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The Changing Face of Australian Standards
Australian Standards are living documents. They reflect progresses in science, technology and systems. To maintain their relevancy, all Standards are periodically reviewed, with amendments and revised editions published. The last few months have seen several developments, including an urgent review into standards related to rubber hoses for welding, cutting and allied processes, and ongoing reviews into standards related to pressure equipment and steel structures.
Pressure Equipment As previously reported, the revision of AS/NZS 3992 Pressure equipment—Welding and brazing qualification was completed in late 2018. The public comments were resolved and the ballot process completed, with the revised version of the Standard published as AS 3992 on 9 June 2020.
Standards users have reported a number of issues with the 2020 edition. As such, it is likely that a minor amendment is required. Users are encouraged to report any issues they encounter with the Standard, which will be forwarded to the drafting committee when the opportunity arises.
Committee ME-001 has initiated the revision of AS 1796 Certification of welders and welding supervisors. A draft has been prepared and it is likely to be released for public comment in the second quarter of 2021. The draft will include items from other pressure equipment standards including new provisions for a pressure equipment welding inspector.
Committee ME-001 has also completed the balloting of the latest revision of AS 2593 Boilers—Safety management and supervision systems. Once work on this Standard is resolved, it will allow the project proposal on the revision of AS/NZS 3788 Pressure equipment—In-service inspection to be finalised and submitted to Standards Australia.
Welding of Structures Review of public comment on the draft of the revision of AS/NZS 1554.2 Structural steel welding— Part 2: Stud welding (steel studs to steel) was completed in December 2020. During the review, an error was detected in the table of values relating to threaded studs. This table has been revised and the Standard will be re-released for further public ballot in the second quarter 2021. Pipelines Committee ME-038 has revised AS/NZS 2885.2 Pipelines—Gas and liquid petroleum Part 2: Welding with a modified public review draft closing for public comment and committee ballot in January 2020. The revised Standard was published in May 2020. Part 3 of AS/NZS 2885 Pipelines—Gas and liquid petroleum Part 3: Operation and maintenance has also been revised and public comment received is being resolved.
ISO Update ISO TC44/SC10 has commenced the revision of the ISO 3834 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials series of Standards, primarily to take cognisance of changes to ISO 9001 Quality management and the 2019 edition of ISO 14731 Welding coordination — Tasks and responsibilities. The revision is well advanced with a number of parts already passing FDIS ballot. The next meeting is scheduled for September 2021.
TC44/SC10 has also been revising ISO 17660 Welding—Welding of reinforcing steel. This edition is planned to combine the two existing parts into a single document. A number of meetings have been held to resolve public comment, with the next meeting planned for April 2021.
Similarly, ISO TC44/SC11 has commenced the revision of ISO 9606-1 Qualification testing of welders—Fusion welding—Part 1: Steels with the intention of combining all five parts into the one Standard. This will simplify the ongoing maintenance and review requirements for the Standards as parts 2 to 5 of ISO 9606-1 are in need of revision. An initial draft has been prepared and the Committee will be meeting again in March 2021.
Australia is participating in the revision process on both ISO sub-committees.