September 2013 78255 56 57 for web

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A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of The Dominion, Crown Ridge, Steeple Chase, Stage Run and surrounding areas Postal Customer

Sep 2013 Issue



arsha and Derek were at a meeting for parents of multiples the first time they heard about LearningRx, a program that pairs clients with trainers for intense mental workouts that improve the way the brain thinks, reads, learns, remembers and pays attention.

After hearing other parents rave, Marsha turned to her husband and aid, “If any of our kids ever have problems with school, we need to do this first before doctors or medication.” Two years later they faced that very decision: Their son Trevor, 9, was struggling with attention memory and reading, and his teacher recommended medical intervention. Instead, Marsha and Derek looked at each other and said, “No doctors. No medication. Let’s look at LearningRx.

“Trevor has the perfect trainer!”

After taking Trevor to his first day of brain training, Derek came home and enthusiastically announced to his wife, “Trevor has the BEST trainer! Connor is going to be awesome! They’re a GREAT fit!” “Trevor loved doing brain training with Connor,” Marsha says, adding that he was a tremendous resource for her too, giving her tips that made training she did at home with Trevor a lot more fun and challenging.

One-on-one brain training is unique because it takes place in a training relationship. LearningRx brain trainers customize workouts, create accountability, and keep sessions fastpaced and intense. They make training interactive, relational and fun. And in the process, they get students out of their comfort zone and into dramatic results.

“Your son is on-task 95% of the time.”

After completing brain training, Trevor’s teacher said he was working ontask 95% of the time. Marsha noticed other changes, too: He’s more confident. He has a better work ethic. He tackles problems saying ‘I can, I can, I can.’ He even laughs more!” She’s even seeing a difference in his friendships. “Last year I’d say, ‘Who did you play with at school today?’ and he couldn’t remember the names of his friends. This year he says things like, Blake said this… and Shawn did that…’ You just can’t send a child to a computer and say, ‘Go play a game,’ and see the same growth,” she says, adding “There’s nothing that compare to that relationship with a trainer.” Trevor, 9, and his LearningRx brain trainer, Connor.

train the brain. get smarter.

guaranteed. LearningRx – San Antonio Northeast (Stone Oak) 109 Gallery Circle, Ste. 119, 78258 210-967-6278


LearningRx – San Antonio Northwest (Medical Center) 9515 Fredericksburg Rd., 78240 210-699-6463

Can LearningRx make life easier for you or someone you love? Bring in this coupon and receive $50.oo off brain skill assessment. Offer valid through 09/30/2013.

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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Stone Oak Business Association Presents

2013 Business Expo hosted by Ronald Reagan High School

The 2013 Stone Oak Business Association Expo is excited to be welcomed back to Ronald Reagan High School for the 11th annual EXPO. This well attended event benefits both Reagan and Johnson High Schools. As a vendor your business will gain exposure to the community, parents, teachers and students. All funds raised from the Expo will help the SOBA Scholarship Program to award scholarships to outstanding seniors graduating from Reagan and Johnson Fine Arts departments. Donated raffle items are also needed and appreciated.





Stone Oak Business Association Ronald Reagan H.S.

Lady Bird JOHNSON H.S.

When: Thursday, September 26, 2013 5:30 to 8:00 PM Where: Ronald Reagan High School Cafeteria 19000 Ronald Reagan Dr. San Antonio, Texas 78258 Cost: $85 for Members | $125 for Non-Members

To RSVP: 210-348-8233 E-mail: September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


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September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Note From The Publisher Back To School & More


y this time you should be in your “back to school” routine. You know just when to leave so you can avoid the heaviest traffic and if you leave just 5 minutes later, it could make you 30 minutes late for work. September is a very exciting time for Welcome Home. It is when we coordinate with the school organizations that are going to participate in our Toys For Tots drive at our Annual Winter Celebration. This year will be the 10th year for us to have this event and it will be our biggest ever. Welcome Home has teamed up with the non-profit, Living Through Giving, to make sure that every child has a toy for Christmas this year. It is with great pride that I let you know our event provides up to 85 percent of the toys to the Toys For Tots organization for the marines to give to the children of San Antonio each year. If you participate in this event, you should take pride in this accomplishment. If you don’t, I ask that you consider joining us to make this year the best year ever. This year, the event will take place at the Legacy Shopping Center and will have more booths, more participants and some special celebrity signings. For information on how your business can be involved, how you may become a sponsor, or a volunteer, look on page 5 & 15. On September 26th we will have our Annual Stone Oak Business Expo. This event, as always, is open to public and is FREE. Come out and support our businesses. The proceeds from the Expo will go to graduating seniors in the form of scholarships. The event also benefits the students as they assist in the set up, layout and coordination of the event. This gives them a small glimpse of working

with different businesses, in a working environment, within a small time frame. Every year the students tell us how beneficial the event has been to them. Turn to page 3 for more information. In this issue we have supported some wonderful charities. On page 13, is an event, Wine, Women, and Shoes, sponsored by the San Antonio Food Bank. Please read the article and if possible, go down there and support one of San Antonio’s finest organizations. On page 13, is the Casino night for SpaySA at the Dominion. I plan on being at this event and hope to see many of you there as well. This will be a night of fun where we San Antonian’s can show our support for this wonderful organization. Welcome Home has also teamed up with a dear friend, Tanji Patten, to support her Girls Night Out. Look on page 13 for more information. Tanji’s events are always lots of fun, since they are coordinated by Wendy Welsh of Outside The Box. This is the anniversary of September 11. I believe anytime you see a man or woman in the military you should thank them for their service, but this month more than any, make that special effort to come together as a community. Lastly, thank you for all the wonderful support and emails we receive each and every month. It makes us feel appreciated and special. As you visit the businesses that make Welcome Home possible, please let them know you saw them in your only community newspaper.

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Winter Celebration 2013


20770 Hwy. 281 N. Suite 108-149 San Antonio, Texas 78258

(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: Ad Inquiries Email:

Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.

Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer

Distribution Israel Vazquez

Director Of Production Kristin Oliver

Contributing Photographers Northside ISD

Copy Editors Amanda Burris Chasity Furse Erica Cavazos

Sales Representatives Patrice Long Sylvia Fernandes Libby Thorman Robert Steele

Production/Graphic Design James Stipp

Bring Music to Your Child Bring Music to Your Home Music: A Gift that Lasts a Lifetime

Staff Writers Debby Seguin Calvin Speer Contributing Writers Rachel Fessler Javier C. Leal

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

In past years Winter Celebration Scavenger Hunt has been held during the month of November leading up to Winter Celebration in December. This year we are challenging you! Scavenger Hunt will be held at Winter Celebration at the Legacy Shopping Center. How it Works—Starting at 10 a.m. on December 14, 2013, the Welcome Home checkin booth will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots and handing out the Scavenger Hunt list. Participants will have from 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. to visit all the vendors on the list and get your Scavenger Hunt card stamped. For every stamp you receive, you will get one "General Prize" drawing ticket. For every 15 stamps you receive, you will get one "Grand Prize" drawing ticket. From 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m., a Winter Celebration volunteer at the Scavenger Hunt check-in booth will count your stamps and give you your prize drawing tickets. Stay tuned for what we are drumming up in Grand Prizes this year! Drawings will begin at 3 p.m. You must be present to win. Come out to Winter Celebration, play Scavenger Hunt, build a snowman and Win prizes! *All toys are donated to US Marine Corps Toys for Tots-San Antonio

Date: Time: Place:

December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604)

Presenting Sponsors:


On The Cover

Our Caring Shows... Medical Center Tower II Medical Center Tower I 7950 Floyd Curl Drive, Suite 600 San Antonio, TX 78229

(210) 615-8585 Valentin Almendarez, Jr., M.D. Karen M. Carcamo, M.D., M.P.H. Paula Bilica, D.O. Jessica D. Diaz, M.D. Katherine Cornforth, M.D.

7940 Floyd Curl Drive, Suite 900 San Antonio, TX 78229

(210) 614-1000 Cesar Reyes, M.D. Ronald A. Valdez, M.D. Jose M. Ruiz, III, M.D. David R. Dooley, M.D. Aspen Laneman, M.D. John Adams, M.D. Celyna D. Delgado, M.D. Camilo A. Gonima, M.D. Vincenzo Sabella, M.D. Jerome T. Washington, M.D. Alejandro Treszezamsky, M.D.

New to the Area? If you are new to the area, we’d like to extend a special welcome with a free gift filled with maps, magazines, local business coupons and info to help you get settled in your community.

By Amanda Burris “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go.” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!


s a five-year-old, deciding what you will be when you grow up is no difficult task. The world is at your fingertips when you know how to dream (L-R) Cash Reger, Elizabeth Rush, Hayden Noble and Nicholas Barber big. For future firefighter Cash dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. Reger, future surgeon Elizabeth being inspired by new subjects, taking on Rush, future architect Hayden Noble and new hobbies and finding their passions that future doctor (or fireman) Nicholas Barber, can ultimately decide where they go. their dreams begin with their first year in At Welcome Home Community kindergarten this year. Newspaper, we are excited to support and Taking the first step into kindergarten encourage all students to dream big as they begins the exciting journey in education continue to kick off the new school year. To that all students must take. While these find out more about the dreamers featured kindergarteners may have a few more years on the front cover, turn to page 14. to decide their future, dozens of others are

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By Debby Seguin


urses are a necessary evil. As a female of our species, I HAVE to have one but I don’t have to like it. And the feeling is apparently mutual. My purse is out to get me. Now you may be thinking, “Don’t be silly. A purse is an inanimate object used to hold stuff. It doesn’t have feelings, or hold grudges or retaliate.” Oh, really? What about The Purse Laws? Purse Law #1 states, “Regardless of size, a purse will automatically fill its complete dimensions and begin overflowing its contents within 36 hours.” I have had purses of every shape and size, from the once-popular “Wallet Purse” (created by, you guessed it, a man) to the mega-colossal “Masters of the Universe Purse.” In the Wallet Purse, I only put lifesaving essentials in, and before long, it looked like a giant leather zit about ready to pop. The Mega Purse was worse, though. By the time I was through with it, it weighed 83

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pounds and no longer qualified for carry-on luggage. Purse Law #2 states, “Regardless of what item you are rummaging for, it will always be located somewhere on the very bottom layer.” Worse than that, the purse will sense you are looking for said item and will hide it from you, forcing you to pull out the entire contents, including feminine products and court subpoenas, for all to see. At one time I thought maybe a purse with several compartments was the answer; One of those “organizer” purses where everything had a designated place. I thought I might be able to circumvent Purse Law #2. Bad decision. The purse caught wind of my plan and hid my Dawn Mist lip liner for over a year. Males (thin wallet in hip pocket, keys in front pocket) do not understand why females even carry purses. They smile with thinly veiled arrogance as we struggle like pack mules. But you just watch how fast they will fall into rank if they ever need that Wendy’s receipt from 1984, or a Taxpayer’s Rights for Fiscal Year 1998 flier or a stool sample from an Australian Marsupial left over from a fifth grade science project. Talk about your humble pie! Until then, I will keep lugging my saddlebag, hoping to run into Monty Hall and make a killing on Let’s Make A Deal. Debby Seguin (who offers free pursehater’s therapy) can be reached at

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Celebrate My Drive Submitted By Javier C. Leal, Brandeis PTSA President randeis High school is committed to keeping teens safe on the road, and that’s why they are participating in Celebrate My Drive®, a program that’s all about celebrating the fun of getting your driver’s license while helping you drive safely so you arrive safely. What’s really sweet about participating in this program is you can also help the school win a $100,000 grant… and possibly a concert by a charttopping music artist like Kelly Clarkson right here in San Antonio! It’s simple: • Log onto • Indicate you want to support for Louis D. Brandeis High School • Commit to drive safely! Make a safe driving commitment once a day, every day, between October 18 and

ACADEMIC SKILLS/SAT & ACT Prep/Subject Tutoring


26. The more safe driving commitments we make, the better chance we have to win $100,000 and host the concert. Tell your friends and family who are ages 14 and older to get involved too! Thanks for your support of Louis D Brandeis and our teen drivers. Remember, 2N2: 2 eyes on the road, 2 hands on the wheel.

Clark Takes On A New Season

By Amanda Burris n Texas there is one main sport that can bring dozens of people together while evoking school spirit in the hearts of the students and the community: Football. As fall kicks off, the anticipated season finally begins. The Tom C. Clark High School football team has proven itself on the field in years past and plans to do that once more this year. As an alumnus of the school, Coach Steve McGhee has used his own talents and experiences, along with a team of coaches, to help guide the athletes to success. “It has been fun coming back to coach at the school that was instrumental in my own development as a person and an athlete,” explained McGhee. “I know how much I gained from my athletic experiences at Clark and I truly enjoy being able to participate, along with many others at Clark, in providing a great opportunity for growth and development both as athletes and young adults.” Beginning right after their last playoff game, preparations began for this season. According to Coach McGhee, the athletes have been working to improve both physically and mentally while the coaches


have spent countless hours planning. “We are excited about the opportunities that exist for this year’s team as we strive to continue to grow and develop each week,” McGhee said. “As coaches, we want to see our athletes continually give their best, bond together as a team and use this experience to grow character. Our motto for this season is to ‘DO Right, DO Your Best.’ If they do these two things, we will have a successful year.” This year’s team is made up of a number of athletes that have been part of the program from previous years. With the close relationships that have already been established, combined with the talents of both old and new players, the team has the upper hand of experience as they face the other talented teams in the district. “I think this year we will go above everything we have done the last few years and show everybody what Clark football is all about,” said Alex Balfour, Senior Tight End. Students and families are invited out to each game to cheer on the cougars this year. To find out more about the Clark football team and get the latest news on the games, visit

We’ll help your child build confidence, boost grades and improve study skills so you can look forward to the next report card. Here’s how Huntington can help: • An academic evaluation identifies problem areas • Programs are tailored to address each student’s needs • Highly trained tutors work individually with students • Huntington helps improve skills, confidence and grades To find out more about Huntington Academic Skills / SAT & ACT Prep / Subject Tutoring, CALL NOW!

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2013-2014 Band Officers and Drill Instructors Training Special To Welcome Home he 2013-2014 Drum Majors and Drill Instructors attended an intensive fiveday leadership program held at Clark High School from July 29 to Aug. 2. The program included many valuable subjects, such as, “Drill Instructor Do’s and Don’ts,” “Helpful Hints on Being a Good Leader” and “Marching Technique,” to name a few. The Band Boosters would love to congratulate all of the 2013-2014 Student Band Leadership and wish them an amazing and successful year. The Student Leadership is as follows: 2013-2014 Drum Majors: Reid Webster (Head Drum Major), Bryan Hutzler and Bianca Bosneac. 2013-2014 Band Officers: Luisa Mader (President), Evan McCall (1stVice President), Isaac Guerra (2nd Vice President), Pamela Hildebrand (Secretary), Micha Darby (Librarian) and Elyse Briggs (Spirit Leader).


01 3 C asino Night 2

The following are the 2013-2014 Drill Instructors: Flute: Jenny Lowe, Rachel McAlister, Tori O’Kane and Ninette Solis. Clarinet: Allegra Hartsell, Gresham Urbanowski, Jacob Posner and Lambert Tio. Sax: Ian Crawford, Stephen Castor, Sarah Zertuche and Taylor Humphries. Trumpet: Issac Guerra, Evan McCall, Daniel Ramirez and Daniel Chonis. Mellophone: Michelle Hopper and Pamela Hildebrand. Trombone: Jake Darby and Luke LeCroy. Baritone: Cameron Weber. Tuba: Daniel Kindschuh and Sam Peterson. Front Ensemble: Aaron Talley. Drumline: Chelsea Martinez.

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


Join us for Casino Night benefiting SpaySA’s mission to end dog and cat overpopulation. Saturday, October 5th, 2013 7:00pm- 11:00pm 7pm-7:30pm Cocktail Reception Dominion Country Club Tickets at - only $50


Andropause, The Male Menopause

By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 am accustomed to seeing women come to me, very desperate, and with symptoms of menopause including hot flashes, night sweats and terrible mood changes. But just as women experience menopause, men experience andropause, a lack of hormones in males. When I first meet with a patient, I take a good fifteen minutes to talk with them to assure that we are a good doctor-patient fit. Only then do I recommend the requisite blood work which is obtained before their first official appointment.


Recently, a male business owner came to me with the classic statement, “I DON’T FEEL LIKE MYSELF.” His family doctor told him he was fine, but he insisted that something was wrong. He then described feeling unmotivated and indecisive, weak when working out, and generally, a lack of enthusiasm. I told him that without hormones, he really isn’t himself. Some doctors might reach for the old antidepressant prescription without even obtaining serum testosterone upon hearing these symptoms. But the diagnosis of depression, best treated by a board certified psychiatrist, should only be made after

K9 Corner

By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476 icture this, you come home one day after a very busy schedule of work, school and taxi’ing kids to various sports venues to a house full of couch stuffing and a toilet paper hurricane. At first you think, “Were we robbed?” No, the TV is still there. Then you turn to see Fido, tail wagging, but ears back. He’s so overjoyed to see you! But he too can sense



something is wrong, and although he does not yet know what that is, he’s pretty sure he has something to do with it. Conflicted, he slinks out of the room, with stuck toilet paper in tow. From August to September your daily routine has probably changed drastically. Now by 7:00 a.m., the dog has to be let out, fed, then let out again in the hopes of no “accidents” over the next nine hours. Morning exercise is one of the first rituals to be dropped. This can be a big mistake. A bored dog, left to his own devices, can get

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a digital rectal exam to check for any nodules on the prostate. Dr. Shippen, author of Testosterone Syndrome, states that it takes several months of testosterone replacement for improvement in erectile dysfunction. Muscles in the perineum must become strong again under the influence of testosterone. After four visits, blood work, and the usual history and physical, I helped him change his diet (more vegetarian, decreased alcohol and fast-food), different types of exercise (strength training and less cardio), and hormone replacement. Aging is a deficiency disease which can be treated. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified Physician. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit

into loads of trouble while you are gone. Just putting your dog outside and leaving him to exercise on his own may not be enough. Active types require mental stimulation. If you are having certain behavioral issues, you may want to evaluate how you “exercise” your pet. Get up a little earlier to play games, train, or jog with him before you leave. It will be well worth it. Crating your dog during the day is a very safe and effective way to keep them from getting into trouble. If you’ve trained your pet that his crate is good, he will be glad to go in when you leave. A dog sleeps most of the day anyway, especially in a crate. You can also leave something like a stuffed Kong in there to entertain them when they’re awake.

Be sure the crate is big enough. Doggie Day Care is a super choice for an overactive pet. What better way to help get all that energy burned off before you come home? Think about the time and stress you’ll save not having to clean up after him. The right daycare will have your pet socialized, entertained and worn out before you get home. For more information on daycare, training and other tips on caring for your pet visit our website. Our fall training schedule has begun, so come out and join us! K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit

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extensive blood work and ruling out a medical problem. The blood levels of testosterone vary and are at their highest in the morning. When the sex hormone binding globulin, SHBG, is too high, this hormone can bind, or make unavailable, testosterone to the tissues. Adding further complications, testosterone may even turn into estradiol, a female hormone, in older men. When you see those television ads stating: “Ask your doctor if you have low T,” you need to ask a lot more! Ask your doctor if you have too much SHBG, too high estradiol, low thyroid, high blood sugar or high homocysteine; a marker for Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Testosterone improves urinary and sexual function. Decreased testosterone is associated with decreased drive and motivation. Testosterone does not cause prostate cancer, but some researchers believe that it may cause the growth of pre-existing cancer. All men should have


By Rusty Belden, V.P. Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017

t’s back to school time! It is hard to believe that summer passed so quickly and we are again back to the grind of getting the kids to school, getting ourselves to work, taking the kids to practice and keeping up with everyday errands. Once again streets are busy with buses, students and parent drivers. September is also a time for our college kids to head back to school. Remember to have your college bound kids vehicles checked before they leave town. Some important items for you and your college bound child to pay attention to are: Brake Inspections – Brakes are the most important safety devices on your car. Let us make sure they are working properly for you. Tire Inspections – Proper inflation of tires helps save on gas and makes for a safe ride. Cooling System Check – As we all know the hot weather does not go away with the end of August. It is still a great time to make sure your cooling system is working properly. Belts & Hoses – We see plenty of vehicles that have to be towed in due to a thrown belt or cracked hose. Preventative maintenance is a great way to keep unforeseen expenses down and your car running efficiently and effectively. Our South Texas heat is extremely

hard on all vehicles. It can be the number one reason your car has premature failure or catastrophic failure. We recommend staying ahead of the game and bringing your car or your college bound child’s car in today!! Call today and schedule your vehicle for a FREE 38 Point Vehicle Safety Inspection. One of our highly trained ASE Certified Technicians will be glad to inspect your vehicle. Bring this article in and receive 10% off your bill up to $100. Don’t forget to check us out on the web at www. Our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires hopes you had a wonderful summer. Buckle up, Drive Safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires, 22000 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78259, phone number (210) 690-1100. For more information on the different locations, visit

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Summer Adventure Camp At The Hill… The Dream That Really Happened! S

eeing the interaction between children and senior citizens is a heart warming vision. Michelle Houriet, Executive Director of Independence Hill Retirement Community, received life lessons personally from her grandparents and saw the beauty in the stories and teachings that were shared. Having been at Independence Hill for more than 12 years, Houriet has always encouraged new ideas from her team and residents. This keeps life innovative, forever changing, active, and creates great buy in value since people always have their thinking caps on, because here, their ideas actually happen and become reality. One of those ideas was the GrandPal Program, where residents volunteer to read to second graders. Matching up the younger GrandPal with their older GrandPal was a hit from day one. Residents from Independence Hill Retirement Community, the Independence Village neighborhood of homes and Independence Hill Assisted Living jumped on the opportunity to “hang out” with the kids a couple of times per month. While the little GrandPal brought so much joy, this was a chance for residents to enjoy, mentor and teach a new little friend something they would utilize for the rest of their lives. Watching these relationships develop and grow into something the kids would remember forever, Michelle wanted to find a way to make the visits last longer and the relationships become even stronger… more memorable. In a brain storming session, the idea of a kid’s summer camp was brought up. The idea was very exciting, but managing and entertaining kids for entire days was the challenge and outside the scope of what the team felt they should tackle alone, as this needed to be a “top notch” experience for all. Houriet partnered with a professional in the industry of kids camps, Family Endeavors, a non-profit agency that provides an array of programs and services in support of children and families. In June 2013, Independence Hill held its first kid’s summer camp that went on for four weeks. This camp would be active, interactive, character building, filled with fun, teachable moments, and no electronics… showing only one movie per week. The goal was to build relationships and ensure a summer to remember. Afterall… the American dream and best summer stories are those of “summer at grandma and grandpa’s.” Working with Family Endeavors, Independence Hill merged the community calendars with the camp calendar to make sure the interactions with residents were happening daily. Everyone was invited on the weekly field trips, the ongoing opportunities to ask questions and tell stories, as well as time for some good ol’ fashioned fun with hand painting, swimming, taking silly photos, a bike and pooch parade, tea parties, playing billiards, chess and so much more. Bottom line… this developed into a memorable “summer at GrandPals!” This “first time ever” camp held at a retirement community was named “Summer Adventures at the Hill,” and an adventure it was! While some parents could not imagine how this would work, everyone who tried it was more than pleased. In fact, one father who usually works Monday through Thursday, spent his Fridays doing special things with his son and daughter. On their first week of this camp, the kids told their dad, “I hope you are ok spending this Friday alone, because we are going to camp.” Leah Patranella, who had both of her boys at the camp commented, “I am happy and sad all in on Happy I signed my boys up for the last two weeks at this camp and sad I didn’t sign them up for all four! The amenities are so perfect, my sons are ready to sign my husband and I up for when we are older.” Another camper kept asking when he could live there and kept trying to talk his parents into moving the whole family in. As funny and precious as this may sound, it is a testament of the feeling that is true within the walls of this community.

During the GrandPal Socials, children and residents exchanged memories of their best birthday present ever, their favorite pet, things they wished had not been invented, what they had done in life to date that they were most proud of, etc. It was moving to see how interested and attentive the children were to what their GrandPals had to say and with regard to what they had done in their careers. As part of Michelle’s dream, she wanted to find a way for the campers to feel united while keeping the memories of this summer camp and their experiences with their GrandPals alive for years to come. Since a great way to remember things is through song and music, she wrote a camp song about this camp experience. Campers, staff, residents and family quickly learned the song and sang it constantly because you could not get it out of your head. The song was named “Summer GrandPal Style,” written to the tune of the Gangnam Style song. The song is catchy and since the original song doesn’t really have its own words, the camp song lyrics really stuck. The kids learned it right away and it encouraged an insane amount of dancing. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh… Summer GrandPal Style… at the Hill! Mr. Detoro, an Independence Hill resident, was thrilled to have his great granddaughter, Sophie, participate in the camp. He was able to go on field trips, swimming, socials and many other events with her throughout the week, without having to plan a thing. He said, “The camp was interactive and very well managed.” He had so much fun with the kids at the Exotic Resort Zoo in Johnson City; he swears he had more fun than anyone else. “Sophie is already talking about coming back next year, and this time with her younger brother,” remarked Detoro. Retired teacher, Mr. Koota, eagerly offered a story time to the children each week. Wearing his “Story Telling Hat,” he led the children on fun adventures of the mind with his animated delivery. “I really loved reading to the children. It was a very good mix of kids and I was very impressed by their politeness, and how involved and interactive the camp leaders and Independence Hill team were. I look forward to next year,” commented Mr. Koota. This dream… this adventure… was a first, and definitely not the last. The truth is, whether it is a kid’s camp or one of the many other exciting opportunities popping up at Independence Hill, Michelle isn’t ever afraid to try something new. Her philosophy is “If we try it and it doesn’t work, we can always go back to the old way. But not trying is not an option”. Residents move to Independence Hill to “live a great life” and Independence Hill wants to make sure they live life to the fullest. Having too much fun and a worry free retirement is the dream Independence Hill offers its residents. Those who call Independence Hill home, are enjoying the good life and can making a difference with the first time opportunities offered. Schedule your personal tour at (210) 615-4000. They’d love to treat you to a savory lunch at the on-site restaurant style dining room. See it for yourself… maybe you have a dream that Independence Hill can help fulfill!

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


Pass The Bees Please Submitted By Rachel Fessler o thanks, no bees today!” would be the response of most people 100 percent of the time. Nothing quite raises the hair on the back of your neck as a stinging insect. Bees, wasps, fire ants, mosquitoes, horseflies, any flies—please keep them away from children! Instinctually, people want to protect their families from stings, but as the news continues to report Africanized bee incidents, a sense of fear tends to take over. Residents of the Dominion, have had their fair share of “bee” pestilence—especially in the drought year of 2011. They used glass traps, sprays, essential oils, you name it— they could not eliminate these stinging creatures from their pool area. Especially with children or just being outside every day, stings were pretty frequent that summer. August is the worst month for bees and wasps, regardless, but the summer of 2011 was ridiculous. Upon researching, it was found that bees will fly up to five miles for nectar and water and it was apparent that the Dominion was the perfect setting for bees to come when the temperatures peak. There are beautiful flowers, swimming pools, birdbaths and koi ponds throughout the community. The summer of 2011 was the worst drought summer they had in many years, and the bees were flying from Camp Bullis and surrounding areas for water and flowers in the neighborhood yards. Fast forward through the winter and into the spring. Those in the Dominion had so many stings they decided, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em,” and they received, as


a gift, their first domestic bee-hive, smoker and bee-suit. It has been two summers with the hive so far, and they have had fewer stings, fewer bees in the pool and a much better pool and yard experience. Plus, they have gotten over 40 pounds of honey, which has completely eradicated their children’s asthma and allergy symptoms. While they so appreciated the change of scenery, they wondered why the bees have been less, especially as temperatures have soared. Upon researching “bee-havior,” they found that domestic bees keep wild bees at bay. In fact, the government uses domestic bee-hives as a deterrent to wild Africanized bees. According to the African Bee Action Plan in Florida, although reports of mass stinging attacks may cause an increased pressure from the public to ban beekeeping, such an action would be counter-productive. Beekeepers maintaining managed colonies of domestic European bees are citizens’ best defense against an area becoming saturated with Africanized honey bees (AHB). These managed bees are filling an ecological niche that would soon be occupied by less desirable colonies if it were vacant. Fear of bees is at an all time high with the media fueling the killer bee sensation. All out fear is the normal response to any insect that stings (and kills in some situations). However, education is the most empowering and responsible approach, especially since central Texas is the most concentrated area for Africanized bees in America. Should your neighbor take up beekeeping, say a special blessing for them.

Beekeeping is somewhat costly and takes a bit of education to make it enjoyable, but it is a much-needed defense system against the AHB epidemic in South Central Texas and the surrounding area. Africanized bees will not attack at random. They will look like any honeybee in your garden. They will attack if they feel their hive is threatened and, unlike domestic bees, will pursue their victim great distances. Brazil is where the original AHB was “made” in a scientific laboratory, and because the AHB is very productive, it has taken Brazil from number 27 in worldwide honey production to number four. Therefore, Brazil, all of South America,

Central America and Mexico breed and use the AHB as their number one honeybee. Because they are big honey producers, the South Americans simply “gear up” for those bees and are more educated on how to handle them. In the United States, we prefer European honeybees, as they are more docile and easier to work with. Because of our friends who live south of our borders, AHB are not going away; they are just migrating a little further every year. Given this information, it is very important that we place domestic hives strategically in our communities as a means of defense against AHB.

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eptember 11, 2001, is a day permanently etched in history. 9-11 carries profound meaning for many people and stands in infamy along with events like Pearl Harbor and the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. The attacks on 9-11 resulted in a total of 2,996 fatalities. Among those were the victims on the four planes, civilians working in the towers and on the ground, military personnel and civilians in the Pentagon, and first-responders to the scenes. It is believed that at least 200 people in the World Trade Center fell or jumped to their deaths from the burning towers because rescue was improbable at or above points of impact on the towers. Along with the World Trade Center primary towers, many other buildings in the area were destroyed or badly damaged from the attack. Many buildings were

condemned. The Pentagon suffered serious damage as well. Thousands of first responders and civilians entered the affected buildings to search for or help people exit the carnage. As of 2010, it is believed that more than 800 of these responders have also died, some say from illnesses related to their heroic efforts. While the world is quick to focus on the extensive damage and loss of life that ensued as a result of this terrible day, it also is important to focus on the survivors and those who risked their own lives to save people from burning and collapsing buildings. While September 11, 2011, will live in infamy as a traumatic and horrific moment in American history, people can focus on the positive aspect of the heroes and find ways to honor their memories.

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Special To Welcome Home

Finding The Gun For You At

Patten Guns T

he decision to buy a firearm is one you put a lot of thought into: Like the type of firearm for your needs and gun reliability. Also, when choosing a store to purchase from, one must look for location, pricing, availability, friendly staff and customer support. At Pattens Guns they have found a way to stand apart from other stores. They have a wide variety of firearms available for every enthusiast, from the shooting, hunting and target community. As a family business, where a passion for firearms is apparent, the staff at Patten Guns understands the importance of working with customers to meet their exact needs With 1,000 square feet and over 500 firearms in the store, you can select the gun you want by comparing them to each other. Patten Guns strives to stock major brands and reliable products known for safety and dependability. Their rifles, and shot guns feature the latest shooting technology, ranging form the ever popular 17 Cal to 50 Cal, including the standard AR-15 semi-automatics and high performance long-range rifles as well as a selection of Tommy guns with options for 50 rd drum magazine, detachable stock and a violin case. Patten Guns carries a wide variety of double and single action handguns ranging from pocket pistols, to conceal carry, mid-size pistols, up to the full size 1911’s. They carry new western style rifles and hand guns Henry Golden Boys and Big Boys, Ruger Vaquero and Blackhawk and much more. They specialize in antique Winchester/Colt pre civil war to turn of century military

Employee Danny, in the new upper floor of Patten Guns.

L to R: Paul, Vera, James, Danny and Kevin of Patten Guns.

We strive for the best customer service possible. We provide a polite, friendly atmosphere, and work with our customers with any problems they may encounter.” – Paul Patten, Patten Guns rifles and handguns. While the store is known for its wide selection of guns, Patten Guns also has a line of accessories that is quite impressive. The store carries Trjicon Night Sites, Eotech, BSA, Leupold Optics and Crimson Trace Lasers. They also carry Ammunition, RCBS reloading equipment (pro200, etc.), brass, projectiles, powders and primers. Besides these accessories they stock an abundance of magazines for your modern sporting rifles and a variety of handgun magazines. The 500 sq. ft. up-stairs accommodates classroom training. One of the classes currently being developed is a handgun class, which includes handling of firearms, break down and maintenance, taught by a certified instructor. Another class teaches how to re-load with hands on re-loading equipment, taught by the Owner. Patten Guns is currently in the process of getting a certified concealed carry instructor and plans to give Concealed Handgun License (CHL) classes. All classes, which can be found on their website or Facebook page, are for any adult 18 years or older or minors accompanied by an adult. The idea to start Patten Guns was sparked in the mind of owner Paul Patten around three years ago, with being around guns his whole life, 15 years of custom gun painting, and a mechanical engineering aptitude. Paul’s dream was to open a gun shop. After a turn of events in his life and the support from his family, he was finally able to pursue that passion and open Patten Guns on May 9th last year. While the store offers an abundance of products, they do much more. At the store they also buy and trade and have a two-month lay-away program, which includes antiques and collectables. Paul, an experienced machinist and a certified gunsmith, offers custom gun barreling, gun smithing and cleaning. At Patten Guns, Paul understands that a good business is run by good communication with the customers, good prices and a friendly environment.

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

“We strive for the best customer service possible,” said Paul. “We provide a polite, friendly atmosphere, and work with our customers with any problems they may encounter.” Just because there is a high demand on guns or ammo, at Patten Guns you won’t see a huge increase in price like so many other places. They offer great products at reasonable prices, making your visit to Patten Guns one that is worthwhile. Whether you’re already a gun enthusiast or new to the idea, and are interested in buying, selling or trading guns, Patten Guns is the place for you. Their friendly staff is sure to help answer any questions, aid with concerns or give their experienced opinion. Let Patten Guns be your one-stop-shop for all of your firearms and accessory needs, if they don’t have it in stock, and it’s available for purchase, they will place an order for you. To find out more about Patten Guns, including the brands they carry as well as other merchandise they carry, hard to find new guns, used guns and their specials, visit To get current updates and to further correspond with Patten Guns, like them on Facebook.

Patten Guns Inc. 27532 Old Blanco Rd., Ste. A 830-980-4867

The first floor of Patten Guns features a wide variety of guns and accessories along with a friendly staff.


Brandeis Broncos Ready For 2013 Season By Erica Cavazos t’s a new school year, and high school football is at the forefront of many students and parents’ minds. For Brandeis High School’s Broncos, 2013 will bring their sixth football season since the school first opened in 2008. “I really enjoy the culture and climate of Brandeis,” Coach John Campbell, the Bronco head coach, said. Coach Campbell has been at Brandeis since the school first opened, and as the head coach, he had a great influence on how the football team has developed its place in the district. “It has been enjoyable watching the school develop its own personality from


2008 to now,” Coach Campbell said. Last season, highlights for Brandeis included the Broncos winning their third championship and getting the opportunity to compete in the state quarterfinals. For this year, the Broncos hope for more of the same success, if not more. “Our hopes for this season are the same as each year. We want to have the opportunity and ability to develop our team’s potential to the fullest… We have been quite fortunate at Brandeis to have enjoyed some successes over the past five years and, as such, have developed some high expectations,” Coach Campbell said. “We participate in a nineteam district. Therefore, with only two nondistrict games, we must become consistent

very quickly and stay healthy so that we are as competitive as possible heading into district play.” The Broncos’ first official game of the season is on Friday, August 30, against Smithson Valley, and the Broncos are ready. According to Coach Campbell, training for the football season has been vital for the upcoming year. “Preparation for each coming season is fairly consistent from year to year. It begins shortly after the preceding football season with an off-season, then it is followed by spring training, and, finally, but summer workouts. We feel good about our progress through this juncture.”

Become A Habitude Warrior

10 West members and guests have a great lunch while listening to speaker Erik Swanson this past July.

By Erica Cavazos he 10 West Business Association members started off their Thursday afternoon at Maggiano’s Little Italy on July 25. Over the delicious pasta and salad lunch buffet, members talked excitedly about Erik Swanson, an awardwinning professional speaker and the CEO of Universal Seminars. After checking in, members had a chance to mingle with other business professionals from their area. With new faces mixed


in alongside familiar members, it was a great way spark a dull week. The meeting was officially set into motion when the 10 West staff invited everyone in attendance to introduce themselves and tell a little about their company. Swanson lectured about his seminar on how to “Become a Habitude Warrior,” and he gave plenty of helpful tips for business owners on how to interact with clients. “You’re in charge of your own business— yourself. Everyone is a business owner,” he

said. Swanson gave wonderful advice on goal setting, time management, advertising, building relationships and closing in on deals. He also helped members with techniques on remembering people’s names, which is especially helpful in networking events, such as the 10 West Luncheon. “Put their name at the beginning of the sentence. Place their name at the end of the next sentence. Say their name five to seven times to yourself,” Swanson advised.

The 10 West Business Association would like to thank Maggiano’s for hosting this successful event and providing great service and food. The 10 West members and community have shown an amazing response to all the events thus far and continued to do so with this luncheon. For more information, including other upcoming events and membership inquiries, please call the 10 West office at 210-3488233 or visit

Building A Strong Parent-Teacher Relationship


nce a school year begins, many students spend more time in the classroom with their teachers than they do at home with their parents. That’s especially true in dual-income households where both parents work outside of the home. Though many parents would love to spend more time with their children, doing so can be difficult when both parents must go to work every day. Because kids spend so much time with their teachers, it’s important for parents to work toward building a strong parent-teacher relationship. Such a relationship fosters communication, which can help a young student do his or her best in and out of the classroom, something that’s a goal for parents and teachers alike. Parents interested in developing a strong relationship with their kids’ teachers can take several steps to make that happen. Introduce yourself to your child’s teacher at the onset of the school year, providing phone numbers and e-mail addresses


where you can be reached. Let the teacher know you’re available for discussion any time during the school year and that you look forward to the coming school year and working with the teacher as the year progresses. Attend any “Back to School Nights” or events like an open house. These are great ways to help kids grow acclimated to their school. But such events also make great opportunities for parents to learn more about their kids’ teacher than they might have learned during their introductory meeting. Prioritize parent-teacher conferences. Parent-teacher conferences are a great opportunity for parents to speak to their children’s teacher one-on-one. Unlike an introductory meeting or an open house at the beginning of the school year, a parentteacher conference allows parents and teachers to specifically discuss students in private. Teachers may provide insight into how a child is performing and behaving in the classroom, offering advice as to how to

improve that performance or suggestions as to how to encourage kids to keep up the good work. Such conferences may be your only opportunity for a one-on-one, inperson discussion about your child, so make sure you’re on time and that you don’t miss these conferences. Your child’s teacher will appreciate it, and you can use this as an opportunity to ask any questions you have about your child. Keep the channels of communication open. If it’s been awhile since you’ve spoken to your child’s teacher, don’t be afraid to e-mail the teacher to check in or see if you can lend a helping hand. In addition, if your child really enjoys a teacher’s class, don’t be hesitant to share that with the teacher. Teachers appreciate compliments just like other professionals, and parents should express their gratitude to those teachers who are working hard to make learning fun for their youngsters. Establishing a strong relationship with a child’s teacher can help parents ensure

Developing a strong relationship with a child’s teacher can help parents ensure their kids are doing their best in the classroom.

students are making the most of their time in the classroom.

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

Girls Night Out With Tanji Patton Special To Welcome Home amiliar to San Antonio, Tanji Patton is an Emmy award-winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Her fun, engaging and informative website, features chefs, wines and food pairings from around the world. GoodTaste with Tanji has teamed up with Outside the Box Productions to produce Girls’ Night Out which is an event held every other month to bring together Tanji’s closest friends and viewers to feature local artisans, food and wine in both San Antonio & Houston. “We are honored to be Tanji’s event planners because she is the epitome of ‘GoodTaste’ - a true class act,” said Wendy Welsh, CEO of Outside the Box Productions. Tanji will be hosting her next Girls Night Out on September 12 at The Veranda located at 1746 Lockhill Selma Rd, San Antonio, TX 78213 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The Veranda is a beautiful three-acre estate that recently opened its doors to the public as a private venue right in the heart


Girls Night Out was a huge success last year and is anticipated to be this year as well!

of Castle Hills. Girls Night Out guests will sample fabulous tastings from Spice of Life Chef Mike Bomberg and enjoy the fall sunset within the gorgeous scenery of the Veranda. As part of GoodTaste - guests will experience new fall wines courtesy of Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits, beer tastings courtesy of Ben E Keith and amazing giveaways all evening! These giveaways include gift certificates for dinner at various

Tanji Patton from GoodTase TV with guests last year at Girls Night Out.

restaurants including Boudros, handbags, wine and much more! “We have so much fun bringing great food, wine and interesting places to our viewers. We’ve got amazing partners that make every Girls Night Out a fun experience,” said Patton. Of course Girls Night Out must include

shopping! There will also be fabulous local artisans showcasing their latest trends and fashions including Carinos by Eydee, Bolingo Bags, Votre Vu skincare and much more as well as great entertainment. Tickets are available for $30 at Goodtaste. tv so get your tickets now and join Tanji for a Girls Night Out!

2nd Annual SpaySA Casino Night Special To Welcome Home et your gambling face on and come out to the beautiful Dominion Country Club for a night of Casino fun while supporting a great cause! SpaySA will be hosting their 2nd annual SpaySA Casino Night on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at the Dominion Country Club. Throughout the evening guests will enjoy a variety of Casino games, dinner & drinks, entertainment by The Music Connection and a Silent Auction! All of the funds raised at the event will go directly to SpaySA who provides spay and neutering services at little or no cost to the San Antonio community. Tickets are available for $50and can be


purchased at Each guest will receive $500 in casino playing chips to play all the casino games including Blackjack, Roulette and many more! Tables at the event start at $1,000. The event is expected to sell out so get your tickets early! Following the success of their first year, SpaySA is excited about this event being even bigger and a fun experience for all animal lovers. “We are very lucky to have wonderful supporters and this event is a way for us to show them a good time while we continue to help get all pets spayed and neutered in San Antonio,” said SpaySA Executive Director, Cathy McCoy.

Many SpaySA supporters are expected to be in attendance this year including C.J. Cruz and FOX29’s Kimberly Crawford and Cynthia Lee. “With over 21,000 cats and dogs euthanized each year, we need organizations like SpaySA to help us to put a stop to this problem. This is a fun way for all San Antonio residents to help us do just that,” said SpaySA Board Vice-President and CEO of Outside the Box Productions, Wendy Welsh. SpaySA is a 501©3 organization and the community leader in providing and promoting accessible subsidized services for dogs and cats in San Antonio. Through

the generosity of many supporters, SpaySA provides ongoing programs such as nocost or low-cost spay/neutering services, a pet wellness clinic and an education outreach services to areas with the greatest stray animal population. This would not be possible without your support!

Wine, Women and Shoes, Teams Up With The Food Bank Special To Welcome Home t seems almost impossible to most women that anything could be better than an event filled with wine tasting, shoes, a silent auction and a boutique marketplace. But it can. The Wine, Women and Shoes event has partnered with the San Antonio Food Bank to fight hunger and feed hope. So while women have the opportunity to indulge in some of their favorite pleasures, they are doing so for a great cause. This unique event, driven by women for women, is a national fundraising event platform that offers sponsors a unique opportunity to place their businesses in front of successful, savvy and community minded women. The event will include marketplace shopping from designer and local boutique vendors who sell the latest styles in the marketplace. Wineries from all over the globe will offer tastings of their most chic wines as guests also have the opportunity to have a bite from the Food Bank’s Catalyst Catering. The San Antonio Food Bank will receive 20 percent of all vendor proceeds. Guests will also get a chance to bid on trips, and other one of a kind items in the live and silent auction. Ladies can kick back for the glamorous fashion show with


community and sponsor models that will be displaying the latest looks. While all these events and opportunities are available, the “Shoe Guys” will mingle around the room while serving up the season’s hottest shoes on silver platters. For once, indulging in a shopping spree is encouraged. The San Antonio Food Bank provides food and groceries to more than 58,000 individuals each week in 16 counties throughout Southwest Texas. With a mission to fight hunger and feed hope, the Wine, Women and Shoes event is a way to help make a difference. Every dollar spent

September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

and donated will enable the San Antonio Food Bank to provide meals to individuals in need. Wine, Women and Shoes will take place on Wednesday, November 6th from 6-9 p.m. at the Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum. The cost to attend this event is priced at

$100 per attendee. For more information or details about sponsorship, contact Dabney Fletcher at 210-431-8306 or dafletcher@ To purchase your ticket online visit: http://winewomenandshoes. com/safoodbank


When I Grow Up...

By Amanda Burris


as anyone ever asked you what you want to be when you grow up? Every kid at one point has developed dreams of what they want to be when they grow up. Everything from being a princess to a rock star, astronaut to an actor, kids are the best at dreaming big. While you don’t have to be young to have dreams for your future profession, seeing the world from the perspective of a five-year-old is never disappointing and can be even a little inspiring. For the ever ambitious Nicolas Barber, Hayden Noble, Elizabeth Rush and Cash Reger,

kindergarten is just the first thing to knock out before tackling their goals of what they want to be when they grow up. Kindergarten presents new opportunities, new friendships and a chance to learn new and interesting things. As these students take on this big year in their lives, they welcomed the chance to share their thoughts and likes with the readers of Welcome Home Community Newspaper through a survey so that others can get to know the future leaders of tomorrow.

Nicolas Barber – Age 5 Julia Newton Aue Elementary

Cash Reger – Age 5 Cibolo Green Elementary

Hayden Noble – Age 5 Julia Newton Aue Elementary

Elizabeth Rush – Age 5 Tuscany Heights Elementary

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? A fireman, but if I’m not going to get to be a fireman, then I want to be a doctor like daddy so I can work with him at the same hospital every day. Firemen and doctors are like superheroes because they help people.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? I want to be a firefighter because they are cool. Their hats are and their hoses are cool.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? A builder because they can build houses, skyscrapers and a chimney.

What are you looking forward to in Kindergarten this year? Everything is going to be fun!! To meet friends!

What are you looking forward to in Kindergarten this year? The jungle gym, art class and computers.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? I want to be a surgeon with my Daddy because my Daddy does surgery on kids and he helps them feel better.

What are you looking forward to in Kindergarten this year? All my new friends and having fun.

What do you want to learn in school? About basketball and fire.

What do you want to learn in school? How to draw and oval and write with lowercase letters.

How would you describe yourself? Silly, cool, funny.

How would you describe yourself? A builder and an artist.

What do you like to do for fun? I like to play animal talk with my animals and LEGOs. I like to play spies too. Basketball.

What do you like to do for fun? Dress up like superheroes, play golf with daddy, baseball, build with LEGOs, and draw things.

What do you like the most about yourself? I’m hilarious! My face!

What do you like the most about yourself? I can nail stuff with a hammer.

Who is the smartest person you know? My Daddy.

Who is the smartest person you know? My daddy because I think he is really smart.

What do you like the most about yourself? I’m good at playing with friends.

What is your favorite movie? Transformers.

What is your favorite movie? Cars 1.

Who is the smartest person you know? Mommy and Daddy.

What is your favorite book? Little Critter: Just A Snowy Day.

What is your favorite movie? The Avengers.

Who is your hero? Daddy.

What is your favorite book? Weird, Wild and Dangerous Animals and Creatures.

What do you want to learn in school? I want to learn about reading, cutting with scissors, and maybe about sliding down the poles at the fire station. How would you describe yourself? I’m big and strong! I like to have fun with my friends and I’m kind to them. I’m smart and know lots of things. What do you like to do for fun? I like my toys and tucks and my bike. I like playing with all my toys!

What is your favorite book? My firefighters book.

Who is your hero? My Momma.

What are you looking forward to in Kindergarten this year? I’m excited about reading, writing, and riding the bus. Also eating in the cafeteria. What do you want to learn in school? Reading, so I can read books to my Mommy. How would you describe yourself? I am kind. I like helping people. What do you like to do for fun? Going to the pool and Chuck E. Cheese and eating pancakes with my Daddy. I like to do crafts and make books to read. What do you like the most about yourself? I am kind. Who is the smartest person you know? My mommy and my daddy. What is your favorite movie? Snow White. What is your favorite book? Magic Treehouse books because they get to go to different countries and different times. Who is your hero? My Daddy because he helps kids.

Who is your hero? Spiderman.


September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


Winter Celebration 2013 Featuring AirLIFE Santa

Reserve Your Booth Today! – $350.00 Date: Time: Place:

December 14, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 1803 E. Sonterra Blvd Legacy Shopping Center (281 N & 1604) Presenting Sponsors:

Each year, thousands of families from across San Antonio attend Stone Oak Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa to celebrate the season. There’s no better way to introduce your business to the community. We invite your business to be a part of Stone Oak’s largest and longest running holiday event.

Vendor RSVP: (210)348–8233 •

10 West Breakfast


et your alarm clock EARLY to start your Monday morning right with breakfast with 10 West, AND don’t forget to bring your business cards! This will be a GREAT opportunity to meet your 10 West business neighbors. Each attendee will be able to give an introduction of themselves and their business. Date: Tuesday, September 24 Time: 7:30 - Coffee & Networking 8:30 - Group Introductions (Breakfast Served at 8:45 am) Location: The Egg & I 9985 IH-10 West • 210-691-3447 Cost: $10 for Members & Non-Members

Breakfast foods by


To RSVP: 348-8233 E-mail:

10 West • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257


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Enjoy this FREE service if you live or work in the Dominion / Fair Oaks area. We will pick-up & deliver your laundry to your home or office. Call us to schedule a pick-up.

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Wearing apparel only. Not valid on household item, leather, or suede. Coupon must accompany incoming order. Not valid w/other discounts or 3 pant special. One coupon per day. Exp. 9/30/13 NC

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September 2013 • Welcome Home • 78255/78256/78257

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