TEST BANK for The Art of Leadership 7th Edition by George Manning & Kent Curtis.

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CHAPTER 1 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Leadership is increasingly moving from an empowering, participatory model to an autocratic, hierarchical model. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) When people are asked to define integrity, the word they mention most frequently is honesty. ⊚ ⊚


true false

Caring leadership cannot be legislated, and it cannot be an act. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) Unlike leadership, the primary purpose of management is to foster motivation and creativity. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) In the context of the key areas of leadership, the empowerment of people involves fostering a high-performance culture through participative leadership and service to others. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 6) The Jack Welch Management Institute reports that:

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A) the weakest link in business, industry, and government is the skills of employees. B) formal education is highly unlikely to develop the most-cited qualities people want in their leaders. C) importance of good leadership and job performance are mutually exclusive. D) more than one-half of working adults have suffered under a bad boss at some point in their career.


Which of the following is the weakest link in business, industry, and government today? A) Technology B) Tools and equipment C) Physical plant and facilities D) Systems and procedures E) Leadership


Which of the following best describes leadership? A) Adherence to performance standards B) Influencing the behaviors of others through ideas and deeds C) Evaluating a course of action D) Seeking direction from others E) Writing and speaking effectively


Satisfactions of leaders include: A) personal freedom. B) high income and good health. C) opportunities for advancement and love and admiration of friends. D) a chance to help others. E) opportunities to control resources and aesthetic experiences.

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Frustrations of leaders include both: A) organizational politics and loneliness. B) insufficient authority and too much power. C) uncompensated work time and customer interference. D) loneliness and vendor demands. E) organizational politics and personal needs.


Which of the following best describes caring leadership? A) Caring about the task to be done and caring about people B) Caring about self-advancement and caring about the task to be done C) Caring about the welfare of others and caring about self-advancement D) Caring about the task to be done and caring about personal well-being E) None of the answers is correct.


By their __________, leaders show the way and influence the behavior of others. A) ideas and deeds B) humor or study C) fear and force D) books or speeches


The poem _________ reminds us that leadership must come from the heart. A) "The Raven" B) "Threads" C) "Needles" D) "The Road Not Taken"


In the context of the types of leaders, who among the following are teachers?

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A) Rumi and Yoritomo B) Aquinas and Watt C) Confucius and Plato D) Hippocrates and Saladin E) None of the answers is correct.

15) Unlike today, which of the following conditions most likely had an impact on leadership in earlier times? A) Mass education was unknown. B) Powerful positions were in abundance. C) Self-expression was encouraged. D) Information was everywhere.


In American society, Rosa Parks's courage helped determine the course of __________. A) economic theories B) art appreciation C) science and technology D) civil rights E) religious thoughts

17) The Scottish philosopher and historian Thomas Carlyle believed that among the undistinguished masses are people of light and learning, individuals superior in power, courage, and understanding. Which of the following views is most likely reflected by Carlyle? A) The great man theory B) The heroic theory C) The dual-process theory D) The cognitive resources theory (CRT)

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18) Ralph M. Stogdill identifies individual traits that correlate positively with leadership. These include: A) intelligence, hand strength, size, and birth order. B) height, gender, age, and experience. C) education, ability, aggressiveness, and cunningness. D) responsibility, vigor, venturesomeness, and self-confidence. E) training, motivation, need-deficiency, and skill.

19) Who among the following has conducted studies that show the influence of environmental factors and individual qualities in determining leadership effectiveness? A) Biologist Richard Borowsky B) Economist Paul Samuelson C) Psychologist B.F. Skinner D) Anthropologist Margaret Mead E) None of the answers is correct.


In American society, the most-cited quality people want in a leader is __________. A) integrity B) job knowledge C) people-building skills D) extraversion

21) In American society, which of the following qualities is the third most-cited quality people want in a leader and is the ability to teach, counsel, and otherwise develop others to higher levels of performance?

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A) Practical ability B) Intrapersonal skills C) People-building skills D) Abstract visioning

22) Who, among the following, said "If you don't truly care about people, you should get out of leadership." A) Theodore Roosevelt B) James Autry C) Jan Carlzon D) Helen Keller

23) In addition to concern for others, which of the following aspects must be present for caring leadership to occur? A) Power and prestige B) Commitment to a task C) Uncompensated work time D) Order and control

24) Which of the following is captured by James Autry, former CEO of the Meredith Corporation, in his poem entitled "Threads"? A) The art of sewing the threads of a business together B) The spirit of a caring leader C) The message that one needs to thread personal life into work life for great success D) The message, "As you sow, so you reap" E) None of the answers is correct.


The three types of leaders are:

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A) heroes, rulers, and teachers. B) democrats, republics, and capitalists. C) progressives, traditionalists, and moderates.


In the context of the types of leaders, teachers: A) lead through personal accomplishments that require bravery, skill, and determination. B) guide others to make decisions. C) are rule breakers and value creators. D) lead through power and enforcement.

27) In the context of the types of leaders, which of the following most likely characterizes heroes? A) They govern by determining policy and making decisions. B) They are mentors who lead through insight, modeling, and the encouragement of others. C) They lead through power and enforcement. D) They are responsible for great causes and noble works.


In the context of the types of leaders, who among the following are rulers? A) Buddha, Marx, and Aristotle B) Newton, Michelangelo, and Edison C) Elizabeth I, Napoleon, and Washington

29) In the context of the types of leaders, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of rulers?

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A) They inspire through manners and actions. B) They lead through personal examples and accomplishments. C) They are mentors who lead through insight, modeling, and the encouragement of others. D) They are authority figures who lead through power and enforcement.


Unlike leadership, management: A) believes that focus on order and control should be avoided. B) primarily focuses on motivation and creativity. C) denotes formal authority and accountability is delegated. D) is the ability to influence the activity or behavior of people.


Identify the primary purpose of leadership. A) To delegate accountability B) To provide order and consistency C) To produce change and movement D) To emphasize formal authority

32) Management involves four functions or processes first identified by Henri Fayol in 1916. Which of the following functions is most likely associated with aligning people and resources? A) Planning B) Controlling C) Organizing D) Directing

33) Which of the following best describes the central theme ofThe Convergence of Twain written by Thomas Hardy?

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A) Mark Twain had a crisis of conscience. B) Leadership is a poetic process. C) Qualities of individuals and environmental factors are important elements of leadership equation. D) None of the answers is correct.


The political theorist Karl Marx observed that:

A) if an organization has strong leadership without management, performance continues to be consistent. B) people first and foremost want a leader who will be a mentor and developer of others. C) a great society requires leaders in business to think greatly of their functions. D) the way a society does its work shapes most of the other things the society believes and does.


According to the Harvard philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, A) the primary purpose of management is to produce change and movement. B) the behavior of a community is largely dominated by the business mind. C) the second most-cited quality people want in a leader is honesty. D) the third most-cited place people say they learn to lead is from examples.

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Answer Key Test name: Chap 01_7e_Manning 1) FALSE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) FALSE 5) TRUE 6) D 7) E 8) B 9) D 10) A 11) A 12) A 13) B 14) C 15) A 16) D 17) A 18) D 19) A 20) A 21) C 22) B 23) B 24) B 25) A 26) C Version 1


27) D 28) C 29) D 30) C 31) C 32) C 33) C 34) D 35) B

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CHAPTER 2 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) In the case study,Mr. Black, Ms. Blue, and Mr. White, the three supervisors have poor time management, exhibit bullying behavior, and lack job knowledge. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Behavioral leadership theories assume that there are distinctive actions that effective leaders take. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) The four cornerstones of Ernest Shackleton's leadership behavior are leading by example, communicating a vision, keeping up morale, and maintaining a positive attitude. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) The characteristics of charismatic leaders include being experienced, having technical knowledge, and having a strong need for control. ⊚ ⊚


true false

James MacGregor Burns uses Gandhi as an example of a transactional leader. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 6) Early studies of leadership were based on two main theories, which were __________ theories.

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A) ancient and modern B) male and female C) centralized and decentralized D) trait and behavior E) time-sensitive and timeless


Which of the following are almost always included in lists of important leadership traits? A) Basic intelligence B) Clear and strong values C) A high level of personal energy D) All of the answers are correct.


Which of the following statements is true about the trait theory of leadership?

A) It rejects the idea that there is one best leader and one best style for all situations. B) It states that there are distinctive actions that effective leaders take. C) It rejects the idea that distinctive physical and psychological characteristics account for leadership effectiveness. D) It focuses on qualities that mark a leader, such as intelligence, integrity, and energy.

9) Edwin Ghiselli identified six traits as being important for effective leadership. Which of the following best describes supervisory ability? A) Being a self-starter B) Having good reasoning and thinking capacity C) Making difficult decisions without undue hesitation D) Getting the job done through others

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10) Sean, a sales manager at MusicForAll Inc., constantly seeks responsibility and works hard to succeed at his workplace. In the context of Edwin Ghiselli's traits for effective leadership, which of the following traits is most likely illustrated by Sean's behavior in this scenario? A) Neuroticism B) Initiative C) Supervisory ability D) Need for achievement

11) Which of the following theories focuses on leadership style, such as autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire, as well as leadership dimensions, such as initiating structure and showing consideration? A) The behavior theory of leadership B) The trait theory of leadership C) The great man theory D) The dual-process theory

12) In the context of leadership styles, which of the following statements is true about the autocratic style? A) Emphasis is on equality and group decision making. B) It refers to an empowering and participative style of leadership. C) Group activities are loosely controlled by the leader of the group. D) All decisions are made by the leader of the group.

13) In the context of leadership styles, the laissez-faire style pertains to a form or style of leadership:

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A) that is characterized by low levels of any kind of activity by the leader. B) in which focus is on equality, shared power, and group decision making. C) where all decisions are made by the leader of the group. D) in which power is exercised by a dominant and dictatorial individual.

14) Which of the following dimensions of leadership behavior refers to the extent to which leaders take action to define the relationship between themselves and their staff, as well as the role that they expect each staff member to assume? A) Showing consideration B) Initiating structure C) Goal emphasis D) Work facilitation

15) In the context of the managerial (leadership) grid for leadership effectiveness, which of the following managers has low concern for both production and people? A) The status quo manager B) The sweatshop manager C) The impoverished manager D) The country club manager

16) In the context of the managerial (leadership) grid for leadership effectiveness, which of the following statements is true about country club managers? A) They focus on being agreeable and keeping human relations smooth. B) They are results driven, and people are regarded as tools to that end. C) They are uninvolved in the work and withdraw from people. D) They care intensely about task accomplishment.

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17) Who among the following once said, "THE EAR OF THE LEADER must ring with the voices of the people"? A) George Patton B) Will Durant C) Kurt Lewin D) Woodrow Wilson E) None of the answers is correct.

18) Daphne, a marketing manager at Bill Boards Inc., is results driven and regards her team members as tools to achieve her targets. In the context of the managerial (leadership) grid for leadership effectiveness, Daphne most likely exemplifies the __________ in this scenario. A) impoverished manager B) sweatshop manager C) fully functioning manager D) status quo manager

19) Which of the following theories holds that multiple leadership variables determine the probability that leadership will occur, including the qualities of a leader, the characteristics of followers, and the nature of a situation? A) Leadership trait theory B) Leadership behavior theory C) Leadership contingency theory D) Implicit leadership theory

20) Edwin Ghiselli identified six traits as being important for effective leadership. These traits do NOT include __________.

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A) need for achievement B) intelligence C) decisiveness D) self-confidence E) social status

21) Edwin Ghiselli identified six traits as being important for effective leadership. Which of the following is NOT one of them? A) Supervisory ability B) Initiative C) Intelligence D) Strong ego


The cornerstones of Shackleton's leadership behavior do NOT include __________. A) leading by example B) communicating a vision C) keeping records D) maintaining a positive attitude


Unlike transformational leaders, transactional leaders: A) increase the achievement of followers beyond previous expectations. B) focus on the potentialities of the relationship between the leader and followers. C) tap the motives of their followers to better reach the goals of both. D) focus on exchanges between leaders and followers.

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24) An ideal example of a transformational leader is __________. Her mission was to care for the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people who have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone. A) Eleanor Roosevelt B) Saint Teresa C) Clara Barton D) Florence Nightingale

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Answer Key Test name: Chap 02_7e_Manning 1) FALSE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) FALSE 5) FALSE 6) D 7) D 8) D 9) D 10) D 11) A 12) D 13) A 14) B 15) C 16) A 17) D 18) B 19) C 20) E 21) D 22) C 23) D 24) B

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CHAPTER 3 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Narcissism is a particularly destructive leadership quality. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Narcissists blame themselves for the failure of their companies and tend to apologize even when others are at fault. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) An individual who scores 1.0–2.0 on the Interpersonal Trust Scale believes that the best course of action is self-protection. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) The leader of a small organization devotes efforts primarily to the organization's public image and its investment and growth plans. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) Generally, leader-centered decision making is more effective than employee-centered decision making when there is an increased sense of urgency. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) Leadership studies show that, generally, a nondirective and supportive approach is best when the work to be done is clear-cut, routine, or monotonous. ⊚ ⊚

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true false


7) People who respect authority figures and have a trusting nature are led more easily than people who disregard authorities and are suspicious of others. ⊚ ⊚

true false

8) People who have highly developed bodily-kinesthetic abilities include carpenters, soldiers, mechanics, dancers, gymnasts, swimmers, and other athletes. ⊚ ⊚


People who have visual-spatial intelligence like to draw, build, design, and create things. ⊚ ⊚


true false

true false

Body language can be used to communicate and even create self-confidence. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 11) Qualities that mark a leader and help influence the leadership process include all of the following EXCEPT __________. A) vision and enthusiasm B) stability and concern for others C) self-confidence and persistence D) vitality and integrity E) hearing and size

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12) Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once commented on the __________, saying, "A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral." A) imaginative nature of vision B) fact that all great leaders are builders C) principle that only a man can be a leader D) need for leading from a sound foundation E) need for motivation

13) In the context of the 10 qualities that mark a leader and help influence the leadership process, identify the first requirement for a leader. A) An innate and learned competency B) A strong sense of purpose C) Concern for others D) Strength and stamina to fulfill the tasks of leadership

14) In the context of enthusiasm, a quality that marks a leader and helps influence the leadership process, who among the following said, "The successful man has enthusiasm. Good work is never done in cold blood; heat is needed to forge anything. Every great achievement is the story of a flaming heart"? A) Martin Luther King B) George Patton C) Harry Truman D) Colin Powell E) Eleanor Roosevelt

15) According to Roger Staubach, which of the following is the key to self-confidence in leadership?

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A) The leader's natural talent B) The support of caring teammates C) How hard the leader works D) Opportunity and position E) None of the answers is correct.

16) Who among the following referred to the quality of persistence when advising that things do not just occur in one's life and encouraged people to believe, be persistent, and struggle to overcome life's obstacles? A) Winston Churchill B) Martin Luther King C) Henry Ford D) Abraham Lincoln E) Golda Meir

17) __________ is a special personal quality that generates others' interest and causes them to follow. A) Vitality B) Charisma C) Integrity D) Stability


__________ is understood as honesty, strength of character, and courage. A) Vitality B) Charisma C) Integrity D) Stability

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19) Different kinds of intelligence include all of the following EXCEPT __________ intelligence. A) verbal-linguistic B) logical-mathematical C) visual-spatial D) bodily-kinesthetic E) memory-recall

20) Based on styles of leading, which of the following is an important factor in determining leadership effectiveness? A) The number of members in a team B) Income and geography C) Size and distance D) Leader–follower compatibility E) All of the answers are correct.


Which of the following situational factors influences the leadership process? A) Size of an organization B) Social and psychological climate C) Employment patterns D) Type, place, and purpose of the work performed E) All of the answers are correct.

22) Which of the following qualities of leadership can be described as "the leader must know the job—or invite loss of respect"?

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A) Ability B) Stability C) Persistence D) Charisma

23) All of the following are important situational factors that influence the leadership process in an organization EXCEPT the __________. A) purpose of the work performed B) size of the organization C) social climate D) wages of the employees


The three styles of leadership are: A) high, low, and middle. B) directive, participative, and free-rein. C) traditional, modern, and new wave.

25) Researcher Barbara Kellerman states valuable insights can be gained by examining qualities of poor leaders. According to her analysis, identify the six negative behaviors or flaws of poor leaders. A) Lack of job knowledge, poor communication, low commitment, poor preparation, bullying style, and negative attitude B) Incompetence, rigidity, intemperance, callousness, corruption, and cruelty C) Low trust, abrasive style, poor technical skill, inability to delegate, overly ambitious, and poor time management D) None of the answers is correct.

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26) In the context of the negative flaws or behaviors of poor leaders studied by researcher Barbara Kellerman, which of the following statements best describes intemperance? A) The leader lacks will and skill to sustain effective action. B) The leader is uncaring and unkind, discounting the needs of others. C) The leader lacks self-control in personal habits and conduct. D) The leader is closed-minded to new ideas, new information, or changing times.


Unlike promoted leaders, derailed leaders most likely __________. A) lack technical expertise B) lack ambition and career goals C) are unable to delegate or build a team D) are dumb and weak-minded


Which of the following is the most serious derailment pattern for leaders? A) Inability to build positive relations with peers B) Inability to build and lead a team C) Inability to adapt to changing bosses, followers, and situations D) Inadequate preparation for promotion E) Failure to meet performance objectives

29) Which of the following characteristics of followers is most likely to influence the leadership process? A) An innate and learned competency B) Genuine enthusiasm C) A strong sense of purpose D) Respect for authority

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On the Interpersonal Trust Scale, an individual who scores 1.0–2.0 __________. A) believes that people are essentially good and therefore readily trusts others B) believes that most people seek personal advantage C) is often easy to lead D) trusts others temporarily but reserves final judgment

31) An individual who is easily persuaded and who should be encouraged to look at all sides of an argument before making a decision is most likely to score __________ on the Interpersonal Trust Scale. A) 4.1–5.0 B) 3.1–4.0 C) 2.1–3.0 D) 1.0–2.0

32) Simone, a software engineer at CodeMe Inc., is usually suspicious of the motives of her teammates. She prefers to work independently and is highly unlikely to ask for help or delegate her task to others. On the Interpersonal Trust Scale, Simone most likely has a score of __________. A) 4.1–5.0 B) 3.1–4.0 C) 2.1–3.0 D) 1.0–2.0

33) Which of the following statements is true about individuals who score 3.1–4.0 on the Interpersonal Trust Scale?

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A) They tend toward skepticism and self-reliance. B) They believe that the best way to get something done is to do it themselves. C) They have confidence in the basic decency of others. D) They are often difficult to lead.


Identify a true statement about modern managers in Western society. A) They are of the view that the practice of threatening employees is usually productive. B) They view their task as one of motivating employees to do their best. C) They function as enforcers and disciplinarians. D) They believe that trust and respect should be demanded.

35) Which of the following qualities is common to both effective leaders and effective followers and is necessary for organizational success? A) Critical thinking B) Extraversion C) Openness to experience D) Narcissism

36) Sergio Marchionne uses the __________ style of leading, Robert Selander uses the __________ style of leading, and Daniel Amos uses the __________ style of leading. A) free-rein; directive; participative B) directive; free rein; participative C) participative; directive; free-rein D) directive; participative; free-rein


Which of the following is a sign of narcissistic leaders?

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A) They boast about how great they are. B) They put the well-being of others ahead of their need for attention. C) They blame themselves even when others are at fault. D) They give the highest importance to company success.

38) __________ thinking is needed when there is only one right answer; __________ thinking is needed when there can be many right answers. A) High; low B) Abstract; concrete C) Fluid; crystallized D) Convergent; divergent E) Pure; mixed


Identify a true statement about crystallized intelligence.

A) It focuses on the ability to process information rapidly in novel situations or when conventional solutions fail. B) It includes comprehension of information and the ability to communicate in oral and written forms. C) It tends to decrease in the twenties and thirties. D) It includes reasoning, creative thinking, and memory.


Which of the following statements is true about fluid intelligence?

A) It represents one's lifetime of intellectual attainments. B) It focuses on the ability to solve problems within one's area of expertise. C) It includes reasoning, creative thinking, and memory. D) It includes comprehension of information and the ability to communicate in oral and written forms.

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41) A person who scores high on __________ intelligence is likely to be sensitive to sounds in the environment. A) verbal-linguistic B) logical-mathematical C) visual-spatial D) musical-rhythmic


Individuals who have verbal-linguistic intelligence most likely __________. A) explore patterns and relationships B) have a good memory for names and places C) engage in imagining things and working through mazes and puzzles D) process knowledge through bodily sensations and use their body in skilled ways

43) Individuals who are comfortable focusing inward on thoughts and feelings, following personal instincts, and pursuing goals that are original most likely have __________. A) interpersonal intelligence B) visual-spatial intelligence C) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence D) intrapersonal intelligence

44) People with well-developed visual-spatial abilities are most likely found in professions such as __________. A) surgery B) carpentry C) teaching D) swimming

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45) Which of the following is most likely true of individuals who have interpersonal intelligence? A) They respond with strong opinions when controversial topics are discussed. B) They learn best by relating, sharing, and participating in cooperative group environments. C) They respond best in situations that provide physical activities and hands-on learning experiences. D) They learn best by looking at pictures, watching videos or movies, and visualizing.

46) People who enjoy doing activities in sequential order and learn best by classifying information, engaging in abstract thinking, and looking for basic principles most likely have __________. A) musical-rhythmic intelligence B) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence C) logical-mathematical intelligence D) visual-spatial intelligence

47) __________ writes, "The narcissistic person has built an invisible wall around himself. He is everything, the world is nothing. Or rather: He is the world." A) Henry Ford B) Sigmund Freud C) Steve Jobs D) Erich Fromm

48) Given the importance of civility, which of the following should leaders ask in every interaction with an employee?

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A) Does the employee have a disciplinary record? B) Does the employee have a dispute with management? C) Is my behavior demonstrating the power of my position? D) Is my behavior lifting people up, or is my behavior shutting them down?

49) Professor William Shadle identifies three fears to avoid in building trust with employees, which are: A) fear of the past, fear of the present, and fear of the future. B) don't be afraid to say "I don't know," don't be afraid to say "I made a mistake," and don't be afraid to say "please" and "thank you." C) fear of omission, fear of commission, and fear of confusion. D) don't be afraid of failure, don't be afraid of success, and don't be afraid of not trying.


Relevant subject matter expertise helps a leader: A) avoid criticism. B) reduce complexity. C) end complacency. D) build a team, set the right goals, and achieve results.


Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of the directive style of leadership? A) Give-and-take B) Formal structure C) Individualism D) Creativity and innovation


Which of the following statements is most likely true of free-rein followers?

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A) They usually perform well on task forces, committees, and other work teams. B) They usually do their best work when job duties are spelled out and direct orders are given. C) They usually do their best work on special assignments and independent projects. D) They usually are upset by leaders who ignore the open-door policy and show little concern for people's feelings.


Which of the following statements is most likely true of participative followers?

A) They do their best work on special assignments and independent projects. B) They respond best to individual treatment and personal freedom. C) They do their best work when job duties are spelled out and direct orders are given. D) They want open communication and active involvement in the decision-making process.

54) Compared with others, a free-rein style of leading is most appropriate when followers score high on __________. A) interest level B) need for structure C) teamwork D) open communication

55) Unlike traditional duties, identify a new demand that leaders must meet when dealing with a wide variety of employees along a full range of skills. A) Manipulating individuals B) Developing people C) Implementing plans D) Organizing work

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Answer Key Test name: Chap 03_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) FALSE 3) TRUE 4) FALSE 5) TRUE 6) TRUE 7) TRUE 8) TRUE 9) TRUE 10) TRUE 11) E 12) A 13) B 14) C 15) C 16) E 17) B 18) C 19) E 20) D 21) E 22) A 23) D 24) B 25) B 26) C Version 1


27) C 28) E 29) D 30) B 31) A 32) C 33) C 34) B 35) A 36) D 37) A 38) D 39) B 40) C 41) D 42) B 43) D 44) A 45) B 46) C 47) D 48) D 49) B 50) D 51) B 52) C 53) D 54) A 55) B

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CHAPTER 4 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) The most important function of a leader is to develop a clear and compelling picture of the future, and to secure commitment to that ideal. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Strategy is best described as the process of giving definition to a vision and of focusing people and resources on specific objectives that can be measured. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) One of the key findings of the Forum study is that positions and titles play a very important role in leadership performance. ⊚ ⊚


true false

Leadership is important from the boardroom to the shop floor. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) One of the requirements of an effective vision is that it should be comprehensive and detailed. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) The genius stroke of an independent contributor is more important for organizational leadership than are relationship skills. ⊚ ⊚

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true false


7) Giving others the power and encouragement to make decisions burdens leaders with additional controlling responsibilities and blocks their critical time and energy. ⊚ ⊚

true false

8) According to the visioning process principles, leaders should set the mark high but stay in touch with reality. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) In the context of visioning content principles, tactical planning results in group- and person-specific assignments and concrete actions. ⊚ ⊚

true false

10) An important goal in the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is to identify core competencies in the form of special strengths an organization has or does exceptionally well. ⊚ ⊚

true false

11) According to the visioning application principles, leaders should review the vision periodically, revising as appropriate to reflect changing conditions. ⊚ ⊚

true false

12) According to the visioning application principles, the personal style of individuals should govern organizational culture and behavior.

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⊚ ⊚

true false

13) The process of creating a vision must be tailored to each organization to be most effective. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 14) According to management author Warren Bennis, which of the following is true about leaders? A) They should focus on developing personal talent and fulfilling personal commitments. B) They must be clearly focused on a positive and future-focused goal or vision. C) They must have a purpose and the required resources. D) They must have social support and a compelling need. E) None of the answers is correct.


Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of power-oriented leaders? A) Assertiveness B) Helpfulness C) Innovation D) Skillfulness


Visioning content principles include all of the following EXCEPT:

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A) a central purpose. B) broad goals. C) core values. D) strategic initiatives. E) an allocation of budget.

17) Who among the following said, "Momentum comes from having a clear vision of what the organization ought to be..."? A) Abraham Maslow B) Max DePree C) Ross Perot D) Harriet Tubman E) Peter Drucker


Albert Schweitzer was a(n) __________ leader. A) power-oriented B) achievement-oriented C) affiliation-oriented


Which of the following ideas gave Henry Ford's vision life? A) The moving assembly line B) Paying workers as much as was fair C) Vertical integration D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


Which of the following questions must a leader ask to test his or her vision?

Version 1


A) Is it worth the effort? B) Will people support my actions? C) Do I have the right people? D) Am I ready? E) Is this the right direction?

21) According to the Forum Corporation, which of the following characteristics is most likely needed in successful leaders at middle to senior levels of responsibility for steering organizations through periods of change? A) Delegating the responsibility for initiating change to subordinates B) Creating a vision that is follower-initiated C) Treating people with respect and dignity D) Considering individual incentives and group success as mutually exclusive entities

22) In a major study of leadership effectiveness, the Forum Corporation reports on the characteristics of successful leaders at middle to senior levels of responsibility. Identify a key finding of the study. A) Positions and titles are directly related to leadership performance. B) Organizational leadership involves individualism more than interdependence. C) An organization's environment plays an insignificant role in developing plans to meet organizational challenges. D) Leaders inspire others to take on the tasks of leadership.


Which of the following is required for organizational success?

Version 1


A) A vision B) Skills C) Incentives D) Resources E) Action plans F) All of the answers are correct.


The concept of visioning as it is used in organizations today is credited to __________. A) Ronald Lippitt, 1949 B) Douglas McGregor, 1959 C) Peter Drucker, 1969 D) W. Edwards Deming, 1979 E) Stephen Covey, 1989

25) The __________ motive for leadership can be defined as the desire to have influence, give orders, and have them carried out. A) achievement B) power C) affiliation D) autonomy


All of the following are basic leadership motives EXCEPT __________. A) power B) affiliation C) achievement D) security


The three basic motives underlying the desire of a person to be a leader are:

Version 1


A) power, recognition, and affiliation. B) affiliation, achievement, and power. C) success, acknowledgment, and prestige. D) achievement, power, and success.

28) A person who is power-oriented strives for leadership because of its associated __________. A) authority B) fear C) achievement D) acceptance

29) Which of the following statements is most likely true about leaders who score high on achievement-oriented social motives? A) They are characterized by strength, assertiveness, and dominance. B) They want to discover, create, and build. C) They have a strong concern for human welfare. D) They want to influence people and events.

30) Which of the following statements is most likely true about leaders who score high on affiliation-oriented social motives? A) They are described as successful, competent, skillful, and productive. B) They want to discover, create, and build. C) They want to make valuable contributions to humankind in science and technology. D) They have a strong concern for human welfare.

31) Which of the following statements is most likely true about employees who score high on the need for power? Version 1


A) They desire unambiguous feedback on their performance. B) They enjoy people and find the social aspects of their workplace rewarding. C) They gain satisfaction from influencing others. D) They like to solve problems and get the job done.

32) Which of the following is most likely a motivating force for employees who score high on the need for achievement? A) Opportunities to work on challenging jobs B) Opportunities to make decisions C) Opportunities to control people and events D) Opportunities to interact with others

33) Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of employees who score high on the need for affiliation? A) They desire responsibility and like to direct and control people and events. B) They actively support others and try to smooth out workplace conflicts. C) They are self-motivated when made to work on meaningful work assignments. D) They prefer competitive rather than cooperative work situations.

34) Who among the following was recognized as an outstanding leader because of his mastery of power politics? A) Mark Spitz B) Jonah C) Charles Kettering D) Winston Churchill


The requirements for an effective vision include all of the following EXCEPT being:

Version 1


A) developed by leaders. B) shared and supported by followers. C) comprehensive and detailed. D) uplifting and inspiring. E) competitively advantageous.

36) "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." Who among the following made this statement? A) Mark Twain B) Abraham Lincoln C) Napoleon D) Henry David Thoreau E) Benjamin Franklin

37) Consultant Ivy Lee taught __________ the importance of __________ for business success. A) Henry Ford; commitment B) James Burke; vision C) Herb Kelleher; service D) Charles Schwab; prioritization

38) Which of the following leadership behaviors is NOT included in the bookExecution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done, which identifies leadership behaviors that fuel the engine of execution?

Version 1


A) Stay in personal touch with your people. B) Insist on realism and truth-telling. C) Focus on a few clear priorities rather than many goals. D) Reinforce performance by rewarding the doers. E) Never show ignorance or uncertainty.

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 04_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) TRUE 5) TRUE 6) FALSE 7) FALSE 8) TRUE 9) TRUE 10) TRUE 11) TRUE 12) FALSE 13) TRUE 14) B 15) A 16) E 17) B 18) C 19) D 20) E 21) C 22) D 23) F 24) A 25) B 26) D Version 1


27) B 28) A 29) B 30) D 31) C 32) A 33) B 34) D 35) E 36) D 37) D 38) E

Version 1


CHAPTER 5 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Enlightened and supportive organizations represent good investments because they attract excellent personnel, who usually outperform their demoralized counterparts in exploitive and impoverished organizations. ⊚ ⊚


true false

Exploitive leadership shows a great deal of interest and confidence in members. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) Community in the workplace is experienced in two ways, which are as "a group of people" and as "a way of being." ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) A community that is experienced as "a group of people" is formed by bringing people together in place and time. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 5) Which of the following is an important dimension of a supportive organizational climate? A) The reward system B) Warmth and support C) Organizational clarity D) All of the answers are correct.

Version 1



Which of the following patterns of leadership is autocratic and hierarchical? A) Impoverished B) Exploitive C) Supportive D) Enlightened


Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of enlightened leadership? A) Leaders make decisions, and members are expected to comply without question. B) It results in organizations that are characterized by recurrent financial crises. C) It delegates power to the logical focus of interest and concern for a problem. D) Members are hesitant to discuss job-related problems with leaders.


Successful Pattern II organizations are benevolent autocracies in which: A) leaders generally develop a vision that is initiated by members. B) power is delegated to the logical focus of interest and concern for a problem. C) members have a high degree of freedom to execute plans to accomplish organizational

goals. D) leaders have genuine concern for the welfare of members.


Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of Pattern I organizations? A) Low member absenteeism B) A lack of loyalty exhibited by members C) Broad member participation D) An inability of leaders to exercise power


Which of the following statements is most likely true of service cultures?

Version 1


A) They result in increased profits in a short period of time. B) They are particularly important in high-risk industries. C) They focus on work conditions and behaviors that prevent accidents and injuries. D) They focus on customer satisfaction by putting customers first.

11) Which of the following cultures focuses on new products, services, and operational innovations? A) Service culture B) Safety culture C) Creativity culture D) Training culture


Unlike organizational structures that are flat, tall organizational structures tend to: A) undermine employee satisfaction and organizational commitment. B) expedite the transmittal of information and the speed of response. C) focus power around employees rather than managers. D) have lower overhead costs.


Which of the following rules is at the heart of Google's culture?

A) Stay technologically intelligent and hold people accountable for results. B) Be flexible in different situations and show respect for others. C) Put customers first and give low priority to competition. D) Think of your work as a calling with a mission that matters and give people more trust, freedom, and authority than you are comfortable giving them.


Disney's culture teaches and reinforces the values:

Version 1


A) of innovation, reliability, and growth. B) of intelligence, empathy, and sensitivity. C) of professionalism, teamwork, and service. D) associated with storytelling and delegating responsibilities.

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 05_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) FALSE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) D 6) B 7) C 8) D 9) B 10) D 11) C 12) A 13) D 14) C

Version 1


CHAPTER 6 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Author and educator John Gardner states that leaders should not be judged solely in terms of decisiveness and efficiency but, more importantly, on the basis of values and moral reasoning. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) According to Rushworth Kidder, care-based thinking is best described as doing what is best for the greatest number of people. ⊚ ⊚


true false

Religious ethics is based on a theistic understanding of the world. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) According to the Boy Scout Laws, a Scout works to pay his way and volunteers to help others. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) According to the levels and stages of moral development, the egocentric orientation of stages 1 and 2 is characteristic of teenagers and most adults. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) Stanley Milgram's experiments on obedience showed that women are more defiant towards authority figures than men. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false


7) According to Stanley Milgram's experiments on obedience, ordinary people could be induced to perform inhumane acts simply by the presence of an authority figure. ⊚ ⊚

true false

8) St. Augustine (354–430) believed that if people allow themselves through faith to be drawn to God, they will overcome their basic immoral nature and eventually be reconciled in the city of God in heaven. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) Thomas Aquinas (1224–1274) integrated the philosophy of Aristotle with Christian theology and taught that all people are endowed with a natural desire to be good. ⊚ ⊚

true false

10) Ethical problems common to the workplace are issues of quality, safety, property, and human relationships. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 11) Which of the following statements is true about ethics? A) It is the study of religion and politics. B) It is the study of young children and mature adults. C) It is the study of cause and effect. D) It is the study of moral judgments and right and wrong conduct. E) None of the answers is correct.

Version 1


12) The word "ethics" is derived from the __________ wordethos, referring to a person's fundamental orientation toward life. A) Hebrew B) Roman C) Greek D) English E) French

13) According to Rushworth Kidder, which of the following best describes ends-based thinking? A) Following the highest principle or duty B) Doing what is best for the greatest number of people C) Doing what people would want others to do for them D) Following the path to moral courage

14) Which of the following was viewed by Aristotle (384–322 BC) as the central and most significant trait distinguishing humankind from other creatures? A) Emotionality B) Spontaneity C) Integrity D) Rationality


Which of the following statements is true about secular ethics? A) It suggests that reality, truth, and goodness depend on the existence of a god. B) It is based on a scientific understanding of the world. C) It rejects the importance of the Golden Rule. D) It discourages preservation of life.

Version 1



The older community passes on ethics to young people through __________. A) modeling and socialization B) command and control C) self-study and leadership D) rules and regulations E) preaching and teaching

17) According to psychologist Jean Piaget, which of the following is the unifying factor in adult societies? A) Civics B) Religion C) Politics D) Heteronomy E) None of the answers is correct.

18) In the context of the levels and stages of moral development, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of Level I, stage 1? A) Acceptance of punishment B) Approval of others C) Deference to power D) Attention to individual needs

19) In the context of the levels and stages of moral development, identify the primary motive that operates at Level I, stage 2.

Version 1


A) Avoidance of punishment B) Compliance with authority C) Individual needs D) Social order

20) In the context of the levels and stages of moral development, identify the major determinant of behavior at Level II, stage 3. A) Approval of others B) Compliance with authority C) Deference to power D) Avoidance of punishment

21) In the context of the levels and stages of moral development, which of the following statements is most likely true about Level II, stage 4? A) Right conduct is doing one's duty, as defined by those in authority positions. B) The good person is viewed as the one who satisfies family, friends, and associates. C) Personal pleasure dictates the rightness or wrongness of behavior. D) Avoidance of punishment is the primary characteristic of this stage.

22) In the context of the levels and stages of moral development, identify a true statement about Level III, stage 5. A) Social ethics are based on rational analysis, community discussion, and mutual consent. B) Physical consequences determine moral behavior. C) Compliance with authority and upholding social order are primary ethical concerns at this stage. D) Personal pleasure dictates the rightness or wrongness of behavior.

Version 1


23) In the context of the levels and stages of moral development, which of the following statements is true about Level III, stage 6? A) The approval of others is the major determinant of behavior at this stage. B) This stage represents the "official" morality of the U.S. Constitution. C) When there is conflict between individual and group interests, the majority rules. D) Morality is seen as superseding the majority view or the prescriptions of authority.


Ethics has both __________ and __________ roots. A) scientific; poetic B) religious; secular C) statutory; common D) male; female

25) Social psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg explains that each person makes ethical decisions according to three distinct levels of moral __________. A) maturity B) aptitude C) fiber D) development


Which of the following is seen in the life and teaching of Gandhi? A) Level I, stage 1 morality B) Level II, stage 4 morality C) Level III, stage 6 morality D) None of the answers is correct.

27) The English philosopher John Locke viewed a newborn child as a "tabula rasa", or a(n) __________. Version 1


A) blank tablet B) bundle of joy C) finished product D) empty vessel


__________ once said, "Nonviolence is the first article of my faith." A) Malcolm X B) Muhammad Ali C) Saddam Hussein D) Mohandas Gandhi

29) Which of the following three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed Bertrand Russell's life? A) The longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind B) The need for life, the need for love, and the need for power C) The understanding of self, the support for family, and service to society D) The knowledge of our past, an awareness of the moment, and creation of the future


The three most important influences on character formation are: A) government, schools, and churches. B) business, industry, and government. C) parents, media, and music. D) experience, age, and education. E) associations (family and friends), books (and other media), and self-concept.


Originally, the Greek wordethos meant __________.

Version 1


A) physical beauty B) social justice C) a dwelling place D) religious faith


In the context of leadership ethics, identify a true statement according to Ronald Heifetz.

A) Leadership involves the maintenance of high standards of ethical conduct through mutual consent. B) The approach to leadership is primarily based on the assumption that true leadership is service to others. C) The theory of transactional leadership emphasizes the moral development of followers. D) Leadership involves the use of authority to help followers uphold important values in the workplace.


Identify the necessary ingredients of virtuous, level III, stage 6 moral leadership. A) Motives, means, and consequences B) Facts, figures, and results C) Knowledge, values, and actions D) None of the answers is correct.


Stanley Milgram's social research showed that: A) Hitler could only happen in Germany. B) women are innately kind. C) electric voltage needs to be regulated in laboratory experiments. D) ordinary people can be induced to perform inhumane acts.

Version 1


35) In 1884, Mark Twain wroteThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; this story emphasized Level __________, stage __________ of moral development. A) I; 2 B) II; 4 C) III; 6 D) I; 1 E) II; 3


According to the Boy Scout Laws, a scout is all of the following EXCEPT __________. A) brave B) kind C) loyal D) practical E) trustworthy


The Girl Scout Law includes all of the following EXCEPT __________. A) respect B) courage C) honesty D) cheerfulness E) helpfulness

38) Moral dilemmas often involve choosing between two "rights" or "goods." Rushworth Kidder identifies three mind-sets for addressing moral dilemmas, which are:

Version 1


A) good, evil, and indifferent mind-sets. B) logical, emotional, and action-oriented mind-sets. C) individual, group, and society mind-sets. D) past thinking, present thinking, and future thinking. E) ends-based thinking, rule-based thinking, and care-based thinking.

39) Recent replication of the Milgram experiments show that approximately __________ percent of both men and women will follow morally offensive orders of complete strangers who they believe occupy a position of authority. A) 75 B) 25 C) 50 D) 100

40) Social learning theory supports the importance of the __________ of leaders in moral dilemmas. A) philosophy B) education C) behavior D) thinking

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 06_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) FALSE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) FALSE 6) FALSE 7) TRUE 8) TRUE 9) TRUE 10) TRUE 11) D 12) C 13) B 14) D 15) B 16) A 17) D 18) C 19) C 20) A 21) A 22) A 23) D 24) B 25) D 26) C Version 1


27) A 28) D 29) A 30) E 31) C 32) D 33) A 34) D 35) C 36) D 37) D 38) E 39) A 40) C

Version 1


CHAPTER 7 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Courage is the foundation that underlies and gives reality to all other virtues and personal values. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527) argued for winning and retaining power in a world containing extensive political factionalism and lust for dominion. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) In every field—science, art, government, business, service, religion—the highest level of leadership is full-swing. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) Ethical climate refers to the moral standards that have been consistently communicated, embraced, and enforced in an organization, especially by leaders in both word and conduct. ⊚ ⊚


People find it difficult to forgive a leader who is immoral and nonprincipled. ⊚ ⊚


true false

true false

The aesthetic person finds highest satisfaction in spiritual peace. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false



With trusteeship climate, ethical conduct is based on the highest moral principles. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 8) Character and leading by values require __________. A) insight B) courage C) education D) social support E) leadership

9) The instrumental and enabling values of the U.S. Army are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and __________. A) teamwork B) education C) strength D) personal courage

10) Which of the following is the most important leadership value and is also the single most important ingredient in the leader–follower relationship? A) Rationality B) Emotionality C) Spontaneity D) Honesty

Version 1


11) According to philosopher–psychologist Rollo May, __________ is the foundation that underlies and gives reality to all other virtues and personal values. A) experience B) contribution C) courage D) commitment

12) In 1727, __________ formed the __________, a forerunner of modern-day civic clubs. His own values included __________, __________, and __________. A) Thomas Jefferson; Masons; liveliness; liberty; freedom B) Alexander Hamilton; Shriners; order; service; resoluteness C) John Adams; Rotary; service; trust; fidelity D) Benjamin Franklin; Junto; justice; moderation; humility E) George Washington; Grange; truth; honor; liveliness

13) __________, former CEO of General Electric, sees management values as a primary source of corporate identity. A) William James B) Leon Wieseltier C) Maury Smith D) Jack Welch


Identify a true statement about the theoretical person.

A) This person usually chooses to consider truth as equivalent to beauty. B) This person finds highest satisfaction in form and harmony. C) The primary interest of this person is the discovery of truth. D) In the pursuit of goals, this person prefers an approach that looks for the utility of objects.

Version 1



Which of the following statements is true about the economic person?

A) In relationships with people, this person is unlikely to be interested in surpassing others in wealth. B) The altruistic or philanthropic aspect of love is the interest of this person. C) The primary values of this person are social influence and the exercise of authority. D) This person wants education to be practical and regards unapplied knowledge as wasteful.


Which of the following statements is true about the aesthetic person?

A) In the pursuit of truth, this person prefers a cognitive approach. B) In personal relations, this person tends toward individualism, self-sufficiency, and idealism. C) In social affairs, this person is necessarily interested in the welfare of people. D) In the economic sphere, this person is often interested in the process of advertising and trade.


In contrast to the political type, the social person: A) regards love as the most suitable form of human relationship. B) is an individual for whom the highest value is spiritual peace. C) has a high interest in power and status. D) primarily values social influence and the exercise of authority.

18) Which of the following factors has been viewed by many philosophers as the most universal and most fundamental of human motives?

Version 1


A) Love B) Wealth C) Power D) Religion


Full-swing values is a concept used to describe the: A) strength of our values. B) actual values a person has. C) flexibility of ethics as a human concern. D) relationship between ethics and sports. E) ethical shift from individual to group.

20) The quality of doing the right thing for the right reason even in the face of adversity and personal loss is called __________. A) neuroticism B) narcissism C) rationality D) integrity

21) Regarding moral behavior, which of the following statements was written by Thomas Jefferson? A) "You must stand for something or you will fall for anything." B) "The measure of a man is what he will do when no one is looking." C) "In matters of style, swim with the currents; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." D) "The leader is flexible except in character formation." E) "The question is not how many values one has but how deeply they are held."


Identify the three core values of IBM.

Version 1


A) Respecting the individual, giving the best customer service possible, and performing every job with excellence B) Shareholders first, customers second, and employees third C) Cutting edge research, technical excellence, and market dominance D) Never do harm, the Golden Rule, and survival of the fittest E) None of the answers are correct.

23) Identify the six instrumental values of caring leaders in every field and level of responsibility. A) Excellence, excitement, support, efficiency, effectiveness, and ease B) Determination, diligence, dogma, deliberation, dependability, and delegation C) Honesty, consideration, responsibility, persistence, excellence, and commitment D) Power, position, perseverance, perception, patience, and people E) None of the answers are correct.

24) To improve and maintain investor confidence, which of the following acts was passed by the U.S. Congress in response to a series of corporate scandals? A) Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 B) Kennedy-Feingold Act in 2004 C) Lugar-Obama Act in 2008 D) None of the answers are correct.

25) Guidelines for work ethics identified by Rotary International include all of the following questions EXCEPT: A) is it the truth? B) is it fair to all concerned? C) will it build goodwill? D) will it be beneficial to all concerned? E) is it legal?

Version 1


26) In dealing with moral dilemmas regarding people, products, prices, and profit, which of the following ethical climates are typically reflected by organizations? A) Strong central leaders, democratic leadership, and no leaders B) Self-centered, selfish, and selfless C) Law of the jungle, agrarian society, and free market economy D) Profit-maximizing, trusteeship, and quality-of-life management E) None of the answers are correct.


Who, among the following, defined good as the greatest good for the greatest number? A) Friedrich Nietzsche B) Niccolo Machiavelli C) William James D) Jeremy Bentham

28) In dealing with moral dilemmas regarding people, products, prices, and profits, organizations typically reflect one of three ethical climates, which are: A) democracy, quality-of-life management, and labor relations. B) quality-of-life management, profit maximizing, and trusteeship. C) democracy, management accountability, and quality-of-life management. D) quality-of-life management, communism, and shared profits.

29) Identify the red flags that help an organization assess if it needs to clarify or reinforce its values. A) Top leaders send clear messages about what is important. B) Different individuals and subgroups have fundamentally similar value systems. C) The organization has values and practices them. D) Members complain about the organization to neighbors, friends, and family.

Version 1



According to Leon Wieseltier, Americans are: A) choking on identities. B) lacking a well-defined meaning of life. C) well defined in core values. D) committed to a unified value system.


The German philosopher Immanuel Kant:

A) rejected the idea that people must be their own lawgivers and freely choose their obligations. B) believed that if an individual acts from a good motive and a sense of duty, the act is good regardless of the consequences. C) rejected the idea that all people must have free choice in moral dilemmas and be responsible for their own actions. D) believed that a person with character is also likely to succumb to base or expedient desires.

32) TheGreen Apron Book, a pocket-size job-aid that describes partner (employee) "ways of being" in order to be successful includes all of the following EXCEPT to be __________. A) welcoming B) genuine C) knowledgeable D) considerate E) punctual


Which of the following statements is most likely true about pragmatists?

Version 1


A) They emphasize the Golden Rule. B) They believe in doing what is best for the greatest number of people. C) They maintain that what is true must be based on evidence. D) They focus on the importance of personal conscience and duty.


According to the philosopher Plato and his allegory of the cave, __________.

A) people trapped in the cave represented the world's intellectual masses B) ignorant masses escaped the cave to witness the true nature of things C) philosophers saw only representations of objects, the sights and sounds that were discerned by the physical senses D) philosophers who understood the form of the good should rule as kings

35) In the context of the three ethical climates, identify a true statement about the profitmaximizing climate. A) It reflects conventional morality. B) An organization's focus is on self-gain and avoidance of punishment. C) It reflects the most advanced level of moral development. D) An organization behaves to conform to the expectations of others and to satisfy higher authorities.

36) In the context of the three ethical climates, identify a true statement about the trusteeship climate. A) It reflects preconventional morality. B) An organization's focus is on self-gain and avoidance of punishment. C) It reflects the most advanced level of moral development. D) An organization behaves to conform to the expectations of others and to satisfy higher authorities.

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 07_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) TRUE 6) FALSE 7) FALSE 8) B 9) D 10) D 11) C 12) D 13) D 14) C 15) D 16) B 17) A 18) C 19) A 20) D 21) C 22) A 23) C 24) A 25) E 26) D Version 1


27) D 28) B 29) D 30) A 31) B 32) E 33) C 34) D 35) B 36) D

Version 1


CHAPTER 8 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) The best way to raise the psychological size of others is to show genuine interest in them. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) The most effective approach to equalize psychological size is for leaders to reduce their own psychological size. ⊚ ⊚


true false

An effective use of psychological size results in maximum morale and productivity. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) An approach to leadership that recognizes both the top-down and bottom-up views of authority is servant leadership. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) The servant leader is similar to the individual who is motivated by selfish goals and whose primary thoughts are for personal gain. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) In military leadership, leaders at all levels are taught to put the needs of their subordinates before their own and to lead by the principle "Mission first, soldiers always." ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false



Ability in an art, a science, a profession, and a trade are examples of information power. ⊚ ⊚


true false

The effective leader is most likely to use fear (coercion) as a form of power. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) The servant leader is the one people will choose to follow, the one with whom they will prefer to work. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 10) Which of the following statements is most likely true about the top-down view of leadership authority? A) This view holds that leadership authority is based on position in a social hierarchy. B) This view mandates the flow of power from the lowest to the highest level in an organization. C) This view encourages frontline workers to be supported in their efforts by managers and supervisors. D) This view of leadership authority was first described by Chester Barnard of AT&T.

11) The servant leader is committed to people, and this commitment is shown through __________, __________, and __________.

Version 1


A) access; communication; support B) training; development; education C) recruitment; selection; reinforcement D) wages; benefits; promotion


Which of the following is effective only for a short period of time? A) A leader's use of psychological bigness and overbearance B) A leader's use of experience and skills C) A leader's use of patience and understanding D) A leader's use of knowledge and ability E) None of the answers is correct.

13) Gandhi, the Indian spiritual and political leader, believed that effective leaders __________—not __________. A) point the way; show by example B) command respect; earn respect C) lead the elite; lead the masses D) are served by followers; serve followers E) guide and inspire; command and control


Both responsibility and __________ come with the office of leadership. A) confusion B) dependence C) wealth D) power


Which of the following statements is true about authentic leaders?

Version 1


A) They have a genuine desire to serve others. B) They find it difficult to establish trusting relationships. C) They are primarily motivated by self-gain and social pressure. D) They copy the style of a popular and effective leader when replacing him or her.

16) Management authors Warren Bennis and Philip Slater define participative leadership as __________. A) authoritative management B) democratic management C) permissive management D) laissez-faire management


Identify a characteristic of participative leadership. A) It is based on the idea that influence is based on technical competence and knowledge. B) Communication is based on rank and power. C) There is a reliance on traditional forms of compromise to manage conflict. D) It creates an atmosphere that discourages emotional expression and task-oriented acts.

18) The servant leader shows commitment to his or her people through all of the following EXCEPT __________. A) access B) communication C) support D) force


According to Robert Greenleaf, which of the following best describes servant leadership?

Version 1


A) Aggressive leadership B) An excuse for manipulation C) The relationship between a leader who knows a lot and dependent followers D) A calling to serve E) None of the answers is correct.

20) Identify a way in which the servant leader stays in touch with the challenges and problems of others. A) By getting out of the executive suite and onto the shop floor B) By getting out of the headquarters and into the field C) By getting out of the ivory tower and into the real world D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


Which of the following best describes the participative leadership process?

A) A luxury of time and attention that few leaders can afford B) Involving people, which is necessary to achieve understanding, which is necessary to achieve commitment C) The style of a weak and ineffectual leader D) Giving over power and ultimate responsibility to frontline people E) None of the answers is correct.


Identify the beliefs and common values of the participative leadership. A) Full and free communication B) A reliance on consensus to manage conflict C) A basically human bias D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.

Version 1



Which of the following statements is most likely true of reward power? A) It is the power of relationships. B) Keepers of standards, rules, regulations, and arcane facts have this power. C) It is the capacity to offer something of value as a means of influencing others. D) Intelligence, logic, and the mastery of rhetoric increase this power.


Which of the following statements is most likely true of expert power?

A) It primarily comes from having access to data and news of importance to others. B) It is best exemplified by the boss who assigns jobs and the teacher who assigns homework. C) It is the ability to motivate and inspire others by force of personal traits, including optimism and commitment to a cause. D) It is the capacity to influence others because of proficiency, specialized knowledge, good judgment, or skill.

25) Which of the following is leadership by intimidation and operates primarily on the principles of fear? A) Coercive power B) Legitimate power C) Charisma power D) Expert power

26) Which of the following is best described as the capacity to influence others because of their desire to identify with the leader?

Version 1


A) Rational power B) Charisma power C) Referent power D) Expert power


Which of the following statements is most likely true about legitimate power? A) It is the capacity to influence others by virtue of formal authority or the rights of

office. B) It is the ability to motivate and inspire others by force of personal traits. C) It is the capacity to punish as a means of influencing others. D) It is the capacity to influence others because of well-developed reasoning and problem-solving ability.


Which of the following statements is most likely true about rational power? A) Control over desirable job assignments is an example of this power. B) Keepers of standards, rules, regulations, and arcane facts have this power. C) Intelligence, logic, and the mastery of rhetoric increase this power. D) Being admired as a role model brings this power to leaders.


Which of the following statements is most likely true about information power? A) Intelligence, logic, and the mastery of rhetoric increase this power. B) It comes from having access to data and news of importance to others. C) It is the capacity to influence others because of expertise, good judgment, and skill. D) The judge who determines guilt and penalties exemplifies this power.


Which of the following statements is most likely true about charisma power?

Version 1


A) It transforms people to achieve superior performance. B) It is the power of resources and awards. C) It is the power of relationships. D) It operates primarily on the principles of fear.

31) Participative leadership, which has been employed effectively by many supervisors and managers to build employee morale and achieve high performance, has its roots in __________. A) autocratic government B) democratic ideals C) socialist movements D) communist regimes


Which of the following best describes psychological size? A) The ability to make others feel strong and independent B) An important concept for frontline people C) The ability to accept job assignments and wages as offered D) The perceived power one has over another

33) Identify a factor of psychological bigness that serves no purpose except to alienate people and result in one-way communication. A) Formal, distant manner B) High-status position C) Commanding physical appearance D) Power to make decisions

34) Identify a guideline that will help achieve two-way communication and create true dialogue.

Version 1


A) Show the person that you want to listen B) Be patient C) Go easy on argument and criticism D) Ask questions E) All of these


"Open-book" is a term used to describe a(n) __________. A) accounting principle B) writing technique C) approach to management D) rule in marketing


In the context of Taoism, which of the following best describes yin and yang?

A) Complementary forces, which are the source of the endless changes that the world endures B) Leadership principles that are born in ancient China C) Male and female value orientations D) None of the answers is correct.

37) When describing Gandhi, __________ wrote, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth." A) Albert Einstein B) Jr. Martin Luther King C) Margaret Thatcher D) Pearl Buck E) John Kennedy

Version 1


38) In the majority of the world's cultures, from America to Armenia, Belgium to Brazil, and Slovakia to Singapore, __________ is valued more than __________. A) money; power B) giving; taking C) security; growth D) education; experience

39) Google launched project OXYGEN to identify the most effective behaviors of managers inside the organization. The three most important behaviors are __________. A) setting high standards, checking on progress, and addressing deficiencies B) valuing diversity, grading performance, and celebrating success C) being available, communicating effectively, and showing support D) learning continuously, maintaining discipline, and creating a vision


In the words of J.W. Marriott, the founding philosophy of Marriott International is:

A) "Measure twice, cut once; the guest is always right; travel is a birth right." B) "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." C) "Early to bed, early to rise, work hard, and advertise." D) "Take care of the associates, the associates will take care of the guests, and the guests will come back again and again."

41) Distilled from Jeffrey Krames's bookLead with Humility: 12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis, five lessons stand out. Identify three of these lessons. A) Purpose, prosecute, and provide support B) Be just, be fair, and be available C) Identify strengths, address weaknesses, and reward performance D) Go where you are needed, serve others, and persevere

Version 1


42) Successful leaders know that __________ percent of the work is typically done by __________. A) 50; middle managers B) 10; senior executives C) 40; supervisors D) 80; frontline employees

43) __________ popularized open-book management in the 1980s, and __________ is a form of participative management. A) Douglas McGregor; personal supervision B) Rensis Likert; scientific management C) Bill George; quality improvement D) Jack Stack; open-book management

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 08_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) FALSE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) FALSE 6) TRUE 7) FALSE 8) FALSE 9) TRUE 10) A 11) A 12) A 13) E 14) D 15) A 16) B 17) A 18) D 19) D 20) D 21) B 22) D 23) C 24) D 25) A 26) C Version 1


27) A 28) C 29) B 30) A 31) B 32) D 33) A 34) E 35) C 36) A 37) A 38) B 39) C 40) D 41) D 42) D 43) D

Version 1


CHAPTER 9 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) In empowered workplaces, the roles and responsibilities of subordinates are defined by their leaders. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) In empowered workplaces, employers and leaders work together to determine standards of employee effectiveness. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) In the context of filling the "need to know" gap, employees from the executive suite to the shop floor need to know what is expected of them personally. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) In the context of filling the "need to know" gap, leaders must avoid communicating the grand plan—the purpose, values, and strategies for success for an organization—to employees. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) When developing a high-performance workplace, leaders should pay attention to "middle stars" and avoid the trap of focusing only on the "super stars" and the "fallen stars." ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) When developing a high-performance workplace, leaders should avoid asking for suggestions from their staff.

Version 1


⊚ ⊚

true false

7) In the context of workplace empowerment, people ignore organizational policies in an out-of-control organization. ⊚ ⊚


true false

One of the communication problems identified by Gordon Lippitt is structure. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) According to Deming, "checking" employees has a positive effect on employee morale and performance. ⊚ ⊚


true false

One of the essential ingredients of total quality management is participative leadership. ⊚ ⊚

true false

11) In a lean operation, rejects are acceptable and employees are refrained from halting production to correct problems at their source. ⊚ ⊚


true false

At Six Sigma, a product or service is defect free 6.66 percent of the time. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false


MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 13) W. Edwards Deming identified __________ for a successful workplace. A) 13 secrets B) 17 habits C) 10 commandments D) 12 rules E) 14 points


Identify a true statement about General Electric's Jack Welch. A) He ensured that his exchanges with managers were restrained and uncandid. B) He strengthened all the layers of bureaucratic management. C) He believed that the best strategies could work even without the right leaders. D) He launched the famous workout process.

15) According to Robert Cole, an influential author and educator, which of the following principles of leadership empower people? A) Encouraging leadership by intimidation operating primarily on the principles of fear B) Viewing people as an organization's most important resource C) Centralizing the decision-making process D) Building robust barriers between departments


__________ created 14 points for a successful workplace.

Version 1


A) W. Edwards Deming B) Robert Frost C) Donald Dewar D) Peter Drucker

17) Deming was recruited by American authorities to help prepare a census, and immediately he took an interest in the restructuring of the __________ economy. A) English B) Japanese C) German D) Soviet


Which of the following is a characteristic of empowered workplaces?

A) In the process of performance planning, subordinates write performance plans and review with leaders. B) In the process of decision making, subordinates check with leaders on all decisions. C) In the process of policy making, leaders decide policies and subordinates have the right to ignore these policies. D) In the process of problem solving, subordinates bypass the "system" to work around problems.

19) Procter & Gamble independently developed a concept of __________ in the 1940s and 1950s. A) group work B) work simplification C) job enrichment D) top-down management

Version 1


20) When developing a high-performance workplace, leaders improve performance using technology through Trello that: A) makes it simple to maintain relationships with people in one's network. B) saves time by making repetitive tasks easier to do. C) allows clear visibility of must-do priorities. D) keeps teams on task.


Identify the philosophy behind the quality movement.

A) People respond positively to measurements and controls. B) People closest to the work usually have the experience and knowledge to come up with the best solutions to work-related problems. C) People want economic security. D) People need sufficient pay and benefits to enhance their morale. E) All of the answers are correct.

22) According to Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, identify the three things a leader should do to unleash and channel the power of people. A) Choose the right people, allocate the right numbers of dollars, and transmit ideas from one group to another quickly B) Be a role model for time management, develop good human relations, and maintain effective communication C) Develop future leaders, interact with internal agencies, and uphold established traditions D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.

23) Robert Cole identifies five principles of leadership that empower people. Which of the following is NOT included in these principles?

Version 1


A) Trust in people B) Demand loyalty C) Recognize accomplishments D) Decentralize decision making E) View work as a cooperative effort


Identify a practical tip for developing high-performance workplaces. A) Be customer driven B) Benchmark the best C) Show concern for others D) Manage meetings effectively E) All of the answers are correct.


Which of the following is NOT one of Deming's 14 points for a successful workplace? A) Reducing the number of suppliers B) Improving job training C) Setting numerical goals and slogans D) Stamping out fear by encouraging open, two-way communication

26) All of the following are included in Robert Cole's principles that empower people EXCEPT __________. A) trust in people B) invest in people C) recognize accomplishments D) view individual work as more important than collective effort


The Hawthorne studies __________.

Version 1


A) proved that TQM practice works B) were completed in 1975 C) marked the beginning of the human relations school D) were conducted by Abraham Maslow

28) When communicating in an empowered and high-performance workplace, which of the following is the most preferred source of information? A) Bulletin boards B) Annual business reports C) The grapevine D) Immediate supervisors


According to Deming, which of the following is a way to improve quality? A) Setting high standards B) Improving job training C) Providing a high level of supervision D) Removing barriers to pride of work E) All of the answers are correct.


Identify an essential ingredient of total quality management (TQM). A) Continuous process improvement B) Authoritative leadership C) Employee downsizing D) Reducing psychological size of leaders

31) According to W. Edwards Deming, which of the following points is essential for a successful workplace and is most likely applied in both private and public organizations?

Version 1


A) Heavily depending on mass inspection for quality B) Increasing the number of suppliers who offer value for money C) Creating robust barriers between departments D) Creating consistency and continuity of purpose

32) Frederick Winslow Taylor has most likely been criticized for advocating a(n) __________. A) elaborate reward system for employees B) systematic approach to problem solving C) extreme division of labor D) scientific selection and training methodology for employees

33) Gordon Lippitt identified eight communication problems, including all of the following EXCEPT __________. A) trust B) complexes C) size D) fear E) technology

34) InMy American Journey and It Worked for Me, which of the following rules is identified by Colin Powell that is gleaned from his years of experience? A) Uphold discipline B) Always prepare C) Check small things D) Pursue with force


Which of the following standards is identified by ISO 1401?

Version 1


A) Standards for marketplace performance B) Standards for government compliance C) Standards for environmental performance D) Standards for diversity performance E) All of the answers are correct.


The term "Hawthorne effect" describes __________. A) the sense of control that men feel over women B) the tendency of an organization to become rigid over time C) the tendency for morale to deteriorate without management attention D) a predictable change in attitude when one is promoted E) an artificial change in behavior due merely to the fact that a person or group is being


37) Identify one of the seven simple rules that should be followed by leaders when planning, conducting, and using meetings effectively. A) Meetings should be held on a daily basis rather than on a need basis. B) Meetings should be held at a time and place that are convenient and conducive to productive work. C) Pertinent materials should be provided to the participants during the course of the meetings. D) Leaders should solely decide the actions, steps, and responsibilities without involving the participants.


In essence, Six Sigma seeks to: A) empower employees to halt production to correct problems at their source. B) encourage creative thinking when designing work processes. C) reliably measure important inputs and outputs. D) remove variability from a process.

Version 1


39) Identify the essence of lean manufacturing, an approach developed by Toyota as a way of achieving quality, flexibility, and cost effectiveness. A) Military leadership B) Democratic management C) Commonsense management D) Servant leadership

40) According to the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, __________ is defined by the __________. A) quality; customer B) success; balance sheet C) innovation; opportunity D) performance; market

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 09_7e_Manning 1) FALSE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) FALSE 5) TRUE 6) FALSE 7) TRUE 8) TRUE 9) FALSE 10) TRUE 11) FALSE 12) FALSE 13) E 14) D 15) B 16) A 17) B 18) A 19) A 20) B 21) B 22) A 23) B 24) E 25) C 26) D Version 1


27) C 28) D 29) E 30) A 31) D 32) C 33) E 34) C 35) C 36) E 37) B 38) D 39) C 40) A

Version 1


CHAPTER 10 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) For most employees, high morale is a predictor of problem solving, task persistence, coworker support, and organizational commitment. ⊚ ⊚


true false

For most employees, low morale is a predictor of absenteeism and tardiness. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) In the context of workplace morale, when we are challenged by something we are truly good at, we tend to avoid states of anxiety, boredom, and apathy. ⊚ ⊚


true false

The state of flow is characterized by anxiety, boredom, and apathy. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) In the context of human relationships, respect is demonstrated by the willingness to listen to the ideas and feelings of others. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) The four key areas that impact work morale are the job itself, the work group, management practices, and economic rewards. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false



Treating people as ends rather than means is an anti-humanistic view. ⊚ ⊚


true false

One good rule for leading people is to be unpredictable. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) According to Theory X, the average person is by nature industrious—working as hard as possible. ⊚ ⊚

true false

10) Research shows managers with Theory X assumptions are better than those with Theory Y assumptions at accomplishing organizational objectives and tapping the potential of employees. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 11) In the context of McGregor's prescriptions for an enlightened workplace, McGregor believed that: A) one's potential is independent of his or her working conditions. B) an employee with high morale is susceptible to change. C) an average person is by nature industrious—working as little as possible. D) human goodness is innate but that it can be thwarted by a dysfunctional environment.

Version 1


12) Based on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's concept of flow, low skill plus high challenge equals: A) apathy and diminished work life. B) the experience of flow and work fulfilment. C) boredom and low creativity. D) anxiety and low self-esteem.


If less than __________ percent of your job is enjoyable, there is a morale problem. A) 10 B) 20 C) 40 D) 80


In the context of work morale, the single best way to achieve high morale is to: A) get the right person in the right job. B) make job targets easier. C) refrain from career counseling. D) ignore the physical conditions of a work environment.

15) In the context of raising employee morale, which of the following positively affects employee satisfaction and job performance? A) Directing employees to adopt a standardized work method B) Providing training exclusively to new employees C) Increasing the number of hierarchical levels D) Soliciting and utilizing direct feedback from users

16) In the context of employee morale and the role of management, compared with younger workers, older employees are more interested in: Version 1


A) fringe benefits. B) monthly wages. C) opportunity for advancement. D) changing jobs.

17) In the context of employee morale and workforce performance, compared with office employees, an inventor would probably: A) be more interested in daily wages. B) pay less importance to relations with co-workers. C) pay more importance to practices of management. D) be more likely to work in a group.


__________ is the author ofThe Human Side of Enterprise. A) Abraham Maslow B) Douglas McGregor C) Kurt Lewin D) Ken Blanchard

19) The experience of __________, as described by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is caused by the confluence of challenge and skill. A) happiness B) security C) flow D) success

20) According to Drucker, which of the following leadership effectiveness rules provides the knowledge leaders need?

Version 1


A) Take responsibility for decisions. B) Determine what needs to be done. C) Run productive meetings. D) Develop action plans that specify desired results.


Identify a true statement in the context of employee morale.

A) Opportunity for advancement is the single strongest driver of overall job satisfaction. B) Low morale predicts problem solving and organizational commitment. C) Low morale predicts moonlighting and social and cyber loafing. D) The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is negative for most employees.

22) Leaders that are predictable, enthusiastic, fair, and honest create organizational environments in which A) people believe their opinions count. B) people are given tasks that the company needs done. C) employee commitment is low. D) employees' work does not align with the company mission.

23) According to Drucker, which of the following leadership effectiveness rules should be a leadership commandment? A) Run productive meetings. B) Determine the right thing to do for the welfare of the entire organization. C) Take responsibility for communicating action plans. D) Listen first; speak last.

24) According to Warren Bennis, which of the following is NOT one of the principles of effective leadership?

Version 1


A) Being yourself B) Hiring good people C) Treating people the way you want to be treated D) Focusing on critical objectives E) Spending time only with people who can help you

25) Recognition techniques that build morale include all of the following EXCEPT __________. A) personal thanks B) year-end celebration C) traveling trophy D) money E) health insurance


Employee training does six important things that include: A) building skills and raising morale. B) cutting avoidable turnover and absenteeism. C) raising loyalty and reducing mistakes. D) increasing productivity. E) All of the answers are correct.

27) Based on a review of 550 studies published since 1959, which area of work would the management of an organization aim to improve by breaking long production and assembly lines into smaller work units? A) Interpersonal and group processes B) Task assignments C) Technical and physical aspects D) Support services

Version 1


28) Which of the following best describes the leadership characteristics of legendary coaches Alonzo Stagg, Knute Rockne, Joe Paterno, Eddie Robinson, and Paul Bear Bryant? A) Each coach achieved success by intimidation tactics and by threatening players with poor performance. B) Each coach had different styles but followed universal principles of leadership that brought out the best performance in their players. C) Each coach was only passively involved in his team's performance and each achieved success by delegating authority to his assistants. D) None of the answers is correct.

29) Proven policies and techniques that have positive effects on employee morale include all of the following EXCEPT: A) introducing a group bonus plan. B) increasing the amount and types of group interaction. C) assigning whole tasks, including preparatory and finishing work. D) eliminating rewards based on job classification. E) reducing the number of hierarchical levels. F) allowing workers to determine their own work methods.


Dimensions of flow include all of the following EXCEPT: A) a clear and present purpose distinctly known. B) immediate feedback on how well one is doing. C) supreme concentration on the task at hand. D) a sense of growth and being part of some greater endeavor. E) honor and recognition for work performed.

31) Jonathan is a highly skilled employee at AeroWorks Inc. He specializes in designing drones. Recently, his manager assigned a challenging project to him. This project requires him to use all his skill and knowledge to build a drone. In this scenario, while working on the project, Jonathan will most likely: Version 1


A) have the experience of flow. B) display anxiety and low self-esteem. C) show apathy and diminished work life. D) be bored and less creative than usual.

32) Martha is a highly skilled employee at DistantTool Editorial. She specializes in web designing. Recently, she has been assigned to a project that only requires rudimentary skills. In this scenario, while working on the project, Martha will most likely: A) have the experience of flow. B) display anxiety and low self-esteem. C) show apathy and diminished work life. D) be bored and less creative than usual.


Intrinsic factors that are necessary for a satisfying job include all EXCEPT: A) variety and challenge. B) opportunity for decision making. C) feedback and learning. D) wholeness and meaning. E) job security.

34) Extrinsic factors that are important for work satisfaction include all of the following EXCEPT __________. A) fair and adequate pay B) opportunity and decision making C) job security D) benefits E) due process

Version 1



The Hawthorne studies: A) showcased the effects of massive industrialization. B) concluded that changes in physical conditions affect workers' productivity. C) focused on the ways in which an individual's performance could be improved. D) analyzed working conditions and work relationships.


Which of the following is true of the Hawthorne studies? A) It concluded that there is a tendency for workers to set their own standards for output. B) It concluded that changes in physical conditions affect workers' productivity. C) It focused on the ways in which an individual's performance could be improved. D) It showcased that productivity is not affected by human relations.


Identify a true statement about the Hawthorne studies. A) It followed a period of American history marked by massive industrialization. B) It concluded that changes in physical conditions affect workers' efficiency. C) It focused on the ways in which an individual's performance could be improved. D) It showcased that productivity is not affected by human relations.

38) In the context of the basic beliefs about people, if we assume that people are basically good, __________. A) we can believe that misbehavior is a manifestation of character B) we can believe that misbehavior is a reactive response C) we will search for causes of misbehavior in nature D) we are prone to assume that misbehavior is something within a person that cannot be altered directly

39) In the context of the basic beliefs about people, if we assume that people are inherently bad, __________. Version 1


A) we tend to assume that misbehavior is not a manifestation of character B) we believe that misbehavior is a reactive response C) we search for causes of misbehavior in experience D) we are prone to assume that misbehavior is something within a person that cannot be altered directly


In the context of basic beliefs about people, when we view people as ends, we: A) reflect a humanistic view. B) use them as instruments. C) promote a behavioristic view. D) limit their choices.

41) we:

In the context of basic beliefs about people, when we view people as means to an end,

A) reflect a humanistic view. B) use them as instruments. C) promote a behavioristic view. D) increase their choices.

42) Which of the following is NOT a principle of effective listening that is applicable in all human relations?

Version 1


A) Capitalize on thought speed B) Listen for ideas C) Reduce emotional deaf spots D) Find an area of interest E) Judge content, not delivery F) Hold your fire G) Work at listening H) Resist distractions I) Hear what is said J) Think before you speak K) Challenge yourself

43) In the face of virtuality of work relationships brought on by advances in information technology, an effective leader will: A) refuse to participate in e-mail communication and continue to use traditional means of spoken and written communication. B) phase out traditional communication methods of communication such as face-to-face, telephone, letters, and meetings. C) maintain high standards of written and spoken communication. D) None of the answers are correct.


Peter Drucker believed all of the following statements EXCEPT that: A) effective leadership can be learned. B) trust is the glue that binds leaders and followers. C) leadership is not rank, it is responsibility. D) leadership style is important.


Which of the following is a proposition of Theory X?

Version 1


A) People are not by nature passive or resistant to organizational needs. They have become so as a result of experience in organizations. B) Management is responsible for organizing the elements of productive enterprise— money, materials, equipment, people—in the interest of economic ends. C) The motivation, potential for development, capacity for assuming responsibility, and readiness to direct behavior toward organizational goals are all present in people. D) The essential task of management is to arrange organizational conditions and methods of operation so that people can achieve their own goals best by directing their own efforts toward organizational objectives.


Peter Drucker identifies responsibilities of leaders to be all of the following EXCEPT: A) focusing on opportunities rather than problems. B) listening first, speaking last. C) taking responsibility for decisions. D) thinking and saying "we" rather than "I." E) knowing the rules of the game.

47) Wendy Leebov identifies thirteen practices for obtaining good human relations, including all of the following EXCEPT: A) respecting differences. B) listening to understand. C) admitting mistakes. D) thinking positive. E) using absolute statements.

48) InHow toWin Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie prescribed all of the following principles EXCEPT:

Version 1


A) showing interest in others. B) not being a complainer. C) studying psychology. D) remembering people's names. E) helping people feel important.


Abraham Lincoln used __________ to stay in touch with people. A) newspaper editorials B) the telegraph C) hearsay and rumor D) theater and plays E) public opinion baths


Research shows __________ of all employees feel management isn't listening to them. A) one-fourth B) two-thirds C) ninety percent D) one-third E) fifty percent


Which of the following statements is true in the context of employee morale?

A) Employee wage is the single strongest driver of overall job satisfaction. B) Low morale predicts creativity, problem solving, and organizational commitment. C) High morale predicts moonlighting and social and cyber loafing. D) The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is positive for most employees.


James T. Kirk's five leadership lessons include:

Version 1


A) knowing the mission, leading by the book, and celebrating success. B) defining possibilities, identifying obstacles, and capitalizing on strengths. C) never giving in, never showing weakness, and never complaining. D) getting down in the trenches to understand the needs of the crew, considering the perspective of adversaries, and changing course radically when circumstances dictate.


Satisfaction with __________ is the single strongest driver of overall job satisfaction. A) the paycheck B) the work group C) the supervisor D) the work itself


In the context of workplace morale, physical withdrawal includes __________. A) daydreaming B) absenteeism C) moonlighting D) cyber loafing


In the context of workplace morale, psychological withdrawal includes __________. A) daydreaming B) absenteeism C) employee turnover D) taking long breaks


Nothing demonstrates respect more than:

Version 1


A) public deference to another person. B) listening responsively to another person. C) obeying another person without question. D) private agreement with another person.


Which of the following is a form of sexual harassment? A) Aggravated assault B) Quid pro quo C) Larceny D) Forcible rape

58) In the context of sexual harassment, __________ is asking for or forcing an employee to perform sexual favors in exchange for receiving some reward. A) quid pro quo B) creating hostile work environment C) gender discrimination D) blackmailing

59) Jimmy, a floor manager at Latsy's Restaurant, passes lewd comments about his subordinates' personal appearances. This is an example of __________. A) gender discrimination B) sexual harassment C) aggravated assault D) quid pro quo

60) Which of the following statements is true in the context of personal communication and the art of active listening?

Version 1


A) About 20 percent of feelings and attitudes are communicated by the speaker's personality. B) The majority of feelings and attitudes are communicated by body language. C) The least amount of feelings and attitudes are communicated by spoken words. D) About 10 percent of feelings and attitudes are communicated by the tone of one's voice.

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 10_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) FALSE 5) TRUE 6) TRUE 7) FALSE 8) FALSE 9) FALSE 10) FALSE 11) D 12) D 13) B 14) A 15) D 16) A 17) B 18) B 19) C 20) B 21) C 22) A 23) D 24) E 25) E 26) E Version 1


27) C 28) B 29) D 30) E 31) A 32) D 33) E 34) B 35) D 36) A 37) A 38) B 39) D 40) A 41) B 42) J 43) C 44) D 45) B 46) E 47) E 48) C 49) E 50) B 51) D 52) D 53) D 54) B 55) A 56) B Version 1


57) B 58) A 59) B 60) B

Version 1


CHAPTER 11 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) The need for cross-cultural and virtual teams has been caused by globalization and the changing nature of work. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Leaders of teams should evaluate performance case by case, versus requiring a distribution of ranking regardless of the quality of performance of each group member. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) Effective leaders understand that all the individual competence in the world will result in a high-performance team. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) To avoid groupthink, when charging a group with a task, the leader should adopt a partial stance and state personal opinions and preferences. ⊚ ⊚


true false

Appreciative inquiry is a marketing technique used to increase sales. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 6) In the context of the stages in the life of a group, __________ incorporates all the discomfort and apprehension found in any new social situation.

Version 1


A) forming B) storming C) norming D) performing


Which of the following is a major issue in stage II in the life of a group? A) Development of trust B) Power struggles for influence C) Development of norms for resolving differences D) Monitoring and taking pride in group accomplishments


Which of the following is a major issue in stage III in the life of a group? A) Development of trust B) Increased conflict from power struggles for influence C) Development of norms for resolving differences D) Monitoring and taking pride in group accomplishments


Which of the following is a major issue in stage IV in the life of a group? A) Development of trust B) Increased conflict from power struggles for influence C) Development of norms for team member behavior D) Monitoring and taking pride in group accomplishments


Behavior of members in a group in stage IV of its life is characterized by:

Version 1


A) the search for structure. B) confrontation with the leader. C) power struggle to affiliation. D) active resolution of conflict.

11) The __________ style of problem-solving involves observing, recording facts, and identifying alternatives. A) Darwin B) Einstein C) Socrates D) Ford

12) The __________ style of problem-solving focuses on deeds and actions more than contemplation and ideas. A) Darwin B) Einstein C) Socrates D) Ford


Fully functioning groups are characterized by: A) clear mission, informal atmosphere, and lots of discussion. B) active listening, trust/openness, and disagreement. C) issue-oriented criticism. D) effective leadership and shared values. E) All of the answers are correct.


Positive group member roles include:

Version 1


A) encourager, clarifier, and harmonizer. B) idea generator, ignition key, and standard setter. C) detail specialist. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


Group member roles that reduce group success are: A) ego tripper and negative artist. B) above-it-all person, and aggressor. C) jokester and avoider. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


Time-tested practices for developing successful teams are: A) showing enthusiasm, making timely decisions, and promoting innovation. B) admitting mistakes, being flexible, and having persistence. C) giving credit to others, keeping people informed, and keeping promises. D) putting others first and self last. E) All of the answers are correct.


Characteristics of a high-performance team include: A) a clear, elevating goal. B) competent team members. C) a collaborative climate. D) principled leadership. E) All of the answers are correct.

Version 1


18) Organizations must effectively manage five team processes for the team concept to work. These processes are: A) buy-in, accountability, learning, infrastructure, and partnering. B) assembly, identification, organization, implementation, and disbursement. C) conflict, collaboration, motivation, understanding, and achievement. D) fact-finding, theorizing, executing, consolidating, and learning. E) All of the answers are correct.


A leader can create a high-performance team by: A) showing enthusiasm for the work of the group. B) making timely decisions based on group goals. C) keeping people informed about progress. D) putting others first and self last. E) All of the answers are correct.

20) In the context of accomplishing a task in different stages in the life of a group, norming involves: A) focusing on task definition and the exchange of information. B) discussing and conflicting over the task. C) sharing interpretations and perspectives. D) reaching effective group performance.

21) Which of the following is NOT a positive role someone would play in building a community? A) Detail specialist B) Above-it-all person C) Encourager D) Harmonizer

Version 1



A leader as team builder does all of the following EXCEPT A) showing enthusiasm. B) admitting mistakes and uncertainties. C) putting others first. D) taking credit for work done by others.

23) All of the following are important questions to ask during team-building exercises EXCEPT: A) Who are we to blame? B) What should be our goals? C) What is our purpose? D) How should we work together to fulfill our potential?

24) Widget Corp., an electronic gadget manufacturing company, forms a team that is led by Adam to design and develop a new product. Adam, upon agreement on direction, sets objectives and benchmarks with his teammates to achieve the desired goal. In the context of the role of a leader in the team concept, it is evident that Adam facilitates the work of the team to accomplish __________. A) buy-in B) accountability C) learning D) partnering


Which of the following factors when combined with cohesiveness fosters groupthink?

Version 1


A) A group that consistently exhibits high performance B) An open group with the majority of the group consisting of low-skilled employees C) A leader with an impartial stance instead of stating personal opinions and preferences D) A highly insulated group with restricted access to external information


To avoid groupthink, a leader should: A) assign the role of critical evaluator to one member of the team. B) favor his or her personal opinions and preferences. C) set up outside evaluators to work on the same policy question. D) finalize all the decisions in the first meeting.


Factors that can lead to groupthink include: A) pressure to conform to the majority view. B) group cohesiveness. C) isolation. D) stress. E) All of the answers are correct.


Techniques that can be employed to reduce groupthink include:

A) assigning the role of critical evaluator to a single group member. B) the leader adopting a partial, directive stance. C) setting up outside evaluators to work on the same policy question. D) not letting any group member play the role of devil's advocate while evaluating decisions.

29) In the context of fully functioning groups, which of the following characteristics does a group possess when all the members of the group are in general agreement and willing to go along with the decisions of the group? Version 1


A) Informal atmosphere B) Clarity C) Active listening D) Consensus


To avoid groupthink, a leader should: A) assign the role of critical evaluator to each member of the team. B) favor his or her personal opinions and preferences. C) avoid setting up outside evaluators to work on the same policy question. D) finalize all the decisions in the first meeting.


Which of the following statements is true in the context of force field analysis?

A) The first step in a force field analysis is to formulate strategies to increase the drivers or reduce the barriers to change. B) The second step in force field analysis is to implement change initiatives. C) Leaders often get better results if they focus on reducing barriers. D) Leaders often get better results if they focus on increasing the number of the drivers for change.

32) Powell Motors, an engine manufacturer, forms a team that is led by Jacob to design and develop a new jet engine. Jacob, after setting the objectives and benchmarks, assigns clearly defined tasks to his teammates to achieve the desired goal. In the context of the role of a leader in the team concept, it is evident that Jacob facilitates the work of the team to accomplish __________. A) infrastructure B) accountability C) learning D) partnering

Version 1



Kurt Lewin developed __________ as a tool to better understand organizational change. A) force field analysis B) mind mapping C) portfolio analysis D) brainstorming

34) In theFive Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni identifies five dysfunctions that are lethal for team success, including all of the following EXCEPT: A) avoidance of accountability. B) inattention to results. C) lack of commitment. D) absence of trust. E) failure to accommodate.


Which of the following statements is true of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)? A) It includes loyalty, sportsmanship, and civic virtue. B) It includes social loafing and cyber loafing. C) It is harmful to an organization. D) It is the single best way to achieve high morale.

36) In the context of dealing with problem behavior in a group, when an individual's behavior harms the group, the leader of the group should __________. A) consider the impulse to withdraw B) report observations critically C) talk it over in a calm and patient way D) avoid discussing the consequences of the individual's behavior

Version 1


37) In the context of dealing with problem behavior in a group, when an individual's behavior in the group becomes irritating, the leader of the group should __________. A) counterattack B) report observations critically C) avoid the impulse to withdraw D) avoid discussing the consequences of the individual's behavior


A team should be:

A) large enough to provide competencies and perspectives, and small enough to maintain involvement and coordination. B) used in all problem solving and decision making. C) the method of last resort for making important decisions. D) formed when a speedy decision is needed. E) None of the answers is correct.

39) In the context of the negative group member roles, which of the following describes a power victim? A) A person who seeks negative attention B) A person who does anything to avoid controversy or confrontation C) A person who is overly dogmatic D) A person who rejects all ideas suggested by others


To accomplish a goal, a team approach works best when: A) immediate action is required. B) buy-in is unimportant. C) a decision involves a routine task. D) the highest-quality or most effective solution is desired.

Version 1



To accomplish a goal, an individual approach works best when: A) immediate action is required. B) buy-in is important. C) a decision involves a complex or unconventional task. D) the highest quality or most effective solution is desired.

42) Google's study, code name Project Aristotle, found one strong pattern that __________, more than anything else, is critical to team success. A) financial security B) team diversity C) emotional stability D) psychological safety

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 11_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) FALSE 5) FALSE 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) D 10) D 11) A 12) D 13) E 14) D 15) D 16) E 17) E 18) A 19) E 20) C 21) B 22) D 23) A 24) A 25) D 26) C Version 1


27) E 28) C 29) D 30) A 31) C 32) B 33) A 34) E 35) A 36) C 37) C 38) A 39) A 40) D 41) A 42) D

Version 1


CHAPTER 12 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, survival needs and security needs are considered basic needs. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Essential skills for a leader who has developed emotional intelligence include understanding people, the effective use of words, and the ability to manage conflict. ⊚ ⊚


Being overwhelmed with too many demands is one of the causes of disengagement. ⊚ ⊚


true false

true false

In the context of human needs and motivation, a satisfied need is a motivator. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) Low points on the motivation graph indicate that certain needs have not been satisfied and require more emphasis. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) Social awareness is the ability to understand another person's emotions and know his or her needs, even though unstated. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false


7) In the context of human needs and motivation, psychological needs and social values are the same. ⊚ ⊚

true false

8) In the context of human needs and motivation, the same act can satisfy any of the five motivation levels. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) In rhetoric, ethos refers to argument by character, logos refers to argument by logic, and pathos refers to argument by emotion. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 10) According to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, the needs that are taken as the starting point for motivation theory are __________. A) physiological needs B) security needs C) affiliation needs D) fulfillment needs

11) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, when survival and security needs are satisfied, the need for __________ emerges.

Version 1


A) physiological safety B) fulfillment C) respect D) belonging

12) __________ needs are closely related to the nature of the work and depend upon aspects of the job itself for satisfaction. A) Security B) Social C) Respect D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


A satisfied need __________. A) leads to lethargy B) is a motivator C) is not a motivator D) increases energy E) None of the answers is correct.

14) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, if people have ever felt a need for love or a need to express love, they have experienced a: A) need for belonging. B) need for affiliation. C) security need. D) physiological need.

Version 1


15) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, the need for ________ is the need to be considered favorably by self and others. A) survival B) security C) respect D) fulfillment

16) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, people motivated at the first level are concerned with: A) physical and economic survival. B) the need for security and predictability in their lives. C) the nature of work that they do. D) the need for respect from others.

17) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets the survival needs of its employees by: A) providing safe equipment, tools, and materials. B) giving job security through career counseling. C) celebrating holidays, birthdays, and special events. D) providing public acclaim for outstanding contributions.

18) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets the security needs of its employees by: A) giving sufficient pay. B) providing job aids, such as training manuals and technical assistance. C) celebrating holidays, birthdays, and special events. D) providing public acclaim for outstanding contributions.

Version 1


19) The character requirement for long-term leadership success can be summarized with the phrase: A) "every tub has to stand on its own bottom." B) "the early bird gets the worm." C) "nice guys finish first." D) "a stitch in time saves nine." E) None of the answers is correct.

20) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets the belonging needs of its employees by: A) providing sufficient pay. B) giving job aids, such as training manuals and technical assistance. C) celebrating holidays, birthdays, and special events. D) providing public acclaim for outstanding contributions.

21) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets its employees' needs for recognition by providing: A) a supportive physical environment. B) proper tools, equipment, and materials to do the job. C) job participation vehicles, such as regular staff meetings. D) public acclaim for outstanding contributions.


Understanding others requires __________. A) sensitivity to the needs of others B) a bachelor's degree in psychology C) a master's degree in psychology D) None of the answers is correct.

Version 1


23) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets its employees' needs for recognition by providing: A) a supportive physical environment. B) proper tools, equipment, and materials to do the job. C) job participation vehicles, such as regular staff meetings. D) opportunities to improve job status through training programs.

24) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, when a person is motivated by __________ needs, his or her primary concern is to attain personal values and to experience growth. A) respect B) survival C) safety D) fulfillment

25) __________ involves reconciling underlying differences so that issues are resolved to the mutual benefit of all parties. A) Domination B) Accommodation C) Compromise D) Collaboration E) All of the answers are correct.

26) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, an organization most likely meets the fulfillment needs of its employees by:

Version 1


A) providing job participation vehicles, such as regular staff meetings. B) providing opportunities for personal growth. C) celebrating holidays, birthdays, and special events. D) giving proper tools, equipment, and materials to do the job.

27) The __________ motivational level is closely related to the nature of the work and depends on aspects of the job itself for satisfaction. A) first B) second C) third D) fourth


The nature of one's work is particularly critical in satisfying __________. A) fulfillment needs B) physical needs C) affiliation needs D) security needs


The role of leadership is critical in meeting human needs and preventing __________. A) motivation problems B) work force productivity C) employee malnutrition D) motivational excess


Physical and emotional needs that motivate behavior include:

Version 1


A) survival and security. B) belonging and respect. C) self-fulfillment. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.

31) After survival, security, and belonging needs are satisfied, people are motivated by the need for: A) power. B) immortality. C) respect. D) health. E) None of the answers is correct.

32) In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, people's interest in savings accounts, medical insurance, seniority rights, and burglar alarms is linked to their need for __________. A) survival B) security C) belonging D) respect

33) Which of the following needs was identified by Abraham Maslow but is not included in the hierarchy of needs? A) Need for survival B) Need for respect C) Need for self-actualization D) Need for aesthetic beauty

Version 1


34) In his bookThe Human Equation, Jeffrey Pfeffer identifies seven practices that successful companies share. Among those practices, __________ addresses lower-level needs. A) information sharing B) extensive training C) job security D) team empowerment


Elements of the art of persuasion include:

A) an understanding of people, the effective use of words, and the ability to manage conflict. B) theory, styles, and technology. C) audience, goals, and attraction. D) cadence, method, and results. E) television, music, and transmission.


Satisfaction of needs progresses according to the following sequence: A) survival, social, security, belonging, self-actualization. B) survival, belonging, security, self-fulfillment, social. C) survival, acceptance, belonging, love, security. D) survival, security, belonging, respect, fulfillment.

37) According to Kenneth Thomas, which of the following approaches to managing conflict involves being uncooperative and unassertive, downplaying disagreement, withdrawing from the situation, and staying neutral at all costs?

Version 1


A) Avoidance B) Accommodation C) Domination D) Compromise

38) According to Kenneth Thomas, which of the following approaches to managing conflict involves being moderately cooperative and moderately assertive? A) Compromise B) Collaboration C) Avoidance D) Accommodation

39) Who, among the following, defined the role of motivation on performance as performance = (motivation × ability) − situational constraints? A) Abraham Maslow B) M.S. Viteles C) Hugo Munsterberg D) Jeffrey Pfeffer

40) Effective leaders match the tools of rhetoric to the five senses of the audience. For ethos, they mostly use: A) sound. B) sight. C) smell. D) touch.

41) Which of the following is a practice of successful as identified by Jeffrey Pfeffer in his bookThe Human Equation? Version 1


A) Decentralization of decision making B) Mass hiring of new personnel C) Selective training D) Increased status distinctions and barriers


In the context of the three tools of rhetoric as identified by Aristotle, pathos is: A) argument by character. B) based in mental reasoning. C) argument by logic. D) based in the emotions of the audience.

43) An employee concerned primarily with the seniority system, insurance plan, and retirement policy is motivated by: A) physical needs. B) social esteem needs. C) affiliation needs. D) security needs.


Studies show only __________ of American employees are highly engaged. A) 51 to 55 percent B) 40 to 45 percent C) 25 to 30 percent D) 5 to 10 percent


A self-fulfilled person possesses all of the following EXCEPT:

Version 1


A) sense of justice. B) goal-directedness. C) accurate perception of reality. D) mental anguish.

46) In his bookThe Human Equation, Jeffrey Pfeffer identifies seven practices that successful companies share. Among those practices, __________ addresses higher-level needs. A) above-average wage B) reduced wage differential C) job security D) extensive training

47) In the context of motivation at the workplace, which of the following statements is true about human motivation? A) A satisfied need is a motivator. B) Psychological needs and social values are the same. C) The same act can satisfy any of the five motivation levels. D) All people have the same needs to similar degrees and accompanied by similar wants.

48) In the context of motivation at the workplace, identify a true statement about human motivation. A) A satisfied need is a motivator. B) Psychological needs and social values are not the same. C) The same act cannot satisfy all of the five motivation levels. D) All people have the same needs to similar degrees and accompanied by similar wants.

Version 1


49) According to the dimensions of emotional intelligence, __________ is the ability to recognize and understand the meaning of one's own emotions, moods, and drives and their impact on others. A) self-awareness B) self-management C) social awareness D) relationship management

50) According to the dimensions of emotional intelligence, __________ is the ability to regulate one's own emotions, keeping harmful impulses in check. A) self-awareness B) self-management C) social awareness D) relationship management

51) As a guideline for conflict management, use collaboration in all of the following situations EXCEPT: A) to achieve maximum benefit for all parties. B) to build social credit for later use. C) to merge insights from people with different perspectives. D) to build teamwork. E) to gain commitment for follow-through.


In the context of the three tools of rhetoric identified by Aristotle, ethos is: A) argument by character. B) based in mental reasoning. C) argument by logic. D) based in the emotions of the audience.

Version 1



In the context of the three tools of rhetoric identified by Aristotle, ethos is: A) based in the credibility of the speaker. B) based in mental reasoning. C) argument by logic. D) argument by emotion.

54) Effective leaders match the tools of rhetoric to the five senses of the audience. For logos, they mostly use: A) sound. B) sight. C) smell. D) touch.


In the context of the three tools of rhetoric identified by Aristotle, logos is: A) based in the credibility of the speaker. B) argument by logic. C) argument by character. D) based in the emotions of the audience.


In the context of the three tools of rhetoric identified by Aristotle, pathos is: A) based in the credibility of the speaker. B) based in mental reasoning. C) argument by character. D) argument by emotion.

57) According to Abraham Maslow, at the __________ level of motivation, a musician must make music, an artist must paint, and a poet must write, if he is to be at peace with himself. Version 1


A) respect B) survival C) belonging D) fulfillment

58) Winston Churchill thought his voice was weak, and he suffered from stage fright that he overcame by: A) knowledge, facts, argument, persuasion, posture. B) wisdom, timing, force, delivery. C) determined practice, using simple words, vivid imagery, bold delivery, and notes in hand. D) study, preparation, concentration, cunning, insight.


__________ is based in mental reasoning. A) Ethos B) Humor C) Pathos D) Logos

60) In the context of the vehicles of communication, during his time, Lincoln mastered __________. A) television B) newspapers C) the social media D) the radio

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 12_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) FALSE 5) FALSE 6) TRUE 7) FALSE 8) TRUE 9) TRUE 10) A 11) D 12) C 13) C 14) A 15) C 16) A 17) A 18) B 19) C 20) C 21) D 22) A 23) D 24) D 25) D 26) B Version 1


27) D 28) A 29) A 30) D 31) C 32) B 33) D 34) C 35) A 36) D 37) A 38) A 39) B 40) B 41) A 42) D 43) D 44) C 45) D 46) D 47) C 48) B 49) A 50) B 51) B 52) A 53) A 54) A 55) B 56) D Version 1


57) D 58) C 59) D 60) B

Version 1


CHAPTER 13 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Diversity is limited to race, religion, gender, and ethnicity. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Positive leadership qualities endorsed across all cultures are trustworthiness, intelligence/skill, and physical size. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) Organizational benefits gained by valuing and managing diversity include increase in workforce creativity and better services provided to diverse populations. ⊚ ⊚


true false

An organization makes better decisions if it values and manages diversity as an asset. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) Organizations can manage diversity effectively by developing mentoring and partnering programs that cross traditional social and cultural boundaries. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) The Dutch place an emphasis on egalitarianism and are skeptical of the value of leadership. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false


7) Individuals can overcome cultural differences by examining times when they felt like they were in the minority. ⊚ ⊚

true false

8) Trustworthiness is one of the positive attributes that are universally endorsed as characteristics of outstanding leaders. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) Of the approximately 150 million people employed in the United States, one-fourth are women. ⊚ ⊚

true false

10) Studies show that women leaders tend to be more autocratic and less participative than male leaders. ⊚ ⊚

true false

11) Leaders who manage men and women working together should make business decisions based on competence rather than gender. ⊚ ⊚

true false

12) The Center for Creative Leadership has identified that women in high levels of leadership have typically received the support of influential mentors. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false


MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 13) In the context of the protocol do's and don'ts in Europe, one should __________ in France. A) be punctual for appointments B) complete one's pending work irrespective of the lunch time C) eat a lot of pasta as it is the main course D) make appointments between 10 A.M. and 11 A.M., or after 3 P.M.

14) Which of the following terms refers to an awareness of and a willingness to investigate the reasons people of another culture act as they do? A) Enculturation B) Cultural clustering C) Cultural competency D) Cultural contingency


Which of the following is a culturally contingent behavior that varies across cultures? A) Egocentricity B) Compassion C) Motivational ability D) Trustworthiness

16) Women in high leadership positions typically have a passion for success, a superior track record, outstanding people skills, and __________.

Version 1


A) help from above, such as a mentor B) career courage C) mental toughness D) All of the answers are correct.


Participation of women in the U.S. workplace is expected to ________. A) increase B) decrease


Dealing effectively with diversity means:

A) behaving in a way that creates trust and respect among people and that gains benefits from their differences. B) learning everything about other cultures in an effort to give special treatment to minority groups. C) changing your way of thinking to be more like co-workers from different cultural backgrounds. D) All of the answers are correct.


The practices that are considered most important in dealing with diversity are: A) top management's personal involvement; targeted recruitment. B) internal advocacy groups; inclusion of diversity in performance evaluations. C) diversity training groups; work and family policies that support diversity. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.

20) In the context of the do's and don'ts protocols, which of the following would be considered inappropriate in China?

Version 1


A) Being punctual to a meeting B) Making the American sign for "OK" with the thumb and forefinger C) Using black borders in presentations D) Scheduling a meeting during August

21) Ann Morrison identifies 10 practices considered to be important in dealing with diversity including: A) top management's personal involvement. B) targeted recruitment. C) diversity training groups. D) work and family policies that support diversity. E) All of the answers are correct.


Several factors can sidetrack the advancement of women in the workplace including: A) lack of encouragement. B) closed corporate culture. C) double standards. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


The two primary messages ofA Class Divided are:

A) recognizing life is a series of tests and talent determines destiny. B) recognizing the evil of discrimination and the power of the self-fulfilling prophecy. C) recognizing the importance of unconditional positive regard and self-transcendence for personal growth. D) None of the answers is correct.


Identify a culturally contingent behavior that varies across cultures.

Version 1


A) Egocentricity B) Individualistic style C) Motivational ability D) Trustworthiness

25) In the context of a servant leadership mind-set, leaders generate feelings of both uniqueness and belongingness in employees by: A) engaging in debates. B) admitting errors. C) considering mistakes as a punishable offense. D) engaging in confrontations.

26) Ann Fudge provides leadership advice for women and men in all organizations, including all of the following EXCEPT: A) being yourself. B) not getting stuck behind your desk. C) steering with strategic focus. D) focusing on others. E) continually changing.

27) In the context of diversity practices in U.S.-based private and public organizations as reported by Ann Morrison, which of the following is one of the most important practices? A) Excluding diversity in performance evaluations B) Excluding diversity in management succession C) Forming internal advocacy groups D) Emphasizing ethnicity-based employment opportunities

Version 1


28) In the context of diversity practices in U.S.-based private and public organizations as reported by Ann Morrison, which of the following is one of the most important practices? A) Excluding diversity in performance evaluations B) Excluding diversity in management succession C) Promoting targeted recruitment D) Emphasizing ethnicity based employment opportunities


Effective communication across generations requires __________. A) legislation B) edict C) force D) respectful behavior E) All of the answers are correct.


An effective cross-cultural leader uses a(n) __________ approach. A) theoretical B) integrative C) longitudinal D) minimalist

31) If an organization values and manages diversity as an asset, the organization will most likely __________. A) notice an increase in workforce creativity B) have a narrower range of knowledge and skill C) enhance the speed coordination and communication D) lose the ability to recruit excellent talent

Version 1


32) If an organization values and manages diversity as an asset, the organization will most likely __________. A) notice a decrease in workforce creativity B) have a broader range of knowledge and skill C) enhance the speed of coordination and communication D) lose the ability to recruit excellent talent

33) According to researchers Jeanine Prime and Elizabeth Salib, the best cross-cultural leaders are __________. A) authoritative leaders B) servant leaders C) bureaucratic leaders D) authoritarian leaders

34) A culturally contingent leadership behavior that varies across cultures is being __________. A) formal B) egocentric C) trustworthy D) administratively skilled

35) Although people across generations tend to have different experiences and develop different tastes, they tend to share important ethical values such as __________. A) diligence B) tolerance C) dependability D) honesty

Version 1


Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 13_7e_Manning 1) FALSE 2) FALSE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) TRUE 6) TRUE 7) TRUE 8) TRUE 9) FALSE 10) FALSE 11) TRUE 12) TRUE 13) A 14) C 15) B 16) D 17) A 18) A 19) D 20) C 21) E 22) D 23) B 24) B 25) B 26) E Version 1


27) C 28) C 29) D 30) B 31) A 32) B 33) B 34) A 35) D

Version 1


CHAPTER 14 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) When exerting leadership strength, pushing down through intimidation is infinitely more effective than pulling up through delegation. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Great companies do not hire people and motivate them; they hire already motivated people and then inspire and support them. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) Top managers typically spend a large proportion of their time coordinating, facilitating, and supporting the work of subordinates. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) Conceptual skills become more important than technical skills as individuals move from first-level manager, to mid-level manager, to top-level manager. ⊚ ⊚


true false

Relational skills are important throughout one's career at every level of management. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) The controlling (C) function of management primarily entails supervising, facilitating, coaching, and developing people. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false


7) According to Laurence J. Peter, the overpromotion syndrome results in enhancing employee morale and productivity. ⊚ ⊚

true false

8) In the new-job tryout, employee pride is easily preserved because the job is considered a two-way tryout. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) Shadowing allows an existing employee to actually work at a different type of job or level of responsibility for an interim period of time to see if the work is agreeable and can be performed effectively. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 10) __________ said, "Develop your people to do their jobs better than you can. Transfer your skills to them. This is exciting but it can be threatening to a manager who worries that he is training his replacement. Smart managers like to see their employees increase their responsibilities because it frees the managers to tackle new or undone tasks." A) Martha Stewart B) Michael Eisner C) Mary Kay D) Bill Gates E) Ted Turner

Version 1


11) Which of the following is most likely the meaning of the statement: "Who would pick someone who smells like fish and mud? Who would pick an unpopular tax collector? Who would pick leaders from filthy wharves and toil-filled fields? But He did, and together they changed the world"? A) Effective leadership involves seeing qualities in others unknown to themselves and treating others in a way that brings out their best. B) Every field needs leadership. C) Leaders don't need formal education. D) Leadership is a mystery. E) None of the answers is correct.

12) The life span of most businesses is __________. It takes successors only half a working generation to put the company out of business most likely because of lack of __________. A) two years; money B) one and a half generations; delegation C) seven generations; plant and equipment D) one hundred years; systems and procedures


Two ways of exerting leadership strength are __________ and __________. A) pushing down through intimidation; pulling up through delegation B) opening doors; closing loopholes C) starting things; stopping things D) asking others; telling others E) role-playing; theorizing


Which of the following is a reason why leaders fail to delegate?

Version 1


A) Lack of knowledge B) Lack of respect C) Lack of trust D) Insecurity E) All of the answers are correct.

15) According to the steps for effective delegation, identify the immediate next step after selecting a suitable person for the required task. A) Defining the task B) Gaining the person's views C) Giving authority and resources to perform the task D) Rewarding the person

16) The opportunity to move from blue-collar to white-collar jobs is __________ common in the U.S. workplace than in the rest of the world. A) less B) more

17) When a job transition is not made successfully, the result is the overpromotion syndrome popularized by author __________. A) Robert Townsend B) Peter Drucker C) Saul Gellerman D) Rensis Likert E) Lawrence Peter


Which of the following is one of the best ways to make a successful vital shift?

Version 1


A) To use the new-job tryout B) To use the lost cause test C) To use a reverse movement D) To use an upside-down pyramid E) None of the answers is correct.

19) Leaders should delegate __________ tasks so that a subordinate can see a project or assignment through to completion, and they should allow time to get jobs done. A) whole B) partial C) fun D) boring


Identify a rule for effective delegation. A) Don't delegate the bad jobs, saving the good ones for yourself. B) Use delegation as a development tool. C) Learn to live with work styles that are not like your own. D) Insist on clear communication. E) All of the answers are correct.


Identify a proven principle for assigning work effectively. A) Know exactly what you want to communicate before giving an order. B) Ask rather than tell, but leave no doubt that you expect compliance. C) Make assignments in a logical sequence, using clear and concise language. D) Take responsibility for the orders you give. E) All of the answers are correct.


Which of the following is a proven principle for assigning work effectively?

Version 1


A) Consider the availability of the employee's time and whether this is the ideal person to do the job. B) Use the correct language for the employee's training level. C) Be considerate but never apologetic when asking someone to do a job. D) Give people the opportunity to ask questions and express opinions. E) All of the answers are correct.

23) When delegating work, which of the following sets of the three D's should you follow for all work? A) Delegate it, do it, or deploy it. B) Do it, delegate it, or ditch it. C) Distribute it, do it, or destroy it. D) Diminish it, delegate it, or do it.


The "Peter Principle" refers to A) the shop floor exhaustion syndrome. B) the tendency of organizations to promote individuals to their level of incompetence. C) the tendency of individuals to take on more work than they can perform. D) the principle of vertical versus horizontal organizational structure.

25) According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types, which of the following statements is most likely true of realistic people? A) They like to work with other people and are concerned with their welfare. B) They like working outdoors and working with their hands. C) They tend to be analytical, reserved, and scholarly. D) They tend to be helpful, caring, and empathetic.

Version 1


26) According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types, which of the following statements is most likely true of investigative people? A) They like to work with other people and are concerned with their welfare. B) They thrive in social settings that offer opportunities for casual conversations. C) They are detail-oriented and prefer working alone. D) They tend to be helpful, caring, and empathetic.

27) According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types, identify a typical high-stress activity for artistic individuals. A) Expressing nonconforming ideas B) Performing maintenance and repairs C) Making a speech D) Following rules and regulations


Which of the following should a leader do when assigning work effectively? A) Be considerate but not apologetic. B) Make assignments in a logical manner. C) Use work assignments as a means of developing people. D) Give people the opportunity to ask questions and express opinions. E) All of the answers are correct.

29) According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types, social people are most likely described as __________. A) tactful B) adventurous C) ambitious D) creative

Version 1


30) According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types, enterprising people __________. A) are most likely to avoid parties B) prefer routine and detail work C) are most likely to become tax experts or bankers D) enjoy leading, speaking, and convincing others

31) According to John Holland's model of personality and occupational types, who among the following prefers highly ordered activities that characterize detail work and have little interest in artistic or physical skills? A) Conventional people B) Realistic people C) Enterprising people D) Investigative people

32) Which of the following statements is most likely true about middle managers in organizations? A) They officially represent the organization in the external environment. B) They are responsible for implementing the policies and plans developed by top management. C) They establish the organization's goals and overall strategy. D) They are primarily responsible for supervising and coordinating the activities of operating employees.

33) Which of the following statements is most likely true about frontline managers in organizations?

Version 1


A) They supervise and coordinate the activities of operating employees. B) They officially represent the organization in the external environment. C) They are responsible for implementing the policies and plans developed by top management. D) They establish the organization's operating policy.


Which of the following statements is most likely true of technical skill?

A) It refers to having knowledge about and being able to work with concepts and ideas. B) It refers to having knowledge about and being proficient in a specific type of work or activity. C) It becomes more important than conceptual skill as one rises higher in an organization. D) It includes the ability to motivate, coordinate, and advise other people, either as individuals or as a work group.


Identify an essential element of relational expertise. A) Weighing of ethical considerations in customer relations B) Strategic decision making C) Abstract thinking D) Sensitivity in human relations


Which of the following statements is most likely true of conceptual skill? A) It primarily includes detailed job knowledge and hands-on expertise. B) It is most important for first-level management. C) It includes the ability to think abstractly. D) It is primarily characterized by a willingness to help others.

37) In the context of management processes or functions, the organizing (O) function __________. Version 1


A) focuses on tracking progress against plans and making corrections B) entails supervising, facilitating, coaching, and developing people C) includes determining strategies to succeed and making policy decisions D) involves aligning structure, people, and resources to achieve goals

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 14_7e_Manning 1) FALSE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) TRUE 5) TRUE 6) FALSE 7) FALSE 8) TRUE 9) FALSE 10) D 11) A 12) B 13) A 14) E 15) A 16) B 17) E 18) A 19) A 20) E 21) E 22) E 23) B 24) B 25) B 26) C Version 1


27) D 28) E 29) A 30) D 31) A 32) B 33) A 34) B 35) D 36) C 37) D

Version 1


CHAPTER 15 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Self-concept is singularly the most important determinant of the quality of a person's life. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) Traditionals provide systems and procedures that allow a lot of people to work together in an organized way. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) Participatives most likely bring roots, stability, and discipline that every organization needs if it is going to grow and prosper. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) Individualists are the harmonizing agents needed by every family, work group, and organization. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 5) Who among the following is comfortable with rules, policies, and procedures? A) Traditionals B) Participatives C) Individualists D) None of the answers is correct.


Which of the following statements is true about a cardinal disposition?

Version 1


A) This disposition usually functions on the periphery of a person's personality. B) This disposition is less conspicuous and less consistent than secondary traits. C) This powerful disposition shapes a person's core identity. D) This disposition includes traits that people are highly likely to mention in writing letters of recommendation.


In the context of the styles of interpersonal relations, the basis of action for traditionals is: A) discussion and agreement with others. B) direction from authorities. C) interpersonal commitment. D) direction from within.


Individualists provide __________. A) creativity B) clarity of direction C) consistency D) warmth and support

9) In the context of the styles of interpersonal relations, meeting the needs of participatives most likely includes __________. A) respecting traditions and being clear and logical when giving orders B) keeping human relations smooth and considering personal feelings C) treating them as separate entities D) avoiding rigid controls and close supervision


The time perspective for individualists is the __________.

Version 1


A) present B) future C) near future D) past


Who among the following prefers growth through introspection and self-analysis? A) Traditionalists B) Participatives C) Individualists D) None of the answers is correct.


In the context of the styles of interpersonal relations, individualists are most likely to A) instill team spirit. B) generate new ideas and creativity. C) give encouragement to others. D) provide stability and discipline.


Identify a true statement about traditionals. A) Social ties are their preferred form of control. B) Discussion and agreement with others are the basis of action for them. C) They believe highest allegiance should go to superordinate powers. D) They are especially uncomfortable with close supervision.


Identify a true statement about participatives.

Version 1


A) They prefer growth through introspection and self-analysis. B) They accept confrontation and interpersonal conflicts as a way of life. C) Discussion and agreement with others are the basis of action for them. D) Assignments that allow as much freedom as possible are ideal for them.


Identify a true statement about individualists. A) They appreciate job descriptions with responsibilities clearly defined. B) They believe highest allegiance should go to superordinate powers. C) They assign first responsibility for their own actions to their own conscience. D) They prefer interpersonal commitment as a form of control.


Participatives: A) need immediate rewards for good performance. B) should be included in the decision-making process. C) need tangible awards for their services. D) work best with individual job assignments rather than with group work.

17) Which of the following guidelines is most likely useful in meeting the needs of traditionals? A) Providing an organization chart showing reporting relationships B) Providing opportunity for off-the-job social interaction C) Providing opportunities for growth through exploration and self-discovery D) Providing individual job assignments, and assigning work by projects when possible

18) Which of the following guidelines is most likely useful in meeting the needs of participatives?

Version 1


A) Providing growth opportunities through in-service training and staff development programs B) Accentuating reason over emotion when handling problems C) Providing individual job assignments, and assigning work by projects when possible D) Providing an organization chart showing reporting relationships and respecting the chain of command

19) Which of the following guidelines is most likely useful in meeting the needs of individualists? A) Accentuating reason over emotion when handling problems B) Providing immediate reward for good performance C) Reinforcing company loyalty through service pins, award banquets, and personal appreciation D) Providing work rules and job descriptions with duties spelled out in priority order

20) Confucian ideals of filial loyalty and five right relationships form the basis of much of East Asian culture. Identify one of these relationships. A) Between father and son B) Between ruler and subject C) Between husband and wife D) Between friend and friend E) All of the answers are correct.

21) Identify the five robust dimensions or traits, each of which shows considerable stability from one situation to another and over time, as well as across cultures. A) Responsibility, generosity, independence, peacefulness, and stability B) Openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism C) None of the answers is correct.

Version 1


22) Which of the following Big Five personality traits is most strongly associated with leadership effectiveness? A) Neuroticism B) Openness to experience C) Extroversion D) Conscientiousness


When solving personality differences, Saint Augustine suggested to __________. A) see everything B) overlook a lot C) change a little D) hear the other side

24) Research shows that __________, __________, and __________ represent a common underlying characteristic broadly described as "getting along." A) high extroversion; high openness to experience; high neuroticism B) low openness to experience; high agreeableness; low conscientiousness C) low neuroticism; high extroversion; low openness to experience D) high conscientiousness; high agreeableness; low neuroticism

25) According to studies of boys' gangs, who among the following is best described as an individual who is younger, physically disabled, or otherwise different from other members of the group in a way that they consider inferior? A) A mascot B) A scapegoat C) A court jester D) An advocate

Version 1


26) According to educator S.I. Hayakawa, which of the following is the primary goal of a human being? A) Not submission but domination B) Not survival but growth C) Not personal expression but social interaction D) Not self-preservation but preservation of the symbolic self E) None of the answers is correct.


Which of the following messages is illustrated by the story "The Mask"? A) The importance of self-concept B) The importance of art C) The importance of time D) The importance of power E) None of the answers is correct.

28) Which of the following statements is most likely true about people high in openness to experience? A) They are more strongly influenced by environment than heredity. B) They tend to be broad-minded, creative, insightful, and curious. C) They represent an underlying characteristic broadly described as "getting along." D) They are unlikely to emerge as leaders.

29) The qualities that are associated with jobs requiring high social contact and service to others are most likely found in people high in __________.

Version 1


A) extroversion B) openness to experience C) conscientiousness D) agreeableness


All of the following statements are true EXCEPT: A) high conscientiousness underlies deliberation. B) high extroversion underlies communication. C) high agreeableness underlies harmony. D) high openness to experience underlies creativity. E) high neuroticism underlies stability.

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 15_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) FALSE 4) FALSE 5) A 6) C 7) B 8) A 9) B 10) A 11) C 12) B 13) C 14) C 15) C 16) B 17) A 18) A 19) B 20) E 21) B 22) C 23) D 24) D 25) A 26) D Version 1


27) A 28) B 29) A 30) E

Version 1


CHAPTER 16 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) In the context of The Four Levels Approach outlined by Donald Kirkpatrick, satisfaction is generally measured by participant approval ratings. ⊚ true ⊚ false

2) Through research on best practices, the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) has developed a model of training that supports organizational effectiveness and contributes to individual productivity. ⊚ true ⊚ false

3) Many leaders have grown through the example, advice, and encouragement of direct reports. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) Basic skills training is an effective training method for ensuring an employee's job readiness. ⊚ ⊚

true false

5) In the context of the five types of leader or coaches who help in developing others, missionaries teach out of personal conviction, believing in certain ideals and seeing it as a duty to pass on these ideals to others. ⊚ ⊚

true false

6) In the context of the five types of leader or coaches who help in developing others, elected leaders are agents of omnipotent authority, and the people who follow them are taught to see themselves as set apart from others.

Version 1


⊚ ⊚

true false

7) According to the Pygmalion effect, expectation of failure can help bring about failure and expectation of success can help bring about success. ⊚ ⊚

true false

8) According to the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), leadership development, technical procedures, and information technology are the three most cited types of training provided to employees in the United States. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) The most effective leadership development efforts are: 1) owned at the top; 2) strategically important; 3) sustained over time; 4) behavior based, emphasizing on-the-job application. ⊚ ⊚

true false

10) In the context of the measurement of learning effectiveness, the four factors of training effectiveness are pace, relevance, value, and participation. ⊚ ⊚

true false

11) Closely related to the Pygmalion effect is the Galatea effect where low expectation leads to reduced performance. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false


12) Among other practices, high performance companies treat all employees like top draft choices, set high performance "stretch goals," provide input and resources needed to achieve success, and reward hard work and accomplishments. ⊚ ⊚

true false

13) Research shows training pays off in terms of higher net sales and gross profitability per employee. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 14) Effective leaders view __________ as the most rewarding of all their tasks. A) developing others B) travel C) staffing D) performance appraisal E) reading

15) It is a proven fact that expectation of failure can help bring about failure. Conversely, expectation of success can help bring about success. This phenomenon is called the: A) glass-ceiling effect. B) Pygmalion effect. C) Golem effect. D) Zeigarnik effect.


The term "__________" is derived fromThe Odyssey by Homer.

Version 1


A) potential B) education C) growth D) mentor E) None of the answers is correct.

17) In the context of the five types of leaders or coaches who develop others, which of the following is a type of leader or coach who seeks the source of illness and health in a follower's personality? A) Missionaries B) Elected leaders C) Mystic healers D) Priests

18) In the context of the five types of leaders or coaches who help in developing others, which of the following statements is most likely true of shamans? A) They focus the attention of their followers on themselves. B) They are agents of omnipotent authority. C) They teach out of personal conviction. D) They require the consent of their followers to derive power.

19) In the context of the five types of leaders or coaches who help in developing others, which of the following statements is most likely true of missionaries? A) They believe in a utopian view of the future and a program for achieving reforms. B) They undergo trials, self-transformation, training, or some other rite to achieve their positions. C) They operate in a hierarchy with roles and duties in a hierarchical ladder. D) They require flexibility to vary treatment according to the nature and needs of each individual.

Version 1


20) Flying planes helped Thomas J. Watson, Jr. develop __________, which helped him become a successful business leader. A) mental powers B) good relations C) discipline D) self-esteem E) None of the answers is correct.

21) In the context of the five types of leaders or coaches who develop others, which of the following is a type of leader or coach who derives power not only from their own experience but also from the mandate of their followers? A) Missionaries B) Shamans C) Mystic healers D) Elected leaders


An effective way to learn is by __________. A) reading a book B) recitation C) passive learning D) self-promotion E) studying the masters

23) In the context of the principles of developing others, which of the following is most likely a personal condition conducive for growth?

Version 1


A) People provided with a variety of learning experiences B) People rewarded through recognition and tangible signs of approval C) People growing when they are encouraged by someone they respect D) People expressing themselves honestly and listening with respect to the views of others

24) In the context of the employer–employee relationship, which of the following is one of the "big three" qualities employers want in an employee? A) Leadership potential B) Good problem-solving ability C) High-attitude–low-maintenance approach to work D) Creative responses to setbacks

25) In the context of the employer–employee relationship, which of the following is one of the "big three" qualities that an employee should have? A) He or she should have the ability to get along well with others. B) He or she should take initiative and be a self-starter. C) He or she should have creative responses to setbacks and obstacles. D) He or she should have leadership potential.

26) According to Peter Senge's bookThe Fifth Discipline, which of the following is an ingredient that learning organizations use to discover, create, and transfer knowledge and skills? A) They allow experienced employees to learn separately from new employees. B) They review failures but not successes. C) They refrain from sharing lessons learned. D) They search constantly for new knowledge and ways to apply it.

Version 1


27) In the context of the types of coaches or leaders who help develop others, which of the following teach out of personal conviction, believing in certain ideals and seeing it as a duty to pass on these ideals to others? A) Shamans B) Priests C) Missionaries D) Mystic healers

28) In the context of the principles for developing others, organizational conditions conducive to growth include: A) growth being rewarded through recognition and tangible signs of approval. B) growth of people when their plans move from general goals to specific actions. C) people growing when they are encouraged by someone they respect. D) growth of people as they move from external to internal commitment.


Principles to follow in developing others include: A) having a respectful attitude. B) building self-esteem. C) using coaching versus judging. D) practicing to build proficiency. E) All of the answers are correct.


Types of training provided to ensure organizational performance include: A) executive development. B) management development. C) supervisory development. D) staff/employee training. E) All of the answers are correct.

Version 1


31) Which of the following types of training is useful for training an employee to meet strategic goals? A) Technical training B) Employee skill training C) Executive development D) Team building


Which of the following is a basic rule for succeeding in one's work career? A) Delivering results B) Being considerate C) Putting one's best foot forward D) Having integrity E) All of the answers are correct.


Personal conditions conducive to growth include: A) felt need. B) encouragement. C) plans to move from general goals to specific action. D) self-esteem. E) All of the answers are correct.


Which of the following conditions is NOT conducive to the growth of people? A) When there is a felt need B) When their plans move from general goals to specific actions C) When they are coerced by an autocratic leader D) When they move from external to internal commitment

Version 1



Low expectation of success leading to poor performance is known as the: A) failure syndrome. B) Golem effect. C) James theorem. D) None of the answers is correct.

36) In the context of the principles of developing others, judging differs from coaching in that judging is: A) ongoing and provided as needed. B) involved in improving performance. C) standardized for all individuals. D) interactive and two-way.

37) According to the conscious-competence performance model, in level IV of performance effectiveness, a performer is: A) unconscious and incompetent. B) consciously competent. C) unconsciously competent. D) consciously incompetent.

38) According to the conscious-competence performance model, in level III of performance effectiveness, a performer is A) unconscious and incompetent. B) consciously competent. C) unconsciously competent. D) consciously incompetent.

Version 1


39) According to Donald Kirkpatrick'sThe Four Levels Approach, which of the following is measured by improvement in bottom-line results such as sales, quality, customer satisfaction, safety, employee morale, turnover, costs, and profits? A) Application B) Learning C) Impact D) Satisfaction


Research on best practices in coaching and mentoring shows all EXCEPT that: A) the person being coached or mentored must want to improve. B) some behaviors cannot be changed. C) practice is critical for success. D) accountability for effort must be maintained. E) age and success are inversely related.

41) Employee retention is enhanced when the answer is yes to all but one of the following questions. A) Do I know what is expected of me at work? B) Do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day? C) Is my pay in line with my performance? D) Is there someone at work who encourages my development? E) In the last seven days, have I received recognition or praise for doing good work?

42) According to the conscious-competence performance model, at which level of performance effectiveness is one conscious of one's incompetence?

Version 1


A) Level I B) Level II C) Level III D) Level IV

43) According to the conscious-competence performance model, which of the following is true of level I of performance effectiveness? A) One is unconsciously competent. B) One is conscious of one's competence. C) One is conscious of one's incompetence. D) One is unconsciously incompetent.

44) In the context of the principles to follow in developing others, which of the following is a difference between judging and coaching? A) Judging is ongoing, whereas coaching is time-specific. B) Judging is unilateral, one-way, whereas coaching is interactive, two-way. C) Judging improves performance, whereas coaching labels performance. D) Judging is tailored to each individual, whereas coaching is standardized for all subjects.

45) The Dream Manager shows __________ of leaders can be nudged in the direction of effective leadership and the retention of good people. A) 80 percent B) 60 percent C) 40 percent D) 20 percent E) 0 percent

Version 1


46) In the context of measurement of learning effectiveness, which of the following is defined as a measurable improvement in knowledge, skills, and attitudes? A) Application B) Learning C) Impact D) Satisfaction

47) The Gallup organization has identified four human capital strategies that continue to achieve __________ more growth in revenue per employee. A) 40 percent B) 50 percent C) 59 percent D) 29 percent


Which of the following is one of the three basic steps of the peak-performance process? A) Picturing the completed thing B) Deciding what is important to others C) Finding a mentor D) Gathering tools and materials


Ralph Waldo Emerson described "city dolls" who A) were uneducated and unskilled. B) were self-oriented and would not work well on a team. C) felt entitled and complained when life was not easy. D) broke established traditions for doing work.

50) Calvin Coolidge saw __________ as the most important requirement for solving problems.

Version 1


A) talent B) persistence C) genius D) education

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 16_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) TRUE 6) FALSE 7) TRUE 8) TRUE 9) TRUE 10) TRUE 11) FALSE 12) TRUE 13) TRUE 14) A 15) B 16) D 17) C 18) A 19) A 20) D 21) D 22) E 23) C 24) B 25) B 26) D Version 1


27) C 28) A 29) E 30) E 31) D 32) E 33) E 34) C 35) B 36) C 37) C 38) B 39) C 40) E 41) C 42) B 43) D 44) B 45) A 46) B 47) C 48) A 49) C 50) B

Version 1


CHAPTER 17 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) The four steps in the typical path to burnout are enthusiasm, slowdown, stagnation, and apathy. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) According to the diffusion of innovation curve, at the tipping point, an innovation or change is accepted by enough people for it to take root and grow. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) Important keys for success in implementing work-site health promotion include longterm commitment, top management support, clearly defined objectives, and family involvement. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) According to social psychologist Kurt Lewin's three-step process for helping people through change, unfreezing involves such factors as pointing out the successes of the change and finding ways to reward the people involved in implementing the change. ⊚ ⊚


The empowerment of people is a key element for successful organizational change. ⊚ ⊚


true false

true false

In general, the least stressed workers are those at the bottom of the job ladder. ⊚ ⊚

Version 1

true false


7) In the executive monkey study, the monkey who maintained control over the shocks remained healthy, while the monkey with no control over the shocks developed ulcers and died. ⊚ ⊚

true false

8) Strategies for dealing with burnout include emergency aid, short-term actions, and longterm solutions. ⊚ ⊚

true false

9) There is a tendency for people to judge a change primarily on the basis of how it will affect them. ⊚ ⊚

true false

10) Research shows that the more overworked employees feel, the more likely they are to make costly mistakes and the less committed they feel toward their employers. ⊚ ⊚

true false

11) According to the attitude curve in response to change, in the exploration phase, unpleasant facts are ignored or dismissed in favor of more satisfying thoughts. ⊚ ⊚

true false

12) The five major forces or trends that are sources of stress for an increasing number of American people are new technology, workforce diversity, global competition, organizational restructure, and changing work systems.

Version 1


⊚ ⊚

true false

13) A leader can help prevent burnout in the workplace by providing people opportunity for ongoing involvement in decisions affecting them. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 14) In the context of changes in a workplace, mergers and acquisitions are most likely classified as changes in: A) technology. B) people. C) tasks. D) structure.

15) In the context of changes in a workplace, changes in products and processes are most likely classified as changes in: A) technology. B) people. C) tasks. D) structure.

16) A recent survey shows that __________ of the North American companies engaged in eleven or more change initiatives within a five-year period.

Version 1


A) 42 percent B) 11 percent C) 88 percent D) 97 percent

17) In the context of managing people through change, which of the following is most likely a response of the middle management to change? A) They feel threatened by changes announced by management. B) They feel pressure to implement organizational change. C) They underestimate the impact of change on lower levels of the organization. D) They expect employees to go along when a change is announced.

18) In the context of managing people through change, which of the following is most likely a response of frontline employees to change? A) They underestimate the impact of change and become insulated. B) They feel pressure to implement organizational change. C) They do not know the results of their decisions and programs. D) They shut down and become morale casualties.

19) John Kotter identified an eight-stage process to produce successful change, including __________. A) leading by example B) developing future leaders C) keeping a positive attitude D) developing a vision and strategy E) None of the answers is correct.

Version 1


20) In the context of the strategies for dealing with change, which of the following phases of the attitude curve includes fact-finding and visioning an ideal future? A) The denial phase B) The resistance phase C) The commitment phase D) The exploration phase

21) In the context of the attitude curve in response to change, which of the following is a characteristic of the resistance phase? A) Unpleasant thoughts are ignored or dismissed in favor of more satisfying thoughts. B) Security and other needs are threatened, so overt defenses are employed. C) There is recognition that something must be done. D) Dedication continues until a new change occurs.

22) Depression and loss of sharpness in thinking and feeling are symptoms of __________ fatigue. A) physical B) spiritual C) psychological D) None of the answers is correct.

23) In the context of burnout, which of the following refers to burnout victims who were once high performers but whose enthusiasm is gone? A) Midcareer coasters B) Burned-out Samaritans C) Overstressed students D) Mismatched people

Version 1


24) In the context of burnout, which of the following refers to burnout victims who do their job well but who do not like what they are doing? A) Overstressed students B) Midcareer coasters C) Mismatched people D) Superpeople

25) In the context of burnout, which of the following refers to burnout victims who want to do everything themselves because no one else can or will, and they have never let anyone down? A) Workaholics B) Midcareer coasters C) Mismatched people D) Superpeople

26) In the context of dealing with burnout, which of the following is most likely an example of a short-term action? A) Setting priorities B) Deep breathing C) Renewing commitments D) Clarifying values

27) In the context of dealing with burnout, which of the following is most likely an example of a long-term solution? A) Setting priorities B) Deep breathing C) Reducing workload D) Clarifying values

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The seven rules to guide leaders in implementing change include: A) having a good reason for making a change. B) implementing change thoughtfully. C) telling the truth. D) waiting patiently for results. E) All of the answers are correct.

29) In the context of the attitude curve in response to change, which of the following is a characteristic of the denial phase? A) Unpleasant facts are ignored or dismissed in favor of more satisfying thoughts. B) Security and other needs are threatened, so overt defenses are employed. C) There is recognition that something must be done. D) Dedication continues until a new change occurs.

30) In the context of dealing with burnout, which of the following is most likely an example of an emergency aid? A) Taking care of one's body B) Renewing commitments C) Taking a physical retreat D) Reducing workload

31) In the context of dealing with burnout, which of the following is most likely an example of a long-term solution? A) Taking care of one's body B) Taking a physical retreat C) Engaging in positive self-talk D) Developing personal competencies

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Sources of job stress for an increasing number of people are A) new technology. B) global competition. C) changing work systems. D) workforce diversity. E) All of the answers are correct.


A blueprint for protecting the health and well-being of American workers includes: A) well-designed jobs. B) education of workers. C) evaluation systems. D) improved mental health services. E) All of the answers are correct.

34) In the context of the diffusion of innovation curve, the point at which an innovation or change is accepted by enough people for it to take root and grow is known as the: A) saddle point. B) tipping point. C) glass ceiling. D) transcritical bifurcation.


Long-term solutions to avoiding burnout are: A) reducing workload and setting priorities. B) clarifying values and renewing commitments. C) talking with a friend and taking a physical retreat.

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36) In "100 Best Companies to Work For,"Fortune magazine cites __________ as the most important criterion. A) work–life balance B) location C) pay D) opportunity to advance


The characteristics of a stress-resistant person include all but one of the following. A) Personal commitment B) Sense of control C) Positive attitude D) Balanced perspective E) Social status

38) In the context of stress resistance, the ability to transcend adversity and emerge stronger than before is known as: A) adaptive capacity. B) axiological arrest. C) cognitive dissonance. D) pragmatism.

39) According to the __________, people perform best when mental and physical arousals are moderate rather than extreme. A) Peter principle B) Yerkes–Dodson law C) peak-end rule D) Pygmalion effect

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40) In the context of recognizing stress across cultures, which of the following defines the Japanese termKaroshi? A) It is defined as a corrective action taken to support core values, such as truth, trust, and respect. B) It is behavior that violates organizational norms and threatens the well-being of the organization. C) It is a psychological discomfort experienced when attitudes and behavior are inconsistent. D) It is defined as a fatal mix of apoplexy, high blood pressure, and stress.


Effective leaders of organizational change are A) contemplative and cautious. B) information providers on a need-to-know basis. C) boundary scanners and system thinkers. D) practitioners of power politics. E) determined to have their way.

42) According to research conducted by Japan's Institute of Public Health, patterns of work behavior that include extremely long hours that interfere with normal recovery and rest patterns and high-pressure work without breaks lead to the fatal: A) Angelman syndrome. B) hikikomori phenomenon. C) Karoshi syndrome. D) Kodokushi phenomenon.

43) In the context of managing people through change, which of the following is most likely a response of the top management to change?

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A) They feel threatened by changes announced. B) They feel pressure to implement organizational change. C) They are not willing to take initiative and be accountable for their actions. D) They expect employees to go along when a change is announced.


The four stages in the typical path to burnout are: A) attention, intention, retention, and dismissal. B) enthusiasm, slowdown, stagnation, and apathy. C) start-up, build-up, keep-up, and breakdown. D) alarm, vigilance, exhaustion, and capitulation.

45) Two out of three employees say their __________ play(s) a bigger part in creating stress at work than any other personal, organizational, or environmental factor. A) co-workers B) schedule C) working conditions D) leader


The five highest stress jobs in the United States for 2015 were A) enlisted soldier, fire fighter, newspaper reporter, airplane pilot, and police officer. B) accountant, sales person, researcher, repair professional, and IT professional. C) nurse, physician, medical technician, health sales person, and medical researcher. D) manager, supervisor, executive, director, and boss.

47) The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard thought people could be divided into __________ and drivers; takers and givers.

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A) movers B) introverts C) extroverts D) drifters


Benjamin Franklin prescribed taking time for: A) city, state, nation, family, friends, health, books, and rest. B) thinking, playing, reading, love, friends, laughter, giving, and working. C) exercise, eating, sleeping, music, art, theater, conversation, and statecraft. D) purpose, service, study, security, growth, maintenance, balance, and joy.

49) In which stage of Kotter's eight-stage process of creating major change should an organization examine the market and competitive realities and identify and discuss crises, potential crises, or major opportunities? A) Creating the guiding coalition B) Developing a vision and strategy C) Establishing a sense of urgency D) Anchoring new approaches in the culture

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Answer Key Test name: Chap 17_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) FALSE 5) TRUE 6) FALSE 7) FALSE 8) TRUE 9) TRUE 10) TRUE 11) FALSE 12) TRUE 13) TRUE 14) D 15) C 16) A 17) B 18) D 19) D 20) D 21) B 22) C 23) A 24) C 25) D 26) A Version 1


27) D 28) E 29) A 30) C 31) D 32) E 33) E 34) B 35) B 36) A 37) E 38) A 39) B 40) D 41) C 42) C 43) D 44) B 45) D 46) A 47) D 48) B 49) C

Version 1


CHAPTER 18 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) In the context of performance management strategies, the goal of the leader must involve reinforcing and developing the skills and attitudes of middle performers. ⊚ ⊚


true false

Organizational citizenship involves cooperation and helpfulness. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 3) Goals focus and energize people, recognition reinforces and encourages people, and __________ is needed to reinforce or modify behavior. A) teamwork B) analysis C) feedback D) planning E) None of the answers is correct.

4) In the context of performance management, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of performance coaching? A) It provides the foundation on which individual and group performance is developed. B) It includes modifying and improving performance when mistakes are made. C) It establishes direction and clarity of assignment. D) It involves the development and encouragement of people.

5) One-minute goal setting involves identifying __________ goals, and writing these on one sheet, in 250 words or less. Version 1


A) 6 to 10 B) 3 to 5 C) 1 to 3 D) 0 to 15 E) None of the answers is correct.

6) In the context of setting performance objectives, which of the following, apart from quantity, quality, and timeliness, is most likely an important area to be addressed? A) Cost B) Behavior C) Sales D) Progress

7) In the context of setting performance objectives, which of the following statements is most likely true of quality? A) It includes time factors such as deadlines for on-time shipments. B) It is measured by using errors and appearance as factors. C) It involves the development of new and workable approaches. D) It is measured by any amount that is processed or produced.

8) In the context of setting performance objectives, which of the following is most likely a part of the area pertaining to cost? A) Errors B) Methods C) Appearance D) Absenteeism

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9) Approximately 90 percent of Fortune 1000 companies use some form of multi-source assessment, including evaluations from employees, employers, peers, and customers. These assessments are called __________ feedback, because the individual is rated by a whole circle of people. A) two-way B) continuous C) intermittent D) 360-degree E) None of the answers is correct.

10) In the context of conducting performance reviews, which of the following should employees most likely do during a performance review? A) Consider their strong points and formulate a plan to utilize them fully. B) Determine the areas in which they need to improve. C) Establish new performance objectives, standards, and completion dates. D) Present ideas to improve future performance.

11) According to Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, which of the following leadership techniques is useful for performance planning? A) One-minute praising B) One-minute training C) One-minute goal setting D) One-minute reprimand

12) According to Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, which of the following is most likely a characteristic of one-minute praising?

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A) It should be specific and immediate. B) It should identify three to five goals that are critical to success. C) It should focus on the character of a person. D) It should involve psychological investment by a leader.


Performance reviews should include three steps: A) preparation, implementation, and follow-up. B) job design, wage administration, and evaluation. C) individual report, group report, and organizational report. D) thinking, doing, and discussion. E) content, process, and application.

14) In the context of setting performance objectives, which of the following statements is most likely true of timeliness? A) It deals with items other than rejects or specific errors and is more subjective in judgment. B) It is measured by the two factors of errors and appearances. C) It includes the four areas of manpower, material, machines, and methods. D) It involves the development of new and workable approaches.

15) Performance management is a critical element of effective leadership. One part establishes direction and clarity of assignment. It is: A) performance planning. B) performance coaching. C) correcting poor performance. D) None of the answers is correct.

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16) In the context of conducting performance reviews, which of the following should supervisors most likely do before the performance review? A) Present ideas to improve future performance. B) Tailor the performance review conversation to suit needs of employees. C) Provide advance notice of the performance review. D) Write down points of discussion and agreement for the performance review.


Employees who have good work performance and good work attitude should be: A) dismissed. B) coached. C) trained. D) rewarded.

18) Performance improvement is likely to occur when four conditions are met that include all of the following EXCEPT: A) recipients believing change is necessary and feasible. B) appropriate improvement goals being set. C) improvement being recognized and rewarded. D) the recipient being young.


Which of the following is NOT one of the principles of effective coaching? A) Focusing on behavior change, not personality analysis B) Linking feedback to learning and performance goals C) Linking performance goals to key results areas for the organization D) Coaching for improvement, not just final results E) Publicizing performance improvement results

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20) In the context of the 360-degree feedback for improving performance, research shows that improvement is most likely to occur when: A) recipients believe change is possible. B) feedback is given as soon as possible. C) focus is primarily on personality analysis. D) coaching is given to attain final results.

21) The Deloitte performance review process is based on four questions called a(n) __________ and is conducted at the end of every project or once a quarter. A) assessment B) debrief C) evaluation D) performance snapshot

22) Research shows over 60 percent of variance on performance ratings can be traced to __________. A) work climate factors B) individual raters' biases C) individual raters' behavior D) system and procedure error

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Answer Key Test name: Chap 18_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) C 4) D 5) B 6) A 7) B 8) B 9) D 10) D 11) C 12) A 13) A 14) D 15) A 16) C 17) D 18) D 19) E 20) A 21) D 22) B

Version 1


CHAPTER 19 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) In the context of the four-step method to solve problems, the second step involves weighing each fact against the others, fitting the pieces together, and considering alternatives. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) The level 5 leader embodies the thought—humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less; and the level 5 leader values achievement of a worthy goal, not winning at any cost. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) The Cianbro success story is based on a can-do attitude, a teamwork ethic, and caring leadership. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) The first phase in the life of an organization, described by management author Larry Greiner, involves growth through creativity. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 5) __________ is a careful search for excellence―taking the absolute best as a standard and trying to surpass it.

Version 1


A) Top grading B) Bottom lining C) Pinpointing D) Benchmarking E) None of the answers is correct.


Two important criteria for benchmarking are __________ and __________. A) product quality; service quality B) location; time C) personal; organizational D) past; present E) None of the answers is correct.

7) In the context of the elements of leadership performance, which of the following is defined as the generation of new and usable ideas? A) Statesmanship B) Innovation C) Entrepreneurship D) Benchmarking

8) In the context of improving leadership performance, which of the following best describes the term "statesmanship"? A) The generation on new and usable ideas B) The ability to achieve results, regardless of obstacles C) The ability to work with and through other people D) The taking of the absolute best as a standard and trying to surpass that standard

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9) In the context of improving leadership performance, which of the following best describes the term "entrepreneurship"? A) The generation of new and usable ideas B) The taking of the absolute best as a standard and trying to surpass that standard C) The ability to work with and through other people D) The ability to achieve results, regardless of obstacles

10) In the context of the five levels of performance excellence, which of the following is most likely true of a competent manager (Level 3)? A) He or she organizes people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives. B) He or she makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills, and good work habits. C) He or she stimulates group to high performance standards. D) He or she contributes to the achievement of group objectives.

11) In the context of the five levels of performance excellence, which of the following is most likely true of a contributing team member (Level 2)? A) He or she catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision. B) He or she makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills, and good work habits. C) He or she stimulates group to high performance standards. D) He or she works effectively with others in a group setting.

12) Which of the following is defined as a corrective action that is taken to support core values of the organization?

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A) Caring confrontation B) Positive reinforcement C) Industriousness D) Permissiveness

13) In the context of the four-step method for solving performance problems, which of the following refers to step 3? A) Mutually discussing alternative solutions B) Mutually agreeing on action to be taken to solve the problem C) Following up to evaluate results and provide encouragement D) Obtaining agreement that a problem exists

14) According to Collins and his research team, which of the following is most likely true of stage 2 of the five-stage process followed by leaders of failing organizations? A) Leaders enjoy growth and acclaim, become greedy, and pursue activities unrelated to the organization's core business. B) Setbacks and erosion of financial performance cause leaders to lose hope and recognize the inevitability of failure. C) As reality sets in and collapse is imminent, leaders grasp at anything they think will save them, including hail-mary strategies. D) As danger signs develop, leaders place blame for poor results on external factors rather than their own poor decisions and counterproductive behavior.

15) In the context of the five phases in the life of an organization, which of the following occurs in phase 3? A) Crisis of leadership B) Crisis of autonomy C) Crisis of control D) Crisis of red tape

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16) In the context of the five phases in the life of an organization, which of the following occurs in phase 4? A) Growth through delegation B) Growth through direction C) Growth through coordination D) Growth through collaboration

17) In the context of the five phases in the life of an organization, identify a true statement about the period of growth in phase 2. A) People are likely to work long hours for low pay in anticipation of future benefits. B) Greater responsibility is given to lower-level leaders than higher-level responsibility. C) Groups and interdivisional teams perform tasks and solve problems. D) Responsibilities are divided between upper-level policymakers and lower-level specialists.


Which of the following behaviors best exemplifies a high level of statesmanship? A) A person gambling on good odds anytime B) A person planning work and holding performance to schedule C) A person seeking consensus in settling disagreements D) A person is one of the top producers of results

19) Which of the following is a principle that one should follow to develop good human relations skills?

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A) Giving credit where it is due B) Concealing information about changes that will affect them C) Praising people in a private setting D) Increasing morale by standing in a person's way


Discipline problems include: A) permissiveness. B) rigidity. C) inconsistency. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers is correct.


Principles for providing effective discipline and corrective action include: A) establishing reasonable rules based on core values. B) communicating rules to all employees. C) providing an appeal process. D) preserving human dignity. E) All of the answers are correct.


The four-step method for solving performance problems include: A) obtaining agreement that a problem exists. B) mutually discussing alternative solutions. C) mutually agreeing upon corrective action. D) following up to evaluate results and provide encouragement. E) All of the answers are correct.

23) the:

For effective corrective action, you should not charge a rule violation without first having

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A) time. B) facts. C) education. D) skills.

24) In the context of keeping an open mind, which of the following is an action of a leader that closes minds and kills creativity? A) Letting employees have discretion B) Providing maximum resources possible C) Maintaining fragmented schedules D) Keeping flexible rules


Three elements are important for effective discipline. Which one is NOT one of them? A) Defined roles, so employees know what is expected B) A reward system for good work C) Clear guidelines, so employees understand acceptable behavior D) Effective methods and procedures for taking corrective action

26) In the context of the importance of discipline, which of the following results in an untrained, poorly organized, and unproductive workforce? A) Permissiveness B) Rigidity C) Inconsistency D) Confrontation


What is the first step in the four-step method for solving performance problems?

Version 1


A) Following up to evaluate results and provide encouragement B) Mutually discussing alternative solutions C) Obtaining agreement that a problem exists D) Mutually agreeing upon action to be taken to solve the problem


Entrepreneurship requires all of the following EXCEPT: A) exercising good work habits. B) believing in yourself. C) being willing to take risks. D) possessing unlimited financial resources.


Innovation can be increased by: A) keeping an open mind. B) having a questioning attitude. C) using a new ideas system. D) All of the answers are correct.


Sam Walton wrote that success came from: A) maintaining records, positive attitude, and good health. B) financial performance, materials management, and employee loyalty. C) building a team, hard work, and breaking old rules. D) None of the answers is correct.

31) According to the five-level hierarchy proposed by management author James Collins, level 1 comprises __________.

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A) highly capable individuals B) contributing team members C) competent managers D) senior leaders

32) Seeking out the ideas of others, seeking consensus in settling disagreements, and going out of your way to help others are behaviors and qualities best associated with A) entrepreneurship. B) statesmanship. C) citizenship. D) philanthropy.

33) In the context of the importance of discipline, which of the following should be avoided because it makes it difficult for employees to understand what behavior is appropriate and what is not allowed? A) Inconsistency B) Rigidity C) Confrontation D) Permissiveness


The two key elements of level 5 leadership are: A) opportunity and ambition. B) love and work. C) personal humility and professional will. D) skill and luck. E) training and experience.

Version 1


35) Management practices that lead to sustained and superior performance, regardless of the technique used, include all EXCEPT: A) establishing a direction, focusing on customers, and communicating with employees. B) hiring good people, delegating decision-making, and performing quality work. C) empowering people, rewarding performance, and maintaining strong core values. D) aligning resources, exchanging information, and promoting teamwork. E) accelerating change, mechanizing functions, and reducing staff.

36) Canadian mountain climber Jamie Clark identifies five lessons that can help organizations achieve their summits that include all EXCEPT: A) caring enough to confront; and sharing the brutal truth. B) knowing the difference between passion and obsession. C) what matters are the promises we keep, not the promises we make. D) fear is an asset. E) it is important to appreciate the people who helped get you there.

37) In the context of organizational performance, which of the following refers to stage 4 of the five-stage process followed by leaders of failing organizations? A) Grasping for salvation B) Hubris born of success C) Undisciplined pursuit of more D) Denial of risk and peril


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of organizations led by level 5 leaders?

Version 1


A) They have the right people with the right skills in the right jobs. B) They face facts head-on without sugarcoating difficulties. C) They focus on the hedgehog concept. D) They maintain a culture of discipline. E) They are technology decelerators.


Effective organization development initiatives must be: A) empirically tested and fully funded. B) understood, owned, worked, and supported by all levels of the leadership pyramid.


Which of the following is a characteristic of personal humility of level 5 leadership? A) The leader creates superb results; is a clear catalyst in the transition from good to

great. B) The leader demonstrates an unwavering resolve to do whatever must be done to produce the best long-term results, no matter how difficult. C) The leader sets the standard of building an enduring and great organization; will settle for nothing less. D) The leader demonstrates a compelling modesty, shunning public adulation, and is never boastful.

41) Daniel Kahneman identifies two systems of thinking: thinking __________ and thinking __________. A) fast; slow B) big; small C) clear; cloudy D) convergently; divergently

Version 1


42) According to Collins and his research team, which of the following is most likely true of stage 3 of the five-stage process followed by leaders of failing organizations? A) Leaders enjoy growth and acclaim, become greedy, and pursue activities unrelated to the organization's core business. B) Setbacks and erosion of financial performance cause leaders to lose hope and recognize the inevitability of failure. C) As reality sets in and collapse is imminent, leaders grasp at anything they think will save them, including hail-mary strategies. D) As danger signs develop, leaders place blame for poor results on external factors rather than their own poor decisions and counterproductive behavior.

43) In the context of the five phases in the life of an organization, identify a true statement about the period of crisis in phase 1. A) Leaders become overworked and harried by administrative details. B) Decentralized leaders are able to penetrate new markets, respond faster to customers, and develop new products. C) Lower-level leaders become increasingly frustrated and demand flexibility and room to exercise their own initiative. D) Communication from the top management is less frequent.

44) David Marquet focused on two main pillars to turn the USSSanta Fe from the worst to the best ship in the U.S. Navy: __________ and __________. A) rewarding loyalty; punishing derelicts B) providing organizational clarity; maintaining technical competence C) publishing rules; enforcing rules D) focusing on safety; focusing on efficiency

45) In the context of organizational justice, which aspect refers to whether people are treated with dignity and respect?

Version 1


A) Distribution B) Interaction C) Procedure D) Confrontation


Which of the following is a characteristic of professional will of level 5 leadership?

A) The leader looks in the mirror to assign responsibility for poor results, never blaming other people, external factors, or bad luck. B) The leader acts with deliberation and determination and relies principally on inspired standards to motivate. C) The leader demonstrates a compelling modesty, shunning public adulation, and is never boastful. D) The leader sets the standard of building an enduring and great organization and will settle for nothing less.

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 19_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) D 6) A 7) B 8) C 9) D 10) A 11) D 12) A 13) B 14) A 15) C 16) C 17) D 18) C 19) A 20) D 21) E 22) E 23) B 24) C 25) B 26) A Version 1


27) C 28) D 29) D 30) C 31) A 32) B 33) A 34) C 35) E 36) D 37) A 38) E 39) B 40) D 41) A 42) D 43) A 44) B 45) B 46) D

Version 1


CHAPTER 20 TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false. 1) Abraham Lincoln's delivery of the Gettysburg Address was an example of the desire and ability to convey a powerful vision. ⊚ ⊚

true false

2) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, Abraham Lincoln's devotion to goodness as he understood it to be, regardless of self-interest or the dictates of public opinion, is evidence of his ability to multiply effectiveness. ⊚ ⊚

true false

3) Lincoln's knowledge of the American people and his ability to use humor and wit to communicate without rancor are examples of understanding people and the art of persuasion. ⊚ ⊚

true false

4) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, the combination lock refers to the interaction among leadership qualities, the characteristics of followers, and the nature of the situation. ⊚ ⊚

true false

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 5) The trend toward team-based projects, virtual communities, and __________ will only accelerate the move toward shared leadership and the need for leadership education.

Version 1


A) two-career families B) personal responsibility C) mergers D) bio-engineering E) None of the answers is correct.

6) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to a leader's ability to achieve results, including the degree of discipline the leader has developed in followers, and the effective use of corrective action? A) The golden key B) The skeleton key C) The vault key D) The score key

7) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to a leader's mastery of leadership principles, including the assignment of work, communication with followers, team building, and the rewarding of performance? A) The ignition key B) The multiplication key C) The vault key D) The score key

8) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to a leader's ability to understand people and to persuade them to do things, including sensitivity to their needs, skill in listening and speaking, and motivation effectiveness? A) The golden key B) The skeleton key C) The vault key D) The master key

Version 1


9) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to a leader's vision, including his or her motives for influencing others—power, achievement, altruism—and the strength of these motives? A) The combination lock B) The master key C) The vault key D) The ignition key

10) Abraham Lincoln was by nature a teacher—patient and encouraging people. Almost no situation could occur in which Lincoln could not apply the techniques of metaphor and example to instruct his audience and inspire them. In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which component does this exemplify? A) Developing others (the master key) B) Understanding people (the skeleton key) C) The empowerment of people (the front door key) D) The power of vision (the ignition key)

11) Lincoln held the bar high for his generals and he replaced them, no matter how uncomfortable he personally felt, if they failed to perform. Which key area of leadership success does this correspond to? A) Performance management B) The power of vision C) Developing others D) Multiplying effectiveness E) None of the answers is correct.

12) Lincoln's character, the ability of his followers, and the economic strength of the North combined to illustrate the __________.

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A) challenge of war B) demands of peace C) pressure of time D) need for rest E) leadership variables


Two aspects of caring leadership are commitment to a task and __________. A) concern for others B) style of the followers C) personality D) space E) execution

14) Abraham Lincoln's great competence was seen in his knowledge of history, law, and current conditions, which he used in addition to common sense and practical judgment in dealing with people. In 1864, theNew York Herald described Lincoln as having common sense, a kindly disposition, a straightforward purpose, and a shrewd perception of the ins and outs of human nature. In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which component does this exemplify? A) Developing others (the master key) B) Understanding people (the skeleton key) C) Performance management (the score key) D) Leadership principles (the vault key)

15) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following refers to the importance of ethics, including the character of the leader—honor, honesty, courage, and other related qualities?

Version 1


A) The golden key B) The skeleton key C) The vault key D) The master key

16) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following best describes the front door key? A) The importance of ethics, including the character of the leader—honor, honesty, courage, and other related qualities B) The empowerment of people, including the power that comes with a leadership position, combined with a leader's practice of servant leadership C) A leader's ability to understand people and to persuade them to do things, including sensitivity to their needs, skill in listening and speaking, and motivation effectiveness D) A leader's mastery of leadership principles, including the assignment of work, communication with followers, team building, and the rewarding of performance

17) In the context of the nine keys of leadership success, which of the following best describes the multiplication key? A) A leader's use of principles and techniques for effective delegation, giving orders, and tapping the potential of all types of followers B) A leader's ability to develop others and bring out their best in personal growth and job performance, including the ability to lead people through change and maintain adaptive capacity C) The interaction among leadership qualities, the characteristics of followers, and the nature of the situation D) The importance of ethics, including the character of the leader—honor, honesty, courage, and other related qualities

18) Both __________ and __________ led their teams by commitment to a task and __________ for people.

Version 1


A) John Wooden; Bobby Knight; disdain B) Pat Summit; Geno Auriemma; disregard C) Amos Alonzo Stagg; Eddie Robinson; compassion D) Tom Landry; Chuck Noll; genuine concern

Version 1


Answer Key Test name: Chap 20_7e_Manning 1) TRUE 2) FALSE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) B 6) D 7) C 8) B 9) D 10) A 11) A 12) E 13) A 14) D 15) A 16) B 17) A 18) D

Version 1


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