NRSNG NUR2868 Role and Scope Exam 3 2020 1. A nurse tells a coworker that he is probably going to call in “sick” tomorrow. The coworker urges him not to do so, because absenteeism creates problems for everyone on the unit. To which problems is the coworker referring? SATA Inadequate staffing adversely affects patient care both directly and indirectly -Working with inadequate staffing or working overtime to cover for absent workers creates physical and mental stress and strain -Chronic absenteeism lead to increased staff conflicts, to decreased morale, and eventually to increased absenteeism among the entire staff.
2. A nurse and a physician are having a polite but animated disagreement about what plan of care should be suggested to the client. The family also gets into the conversation, giving their opinions. Which type of conflict is this situation? INTERprofessional
3. The nurse is teaching a newly diagnosed client about celiac disease and diet. The client has a master’s degree in astronomy. What does the nurse recognize as a key factor in the client’s motivation? the clients higher the education highly indicates motivation to attend to his diet
4. A nurse calls the health care provider with an update on a client whose blood pressure has gone from 130/80 to 116/56 in one hour. The client’s pulse is 56. The nurse says “I am not sure what is happening but the client seems to be deteriorating.” What part of SBAR is the nurse using? -assessment
5. A nurse is having personal problems at home and takes one alprazolam tablet from a client’s medication bin. After seeing how it worked, the nurse continued to divert medications from clients. The nurse-manager fires the nurse for the theft of the drugs but