2 minute read

Foreword from the Editors

Hey guys,

The summer edition is now out - albeit virtually - and thank you for coming to take a look at it.


All of us at the Wellingtonian understand the pain you’re going through; whether it be struggling with online learning, the lack of motivation, or social interaction. We are all in the same boat and are finding it both difficult and strange, in our own unique ways. We don’t want to dwell on the negatives though - that’s not what we Wellingtonians do at college, and it’s not any different at home. Wellington is defined by us, the pupils, and this enthusiasm and inspiration of the student body is what we all need to keep positive during lockdown.

As the weeks count by and we get closer and closer to the finish line, let’s look at the positives of this whole situation, for these get overlooked, and are as - if not more - important than the downsides. Maybe you have become closer as a family, have surprised yourself with coping with e-learning, or have taken up a hobby. Communities have become closer in the common fight against the ‘C’ word and Wellington’s sprit and drive for community action has been seen across the world. This pause has allowed the world to slow down and stop to think about what really matters. Although lockdown is tough both mentally and physically, the resilience and independence stemming from this will stand us in good stead for the future. The whole world, sometimes seeming brutal and ruthless, will be a better and kinder place. And we will come out of this as stronger, more appreciative and better people.

Whilst physical Wellington is desolate, we are still Wellingtonians - the underlying connection between all of us. We have broken the back of this and easier times are ahead. And we hope to be handing this edition out - properly - in the near future. But for now, take a flick through all of the lockdown-related articles we have collated; we’re certain they’ll make you smile :)

Also, we hope you enjoyed the college’s first ever virtual speech day!

Stay safe and healthy everyone xx

Editors in Chief: Monet Stuckey and Angus Leach Assistant Editors: Audrey Dennis and Rosie Wrigglesworth Designers: Cosmo Smith and Sam Hind

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