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September 2016 Issue
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September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Note From The Publisher
Live Life to the Fullest at
4 Months Of 2016 Left
ou know what time it is? FOOTBALL! Already this year has started off amazing with our HS Football teams. On August 27, 2016 Brandeis HS and Johnson HS met on the field for a cause. During their annual Varsity match-up the organizations asked fans to bring a jar of peanut butter to donate to Snack Pak 4 Kids setting the tone for an amazing season with some outstanding players. This is Texas and we do love football and of course Homecoming. September is the month that high school girls are out in droves searching for that perfect Homecoming dress. If you went to high school anywhere in this great state, you know how big of a deal the dress is. For all you freshmen out there; welcome to the world of “Friday Night Lights”, Homecoming King and Queen and mums! (If you don’t know what a mum is I suggest some research stat). If you are looking to attend the games over at Reagan, you can find their schedule on page 14 or see River Valley Real Estates ad on page 23. Back to school also means back to Winter Celebration for the staff here at Welcome Home. We are moving ahead with all the planning for the largest toy drive in San Antonio. With some pretty amazing surprises this year. Check out the latest information on page 7 and page 31. North Central Baptist Hospital is Co-Hosting the event with Living Through Giving SA. They have just finished up their annual Backpack Drive “We Got Your Back” collecting well over 500 backpacks again this year. Winter Celebration will be held at the hospital on
Enjoy the “tree house” views in one of our beautiful upstairs cottages with all the full-service amenities Independence Hill residents enjoy!
December 3 starting off with a parade at 10 am. SOBA Fall Expo is coming up quick and we want to see the community come out and support their local businesses. October 5, 2016 Johnson HS Cafeteria! Help Johnson HS Student Council raise as much money as they can. The proceeds of Expo benefit the Student Council, giving them the opportunity to raise up to $3000.00! Is anyone but me ready for fall? These 100 plus temperatures need to go ahead and make way for the cool fall mornings and breezy afternoons. We had a slight reprieve at the end of August with all that rain, but honestly 3 full months of heat and I am cooked. I ask that you keep the flood victims in your thoughts and prayers as Louisiana once again recovers from severe flooding and devastating loss. Here’s to all the students making their way back into the classrooms, others who have left the nest for college and of course to Football. Enjoy September and everything it brings!
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(210) 348-8233 • Fax: (210) 497-7342 Article Submissions: articles@welcomehomesa.com Ad Inquiries Email: ads@welcomehomesa.com www.welcomehomesa.com
Directly Mailed To Over 60,000 Households & Businesses in 78232, 78248, 78255, 78256, 78257, 78258, 78259, 78260, & 78261 Zip Codes. Plus, 20,000 in Rack Distribution.
Welcome Home newspaper assumes no liability in advertising other than correction and reinsertion of like-size ad at no additional cost to our advertiser. The opinions stated by the writers or the information printed from other sources do not necessarily depict those of the publisher or advertisers. No liability is assumed. Welcome Home newspaper will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to approval by the publisher. All stories and photos submitted become property of Welcome Home Editorial and Advertising content of Welcome Home newspaper is protected by the U.S. copyright law. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Publisher Kristin Oliver
Staff Writers Debby Seguin
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Sales Representatives Patrice Long Denise Wirth
Administrative Assistant Prinda Jemente Dianne Grosso Graphic Design/Production Marie Ferrante Distribution Israel Vazquez
Contributing Photographer Oscar McAnally Contributing Writers Bill Barkley Donna Becker Cari Goodyear Michelle Houriet Mary Jenkins
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Leslie Jernigan Maria K. Martinez Erin Murray Wendy Nguyen Cathy Reed Rajesh K. Sharma Mike Sowry Molly Sowry John Tijerina David Ward
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On The Cover
leachers, hot dogs, and diamond shaped fields. Where can you find all three of these? At the baseball field. “Take me out to the ball game.” Baseball is America’s undisputed national pastime. For many, there is no greater joy than watching a game between two teams, let’s say the New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers. America’s fixation on the game may begins early. Young boys can join in on the action by signing up for various local little leagues. Here in San Antonio we are host to one such association, the Alamo Drillers.
The Alamo Drillers have a lot to be proud of. Recently, the team, after a year of practice and training, headed out to Houston. There they competed in the USSSA Elite 32 World Series Championship held at the stadium which the Houston Astros notoriously use for spring training. Guess what San Antonio! They won. These youngsters won the championship, congratulations are in order. Congratulations to the Alamo Drillers. And on behalf of Welcome Home thank you for representing San Antonio in the .USSSA Elite 32 World Series.
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By Debby Seguin
t’s true. Money simply doesn’t buy what it used to. Just the other day, my mother called to inform me she was going to Hawaii in a couple of days and she was appalled to find she must bring her own pillow. Airlines, she explained, are trying to save money and will no longer be supplying them. As I finish cleaning my toilet, my first thought is, of course, “Hello?! Let’s look at the big picture. You’re going to HAWAII!” But after some thought, it occurred to me that this truly was a disturbing trend. If memory serves, the first to go was the gourmet Chicken Cordon Bleu with baby asparagus smothered in mushroom gravy, to be replaced with a sack lunch, like a kid going on a field trip to the zoo. These were quickly replaced by bags of peanuts, presumably, to feed the elephants upon your arrival at the zoo. Now it’s the pillows and blankets. What next? BYO toilet paper? Flashlight to read by? A stadium seat to slide onto the benches that have replaced the plush, padded seats? And don’t forget your armband floaties! Benches do not make the best flotation devices in case of an emergency water landing. Comforting… What if other industries were to follow this trend? My beauty salon would sport a sign that says: “Professional Style and Cut-$658. OR, I could opt for the Trim With Handheld Weed-whacker by Outof-Work Gardener-5 bucks. How about the field of education? “Johnny, this is the
third time this week you have forgotten your Porta-Desk. And where is your lunch? You know the school doesn’t provide lunch any longer.” “Yes, ma’am, but my parents say they don’t provide lunch any longer either. Something about ‘teaching the evil government a lesson’ or some such thing and the word ‘martyr’ came up more than once. I don’t really know what it all means.” I dread the day I am at McDonalds with my grandson. “That’s one Happy Meal, KA-CHING! Your total is $23.50.” What!? I can’t afford that! “Not to worry, ma’am,” he says (still smiling). If you brought your own ketchup, don’t need a straw and we leave out the toy, you can have our Not As Happy As It Used To Be Meal for 8 bucks!” Perhaps it won’t come to that but just to be safe, moms, you better buy a bigger purse. Debby “still stoops down to pick up a penny” Seguin can be reached at writewell62@gmail.com.
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
The Countdown To Winter Celebration BEGINS
rab your mittens, mufflers, and galoshes! It’s time for the Stone Oak Winter Celebration featuring AirLIFE Santa sponsored by Welcome Home Community Newspaper and North Central Baptist Hospital benefitting Living Through Giving SA. If you don’t own these cold weather accessories (or even know what they are), don’t worry! You may only need them to enjoy the REAL SNOW that will be available on Saturday, December 3 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. All the other fabulous and fun activities will probably not require a separate wardrobe to enjoy –there are ALOT of things to do! The day will kick off with a parade at North Central Baptist Hospital. There will be tons of special guests joining our parade! After the parade, the Master of Ceremonies himself, the Big Guy In Red, the Commander in Chief of toy making and cookie baking… SANTA, the one and only, will make his grand entrance from the skies. No, not with his reindeer (they’re union and have strict working hours) but in the North Central Baptist Hospital AirLIFE helicopter! It will be a sight to see! After the parade, head to the many booths for an array of activities that are sure to delight every member of your family. There will be face painting and cookie decorating, a moon bounce and of course, REAL SNOW to throw at your best friend or your siblings. Other exciting options include the mini choo-choo train rides, mini carnival rides and much more. Does all of this fun make you hungry? No
problem. We have many food vendors from Smokey Mo’s BBQ, Chick-fil-A, Funnel Cakes, and more to keep you energized. Several of North Central Baptist doctors will be available to meet, greet and answer any questions you may have about keeping your family safe and healthy. There will be free medical tests such as cholesterol screening, BMI, glucose tests, a free risk analysis, and more. Along with food and fun, there will be a variety of talented groups to entertain you with all manner of holiday song and dance. You will get a chance to see many of our favorite local elementary, middle and high school groups perform as well as some area performing arts organizations. Don’t miss Heather Stolle’s School of Dance, San Antonio Dance Academy, and Bush Middle School’s Pop Ensemble. They are all outstanding! You will not want to miss a single note, tap, or twirl. Besides all the food, entertainment and fun, the most important reason for this year’s Winter Celebration is to ensure our community’s children in need can have a wonderful holiday. The Stone Oak Winter
Celebration will be a contributor to. Living Through Giving is a non-profit organization that distributes toys to children in foster care during the holidays. The community is being asked to bring new, unwrapped toys to add to the collection or a $10.00 donation. Contribute a new, unwrapped toy or donation and you will also receive a free photo with Santa, a free slide ride, and
a general prize ticket for a chance to win a great prize! Tell your friends and neighbors not to miss this year’s Winter Celebration. Games, prizes, food, fun with your family – there’s something for everyone. See you at the snowball fight! For more information call 348-8233 or visit livingthroughgivingsa. org.
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September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Perimenopause Does Not Have to Be Hormone Hell
By Donna Becker, D.O. Enhancement of Life (210) 545-5224 s I do for all new patients, I asked her why she came to see me, and what symptoms most bothered her. Vaginal dryness, memory loss, hot flashes and night sweats, insomnia, and most of all, exhaustion, commonly drive patients to seek relief. But, knowing exactly why and what she wanted would help me to precisely shape her personal treatment protocol. She began to cry and said, “You’re my last hope”. She apologized and tried to compose herself, as I listened intently and typed notes into my computer.
Her periods were heavy and unpredictable. On those days, she was literally unable to leave her home. Emotional, with rapid mood swings, weight gain, terrible insomnia, and daytime exhaustion, various specialists had prescribed birth control pills and antidepressants. With birth control pills, the periods came in regular fashion, but she continued to feel very unstable, “I’m just not myself!” Zero libido. The antidepressants made her feel like a zombie. “I think it is my hormones, I really do.” I explained to her that the effect of the birth control pill was suppression of the ovarian secretion of estrogen and testosterone, resulting in a net decrease of these two hormones. Less estrogen equals less periods.
New To Vision Source By Monica Allison, O.D. Stone Oak Vision Source (210) 495-9020 s summer in Stone Oak draws to an end, we have a new doctor joining our group: Dr. Joshua “Jed” Martin is the husband of our very own Dr. Lindsey Denison, and with our new building opening soon, we now have room for him to join our practice! We are very excited to welcome
him to our Stone Oak location, he will also be working at the Bulverde office. Because Jed and Lindsey are soon to be first time parents, he will be covering her maternity leave as well while she is out. They recently bought a home in Timberwood Park and he’s happy for the shorter commute both
Testosterone is literally the feel-good hormone, promoting feelings of confidence and sexual satisfaction. “You require so much more than hormone suppression,” I told her. Because I had the blood levels of her hormones, and I knew the cycle day of the blood draw (the first day of the last menstrual period is day one for example), I provided diagnosis of estrogen dominance, progesterone imbalance, and testosterone lack. True, decreasing the estradiol is one way to provide balance (lower estradiol to match progesterone), but usually not the best way. Progesterone, the first hormone to leave the body in the beginning of perimenopaulse, has a calming and diuretic effect and greatly
offices bring for him. Dr. Martin is a native of West Texas and the Texas Panhandle. He attended Texas A&M University where he was on the Dean’s List and received his Bachelor of Science degree with honors in Biology in 2007. Dr. Martin was awarded his Doctor of Optometry in May 2012 when he graduated from the University of Houston’s College of Optometry. He was recognized there with clinical letters of excellence in areas of Family Practice and Ocular Disease. Dr. Martin obtained his Glaucoma Certification in August 2012. Dr. Martin’s interest in optometry sparked from mission work in South
enhances sleep. The young, estrogendominant perimenopausal woman suffers from declining levels of progesterone and testosterone resulting in insomnia and less sexual enjoyment. I instructed her how to take the progesterone tailored to her cycle. She agreed to apply testosterone to her delicate tissues to enhance sensation, not only for herself, but also for her spouse. She happily complied with a full page of typed instructions regarding supplements and diet. Six weeks later, no more hormone Hell, only thanks and happiness. Donna Becker, D.O., Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Enhancement of Life is located at 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601, San Antonio, TX 78231. For more information, call (210) 545-5224 or visit www.antiagingsa.com.
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September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
The Gutierrez family, Andres, Zaira, Xavi, Alex, and Zairita, all first-time goers, enjoyed themselves immensely
It’s Fun To Stay At The Y.M.C.A. Develop A Healthy Mind, Body & Spirit
By Jane Toh
t is said the Greeks were the first to imagine and conceptualize the idea of beauty, the Romans, who would later conquer the Greeks, took this idea and, in essence, made it their own. The Romans built a marvel of an empire with structures that can still be seen today. The Romans believed, above all else, that the human body, which they were convinced was modeled after the gods atop Mt. Olympus, was the epitome of beauty. In order to maintain this beauty and enjoy their bodies to the fullest, Greeks and Romans performed in sports and exercise, the most famous of which is still continued today, the Olympics. Unfortunately, after years of slow demise, the Roman Empire collapsed in 476 A.D. With the fall of the Roman Empire came the fall of their once ideal human standard. Then in 1844 arose an institution that hoped to lift man and return to us the aforementioned standard of being human. Thus the YMCA was created. On June 6, 1844, 172 years ago, a man by the name of George Williams, after seeing the living conditions of the young men in what was, at that particular time, one of the world’s most industrial cities, London, decided to open a facility promoting principals in to practice by developing a healthy body, mind, and spirit. (These three points are represented by the three angles of the Y logo.) London, along with many other Western cities, was in the tail-end of the Industrial Revolution (18th – 19th century). During this time cities, nations, and economies boomed. To meet the demand for workers, young men and women traveled to large urban hubs to work. In these often over-cramped cities, the urban poor found little to do outside of work. Williams opened the first Young Men’s Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.) as a reprieve to the busy life of the city. From this point the organization quickly spread across the globe, emulating the people’s desire for healthy and happy life practices. The first YMCA in the United States was established in Boston, Massachusetts in 1851, quickly expanding further west and south until it arrived in San Antonio in 1876. There, the YMCA, now affectionately known as the Y, continued to promote a healthy life for young men, providing bible study, physical activity, and educational classes. Since 1876 the YMCA of Greater San Antonio has evolved into so much more,” said Stephanie Jerger, YMCA Communications Director. “They focus on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility, ensuring that everyone has the chance to learn, grow and thrive regardless of age, income, ability, ethnicity or faith. What hasn’t changed is their commitment to strengthen communities and bring people closer together.” Today the YMCA continues to promote a cohesive community by focusing on individuals, especially our city’s future generation. “At the Y, strengthening community is our cause,” continued Jerger. “We know that when we work together, we move individuals, families and communities forward. The Y responds to society’s most pressing needs by developing innovative, community-based solutions to help individuals reach their full potential. No two YMCA’s are alike. Each
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Y is unique to its community. Every day we work side-byside with our neighbors to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive.” This focus on community was paramount at this year’s Camp Out event. On July 22 locals from all over San Antonio were invited to an overnight event presented by Mays Family YMCA at Stone Oak. The event included multiple fun activities members and non-members alike could partake in. The YMCA provided activities such as rock climbing, human billiards, live music, delicious food, and team sports, while families were encouraged to bring family favorites. Under the hot Texas sun, laughter and the squeals of delighted children and families having a great time could be heard. The consensus was unanimous, the 6th annual Camp Out was a smash hit, with an estimated 500 participants and 17 vendors partaking in the festivities, and demonstrating the strength of the communities in San Antonio, proving that no matter what happens San Antonians have San Antonians! Did you miss the event? No worries, there is always something fun happening at the local Ys. The YMCA will host another local favorite: Flick or Treat on October 14, 2016. Like the Camp Out, Flick or Treat is open to all. Come join the entire community for games, face painting, popcorn, candy, and much more. Don’t forget your costumes, chairs, blankets, and bug spray! There are other ways to support the YMCA. The Y is a nonprofit, the first not-for-profit organization in San Antonio. One way you can give back to your community is by donating to the Y or participating in their fundraising events such as their upcoming Golf Tournament on September 30 at Canyon Springs. For more information, visit their website, www. ymcasatx.org/mays, or call (210) 497-7088. “Young man, there’s no need to feel down. I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground. I said, young man… there’s a place you can go…I’m sure you will find many ways to have a good time. It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.” For many when they hear “YMCA”, this song pops into mind, along with the dance that goes along with it. Folks, the YMCA is real and today it’s better than ever, inspiring and improving the lives of young children and adults alike. The Y works hard to serve all members in an equal way. It is important to them that no one is turned away. The family destination offers many opportunities for betterment for everyone, whether you’re looking to get in shape, spend more time with family doing something fun, or just be yourself, the YMCA, like the village people famously belted out, is the place to go.
Mays Family YMCA 21654 Blanco Rd. 210-497-7088 www.ymcasatx.org www.welcomehomesa.com
Defy Aging – Exercise! By Michelle Houriet, Executive Director Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community (210) 209-8956 s more and more Americans are your own, doing it consistently is the key. living longer lives it is vital that That is why Independence Hill Retirement aging seniors stay active to maintain Community has up to 3 exercise classes per their health and mobility. Exercise is day, 6 days a week. With everything from essential, especially for those 65 and over regular fitness classes to Zumba, Yoga, to prevent injuries and illnesses, and to Aquacize, Texercise, and line dancing; there preserve independence. As we age losing is something for everyone. The benefits strength, flexibility and balance become are seen each and every day. You probably a common problem. Exercise regimens know someone who seems to defy the laws enable seniors to strengthen core muscles, of aging and remains in top physical shape which helps to maintain stamina, balance well beyond their peers. At Independence and strength. Countless research has shown Hill this is not uncommon. There are many that consistent exercise throughout the later residents enjoying these opportunities daily, years can slow the clock down significantly. loving it, and reaping the rewards! One Whether you join a class or workout on resident is a primary example of this, as he
Step Into Decorating
By Mary Jenkins- Asquith The Jenkins Interior Design Group, Inc. (210) 490-0161 he Fall Season is Here and we are 1. If you don’t love your home. ready to design and decorate for our 2. If your home looks like you have time clients. Here are the top ten reasons traveled to the seventies. to call us to assist you: 3. If you have to use your kitchen counters for storage.
The Jenkins Interior Design Group
is very fit and running in competitions at the age of 78. A couple of others are swimming laps several times per week. The residents that have reaped good health from working out are the cheerleaders, encouraging their neighbors to get involved in some form of exercise. Mrs. Glenn, a long time Independence Hill resident, has strong opinions on why exercise is a must. “After dealing with several medical issues including hip replacement, back surgery and arthritis; I made a decision that if I was going to live to be 100, I better make sure I keep moving. So I started exercising and realized how much it improved my mobility. That was 17 years ago and I continue to workout several times per week at our Independence Hill fitness classes and I even lead the Saturday class!” Another resident, Ms. Brandsetter, is a testament to a life time of exercising and encouraging others to do the same. She also teaches exercise classes, ran her first marathon at age 67, and has helped a resident’s daughter train for a
marathon. As a former grade school teacher, she explains, “It is important to explain what muscles are working and why it is important while leading classes.” Since most of the decline in health and mobility as we age is due to a lack of use, it is imperative to keep as active as possible no matter how small it may seem. The change in overall fitness will be noticed if a routine is consistent. Incorporating movement (walking, stationary cycling or water aerobics) with weight-bearing and resistance exercises into your day is key. Call one of our Lifestyle Specialists today at (210) 209-8956 to find out about fitness options available and the rich life you can enjoy at Independence Hill Retirement Community. Aging is a given… aging well is a choice! Independence Hill Retirement Resort Community is located at 20450 Huebner Rd., San Antonio, TX 78258. For more information, call (210) 209-8956 or visit www.independencehill.com.
4. If the color of your walls depresses you. 5. If your furniture is not comfortable and you go to bed early every night because you don’t have a comfortable place to sit. 6. If no one wants to come to your home for the holidays including your mother. 7. If you keep walking past your rooms and you don’t want to enter any of them. 8. If you are not motivated to make things happen in your décor. 9. If you keep believing that the painter and the carpet installer are coming over to finish and it’s been six months since you
saw them. 10. If you are waiting for your children to grow up to accessorize because you don’t want them to break the accessories. Call us we are here to help. Your Home is Your Castle!! For more information, contact Mary Lozano-Jenkins, Registered Interior Designer at mjkg1@aol.com or 210490-0161 or Jessica C. Jenkins, Interior Designer at jessicacjenkins@gmail. com or 210-464-1519. Visit Jenkins Interior Design Group online at www. thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com.
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September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
The Women Behind The Design By Rachelle Lind
or nearly 35 years, the Jenkins Interior Design Group has been transforming houses into homes filled with comfort, beauty, and impeccable design. In a world filled with hectic schedules, important decisions, and unexpected twists and turns, what could be more cathartic than pulling into your driveway, opening your front door, and stepping into your own personal sanctuary…your home. The Jenkins Group was founded in 1982 by owner Mary Lozano Jenkins. Her enthusiasm for interior design and her passion for helping people fall in love with their homes spurred her decision to open her own interior design business. With 14 years of previous experience with a national design firm and managing over 365 designers nationwide, Jenkins was ready to focus her talents on her own home-based firm where she could serve a wide range of clientele and spend less time away from her family. In fact, Mary’s two daughters, Jessica and Jennifer began helping out their mother as early as high school, and today, both work full-time as designers as a part of the Jenkins Group. “When I decided to open my own business, it was based purely on my passion for decorating,” explained Mary. “I love transforming people’s homes and offices, transforming them into these spaces that allow the individual to become a more productive and happy person.” In order to be successful in the interior design business, it’s paramount that the designer and client are able to communicate effectively and understand and agree on an end goal. Mary, Jessica and Jennifer pride themselves on the relationships they are able to form with all of their clients. They are always willing to go above and beyond, incorporating their talent and eye for design with the client’s wants and needs. “We treat our clientele like family, and they quickly become our friends,” explained Jessica. “Our main goal is always, always, always to make them happy.” In fact, one of Mary’s clients is actually Jessica’s godmother, further proving the point that the relationship established through the experience of design can last for a lifetime. “We have a strong foundation that was built upon our client referrals and repeat customers,” added Mary. “We truly value those relationships and understand that our clients are putting a lot of trust in us and our talents. It’s a very rewarding experience for both us and the client, every time.” There are many reasons why someone may seek out the services of an interior designer. Perhaps you have a brand new home and you need to purchase everything from living room furniture to window treatments. You may not know even where to begin. Or maybe you’ve lived in your home for 30 years with no plans to move, but you’re desperate for a change. Where do you start? The Jenkins Group is a full-service design company that can provide decorating and remodeling services (cabinetry, flooring, countertops, tile, backsplash, etc); de-cluttering and organization; accessories (artwork, lamps, mirrors, florals, rugs, pillows, throws, etc); the selection of lighting, paint, furniture, bedding, window treatments; and much, much more. There is no job too big or too small; too simple or too complex. Any design job is a job for the Jenkins Group. In the beginning of the design process, clients provide the
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Jenkins Group with a vision and an idea of what they would like to accomplish. Mary, Jessica, and Jennifer make sure that they fully understand why the client wants to make a change, the time range in which they would like to see the job complete, and their budget. They then help the client take into consideration a multitude of variables including current house décor, pets, ages of children, etc. to open up the world of design and ensure that they are making the best possible selections to achieve their end goal. Then, when all parties feel comfortable and are in agreement, the Jenkins Group is ready to take the reins. With a working relationship with over 7,000 trusted vendors, the Jenkins Group can make the perfect selections in order to meet the vision of the client. “Our vendors have been with us for many years, so we can always trust the products and services that they are providing, and in turn, our clients can enjoy peace of mind that they are receiving only what we consider the best,” explained Mary. “We deal with the ins and outs and minor details so that the client does not have to. It’s one of many of the huge advantage of our services.” Another advantage is that of the mother-daughter dynamic Mary is proud to have established within her business. The three women work extremely well together, providing clients with the added benefit of the experience and expertise of three designers in the form of one. Their unique talents, interests, and specialties are combined to achieve a result that best suits the patron. “We are lucky to have each other and constantly use each other for support and guidance,” explained Jessica. “When one of us is out of town or indisposed, we know that we can rely on the other to make certain what needs to be done always gets done. It’s easy to pass the baton to someone else when you know that it will be handled just as competently as if you were still in charge.”
In addition to traditional interior design and remodels, the Jenkins Groups also offers unique services including “Hire for a Day” and “Magical Makeovers.” “Hire for a Day” allows you to hire a designer for a day to participate in idea sessions, paint and design consultations, even to go shopping together for the day. This experience can help open your eyes to your home or office’s potential, allowing for new ideas to surface. “Magical Makeovers” are one of the Jenkins Groups most popular and fastest growing services. The concept of a “Magical Makeover” involves redesigning an entire space using the accessories and furniture already in your home. The transformation can be truly amazing – all you need is the talented eye and fresh perspective of a Jenkins designer. A “Magical Makeover” can also entail the addition of new pieces into an existing space to give it an added special touch. Linda Hausenfluke, a client of Mary’s, speaks extremely highly of the designer and her involvement throughout the entire design process. “My favorite part about working with Mary is that she truly listens to me,” stated Linda. “My style is different from a lot of other clients she works with, but she understands my vision and knows exactly what I want. Mary is also very involved throughout the entire design process. She uses great vendors who do excellent work, and she’s always here, checking on the progress constantly.” Michelle Sepulveda, a client of Jessica’s, echoes the sentiments of Linda, noting that Mary’s daughter, Jessica, is much like her mom, with a true eye for design. “Jessica did a lot of work for us, she basically designed our entire living room with everything from rugs to accessories, table settings, artwork, furniture and more,” Michelle stated. “Anything you show or describe to her, she’s quick to know your style and help you understand what you’re thinking even before you can figure it out yourself. She’s very easy to work with, very friendly. And she definitely has a gift.” Jennifer, like her mother and sister, has nothing but excellent reviews from pleased customers. Jeanne Conger had nothing but kind words when asked about her experience with Jenn, claiming “Jenn exceeded all expectations. She brings many ideas to the table, not only capturing the wanted vision, but also taking the time to listen to what you are trying to achieve and then expand on it.” The Jenkins women are all extremely talented and have more combined experience than any potential client could hope for, but even more importantly, they are kindhearted, trustworthy and hardworking individuals. The Jenkins Interior Design Group is successful because of their ability to work together as a team with unique talents with one common goal – to create a beautiful space full of meaning and life for each and every client.
The Jenkins Interior Design Group 210.490-0161 thejenkinsinteriordesigngroup.com 11
Teen Girl Scouts Visit SAHA Residents
Submitted By Risa Weinberger ugust is usually a time for final family vacations, time at the pool or lake, and time to start thinking about the new school year that is about to begin. For some of the teen Girl Scouts in Community ‘U’ (formerly the Bush-Lopez Service Unit), August was the right time to visit with some residents at one of the SAHA communities in the San Antonio area. The girls brought the bags of hygiene products that were assembled in the spring, and of course some boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Many of the residents were happy to share their life stories and how blessed they feel to have a place to live in this community. Without this type of housing, many of the residents would have no place
to call home, and possibly be living on the streets. The girls were invited into a couple of the small apartments, sometimes shared by two residents. For many of the teens, this type of setting was a new experience. One of the ladies even shared a photo of her grandchildren with the girls. After receiving a gift bag, one of the residents commented, “Toothpaste! I ran out last week. I really needed some new toothpaste.” The surprise on the Girl Scouts faces was priceless. It was a nice moment in which someone could be so excited about receiving something as small as toothpaste. Another resident was very impressed with all the earned badges and fun patches located on one of the teen’s Girl Scout vest. There was a conversation about how the
Why Does Grandpa Misunderstand So Often?
By David Ward, AuD Doctor of Audiology Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center (210) 647-3838 he ability to communicate using understood. Even in a less than ideal speech is something that most of us listening environment our brain has an take for granted. We say something amazing capacity to fill in gaps even when and the person we are talking to responds we didn’t hear everything that a person says. appropriately. The only time we really However, the more gaps there are the more notice is when there is a breakdown in difficult it is to understand what is being communication. For example, if someone said. starts speaking to us and we aren’t paying When a person has even a mild hearing attention, or if we are in a noisy room loss they begin to have more communication and we have to raise our voices to be gaps. If there is even a little bit of background
Teen Girl Scout presents goody bag to a SAHA resident.
Visiting with SAHA residents and staff.
resident had been a Brownie when she was in elementary school, but she never did as much as this Girl Scout has done. It was so nice to have this connection with one of the residents at the facility. For the residents, this is a place to call
home. For the teens, it was an educational experience to see that not everyone has what they have at home. However, the people they met were happy and proud of everything they had to call their own.
noise, or if you look away from them there are even more gaps. That means that they have to work extra hard to understand what was said to them. Often they will misunderstand, or maybe not even respond at all because they didn’t realize that you were speaking to them. Many people that have a significant hearing loss will withdraw from participating in group conversations because it is just too much effort to try to understand. They might simply smile and nod, or even get up and leave the room. So, it is important to remember to be patient when speaking with someone who has a hearing loss. Hearing aids are helpful for people with hearing loss. When set appropriately hearing aids boost the sounds that the person doesn’t hear well up to a level that is usable for them
and that is comfortable for them to listen to. This reduces the hearing gaps and allows them to understand with less effort and reduces the stress and anxiety for everyone involved. Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center is conveniently located in the Stone Oak area of San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Christine Gilliam provides advanced ENT care to both pediatric and adult patients suffering from a wide variety of head and neck issues, including sinusitis, allergies, ear pain, sleep apnea and more. We are here to answer your questions, so please feel free to contact us during our business hours at (210) 647-3838 if you would like to schedule an appointment.
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September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
The Alamo
Drillers hu
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Jeremiah gham, Marcus Estrada, (L – R): Kayson Cunnin Row a, Gavyn tom esm Bot . Led ium ises Mo stad , ston Astros Hawkins, Cade Segura Group shot at the Hou Row: Jasiah Carraman, Ty dle Mid ez; ez rtin rtin Ma Ma e y Luk Jerr gham, Stewart, Mateo Garcia, Carraman, Marco Cunnin lcutt; Top Row: Gonzalo Schlotterback, Masa Chi
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Offensive MVP Kayson Cun
Drilling Home The Win:
After Masa’s first home run
of the tournament, the tea
Youth Baseball Team Clinches World Series Title
m celebrates!
By Erin Kirwan
ou would think that looking out into a stadium, such as that belonging to the Houston Astros, might be daunting for a team of nine and ten year old boys about to play there. It was most definitely not, however, for the Alamo Drillers Select Baseball Organization hailing from San Antonio, Texas. The Alamo Drillers not only competed in the USSSA Elite 32 World Series Championship, in such a massive stadium, they won it, defeating the number three ranked club in the nation, out of Miami, FL, to clinch the championship title on July 30, at the home of the Houston Astros’ spring training in Kissimmee, Florida. The game was broadcast live on MLB.com and could be watched on Direct TV and the Dish Network nationwide. One of those young players, second baseman, Masa Chilcutt, of the Stone Oak area of San Antonio, said he’d never felt so excited in his life. “I said to myself, hey, I’m on TV, I better not mess up,” recalled Chilcutt, 10. Team Mom, Olivia Cunningham, sat close to the Driller dugout holding signs in one hand and a giant megaphone in the other. She has been watching her son play baseball since he was three years old. “It was so exciting and incredibly surreal to watch our kids take this great big field in front of so many people, including a live television audience,” said Cunningham. The United States Specialty Sports Association, or U-Triple-S-A as it’s more commonly called, is among the most, if not the most competitive youth sports league pitting teams against one another from all over the country and Puerto Rico. Its Major League, which hosts the Elite World Series, is what many might call the Big Kahuna of youth baseball tournaments. The Alamo Drillers had to face and defeat many teams in numerous tournaments to
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
build its ranking to qualify for the Elite World Series. “To go after the Elite World Series title is a goal we set last season,” said Head Coach Marco Cunningham. So the Drillers practiced and played and practiced some more. They won and continued winning. For nearly a year, the Alamo Drillers honed their skills. Then, last month, the Drillers not only earned their entrance into the Elite World Series, the San Antonio team went into the tournament holding the number one spot according to USSSA power rankings. Game after game, the Drillers hit, scored runs, and made outs climbing their way up the tournament bracket. As they had hoped for and worked so hard to achieve, the Alamo Drillers found themselves seeded in the final championship game. They were to face the numberthree ranked 9U baseball club in the country, the Miami Prospects. Team Captain, Kayson Cunningham admitted he was a little nervous, but those nerves didn’t last for long. “As I watched our team score its first and second runs I grew a lot more confident,” said the Drillers’ shortstop. By the 5th inning, the Drillers found themselves leading the Prospects 8-0. With two outs, the Prospects managed to hit a triple knocking in a run and bringing the score to 8-1. “I told our pitcher and team that this is our game and he owns the mound,” said Team Captain Cunningham. “They laughed, but, they listened.” Cunningham’s words, seemingly so wise for such a young kid, did the trick, like any great dug-out speech does. In the 6th and final inning, the Alamo Drillers Scored again and held the Prospects. With the win, the Drillers finished the job they set out to do one year ago, capturing the Elite 32 World Series by beating the Miami Prospects 9-3. For the win, the boys were each awarded individual trophies. Additionally, the team as a whole received a huge
crystal trophy that was nearly as tall as the young players. It was the Drillers’ much anticipated “hardware”, and, they brought it home to San Antonio. “I couldn’t have felt more proud at that moment,” said Coach Cunningham. “These boys never shut down, and, at this young age, that’s impressive.” Equally as impressive is that the Alamo Drillers wrapped up the tournament with a team batting average of .472. Four kids on the team batted over .500, tourney-wide, including Chilcutt and Cunningham, who hit .700. The two were named offensive MVPs. “Practice is the number one thing that got us here,” said Chilcutt. His fellow MVP, Cunningham, added that they won, “Because (they) had the will to win.” Coach Marco Cunningham will tell you it is about more than just having the will to win. He credits this group of young baseball players with their dedication to practicing two to three times a week nearly year round. He is grateful for his players’ parents who make the time to drive their children to practices and travel to tournaments, many of which are outside of San Antonio and sometimes Texas. Coach Cunningham emphasized that he pushes his team hard and holds them accountable on and off the field, expecting them to be great people and strong students, in addition to winning athletes. Coach Cunningham, himself, puts in hours after practices with individuals on the team who want to improve hitting, pitching, or fielding while working a full-time job. The majority of this Alamo Drillers select team have been playing ball together since the ripe age of six. Most of them have been living and breathing baseball since they were old enough to pick up a ball.
2016-2017 High School Football Season By Jane Toh o long the dog days of summer. September has arrived, and with it the beginning of school. Another year, another football season. Folks, it’s Texas, we are football country…and proud of it. The NFL season does not kick-off until September 8. Why wait for the NFL? Go local, go high school football! The Reagan Rattlers start their first game on August 26, only 4 days after the start of school. Come out and support the Rattlers in their best season yet! Here is a list of the games to attend. Tickets can be purchased online. Reagan vs. Brennan When: Friday, August 26, 2016 @ 7:30 PM Where: Heroes Stadium, 4707 David Edwards Drive, 78233
Reagan vs. United When: Friday, September 2, 2016 @ 7:30 PM Where: 5208 Santa Claudia Ln, Laredo, TX 78043 Reagan vs. Harlington When: Friday, September 9, 2016 @ 7:30 PM Where: Comalander Stadium, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd., 78216 Reagan vs. Hays When: Friday, September 16, 2016 @ 7:30 PM Where: Bob Shelton Stadium, 4800 Jack C Hays Trail, Buda, TX 78610
Reagan vs. MacArthur When: Friday, September 23, 2016 @ 7:30 PM Where: Heroes Stadium, 4707 David Edwards Drive, 78233 Reagan vs. Churchill When: Friday, September 30, 2016 @ 7:30 PM Where: Comalander Stadium, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd., 78216 Reagan vs. Lee When: Saturday, October 8, 2016 @ 7:00 PM Where: Comalander Stadium, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd., 78216 Reagan vs. Johnson When: Friday, October 21, 2016 @ 7:30 PM Where: Heroes Stadium, 4707 David Edwards Drive, 78233 Reagan vs. Madison When: Saturday, October 29, 2016 @ 7:00 PM Where: Heroes Stadium, 4707 David Edwards Drive, 78233 Reagan vs. Roosevelt When: Friday, November 4, 2016 @ 7:30 PM Where: Comalander Stadium, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Rd., 78216
Lopez MS Student Shines At Junior Olympics
The 8th grader from Lopez MS has qualified for the Junior Olympics 3 times.
Submitted By Jessica Williamson his past summer, Clifton Williamson IV competed in the AAU Track & Field Junior Olympics. The Junior Olympics were held in Houston, TX and featured some of the best athletes from all over the United States. Clifton qualified for the Junior Olympics by placing 1st at both the district and regionals meets in the 800m and 1500m. He finished 12th in the nation in the 800m and 11th in the nation in the 1500m. This is the third time Clifton has qualified for the Junior Olympics and he has his coaches at Flo Jo track club are thankful for his strong performance this year. Clifton will be starting 8th grade at Lopez Middle School and is looking forward to running again next year. Clifton also plays football at Lopez but has found
Clifton has set his sights on University of Oregon.
his passion is in mid-distance running. Not only does Clifton excel at running, but more importantly, he is the Vice President of the National Junior Honor Society and was chosen to be in the Peer Assistant Leadership program at Lopez (PALS). He has set his sights on University of Oregon, and has been following their football and track teams since 2nd grade. We are extremely proud of everything Clifton has accomplished and look forward to our final year in middle school and as a future Rattler at Reagan High school.
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Preparing For The Heat By Rusty Belden, President Belden’s Automotive & Tires (210) 494-0017
he time has come to get back to school ready! Even though a cooler Fall is near, September always continues to challenge us with high temperatures. Make sure your car is ready as you prepare to send your kids back to school.
boiling point of water. Belts, Fans, & Hoses – None of the belts should look dry rotted or cracked. If they are, a quick replacement is an easy fix! When checking hoses, they shouldn’t feel mushy or soft, this can mean break down on the inside. The hoses should be nice and firm and you should find no leaks. Battery – It’s a common misconception that the winter is harder on your vehicle’s battery than summer. With the combination of the extra heat under the hood, which
Anti-freeze – The name doesn’t do it justice. Yes, this integral solution helps to keep your vehicle from freezing in the winter, but it also keeps your vehicle from overheating in the summer by increasing the
Tips For Pool & Deck Surfaces By Barry Hagendorf Deck & Patio Care (210) 822-9147
unprotected wood only lasts for 9-14 years. I recommend that you clean the wood on your deck and seal it with an oil-based penetrating sealer. Q: What sealer would you recommend? A: My preference, after years of trial and error research, is Barry Premium Blend oilbased penetrating sealer that is designed to
arry Hagendorf, the leading authority on deck and patio care in South Texas, has been cleaning and sealing decks for more than 20 years. Q: Why does my wooden deck look so bad? A: According to Architectural Digest,
depletes a weak battery of its power more quickly, and the added load of the muchneeded air-condition, the summer wreaks havoc on batteries. Air Conditioner – It’s a fate we all fear: a poorly working or non-existent air conditioner! Make sure those freon levels are in tip top shape, and don’t forget to check you’re a/c system for leaks. Fluids – Before the interior check is complete, don’t forget about the details, like the levels of your transmission fluid, engine oil, power steering fluid and brake fluid. These will all help keep important components working smoothly and prevent future damage or even catastrophic failure of components. Exterior – Last on the list of things is to inspect all those parts on the outside of the hood that can create problems for a long haul. Check your tire pressure as well as the condition of the tires, and always look
for burned-out lights needing replacement. Last but not least, make sure your wipers are working well for those unexpected back to school showers.
look for dry cell structure in the wood. It will penetrate first to the bottom of the cracks, nail holes, and knots. Barry’s Premium Blend will protect from the surface down, stabilizing the cell structure of the wood. Q: What care should I give to my pebblestone? A: On new and older pebblestone, first acid wash the film of concrete off the rocks. Then, oxidize the surface to kill mold and mildew. Last, seal the stone to its natural wet look. Q: Why are the rocks from my pebblestone pool surround sticking to my feet?
A: Moisture penetrates around the stones and changing temperatures expand the moisture and wedge the rocks out. To repair, acid wash the surface. Then, oxydize it to kill mold and mildew. Finally, lock the stones in with a clear acrylic sealer. You will also lock in the beautiful natural wet look. As a Welcome Home reader, you are entitled to a 5% discount on any scheduled deck or patio service offered by Barry Hagendorf’s Deck and Patio Care. Call 210-822-9147 for a free estimate.
We would love to see you at any of our six locations to assist you with all of these checks, and more. Make sure you ask us about our current Chalkboard Special! As always, from our family to yours: Buckle up, drive safe and Remember at Belden’s Automotive & Tires “We Keep You Rolling!” Belden’s Automotive & Tires has Six Locations: San Pedro: 210-494-0017; Medical Center: 210-690-1100; Alamo Garage: 210-366-1122; Boerne: 830981-9700; Bulverde Rd.: 210-481-3330; Prue Rd.: 210-877-2929. For more information, call one of the locations or visit www.beldensautomotive.com.
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Who Wants To Get Older? Me!
only more possible, but more enjoyable. Our life experiences also prepare us to be more budget-conscious as we don’t have to compete with the “Jones’” anymore. Yes, most of us need to be frugal as we approach retirement, but it doesn’t matter as much what car we drive or how big our home is. Empathy also increases as we age. We have the capacity to understand others’ problems and relate to them on a deeper level. No wonder so many seniors volunteer in nursing homes, homeless shelters and hospice facilities. Self-confidence gets better with age. Have you heard of the Red Hat Society? This is a group of 50+ women who meet for tea wearing red hats and purple dresses. I love it! Speaking of clothes, we no longer need to be a slave to fashion. We are more focused on what fits and flatters, than what’s hot in the stores this season. Our careers, once all-consuming and focused on climbing the corporate ladder, become more enjoyable as we are able to achieve the work-
life balance we’d been missing. We can focus on mentoring others and ensuring that the “torch gets passed” to the next generation of talented employees. But, it’s not all about us, many things that get better with age are fine wines, blue jeans, photo albums, leather, cast iron pans, cheese, cookbooks, vintage clothing and gardens. So there’s a lot to look forward to as we move through life. Savor every minute and share these wonderful insights with those you love. Stone Oak Family Doctors’ mission is to provide personalized, high-quality care on an as-needed or preventative basis. We are a full-service family practice of dedicated, experienced physicians who believe in working with our patients to maintain and improve their health. We work together to serve your entire family for all of your medical needs in all stages of life. To schedule an appointment, please call: (210) 496-7999.
Sellers – Protect Your Interests And Your Money
agreed upon sales price and contractual terms. Do you have recourse? Of Course, you can terminate the contract and start over, or you can try to negotiate that the buyer be responsible for the increasing costs when they present you with an amendment to extend the closing date. Both options are unfavorable with the second adding risk to the negotiation and finalization of the deal. So, what do I suggest? I’m working with an attorney to provide the appropriate legal verbiage to add to the Special Provisions section of the contract stating from the onset of the contract that the buyer will be responsible for any added expenses to the seller for any and all delays extending the
closing beyond the original closing date as specified in the contract not caused by the seller. For you potential sellers out there, I just want to alert you to a potential issue, and provide you with ideas to advert loss of your hard earned money. As San Antonio continues to grow, more families will continue to be on the lookout for homes. River Valley Real Estate can help. Bill and Mandy Barkley have decades worth of reality experience and knowledge, and, since 2013, have helped those who have walked through their doors find their perfect dwellings. For more information, please call 210-853-5327. Or visit www. rivervalleyre.com.
By Dr. Wendy Nguyen Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. (210) 496-7999 t seems that everyone is talking about the With less stress, we become more aware of downside of getting older. How we have our body and our emotions. We are happier more health and emotional problems, and with who we are and don’t feel pressured even lack fashion sense! The truth is that to live up to others’ expectations. The daily many things get better as we get older. drama of life seems to lift as we gain better For most couples, their affection for each insight into people and situations. Our other grows stronger over time and they are grown kids come to us for advice as we’ve more secure in their marriage. They grow “been there, done that” and are wiser for it. closer as the stresses of raising children As many older parents will say, “Suddenly go away and they can spend more time on I went from knowing nothing, to being the hobbies and traveling. In many cases, making smartest person in the room!” When it comes new friends becomes easier as we have more to our kids, family time becomes more and time to devote to developing friendships and more important as we build bonds across are more open to different types of people. generations. Being with our family is not
By Bill Barkley River Valley Real Estate (210) 853-5327 am starting to notice an alarming new trend happening during real estate transactions. Sales not closing as per the signed and agreed to contractual closing date. This is a violation of the terms of the sale, and grounds for termination of the contract by the seller. Whether the delay is caused by the buyer,
the lender, the association management company, the surveyor or the appraiser, is not the issue. The issue is that the delay is costing you, the seller, money. Real estate taxes, homeowner association fees and interest accrue every day the property is in your name, and these unexpected increasing expenses were not incorporated into the
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September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Family Medicine
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Obstetrics Gynecology
Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Kristin Bussey-Smith M.D. Board Certified in Allergy & Immunology 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 495-4335 • aairmd.com
Reshmey Medical Clinic David K. Tharakan, M.D. 57 Family Practice • see map pg. 19 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 301 828-2311 • www.reshmeymedclinic.com
Stone Oak Allergy & Asthma Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Board Certified in Allergy/Immunology 155 Sonterra Blvd., Suite 101 494-0690 • stoneoakallergy.com
Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. John N. Phillips, M.D. and Medical Staff 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 202 33 496-7999 • see map pg. 19 www.sofdpa.com
Anti-Aging Enhancement of Life Dr. Donna Becker, D.O. 14603 Huebner Rd., Suite 2601 545-5224 • www.antiagingsa.com Expert Hormone Replacement for Women & Men Wellness & Aesthetics Medical Center Vernon F. Williams, M.D., 495-8558 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 240 www.twaamc.com, www.measureage.com www.edinstituteoftx.com • see map pg. 19
Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic Wellness, P.A. Michael R. Golab, D.C. 1205 N. FM 1604 W., Suite 211 4 764-8888 • see map pg. 19
Stone Oak Dermatology Board Certified in Dermatology Dr. Linda Banta 109 Gallery Circle, Suite 135 494-0504 www.stoneoakdermatology.com
Ear, Nose & Throat Adult/Ped. Advanced Sinus Clinic Anthony P. Sertich, II, M.D., F.A.C.S. 502 Madison Oak, Suite 346 37 614-8625 • see map pg. 19 www.sertichmd.com Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of SA Talley•Spears•Desai•Gleinser•Henderson, M.Ds 150 E Sonterra Blvd., Suite 200 36 499-4589 • see map pg. 19 www.entclinicsofsa.com
Ear Specialist
San Antonio Gastroenterology Associates J. Johnson, MD, Eddie Flores, MD. M Lindner, M.D., J. Bullock, MD 150 East Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 36 545-2555 • see map pg. 19 www.sagastro.com Stone Oak Gastroenterology S. Dar, MD, C. Mallikarjun (Mallik) MD, M. Naeem, MD. 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 102 268-0124 • www.sagidoc.com
Internal Medicine
Marcos Medical Care Yolanda Marcos MD FACP Angela Malarcher, MD, Penne Jaster FNP-BC 510 Med Court, Suite 210 494-4290 • www.marcosmedical.com
North Central Baptist Hospital Baptist Regional Children’s Center 520 Madison Oak Dr. 297-4000 • see map pg. 19 Baptisthealthsystem.com
Medical Billing
Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N Loop 1604 E. Ste. 1104, SAT 78232 La Arcata Center 496-2533 • see map pg. 19 45 www.dentalcareSA.com
Family Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry “Susie” S. Hayden, DDS, P.A. 20322 Huebner Rd., Suite 103 491-4141 • see map pg. 19 www.drsusie.net
Lynnell C. Lowry, M.D. Alamo Eye Institute Board Certified Ophthalmologist 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 119 697-3821 • see map pg. 19
12 Dr. Monica Allison, O.D. 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite. 106, see map pg. 19 495-9020 • www.visionsource-stoneoak.com Stone Oak Vision Source
Texas State Optical Renee Dunlap, O.D. 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 490-EYES (3937) • see map pg. 19 www.stoneoaktso.com
Orthodontics For Adults/Children
Schatz Orthodontics Eric Schatz, DDS 22610 U.S. Highway 281, Suite 201 272-7129 • www.alohasmiles.net
Pain Management 26
COR Medical Billing Services We concentrate on you, While you concetrate on your patients Phone: 210-477-1956, Fax: 210-468-2355 www.cormedicalbilling.com Neurosurgical Associates of S. A., P.A. Donald L. Hilton MD., Arnold B. Vardiman MD. Donald P. Atkins MD. 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 240 477-1956 • www.neurosurgerysa.com
Hill Country Pain C. William (Bill) Murphy, M.D., Justin J. Vigil, M.D. J. Kaleb Shaw, M.D., Nancy Burgher, PA-C. 14800 San Pedro, Suite 202 582-6600 www.hillcountrypain.com Tricity Pain Associates P.A. U. Dar, MD, S. Vasireddy MD, K. Monis MD. R. Sharma, MD, R. Bengali, MD, Dr. Overbaugh MD 110 Stone Oak Loop • 268-0129 www.sapaindoc.com, www.tricitypaindoc.com
Huebner Pediatrics Dr. Michelle Storandt • Dr. Adelnery Gonzalez 15714 Huebner Rd., Bldg. 3 447-3000 www.huebnerpediatrics.com
To add your listing to the Stone Oak Medical & Professional Directory, call 210-348-8233 September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Kelly J. Smith, MD 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 615-3700 www.pedipulm.com
Stone Oak Pharmacy Specialty Compounding & Delivery Retail Pharmacy Services & DME 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 494-4272 • see map pg. 19
Physical Therapy
Healthlink Outpatient Rehab Center 525 Oak Centre, Suite 450 297-4525 • see map pg. 19 www.healthlinksa.com
Dr. John M. Nevelow, O.D., F.A.A.O. Erin M. Nevelow, O.D. 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 120 349-2437 “Discoveries Thru Vision”
Britton Orthodontics Bloyce H. Britton III., DDS, • MS 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 497-6688 • see map pg. 19 www.brittonortho.com
Pediatrics Pulmonary & Sleep 1
Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio M. Guirl, MD, J. Jackson, MD., D. McMyler, MD P. Mehta, M.D., R. Shaffer, MD 855 Proton Rd. 40 614-1234 • see map pg. 19 www.gastroconsa.com
Ear Institute of Texas Lance E. Jackson, MD, FACS 525 Oak Centre, Suite 100 696-HEAR (4327) www.EarInstituteofTexas.com
Serrano OB/GYN Christopher Serrano, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 545-7700 www.serrano-obgyn.com
San Antonio Eye Center Abrams, Erdmancyzk, Hahn, Harris, Nicolau, Ming-Zhao, Stephenson, Roberts 14807 San Pedro 226-6169 • www.saeye.com
Texas Fertility Center Summer L. James, M.D. 502 Madison Oak Dr., Suite 230 370-3800 www.fertilitysanantonio.com
Children’s Physicians Group 20642 Stone Oak Pkwy. 479-3000 www.chofsa.org/physiciansgroup
Physical Rehabilitation Institute Dr. Bussey • D. Harrington G. Molina • S. Bussey 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 107 545-9355 (well) • see map pg. 19 www.myPRI.net
Texas Physical Therapy Dr. J. Sams, PT • Dr. S. Stratton, PT • Dr. J. Clark, PT Dr. A. Fong, PT • Dr. J. Morello, PT, • Dr. D. Clark, PT Dr. L. Magalong, PT • Dr. B. Guarriello, PT 300 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 210 494-4500 • www.texpts.com
Podiatry Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care D.M. Chaney • W. Strash • R. Perez, DPM’s 57 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Bldg. 3, Suite 302 829-8770 (by Clock Tower) • see map pg. 19 www.podlink.com
Radiology South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers North Central Imaging Center 155 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 31 617-9000 • see map pg. 19 www.stric.com
Urgent Care
Fossil Creek Urgent Care Clinic 22250 Bulverde Rd. (Corner of Evans Rd.) 401-8185 • www.fossilcreekurgentcare.com Open Late and Weekends Family and Pediatric Medicine Stone Oak Urgent Care & Family Practice 115 Gallery Circle, Suite 102 481-6060 • www.soucfp.com Family Practice, Open 7 Days
Your Tutoring Solution
Huntington Learning Center
By Jane Toh n 1985 the great and late Whitney Houston first sang the smash hit “Greatest Love of All.” It’s been a while, 31 years to be exact, so here are the lyrics to jog everyone’s memory: “I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children’s laughter remind us how we use to be.” Houston may no longer be present on this earth, but her talent, spirit, and especially her words live on. At Huntington Learning Center it is believed children are the future, and they do their best to “teach them well, let them lead the way, and give them a sense of pride.” The desire for knowledge and continued education is one of the most defining of human characteristics. Huntington Learning Center helps nurture and supplement this most basic of human desire through tested and well-reviewed techniques. Huntington Learning Center, the oldest institution of its kind to provide supplemental education to primary and secondary students in the United States, caters to each individual child’s academic and scholastic needs. The institution strives to improve the grades of students of all ages everywhere by offering instructional tutoring in areas such as reading, mathematics, science, writing, spelling, vocabulary, phonics, and study skills, along with test preparation for the advanced placement exams, state-mandated tests, SSAT, ISEE. HSPT, ASVAB, PSAT/ NMSQT, SAT, ACT, GED, and much more. Huntington Learning Center understands how the stigma of not doing well in academia can harm a child. Their solution is to change that, to get at the foundation of the academic error of each individual and start rebuilding from there. The hope at Huntington Learning Center is that once students gain security within the academic world they will then be able to flourish in other arenas and go on to be more successful, whether it be in school or in their own personal lives. This is their “Huntington Connection.” After seeing the effects of increased federal, state, and local academic demands on students in New Jersey, Dr. Raymond Huntington and his wife Eileen opened the first learning center in 1977, and a second center the following year. The Huntington Learning Center’s unique tutoring and teaching methods garnered much praise and recognition, so much so that in 1985 the expansion of locations began, and from that point on quickly spread all over the country, including three centers in San Antonio, conveniently located in Stone Oak, Helotes, and Castle Hills areas. Thomas Rice, after years in the educational publishing world, opened San Antonio’s first Huntington Learning Center in Stone Oak in 2007. Yet again the methodology first introduced by Raymond and Eileen Huntington captured the hearts of parents and students alike here. With all this success, one
– Dr. Raymond & Eileen Huntington, Founders, Huntington Learning Center
should begin to wonder what it is that makes Huntington Learning Center such a success. In addition, to having fantastic certified trained teachers, the learning institution has a successful and proven 4-step approach. Step 1: Conduct Evaluation. According to Rice and the Huntington Learning Center module, this part is very important. Often parents and children come in not knowing where to begin. “There is lots of frustration, confusion, and misunderstanding,” said the director. “That’s where we come in. Our facility helps to identify where the child’s academic problems began, what holes need to be filled, and in what both child and parent are comfortable with taking on.” The education and tutoring provided by the learning center is meant to supplement the teachings students encounter at school. Sometimes students just need a little extra help with skills that have not yet been mastered. Step 2: Develop Personalized Plan. Here staff at Huntington work alongside with parents and students to set out an educational outline, and sift out the best techniques to engage and build on the foundation the child already has. Step 3: Customize Learning. Each child, each individual, in this world is uniquely different. At Huntington this uniqueness and difference is not only celebrated, it is encouraged and explored. This is why tutoring is one-on-one, and catered to the child’s specific needs, time, and pace. The certified instructor can then truly focus on what academic issues need to be addressed. Step 4: Communicate Progress. Whether it be communication between student and teacher, student and parent, and parent and teacher, communication is paramount and a key to success. Parents are invited to be as involved as they like. They are kept updated of their child’s strives and improvement.
For a parent watching their child struggle at anything, especially schoolwork, can be heartbreaking. Seeing one’s child push away school because he or she simply does not understand can torment a parent. The staff of Huntington Learning Center prove an obvious fact on a daily basis: all children can learn, no one is incapable. Since 1977, Huntington Learning Center demonstrates the aforementioned statement by continuously helping students all over the country improve their grades, test scores, and confidence.
Huntington Learning Center Huntingtonhelps.com 19141 Stone Oak Parkway, Suite 605 210-494-5858 10003 NW Military Hwy. Suite 1103 210-558-0636 September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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North Central Baptist Hospital
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E Sonterra Blvd South Texas Spine & Surgical Hospital
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Internal Medicine of Stone Oak 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 105 210-490-3800 Allergy, Asthma, Immunology & Rheumatology Inst. 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 101 210-495-4335 LILI’S VET 20210 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 301 210-257-8496 21714 HARDY OAK Little Teeth of Texas (Shawna Gerling, DDS) 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 102 210-497-8787 PREMIER PAIN CONSULTANTS 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd., Ste. 215 210-298-4900 21702 HARDY OAK HOPE CHURCH HAS MOVED 17903 Corp. Woods Drive 210-545-4673 (10:15 a.m. Sundays) NORTH CENTRAL URGENT CARE 19223 Stone Hue 210-490-5911 FAMILY ALLERGY & ASTHMA 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-342-6200 STONE OAK MEDICAL OFFICE BLDG. Center For Cosmetic Surgery 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-545-4848 Urology Of Stone Oak 540 Madison Oak, Ste. 400 210-490-3040 NORTH CENTRAL BAPTIST HOSPITAL 210-297-4000 Healthlink 525 Oak Centre, Ste. 450 210-297-4525 THE ATRIUM BUILDING Dr. Sertich 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 346 210-614-8625 Everyone’s ENT & Sinus Center 502 Madison Oak, Ste. 140 210-647-3838 STONE OAK PHYSICIANS PLAZA II STONE OAK PHYSICIANS PLAZA I Lan Anh Ngo, M.D., P.A. 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 140 210-494-9109 The Wellness & Aesthetics 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 240 210-495-8558 METHODIST AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Radiology Imaging Centers 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-617-9000
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Red l
Methodist Stone Oak Hospital
1604 64
STONE OAK PLAZA Alamo Eye Institute, PA (Lynnell C. Lowry, MD) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 119 210-697-3821 K Charles and Co. Full Service Salon 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 123 210-403-0955 Stone Oak Orthodontics (Tito Norris, DDS, P.A.) 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 207 210-402-3322 CORNERSTONE CHURCH THE BLANCO MARKET CENTER Great Clips For Hair 18630 Blanco Rd, Ste. 114 210-404-0994 THE VINEYARD SHOPPING CENTER Dr. Golab’s Chiropractic and Wellness PC 1205 N. Loop 1604 W., Ste. 211 210-764-8888 STONE OAK VILLAGE Slater White Cleaners 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 101 210-494-4126 State Farm Insurance, Betsy Dippo 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy. Ste. 112 210-496-3276 Stone Oak Florist 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 104 210-495-7442 STONE OAK SQUARE Vision Source 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 106 210-495-9020 STONE HUE CENTER Pizza Hut 20323 Huebner Rd, Ste. 103 210-497-1123 ERA COLONIAL REAL ESTATE 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 260 210-477-9400 STONE HUE PROFESSIONAL PLAZA North Hills Family Medicine 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 104 210-481-6800 San Antonio Dermatology 19222 Stone Hue, Ste. 103 210-497-1475 THE MEDICAL PARK AT STONE OAK Romes Pizza 19298 Stone Oak Pkwy. 210-490-0700 Good Night Pediatrics 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy, 210-545-7581 Physical Rehabilitation Institute 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 107 210-545-9355
Area Map
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Stone Oak
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47 Barbara Bush Middle School
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Stone Oak Elementary
Oak Wilderness
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Stone Oak Park
Lopez Middle School
Parman Library
Canyon Golf Rd.
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32 SONTERRA MEDICAL PARK South Texas Chiropractic 225 E. Sonterra, Ste. 113 210-493-9119 33 325 E. SONTERRA BLVD. Stone Oak Family Doctors, P.A. 700 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 202 210-496-7999 34 325 E. SONTERRA BLVD. Dr. Kevin J. Whritenour Au.D. 18838 Stone Oak Pkwy., Suite 101 210-316-7856 35 SPINE HOSPITAL OF SOUTH TEXAS 36 STONETERRA MEDICAL PLAZA S.A.G.A. 150 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 100 210-545-2555 CVS Pharmacy 120 E. Sonterra Blvd. 210-404-9006 stoneterra retail Center Prescott’s Orthotics & Prosthetics 158 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 106 210-496-0800 Stone Oak Pharmacy 18866 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 101 210-494-4272 37 THE CREEK AT STONE OAK Diabetes America 20330 Huebner Rd., Ste. 104 866-693-4223 Stone Oak Pediatric Dentistry (Susie Hayden, DDS) 20322 Huebner Rd., Ste. 103 210-491-4141 40 GASTROENTEROLOGY CONSULTANTS OF S.A. 855 Proton Road 210-614-1234 42 DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES 18540 Sigma Road 210-490-4661 43 THE CLUB AT SONTERRA 901 Sonterra Boulevard 210-496-1560 45 LA ARCATA CENTER Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition & Wellness 115 N. Loop 1604, Suite. 1207 210-545-1144 Dental Care SA: Dr. David Seguin & Associates 115 N. Loop 1604 E., Suite. 1104 210-496-2533 46 19310 STONE OAK PARKWAY 47 MCDONALDS 20750 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-403-9066 48 BEST WESTERN HOTEL 18555 US. Hwy. 281 N. 210-490-9191
49 INTERNATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 18750 Stone Oak Parkway, Ste. 100 210-496-6111 50 STONE RIDGE MARKET International Bank of Commerce HEB at Hwy. 281 and Evans Rd. 210-369-2914 210-283-6500 Texas State Optical 21019 U.S. Hwy. 281 N., Ste. 832 210-490-3937 (EYES) 52 SONTERRA OFFICE PARK 53 SA DENTAL SPECIALISTS Britton and Ferris Orthodontics 1130 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 100 210-497-6688 54 115 GALLERY CIRCLE Dr. Webb’s Chiropractic & Wellness 115 Gallery Circle, Ste. 209 210-798-9322 55 STONE OAK CROSSING CENTER 56 LANE K. WALSH, DDS 1162 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 200 210-499-1110 57 CLOCK TOWER Alamo Family Foot & Ankle Care 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 302 210-828-8770 A Thru Z Pediatrics 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 102 210-490-8888 Reshmey Medical Clinic 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 301 210-828-2311 58 METHODIST STONE OAK HOSPITAL Alamo Maxillofacial Surgical Assoc., PA 1139 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 505 210-402-3550 59 SAN ANTONIO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1717 N. Loop 1604 E 210-258-1604 60 WELLS FARGO BANK 18488 Blanco Rd. 210-856-1141 61 WELLS FARGO BANK 20826 Hwy. 281 N. 210-856-8408 62 HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH/BANQUET HALL 20523 Huebner Road 210-497-4200 / 0700 63 THE FELLOWSHIP OF SAN ANTONIO 23755 Canyon Golf Road 210-402-3672
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Reagan Band Is Marching Forward Submitted By Cathy Reed hile most students have been enjoying the last few days of summer vacation, the awardwinning Reagan Band has already been back at work, getting ready for their upcoming marching and competition season. After a couple of weeks in late July devoted to camps for the percussion and color guard, the kids and directors dove right in on August 1st; learning their 2016 show. This year they will not only be performing their show for the usual halftimes and state competitions but will be defending their 1st place win at Bands Of America (BOA) Conroe in early October and travelling to Indianapolis in November for the BOA Grand Nationals competition. Reagan has competed against about 90 top marching bands from around the country in previous years, placing as high as 2nd place back in 2003. They are hoping to have another successful year this time around. While our marching show may be new, our band trailer is not and is in need of an update. It may seem like just a trailer to most, but there is a sense of pride and joy when the students and parents see it roll into the lot with the school and band logo prominently displayed on it. This upcoming
The recognizable Reagan band trailer is in need of a makeover before the upcoming Bands of America (BOA) in Indianapolis.
trip will require an upgrade to what we have and we are asking our amazing Reagan community to please help sponsor the 2400 miles round-trip at $20 a mile and “Send us to Indy!” Please take a moment to visit the following site to help us out: http://goo.gl/ KUoL23. In addition, we want to thank our local businesses that have been so generous in donating to the band. Our top sponsors this year are Nationwide Insurance, L Taco, AEI, STAT Surgical, Northwestern Mutual and Del Norte Foods. If you use or visit any of these businesses, please thank them for being a Reagan Band supporter. We love and appreciate our patron and corporate sponsors!
ALLERGY SEASON! Stone Oak Allergy 155 Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78258
Amanda Trott-Gregorio, MD Specializing in allergy, asthma, and immunology diagnosis, testing, and treatment for adults and children.
Same day appointments available. Call today!
www.stoneoakallergy.com • 210.494.0690
Cadet Leadership prepares for the upcoming challenge.
Submitted By John Tijerina s the summer ends and we get ready to head back into the classroom, the Reagan Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) concludes a very active, productive, and fun end to its summer activities. Over the course of the last two months, returning cadets came together with the new, incoming cadets to introduce them to the program, the extracurricular teams, and the culture of JROTC. The summer kicked off with Orientation Week which included a camping trip to Guadalupe River State Park. Cadets were given a glimpse of the Raider and Orienteering teams and a chance to cool off from the blazing South Texas heat in the Guadalupe River. Cadets were also given an opportunity to participate in a two week Drill Camp where they were taught
Desh Sharma, MD, Suzanne McGregor, FNP/GNP – BC, Seema A. Dar, MD, FACG, Muhammad Naeem, MD. FACP & FACG, Chaithanya Mallikarjun, MD
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the basics of precision drill movements and formations up to the complex movements and routines of the exhibition routines. New cadets were also given an opportunity to participate in a week-long marksmanship camp where they learned the basics of Air Rifle Marksmanship, the same style of shooting that Virginia Thrasher of the US Olympic Team used to win a gold medal in Rio, this year. Lastly, the Cadet Leadership spent a couple of days at the John Newcombe Tennis Ranch where they participated in team build, problem solving, and confidence building exercises. All the while, team practices were held and a lot of things were accomplished. It was a busy summer with lots to do but the cadets, instructors, and teams accomplished a lot and look forward to a great competition year. GO RATTLERS!!
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
From Ghana, With Love
Ama Osei Bonsu founded the Heart Smiles with one Getting ready for the Heart Smiles Gala. goal in mind: to help children.
The Heart Smiles is hoping to help 100 children in the near future.
By Jane Toh erhaps one of the greatest distinction of man is our innate and inherent ability to be compassionate and show it. In a broader sense, this is the definition of humanity. Humanity is the quality of being human, demonstrating attributes such as humaneness, kindness, and benevolence. Simply put our humanity is what makes us human. It is what separates us from other organisms. Now, I know today’s news tends to focus on all the negative situations worldwide. It seems every time a television, computer, or radio is turned on something devastating has occurred. Another shooting, another death, another loss. While these events are important we should also
remember there is still so much good. As of late world media has spoken so little of the variety of humanitarian acts committed by people, but rest assured there is always hope…and in our city of San Antonio, hope has found a host in the local non-profit the Heart Smiles. The Heart Smiles is a grassroots foundation founded by Ama Osei Bonsu and ran by a coalition of parents and teachers from Wilderness Oaks Elementary School. Their aim is simple: to alleviate poverty in Bonsu’s native country, Ghana, through the care and sponsoring, of orphaned and/or abandoned children. In order to facilitate this Bonsu and her associates work diligently, traveling between the United States and
Africa, to provide essential necessities, such as medical care, three meals a day, schooling, and a safe haven, to those most vulnerable and in the most need, children. It all started with a dream. Since she herself was a young child Bonsu dreamed of one day helping others. In 2009, whilst on a trip to Ghana, she reached out to a village she had heard was in extreme poverty. There, Bonsu made contacts and found 50 orphans she could help. During that first trip the Good Samaritan bought food, clothes, toys, and hired a care-giver to watch and cook for the little ones. And thus The Heart Smiles was born. Currently the foundation continues to house 50 children. The recent completion
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of a dormitory has been met with great happiness. It will provide housing for up to 60 children and 6 care takers. When asked what her greatest hope for the future was Bonsu answered simply, “To help more children.” The organization strives to expand the number of youngsters cared for, and they need all the help they can get. The Hearts Smile invites all to the 3rd annual Gala on September 17. All donations are subject to tax returns, and 100% of the profits will go directly to the children. It will certainly be a night to remember, a night of San Antonians coming together for a greater cause. More information regarding the Gala and the Heart Smiles can be found at www. theheartsmiles.org.
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Reagan Football Schedule Time Opponent Location
8/26/16 9/2/2016 9/9/2016 9/16/2016 9/23/2016 9/30/2016 10/8/2016 10/21/2016 10/29/2016 11/4/2016
7:30 pm 7:30 pm 730 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm
Heroes Stadium Laredo United H.S. Comalander Stadium Bob Shelton Stadium Heroes Stadium Comalander Stadium Comalander Stadium Heroes Stadium Heroes Stadium Comalander Stadium
19202 Huebner Road, Suite 100 San Antonio, Texas 78258
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Brennan United (Laredo, TX.) Harlingen Hays (Buda, TX.) MacArthur Churchill Lee Johnson Madison Roosevelt
(210)853-5327 • rivervalleyre.com www.welcomehomesa.com
“Kicking And screaming! Why Do My Knees Hurt So Much?” By Rajesh K. Sharma, MD Tri City Pain Associates 210-268-0129
nee pain is one of the most common complaints we see here in my office. While especially common in our older patients, I have observed this problem occurring more frequently in ever younger patients. Let’s look a little closer into the causes of this problem and what are the measures we can take for improvement that I share with my own patients. Causes of knee pain A lifetime of hard work, athletics, or just the grind of our daily lifestyle are the reasons I ascribe to these symptoms. The most common medical cause of this type of pain is osteoarthritis, which is very frequently seen in our seasoned citizens. Previous injury, such as a torn meniscus or ligament makes it more likely for this kind of arthritis to set in. This is the reason I believe that it is affecting our young people more often. The recent rise in “cross fit” or extreme physical exercise programs (marathons, “iron athlete” competitions), will predispose to this type of injury. What Can I do about it? No matter what the cause may be, there are some prudent measures to take that can improve your symptoms. Here are some suggestions: Weight loss and management: Your knees have to withstand one and
half times your body weight with each step. Every pound of weight above your ideal weight actually exerts four times that value on the knee joint. For example, a man who is twenty pounds overweight places eighty pounds more pressure on his joint. Change the way you exercise: High impact exercise, despite its popularity place a tremendous amount of stress on the joints, especially when we are overweight. Switching to lower impact exercise (swimming, walking, yoga, Pilates) will allow sufficient activity with less effect on the joints Target muscle strengthening: While the thigh muscles stabilize the joint, other muscles play a critical role. The core and hip muscles help better distribute the forces that the knee has to withstand. Equally important is to make sure that muscle imbalances are corrected. Often, in effort to get in shape we neglect those muscles in the “posterior chain” (buttocks, hamstrings, calves) as they don’t have the same appeal as working other muscle groups. That is a mistake, as the ensuing imbalance will worsen those mechanics. What happens when I still have pain? When those measures outlined above are not enough we have other means at our
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disposal to help. Rest, ice, Non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), are the mainstay of therapy and are readily addressed with the help of your primary care provider. They will often order X-rays, and if needed an MRI to have a closer look at the anatomic cause of your symptoms. I am usually involved after this point, in the event that conservative therapy is ineffective and further options need to be evaluated. Injection therapy Joint injections with steroids are effective in osteoarthritis and provide immediate relief of symptoms. These injections may be given as often as every three months as long as they remain effective. Hyaluronic acid, or the “rooster comb” medication is another option, and may be first line in those cases where the injection of steroid and local anesthetic is not advisable. In this
case, the hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant, while the steroid injection acts as an antiinflammatory. In those cases where pain does not respond to injection therapy the geniculate nerve (nerve to the joint) can be blocked. If that is effective radiofrequency ablation is the next step to provide longer lasting relief. What has gathered a lot of attention in recent times is the use of platelet rich plasma (PRP). While there are case reports of its use being effective in certain circumstances; a large body of evidence to support its widespread use is lacking. When do I have surgery? Early involvement of an orthopedic surgeon is always advisable and can help decide when and if surgery is needed. A team approach is always the best approach to managing this problem. Rajesh K. Sharma, MD is an Internist, Anesthesiologist and Pain Physician who has been in private practice for six years and is a member of Tri City Pain Associates
Is Your Smart Child Still Not Reading At Level?
By Leslie Jernigan, M.A. Learning Foundations Diagnostic and Learning Center 210-495-2626 new school year is underway, and so nobody suspected it was dyslexia. It breaks my heart to hear these stories. I’m already hearing horror stories from parents who had hoped this For up to 20% of kids in school, the first year would be a fresh start for their child. 6 weeks of school become progressively Instead, it’s only September and they are more and more difficult. That’s because ready to pull their hair out in desperation. they have a learning difference (often undiagnosed) that makes reading, spelling Will the entire school year be this way? I frequently hear these stories, but and writing much harder than it should be. For these students, school is an endless parents feel so alone when it’s happening in their family. This is the story of most nightmare of “playing a game they can’t of the students we work with at Learning win.” For parents it is a frustrating, guilt Foundations, and it is more common than ridden, and seemingly never-ending search you think. One mom recently shared her for answers. The great myth about dyslexia concerns about her 9 year old boy at one of is that dyslexics can never learn to read or write, are destined to fail or just have to our free parent seminars: Mom started noticing problems in cope with their weaknesses. The truth is kindergarten, but no one took her concerns dyslexic children are usually of average to seriously. His teacher said he would “grow above average intelligence. They are gifted out of it.” Her husband said she worried too visual-spatial thinkers, creative, empathetic, much, that their son was just being lazy. In and artistic. They simply don’t learn to read, spell 1st grade he could guess at some words and understand the big picture, but would skip or write the same way other children do. the small words like ‘to’, ‘at’, ‘a’, and ‘the.’ They must be taught these skills in a multiHe seemed to read more by memory and sensory, sequential and explicit manner. The wasn’t able to sound out words he did not key is early identification and consistent know. He was great at Legos and Minecraft, tutoring in the right kind of program. If you suspect your child may be but couldn’t tie his shoes or spell his middle dyslexic, get him evaluated as soon as name. It takes him hours to memorize his possible. With an Orton-Gillingham based spelling words, only to misspell them in program, your child can learn how to read, sentences the next day. He is creative, has spell, and write as well as his peers. It is not a wonderful personality and is incredibly a quick fix, but giving your child his smile curious (“He could watch the Discovery back is well worth the time and effort. Read about common warning signs for Channel for hours!”), but his younger sister now has to help him with homework dyslexia at www.learningfoundations.com/ sometimes All this makes him a very dyslexia. Email questions or concerns about confused, frustrated, and an embarrassed your child’s learning struggles to Leslie@ LearningFoundations.com or call (210) little boy. I may be describing your child, AND 495-2626. Leslie Jernigan, M.A., is Director of one of his parents, AND one of his grandparents! Dyslexia is a hereditary trait Assessment at Learning Foundations so it runs in families. It is common to hear Diagnostic and Learning Center. If you parents describe how grandma would put are concerned about your struggling words in the wrong order and laugh it off child, call (210) 495-2626 to schedule by saying “Oh, you know what I mean.” Of a Free Consultation, or email info@ course, it was rarely diagnosed back then… learningfoundations.com.
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Into The World Of Programming Special To Welcome Home pps, websites, innovative machines, oh, my! Hundreds of local students looking to jump into the world of programming found the perfect start at SoHacks on August 5. Taking place at Trinity University, the School’s Out Hackathon is an annual hackathon in San Antonio designed to help students take their first steps into the world of computer science and programming. Led by Julia Singer, a student at the International School of the Americas, the special event saw tons of mentors and like-minded peers helping young minds through the process of making their technological dreams into a reality.
SoHacks organizers recognize that the power of computer science in a growing tech based job market is undeniable. Thousands of college students each year are choosing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) and programming related degrees to help them make their own apps and products or join companies in profitable software engineering jobs. SoHacks hopes to prepare these young students for the technological road ahead.
VISION SOURCE, from Page 8 America, where he worked alongside an optometrist providing vision care for less fortunate individuals. Dr. Martin completed his clinical rotations of ocular disease in San Antonio and Austin. He is also a member of the Texas Optometric Association and the American Optometric Association. We plan to move into our new building on Knights Cross and Stone Oak Parkway (behind the Excellence ER building) in late October. The construction is moving along and we are so excited to be able to have 3 doctors on site once we are moved in! It will help with getting patients in for same day emergencies easier. The design will be better for patient flow. We are happy to have a refreshment station for everyone to enjoy and also a larger children’s area in our new
office. We have been adding new frame lines this year to accommodate the larger space and we have more coming this Fall. Follow us on Facebook to see the latest construction and to see when we schedule our Grand Re-Opening. Drs. Monica Allison and Lindsey Denison practice at Stone Oak Vision Source located at 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy, Ste. 106. All of the doctors are members of Vision Source, the nation’s number one network of private practice optometrists. Founded in 1991, the Vision Source network includes more than 2,100 offices in all 50 states and Canada. If you or a loved one needs to find a family eye doctor, please call (210) 495-9020 or visit www. visionisource-stoneoak.com.
Under the coordination of Julia Singer, herself a student at the International School of the Americas, the event SoHacks aims to help student looking to jump into the oversaw the meetings between mentors and peers as world of programmung. they travel through the technological road head.
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COM M ON S U M M E R H E A LT H MY T HS: B U ST ED Summertime is all about fun. To put your mind at ease while you’re out and about, we’ve busted several common summer health myths. Take our advice and keep playing all summer long!
BUSTED: Digesting food does not take enough blood away from arms and legs to keep them from functioning properly during a swim. It’s actually important to eat a combination of carbohydrates and protein in the hours before you swim, in order maintain energy to keep yourself going through a workout.
BUSTED: Do not do this. Although “Friends” made this a popular myth back in 1997, urine can actually do more harm than good. Typically, jellyfish stings are made more painful by fresh water – a major component of urine. For immediate relief, try pouring vinegar on the sting instead.
BUSTED: A tan is your body’s way of telling you that damage has already occurred. While having a tan might keep you from burning severely, tanning still damages your skin cells. Sunshine is a good way of absorbing important vitamins, but wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful radiation.
BUSTED: While scientists have found that some people are naturally less susceptible than others, no food has been proven to prevent mosquito bites. This myth is especially dangerous, because mosquitoes can carry serious illnesses like the Zika virus.
Relax this summer knowing that for all of life’s little emergencies, Prestige ER is here to help. We’ll fix you up and send you back to your summer fun.
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
STEM Students Go To China
NEISD students presented a speech about San Antonio, distributing local memorabilia.
The students got the chance to climb the Great Wall.
Special To Welcome Home wenty-seven North East ISD student ambassadors traveled to China from July 1-10 for a special program through Summer of Service (SOS), a nonprofit dedicated to educating youth through community service and travel abroad. More than 8,000 miles apart, the cities of Wuxi and San Antonio have officially formed bonds of friendship through citizen diplomacy. Twenty-five of the 27 students came from NEISD’s STEM Academy, and the remaining two came from the International School of the Americas, both
Accepting New Patients
based on the Lee High School Campus. SOS and the STEM Academy have worked together as partners on service projects for nearly three years. Dr. Alcala reported, “I am grateful SOS, a local non-profit, has partnered with us (STEM Academy) to provide joint ventures for our students to serve their community, with the added bonus of developing a rich, international perspective. SOS works with us to enrich our students’ perspective of the STEM fields across the globe, as well as the importance of responsible citizenship. The best part is that SOS is open to all youth, ages 12-18, here in the San Antonio area.”
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Middle Stage Series Part 1: September 14 Part 2: September 28 Part 3: October 12
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Latter Stage Series Part 1: October 26 Part 2: November 9
NEISD students at the famous Tiananmen Square.
The students met with their counterparts from the Jinqiao Bilingual Experimental School and gave a presentation in Chinese about life in San Antonio, while providing San Antonio-themed gifts, like salsa and San Antonio Spurs gear. The SOS students prepared for this experience during the school year by attending Chinese language and culture classes and through service events in San Antonio. “This trip was beyond what I imagined,” said Christian Valerio, one of the STEM student ambassadors. Another STEM student, Aidan Brockman said, “Not only were the tourist sites amazing, but we got to be a part of the culture itself! Just being able to experience how they live, how they speak, and making those connections with the people, is what I will treasure the most.” The SOS student ambassadors visited a special needs facility as a service event in China. They then met with government officials from the City of Wuxi, and were treated to a traditional Wuxi dinner. They were briefed on Wuxi’s economic
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Reagan Theatre Department Announces 2016-17 Season Of Plays Submitted By James Kaiser, Theatre Arts Teacher & Technical Director he Theatre Department of Ronald Reagan High School is proud to announce this year’s lineup of productions. This season will bring five productions to the stage featuring the onstage and offstage talents of some of Reagan High School’s most talented students. The first production of the year will be Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic tale, “The Scarlet Letter”, adapted by Phyllis Nagy. The story begins in seventeenth-century Boston, then a Puritan settlement. Hester Prynne, is led from the jail with her infant daughter in her arms. A scarlet letter “A,” signifying adulteress on her breast. A man in the crowd tells an elderly onlooker that Hester is being punished for adultery. Hester’s husband sent
www.welcomehomesa.com 10585_SanAntonio_2.45x5.9_1.indd 1
7/12/16 12:15 PM
development plans and asked questions of the officials. “The Wuxi leaders treated us like celebrities,” said Cristan Gutierrez, student ambassador, “and visiting the Wuxi schools was the highlight of my trip. I can’t wait to share my city with Wuxi ambassadors next summer.” Later, the students traveled to Beijing, where they were the first group to be briefed in the new American Center inside the US Embassy, Beijing. They also scaled the Great Wall of China and toured the Forbidden City. Their trip started in Shanghai, where they visited the Yu Gardens and explored Shanghai’s bustling streets and markets. “I’m so proud of our (NEISD) students for representing San Antonio so well on this trip,” said Amir Samandi, Executive Director and Founder of SOS. “They got outside their comfort zones and learned so much about the Chinese culture, and in the process, I believe they learned more about themselves.”
her ahead to America, but he never arrived in Boston. While waiting for her husband, Hester has apparently had an affair, and has given birth to a child. She refuses to reveal her lover’s identity, and the scarlet letter is her punishment for her sin and her secrecy. The production will be directed by Gloria Robinson and the set will be designed by junior Katerina Pourliakas. The Scarlet Letter performs October 5, 6, 7, and 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Reagan Auditorium. The month of November brings two great productions to choose from, see one or both! Playing on the main stage will be Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town.” The play follows the lives of the people, through good times and bad, in Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire in 1901. This American classic is a must-see for any theatre-goer. See REAGAN THEATRE, Page 26
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Future Leaders Graduate Special To Welcome Home he North East ISD Administrative Training Program graduated 20 future leaders at the August Regular Board Meeting on August 8. Executive directors of school administration Joe Reasons, Jane Jensen, and Bill Boyd spent countless hours with this group of administrative interns, as part of the training program. The graduates spent the year learning from each other, and learning from the principals in their schools. This real-world setting allowed them to explore a variety of practical and philosophical topics several times a month. Most importantly, these graduates took the time to hear from District administrators to learn the “North East” way, and from outside consultants, who have spoken on topics such as stress management and developing individual leadership styles. All the administrative interns work on the important project of creating the NEISD Administrative Calendar. Each intern was called up to receive their Certificate of Achievement. These young educators are proof that NEISD will be in good hands in the future.
For the 2016-2017 school year, the District will be working with approximately 37 new interns and NEISD is looking forward to presenting them to the Board of Trustees next month. The following 2015-2016 Administrative Interns were presented to the Board for graduation from the Administrative Training Program: Anthony Allen, Assistant Principal at Ed White Middle School Michael Amaya, Instructional Coach at Wood Middle School Lydia Aranda, 5th grade ESL Teacher at Harmony Hills Elementary School James Bills, 5th grade Teacher at Northwood Elementary School Thomas Brooks, Assistant Principal at Roosevelt High School Kimberly Charles, Assistant Principal at Harmony Hills Elementary School Michele De La Garza, Assistant Principal at Tejeda Middle School Thomas Erwin, Psychology/Government Teacher/Tennis Coach at Churchill High School Dr. Patricia Garcia, AI Itinerant Teacher
The future of NEISD is in good hands of these interns.
at Oak Meadow Elementary School Delia Gauna, 4th grade Dual Language Teacher at Stone Oak Elementary School Osana Gonzalez, Assistant Principal at Roosevelt High School Sarah Hesles, 5th grade Teacher at Tuscany Heights Elementary School Sarah Hinojosa, Assistant Principal at Lee High School Shannon Kalisky, Assistant Principal at Royal Ridge Elementary School Ida Nunez, Assistant Principal at Stone
All NEISD Schools Meet TEA Standard
Submitted By Maria K. Maritinez n Friday, Aug. 12, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) released the 2016 accountability ratings for more than 1,200 school districts and schools across the state. North East ISD and all of its 68 schools earned a Met Standard rating for
the 2015-2016 school year. Met Standard is the highest available accountability rating given to districts and schools for meeting state performance targets for student achievement, student progress, closing performance gaps, and postsecondary readiness. The state’s accountability system
is primarily based on results from the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exams in grades 3-8 and End-of-Course assessments. “This is a great achievement for North East ISD, our schools, students, and community,” said Dr. Brian G. Gottardy,
Once Discovered, Always Remembered.
Oak Elementary School Sean Reno, Assistant Principal at Johnson High School Lenida Spurlock, Assistant Principal at Reagan High School Ericka Stevens, Science Instructional Coach at Nimitz Middle School Maria Tovar, Assistant Principal at Jackson-Keller Elementary School Brooke Tribbey, English Teacher at Bush Middle School
Superintendent of Schools. “Our District outpaced the state average performance on 20 of 22 exams in grades 3-8 and End-ofCourse assessments. I am so proud of our staff. We came together, saw a need to do things differently and were successful in helping students achieve success.”
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September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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Ribbon Cuttings And Grand Openings K2 Cryospa
On July 18 Stone Oak Business Association celebrated the grand opening of K2 Cryospa. Cryospa is now available to those in need of extra care. Do your joints hurt? Do ache a bit? When it rains, do you feel it in your bones? Stone Oak Business Assocation is proud to present K2 Cryospa to San Antonio. K2 Cryospa is a local and family business owned by Steve and Kimberly Verbeke. They are proud to be serving the people living and working in our community. The couple understands the body has many methods of heeling. They encourage all who have tried everything else to not give up just yet. SOBA knows that once you try their whole body cryotherapy, whether it be to help recover from injury or you use our far infrared sauna to help release toxins from your body, you will feel better than before. You’ll finally get the satisfaction knowing that relief is an option for you! Step into their Cryotherapy chamber or try our compression therapy. K2 Cryospa is the San Antonio area’s source for natural unitinflammatory treatment, natural weight loss solutions, and more… To schedule an appointment call 210899-4937, or stop by their location, 946 North Loop 1604 W. Suite 125.
Primrose School of Bulverde
The Stone Oak Business Association is pleased to welcome Primrose School at Bulverde Road to the community. During
REAGAN THEATRE, from Page 24
The production will be directed by guest director Suzanne Martin, former theatre director for Johnson High School. The show will perform November 15, 16, 17, and 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Reagan Auditorium. Concurrently, the hilarious French farce, “The Liar” adapted from Le Menteur by Pierre Corneille by David Ives, will perform in the Black Box Theater. It’s 1643 in Paris. Dorante, a charming young man, has but a single flaw: he cannot tell the truth. He meets Cliton, a manservant who cannot tell a lie, and falls in love with Clarice, a charming young woman whom he mistakes for her friend Lucrece. Dorante does not know is that Clarice is secretly engaged to his best friend Alcippe. His father is trying to get
the July 8th ribbon cutting members of the school and the neighborhood congregated around laughter, conversation, and, of course, food. For more than 30 years, Primrose Schools has partnered with parents, children, staff and the communities they serve to make a difference in the lives of children. They believe that every child represents the promise of a better tomorrow and are committed to making a difference for all of America’s children—especially those at greatest risk, calling this the Primrose Promise™. And now they are in Stone Oak to further ensure that promise. You can be sure that their purposeful curriculum for infant care and early education has passed through many levels of scrutiny from an expert education panel and esteemed advisory board. Primrose of Bulverde’s focus is always on what will best serve the needs of Primrose children and families with an eye on innovation and advocacy for quality early education for all children. To schedule a tour or gather more information call (210) 494-990 or check out their website, www.primroseschools.com.
Dr. Suzie Pet Hospital
Stone Oak Business Association is incredibly excited to introduce Dr. Suzie Pet Hospital to the neighborhood. Stone Oak gathered on July 30th to witness the grand opening. The event was celebrated with food, drinks, and talking. The grand opening offers a range of fun activities for kids and free pet items. Bark, bark. Meow, meow. Friends come in different shapes, sizes, and sometimes different species. Dr. Suzanne Jardine, owner and practicing veterinarian, knows too well the bond between man and his four-legged friend, with this in mind, she strives to keep the latter half of this relationship happy and healthy. Pet owners him married to Clarice, whom he thinks is Lucrece. From all these misunderstandings and a series of breathtakingly intricate lies springs one of the Western world’s greatest comedies. The show will be directed by Gloria Robinson and the set will be designed by senior Nina Mead. It will perform November 15, 16, 17, and 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Black Box Theater. The classic musical, “West Side Story” by Arthur Laurents, music by Leonard Bernstein, and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, will perform in February. “West Side Story” is a modern day Romeo and Juliet. On the harsh streets of New York City’s upper west side, two gangs battle for control of the turf. The situation becomes complicated when a gang members falls in love with a rival’s
benefit from a new state-of-the-art office offering full veterinary services, including dental, surgical and veterinary chiropractic treatments. Dr. Suzie brings her experience and care to help all pet patients and owners. Tailored treatment programs begin with a thorough exam and discussion of health history and observations. Office hours are Monday to Friday from 7am to 7pm and pet patient forms are on their website and can be filled out prior to appointments for more convenience. Call (210) 455-0123 to schedule an appointment at Dr. Suzie Pet Hospital, or visit www.drsuzie.com for more details on their full range of veterinary services.
The Montessori School
On August 16 Stone Oak Business Association gathered together to welcome another member to the community! The Montessori School of San Antonio (MSSA) officially opened its new multipurpose gymnasium and middle school facility with a ribbon cutting ceremony this morning. Construction started on the new building last June and was made possible by the generous donations from the school community. Ribbon cutters included Head of School Chuck Raymer, Board President Julia Ogden, and Campaign Chairs Jeff and Brandy Czar. The new gym features a regulation basketball court, bleacher seating, a performance stage, a concession area, and dressing rooms. The middle school facility consists of four classrooms, a fullyequipped science laboratory, and flexible common area. Founded in 1974, The Montessori School of San Antonio provides a personalized education using the Montessori method and philosophy. MSSA serves Primary through Middle School students, offering continuous challenge and limitless opportunity for academic and personal growth.
For more information contact Jennifer Hopkins, (210) 492-3553 or visit www. montessorisa.org.
Upward Stars
Stone Oak Business Association is proud to present to our community: Upward Stars. Upward Stars San Antonio offers basketball camps, clinics, skills academies, and tournament teams. Each Stars program includes basketball instruction from an experienced coaching staff. In addition, each Upward Stars program offers intentional discussions and group lessons on important topics applicable to the development of young people. Sports can often be used as an excellent opportunity to provide necessary life lessons and character shaping moments for young people by helping them reach their fullest potential in life once their player days are done. Upward Sports recognized this opportunity and has been positively impacting the lives of young athletes across the country since 1995. Their mission is to promote the discovery of Jesus through Sports. Upward Sports programs intentionally develop athletes mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially through their 360 Progression. Interested in getting involved? To learn more about Upward Stars programs offered log on to www.upwardstarssanantonio.org or call 210. 416. 8776.
To submit an article about your new development, email articles@welcomehomesa. com or visit www. welcomehomesa.com/ submit-a-story/.
sister. The show will be directed by Gloria Robinson, vocal direction by Mary Cowart and Christian De La Cruz, music direction by Sixto Elizondo. Performances will be February 15, 16, 17, 18 at 7:00 p.m. and February 19 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets for all shows are available online at www.rrhstheatre.com and usually go on sale two weeks before opening night. Ticket prices are $10 - $20 depending on seat selected and the show. Season tickets are also available for purchase until October 8, information will be posted on the website as well. To request more information or if you are interested in advertising in our show programs, please email rrhstheatre@gmail. com.
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
“Building A Legacy”
To compete at the national level, each student advanced through Regionals held at Reagan High School and State held in Waco, Texas. These students were eligible to attend Nationals.
Special To Welcome Home he 38th Annual Technology Students Association National Conference was held at The Gaylord Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee June 27 through July 2. More than 7500 students and educators from across the United States, Germany, and Turkey were in attendance. The conference theme was “Building a Legacy”. NEISD was represented by 18 students from the Engineering & Technologies Academy (ETA) at Roosevelt High School. The school’s chapter placed 5th out of 41 Texas schools and 10th out of 158 schools in the nation. ETA students also competed in
Engineering Design, Structural Engineering, On Demand Video, Photographic Technology, Promotional Graphics, Structural Engineering, Technology Bowl, Technical Sketching and Application, Technology Problem Solving, Chapter Team, Dragster, Music Production, Photographic Technology, and Webmaster categories. The following students received the Gold Achievement Award: Harrison WisselLittmann and Erick Sifuentes. The following students were inducted into the TSA National Honor Society: Harrison Wissel-Littmann, Erick Sifuentes Brenda Valdez, Fabiola McDaniel and Isabella Ortiz.
Joseph Maldonado, Erick Sifuentes, Jason Conklin, Alex Korzh, and Sebastian Garcia received 10th place in the nation for Animatronics.
ETA students Jason Conklin, TSA Texas State President and Harrison WisselLittmann, TSA Texas State Treasurer, conducted State delegation meetings in preparation of National Officer Elections. TSA also partners with The American Cancer Society (ACS) for its national service project. The Roosevelt TSA club raised over $7,500 in donations for this organization receiving the Purple Spirit of Service Award. The ETA advisors who attended the convention were Josh Beck, Grizelda Gentry, Christina Moreno, and Robert Lozano, Director of ETA at Roosevelt High School.
Brenda Valdez and Julian Wearden received 9th place in the nation for Computer Numerical Control CNC.
NEISD Student Wins
Special To Welcome Home orth East ISD STEM Academy Junior, Wilson Watson, earned a spot on the US Field Archery team and will be competing in Dublin, Ireland in September. Wilson won the Bronze Medal in the qualification rounds at the 2016 National Field Championship in Yankton, South Dakota, and clenched his place on the US Field Archery team in a single arrow shoot-off against the 4th place archer on July 3rd. He then went on to win Silver at the 2016 JOAD National Championships in Decatur, Alabama, in the Junior barebow men’s division. THE TEXAS TRIO: Wilson is joined by team members Mark Schlaudraff, of Columbus, Texas, and Ryland Hartman, of Eagle Lake, Texas, on the team. There will be 36 competitors representing Team USA. They include Male and Female archers in Olympic Recurve, Compound and Barebow Classes, Senior and Junior divisions. The Junior Barebow Men’s Team is the only team filled from a single state. Ryland is a veteran to the world championships having won Bronze in the team event at the 2014 World Archery Field Championships in Croatia. They will be joined by Olympic Gold Medalist Brady Ellison and Olympic Silver Medalist Vic Wunderlie on the US Field Archery Team. Wilson and his brother, Peter, began archery with the Bexar-County 4-H shooting sports club in 2009 and formed the Alamo Area JOAD in 2015. The JOAD team is the competitive arm of the 4-H team and
Wilson Watson will be going to Dublin, Ireland this September at the World Archery Field Championships.
earned a total of 7 national Championships and countless state championships in the past year. The team earned 1 team Gold, 4 individual Silver, 1 team Silver, 2 individual Bronze and 1 team Bronze at the JOAD Nationals. The team is under the guidance of head coach, Barry Watson, and Assistant Coaches Gwen Rigdon, Josh Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Tania Walshe, Roger Koss, and Rebecca Watson. This week the team is participating in the 4-H State Games Archery Tournament at the National Shooting Center in Northwest San Antonio. This will be a fun shoot for Wilson and the team which had been practicing daily in preparation for the National Target/JOAD Championships. The 4-H State Games consist of 5 disciplines – Target, Field, Wand, 3-D, and clout – and culminated in a Team Event on Saturday, July 23. Youth, from grade 3-12, interested in archery can learn more about 4-H shooting sports at www.bexar4hpaperpunchers.org and then progress on to the JOAD competition team.
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
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Award Winning Summer Camp
Diamond Dancers at SMA camp.
Submitted By Cari Goodyear, Reagan Spirit Board Historian he Reagan High School Dance and Drill teams scored big again this year at their annual Show Makers of America (SMA) summer camps. Congratulations on their outstanding performances and well-earned awards: Officer camp: Grand Champions and Sweepstakes (Dance & Drill), Most Outstanding Social Officers and Outstanding Presentation, Outstanding Performance Camp Dance & Most Admired (Dance), Special Recognition Camp Dance (Drill). Miss Leap Runner-Up Kathryn Kiolbassa (finalist: Kyra Kumbalik, Amy Opersteny), Miss Turn Finalist: Karlie Burrell, Kathryn Kiolbassa, Kyra Kumbalik. Superlatives going to: Karlie Burrell, Katelyn Gutierrez, /Danielle Hajjar, Bailey Kennedy, Kathryn Kiolbassa, Magalie Martinez, Dawson Pressel, Lili Almanderaz, and Emma Wood. Drill Team Camp: Grand Champions and Sweepstakes, Most Admired,
Silver Stars at SMA camp.
Outstanding Performance, Highest Scoring Camp Dance. Miss Show Maker RunnerUp Katelyn Gutierrez with Superlatives earned by: Annabel Blaylock, Natalie DeBonoPaula, Ana Garza, Katelyn Gutierrez, Bailey Kennedy, Myjoy Millum, Alanis Mireles, Diana Ocman, Maddie Townsend, and Emma Wood. Dance Team Camp: Miss ShowMaker Amy Opersteny, Miss ShowMaker RunnerUp Karlie Burrell, Grand Champions and Sweepstakes, Outstanding Home Routine, Highest Scoring camp dance, Miss Leap Amy Opersteny (finalist: Lauren Asher, Meagan Brown). Miss Turns Runner-Up Lauren Asher (finalist: Meagan Brown, Karlie Burrell). Miss High Kick finalist Karlie Burrell. Superlatives awarded to: Karlie Burrell, Meagan Brown, Kathryn Kiolbassa, Amy Opersteny, and Dawson Pressel. The Reagan Cheerleaders attended UCA camp in Galveston this summer and earned the Top Banana most outstanding team
Reagan Cheer with Top Banana award.
award as well as the Top Leadership award, voted on among all of the campers as the best overall team. Newly elected senior cocaptains Sara Benavidez and Ellie Kiesle led the way as they showed off their hard work from summer practices and were awarded Superior Ribbons for the highest level evaluation for both Junior Varsity and
Varsity teams. The Varsity team won 1st place for their camp routine, while the Junior Varsity and Freshman teams won 1st place for their sideline chant. Congratulations to all of our spirit squad members on an outstanding summer!
NEISD Receives Visit From Storytellers Special To Welcome Home n Tuesday, July 19, North East ISD elementary students attending summer school received a visit from some local story tellers. The San Antonio Storytellers Association and the Friends of NEISD Libraries partnered up this summer with one main goal: Bring the joy of literacy through storytelling into the four summer school elementary libraries so all the students could experience the magic of hearing and participating in folktales and fairytales from around the world. Former NEISD educator, Sue Kuentz along with several S.A. Storytellers shared their love for literacy and folklore with the students from Larkspur, Oak Grove, Fox Run, and Montgomery Elementary. Each
Summer school children enthusiastically participate in the storytelling.
of the four storytellers brought their own unique style to storytelling and fascinated all the students in attendance. A special thanks to Carolina Quiroga-
The power of storytelling has a great influence on A young student becomes aware of the power of youngsters. storytelling using puppets.
Stultz, a storyteller of Latin tales, Sue Kuentz, a storyteller of interactive tales of wonder, Pat Schieffer, a retired librarian who loves to share multicultural tales, and
Mary Grace Ketner, a storyteller of magical worldly tales filled with wisdom.
20th Anniversary Of SA Deaf Dance Company Submitted By JulieAnn Matonis illions of people watched deaf model Nyle DiMarco dance his way to the Mirrorball trophy as champion on ABC’s hit TV-show Dancing with the Stars. For the members of the San Antonio Deaf Dance Company it was especially meaningful. Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, the San Antonio Deaf Dance Company is
M 28
a leadership program for deaf and hard of hearing middle and high school students from the San Antonio area. Each summer they come together for a month-long dance camp learning new dance routines from guest choreographers. This year 32 students are part of the program. The performers and their teachers are hearing impaired and use mostly hand movements to communicate. Though they
cannot hear the music, it is not a barrier for the dancers. The students can feel the vibrations of the bass in the music, and use cues to know when to begin. Choreographers teach the steps to counts, and then repeat them over and over so that they can memorize the routine. The Company’s final performance occurred on Friday, July 29 at 7 p.m. in the Marshall High School Auditorium at
8000 Lobo Lane. Admission was free, but donations were accepted. Tuesday, July 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., was Media Day. Students and instructors were available for interviews. They also danced as part of their regular rehearsals. They were and continue to be amazing. For more information visit the San Antonio Deaf Dance Company Facebook page.
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
NEISD Welcomes New Teachers
Special To Welcome Home orth East ISD’s long tradition of excellence continues with the addition of hundreds of highly qualified teachers who are now joining the District. NEISD hosted New Teacher Orientation on Tuesday, August 9, 2016. Nearly 400 teachers were in attendance at the Churchill High School Auditorium to begin the week-long orientation. New teachers had an opportunity to meet District leaders, get motivated for the school year, and learn the culture and expectations. “Welcome to the greatest school District,” said Dr. Brian G. Gottardy, Superintendent of Schools. “I encourage you to be passionate about your kids and their success. Take your passion for learning and teaching and motivate your students to do their very best in the classroom as well as outside the classroom.” Teachers that recently walked across a college stage to the classroom and veteran teachers alike were eager and excited to learn more about NEISD and all it has to offer. “I’m excited about starting my career at North East ISD,” said Sasha Cabrera, a new special education teacher with NEISD. “The morning presentations were very welcoming, I appreciated their time and the pride that they have for the District. We certainly have high expectations to meet but that’s expected when you work for the best District in the state.”
NEISD Meets With Senator Menendez
New teachers and veterans alike were eager to learn more about NEISD.
NEISD and Senator Menendez discussed the implementation of David’s Law in local schools.
Special To Welcome Home n Tuesday, July 26, 2016, North East ISD staff members attended a round-table discussion with State Senator José Menéndez. This event was organized by The South Texas Counseling Association. The round-table discussion provided an opportunity to meet and visit with Senator Menendez and to share with him input for his proposed legislation, “David’s Law.” NEISD personnel along with local counselors, school districts, university professors, therapists, and agencies discussed how “David’s Law” might impact their work with students.
Nearly 400 teachers were in attendance to begin the week-long orientation.
The first day of school is right around the corner. NEISD will kick off the new school year on August 22, 2016.
The visit also allowed NEISD to potentially have an impact on the upcoming legislative session. State Senator José Menéndez is planning to file David’s Law in the 2017 legislative session with the intent to update anti-bullying laws and the incorporation of policies that address cyberbullying. “Our laws need to keep pace with evolving technology,” said Melendez. David’s Law, named after a student who was bullied on social media, will make it a Class B misdemeanor to electronically harass or bully anyone under the age of 18.
2016 SOURCE IS HERE The Guide With All Your North Side Information The Source is a Business & Medical Directory. It includes: Things To Do, Restaurants, Shopping, Medical, Maps, and more!—right at your fingertips. Pick up a FREE 2016 copy at any of these locations: • • • • • • •
Falcon Bank – 19230 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Oak at 18762 Stone Oak Pkwy. Frost Bank – Stone Ridge off Evans Rd. by HEB Plus Green Fields Market – 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy. Jefferson Bank – Stone Oak at 19002 Stone Oak Parkway Randolph Brooks FCU – 23737 Bulverde Road (Near Johnson HS) State Farm/Betsy Dippo – 19190 Stone Oak Pkwy., Ste. 112
For additional information call 210.348.8233 or visit
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
2016 SOBA BUSINE S S EXPO The Stone Oak Business Association & Johnson High School Student Counsel Invite the Community out for an evening of FUN. Meet local business owners and representatives. Win prizes & support your local High School!
Vendors Wanted! VENDORS (Sign Up Today!) SOBA members $85 Non-members $125
Date: Time: Location: Who:
Oct. 5th Johnson HS Cafeteria.
Lady Bird JOHNSON H.S.
Stone Oak Business Association
Benefiting The Johnson HS Student Counsel.
Wed., Oct 5, 2016 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm 23203 Bulverde Road FREE TO THE PUBLIC
RSV P: (210)34 8 - 8233 e - m ail: soba@s at x.r r.c o m w w w. St one Oak Bu sine s s .c o m
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses
Brea k fast With The SOBA Experts J.J. Rodriguez, Broker/Owner of J.J Rodriguez Professional Real Estate Services will be discussing the best Real Estate practices for buyers and sellers and the mistakes to avoid. He will also discuss Mortgage 101 and what particular mortgage product is best for you and your family. Brent McCrary of McCrary Stone Financial Planners will show you how to protect your investment in the long run. He provides recommendations for asset allocation, funding for education, retirement and long-term care insurance. He works closely with business owners, executive teams and their advisors to help realize their financial goals.
Stone Oak Business Association
Date: Wed., Sept 14, 2016 Time: 7:30 am to 9:30 am Location: The Egg & I Sonterra 700 E. Sonterra Blvd Cost: $10 for Members $12 for Non-Members
call: 210.348.8233 e-mail: soba@satx.rr.com www.StoneOakBusiness.com
SOBA • Building Relationships, Growing Businesses 30
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
2016 Winter Celebration Featuring AirLIFE Santa
Save The Date! OVER 60,000 lbs OF SNOW FUN! You are invited to eat, play, enjoy rides and have your FREE photo with Santa taken at the largest and longest running holiday event in San Antonio. Enjoy local school bands and talented children’s performances, winter “sledding” and 60,000 lbs of snow fun! Admission $10 or donation of a new toy. Date: Time: Place:
Saturday, December 3, 2016 10 am – 3 pm 502 Madison Oak (Parking Lot Across From North Central Baptist Hospital) $10 or donation of a new toy
F FRE Ph o E t wit o San h ta !
2016 Winter Celebration Sponsors
Vendor RSVP:(210)348–8233 • www.WelcomeHomeSA.com
September 2016 • Welcome Home • 78258
Saturday, October 22, 2016 NORTH CENTRAL BAPTIST HOSPITAL 7:30 am • Madison Oak Parking Lot
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