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No.10 April/May/June 2016 Happy | Healthy | Inspired
Spring is Nature’s way of saying : ‘Let’s Party!’
The Pollution Revolutiion Great Danes! Living Life, the Danish Way The Science of Happiness
The Point: Building Natural Confidence Living Well with Dementia Men’s Health Life Hacks! Bin the Bread for a Productive Afternoon … and much more to Inspire, Relax and make you Feel Good!
WORDS: Beverley Le Cuirot, Founder and Editor
Welcome to our ‘Can-do’ edition. As a new season unfolds into a vibrant technicolour of green, yellow, orange and blue, we turn our attention to the amazing things we CAN achieve in this wonderful world of ours. It might take ability and perseverance, but we can be sure in the knowledge that: we can if we think we can. We can be more aware of our environment; we can achieve great things; we can be kind and naturally confident; we can live our lives on our terms from the inside out; we can re-build shattered lives; we can get fit and live as healthy and active a life as possible; we can help others and we can discover ourselves at the same time – we can even grow our own vegetables!
We can also shape our workplaces to ensure a sustainable future for all. All of this and much, much more to inspire your health, happiness and joy. As ever, we hope you enjoy the read and we look forward to your comments.
Beverley beverley@wellbeingworld.je
We dedicate this edition to the people we have loved and lost and who continue to inspire us every day. Creating a WORLD of Difference
The Polution Revolution Great Danes! Living Life, the Danish Way The Science of Happiness The Kindest City – Smiles in the West Country
The Road to a Recovery College World Exclusive for Jersey Hotel Spa What’s New at … Devine Beauty Training Academy
The ‘Outside In’ Misunderstanding The Mindfulness Movement Midlife Crisis The Point: Building Natural Confidence
You CAN DO What You Love To Do – Even After Injury Spring Detox the Ayurvedic Way Screen Your Sun Screen Can We Look Beautiful with Simply Ingredients? You Can Be Yourself Again
The Magic of Yoga Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue? Living Well with Dementia
A Recipe for Wellness The Can Do’s of Fashion Menopause? Or No Pause
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Men’s Health Life Hacks! 50 The Secret to Enjoying Better Health in Our Golden Years 52 The Great Digital Distraction 54
Bin the Bread for a Productive Afternoon Transforming the Workplace Coaching for Success in a Modern Workplace Why Your Next Breakthrough Won’t Happen at Your Desk The Importance of a Good Chair Sit – Stand – Move
How Do You Eat Healthy? Wonky Vegetables! Beauty and the Beet. Ground-Breaking Clinical Trial for Jersey
56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72
74 76 78
‘Grow and Sell’ Scheme Enabling Jersey Schools Volunteering. Soul Mountaineering! Variety Sets its Sights on Sensory Pool for Jersey
80 82 84
Kids and Cash: Teaching Children the Value of Money Rebuilding Families Devastated by Substance Abuse D.I.V.O.R.C.E.: Conscious Uncoupling or Tectonic Clash?
Great reads
WELLBEING DIRECTORY Guest Contributors: Dr John Briffa – UK Stuart Berkeley – UK Nicola Kidd – UK / Lanzarote Matt Johnson – USA In Jersey: Beth Moore Charles Dixon Jason Wyse Jimmy Kelly Lorna Jackson Lorraine Pannetier
Louise Augré Marion Gorrod Michala Graham Natalie Devine Pamela Pitcher Paul Deveney Peter McLinton Pippa Campbell Dr Prasanna Kerur Rosalie e’Silva Vivien Aygun Lucy Sanderson Beverley Le Cuirot
Thank You and Disclaimer: WellBeing World would like to thank all of our contributors, members and advertisers for making our magazine what it is; and to you, our readers, for your support. We aim to bring you properly researched information that enables you to make wise health decisions and which support your general health and wellbeing. Although every effort is made to ensure the veracity of published information, WellBeing World and its Directors and Publishers cannot be held responsible for the information contained herein or for the views and actions of individual contributors. All contributors are qualified to practice in their own fields of expertise. If in doubt, please consult with a medical practitioner before acting on health information received.
The Pollution Revolution Jeff Bridges and Going Green in Grimsby!
What do Jeff Bridges and Grimsby have in common? Not a question we ever considered posing. But hey, the pollution revolution is happening the world over, and these two are right on the frontline. You see, believe it or not, Grimsby has been reborn from its fishing roots to become the renewable energy capital of England. Generating more electricity from solar, wind, biomass and landfill gas than anywhere else. There’s nothing grim about Grimsby’s attention to the worldwide epidemic of environmental issues, that’s for sure. In the same breath, actor and environmental activist, the definitely not grim, Jeff Bridges, is spearheading the inspiring Plastic Pollution Coalition; a global alliance of individuals, organisations, businesses and policymakers who are working toward a world, free of plastic pollution and its toxic impact on humans, animals, the ocean and the environment. Now, that is surely the polar opposite of grim.
Our environment is one of the hottest topics of concern and conversation the world over. Literally, we have a hot planet and it’s getting hotter by the year – and conservation is of the utmost priority. The way we have abused our world over the past few hundred years is astounding and luckily, as we drive our hybrid cars in to the year 2016 and beyond, we have a new breed of world leaders, politicians and influential people to
combat the problem and begin to cure the hurt we’ve caused. It has to be a pollution revolution and we all have a stake in this future. The pollution revolution is made up of many elements and there are various components to the arsenal we have at our disposal, from defence to fighting forces to combat pollution and instil a better plan for maintaining a healthy planet.
Changing to renewable fuels and energy and tidying up our global mess are two of the forefront battles for the army of people in societies the world over. From plastic to solar powered energy – the pollution revolution is hitting back hard across the environmental board. The Plastic Pollution Coalition (PPC) are aiming at tackling the colossal problem of plastic. Frankly, when it comes to plastic, we have to pack it in. Us humans are the sole reason for this ever-living product and ‘plastic is a substance that the earth cannot digest,’ states the rallying cry from the PPC. Based in the US, the PPC works at promoting a plastic-free environment; waging a war on one-use plastic products and our throw-away attitude to plastic. You see, plastic isn’t really recycled; what happens to plastic is known as ‘downcycling’; plastic can only be broken down into smaller pieces of plastic, so it basically all ends up in landfills and from there it makes its way into the water system. So, aside from affecting sea life and the environment, the chemicals and remnants from plastic all ends up in… us. 33% of all plastic bags, utensils, tampon applicators, cling film, water bottles and containers (and more) are used once and binned, ending up in landfills. In the USA alone, 88,000 tonnes of plastic is thrown away every day. With other countries across the globe throwing away their own fair share of plastic, ending up heading from landfills to our seas, plastic pieces on the ocean surface outnumbers sea life 6:1 and 90% of all rubbish on the ocean’s surface is plastic; that is 46,000 pieces per square mile.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Looking at the ocean’s surface, near to Grimsby, you won’t see so much plastic, but you will see steel, steel in the form of wind turbines. Along the coast of this English town, where once a fishing industry boomed, is the largest wind farm in the UK. As well as generating energy from these wind farms, Grimsby is in the lead for electricity consumption met by renewable energy and the town has an
From renewable energy to harmful substances in our water, it is down to us to make the changes necessary to bring our beautiful planet back to life; to save the environment, we all need an element of the environmentalist. The pledge which the Plastic Pollution Coalition has devised works in regard to more than just their own cause…
“Looking at the ocean’s surface, near to Grimsby, you won’t see so much plastic, but you will see steel, steel in the form of wind turbines. Along the coast of this English town, where once a fishing industry boomed, is the largest wind farm in the UK.” environmental ethos borne from this step into renewable energy. “When the fishing industry died a lot of people lost their jobs, but those maritime skills remained in the town. So when the offshore wind farms started to be built, the local newspaper picked up on [seeing] it as a way that the town can grow and benefit.
Take the Pledge:
That raised people’s awareness about renewable energy more generally,” said Chris Holden of the Advanced Industrial Solutions consultancy in Grimsby. He was interviewed by The Independent and went on to explain that as a result of the shift in thinking from the wind farms, many Grimsby residents opted for solar panels and other forms of renewable and sustainable energy. Green technology has to start somewhere, and for England, it seems to have started in Grimsby!
disposable plastics – grab your bag for life!
durable, non toxic plastics and containers (and straws, utensils etc). your plastic footprint (our carbon footprint should also tread lightly).
what you can’t refuse, reuse or reduce. Simple, really.
Great Danes!
Living life, the Danish way … WORDS: Lucy Sanderson
Did you know that Denmark is hailed as one of the happiest countries on earth? Not just a smiley happy (and often, naked!) society, but an overall deep rooted contentedness, which sees Danes toward the top of the tree as indicated on the happiness scale of the World Happiness Index. In fact, Denmark was declared by no less a venerable body than the United Nations, to be the happiest country on earth in 2013, 2014 and this year (last year they came third, no doubt still smiling). There’s something about Denmark that evokes a harmonious balance in regard to wellbeing, instilling a truly happy population. But what makes the life of a Dane, great? Danes are renowned for their liberal spirit – you’ll notice the reference to the nakedness in the introduction to this article; Danes do nudity, unashamedly. In some circumstances, nakedness is the rule (and the Danish are sticklers for rules). For instance, some ladies’ swimming baths require nakedness and women are found showering in the buff amongst their peers without so much as a care in the world. In fact, there is a genuine appreciation for the body, no matter its shape, in all it’s beautiful glory. Nudist beaches are the norm and 8
Danes swim, whatever the weather. Herein lies the reason that only a teeny tiny 1.62% of the population in Denmark suffer from what is known as gelotophobia (fear of ridicule). Unlike us paranoid British, who score a staggering 13% of the population as suffering from fear of ridicule … We’re just more highly strung, right? Wrong, there’s a list as long as a horse’s face that differentiates the British from the Danes in terms of happiness and overall optimum wellbeing. The Danish lifestyle in
general has a hugely lesser emphasis on ‘being busy’ (a terrible symptom of today’s fast and furious folk who feel the need to be constantly buzzing about and over working); they have a much better grasp on balance in Denmark. The Danish work/leisure ratio swings a lot more favourably to the latter of the two. Leisure, relaxation and a focus on contentment allow for a much more fruitful result in regard to felicity. “The Danish aren’t happy in a backslapping, 'have a nice day’ American
sense, or in a 'party on the beach’ Australian sense; the Danes have a deep contentment with themselves and with their lives, which creates a solidarity and makes people more trusting of one another and less stressed.” says British author, Helen Russell, whose book The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World’s Happiest Country, conveys her own story of living ‘Danishly’. The comparisons in contentment are crystal … According to Helen Russell, and anyone else who has recognised the laid back lifestyle of Denmark’s society, happiness is seen as a process rather than a permanent state or quick result. By working at their pursuit of happiness, making the most of the little things and actively indulging in pleasure, (whether that’s a tasty pastry, or sex), working less and spending quality time with family, is an actual way of life and so the Danes are happy, happy, happy. Realistically, it seems like common sense and there really is no wonder that the philosophy concerning happiness in Denmark means a trill happy population.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Danes are less materialistic, less people drive and more people cycle. Copenhagen has more bikes than people and 45% of commuters pedal to work each day. A wonderful 6 out of 10 people don't even own cars! The Danish great outdoors really are great and that is where the Danes do
their exercise; they take to the bike lanes, swim outdoors and generally get into nature. Their homes reflect the stunning scape; with natural materials and a beautiful emphasis on ambiance. The Danes love candles and the word cosy must have been borne from the description of a Danish living room. They even have a
word to describe ‘taking pleasure from the presence of gentle or soothing things – simplicity itself ’. The word, ‘Hygge’ has no literal translation. It was noted in the 18th Century and has been an integral part of Danish wellbeing ever since. (It’s pronounced ‘heurghe’ which, to be honest, doesn’t roll off the tongue with the sound of soothing gentleness. But the notion of such a space; such a way of life, is pretty impressive). ‘Hygge’ during winter involves the warmth of a fire, warm, fleecy socks on your feet, a strong arm of a loved one around you and the sense of security from a cosy home on a cold, grey day (we wrote about that in our last edition). During spring and summer, (or actually whenever the sun is out), hygge involves parties al fresco, barbecues at the beach, walks in the park, or camping with friends and family. Hygge is something Danes strive for. So, what makes the little Danish nation of 5.5 million people so happy? Well, it all seems pretty obvious – less haste, less speed, less stress, more Hygge.
The Science of Happiness The Theory of Carefree! It’s true what they say … Happiness is our lifeblood, we thrive from being happy. But what makes us happy? What derives from happiness? And, is it more of a science, or an art? We’d like to think it’s a bit of both, as happiness stems from something indescribable and innately inside of us, but it can also be measured by our behaviour and actions. The science of happiness is a little more complex than a simple equation of life + smile = happy. For scientists to understand the causes and effects of happiness, researchers first needed to define it. Many might use the term interchangeably with ‘subjective wellbeing,’ which they measure by simply asking people to report how satisfied they feel with their own lives and how much positive and negative emotion they’re experiencing. The Happiness Index, or World Happiness Report, for instance, measures a population’s happiness based on a series of questions that correlate to all elements relating to their quality
of life. The first World Happiness Report was released in April, 2012. It drew international attention as the world's first global happiness survey. Many of the world’s countries (to date there are 156) signed up to the invite from the UN to take part in the first global indicator of just how happy our societies are at large and the results threw up an array of findings in respect to just what makes us happy. Encouragingly, this year, for the first time, the World Happiness Report gives a special role to the measurement and consequences of inequality in the distribution of wellbeing among countries and regions. In previous reports the editors have
argued that happiness provides a better indicator of human welfare than income, poverty, education, health and good government measured separately. In a parallel way, they now argue that the inequality of wellbeing provides a broader measure of inequality. They find that people are happier living in societies where there is less inequality of happiness. Happiness is whatever shape you make it. Some people find happiness where others may see not much at all. Happiness as a general rule, is whatever stems from a fulfilling life and by fulfilling, we mean a connected, passionate, empathetic, grateful, hopeful, optimistic, proactive, self-confident, purposeful YOU. In order to measure happiness, you can look at some people and simply tell that they are ‘glass half full,’ happy and loving life; for others, the look of unhappiness can be obvious and showing plain as day across their face (in their eyes). The Happiness Report conveys the fact that happier people lead lives which are less stressful, with more emphasis on leisure and things that make us, well … HAPPY. Family, friends, relationships, freedom to make life choices, fresh air, green space, safe communities, less working hours, more time off with children, neighbourly communities, access to cultural and spiritual betterment and good healthcare and education as well as employment opportunities, all factor into what makes a modern society happy. Add, extra money to play with, allowance of time to exercise and spend outdoors and opportunities
Creating a WORLD of Difference
for travel and low and behold, a nation is smiling from ear to ear.
So, what makes YOU happy?
Therein lies a pretty deep question. Immediate answers oft fall in to the category of ‘things’ but in reality, humans find happiness from much, much more than just stuff we can own, or money we earn. Happiness has also proven to be something we gain more of when we act more selflessly. Doing things for others and contributing to society all makes happiness stronger and deeper – making other forms of happiness easier to attain. Like a happiness cycle, the law of attraction and the wonderful pursuit of happiness could be argued as our entire reason for being.
That is, happiness depends on the cultivation of virtue and ethics, though his virtues are somewhat more individualistic than the essentially social virtues of the Confucians, who promote a more collective stance on happiness. Aristotle was convinced that a genuinely happy life required the fulfilment of a broad range of conditions, including physical as well as mental wellbeing. In this way he introduced the idea of a science of happiness in the classical sense, in terms of a new field of knowledge. So, to be happy, you need a strong sense of right and wrong, good and bad, positivity and an interest in those around you, and your environment as well as yourself. You
“Happiness as a general rule, is whatever stems from a fulfilling life and by fulfilling, we mean a connected, passionate, empathetic, grateful, hopeful, optimistic, proactive, self-confident, purposeful YOU.” Happiness is as old as time.
Aristotle’s definition of Happiness shows just how important our happiness is: “Happiness depends on ourselves.” More than anyone else, Aristotle enshrines happiness as a central purpose of human life and a goal in itself – the pursuit thereof being of tantamount importance. As a result, he devotes more energy to the topic of happiness than any thinker prior to the modern era. Living during the same period as Mencius, but on the other side of the world, he draws some similar conclusions.
need to contribute to society, connect with people and you’ll find your happiness comes from within. You could say therefore, when it comes to happiness, the only way is ethics. Practice your happiness and tune in to what makes you feel happy. Encourage happiness around you and be grateful for the opportunity to feel happy. Happiness is the driving force which enables us to flourish, individually and as a society; human kind – the hint is in the name. Be kind, be happy. Human + kind = happy.
The Kindest City – Smiles in the West Country Bristol has been named the UK’s kindest city in Co-operative Food’s poll of 4,000 people across 19 cities in the UK in which they asked them how community-minded they were – and whether they would help someone in need. Belfast came second in the poll, ahead of Aberdeen, Southampton and Cardiff. Londoners were the least likely to help a stranger, with some residents saying they were reluctant to help amid fears it would “look weird”. Liverpool and Glasgow also failed to impress in the ranking. The study found that despite working long hours and having hectic social lives, the majority of us do go out of our way to help others. Running after someone to hand them back something they dropped was the most common ‘good deed’ cited in the survey, followed by giving up a seat on a train or a bus for a less able or pregnant passenger. Helping someone who is lost and taking in post or parcels for a neighbour also featured regularly. Bristol - the birthplace of artist Banksy, comedian Lee Evans and ex-Top Gear host James May is also now renowned for the neighbourly and thoughtful
actions of its 430,000 residents. They were described as ‘compassionate, helpful and possessed of a great community spirit’. The research discovered that 18 to 24 year olds – revealed as the kindest age bracket in the UK cities surveyed – spend the most time helping others in the community and are more likely to do tasks such as going shopping for someone in need. They are also more likely to allow a person to jump the queue in an emergency and let a stranger know if they have dropped something such as a wallet.
“The research discovered that 18 to 24 year olds – revealed as the kindest age bracket in the UK cities surveyed – spend the most time helping others in the community and are more likely to do tasks such as going shopping for someone in need.” Amanda Jennings, director of marketing at the Co-op, said: “Showing kindness isn’t always just about the big gestures; it can be about the small, everyday deeds that people do – from offering your seat on the bus to helping a neighbour by accepting their post or putting their bins out.” It also emerged that the main reason for carrying out a random act of kindness is “because someone needed help” – however 17% of respondents said they offered aid due to the fact it would make the recipient smile. Another one in five said they tried their best to help when called upon due to a belief in “good karma”. Having lived for many years in Yorkshire, London and Jersey – and thoroughly enjoyed all equally – the WellBeing World team is planning to lobby Co-operative Food to have Jersey included in the survey for the next time it is conducted. With its community spirit and a voluntary sector beyond compare; more than 200 active charities in the Island; the Parish Honorary system; the Jersey Post Call & Check, its record for fund-raising and the numerous corporate CSR programmes on the go, Jersey has more than earned it kindness stripes. Add to this, the ultra courteous way we drive around our beautiful Island (remarked by a recent visitor: “You all give way to each other all of the time– it is wonderful to see!”) – roll on the next survey, we expect Jersey to top the polls!
Creating a WORLD of Difference
The Kindest Cities are: 1. Bristol 2. Belfast 3. Aberdeen 4. Southampton 5. Cardiff 6. Bradford 7. Oxford 8. Manchester 9. Coventry 10. Norwich 11. Sheffield 12. Nottingham 13. York 14. Edinburgh 15. Leeds 16. Birmingham 17. Liverpool 18. Glasgow 19. London
The Road to a Recovery College WORDS: Jersey Employment Trust
It seems that the tide is finally starting to turn with the profile of mental health in Jersey. We are seeing growing numbers of Islanders talking about mental health, people are taking action to improve their own mental wellbeing and the States of Jersey has recognised mental health as a strategic health priority. It is fast becoming an issue of our time and it needs to be.
Statistics show that one in four adults in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. The overall number of people with mental health problems has not changed significantly in recent years, but worries about things like money, jobs and benefits can make it harder for people to cope. Fortunately, society is mobilising to tackle these worrying trends. In November, the States of Jersey launched its Mental Health Strategy for 2016-2021, which aims to promote mental wellbeing and provide services that will meet the needs of people with mental health conditions.
The project was launched at a conference in February, when health care professionals and others with a stake in the strategy, including those with a direct experience of mental illness, gathered to begin exploring what a recovery college could look like in Jersey.
A number of themes, considerations and priorities were identified on the day, including: the need for Jersey’s college to be non-elitist, nonhierarchical and inclusive; the for it to have a physical and “A number of themes, considerations need online element; and the need and priorities were identified on the for it to break down the stigmas day, including: the need for Jersey’s surrounding mental illness.
college to be non-elitist, nonhierarchical and inclusive; the need for it to have a physical and online element; and the need for it to break down the stigmas surrounding mental illness.”
But our health service can’t do it all on its own so HSSD has formed partnerships with a number of charities and agencies, including the Jersey Employment Trust, to help implement the strategy. JET is ideally placed because it is working with an increasing number of Islanders who have a mental health condition, helping them to find or return to a job and then supporting them in employment. One of JET’s tasks under the Mental Health Strategy is to establish a recovery college in Jersey. The recovery college model has proved to be very successful in the UK and internationally. The idea is to use education to empower and support people’s recovery from mental illness. By giving people knowledge and enhancing their skills, you can help them rebuild their lives and take control of their own recovery. While the word ‘college’ rightly puts
Creating a WORLD of Difference
emphasis on learning and personal development, the definition of a recovery college is different from the normal education and teaching model. Established recovery colleges are user-led spaces that have developed with equal input from those with first-hand experience of mental illness and health care professionals, who work together on everything from how the college should operate to the course content and delivery. Existing colleges are
not just open to those with a mental health condition but also their families, professionals and other members of the community. Students can self-enrol for courses and have access to a tutor who will help make sense of what is available and assist in developing a personal learning plan. The development of a recovery college in Jersey is being overseen by Lee Bennett from JET’s Wellbeing Team and project managed by Beth Moore, who was diagnosed with depression in 2012. Beth has since managed her own recovery and has worked with Mind Jersey and JET to address mental health stigma by sharing her story openly and honestly.
The conference ended with a call for Islanders to directly help shape the college by joining a development group to determine what would work best in Jersey. The response has been overwhelming with over one hundred Islanders expressing an interest in being involved in developing the college and the initial enthusiasm and positivity for the project bodes well for the future. We still don’t yet know exactly how the college will run or where or when it will ‘open its doors’ that will be determined by the development process. What is beyond doubt is that the Island is fully committed to tackling mental illness in a bold and innovative way. The model has been tried and tested elsewhere but Jersey’s recovery college will be tailored to our unique environment. For more information, email beth.moore@jet.co.je
World Exclusive for Jersey Hotel Spa
The Cottage Garden at Longueville Manor has become the first spa in the world to offer the de Mamiel Rhythm of Nature Holistic Facial, an exclusive treatment lovingly created by acupuncturist, aromatherapist, and healing holistic facialist, Annee de Mamiel. Annee de Mamiel studied anatomy and physiology at the University of Sydney, and began training in Chinese Medicine at the London College of Traditional Acupuncture, interning in a hospital in Hangzhou, China before completing her core knowledge with a diploma of Aromatherapy. She began her own London-based private facial acupuncture practice, quickly gaining a reputation that would see her waiting list expand to over three years. Now, The Cottage Garden at Longueville Manor is the first spa worldwide whose therapists have been trained in the art of offering a de Mamiel facial treatment. Annee believes that seasonal shifts affect the skin’s wellbeing, so the de Mamiel Rhythm of Nature Holistic Facial is a spa treatment designed to get you in tune with the current season. de Mamiel produce mindfully blended seasonal facial oils four times a year to address the changing effect
of the climate, the emotional aspects of transition and their impact on the body. Packed with precisely sourced, therapeutic, fragrant essences and skin plumping plant ingredients from the purest natural organic sources, the blends nourish skin, mind and soul to achieve balance, harmony and alignment with the season. Facial and body acupressure are key to the de Mamiel Rhythm of Nature Holistic Facial, enabling the therapist to realign different areas of the body
and promote healthy circulation. A Jade Roller is utilised to massage, helping to tighten the skin and close the pores, while Qi rejuvenation massage techniques help to increase lymph flow. Annie told us: “de Mamiel started from a need in my life. At a time when I was experiencing health challenges and couldn’t find any products which worked on my dry and sensitive skin, so I began to mix my own; something which would
“de Mamiel started from a need in my life. At a time when I was experiencing health challenges and couldn’t find any products which worked on my dry and sensitive skin, so I began to mix my own; something which would nourish my skin and give me comfort.”
About de Mamiel
nourish my skin and give me comfort. I also discovered Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. All of these things have become part of my life. de Mamiel is a result of combining all these elements in my treatments, and my clinical practice is the inspiration for me to create products which result in real, visible changes in the skin and help get us through the day with more ease.”
for our boutique spa and we are very grateful to Annee for sharing her unique treatment and awardwinning products with us. We have also opened a second treatment room in the spa to meet popular demand and enable couples and friends to visit together. We look forward to an exciting year ahead with a holistic approach to wellness at the centre of everything we do.”
Patricia Lewis, Proprietor, Longueville Manor, added: “We are thrilled to become the first spa in the world to have therapists trained in the art of offering a de Mamiel facial treatment. It’s an important milestone
The Cottage Garden also offers an extensive list of treatments by REN.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
More info: www.longuevillemanor.com
Annee de Mamiel is a renowned wellbeing expert, aromatherapist and leading acupuncturist, famed for her range of treatments based on the principles of Chinese Medicine, which reduce the harsh impact of everyday life by treating the underlying conditions and creating balance and harmony within the body. In addition to her treatments, Annee’s multi-award winning botaniques collection incorporates a range of nature’s finest ingredients to treat, heal, balance and renew the skin, and soothe the mind, every day. The formulas are both artisanal and highly advanced, blending the highest grade therapeutic essential oils with mood-boosting, balancing, affirming flower essences, skinperfecting probiotics and peptides, alongside skin-brightening precious gem powders.
What’s New … at the Devine Beauty Training Academy? Devine Beauty Training Academy provides students with first class, professional and accredited training in beauty, holistic and massage therapies, at a reasonable cost, and in a friendly atmosphere, to assist students as they develop their career. Courses are suitable for everyone from complete beginners with no previous experience in beauty, to more experienced therapists looking for a refresher. Perfect for those looking to switch careers, or seeking additional income. You Can Do It Your Way
Each course is accredited and insurable, and run to the highest standards by experienced beauty and holistic therapists. Students enjoy hands-on learning in an intimate and friendly atmosphere, where class size is limited to eight students (sometimes as few as two), allowing for individual tutor attention, and enabling graduates to learn and earn in a short space of time. They will always run their published courses, even if there is only one person booked on a course, at no additional cost – and will also schedule the courses at times to suit the availability of students. Professional and flexible training of this kind goes a long way. Once the course is complete, graduates have lifelong access to a tutor to answer any questions and to offer support; they also receive unlimited access to video files of all treatments for continual learning and assessment. Courses are 100% practical; students do the theory in their own time prior to attending, enabling 100% focus on the practical element of the course at the Academy. If students do not pass first time, they are invited to return for a further assessment for a nominal additional fee.
What do the Students say?
“I had the pleasure of being a model of the Training Academy for a full body massage; I couldn’t believe it was a student providing the treatment. The whole interaction was extremely professional, from my consultation to when I left. It was very relaxing and as good as any massage I have paid for previously.” Rose
“Thanks to Natalie and Suzanne for a brilliant few days start to our Reflexology training, I really enjoyed the first part of the course and I’m looking forward to the next part. Lovely atmosphere to learn in and thanks for being so warm, welcoming and patient.” Keilly
So What’s New at the Academy?
“I have taken a couple of courses with Natalie and on every occasion she has delivered professional and knowledgeable training in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Her after support is brilliant, always answers my questions and gives great advice. I will be returning!” Sarah
In Search of Models
Anyone fancy a free treatment? The Academy is always looking for volunteer models to lend their time – and to enjoy wonderful treatments, entirely free of charge – what more could one dream of ? There is no doubt a wait list – but why not apply to join it!
Founder, Natalie Fisher, has been qualified for more than 20 years, sharing her knowledge and facilitating others. She constantly scans the products and services offered by her many contacts in the UK and, as a result, is able to bring specialised beauty training to the Island to complement her already long list of qualifications on offer. The Eyelash Queen is one such example; she is due to visit Jersey in June – she will show students how to attach not just the usual one false lash per natural lash; but as many as six lashes per single eyelash – with very dramatic results!
Another recently introduced treatment is Flambessage; this was created by former colleagues of Natalie in the UK; Maureen Blackman and Michelle Knight, and as a result Natalie is able to introduce it to her students in the Island. With over 60 years’ experience in the beauty, make-up and holistic therapies’ industry between them, the development of a product range was a natural progression. Incorporating all the desired elements essential in a professional and retail range, it was important to use only natural ingredients proven for their skin benefits, and only pure essential oils for both their delicious aromas and therapeutic effects. Having also qualified in many complementary and massage therapies, they wanted to develop a professional treatment routine that encompassed these skills, the result being a relaxing, luxurious experience for the mind, body and soul.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Introducing Flambessage
The principles of a Flambéssage treatment encompass the seven Chakras and crystal therapy, offering relaxing massage treatments using only pure essential oils, carrier oils, candles and balms, enhanced with hot and cold stones and herb compresses. The products themselves are also intended for home use, as body and facial treatment oils and rescue/ reviver remedies. The qualifications taught at Devine Beauty Academy concentrate on mastering the physical principles of warmed candle massage techniques and incorporating these skills into a number of treatment routines, thereby enabling qualified therapists to add a new dimension to their treatment menu. Sounds Divine.
Natalie is CIDESCO and IIHHT trained and qualified since 1994. She has trained and worked with many of the famous names in beauty, including Rene Guinot, La Prairie, Decleor, Dermalogica, Clarins, Thalgo, Matis, Jan Marini, Nailtiques and Jessica. She qualified at Henlow Grange College of Beauty Therapy in the UK, now Champneys College. All courses are approved and registered with Associated Beauty Therapists (ABT) and The Guild of Beauty Therapists, enabling students to practice professionally and gain membership and insurance. As many as 30 individual courses are offered from Beauty Facials & Skincare, to Manicures, Pedicures, Aromatherapy Blending, Thai Herbal Compress Massage, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage, and Pregnancy Massage. More info: www. devinetraining.com
The ‘Outside In’ Misunderstanding WORDS: Peter McLinton, Positive Mind
Imagine learning something you already instinctively know, something about the way life works ... the way all of our lives work. Imagine knowing it to be true like you know your own name. This has happened to me and it has helped me to change the way I think and feel about my entire life! I know this is quite a statement but I really believe that what I am writing about here has the potential to change the human condition in ways we can only begin to imagine. So with no further ado, let’s talk about The Three Principles. In 1973, Sydney Banks, a humble welder of very basic education had a massive insight which is filtering out into the world today. This man went from being an insecure person of little intellect and low social standing to talking to audiences of thousands about his experience and understanding. At all times Syd made sure he was never seen as a 'guru' rather as the man who stumbled across an understanding that applies to each and every one of us. He called this understanding 'The Three Principles'.
The Principle of Mind
When you think about it, you are a collection of atoms; bits of stars which have come together at this moment in time to produce you (and what a marvellous creation you are!). But we are far more than our constituent parts. The Principle of
Mind talks to that indefinable 'thing' that gives us the spark of life ... the very essence of every living thing on the planet. For the religious among us, you might want to call it God (whatever form your God takes) or your soul. Some might refer to it as the Universe (as in the universal force within us all). Atheists may think of it as "I dunno, but there is something weird going on." Whatever your relationship to the Principle of Mind, it is within all of us with equal measure. Nobody has more and nobody has less. You will know when you have felt/experienced it. It is in those moments when you get clarity on something that has been troubling you. Maybe, you go to bed with no solution to the problem and wake up the next day and it's 'obvious'.
It's in those times when you have less on your mind and you get your best ideas, your clarity. It's your 'gut instinct'. This part of you is wise beyond your wildest imagining and it would serve you better if you would only get out of your own way!
The Principle of Thought
The second of the three principles isn't about the thoughts that you have, rather that you take in every bit of information from the world around you through the power of thought. I should emphasise, everything you experience is a thought (let that one sink in for a while). As you read this you are doing so with thought; as you become aware of the feelings in your body, they are all being processed through thought. Look around you .... you perceive your surroundings entirely through thought. There are no exceptions for anyone on this planet. Ever! Your mind isn't a camera which takes in your reality. It is a projector which takes raw 'data' through your senses and then interprets them and projects your version of reality back out into the world and then says: 'I didn't do that ... that's real that is'. Your entire existence is a series of thoughts you are having, your entire reality is created in your mind and nowhere else.
The Principle of Consciousness If the Principle of Thought is how you process the information that comes in through your senses, the Principle of Consciousness is how you are aware of a 'you' living your life. For want of a better expression it is your sense of self, your ego and your ego is where the problems lie!
Creating a WORLD of Difference
It's never 'outside in', it's always 'inside out'. Mankind has been living in a misunderstanding as to how we create our reality for millennia but finally the 'inside out' understanding is gaining more leverage in academia. The reason that it is turning more and more heads is that it is true (a word rarely heard in scientific circles). Your entire experience of everything in your life comes to you through the above three principles which can be boiled down to the following statement: At no time in your life can you ever feel your circumstances. You can only ever feel your thoughts. You live in the feeling of your thinking and not the world around you. Again, we should let that sink in for a while because trust me, when you really 'get it', it is profound. Your
You are swimming in a sea of thought which really feels like an outside experience but, in reality, you and you alone create your entire reality ... every single bit of it. It still blows my mind to think of it this way but it is absolutely true. Once people realise, at a fundamental level that they create their own fears, anxieties, joys, anger (the list goes on and on) they gain control over their thinking far more quickly. They 'drop out of their head and into the moment' far more quickly than ever before and when their thoughts slow down and clear, that is when wonderful insights courtesy of the Principle of Mind start to happen. This can only be a quick race through the Three Principles but I hope it has given you a flavour of how it works and what you can expect should you choose to embrace it. It will be the best decision you will ever make!
“As you read this you are doing so with thought; as you become aware of the feelings in your body, they are all being processed through thought. Look around you .... you perceive your surroundings entirely through thought. There are no exceptions for anyone on this planet. Ever!� whole life is, in effect, a movie you are creating moment to moment. You can only ever feel a thought in this very moment. All thoughts/feelings about the past can only ever be felt in this very moment. All thoughts and feelings about the future can only ever be felt in this very moment. In other words the only thing you can ever experience is NOW.
The Mindfulness Movement
Is ‘mindfulness’ becoming a bit of a buzz word? WORDS: Lucy Sanderson
mindfulness |ˈmʌɪn(d)f(ʊ)lnəs|
noun [ mass noun ]
1 the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something: their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition. 2 a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. So, there we have it, the definition of mindfulness. Undoubtedly a positive practice and worthwhile pursuit in terms of our wellbeing, but seemingly a rather ubiquitous term. Mindfulness has, or certainly is, going mainstream, with more and more people taking up the practice and using it to benefit their overall health and happiness. In theory, this is a fantastic shift in our behaviour and attitude; as a whole, or as individuals, humanity thrives on mindfulness in our daily behaviours. With more importance being placed on selfimprovement from the 1960’s interest in Eastern-inflected explorations, meditation held steadfast in its spiritual and religious connotations. It wasn’t until someone translated this practice into what is now known as mindfulness, that wider public appeal heightened. Subsequently, mindfulness has become a bit of a ‘brand’ and the practice can be found anywhere, from preschools to prisons. So, are we overusing, and being bombarded with the word mindfulness? Is it time to reassess what mindfulness actually is in order to attune to it in a meaningful and realistic way? When we embark on the
latest practices and techniques in regard to boosting our optimum wellbeing, there is often a starting spike in popularity, followed by a plateau-ing period where it reaches maximum impact, after which, a decline in practice and popularity; more often than not, as another practice takes its place on the stage of ‘what’s best for our wellbeing’. It’s just the way of today’s world; especially when anything is ‘sold to the people’ and banded about. These wellbeing practices and techniques tend to pass through, like an estranged, but welcome relative and then off into the ether it treads, leaving behind a form
of awakening, but a past practice, nonetheless. Wouldn’t it be a colossal shame if mindfulness became one of those fleeting sensations? Mindfulness, when practiced properly, is an incredible tool in regard to unlocking potential and in fact, remedying an array of issues. Google, Nike, Sony and Microsoft were corporate pioneers in engaging mindfulness for their employees in order to aid creativity, develop insight and ideas and nurture employee wellbeing. Mindfulness is also attributed to the relief of stress, management of depression and a noted (but not scientific) proactive, therapeutic tool for dealing with OCD, PSD, anxiety and other mental health problems. Learning to turn down the noise and tune in to life via mindfulness practice, instils a deeper understanding of self, of others, of surroundings and of the best course of action to take when bumps in the road arise or difficulties present themselves in our day to day life.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Surely, we need to ensure that the mindfulness movement doesn’t move on … So, we need to be a tad mindful about the word mindfulness. To dilute it’s meaning, which is as expressed earlier, a somewhat omnipresent and ubiquitous term – is to secure its misinterpretation and ineffectiveness. The ancient practice of mindfulness stems from Zen Buddhism to Taoism, coinciding hand in hand with meditation. Benefiting countless generations before us, the practice has made a staunch comeback; along with yoga, healthier eating, sustainably sourced produce, a reasonably more astute perspective on the environment and other overall wellbeing elements which veer away from the recent century or so of excess, processed food and digital developments that aim to save time and money (more often than not, to the detriment of our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing). Mindfulness couldn’t have come too soon; humanity was destined to start a peaceful protest on distraction and
the constant busy way of life that has developed in recent years – in that same breath, we are a renowned ‘throw away’ society, and as such, we often jump on the betterment bandwagons each time they pass through, much like changing diets as each new one came about … Mindfulness is one element of wellbeing betterment that should stay, for good. Whether practiced wholeheartedly, or featured in day to day living; used as a form of therapy for those who suffer with physical and mental issues, and to lighten the load, create sharper focus for those adopting mindfulness in work. This ancient practice has made a comeback for a reason and at the right time. It would be a terrible shame if it became a passing trend. Mindfulness is a way of life. One to keep being taught and promoted across demographics and countries and cultures the world over.
Midlife Crisis.
Are you fraught about forty plus?
Some people say that happiness is ‘U Shaped’; that as we climb the age ladder and reach our ‘midlife’ we begin to slump in terms of our happiness (and maybe our posture too). But, why? Why should our happiness deplete just because we emerge from youth into ‘midlife juncture’? Gaining years means knowing more, it means ‘earning our stripes,’ so to speak. With age comes assurance; less concern for what other’s may think of us, and a security that we probably didn’t know existed whilst we bounced around in our twenties. So, what’s all this U shaped happiness about, and how can we avoid the downward aspect of the curve? ‘Happyish' does not cut the mustard, so in order to keep up the momentum of our pursuit of happiness we need to work at the process – check out our article on the life of Danes for some inspiration (page 8)! With the media reinforcing the expectation of a happiness subsidence; and our pliant
receptiveness to whatever we’re told, on the whole, in respect to our health and wellbeing, it’s almost as though we’re set up to slide downward. When you mention the word ‘midlife,’ your mind conjures up the conjoining word, ‘crisis’ without much hesitation. A midlife crisis has turned into a red sports cars driving parody and we’re all seemingly set to follow suit toward a worrisome turn of events in response to hitting forty and beyond. There are statistics which convey the fact that generally, men hit a midlife crisis at the age of around 43 and this period of conflicted and constricted happiness will continue for anything between 3-5 years. For women, the stats aren’t much better. Apparently, at aged 44 most women feel the
‘crisis’ hit and continue to do so for some 2-5 years – and then it’s the menopause. How very bleak indeed. But … What if, the whole concept of the midlife crisis is something of a ‘Hallmark card’ moment, i.e. we’re putting our belief into a manufactured expectation, that becoming middle-aged is something to be negative and concerned about. So much so, that it mars the reality of what is actually a truly positive and genuinely happy time for the most part? What if, we’ve been conned into believing that we should feel less happy, more worried and unsatisfied with our lot – when actually we’re at the pinnacle in terms of our optimum security, self assuredness and aptitude for loving life? Our
time of midlife is indeed a time for selfmidlife crisis and toast the second half of reflection, but there’s nothing wrong with life with verve (or Veuve Clicquot!). that and with turning 40 being something Perception is everything, or as Aldous of a milestone, we ought to celebrate the Huxley put it, “There are things known things that we’ve learned, come through and there are things unknown, and in or achieved by that age. A crisis, though? between are the doors of perception.” We Bit harsh. Take away the word ‘crisis’ and don't know how our midlife will affect us, perhaps replace it with something like, nor can we predict what our future holds. ‘chapter’ and you have a totally different, But by instilling a negative inference on and certainly more positive slant on a any chapter of our lives, we are creating a time of life that maybe mid, but still perception before we have had the chance means a ‘cup half full’. To describe your to experience it. Moreover, should our midlife as some kind of treacherous rite perception of things like our midlife be of passage infers that our glass is half empty, and that’s not “At 40 something, we may not hop, skip or jump into quite fair.
midlife (or maybe we can!), but we can certainly approach
The studies that measure the it with a strong and powerful notion and our heads held midlife crisis in people tend to show that those who began high and shoulders back, don a smile and an inner selftheir career early are more assuredness that yes, we’ve earned our stripes.” susceptible to feeling blue when they reach their forties. But isn’t that because we become a tad weary? more trained toward positive thoughts and We know that doesn’t have to be the case ideas, then that is the direction in which now with all of our wellbeing and self-care we will go. At 40 something, we may not knowledge. And with the digital age upon hop, skip or jump into midlife (or maybe us, a flurry of fresh career opportunities we can!), but we can certainly approach it and the very fact that people are more with a strong and powerful notion and our inclined to change direction (in fact, are heads held high and shoulders back, don encouraged to pursue careers or dreams a smile and an inner self-assuredness that that they wish for), isn’t this when we can yes, we’ve earned our stripes. start to blossom into what we have always wanted? Or do we remain under a lot less So, if you’re approaching your midlife, and pressure to stick with our lot? That means were starting to panic, consider this … you work and everything else. Surely, we can still have your whole life ahead of you. Pop start to lift the fog that is the notion of a open that Veuve.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
WORDS: Pamela Pitcher, The Confidence Coach
The Point: Building Natural Confidence Once upon a time I had very successful career developing business for financial institutions in Vancouver, San Francisco and London. After I said “I do”, I moved to Jersey and through a process of discovery I decided I wanted to make a difference in peoples’ lives on a profound level. Today, I coach others who are open to self-growth to transform their thinking and go forward being confidently content.
Confidence coaching is in alignment with my values, strengths and passion. And through this sense of alignment I know my purpose. My objective is to bring this sense of purpose to others. I’m at my best when I’m of service.
starting a new life, to the individual who’s moved country, to someone set back by health issues, to those that have been made redundant – transitions tend to knock the wind out of their sails. We lose something of ourselves.
After conducting a number of my successful workshop series that I call ‘The Point: Building Natural Confidence’ for charities, I am now offering the Series to the general public because confidence is in great demand. From the divorcee who is
When creating Building Natural Confidence, I thought long and hard about every book I’ve read, every workshop I’ve taken, every mentor, to my training in NLP and Hypnotherapy and took the best of the best from my experience that I personally
know makes positive life-changing differences. I utilise a number of proven methods working with both the conscious and unconscious mind to achieve sustained change. When people lack confidence, the reason is the quality of their thoughts. If we were to look at a dozen tennis pros that have equal physical skill, what causes the few to win when matched up against those with equal physical capabilities? The quality of their thoughts and that is a key point in my methodology, training your brain. If we don’t train our brain, it atrophies like any other muscle. The Point is a methodology akin to stepping-stones, in that it is a step-by-step process designed for participants to feel confidently content upon completion. Each session builds upon one another therefore it’s important that each is taken in succession and none are missed, otherwise there will be a gap in one’s thinking. The series is comprised of the following:
Your Point of View: Our confidence level depends upon the quality of our thoughts. When we are full of self-doubt we cannot be confident because we are plagued with negative thinking. This workshop will provide you with important realizations of how you have been limiting your experience with your thoughts. Our thinking can change and this workshop is the first step to establish the foundation to transform. Limiting Beliefs: What we believe
is a product of our environment and conditioning. Beliefs are not based on logic. They are the acceptance that something is true, usually without evidence. Beliefs are powerful influencers over our lives. Positive beliefs help us to grow. Negative beliefs stop us from reaching our true potential. This workshop provides a method to overcome those saboteurs.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Negative Self-Talk & Critics:
Unfortunately, negative self-talk isn’t limited to negative beliefs. The voice inside our head can conjure up a barrage of negative narration starting with how we look in the mirror in the morning to how badly we did throughout the day to what others are thinking about us. This workshop provides proven NLP techniques to mitigate the unpleasant chatter, leaving room for positivity and change.
Values, Your Inner GPS:
Understanding the message of our Values is key to success, however you define it. Our Values are our internal beacon, the direction of our personal journey. When we live our values we live a confident life. This session provides you with the ability and reasoning to give up living your ought’s and should’s and do what gives you joy. Values=joy=confidence.
Living Your Passion: Learning to play to your Strengths. What do you really care about? How do you want to connect to others? What is most meaningful for you? What do you want to achieve? What do you dare to dream? This session provides the forum for you to discover those answers that are integral for us to live fuller, happier lives, confidently. Strategies for Life: Up until this point, each step of The Point has been improving your inner landscape. It is widely accepted that successful people are the ones willing to do the things that others can’t be bothered to do such as thinking strategically. This session provides you with guidance to increase your effectiveness at home and work. We put theory to action by embracing the power of the art of planning.
“From the divorcee who is starting a new life, to the individual who’s moved country, to someone set back by health issues, to those that have been made redundant – transitions tend to knock the wind out of their sails. We lose something of ourselves.” The Point: Building Natural Confidence - Workshop Series Tuesdays – 6:00pm-8:30 pm from 24th May to 28th June 2016 Designed for small groups – Space is Limited. 6 Sessions for £350.00 Daisy Cottage, Route de Vinchelez, St. Ouen
More info and to book email: pamelapitcherconsulting@gmail.com or call: +44 (0) 770 070 2213
In the words of a former workshop attendee: “I know my self-worth. I won’t let anyone determine my value! My passion is my strength! To be inspired is great; to inspire is incredible! You are amazing Pam! Thank you!” – Anna Pam is a certified life, motivational, social & emotional coach. She is a Master of NLP, a Practitioner with Distinction of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy & a Practitioner of the Emotional Freedom Technique. She belongs to the International Coach Federation, the Society of NLP, General Hypnosis Register, Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council. She provides both group and private workshops.
You ‘CAN DO’ What You Love To Do – Even After Injury It just takes a little guidance and support WORDS: Louise Augré, Augré Physiotherapy
Keeping fit, participating in sport and being active in general boosts your wellbeing it’s a fact! There are many health benefits associated with being physically active. It has been medically proven that those who do regular physical activity have: up to a up to a
lower risk of depression
up to a
up to a
lower risk of hip fracture
For those who love being active, taking part in sport and exercising regularly, any injury can feel like a huge blow, putting a stop to the ‘feel good’ endorphins and also impacting on the social or competitive element that sport and exercise provides. When injury happens it’s important not to be disheartened if you have to temporarily stop participating in the activities you enjoy. With the right treatment you can get back to doing what you love, even if the injury is serious and necessitates surgery.
lower risk of early death
lower risk of breast cancer
Research suggests that many adults spend more than seven hours a day sitting down at work, on transport or in their leisure time. But many of us do manage to fit sport and exercise into our daily lives, and for lots of people it’s their passion too.
up to a
up to a
lower risk of colon cancer
83% 68%
lower risk of osteoarthritis
lower risk of type 2 diabetes
up to a
lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke up to an
lower risk of dementia
lower risk of falls (among older adults)
Pilates for example can help get you back on course, as a full body conditioning system it is designed to improve your strength, flexibility, posture and coordination. With a programme tailored to meet your individual needs you’ll start feeling the benefits within just a few sessions. Sporting injuries can sometimes be caused by poor technique; when your lower back, glutes and abdominals work together properly, you can reduce the impact your preferred sport puts on your body and enhance your performance. Pilates helps to strengthen all these key areas. If your injury is more serious and requires surgery there are many exercises and activity programmes that can be developed to help you both pre and post operation to ensure
you’re back to maximum fitness in the shortest possible time. At Augré Physiotherapy we have close links with leading UK consultants meaning that we can treat patients with post ACL, partial knee resurfacing, arthroscopies, Fulkersons (patella realignment), along with many other debilitating conditions. Remember, whatever the hurdle, you CAN DO it – you might just need a little guidance and support. For more information on what we do and how we can help you, please visit: www. augrephysiotherapy.com
Augré Physiotherapy is a small and friendly practice, conveniently based at the Lido Medical Centre with free parking available. Their experienced team of physiotherapists have the ability to treat all musculoskeletal conditions and each are qualified in their own sub-speciality of physiotherapy. They specialise in knee and shoulder complaints. Augré Physiotherapy offer Pilates and specialised Pregnancy Pilates. Classes are limited to just five people and conducted in a fully equipped gym.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Augré Physiotherapy at the Lido Medical Centre is open six days a week: Monday: 07.30 - 14.00 Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday: 09.00 - 18.00 Saturday: 09.00 - 12.00 Louise Augré is also available at Cleveland Clinic twice a week: Tuesday: 9.00 - 13.00 Thursday: 18.00 - 20.00 Tel: +44(0)1534 280 010 Email: info@augrephysiotherapy.com
Spring Detox the Ayurvedic Way WORDS: Dr Prasanna Kerur, Ayurvedic Consultant/Physician, Ayush Wellness Spa
According to Ayurveda, Spring is the perfect time of year to detoxify. Once it gets a little warmer, the human organism is wired to shed off extra winter pounds that kept us warm during the winter and flush out toxins that were accumulated from heavy cold weather foods. Incorporate these seven detox tips into your daily life to feel lighter and more energised as you head into the warmer months.
Drink Warm Water with Lemon
Start your morning with a glass of hot water and the juice of half a lemon. This will cleanse your digestive tract and release unwanted toxins. The sour taste will enkindle the digestive fire or Agni setting you up for good digestion and metabolism first thing in the morning.
Use Herbs and Spices to Improve Digestion and Metabolism Drink warm herbal teas throughout the day. Cinnamon, ginger, fennel and mint are good options. You should also cook
your food with liberal doses of herbs and spices. Use culinary herbs such as basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano and spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mint, sage and parsley in generous amounts.
Dry Brush Your Skin
Dry skin brushing has long been a part of Ayurveda’s cleansing philosophies. Your skin is an organ of elimination, just like your kidneys, liver and colon. Dry skin brushing helps keep the pores clear and the skin active to assist the body in this cleansing process. It also helps to increase blood circulation. Dry brushing exfoliates the skins outer layer and stimulates the sweat and oil glands, providing more moisture for the skin.
An Ayurvedic massage using warm dosha-specific oil is a great way to help improve circulation, activate the lymphatic system and aid in the detoxification process. (Recommended treatments are Udvartana, Abhyanga and Ayush Massage).
Include Regular Saunas and Steams
To increase the detoxifying effect try sauna, steam room, hot baths and cardio-induced sweating. Most gyms have sauna and steam rooms that you can use after a workout. If you don’t have access to one, take a hot bath with epsom salts ginger powder and baking soda every night before going to sleep. Run, do yoga, jump, dance, whatever gets your heart pumping!
Be Gentle on Yourself
Learn to listen to your body and its needs. If your body is crying out for rest, let it rest. However, if it is crying out for a slab of chocolate cake, resist (try a piece of fruit or tea with a little honey instead!).
And Finally ‌ Just Breathe
In an always 'in a rush stressed out society' our breath tends to be rushed as well. Our lungs rarely get a chance to open up and fill up with fresh air or to completely cleanse from all the stale gases. It takes an effort to let the breath be full and complete. Take a few minutes in the morning to just breathe deeply. Two-to-one breathing; a practice of exhaling twice as long as every inhalation, is a great technique for cleansing the lungs and calming the nervous system. Instead of adopting all seven of these practices at once, you can incorporate one per week during the first few weeks of Spring. If you take the time to turn each action into a habit, it will be easier to stick with your detox routine throughout the entire year.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Ayurvedic Teas; Pitta, Vata and Kapha are available to purchase at the Ayush Wellness Spa at the Hotel de France. More info: www.ayushspa.com or call: +44 (0) 1534 614 171.
Screen your Sunscreen
The truth behind the protection WORDS: Lucy Sanderson
The debate over the harmful effects of some of the chemicals in our sunscreen makes for a very confusing read indeed. Whilst skin cancer and sun caution has never been more prevalent, it seems that the disease has also never been more rife. As we have become a lot more conscientious about what we slather on to our skin and we question what is in the creams we use, some sunscreens have been found to be nothing more than ‘snake oil’ – with little or no protection and to make matters worse, some of the chemicals in our sunscreens are believed to actually contain cancer causing properties! So, how do we know what sunscreen is good and what we should avoid? With so much information (and much of it conflicting or so scientific that it’s baffling), for the wider public
we have to put our trust in the brands we know and recognise and hope that what we purchase does what it says on the bottle. The fact is, sunscreen is designed to protect us from the sun’s harmful rays. In the UK, sunscreens are measured with SPF (sun protection factor) and using that number as a rough guide, we tend to make a decision based on the highest SPF number being the strongest protection against the sun. Sounds simple, but the truth about sunscreen is a
lot more complex. The ongoing debate over chemicals such as oxybenzone, for example, suggests that some scientific studies convey concern for this sort of a chemical being able to reach live organs through application to the skin. It has been suggested that this particular chemical can create hormonal issues and cell damage which, in turn can cause cancer, but two scientific camps have two varying opinions with some saying its fine to use and other’s suggesting we steer clear of it … So, who should we believe? Rather than go into all of the ins and outs of scientific research, none of which makes much sense to most ordinary people, we’ve taken a look at what Cancer Research UK suggest in regard to sunscreen. Tom Stansfeld, health information officer at Cancer Research UK, confirms the bad news that sunscreen isn’t the best form of sun protection: studies have shown there does appear to be a link between increased use of sunscreen and a higher risk of skin cancer. However, the study never reported a direct association between the use of sun cream and malignant melanoma, “rather that sun cream offers a false sense of security,” says Stansfeld. “People apply sun cream thinking that they can stay out in the sun for longer, ergo more skin damage and an increased risk of skin cancer,” he says. “Putting on cream does not make you invincible.” The cancer charity also advocates hats and protective clothing along with less time in the sun before the use of sunscreen, but it by no means suggests not using it; rather, it’s suggested that we can’t rely on sunscreen alone. The filters in sunscreen aim to reduce the risks from UVA and UVB rays and there’s no doubt that sunscreen is a proactive way to mitigate sun damage, but they are not to be wholly relied upon when setting off for a sun drenched holiday or day out at the beach. Whatever side of the sun cream fence you fall on, there is one overriding message that nobody can ignore: ultraviolet radiation from UVA and UVB is the number one cause of skin cancer, not sunscreen.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
With such an overwhelming amount of information online and in the media regarding sunscreen and the dangers they may or may not present, if you’re confused or concerned about what you’re putting on your skin, or on your children’s skin, it is a good idea to try some more natural, lesser chemical based sunscreens. Using screens which factor in a filter rather than screens that are absorbed into the body may reduce the risks of harmful chemicals; so zinc based products (like those used by cricketers) offer the most protection – but they are often very harmful to the environment … In order to reduce your risk of skin cancer, whilst still being able to enjoy the benefits of being in the sun, there are ways in which we can avoid the free radicals and cancer causing chemicals without getting burned. With skin cancer on the rise alongside the use of sunscreens, it could be argued that infact, we are simply relying too heavily on these creams and screens and spending far too much time basking in the sun’s rays. If it’s a golden tan you’re after, for that sun kissed look, then try a fake tan (but beware the sunlamps …). If you are intending on sun bathing this summer, then look at what is in your sunscreen and research it online to find out what some of the long chemical names mean in terms of your health and wellbeing.
We took a look at some of the recommended sunscreens that have less chemicals, so when you head off to buy your summer stock, perhaps check out one of these (although please do check allergies, etc, first): For sensitive types La Roche-Posay Anthelios For kids Soltan Kids Dry Touch lotion For skincare investors Crème de la Mer, Reparative Body sun lotion For experienced tanners Calypso sun lotion For swimmers Jason Mineral natural sunscreen When it comes to sun protection, there are many factors to consider, and not just the SPF factor… sensitive skin, free radicals and unknown chemicals should all be taken in to account. One thing is for certain, skin cancer is very real and can affect anyone at any age. Some protection is better than none, and being sensible about the sun is a must for us all this summer.
Can We Look Beautiful with Simple Ingredients? WORDS: Nicola Kidd, NK Naturals
Having skin that looks and feels healthy has many contributing factors, from how much water we drink, what foods we eat, how much sleep we get, what our hormones are up to and genetics, another, is what we put on our skin. Applying creams and cosmetics is a sensory pleasure, especially if you know exactly what you are using. Can we look beautiful with simple ingredients? Will they deliver the same results as some commercial products that promise so much, from diminished wrinkles to plumper pouts? We are all becoming more and more interested in looking at the labelling on our food to see how much fat, sugar and salt they contain but how often do we look at the ingredient list on our skincare and cosmetics and if you do, it is often a list of things we have never heard of.
Many of these ingredients are not there for your skin. They are added to make them more cost effective, smell nice, look nice, and feel nicer on application and to give them a longer shelf life. We all know how important it is to look after ourselves both mentally and physically. What we put into and onto our bodies as well exercise and a positive outlook all combine together to give us the maximum effect of overall well being. Doctors have been warning of the effects of one particular chemical
methylisothiazolinone, also known as MI, which is added to many moisturisers, sun creams, shampoos and even baby products. It has triggered an allergy epidemic causing rashes, scaling skin, swelling and eczema. The cosmetic industry have, up to now, ignored the scientific data and instead opted to reduce the amount added to products which has the sole purpose of extending shelf life. There are other preservatives and unnecessary ingredients added to your skincare, for example, parabens
that have had more media attention for us to know they are not beneficial to the health of our skin. I encourage you to take a look at the ingredient list that comes with your current favourite products and below I will outline a list of the additives you should be looking for and why. Benzophenone – This is used to prevent ultra violet light from damaging scents and colours in products, therefore, not there for your skin. Named the Contact Allergen of the Year 2014 by the American Contact Dermatitis Society and can produce classic contact dermatitis as well as photo contact dermatitis. It can be found in many sun creams and could explain how ‘prickly heat’ starts even though you are using a high factor sun protection. Diethyl Phthalate (DEP) – This is a manmade solvent used in cosmetic products to aid the mixing of ingredients as well as preventing the breakdown of perfume, they also help the delivery of the product giving it a smooth feeling on the skin although it has no benefit and can cause dryness and irritation.
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Fragrance – This is very misleading because it sounds so innocuous, however, the ingredients in fragrances are not required to be revealed. This term can therefore be used when thousands of chemicals are available and many can cause irritation and allergies. There are of course many more, however I believe it is up to us to be informed on what we are putting onto our skin on a daily basis and by avoiding the few I have mentioned it may help those of us with sensitive skin to avoid future irritations. Your skin is your largest organ offering your body its first line of defence and when the skin is hydrated and moisturised it has a glow. So, yes you can look beautiful naturally and your skin will thank you for it. Your skin will last you a lifetime, so find your glow from nature. Just remember to always read the label. More info: www.nknaturals.eu
You Can Be Yourself Again WORDS: Paul Deveney, Founder, Lido Physio & Spinal Clinic
There is nothing more debilitating than a knee injury; your day-to-day mobility and treasured life-long sporting activities and hobbies, such as golf and tennis, walking and jogging, can seem a far distant possibility. A knee replacement operation can cost £11,900. Many patients recovering from arthroscopies take pain killers every day, although research published recently in the UK medical journal The Lancet undertaken between 1980 and 2015 by the University of Bern found that paracetamol offered no relief from arthritic pain. They also found it had little or no effect on improving mobility. Compare this with AposTherapy® at £2,480 – and an 86% chance of reducing your pain in one year. Simply wear the ‘shoes’ for one hour a day whilst at home.
Introducing AposTherapy®
AposTherapy® is an innovative medical programme for the treatment of knee conditions. Based on the understand that the development and progression of knee pain can depend on the way you walk, AposTherapy® analyses and helps to correct the way you move by changing the distribution of weight as you walk and by retraining the muscles to adopt an optimal walking pattern over time, using breakthrough calibrated, foot-worn biomechanical technology. Clinically proven to alleviate pain and improve mobility, papers published in medical journals report that it was shown to reduce pain and restore function, mobility and quality of life in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis and anterior knee pain. The treatment is administered and monitored by physical therapists trained and licensed by the manufacturers. 36
Relieving pain and retraining muscles around the joint
Every AposTherapy patient’s personalised treatment is based around an individually adjusted unique biomechanical system. Patients wear the personally adjusted footwear device whilst performing their daily routine tasks, achieving two widely applied rehabilitation principles with every step. Firstly, by adjusting the foot’s point of contact with the ground (the centre of pressure), the biomechanical system changes the forces acting on the various joints of the lower limb and low back. When calibrating the system, the AposTherapist considers which specific structures need to be supported or offloaded, in order to provide the patient with symptom relief. This decision is based upon the findings from the clinical interview, physical assessment and computerised gait-lab, as well as the pain, function and quality of life questionnaire scores. The second rehabilitation principle is the introduction of micro-instability through perturbation during the entire gait cycle (and any other weight bearing activity). This refines the control of the central nervous system with every movement the patient performs. Again, the introduction of appropriate perturbation for the patient is done at the system's calibration stage.
“Many patients recovering from arthroscopies take pain killers every day, although research published recently in the UK medical journal The Lancet undertaken between 1980 and 2015 by the University of Bern found that paracetamol offered no relief from arthritic pain.”
Combining correct body alignment with micro-instability represents a breakthrough in the treatment of knee pain. It is only when the patient experiences pain and symptom relief, that it becomes possible to instil optimal patterns of motion. The unique therapeutic effects of the biomechanical system are achieved with two convex pods, called Pertupod™ caps (pods which provide perturbation), inserted under the main weight bearing areas of the foot – heel and forefoot. The AposTherapist adjusts the Pertupod™ caps in every possible direction (anterior, posterior medial and lateral), as well as adapting their height and resilience. Every biomechanical system is personally calibrated to suit the individual patient and their unique therapeutic needs. The device’s rehabilitative elements are all concentrated on the base of the device, with the most visible part of the device, the shoe, having no therapeutic role. The shoe is merely a platform which serves as an anchoring device to fasten the Pertupod™ caps to the forefoot and heel. The calibration process must be achieved in conjunction with the patient. After personally adjusting the device in accordance with all the relevant parameters, the AposTherapist then asks the patient to walk with the device. The patient’s gait is closely examined, in order to observe any changes in movement patterns, with relation to the patient’s symptoms and clinical findings. The system's calibration is then refined and the patient asked to walk with the system for a second time, while his gait and symptoms are assessed once again. This process is repeated until both the patient and AposTherapist are satisfied that the ideal calibration has been achieved to produce optimal therapy outcomes.
Now Available in Jersey
Lido Physio and Spinal Clinic in Jersey is a registered Apos Therapist. More info: www.lidospinalclinic.com or call: +44 (0) 1534 639 233.
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Getting the Most from Apos Therapy Lose Excess Weight. It is
recommended that patients follow weight loss advice from their physician. Losing one pound in body weight takes 4 pounds of load off the knee in every step.
Heavy Loads. Carrying shopping bags is a stressful activity. Divide shopping into several trips, in order to carry fewer bags on each trip, and be mindful of posture when unloading the car, keeping heavy loads as close to the body as possible. Use it then Lose it. Use back or knee supports only as prescribed by a physician. Try to avoid becoming dependent on these supports so as not to discourage proactive muscular functional training. Suitable Shoes. Wear comfortable, closed, well-fitting walking shoes. Your Apos Therapist can offer recommendations.
Get Moving. Try to keep active; it will improve your movement, mobility and general health. Avoid extended periods of rest and lying down during waking hours. Keep Your Cool. After every
stressful activity, such as walking, cool your knee or ankle area for about 10 minutes with an ice pack. Do not apply ice directly to the skin.
Take the High Seat. While performing activities in a seated position, such as driving or watching TV, maintain a highseated position so the knees are at an obtuse angle. Different Strokes. Backstroke
or freestyle swimming is highly recommended; avoid breaststroke.
The Magic
of Yoga
WORDS: Rosalie e’Silva, Mind Body Expert at Healthhaus at Home
If you allow it to, yoga can truly transform your life. There are the obvious physical benefits of practicing yoga – increased flexibility, strength and mobility. These can greatly impact how you look and feel, but the real magic of yoga happens on the inside. It’s the changes that we cannot see that are the most transformative – the increased inner strength, resilience and determination. The ability to focus better, meet challenges with a steady and calm mind, and have greater mental clarity. These are some of the lessons that we learn on the yoga mat that start to follow us into our everyday lives. Yoga teaches us how to decompress from our busy lives. We often don’t realise just how much stress has accumulated in our shoulders, in our hips, or anywhere else we hold onto tension. Yoga shows us where we tend to store tightness and then helps us soften and release it. As stress dissolves from our bodies, we can relax deeper and sleep better.
Yoga also teaches us the immense power of our thoughts. When confronted with a challenging pose or situation, we often automatically shut down and tell ourselves, we can’t do something. But yoga teaches us to catch those thoughts and to crush them. We learn to dive right in, even if something terrifies us – actually, especially if something terrifies us! We learn that’s it’s OK to fall and to fail, but to get back up and try again. Through a regular and committed practice, you start to realise your immense and unlimited potential. You start to realise that the only thing holding you back is you and your limited beliefs about yourself. These are just a few of the incredible benefits of yoga, which can truly transform the way you see yourself and the world. But just how does this happen? The answer is astoundingly simple … the way in, is through the breath.
In yoga you become acutely aware of the breath. By linking each movement to the breath, the practice becomes a sort of moving meditation. As we turn our attention inwards, the breath becomes an anchor throughout the practice. It brings us into the present moment – and helps us get out of our minds and into our bodies. We start to feel more and think less. In this state, you allow things to surface that you may normally suppress. You start to observe the thoughts that arise; both the ones that serve you and the ones that don’t. You start to realise how quick you might be to judge yourself (and others). You start to understand the limits that you place on yourself – and how quick you might be tell yourself that can or can’t do something. You also start to notice the way you approach things that feel easy, and how the way you might move away from things that feel more challenging. Yoga holds up a mirror for you, revealing things about yourself that you might not otherwise know.
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In essence, through the practice of yoga, you start to evolve, to grow and to become the best version of yourself. If you allow it to, yoga can help you become more than you ever thought possible. Rosalie is the Mind Body Expert at Healthhaus at Home. She leads group and private sessions in Vinyasa Flow, Yoga Nidra and Strala Yoga. More info: www.healthhausathome.com and www.rosalieyoga.com
Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue? WORDS: Lorna Jackson, Health Point Clinic
You have probably heard of adrenal fatigue. It is a buzz phrase in the health community right now, and no wonder; if we could slap one diagnosis on our culture at large, adrenal fatigue would be it. In my acupuncture practice adrenal fatigue shows up in the large majority of patients attending the clinic. But when we say someone is suffering from adrenal fatigue, what are we actually talking about?
Adrenal fatigue is a root imbalance that causes various systems throughout the body to break down. It is the source of many, if not most, of the symptoms patients commonly report: fatigue, depression, anxiety, weight gain, hormone imbalances, and poor digestion.
What causes adrenal fatigue?
Adrenal fatigue starts with a long day of work followed by a late dinner or glass of wine, maybe a modestly indulgent dessert. It continues with a night of tossing and turning, an early morning and a cup of coffee on an empty stomach. Skipping breakfast, grabbing some toast or
having a sugary cereal while rushing to a morning meeting usually follows. Maybe you work through lunch or resort to a cereal bar or wrap, grazing the work biscuit tin around 3pm with another cup of coffee. After a high-stress workday, you may have another late meal, maybe a drink or two – and if you are like most people, relationship or financial stress show up somewhere in the mix. None of these things on their own cause adrenal fatigue, and none of them for short periods of time are enough to disrupt the body’s finely tuned stress-management system.
But who only works one day a week – or even three? Who consistently makes the right food choices? Who is not battling some form of stress? Even if your job is mellow and your relationships stable, chances are that you have other stressors that keep your adrenaline pumping for much of the day. Overtime, this causes adrenal fatigue.
Acupuncture perspective on adrenal fatigue
In acupuncture, pushing ourselves toward adrenal fatigue depletes Yin. When our Yin gets depleted, we are forced to dip into our reserves and borrow from our Kidneys—our source qi—to keep everything running smoothly. Our Kidney reserves are finite. Once you use them up, they are gone. Taking care of yourself now in order to preserve your Kidney source qi is essential to long-term health. Kidney source qi is responsible for helping us age gracefully. It nourishes the endocrine system and keeps such vitals as the brain, spine, and sex organs vibrant.
First and foremost, reduce and learn to manage stress. High stress levels are a major contributor to the epidemic of adrenal fatigue. Adequate sleep is another key ingredient for resolving adrenal fatigue. Sleep at the right time is crucial. Sleeping from 1am to 9am is not as restorative as sleeping from 10pm to 6am. Early to bed and early to rise is truly an adage to live by.
“But who only works one day a week – or even three? Who consistently makes the right food choices? Who is not battling some form of stress?”
People who are blessed with good genes and robust constitutions may be able to maintain a fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle for longer than most. We all know a legendary whiskey-and-espresso-drinkingchain-smoker-pushing-90 and still running marathons. However, people like this are rare exceptions in modern society. For the mere mortals among us, the quicker we use up our Kidney reserves, the faster our physical and emotional health will break down. This is why in the age of adrenal fatigue early-onset Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease are a lot more common than chainsmoking 90-year-old marathon runners.
How to combat adrenal fatigue
The solutions for combating adrenal fatigue are simple. However, actually integrating them into your life can be challenging.
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Sometimes, after years of running your body into the ground, lifestyle changes are not enough. A combination of acupuncture and nutritional supplements are often indicated for rebalancing the neuro-endocrine system and addressing adrenal fatigue. If you feel yourself cruising down the road to burnout, consult with an acupuncturist. Changing your lifestyle and balancing the adrenal system is nothing short of essential, and will improve the way you look, think, and feel. More info: www.healthpointclinic.co.uk
Living Well with Dementia WORDS: Michala Graham, Educator, Jersey Alzheimer’s Association
Thankfully, with increasing awareness and understanding, dementia is no longer a taboo subject and stigma is beginning to be tackled, thus bringing the topic out of the shadows and into public discussion. However, we still have a long way to go in developing a dementia friendly community. The visual image of an elderly person slumped in a chair, or the wrinkled crossed hands, is all too often someone’s limited perception of dementia.
When someone has a diagnosis of dementia it doesn’t mean that life stops there. However, receiving a diagnosis of dementia can affect people in differing ways and every person’s experience of dementia will be unique. It would be wrong to not acknowledge how distressing a diagnosis of dementia can be to individuals and those close to them. At Jersey Alzheimer’s Association we help and support people with dementia, their families, friends and carers. Our aim is to ensure that those whose lives are touched by dementia are treated with dignity and respect, and that they receive the best possible care and support in our
community and enjoy the quality of life that every human being would hope for. There is no doubt that living with dementia can be extremely challenging, not only for a person with a diagnosis, but also their family and friends. It can bring with it a number of emotions and uncertainties. Future plans will have to be made, but having dementia doesn’t change who you are and what you enjoy doing. With early intervention and the correct support, those living with dementia, can, and do, with ongoing adjustments, continue to live fulfilled and meaningful lives.
It’s important for any of us to lead a healthy lifestyle and to engage socially with others and that’s no different for someone living with dementia. For example, regular exercise and a balanced and healthy diet are essential for everyone. To live healthily with Alzheimer’s Disease or any other form of dementia involves looking at influences which affect an individual’s experience of everyday life. The holistic benefits of maintaining your physical health and meeting your intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual needs can have a huge impact on enhancing a person’s general wellbeing.
should have opportunities to have fun, experience new things, express themselves, build relationships and be creative. They should continue to enjoy hobbies and interests, remain alert, maintain an interest in life and feel valued and respected. Providing opportunities for people to socially engage with others and to participate in activities promotes living in the present moment and facilitates the making of new memories and experiences with family and friends.
both people living with dementia and those in a caregiving role to participate in and enjoy. We have a lot of fun and laughter being alongside each other whilst sharing the ‘journey’. It is a pleasure and honour to be part of someone’s present. We must continue to talk about dementia and break down stigma. We can all challenge negative stereotypes and as a ‘dementia friendly community’ help those living with dementia to live well.
Dementia can affect all aspects of a person's life, as well as their family's and it’s easy to become isolated and to begin to feel alone if you, or someone you care for, has dementia. It is important to keep in contact with others and to remain actively engaged and stimulated. In addition, through education about the disease and signposting to appropriate support, we can help people to live in the present, acknowledge the now, and plan for the future, thus always creating a platform from which to face new challenges and to accept changes. There is sometimes a general view that with dementia, because a person’s short term memory is affected, they only have recognition of the past to connect with. Though some tasks and skills may become more difficult to undertake independently, focussing on what a person can still do not only helps maintain a real sense of wellbeing, it also empowers them to continue to feel, and be, a valued member of society. If we concentrate merely on the past, we lack awareness of a person’s present and place little value on their future.
People living with dementia still have a today and a tomorrow and we shouldn’t simply rule out an activity because someone has dementia. Activities may change as the disease progresses and gets worse, but anyone living with dementia should still continue to have the opportunity to enjoy their spare time. Living well with dementia is about getting out and about and making the most of life.
People with dementia, in the present, can still do things that they enjoy and are able to do now. They
Jersey Alzheimer’s Association provides weekly and monthly activities and opportunities for
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You are welcome to go to our website www.jerseyalzheimers.com or visit us at our Drop-in/Office in St Helier to obtain further details of our services and activities.
A Recipe for Wellness Weight and Wellbeing with Pippa Campbell PHOTOS: Natalie Mayer
There are very few things which sit comfortably in the ‘one size fits all’ category. Scarves, perhaps. But when we refer to our own wellbeing, or are faced with issues surrounding our health; we often allude to weight, skin problems, motivation, sleep (or lack thereof ) and stress. Typical symptoms of modern day living; modern day eating, most importantly as we tend to eat more high-calorie, high-fat, high-sodium, low-nutrient food, in other words, food that has little nutritional value at all. In order to optimise our wellbeing and our body’s ideal weight, we need to consider our uniqueness; that is to say, when it comes to our individual wellbeing and weight, we are not ‘all one’ and although we should all eat healthy, nourishing food, some foods are good for some, whilst being not so good for others.
No doubt many of you reading this shapes, sizes and levels of fitness and and definitive changes beyond what will have heard friends and peers after years of working with people to eating healthily can do on its own. talk of how they have a fast, or slow reach their health goals, I know there Nutrition is as much about what you metabolism – but do we really know is nothing that cannot be achieved. don't eat as it is about what you do what that means? It’s not just a fluke, There are no gimmicks, no fads, no eat. Even though some foods may or luck of the draw that makes one nonsense and with a personalised be healthy, they may not be good for person slimmer than the other with plan, the reality is that success in you when you’re trying to lose weight, a faster metabolism (although there obtaining the body you want from or treat a skin condition. Nutrition is are a few lucky friends of mine who the inside out is totally possible. also not just about weight; it is also seem to be able to eat whatever they what fuels you, so rest assured that like, whenever they like – we all have This makes it all sound quite easy; if you’re eating the right foods for those beautifully annoying friends), it isn’t! Effort and commitment are you, you’ll feel lighter, brighter and for most of us, when it comes to definite prerequisites of any success, revitalised all-round. Boosting energy weight adjustment and maintenance, but for anyone who has tried every and feeling fabulous are the result of a little more effort is needed. Herein diet plan on the planet without being your best from the inside out lies the benefit of tailor-made dietary success, I could have the answer as and I am all about that for my clients. plans and for some people, something to why. If you suffer from fatigue or stress, even more precise like the Metabolic sluggishness or general lacklustre Balance programme. With Metabolic One size does not fit all. We are all for life, then it is likely that the food Balance, the one size fits all dieting built differently and as such, our you’re eating has a LOT to do with it. notion is absolutely avoided, by using a bodies react to different foods in person’s own blood to ascertain The Metabolic Balance what they should and shouldn’t “ You see, what’s good for some people programme can highlight eat (check out my last feature exact details in regard to is inflammatory for others when in WellBeing World!). what you should or shouldn’t it comes to certain food, weight eat; but for those who need loss and management and overall a tweak or a change in their You see, what’s good for some people is inflammatory wellbeing, hence why diet fads and diet, the results are just as for others when it comes to brilliant. “Let thy food be thy trends tend to have a lesser effect for medicine,” said Hippocrates certain food, weight loss and management and overall eons ago, and as we turn our a shorter amount of time.” wellbeing, hence why diet fads attention once again, in 2016 and trends tend to have a lesser effect different ways. When it comes to to the ethos that prevention is better for a shorter amount of time. How my clients, sometimes the metabolic than cure, we should all be getting a many times have you tried to diet balance programme is the best little more thoughtful about what we and then after a couple of months, fit – especially for those seeking a eat. Nourishment is necessary to glow either fallen back into your old eating stringent plan, or for those who have and by understanding the effects of routine, or simply put weight back on? slightly more tricky targets in relation the foods we eat, we can make colossal Don’t be disheartened, over 60% of to their wellbeing and/or weight. differences to our quality of life. people who ‘diet’ tend to end up back For some people, it’s a simple tweak at square one and it’s probably got to their diet and change in their As well as ensuring that you’re little to do with you and your effort exercise regime that makes all the eating well, I am also a fully qualified and more to do with the very fact that difference. This is what ignites me … personal trainer and as such, can the diet was not suited to you at all in Understanding a person’s objectives guide you as to what will work the first place. and finding the perfectly tailored plan for you in terms of your exercise for them. With every respect to the and activities. For that added As a nutritionist and food lover, diets and plans that send out blanket boost, I can suggest and provide health coach and personal trainer, my messages to hundreds or thousands of you with the ideal supplements to life revolves around my clients’ needs people at a time, when it comes to my complement your diet. I’ll be back in and their objectives when it comes clients, each and every one is treated the next edition to discuss skin and to their wellbeing and weight. I work as an individual – and that’s what supplements, so be sure to stay tuned with men and women of all ages, brings success, long lasting success – and stay well and wonderful! More info: www.pippacampbellhealth.com
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The Can Do’s of Fashion:
Think You Can’t Wear Different Styles? Oh Yes, You Can… WORDS: Vivien Aygun, Founder & Owner, Up and Above
We may not all be able to wear all of the styles, all of the time … but we all can wear most of the styles, some of the time! I can’t wear jeans, I am too old, too curvy, too short.
Yes, you can. It may take time to find the style that suits you, slim, straight, skinny but the time invested will pay off. There is a cut-off age for very low waists and slashed knees, leave these for the gorgeous young things. Stretch is wonderful and colour plays a part. There is a jean for every body. I hate my arms and can’t wear sleeveless clothing.
Yes, you can. If something sleeveless takes your eye and looks good and you really don’t want to show your arms then a soft shrug is a great addition to your wardrobe. Choose the right style and don’t tie it up under your bust. I can’t wear shorter dresses.
Yes, you can. It’s all a question of proportion – maybe better in winter with opaque tights and boots or over skinny pants. Experiment, there’s more than one way to wear most things. I can’t wear black/white/any particular colour.
Yes, you can. It just might be better away from your face. There is a shade in most colours that will suit you. Usually if a colour makes you feel good you are on the right track, and if you get compliments you definitely are. I can’t wear white trousers; I’m too curvy, old, bottom heavy. Same old lament.
Yes, you can. A size 12 can have cellulite that shows through white jeans and a size 22 can have fabulous legs with not a globule in sight. So, be white appropriate, choose fabrics carefully, and remember it’s all individual, no one is perfect. What you wear on top is important too. I can’t find trousers to fit properly.
Yes, you can. There has never been a better choice in styles, shapes and fabrics. Give yourself some time, be prepared to try on different ones until you feel right. This is important, trousers are an item most women wear every day; they should fit well, wear well and feel good.
I can’t wear short/long jackets / Capri pants / 7/8 pants / shaped clothes / over-sized styles.
Yes, you can. It really is all about proportion and your shape. Fashion is fun and it’s great to have a play trying on different styles. It can be amazing what looks great that you never dreamed would work. Big boobies and slim hips? Try an over-sized off the shoulder top with slim pants or a wrap dress. Small waist? Show it off. Curvy hips? Let it all skim and flow. You get the drift. I can’t afford nice clothes.
Yes, you can. It just takes thought and planning. Be careful. Invest more money in things you wear every day, these will be washed more and should last longest, wear for wear. Spend the least on a high fashion or fun piece. Go to a genuine Sale (not buy-ins) and buy a better quality item for the same price as a cheaper one. Take care of your clothes and wash everything as the label indicates.
Pretty Please …
Don’t wear clothes too tight. The size on the label is just a number, it doesn’t make you bigger/smaller than you are. It just fits right. (Cut it out. The label that is!) Don’t expose cleavage, legs, midriff, back, all at the same time. In an orderly queue please. Don’t stay in your comfort zone all the time. Yes, stick with styles you know suit you but do experiment. Take something different into the fitting room and see what happens, it might just work. Don’t throw everything together and just think it will look fab. Mixing florals and stripes or prints and spots is an art form and should be given thought to make it work. When it does it looks great. Don’t think because you have a great figure you can wear anything at any age. Nothing will age you more than wearing something that is not age appropriate, be that too young or too old. And if you think that’s nonsense look in the mirror again. Style is ageless, go for class and elegance but don’t leave the fun out. Study people you know who look good and adapt things to suit you. Don’t wear white bras or pants under sheer white clothing. Nude underwear is better under anything even slightly see-through. Nude and black is all you need, colour is an added extra because you like it. And finally, choose somewhere to shop where you feel comfortable. Can you trust what is being said to you? Do they know about style and fit? Do they put you first, or the cash register? PS: We know someone who will make you feel comfortable … who you can trust to say only what is true … who have years of experience … who will guide you … and who will put you first … and that’s Vivien Aygun and her wonderful team at Up and Above in Don Street, St Helier. Pop in for a visit, you’ll see what we mean. And you can view their amazing Energetix jewellery at the same time.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Menopause? Or No Pause? Harness the power! OK, this is the Can Do edition of WellBeing World Magazine and so we had to cover the issue of menopause. Without trivialising this mammoth change that all women go through, there is a way to turn those hot flushes into power surges and those emotional inner bombs into boosts; owning your menopause and the process of change is key to a can do menopause vibe. Getting straight to the point, let’s focus on the positives. Of course, there are the emotional rollercoasters and negatives to menopause, but this article is about the constructive and good things about menopause, so… No more periods! Yep, no more buying tampons, pads or moon cups, or whatever your preferential dealings are for your period. Spend your money on something else, something fun! Stockpiles of those ‘period pants’ that only come out at that time of the month can all go in the bin. Perhaps use some of that tampon money on some new lingerie … Plus, no more worrying in white, you can absolutely
get away with white trousers, skirts and dresses … 365 days a year! (Sex without worry of pregnancy is another bonus of menopause, more of which later). Menopause means, no more cramps, no more painkillers, no more hot water bottles. PMS be gone! Surely, a cause for celebration? Studies show that at least 85% of all menstruating women experience one symptom of PMS, or more each month. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is the term for the psychological, physical and behavioural side of problem periods. Most women suffer pain from periods and for many, it can render them
unable to carry out their normal day to day activities due to the pain. Crikey, some women can’t get out of bed because of the pain of severe PMS, from painful and tender breasts to debilitating stomach cramps and even migraines. PMS is also the culprit that embodies the emotional side of periods, those weeks before your period when you could cry at any given moment, for any given reason. Or your anger’o’meter hits red without warning and over what could be the slightest thing. The monthly misery that is the emotional side of periods. PMS is one symptom of periods that menopause obliterates, and amen to that.
The end of perimenopause – the period (pardon the pun) before actual menopause.
During perimenopause, many of the symptoms of menstruation can worsen, so bring on the menopause, where the load is lightened and the symptoms can dissipate. Perimenopause brings with it an entire host of other issues (it’s a good job girls are tough).
We found these 35 signs of perimenopause, the warning signs that your menopause is on its way: • Hot flashes, hot flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy feeling • Irregular heart beat • Irritability • Mood swings, sudden tears • Trouble sleeping through the night (with or without night sweats) • Irregular periods; shorter, lighter periods; heavier periods, flooding; phantom periods, shorter cycles, longer cycles • Loss of libido • Vaginal dryness • Crashing fatigue • Anxiety, feeling ill at ease • Feelings of dread, apprehension, doom • Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, mental confusion • Disturbing memory lapses • Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing; urge incontinence • Itchy, crawly skin • Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons • Increased tension in muscles Any wonder that menopause is actually something to be welcomed, after all, it makes itself pretty darn known with all of those warning signs! From breathing fire, to tingling extremities and a loss of libido, sore boobs, thinning hair … Blimey. Good job that perimenopause is not a permanent problem, each woman is unique and as such, the duration and severity (or lack thereof ) will be different. One thing is certain though, once there has been a 12 month period of no periods, your perimenopause is over and you have entered menopause.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
• Breast tenderness • Headache change: increase or decrease • Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas pain, nausea • Sudden bouts of bloat • Depression • Exacerbation of existing conditions • Increase in allergies • Weight gain • Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body; increase in facial hair • Dizziness, vertigo, light-headedness, episodes of loss of balance • Changes in body odour • Electric shock sensation under the skin and in the head • Tingling in the extremities • Gum problems, increased bleeding • Burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, bad taste in mouth, change in breath odour • Osteoporosis (after several years) • Changes in fingernails: softer, crack or break easier • Tinnitus: ringing in ears, bells, 'whooshing,' buzzing etc.
So, back to the CAN DO: as you emerge from whatever symptoms you may have been suffering, you will find that your self-assurance is greater. Many women recount a surge in energy – hence the power surges! Some boast of feeling more sexy than ever; knowing they can’t get pregnant and knowing themselves from the inside out after a life changing time. Menopause has meaning; a rite of passage in our later years. In fact, the party starts now for some women as they embark on a more thorough self discovery after coming through menopause.
A lot of women take better care of themselves; they exercise, eat well, enjoy life… See things with renewed perspective and appreciation and stop sweating the small stuff. Menopause doesn’t have to mean pause.
A rather delicious term, coined by cultural anthropologist, author and speaker, Margaret Mead describes ‘menopausal zest’. How about that; the can do vibes – embrace the zest. So, come on ladies, pull on those white trousers, own your new stripes and step out. Best foot forward!
Men’s Health Life Hacks! For guys who hanker for the good life
There are some things that make life better for everyone and some that are made for men; this article is in the latter category and here you will find an array of life hacks for better men’s health and wellbeing. Men’s life hacks aren’t all about getting a bottle of beer ice cold in 15 minutes (although we’ll share that one at the end anyway), or how to stop yourself from ‘flying low’ ever … Life hacks for guys include specific and surefire ways of optimising good health and wellbeing. It seems fitting to start with one of the two things that men really care about (assuming that one is food and the other is sex - apologies for any perceived stereotyping, complaints may be sent to the male equivalent of Germaine Greer), so … Food.
Eat well – Everyone loves food, but men often opt for high protein dishes. So, how about picking
proteins wisely? Fish instead of steak, for example? Hook, line and gut-shrinker – eating more fish instead of red meat reduces waistlines. Fact … Fish oils are also of huge benefit, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish have anti-inflammatory effects that can also encourage weight loss and weight maintenance.
Salmon is a fab one, and easy to cook too. If it must be fried, then go for coconut oil (it won’t taste of coconut) as coconut oil has a higher smoke temperature, which means it’s less likely to become carcinogenic at higher heat than for instance, olive oil. Ta dah, two health hacks in one. Next up is sex … According to The Journal of Sex Research, men think about sex – on average – 34 times a day, compared with women’s 19. So, with that, sex is up there as a definite importance in the life of a guy. This hack is straight to the point – if there is something that you want to try or do with your partner in the bedroom, then be upfront and honest; talk to her and ask her if she’s keen. In the US, research for a study in Sexual and Relationship Therapy showed that explicitly asking to try a new position, succeeded 85% of the time, according to study author Shawna Harris, Ph.D. who specialises in communications at Missouri University. So, guys … Don't be afraid to talk about sex to your partner – honesty is definitely the best policy for a fulfilling sex life, and getting what you want. After food and sex, we know you fellas like a pint … But did you
know that Guinness is actually good for you? Yes, you guessed it – Drink more Guinness! Guinness is known for being good for the blood; it’s high in iron and helps prevent blood clots and heart attacks. Studies carried out at the University of Wisconsin proved that drinking Guinness, or dark beer is way better than drinking lager. So, cheers!
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Stress is one of life’s most harmful issues and men suffer from it differently to women. Men’s stress
can build up until physical problems manifest – as guys are less likely to address things such as stress and anxiety than girls. In order to keep stress at bay, men need some de-
yellow peppers, to red strawberries (get the stems out super quickly by pushing a straw through the middle of your strawberry!), green apples, orange carrots and purple blueberries and the rainbow of other delicious munchies … Colour yourself happy with this simple hack to make sure
No one likes a festering stress of a mess, or a guy who walks around like a bear with a sore head and even more importantly, stress will make you sick. stress tools and life hacks to handle it … Walking, running, cycling and other outdoor pursuits are well known stress busters; the fresh air, the freedom, the peace and the fact that you’re boosting your health and fitness at the same time is a win win. Most importantly, when it comes to stress, it’s a matter of recognising it and addressing it sooner rather than later that counts. So, be in tune with your inner stress-head and instead of keeping a lid on it, open right up and be proactive in dealing with it. No one likes a festering stress of a mess, or a guy who walks around like a bear with a sore head and even more importantly, stress will make you sick. When it comes to vitamins and minerals it’s super easy to ensure you’re getting plenty. Try eating at
least three or four different colours of fruits and vegetables every day. From
you’re getting the vitamins you need. If you’re the sort of guy who’s often on the move, keep a tupperware box in your fridge with pre-cut fruits and veg so you can grab and go! *We promised the ice cold beer hack … There are in fact two, depending on
how urgently you need that cold bottle of the good stuff (remember the darker the beer, the better it is for you!). For ice cold beer in 15 minutes, wrap your bottle/s in wet paper towels and pop them in the freezer … 15 minutes and there you have it (and if you can’t find an opener for the bottle, you can actually use a Mac charger – just remove the plug!). If you need that beer quicker, you’ll need to take a bowl, some water, some ice and some salt (about two cups) … Pop your bottles or cans in the bowl of water, ice and salt, place in the freezer and ta dah, ice cold beer in about 4-6 minutes!
Check out Men’s Health’s ‘Better Man Project’ for an array of other hacks, tips and information! www.menshealthbettermanproject.com
The Secret to Enjoying Better Health in Our Golden Years WORDS: Charles Dixon, Healthhaus
The arrival of moobs, spare tyres and bat wings are as welcome as a friend or relative coming to spend a few days, and before you know it, following you around and not leaving. Ageing is a fact of life of course and we are also living longer than ever before. Expectations and opportunities for a great second time around are also there like never before. The trick is to be in a position to enjoy the free time after retirement, in between the full time DIY jobs on the kids houses, golf and baby sitting duties. Life now is in different chapters, so the 60 year old group can confidently expect to have a good 20 or so years of activities to enjoy whereas 200 years ago, the 60 year old group would have had a very hard and possibly short life. It's common now to have replacement bits on an ad hoc basis so we have little excuse for not enjoying the golden years in much better health than any generation that has gone before.
slouch our shoulders, don't bend our backs and when we do exercise, stretch in the rush to congratulate ourselves with a well earned pint, or maybe that's just me!
Our bodies are designed to be active and mobile and not to be seated 8 or 9 hours a day at work, driving home, sitting watching TV and then sleeping. We also need to eat a wide variety of foods and spices, not that long ago, our diet consisted of approximately 150 different items; that has now dropped to around 20. The human body is a remarkable machine that can do amazing things if allowed. All too easily we allow ourselves to slip into bad habits, we
from the mountain of contradictory information that bombards us from the moment we wake up to when we go to sleep. The statistics of diets are frightening. 1 in 50 dieters succeed.
The internet and media is full of diets and people telling us to do this and do that, not that long ago, eggs were public enemy number one, then BSE, the list is endless. What is indisputable is that we are addicted to dangerous levels of sugar, salt and fat. It's not surprising that we switch off
a serious threat to our nation’s future and recognised by the government as more dangerous than SARS or Avian flu. We can regain our health vitality and agility. The process of ageing does see a decrease in muscle mass, it does result in a decrease in hormones and bone density, it does result in increased stiffness and reduced mobility. Age related muscle loss, called sarcopenia, will take between 3% - 5% of muscle per decade. Most men will lose around 30% of their muscle mass during their lifetime. However, all these issues can be significantly reduced and we can regain our physicality to really get the best out of the years ahead. We can do this by dieting and a controlled exercise programme.
“All too easily we allow ourselves to slip into bad habits, we slouch our shoulders, don't bend our backs and when we do exercise, stretch in the rush to congratulate ourselves with a well earned pint, or maybe that's just me!”
Approximately 30% of dieters put on more weight within 6 months of finishing a diet yet we still spend around £10 million a year on diets. 1 in 4 of our teenagers are obese and type 2 diabetes, which is generally reversible without medication is now
In broad terms, exercise can be split into 3 main groups which all cross over into each other and work towards different goals; Strength training (resistance training), CV (cardio vascular), and Flexibility training. Strength training gives the benefit of increased strength, muscle mass, increased metabolic rate, bone mineral density, enhanced functional capacity, vitality and overall wellbeing. Cardio Vascular training lowers the resting heart rate, increases lung volume, increases bone density, joint stability and overall strength, increases the metabolic rate, helps reduce
cholesterol and control’s obesity and body fat plus decreases the risk of cardio vascular disease. Flexibility training will see an increase in your range of joint movement, reduces muscle tension and pain, making you feel more relaxed and enhancing your posture. Closely aligned with the exercise programme, is of course the diet. It doesn't have to be doom and gloom, living like a tee total rabbit. Our Basal Metabolic Rate is the speed at which we process food into the various components we need. We all have a certain calorific intake number we need just to 'be'. This can be worked out in a number of ways; body fat analysis, the amount of daily exercise, or by food counter apps. If someone is 80kg and they want to lose 5kg, a look at their diet could potentially result in an easy to achieve 1 kg a month loss just by cutting out sugary items and processed foods. To build muscle requires protein; very often older males have a greater tendency to anabolic resistance which means it’s harder for them to break protein down and synthesise it. To counter this, older men should look to taking extra protein. The traditional form of protein is red and processed meat but this is high in levels of saturated fats and additives. Instead, look to skinless chicken, salmon, plain Greek yogurt, skimmed milk and cooked beans. In order to maintain the weight, the body needs to convert stored fat into muscle. This is where resistance/CV training comes in. The best way to build muscle mass is progressive resistance training, gradually increasing your workout weights, repetitions and sets. As with all things, before you embark on a training regime, check with your GP and seek professional advice. And above all, enjoy the summer!
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Procrastination Nation
The Great Digital Distraction WORDS: Lucy Sanderson
We have delved, many times, into the effects of the digital revolution in terms of our Wellbeing … Hang on, *pushes button on iPhone to check notification about this weekend’s baby shower event*, we are everbombarded by digital interference in the form of notifications, invitations, Whatsapps, snapchats, tweets, bleeps and hashtags. OK, stretched the list a little for effect there, but it’s pretty true that we are evolving into human shaped streams of binary, code, pixels and tech appendages.
Soon we’ll omit words altogether and communicate in Gifs and likes. Facebook has just added the ‘love’, ‘haha’, ‘oops’, and ‘crying’ ‘emoticons’ for us to convey more clearly, our quick reactions online information. So, all joking aside, what is this digital revolution doing in terms of progress, really? Real human progress? No doubt, we are staggeringly up to speed with the here and now (that’s the living in the present box well and truly ticked, right?), we benefit from the efficiency of e-commerce (phew, Mother’s Day flower delivery in the UK last minute) and some of you out there partake in the online dating/meeting up platforms, aiming to be the next Tinderella. But are we at that point in the digital revolution, that is so far, ill equipped to deal with the tsunami of information? Are we capable of dealing with it, or are we being distracted, more than being enabled by it? From up to the minute news and notifications, to actual websites designed for the pure and unadulterated purpose of procrastination. Let’s bear in mind, for a moment, just how vast our engagement is online … How many people, globally, are tuned in and switched on to social media and other online elements. Loads, that’s how many. Consider that there are approximately 7.210 billion humans on this planet, and currently, 3.010 billion of them are active internet users, that’s almost half the world’s population and according to the trends in data collected in regard to online users and social media activity, the mobile will be catapulting this statistic to over 50% of the world’s population during the mid to late of this year. Google must be loving life; heck, Google, IS life! It’s all well and good that we are in amongst the most revolutionary times in terms of technology and the digital industry; the changes and developments are incredible
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and the pace of which it all progresses is immense and undoubtedly useful across the globe for everything from medicine to travel, politics to relationships. Knowledge is accessible and education online is at an all time high, with more and more opportunities created therein. But with the fast pace, comes the need for leisure, down tools time and a chance to switch off. Problem is, rather than switching off, we oft turn to our phones, laptops etc to unwind. Without naming sites, the procrastination purveyors that offer up streams of 3-10 minute nonsensical information or viewing bites, images and gifs are heavily clicked and thus make fortunes in online advertising. How many of us have watched something as inane as a goat screeching out a Mariah Carey tune? Lots of us, probably. Kim Kardashian’s rotund posterior is a prime example of fodder for procrastination as people actually take the time to create hilarious memes and photoshopped images for our entertainment and we watch them and watch them and watch them. In fact, the whole Kardashian ‘dynasty’ is a prime example of procrastination fodder. Then there are other characters from the media who suffer a similar fate – all providing us with hours upon hours of mindless entertainment. This is the parameter where we might need to reign in the digital distraction devil. If we carry on at this rate of creating mindlessness, even the most mindful of us will suffer from inflated hours of nothingness. Plus, the results of procrastination are cause for plenty of worries; we fail to hit deadlines, we miss payments or dates and meetings, we miss vital information and start to blank out the issues that build up from accrued, ignored mail, etc. Computers, phones and the likes are generally most people’s siren song in regard to procrastination in 2016. So, if you are online due to work, in order to take time out and keep focus fresh, switch off and read, do anything aside from click into the online procrastination nation.
Bin the Bread for a Productive Afternoon
WORDS: Dr John Briffa
Most of us like to believe we have some personal attributes that provide value in the workplace and beyond. However, in order to convert things like skills, knowledge and ambition into true effectiveness, energy is required. Should we run low on energy, then fulfilling our potential and getting the best out of ourselves and our day becomes nigh-on impossible. A classic time for individuals to find their energy levels running low is the mid-afternoon. Many of us experience a distinct downturn in physical and mental energies at about 3.00 or 4.00 pm. For some, afternoon sluggishness can make
the idea of cracking into some paperwork or even stringing some coherent thoughts together seem quite unrealistic. Some are so badly affected by the mid-afternoon slump that they can even struggle to stay awake. I’ve heard some people
over the years tell me that during occasional meetings, they’ve resorted to pinching themselves or jabbing a sharpened pencil into their hand under the desk to keep them from losing consciousness.
Some believe that the mid-afternoon is a natural low-point for the body. This might be true, but in practice I have found that there are strategies that allow most individuals to maintain high, sustained levels of energy all day long. One key tactic here is to maintain stable levels of sugar in the bloodstream. My experience tells me that probably the most common cause of the afternoon blahs is lowerthan-normal levels of sugar in the bloodstream. This problem starves the body of fuel that it requires for energy and performance. The part of the body most affected by this issue is the brain: while this organ makes up only about 2-3 per cent of the body’s weight, it uses about a quarter of the sugar in the bloodstream at rest. The brain is a very fuel-hungry organ, and if it does not get ‘fed’ this can lead to problems with mental energy, focus and concentration.
here, in my experience, is our beloved lunchtime sarnie. Traditionally, bread is thought of as a starchy food that releases sugar relatively slowly into the bloodstream. But what the evidence shows is that, weight for weight, most breads are about as disruptive to blood sugar levels as table sugar (sucrose). A sandwich-based lunch will therefore tend to liberate a surge of sugar in the bloodstream, which in turn stimulates the production of the sugar-lowering hormone insulin. If the sandwich is accompanied by some sort of confectionery or a sugary drink, then this tends to only compound the effect. The higher the rise in blood sugar that follows lunch, the more likely the body is to overcompensate for this leading to low blood sugar levels about two or three hours later, causing brain and body energies to stall.
“Some believe that the mid-afternoon is a natural low-point for the body. This might be true, but in practice I have found that there are strategies that allow most individuals to maintain high, sustained levels of energy all day long.” Another potential symptom of low blood sugar is food cravings. If blood sugar levels drop, it’s common for the body to crave foods that replenish sugar quite quickly into the bloodstream. If you sometimes find yourself irresistibly drawn to the vending machine or biscuit packet in the afternoon, suspect a blood sugar problem. Blood sugar lows in the afternoon are usually preceded by a sugar high soon after lunch. The number 1 culprit
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Generally speaking, meat or fish with three veg, a chicken Caesar salad, a salad Nicoise, or an omelette and salad, all represent sustaining lunchtime fuel for those seeking to maintain their blood sugar levels throughout the afternoon – and that swapping our customary sandwich for a better-balanced meal often helps to keep energy levels buoyant when we need it most. Some people used to subsisting on sandwiches at lunch will not relish this thought, particularly because of a concern that the alternatives will not ‘fill them up’. The usual issue here, I’ve found, is that someone is normally a bit too hungry at lunch, which tends to drive a desire for bread-based fare. This issue can usually be solved by eating something genuinely sating in, say, the late morning. While fruit is very often advocated as the snack of choice, most people find that this will do little to quell the appetite. What tends to work far better for most people is a handful or two of nuts. Approaching lunch in a not-toohungry state makes making a healthy choice far easier. Ditching sandwiches at lunch almost always leads individuals to getting much more out of themselves and their afternoon.
Experience tells me that a better lunch for many people is one that gives a slow and steady release of sugar into the blood stream, ie a meal based on a decent chunk of protein-rich food (e.g. meat, fish, egg) accompanied by salad or vegetables. Dr John Briffa BSc MB BS is a practising doctor, author, trainer and speaker specialising in the optimisation of wellness, performance and resilience. He is the author of 9 books, including A Great Day at the Office – 10 Simple Strategies for Optimising Your Energy and Getting the Best Out of Yourself and Your Day (Fourth Estate). More info: www.drbriffawellness.com
Transforming the Workplace, One Prestigious Speaker at a Time WORDS: Beverley Le Cuirot, Founder & Director, WellBeing At Work
We’re seeing the workplace change more rapidly than ever before. The introduction of flexible working hours for employees, as well as the possibility of remote working for all, has given the corporate world the freedom to completely redesign the concept of a traditional working week. Studies have been conducted which finally provide the insights we need to create a more efficient, happier workforce. This new data enables us as business leaders to go beyond well-meaning staff surveys, team events and policies, to discovering the true formula to successful team and people management. Suddenly, we have the unique opportunity to transform an organisation, from the top down, for the benefit of all. It’s surely an exciting time to be in business. With the new findings comes the realisation that employee
wellness and profit aren’t separate discussions at all, but completely intertwined. With a happier, supported workforce of teams working together to common goals comes increased profits. It might seem obvious, but these revelations have been groundbreaking in the field of business management. Which is why, we have been busy behind the scenes researching the people who are working hard to transform the way we view business management in this decade. It wasn’t surprising that there was
a wealth of knowledge available, but what was interesting was the breadth of organisations already implementing the new strategies, with impressive results. Take Chris Brindley from Metro Bank, Chris was previously awarded the title of ‘Britain’s Best Boss’. He and his team took a bleak situation during the last recession and turned it into an incredible opportunity; creating a financial institution which single-handedly changed the face of retail banking. Passionate about discovering talent in people and
nurturing it in sport or business, Chris openly speaks about how poor process and behaviours are outdated models of employee assessment, when people are actually the greatest asset of any business. Speaking at seminars across the UK, he instructs businesses on how utilising a few simple, yet effective, tools can radically transform businesses, of all sizes and in all industries, with employee wellbeing and business success standing side by side. World renowned author, Dr John Briffa, strongly believes that it’s a reality of corporate life that many individuals can feel depleted by traditional work practices, leading to negative results for performance, engagement and sustainability; he’s been devoting his time to teaching easy to implement strategies which can vastly improve employee wellness, as well as result in higher profitability, increased employee engagement and overall happiness across an organisation. Partner of Mourant Ozannes, Helen Ruelle, who is listed in Citywealth’s ‘IFC Power Women Top 200 List 2015’, teaches the value of diversity within organisations and why it’s so important to the changing business landscape. Whilst Jimmy Kelly, Head of Direct Channels at HSBC Channel Islands & Isle of Man, is overturning the traditional view of coaching within organisations, speaking on how the industry has changed within the past few years and how focussing on the ‘how’ rather than the ‘what’ can deliver
Creating a WORLD of Difference
incredible results for teams across the country, at the same time as achieving personal fulfilment and work satisfaction for employees. And Dr Nicola J. Millard, Head of Customer Insight & Futures (she prefers Customer Experience Futurologist) with the BT Global Services Innovation Team, combines psychology with futurology to try to determine future trends for customers and organisations. Led by findings based on research from London Business School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Cambridge, she speaks on the trends that are shaping the future world of work and the importance of leadership in bringing things together. Exciting times are at play, as I’m sure you’ll agree. That is why, in association with Jersey Business
Enterprise Week, and kindly sponsored by HSBC and Mourant Ozannes, we’ve organised for all of these prestigious speakers, and more, to come together to discuss these crucial topics in one conference. Three UK speakers, three Jersey politicians, and seven Jersey and Guernsey prominent business leaders; all sharing their views on the trends shaping the workplace of tomorrow and the knowledge and skills Jersey needs for a sustainable future. Designed for all forward-thinking leaders, directors, NEDs, change managers and HR professionals, The Future of Work Jersey Conference will focus on employee health and wellbeing; the multigenerational workforce; benefits and pitfalls of technological advances; and the importance of diversity in the workplace.
So why are these trends so important to your business success? You’ll have to join us at the Hotel de France on Friday, 20th May to find out! For more information and to reserve your seat, please visit: www.thefutureofwork.je
Coaching for Success in a Modern Workplace WORDS: Jimmy Kelly, Head of Direct Channels, HSBC Channel Islands & Isle of Man Jimmy is also the Performance Coach for the Jersey Women’s Football Team
The role of the coach is changing. Historically, coaching has been viewed as a role for technical experts, a good coach being someone who excels at completing the task. Coaches were often selected based on their acquired knowledge and they delivered their coaching through an instruction led approach. But this out-dated perspective risks stifling both individuals and businesses in the modern working environment. It was the legendary Italian football coach Arrigo Sacchi who made the point that we don’t need to have been a horse first before we can be a jockey. While Sacchi was responding to questions about his ability to coach the mighty AC Milan despite never playing the game to a high standard himself (he stopped playing aged 19), his point applies to the world of business as much as to the beautiful game. Why? Because in the modern workplace, the perception remains that only those who can do, can coach. But a focus on coaching fixed processes in a fixed way hampers current performance as well as limiting the individual’s horizon, preventing them from finding innovative solutions to modern problems; “We’ve always done it that way” must be the most disempowering phrase in any field of human endeavour. The skills required to effectively coach individuals and teams are materially different to those required to execute the task in hand. In today’s workplace, less tangible skills such as decision making, stakeholder management, resilience, are every bit as important as efficiency. This is primarily because how we go about achieving our objectives is a better
indicator of future success than what we have done to achieve our objectives this week. At HSBC, the ‘hows’ (values and behaviours) have parity with the ‘whats’ (specific output measures) when assessing overall individual and team performance and contribution. To do anything else can drive a focus on ‘what is good today’ not ‘what do we need to succeed tomorrow’. Coaching the ‘hows’ is a different challenge to coaching the ‘whats’, it requires the coach to work with the individual to understand how they respond in a variety of situations, raising awareness of individual’s ‘blind spots’, increasing the individual and team’s self-awareness and understanding how we deal with mistakes. In a footballing context, the challenge facing the coaching unit for the Jersey Women’s Football Team in the recent Island Games wasn’t the skill level (the ‘what’) – each player had sufficient skill to represent the Island side. Besides, given our short preparation time, we were limited in what football skills we could impart that could have a material impact on the outcome. We did however focus a significant amount of preparation time on the ‘how’ – attitude, mental toughness, mistake handling, focus, and
PICTURED: Jimmy Kelly
confidence. We coached the squad some basic techniques adapted from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness principles to help them deal with the pressure of playing in front of crowds 10 times larger than they had experienced before (the final was played in front of 1,600). Not only did these skills help them bring their best performance to the pitch in a highly pressured game situation, it has also provided a platform for them to grow further as players.
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Pressure is an important variable for all coaches to consider, whether developing sports players or employees within an organisation. The pace of change in the modern work place brings many pressures; information overload (or at least access to almost unlimited information) can cause cognitive stress and can drive a ‘fear of failure’ culture. While pressure can be felt most acutely in a sporting context (ever seen England in a penalty
shoot-out?), the same underlining pressures can be experienced in the work environment. In business as in sport, when under pressure, the quality of the decision-making tends to matter more than skill. Increasingly, the role of the modern coach is to help individuals and teams handle the pressure, make better decisions and perform at their best in the work or sporting environment.
Why Your Next Breakthrough Won’t Happen at Your Desk WORDS: Matt Johnson, Lead Consultant at The Frontier Project.
What do Beethoven, Mark Zuckerberg, and Charles Darwin all have in common? They stumbled upon their greatest creative discoveries outside of the office. Ludwig van Beethoven was probably the best desk worker in history. It's true, his discipline would make midlevel management anywhere jealous. Beethoven rose at dawn every day including weekends), counted 60 coffee beans, made a cup, and then sat at his desk and worked for the next seven hours straight. By Gladwell's 10,000 Hour Rule, or any other measure for that matter, he was an expert many times over. And his work would change the future of music. But the desk was only part of Beethoven's story. After work, he would eat a quick afternoon dinner and then embark on a long, vigorous walk through a nearby Vienna forest. He carried a pencil and two sheets of paper, but the point wasn't to work. It was to walk. And whether Beethoven knew it or not, those walks (and his nightly stops at the theatre or tavern) were just as important as his time at the desk. Those walks gave him the perspective necessary to create groundbreaking music. Beethoven's daily routine is yet another way that he was ahead of his time. Because it wouldn't be until 200 years later that science would really understand the power of stepping away. But now we know, and we are better for it. So here are five reasons why your next breakthrough probably won't happen at your desk. 1. Desks are for doing, not thinking. In her book, Your Creative Brain, Dr. Shelley Carson makes
a distinction between your reason brain state (when you logically execute ideas) and your absorb brain state (when you observe and take in information). Both states are critical to the creative process. Desks are a great place for your reason brain state: you have a computer, calendar, phone, and all of the other tools required to execute. But they are also really bad for the absorb brain state. Why? That's easy, desks are boring, and the absorb state is all about finding new and different stimuli (just like what Beethoven discovered in those Vienna woods). 2. Walking makes you more creative. A 2014 Stanford study found that people were on average 60% more creative when walking than when sitting still. Beethoven wasn't the only one to figure this out – Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey were all big fans of a good long walk too. 3. You need give yourself the space to space out. A 2006 study published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition found that subconscious thought is a powerful source of creativity. The authors conclude that, "Upon being confronted with a task that requires a certain degree of creativity, it pays off to delegate the labour of thinking to the unconscious mind." And the best way to activate the subconscious is to get away from your desk and familiar surroundings. This also means that
you need to put away your phone. It's really just an extension of your desk. 4. Having fun makes you more creative. Psychologists from the University of Toronto found that happiness actually boosts creativity. So the next time you're looking for a new solution to an old problem, you may just want to step out of the office for that round of golf, bowling, karaoke with the team, or really anything that will make you smile. 5. Empty batteries don't work. Time away from the office can interrupt the cycle of stress that so many face at the desk. The endless emails, phone calls, texts, and reminders can cause chronic stress that leads to decreased creativity, memory issues, and impaired moods. Time away is a powerful way to recharge and refocus, which is why designer Stefan Sagmeister goes to Bali for a year-long sabbatical every seven years. Before you disconnect and hit the road, though, there are two things to remember. The first is that your time at a desk is just as important as your time away. You have to put in the hard work to fuel the creative mind. The second is that not all time away from your desk is equal. You have to truly disconnect and see, hear, taste, touch, and try new things. So when you're on the hunt for that next big idea, think about stepping away. If you change what you see, you might just change how you see.
About Matt Johnson
Trained mathematician, former punk rock band frontman, Pentagon policymaker, and non-fiction author who performs his book live. There’s no fitting Matt into any sort of box. Which is why he would never put his clients in one. Equal parts left-brained strategist and creative troubadour, Matt is the lead consultant his clients call when they want to change the way they see the world; when they want to zoom in to understand the details and then back out to discover a new way to put the puzzle together. The common theme of his approach?
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An unbending commitment to finding essential simplicity in the sometimes overwhelmingly complex. For Matt, that simplicity is not just a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle. Fuelled by a need to do, say, and be more with less, Matt drinks his coffee black, keeps his emails short, loves his music live, and tries to listen more than he talks. The Frontier Project is an Inc. 5000 company based in Richmond, Virginia, that designs and hosts experiential off-sites for Fortune 500s, global nonprofits, and fastgrowth start-ups.
More info: www.thefrontierproject.com
The Importance of a Good Office Chair Ever feel that old familiar ache at the seat of your back after another long day at the office? Our desks are at the correct height and our hands in the optimal position for typing, but it still doesn’t cut it. Perhaps it’s time to take another look at how we work – and, more to the point, how we sit. It's all about the back. A good chair provides proper lumbar and pelvic support which results in our back muscles being less stressed. Unfortunately, many chairs do not offer adequate support and that combined with long durations of sitting at our desks whilst at work, explains why people who sit all day have as much lower back pain as people who spend most of their time in a standing position. The more we sit, the higher our risk of herniated discs and other back troubles. And there’s more. Research
confirms that slouching and similar seated postures can cause backaches, headaches, fatigue and poor concentration. Compare this to a healthy posture – when the spine is properly aligned – which promotes greater overall comfort, including improved concentration and endurance through long hours of seated task work. The key to this healthy posture is lumbar and pelvic support, lumbar support alone is not enough. Too many of the chairs that are branded as
Introducing the Wagner Office Chair
A Wagner office chair is like no other. It is completely different to other office seating. With the backing of two research studies, results show that using the chair can decrease lower back pain over the medium to long term. At its centre is the three-dimensional Dondola® seating system. This unique seat joint decouples the rigid connection to the chair base and makes for micromovements whilst in use, in turn relieving the pressure 64
office chairs were designed with only lumbar support in mind because they were based on work patterns of office workers before the computer gained the dominance it has today. For many of us, almost all of our work involves working at a PC; this was not the case 20 or so years ago. With lumbar and pelvic support comes better posture, better breathing, and less fatigue, so do yourself a favour and give your work chair a good hard look and see how it measures up.
on the spine. In a recent study, the chair was positively evaluated, with over 95% of participants reporting that they found the chair to be comfortable and that they were satisfied. Physiotherapist, Paul Deveney, said of the Wagner chair: “By using the chair, the office worker gets the correct exercises that will activate the deep stabilising muscles of the spine that have been shown to be necessary for normal, healthy spinal function.
“Research shows that spinal endurance of the muscles is one of the most important factors in helping to reduce back pain. The spinal muscles are constantly being switched on whilst using the chair which, over time, increases muscle endurance and so will help to improve function in the lower back muscles,” he concluded.
Ergonomics as a Factor for Success
Ergonomics is also a key factor. Part of the ISO definition for the term ergonomics is “... the interaction between humans and other elements of a system. …”. This makes it clear that people should be able to interact in the best possible way with their work equipment and also with their working environment. With our ageing population, the ergonomic aspect of office work plays a central role. Workplaces must become more preventative, healthier and more personal if people are to have to, and indeed be able to, work until they are 67 and beyond. Considerations such as adjustment ranges for individual work heights; leg room, more movement in the office, overall health protection, and the old chestnut, cabling, are all essential factors. “Physical problems in the office arise from lack of movement rather than too much movement ...” said Boris Feodoroff, sports scientist at the German Sports Academy in Cologne, as part of his lecture series on ‘Office Awareness’. Stand-up/sit-down solutions offer an effective remedy for many of the classic office-related problems concerning the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems and digestive tract. And not forgetting noise levels. This might sound paradoxical but one of the reasons why more and more offices are having acoustic problems is that the rooms themselves are much quieter than they were 30 years or so ago. At that time, typewriters and dot matrix printers would have been working away, whereas these days the human voice is the main source of sound. In a quiet environment, even moderate conversations can be heard from far away and sound becomes noise. The trend for open spaces and reverberant architecture is enhancing the effects. Controlling acoustics is therefore another important consideration for the modern office planner.
Available Locally
Representing exclusive partners, Wagner, Assmann and Waldmann, local firm McGarragles is able to introduce the latest developments regarding a healthy way of working in the office. More info: www.mcgarragles.com
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Sit - Stand – Move
The Benefits of Height Adjustable Desks WORDS: Stuart Berkeley, Director, Assmann Buromobel GMBH & Co
Getting the right chair is one thing. But it is one part of the picture. It is important to combine good seating, good lighting … and good movement. The main problem with most computer
work stations is that the human body is designed to be in motion – not to be sitting for extended periods of time. Movement is imperative for spinal health; by improving circulation and reducing muscle fatigue. Relief from Static Muscle Fatigue may only be achieved through muscle movement. Increased blood flow to fatigued muscles occurs when standing and walking, which re-energies the muscles. According to the most recent research people need to get out of their chairs and move at least five minutes per hour. When you sit all day, even in a healthy ergonomic sitting posture, your overall health goes into decline. A recent landmark study, with more than 73,000 women, found the risk of death from heart disease to be nearly three times higher among people who sit the most, compared to those who sit the least.
When the human body is standing, pressure on the intervertebral discs of the lower back is fairly low, much lower than when we sit unsupported. Standing uses about 20% more energy than sitting however, so your body tires more quickly than sitting. Alternating between sitting and standing positions is critical for us to keep our bodies healthy and prevent illness. Regular movement adjusts the amount of load being put on the body, increases specific body part rest intervals, and thus reduces the adverse effect of risk factors.
A Body in Motion is a Healthy Body
The mere act of standing on your feet makes you burn three times as many calories as you would burn sitting in your seat. A study done at the Mayo Clinic shows you can burn an additional 340 calories a day if you spend just two hours of your work day standing instead of sitting.
Introducing Height Adjustable Desks
Height adjustable desks allow organisations to easily adapt a desk to a wide variety of people – all ages, sizes and disabled – instead of trying to adapt a diverse workforce to one or two fixed desk configurations. This adaptability allows users to work using their individual body’s optimal ‘Neutral Posture’; the work posture where your body is at its strongest and most efficient. Put another way, adjustable height desks allow the user to select a working position that is ideal for their own body.
More Energy, Less Fatigue
Employees who alternate between a sitting and standing position during the working day will have more energy, experience reduced fatigue levels, and reduce their risk of injury caused by working in one body position for too long. Height adjustable desks allow multiple users to quickly move the work surface to meet their individual needs.
“Increased blood flow to fatigued muscles occurs when standing and walking, which re-energies the muscles. According to the most recent research people need to get out of their chairs and move at least five minutes per hour.”
It would therefore appear that employees who don’t have the flexibility to get away from their workstations every hour would benefit tremendously by using a sit-stand desk that allows them a break from their static posture, without leaving their work area. The investment organisations make in adjustable desks takes a preventative step towards reducing employee discomfort and injuries. In many circumstances, the combination of increased productivity, along with the savings on workers’ compensation expenses alone are enough to offset the investment in adjustable desks. Workstations that are ergonomically designed may also reduce or eliminate sources of work related stress. Established since 1939, Assman is a family run business with a manufacturing site in Northern Germany. McGarragles Building Services is the sole Assman distributor in Jersey.
E McGarragle Building Services is a family run business with over 37 years experience serving the Channel Islands in suspended ceilings, office partitions, and raised access floors. Highly regarded for their professionalism and standards of customer care, they have extensive experience in office layout and re-design, health and safety, ergonomic spacing, and sourcing the most cost-effective furniture for your needs. They are very proud to have been able to provide their services to some of the largest and well respected companies in Jersey, including Brewin Dolphin, Moore Stephens, Islands Insurance, the Channel Islands Co-operative, Rawlinson & Hunter, Camerons, Condor Ferries, and many more.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
How Do You Eat Healthy? WORDS: Lorraine Pannetier, The Food Coach
According to an article by shape.com and based on Google trends statistics, the top most-searched health related question is: ‘How do you eat healthy?’; and interestingly, Jersey came out as one of the top ten most health-curious countries alongside the Cook Islands, BVI and Cuba. So, how exactly do you eat healthy?
Having worked in the fields of nutrition, food and fitness for 20 years, I’ve met a lot of people who have tried different ‘diets’ and live totally different lifestyles. We must remember that when it comes to food, one size certainly does not fit all. We are all uniquely individual with our own set of circumstances, challenges, emotions and fears. In the western world we are so focused on weight as an outcome (specifically, having less of it) that we fail to see that focusing on an outcome over which we don’t have total control is actually a waste of time. Let me explain … When you attach yourself to an outcome, I want to weigh 8 stone by 15 July and then I’ll be happy and my life will be perfect, then you set yourself up for failure. Even if 8 stone is a realistic body weight for your height, shape and age, you may still encounter obstacles that impede your progress, such as illness, stress, longer working hours, grief, injury, poor sleep, hormone imbalance, the list goes on. Of course, I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t have goals, nor that you shouldn’t aim to be a healthy and lean body weight. What I do want to share with you is how
to switch your mindset to be focused on your long term health and happiness rather than an abstract number and to enjoy every minute of living rather than dwelling on calories, fat grams, red labels and a lack of sweet treats.
How to switch your mindset to focus on long term health and happiness
You are an amazing, wonderful, beautiful human being and you are not, and should never be, defined by the weight of your 37 trillion cells. Close your eyes for a moment and ask yourself ‘how do I want to feel and what will that mean to me?’. For many that might be freedom from chronic pain or illness and the ability to live a normal life. For others it might be feeling confident, happy and being able to run around in shorts with your children, experiencing the things you’re missing out on now. I always find it sad when mums say they avoid being in holiday photos because they hate their body shape/size. Why? Because in years to come when the children look back through the family albums there won’t be many of mum; the beautiful mother they adore for all her quirks and imperfections.
How to eat healthy
There are certain factors that work for everyone, irrespective of age, size, race, location, gender, lifestyle and diet preferences. These are the areas I believe we should all focus on first to improve our physical wellbeing. Drink more water. Everyone’s needs vary but as a rule, aim for a minimum of 1.5l of filtered water daily. In hot weather, vigorous exercise, breast feeding or during illness you may need upwards of 3 litres. Eat more vegetables. Leafy green vegetables are packed with iron, calcium, magnesium, fibre and phytonutrients that boost our blood health and improve elimination. With the increase in quality and availability of high powered blenders you can now hide a couple of portions of spinach, kale, greens or lettuce in to a sweet fruit based smoothie – perfect for those who aren’t keen on eating greens or who can’t tolerate a lot of chewing. Eat more fruit. Fresh fruit is naturally sweet and a perfectly balanced food that feeds the brain and gives us energy to run, climb and dance. No packaging, no labels, no added fat, salt or sugar, just natural ripe fruit – delicious! Reduce meat and dairy intake. For your health, for the planet and for the animals. We are living in an era where mass meat and dairy production are literally killing the planet (visit cowspiracy.com to watch the movie) as well as ruining our health. There has never been a time when humans are so unhealthy despite the amazing advances in medicine and technology. If you wish to eat meat, ensure it is sustainably sourced, organic and local as much as
Creating a WORLD of Difference
possible. Know exactly where your meat comes from and how it is produced. Antibiotic use is far higher in animals than in humans - crazy huh? This means that all those drugs end up in the food chain and could be giving us all kinds of health issues. It could take decades before scientists make connections so the best advice is to make your own healthy choices now. Swap to plant-based meals a few days a week and avoid highly processed, cheap meat and dairy items. Make eating a social occasion. Spend time eating with family and friends. Talk. Laugh. Share. I’m pretty certain that’s why the Italians live so long – they have an incredibly happy, social aspect to their lives (and the sunshine certainly helps too!). Ban television, phones and devices at meal times. Always eat at the table and avoid eating in stressful situations. Learn to cook with fresh ingredients. Probably the most important of all! If you know how to whizz up a selection of family meals with fresh vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils (and occasional meat or fish if you wish) then you’ll be filling your body with natural, unprocessed ingredients and avoiding all that excess hidden salt, sugar, chemicals, preservatives, additives and undesirables with long names that you see on packets! If you’d love to gain more confidence and creativity in the kitchen, come and join me for 1-1 or group cooking sessions or grab a copy of my brand new e-book Eat More Plants. More info: http://beetrootbrownie.com/wp/eat-plants/
Wonky Vegetables! Beauty and the Beet. WORDS: Lucy Sanderson
The latest supermarket revolution comes in the form of a potato the size of your head, or a not-so-pretty parsnip … twisted tomatoes, bent up beets; Wonky veg is taking veg boxes and supermarket shelves by storm (some look a bit like they came in from a storm, to be honest). The point is, people are wising up to the waste of these delectable, if dubious, looking vegetables and with health food front-men such as Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall blazing the trail for the imperfect veg revolution, it looks like our throw away attitude toward food that doesn’t qualify as quintessential will be a’changing.
I mean, who wouldn’t want to chop up a carrot that looked like Donald Trump? That’s one of the fun things about wonky veg, aside from being interesting, they can be quite hilarious looking – a talking point at the table, if you will. Joking aside, we have long been guilty of judging our food wrongly; placing way too much emphasis on aesthetics over anything else. Vegetables don't need to be gorgeous-looking, there is no vegetable Crufts, no reason for us to be so hung up on looks when it comes to one of our 5/7 a day. When we prepare vegetables, we’re unlikely to serve them up whole; we normally chop them, mash them, slice them, spiralize them … rarely do we need to see them whole, so who cares if they’re a bit bent out of shape? It’s how they taste, and the nourishment they give us that makes our veg gorgeous. In fact, perfect vegetables are actually a bit weird. Shiny, flawless fruit and vegetables look somewhat fake, there’s almost something a little odd looking about them when too perfect. With our full attention on why
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we eat vegetables in the first place, surely we’d be more inclined to eat whatever was grown in a way that promotes optimum goodness? According to Jamie Oliver’s findings, a staggering 20-40% of fruit and veg produced by UK farmers ends up wasted; either left for animal feed, ploughed back into the land or sent to landfill, because supermarkets don’t want them. Drum roll please … Asda – the forward-thinking, customer orientated supermarket deserves a pat on the bottom. Every little helps. When it comes to fruit and veg, it doesn’t have to be perfect, it Asda be tasty. The supermarket’s consumer research showed that some 65% of customers were open to buying wonky fruit and veg, while 75% would be more likely to buy them if they were sold at a cheaper price. So, with the acceptance of wonky fruit and veg, farmers won’t be forced to over-produce to make sure they meet their targets by delivering nothing but perfectly polished produce to the supermarkets …
As Jamie Oliver’s camp from the wonky veg revolution say: “When half a million people in the UK are relying on food banks, this waste isn’t just bonkers – it’s bordering on criminal.” Hear, hear. Health conscious, environmentally intelligent and economic shoppers, will all have the opportunity to buy veg in all shapes and sizes; the added bonus is that this funky food is cheaper too. One woman who reported on her £3.50 Asda wonky veg box, noted that she made 31 different meals with the produce (aside from added ingredients, such as meat or fish, noodles, etc). Tesco, Morrisons and other supermarket chains are following suit, slowly but surely. It’s the consumer that governs what ends up on shelves, so the more people demand less waste and the chance to make their own decisions about vegetable beauty in the eye of the beholder, the more likely we are to have more of these quirky looking, delicious vegetables on our plates.
Ground-Breaking Clinical Trial for Jersey There is still the opportunity to join the latest ground-breaking clinical trial being held in Jersey in association with Jersey General Hospital. If you, your colleagues or your loved ones are aged 52-65 years, and are in general good health, your Island needs you! The purpose of the trial is to investigate if the daily intake of the food supplement, Bimuno, can have a positive effect on wellbeing, cardiovascular health and quality of life during ageing. Previous studies in the UK have shown that Bimuno positively affects the immune system of those aged 65 and above; the Jersey trial will look at those aged 52-65 to assess them during ageing.
One way to improve the immune status and overall wellbeing can be to enhance our beneficial bacteria. Certain carbohydrates (so-called ‘prebiotics’) are not digested by the human gut but provide food for beneficial bacteria. Individuals can therefore benefit from these safe and effective dietary interventions to maintain the healthy gut bacteria and overall health.
If you are 52-65 years, in general good health, and available for monthly monitoring appointments in Jersey, you may receive AT NO COST: · A structured clinical interview with a physician · A daily food supplement for four months · Blood pressure monitoring and ECG heart trace monitoring · Cholesterol and blood sugar monitoring
The study is being carried out to establish the effect of one such prebiotic, called Bimuno, known to support the growth of beneficial bacteria in humans. Volunteers will be supplemented with Bimuno or placebo for four months to ascertain its effect on wellbeing and ageing.
Health Digestive System = Good Health Our gut not only breaks down and processes the food we eat, it plays a large role in supporting our immune system. A healthy digestive system is essential for a healthy immune system. Our gut micro flora is composed of both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria that live and work together in a fine natural balance to maintain health. This balance can be easily upset by factors such as stress, poor diet, illness, travelling, and also the natural process of ageing.
Bimuno is manufactured by Clasado BioSciences, a Jersey company; and all clinical testing and follow-up visits for volunteers taking part in the study will take place in Jersey. If you are interested in learning more about the study, please email: Aleksandra.Juric@Clasado.com or contact Aleksandra on tel: 0118 935 7247.
Kids Can Grow
‘Grow and Sell’ Scheme Enabling Jersey Schools WORDS: Marion Gorrod, Branch Manager, Waitrose St Saviour.
With Waitrose celebrating its fifth anniversary in the Channel Islands, branch manager of St Saviour, Marion Gorrod, discusses the steps that it has taken to promote health and wellbeing among young people in Jersey. No matter where our branches are based it is the ethos of Waitrose to play our part in the local community. Whether it is through the Community Matters green token scheme or our Partner Volunteering, where we donate the time of our Partners, as all our staff are known, to local charities and good causes, giving back to the community is a huge part of what we do. Waitrose has worked hard to build a legacy in Jersey and part of that legacy is education in food
provenance. Healthy eating is extremely important but it’s about the provenance of food as well as what you’re eating. Growing is an important part of Jersey’s history and we want to continue that heritage. The Grow and Sell scheme, launched in 2013, encourages schoolchildren aged seven to 11 across the UK and the Channel Islands to produce and then sell their own local crops. More than 4,000 kits are distributed annually by Waitrose to local schools.
Our Partners then visit the students and guide them through the growing process to get their vegetable patches up and running. The kits include a variety of vegetable seeds, equipment, step-by-step growing instructions and badges for children to designate roles for both the growing and selling elements of the scheme. They also include wild flower seeds to help boost the number of bees, butterflies and other pollinators in school hedgerows. An educational app for the initiative enables the students, their teachers and their parents to access information on where their food comes from, how it’s produced and the importance of the environment and seasonality.
Given to schools each Spring, the packs provide seed for a variety of different vegetables, from lettuce to courgettes and herbs such as basil. Once the produce has grown, some schools choose to sell it at our branches or at their own school fayres, fundraising through entrepreneurial spirit.
established to provide a weekly meal for a family who were struggling, either financially or through illness, ensuring that they could sit down for a nutritious home-cooked meal and spend quality time together without the stress of cooking a meal. Now a registered Jersey charity, Caring
“The Grow and Sell scheme, launched in 2013, encourages schoolchildren aged seven to 11 across the UK and the Channel Islands to produce and then sell their own local crops.” Plat Douet School and St Luke’s Primary are two of the schools that we have worked with since the scheme began. Not all students have a garden at home but this way they can experience the process that turns the initial seed into the vegetable that ends up on their plates. It’s also a great opportunity to get the children out of the classroom and into the garden, giving them more practical tasks and emphasising the importance of responsibility. For this year’s Grow and Sell scheme we are linking up with local Jersey charity Caring Cooks and its founder Melissa Nobrega. The charity was
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Cook’s philosophy is that good food and nutrition from birth are crucial to successful development in all areas of children’s lives. They aim to support parents with school-aged children to make nutritious and tasty food on a day-to-day basis, free of charge. Waitrose supports Caring Cooks with its pop-up kitchen, set up earlier this year, by fulfilling an order of fresh produce placed by volunteers from the charity on the day before or day of the event. With this year’s Grow and Sell kits, Melissa will be joining Darren Le Quelenec, department manager
for retail support in the St Saviour branch, to present the kits to all the schools engaged in the scheme. Each school will deliver a presentation to Melissa and Darren in the summer term demonstrating the variety of crops grown. The winning class will receive a trip to a working farm, paid for by Waitrose with a healthy school lunch provided by Caring Cooks. Melissa said: "It’s important to give Jersey’s young people the knowledge of what healthy food is and where it comes from. Being able to plant, grow and prepare food is an important process. We firmly believe that nutritious food is key to the development of young people and it’s great to work with Waitrose to continue with our aim of educating the Island on healthy eating.” Darren added: “Introducing some healthy competition among the schools is a great way of engaging them and we hope to see that all the students have played a part in growing the produce. Grow and Sell has been a fantastic opportunity for us to build a relationship with the local schools and other community groups, all with the ultimate goal of educating young people in Jersey on healthy eating and wellbeing.”
Volunteering Soul mountaineering!
People volunteer the world over, giving time, energy and expertise to charities, other people, their communities … the age of the volunteer has never been so prevalent – with charities ever more needful for the help. But did you know that volunteering isn’t just an altruistic thing to do, it’s gives back, ten fold. The benefits of volunteering work both ways and there is a science behind it that backs that up. It has been proven to help overall health and happiness, enabling a strong sense of self and appreciation as well as external benefits to aspects of your life, such as your career.
Soul mountaineering seems an apt description of volunteering. Seemingly fitting as many people take on challenges to raise money and awareness for chosen charities, but the act of giving up one’s time and energy for the sake of others gives a satisfaction that can’t be measured until you actually do it. A bit like climbing a mountain and reaching the summit, then taking a deep breath of fresh air and admiring the view. Once you start to give your time and energy to something bigger than yourself, you will feel a sense of purpose that is invaluable and of course, you will have positively impacted the lives of people that, more often than not, you could never fully know. Humans were built to help each other and the act of being of service and exchanging positive energy with another human is a psychological and emotional win-win. Thomas H. Sander, an expert who hails from Harvard University, has found that the benefits to our wellbeing and overall good health are impacted profoundly by giving our time and energy for others. Alongside
keeping fit, ensuring our humanity ‘muscle’ is kept strong and healthy by volunteering has shown that, ‘Civic engagement and volunteering is the new hybrid health club for the 21st century that’s free to join ... Social capital research shows it miraculously improves both your health and the community’s through the work performed and the social ties built.’ Nicely put, Mr Sander.
In today’s society, we can be a little more insular, perhaps a little more selfish, if you like. Volunteering is now very much something that is proactively promoted and sought by charities and communities, but isn’t it fantastic that in turn we are proving to be a rather receptive crowd. With more and more people signing up to help where help is needed, for whatever reason, volunteering is something that is a choice, and lots of us are choosing to step up. You might look to get involved with a charity or project for one of a host of different reasons – to commemorate the memory of a loved one, to find a deeper sense of self, to help others
“Volunteering tackles the symptoms of depression; by its very nature, volunteering instils a sense of value and in turn gives people a renewed perspective and of course, something to focus on outside of their own remit.” Community service needn’t just be a sentence handed out by the courts for minor misdemeanours. We ought to believe in our communities and invest in them and community service should probably be more the norm; from school and into our adult life. Forever, communities have relied on each other to survive, to thrive. It was the norm to band together, especially when times were tough. From our caveman ancestors to the people left devastated after war in recent centuries, volunteering was not really a ‘thing’ as our humanity encouraged us to be there for each other without too much prompting.
less able than ourselves, or to gain experience in a chosen field. There are lots of reasons to get involved in volunteering. Volunteering will help you develop new job skills as well as apply current skills in new ways. Employers are impressed by the added value on a CV that is volunteering; it proves dedication and commitment as well as the human decency that volunteering evokes in a person. To volunteer is to better oneself, there is simply no doubt about that. It offers an opportunity to experience new and exciting career
options whilst doing a good turn. Again, it’s a win win. On the other hand, volunteering can also be a good option for people who are retired; finding a new purpose and a platform for all of those work and life skills gained over years in the work place. For people who suffer from depression, volunteering is now being used as a form of treatment. Volunteering tackles the symptoms of depression; by its very nature, volunteering instils a sense of value and in turn gives people a renewed perspective and of course, something to focus on outside of their own remit.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Volunteering is literally for everyone, any capability or physical ability means that ‘giving back’ isn’t for just the few. In terms of humanity and the economic benefits of a voluntary work force, the Office for National Statistics recently estimated the annual value of regular formal volunteering to be £23.9 billion. So, for society at large, the benefits are boundless. Just imagine the value in Jersey with its Honorary Police system, and the 200+ charities in the third sector supporting our Government resources each and every day.
If you want to find more information about volunteering, your first point of call might be to consider which charities or situations ignite your spirit; who do you want to help? Contact your charity of choice or the Association of Jersey Charities to discover more about volunteering opportunities in the Island … there may be more than you realise. As Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Variety Set its Sights on Sensory Pool for Jersey ‘Variety – the Children’s Charity of Jersey’ is appealing to the generosity of Islanders to help it raise £50,000 to transform the existing Hydrotherapy Pool at Oakwell Short Break Centre in St Brelade into a full sensory environment to benefit Jersey’s children with additional needs and their families. Run by the Health and Social Services Department, Oakwell specialises in personalised short breaks for children and young people with a range of additional needs, including intellectual disability, physical disability, sensory impairments and complex health care needs. The Centre has long been a beneficiary of Variety Jersey; Oakwell was first acquired and refurbished by the charity in 1987. It was then donated to the States of Jersey with the proviso that the building was used to support children with additional needs. Over the years Variety has continued to fundraise for the centre
delivering a wheelchair-friendly garden, two further bedrooms and the hydrotherapy pool. The pool is one of the few places that children and young adults can be free of support systems, braces and wheelchairs. The sensation of floating in warm water is liberating and can be used for relaxation, delivering therapy or for stimulation and exercise. The addition of all the sensory equipment such as sound systems, interactive LED lighting and effects projectors would enhance the experience and provide an interactive environment to educate too.
Currently Oakwell supports 14 children who can all access the pool. The pool is also used by an early years playgroup, individual families who book sessions with their child and by young adults with physical disabilities. It is hoped that the sensory additions will make the pool a resource that will attract a wider array of children and young people with additional needs. “Specialist facilities such as a pool, sensory activities and adapted bedrooms are features which help to give the children who use Oakwell an amazing experience,” said Joanne Cowen, Short Breaks Service Lead at Oakwell Centre. “We want to provide the very best care and activities for this group, and generous fund raising from charities such as Variety goes a long way to help us meet this goal. We are very
grateful and thank everyone involved for their amazing efforts and generosity. Our current pool is one of our most popular assets and the benefits of it are well loved by the children and the families alike. To be able to provide the children with a sensory pool would be an amazing boost.” Robyn Lapidus, Chief Barker, Variety the Children’s Charity of Jersey, added: “The sensory pool would mean a great deal to the children and families who see Oakwell Centre as an essential resource. We are proud to have supported Oakwell over so many years and are very pleased that during the Variety World Conference we’ll be able to share that story with our visiting Tents from around the world. We hope everyone will get behind us and help us reach our fundraising targets.” More details and to donate online: www.varietyjersey.org.je
About Variety World Conference 2016
The Jersey Sensory Pool Project is the chosen beneficiary of the Variety World Conference, which will be held in Jersey for the first time this year. The conference will see over 200 delegates, celebrities and charity stalwarts from 13 countries come to the Island from Thursday, 28th April to Sunday, 1st May. Through a mix of engaging and thoughtprovoking presentations and workshops, it aims to explore fundraising best practice, encourage idea sharing across the regions and provide benefits to the children of Jersey. More info: www.varietyworldconference.com
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Kids and Cash
Teaching Children the Value of Money.
It would seem that, for many kids there’s a money tree at the bottom of the garden; beyond the goal posts and discarded go-carts, deflated balls and prams without wheels. But low and behold, upon reaching early teens, this money tree is sparse and learning that things actually cost money can be a real shock to some kids. It’s really important, in fact, it’s really, REALLY important, that our kids understand the value of things from an early age. There’s a million reasons for this – from appreciating the things they have, to respecting the fact that these things should be taken care of and looked after. No one
likes a spoiled child, but who’s fault is it when the inevitable Veruca Salt persona makes an appearance after years of gifting little Junior with anything and everything that his or her little heart desired? We are, that’s who!
Recently, the ever flamboyant and obviously wealthy, Sir Elton John, shared the fact that he is teaching his brood the value of money by a basic principle of thirds: one third of their pocket money goes to charity, another is to be saved and the last third is to be spent as they wish; simple and effective. Kids learn by doing, so even if Junior doesn’t warrant his own pocket money yet, (being at an age of let’s say 4 - 8 where Mum and Dad
In today’s throw away society, coupled with the enormous range of things we can buy, both online and in stores – understanding the value of things has never been more needful. Pursuits such as gambling and gaming cost money and are two heavily advertised activities that are often aimed at the young, so to understand how to be responsible with money isn’t just about buying
things. Kids are flooded with sparkly advertising, designed to make them want stuff. Older children want to do more; play every instrument, attend sports and dance classes, feature in productions on stage; all of which cost Mums and Dads handsomely. Allow them to choose and encourage them to stick at their chosen pursuit. It’s also wise to keep a lid on loans to your children – as they start to want to maybe move out, this is a vital
“In today’s throw away society, coupled with the enormous range of things we can buy, both online and in stores – understanding the value of things has never been more needful.” buy and provide everything) by giving them (like Elton) £3 per week, they can kick start the same principle and start to understand that money needs to be handled with consideration and care. It’s also a fantastic time to teach them about giving and helping those who have no money or means. As kids get a bit older, having a few quid makes all the difference in instilling independence - hence the great idea of teaching them what we’ll call Elton’s Kids and Cash Principle early on. As they then begin to want to spend money, they understand whether they have enough, or whether they need to save for longer – or even earn extra by doing chores around the house. This sort of life skill is of immeasurable value; once kids understand how to save and spend sensibly, share and take care of money and the things they can get with it, they should be able to continue with those principles into teenage years and beyond.
Creating a WORLD of Difference
things. Being wary of easy access loans is also something of great importance, as we emerge from a lending catastrophe in our economy. Financial wellbeing is at the heart of many people’s daily struggles; and ensuring our children are well equipped to deal with the language that money talks is imperative. It’s long been something of a taboo topic; talking about money has been seen as vulgar and as such, parents often omit to that sort of chat, also worrying that they may be burdening their children with ‘adult’ issues. But the truth is, kids would rather be talked to about these issues, rather than left to wonder. So, depending on the age, there are all sorts of ways to influence a responsible outlook in regard to money by talking about it in an age appropriate way. Sometimes, you have to be cruel to be kind; remember to say no to
time for the money talk as contracts and leases are serious matters in respect to money. Ask them if they have considered if they want something, or need it. Teach them how to save up for the things they want and allow them to understand that things take time and effort to earn. That money tree in the garden does not exist – arm your children with the understanding of value and they will value your advice in the long run. Plus, they’ll also be able to afford to do more with what they have and take care of the things they acquire. Teach them about recycling things they do not want and carry on the nature of giving and sharing what they can afford when they have no need or use for things. Our children are our future, the last thing the future needs is more money worries and instability. It is up to us to teach our children the values of value.
Rebuilding Lives and Families Devastated by Substance Abuse
INTERVIEW WITH: Jason Wyse, Chief Executive Officer, Silkworth Charity Group
We’ve heard a lot about Silkworth Lodge and wanted to find out more; so we went along to meet with the Chief Executive Officer, Jason Wyse. Jason had just participated in a White Collar Boxing Tournament, to raise funds for the charity; he was battered if a little bruised. Full respect to Jason for going the rounds – and with a 29 year old opponent at that!
local experience in the field, we have touched thousand of peoples lives from the alcoholic /addict themselves together with their families and significant others.
Jason, please tell us about Silkworth Lodge.
Alcohol and drug dependency is particularly prevalent in Jersey where alcohol consumption is twice that of the UK and the second highest in Europe. Excessive use of alcohol and drugs places families and relationships under great stress, therefore the actual number of people who are affected through this addiction is multiplied by at least 4 or 5, when you take into account the impact on families and significant others.
Silkworth Charity Group provides help to those who are affected by drug and/or alcohol addiction, together with their families and significant others and is the only residential rehabilitation treatment centre in the Channel Islands. Over the last five years, the awareness of Silkworth Charity Group and the
work that we do has grown within the local community and further afield, as has the awareness around addiction, moving away from the stereotypical thoughts of an alcoholic being the person who sits on a park bench or a drug addict being the person shooting up in a squat. This could not be further from the truth, this illness can affect anyone from any background and any social standing. With over twenty five years
We hear a lot about Alcohol and Drug Dependency, is it widespread in Jersey?
Why does this happen?
This is a no blame illness as nobody sets out to become an alcoholic or drug addict and it is not a problem of morals, social standing, upbringing or will power. It is a very powerful and confusing illness which destroys a person from the core and also those closest to them. Here at Silkworth Charity Group, we recognise and understand the illness and therefore provide a complete pathway of treatment to allow long term recovery. We help our clients rebuild relationships, regain their self esteem, and most of all we give them the tools they need to manage their illness and allow long term recovery.
What services do you provide?
We provide a suite of services to support those that are affected by substance misuse:• Residential Treatment Programme • Secondary Care through our half way house / individual flats • Home Detox in collaboration with the Drug & Alcohol Service • Community Day Programme • Family Programme • Aftercare Programme
They’ve tried many ways to adapt; to help and fix their loved one; they’ve controlled and tried to manage the damage to their and their loved one’s life, to help them to continue drinking or using drugs without consequences. They walk on eggshells, hoping not to provoke another argument, which only leads to more drinking or drugs use. They’ve covered up, cleaned up, made excuses, rescued, overlooked, written them off, and kept quiet. The Silkworth Lodge Family Programme can help families and significant others who are struggling to cope with addiction. The situation can seem hopeless, but there is hope – and there is help at hand. If this sounds familiar, and you would like to speak in confidence with one of our support workers, please contact us at: info@silkworthlodge.co.uk or call: 01534 729 060. More info: www.silkworthlodge.co.uk
All of the above services are vital in helping individuals, together with their families, battle their addiction and aim towards a goal of being clean and sober.
You mentioned working with the Families. Is this an important aspect of your work?
Our aim is to get the addict/alcoholic into recovery; and this is as much about the family as it is about the individual. The family plays a vital role in supporting one’s recovery. Many families have had first hand experience of having a loved one or significant other suffer with drug and/or alcohol addiction. They know what it is like to worry, to want answers, to feel helpless and angry. They wonder if it’s their fault; if they are doing enough. They wonder what else they could possibly do; how much longer they can live with the chaos that addiction brings with it.
“I cannot thank the staff at Silkworth highly enough, they have changed all our lives so much. I used to think that living with an alcoholic was a way of life and could not be treated but Silkworth proves that it is a disease that can be managed, and gives families like ours a much brighter future.”
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Conscious Uncoupling or Tectonic Clash? No one gets married with the intention of getting divorced. The notion of forever and coupledom entwined is a notion that requires substantial effort and compromise and not everyone is up to the task, nor are all relationships destined for foreverness. With all of the love in the world, some marriages end in divorce. In fact, some pretty crude stats show that 42% of marriages in the UK end in divorce… The USA sees some 53% end in divorce, France 55% and Belgium a staggering 71%! In some regard, society has become more accepting of divorce and as such, it could be assumed that people are less likely to ‘fix broken relationships’ when splitting up and divorcing is made more accessible and acceptable.
For those who do not see divorce as a flippant answer to a troubled marriage, there are so many processes to go though in finalising the circumstances of ‘uncoupling’ (thanks Gwyneth – hats off to such a poetic description of what was likely to have been a more resonant situation). ‘Normal’ folk tend to struggle a little more, or at least, don't have the glossy sheen of a PR team’s expertise to deliver the divorce news to the world (or in ‘normal folk’ terms, our friends, family
and colleagues). Normal people tend to suffer the wide array of issues that associate with divorce - it’s how we cope and deal with them that matters. How we steer through the tricky, sticky mess that is, ‘uncoupling’. Without doubt, divorce is up there as one of the most traumatic things that a person can go through. Establishing a renewed version of oneself after splitting up is one heck of an uphill journey for most.
Divorce generally means loss – loss of the relationship and loss of a multitude of other things … Security, home, time with children, intimacy, finances, comfort to name but a few. The first thing to face when going through divorce is this feeling of loss; coping with it requires a proactive and positive approach. Counselling is undeniably a useful way of helping the process in regard to your wellbeing. A supportive guide on a pathway through, if you like, Tectonic clashes, volcanic arguments and other such explosive emotional fall outs are not the ideal for anyone involved in a divorce, no matter how much feelings have been hurt. Like any upheaval or life changing situation, the element of loss of control reverberates from the core, the two people getting divorced, then on to children (if there are any), in laws, wider family, friends and colleagues. It is tantamount to retain a degree of integrity and dignity in order to mitigate the fall out and upset for everyone – this can take some serious effort and soul searching. Of course, some couples literally part ways without so much as a raised voice or quibble, understanding that a relationship really has come to an end and appreciating the fondness once held and love that grew from a partnership, would ideally mean that two lovers can become two friends. This just proves that divorce doesn’t have to be het up and acrimonious to the point of pain and that tectonic clash and divide.
But what steps can be taken to try and quell the divorce disaster? As with anything, a process starts from within; you cannot control how other people act or behave, you can only control your own actions and reactions. (A most brilliant quote from Michael de Montaigne sums this up beautifully; “Not being able to govern events, I govern myself.”). With this in mind, dealing with the
Creating a WORLD of Difference
“It is tantamount to retain a degree of integrity and dignity in order to mitigate the fall out and upset for everyone – this can take some serious effort and soul searching.”
loss and upset of a break up means facing your emotions, really feeling them and then learning how to cope with them. Resentment and anger need to be handled with forgiveness and a proactive effort to diffuse fraught situations. Feeling wounded, or somewhat empty after divorce is common amongst both men and women, so a deeper sense of self is needed in order to regain control of a renewed future plan. ‘Bouncing back’ is probably not on the cards, that sounds all too simple, but certainly aiming for the best possible outcome for everyone involved is a good place to start and focus on. Ensuring that all legal matters are taken care of, with a sensible notion of what assets should be allocated, and where. Along with setting a plan for time with children and who will be responsible for what, is of the absolute most importance – for everyone’s peace of mind, above all else. Children suffer from divorce in a more quiet and pensive way; more often than not, finding a way to insert themselves in to the reason for the break up. With every effort, this must be considered and dealt with
to ensure children’s wellbeing during their own life-changing situation.
With these circumstances being treated with the respect and attention that they deserve, the divorce will be a lot less of a burden to those you love most. Bitter and jealous, angry and resentful are simply not fun to be around. In order to get through divorce and regain a full and happy life, try to wish your ex well and then move on to more important issues like your own future. Make sure your own glass is half-full or even better overflowing with new love, new friends and a happy home. Of course, there will be few people who breeze through divorce, with swan-like grace and genuine happiness from the situation, realistically, divorce is always more messy than that, but the fact is, like any circumstance in which we find ourselves effecting change in our lives, it is up to us to take control of how we deal with things. A can do attitude to divorce is doable. Along with a can do attitude to a new future – an exciting future, a happy and fulfilled future.
Great Reads
Some of our latest picks:
A Great Day at the Office
Simple Strategies to Maximize Your Energy and Get More Done More Easily By Dr John Briffa – Publisher: Fourth Estate (1 January 2015) Dreading work? Tired of a 9 to 5 that’s more like an 8 to 10? Feeling overwhelmed by your job? A Great Day at the Office offers practical solutions to the challenges of modern-day business life for a healthier, happier and more productive time at the office and away. For almost two decades, Dr John Briffa has worked with a wide range of organisations, both in the UK and abroad, to inspire literally thousands of people to live and work more healthily, effectively and sustainably. His techniques have proven, time and again, that small changes to your lifestyle will recharge your batteries and boost your performance and productivity. He covers: diet, hydration, the amount of alcohol you drink, and
the relation these bear to your quantity and quality of sleep. Many of his solutions go against conventional wisdom, but are based on the most recent and cutting-edge studies Thoroughly recommended by WellBeing World! See Dr John Briffa at The Future of Work conference in Jersey on Friday, 20th May 2016 – and at Chillax Jersey – more details at: www.wellbeingworld.je
Wellth: How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Resume By Jason Wachob – Publisher: Harmony Books (15 March 2016) In his first book, mindbodygreen founder Jason Wachob, redefines successful living and offers readers a new life currency to build on; one that is steeped in wellbeing... Wellth.
Eat. Move. Work. Believe. Explore. Breathe. Connect. Love. Heal. Thank. Ground. Live. Laugh.
Many of us aren t satisfied with just trying to accumulate the most money and toys. The good life is no longer just about the material instead, it can be found in a lifestyle that is devoted to mental, physical, and emotional health. A wellthy existence is one in which happiness is attainable, health is paramount, and daily living is about abundance. It’s a life in which work is purposeful; friendships are deep and plentiful; and there’s a daily sense of richness and overflowing joy. There is no one-size-fits all definition for a wellthy existence; this book will serve as a guide to help you embark on your own personal journey that is both unique and meaningful.
These are the building blocks of Wellth ... and in this blend of memoir and prescriptive advice Jason Wachob shows us all how to enjoy truly wellthy lives; lives that are deeply rich in every conceivable way. Through his experience and personal story, as well as in exclusive material from popular expert contributors (including Dr. Frank Lipman, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Joe Cross, Charlie Knoles, Kathryn Budig, Dr. Aviva Romm, and Dr. Sue Johnson), we learn how we too can embrace this new movement and develop richer, fuller, happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives.
The Future of Work – a Jersey Conference The latest in business innovation and guidance from leading industry experts. Designed for all forward-thinking business leaders, directors, NEDs, change managers and HR professionals, The Future of Work.JE will focus on: · Employee Health and WellBeing · The Multi-Generational Workforce · Benefits and Pitfalls of Technological Advances · The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace
Featuring UK and local inspirational thought leaders including: Dr Nicola J. Millard, Customer Experience Futurologist, BT Global Services Chris Brindley, Former MD and Leadership Coach, Metro Bank Dr John Briffa, Dr Briffa Wellness
Senator Lyndon Farnham, Minister for Economic Development will open the conference.
Hotel de France
When: Friday,
20th May 2016
For more information and to book your place: www.thefutureofwork.je Held in association with Jersey Business Enterprise Week and sponsored by HSBC and Mourant Ozannes
Great Reads
Some more of our latest picks:
How Good Can You Stand It?
By Thomas M. Kelley, Ph.D. – Publisher: AuthorHouse Reprint edition (30 December 2015) Previously Falling in Love with Life (1997) You have all the wellbeing, self-esteem, wisdom, love, and happiness you need inside of you. You can live in this natural happiness and inner peace NOW by realising three transformational principles - Universal Mind, Consciousness, and Thought. Join Dr. Tom Kelley on an exhilarating journey to life changing insights about how we all work psychologically; a journey that will unleash your birthright of effortless mental health. “This book is extraordinary in its simplicity, clarity and life-changing impact. Every physician, manager and employee who has read this book has been positively impacted by it. Their lives have changed markedly as a result.” Marsha Milburn Madigan, M.D. “I am sure that this book will greatly assist readers to find more happiness, vastly reduce stress, and live a more rewarding, satisfying and contented life.” Roger C. Mills, Ph.D.
Coconut Oil – Nature's Perfect Ingredient
By Lucy Bee Publisher: Quadrille Publishing Ltd (24 September 2015)
Just what makes raw coconut oil nature's perfect ingredient? It is a healthy, natural fat that works in harmony with the body. It is gluten-free and lactosefree. It contains no cholesterol and is free from additives. The current interest in healthy eating has woken up a growing number of people to the benefits of pure coconut oil. Joe Wicks uses it for cooking whilst Dale Pinnock cooks only with either olive oil or coconut oil. More and more of us are picking up a jar from our local supermarket, but once we have that jar in our kitchens, are we really making the most of coconut oil for baking and cooking? Coconut Oil is packed with an amazing range of recipes, from family-favourites to brand new, more adventurous recipes that include smoothies, snacks, brunches, light suppers, hearty dinners and baked treats; the first illustrated cookbook published in the UK to celebrate the health and taste sensation that is organic coconut oil.
Mastering Your Mean Girl The No-BS Guide to Silencing Your Inner Critic and Becoming Wildly Wealthy, Fabulously Healthy, and Bursting with Love By Melissa Ambrosini – Publisher: Tarcher (21 April 2016)
Remember when you used to be that girl who just moved through the motions attended the parties, hung on to the toxic friendships, went to the mundane job (just for the pay cheque), ate anything out of a box, and participated in the daily grind but inside, you were screaming and desperate to break free from what had become a vicious cycle? The girl who tried so hard to be outwardly beautiful, but didn’t stop to consider what was going on internally? If so, Melissa Ambrosini recognises you, because she used to be you. But today she lives every day from her heart; she has chosen love over fear. In her book, Melissa helps us see that confidence isn’t just feeling good about yourself it’s the on switch to your dream life. She also aims to teach every girl out there how to master the mean girl within them who tells them they aren’t worth it.
"Change Your Thoughts and You Can Change Your World." We help our clients to fulfil their potential and become the best that they can be. We always use the minimum number of sessions required to achieve the maximum positive effect. Therapy
Everyone experiences their problems in different ways and so we choose techniques that are the most appropriate and helpful for each individual client. Types of therapy we use include Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Coaching, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Eye Movement Integration (EMI), and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Three Principles work.
Our educational programmes include Learning How to Learn and How to Overcome Exam Nerves. We deliver learning coaching to individuals of all ages and abilities and visit educational establishments to coach groups.
Problems we can help with include phobias, addictions, anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, low self esteem, sleep problems and weight loss. For a definitive list, refer to our website.
Our corporate programmes can be tailored to the requirements of each client. We run workshops and presentations on: Effective Presenting, Public Speaking, Optimising Performance, Effective Communication in the Workplace, Effective Customer Service, Positive Team Building, Overcoming Exam Nerves and Learning How to Learn. We can also come into the workplace for motivational speaking for the purposes of inspiring employees.
Children & Teenagers We specialise in helping young clients in a supportive, caring environment.
We specialise in helping people prepare for G.C.S.E, A and A.S Level, University and Corporate exams.
Gina and Peter McLinton
To learn more about how we can help or to make an appointment, please contact us at positive-mind.com or phone us on: 01534 520 850
Great Reads
Some more of our latest picks:
Contented Dementia
A Revolutionary New Way of Treating Dementia: 24-hour Wraparound Care for Lifelong Wellbeing By Oliver James – Publisher: Vermilion (6 August 2009) Dementia is a little understood and currently incurable illness, but much can be done to maximise the quality of life for people with the condition. Contented Dementia – written by clinical psychologist and bestselling author Oliver James – outlines a groundbreaking and practical method for managing dementia that will allow both sufferer and carer to maintain the highest possible quality of life, throughout every stage of the illness.
Alzheimer's) outlined in this book works by creating links between past memories and the routine activities of daily life in the present. Drawing on real-life examples and user-friendly tried-and-tested methods, Contented Dementia provides essential information and guidance for carers, relatives and professionals.
A person with dementia will experience random and increasingly frequent memory blanks relating to recent events. Feelings, however, remain intact, as do memories of past events and both can be used in a special way to substitute for more recent information that has been lost. The SPECAL method (Specialised Early Care for
Body Calm:
The Powerful Meditation Technique That Helps Your Body Heal and Stay Healthy By Sandy C. Newbigging – Publisher: Hay House UK (6 October 2015) Body Calm introduces you to a powerful way to use the mind-body connection to help your body heal and stay healthy. From the creator of the widely acclaimed Mind Calm, Sandy C. Newbigging, this transformative technique gives your body the rest it needs to recover and remain healthy while bringing about greater harmony within your heart, mind, body and soul. Discover: · The research that proves meditation is essential for self-healing, staying healthy and even living longer · The seven secret sources of stress and bad health · Quick-start cures for reducing stress and increasing serenity · Sandy's five comprehensive directories listing physical conditions and their probable mind-based causes 90
Yoga for Life
A Journey to Inner Peace and Freedom By Colleen Saidman Yee – Publisher: Atria Books (4 June 2015) The very first time Colleen took a yoga class, she left feeling inexplicably different – something inside had shifted. She felt alive; so alive that yoga became the centre of her life, helping her come to terms with her insecurities and find her true identity and voice. From learning to cope with a frightening seizure disorder to navigating marriages and divorces to becoming a mother, finding the right life partner, and grieving a beloved parent, she has seen it all – and has found that yoga holds the answers to life’s greatest challenges. Approachable, sympathetic, funny, and candid, Colleen shares personal anecdotes along with her compassionate insights and practical instructions for applying yoga to everyday issues and anxieties. Specific yoga sequences accompany each chapter and address everything from hormonal mood swings to detoxing, depression, stress, and increased confidence and energy. Step-by-step instructions and photographs demonstrate her signature flow of poses so you can follow them effortlessly.
WellBeing Directory You will find more WellBeing practitioners at www.wellbeingworld.je We print 5,000 copies and have achieved more than 37,500 impressions online, per edition. If you’d like to advertise in the next WellBeing Directory or in WellBeing World magazine, please contact us for a rate card at info@wellbeingworld.je
An Expanded Clinic in a New Home!
Health Point Clinic has moved to Suite 2.4 at the Lido Medical Centre. Lorna and the team are extremely excited about this move as they will now be treating from not one but two much larger treatment rooms. Treatments available:
Specialising in:
Acupuncture Pregnancy acupressure classes Tui na (Chinese medical massage) Cupping massage Swedish/deep tissue massage Reflexology
Health Point Clinic
Suite 2.4, Lido Medical Centre, St. Saviour’s Road, St. Saviour, JE2 7LA
Fertility & pregnancy support Pain & sports injuries Stress & sleep Women’s Health Digestive Wellness Corporate Wellness
Health Point Clinic Rue De Fliquet, St. Martin, JE3 6BP
Tel: +44 (0) 1534 859 348 / 852 039 www.healthpointclinic.co.uk lornajackson@healthpointclinic.co.uk
Creating a WORLD of Difference
A small and friendly practice, Augre Physiotherapy is based at the Lido Medical Centre. Their experienced team of physiotherapists have the ability to treat all musculoskeletal conditions and each are qualified in their own sub-speciality of physiotherapy. They specialise in knee and shoulder complaints. They also offer Pilates and specialised Pregnancy Pilates led by a qualified Physiotherapist and Personal Trainer. Classes are limited to just five people and conducted in a fully equipped gym. W: www.augrephysiotherapy.com E: info@augrephysiotherapy.com T: +44 (0) 1534 280 010
Chiropractic and osteopathy are primary health care professions that specialise in the diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions that occur secondary to the mechanical dysfunction of the joints and muscles. Back to Balance uses a number of techniques tailored to your individual goals, including massage, acupuncture, manipulation, cranial techniques to name a few. Chiropractic and osteopathy are gentle safe tehniques that can be used on babies through to the elderly and is covered by most major health insurance providers. W: www.backtobalancejsy.co.uk E: info@backtobalancejsy.co.uk T: +44 (0) 1534 789 367
Awarded ‘Best Spa in the South West UK & Channel Islands’ by the Good Spa Guide, Ayush Wellness Spa offers a combination of authentic Ayurvedic therapies and luxurious spa treatments. An Ayurvedic physician works with Indian and Western therapists to provide consultations and treatments and share with you the teachings of this timeless tradition enabling you to develop practices that will help restore and maintain mind and body. The concept is authentic in an environment that advocates a healthy lifestyle, enriching both physical and emotional wellbeing. W: www.ayushwellnessspa.com T: +44 (0) 1534 614 171 Hotel de France, St. Saviour’s Road, St Helier
Clasado BioSciences is a leading International Biotechnology company headquartered in Jersey. They research and develop the world’s most advanced galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS) products, providing solutions for Food, Healthcare and Pharmaceutical companies across the global wellness market. Through their extensive research and innovation programme and their ground-breaking prebiotic technology, they have rapidly established themselves as the leading experts in the field of gut mediated wellness, providing clinically proven solutions to improve and enrich the quality of people’s lives. W: www.clasado.com E: admin@clasado.com T: +44 (0) 1534 715 000
Devine Beauty Training Academy provides students with professional and accredited training in beauty, holistic and massage therapies, at a reasonable cost, and in a friendly atmosphere. Courses are suitable for everyone from complete beginners with no previous experience in beauty, to more experienced therapists looking for a refresher. Founder, Natalie Fisher is CIDESCO and IIHHT trained and qualified since 1994. All courses are approved and registered with ABT and The Guild of Beauty Therapists. As many as 30 individual courses are offered.
Dynamic Health is a Chiropractic Health Clinic focused on restoring the function of the body for resolution of pain, injury prevention and optimised health and performance. We offer effective, safe and fast-acting care from our highly trained practitioners located in St Helier. From our bespoke studio we offer injury rehabilitation, stabilisation, flexibility and Pilates classes; the perfect complement to your treatment, allowing you to get the most from your care.
Victoria House, La Neuve Route, St Brelade W: www.devinetraining.com E: devinetraining@gmail.com T: +44 (0) 7700 735 133
28 Clarendon Road W: www.dynamichealth.je E: reception@dynamichealth.je T: +44 (0) 1534 733 162
Eileen Holland is a fully qualified Aura-Soma consultant and teacher with many years experience. Aura-Soma is a beautiful colour system, which is based on a self-selective, non-intrusive approach. You choose from a speldid array of over 100 bottles of colour and light - appealing to and revealing the inner self. Eileen will then help you explore your choices. A compelling journey into the deeper aspects of the being. See this colour system for yourself - be inspired. E: e7.holland@gmail.com T: +44 (0) 1534 619 167
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Free initial consultation – Free onsite parking – Online booking via our website.
Energetix combines sophisticated exclusive jewellery with the power of magnets. People wear the jewellery because they are fascinated by its radiance and want to have the power of magnets in their immediate vicinity all the time. All the jewellery and accessories have the same purpose, to give us moments of wellbeing in our daily life and each of these moments tells us we are on the right track. Designs for women, men, children and a great sports look. T: +44 (0) 1534 758 808 Up and Above, 50 Don Street, St Helier Order online at www.upandabovejersey.energetix.tv
Lorna Jackson Acupuncture 1st BSc (Hons), MBAcC, AFN. Traditional acupuncture is more than pain management, treating headaches or back pain, it is uniquely suited to modern life as physical, emotional and mental blocks are seen as interdependent. Acupuncture is safe, gentle and it can be used by everyone, including babies, during pregnancy, sports enthusiasts and the elderly. Lorna operates from her clinics in The Lido Medical Centre and Greencliff Chiropractic Clinic. Most private health insurers cover acupuncture treatment. Please check before treatment.
W: www.healthpointclinic.co.uk E: lornajackson@healthpointclinic.co.uk T: +44 (0) 1534 852 039 (Greencliff Chiropractic) T: +44 (0) 1534 859 348 (Lido Medical Centre)
Jersey Alzheimer’s Association is a local charity for local people whose lives have been touched by dementia. We are here to help and support people with dementia, their families, friends and carers. Our aim is to ensure that all those who are directly affected by dementia are treated with dignity and respect, receive the best possible care and support in our community and enjoy the quality of life that every human being would hope for. For help and support please get in touch. Drop in for a cuppa. Hilgrove St, St Helier, Jersey. Mon - Thur 10am - 1pm. W: www.jerseyalzheimers.com T: +44 (0)1534 723 519
Healthhaus is a boutique styled private members club for the discerning health conscious individual. With the pace and pressures of modern living, the vision at Healthhaus is to provide an effective and time efficient fitness solution leaving you the opportunity to indulge in a 360˚ approach to wellness. Healthhaus Express is a smaller, more intimate club with service and support values synonymous with Healthhaus. Using Milon it gives you a time efficient fitness solution that can be incorporated seamlessly into your working day. W: www.healthhaus.co.uk E: info@healthhaus.co.uk T: +44 (0)1534 614 800
Owned by local Physiotherapist, Paul Deveney, Lido Physio and Spinal Clinic welcomes you to our brand new, fully equipped suite and gym on the second floor of the Lido Medical Centre. We pride ourselves on treating all muscular, sports and spinal pain or injury. We combine the very latest in analytical technology with the highest quality Physiotherapy. Our range of services also include Sports Massage, Acupuncture and Ante-natal/ Post-Natal Physiotherapy with our qualified and experienced Obstetric Physiotherapist. W: www.lidospinalclinic.com E: admin@lidospinalclinic.com T: + 44 (0) 1534 639 233
A diverse and experienced range of health therapists have come together to provide the island with a premium centre for wellbeing. The Lido Wellness Centre is based on the 2nd floor at the Lido Medical Centre in St Helier. With six individual treatment rooms, the Centre provides a base for a wide range of therapies, offering a vast array of knowledge and experience to support people back to wellness. The centre is open 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am to 5pm on Saturdays. W: www.thelidowellnesscentre.co.uk T: +44 (0) 1534 789 367
E McGarragle Building Services is a family run business with over 37 years experience serving the Channel Islands in suspended ceilings, office partitions, and raised access floors. Highly regarded for their professionalism and standards of customer care, they have extensive experience in office layout and re-design, health and safety, ergonomic spacing, and sourcing the most costeffective furniture for your needs. Representing exclusive partners, Wagner, Assmann and Waldmann, local firm McGarragles is able to introduce the latest developments regarding a healthy way of working in the office. Showroom: Spectrum, Gloucester Street, St Helier W: www.mcgarragles.com E: contact@mcgarragles.com T: +44 (0) 1534 722 610
Creating a WORLD of Difference
Revitalise, transform and empower your life! Lorraine will guide you through the confusing world of health food, inspiring you to eat more simply yet abundantly to achieve optimum vitality. Subscribe to receive details of group courses, 1-1 coaching, and delicious recipes.
W: www.beetrootbrownie.com W: www.thefoodcoach.je (coming soon) T: +44 (0) 7797 742 929
Mindfulness and Integrative Arts Psychotherapy at the Lido Medical Centre. Find an enriching way through challenging times. Provides a safe supportive space and a path through depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, eating disorders, trauma, panic attacks, stress, paranoia, relationship difficulties and other difficulties. Return to your radiant wellbeing. SPECIAL OFFERS FOR SPRING available. Book now for a free initial meeting. W: www.naomi-west.com E: hello@naomi-west.com T: +44 (0) 7797 77 99 49
Adopting a holistic, lifestyle approach to nutrition and personal training, Pippa Campbell is perfectly placed to help you meet your health and fitness goals - whatever they might be. Pippa’s ethos is to work with each client on an individual basis, assessing needs, discussing goals, and then creating a personalised plan. Pippa Campbell offers a fully equipped studio in a convenient location with free parking. Pippa has recently become the only certified coach in both Jersey and Guernsey able to support the Metabolic Balance system, a unique programme which relies on science and responds to your own unique metabolism to improve hormone balance and overall wellbeing. W: www.pippacampbellhealth.com E: pippa@pippacampbellhealth.com T: +44 (0) 7797 728 864 The Caesarean Tennis Club, Grand Vaux, St Saviour
Silkworth Lodge is the only residential rehabilitation treatment centre in the Channel Islands. It is a nonprofit organisation, owned and administered by The Families in Recovery Trust, to support those with drug and alcohol dependency, together with their families. If you would like to find out more about the programmes we offer or even enquire about some of our fundraising events, please get in touch.
W: www.silkworthlodge.co.uk E: info@silkworthlodge.co.uk T: +44 (0) 1534 729 060
Peter and Gina of Positive Mind can help you with phobias, addictions, anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, low self esteem, exam nerves, and weight loss. Please refer to their website for a complete list. Using a combination of Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Coaching and Three Principles work they guide clients towards their solutions. They also run group courses including Positively Slim, Positive Confidence, Positive Sleep and Positive Presenting; particularly beneficial for people who gain motivation from others in a mutually supportive environment. W: www.positive-mind.com E: info@positive-mind.com T: +44 (0) 1534 520 850
The Fitness Agency have an extensive fleet of treadmills, cycles, cross trainers and rowers for hire, available for a minimum period of 4 weeks from as little as £65 including delivery and collection. Exclusive CI agents for Life Fitness home equipment and many others also, they will help you decide on the type of exercise you need, which fitness equipment will benefit you the most, and will also help you assess whether to buy or hire. Please note that The Fitness Agency, Good Health, and Puffin Cycles are now based at Five Oaks, St Saviour (Little Factory, Rue a la Dame – first left after Pastella). W: www.thefitnessagency.co.uk T: +44 (0) 1534 633 109 (The Fitness Agency) T: +44 (0) 1534 875 057 (Good Health) T: +44 (0) 1534 639 720 (Puffin Cycles) M: +44 (0) 7797 727 446 (All businesses)