Adult incontinence : types, common causes and treatment

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A Revolutionary New Way of Managing Incontinence!!

Adult Incontinence Types, Common Causes and Treatment

Adult incontinence (also known as involuntary urination) is a condition wherein a person experiences involuntary loss of urine. This condition is very common in women but also affects men as well.

Types There are a few different types of adult incontinence and may affect adults of any age for various reasons. The following are the most common: 1. Functional Incontinence: This type of incontinence has nothing to do with nervous, urinary, bladder or pelvic muscle problems. It simply occurs when a person has a need to urinate but cannot reach the bathroom because of either physical or mental restrictions. 2. Urge Incontinence This is a type of incontinence where a person has a sudden urge to urinate but cannot reach the toilet in time. A common symptom of this type of incontinence is frequent urination. A person may even have to wake up several times in the night with a sudden urge to urinate. This type of incontinence worsens with age. 3. Stress Incontinence When one experiences unexpected leaks of urine due to stress or pressure applied to the bladder during coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. This generally happens when the bladder is quite full and can most likely happen to anyone. It is most common in pregnant women. 4. Overflow Incontinence

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