Prophecy Assessments - Core Mandatory Part I Ques7ons with Solu7ons|100% Correct 2023/2024 Placing a pa*ent on Contact Precau*ons means that everyone must: a. Wear appropriate Personal Protec*ve Equipment (PPE) such as gowns and gloves b. Wear a respirator c. Care for the pa*ent in an airborne infec*on isola*on room (AIIR) d. All of the above When mobilizing a weak or unsteady pa*ent, which technique(s) should you consider? a. Using a transfer belt (gait belt) b. Using a mechanical liI, roller board, sliding board, flexible pa*ent mover, or sling c. Having an assistant help you d. All of the above Which of the following would be considered an internal disaster rather than an external one? a. Earthquake b. Hurricane c. Flood d. Bomb threat In the event of an earthquake, which of the following should never be done? a. Moving all pa*ents to a central area b. Closing all curtains and shades in the central area c. Closing all doors to the central area d. Using candles for illumina*on When working with or near radia*on, which of the following statements is incorrect? a. If you cannot locate your badge monitor, you should borrow one from your co-worker b. A 0.5-mm thick lead apron reduces scaSered radia*on by approximately 10 *mes c. Doubling the distance between a person and the radia*on source reduces the radia*on exposure by a factor of 4 d. Before you aSempt a procedure, think ahead how you will accomplish it
When moving a pa*ent from bed to wheelchair, which technique should you avoid at all *mes? a. Bending at your knees to lower the pa*ent to the chair b. Having the pa*ent hold onto your neck or shoulders c. Placing yourself in front of the pa*ent and blocking the pa*ent's leg closest to the chair with your foot and leg d. Posi*oning the wheelchair at a slight angle close to the bed
Hazards associated with compressed gases include: a. Oxygen displacement b. Explosions c. Toxic gas exposures d. All of the above Which of the following statements regarding the use of gloves is correct? a. You do not need to wash your hands before pu[ng on gloves b. Turn gloves inside out when removing them c. It is acceptable to reuse gloves if you wash them first d. It is acceptable to wear mul*ple layers of gloves and peel off each layer between tasks If a person is injured at the hospital during a natural disaster, a correct ac*on to take is: a. Turn a person with a head injury onto his or her back b. Use a wheelchair or a stretcher to take the person to the Emergency Department for treatment c. Report the accident only if the person had to go to the Emergency Department d. Try to move the person yourself Before you use a chemical product, you must know certain important informa*on about it. Which of the choices below is informa*on you do NOT need to know? a. Proper use of the product b. What chemicals the product contains c. Treatment if accidentally exposed to it d. Precau*ons for safe handling Healthcare workers who must comply with HIPAA privacy requirements are: a. Doctors, nurses, and others providing direct pa*ent care
b. Environmental Services staff c. Engineering staff d. All of the above Which of the following is NOT required on a chemical label? a. A signal word b. Your facility's name c. A hazard statement d. A pictogram The acronym P.A.S.S. is used to help remember: a. How to use a fire ex*nguisher b. How to evacuate pa*ents c. How to spread the word about a fire d. None of the above When liIing something off the ground, which part of your body should you always use? a. Back b. Abdominals c. Arms d. Legs Which of the following statements regarding electrical safety is correct? a. Do not roll equipment over electrical cords because it can damage the cord b. It is acceptable to use a plug with a loose or broken pin as long as the device works c. Adaptors that convert three-pin plugs to two-pin plugs are safe to use d. Equipment should be unplugged by pulling the cord, not the plug If pa*ents need to be evacuated, it should be in this order: a. Ambulatory pa*ents, then wheelchair pa*ents, then bedfast pa*ents b. Whichever pa*ents you can get to first c. Ambulatory pa*ents, then bedfast pa*ents, then wheelchair pa*ents d. Bedfast pa*ents, then wheelchair pa*ents, then ambulatory pa*ents Under the Safe Medical Devices Act, your responsibility as a healthcare worker is to:
a. Return the device to the company vendor b. Remove the suspected device from service c. Clean the device in ques*on d. Immediately throw away any disposable and reusable equipment, accessories, and packaging related to the incident Which of the following would be considered part of a healthcare worker's role in the event of an emergency involving a biologic or chemical exposure? a. Recognizing an illness or injury as poten*ally resul*ng from exposure to a biologic, chemical, or radiologic agent b. Ins*tu*ng appropriate steps to limit the spread of an infec*on c. Repor*ng iden*fied cases or events to the public health system d. All of the above Under HIPAA, pa*ents have the right to do all of the following EXCEPT: a. Alter their medical records themselves b. Request their medical records c. Know the iden**es of those who have accessed their medical records d. Inspect their medical records Which of the following is true about chemical exposure? a. Exposure to hazardous chemicals cannot affect exis*ng medical condi*ons b. Effects of chemical exposure can take years to develop c. It is impossible to ingest hazardous chemicals by smoking d. Health hazards caused by chemicals can affect only the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes The ac*vity that puts the most con*nuous pressure on the lumbar region of your lower back is: a. Standing b. Pushing c. LiIing d. Si[ng Which of the following could compromise a pa*ent's Protected Health Informa*on (PHI)? a. Using a computer with an encrypted (protected) hard drive b. Using a computer with a secured network
c. Pu[ng printed records that are no longer needed into the trash d. Two caregivers speaking one-on-one in a private area It is a requirement under HIPAA that: a. All pa*ents have a secret code number to remain anonymous b. All pa*ents receive a copy of their health record before discharge c. All pa*ents are informed to turn cell phones off to protect their iden*ty d. All pa*ents receive a copy of a healthcare organiza*on's No*ce of Privacy Prac*ces According to labeling guidelines, only two "Signal Words" can appear on a label. One is Danger and the other is: a. Warning b. Toxic c. Explosive d. Flammable In the event of a fire, you should never: a. Close doors in the immediate area of the fire b. Place a blanket under a door c. Pick up and run with burning ar*cles d. Shut off unnecessary electrical equipment The Safety Data Sheet (SDS), formerly called MSDS, provides details on: a. Chemical and physical dangers b. Safety procedures c. Emergency response techniques d. All of the above When moving a pa*ent, what should you always avoid doing? a. Twis*ng your body b. Keeping your abdominal muscles contracted c. Pivo*ng on the balls of your feet d. Pushing up from your knees Which of the following statements regarding sharps is correct?
a. Never bend or break needles aIer use b. Sharps disposal containers should be sealed and removed only when completely full c. You can carry a used sharp in a pocket if it is capped d. Always recap contaminated needles In the event of a fire, which are the correct steps to take? a. R.A.C.E. - Rescue the pa*ents in danger; Ac*vate the alarm; Confine the fire; Ex*nguish the fire if possible b. C.A.R.E. - Confine the fire; Ac*vate the alarm; Rescue the pa*ents in danger; Ex*nguish the fire if possible c. A.C.R.E. - Ac*vate the alarm; Confine the fire; Rescue the pa*ents in danger; Ex*nguish the fire if possible d. None of the above Standard precau*ons require that: a. You wear Personal Protec*ve Equipment (PPE) at all *mes b. You treat all blood and body fluids as poten*ally infec*ous c. All of your coworkers should consider themselves at risk for the disease d. You do not need to take special precau*ons You may disclose a pa*ent's Protected Health Informa*on (PHI) without the pa*ent's consent for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a. For payment purposes b. At the request of a family member c. When required by law d. For medical treatment The single most important prac*ce in preven*ng infec*on is: a. Using engineering controls b. Wearing Personal Protec*ve Equipment (PPE) c. Hand-washing d. Ea*ng or drinking in the cafeteria only According to The Joint Commission, an effec*ve emergency management plan includes four key principles: Mi*ga*on, Prepara*on, Response, and _________________ . a. Evacua*on b. Recovery
c. Rescue d. Communica*on If you discover a person on fire: a. Keep the person's clothing on once the fire is out b. Wrap the person in a blanket and pat the fire area c. Help the person run from the building d. Fan the flames to help put them out In the event of a telephone bomb threat, you should: a. Record, as near as possible, everything the caller says b. Immediately hang up on the caller c. Transfer the caller to Administra*on d. Transfer the caller to Security
Relias Prophecy Core Mandatory Part 2 Exam Ques:ons & Answers| Score A+ |2023/2024 What does a comprehensive systema2c analysis following a sen2nel event help iden2fy? The contributory factors associated with the event. Which of the following is part of the integrated Ethics model? supports ethical behavior in everyday interac2ons in the workplace What is an example of pa2ents' rights? Pa2ents are en2tled to refuse an experimental drug. Acceptable pa2ent iden2fiers included Name and Birthday Which of the following are good prac2ce when listening to pa2ents Show your genuine interest in the pa2ents replies. What is the inten2on of universal protocol Prevent Wrong Site Wrong Procedure, Wrong Person Surgery Goals of end of care Ensure the decision made are consistent with the values and desires of pa2ent Which of the following components will assist in improving the effec2veness of communica2on for cri2cal lab and diagnos2c procedures. Repor2ng cri2cal test results on a 2mely basis according to policies and procedures. Which type of therapy poses risk to pa2ents due to complex dosing. An2coagula2on Therapy Essen2al component of cultural competence for healthcare workers according to Joint commission Valuing Diversity Important concept of being a pa2ent advocate Accep2ng the pa2ent's decisions
important to remember when caring for adults 80 and over There is no reason to assume mental decline had occurred Which example qualifies as a sen2nel event that would require review by the Joint commission A pa2ent who commits suicide within 72 hours of discharged from a hospital seSng that provides staffed around the clock care What is a sen2nel event An event that affects a pa2ent causing death harm or interven2on required to sustain life. important principle for the healthcare professional to provide ethical care Allow pa2ents the right of self determina2on regarding health care decisions According to Joint Commission's ethical standard....of the following is accurate concerning your role of as a healthcare worker you must safeguard confidences and privacy at all 2mes Which of the following is the pa2ents responsibility to ask for pain relief when pain first begins When delivering care you need to determine which type of language in pa2ents? primary What should pa2ents be told when they have a grievance regarding any part of the are provided to them Be told about the process involved in filing a complaint When must two pa2ent iden2fiers be used collec2ng a blood specimen Which of the following is an example of a non-judgemental ques2on? What do you think caused your illness What prac2ces do interpreters use to improve communica2on?
Use of words that are appropriate to both providers and pa2ents What should you assess regardless of age group confusion or depression Which of the following is accurate concerning pa2ent rights health informa2on must be provided in a language that pa2ents understand What is "sandwich genera2on" mean The genera2on responsible for caring for their parents and their children
Which of the following is and example of an ethical dilemma A medical device company buying a trip to New York City for a physician, as a thank you for using their device during a surgery MOST important ways to address healthcare-associated infec2ons improving hand hygiene of the healthcare staff What is the term for an event incident or condi2on that could have resulted in harm to a pa2ent close call Which of the following is accurate concerning nonverbal communica2on touching another person's head is considered offensive in some cultures