A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Encino Park, Evans Ranch, Redland Heights, Emerald Forest and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER
September 2015 Issue
A Monthly Publication Directly Mailed to the residents of Encino Park, Evans Ranch, Redland Heights, Emerald Forest and surrounding areas POSTAL CUSTOMER
September 2015 Issue
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September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
My dad moved to Franklin Park Stone Oak and now enjoys fitness class, game nights, group outings, and bible studies. I love that he’s busier than ever!” – Resident Family Member
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2015 Winter Celebration
Scavenger Hunt
JOIN THE FUN! With all levels of participation there is one to fit your businesses needs. Scavenger Hunt is a great way to participate in the community and get new business through your door. Diamond
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Hunt RSVP: (210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com www.welcomehomesa.com
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
Note From The Publisher
A Busy Time Of Year
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y this time you should be in your “back to school” routine. You know exactly when to leave so you can avoid the heaviest traffic and if you leave 5 minutes later, it could make you 30 minutes late for work. September is always an incredibly busy and special time of year for me. August 29th is my Mom’s birthday and mine is on September 1st. Every year it is such a blessing to celebrate our birthday’s together. We have done this for as long as I can remember. I absolutely love and take advantage of every day that I can have with my Mom. One of our favorite things to do is go to Spurs games together. She is such a Spurs fanatic. Sometimes I just sit back and watch her enjoying herself at the games. This will always be priceless to me. I have also included a photo of my father, Gilbert Groomer, celebrating Lobstermania at Groomers Seafood. As usual this annual event was a huge success. This is the 14th anniversary of 9/11. Remember anytime you see one of our service men and women you should thank them for their sacrifice, but this month more than any, make that special effort to come together as a community. 9/11 set off the war on terrorism; a war the military members and their families are still fighting today. Let’s not forget that our freedom comes at a steep price. Living Through Giving is in full swing preparing for our annual Winter Celebration. North Central Baptist is our Co-Sponsor and has already started preparing for what will be our best event ever. North Central Baptist had a Summer Celebration on August 1st to start the excitement for this event. Now is the time we coordinate with the school
Cabin Fever ?
Gilbert Groomer, Patriarch of Groomers Seafood, at Lobstermania.
organizations that participate in our annual Toy Drive competing for $500.00! Scavenger Hunt starts on November 1st. Make sure to pick up Welcome Home’s November edition and get this list of businesses to earn your Grand Prize Drawing Tickets. You will NOT believe what we have in store for you this year! Remember that every toy goes to a child that has been displaced from their homes and families due to abuse, neglect and other reasons. If you participate in this event, you should take pride in this accomplishment. If you don’t, I ask that you consider joining us to make this year the best year ever. This year, the event will take place at North Central Baptist Hospital and will have more booths, more participants and some special celebrity signings. For information on how your business can be involved, how you may become a sponsor, or a volunteer, look on page 4 or visit livingthroughgivingsa.org.
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(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com
Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.
Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Russell Groomer
Production/Graphic Design Marie Ferrante
Director Of Production Kristin Oliver
Sales Representatives Patrice Long Heather Jemente
Writer/Copy Editors Stefanie Young Administrative Assistant Brittany Oliver Distribution Israel Vazquez
Staff Writers Debby Seguin Contributing Photographer Karen Little
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
Contributing Writers Debbie Allen Laura Hernandez Aplin Michele Bibb Yvonne Correa Melinda Cox Steve Johnson Marianne Lewis Deborah Ortiz de la Pena Outside The Box Diane Valderama
Village at Stone Oak • 210-404-0707 Thousand Oaks • 210-828-1261 Huebner Rd • 210-558-7700 San Pedro • 210-824-1209 5
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ith every new school year comes a plethora of new changes. The changes can be as simple as a grade level change for a returning student, or as dramatic as a student attending a new school for the first time. But sometimes it’s something less noticeable, like changes in staff or in school administration. But for all the chaos that starting a new school year brings, the time also brings the chance for new beginnings. School doesn’t have to be the end of a relationship between a parent and child. As parents, it’s important to work with teachers to help make the year count, while reminding children that ultimately what we want is to help them succeed. Parents and teachers typically have similar outlooks and goals in mind for the school year. During elementary years parents can find their way into the children’s schooling hours. By getting to know your teachers and coaches that interact with your child on a daily basis, it is possible to progress your child’s development. And by attempting to make parent-teacher meetings and asking to see your child’s work firsthand, it helps to gage potential problem areas. Being involved and caring about what’s being produced in the classroom not only reinforces and encourages commitment to your child, but it reinforces to the teacher that you appreciate the effort being put into their education as well.
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Welcome Home had the opportunity to meet a few of the new teachers in both the Northeast Independent School District as well as the Northside Independent School District, and talk to them about their goals and expectations for the new school year. Each and every one of them was excited for the year to start, and to make this next year count.
By Debby Seguin
t’s true. Money simply doesn’t buy what it used to. Just the other day, my mother called to inform me she was going to Hawaii in a couple of days and she was appalled to find she must bring her own pillow. Airlines, she explained, are trying to save money and will no longer be supplying them. As I finish cleaning my toilet, my first thought is, of course, “Hello?! Let’s look at the big picture. You’re going to HAWAII!” But after some thought, it occurred to me that this truly was a disturbing trend. If memory serves, the first to go was the gourmet Chicken Cordon Bleu with baby asparagus smothered in mushroom gravy, to be replaced with a sack lunch, like a kid going on a field trip to the zoo. These were quickly replaced by bags of peanuts, presumably, to feed the elephants upon your arrival at the zoo. Now it’s the pillows and blankets. What next? BYO toilet paper? Flashlight to read by? A stadium seat to slide onto the benches that have replaced the plush, padded seats? And don’t forget your armband floaties! Benches do not make the best flotation devices in case of an emergency water landing. Comforting… What if other industries were to follow this trend? My beauty salon would sport a sign that says: “Professional Style and Cut-$658. OR, I could opt for the Trim With Handheld Weed-whacker by Outof-Work Gardener-5 bucks. How about the field of education? “Johnny, this is the third time this week you have forgotten
your Porta-Desk. And where is your lunch? You know the school doesn’t provide lunch any longer.” “Yes, ma’am, but my parents say they don’t provide lunch any longer either. Something about ‘teaching the evil government a lesson’ or some such thing and the word ‘martyr’ came up more than once. I don’t really know what it all means.” I dread the day I am at McDonalds with my grandson. “That’s one Happy Meal, KA-CHING! Your total is $23.50.” What!? I can’t afford that! “Not to worry, ma’am,” he says (still smiling). If you brought your own ketchup, don’t need a straw and we leave out the toy, you can have our Not As Happy As It Used To Be Meal for 8 bucks!” Perhaps it won’t come to that but just to be safe, moms, you better buy a bigger purse. Debby “still stoops down to pick up a penny” Seguin can be reached at writewell62@gmail.com.
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
Delicious Shots Packed With Flavor By Tanji Patton Goodtaste.tv chool may be back in session, summer may be unofficially over, but Mother Nature doesn’t seem to notice. It’s gonna be hot for a while here in So. Texas. So, java lovers may currently find themselves rethinking the texture and temperature of that daily cup of Joe. Hot coffee still hits the spot first thing in the AM, but if you’re a multi-cup-a-day drinker and searching for variety, let’s CHILL! Much like the menus of our favorite restaurants sway with what the current season dictates, so we’re hankerin’ for something cold and bold nowadays that still gives us a boost while packing serious flavor. Nitro coffee is just the ticket. It’s your favorite cup of coffee kicked up! Nitro coffees are ice-cold, slightly effervescent and have that extra oomph! This innovative java is treated with nitrogen and/or carbon dioxide and has a creamy thick head like a Guinness making it rich... velvety. It’s available in cans at some of the trendier coffee spots. I’ve listed some of my favorite coffees from around the state along with recipes for you to try at home. Brown Coffee Co. in San Antonio fixed us up with their Dirty Cold Brew - the most popular iced drink in house! The secret lies in the type of ice cube used. Whiskey fans might recognize it. Huynh Restaurant in downtown Houston does a dynamite Vietnamese Iced Coffee with sweet condensed milk and their own coffee blend--something I HIGHLY recommend! I’ve duplicated this at home. Brew your coffee VERY, VERY strong… add ice and top with a shot of condensed milk. We’ve also sourced several new iced coffee recipes for your drinking pleasure. Up first, Caffe Medici in Austin and their fun creation, The Freddo. It’s chilled; a touch on the sweet side and frothy! A flirty and refreshing, chilled coffee made with espresso, milk and simple syrup: Many thanks to Najwa Kronfel and
© 2015 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved • PANDORA.NET
Nitro coffees are ice-cold, slightly effervescent and have that extra oomph!
*Free charm must be of equal or lesser value than $65. In Store Only. Valid at participating retailers. Void where prohibited. Not valid with prior purchase. While supplies last. See store for details.
her blog, Delicious Shots, for sharing her ultra-creamy Condensed Milk Iced Coffee with us! Depending on how sweet you like yours, add more/less condensed milk. Serve very cold over ice...brrrr! For more delicious recipes and fun food and wine pairing ideas, visit www. goodtaste.tv/san-antonio/ and subscribe to my newsletter. Tanji is an Emmy award winning journalist pursuing her passion for wine and food. Tanji explores the inviting worlds of chefs, wine makers and culinary newsmakers. If you would like more information, she can be reached at Goodtaste@tanjipatton.com.
Honor Flight Letter
wing tip, took a direct hit and was instantly enveloped it a tremendous fireball. No survivors! Or the crew of the plane that was approaching the Island of Helgoland in the North Sea and took a 88 mm shell at the wing root which severed the wing from the ship and I watched as it slowly spiraled downward like a feather falling, falling, with the rest of the ship falling into the North Sea. No survivors! Or my boyhood friend and A&M roommate who was killed over Japan. They flew into a mountain while dropping food parcels to American Prisoner of War Camps the day after the war was over! They are the ones we should be honoring.
Submitted By Melinda Cox ear Cody Graham, Thank you for writing me the letter which I received upon my recent return to San Antonio with the Honor Flight San Antonio de Valero. It meant a lot to me because it brought back memories to me of when I was in the 8th –Grade. I am now 91 years of age and counting! In WWII I flew 4-engine 8-24 Liberator bombers as First Pilot and Aircraft Commander flying missions over Germany with the 8th Air Force. I was twenty years old just six years older than you probably are right now. We grew up fast in war time! The Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. was indeed an Honor and was deeply appreciated by me but the real guys who should be honored are those who did not come back. Like the ones left dead in Normandy or ones in our Bomber Group. We were flying in close formation and the plane on my right, not 50 feet from my
1 2 0 7 N . LO O P 1 6 0 4 W. S T E . 1 0 4 S A N A N TO N I O, T X | 2 1 0.7 6 4 .0 1 0 0
Thank you again for your letter. Jack McKenzie
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
Estradiol, Progesterone, & Testosterone Restore Bone By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 he told me that her doctor had actually warned her not to jump during exercising, as she might crack a vertebra. Her bones were very thin, osteoporotic, as were her mom’s, and grandma’s. She could not take a bisphosphonate, the most common treatment for osteoporosis, due to terrible burning in her esophagus, a known side effect of this class of drugs. “Do you think you could help me? I take calcium, vitamin D, and I exercise with
weights, but I am still losing bone in my urine, the Urine NTx test.” The urine NTx test measures the amount of bone breakdown products in a second morning void. A urine NTx greater than 36, which is amount a young adult normally produces, is bad and indicates on-going bone loss. Her number was always high and every year, her bone density test was a little worse. Her bone specialist had wanted to give her a once a year injection which also reportedly stopped bone loss. However, after reading
Dry Eyes vs. Allergy Eyes
By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020
n addition to announcing our Showcase for Versace and Coach on Sept. 29, 2015, we wanted to use this issue to talk about 2 very common eye conditions in San Antonio: Dry Eye The tears your eyes produce are necessary for overall eye health and clear vision. Dry eye means that your eyes do not produce enough tears or that you produce
tears which do not have the proper chemical composition. Often, dry eye is part of the natural aging process. It can also be caused by blinking or eyelid problems, medications like antihistamines, oral contraceptives and antidepressants, a dry climate, wind and dust, general health problems like arthritis or Sjogren’s syndrome and chemical or thermal burns to your eyes. If you have dry eye, your symptoms may include irritated, scratchy, dry, uncomfortable or red eyes, a burning sensation or feeling of something foreign in your eyes and blurred vision.
about the side effects, she refused. I told her that the 3 pillars of bone health were Vitamin D, sex hormones, and weight bearing. Estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone would help her. Estradiol is important for men, too. They convert testosterone into a little bit of estradiol, so if a man is deficient in testosterone, he is likely deficient in estradiol and at risk for osteoporosis. The side effects of estradiol may be an increase in breast or uterine cancer. However, in the Women’s Health Initiative Study, synthetic estradiol alone did not cause an increase in breast cancer, but the rate of breast cancer increased when the horse’s urine, synthetic estradiol was combined with progestin, a synthetic, progesterone-like drug. Other side effects which have been found with hormone replacement therapy whether bio-identical or synthetic, may be gall bladder and liver
problems, and blood clots. We talked for over an hour, I told her that possibly, getting her hormones equal to those of a young adult might halt the bone loss. If she did not respond to hormone therapy, then I told her she should just take the injections. Hormone therapy would most definitely help her sleep, resolve hot flashes, and bring her vagina back to life. She responded well and her urine NTx was below 36, the magic number. Now she could literally jump for joy! “I’m so glad I found, you”. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
Dry eye can be managed, and we can prescribe treatment so your eyes remain healthy and your vision is unaffected. Some treatments that we might prescribe include using artificial tears and using a moisturizing ointment, especially at bedtime, or prescription medication that helps the body to produce more tears. In some cases, small plugs are inserted in the corner of the eyes to slow tear drainage. Allergy eyes Your body’s allergies to pollen, cosmetics, animals or fabrics often bring on allergic conjunctivitis. This can become a chronic condition if not treated properly. Symptoms include redness, burning, itching, and sometimes discharge from the eyes. It can make contact lens wear very difficult or even unbearable. It is important to see the doctors
at Vision Source for evaluation to determine the correct cause for the condition. Many over the counter medications can have side effects and are not intended for long term use. There are prescription medications that alleviate the symptoms and can make your life comfortable again and are safe for prolonged use. If you know that you experience allergy symptoms during a particular time of the year (cedar fever), it is important to begin treatment before your symptoms become unbearable All of the doctors at Stone Oak Vision Source are certified to treat and manage eye disease. They are located at 19202 Stone Oak Parkway Ste 106. Visit us online at www.visionsource-stoneoak.com or call for an appointment at 495-9020.
San Antonio New Energy Economy
ALLERGY SEASON! Stone Oak Allergy 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78258
Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Specializing in allergy, asthma, and immunology diagnosis, testing, and treatment for adults and children.
Same day appointments available. Call today!
www.stoneoakallergy.com • 210.494.0690
By AJ Reygadas Power Real Estate Group (210) 313-5554
ith the busy season closing out in real estate, we are still seeing great growth and an active market with buyers and sellers. The West side of SA is still seeing a lot of growth with mixed-use developments becoming the new target area for revitalization! The median home value in San Antonio is on the rise, and we are seeing a firm strong economy. Over the past year. Bexar County added almost 5,000 new jobs last year with another 4,000 likely to be added by the end of this year. Forecasters are claiming the city’s “new energy economy” is responsible for this significant growth. San Antonio is still being considered the new home for many new or growing companies. With the busy season coming to an end, we will more than likely see a little drop off in the business, but nothing to worry about or to change the positive course of our year. It’s an exciting time for the market and for our city. Contact us for a free market of evaluation of what your home. If you are looking to
buy and sell, we offer packages designed to help save you money. Just simply ask. Are you on the fence about buying? Talk to us and let us show you the benefits of home ownership over renting. Take care San Antonio AJ Reygadas won many awards including Multi-Million Dollar Producer, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014; Top 1% of San Antonio REALTORS, 2013, 2014; Top 150 Latino Realtors Nationwide, 2013, 2014. You can reach AJ at (210)3135554
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
Stone Oak Allergy
Living & Breathing An Enjoyable Life “L
IFE CHANGING FREEDOM! That is what Dr. Amanda Trott has given our family with her cutting edge treatment and care at Stone Oak Allergy,” said Frederick, Rahnae and Joshua of the Johnson Family. “For years we suffered with the miserable symptoms of seasonal allergies. Watching our son have problems with congestion and trouble sleeping, we turned to Dr. Trott. She is innovative, compassionate, caring and dedicated to helping each and every one of her patients as if they were her only one. We now have the freedom to be outdoors enjoying nature instead of being indoors, captive to our allergies, and our son can now participate in school sports. Try Dr. Amanda Trott as we did. You walk in as a patient and leave as family.” At Stone Oak Allergy, an enthusiastic and friendly staff, headed by Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio, is eager to welcome and assist old and new patients, to get them living a more enjoyable life, just like the Johnson family. While South Texas locals are more than familiar with sneezing, runny noses and the various other symptoms that are the consequence of allergies, Dr. Trott-Gregorio offers testing and treatments to manage these nuisances. Since living here for the past few years, the biggest thing that I’ve noticed about the population of San Antonio is just how allergic patients are,” said Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio. “It’s rare that you meet someone that doesn’t complain of allergic symptoms, and yet, the majority go untreated and unevaluated and just kind of suffer through it. It is a shame because it really interferes with your quality of life.” Allergies, an abnormal reaction of the immune system to typically harmless substances, can not only cause unwanted symptoms but can also be the cause of asthma and eczema, which she also treats. Consequently, allergies and associated problems can keep many people from everyday activities, places and opportunities. As Dr. Trott-Gregorio explained, “This part of Texas is a really allergenic little piece of the world we love to call home. The San Antonio/Austin area is the only part of the United States with a winter pollen issue- cedar. We are more allergic here, as a population, than most of the world.” At Stone Oak Allergy, Dr. Trott-Gregorio and her team not only work with their patients on a personal level to find out the causes of the problems, but they also work to obtain the perfect solution specifically designed for each person.
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
“Skin testing is the way to determine your specific allergies, so that you know what to avoid,” Dr. TrottGregorio explained. “You can tailor your mediation regimen to be scheduled certain times of the year that you know that the things to which you are allergic are going to be in the air. Injections are specifically tailored for each individual patient to include only the allergens to which that patient is sensitized.” Injections work to change your immune systems so that you can be around the things to which you were previously allergic and no longer have symptoms. This life-changing experience has impacted a number of people in San Antonio and the surrounding area. The shots can be given as a cluster, which allows individuals to feel better in roughly eight weeks, or a slower method, which is over a period of 29 weeks. “My treatment under Dr. Trott has been a lifechanging experience,” said patient Jennifer Terveen. “I had always suffered from severe year-round allergy symptoms, and I haven’t really had any symptoms since my second week of cluster shots. It’s just made such a huge difference!” Whether it is treatment through avoidance, medication or injections, Stone Oak Allergy is determined to find the right solution for each person who walks through the door. “‘I got my life back’ is a phrase I hear almost daily from my patients,” said Trott-Gregorio. “It means living
without the burden of allergy symptoms or breathing limitations. Why not feel good every day? We can make that happen.” Although allergies and asthma are the most commonly treated conditions, Dr. Trott-Gregorio also sees patients for allergic skin disorders, chronic cough, non-allergic nasal symptoms, immune deficiencies, and patients who have recurrent infections. Her skills and expertise in these areas are not limited to any particular age, opening the door to even newborns, from which various mothers benefited. “My baby had a severe rash all over, especially on his face, since he was 2 days old, and we saw a pediatrician and a dermatologist who both told me to stop breastfeeding,” explained Melinda Rippy, mother of 9-month-old patient Luke. “I wanted to find a way to fix his rash and continue breastfeeding, and Dr. Trott was the first doctor who took the time to listen and figure out a way to make both of those things happen. Now his rash is gone!” Due to her passion for her practice and for truly helping people, Dr. Trott-Gregorio has focused her profession into a way of reaching out to the people of the community and making a difference in their lives. “I really care. And so do all the people who work with me. I’m here to listen and figure out how to help you, specifically. Each patient is unique, and requires a different approach than the last, and I’m here to tailor recommendations for your needs. It’s why I went into medicine in the first place.” Dr. Trott-Gregorio explained. “I feel like it is important to love what you do, and getting to know people every day and learning about their lives is such a blessing.” At Stone Oak Allergy, patients will feel right at home as they join Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio and her talented staff on a journey to enhance their lives. Visit their office on Sonterra Boulevard or call 210-494-0690 to schedule an appointment.
Stone Oak Allergy 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 (210) 494-0690 www.stoneoakallergy.com 9
Camber, Caster and Toe: Optimize Your Alignment
By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
i Rusty Belden here for our family at Belden’s Automotive & Tires. Back to school is here and additional driving is a necessity. While running your summer errands have you noticed your vehicle pulling one side to another? This may be due to your vehicle being out of alignment. The most important reason to keep your vehicle aligned, you ask? If you keep driving when your vehicle is out of alignment your tires may wear unevenly because as your vehicle is pulling to one side, you must steer it back to drive straight, causing the outside of the tire to wear faster. There are many reasons your vehicle gets out of alignment:
hitting a curb is the most common reason and happens to even the most cautious of drivers. Another reason is those pesky potholes we have all driven into one time or another. However, alignment issues doesn’t have to be because of a damaging occurrence, it can happen with the regular bumps and bangs of regular everyday driving. Constantly driving the same route to drop off the kids, or get to work each morning will add up and take your vehicle out of alignment. Maintaining proper alignment is important to protecting both your vehicle’s tire life and your safety.
Investing In Agreement With Your Beliefs By Eric Zeitler Client Centric Wealth Management (210) 807-7599 o your investment choices reflect world’s richest men and most respected your outlook? Are they in agreement philanthropists. Believing that “every with your values? These questions successful entrepreneur is a servant,” he may seem rather deep when it comes to invested in companies that did no harm and deciding what to buy or sell, but some great which reflected his conviction that “success investors have built fortunes by investing is a process of continually seeking answers according to the ethical, moral and spiritual to new questions.”1 Warren Buffett leaps to mind as another tenets that guide their lives. Sir John Templeton stands out as example. The “Oracle of Omaha” is worth an example. Born and raised in a small $70 billion, and Berkshire Hathaway’s Tennessee town, he became one of the market value has risen 1,826,163% under his guidance – yet he still lives in the same
K9 Corner By Catherine Laria K9 Country Club (830) 980-8476
A Bored Dog, Left To His Own Devices
ou come home after a very busy day of work, errands, and taxi’ing kids around to various sports venues to find your house full of couch stuffing and toilet paper. At first you think, “Were we robbed?” No, the TV is still here. Then you turn to see Fido, tail wagging, but ears back. He’s so overjoyed to see you! But he too can sense something is wrong. And although he does not yet know what that is, he’s
pretty sure he has something to do with it. Conflicted, he slinks out of the room, with stuck toilet paper in tow. From August to September your daily routine has probably changed drastically. Unlike the leaisuerly summer days, now by 7:00a.m., the dog has to be let out, fed, then let out again in the hopes of no “accidents” over the next nine hours. Morning exercise is one of the first rituals to be dropped. This can be a big mistake. A bored dog, left to his own devices, can get into loads of trouble while you are gone. Just putting your dog outside to exercise
NSARTA Monthly Meeting Submitted By Michele Bibb he summer is almost over and the North San Antonio Retired Teachers Association is ready to resume our monthly meetings for 2015-2016. We’d like to invite all recently retired educators or retired educators that have moved into our area to our September meeting. NSARTA
T 10
meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month (September-May) at San Pedro Presbyterian Church located at 14900 San Pedro. A “meet and greet’’ including delicious refreshments begins at 9:45AM-10AM with the meeting called to order at 10AM. All meetings are over before noon. Each month we have wonderful guest
Wheel alignments ensure that all four wheels are consistent and are optimized for maximum contact with the surface of the road. The way a wheel is oriented on your car is broken down to three major components; camber, caster, and toe. Camber angle is the measure in degrees of the difference between the wheels vertical alignment perpendicular to the surface. Caster is defined as the angle created by the steering pivot point from the front to back of the vehicle. Toe represents the angle derived from pointing the tires inward or outward from a top-down view. Belden’s Automotive & Tires can use the latest equipment and technology to perform a FREE Alignment Inspection. Whether you are driving a few miles to take the kiddos to school or hundreds of miles in your daily commute – call us today to check your vehicle to ensure the longevity of your vehicle and the safety of your driving. Belden’s Automotive & Tires is your dealer alternative!
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house he bought for $31,500 in 1958, and prefers cheeseburgers and Cherry Coke to champagne or caviar. He was born to an influential family (his father served in Congress), but he has maintained humility through the decades.2 Buffett has cited the need to be truthful with yourself about your strengths, weaknesses and capabilities – as you invest, you should not be swayed from your core beliefs to embrace something that you find mysterious. Values and beliefs helped guide Templeton and Buffett to success in the markets, in business and in life. For all the opportunities they seized, their legacy will be that of humble and value-centered individuals who knew what mattered most. Today, socially responsible investing looks better than ever. Investors who want to their portfolios to better reflect their
beliefs and values often turn to “socially responsible” investments. Since 1990, the average annual total return for the S&P 500 has been 9.93%; the Domini 400, considered the prime index tracking socially responsible companies, has an annual total return of 10.46% by comparison. 3 Client Centric Wealth Management may be reached at 210-807-7599 or www. ccwmgmt.com. 19230 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 315, San Antonio, Tx, 78258. Citations: 1-forbes.com/sites/ alejandrochafuen/2013/05/07/howto-invest-think-and-live-like-sir-johntempleton/ [5/7/13] 2 - observer. com/2015/05/ive-followed-warrenbuffett-for-decades-and-keep-comingback-to-these-10-quotes/ [5/4/15] 3 marketwatch.com/story/sociallyresponsible-investing-has-beaten-the-sp500-for-decades-2015-05-21 [5/21/15].
on his own may not be enough. Active types require mental stimulation. If you are having certain behavioral issues, you may want to evaluate how you “exercise” your pet. Get up a little earlier to play games, train, or jog with him before you leave. It will be well worth it. Crating your dog during the day is a very safe and effective way to keep them from getting into trouble. If you’ve trained your pet that his crate is good, he will be glad to go in when you leave. A dog sleeps most of the day anyway, especially in a crate. You can also leave something like a stuffed Kong in there to entertain them when they’re awake. Be sure the crate is big enough for them to stand, stretch, and turn around in. Need something extra? Doggie Day Camp is a super choice! What better way to help get all that energy burned off before you come home? Think about the time and stress you’ll save not having to clean up after him. The right daycare will have your speakers or programs planned for our members and guests. This year our programs will include a Style Show, Elementary Choir Performance, Game Day, Fire on the Mountain Cloggers, and other entertaining and informative activities. Our guest speaker this month is Mr. Tim Lee, Executive Director of the Texas Retired Teachers Association. If you have never heard Mr. Lee speak, you must come and hear this gifted, motivating, and entertaining
pet well worn out by the time you pick him up. For information on daycare, training, and other tips visit our website as our fall training schedule has begun! And like us on Facebook for the most current information. K9 Country Club is located at 31305 Oak View, Bulverde TX 78163. For more information, call (830) 980-8476 or visit www.k9countryclub.net. speaker. He has all the latest news from the State concerning our health plan, retirement benefits, and what we can expect from our legislators this year. If you have any questions, please call Michele Bibb, 494-8197 for more information. Bring a friend, we’d love to meet all retired educators in our community.
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
My Passion
Anti-Aging “O
ne size does not fit all,” says Dr. Donna Becker, as she describes the medical treatment of menopausal symptoms. Unfortunately, there aren’t many other doctors who have the same belief or the same understanding of hormones as Dr. Becker. “People go to their regular physicians, or even their gynecologist, and are usually initially given antidepressants. Menopause is about lack of hormones, which may be a sad event for some people, but the underlying problem is not a chemical imbalance in the brain, it’s a lack of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone.” Dr. Becker believes that aging is a slowly progressive degenerative disease which may be partially stabilized by supplying the correct amount of hormones in the correct proportions. For men, the optimal amount of testosterone may be achieved by measuring sex hormone binding globulin and estradiol. “We want to have our hormones optimal, mimicking the levels found in the young active adult.” No one would prescribe hormones such as thyroid or insulin without checking blood levels, yet this is done all the time with menopausal women-if they are even offered hormones, she says. Dr. Becker discovered hormone replacement therapy when she had terrible problems with her own menopause, almost 20 years ago (she is 67). Unable to find any help locally, she flew to another state to see an anti-aging doctor. “I had been prescribed the usual horse’s urine derived estrogen and herbal remedies that didn’t work—I was at the end of my rope and only too happy to finally consult an expert in anti-aging,” explained Becker. “When the doctor told me my thyroid levels were low, I initially argued with him. However, although my levels were in the normal range, they weren’t in the optimal range. Bringing them up to an optimal level, along with prescriptions for estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, and DHEA, made a world of difference for me. That is when I knew I wanted to help others as I had been helped.” Her quest led her to becoming a physician who is board certified in Anti-Aging. The American Board of Medical
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
Specialties does not recognize board certification in Anti-aging-yet. Anti-aging doctors have taken courses and passed oral and written exams to achieve expertise in this emerging specialty. Dr. Becker is board certified in Emergency Medicine and had worked in downtown Santa Rosa ER and Texsan hospitals for years. “I wanted to do more than treat some acute illness, I wanted to lead the person into a healthier life style before the heart attack, stroke, or broken hip! Anti-aging is about nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits, not just hormone replacement therapy, although that is very important,” Dr. Becker emphasized. Dr. Becker really listens to her patients. A total of
three to four hours over several months, after the initial consultation, is required for total hormone balancing by laboratory analysis and physical symptoms. It is refreshing for her patients because they are so used to being hustled in and out of the office, being told their symptoms are normal due to aging, so live with it, or being pushed into a depression misdiagnosis. Not only does Dr. Becker listen, she takes action. “I always tell my patients that we will do 3 pages of lab tests. They receive a copy of that lab work along with a line-by-line explanation. I sit with them and tell them exactly where they need the extra help,” Dr. Becker explained. Her goal—bring the body back into the balance it had when the person was in their 20s. “That is when we are the healthiest, and our hormone levels a peak operating levels,” she stressed. What are the main benefits to this anti-aging regimen? “Well, apart from feeling better, my patients begin to look better, too,” Dr. Becker laughs. “They have more energy, thus they begin to lose weight, which in turn motivates them to look after themselves better, which results in a healthier life style, and so the improvements build. Patients do have to do their share regarding the weight loss—but with balanced hormones, it is no longer like pushing a ball up a hill. The person feels better, so feels like exercising and more importantly, feels great afterward.” “Everyone remarks on the deep, refreshing quality of sleep with progesterone,” Dr. Becker stated. Her passion is apparent, her love of people obvious and her desire to improve the quality of life for all people, regardless of age, admirable. Dr. Becker is a true testament of the doctor who takes a dose of her own medicine!
Dr. Donna Becker 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 San Antonio, TX 78231 (210) 545-5224 www.antiagingsa.com 11
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Go “All In” At The 4th Annual SpaySA Casino Night! Submitted By Outside The Box n behalf of our Honorary Chairs, Sean & Claudia Elliott, SpaySA invites you to go “All In” at the 4th annual SpaySA Casino Night on Saturday, September 12th at the beautiful La Cantera Resort and Spa! This year’s event will feature Casino Lounges, great food and drinks, a fabulous Silent Auction and great entertainment! All of the funds raised from this Casino Night go directly to providing spay and neutering services at little or no cost to the San Antonio community. There are more than 150,000 animals on the streets of San Antonio and many of them are not spayed or neutered so thousands of unwanted puppies and kittens continue to be born each year and wander the streets. The first step towards San Antonio to becoming a No Kill city is to Spay and Neuter. Established in 1997, SpaySA is a 501c3 organization that had provided ongoing programs such as no or low-cost spay/ neutering services, a pet wellness clinic and education outreach services to areas with the greatest stray animal population. As the largest spay/neuter clinic in San Antonio, SpaySA has performed over 148,000 surgeries and has helped tens of thousands of dog and cats each year. SpaySA is the community leader in providing and promoting accessible subsidized services for dogs and cats in San Antonio and Bexar County and all of the funds raised from Casino Night go directly to the organization! Casino Night began in 2012 with SpaySA’s very own Executive Director,
This year’s event will feature Casino Lounges, great food and drinks, a fabulous Silent Auction and great entertainment!
Cathy McCoy. “I wanted to host an event where we could say “thank you” to our donors and create an evening of fun but also educate people on the realities of nonneutered cats and dogs in San Antonio,” said McCoy. In 2013, SpaySA Board President, Wendy Welsh, along with her firm, Outside the Box Productions, and the Board of Directors, helped Cathy and her team bring the event to the next level and in only a few short years are looking forward to a sellout crowd. “Great food and drinks, tons of Casino Games, Lounge Areas, Dance Music and Celebrity sightings are all part of a really fun night you don’t want to miss! And, we are so lucky to have Sean and Claudia Elliott, who are such compassionate animal friends, on board to support us,” said Wendy Welsh.
Tickets to the event are $75 each. If guests wish to reserve a table plus added benefits – tables for ten are available at $1,600. This event does sell out, so be sure to get your tickets early at www.SpaySA.org. So, join us for this year’s Casino Night – where you can be sure to have a fun filled evening!!
Tex Hill Middle Welcomed Home Veterans From Honor Flight
Students of Tex Hill Middle School waited patiently for Tex Hill Middle School Tiger students were honored to WWII and Korean veterans to make their way through take part and be included in the return home celebration the airport. at the airport for the veterans of the Honor Flight.
Before the school year ended, Hill students showed their appreciation to veterans by writing letters to be opened on the return flight from Washington D.C.
Submitted By Melinda Cox e can’t all be heroes. Some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by.” – Will Rogers Students of Tex Hill Middle School waited patiently for WWII and Korean veterans to make their way through the airport after the July 2015 Honor Flight trip to Washington D.C. Veterans were applauded, celebrated and thanked by the crowd for their service and dedication and Tex Hill Tiger students were proud and honored to be a part of the celebration. Hill students watched and clapped as heroes passed by and returned home one more time.
The Honor Flight San Antonio de Valero mission is to transport veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices and return them home to their families and loved ones. Honor Flight San Antonio de Valero is a an organization committed to giving thanks to our local WWII veterans by helping these heroes travel absolutely free to visit war memorials in Washington D.C. Tex Hill Middle School, which was opened in August 2014, was named after World War II Flying Tiger fighter pilot and combat ace David Lee “Tex” Hill. The mascot for the new school is a Tiger which is significant as David Lee “Tex” Hill
was a World War II fighter pilot who was a member of the 1st American Volunteer Group. The “Flying Tigers” were praised for their heroic actions during World War II. The mascot choice will allow for Tex Hill Middle School to continue honoring the memory of one of this nation’s greatest wartime aviators and all the men and women who serve our country with strength and courage The Hill community focuses on being Tiger strong and believes in and understands the value of commitment and hard work. We also cherish and respect our active military and veterans at Hill Middle School. As part of that commitment, the Hill campus has partnered with the Honor Flight San Antonio de Valero organization to help pay tribute and give thanks to a very special group of veterans. Before the school year ended, Hill students showed their appreciation to veterans by writing letters to be opened on the return flight from Washington D.C. The
letters were an opportunity for the students to reflect on and appreciate the dedication and sacrifice made by each veteran. The letters were a chance for the young Hill students to say thank you to a generation of men and women who helped build strength and determination in our country. Tex Hill Middle School Tiger students were honored to take part and be included in the return home celebration at the airport for the veterans of the Honor Flight. It was an honor to have the chance to say thank you and show appreciation to the veterans and the Hill campus and students look forward to a continued partnership with this important organization and the veterans who make up this great group. We will continue to do our part however we can, in the same way our veterans how always done their part. If you would like more information about Honor Flight San Antonio de Valero or if you would like to help support this important group by making a donation, please visit http://honorflightsanantonio.org.
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
Medical Allergy & Immunology Family Allergy & Asthma Specialists Dr. John Mastrovich 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 342-6200 • www.faasonline.com
Allergy & Immunology
Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 494-0690 • stoneoakallergy.com
Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Ste. 2601 545-5224 • www.antiagingsa.com Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men
Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D.McMyler, MD P. Mehta, MD., R, Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 614-1234 • www.gastroconsa.com
General Dentistry
Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533 www.dentalcareSA.com
General Dentistry
Canyon Dental Care Jeff Beal, DDS & Justin Rich, DDS 3111 TPC Pkwy., Ste. 114, San Antonio, 78259 424-3611 www.dentalworks.com
General Dentistry
Dr. Perry E. Wood Family Dentistry, Cosmetics & Orthodontics 16616 San Pedro (281/Thousand Oaks) 491-9898 Accepts most insurance
General Dentistry
Garrison Family Dental Austin J Garrison DDS, Gary J. Garrison DDS 22100 Bulverde Rd., Ste. 114 494-7222 www.garrisonfamilydental.com
ACDC Holding Auditions For Annual Nutcracker Submitted By Yvonne Correa he 2015-2016 Alamo City Dance Company will be holding auditions for their annual Nutcracker performance on Saturday, September 12, 2015, from 1:30-5:30 p.m. Dancers ages 5-12 years of age will audition from 2:30-4:00 p.m., and dancers ages 13+ will audition from 4-5:30 p.m. Please arrive 30 minutes before your audition time to complete registration forms. Auditions will take place at the San Antonio School for the Performing Arts’ brand new facility located at 11210 Disco St. The Alamo City Dance Company’s production of The Nutcracker, now in its 24th year and the longest running Nutcracker in San Antonio, boasts approximately 100 dancers in 160 roles danced by San Antonians with the exception of the guest artists. The Alamo City Dance Company, founded by Nancy Grossenbacher and Scott Conway, is in residence at the San Antonio School for the Performing Arts. Under the direction of Mr. Conway, ACDC is a repertory company which performs ballet classics, contemporary jazz, modern expressionism and even explores the realm of tap and ethnic dances, truly an all-encompassing dance company. ACDC dancers are a field of electricity and a powerhouse of dance. The Alamo City Performing Arts Association, Inc., a non-
Internal Medicine
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Internal Medicine of Stone Oak Lubna Naeem, M.D. 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 105 490-3800 Laser treatment, Botox, Skin care available
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Pediatric Dentistry
Alamo City Eye Physicians, P.A. J. Mark Berry M.D. William T. Walton M.D. 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 216 491-2020
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Speech Therapy
Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 119 697-3821
Speech & Language Center of Stone Oak Barbara A. Samfield 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 108 495-9944 www.stoneoakspeech.com
Urgent Care
Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) www.stoneoaktso.com
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profit 501 (c)(3) organization, supports the company and its productions with the goal of promoting dance and the arts in the San Antonio community. Dancers who are cast in The Nutcracker will need to attend an orientation meeting scheduled for Saturday, September 19, at 2:00 p.m. Please contact the Alamo City Performing Arts Association if you have questions. Our email address is our.acpaa@ gmail.com. For further information on the Alamo City Dance Company or the Alamo City Performing Arts Association, Inc., you may visit www.saspa.org.
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
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College Tutors Educator Of The Month By Steve Johnson, Owner of College Nannies + Tutors t is our pleasure to begin this school year by highlighting and recognizing a local educator as the College Tutors Educator of the Month for September. This award, made with input from the school administration, recognizes educators in our area high schools that personify the three core values of College Tutors: Can Do Attitudes, Growth and Results Driven and Leave It Better. This month’s recognition for Johnson High School goes to Theresa Sanchez, the school librarian. She has transformed the library into the heart of the school. You regularly find students gathered in the mornings working on projects and socializing. She even started a coffee bar! During lunch periods, there is always a line to get library passes – be it a quiet place to study, last minute work on projects or just time to find a book and wind down. She has impacted our campus in countless other ways, including working with teachers to create exciting learning opportunities utilizing all sorts of technology and supporting an active book club for students. The owners of College Nannies + Tutors of San Antonio established this recognition with the support of Welcome Home Community Newspaper to recognize and honor the educators in our schools for their efforts with our local students. The quality of education in our community is primarily
Johnson HS Cheerleaders At UCA Camp Submitted By Diane Valderama he Johnson High School Cheerleaders and Mascot competed with other Texas high school squads at Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) Camp at Texas A&M University during August 3-6. All three squads and the mascot won spirit sticks each night. On the first night, the Johnson program was given an award as the most spirited team for the day. At the end of the week, the whole Johnson program won the overall “Top Banana” Award for the most spirited team for the entire week, allowing them to keep and take home the coveted trophy. The school mascot, JJ the Jaguar, performed by Brianna Trinidad, won the Mascot Spirit Award on the third night of camp and also won the Most Spirited Mascot Award for the entire week, earning the privilege of taking home the “Mushy the Monkey” Mascot Spirit Award. On the first camp night, squads performed dances that they choreographed and perfected prior to arriving at camp. The UCA staff selected one squad from the entire camp to recognize for their home pom performance. The Johnson Varsity squad was chosen to receive the Outstanding Home Pom Award. The Varsity and Junior Varsity squads combined to earn the following awards: • 1ST Place Camp Sideline • 2nd Place Camp Cheer • Overall Game Day Camp Champions in the Varsity Division The Freshmen squad was awarded the following honors: • 1st Place Camp Cheer
This month’s recognition for Johnson High School goes to Theresa Sanchez
a direct reflection of their daily efforts as role models for our students. For more information on this award, or to submit a nomination, please contact College Nannies + Tutors at 210-202-0303 or stoneoaktx@ collegenannies.com.
Johnson Cheer and Mascot win top awards at UCA Summer Camp.
• 1st Place Camp Dance • Overall Game Day Camp Champions in the Freshman Division Several team members were selected for UCA All-American Awards: Mya Carnahan (V), Parker Canario (JV), Kaitlyn Hamilton (V), Kate Hudson (V), Kennedy Hrncir (F), Maddie Hrncir (F), Meghan Mollicone (V), and Grace Valderama (JV). Selected as AllAmerican Mascot was Brianna Trinidad as JJ the Jaguar. Additionally, three Johnson seniors received invitations to try out for UCA staff positions. The cheerleaders chosen were Mya Carnahan, Kate Hudson, and Meghan Mollicone. Congratulations to the Johnson Cheerleaders and Mascot for all their hard work and dedication! The Johnson community appreciates our cheerleaders and mascot, and enjoys watching their performances throughout the school year. GO JAGS!
Johnson HS Dance And Drill Heat Up The Summer
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830.980.8476 • Bulverde, TX • K9CountryClub.net Johnson Legacy Officers
Market Days @ Encino Park - Previously known as Encino Park Craft Fair
This annual event hosted by Hosted the Encino ParkEncino Women’s Club will take place on by the Park Women’s Club Saturday, October 4 from 9 am – 5 pm andwill Sunday, October 5 from 9 am -3 pm. take place on It will be held on the grounds of the Encino Park Community Center Sat, Oct 3 from 9 amEncino – 5 pmRio. & Sun, Oct 4 from 9 am -3 pm. located at 1923 Encino Park Community Center Gounds, 1923 Encino Rio. ConcessionsConcessions will be available andavailable parking and admission are free. are FREE. will be & parking & admission The event will heldwill rainbe orheld shine. Thebeevent rain or shine. With over 70 vendors, you’re shopping for Christmas unique Christmas With over 70 vendors, whether you’reifshopping for unique presents,presents, seasonal decorations, clothing, jewelry, kitchen accessories, seasonal decorations, clothing, jewelry, kitchen accessories, vintage vintage or even homemade food,toyou’ll bethese sure to find all these decorations, or decorations, even homemade food, you’ll be sure find all & more & more Market Park. Days @ Encino Park. at Market Days at @ Encino TheWomen’s Encino Park Club isservice a community serviceand organization The Encino Park ClubWomen’s is a community organization & proceeds from Market Days benefi t community including proceeds from Market Days benefi t community projects, includingprojects, two annual two annual scholarships & other charitable causes. scholarships and other charitable causes.
For additional information, please email us at epmarketdays@gmail.com
Johnson Belles Officers
Submitted By Debbie Allen chool might have ended but Johnson High School dance and drill were just heating up in June! The Johnson HS Legacies and Belles attended intensive Dance camps in June. The camps were sponsored by Showmakers of America and the girls were able to choose the dance classes they wanted to take. When they weren’t learning and improving their dance skills they were bonding with their new teams. Under the leadership of Johnson Dance Director, Stephanie Trevino-Felan, the newly elected officers did an amazing job preparing the girls for the intense Summer Camp. These new officers showed their team spirit and their great work ethic throughout the camp. New leadership for the Legacies Dance
Team include Colonel Ava Reynolds, Lieutenant Colonel Raven Banda, First Major Christen Zito and Second Major Katelyn Andreassen. The Belles Drill Team officers are Colonel Jessica Trevino, Lieutenant Colonel Kiana Simpson, Lieutenant Colonel Audra Collins, First Major Brianna Castellanos, Second Major Natalina Velaz and Third Major Meredith Floyd. The Showmakers of America Officer Camp was held at the El Tropicana hotel in San Antonio. The Legacy Officers won plaque awards for Home Routine, Choreography, & Camp Dance evaluations, Sweepstakes, & Grand Champions.
September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259
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September 2015 • Welcome Home • 78259