A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER
October 2016 Issue
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October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
2016 Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa
Save The Date! OVER 60,000 lbs OF SNOW FUN! You are invited to eat, play, enjoy rides and have your FREE photo with Santa taken at the largest and longest running holiday event in San Antonio. Enjoy local school bands and talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun! Admission $5 or donation of a new toy. Date: Time: Place:
Saturday, December 10, 2016 10 am – 3 pm 502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital) $5 or donation of a new toy
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2016 Winter Celebration Sponsor s
Vendor RSVP:(210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com
October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Note From The Publisher Pumpkin Spice And Everything Nice “I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” ― Henry David Thoreau.
love this quote almost as much as I love FALL! I know…we live in Texas, so there really is no fall. But it’s not all about the weather for me; it’s about the anticipation of a fresh beginning, the change of scenery when I’m out and about, the aroma of those famous fall scents. I just love walking down an aisle filled with cinnamon and pumpkin scented candles, sorting through pumpkins stacked outside of the grocery store, the knowledge that Halloween is just around the corner, listening to children chat about how soon Santa will be coming. Fall isn’t just about the seasonal flavors of coffee, it’s about change and more time to spend with friends and family. All of my favorite things! Can’t you just feel it? Planning for friends and family to visit over the holidays while slowly but surely working on that never-ending Christmas list. Yes, the seasons have changed. Maybe more so this year than any other. As a country we are facing some big decisions and some big changes, too. It can be exciting and a bit nerve-racking to anticipate what’s to come. I can say for certain that 2016 has flown past me so quickly, my hair barely ruffled in the passing breeze. So much has already happened and the next three months are bound to be amazing. Welcome Home always has a lot going on this time of year. First up is the Business Expo on October 5, 2016 at Johnson High School. (If at all possible, you should ALL come out to support your local businesses, all proceeds go to Johnson High School Student Council). Next we will have a SOBA Holiday
Mixer in November, and FINALLY Winter Celebration on December 10, 2016 at North Central Baptist Hospital on Madison Oak. There is no other place in San Antonio where you can watch the big man in red himself fly in on an AirLife Helicopter. Santa’s arrival at this great community event is an amazing experience for both children and adults alike. Winter Celebration will also include performances by your favorite student groups, local performers and more. Plus, we’ll have 60,000 pounds of SNOW. Yes, SNOW right here in San Antonio, TEXAS! Living Through Giving’s (LTG) annual toy drive also begins on November 1, 2016 at schools and businesses near you. Remember, there are over 8,000 children in foster care at any given time in Bexar County. LTG aims to ensure that no matter where these kids might be during the holidays, they always know that there is a community of people out there thinking about them. Last year, LTG collected more than 8,000 toys and are hoping to collect even more this year as well as any gift card donations, jackets, and more for the 13-18 age group that isn’t particularly interested in toys. To find out how you can participate in either Winter Celebration or in LTG’s toy drive, purchase a booth at Winter Celebration, or make a donation you can visit LTG on Facebook or at livingthroughgivingsa.org. The next time I write to you it will be November. In the meantime, try to make the most of the fall season - pumpkins, family moments and all of the other amazing activities this month. Until then,
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Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Kristin Oliver
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Sales Representatives Patrice Long Denise Wirth
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October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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elcome to fall! October is a wonderful time of year – the back-to-school madness has quieted to a dull roar, the temps are finally dipping below 90, and the holidays are still a bit too far off to start knocking at the door quite yet. Take it all in! Hunters rejoice – your favorite season is here. Sports fans, kick back and relax. Football is back! Be sure to indulge now because Thanksgiving, Christmas and a brand New Year will be upon us before you know it. One great thing about San Antonio is the vast number of community and family friendly events that take place across the city year round. There’s no shortage of pumpkin patches, corn mazes, farmer’s markets, and more fall-friendly outdoor excursions. Before things get too busy with the holidays, take advantage of the fall season. Bake that pumpkin pie, light those autumn-scented candles, and go for an evening stroll around the neighborhood. Enjoy those cooler temps! Welcome Home Community Newspaper
is honored to be a part of your fall. Continue to share your good news, community announcements, and more with us so that we can continue to spread the word. We want to know what’s going on in your neighborhood, in your schools, in your extracurricular activities, and more. Let’s shine the spotlight on all that is good in San Antonio!
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By The Stone Oak Business Association he Stone Oak Business Association (SOBA) is wrapping up another amazing season of networking and will close out 2016 with a bang. On October 5, 2016, SOBA will host the Annual Business Expo at Johnson High School. The Business Expo is a great opportunity for SOBA members to come together in the spirit of giving back to a community that supports them year round. All proceeds from the Business Expo will benefit the Johnson High School Student Council. SOBA invites the public to attend this FREE event! Many new and local businesses will be in attendance. The Expo is a fantastic way to learn about the businesses in your community and what they have to offer. On September 14, 2016 SOBA held its last breakfast networking event of the year at The Egg & I on Sonterra. With 40 members and non-members in attendance, networking opportunities were aplenty. Guest speakers and SOBA members JJ Rodriguez of JJ Rodriguez Professional Real Estate Services and Brent McCrary of McCrary Stone Financial Advisors presented their knowledge on real estate investment and real estate protection. “I love attending breakfast networking with SOBA,” said one SOBA member. “It is the perfect way to start your day. The SOBA staff can always put a name to a face, so it’s like having breakfast with extended family.” SOBA’s mission is to provide a means of connecting businesses to one another while building a strong referral network. The organization has been successfully building relationships and growing businesses throughout Stone Oak and the surrounding areas for 16 years. SOBA’s network of members and potential members faithfully attend monthly meetings and ribbon cutting events in the spirit of helping small businesses thrive.
SOBA Directors, Kristin Oliver and Russell Groomer
“Shaking hands and talking to people face-to-face is always going to be the most effective way to build your business,” said Executive Director Kristin Oliver. “Social media, the internet, emails - all of those things just reinforce the personal connections you make at networking events.” To find out more about the Stone Oak Business Association, membership opportunities, and to find a list of upcoming events, visit www.stoneoakbusiness.com, find them on Facebook, or just give them a good old fashion phone call at 210-3488233. Don’t forget to check out Business Expo on October 5!
October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
The Countdown To Winter Celebration BEGINS
rab your mittens, mufflers, and galoshes! It’s time for the Stone Oak Winter Celebration featuring AirLIFE Santa sponsored by Welcome Home Community Newspaper and North Central Baptist Hospital benefitting Living Through Giving SA. If you don’t own these cold weather accessories (or even know what they are), don’t worry! You may only need them to enjoy the REAL SNOW that will be available on Saturday, December 10 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. All the other fabulous and fun activities will probably not require a separate wardrobe to enjoy –there are ALOT of things to do! The day will kick off with a parade at North Central Baptist Hospital. There will be tons of special guests joining our parade! After the parade, the Master of Ceremonies himself, the Big Guy In Red, the Commander in Chief of toy making and cookie baking… SANTA, the one and only, will make his grand entrance from the skies. No, not with his reindeer (they’re union and have strict working hours) but in the North Central Baptist Hospital AirLIFE helicopter! It will be a sight to see! After the parade, head to the many booths for an array of activities that are sure to delight every member of your family. There will be face painting and cookie decorating, a moon bounce and of course, REAL SNOW to throw at your best friend or your siblings. Other exciting options include the mini choo-choo train rides, mini carnival rides and much more. Does all of this fun make you hungry? No
problem. We have many food vendors from Smokey Mo’s BBQ, Chick-fil-A, Funnel Cakes, and more to keep you energized. Several of North Central Baptist doctors will be available to meet, greet and answer any questions you may have about keeping your family safe and healthy. There will be free medical tests such as cholesterol screening, BMI, glucose tests, a free risk analysis, and more. Along with food and fun, there will be a variety of talented groups to entertain you with all manner of holiday song and dance. You will get a chance to see many of our favorite local elementary, middle and high school groups perform as well as some area performing arts organizations. Don’t miss Heather Stolle’s School of Dance, San Antonio Dance Academy, and Bush Middle School’s Pop Ensemble. They are all outstanding! You will not want to miss a single note, tap, or twirl. Besides all the food, entertainment and fun, the most important reason for this year’s Winter Celebration is to ensure our community’s children in need can have a wonderful holiday. The Stone Oak Winter
Celebration will be a contributor to. Living Through Giving is a non-profit organization that distributes toys to children in foster care during the holidays. The community is being asked to bring new, unwrapped toys to add to the collection or a $5.00 donation. Contribute a new, unwrapped toy or donation and you will also receive a free photo with Santa, a free slide ride, and
The Welcome Home Community Newspaper has had the privilege of serving the community for 11 years as one of the few local papers that shines a spotlight on the good things in life – the accomplishments of our amazing youth, inspirational stories and the residents and local businesses that comprise the heart of our area. With �ive different papers covering northern San Antonio, Welcome Home is directly mailed to over 60,000 households and businesses as well as rack distribution.
a general prize ticket for a chance to win a great prize! Tell your friends and neighbors not to miss this year’s Winter Celebration. Games, prizes, food, fun with your family – there’s something for everyone. See you at the snowball fight! For more information call 348-8233 or visit livingthroughgivingsa. org.
How To Submit Articles • We work a month in advance so submit by the given deadline (ex: if you submit in January it will be for the February edition)
• Like us on Facebook or let us know if you would like to be put on our email list that will notify you of each deadline
What To Submit
• Email articles to: articles@welcomehomesa.com
• News tips or story ideas that one of our writers can turn into a story
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• Announcements (births, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and grand openings) • Community, School, and Sports News • Upcoming events
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Welcome Home Community Newspaper is pleased to offer this free service to the community. Upon submission of a story idea or photo, you give Welcome Home the right to use that submission without compensation. By submitting to Welcome Home, you guarantee that your material is sent with the express consent of the owner, and that its contents are non-proprietary and non-confidential. We cannot guarantee all submissions will be published. Welcome Home is under no obligation to use any idea, photo or article submitted. We reserve the right to edit or alter submissions for conciseness and grammar as needed and may need to prioritize certain events for any reason before publication.
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Scholars and Athletes Serving Others Seeking New Members Submitted By Tracey Fontenot ttention all high school aged boys and moms of high school aged boys in the Clark, Brandeis and O’Connor High School attendance zones! Scholars and Athletes Serving Others (SASO), a wonderful organization with the sole purpose of serving others in the community, has recently opened its first chapter in San Antonio and you are invited to join! SASO’s San Antonio chapter currently has 55 boys and moms as members. The organization, which has its roots in Dallas, has a membership period of January through March each year. The chapter is open to all high school aged boys in the Clark, Brandeis and O’Connor attendance zones. Each boy and their mom must complete four community volunteerism activities (as a group, with SASO) as well as attend four personal growth meetings during the year. More than four are encouraged! Some examples of activities the chapter has completed this year include volunteer work at the Texas Regional Games helping athletes with disabilities compete; Project Transformation helping low income and
Scholars and Athletes Serving Others (SAS) members at a volunteer event this year. The organization recently opened their first San Antonio chapter.
disadvantaged youth learn to read; Autism Walk; SA Food Bank; and Special Reach helping organize recreational activities for those with special needs. Personal growth meeting topics include
Andropause: More Than Just “Low T”
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 id you know that as men age they suffer from hormone decline, as well as other deficiencies of vitamins, hormones, and abnormal blood chemistry level? Men’s testosterone gradually declines, usually about one percent per year after age 40. New research has revealed that men also need estradiol for the health of their bones and brain. Men may also suffer from osteoporosis, or thinning of their bones, which may be linked to low estradiol and low testosterone levels. In my 15-minute free pre-visit with each
new potential patient, I explain in detail what I can do for them. I am a numbers person. I measure three pages of labs and those values, plus factor in questions and insight from you to help me formulate your treatment plan. I also explain that while their urologist will examine their prostate, I will closely evaluate labs ranging from vitamin levels, markers of potential stroke and heart attack, as well as hormones and the standard labs. The bottom line is, I work for you. I provide you information and together we determine what course of action we should take.
CPR/First Aid Training; Manners & Etiquette; Personal Representation On and Off the Field; Safety in the Digital Age; Drinking and Driving; and Suicide Awareness.
If you are interested in joining SASO or learning more, please visit www. sasosanantonio.org.
Recently, I treated a man who had been prescribed estradiol lowering drugs along with an incorrect (low) amount of testosterone. His main problem? He could not think clearly and just didn’t feel right. I want to provide hormones in a safe, balanced fashion to copy or mimic what your body made inside of you at a younger age. Most laboratory values provide a range, from high to low. Just because you are in a normal range, does not (necessarily) mean you are optimal. For most people (but not all), optimal hormone levels are at least at the 50-75 percent of a young adult. Signs of low testosterone in men may include anxiety, inability to make a decision, lack of drive and endurance, and lack of libido. These observations are based on my observations of patients over my past 10 years of prescribing anti-aging medicine. The best results are achieved by a male patient who is determined to participate in his care and open to articles, books, websites
and even documentaries that explain his symptoms and care. Recently, some studies have indicated that testosterone may be implicated in an increased risk for stroke and heart attack. However, some researchers have criticized these studies as being flawed in design. Other problems that are associated with testosterone may be an increase in prostate size. Harvard urologist Dr. Morgentaler largely discounted the unproven theory that testosterone caused prostate cancer in his book, “Testosterone for Life.” Another great resource is Dr. Shippen’s book, “The Testosterone Syndrome.” Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
10 Etiquette Rules A Contractor Shouldn’t Break
By Mike & Molly Sowry Virtuoso Builders (210) 525-8750 ow your Contractor and his crew tolerated. behave on a job site can either be 2. Unprofessional behavior is a deal-breaker or maker for any unacceptable. We do not permit arguing project and future projects. Job site etiquette among ourselves on the job site. Any starts with the owner. His values and culture concerns are directed to our Manager. should trickle down to his employees 3. Introduction to the neighbors. We and subcontractors. Certain things like inform the neighbors about timing, vehicles not smoking in the home or using the that will be parked nearby, and our contact homeowner’s bathroom should be a given, information if they have questions or but it’s not the case on every Contractor’s concerns. job site. 4. All materials and tools must be kept in At Virtuoso Builders, we actually have a safe and orderly fashion. We avoid hazards a posted list at every project that states our by doing this. company rules for proper behavior on the 5. Clean up and remove construction job. As owners, we make the rules so we debris daily. This isn’t always the case in follow them too. new construction, but for remodels, the 1. Profanity, in any language, is not homeowner is often living there so it’s even
more important to keep it clean and as dust free as possible. 6. Protect the homeowner’s property. Treat the home as if it were your own. Take the necessary precautions to avoid any damage and lock up at the end of the day. 7. Come to the job site prepared. We don’t like to babysit. 8. No solicitations. Our subcontractors know when they are working on our projects, they do not take on side jobs, related to their skill set, if approached by the homeowner. This tests their integrity. They know to tell the homeowner to talk to us about it first before agreeing to do any additional work. 9. Always wear our uniform. Offensive attire such as profane t-shirts or hats are not allowed on our job sites. Employees wear Virtuoso shirts and work pants that are not torn or shredded. Subs wear clean shirts and
work pants. Everyone wears the appropriate shoes. It’s a construction site so safety matters! 10. It’s a privilege to work in someone else’s home. We constantly remind ourselves that we need to respect how our clients live in their home and how they want it to be treated. Virtuoso Builders is an award winning remodeling firm raising the professional standards in the San Antonio home remodeling industry. For more tips on home improvement, subscribe to our newsletter at www.virtuosobuilders.com.
October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Seniors…Are You Still Counting Sheep?
By Dr. Coutinho Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. (210) 496-7999 e all look forward to a good night’s experience less time in a deep sleep. This sleep. It restores our energy level, could be due to many things including poor improves our concentration and sleep habits, anxiety, pain, medication side memory, allows our body to repair itself, effects, sleep disorders, and a sedentary and boosts our immune system. Sleep is an lifestyle. important part of life and in spite of what Poor sleep can lead to problems including you may have heard, seniors need the same depression, concentration and memory loss, amount of sleep as the average person. excessive daytime sleepiness, nighttime However, there are normal changes in falls, and dependence on the use of sleeping sleep patterns as we age – becoming sleepy pills. It’s important to see a physician if earlier, waking up more frequently through you’re not getting enough sleep and are the night, waking earlier in the morning, and unable to wake feeling refreshed.
However, there is some good news! There are many techniques that you can incorporate into your lifestyle in order to improve the quality of your sleep. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Avoid certain foods and drinks before bed including caffeine, alcohol, and large or spicy meals. Keep your bedroom cool, dark and free of distractions such as a TV and cell phone. And one of the most important factors for a good night’s sleep - remain physically active and get plenty of sunshine during the day. Studies have found that daily exercise and exposure to sunlight can dramatically improve the quality of a person’s sleep as well as their quality of life. The bottom line is that poor sleep is not a normal part of aging. Many older, healthy adults experience no sleep problems. If you are unable to resolve your sleep issues, please see your physician for help in getting
back to a good night’s sleep and a healthier future.
Announcing SA Choral Society’s 2016-17 Season Submitted By Douglas McCarroll an Antonio Choral Society (SACS) has increased collaborative engagements to enhance choral masterworks and audience entertainment experience for the 2016-17 season. Dr. Jennifer Seighman, Artistic Director, has produced concert programming with repertoire intended to redefine the Choral Society’s level of excellence in artistic execution, expand the creative horizons of our members, and enhance the overall experience of audience members. It all begins with “POPS: The Best of Broadway,” which will feature hits from
West Side Story, Wicked, Into the Woods, Les Miserables, Hamilton, and more. Then, hundreds of voices throughout San Antonio will come together with professional soloists and orchestra to sing the Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah in the annual community “Messiah-Sing.” To wrap up the holiday season, a performance of “A Choral Society & Friends Christmas,” featuring the Children’s Chorus of San Antonio, Texas Children’s Choir, and Chapel Boychoir of San Antonio...with a special appearance from Santa Claus, himself is planned. The collaborative engagements continue to build excitement as SACS joins forces
with the choirs from St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and Trinity University and musicians from the San Antonio Symphony to present Mozart’s most grandiose and virtuosic choral work, the “Great” Mass in C Minor. The Choral Society closes the concert season with “Zootopia!” “Our goal this year is to leave them absolutely floored,” said Dr. The 2016-17 San Antonio Choral Society members are excited for a Heather Yun, SACS President. “We new year of amazing collaborations and community events. easily have the artistic direction and inspiration! For more details and and the voices to make this happen.” ticketing information, go to http:// Come experience the passion, artistry, sanantoniochoralsociety.org
Support Your Local Shrimpers With The Fruit Of The Sea!!
9801 McCullough, San Antonio, Texas 210-377-0951 4002 East Causeway Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 361-730-1514 October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Brakes, Batteries & Timing
By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
i, Rusty Belden here for our family here at Belden’s Automotive & Tires. Many drivers are great at keeping up with their vehicle’s oil changes, but very few keep other maintenance items in good working order. These items may include brake fluid, transmission fluid, coolant fluid, and more. Most vehicles today will keep running, even when maintenance is needed, so with everyone’s busy schedule, it can be easily forgotten. Luckily, with oil change services, drivers are reminded about their air filter, and with annual state inspections,
drivers are also reminded about their windshield wipers. However, if a vehicle is not brought in for a service, little else can be maintained until it becomes too late. Here are a few maintenance items that are often overlooked: Brake fluid: Brake fluid can absorb moisture over time, making the level look fine but rusting out the system. The owner’s manual can guide you when to have the fluid replaced, but not specified, we recommend every two years or 30,000 miles. Battery: Drivers should periodically
Why Do I Grill? By Cotton Clark Jeff’s Backyard (210) 342-4760 ast month supposedly marked the end of summer, and for some folks that means it’s time to retire the outdoor grill? Me? I’m just getting started. This is South Texas, which means the grilling season is potentially 365 days a year. Seriously, I fire up my Weber Genesis gas grill about four to seven times a week, and
that includes breakfast, dinner, and a few stops in-between! Hopefully, after reading this piece you’ll see the grill as your favorite year-round cooking tool, too. HEAT: Borrowing from an old Fed-Ex commercial, when I absolutely, positively need high heat, I go to straight to my grill. The stove top simply won’t do, nor will the oven. Instead, I trust Genesis. When I crank that puppy up, I’m on the footstep of Dante’s Inferno in less than than minutes. GRILL MARKS: Ah, yes. It’s your eyes telling your tongue, “Oh, you’re gonna love
have technicians remove any corrosion that builds up on the terminals. Transmission Fluid: Fluid for your transmission should generally be bright red, any other color indicates that there may be a problem. Generally, transmission fluid should be serviced every two years or 30,000 miles. Engine Coolant: Fluid for your engines coolant is usually red, green, blue, or yellow. If it looks colorless, rusty, or has things floating around, it is an indication that your fluid needs to be serviced. Timing Belt: The Timing Belt should be changed per the driver’s owner’s manual. If this is overlooked, it may cause the belt to break or snap leaving the car stranded and even causing engine damage. My recommendation to our customers is to maintain a good relationship with a trusted automotive repair shop who can keep tabs on your car’s maintenance record and keep
you up to date on your vehicle’s services. Belden’s Automotive & Tires provides a multipoint inspection for these maintenance items with recommendation on services ordered by priority. Belden’s Automotive & Tires also has friendly, knowledgeable and trained Service Advisors on hand at each of our six locations. Call us today and let our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires help you with your vehicle maintenance. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has six locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830-9319700; Bulverde Rd: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www. beldensautomotive.com.
this!” Technically, it’s about caramelization - sugars and proteins converting into that nutty, smoky flavor that we love. It adds a new layer of flavor that inside cookware simply cannot do. THRIFT: I can buy some of the cheapest pieces of meat – chicken quarters are a favorite – and the grill turns these cheap cuts into five-star masterpieces every time. BREAKFAST: The first meal of the day is perhaps the most important one to get your metabolism going. I have a cast iron griddle on my Weber, and I can whip up the best batch of thick sliced bacon and a couple of fried eggs, short-order style, in no time flat. CLEAN-UP: Lastly, I can clean my
Weber in a snatch. I just toss some water on the griddle while it’s still hot, and with the resulting steam I use my grill brush to clean everything. I finish the job by wiping it all down with paper towels. Trust me. It’s that easy. So, that’s my short list of why I like to grill, but we’d like to hear your reasons, too. Come on by Jeff’s Backyard where we can visit more on this subject or anything else you would like to tackle with backyard grill or cooker. Call us at 210-342-4760, or email us at jeffsbackyard@att.net. Better yet, come visit us at 435 West Nakoma, San Antonio, TX 78216. From our yard to yours, Jeff’s Backyard!
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October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
Trick or Treat?
ctober 31st, Trick-or-Treat? For your normally friendly four-legged pal a “treat” can become a terrible “trick”, even deadly! Some pets live for the excitement of any holiday but many don’t and that’s ok. Not all pets are made the same way and it’s our job as their caretaker to be aware of their personality. Visitors, people roaming the streets in scary costumes, kids screaming and howling can all have a lasting
negative effect on your pet. Here are some safety tips to follow: Don’t leave pets in the yard. There are many stories of vicious pranksters who have teased, injured, stolen, even killed pets on Halloween. This time of year can be especially deadly for black cats. If you can’t keep them secure in your house, consider boarding them for the night. No Candy: As much as they beg, remember chocolate is dangerous. Symptoms include
Start Strong This School Year Submitted By Steve Johnson strong start to the school year often leads to a successful one! Below are some simple, practical tips that College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors of San Antonio recommends for all parents to implement in their homes. Show Interest: Let your child know right away that their academic success is important to you. Get a school calendar so you know when grading periods end and when report cards will be mailed home. Know when conferences are, prepare questions beforehand for teachers, and attend conferences! Set Expectations Together: Plan a meeting with your child at the beginning of each grading period to set realistic goals for that term. During this discussion, take your child’s strengths and weaknesses into
consideration. It is very important to listen to your child during this discussion and allow them to be part of setting high expectations for themselves in the areas they do well in. At the same time, guide them in shaping their goals for their weaker areas, as unrealistic expectations could set them up for failure. Get to Know Your Child’s School: Remember that teachers, principals, and counselors are there to help your child succeed. Introduce yourself before issues arise. Let them know who you are and that there is support at home. A great way to get to know the school better is to volunteer. Volunteering sends a strong message that you care about what is going your child’s school. Hop Online: Make time to browse through your child’s school website. NEISD and NISD have a parent portal where you can check on grades, assignments, cafeteria accounts, and communicate easily with
Step Into Decorating
By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he Fall Season is Here and we are traveled to the seventies. ready to design and decorate for our 3. If you have to use your kitchen counters clients. Here are the top ten reasons to for storage. call us to assist you: 4. If the color of your walls depresses you. 5. If your furniture is not comfortable and 1. If you don’t love your home. you go to bed early every night because you 2. If your home looks like you have time don’t have a comfortable place to sit.
vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, even seizures. Candies containing the artificial sweetener xylitol can be poisonous, even in small amounts. Ingesting tin foil and cellophane wrappers can pose a choking hazard or cause an intestinal blockage. If you suspect your pet has ingested a potentially dangerous substance, call the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 4264435. Watch lit pumpkins: Pets can knock them over and cause a fire. Curious kittens and wagging tails run the risk of getting burned. Dressing your pet up can be stressful. Make sure the costume isn’t constricting or unsafe. Don’t obstruct their vision. Even the sweetest dog can get snappy when they can’t see what’s going on around them. If he doesn’t love it, don’t do it! Keep pets in a separate room during
trick-or-treat hours; strangers in costumes can be scary for them. Plus when the door opens you run a high risk of your cat or dog darting out during the commotion. Be sure your pet’s collars and IDs are on secure. Even if they don’t normally wear one, this would be an important night to do so. If there is an accidental escape, identification will increase the chances of them getting home. We have so many new classes offered at K9 Country Club. Whether you’re experiencing major behavior problems or you’re just starting out with a new puppy, our award winning instructors can help you build your relationship with your pet and a strong foundation for all future training. Young or old, all dogs and handlers can benefit. Visit our website at www. k9countryclub.net for more information.
teachers. Many teachers maintain individual websites with information that list upcoming assignments, test dates, and other deadlines. Support Strong Attendance: When a student misses school, they miss out on important information. Schedule appointments outside of school hours. It is especially important to schedule family vacations around the school calendar. Again, this is a great way to show your child that you value school and have certain expectations set for them. Get in Front of Issues Early: When a student begins to struggle with a subject, it is much easier to reverse the trend if you address the issue immediately. Parents should assess subject performance early on and look for warning signs such as poor quiz scores, aversion to completing homework, and frustration with the class or teacher. Finding a tutor that can work individually with
the student before they get too far into the semester can make a big difference in future success. Most subjects build on their knowledge base, so addressing gaps early helps promote future performance. Encourage Them to Get Involved: Research shows that students who are involved in structured activities generally do better in school. Contact your school to find out what activities are offered. Go over the list of available activities with your child. Both of you may be surprised to learn of the different options. You may want to look into private and community organizations as well for further enrichment.
6. If no one wants to come to your home for the holidays including your mother. 7. If you keep walking past your rooms and you don’t want to enter any of them. 8. If you are not motivated to make things happen in your décor. 9. If you keep believing that the painter and the carpet installer are coming over to finish and it’s been six months since you saw them. 10. If you are waiting for your children to grow up to accessorize because you don’t want them to break the accessories. Call us we are here to help. Your Home is Your Castle!!
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Halloween History Special To Welcome Home alloween may seem like a relatively modern holiday, and while it may have become modernized, Halloween traditions actually can be traced back to ancient Celtic rituals. It’s believed Halloween traces its origins to a Celtic festival for the dead known as Samhain. During the festival, people would dress up in costumes and leave treats on their front doorsteps to appease spirits that were believed to be roaming the Earth on this holiday. Many historians also feel that trickor-treating can be linked to the European practice of “mumming” or “guysing” in
which costume-wearing individuals would go door-to-door, performing dances and plays in exchange for treats.
October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
TMI Students Compete At Classical Meet Submitted By Paula Allen team from TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas attended the National Junior Classical League (JCL) Convention, held July 25-30 at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN bringing home honors in keeping with the event’s theme, “Ubi concordia, ibi Victoria,” which translates to “Where there is unity, there is victory.” Led by Latin teacher and JCL chapter sponsor Claudia Clark, sophomores Chase Blackwell, Dillon Goldmann and Bridget Lynch; freshman Amanda Kyle; and eighth grader Aaron Mills participated in national competition, attended college lectures on classical studies and engaged in cultural activities, such as a “Rome for a Day.” In tests at their respective levels, Blackwell, Goldman, Kyle and Lynch all earned Top 20 places in subjects such as Grammar, Greek Life and Literature, Hellenic History, Latin Derivatives, Mythology, Reading Comprehension, Roman Life and
Vocabulary. The TMI students, who previously had competed at the area and state levels, also attended lectures by university Classics professors on “Cooking and Dining in Ancient Rome;” “Nothing More Surprising: Roman Aqueducts;” “Roman Persona: Cicero, Brundisium, 43 B.C.;” and “The Other Athenians: Bad Citizenship in Democratic Athens.” They also had the opportunity to play sports and take part in fun contests. Formed in 1936, NJCL is the largest classical organization in the world, with a membership of more than 50,000 middle and high school students. JCL is the secondlargest youth organization in the United States, after only the Boy Scouts. The JCL creed states, “We the members of the Junior Classical League covenant to hand on the torch of classical civilization to the modern world. We believe an acquaintance with the civilization of Greece and Rome will help us understand and appraise this
Speaker Offers TMI Students Online-Safety Tips Submitted By Paula Allen hen we’re online, “We’re living in a fishbowl,” said Richard Guerry, founder of the nonprofit Institute for Responsible Online Cell-phone Communication (IROC2.org). “We may frost the glass to limit transparency, but absolute privacy will never happen in a digital world.” No matter what claims are made for an app or platform, “Social-media privacy is impossible and always will be,” Guerry continued, during his presentation to students at TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas on August 31 in All Saints Chapel. “Every time technology moves forward, it makes it easier for us to share and easier for information to get out. Even the CEOs of Facebook, Yahoo and Twitter have been hacked.” Guerry, a former tech marketing executive, told students in sixth through twelfth grade to assume that “Digital activity is public and permanent.” Likening cell phones to cars, he said, “When you use a powerful tool, risks go up.” Just as driver’s training helps lessen the risks of driving, the nationally recognized speaker outlined some rules of the online road to help keep young Internet users safer: 1 - Social-media privacy is completely impossible and always will be. 2 - Even if your profile is “private,” someone you’ve allowed to see your information can share it. Even if your pictures or posts are supposed to disappear in 10 seconds, that gives someone plenty of time for a screen grab – and by the time you get an alert, it’s too late. 3 - Don’t write anything online that you wouldn’t want to appear on the front page of a newspaper. Once you put something online, you will never be able to get it back. Increasingly, colleges and employers are checking applicants’ social media. Out of context, almost anything can look immature, irresponsible or even cruel. 4 - Never post an update that says
world of today, which is indebted to ancient civilization in its government and laws, literature, language, and arts. We affirm the JCL experience develops responsibility, fosters brotherhood, promotes enthusiasm, encourages competition, inspires dedication,
and enriches our total growth.” TMI students make it to the finish line at the National Classical League, having posted many Top 20 finishes in their subject tests.
TMI Mascot Spreads Cheer In Secrecy
TMI students Chase Blackwell, Dillon Goldmann, Amanda Kyle, Bridget Lynch and Aaron Mills take a break from competition at the National Junior Classical League convention.
Submitted By Paula Allen ecrecy suits Prima Panther, the mascot of TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas. Traditionally, the identity of the student in the panther costume is never divulged – except for one small detail. If Prima is a girl, she will wear a bow. If Primo is a boy, no bow needed! This year’s Prima attended UCA cheer camp with the TMI varsity cheer squad in June at the University of Texas at Austin to train for her new role. She’ll take part in pep rallies and home games and may make personal appearances at other TMI events. The new Prima made her debut, complete with a brand new costume, for the 2016-2017 school year on August 13 at New Families Orientation & BBQ. The friendly mascot excitedly welcomed new students and their parents. Prima is happy to meet and greet, hug, wave, perform a snappy routine and even pose for pictures. Just don’t ask her to take off her mask: the identity of TMI mascots extending as far back as the 1980s are still kept secret!
Speaker Richard Guerry reminds TMI students that online behavior is “public and permanent” in a digitalsafety presentation August 31 in All Saints Chapel.
you’re not home or that you’re hosting a party. Even if your profile is “private,” you never know how far that information will spread…and who will take advantage of it. 5 - Pure anonymity is not possible. Whenever you’re told you’ll be anonymous online, refuse to believe it. Read the fine print in privacy policies: Threats and other bad online behavior will be reported to the police. 6 - When in doubt, don’t do it. Once you put digital information – words or pictures – on a hard drive, it is difficult to erase it completely. Assume anything you put online will exist somewhere forever. What we do online “is part of our legacy,” Guerry said. “We can use it to build ourselves up or tear ourselves down.”
Prima Panther, the mascot of TMI – The Episcopal School of Texas, meets new freshman JJ Gonzalez of Laredo with his parents Esther and Jose Gonzalez at August’s New Family Orientation.
The Legend Of Jack-O-Lanterns
he tradition of jack-o-lanterns began in Ireland and Scotland, and pumpkins were not the first gourd of choice to use as lanterns. Turnips and rutabagas were often used because of their availability. When Irish immigrants migrated to America, they brought their jack-o-lantern traditions with them. Turnips were not as prevalent on this side of the Atlantic, so carvers turned to pumpkins, which were larger and easier to carve. Jack-o-lanterns get their name from Irish folklore, particularly a character named Jack. Jack liked to drink and couldn’t pay his pub tab, making a deal with the Devil for his soul to cover the pub fee. Jack
agreed, but he tricked the Devil to get away with his soul and captured the Devil. Jack agrees to free the Devil if he makes a new deal that the Devil can’t ever have his soul. Years pass and Jack eventually dies. Because of his poor lifestyle, he is not material for heaven, and Jack is once again reunited with the Devil. Because the Devil remembers he cannot have Jack’s soul, Jack is forced to roam the twilight world forever as a lost soul. The Devil gives Jack a few embers to burn to light the way, which Jack stores in a hollowed-out turnip. Eventually these lanterns, used to keep scary spirits at bay, were called jack-o-lanterns.
October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Another Exciting Year in Store for Brandeis JROTC Submitted By Cadet Sara Salem he Air Force Junior ROTC program at Louis D. Brandeis High School is eager to kick off another great year! The whole corps is anxious to fall back into their routine and continue to carry on longstanding JROTC traditions. This year, the corps began the back-toschool season strong with summer drill/PT camps. New cadets were invited to come and train with the veterans from the Blue Aces Unarmed Drill Team, Nighthawks Armed Drill Team, and Praetorian Physical Training Team. At these training camps, new cadets entering the corps were able to experience what every day practice would be like if they chose to join a team. The cadets were very busy this past summer working, traveling and relaxing. Many of the cadets met throughout the summer on
their own to hone their drill stills. Brandeis senior and Cadet Adam Ruiz recently had the unique opportunity to participate in the Cadet Flight Indoctrination Program, where he was trained in formal ground and flight training so he could later perform a solo flight. After meeting the mandated requirements, Cadet Ruiz was granted the opportunity to fly solo. He did a great job and was awarded pilot wings and a flight jacket from the Order of the Daedalians. JROTC also kicked off the school year with an ice cream social; a great way for cadets to meet others in their grade and the rest of the corps. Parents were also invited so that they could learn more about what the corps has planned throughout the year. Plans for all fall semester events have been in the works for weeks. First up, the
corps will honor Veterans during an Annual Veteran’s Day ceremony on November 11. JROTC will also host two schoolwide community service events: the SA Food Bank Food Drive and a Toy Drive. In December, JROTC will once again volunteer with Wreaths Across America where cadets will place a wreath on the graves of the military heroes buried at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. Cadets will then organize their annual Christmas party the last week before winter break. Moving into next year, the Military Ball, Flight Competitions, an Awards Ceremony and end-of-the-year Corps Picnic will all take place during spring semester. Another exciting year is in store for Brandeis JROTC!
Brandeis JROTC Cadet Ruiz was congratulated by Col (Ret.) Lopardi after receiving his solo wings and flight jacket.
College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to once again sponsor the College Tutors Educator of the Month award this school year. The purpose of the award is to highlight and recognize a local high school educator that acts as a role model to our students. The award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do, Results Matter
and Leave It Better. This month’s recognition for Brandeis High School goes to Maggie O’Brien, a special education teacher at Brandeis. Maggie’s Can Do attitude and attributes personify those of a good role model. She is student centered and solution oriented. In her role she makes decisions based on individual student needs. She is level headed with a great sense of humor. Maggie brings energy and creativity to the classroom to fuel results.
The owners of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. We firmly believe that the quality of education in our community is primarily a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Nannies + Sitters +
Tutors at 210-202-0303 or nwsanantonio@ collegenannies.com.
Maggie O’Brien
Texas Foundation Bringing Hope To Special Friends
A selection of items made by TXFH members.
A group photo from last year’s Texas Foundation of Hope’s (TXFH) Annual Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will take place on October 7.
Submitted By Glenna Sabin hen Beatrice Stephen’s special needs daughter graduated from high school, there were very few options for her future. In fact, there were only two places at the time that could accommodate her. Out of Beatrice’s disappointing search grew a deep, passionate desire to create a place where her daughter, as well as others facing a similar dilemma, could go to find meaningful work, develop lifetime relationships, and maximize their full potential. From Betatrice’s ambition, Texas Foundation of Hope (TXFH), a nonprofit corporation was born! TXFH has grown exponentially over the years. One of the organization’s main business models is TXFH Collections, handcrafted items created by members.
The Collection includes an array of artistic jewelry and gift items handmade by special needs members and sold throughout the city at various events and boutiques. Proceeds from sales help provide employment opportunities for special needs members and also provide much-needed funds for operational expenses. Each item is made with loving care and a signed card is proudly attached by the individual making the item. Some of the items crafted include crosses, bracelets, birdhouses, sun catchers, key chains, and Rosaries. In addition to this meaningful business model for TXFH, the foundation also hosts an annual golf tournament at TPCSan Antonio. Tee It Up For Hope Golf Tournament is scheduled for October 7 and there’s still room for golfers to sign up! TXFH also hosts two annual rummage
October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
sales (keep them in mind when you are doing your spring cleaning), an annual art expo where beautiful art pieces created by members are sold, and Café Hope, a catering service that delivers restaurant quality meals to businesses in the area for a modest price. To provide members with the opportunity to have not just meaningful work in their lives, but also social activities and recreation, TXFH also organizes birthday parties, field trips, dances, Bible studies, and much more. TXFH athletes also are given the opportunity to play flag football and basketball on traditional teams comprised of special needs athletes and unified teams of both special needs athletes and volunteer partners. TXFH has big hopes for the future. Plans for a residential facility for members with condominium style living quarters, a sports
A TXFH member works on a beautiful handcrafted item.
complex, a self-sustaining organic ranch, animal rescue kennels, and summer camps for special needs young adults are on the horizon. If you want to know how you can get involved with this wonderful organization, visit www.txfh.org. If you would like to participate in the golf tournament on October 7, please call (210) 265-3351 or email TXFHgolf@gmail.com for more information.
Independence Hill Remembers 9/11, Honors First Responders
Reagan High School JROTC present the colors on Patriot’s Day
Independence Hill and The Stone Oak Business Association honor the first responders at Station 46 with the Fire Fighter’s Prayer.
Submitted by Martha Anderson ach year on the anniversary of September 11, Independence Hill Retirement Community holds a ceremony filled with prayer, patriotism, words of comfort, and a moment of silence in remembrance of those who lost their lives and in honor of the first responders that day. It is important that we never forget to thank those that are selflessly there for us in our time of need. Fireman and other first responders across the nation are the ones that rush into a burning building when everyone else is fleeing. We should never forget their
willingness to sacrifice their lives for our own. Once again this year, Pastor Dave Herrera and his wife, Betty, the Ronald Reagan Color Guard and Fire Station 46 joined Independence Hill residents for the ceremony. Many residents who served during wartime truly understand what it means to put your own life on the line for what you believe in. They are always eager to honor our neighborhood firefighters and first responders. As a special tribute this year, Stone Oak Business Association and Welcome Home
Community Newspaper joined Independence Hill in presenting a photo with the Call of Duty Prayer to Fire Station 46. Call of Duty Prayer: When I am called to duty God...Wherever fires may rage, Give me strength to save some life, Whatever be its age. Help me embrace a little child before it’s too late, To save an older person from the horror of that fate. Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout, And quickly and effectively put the fire out. I want to fill my calling and give the best in me, To guard my every neighbor and protect his property. And if according to your will, I have to lose my
Independence Hill residents greet Station 46 first responders.
life, Please bless with your protecting hand, My children and my wife, Amen.
All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter A Personal Account by Oscar Felan hile touring the Dominion Hills Condominium Subdivision with a client, we ran across an interesting property that seemed a bit out of place. Typically, you’ll find that homes for sale in the Dominion Hills range from $329,000 to $2,099,999 or $158.50 to $362.06 per square foot. They’re condos with a residential home feel; a gated community with the option to join The Dominion Country Club. HOA amenities include landscaping, irrigation, pest control, and domestic water for daily use. After completing our tour, my client asked me if I knew what the white house that seemed so out place was doing right in the middle of all these nicer homes. I jokingly replied, “I’m not sure, but I would assume the developer will be tearing it down as soon as possible.” Not satisfied with my answer, I stuck around a while after my client left. I walked over to the house and found several men working cautiously inside. I asked what the older house was doing there. They replied that the place had historical significance and it used to belong to the
This little white house in the middle of Dominion Hills Condominium Subdivision has historical significance. It used to belong to the Lucchese family, as in Lucchese boots!
Lucchese family. As in Lucchese boots! I never would have guessed. Discoveries such as this one are what keeps me excited about my job. The next few minutes talking to these guys really helped put it all into perspective. They proceeded to tell me a story they heard from the current owner of the property. They said it once belonged to one of the Lucchese brothers and served as a safe house
Attention All Retired Teachers! Submitted By Michele Bibb alling all retired teachers! You are invited to attend the North San Antonio Retired Teachers Association’s (NSARTA) October meeting on October 19 at San Pedro Presbyterian Church in the Fellowship Hall. The church is located at
C 14
14900 San Pedro by Brookhollow Shopping Center. The meeting will begin with a “meet and greet” with coffee and refreshments beginning at 9:45 a.m and officially called to order at 10 a.m. NSARTA’s speaker this month will be State Representative of District 125, Justin
Peter Hurd also took up residence in the house for a Priceless hand painted tiles by Peter Hurd. time, producing several sketches, decorations, and hand painted tiles that are today thought to be priceless. such as that keep me excited to do
for another gangster brother. An artist friend by the name of Peter Hurd also took up residence there for a time. While a tenant, he produced several sketches, decorations, and hand painted tiles that are now considered to be priceless. Of course this answered our question of why this otherwise non-typical Dominion home was still standing. I’m not sure what they plan on doing with the home or its treasures but it’s discoveries
Rodriguez. Representative Rodriguez is from San Antonio and has served the city in various positions from SAISD Board Member to City Councilman. Currently, he serves on the TRS Health Benefit Plans Committee. If you have any questions or concerns about the TRS Health Plan, this meeting
my job in real estate. It also proves that one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Some things are more valuable than you’ll ever know. The new Dominion Hills homes are fortunate to be surrounding such a unique property. Looking for someone who goes the extra mile to find out as much about a neighborhood as they can for their clients? Call me, Oscar Felan, Realtor / River Valley Real Estate Co. at (210) 793-3493 or email be at oscar@rvreco.com.
would be the perfect time to come and hear what this important committee is recommending to our Legislature. Please join NSARTA on October 12 and feel free to bring a retired teacher friend. If you have any questions, please contact Michele Bibb at (210) 494-8197.
October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
Darian Thomas (center), 2010 Business Expo Scholarship Recipient
You Are Invited S
Fall SOBA Business Expo
earching for a tasty new spot to take the family out to eat dinner on a Friday night? Need gift ideas for the fast-approaching holiday season? How about a photographer for family portraits or a new bank to open your teen’s fi rst checking account? Look no further than the Stone Oak Business Association’s (SOBA) Fall Stone Oak Business Expo on Wednesday, October 5th at Johnson High School. The Expo will also feature prize drawings throughout the evening. Attendees can purchase raffle tickets for their chance to win donated gifts from local businesses including gift certificates, gift baskets and much more. The Expo is FREE and OPEN to the public. All are invited to sample cuisine from local restaurants while learning all about what local businesses can offer. A ton of area businesses and representatives will be on hand to showcase their goods and services.
Proceeds will go back to Johnson High School Student Council to help fund field trips, purchase materials and fi nish projects. So come out and show your support! For more information, please call 210-348-8233. We hope to see you there!
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Time: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm Place: Johnson High School Cafeteria 23203 Bulverde Road, 78259 Cost: FREE
October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57
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October 2016 • Welcome Home • 78255/56/57