Issue 4

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check out this bright bunch of articles... five ways to rapidly grow your business PAGE 3

the productivity times zones of an online wellness entrepreneur PAGE 6

how to: facebook live Page 10

healthy finances PAGE 12

overwhelm PAGE 15

copywriting tips + tricks for wellness businesses PAGE 17

converting facebook likes into leads PAGE 24

five ways to rapidly grow your business By Kaylene Langford, StartUp Creative To ensure that your business and life is always growing and evolving so as to be sure you never become stagnant and bored. Here are my top 5 ways to grow a business rapidly.


you to weed out the shit that often presents as

You don’t have all the answers and chances are

distractions and shortcuts. In short, a great coach

you never will. What you can have though is a

won’t let you get away with being mediocre and

community of like-minded masters around you

will push you mastery.

who are striving for excellence in the same way you are. Leverage off your community, ask for help

Take massive action.

and stop trying to be a hero. Your business will do

Too many people are full of dreams and goals but

much better if you have other creative minds

do nothing with them. Reality is there is an

working with you on the strategies.

abundance of business ideas out there. What is lacking though, is entrepreneurs who are prepared

Add value.

to do the work. Yes, you can have the life of your

Business is the exchange of value. Simple as that.

dreams but don’t think for a minute that it’s

Right now I have money in my bank and if you can

coming your way without hard work. When you get

convince me that what you have to offer me will

clear on what you want for your life and business,

add value to my life, I will be prepared to take that

make a plan to get there and take massive action

money out of my bank and hand it over to you. If

to bring it to life, despite whatever might get in the

you’re not getting the results that you want for

way. If you want it, you can and will do it.

your business, ask yourself, does what I have to offer add enormous value to my customers life? If

Train your brain.

the answer is no, work out how you can add more

You have the power in your brain right now to use

value to ‘wow’ your customers and keep the

your very own thoughts to create the reality you

customers coming back. If the answer is yes, and

desire. It is scientifically proven that what you

you’re still not getting results you want, you may

focus on expands. If you want rapid growth, more

need to look at how you can better communicate

money, longer holidays, less work, you can have it!

the value you have to offer to you customer, and

Start focusing on what you do want, visualize it in

ensure that you are offering it to the right ‘target

your mind. See, feel and believe that you can have

market’ that needs it most.

whatever you put your mind too and harness the power of the conscious mind to transform your

Get a coach.

current reality into the life of your dreams.

A coach's job is to have or find the answers. If they are good at what they do they would have walked

Kaylene Langford is

the path before you and have first-hand

the founder of

experience of what it’s like in the trenches and

StartUp Creative. She

therefore have a guide to offer you of what works

is a young

and what doesn’t. Having a business coach can


save you a heck of a lot of time and empower you

passionate coach and

to get straight to the hustle of getting the job done. Coaches can keep you accountable to ensure you keep moving forward, give you quick answers that would have taken you hours/days to find, and

dedicated mentor. startupcreative startupcreativeau

what's on our moodboard this month?


the productivity times z ones of an online wellness entrepreneur

By: Krista Goncalves, Making Lemonade

As an entrepreneur, specifically one who’s carved out a wellness niche online, you are your own brand and business... with big plans too! That’s a fact. But, as a health and wellness business owner, a wellpreneur - you’re also a bit of a different bird. You’re a dedicated gogiver by nature, and it can be easy to get caught up in continuously helping others, that you completely lose what it means to look after yourself.

That often translates into your day-today productivity getting sidelined amidst the overwhelm of your sometimes draining and challenging work. No, you can’t clone yourself or petition to have the 24-hour clocked changed, but you can be more effective and efficient with your time!

Trust me, with these tips, you’re going to feel like you just found an extra couple of hours in your day, and you’ll be happier and healthier for it too! Here are my productivity hacks for wellpreneurs, you've got to get in the Zones. You need to set distinct boundaries as an entrepreneur, especially if you work from home. Maximise overall productivity in your online health or wellness business by identifying these 3 main “time zones”.

#1 YOUR ME TIME - FITNESS, NUTRITION, SELF-CARE Believe it or not, this is the part that may be the most impactful to your productivity as an online business owner. It may even feel counterintuitive to say that in order to gain more time, you’ve got to spend more time - on YOU. Self-nourishment is key. When you feel valued, supported and your needs are taken care of, your productivity increases and creative juices flow more freely, ultimately leading to more clients and greater financial benefits.


hink of “me time” as your gas stop on your daily road trip aka, your work day. You don’t just stop for gas whenever you feel like it, otherwise you would end up with your hazard lights flashing by the side of the road! You’ve got to schedule that piece, just like any other task. All it takes is 20-30 minutes of quality self-care each day. However, you may prefer to block it off as an hour or two during the week, like taking your favourite class at the gym or even a little DIY spa action on the weekend. Think of it this way - switching your mind over to something non-work related, can also help you re-frame problems, identify solutions and come up with new ideas and opportunities. I also include in this time zone - your fitness & nutrition. Those too, need to be scheduled in! We all know that healthy eating and working out regularly can be a challenge, especially for entrepreneurs, even though we are in the wellness biz! We’re human after all, and face the same challenges outside of our businesses just like everyone else. Schedule exercise every day - this can double up as your 20-30 minutes of “me time” if you have to, although having an additional bit of self-care would be optimal. Nutrition too, has to be planned out ahead of time, or else you know exactly what ends up happening - all the best intentions in the world won’t help you when it comes to dinner time. Take one hour per week and plan at least a few of your meals for the week. Time to get reacquainted with your crockpot!

#2 YOUR TECH TIME - SOCIAL MEDIA & EMAIL It was probably only a decade ago that email was our main ‘productivity killer’, then came ‘chatting’ online, and then… the attack of the social networks! I think we can all agree that social media is one of the biggest time sucks that we regularly and willingly engage in - which we do in reaction to being bored, or when feeling overwhelmed by a task that we find especially tedious.


oday we have literally hundreds of possible distractions at our fingertips and prioritisation has become a moving target! Social media: It will be important to set aside specific hours of the day to engage with your community on social media. The experts at Social Media Week suggest this: “Batching is a productivity hack helping you to work efficiently by doing similar tasks in one batch of time instead of switching from one task to another in the same period. You can tackle in batches editorial planning, creating images and scheduling social media promotion.” Email: When you log into your email, you’re having to deal with what everyone else needs from you, and you become reactive. In essence, you’re shifting from your own agenda, to someone else’s. For this reason, it may be best to avoid checking emails in the morning, unless you need to respond to something that’s urgent, then it can wait! You can always respond to an email with a quick note saying that you will get back to them at a later time when you can give a more detailed response. Manage your email - don’t let it manage you. You want to start off your day with planned-out, purposeful activities (blog & content writing, guest posting, creating videos, perfecting your sales funnels, etc), and then finish up your day with “tech time” last. It’s also critical to identify what time of day you are most productive, and then optimise that time. For me it’s early in the morning, as soon as my clan go out the door. Then I fly into action! Here’s a great article by time management expert Penny Zenker & Author of “The Productivity Zone” .


It’s not enough to plan HOW you’ll use your time, but you’ve got to plan WHEN you’re going to plan. Umm, ok. Wasting precious time in the morning making decisions means a chaotic start to the day, and that chaos will only just follow you for the rest of the day. Things like who’s taking the kids to their activities after school? What’s for breakfast? Which workout are you doing today?


his is the most underrated productivity tip ever: plan your perfect day the night before. Don’t let the simplicity of it fool you either! Planning the morning of the day in question is already too late. You’ll want to plan and review your day’s schedule the night before, so that when you get up and start your work day, you’re not already behind the eight ball. Physically making lists (on post-its or a notebook) and checking off items creates a sense of reward and accomplishment. So, there you go - distinct zones to put you into a new productivity mindset. Once you’ve blocked these specific times off for yourself, be sure to devote yourself 100% to each. For example, don’t let ‘planning time’ get in the way of ‘me time’. Be present, be productive. However, if you’re like most entrepreneurs, with several balls in the air at the same time, ideas and ah-ha moments pop up with reckless abandon! Trust me, I understand the compulsion to act on each and every one of them too. However, keep a pen & paper handy or quickly open up your Evernote, jot down your fabulous idea, then get back to the task you were already doing. Stay in the zone wellpreneur! @MakingLemonadeHealth @lemonadehealth

How To: Facebook Live Videos There's no getting away from the fact your Facebook followers prefer video to any other medium. If you're avoiding Facebook Live, you're avoiding astounding engagement opportunities with your audience. Page 10

You don’t need to get caught up in having a perfectly polished presentation, this is like a real like meeting. You are absolutely allowed to have a sip of water or break eye contact! In a recent poll, 77% of our readers said they don’t currently use Facebook Live but they hope to in the near future. So we consulted with several social media powerhouses to pull together these five tips for nailing your Facebook Live videos.

Aside from these tips the most common advice was to start today, don't waste another moment waiting for the perfect topic or for a good hair day, just do it. Your audience will want to get to know the real you so feel free to open up and share. Some brands have made a huge success of their Facebook Live videos by giving their followers a regular time slot each week where they can just chat live, share their thoughts and answer commonly asked questions!

1. Keep it clear Eliminate any obvious distractions to keep your discussion as clear as possible, you want whoever your speaking to focus on you and properly engage with what you’re saying. It’s ok to hear the background noise of birds cheeping but you might want to ensure there isn’t a beeping printer or dishwater in the background. Same goes for any visual distractions, keep your area uncluttered and professional. Basic common sense things really like avoid hanging plants dangling over your head or filming in front of a sink with dirty dishes stacked up. Keep your appearance pared back so it doesn’t create a distraction. Choose plain coloured clothes, jewellery that isn’t noisy, those kinds of things. In saying that, it’s also vital you look like you! If you like loud accessories don’t let me stop you! Sharing your authentic self with your viewers is what it’s all about so don’t feel like you need to always wear the same ‘uniform’ when filming. 2. Stay on message While you want to maintain an air of ad-hoc unscripted conversation, you don’t want to take too many tangents and forget where you started. I recommend writing your key points down on a big sheet of paper and hang it up behind the phone/computer you’re filming from. This way the text is large and because it’s hung up near the camera it won’t look like you’re scrambling through your notes if you lose your train of thought.

3. Upgrade your equipment If it’s going to become part of your business comms strategy then you may want to invest in a camera and/or mic for your set up. Some integrated webcams and cameras have a very low resolution so it would be better to buy a separate camera to clip onto your computer or phone. The integrated microphones are often not great at picking up crystal clear audio so try plugging in a lavaliere mic or podcast mic. You can find the equipment I use in this article. My low-cost mic cancels out the background noise really well, I also think this looks more professional than wearing the iPhone headphones with mic that a lot of people seem to use for FB Live videos. 4. Angles and ascetics Lighting can help boost your video, it’s not about looking attractive, it’s about making you look professional. I set up in natural light wherever possible and avoid filming in rooms with fluorescent lighting. Keeping your camera at eye level is also key in creating a conversational setting with your viewers. Film with the camera horizontal if possible. 5. Getting an audience Inform your audience about the Facebook Live Video you are planning, be specific with content, the date and time so they can mark it in the diaries in advance. Then post a reminder an hour or so out from going ‘live’. Film for a minimum of ten minutes, this will ensure more of your audience are alerted to the fact you doing a live video. Once you have people watching your video you will also be able to

see any comments they make during the recording. To keep your viewers interested it’s great to ask them to submit questions or comments on the video and give your responses in real time. Once you have filmed your video it will stay on your feed (unless you want to remove it) so you have the opportunity to re-share it with people who missed it. If it went really well you can even put some advertising behind it and boost your post. If you need ideas for videos, blog articles and social posts download our free list of content topics here. You can also view our video on getting started with equipment and flow here.


healthy finances Stacey Price is an accountant who has written a book. The book we all wish we had before our first EOFY in business. The ebook is titled ‘The start-ups guide to stupid questions you are too scared to ask your accountant’. As you might guess, it’s jammed packed with all the common queries you have keyboard bashed into Google and the ATO website search bar.

Well Being Business: Great book Stacey, can you tell us a bit about why you wrote the book and what's in it? Stacey: We have aimed the guide to those in the startup phase of their business - so generally in the first year of business, as we know they have so many questions but cash flow prevents them from getting an accountant on board. Over the past four years in business we received so many

enquiries from start-up business owners who were quite fearful and stressed about the financial side of running a business. Were they doing it right, what do they need to consider and most didn't even know what they needed to ask as it just was all too much. But due to cash flow, they simply could not afford to get qualified advice from an accountant, and they did not understand how to navigate the ATO website or what the actual information meant once they found "the answer".

We feel that all business owners should be able to access education on starting a financially sustainable business. We also noticed the questions we were getting so frequently were always similar. So everyone was having the same problems... yet there was not an affordable solution. WBB: What are the most common questions you were being asked? S: The biggest questions we would get are around registering for GST, the threshold and how it is calculated, ABN's and registering business names, what happens when you employ a staff member, what to look for in accounting software and what is required to be on tax invoices versus normal invoices. I had a conversation with a start-up business owner and she said "gosh wouldn't it be great if there was something which just had all the answers".

And it made me think, if this doesn't exist, then let's create it. But I wanted to write it in a way that business owners would understand - not just a bunch of financial jargon. Real questions we were asked, with real answers based on my 20 years experience working as an accountant. We feel this is an essential reference business owners can print out and have on hand as their business navigates those tricky first 12 months. We outsourced the design (let's face it we are numbers nerds and a bit creatively challenged) and we love that it is boosting the confidence of business owners to understand the back end of their business. WBB: So what kind of topics do you address? S: Budgeting, pricing, cloud accounting software, GST, ABN, invoicing, productivity, payroll and employees.

You can find Stacey's ebook here. Or connect with the Healthy Business Finances team:



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By: Penny Wort Does this sound like a familiar internal dialogue? “I will be super efficient today. Once the kids are out of the house I’m going to get on top of the situation in the kitchen and laundry, answer all my emails, write those three blog articles, make a lovely salad for lunch, schedule in social posts for the rest of the week, work on business partnerships, get dinner on, pick up kids and have the rest of the evening free to hang out”. My bet is that at some point while you were reading that paragraph you released this was too ideal and definitely wasn’t going to work out. There’s just too much going on, too many split responsibilities and not enough hours in the day. By setting ourselves unrealistic to do lists we are setting ourselves up to be overwhelmed. I recently read an article pointing out there are 700 million monthly users and 300 million daily users on Instagram. My immediate reaction was one of panic. How can I my latest post make an impact with that many users? How can I make the most of such an incredible opportunity? But what I did next was not my usual way of dealing with this kind of feeling… what I did next was something I learnt at a recent event I attended. The event was called ‘A Simpler Way’ and was hosted by Alexx Stuart, Kelly Exeter and Brooke McAlary. The three speakers gave attendees tips for simplifying our lifestyles by recounting their own (very personal) experiences. The skill I learnt that day to help me with this feeling of overwhelm was the concept of ‘white space’ Kelly discussed. The gist of it is to give whatever it is you’re feeling or doing space. Space can be stepping away from an idea. Space can be making sure your calendar has scheduled downtime in it. When I start to feel anxious about the competing priorities in my workday, I step away from my desk. I literally give my computer space (that’s where most of the drama originates). I stretch, I make a cup of tea, I look out the window. I separate myself from the issue at hand and try to practice mindfulness. The kind of simple mindfulness of ‘how many red things can I see outside?’ or ‘how do my legs feel when I do this yoga pose?’.

This is what works for me and everyone will do it differently. As a very busy person (aren’t we all!) I am guilty of trying to cram every moment of every day full of ‘To Do” tasks that I know I will fail at and eventually get the guilts about. Since I explored the concept of ‘white space’ I have stuck up some reminders. I get just as much done in a day as before but without the overwhelm and guilt attached. There were some fantastic ideas from all three of the thoughtful and inspiring women hosting the event. Here are a few of my top takeaways to make life a little simpler: - Decluttering your home is a fantastic way to create a better energy and less stress but it’s even more effective when you approach it slowly and with deep consideration for each item. Brooke warned that trying to get rid of 400 things at a weekend garage sale will be a more stressful event than going through your home one draw at a time. - You can make evening meals and lunch boxes infinitely easier by cooking double. Alexx recommended that every time you cook you ask yourself what could you make extra of. This step will save so much time and energy over the coming days. - If you’re in to writing everything down on a ‘to do’ list try separating it out into different categories. Kelly explained her two pad system that works for her, ensuing she can keep track of all her tasks but feel less overwhelmed by an impossibly long list.

opywriting Tips + Tricks for Wellness Businesses (Even When You Have No Time To Write!) C

By: Margot Carroll, Remedy Writing A step-by-step plan for carving out the time, acquiring the tools, and getting the copywriting for your wellness business website done the right way. I know what you’re thinking. Not another vague, “rah-rah” motivational piece about how “You too, can succeed at marketing if you only buy my formula for 3 easy payment of $99! Yeah, I’m sick of those types of articles, too.” You’re running a real business with real financial benchmarks to meet,

and you need a real strategy that will take you from “I desperately need to write that Facebook Ad, Website services description, email sequence, & [insert other copy project here]” to “I can’t believe I got that checked off my list already! That was easier than I thought and the copy is already converting into customers from my website! So how do we get there? What is the secret sauce for wellness businesses to write their own copy that converts readers to clients?

Today I’m distilling my favourite tools in to a simple resource guide for you, packed with the knowledge I know will help you stop procrastinating and finally get that project written. In this article you’ll learn how to: - Develop a Content Creation Plan that works for you and your business - Shift your Mindset and acquire the tools to get your copy written like a professional copywriter - Execute your Content Creation Plan and continue to improve your marketing


Content Creation Plan is essential for every written aspect of your business, because it creates cohesion and allows you to relax in the knowledge that the themes for your week’s blog posts, social media captions, and even quarterly website updates are all laid out for you in advance. But before we talk about your content plan, let’s go over definitions of a few basic terms you’ll need to understand. “Copy” is a term used to describe any text used to sell something via advertising, marketing, or publicity. A “copywriter,” then, is someone who writes copy used for marketing purposes. “Content” is actually slightly different from “copy.” Copy is typically used to describe sales text used on a website, sales page or ad campaign, whereas content is any online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote your brand, but is intended to generate interest in your products or services.


So yes, I sling words for a living. But in reality, as a business owner you have probably written all kinds of copy and content for your business already yourself. And I firmly believe that you don’t always need to hire a professional to get your copy written in a way that will convert reader to clients. You just need to know how to write it correctly. A content creation game plan has three key components: a timeline, a theme arch, and deliverables. Content Creation Timeline This will vary from one business to the next, but is one of my favorite time-saving tricks for getting your copy and content written even when you’re short on time. For my own business, and for each of the clients and students I work with, I start with a simple spreadsheet to create a content creation plan. Each of the rows is broken down into a month of the year, and the columns are each for a certain type of content. For example, the column titles might be: “Blog Post #1,” “Facebook Post #1,” “Blog Post #2,” and so on. If

you post regularly to Instagram and Twitter, where you’ll need more content than just a weekly post, you can create sub-sheets within the spreadsheet for each week of the month, and then your columns might be: “Instagram Post Monday,” “Instagram Post Tuesday,” and so on for each day of each week of the month. It might seem tedious to prepare all of this ahead of time, but it saves so much time in the long run because you’ll have an ongoing archive of your content, and you can copy and paste elements from one piece of content to fill out another. For example, I would never write an Instagram post from scratch on a week I was promoting a fresh blog post. I would absolutely use the intro

paragraphs from the blog post, or a few choice quotes, for the Instagram caption and direct readers to the link for the blog post to get more information. Theme Arch Now that you’ve got an empty spreadsheet, let’s fill it in! Your Theme Arch is the arch of themes that you weave through your content over a period of time. You may have overlapping themes, but your themes should always support and build on whatever promotional campaigns you’re running at a certain point so that they don’t clash.


For example, maybe in September you’re releasing a new line of products, and your Theme for the month is Refresh. This is a very broad concept, but you would write totally different content for the theme Refresh than you would for the theme Gratitude, or Simplicity. In a month where you’re overhauling and relaunching your website and running a large giveaway to promote it, your theme might be New Beginnings, or Opportunity. Go through the calendar year and choose your themes for each month, and next we’ll break it down into individual pieces of content. Distilled Topics + Deliverables Here’s the fun part—choosing the actual pieces you’re going to write! If you’ve settled on a bi-weekly blog posting schedule, then for each month’s theme you need to determine 2 blog posts that fit within that theme, your weekly (or biweekly, or monthly, depending on your business) email broadcast content, at least 2 Facebook posts to share the blogs (plus a few other lighter Facebook posts sprinkled in), and the other social media content to suit. I know this seems like a lot of deliverables to create each month, but you’ll be recycling a whole lot of your copy and repurposing it in various ways. Your email blast the week that a new blog gets published will likely be just a few paragraphs from the blog’s intro and then a reminder to head to the blog for more information. Your facebook posts will be similar on these weeks.

Think of your marketing copy as one giant feedback loop, where a person clicks through your Instagram bio and is led to your website to read your blog, and is then invited to your email list to enjoy your free trainings, and then gets the email about the next promotion you’re running, and then is led back to your website to learn more, and so on. Don’t put pressure on yourself to close a sale with every piece of copy you write, because some copy is simply intended to generate interest.


n order to get the most out of your limited time each day, there are a few key steps to follow in implementing your newly created content creation plan. The first is a very specific mindset shift, and the second is properly organizing the tools you need to get it done right. Develop a “Published is better than Perfect” mindset So many wellness professionals that I work with tell me that they’ve known they needed to relaunch their website, or start sending out a regular email to their list, or post more regularly on social media, but they just didn’t think they could create quality content with the limited time they have, so they published nothing. This is so unfortunate, because you all have amazing gifts to offer to the natural health community, but they will never know about it if you don’t let go of your perfectionism and tell them about it! If you’re going to start getting your copy written regularly, the first step is a huge mindset shift. You need to start reminding yourself each day that “published is better than perfect.” Even though you could spend years tweaking your writing to perfection, all of that wasted time is so precious and costly for your business. Acquire the tools you need to write your copy (the tools needed are different for everyone!) This step is absolutely vital, and it’s one that some overzealous new business owners skip over, only to regret it later. You have to begin every project with the right tools. In the case of writing website copy, those tools are a good website platform, basic copywriting skills, and a solid design. You can hire out for some of these elements, or you do them yourself, but if you choose to do them yourself you must be willing to invest the time and resources into professional training on how to get your branding and copywriting correct so you don’t lose money on amateur-looking copy and design later. Each person will need training in different areas. Perhaps you have a background in visual arts, but you have no skill in writing and grammar whatsoever. In that case, some solid copywriting training will work wonders for the clarity and profitability of your message. Or maybe you’re a pro at writing sales copy, but you’re clueless on visuals, so you’ll need to hire a designer to help you out.



xecuting your content creation plan is my favorite part of the process, because it’s when you get to see all of your hard work come to fruition. A big part of launching actually comes after the launch, when you’ll be carefully monitoring your analytics to see what worked and what didn’t. You’ll reflect on what you can improve, make the necessary changes, and keep getting better at your marketing. Execute your Content Creation Plan The difference between the Oprah Winfrey-style successes in the business world and those who fold in the first year is not having a genius idea they bring to market before anyone else does. And it’s also not about having gigantic financial advantages (although that always helps!) or special powers of persuasion. The trait that separates the business successes from the failures is a willingness to not simply set goals and create plans, but to execute on those plans. Day after day, week after week, year after year, the power of progress and achievement comes from the doing, not from the brainstorming. Publish it when it’s your best work The reality is, your writing will never be perfect. I write for a living, and I’m sure people have found a mistake or two in the websites I’ve written! But the key question is did those websites convert, and could any tiny mistakes by fixed later? Absolutely. In the fast-moving world of business, it’s true that “published is better than perfect,” because if it never gets done, you’ll never see any results from it at all! Whereas if you publish with a great concept, good proofreading, and an eye on what your ideal client wants to hear from you, you’ll reach the right people who need what you’re offering. Reflect on each writing project and find areas for improvement If you want to continue improving as a marketer and business owner, you must take the time to reflect on each piece of content that you write. You should always be monitoring your analytics to know your conversion rates, audience reach, engagement, and more. Aside from Google Analytics, one of my favorite apps for this is SumoMe, particularly their Content Analytics tool! You can use your analytics as a reflection tool, and discover what worked and what needs to be improved based on your analytics.



ow that you have the system you need, go create your content plan and start writing! Remember that done is better than perfect, and you’re always more capable than you imagine. I’d love for you to share any of your own copywriting and marketing tips with me! You can always reach out at: I love making new friends, so you can always just pop into my inbox to say “hello!” If you still need more help writing your website, Margo offers a free, beginnerfriendly email course called Wellness Websites 101 so you can put all this into practice. Join your fellow wellness entrepreneurs in the course here.

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MIND YOUR BUSINESS At the intersection of entrepreneurship and spirituality, this podcast dissects success and supplies a myriad of helpful 'how to' guides.


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RECIPE FOR SUCCESS Kate Toon hosts this podcast and her industry insights are recommended for every business owner with a website!

converting facebook likes into leads By: Kellie Sanders, PT Business Success Facebook is still the #1 platform that people across the world tap into daily. You can consistently get leads by knowing the right way to go about it. It’s no secret that organic reach is down on Facebook. So by following these simple tips you will be able to have great success with reaching a wider audience and generate the leads you desire. One of my clients blows the theory out of the water that organic reach is down. Each posts has a reach of 30% with the majority reaching 100-150% and some a whopping 400%!! Plus she has an average 5 leads flowing in every week from Facebook alone. It’s no wonder she has doubled her business is such a short time. You too can do this by following these simple tips: – Know your target market really well, knows what they want, what their pains are and why they want it. – Post multiple times per day, not everyone will see your post so it’s important to post multiple times. – Utilise the schedule feature so you can set the day up and the posts come out automatically. – Post valuable content your followers are interested in. Combining tips, recipes, offers, motivation, case studies, behind the scenes of what you do, testimonials, links to your blog, pics of your clients and the sessions, links to your opt in. All of these to make your page interesting. – Post offers and tell people what to do. If you aren’t putting your offers out there then how do they know to take action? – Interact with your people, reply to their comments and show them you are a real person. – Post lots of pictures of your sessions, people love real life people and seeing what they get up to.

Always keep in mind that 1-5% people are ready to buy now, the rest want to follow you, get to know you, see if they trust you, see if you can help them solve their most pressing challenge. Which is why you have some people contacting you saying ‘I’ve been following you for months and now I am ready to take action’ And because you are consistent with your posting you are the first trainer they think of. So here is an example of post with your offer: " Check out our amazing group! We have so much fun exercising and they all tell me they have so much energy to get through the day. Do you want more energy? Come and join us (insert offer). Call x on x to register" Pop a picture of the group in the post. These posts work really well. Just make sure you are authentic and posting genuine results real people are achieving. By doing this consistently will have leads coming into your business each week.



About Kellie: She has spent nearly two decades in the fitness industry as a mentor to Women In Fitness. She has owned multiple successful fitness businesses and taught up and coming personal trainers in both fitness and business. Her passion is inspiring and empowering women in fitness by combining mindset and the proven practical strategies so they can have a business they love that gives them the freedom they desire.

If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree.

More + Less By: Penny Wort For those of you who feel like you’re stuck, you aren’t. If you feel your days of creativity and freedom are behind you, they aren’t. Many of you reading this article will be ‘middleaged’ by your own admission, no offence intended. This middle part of our lives is plagued with responsibilities and challenges but it can also be a time where we will experience the most important growth. Let me explain how my mindset did a complete flip, it all started around 20 months ago. I was a new mum, I was working, and I honestly couldn’t remember what I used to do for fun. I had no idea what my hobbies were anymore and lacked passion in everything that wasn’t to do with my new chubby baby. I went to the library one day and looked for some books classified as ‘inspirational’. The first book that came my way was The Four Hour Work Week. I devoured it and then shoved it in front of my husband. Not all parts of the book appealed to us, but the bit about not saving all your living for after retirement… that really spoke to us. We desperately needed to inject more life into our everyday lives. We pushed each other to pick up activities outside of being parents and being employees. Some things were small like learning the ukulele or joining a basketball team. Others were big picture, including nights pouring over spreadsheets and reassessing our financial goals. Around this time I also started reading The Minimalists. They were the perfect jumping off point for starting a journey into living with less stuff. I’ve since loved reading more on the topic from Leo Babauta (Zen Habits) and Brooke McAlary (Slow Your Home). This might seem like a bit of tangent to The Four Hour Work Week but for me they seemed to synch up at the perfect time. Living more and living with less became my focus.

I was hoping that by embracing these new mindsets I would get a renewed fervour for doing things instead of having things, and as a result get more out of everyday. I was hoping I would become less anxious, love deeper and communicate better. Some pretty good reasons to give it a go I thought. Over the next few months my husband and I schemed. We had found a way for us to get rid of our stuff and spend time together as a family exploring and growing. We planned to go away for three months. Today I’m writing this article from Valencia in Spain. We are about one month in to our three month trip. Our first mini-retirement. So far it’s everything we wanted it to be and more. I’m working a few days a week while we are away but my husband quit his job. We are exploring and learning new things and really enjoying every moment. I won’t say anymore because It seems silly to evaluate our trip before we’ve even reached the mid point. This article isn’t designed to brag about our trip. It was hard work to get to this point. We are two normal 30 somethings with a kid. But if we can do it, you can do it too. Inject some unpredictability and exploration back into you life!




FB group: Healthy Small Business Community

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