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An Update from Weld Australia’s Technology Networks
Weld Australia’s Technology Networks provide a forum for technology transfer and research and development, linking members with industry and research organisations. Weld Australia works with Industry Group members to ensure they remain diverse and resilient in the everchanging and increasingly challenging global markets.
Power Generation Process Safety Group Weld Australia’s Power Generation Technology Network recently facilitated a free online webinar on the topic Process Safety: The Start of the Journey.
The objective of process safety is to manage the integrity of operating systems by applying safer design principles, engineering and disciplined operating practices. Process safety principles help prevent incidents that have the potential for a loss of control of a hazardous material or energy. In turn, this prevents severe consequences like fire, explosion and toxic effects, which may ultimately result in loss of life, extensive property damage and environmental impact.
Several industry experts spoke during the webinar, including Lara Kayess (Manager, Asset Management, Aurecon), Ralph Villarosa (Engineering Leader, Energy Australia), Ian Rawlings (Manager Boilers, CS Energy), Ryan James (Senior Manager, Process Safety, AGL Energy) and Jon Alsop (Group Manager Engineering Services, Origin Energy). With over 65 attendees, the webinar generated a range of interesting discussions.
Following on from the webinar, a meeting was held with the speakers, at which it was decided to: • Run a post event survey • Develop a Terms of Reference for a Process
Safety Industry Group • Compile a list of potential guides the group could develop Ian Rawlings (Manager Boilers, CS Energy) accepted the nomination to Chair the group.
The survey was conducted, which resulted in recommendations for future action, including: • Development of a mechanism for the sharing of safety incidents • Production of good practice guides • Completion of baseline audits to facilitate benchmarking
The first two guides to be produced will be a Guideline for Safety Critical Elements and a Guideline for Reporting Process Safety Incidents for the Electricity Industry. These two documents have been circulated for review and are currently underway.
Lara Kayess (Manager, Asset Management, Aurecon) is facilitating an audit with each member of the Power Generation Technology Network to establish a baseline of Process Safety Management systems. A 40 question survey, based on an OECD questionnaire, has been developed. The survey questions have been built into an MS form with a selection of drop-down responses. An accompanying introductory pack has also been developed to introduce the Weld Australia Process Safety Group, outline the reasons for the survey and the benefits to a company in doing the survey. The aim is to complete all benchmark surveys by April.

Weld Australia to Launch Rail Technology Network Welding is a core capability critical in the delivery of rail projects, as well as the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of existing assets. As such, Weld Australia’s Rail Technology Network will help improve welding capability, facilities and supply chains throughout the rail industry.
Weld Australia has a wide portfolio of accomplished work in the rail industry on infrastructure, as well as multiple fleets of trams, metropolitan trains, regional trains, and freight transport. We believe now is the right time to launch a Rail Technology Network.
The purpose of the Rail Technology Network is to: • Bring the welding capability of the rail industry and its supply chain to international best practice • Advocate for a national railcar and wagon fabrication facility and supply chain
Australia’s rail manufacturing sector is undergoing a significant transition. It is slowly evolving from a more traditional manufacturing model of end-toend rolling stock production, to a more advanced manufacturing model, and low-volume, high-value production. The rapid advances in technology and the changing face of manufacturing generally, mean that businesses within Australia’s rail manufacturing sector are facing the immediate challenge of incorporating new technologies and processes into their operations.
A world-class rail welding industry in Australia will facilitate a shift in manufacturing focus, capitalise on international opportunities, and develop the rail supply chain capabilities.

The Benefits of Technology Network Membership
• A confidential forum for discussing issues with peers • A unified body that advocates for change among industry clients • Advantageous access to technical advice and engineering support • The opportunity to benchmark against industry best practice • A conduit between industry and research organisations • Beneficial nationally and internationally accredited training • Cost effective certification products and services • Collaborative sharing of resources and services for repair options in accordance with Australian and international standards • Opportunities to influence Australian Standards, contract terms and specifications • Opportunity to participate in research and development projects • Technology transfer and networking via industry specific forums Contact Alistair Forbes (National Manager Corporate Businesses, Weld Australia) on a.forbes@weldaustralia.com.au for details.