the Thrift House include clothing, furniture, jewelry, books and many other household items. Dr. Brian Gottardy, Superintendent of NEISD, will also be a speaker this month. He will be informing our members of
the upcoming NEISD Bond Election in November. Please come and hear him speak about what items the bond issue will be supporting. As always, we welcome guests to all our monthly meetings. If you have any questions, please call Michele Bibb, 4948197.
RHEUMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES of SOUTH TEXAS Kevin J. Kempf, M.D. Everett H. Allen, M.D. Thomas A. Rennie, M.D. Gautam Moorjani, M.D. Emily T. Marx, M.D.
This Is The Year You Do It! It’s Time To Get Back To A Heathier, Slimmer You!!
Ideal Protein is a weight loss method that targets fat and helps maintain muscle mass without exercise. This medically designed weight loss method was developed in Europe over 27 years ago by a Sports Medicine Physician.
FREE Informative Monthly Seminars Thurs, OCt 8 @ 6 pm • Thurs, Nov 5 @ 6 pm RSVP Your Seat: 210.265.8851 or 210.977.0190 Program Provides: • Personal one-on-one support and education with a trained health care professional and an Ideal Protein Coach • Weekly personal weight and Body Composition Analysis
• Large Outdoor Courtyard, Walking Paths • Close to Shopping & Dining • Full-time Concierge • Leisure, Educational & Social Activities • Grand Living Rooms with Fireplaces • Sunset-view Dining Room • Award-winning, Restaurant-style Dining • Bistro with Snacks & Beverages • Private Dining Room for Special Occasions
te ng La i n e p O 2015
• Rapid weight loss with valuable educational nutrition knowledge to help you sustain your results on a long term basis
Ideal Protein is a weight loss method.
19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste 101 • (210) 977-0190 3903 Wiseman, Ste 221 • (210) 448–4344 18
• Beauty & Barber Shop • Fitness Center • Game Room • Library & Computer Lounge • Outdoor Dining & Barbequing • Individualized Gardening Area • Dedicated Outdoor Pet Area • Complimentary Local Transportation • Weekly Housekeeping & Laundry • Caring, Professional Staff 24/7
(210) 492-4040 • 3220 North Loop 1604 West Shavano Park, Texas 78231 www.ShavanoParkSeniorLiving.com
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
ak one O
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kwy. Stone Oak P
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North Central Baptist Hospital
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E Sonterra Blvd South Texas Spine & Surgical Hospital
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Gold Canyon Park
Legacy Shopping Center
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Internal Medicine of Stone Oak 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 105 210-490-3800 Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Inst. 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 101 210-495-4335 GREEN FIELDS MARKET 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-495-4644 21714 HARDY OAK Little Teeth of Texas (Shawna Gerling, DDS) 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 102 210-497-8787 PREMIER PAIN CONSULTANTS 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 215 210-298-4900 21702 HARDY OAK HOPE CHURCH HAS MOVED 17903 Corp. Woods Drive 210-545-4673 (10:15 a.m. Sundays) NORTH CENTRAL URGENT CARE 19223 Stone Hue 210-490-5911 FAMILY ALLERGY & ASTHMA 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-342-6200 STONE OAK MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG. Center For Cosmetic Surgery 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-545-4848 Urology Of Stone Oak 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-490-3040 NORTH CENTRAL BAPTIST HOSPITAL 210-297-4000 Healthlink 525 Oak Centre, Ste. 450 210-297-4525 THE ATRIUM BUILDING Dr. Sertich 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 346 210-614-8625 Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 140 210-647-3838 STONE OAK PHYSICIANS PLAZA II STONE OAK PHYSICIANS PLAZA I Lan Anh Ngo, M.D., P.A. 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 140 210-494-9109 The Wellness & Aesthetics 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 240 210-495-8558 METHODIST AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-617-9000
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Red l
Methodist Stone Oak Hospital
1604 64
STONE OAK PLAZA Alamo Eye Institute, PA (Lynnell C. Lowry, MD) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 119 210-697-3821 K Charles and Co. Full Service Salon 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 123 210-403-0955 Stone Oak Orthodontics (Tito Norris, DDS, P.A.) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 207 210-402-3322 CORNERSTONE CHURCH THE BLANCO MARKET CENTER Great Clips For Hair 18630 Blanco Rd, Ste. 114 210-404-0994 THE VINEYARD SHOPPING CENTER Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic and Wellness PC 1205 N. Loop 1604 W., Ste. 211 210-764-8888 STONE OAK VILLAGE Slater White Cleaners 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 101 210-494-4126 State Farm Insurance, Betsy Dippo 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 112 210-496-3276 Stone Oak Florist 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 104 210-495-7442 STONE OAK SQUARE Vision Source 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-495-9020 STONE HUE CENTER Pizza Hut 20323 Huebner Rd, Ste. 103 210-497-1123 ERA COLONIAL REAL ESTATE 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 260 210-477-9400 STONE HUE PROFESSIONAL PLAZA North Hills Family Medicine 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 104 210-481-6800 San Antonio Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 103 210-497-1475 THE MEDICAL PARK AT STONE OAK Romes Pizza 19298 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-490-0700 Good Night Pediatrics 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, 210-545-7581 Physical Rehabilitation Institute 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 107 210-545-9355
Area Map
58 32
Reagan High School
Stone Oak
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47 Barbara Bush Middle School
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Oak Wilderness
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Stone Oak Park
Lopez Middle School
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Thousand Oaks
32 SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Chiropractic 225 E. Sonterra, Ste. 113 210-493-9119 33 325 E. SONTERRA BLVD. Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 202 210-496-7999 34 325 E. SONTERRA BLVD. Dr. Kevin J. Whritenour Au.D. 18838 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 210-316-7856 35 SPINE HOSPITAL OF SOUTH TEXAS 36 STONETERRA MEDICAL PLAZA S.A.G.A. 150 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 100 210-545-2555 CVS Pharmacy 120 E. Sonterra Blvd. 210-404-9006 stoneterra retail Center Prescott’s Orthotics & Prosthetics 158 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 106 210-496-0800 Stone Oak Pharmacy 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 101 210-494-4272 37 THE CREEK AT STONE OAK Diabetes America 20330 Huebner Rd., Ste. 104 866-693-4223 Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry (Susie Hayden, DDS) 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 210-491-4141 40 GASTROENTEROLOGY CONSULTANTS OF S.A. 855 Proton Road 210-614-1234 42 DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES 18540 Sigma Road 210-490-4661 43 THE CLUB AT SONTERRA 901 Sonterra Boulevard 210-496-1560 45 LA ARCATA CENTER Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition & Wellness 115 N. Loop 1604, Suite. 1207 210-545-1144 Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Suite. 1104 210-496-2533 46 19310 STONE OAK PARKWAY 47 MCDONALDS 20750 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-403-9066 48 BEST WESTERN HOTEL 18555 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-490-9191
49 INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 18750 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste. 100 210-496-6111 50 STONE RIDGE MARKET International Bank of Commerce HEB at Hwy. 281 and Evans Rd. 210-369-2914 210-283-6500 Texas State Optical 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 210-490-3937 (EYES) 52 SONTERRA OFFICE PARK 53 SA DENTAL SPECIALISTS Britton and Ferris Orthodontics 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-497-6688 54 115 GALLERY CIRCLE Dr. Webb’s Chiropractic & Wellness 115 Gallery Circle, Ste. 209 210-798-9322 55 STONE OAK CROSSING CENTER 56 LANE K. WALSH, DDS 1162 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 200 210-499-1110 57 CLOCK TOWER Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 302 210-828-8770 A Thru Z Pediatrics 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 102 210-490-8888 Reshmey Medical Clinic 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 301 210-828-2311 58 METHODIST STONE OAK HOSPITAL Alamo Maxillofacial Surgical Assoc., PA 1139 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 505 210-402-3550 59 SAN ANTONIO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1717 N. Loop 1604 E 210-258-1604 60 WELLS FARGO BANK 18488 Blanco Rd. 210-856-1141 61 WELLS FARGO BANK 20826 Hwy. 281 N. 210-856-8408 62 HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH/BANQUET HALL 20523 Huebner Road 210-497-4200 / 0700 63 THE FELLOWSHIP OF SAN ANTONIO 23755 Canyon Golf Road 210-402-3672
Creating a Healthy Smile,
on Time & at the Right Time By Alissa Nagle
mile! Fall is here! It’s a wonderful season for fresh beginnings, new goals and even novel ambitions. It’s also the perfect time to work toward a healthier, happier you . . . starting with your smile! No matter how old you may be (or the ages of your children), now is the perfect time to consider how a healthy smile could benefit you and/or your loved ones. At Britton Orthodontics, you can expect to receive amazing customer service from start to finish and personalized quality care at each and every visit. Taking it one step further, you can also expect to become part of a new, different kind of family – where working toward a better smile is viewed as an exciting and rewarding journey. With over 18 years of experience, Dr. Bloyce Britton has formed an orthodontic practice with two main goals in mind: to create beautiful smiles on time, while delivering outstanding customer service. “Treatment timing, service and communication are key themes in our practice,” explained Dr. Britton. “Through the commitment of our entire team to these elements we create a positive and enjoyable orthodontic experience. Our patients appreciate that we see them at their scheduled time. Running on time is very important to
us, and we take pride in it.” Dr. Britton treats each patient on a case by case basis. There is no “cookie cutter treatment.” If a patient’s teeth are still growing and shifting, Dr. Britton may recommend waiting before taking orthodontic action. “We will either recommend treatment or we will monitor that patient’s development and wait until the ideal time,” added Dr. Britton. “Our office takes the time to explain why treatment is or is not needed, based upon proven treatment approaches. We become a trusted partner in your care.” When a patient visits Dr. Britton, they are seen first for an examination where Dr. Britton provides a good assessment of future orthodontic needs. As a courtesy, exams are complimentary. If treatment is indicated, more diagnostic information is collected and then Dr. Britton develops an individualized treatment plan. “We go through a full work up with patients to determine what treatment modality is going to be the best for that individual,” Dr. Britton said. Once a patient joins the Britton Orthodontics family, they are treated exactly as that . . . family! The entire staff encourages the patient’s journey to a beautiful, healthier smile through friendly service and a fun,
Boutique Mammography Center Stone Oak
motivating Patient Rewards program. Each patient receives a “reward card” on which he or she can easily rack up “reward points” by working right alongside their doctor on their journey to a better smile. Everyone walks away a winner, just by staying on top of their treatment plan. No patient is “too old” to fix his or her smile. In fact, approximately 40 percent of Dr. Britton’s patients are adults. In addition to traditional metal braces, aesthetic options such as clear braces and Invisalign® are offered. Health, happiness, and self confidence are important to patients of every age. Correcting crowding, gummy smiles, and crooked teeth are important for a correct bite and an aesthetically pleasing smile. A healthy, beautiful smile is the curve that sets everything straight. Dr. Britton truly enjoys his work, serving north and central San Antonio by creating beautiful smiles one patient at a time.
Stone Oak Office 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd 210-497-6688
Alamo Heights Office 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd 210-497-6688
www.brittonortho.com Pastor - Steve Graves
Fun for the Whole Family! Wednesday - Oct 28 6 – 8 pm FREE EVENT SUNDAY MORNINGS
8:30 am - Contemporary Worship 9:45 am - Bible Study 11 am - Traditional Worship
12615 San Pedro • 210-545-2300 www.ShearerHills.org
ALLERGY SEASON! Stone Oak Allergy 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78258
Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Specializing in allergy, asthma, and immunology diagnosis, testing, and treatment for adults and children.
Same day appointments available. Call today!
www.stoneoakallergy.com • 210.494.0690 20Ad WelcomeHome Oct2015.indd
8/11/15 4:32 PM www.welcomehomesa.com
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Family Medicine
Allergy and Immunology Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Kristin Bussey-Smith M.D. Board Certified in Allergy & Immunology 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 495-4335 • aairmd.com
Reshmey Medical Clinic David K. Tharakan, M.D. 57 Family Practice • see map pg. 19 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 301 828-2311 • www.reshmeymedclinic.com
Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 • stoneoakallergy.com
Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. John N. Phillips, M.D. and Medical Staff 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 202 33 496-7999 • see map pg. 19 www.sofdpa.com
Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • www.antiagingsa.com Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center Vernon F. Williams, M.D., 495-8558 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 240 www.twaamc.com, www.measureage.com www.edinstituteoftx.com • see map pg. 19
Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic Wellness, P.A. Michael R. Golab, D.C. 1205 N. FM 1604 W., Suite 211 4 764-8888 • see map pg. 19
San Antonio Dermatology Board Certified in Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Suite 103 497-1475 • see map pg. 19 www.lindacoffeymd.com
Ear, Nose & Throat Adult/Ped. Advanced Sinus Clinic Anthony P. Sertich, II, M.D., F.A.C.S. 502 Madison Oak, Suite 346 37 614-8625 • see map pg. 19 www.sertichmd.com Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of SA Talley•Spears•Desai•Gleinser•Henderson, M.Ds 150 E Sonterra Blvd., Suite 200 36 499-4589 • see map pg. 19 www.entclinicsofsa.com
Ear Specialist Ear Institute of Texas Lance E. Jackson, MD, FACS 525 Oak Centre, Suite 100 696-HEAR (4327) www.EarInstituteofTexas.com
Family Dentistry Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N Loop 1604 E. Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533 • see map pg. 19 45 www.dentalcareSA.com
Pediatric Dentistry
Serrano OB/GYN Christopher Serrano, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 545-7700 www.serrano-obgyn.com
Children’s Physicians Group 20642 Stone Oak Pkwy. 479-3000 www.chofsa.org/physiciansgroup Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Suite 103 491-4141 • see map pg. 19 www.drsusie.net
Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 119 697-3821 • see map pg. 19
Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D. McMyler, MD P. Mehta, M.D., R. Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 40 614-1234 • see map pg. 19 www.gastroconsa.com San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates J. Johnson, MD, Eddie Flores, MD. M Lindner, M.D., J. Bullock, MD 150 East Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 36 545-2555 • see map pg. 19 www.sagastro.com Stone Oak Gastroenterology S. Dar, MD, C. Mallikarjun (Mallik) MD, M. Naeem, MD. 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 102 268-0124 • www.sagidoc.com
Internal Medicine
Marcos Medical Care Yolanda Marcos MD Amita Kumar MD, Audrey Rodriguez PA-C 510 Med Court, Suite 210 494-4290 • www.marcosmedical.com
North Central Baptist Hospital Baptist Regional Children’s Center 520 Madison Oak Dr. 297-4000 • see map pg. 19 Baptisthealthsystem.com
Medical Billing COR Medical Billing Services We concentrate on you, While you concetrate on your patients Phone: 210-477-1956, Fax: 210-468-2355 www.cormedicalbilling.com
Neurosurgical Associates of S. A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 • www.neurosurgerysa.com
Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 494-4272 • see map pg. 19
Physical Therapy
Dr. John M. Nevelow, O.D., F.A.A.O. Erin M. Nevelow, O.D. 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 120 349-2437 “Discoveries Thru Vision”
Healthlink Outpatient Rehab Center 525 Oak Centre, Suite 450 297-4525 • see map pg. 19 www.healthlinksa.com
Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) • see map pg. 19 www.stoneoaktso.com
Physical Rehabilitation Institute Dr. Bussey • D. Harrington G. Molina • S. Bussey 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 107 545-9355 (well) • see map pg. 19 www.myPRI.net
Orthodontics For Adults/Children Britton and Ferris Orthodontics Bloyce H. Britton III., DDS, • MS Tyler W. Ferris, DDS, • MS 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 497-6688 • see map pg. 19
Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 • www.alohasmiles.net Hill Country Pain C. William (Bill) Murphy, M.D., Justin J. Vigil, M.D. J. Kaleb Shaw, M.D., Nancy Burgher, PA-C. 14800 San Pedro, Suite 202 582-6600 www.hillcountrypain.com Tricity Pain Associates P.A. U. Dar, MD, S. Vasireddy MD, K. Monis MD. S. Patel, MD, R. Sharma, MD, 110 Stone Oak Loop • 268-0129 www.sapaindoc.com, www.tricitypaindoc.com
Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt • Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000 www.huebnerpediatrics.com
To add your listing to the Stone Oak Medical & Professional Directory, call 210-348-8233 October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Kelly J. Smith, MD 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 615-3700 www.pedipulm.com
12 Dr. Monica Allison, O.D. 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite. 106, see map pg. 19 495-9020 • www.visionsource-stoneoak.com Stone Oak Vision Source
Pain Management 26
Pediatrics Pulmonary & Sleep
San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris, Nicolau, Ming-Zhao, Stephenson, Roberts 14807 San Pedro 226-6169 • www.saeye.com
Texas Fertility Center Summer L. James, M.D. 502 Madison Oak Dr., Suite 230 370-3800 www.fertilitysanantonio.com
Obstetrics Gynecology
Texas Physical Therapy Dr. J. Sams, PT • Dr. S. Stratton, PT • Dr. J. Clark, PT Dr. A. Fong, PT • Dr. J. Morello, PT, • Dr. D. Clark, PT Dr. L. Magalong, PT • Dr. B. Guarriello, PT 300 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 210 494-4500 • www.texpts.com
Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care D.M. Chaney • W. Strash • R. Perez, DPM’s 57 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Bldg. 3, Suite 302 829-8770 (by Clock Tower) • see map pg. 19 www.podlink.com
Radiology South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 31 617-9000 • see map pg. 19 www.stric.com
Urgent Care Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • www.fossilcreekurgentcare.com Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice 115 Gallery Circle, Suite 102 481-6060 • www.soucfp.com Family Practice, Open 7 Days
A Car Ride With A Light Show
By Stefanie Young ou may not be thinking about it now, but one day you may want to resell your car. Even for those with a newer car, you will likely want to preserve the value and look of your vehicle. If these ideas resonate with you, Lonestar Carwash should be on your to do list this month. The car wash has been evolving over the past 15 years to meet their customer’s needs as the technology available has changed. “Initially, the two in-bay machines were both ‘touch-free’ units which were later changed to ‘soft wash’,” explained Roger Outland, owner of Lonestar Carwash, “Now we have removed one “soft-wash” in-bay machine and recently added a new “3” minute express wash tunnel that is a fully optioned automatic wash that eliminates the wait time.” The washing equipment is the first in Texas that uses technology that spins the
brushes at 1/3 the speed of a normal car wash, producing the most quiet and gentle car wash in San Antonio. Roger and his staff know everyone is busy and time is an important factor. “Another important feature of the car wash is having attendants present from 7:30 am - 8:00 pm 7 days a week, who can assist with any customer questions,” said Outland. “We understand that machines can sometimes do “funny” things but the attendant can make it right which is what we always strive to do.” The optional membership program is a time and money saving plan for their customers who make a one-time monthly payment, which starts at $20/month. It allows for customers to wash their vehicle as often as they wish with no worries of weather changes. If it rains later that day, they are welcome to come back. The membership is a month-to-month plan with
no long term commitment, no cost to join or cancel - making it as easy as possible for everyone. “Car washing is all we do, so we pay close attention to the water quality, the concentration of the soaps, and the upkeep and maintenance of the machines to insure that you get the best car wash possible,” said Outland. “The ease, convenience and speed cannot be matched at home.” On top of great service, they use a SAWS approved water recycle system that will save more than 3,000,000 gallons of water every year and a CPS approved solar panel system that saves over 50% of electricity demands each year - all to save on natural resources for San Antonio. To find out more information, visit
Lonestarcarwashsanantonio.com. You can visit the washing stations at 19220 Blanco Road where you can put your vehicle in neutral and enjoy the ride with the light show!
Girl Scout Leaders Meet And Greet At Bahama Buck’s
Submitted By Risa Weinberger, Girl Scout Volunteer s a thank you to all of the returning Girl Scout troop leaders for this school year, the Bush-Lopez Service Team arranged for an evening of fun at the new Bahama Buck’s in Stone Oak on Thursday, August 27. “We want our leaders to know that we appreciate the time they spend setting up for troop meetings and volunteering to work
with the girls all year.” stated Beth Beaty, Bush-Lopez Service Unit Director (SUD). Volunteering does take time, but the rewards come with the growth and confidence developed by the girls as they work through the Girl Scout program. It’s also fun to meet and work with other adults that have a common bond. During the Meet and Greet, leaders were able to pick up information about upcoming service unit events, find out about the monthly leader meetings, and have fun
networking and talking to other leaders about their troops. It was a wonderful kickoff for a great year of Girl Scouts. For those unable to make the Meet and Greet, the 6:30pm monthly leader meetings will be on the first Thursday of each month (except September) at the Stone Mountain Clubhouse on Amber Stone. For directions, contact Beth Beaty – blsud@hotmail.com. This information will also be posted on the Bush-Lopez Service Unit website on Rallyhood.
Girl Scout leaders enjoy a cool snack while networking at Bahama Buck’s
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Buy 1, Get 1 FREE Buy any one pizza, get one free. Not valid with any other offer. Exp. 10/31/15
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2 Great Locations to Serve You! Stone Oak Pkwy & Hardy Oak 20079 Stone Oak Pkwy 210-481-3478
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October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Reagan: Calling All Dancers!
Sonterra Women’s Association
Holiday Bazaar
Photo courtesy: Alamo Sports Photography
Halftime Dance Clinic performance.
Submitted By Cari Goodyear, Reagan Spirit Board HS Dance Clinic October 31st Calling all kids in grades K-9th to bring their “scary” feet and attend the Reagan High School Dance Clinic on Saturday October 31st. So before all the “Monsters” go out to celebrate Halloween, bring them to Reagan High School 7am11am for a morning filled with dancing excitement. At the clinic, kids will learn a grade appropriate level dance from the RHS Dance and Drill team members. Papa John’s pizza and water will be served and dancers will receive a specially made Reagan Dance Spirit Stick and ribbon. A keepsake photo will be made with members of the Reagan Dance and Drill teams as a memory of their newly formed friendships. At 10:30am, groups will show off their spectacular dancing skills on the RHS practice field and then they can perform their dance during halftime that afternoon at the 2pm Reagan vs. Lee Varsity Football Game held at Comalander Stadium. Bring your camera and don’t miss the excitement of being part of the high school football game and seeing your dancer perform on the field. The Clinic costs $35 or after October 14th the cost is $40 so make sure to register
“Meet me at the Holiday Bazaar. Best shopping experience by far!”
November 6, 2015 • 10 am - 3 pm At the clinic, kids will learn a grade appropriate level dance from the RHS Dance and Drill team members.
early to guarantee a dance clinic t-shirt and to place an order for the optional Monster Tutu for $10. RHS Dancers will be visiting local elementary and middle schools to hand out more information and registration forms can be found at: www.facebook.com/ ReaganDanceClinic. For more information or questions, please contact Mary Ann Salinas at salinas1097@yahoo.com. A special thanks to the Dance Clinic sponsors who help make it possible: DanzGear, CetraPro Painters, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Spirit Monkey, Randall Voigt DDS, and Security Service Federal Credit Union. We can’t wait to meet all of the kids and to see all their “Mon-Star” dance moves!
Entry to this event is free and open to the public. Bring your friends and family, enjoy a festive holiday shopping event, with merchandise provided by a number of local vendors. For more info, please call either: Erika Colantonia, 210-639-1599 or Marilou Epps, 210-379-6461 The Club at Sonterra • 901 Sonterra Blvd • 78258
Reagan Football Season Submitted By Cari Goodyear ootball Season is underway and the thrill is in the air! Cheerleaders have spirit, Dancers are performing, Band is playing music, Color Guard and Twirlers are on the move, Venom Crew is making noise, and the Players are winning games! Come experience the excitement! RHS Upcoming Events: October 3 Football game.7pm vs Johnson. Spirit game day T-shirts on sale that week. Cheer clinic 9am-12pm and kids K-9th cheer on the sideline at football game. October 9 Football game 7:30pm vs Madison October 16 Football game 7:30pm vs Churchill. Spirit game day T-shirts on sale that week – Pysch out the Chargers. October 23 Football game 7:30pm vs MacArthur. Pink out game - Help support and celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month by wearing Pink to the game. October 24 Diamondbacker All Sports Gala 6pm-Midnight. Adults only - Purchase tickets at www.rattlersports.com October 31 Football game 2pm vs Lee. Dance clinic 7-11am for grades K-9th and performance at halftime.
Friday, October 30th 6-9PM Carnival Games Haunted Hayride Laser Tag Face Paint LOTS OF CANDY!!
Photo Credit: Alamo Sports Photography.
Building Rattler excitement at the games!
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
This event is complimentary for all members. Guest fee: $10- Children under 5 are free. Call for additional details and RSVP’s 210.483.4292
Socializing: It’s For Kids, Ages 1 To 111
Seema A. Dar, MD, FACG • Muhammad Naeem, MD • Chaithanya Mallikarjun, MD
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Boxes • Packing & Moving Supplies Fax & Copies • Document Shredding Virtual Offices • Private Mail Boxes Specialty Gifts • Gift Wrap Passport Photos
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By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 ost people understand the As children with elderly parents, it importance of encouraging is imperative to focus on the need for and teaching young children emotional stimulation, just as much as to socialize, but it’s easy to overlook ensuring their physical needs are being met. the importance of socialization for older On their own, it’s up to the individual to adults. It should rank right up there with seek out the opportunities and find ways to the importance of being physically and develop new friendships; which can seem financially healthy. Many seniors have spent like an insurmountable task. That’s where a a considerable portion of their lives in the quality independent living or assisted living company of others; either in the workplace community can help. At Independence Hill or raising children. During the retirement Retirement Community, Assisted Living and years, with children living their own lives, Independence Village, our Neighborhood of losing friends or moving away from them, Garden Homes, we provide residents with the opportunities for socialization can activities and opportunities designed to continually decrease. meet their physical, emotional, spiritual and The more socially active people are, the social needs. We invite them to participate less likely they will become depressed. It is in numerous volunteer opportunities, as we well documented that depression, stress and know how much valuable knowledge and isolation can lead to health issues. Experts experience they possess. Joining a group of say that seniors who enjoy an active social people with the same interests makes life life often extend their lives by years; but more fun. there are numerous other benefits. It helps Social interaction helps keep your brain provide a higher self-esteem, a sense of from getting rusty, but it’s most effective purpose, something to look forward to. when combined with a lifestyle that is Being social does not mean you have to nurturing overall. Start to experience be the “Bell of the Ball” or “Mr. Outgoing.” the exciting lifestyle that awaits at It could simply be having someone to share Independence Hill by joining us for lunch a meal with, being a part of a Bridge Club, and a personal tour. a Book Club, or a volunteer, dance or travel Independence Hill Retirement Resort group or going to the local Senior Center. Community is located in Stone Oak at Just being with people counts! Reach out 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX to your neighbors, church groups and other 78258. For more information, call (210) organizations – and stay as vibrant, active, 209-8956 or visit www.independencehill. and social as you’ve always been. com
The Walker Belden Foundation Submitted By Emily Belden he Walker Belden Foundation is pleased to be hosting its 3rd Annual charity golf tournament Friday, October 2nd, 2015 benefitting Morgan’s Wonderland. This year we will be playing the beautiful Canyon Springs Golf Club of San Antonio at 1:30pm. The Walker Belden Foundation would like to invite each of you to join us in our fundraising efforts to support this amazing special needs facility. The Walker Belden Foundation is thrilled to help continue the amazing work and play at Morgan’s Wonderland. Last year’s golf tournament raised $75,000 that was donated to Morgan’s Wonderland. Through the generosity of our family, donors, sponsors and golfers, we will be able to have another successful year! www. thewalkerbeldenfoundation-org.webs.com. Our Reason Our son Walker was born on April 28, 2010. Our beautiful boy was born with a heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot. On September 13, 2010 Walker went into surgery to repair his heart. The next day he went in to cardiac arrest and was placed on life support. Walker had suffered an anoxic brain injury because of his cardiac arrest. Due to his brain injury, Walker faces many challenges on a daily basis. Having a child with special needs, Jason and I have noticed that most local attractions do not have activities designed
for cognitive and physically challenged children. The first time our family visited Morgan’s Wonderland we were thrilled to see all the accommodations for children with special needs. Walker can enjoy fun outdoor activities with his friends and family for years to come. As a family, we want every special needs child to have this same wonderful experience. Below is a list of ways you can help us achieve our goal. Morgan’s Wonderland Morgan’s Wonderland is the only theme park in the world designed with specialneeds individuals in mind. The inspiration for Morgan’s Wonderland came from philanthropist Gordon Hartman’s 20-yearold daughter Morgan. Her soaring spirit despite cognitive and physical challenges sparked within Hartman and wife Maggie a deep desire to create a haven not only for those with special needs but also for their families, caregivers and invited friends. “Inclusion is the overarch objective,” he explained. “Everyone can have a good time at Morgan’s Wonderland.” Morgan’s Wonderland, which is completely wheelchair-accessible, features more than 25 elements and attractions including rides, playgrounds, gardens, an eight-acre catchand-release fishing lake, 18,000-squarefoot special-events center, 575-seat amphitheater, picnic area and rest areas throughout the park. For more information visit www.MorgansWonderland.com
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
October Is Dyslexia Awareness Month
By Leslie Jernigan, M.A. Learning Foundations Diagnostic and Learning Center 210-495-2626
ost people know about October being the month for Breast Cancer Awareness. You can expect to see everything from pink brooms at H.E.B. to pink cleats and gloves at an N.F.L. game. Although I wholeheartedly support this cause, today I want to talk about another, less visible condition that is hurting 1 in 5 families in the U.S. I’m talking about dyslexia, and October is National Dyslexia Awareness Month. Dyslexia is known as an “invisible disability” because people with dyslexia do not look or act any differently than anyone else in the classroom. People with dyslexia tend to be quite intelligent and may be able
to mask their difficulties by compensating with their strengths. For these reasons, so many dyslexic kids fall through the cracks and spend their entire school career thinking they are dumb, slow or lazy. To help bring awareness to as many teachers and families as possible, Learning Foundations participated as an Executive Producer for the documentary film “Embracing Dyslexia”. This film sheds light on this commonly misunderstood condition, and invites teachers and parents to take action and educate themselves about how people with dyslexia can overcome their difficulties. We were invited to participate in a Q&A
session at the world premiere in Chicago, and I can tell you that parents in Illinois share the same concerns as parents in Texas, and anywhere else in the U.S. Why don’t enough teachers know about this? Why didn’t my child’s pediatrician tell me anything? How can a dyslexic child learn to read and spell? What are schools doing about tailoring to the dyslexic learning style? All of these are hard-hitting questions that are addressed in “Embracing Dyslexia.” If you are a teacher or a doctor, I especially recommend that you watch this documentary. Parents are going to you with questions about why their child is failing. This film will help you give them straight answers. On Monday, October 19th, Learning Foundations will present a screening of “Embracing Dyslexia” at the Alamo Drafthouse in Stone Oak. Following the documentary, Executive Producer Rafael
Market Days At Encino Park Submitted By Beverly Anderson he Encino Park Women’s Club invites you to our Annual Market Days on Saturday, October 3rd from 9 am to 5 pm and Sunday, October 4th from 9 am to 3 pm on the grounds of the Encino Park Community Center, 1923 Encino Rio. Shop with over 70 vendors for seasonal decorations, unique gifts, clothing, jewelry and more. Concessions are available.
Scarnati and other parents will join us for an open panel discussion and Q&A session. This will be an excellent opportunity to get your questions answered, and network with other parents of kids and teens with dyslexia and professionals in the field. If you would like to RSVP to this screening, please visit www.LearningFoundations. com/EmbracingDyslexia or call (210) 4952626 and ask for me or Rafael. I hope to see you there! Leslie Jernigan has a Masters’ Degree in School Psychology and is Director of Assessment at Learning Foundations Cognitive Training Center. To learn more about dyslexia warning signs, diagnosis, and intervention visit www. LearningFoundations.com or call (210) 495-2626 for a Free Consultation.
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Parking and admission are free. This event will be held rain or shine. The Encino Park Women’s Club is a community service organization and proceeds from Market Days benefits local community and youth projects, scholarships and other charitable causes. For further information, contact Event Coordinator Gail Swain at epmarketdays@gmail.com
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w w w. l u v n c a re c e n te rs . c o m October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Bush MS Bulldog Festival
Submitted By Annjanett McNeil ush Middle School is having its annual Bulldog Festival on October 30, 2015 from 5-8 PM. The Festival
is a community event open to all ages. There is live entertainment, games, inflatables, great food, pep rally, and a market area. It’s fun for the whole family! This year they
will hold a costume contest to all who want to participate, but they ask that you opt for face painting, as masks will not be allowed. Hope to see you all there!
They are currently looking for sponsors for the event. If you are interested in being a sponsor for this event, please email BulldogFestival@gmail.com for more info.
Bush MS Choir Members Honored Bush-Lopez Service Unit Will Spruce Up The Fire House Submitted By Audrey De La Cruz ush MS Choir is excited to announce that 6 members were selected to be a part of the 2015 Texas Choral Director’s Association MS/JH Honor Choir. These students were selected from over 700 choral students from around the state. The MS/JH Honor Choir performed as a culmination of the TCDA Convention, with over 1,500 choral director’s in the audience. The young musicians had the opportunity to be under the direction of composer and clinician, Andrea Ramsey. Dr. Ramsey is currently the Associate Director of Choral Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The Honor Choir performed an eclectic concert consisting of music from Peru, China, South Africa, Ireland, and many American heritages. Bush MS students who represented San Antonio include: Ainsley Ford, Hunter Hedlund, Braedon House, Nathan Napoli, Zachary True, and Preston Yates. Choir directors, Dianna Jarvis and Audrey De la Cruz are extremely proud of these students for their commitment to choral music and the high level of maturity,
Bush MS students who represented San Antonio include: Ainsley Ford, Hunter Hedlund, Braedon House, Nathan Napoli, Zachary True, and Preston Yates.
musicianship, and passion they have brought to the classroom.
Get To Know Our 2015-2016 Lopez PALS Submitted By Melissa Volz hat is PALS? Peer Assistance Leadership Service Program is a school-based, peer-to-peer youth program for 8th grade students supporting the philosophy of students helping students. PALS program goals are to help build a positive school climate through youth leadership, mentoring, conflict resolution, peer helping, service, and prevention activities. PALS are students you know you should be able to count on to be a “PAL”. Our Lopez PALS are….and a little bit about who they are. Sarah Napier: When I grow up I will probably be a science teacher because I love science and I love teaching kids about it. Tristan Gonzalez: My favorite types of food are steak and wings. Ashton Kroon: My favorite type of movies to watch are action movies Cameron Barlow: My favorite desserts are cinnamon rolls and bread pudding.
Submitted By Risa Weinberger, Girl Scout Volunteer irls Scouts from the Bush/Lopez Service Unit will be planting and completing a landscape project at the Stone Oak Fire Station 46 (1165 Evans Road) on October 24, 9:00 – 12:00noon. Troops from the entire service unit are asked to come out to help plant the new landscaped area in front of the fire station. Please wear closed toed shoes and bring garden gloves. Girl Scout Troop #44 is spearheading this service unit community service program by setting up prep days with the Stone Oak POA and the Naturalists for the community, designing the landscaped area, deciding on appropriate drought resistant plants, and developing a grass ball project for troops to assist with, aside from the actual cleaning and planting project. Sarah Rudolph and Malena Desai, two Cadette members of Girl Scout Troop #44, discovered the need for the landscape project while they were working with the fire fighters at Station 46 on their Silver Award. The girls approached their troop with the idea of helping the fire fighters make their “house” look nicer with this landscape project. They then brought the idea to the service unit as a large group project since it would take many hands to make the landscaping complete. The troop has been working with the
The Lopez PALS (Peer Assistance Leadership Service).
Jason Summers: When I grow up I want to be an Orthopedic Surgeon Lauren Frenkel: If I could travel anywhere in the world I would probably want to visit Singapore since I sued to live there. Maddie Alger: In my free time I enjoy playing soccer and hanging out with my friends. Sutton Thomas: My favorite subject in school is nurses aide, because I love helping and comforting other students.
Tori Jordan: When I grow up I’ll probably be an author for young adults. Sydney Ortiz: My favorite dessert is strawberry shortcake. Katherine King: When I grow up I want to be a special needs teacher, I love helping people. Dana Marion: I love Pop Music Erin Scott: In my free time I enjoy dancing, singing and volunteering at animal shelters. Brooke Walsh: In my free-time I enjoy reading , playing with my animals and riding my horse. Jenna Kleiss: My favorite type of food is Italian. I love Caesar salads and ravioli with no sauce. Seth Royder: My favorite dessert is
Girl Scouts learn the proper way to landscape the fire station.
Stone Oak Property Association through the summer and has a complete plan in place. This project has become a joint effort between the Girl Scout Service Unit and the Stone Oak POA. Lori Rudolph stated, “It has been so wonderful to have the Stone Oak POA to work with. They have provided the girls with so much information and the tools needed to actually design and landscape from beginning to end.” Troops are signing up to help on the prep days (Sept 12, 26, Oct 10) on the landscape day (Oct 24), and to donate small plants and special grass seed. For more information about troop participation, go to the service unit Rallyhood website or contact Lori Rudolph at gstroop44@yahoo.com. Texas sheet cake. Adrian Langley: In my free time I enjoy hanging out at the pool, it’s almost my home away from home. Ray Rayos: My favorite type of food is Mexican, hands down. Cameron Wood: When I grow up I’ll probably be on Broadway or traveling the world with my dancing. Dillon Caraveo: When I grow up I’ll probably be designing Lego sets in Denmark. Nicholas Beigel: My favorite food is my moms special ribs that take all day to cook. Henry Higgs: When I grow up I will probably be in the Air Force. Lopez PALS are looking forward to a great year.
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
HS Cheerleaders Lift Spirits At Elementary School
Reagan and Johnson Cheerleaders visit Tuscany Heights.
Submitted By Diane Valderama he Reagan High School and Johnson High School Cheerleaders visited Tuscany Heights Elementary on Tuesday, September 1st to welcome the community to Greenback Night and Open
House for the school. The cheerleaders along with Johnson’s mascot, JJ the Jaguar, performed cheers and dance routines for the Tuscany Heights Tigers. Reagan Cheer Captain Jessica Stiglmeier and Co-Captain Madison Hager, wished the students a great school
year. Meghan Mollicone, Johnson Head Cheerleader, talked to students and parents about the importance of displaying leadership at school. Meghan told the students “Leadership is not only shown through one’s actions, but through the attitude they portray and the
The cheerleaders along with Johnson’s mascot, JJ the Jaguar, performed cheers and dance routines for the Tuscany Heights Tigers.
integrity they hold. It’s about being the best you, you can possibly be, and that itself will take you far in life.” JJ the Jaguar snapped “selfies” with the Tuscany Heights students and provided hugs all around!
Follow The Yellow Brick Road With The Reagan Choir Submitted by Lisa Johnson, Reagan Choir Booster Club Board Member he beginning of school and fall bring with it a lot of exciting choir activities. Before school ever started, the Choir Council got to work decorating their newly renovated choir room with a beautiful mural featuring this year’s Wizard of Oz theme. This year’s dreamy adventure began with the choir’s first concert, the Booster Extravaganza on Sept. 8th, where all of the choirs were able to show off the music they’d learned in just two short weeks. Next up is the Fall Concert on Mon., Oct. 19th at 7:30 PM in the Reagan Auditorium. The Fall Concert will be preceded by
the choir’s 5th Annual Dinner and Silent Auction. This year, our Choir Dads will dish up scrumptious Bill Miller BBQ, served at 5:00 and 5:30 PM in the Reagan Cafeteria. The Singing Dads will serenade you and your family while you dine, then you can head out to the Fine Arts foyer until 7:00 PM to place your bids on lots of great silent auction items before the concert. Just a taste of what to expect: Americus Diamond, Rampage Basket with tickets, Vera Bradley duffel, various gift cards, and much, much more! October will also be full of auditions for those choir students desiring to sing their way to a spot in one of the TMEA Texas All-
State Choirs. We have many talented singers at Reagan and are very proud to have sent 13 students to the All-State Choirs last year. We want to wish all of the auditioners this year great success as they follow the AllState road. Dare to dream, Rattlers – Strike ‘em! Reagan Choir BBQ Dinner, Silent Auction and Fall Concert: Monday, October 19 (Reagan High School Cafeteria, 19000 Ronald Reagan, 78258) 5:00 to 6:50 PM. Delicious food, singing Dads, and fantastic auction items donated by local sponsors! Join the Reagan Choir at its annual BBQ Dinner and Silent Auction and help support this successful
October Is Dysautonomia Awareness Month
Submitted By Gail Lamb ysautonomia is an umbrella term used to describe several different medical conditions that cause a malfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System. The Autonomic Nervous System controls the “automatic” functions of the body that we do not consciously think about, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, dilation and constriction of the pupils of the eye, kidney function, and temperature control. People living with various forms of dysautonomia have trouble regulating these systems, which can result in lightheadedness, fainting, unstable blood pressure, abnormal heart rates, malnutrition, and in severe cases, death. Dysautonomia is not rare. Over 70 million people worldwide live with various forms of dysautonomia. People of any age, gender or race can be impacted. There is no cure for any form of dysautonomia at this time, but Dysautonomia International is funding research to develop better treatments, and
hopefully someday a cure for each form of dysautonomia. Despite the high prevalence of dysautonomia, most patients take years to get diagnosed due to a lack of awareness amongst the public and within the medical profession. Some of the different forms of dysautonomia include: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) - estimated to impact 1 out of 100 teenagers and, including adult patients, a total of 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 Americans. POTS can cause light-headedness, fainting, tachycardia, chest pains, and shortness of breath, GI upset, shaking, exercise intolerance, temperature sensitivity and more. While POTS predominantly impacts young women who look healthy on the outside, researchers compare the disability seen in POTS to the disability seen in conditions like COPD and congestive heart failure. Neurocardiogenic Syncope (NCS) - NCS is the most common form of dysautonomia, NCS impacts tens of millions of individuals worldwide. Many individuals with NCS
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
have a mild case, with fainting spells once or twice in their lifetime. Individuals with moderate to severe NCS have difficulty engaging in work, school and social activities due to the frequent fainting attacks. Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) - MSA is a fatal form of dysautonomia that occurs in adult ages 40 and up. It is a neurodegenertive disorder with some similarities to Parkinson’s disease, but unlike Parkinson’s patients. MSA is considered a rare disease, with an estimated 350,000 patients worldwide. Dysautonomia can also occur secondary to other medical conditions, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac, Sjogren’s syndrome, lupus, and Parkinson’s.1,3 There is currently no cure for dysautonomia, but secondary forms may improve with treatment of the underlying disease.4 There are some treatments available to improve quality of life, both with medications and lifestyle changes/adaptations. You can make a difference in the lives of people living with dysautonomia by donating today! www.
Waiting and playing at the Mixed Region Audition.
Fine Arts program, then stay for the Fall Concert at 7:30 PM (free admission).
Dysautonomiainternational.org. Sources1. National Institutes of Health Rare Disease Network’s Autonomic Disorders Consortium 2. Dysautonomias: Clinical Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System. 3. Dysautonomia, A family of misunderstood disorders. Richard N. Fogoros, M.D., About.com 4. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Information Page 5. Clinical Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System Associated With Orthostatic Intolerance: An Overview of Clarification.
Local Pet Care You Can Count On Special To Welcome Home n the flourishing Stone Oak area lies the home of Lili Veterinary Hospital, a new full service animal hospital that welcomes furry patients in need of routine medical, surgical, and dental care as well as emergency treatment cases. Lili Veterinary Hospital is owned and operated by Dr. Oby Okafor who obtained her degree from the University of Nigeria and completed the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates certification program at Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Okafor has been practicing for over 20 years and is an adept surgeon who enjoys all aspects of veterinary medicine. After 5 years practicing in Houston, Dr. Okafor decided to move to San Antonio to pursue her love for veterinary medicine and it was in the Stone Oak area she chose to bring her dream of her own practice to life. Although her interests lie in surgery, emergency, and critical care medicine, Dr. Okafor’s facility covers a broad array of veterinary practice to ensure every pet is healthy and receives the utmost care. Wanting to create a patient centered hospital which offers the best care in veterinary medicine, Lili Veterinary Hospital incorporates compassionate and comprehensive patient care with optimal surgical and medical care tailored to each patient. Throughout the months of September and October, Lili Veterinary Hospital is offering a dental wellness program which includes 20% off dental procedures. The dental program include blood work as well as a full mouth dental x-ray to ensure pet’s health below the gum line. The complete
Girl Scouts Travel West
Older girls in Girl Scout Troop #566 take a stroll in Hollywood, CA.
health of your pet is a priority at Lili Veterinary Hospital and all office visits include a physical examination with an oral exam. Beyond providing first rate preventive pet care, Lili Veterinary Hospital strives to have a comfortable, kid-friendly, and serene environment so pets can relax in the waiting room and look forward to their visit. Dr. Okafor and the staff are dedicated to the well-being of each patient. Your pet is truly in safe hands at Lili Veterinary Hospital.
SA Symphony Brings Concert Series To Majestic Theatre
Submitted By Risa Weinberger, Girl Scout Volunteer ome people wonder “What do the Girl Scout troops do with the money they earn from selling cookies?” For Girl Scout Troop #566, it means money to travel together. This summer, the younger girls in this multi-age troop spent a week in June camping at Jellystone Park in the Hill Country. The girls enjoyed swimming, a hayride, laser tag, and a variety of activities provided at this fun camp site. It was a fun way to start the summer vacation. For the older girls in the troop, it was a trip west through Tucson, AZ and on to California. They spent ten days touring around Los Angeles and San Diego. Some of the sites they enjoyed were to Universal Studios Hollywood, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Venice Beach, Santa Monica
Pier, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, The Getty Museum, and San Diego’s Balboa Park, Old Town and beaches. They even saw a few crews filming on Mulholland Drive. According to troop leader, Julie Steele, “Our troop worked extra hard selling cookies this year to pay for our 10 day trip to Los Angeles and San Diego. The girls sold almost 10k boxes.” And from the girls: Zoey said, “The trip was Awesome!” Caroline said, “As usual, this trip was the best yet. It was super fun and I love spending time with my troop! We all had a terrific, exhausting, exciting, exhilarating ten days. We visited Tucson, Arizona and experienced a monsoon in full force, then went swimming an hour later when the clouds cleared and the sun came out.” These are experiences that the girls in Troop #566 will always remember. Their hard work definitely paid off.
Submitted By Laura Hernandez Aplin he San Antonio Symphony announces its POPs rock concert series with Windborne’s The Music of Queen on October 23 and The Music of Led Zeppelin on October 24, 2015. Amplified by a full rock band and accompanied by two outstanding singers for each program, creator and arranger Brent Havens guest conducts the ensemble as they capture Led Zeppelin’s “sheer blast and power and the legendary sound and music of Queen.” Both performances will bring innovative interpretations across art mediums to San Antonio. “We are focusing on a time period of incredible artistic output in the world of rock–n-roll, and are excited about continuing our relationship with the Majestic Theatre
to bring these fantastic performances to San Antonio,” said David Gross, San Antonio Symphony President. “These live performances from your San Antonio Symphony will bring a new appreciation for the artistry of these rock bands and their wonderful compositions.” According to Mike Rilley, Majestic & Empire Theatres General Manager, these internationally touring concerts enable music lovers the opportunity to experience a live performance with incredible local talent. “The Majestic is a wonderful venue for these programs, as it provides concertgoers with an acoustic sensory experience unlike any other. We are thrilled to host the Symphony again to bring San Antonio the best in live concert music.”
“The Music of Queen” Bridging the gulf between rock n’ roll and classical music, conductor/arranger Brent Havens takes the podium on October 23, 2015 at 8 p.m., as he channels the music of Freddy Mercury and Queen into a symphonic experience unlike any other. According to Havens, “The band is reproducing what Queen did live, as closely as possible within the constraints of personnel, and then having an orchestra behind the band gives the music richness, a whole new feel, a whole different sense of color but still preserving the wonderful music that they originally produced.” Familiar songs will entice rock fans to the Symphony for a new appreciation of Queen’s arrangements and Mercury’s vocal style.
“The Music of Led Zeppelin” Havens’ magic continues on October 24, 2015 at 8 p.m., to present The Music of Led Zeppelin, a program he scored to extend the listening experience of Led Zeppelin’s timeless tunes. Performed by the San Antonio Symphony and amplified with a full rock band and screaming vocals, Havens and his ensemble capture Led Zeppelin’s “sheer blast and power” riff for riff in classics such as Stairway to Heaven, Heartbreaker, Black Dog and Immigrant Song. It’s a night not to miss for Led Zeppelin fans and aficionados of complex compositions. Tickets Are On Sale Tickets start from $25. Rock concert fans can purchase tickets online at ticketmaster.com, by calling (800) 7453000, or visiting their nearest Ticketmaster location or the Majestic Theatre Box Office.
BACK TO SCHOOL, from Page 8
Another option for sports are contact lenses and we have a huge assortment of trial lenses to get your athlete started with them the same day in most cases. It’s much easier to wear contact lenses under helmets than sports glasses too. And a great choice for all athletes is ortho-k- where reshaping contacts are only worn at night and good vision is achieved all
day long without glasses or contacts on in the daytime. Ask the doctors if this method will work for the athlete in your family. Drs. Monica Allison, Lindsey Denison, and Kim Ip practice at Stone Oak Vision Source located 19202 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste 106. All of the doctors are members of Vision Source, the nation’s number one network of private practice optometrists.
Founded in 1991, The Vision Source network includes more than 2500 offices in all 50 states and Canada. If you or a loved one needs to find a family eye doctor, please call (210) 495-9020 (Stone Oak Pkwy location) www.visionsource-stoneoak.com.
Source can provide excellent protection and recommendations for the whole family. Best vision- you have options. For other sports that you may not need eye protection but good vision, such as swimming and skiing, we have prescription swim goggles and RX ski masks available to order.
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
7 Estate Planning Mistakes You Should Avoid In 2015
Who Is Inheriting More Money From Your Estate: The Government Or Your Family?
By Kim Lookabaugh Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty (210) 776-3675
recently had a call from a couple wanting to look at rental homes in North San Antonio inside Loop 410. They had rented for 8 years in different apartments around central San Antonio. After showing them 3 rentals– I asked them if they had ever thought about buying a home. They had never considered it because they felt like it was out of their reach and too complicated. I informed them that there are some wonderful loan programs for first time buyers with great incentives. I asked them if they would like to speak with a lender and see if they were qualified. They seemed excited! I gave them the names of some of the excellent local lenders that I have worked with recently and told them to get started by applying for a loan. They did! AND they qualified for a home loan within just a few hours! Now – We had to find the house! I emailed them all of the current listings that met their parameters and they began their search on-line (As most buyers do these days). Within hours – many of the properties they liked were under contract – we knew we had to act fast! We found an adorable home that had only been on the market 4 days – but being first time homebuyers – they were reluctant
to act so fast. Luckily - her mom is a retired real estate agent in another state and helped them calm their fears. They decided to take the plunge make an offer. We negotiated a few times and the deal was done! Buying a home is the American Dream! Homeownership starts somewhere every day for people! We love having our own little piece of real estate to call “ours”. A place to share with our families and friends. The first home was created in the Garden of Eden – which literally means “Shelter of Delight”! We all still seek that “shelter” whether it is big or small, simple or ornate, contemporary or traditional. Today’s housing market is a maze of choices and options. The buying process can be complicated – but not impossible. After inspections, appraisals, and all things considered – my couple closed on their home and their monthly payment is about $200.00 less than the rent they were paying! And they have the pride of homeownership as well as the tax benefits. Kim Lookabaugh is a Real Estate Broker with Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty. She represents buyers and sellers in all price ranges! Call her today at 210776-3675.
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Learn More About The NEISD Bond Proposal! North East ISD Superintendent, Dr. Gottardy, will present information about the 2015 Bond Proposal during the Stone Oak Business Association meeting on October 29, 2015. The bond package was designed with input from NEISD principals, District staff, parents, students and community members. The 2015 Bond focuses on five categories: Safety and Security, Technology, Operations, Extracurricular and Facilities. Please come learn how the $499.95 million bond proposal would reach every campus in the district.
Date: Time: Location: Cost:
Thurs, Oct. 29, 2015
RSVP: (210)348-8233 e-mail: soba@satx.rr.com www.StoneOakBusiness.com
11:30 am – 1:30 pm Independence Hill Assisted Living 20500 Huebner Rd., (Ivy Room) $15
for Members, $20 for Non-Members $25 at the door.
Join SOBA and Dr. Gottardy, NEISD’s Superintendent for a lunch. Dr. Gottardy will present the information about the bond package and how it will help schools throughout the district. S • O • B • A
Stone Oak Business Association
SOBA • Building Relat ionships, Growing Businesses October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
GVTC Foundation Supports HCPCC Expansion In Bulverde
GVTC staff and president of the GVTC Foundation presenting a check to Diana Anzollitto and Kim Barton of the Bulverde Gabriel Project.
Submitted By Diana Anzollitto he GVTC Foundation recently awarded a grant to the Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center in support of the HCPCC expansion of services to the Bulverde/Spring Branch area. Working with the Acacia Medical Mission and the Gabriel Project of St. Joseph’s of Honey Creek Catholic Church, the HCPCC will be providing the same free services in Bulverde that are available in Boerne. Thanks to an anonymous donor, a laptop sonogram machine has been purchased and staff have been trained on it. This will allow the HCPCC to provide first trimester sonograms along with pregnancy tests and maternity vitamins for pregnant women.
STD testing and treatment will also be available thanks to a grant from the Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio and the TxDSHS. Prenatal and parenting classes will be available. Because the HCPCC has a Spanish speaking medically trained staff member, these free services will be available in both English and Spanish. Services will be provided on the campus of St. Joseph’s of Honey Creek Catholic Church on the last Thursday of each month. For more information about services, to volunteer or if you would like to donate in support of this new program please call the HCPCC at 830-249-9717.
School Of Rock Announces Local All-Stars Submitted By Christina Tuchsen chool of Rock San Antonio is thrilled to announce that three of their very own, David Patton (vocals, keys), Marcelo Coronel (keys) and Michael Gerick (keys) have been chosen from thousands of fellow School of Rock students to represent the top 1 percent of students worldwide as part of the 2015 School of Rock All-Stars. School of Rock, the leader in performance-based music education, provides students with a yearly opportunity to audition for the prestigious All-Stars program, the highest level of achievement for a School of Rock student. After weeks of auditions at school locations across the world, School of Rock has chosen a select group of highly talented students to join the School of Rock All-Stars. The School of Rock All-Stars partake in a tour each summer with the best musicians and vocalists from the international network of schools, which this year will include performances at the 2015 Lollapalooza Music Festival in Chicago and Gathering of the Vibes in Bridgeport, CT. This authentic tour experience comes complete with travel, hotels, and getting to play some of the most iconic rock stages in the country. Past students have toured worldwide and have shared the stage with such notable acts
as Jon Anderson from Yes, Perry Farrell from Jane’s Addiction, Slash from Guns and Roses, and countless others. Last year, the All-Stars toured to support the Love Hope Strength charity, and were featured at Lollapalooza and Gathering of the Vibes. “Over the past month we had the opportunity to hear auditions from an exceptional group of student musicians vying for a spot on the All-Stars team for 2015,” said School of Rock CEO, Dzana Homan. “The All-Stars program is the highest level of achievement for a School of Rock student, and being selected to join the program is an honor that is bestowed on a limited few who stand out as the best of the best.” “We are extremely proud and excited here at School of Rock San Antonio to have three of our students chosen as All-Stars.” said Michele Patton, Owner and General Manager of School of Rock San Antonio. “David, Marcelo and Michael have always stood out for their natural talent playing the keyboards and we can’t wait to see them bring their musicianship to the All-Stars to take their skills to a new level.” For more information on The School of Rock All-Stars Program and School of Rock San Antonio please visit SanAntonio. SchoolofRock.com.
Mission Work Extends Beyond Borders
Volunteers prepared a wall for paint at a community center in Laredo, Texas.
Submitted by Marla Chaloupka ocal, state, and international mission projects were fulfilled this summer by teams of volunteers from Hope Arise United Methodist Church. Blanco Flood Relief was the first project of the summer. Each Monday, volunteers from the church traveled north to assist with clean-up efforts in San Marcos, Wimberley, and Blanco following the devastating floods there over the Memorial Day Weekend. Debris removal and home repair were just a few of the projects volunteers assisted with in the hard-hit area. Later in the summer, a group of about a dozen youth and adults traveled to Haiti in what turned out to be about a 45 hour trip with flight delays due to weather. While there, missionary work included visiting and praying with Haitians in their homes, painting church pews, and helping with games and art activities at a teen camp. The group also visited the Lighthouse, a children’s orphanage, where they devoted time to those who have lost parents or who are facing physical challenges. Despite the language barrier, volunteers brought back stories of the instant bonds they made with the Haitians they met. “Friendship, it seems, is not always dependent on mutual language or longterm interaction. Sometimes all it takes is genuine love for each other,” remarked Emily Peterson, Hope Arise Youth Director and organizer of the trip coordinated through Jesus in Haiti Ministries. Closer to home, the next project of the church was a trip to Laredo. Volunteers worked at a math and science camp being sponsored by the Holding Institute Community Center for neighborhood youth.
Bonds were formed during the mission trip to Haiti.
When camp was over each day, the Hope Arise volunteers were assigned the task of painting a wall, bell tower, and other parts of the building that is under renovation. Fellowship, music, prayer, and service were prominent throughout the trip. Finally, summer mission activities concluded with a Vacation Bible School at the Encino Park Community Center. More than 30 children from the area participated in bible stories, games, crafts, and science activities. The youth also made “no-sew” blankets for Alexis Angel Ministries, a local organization that serves children fighting cancer. The attendees also decorated paper faces and made butterfly crafts to send to the Jesus in Haiti Ministries. To see more photos of the mission work of Hope Arise, visit the church’s Facebook page. Hope Arise meets Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at the Encino Park Community Center.
He Cares Ministry
Submitted By Julie Cook e Cares Ministry is available for women and children in need of clothing, diapers, car seats, and loving. The outreach extends to the needs of all ethnicities, and each Thursday is open at l4015 San Pedro Ave (Friendship Church Commons) from l0 to 4. All articles are given free of charge to needy women with
children from infant age through primary grades. For info call Rose at 781-7288! He Cares Ministry is a nondenominational church that believes in the Holy Trinity, and that Jesus Christ is the one true son of God. They believe that it is not possible to be saved by works alone, but only by acceptance of Jesus as our lord and savior.
October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
2015 Winter Celebration
2015 Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa
Put Your Ad In The Program!
FREE Photo with Santa!
Join The Fun !
Market Your Business in the Winter Celebration 2015 Program! 1/4 page ad – $ 250
You are invited to eat, play, enjoy rides and have your FREE photo with Santa taken at the largest and longest running holiday event in San Antonio. Enjoy local school bands and talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun!
1/2 page ad – $ 350 Full page ad –
OVER 60,000 lbs OF SNOW FUN!
$ 500
L im Vendor ited 210.34 Booths Over 10 8.8233 ,000 V isito
Admission FREE with donation of a new toy.
Handed out to 15,000 people on December 5, 2015. Placed in doctor's offices, local businesses & restaurants! Call (210)348-8233 for more information!
Date: Time:
Saturday, December 5, 2015 10 am – 3 pm
502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital) FREE with donation of a new toy
Vendor RSVP:(210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com
rs !
2015 Winter Celebration Sponsor s
Vendor RSVP:(210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com
2015 SOBA BUS I N E S S E XPO Vendors Wanted!
This annual event is in its 12th year! Benefiting Barbra Bush Middle School - Home of the Bulldogs! The Stone Oak Business Association started a new program for the 2015-16 school year. The SOBA Gives Back to Schools Project donates a portion of the event proceeds to the host school; giving schools much needed funds to take field trips, purchase material or finish a project. Vendors Sign Up Today! SOBA members $85 Non-members $125
Who: Date: Time: Location:
FREE TO THE PUBLIC Wednesday, Oct 7, 2015 5:30-8:00 pm (in the cafeteria) 1500 Evans Rd, 78258
Stone Oak Business Association
RSV P: (210)34 8 - 8233 e - m ail: s ob a@s at x .r r.c o m w w w. S t on e Oak Bu sin e s s .c o m
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258
Now serving patients in our new location! 3809 South 2nd Street, Ste. B100 Austin Texas 78704
Urfan Dar, MD
Kanishka Monis, MD
Sridhar Vasireddy, MD
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October 2015 • Welcome Home • 78258