Other Resources on Microfiche at the Taonga Tuku Iho Heritage Centre New Zealand Māori Voter’s Roll, 1908 This is a microfiche reproduction of bound volumes held in the Parliamentary Library, Wellington, and contains lists of Māori voters who voted at the General Election of 1908 in the Northern, Eastern and Western Maori electorates (the Southern Maori roll has not been found). Arranged alphabetically by name, with details of tribe, hapu, address, gender. Because it was not compulsory for Māori to register before the 1908 election, this roll is a list of those who voted rather than those who registered as electors. Also available via Ancestry online (in-library use only), along with the 1919 roll: Ancestry - New Zealand, Maori Voter and Electoral Rolls, 1908 & 1919
Niupepa, 1842-1933: Maori Newspapers Niupepa are newspapers published in Maori or for a Maori readership. Between 1842 and 1933 there were three types of niupepa published: government sponsored, iwi based and religious. By the twentieth century most niupepa were religious publications. These approximately 370 microfiches were made available by the Alexander Turnbull Library in the mid-nineties to enable access to this collection more widely by New Zealand libraries. Today, these publications are also available online via PapersPast (filter by ‘Ngā Tānga Reo Māori’ to view a list of what is available) and the University of Waikato’s NZDL Niupepa project: • •
PapersPast Niupepa: Māori Newspaper Collection
Turton's Land Deeds of the North Island This microfiche edition issued by the Alexander Turnbull Library is a complete re-publication of the original volumes compiled by Henry Hanson Turton as Commissioner to investigate Maori land claims and titles on behalf of the New Zealand Government, from 1877-1883. A number of North Island purchase deeds were reproduced in Turton’s Deeds: • • • •
Part 1, Epitome of official documents Part 2, Maori deeds of land purchases North Island : Auckland Part 3, Maori deeds of land purchases North Island : Taranaki, Wgtn, Hawke's Bay Part 4, Maori deeds of old private purchases in NZ 1815-1840
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Part 5, Plans of land purchases in the North Island : Auckland Part 6, Plans of land purchases in the North Island : Taranaki, Wgtn, Hawke's Bay
In addition to this microfiche, Wellington City Libraries has reproduced those that relate to Te Whanganui-a-Tara in text version on our website, and the New Zealand Electronic Text Centre has also provided some online access: • •
Wellington District Deeds on our website Turton’s Deeds on NZETC
Mackay’s Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island A microfiche reproduction of: A compendium of official documents relative to native affairs in the South Island, compiled by Alexander MacKay for the New Zealand Government, 1872-3. (Similar to Turton’s Deeds, but compiled for the South Island). These are also available on The New Zealand Electronic Text Centre: •
Mackay’s Compendium on NZETC
Maori land claims in the Appendices to the journals of the House of Representatives and the Legislative Council, 1855-1985 Published at the request of the Chief Librarian, Parliamentary Library, Wellington -- the listing was compiled for the Parliamentary Library in 1987. This is a tabulated listing, in chronological order, of the petitions tabled in Parliament, and is in 3 volumes on microfiche: • • •
Maori Land claims in AJHR & LC, 1855-1923 Maori Land claims in AJHR & LC, 1923-1948 Maori Land claims in AJHR & LC, 1948-1955
Browse A to Js online
Taranaki Crown Grants: an Index to Land Records / compiled by Noeline Carey This is a resource compiled by Noeline Carey on microfiche for the New Zealand Society of Genealogists in 1991. “Information was taken from notes added to the Department's Crown Grant record roll plans when the grants were issued”. The index is arranged alphabetically by grantee.
Theses and Journal Articles •
Bronwyn Elsmore, ‘Te Hahi o te Kotahitanga Marama (The Religion of the Reflection of the Moon)’. MPhil thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North, 1983.
Roger Philip Wigglesworth, ‘The New Zealand timber and flax trade, 1769–1840.’ PhD thesis, Massey University, 1984.
Graeme James Kirkland, ‘The challenge of flax : a study of New Zealand Woolpack and Textiles Limited, Foxton and its employees : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Geography at Massey University’. MA thesis, Massey University, 1970.
F. D. Fenton, ‘Observations on the aboriginal inhabitants of New Zealand,’ in Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Vol. 23, No. 4 (Dec., 1860), pp. 508-541.
Rachel Buchanan, ‘Village of peace, village of war : Parihaka stories 1881-2004’. PhD thesis, Monash University, 2005. Physical book edition also available to view on email request.
Bruce Symondson, ‘Frederick Pirani, MHR Palmerston North, 1893-1902: a study of his political career'. MA thesis, Massey University, 1977.