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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Hollywood Park, Brookhollow, Deerfield, Churchill Estates and surrounding areas Postal Customer

September 2013 Issue


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Send stubborn fat packing with CoolSculpting®. We’re proud to be among the first in the area to offer this revolutionary new body contouring treatment. Now you can target and sculpt away those exerciseand diet-resistant love handles and belly fat without surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared, safe and effective. See a positive difference in the way your clothes fit in as little as one treatment*.

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Results and patient experience may vary. Ask us if CoolSculpting is right for you. Data on file CoolSculpting is a registered trademark and the CoolSculpting logo and the Snowflake design are trademarks of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. © 2012. All rights reserved. IC0529-B

Stone Oak Business Association Presents

2013 Business Expo hosted by Ronald Reagan High School

The 2013 Stone Oak Business Association Expo is excited to be welcomed back to Ronald Reagan High School for the 11th annual EXPO. This well attended event benefits both Reagan and Johnson High Schools. As a vendor your business will gain exposure to the community, parents, teachers and students. All funds raised from the Expo will help the SOBA Scholarship Program to award scholarships to outstanding seniors graduating from Reagan and Johnson Fine Arts departments. Donated raffle items are also needed and appreciated.





Stone Oak Business Association Ronald Reagan H.S.

Lady Bird JOHNSON H.S.

When: Thursday, September 26, 2013 5:30 to 8:00 PM Where: Ronald Reagan High School Cafeteria 19000 Ronald Reagan Dr. San Antonio, Texas 78258 Cost: $85 for Members | $125 for Non-Members

To RSVP: 210-348-8233 E-mail: September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248



Winter Celebration 2013 Featuring AirLIFE Santa

Reserve Your Booth Today! – $350.00 Date: Time: Place:

December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604) Presenting Sponsors:

Each year, thousands of families from across San Antonio attend Stone Oak Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa to celebrate the season. There’s no better way to introduce your business to the community. We invite your business to be a part of Stone Oak’s largest and longest running holiday event.

Vendor RSVP: (210)348–8233 • 4

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Note From The Publisher Back To School & More


y this time you should be in your “back to school” routine. You know just when to leave so you can avoid the heaviest traffic and if you leave just 5 minutes later, it could make you 30 minutes late for work. September is a very exciting time for Welcome Home. It is when we coordinate with the school organizations that are going to participate in our Toys For Tots drive at our Annual Winter Celebration. This year will be the 10th year for us to have this event and it will be our biggest ever. Welcome Home has teamed up with the non-profit, Living Through Giving, to make sure that every child has a toy for Christmas this year. It is with great pride that I let you know our event provides up to 85 percent of the toys to the Toys For Tots organization for the marines to give to the children of San Antonio each year. If you participate in this event, you should take pride in this accomplishment. If you don’t, I ask that you consider joining us to make this year the best year ever. This year, the event will take place at the Legacy Shopping Center and will have more booths, more participants and some special celebrity signings. For information on how your business can be involved, how you may become a sponsor, or a volunteer, look on page 4 On September 26th we will have our Annual Stone Oak Business Expo. This event, as always, is open to public and is FREE. Come out and support our businesses. The proceeds from the Expo will go to graduating seniors in the form of scholarships. The event also benefits the students as they assist in the set up, layout and coordination of the event. This gives them a small glimpse of working

with different businesses, in a working environment, within a small time frame. Every year the students tell us how beneficial the event has been to them. Turn to page 3 for more information. In this issue we have supported some wonderful charities. On page 11, is an event, Wine, Women, and Shoes, sponsored by the San Antonio Food Bank. Please read the article and if possible, go down there and support one of San Antonio’s finest organizations. On pages 5 & 10, is the Casino night for SpaySA at the Dominion. I plan on being at this event and hope to see many of you there as well. This will be a night of fun where we San Antonian’s can show our support for this wonderful organization. Welcome Home has also teamed up with a dear friend, Tanji Patten, to support her Girls Night Out. Look on page 10 for more information. Tanji’s events are always lots of fun, since they are coordinated by Wendy Welsh of Outside The Box. This is the anniversary of September 11. I believe anytime you see a man or woman in the military you should thank them for their service, but this month more than any, make that special effort to come together as a community. Lastly, thank you for all the wonderful support and emails we receive each and every month. It makes us feel appreciated and special. As you visit the businesses that make Welcome Home possible, please let them know you saw them in your only community newspaper.

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Piano, guitar and voice teachers are waiting for you! San Antonio’s Most Successful Community Music School!

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20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: Ad Inquiries Email:

Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Robert Steele Sylvia Hernandes Libby Thorman

Copy Editors Amanda Burris Chasity Furse Erica Cavazos Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Contributing Writers Valerie Finch Mike Bailey Amber DeBorde

01 3 C asino Night 2 Join us for Casino Night benefiting SpaySA’s mission to end dog and cat overpopulation. Saturday, October 5th, 2013 7:00pm- 11:00pm 7pm-7:30pm Cocktail Reception Dominion Country Club

Contributing Photographers Sriram Madabushi

Tickets at - only $50

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248


On The Cover

Stubborn fat has met it’s match.



Ditch the love handles.



Send stubborn fat packing with CoolSculpting®. CoolSculpting is the revolutionary body contouring treatment that freezes and naturally eliminates fat from your body. There are no needles, no special diets, no exercise programs and best of all—no downtime. Developed by Harvard scientists to eliminate fat, CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared, safe and clinically proven.

Call us today at 210.493.1568 to schedule your consultation. 14855 Blanco Rd, Ste 214, San Antonio, TX 78216

By Amanda Burris “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go.” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!


s a five-yearold, deciding what you to decide their future, dozens of others are will be when you grow up is no difficult task. The world is being inspired by new subjects, taking on at your fingertips when you know (L-R) Cash Reger, Elizabeth Rush, Hayden Noble and Nicholas Barber how to dream big. For future dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. firefighter Cash Reger, future surgeon Elizabeth Rush, future architect Hayden Noble and future doctor new hobbies and finding their passions that (or fireman) Nicholas Barber, their dreams can ultimately decide where they go. At Welcome Home Community begin with their first year in kindergarten Newspaper, we are excited to support and this year. Taking the first step into kindergarten encourage all students to dream big as they begins the exciting journey in education continue to kick off the new school year. To that all students must take. While these find out more about the dreamers featured kindergarteners may have a few more years on the front cover, turn to page 13.

Family Life

Results and patient experience may vary. Ask your physician if CoolSculpting is right for you. CoolSculpting for non-invasive fat reduction is cleared for the flank and abdomen. CoolSculpting is a registered trademark and the CoolSculpting logo and the snowflake design are trademarks of ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. ©2012. All rights reserved. IC0530-B

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Purseverance! By Debby Seguin

urses are a necessary evil. As a female of our species, I HAVE to have one but I don’t have to like it. And the feeling is apparently mutual. My purse is out to get me. Now you may be thinking, “Don’t be silly. A purse is an inanimate object used to hold stuff. It doesn’t have feelings, or hold grudges or retaliate.” Oh, really? What about The Purse Laws? Purse Law #1 states, “Regardless of size, a purse will automatically fill its complete dimensions and begin overflowing its contents within 36 hours.” I have had purses of every shape and size, from the once-popular “Wallet Purse” (created by, you guessed it, a man) to the mega-colossal “Masters of the Universe Purse.” In the Wallet Purse, I only put lifesaving essentials in, and before long, it looked like a giant leather zit about ready to pop. The Mega Purse was worse, though. By the time I was through with it, it weighed 83 pounds and no longer qualified for carryon luggage. Purse Law #2 states, “Regardless of what item you are rummaging for, it will always be located somewhere on the very bottom layer.” Worse than that, the purse will sense you are looking for said item and will hide it from you, forcing you to pull out the entire contents, including feminine products and court subpoenas, for all to see. At one time I thought maybe a purse with several compartments was the answer; One of those “organizer” purses where everything had a designated place. I thought I might be able to circumvent Purse Law

#2. Bad decision. The purse caught wind of my plan and hid my Dawn Mist lip liner for over a year. Males (thin wallet in hip pocket, keys in front pocket) do not understand why females even carry purses. They smile with thinly veiled arrogance as we struggle like pack mules. But you just watch how fast they will fall into rank if they ever need that Wendy’s receipt from 1984, or a Taxpayer’s Rights for Fiscal Year 1998 flier or a stool sample from an Australian Marsupial left over from a fifth grade science project. Talk about your humble pie! Until then, I will keep lugging my saddlebag, hoping to run into Monty Hall and make a killing on Let’s Make A Deal. Debby Seguin (who offers free pursehater’s therapy) can be reached at

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Chargers Take On Senior Year Special To Welcome Home here are students who just get through high school and then there are others who strive to take advantage of every opportunity to truly get the most out of their high school experience. Senior Madeleine Roehl is one who has proven to be one of those outstanding students at Winston Churchill High School. While achieving an involved experience in high school may be a challenging and time consuming, it helps when you have surrounded yourself by other motivated and high-spirited individuals. Madeline, Cynthia Quesada, Allison Hartley and Kenzie Schneider have been best friends all throughout high school. By being involved


in the spirit organizations at school they have grown as young women as they went from pep squad to the Grenadier drill team. This year, Madeleine will be balancing her time as she does double duty by being both a pep squad officer and a drill team member. With the number of practices and special events it’s impressive to know that she has stayed busy with more than just the spirit organization. Ranked number 9 in her class, she has also received the President’s Volunteer Service award and maintained a very high level of academics. She is in the National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society and an AP Scholar with honors, all of which has taken many late nights during the school year to accomplish.

As she takes on her senior year, she must not only maintain her academics and extra curricular activities, but also have her mind on college. After earning a perfect score of 800 on the math portion of the SAT, it is no surprise that she wishes to study biology as a pre-med student in college. As her and her fellow peers take on their last year, they will all be faced with decisions that will completely alter their lives. Madeleine and her three best friends will not have to make these choices and take on the challenges each day alone. Together, they will spend their final year with one another in friendship, making memories that will last a lifetime. Good luck to all of the seniors at Churchill High School as they

(l-r) Cynthia Quesada, Allison Hartley, Kenzie Shcneider and Madeleine Roehl have stayed best friends all through high school in the Churchill spirit program.

take on one more year together.

Eight Scouts Achieve Eagle Rank Submitted By Valerie Finch he Boy Scouts of America, one of the nation’s largest and most prominent value-based youth development organizations, allows young people to build character, train in the responsibility of participating citizenship and develop personal fitness, all while building a more conscientious, responsible and productive society. On August 4, Troop 511 had six young men from the Piranha Patrol do the entire organization proud by receiving their Eagle rank, the highest rank a Boy Scout can achieve. Matt Owens, Phillip De La Vega, Spencer Pruett, George McQuade and Stephen Botts


all received their latest rank in a backyard ceremony hosted by Nikki and Mark Owens and all the other proud parents. What made this day even more special was the fact that two other boys from their Patrol who had left San Antonio also achieved Eagle rank and made it back to attend the ceremony for their old scout mates. Larry Kridner made it in from Dallas and Charles Puschak attended from Idaho for the ceremony. It was a very special day indeed to have eight Eagles come out of the same Patrol, especially since only two percent of all Boy Scouts become Eagles. Troop 511 is hosted by San Pedro Presbyterian Church.

PHOTO CREDIT: Sriram Madabushi

Two out-of-town Scouts returned to join the other six in the SA ceremony.

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September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248


Andropause, The Male Menopause

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By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 am accustomed to seeing women come to me, very desperate, and with symptoms of menopause including hot flashes, night sweats and terrible mood changes. But just as women experience menopause, men experience andropause, a lack of hormones in males. When I first meet with a patient, I take a good fifteen minutes to talk with them to assure that we are a good doctor-patient fit. Only then do I recommend the requisite blood work which is obtained before their first official appointment. Recently, a male business owner came to me with the classic statement, “I DON’T FEEL LIKE MYSELF.” His family doctor told him he was fine, but he insisted that something was wrong. He then described feeling unmotivated and indecisive, weak when working out, and generally, a lack of enthusiasm. I told him that without hormones, he really isn’t himself. Some doctors might reach for the old antidepressant prescription without even obtaining serum testosterone upon hearing these symptoms. But the diagnosis of depression, best treated by a board certified psychiatrist, should only be made after extensive blood work and ruling out a medical problem. The blood levels of testosterone vary and are at their highest in the morning. When the sex hormone binding globulin, SHBG, is too high, this hormone can bind, or make unavailable, testosterone to the tissues.


Adding further complications, testosterone may even turn into estradiol, a female hormone, in older men. When you see those television ads stating: “Ask your doctor if you have low T,” you need to ask a lot more! Ask your doctor if you have too much SHBG, too high estradiol, low thyroid, high blood sugar or high homocysteine; a marker for Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Testosterone improves urinary and sexual function. Decreased testosterone is associated with decreased drive and motivation. Testosterone does not cause prostate cancer, but some researchers believe that it may cause the growth of pre-existing cancer. All men should have a digital rectal exam to check for any nodules on the prostate. Dr. Shippen, author of Testosterone Syndrome, states that it takes several months of testosterone replacement for improvement in erectile dysfunction. Muscles in the perineum must become strong again under the influence of testosterone. After four visits, blood work, and the usual history and physical, I helped him change his diet (more vegetarian, decreased alcohol and fast-food), different types of exercise (strength training and less cardio), and hormone replacement. Aging is a deficiency disease which can be treated. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

Keys To Lowering Blood Pressure


In support of the early detection of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), and to help raise awareness about the disease in our community, Peripheral Vascular Associates is planning a free screening event on September 20th & 21th at many of their San Antonio and surrounding area locations. Please call (210) 237-4444 to schedule an appointment. Must be 50 or older and have one of the following risk factors: • Smoking

• High blood pressure • Diabetes

• Cardiovascular disease

• Family history of heart attack or stroke All participants will receive educational material regarding PAD prevention and healthy lifestyle changes. Please schedule your FREE screening at

(210) 237-4444

D O C TO R S O F A R T E R I E S & V E I N S 8

By Houston Brown, CSCS re you a victim of high blood pressure? Many of us are, but there are ways that we can lower our blood pressure or prevent it from escalating. For a blood pressure reading to be in the normal range, the systolic must be below 120 and the diastolic must be below 80. We can first start by trying to be more active in our everyday lives. Exercise is a big role in our overall health, which includes our blood pressure. Being more active whether it be walking outside or going to a gym for at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes a day will reduce the risk of hypertension. To get the most benefit of the exercise, the intensity should be such that breathing is labored and heart rate is elevated. Improving your cardiovascular system and increasing body strength is a great tool to help with your overall health, which leads to better blood pressure. Another great way to help lower blood pressure is to change your eating habits. Diet is a big key for us to maintain great overall health. Eating more vegetables and increasing fiber intake while limiting our intake of sodium and greasy foods will decrease the risk of developing hypertension and other conditions such as heart disease and atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Obesity will increase blood pressure by placing extra stress on the body, so keeping a healthy BMI (ratio between height & weight) is important. Smoking has many dangerous long-term implications,

and hypertension is one of them. Quitting smoking or not starting in the first place can be the best decision to improve health. These are all good ways help improve or prevent high blood pressure, but sometimes it just isn’t enough. The least amount of medication we have to take the better off we are. So, if we can avoid it, great. However, many people have a genetic predisposition to develop hypertension with age, and medication is needed for regulation. Hypertension left uncontrolled over time can lead to serious peril such as artery damage, aneurysm, heart attack, stroke, dementia and kidney failure. It is very important to maintain good blood pressure, so stay fit and get checked regularly by the doctor. As always, the staff at HealthLink is equipped at providing sound exercise routines for individuals with physical or medical challenges. HealthLink is a health and fitness center owned by the Baptist Health System. HealthLink is located at 288 Bitters Rd., San Antonio, TX 78216. For more information, call (210) 297-9900 or visit

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Creating A Healthy Smile, On Time & At The Right Time By Alissa Nagle


mile! Fall is almost here! It’s a wonderful season for fresh beginnings, new goals and novel ambitions. It’s also the perfect time to work toward a healthier, happier you…starting with your smile! No matter how old you may be (or the ages of your little ones), now is the perfect time to consider how a healthy smile could benefit you and/or your loved ones. At Britton & Ferris Orthodontics, you can expect to receive superior and personalized care in a technologically advanced atmosphere. But taking it one step further, you can also expect to become part of a new, different kind of family – where working toward a better smile is viewed as an exciting and rewarding journey. With over 30 years of combined experience, Dr. Bloyce Britton and Dr. Tyler Ferris have formed an orthodontic practice with a common goal in mind: to create beautiful smiles on time and at the right time. “Time is a key theme in our practice,” explained Dr. Britton. “We are very careful to start treatment only when the patient is ready for treatment, never before. I really believe that’s how we’ve been able to build trust within the community. Also, our patients love and appreciate that we see them at their scheduled time. They do not have to wait. Running on time is very important to us, and we take pride in it.” At Britton & Ferris, the doctors believe that each patient should be considered on a case by case basis. There is no “blanket treatment.” If a patient’s teeth are still growing and shifting, Dr. Britton or Dr. Ferris may recommend waiting before taking orthodontic action. “We will either recommend treatment or we will advise that the patient wait until it’s the correct time,” added Dr. Ferris. “And we’ll explain why treatment is or is not needed. Doctor involvement is important – we want to be more than just our patient’s orthodontist, we want to become a trusted partner in their care.” This patient-centered approach at Britton & Ferris has helped the practice grow by leaps and bounds – right along with Stone Oak – for the past 16 years. “We love being a part of the Stone Oak community,” said Dr. Britton. “As it continues to grow, we are able to care for more and more patients. And what excites us the most are the referrals we receive from patients whom we’ve treated. Those are the most rewarding.” “I love being a part of this community,” added Dr. Ferris. “Even though it’s grown so much, there’s this small-town feel that I think will always remain a part of Stone Oak.” Also exercising what both doctors characterize as a “conservative” approach to orthodontics, Drs. Britton and Ferris track the progress of their patients’ developing smiles in

order to reduce the overall time, effort and cost to the patient. “The American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) recommends an initial examination at age seven,” Dr. Britton explained. “At that age, we see children for an exam to evaluate their growth, development and how their permanent teeth are coming in.” “If we see major structural problems or skeletal issues, we are more likely to pursue treatment early; however, the key word is see,” added Dr. Ferris. “We’re not necessarily treating them. All of the research and data supports the fact that we try to wait to begin treatment, when we can, until all the adult teeth are in.”

Time is a key theme in our practice. We are very careful to start treatment only when the patient is ready for treatment, never before. I really believe that’s how we’ve been able to build trust within the community.” – Dr. Bloyce Britton, Britton & Ferris Orthodontics When a patient visits Britton & Ferris, they are seen first for an examination…and that is simply what it is, only an examination. The doctors can provide the patient (or patient’s parent) a good assessment of his/her future orthodontic needs. As a courtesy, exams are performed at no cost to the patient. If treatment is indicated, the doctors will collect more diagnostic information and then decide what’s necessary. “We go through a full work up with patients to determine what treatment modality is going to be the best for that individual patient,” Dr. Britton said. “We can get started with treatment quickly, but we never pressure patients to start if they need to think about it.” Once a patient joins the Britton & Ferris family, they are treated exactly as that…family! The entire staff encourages the patient’s journey to a beautiful, healthier smile through friendly service and a fun, motivating Patient Rewards program. Each patient receives a “reward card” on which they can easily rack up “reward points” by working right alongside their doctors on their journey to a better smile. Good brushing habits, visiting the family dentist for a cleaning, even arriving for an appointment on time…all of these simple actions generate points which can be cashed in for special prizes like gift cards to a favorite store and restaurant. Everyone walks away a winner, just by staying

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

on top of their treatment plan while having fun! Britton & Ferris offer a myriad of options for those who need braces. Invisalign®, a series of clear aligners, are virtually invisible on the teeth and a great option for adults. More traditional options include metal and ceramic braces. Each option has pros and cons, and Drs. Britton and Ferris will evaluate which will produce the most effective result for the patient. No patient is “too old” to fix his or her smile. In fact, approximately 40 percent of Britton & Ferris’s patients are adults. Health, happiness, and self confidence are important to patients of every age. Correcting malocclusions, crowding, gummy smiles, and crooked teeth are all important for a healthy bite and aesthetically pleasing smile at any age. Both doctors are very hands-on with patients, meaning that they do most of the work themselves. The length of treatment time varies on a case-by-case basis, but if a patient is monitored from an early age and preventative measures are taken (e.g. space maintainers), the amount of time in braces can be significantly reduced. Drs. Britton and Ferris know the impact their work has on their patients’ lives. In fact, it’s why they both chose to pursue orthodontics. Seeing former patients bring in their children for an examination is a meaningful experience and a testament to their work. “You know, as orthodontists, we get the privilege of seeing children and teenagers each month or so over the most crucial developmental part of their lives,” Dr. Britton said. “We observe them grow, change and mature before our eyes. We watch their self-confidence soar as their smiles and their teeth improve.” “I love that moment when we remove the braces and they run their tongue over their shiny, brace-free teeth,” Dr. Ferris added. “I love the smile that spreads from one side of their face to the other, and I love the excitement they feel about having such a beautiful smile.” A healthy, beautiful smile is the curve that sets everything straight. Drs. Britton and Ferris truly enjoy their work, providing Stone Oak with confident, beautiful smiles one patient at a time.

Britton & Ferris Orthodontics 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 210-497-6688 9

Girls Night Out With Tanji Patton Special To Welcome Home amiliar to San Antonio, Tanji Patton is an Emmy award-winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Her fun, engaging and informative website, features chefs, wines and food pairings from around the world. GoodTaste with Tanji has teamed up with Outside the Box Productions to produce Girls’ Night Out which is an event held every other month to bring together Tanji’s closest friends and viewers to feature local artisans, food and wine in both San Antonio & Houston. “We are honored to be Tanji’s event planners because she is the epitome of


‘GoodTaste’ - a true class act,” said Wendy Welsh, CEO of Outside the Box Productions. Tanji will be hosting her next Girls Night Out on September 12 at The Veranda located at 1746 Lockhill Selma Rd, San Antonio, TX 78213 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The Veranda is a beautiful three-acre estate that recently opened its doors to the public as a private venue right in the heart of Castle Hills. Girls Night Out guests will sample fabulous tastings from Spice of Life Chef Mike Bomberg and enjoy the fall sunset within the gorgeous scenery of the Veranda. As part of GoodTaste - guests will experience new fall wines courtesy of Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits, beer tastings

courtesy of Ben E Keith and amazing giveaways all evening! These giveaways include gift certificates for dinner at various restaurants including Boudros, handbags, wine and much more! “We have so much fun bringing great food, wine and interesting places to our viewers. We’ve got amazing partners that make every Girls Night Out a fun experience,” said Patton. Of course Girls Night Out must include shopping! There will also be fabulous local artisans showcasing their latest trends and fashions including Carinos by Eydee, Bolingo Bags, Votre Vu skincare and much more as well as great entertainment. Tickets are available for $30 at Goodtaste.

Tanji Patton from GoodTase TV with guests last year at Girls Night Out.

tv so get your tickets now and join Tanji for a Girls Night Out!

2nd Annual SpaySA Casino Night Special To Welcome Home et your gambling face on and come out to the beautiful Dominion Country Club for a night of Casino fun while supporting a great cause! SpaySA will be hosting their 2nd annual SpaySA Casino Night on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at the Dominion Country Club. Throughout the evening guests will enjoy a variety of Casino games, dinner & drinks, entertainment by The Music Connection and a Silent Auction! All of the funds raised at the event will go directly to SpaySA who provides spay and neutering services at little or no cost to the San Antonio community. Tickets are available for $50 and can be purchased at Each


guest will receive $500 in casino playing chips to play all the casino games including Blackjack, Roulette and many more! Tables at the event start at $1,000. The event is expected to sell out so get your tickets early! Following the success of their first year, SpaySA is excited about this event being even bigger and a fun experience for all animal lovers. “We are very lucky to have wonderful supporters and this event is a way for us to show them a good time while we continue to help get all pets spayed and neutered in San Antonio,” said SpaySA Executive Director, Cathy McCoy. Many SpaySA supporters are expected to be in attendance this year including C.J.

Cruz and FOX29’s Kimberly Crawford and Cynthia Lee. “With over 21,000 cats and dogs euthanized each year, we need organizations like SpaySA to help us to put a stop to this problem. This is a fun way for all San Antonio residents to help us do just that,” said SpaySA Board Vice-President and CEO of Outside the Box Productions, Wendy Welsh. SpaySA is a 501©3 organization and the community leader in providing and promoting accessible subsidized services for dogs and cats in San Antonio. Through the generosity of many supporters, SpaySA provides ongoing programs such as nocost or low-cost spay/neutering services,

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September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

Wine, Women and Shoes, Teams Up With The Food Bank Special To Welcome Home t seems almost impossible to most women that anything could be better than an event filled with wine tasting, shoes, a silent auction and a boutique marketplace. But it can. The Wine, Women and Shoes event has partnered with the San Antonio Food Bank to fight hunger and feed hope. So while women have the opportunity to indulge in some of their favorite pleasures, they are doing so for a great cause. This unique event, driven by women for women, is a national fundraising event platform that offers sponsors a unique opportunity to place their businesses in front of successful, savvy and community minded women. The event will include marketplace shopping from designer and local boutique vendors who sell the latest styles in the marketplace. Wineries from all over the globe will offer tastings of their most chic wines as guests also have the opportunity to have a bite from the Food Bank’s Catalyst Catering. The San Antonio Food Bank will receive 20 percent of all vendor proceeds. Guests will also get a chance to bid on trips, and other one of a kind items in the live and silent auction. Ladies can kick back for the glamorous fashion show with


community and sponsor models that will be displaying the latest looks. While all these events and opportunities are available, the “Shoe Guys” will mingle around the room while serving up the season’s hottest shoes on silver platters. For once, indulging in a shopping spree is encouraged. The San Antonio Food Bank provides food and groceries to more than 58,000 individuals each week in 16

Mill Springs Cabin Comes Back To Life Submitted By Mike Bailey month after being vandalized, the Mill Springs Cabin on the campus of Bradley Middle School, is on the road to recovery. Thanks to the fabulous Bradley community, the renovations and additions to the program promise to enhance the already popular, award-winning Texas history facility. Having hosted over 50,000 elementary students and thousands of other Texans, the Bradley community understands the impact of the one-of-a-kind learning center on students in NEISD. Since July 28, families have rallied around the Cabin by supporting multiple fundraisers, including the most recent “Summer Music Festival” which featured former Bradley students, teachers, singers and songwriters from Texas, including the legendary Johnny Bush. Other fundraisers included a lemonade sale on July 4, a cupcake sale and a movie night at the Shadow Cliff Swimming Club. The H.E.B. Brookhollow also sponsored a sausage sale on July 20. All of these fundraisers have produced thousands of dollars to help repair and renovate damage caused by the senseless act of vandalism.


After being vandalized in July, Mill Springs Cabin is set to re-open soon.

These generous donations are vital to the Cabin’s existence due to the fact that the program relies solely on donations from individuals. Volunteers of the Mill Springs Cabin program would again like to thank the Bradley “Family Community” for their outpour of support, both monetarily and spiritually. It is through their unconditional support that the Cabin program will continue to promote and preserve the rich history of this phenomenon we call Texas.

Chargers Kick Off The New Season By Amanda Burris s fall arrives and students go back to school, one sport that so many are looking forward to starts up at last. During a time of pep rallies, school spirit and a true sense of community, the students and families of Winston Churchill High School welcome the start of football season. Being in one of the toughest districts in Texas, the Churchill football boys face good teams every week. With this in mind, they have been working and training hard to have a great season.


“Football in Texas has evolved into a twelve month job for these kids,” explained football coach Glenn Hill. “We started our off-season at the conclusion of last season and have been doing strength and speed camp all summer.” After many months of preparation, the Churchill boys were ready to kick off the new season and “get the pads on.” Churchill high school has been a place for success and excellence for a number of years and it is only improving with age. As the athletes’ hard work continues to pay off, it

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

counties throughout Southwest Texas. With a mission to fight hunger and feed hope, the Wine, Women and Shoes event is a way to help make a difference. Every dollar spent and donated will enable the San Antonio Food Bank to provide meals to individuals in need. Wine, Women and Shoes will take place on Wednesday, November 6th from 6-9 p.m.

at the Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum. The cost to attend this event is priced at $100 per attendee. For more information or details about sponsorship, contact Dabney Fletcher at 210-431-8306 or dafletcher@ To purchase your ticket online visit: http://winewomenandshoes. com/safoodbank

Rock Garden Welcomes Hidden Forest Students

HeidiStaples wanted students to know that there is Students painted their own unique rockfish to be added “only one you.” to the garden.

Submitted By Amber DeBorde ast spring, Heidi Staples, a counseling intern at Hidden Forest Elementary School, lead a school-wide student project to create a cheerful rock garden at the school’s entryway. After finding the idea on Pinterest, Staples used the children’s book, Only One You by Linda Kranz, as a teaching tool and inspiration for the garden. Staples, along with her daughters and a handful of Hidden Forest students, went to Gardenville and handpicked over 600 flat rocks. She then read Only One You to every K-5 classroom. One of the messages in this lovable story about a family of fish is, “There is only one you in this great big world. Make it a better place.” Staples expanded the lesson by talking

about how to treat others who might be different and how to confidently stand out in a group. As students attended their LINKS class, art teacher Jennifer Tollette used her talent to guide and instruct students on how to paint their own rockfish based on the fish in the book. Finished rockfish were placed near the school’s entryway, and a garden slowly began to form. Tumbled colored glass was later added to surround the fish. To complete the garden, Staples added painted wooden planks on a tree to reinforce the 7 Habits that Hidden Forest embraces to grow strong leaders. New and returning students will be able to enjoy the delightful rock garden and its meaningful message for many years to come.

is apparent how each year brings more skill and determination. “Every team is unique, every year is different,” said Hill. “We really like the group we have right now.” There are many boys on the team this year that have been in the program throughout their entire high school career. This is always beneficial, explained Hill, because there are already boys who know what to expect.

“We pride ourselves here in working hard,” Hill said, highlighting on the strengths of the team. “…Our biggest challenge is continuing to improve every day.” For the 2013-2014 school year, Winston Churchill has a football team that reflects the hard work and dedication the school has built itself upon. Visit www.chargersports. org for ticket information, schedules and to learn more about the program.




Medical Allergy and Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 • Southwest Allergy & Asthma Martin • Rodriguez Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 •

Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men

Facial Plastic Surgery William R. Thornton, M.D., F.A.C.S. Ophthalmic/Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Cosmetic Eye Lid & Facial Surgery 15316 Huebner Rd., Suite 101 576-5150 (by appt)


Gastroenterology & Pain Mgmt

Theda Oaks J. Theard MD, S. Dar MD, L. Rosenkranz, MD U. Dar MD, M. McKee MD, M. Naeem, MD 19284 Stone Oak Parkway 268-0129

General Dentistry Smile Source® Dr. Cheryl E. Hubble & Dr. Kaci L. Tibbetts 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr., Suite. 16 496-5422

General Surgery



Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 119 697-3821

Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 101 494-4272

San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris Ming-Zhao, Nicolau, Roberts, Stephenson 14807 San Pedro (281 & Winding Way) 226-6169

Orthodontics Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 •

San Antonio General Surgery Jorge L. Rincon 1162 E. Sonterra, Suite 210 587-7744


Neurosurgery Neurosurgical Associates of S.A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 •

How to Make Learning Easier By Leslie Jernigan, M.A. Learning Foundations Diagnostic and Learning Center 210-495-2626

ne in five children have some form of dyslexia. A new school year is underway, and I’m already hearing horror stories from parents. They hoped this year would be a fresh start for their child, but it’s only September and they are ready to pull out their hair in desperation. I have heard this story many times, but parents feel so alone when it’s happening in their family. It is the story of the dyslexic child, and it is more


common than you think. A mom recently shared her concerns about her nine-year-old boy. She noticed a problem since kindergarten, but nobody believed her. Her son’s teacher said he would “grow out of it.” Her husband said she worried too much. In first grade, he could guess at some words and understand the big picture, but would skip small words. It took him hours to memorize his spelling words, only to misspell them the next day.

Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt, Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000

He’s creative and curious, but his younger sister sometimes helps him with homework. All this makes him a very confused little boy. I may be describing your child, AND his father, AND even his grandmother! Dyslexia is often present in the family tree. It is common to hear parents describe how grandma would put words in the wrong order and laugh it off. Of course, it was never diagnosed back then. It breaks my heart to hear these stories. For 20 percent of students, the first six weeks of school are progressively difficult. That’s because they have a learning problem (often un-diagnosed) that makes reading, spelling and writing much harder than it should be. The great myth about dyslexia is that dyslexics can never learn to read or write. The truth is dyslexic children are usually of average to above average intelligence; they

Radiology South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 617-9000

To add your listing, call 210-348-8233 simply need to be taught differently. The good news is that anyone can learn to read and spell! If you suspect your child may be dyslexic, have him or her evaluated as soon as possible. With an Orton-Gillingham based program, your child can learn how to read, spell and write as well as his peers. It is not a quick fix, but giving your child his smile back is well worth the wait. Read about common warning signs for dyslexia at dyslexia Diana Ames is Director of Learning Foundations-Diagnostic and Learning Center 2817 Thousand Oaks. Email questions or concerns about your child’s learning struggles to leslie@ or call 210-4952626. To learn more about brain-based learning, visit www.learningfoundations. us.

Honoring Those Impacted By September 11


eptember 11, 2001, is a day permanently etched in history. 9-11 carries profound meaning for many people and stands in infamy along with events like Pearl Harbor and the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. The attacks on 9-11 resulted in a total of 2,996 fatalities. Among those were the victims on the four planes, civilians working in the towers and on the ground, military personnel and civilians in the Pentagon, and first-responders to the scenes. It is believed that at least 200 people in the World Trade Center fell or jumped to their deaths from the burning towers because rescue was improbable at or above points of impact on the towers. Along with the World Trade Center primary towers, many other buildings in the area were destroyed or badly damaged


from the attack. Many buildings were condemned. The Pentagon suffered serious damage as well. Thousands of first responders and civilians entered the affected buildings to search for or help people exit the carnage. As of 2010, it is believed that more than 800 of these responders have also died, some say from illnesses related to their heroic efforts. While the world is quick to focus on the extensive damage and loss of life that ensued as a result of this terrible day, it also is important to focus on the survivors and those who risked their own lives to save people from burning and collapsing buildings. While September 11, 2011, will live in infamy as a traumatic and horrific moment in American history, people can focus on the positive aspect of the heroes and find ways to honor their memories.

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

When I Grow Up...

By Amanda Burris


as anyone ever asked you what you want to be when you grow up? Every kid at one point has developed dreams of what they want to be when they grow up. Everything from being a princess to a rock star, astronaut to an actor, kids are the best at dreaming big. While you don’t have to be young to have dreams for your future profession, seeing the world from the perspective of a five-year-old is never disappointing and can be even a little inspiring. For the ever ambitious Nicolas Barber, Hayden Noble, Elizabeth Rush and Cash Reger,

kindergarten is just the first thing to knock out before tackling their goals of what they want to be when they grow up. Kindergarten presents new opportunities, new friendships and a chance to learn new and interesting things. As these students take on this big year in their lives, they welcomed the chance to share their thoughts and likes with the readers of Welcome Home Community Newspaper through a survey so that others can get to know the future leaders of tomorrow.

Nicolas Barber – Age 5 Julia Newton Aue Elementary

Cash Reger – Age 5 Cibolo Green Elementary

Hayden Noble – Age 5 Julia Newton Aue Elementary

Elizabeth Rush – Age 5 Tuscany Heights Elementary

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? A fireman, but if I’m not going to get to be a fireman, then I want to be a doctor like daddy so I can work with him at the same hospital every day. Firemen and doctors are like superheroes because they help people.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? I want to be a firefighter because they are cool. Their hats are and their hoses are cool.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? A builder because they can build houses, skyscrapers and a chimney.

What are you looking forward to in Kindergarten this year? Everything is going to be fun!! To meet friends!

What are you looking forward to in Kindergarten this year? The jungle gym, art class and computers.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? I want to be a surgeon with my Daddy because my Daddy does surgery on kids and he helps them feel better.

What are you looking forward to in Kindergarten this year? All my new friends and having fun.

What do you want to learn in school? About basketball and fire.

What do you want to learn in school? How to draw and oval and write with lowercase letters.

How would you describe yourself? Silly, cool, funny.

How would you describe yourself? A builder and an artist.

What do you like to do for fun? I like to play animal talk with my animals and LEGOs. I like to play spies too. Basketball.

What do you like to do for fun? Dress up like superheroes, play golf with daddy, baseball, build with LEGOs, and draw things.

What do you like the most about yourself? I’m hilarious! My face!

What do you like the most about yourself? I can nail stuff with a hammer.

Who is the smartest person you know? My Daddy.

Who is the smartest person you know? My daddy because I think he is really smart.

What do you like the most about yourself? I’m good at playing with friends.

What is your favorite movie? Transformers.

What is your favorite movie? Cars 1.

Who is the smartest person you know? Mommy and Daddy.

What is your favorite book? Little Critter: Just A Snowy Day.

What is your favorite movie? The Avengers.

Who is your hero? Daddy.

What is your favorite book? Weird, Wild and Dangerous Animals and Creatures.

What do you want to learn in school? I want to learn about reading, cutting with scissors, and maybe about sliding down the poles at the fire station. How would you describe yourself? I’m big and strong! I like to have fun with my friends and I’m kind to them. I’m smart and know lots of things. What do you like to do for fun? I like my toys and tucks and my bike. I like playing with all my toys!

What is your favorite book? My firefighters book.

Who is your hero? My Momma.

What are you looking forward to in Kindergarten this year? I’m excited about reading, writing, and riding the bus. Also eating in the cafeteria. What do you want to learn in school? Reading, so I can read books to my Mommy. How would you describe yourself? I am kind. I like helping people. What do you like to do for fun? Going to the pool and Chuck E. Cheese and eating pancakes with my Daddy. I like to do crafts and make books to read. What do you like the most about yourself? I am kind. Who is the smartest person you know? My mommy and my daddy. What is your favorite movie? Snow White. What is your favorite book? Magic Treehouse books because they get to go to different countries and different times. Who is your hero? My Daddy because he helps kids.

Who is your hero? Spiderman.

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248


We Keep You Rolling By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017


t’s back to school time! It is hard to believe that summer passed so quickly and we are again back to the grind of getting the kids to school, getting ourselves to work, taking the kids to practice and keeping up with everyday errands. Once again streets are busy with buses, students and parent drivers. September is also a time for our college kids to head back to school.

Remember to have your college bound kids vehicles checked before they leave town. Some important items for you and your college bound child to pay attention to are: Brake Inspections – Brakes are the most important safety devices on your car. Let us make sure they are working properly for you. Tire Inspections – Proper inflation of

tires helps save on gas and makes for a safe ride. Cooling System Check – As we all know the hot weather does not go away with the end of August. It is still a great time to make sure your cooling system is working properly. Belts & Hoses – We see plenty of vehicles that have to be towed in due to a thrown belt or cracked hose. Preventative maintenance is a great way to keep unforeseen expenses down and your car running efficiently and effectively. Our South Texas heat is extremely hard on all vehicles. It can be the number one reason your car has premature failure or catastrophic failure. We recommend staying ahead of the game and bringing your car or your college bound child’s car in today!!

Call today and schedule your vehicle for a FREE 38 Point Vehicle Safety Inspection. One of our highly trained ASE Certified Technicians will be glad to inspect your vehicle. Bring this article in and receive 10% off your bill up to $100. Don’t forget to check us out on the web at www. Our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires hopes you had a wonderful summer. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires, 22000 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78259, phone number (210) 690-1100. For more information on the different locations, visit

St. Thomas Welcomes New Head Of School

By Amanda Burris t St. Thomas Episcopal School, their mission is to help children achieve individual excellence by educating them in a developmentally based program where they may grow cognitively, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. Through the help of the teachers, staff and community members, this goal is being successfully executed. This school has had the opportunity to welcome a new Head of School to their administration, Dr. Debra Root. An experienced educator who has worked in education for 29 years from preschools to college campuses, Dr. Root found her calling at this church-related school. “Actually I did not plan to return to working on a school campus, but planned a


career as a tenure-track professor,” Dr. Root explained. “However, as a member of St. Thomas Church, I was invited to spend a day at the school. After attending the chapel service where a five-year-old little girl sang ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful,’ I was hooked. The teachers, the students and the warm feelings of family and love persuaded me to change my plans.” Through the support and enthusiasm of the teachers and parents, as well as the joy of being with the students this summer, she has felt confident in her choice and decided that this was her dream job. Dr. Root’s new position will require her to do whatever is necessary to make sure the school runs well. “I have scrubbed toys, collected books, ordered curriculum, calculated the cubic yards of pea gravel needed for the playground, hired amazing teachers, prepared the budget for next year, and so on,” she said. “Mostly, I see my role as a

servant leader.” Through the prominent faith and strong beliefs on the staff, students and church members, she has witnessed how together an effort is made to bring quality education, positive leadership, new curriculum and enhanced learning. “I love that everything we do at St. Thomas reflects our church vision to ‘honor God and bless others,’” said Dr. Root. “I see older students stopping to help younger students. I see our teachers mentoring and supporting each other. I see retired members of the congregation shelving books and making fresh curtains for the classrooms. I see our families thankful that not only are their children getting an excellent education, but also they are learning to become Christian leaders through programs such as Matthew 25, a service-learning program to reach out to others globally.” Dr. Root is excited to establish her profession at St. Thomas and use her talents

Brook Hollow Library News

Rosemary Tatum, Director


of Excellent Dance Training! San Antonio Dance Academy offers a full dance curriculum in three studios with professional flooring and acoustics for ages 2 – Adult. * Performance Opportunities! * Family Rates Available

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By Tapley Trudell Adult Service Librarian Brook Hollow Branch Library 210-496-6315 utumn is here and it is time to go back to school. As a new semester begins, students should be aware of some of the great services offered by the public library – even when your library building is closed! For students wrestling with a difficult assignment or just wanting a little extra help in a subject, the live homework help offered at can be of enormous benefit. The service is available for students of all levels, kindergarten through college, every day from 2 p.m. to midnight. Just go to the library’s homepage at www.mysapl. org, and click on the link for “Databases.” The new page will list all of our electronic databases alphabetically; click on the link


for “Live Homework Help.” Students will need to enter a valid library card number to access the site. Even when live tutors are not available, provides a variety of practice tests and study materials on a wide range of subjects. San Antonio Public Library also subscribes to a service called Learning Express Library, accessible from the Databases page. Learning Express Library provides a wide range of practice tests and exercises that students can work through at their own pace. The site allows users to create a login so that progress can be saved and work can be continued at another time. This resource is particularly useful for anyone who is preparing for a standardized test. Students doing research are likely to find a wide variety of useful tools when perusing the list of library databases. Products

Retired Teachers Association Submitted By Michele Bibb etired teacher are invited to join the North San Antonio Retired Teachers Association (NSARTA) in its efforts to improve retirement benefits and to be of service in the community. NSARTA meets the third Wednesday of each month at San Pedro Presbyterian Church located at 14900 San Pedro Avenue, just north of Brook Hollow. The monthly meetings are at 10


a.m. to noon with a short “Meet and Greet,” complete with snacks and beverages. NSARTA has many different activities members can become involved in, such as hospitality, bridge groups, stitchery groups, children’s book drives, and public relations. The association’s dues are $40; $25 goes to the state and $15 stays with the local group to help with community projects. NSARTA’s first meeting will be held on

in a way that she feels called to. Through an extraordinary staff and exceptional students, she looks forward to making a difference in any way that she can.

like Academic Search™ Complete and MasterFILE Premier contain searchable full text articles from a wide variety of periodicals ranging from newsstand standards to peer-reviewed academic journals. The Dictionary of Literary Biography and the Gale Encyclopedia of Science are just two examples of traditional reference works that have been digitized, allowing library patrons 24 hour access. Of course, even in our digital age, students will need books to complete their schoolwork. It can save time and hassle to place books and other library materials on hold using the library’s website. When the requested materials are ready for pickup, patrons are notified and given one week to pick up their holds. As always, if working off of an assigned reading list, be sure to get your name on the waiting list early!

Wednesday, September 18 at 10 a.m. The guest speaker for this meeting will be Mr. Tim Lee, TRTA Executive Director. Mr. Lee is a fantastic speaker and has all the answers to retirement questions. He is inspirational, entertaining and very knowledgeable of all retired teacher issues. For more information, call 210-4948197.

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248


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In past years Winter Celebration Scavenger Hunt has been held during the month of November leading up to Winter Celebration in December. This year we are challenging you! Scavenger Hunt will be held at Winter Celebration at the Legacy Shopping Center.

u u u u u u

How it Works—Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home checkin booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one "General Prize" drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one "Grand Prize" drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Stay tuned for what we are drumming up in Grand Prizes this year! Drawings will begin at 3 p.m. You must be present to win.

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Come out to Winter Celebration, play Scavenger Hunt, build a snowman and Win prizes! *All toys are donated to US Marine Corps Toys for Tots-San Antonio

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December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604)

Presenting Sponsors:

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Wendy Nguyen, MD

Stephanie Hoefle, MD

Rohan Coutinho, MD

John Nguyen, MD • (210) 496-7999 September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248


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2119 Commercial San Antonio, TX 78221 Hours: M – F, 8 am – 5 pm Phone: (210) 922-0604 6151 NW Loop 410 Suite 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 Hours: T – F, 8 am – 5 pm Phone: (210) 226-6169

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2362 E SouthCross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 Hours: Call for hours Phone: (210) 226-6169

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(210) 496-5792 Se habla español.

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Enjoy a sweet treat before you go

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1207 N Loop 1604 W. Suite 115

Coupon valid up to $5. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 9/30/13

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Effecti ve

J une 1 , 2013

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1150 N Loop 1604 W, Ste 140 (In HEB Shopping Center At 1604 & Blanco)

210.493.0022 September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78232/78248

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