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The wall of values Residential trip
By Ella andWinnie
Our school has five values that we all identify with During assemblies we celebrate the people who have demonstrated any of these values during the preceding week
Our five values are: courage, respect, integrity, kindness and responsibility
These were the students who received a shout out last term and with their behaviour they set an example for our community:
Kin Kindness
KP Kindness
Wish Kindness, Integrity and Responsibility
Amelia Kindness
Poon Responsibility
Chevan Responsibility
Baikao Kindness
Tasha Courage and Responsibility
Sainahm Responsibility
Alexandra Kindness
Trip Responsibility
Skye Responsibility
Ete Kindness
Atom Kindness
Oscar Respect
Sofia Responsibility
Kaka Responsibilty
Moeka Responsibility
Ploen Courage
Elyssa Responsibilty
Ku Ku, Nicha, Julian, Tem Courage
Atom, J-Jean, Omni, Tino Courage
Amelia, A-Ya, Caylyn, Tiga, Aylsa, Pao Pao
By Clareko and Mira
At the beginning of this of the Senior Schoo residential trips, Years Kanchanaburi, and Year to Saraburi The reside organized by the JU whose wonderful facil trips fun and safe
There were many differ throughout the week, r pitching to elephant kayaking to bonfires. things to do before cam pitch our tents, in which we would be sleeping later that night. This involved finding a good area to put the tent, assembling the poles, and finally attaching the body We also learnt how to tie different knots, which is a vital skill for living in the jungle, and also extremely useful!
A definite highlight was learning how to use a flint and steel to make a fire, and toasting marshmallows on them – Yum! Kayaking down the river was a fun activity where students went into pairs to tire their muscles out as they paddled up and down the river. Some year groups stayed kayaking for hours, learning many things, and making many memories It was hard work, but it definitely paid off! Another highlight was working with elephants: bathing them and preparing their food, which was made of bananas, elephant pellets and other important nutrients
Many of the students hiked around The hiking was an enjoyable and memorable experience, where students got to appreciate the beauty in nature around them Some of the hiking bits were tiring and hard, but we had no casualties and students on the trip got to experience some great new things!
“It was agreat andwonderfulexperience. Iwoulddefinitely do itagain!”
As well as being really fun and a great experience, these residentials were a great lesson in independence, and great for collaboration and teamwork Overall, it was a fantastic week