WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Welcome to the lovely Rogue Valley! You’ve just entered kayaking Nirvana! Picture yourself floating…silently, peacefully, beautifully at one with nature. The only sounds that reach you are the songs of the mountain birds, or the migrating geese flying overhead. Picture yourself sitting comfortably in a kayak or a canoe in the middle of just one of the many incredibly serene and panoramic lakes that are nestled all around us in the Cascade Mountains. No city noise to bother you, no cell phones vibrating for your attention, just sweet, peaceful silence. Then picture yourself rhythmically dipping your paddle into the water as you and your craft are smoothly gliding over the mirrorlike surface of the lake as you explore all of the shoreline, seeing pelicans, ducks, geese and other birds nestled together in groups taking in the day just as you are doing. You look up and see hawks, and even eagles soaring above and you know that this is an incredibly rare and precious day. What I am describing is something that my wife and I discovered was freely available pretty much any day we wanted after moving to the Rogue Valley almost 8 years ago. After relocating here from a more desert like location, we found ourselves going on weekend drives in all directions, exploring all of the natural wonders that were 4
within an hour or two drive. Our cameras were always at the ready snapping photos of all the naturally beautiful scenery that surrounded us. One of the most noticeable things that we discovered was that there were so many small mountain lakes nestled in the Cascades and we wondered what it would be like to be able to actually get on the water and explore further away from the roads that had brought us there. And that is just what we did. First, we sought out the advice of one of the local experts, Scott Keith who is one of the owners of the Northwest Outdoor Store. He was very knowledgeable about paddle related sports which includes kayaking, rafting, canoeing and also the newly popular stand up paddle boards. Scott was able to explain to us all the different types of kayaks and how one is good for lakes and another better for rivers. Some you sit within and others, you sit on top. The length of the boat is also an important factor in terms of glide or maneuverability. We asked a lot of questions about our new adventure into kayaking before making our purchase and Scott very patiently answered them all. He invited us to meet both he and his staff at Emigrant Lake where they had kayak demo days, so that we could actually get in the differ-
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
ent models and lengths of boats and give them a try. This was very helpful because it quickly became evident which type of kayak suited our needs. This began a period of adventure and exploration that I didn’t even know existed as we were now well equipped to make full use of our days in the surrounding mountains. In this writer’s opinion, there are few better ways to immerse yourself into our natural surroundings than sitting in or on a kayak. We like to pack a nice lunch, a blanket, a camera, binoculars and whatever suits our fancy and then off we go. We have found that it doesn’t really matter which direction we choose to head off into, there is always a great kayaking destination waiting for us. My recommendation is that if you are interested in a low cost excellent form of exercise plus a truly Zen like experience, head over and talk with one of the staff at the Northwest Outdoor Store. Take a look at the great variety of paddle craft that they carry. They have the best selection between Sacramento and Portland and are extremely knowledgeable and helpful to each and every person who enters their store. You’ll be glad that you did! -LMA
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Bringing peace of mind to you and your family A family-owned business, SOS Alarm is the only local, full-service alarm company based in Southern Oregon. Having served the region for over 40 years, they invest in the community and in their employees who live here. Unlike other alarm firms, SOS Alarm has their monitoring station, service, installation, accounting and sales departments right here in Medford. SOS Alarm offers a large variety of services, including custom designed burglar alarms, fire alarms, video surveillance and medical alert systems. With the only UL Certified central monitoring station in Southern Oregon, SOS Alarm’s central station is fully-staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by trained Oregon- certified alarm dispatchers. You can call anytime, day or night, and speak to a real person. All SOS Alarm sales consultants, technicians and installers are employed 6
by SOS Alarm. To ensure quality, trouble free systems, sub-contractors are never used for installations. For over 40 years, SOS Alarm has earned the trust and respect of their customers and the emergency agencies they
work with on a daily basis. Whatever your needs are, their fully trained staff is ready, experienced and qualified to do the work.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
The Rogue Valley is a wonderful place to live. Sadly enough though, crime runs through every community and you need to be prepared. Every recession since the late 1950s has been associated with an increase in crime, particulary, property crime and robbery. Statistically, there is a strong relationship between crime, falling wages and higher unemployment rates. Now more than ever, it’s time to use your alarm system every time you leave your home or business. If you don’t have an alarm system, now is the time to protect yourself. With the new security technology that is available, it has never been more affordable to protect the ones you care about. Keep in mind, burglars purposely avoid homes which are set up with security systems. Find out how easy it is to protect your home or business by calling SOS Alarm at 541-773-3900.
You Can Save $$ By Having Your Home Energy Tested! 94 Years of service! Started in 1919 in Des Moines, Iowa, McMurray and Sons has been providing quality materials and workmanship in the housing industry for over 94 years. David W. McMurray carries on the family tradition as President and owner of the corporation. Having grown up in the business, with a father and boss that understood the value of hard work and quality workmanship, the goals are the same as in 1919. Initially concentrating on residenWLDO URR¿QJ 0F0XUUD\ DQG 6RQV EHgan installing commercial/industrial URR¿QJ LQ WKH HDUO\ V DQG QRZ RIIHU services to handle any size project as well as insulation, weatherization and HVAC in the Rogue River Valley. One area that has become very popular in today’s environment is to provide homeowners with a Home Energy Evalution. Having acquired Gills ,QGRRU $LU 4XDOLW\ LQ 0F0XUUD\ and Sons, Inc. now offers a free home energy evalution, as well as advanved air leak detection such as a sealed blower door test. Here are some reasons for establishing the proper building tightness: ‡ 5HGXFLQJ HQHUJ\ FRQVXPSWLRQ due to air leakage ‡ $YRLGLQJ PRLVWXUH FRQGHQVDWLRQ problems ‡ $YRLGLQJ XQFRPIRUWDEOH GUDIWV 8
caused by cold air leaking in from the outdoors ‡ 0DNLQJ VXUH WKDW WKH KRPHœV DLU quality is not too contaminated buy indoor air pollution
7UXVW RI 2UHJRQ ZLOO SD\ XS WR SHUFHQW RI FRVW XS WR If your ductwork needs sealing, we seal the leaks and conduct a second duct leakage test to determine the reduction.
How a Blower Door Test Works 2XU FHUWLÂżHG WHFKQLFLDQV FRQGXFW a duct leakage test in your home to determine the amount of air leaking from your ductwork. :H ÂżW RXU EORZHU GRRU LQWR RQH RI your doorways & turn it on We are able to measure the leakage around your doors, windows, vents & air ducts (measured in cubic feet of air leakDJH SHU PLQXWH RU &)0
2QFH ZHÂśYH LGHQWLÂżHG WKH WURXEOH spots, we repair the leaks, leaving you ZLWK D PRUH FRVW HIÂżFLHQW KRPH Through our partnership with Energy Trust of Oregon, we are able to provide cash incentives that cover the cost of your Blower Door Test. After the duct leakage test Once your home has been tested, the following steps need to be taken to Âż[ WKH HQHUJ\ OHDNV DQG LQFUHDVH WKH HQHUJ\ HIÂżFLHQF\ RI \RXU KRPH :H SURvide all the testing & services outlined EHORZ :LWK WD[ UHEDWHV HQHUJ\ LQFHQtives, much of the cost can be covered.
Air sealing Sealing the shell of your home — ZDOOV GRRUV FHLOLQJ ZLQGRZV DQG ÀRRUV — from air leaks is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to increase FRPIRUW DQG HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQF\ 6HDOLQJ air leaks reduces drafts, controls moisture, keeps out pollutants and improves overall comfort. Many air leaks and drafts are easy WR ¿QG EHFDXVH WKH\ DUH HDV\ WR IHHO OLNH those around doors and windows.
Sealing ductwork Electric-heated
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Insulation 3URSHUO\ LQVXODWLQJ \RXU ÀRRUV walls and attic keeps you comfortable throughout the year, reduces your heating and cooling costs, reduces outside noise,and saves you energy. Before beginning an insulation project, it’s recommended that you have Gills Indoor Air Quality perform an air leakage test and seal any air leaks in \RXU KRPH WR PD[LPL]H WKH SHUIRUPDQFH of your insulation. For more informaiton on how you FDQ PDNH \RXU KRPH PRUH HQHUJ\ HI¿cient, contact McMurray and Sons, Inc. at 541-476-1107.
Simmons Beautyrest ComforPedic NuFlex Foundation Serta iComfort Lady Americana Pure Latex Bliss Restonic Mattresses Leggett & Platt
Medford Mattress was first established in 1989, and its success is primarily based on friendly family sales & service. The original owners, retired in 2003. Rod and Peg purchased the business and continued the same friendly service that Medford Mattress was known for.
ate. As this valley has grown over the years, we have faced corporate companies moving in with ‘best prices and service’ claims. These declarations are something we often hear disputed by our returning customers, unfortunately for them this is easily backed up with just a little research.
Our goal at Medford Mattress and Mattress Experts is to provide the best prices and service in the valley. Our “old school” style of doing business is something that our customers truly appreci-
Our company has grown through the years and we have had to add to our family of staff in order to continue meeting the needs of our customers. Hiring like-minded employees was a real challenge, but we
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
have been successful there as well. Medford Mattress began with one employee in 2003 and we now have sixteen. Our people live right here and have families that have grown up in the Rogue Valley. Thanks to our strong continued relationships, we have grown from one store to three. As the owners of Medford Mattress, and now Mattress Experts, we are pleased to have each of these people working with us. We are confident that you will find the best prices and service at our stores, often saving hundreds of dollars in most cases.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Draperies ‘N’ Things - Hunter Douglas Gallery As you walk though the doors at Draperies and Things you immediately enter a professionally decorated showroom. To be more precise, what you are experiencing is a Hunter Douglas Gallery, just one of six showrooms located in Oregon. The selection of window coverings, styles and colors can be overwhelming to many of us, at least until you talk with owners, Craig & Merry Reeves. Established in 1981, Draperies and Things is a full service Hunter Douglas Design and Service Center. The choice to partner with Hunter Douglas was an easy one for Craig and Merry. Not only is Hunter Douglas the oldest manufacture of window coverings (founded in 1919, Window Coverings since 1947), they also have a selection and a limited lifetime warranty which can not be matched. They even have a program called the “Right Choice Promise”. This is where you have 21 days to experience their products in your home or business, and, if for any reason you are unhappy, they will replace them and start over! For those of us who are not sure what will look best, free design consulting is available to all their customers. You will not feel pressured or uncomfortable working with Craig and Merry. “We work on our clients time frame,” says Craig. “We come to their home or office, consider what they want to ac12
complish, find out what their likes and dislikes are when it comes to design. We then make recommendations and give them plenty of time to consider which way to go. As an authorized Hunter Douglas Gallery, Craig and Merry can repair any damaged Hunter Douglas blinds
or other name brands regardless of how old they are or where they were originally purchased. They also provide maintenance for your blinds which can include removal, cleaning, adjusting and reinstallation. Blinds and window coverings play many important roles in a living or office setting. First, they can provide beauty, continuity and style. Secondly, but just as important, is the control of the environment and how it interacts with the outside weather. Almost 50% of a home’s energy is lost through its
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
windows. Hunter Douglas’ innovative, energy-efficient window covering products can significantly reduce this energy loss, save on heating and cooling costs and contribute to protecting the environment. And when it comes to privacy, you choose from styles which can completely block out light to other styles which can diminish harmful sun rays while still being able to see through them. On the safety side of things, do you still have smaller children in your home or do they visit? With Hunter Douglas, you don’t need to worry. From cordless manual and motorized operating systems, retractable lift cords, cord tensioners and wand controls, they offer a wide array of innovative lifting system options for enhanced child and pet safety as well as especially easy operation. Craig and Merry Reeves have spent the last 31 years serving Jackson County area residents. Their work can be seen in thousands of homes and offices not just in our immediate area, but throughout the entire Northwest. Before you make up your mind where to purchase your next window coverings, you owe it to yourself to see just what your options are. Draperies and Things offer a full variety of products which can match many different budgets. Draperies N Things is conveniently located right off the I-5 Freeway Exit 24 in Phoenix. Open M-F 10 to 5:30, Sat 10-2. Call 541-535-2790.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
You Will Be Floored! Family owned and operated, we have over 40 years combined experience in the flooring industry which assures our customers we have the knowledge, skill and ability to handle all your flooring requirements. We strive to lead the industry in customer service and ultimate satisfaction. We grew up in the Rogue Valley. We are your friends, your neighbors, your customers. We are community minded and have supported JPR, Britt Festivals and Medford National Little League. A pair of our owners took on 3 foster sons (all brothers) and adopted them in March 2012. As our business grows, so will our sponsorships of various local organizations such as the Dunn House and Hope House. A Little History: A couple of guys making money for other people dreamt of one day being their own boss. The dream morphed into a business plan and the plan was executed. Completely Floored opened February of 2007 and took off like its hair was on fire. The first month we exceeded our expected earnings by 40%. The orders were coming in before we were even done remodeling the showroom. Things were looking good. Little did 14
we know that we had started a business at the beginning of the biggest recession since the Great Depression. The first year went well, all considering. We had our share of struggles but were satisfied with our progress.
The second year brought the sting of our countries economic problems. We made adjustments accordingly and continued to maintain status quo. Two of our partners are masters of the budget so it came to be SOP to require a company Powwow to buy a box of pencils. Sounds ridiculous but it seems to be working.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
We stretched our marketing imaginations, flexed our cold call dialing fingers and prepared to attend any event to advertise ourselves that fit into our meager advertising budget. As the daily headlines offered nothing but financial gloom and doom, we were forced to take things a step further by sacrificing a sales person/ owner, Bob Wood, to installations, thereby reducing labor costs. Bob has over 20 years experience installing so it was the logical choice. Even though his body did not appreciate it, it was a very sound business decision and allowed our company to connect with customers on an additional level. Having the owner of the company on his hands and knees in their home seems to please some people. Thankfully, Bob is back in the showroom doing much better now that he is pleasing customers in the upright position. The economy, at least locally, seems to have turned a corner in the right direction. Things are looking up and we are all very satisfied that our hard work, dedication and sacrifice paid off. We know we owe our success to those referral and repeat customers who keep touting our value. We salute you!
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Central Point Family Dentistry For Beautiful, Healthy Smiles! Our facility in Central Point is brand new with state-of-the-art technology and advances to make your visits as rapid and painless as possible. In fact, Dr. Sanford prides himself on reducing the number of trips you have to make to the dentist for any given procedure. Dr. Ross Sanford’s award-winning dental career began in a rather unique way. Following in his father’s footsteps as a second-generation dentist, Dr. Sanford completed his
Scan this QR Code with your phone for special offer! 16
requirements and qualified as a licensed practitioner before his final year of dental school was complete, leaving his classmates in awe.
He has since gone on to practice in three states as a member of half a dozen dental groups and societies. After serving as a member of many regional and state-wide boards in Nevada, as well as a member of the International advisory committee for the Academy of LDS Dentists,
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he was nominated for special honors to the Pierre Fauchard Academy International Dental Honor Organization in 2001, where he has remained as an advisory member since. Dr. Sanford learned to speak Spanish fluently as a young man when he lived in Spain for 2 years. He uses that to his advantage each year as he travels to Central and South America to serve the less fortunate. His favorite activities have been to teach in Dental Schools in Honduras and Peru. To date he has made 10 trips to provide dentistry in several countries. In addition, he serves here in the Rogue Valley with several local charities including St. Vincent’s when the mobile van is in town. He is very pleased to call the Rogue Valley home now and looks forward to welcoming you to his practice. Call today for a free dental consultation: 541-644-8300.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Orley’s Keeps You Comfortable Year-Round with the Best in Stoves, Spas, Swim Spas, Gazebos, Above-Ground Pools and Pellet BBQ’s. Perhaps best known for stoves, Orley’s has some 200 in stock, including wood, pellet and gas stoves. Their most efficient (92%) seller is the Blaze King wood stove that can burn 40+ hours on one load of wood, and can be the sole heating source for homes up to 3,500 square feet. One of the largest wood stove dealers in Oregon, Orley’s also carries Avalon, Hearthstone. Lopi and other quality brands, with prices ranging from $900 to $4,000+. Wood stoves can save you from 40 to 70 percent on heating costs, and right now the government is offering a 10 percent up to $300 tax credit. Owned by Larry Milligan, Sr., Orley’s is a family owned business established in the 1950’s by Larry’s father and uncle, originally located off North Pacific Highway in Medford. In 1984 Larry Sr. bought the business and moved it to its current location. Larry’s wife, Patricia serves as office manager and Larry Jr. serves as sales manager. For year-round comfort, therapy and exercise, our Catalina spas are a welcome addition to any home. The largest volume Catalina dealer in Oregon, Orley’s features only the high18
est quality spas made today. Catalina spas, for example, are known to require much less servicing than other makes. The Catalina is considered the most therapeutic spa on the market, with strategically positioned jets to accurately massage your body’s pressure points. Be sure to come into
Larry & Patricia Milligan
the Medford store to see our line of swim-exercise spas. Is this the upcoming summer you’ll invest in a swimming pool? If so, consider the Sea Breeze aboveground pool—one of the popular Splash-A-Round pools on display at Orley’s Stove & Spa. The Sea Breeze features complete portability—easy to assemble and disassemble quickly with no
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tools required. It offers the utmost in durability, made with galvanized steel framework and heavy gauge polyester material that lead the competition in puncture and tear resistance. It comes with a 30-year warranty and a pump system just like an in-ground pool. Choose the size you want at Orley’s. Aboveground pool prices range from about $2,000 to around $6,000. “During our many years in the business,” says Larry Sr., “we’ve learned to recognize and select products that are known for their superior quality. You may find cheaper pools, spas and stoves elsewhere, but here at Orley’s you’ll find only those that will ensure your long-term satisfaction. Featuring these quality products, and taking time to determine our customers’ specific needs, account for our success today.” Orley’s Stoves & Spas has continued to grow for over a half a century by always offering top quality products matched with personalized service and follow-through with each customer, new and established.This company is truly a good example of what the Rogue Valley offers to it’s locals, both new and established.
When Your Feet Feel Good, You Feel Good! Foot and Ankle Care for the Entire Family some time at your first visit by printing out and completing the patient forms in advance of your appointment. One other area available on our website is our “Patient Education” section. We believe that informed patients are better equipped to make decisions regarding their health and well being. For your personal use, we have created an extensive patient library covering an array of educational topics. Our mission at SouthSouthern Oregon Foot and Ankle Offices - Medford , Oregon ern Oregon Foot and Ankle, L.L.C., is to provide you the practical information you with the best care of your feet need, such as a map and dihere in Southern Oregon. When rections to our office, practice Click here your feet feel good, you feel hours, payment policies and with your good. more. There’s also background smart phone You can contact Southern information about our comto enter our Oregon Foot and Ankle, L.L.C mitted staff and our first visit website by calling 541-776-3338 procedures. You can even save
Welcome to Southern Oregon Foot and Ankle, L.L.C. Dr. Merrill and staff are pleased to welcome you to our practice. We want our patients to be informed decision makers and fully understand their health issues. From your first visit to Southern Oregon Foot and Ankle L.L.C. it will establish a vital foundation for our relationship with you. During the first visit, we make sure to obtain important background information, like your medical history, and give you time to get to know your doctor. To
understand what to expect for your first visit to our practice, you can enter our website at www.sofootankle.com, there you can read through our “New Patients” page. You’ll find all
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Locally owned and operated, La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries opened in September 2007 along I-5 just off the Phoenix exit. After having introduced their franchise to Bend, Oregon, Allen Pfeifer and family decided to bring their brand to the beautiful Rogue Valley. The Pfeifers originally chose the La-Z-Boy line because of this company’s long history and fine tradition of building high quality, long-lasting recliners & furniture.
Born in the USA In 1927, two young cousins from Monroe, Michigan – Edward M. Knabusch and Edwin J. Shoe22
maker – created a wood-slat chair with a reclining back that allowed hardworking families to relax after a long day – and the world’s first recliner was born! The La-Z-Boy recliner was a big hit in Monroe and soon, the nation. Steadily over the last 85 years, La-Z-Boy has expanded beyond recliners and now has comfortable furniture in all shapes and sizes. With factories and employees across the nation and world, this homegrown family business has come a long way from its humble roots in a Michigan cornfield.
In-Home Design Assistance Dream it., Create it, Love it. Free design assistance in your home or in-store. If you ask us, picking out new furniture should be fun. And, when you work with us, it is. We make the process as easy as possible by helping you envision what your furniture and your entire room will look like.
Committed to America! Today, La-Z-Boy is hard at work building an all-American invention right here on American soil. With the headquarters still based in Monroe, Mich., five U.S. manufacturing plants, four distribution centers and nearly 350 furniture galleries, La-Z-Boy and it’s franchise owners employ more than 5,000 people nationwide in the pursuit of comfortable, long lasting furniture. Every day, they proudly produce recliners, sofas, chairs and more by hardworking, dedicated employees. These fine people are driven by the same determination and commitment to quality and comfort that set them on the road to success 85 years ago.
Visit us today to create a single sofa or an entire room. We’ll help you bring it all together. Quickly & easily bring your dream rooms to life in absolutely amazing 3-D visual reality. Customize furniture styles and fabrics, change the room shape, add windows and doors… In fact, anything you can do in a real room, you can do on the La-ZBoy 3D Room Planner!
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
We Are Big on Comfort! So often, small details make a big difference. Like customizable lumbar firmness. One-touch reclining. Extra long footrests. An ergonomic handle. Cushions “zoned” for optimal firmness and lasting comfort & so much more.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Wine Tasting and Touring in the Rogue Valley Region Is a Great Bunch of Fun and a Delicious Education! Southern Oregon, or more specifically the Rogue Valley and Applegate Valley offer a unique opportunity to taste and experience locally grown grape varietals and blended wines that compete with any other famous winemaking region of the world. This area is unique in that it has the ideal characteristics for growing a large variety of quality grapes within a small region. The Rogue Valley’s American Viticultural Area (AVA) is comprised of three distinct river valleys, each with slightly different grape cultivating characteristics. The warmest and driest of the three valleys in the Rogue region -- Bear Creek Valley runs parallel with the I-5 corridor. Its climate is similar to France’s Bordeaux region and is well suited for growing highly prized grape varieties including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Malbec and Syrah. Not to be outdone, the Applegate Valley, which is south of Grants Pass and east of Bear Creek Valley, beautifully stretches out along the path of the Applegate River, the valley’s more moderate climate is generally drier and warmer than the Illinois Valley to its west, yet not as warm and dry as Bear Creek Valley to the east. Its vineyards are planted 24
to Bordelaise varieties such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Chardonnay and Zinfandel. To the west of the Applegate Valley Appellation, and still within the Rogue Valley Appellation, the Illinois Valley is furthest of the three valleys from the primary population areas. High elevation and a marine influence, spilling over the coastal mountains to the west, are major elements of this valley’s distinct terrain. These influences make the Illinois Valley’s microclimate suitable for growing high-quality Burgundian varieties such as Pinot Noir, Gewürztraminer, Riesling, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, early Muscat and Gamay Noir. So whether you are well schooled at wine appreciation or not, planning a few days of wine touring is a “must do” activity now that you are living in this beautifully located region. Of course, we recommend that the best way to take in the various wineries worry-free is to plan to pack a nice picnic, invite some new friends or visiting family, and schedule one of our limousines so that you can take in the beautiful landscapes from the comfort of a luxuriously appointed vehicle with your own personal chauffeur to guide you in your quest. With all of the wineries to choose
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from, and more tasting rooms opening every year, it is simply impossible to take them all in during a single day. Wine making is an art as well as a skill, so be patient with yourself and allow the time to savor the uniquely wonderful characteristics of each winery and their signature offerings. The summer and autumn seasons are just perfect for enjoying the scenery but most wineries stay open year round just in case you miss a few. At Taste of Honey Limousine, we pay attention to the little details that will make your winery tour a day without hassle or worry. We always have your personal experience in mind and we feel that the best way to maximize your enjoyment of the day or of that special evening is to have your very own chauffeur at the wheel. We specialize in winery tours, weddings, anniversaries, quinceaneras and all other special events that make up the milestones of one’s lifetime. We also provide elegant transportation for business and corporate events as well as airport service day or night. Give us a call at 541-779-5123 to find out how affordable it is to schedule a limousine. We help guide you so that your day is one filled with fun and priceless memories.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Water treatment or water conditioning? How do I know if I need it? Who can help me decide what I need? Although there is a difference in the terms water treatment, and water conditioning, for this paper, I will make no distinction between the two. In the water treatment industry, most dealers seem to use the terms in the same manner not knowing there is a difference. Both terms relate to improving the water to a point that it is safe and pleasing to use. What are my treatment choices? With test results in hand, coupled with what aesthetics issues you know about, you are ready to delve into the complex task of deciding on a treatment choice for your water supply. As in the testing phase, you will need to be fully involved in understanding the difference in all the choices that may be available. In simple treatment choices, there may be only one or two options to consider, thus making your choice easy. But the more things “wrong” with your water, the more complex the treatment system becomes. This is compounded by each professional’s choice of treatment systems to solve your problems. It can become very confusing, so the more time you spend understanding the differences in these systems the more likely your informed choices will be the best choice for you. The “best” systems 26
aren’t necessarily the most expensive. There is rarely only one “right” choice. Many factors can determine the overall choice: (1) Type of existing pump system (2) Available room for new equipment (3) Pressure drop issues with multiple water treatment devices (4) Environmental or personal issues with certain chemicals and additives used in some treatment devic-
es (5) Maintenance and reliability of proposed equipment. (6)Treat whole house (point of entry equipment) and/ or at a single fixture (point of use). How do I go about choosing what needs treating? How do I decide whether to treat all or part of the water
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system? Which is the best method and equipment based upon price, reliability, chemical or consumables replacement? Again remember that the more you can learn before buying the better your choice will prove to be. It is therefore imperative that the following three steps not be overlooked. 1) Do the testing necessary to arrive at what in your water needs to be removed. The analogy of some one having major surgery without first doing all the major diagnostic testing to determine what is wrong and needs fixing is very apropos. Most water treatment equipment is very “job” specific as to what itcan remove. If you have not done enough testing, to determine what needs to be treated, it is near impossible to come up with the right equipment to do the job. Someone trying to sell you water treatment equipment without any supporting testing is not a professional...Beware! 2) Professional Input. Before, during, and after the water testing you need to have input from a professional water treatment dealer/ installer. Like mentioned earlier, you are not the only one using water from its supply formation. Local professional dealers will already have a pretty good idea of what needs to be treated. They can give you preliminary estimates on different treatment options while the final testing results are being done. A complete water analysis protects you so that you know that you have presented a list of things that need to be corrected. It allows all the professionals you may want to contact, to sell you on their method and equipment compared to others. It also protects the water treatment dealers in that it sets the parameters of what you want treated. 3) You’re Input. I think as important as the above two steps are, the additional step of making sure that your input is part of the whole testing process. Your senses are very important to getting the treatmentdesign and plan right the first time. The aesthetics issues that you find objectionable may not be important or even noticed by others. It may not have been tested for. If something smells, looks, or feels “off” in your water, make sure that information is available and addressed in the bids and estimates you get on your treatment system.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Our friendly staff welcomes you to Southern Oregon... Let us share with you three reasons why you’ll want to make us your jeweler! Are you new to the area? One of the most frustrating things to overcome in a new environment is realizing you are temporarily out of your comfort zone. You need to establish new relationships with everyone from your Dentist to where you do your shopping. When it comes to purchasing fine jewelry, most of us would obtain a referral from a friend or relative. This “word of mouth” referral base is how we built Gold & Gems over the past three decades. Just recently, we expanded from our Ashland store to a second location in Medford. The greeting we received in Medford has been wonderful. This is a family-owned company headed by Richard & Ron Hansen. We employ a friendly, highly trained team of jewelry professionals. Our team consists of Gemologists, Designers, Model makers, Goldsmiths, Platinumsmiths, Stonesetters and Customer Service Representatives all devoted to delivering top quality jewelry treasures to our valued customers. Consistently voted #1 jeweler and “favorite business ” in our local community, we have built this business on honesty, a high code of ethics, and of course ex28
ceptional jewelry and service. Now for those three reason you need to visit us at Gold&Gems:
ity of its gems. We have built our reputation on selling only the finest jewelry. Whether you come into our store or shop with us online, you are a Gold And Gems customer, and you can expect only the best in design, quality and service each and every time.
Reason #1: Pricing Policy: It is widely known that jewelry pieces are inflated, then discounted in order to “appear” like a low price. Our clients have become believers in the value that we offer. We have recognized successes by setting our everyday prices lower than the industries standard, and then we back up the purchases with support, free sizing, polishing and all of the service oriented issues that are so important with fine jewelry.
Reason #3: Trust: We are the longest running jeweler in Southern Oregon. Many others have opened and closed their doors during our 31 years of service. We have earned the trust of the local community, and that is something that we are most proud of. We look forward to serving you with our award winning custom creations, our fabulous inventories, or even something as simple as a battery for your watch. Come in, mention this article, and we will welcome you to Southern Oregon I encourage you to call us, or email us using our convenient online form if you have questions regarding fine jewelry, gemstones or just any issue.
Reason #2: Quality Assurance: Every piece of jewelry that you will find here has been hand-selected by Gold And Gems for its outstanding workmanship and the superior qual-
The hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday and the telephone number is 541-245-1585 (Medford) or 541-488-2753 (Ashland). The company’s website is: www.goldandgems.com.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Orthodontic Treatment Worth Smiling About Creating beautiful smiles is our goal, and the success of that has a lot to do with the wonderful patients we have in our Medford Orthodontic office. Dr Gary May has helped Medford OR residents attain the beautiful smiles they deserve with the latest innovations with orthodontic care. Our office uses Invisalign and the Damon System braces to create new smiles that will last a lifetime. We know that successful orthodontic treatment can only occur when patient, parents or spouse, the orthodontist and staff all work together. We are dedicated to this “team effort” approach, which requires the patients and their family to be as informed as possible in the many facets of treatment. With this goal in mind, we urge you to explore our website to learn more about us (www.mayortho.com), our commitment to you and your orthodontic needs. We recognize that every pa30
tient has different goals and desires, and we pride ourselves on individualizing every treatment plan to exceed your expectations. Whether you’re an adult, teen or child, our knowledgeable doctor and staff are
committed to helping you achieve your goals for your teeth and face as well as providing balance and harmony for a lifetime of beautiful, healthy smiles. Your individual treatment depends upon a close professional working relationship, and Dr. Gary
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May will make every effort to discuss and explain the specifics of your treatment in detail. Please feel free to inquire about any aspect of your treatment at any time since your understanding and cooperation are absolutely essential for the results we all seek. We are proud to serve the residents of Medford, Oregon and the surrounding Rogue Valley. We utilize the latest advances in the orthodontic industry, such as the new Damon Q and CLEAR braces and Invisalign. Our doctor invests hundreds of hours every year to stay at the forefront of the profession to ensure that you receive the most effective care possible to meet your individual needs. For Invisalign, Damon Braces and more, call your Medford, Oregon, orthodontist, Dr. Gary May for a Free Initial Consultation. Office at 1625 E. McAndrews Rd., Medford Suite B, 541.779.3003
Don McCoy on Real Estate In Jackson County Broker Founder of the Oregon Green Expo Host of the Green Economy TV Show on KOBI Channel 5
Medford & Surrounding Area Tops the List for Real Estate Come Back During the next 5 Years! Have you ever wondered why some people can buy and sell homes while others will struggle for months and even years? With interest rates being the lowest in history, there are many great opportunities out there to invest in...but where are they and how do I find them? These questions and many more are answered daily between Don McCoy and his clients. In the latest Fiserv Case-Shiller quarterly report released last week, the Medford metropolitan statistical area — which includes all of Jackson County — is projected to see more than an 11 percent gain in home values over the next five years. Investment website Business Insider said that could make the local real estate market one of the top-15 nationally into 2017. Fiserv Case-Shiller reported house prices in 37 of the 384 metro areas are projected to increase at more than twice the national annualized rate of 3.3 percent over the next five years. The intriguing element for homebuyers, sellers and people in the local real estate industry is that more than half of those markets are in three states: California has nine, while Oregon and Florida have five each. Medford topped the list. Pan-
ama City-Lynn Haven-Panama City Beach in Florida was No. 2, followed by Santa Fe, N.M. Eugene-Springfield came in at No. 13 and Yakima, Wash., was No. 14. Fiserv Case-Shiller considers historical and forecast home price trend information, supplemented with data from the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Through 2017, the
led to his special expertise in helping communities focus on developing sustainable design and living on local and regional levels as well. Don has gone on to receive additional training in building science, energy, and environmental issues directly related to various real estate transactions, in both the residential and the commercial areas of the marketplace. He completed numerous educational opportunities through USGBC LEED for Homes, Energy Star presentations for Contractors & Architects, and a State of Oregon Building Code class including the High Performance Homes presentation. Don is an Energy Trust Trade Ally of Oregon, EcoBroker Certified® and Earth Advantage S.T.A.R. In recent years, Don has developed a television documentary series on “The Green Economy and Green Building in Southern Oregon,” and it is with excitement and enthusiasm that he helps promote, consult and educate the language of Green through his TV shows, power point, speaking, writing, panel discussions and trade shows.
Home Values In Jackson County Up 13.4%
report projects an 11.2 percent increase in Jackson County home values. From the market peak during the first half of 2006 to the cutoff date for the report earlier this year, Jackson County home prices had declined 39.8 percent. As the areas first EcoBroker and Earth Advantage trained real estate agent, Dons passion for quality high-performance homes in both new construction and in remodeling has
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
*Source: Trulia.com and the Mail Tribune
It’s What You Don’t See That Makes A Difference! When you need tires and wheel products for your vehicle, Quality Tire has always been the place to go to in the Medford, OR area for the past 20 years. Established in 1991, owners Scott Pollacheck and Joel Harris have prided themselves on giving their customers the best possible service. Come into our convenient location at 1910 Table Rock Rd., Medford, OR, anytime between 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday for all of your automotive needs. Customers can contact Quality Tire at 541-770-6827, or contact us online. As its name implies Quality Tire specializes in providing its customers with the best possible passenger and performance tires available, with only top national brands such as MICHELIN®, BFGoodrich® and Uniroyal® offered to our customers. Thanks to our online tire finder, customers can input their vehicle’s 34
make, model and year to find appropriate tires from the comfort of their
homes. If you have additional questions, our qualified staff can assist
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you anytime with questions to provide you with the best possible tires and wheels to fit your driving needs and budget. Quality Tire can also assist you with your tire service needs, including regular and low profile tire installation, computer spin balancing, flat repairs, and rotations. If your vehicle needs mechanical repairs or preventive maintenance, look no further than Quality Tire. Get the full potential from your vehicle when it is serviced for preventive maintenance or other mechanical work by our superb technicians. We specialize in brake work and TPMS. Come in today to Quality Tire to see what our staff can do for you and your vehicle. Call us today at 541-770-6827 ir visit us at 1910 Table Rock Road, Medford.
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Window Tinting is Sunscreen for Your Automobile, Home or Business! Sunscape Window Tinting is not just another tint shop. We specialize in Residential, Commercial and Automotive Window Tinting. We are also your certified installers for 3M paint protections films. We also design and install custom graphics either in window film or vinyl stickers. We are your one stop tint shop! We have a simple philosophy: do things right the first time! After 17 years we have learned that there is no such thing as a small job. Whether you need your personal car tinted, your new home protected or a complete face lift on your 20 story building, we believe that quality installation and the best customer service possible is what it takes to stay alive in any type of business. After being in the business for this long, we pride ourselves on keeping at the top of our game. We are actively attending seminars and classes to keep our techniques current., as well as participating and placing in several window tinting competitions. We feel this gives us an advantage over our competition. Here are a few reasons that set us apart from our competitors. Automotive Window Tinting There are so many reasons to have you car tinted. Some buy window film because it looks good. Others need UV protection, while many simply want to keep out the heat and reduce unwanted glare. Whether it’s your first sports car or the family SUV, we have films that 36
will give you the protection you are looking for whatever your needs. Residential & Commercial Window Tinting The fact is that the sun will destroy everything in its path. Harmful UV rays can and will ruin the inside of your home or building. Carpet, hardwood floors,drapes and your furniture are at risk. Window film is the only product that offers you protection against the UV rays and still allow you to enjoy the lights that brightens your day. Safety, security and anti-graffiti film offer even more protection.
We basically offer the best of the best when it comes to residential or commercial space window tinting. Our #1 selling brand of residential film is the Sunscape Select designer films by Madico. The Sunscape Select films are specifically designed for today’s modern home. Low reflectivity, high heat rejection and absolutely the best clarity and
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quality in the window film business. Lifetime manufacturer warranty on both the film and labor but more importantly the Sunscape Select films come standard with a 5 year glass breakage warranty and 5 year seal failure warranty. Sunscape Select Designer films are Duel Pane “Safe” and are manufactured to work with modern Low “E” window systems. The Sunscape Select will reject almost 100% of the harmful Ultra Violet rays and will block as high as 89% of the unwanted heat and glare. We stock a full line of Ceramic, Dual Reflective, Neutral and Soft Bronze window films. We also from time to time need to match existing films therefore we have access to other films. We also buy from Madico, Llumar, Suntek, Johnson Window Films and V-Kool. If you are looking to have your commercial building or personal home tinted, we again feel that your experience with us will be pleasant and professional. We offer free in home estimates. We offer a wide range of window films depending on your application needs. Anti-graffiti films, non-reflective films, dual reflective films, ceramic films, decorative window films even clear window films, we offer it all. We are fully insured and we are a licensed and bonded contractor in the state of Oregon. We invite you to stop in and take a tour of our new facility at 2001 Biddle Road in Medford, Oregon. Our office hours are Monday- Friday 9:00 A.M to 5:30 P.M and by appointment only on Saturdays.
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WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Tomorrow is that day of the week when anything could happen No one knows what tomorrow holds. Call today to schedule an Insurance and Financial Review to get prepared for your future. Life I Home I Auto I Retirement Planning I Long Term Care I Disability Income I Commercial
Tarah Sussman Tarah Sussman 3501 Excel Dr Dr. Ste. #225 3501 Excel Medford, OR 97504 Medford, OR 97504 541-779-8846 541-779-8860 541-787-5455 cell ofďŹ ce tarah.sussman@ 541-787-5455 cell countryfinancial.com
tarah.sussman@ countryďŹ nancial.com
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WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
541-779-1333 Welcome to beautiful Rogue Valley Oregon, we hope that your transition is going smoothly. If while during your move, you have a need for a safe and convenient place to store your belongings while getting settled into your new home, we hope that you will give us a call! When you store your possessions in our facility, you don’t have to worry. All of our units are protected by a security fence. At night, our facility is brightly lighted. Additionally, we have resident managers that are available, electronic gates, and a high-tech surveillance system. Offering Special Rates for Customers Making Annual Payments
Conveniently Located Next To Highway 5
• Convenient Central Location • Residential or Commercial Use • Six Unit Sizes to Choose From • Gated Area for Boats, RV’s, etc. • Open Every Day of the Week • Tall Security Fence Protection • Resident Managers on Location • High Tech Surveillance System • Electronic Gates at Entrance • Close to the I-5 Freeway Exits
Ask About Our “New-Movers” Special!
2700 Bullock Road Medford, Oregon www.medfordministorage.net
Serving the Medford Area Since 1973
Mini Storage Warehouse 541-779-1333 WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
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WelcomePagesUSA | Vol 2 Issue 5 | Rogue Valley, Oregon
Callahan’s Mountain Lodge From earliest times the major obstacle to travel between the Rogue Valley of southern Oregon and Shasta Valley of northern California has been the ridge of mountains called the “Siskiyous.” The name comes from the Indian word for “broom tailed horse.” Legend has it that the first white man the Indians met in this area was riding a horse with its tail cut off square like a broom. The white man asked the Indians for the name of the Mountains, but misunderstood their reply. He thought they were naming the mountains when actually they were talking about his horse’s tail. The name “Siskiyou” endured. The lowest and shortest passage over these mountains is a few miles west of a 1,000-foot tall rock pillar protruding above the mid point of the ridge. Known as “Pilot Rock,” this landmark aided Indians and immigrants, as well as today’s travelers, to locate the best place to cross the mountains. The discovery of gold in both Rogue and Shasta valleys in the 1840’s and 50’s brought more 54
people over this crossing and soon there was a community known as the village of “Siskiyou.” The peak growth of this village occurred during the construction of Railroad Line 3 over the mountains in 1887. A train tunnel, dug near the summit beginning at the southeast corner of the village, will be forever famous as the site of the last great train robbery. Three D’Atremont brothers jumped on the train as it was slowly ascending the steep grade north of the entrance to the tunnel. Four men were killed leading authorities to one of the most extensive manhunts in U.S. history. The brothers were ultimately captured, tried, and sentenced to life in prison. The Siskiyou population began to diminish and finally lost its post office status in 1920. As a young man growing up in the Rogue Valley, Don Callahan dreamed of owning a lodge in the Siskiyou Mountains. Managing a flock of sheep and owning little else, that dream seemed far away.
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In 1944 a piece of property midway up the mountain on Highway 99 became available. Don sold the sheep and bought the land. After service in World War II, with the help of friends, a pick and shovel, he chiseled out a building site from the solid rock of the hillside. In 1947 he built a wood and stone building which he named “Callahan’s Siskiyou Lodge.” The dining room, with eight stools and five tables, opened initially catering to local residents who enjoyed the rustic lodge and its alpine setting. Soon interstate travelers began to appreciate the lodge as well. Anyone who ever traveled “Old 99” can still recall that well known spot. Don married Nilde Cervellin, an immigrant from Italy, in 1951. She brought the great Italian dishes to Callahan’s which are still famous today. Soon guests were standing in line! In April 1964, the original Callahan site was condemned for the new Interstate 5 right of way. Not wanting to be out of business, Don bought a larger piece of land a short distance up the highway below the summit of the Siskiyous and reopened in July of 1965. The site is actually a part of the old village of Siskiyou. Callahan’s is known throughout the West as an exceptional place to stop for great food, good drinks and good company. It is now being patronized by the fourth generation of original customers. Few restaurants enjoy such extensive acclaim. Ron Bergquist, who had remodeled Nilde’s kitchen in 1960, and his wife, Donna, purchased Callahan’s on January 2, 1996. Ron brings to the enterprise his extensive experience in developing restaurants and hotels. He was raised in the Rogue Valley. Donna, a native of Texas, brings many years of experience in marketing, promotion and advertising. They believe their combined skills will assure the future success and development of the “Callahan„ tradition.