2 minute read


By Clareko andMira

The past year has been full of inspiring assemblies, kickstarted by a welcome assembly covering the theme of kindness Throughout the year so far, our assemblies have covered many things, including music and meditation, thought-provoking thoughts, cultural assemblies and assemblies presented by houses


Music and Meditation assemblies are a chance for our Wellington music scholars to play for the Senior school, showing off their talent and hard work they have put in; throughout this year, we have had many stellar performances The Wellington Senior School has also had the privilege of having professional musicians play for us during our music and meditation assemblies. Back in October we were joined by a string quartet from the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra who played a selection of pieces on the viola, violin and cello with an accompanying opera singer, and even a typewriter! Next, we were joined by Mr Rhys and Ms Rowena: a violinist and cellist from the London Symphony Orchestra who played a duet, a tradition Scottish piece and the Pirates of the Caribbean theme tune The assemblies presented by houses were equally impressive; the houses dedicated time and hard work into producing them and it definitely showed. The first one was presented by Murray Stanley B on courage. The members of the tutor group talked about the types of courage and the importance of courage to everyday life and school

Things to loook forward to:

Many assemblies were thought-provoking talks presented by many different people Dr Panton presented an assembly on global citizenship in which many difficult questions were raised Next was the assembly on Remembrance Day presented by Mr Findlay

Other assemblies over the course of the year have been about the many cultural events that take place In November, the Loy Krathong assembly took place, presented by Shawn and Nicha. Next was the Chinese New Year assembly, made possible with help of the Mandarin team and Year 6 students.

Assemblies have played a major role in making our school what it is Assemblies are times for students to reflect and learn, times for students to have fun and relax They are also opportunities for students to rise on stage and speak Assemblies are something you can look forward to at the beginning of every week and are a pleasure to experience

Bring enough snacks to share and hide some, so you don’t finish with none.

Oreos run out fast in the Café

Have good friends so they’ll remind you about which class is next and about the thousands of overdue preps that you haven’t done

Have a pencil case with spare pens and pencils. We don’t know how, but they always disappear, maybe there’s a pencil leprechaun in the school.

Be on time so you don’t miss anything from class and won’t interrupt the teacher when you walk in late If you are late don’t forget to say, “sorry I’m late” so you won’t seem rude

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Tips to survive the school year

by: Puhh and Aeyyah

Organize your locker so you don’t have to carry a ton of books to classes

Be positive and patient with your friends because they are not perfect. They might do stuff that you don’t like so talk to them with kindness

Talk to as many teachers and students as you can, they all have a lot to share and maybe you’ll end up with a lifelong healthy friendship

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