Focused Review Guide for Exam 2
Things to Focus on from Module 3- Elimination: Terms to Know:
Acute Renal Failure: Sudden loss of kidney function caused by failure of renal circulation
or damage to the tubules or glomeruli. Usually reversible with spontaneous recovery in days to weeks Ischemia is primary cause, produces irreversible damage to tubules
Anuria Absence of urine, associated with kidney failure or congested heart failure This term is used when urine output is less than 100ml in 24 hours
Dysuria Painful urination Happens in lower UTI, intestinal cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis
End-stage Renal Disease Chronic renal failure, DM and HTN are the 2 most common causes of CRF in U.S Progressive/ irreversible decline in renal function to ESRD requiring renal replacement therapy like hemodialysis or transplant
Enuresis Bed wetting, unintentional passage of the urine Nursing intervention: bladder training, toilet schedule, Kegel exercises, monitor I&O