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Vol. 24 No. 8.


online magazine of the Cancer Support Association

wellness news

Patron – His Excellency Dr. Ken Michael AC, Governor of Western Australia

environment, wellness and healing


& natural healing







Cancer Support Association of Western Australia Inc.



editorial wellness news

PLANT A GARDEN “Working with your hands (and feet) in the soil is one of the most physically and mentally healthy things you can do. Those who have not had the pleasure will be amazed at the peace and tranquillity you will experience.” Tony Isaacs Dear friends,

monthly online magazine of the Cancer Support Association of Western Australia Inc.

Wellness News e-magazine is published online and distributed free to members of the Cancer Support Association and subscribers. Wellness News magazine is dedicated entirely to environment, wellness and healing. The magazine is for people with cancer or serious health issues; for people who are well and want to maintain their good health naturally; and for complementary, alternative and integrative health professionals. Please enjoy your Wellness experience!

news team... Editor Mandy BeckerKnox editor.wellness@yahoo.com.au Editorial Consultant Dr.. Peter Daale

Cover: “Childhood” oil on canvas 24×30, by Jeques B. Jamora, 2009

Late Spring is a delightful time of year to be outdoors enjoying nature. It is a time of harvest and healing with abundant fruits and beautiful scented flowers blooming. It is essential for our physical health and peace of mind to regularly spend time in a beautiful natural environment working, exercising, observing, or just sitting still and absorbing the serenity of the moment. More and more we are becoming an indoor oriented culture and this has a profoundly negative impact on our wellbeing. Nature provides everything we need for healing – sunshine, plants, medicines, fresh water – but we are increasingly disconnected from these things in their natural form and dependent on artificial supplements.

Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas ~ Elizabeth Murray

In this edition of Wellness News we feature two articles by health writer Tony Isaacs. The first article looks at the increasing prevalence of cancer as symptomatic of the modern lifestyle and health practices. The second article is an incredibly in-depth analysis of how to heal cancer (or any other illness for that matter) using the many tools provided by nature. He suggests a natural cancer healing protocol, which if adopted, could literally save your life! Also featured in this edition are articles on organic gardening and organic food as a cancer healing strategy. You will also be inspired by the stories of two amazing ladies who are both longterm cancer survivors and CSA members. With the warmer weather here we have included some cooling salad and soup recipes to inspire your summer cooking. Happy reading this month! ✦ Love and peace, Mandy


one day cancer wellness workshop

NEW CSA members can attend free!

Life Changing Information for people with cancer presented by Dr. Peter Daale, Paul Alexander & Bavali Hill One day seminars for people living with cancer and their carers with a special focus on accessing key cancer information online, nutrition, and meditation. Held on the first Friday of every month. Final workshop for 2009 is 4th December from 9.30am-4.30pm.

To book phone CSA 9384 3544

in this edition features 6 CANCER IS GETTING HARDER TO BEAT AND AVOID By Tony Isaacs 8 HEALING ILLNESS: A NATURAL ANTI-CANCER PROTOCOL by Tony Isaacs 8 FINDING THE WORDS TO SAY IT The Healing Power of Poetry 17 WHATEVER IT TAKES Cathy Brown’s continuing story 20

COMMUNITY SUPPORTED HEALING The amazing cancer healing journey of Carmel Bainbridge by Deanne Walker


ORGANIC GARDENING FEATURE: How to plant an organic garden; Tips on organic gardening; The Herb Spiral

regular 2 EDITORIAL 3 PUZZLE Health & Wellness puzzle 5 IN THE NEWS Cancer survivors abandoned 24 RECIPES Cooling summer soups and salads 25 FOOD & NUTRITION The cucumber

health & wellness puzzle

A crossword puzzle about natural health and holistic remedies

Answers on page 28. Puzzle from: www.themecrosswords.com


1) TV addict? 8) Muscle spasm 11) Columnist Landers 12) Infrared 13) Cost 14) Dietary goal 18) Disease investigation 20) Ginger or Taro 21) Romantic palm fruit? 22) No longer fashionable 23) Radio band 24) Minor irritation 26) Embrace 27) Green beans and mashed potatoes 29) Something we want to forget! 30) Entrance area 32) Brussels veggie 33) First state to secede from the Union 34) ____ Marie Presley 36) Food magician 37) Greensboro locale 39) Wrap around 42) The, German 43) Spoil 44) Starbucks’ temptation 46) Small scrapes 48) Dear 49) Musical scale note 50) Bread type 52) Muse 57) Sweet smell 58) Levels of Indian society


1) Heart-related 2) Top of the line, with A 3) Not well 4) Diaphragm spasms 5) ___ existing condition 6) Exercise assistant 7) Compressed feeling 8) Head __ head 9) Chicago locale 10) Spa treatment substance 13) Total, for short 15) Word processor, for short 16) Italian, abbr. 17) Garden digger 19) Bone disease 23) Internet question 25) Chili or curry? 28) Muscle contractions 31) Skin problem 35) Tendency to stay put 38) Ocean kings? 40) Restaurant type 41) Making less painful 42) Jean material 45) Head __ head 47) Voices 51) __ __ Sisterhood 53) Not applicable, for short 54) Computer 55) Where it’s __ 56) Taoist power

About the Cancer Support Association of WA Inc The Cancer Support Association of Western Australia Inc is a nonprofit charitable organisation which was established in 1984. CSA’s key intention is to help people become informed, empowered and supported on their cancer and wellness journeys. CSA encourages an integrative, well-informed understanding of health and treatment options and strategies, and is committed to supporting all people, regardless of their treatment choices. CSA supports individuals who are living with cancer, their families, carers and the wider community through the services we provide, as well as through our widely distributed publications and unique cancer information website. CSA’s workshops, courses, groups, and complementary therapies are advertised throughout this publication and are held at CSA’s premises in Cottesloe unless otherwise stated.

CSA weekly program

November 2009 MONDAY Meditation Made Easy .................................................................................10.00 – 11.30am Ongoing Lessons with Bavali Hill. FREE FOR MEMBERS (non-members $5) No bookings necessary.

TUESDAY Yoga with Sydel Weinstein ($10 / $5 members) ...................................... 9.30 – 10.30am Wellness and Healing Open Support Group ............................... 10.00 – 12.00noon with Dr. Angela Ebert and Christine Robbins Carer’s Wellness and Healing .............................................................. 10.00 – 12.00noon Open Support Group (1st and 3rd Tues) with Christine Robbins Reiki Clinic .....................................................................................................12.15pm – 1.30pm

WEDNESDAY Laughter Yoga with Kimmie O’Meara ($3.00) ...................................11.45am – 12.45pm Grief and Loss Open Support Group ................................................... 1.00pm – 3.00pm last Wednesday of each month with Christine Robbins Reflexology with Udo Kannapin .......................................................... 10.00am – 2.00pm (appointments available between10am – 2pm) Chinese Medical Healthcare Qigong ($10/$5 members) ............. 1.30pm –3.00pm with Master Andrew Tem-Foo Lim

THURSDAY Counselling with Dr. Peter Daale (by appointment) ............................. 1.00pm – 5.00pm

Join the CSA Village

FRIDAY Meeting the Challenge 1 Day Seminar ................................................9.30am – 4.30pm 1ST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH with Dr. Peter Daale (and others).

DAILY Wellness Counselling and Information Sessions with Dr. Peter Daale ........................................................................................... by appointment

www.cancersupportwa.org.au Go to our website to join the CSA Village and use your Village Card for great discounts at a number of retail and online outlets. Remember: this is a great way to support CSA as a donation is made with every purchase!

General Counselling with Dr. Angela Ebert ......................................................................................................................by appointment Phone direct on 0414 916 724 or 9450 6724 or email a.ebert@murdoch.edu.au

Please phone CSA on 9384 3544 or check our website for further information. We can help you with information packs, course prices, confirm course times and make bookings. The CSA is totally self-supporting and services are greatly subsidised in order to be affordable for all. However, if you are having difficulty making fee payments, please speak with reception.

November 2009

in the news Cancer survivors ‘abandoned’ The wellbeing of cancer survivors in Australia is being compromised by fragmented follow-up care by specialists and GPs, according to a leading cancer specialist. In an article published today in the journal Cancer Forum, Associate Professor Michael Jefford, from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Melbourne, said an increasing number of cancer patients were being treated successfully, with more than 60 per cent surviving more than five years. But he said once treatment had finished, many patients had difficulty coping with the consequences of both having cancer and the treatments. Professor Jefford said the level of follow-up care of cancer survivors was “inconsistent and fragmented”, with some survivors experiencing a feeling of “abandonment” by their treatment team. “Despite the complex issues around treatment completion, survivorship care is suboptimal,” he said. “Follow-up care may be fragmented between oncology specialists (surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists) and general practitioners.” Survivors were at an increased risk of secondary or recurrent cancers, as well as heart disease and arthritis. Some patients also reported symptoms including continuing fatigue, pain, urinary problems and hot flushes that could be addressed through medical care. Professor Jefford said initiatives including care plans, screening tools, education and training, as well as the development of guidelines were crucial to improving care to what was a “vulnerable population”. Cancer Council WA cancer services director Sandy McKiernan said the physical, psychological and social impacts of cancer treatments were well known. “The reality for many people with their support networks is that when treatment finishes, life goes back to normal and we know that is not the case,” Ms McKiernan said. “It can take quite some time for a readjustment period to occur and living with uncertainty can lead to quite high anxiety for cancer patients.”


what’s on at CSA The Gawler Foundation 12 Week Cancer Self-Help Programme

Cancer, Healing & Wellbeing Facilitated by Cathy Brown. Starts: Wednesday, 3rd February 2010. 10am to 12.30pm weekly at CSA

“Cancer is a challenge – something you can conquer. Use it to make changes in your life – the things you have always been going to do. Do them now and change them now. Be open to things you may never have explored before.” ON THE PROGRAMME YOU WILL LEARN TO: • Activate your potential for healing • Relax effortlessly and meditate deeply • Develop and sustain a positive state of mind • Understand the role of nutrition and healthy diet for healing • Develop strategies to manage pain and fear • Find meaning and purpose in life

WEEKLY TOPICS INCLUDE: Week 1: Introduction and Meditation 1 Week 2: Meditation 2 Week 3: Mind Training 1 Week 4: Food 1 Week 5: Food 2 Week 6: Pain Management Week 7: Healing Week 8: Causes and solutions for cancer Week 9: Mind Training 2 Week 10: Living and Dying Week 11: Healthy Emotions Week 12: Health and Wellbeing

Cost: $350 per person. Bookings: reception

Ms McKiernan said follow-up clinics or information programs outside the public health system aimed at helping cancer survivors could ease the load on health professionals treating the 10,000 new cases of cancer in WA each year. ✦ By: Kate Tarala. From: West Australian newspaper, 10th November 2009

www.cancersupportwa.org.au of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au

Cancer is getting harder to beat (and avoid) By Tony Isaacs According to the WHO`s World Cancer Report, considered to be the most comprehensive global examination of the disease to date, cancer rates could further increase by 50% to 15 million new cases in the year 2020. Many people, including this author, believe that a great deal of the credit for declining death rates is a result of more people looking outside the failed mainstream therapies’ box and relying on natural and alternative means to address their cancers. As the aforementioned WHO report also noted, there “provides clear evidence that healthy lifestyles and public health action by governments and health practitioners could stem this trend, and prevent as many as one third of cancers worldwide.”

In recent years, statistical cancer death rates have been showing decreases for some cancers in some parts of the world, which has led some people to optimistically report that cancer is getting easier to beat. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As noted in “Hiding the Truth about Losing the War on Cancer” (http://www. naturalnews.com/023286_c...), statistics can be manipulated and often have been by those with vested interests in maintaining the illusion that we are turning the corner, or that a cure is just around that elusive corner, in the decades long and mostly failed war on cancer. The statistics which tell the real story are those which clearly show that the incidence of cancer continues to grow alarmingly, as does the expected worldwide cancer deaths. Between one in two and one in three people are now expected to encounter cancer in their lifetimes.

The good news is that an increasing number of people are learning about, and turning to, natural and alternative therapies. The bad news is that alternative, non-mainstream, non-toxic and non-invasive therapies continue to be repressed and misrepresented in mainstream studies. The further bad news is that even those who do learn the truth about alternatives are often finding cancer is getting harder to avoid and beat. Though this article is primarily about cancer, the same is true for heart disease and other major chronic illness, and for pretty much the same reasons: we continue to become exposed to more and more toxins and pollution, live unhealthy lifestyles and eat diets that are less nutritionally sound. As a result, our immune systems and our vitality continue to decline and regardless of any treatment, herb or therapy, mainstream or otherwise, it is our immune system, nature`s first line of defense against illness, that is the most important key to beating and avoiding cancer. People do not beat and avoid cancer nor get other illnesses due to a deficiency in chemotherapy or deficiencies in mainstream medicine. They get cancer and become ill because toxins and diseases beat their immune systems. As data from the CDC and others have shown, our immune systems are becoming progressively weaker, the same as male sperm count is progressively declining. In 1981, Dr. H. F. Pross did a study of the average Natural Killer (NK) count of average Americans. NK count is measured in lytic units (LU), and Dr. Pross found that the average LU count in 1981 was 152. In 1991, Dr. R. B. Herberman did a similar study and found that the LU count had dropped to 135. In 1997, Dr. Gerald See did another study and found the count had dropped to 108. In other words, we are dropping at about the rate of 1 LU per year. Which means that the average LU count in 2009 is likely to be somewhere around 96 which would be an alarming drop of 37% in less than three decades! Other than earlier detection and including some easily remedied forms of cancer that were once considered simply pre-cancerous conditions, little real progress has been made by the use of mainstream invasive and toxic therapies of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation – all which have been shown to increase the spread of cancer and weaken the body to pave the way for further cancer, particularly the latter two (chemo and radiation). Most people are likely unaware that virtually all chemotherapy drugs are themselves classified as Class 1 carcinogens! And radiation merely destroys our bone marrow that is the heart of our immune system. A strong immune system from proper diet and nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, elimination of stress, and proper supplementation and nutrition, is still the best way to avoid and

November 2009 beat cancer, especially when buttressed by herbal immune boosters and cancer fighters. But it takes diligence and effort – more so now than ever before. Cancer and the world we live in have changed a lot during the past 50 years and for that reason we do not seem to see the same successes with some of the famed treatments of prior decades, like the outstanding Budwig Diet protocol, Essiac tea, Hoxsey, Gerson, etc. Cancer appears to be getting harder to avoid and harder to beat once acquired. That is likely due to a number of factors. One problem, and a very big one, is one we will likely have to live with for centuries: the amount of radiation now found in virtually every square inch of the earth`s surface as a result of the atmospheric atomic bomb blasts that spewed millions of tons of radioactive material into our environment. Two time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling warned of millions of deaths and injuries that could be expected as a result of atmospheric bomb tests. He was rewarded by having the State Department pull his passports. A pre-eminent Russian scientist and later Nobel Laureate himself, Andrei Sakharov, predicted between half a million and one million deaths for every 50 megatons of atmospheric bomb tests (ultimately the tests of the United States and Russia combined to produce fallout equivalent to 40,000 Hiroshimas). Instead of having his passports pulled, Sakharov received a free trip and vacation from the state – an exile to a Siberian Gulag for the next 20 plus years, that is. In addition to the radiation from nuclear bomb tests that will stay with us for ages, we are increasingly being bombarded with microwaves and high power transmission lines, which industry is recently beginning to lose their decades long cover up of the dangers they have known such technology presented. Add to that the fact that our industrial age has added no fewer than 80,000 unnatural chemical compounds to our environment, less than 1,000 of which have been tested individually in any way for safety and almost none of which have been tested in combination with one another. Next, you have about 20,000 FDA approved medications (both prescribed and over the counter) which have been mostly poorly tested for safety individually, scarcely tested for carcinogenic/ mutagenic short or long term dangers, and almost none of which have been tested in combination with each other. Over 95% of all FDA approved medications have known side effects by themselves. In combination, one can only imagine what short and long term sideeffects could result and one is reminded that many chronic conditions are years in the making. Some cancers, for example, take eight years after they have gained a foothold to grow to the size of a pinhead (after which, the doubling rate increases their size much faster). Then there are the foods and nutrition we tend to consume (or not consume as the case may be). The food products on the grocers shelves have by and large had the nutrition processed out and additives processed in for added shelf life, flavor, colour and texture. The ones that claim to be “enriched” with vitamins and minerals are enriched mostly with synthetic petrochemical vitamins and crushed rock minerals – not natural ones or ones that have been predigested by plants to be bio-available for human benefit. Our fruit and vegetables are picked early and artificially ripened/ preserved with chemicals – plus they often contain pesticides and/or herbicides and come from over-farmed soils which severely lack the major and trace minerals needed for optimum nutrition. Increasingly, our major food crops are being genetically modified to enable them to withstand more and more of such pesticides and herbicides. Increasingly, vital enzymes and other natural compounds are being destroyed by irradiation to “protect us from natural crops.


Our mineral depleted and over-farmed soils usually have just a few petrochemical synthetics added back to the soil which produce the best growth, but lack the best nutrients. Pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals have killed off the vital soil micro-organisms needed to convert what minerals do remain to usable forms to be taken up by the plants. Those micro-organisms which do remain seldom have adequate time to perform their vital roles thanks to over-farming and lack of proper crop rotation. Today, most of us are deficient in most vital trace minerals needed for optimum health and many major minerals and vitamins as well. Thanks to the totally overboard scares about the danger of exposure to the sun, most of us are woefully deficient in Vitamin D3 – instead slathering on sunscreens which block out the beneficial rays, let in the harmful ones and contain carcinogens to boot. Most of us are similarly lacking in iodine, and many are lacking in selenium which, besides many other health benefits, is an important co-factor for iodine to be properly utilized. While many people diligently supplement with calcium via milk or supplements, as many as 95% of us are deficient in magnesium – and without magnesium being consumed/supplemented on a 1 to 2 or 1 to 3 ratio with calcium, the calcium does not work. In great part, cancer is a defense mechanism where the cells mutate to protect themselves from a heavy metal, chemical compound, or other irritant/toxin. One of the things they do is form an outer protective shell which prevents the body`s natural immune system from recognizing and killing off the cancer cells. Some have observed that this protective layer is getting thicker in many forms of cancer, possibly as a result of all the added toxins and other factors listed above. The end result is that cancer is more hardened against attack and is harder to recognize and defeat by immune systems that are most often in less than optimum condition to begin with. In addition, the body`s great toxin removal organ, the liver, is also often compromised and operating at far less than peak efficiency. Instead of a toxin removal organ, many people have developed fatty livers which are fat and toxin storage organs and which have bile ducts that fail to eliminate toxins but instead serve to recycle them through the bloodstream. It takes more than just one cancer preventative or cancer fighter these days. That is why the wonderful Budwig protocol, once an almost sure cancer beater and still very successful, is considered essential, but far from the ONLY element. With declining immune systems in an increasingly polluted, poorly nourished, overmedicated and toxic world, cancer is not getting easier to avoid and neither is it getting easier to beat. Cancer may be easier to beat than most people think, but that is only because most people still do not know a fraction of what good diet, nutrition, herbal supplementation and alternative treatments have to offer. The more people who educate themselves about alternatives to ineffective and toxic therapies, the more that will be saved. ✦ Sources included: “Lessons from the Miracle Doctors” by Jon Barron “The Secret History of the War on Cancer” by Devra Davis “Politics in Healing” by Daniel Haley “The Root of All Disease” by Elmer.G.Heinrich http://tbyil.com/waroncancer.htm http://www.tbyil.com/anticancer.htm From: www.naturalnews.com. Tony Isaacs is a natural health advocate and researcher and the author of books and articles about natural health including “Cancer’s Natural Enemy” and “Collected Remedies”

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au

8 ...from previous pageNEWS WELLNESS

November 2009

Healing illness A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol By Tony Isaacs Nature gives us an array of tools to beat cancer and the underlying causes that lead to cancer, including foods, vitamins, minerals, supplements and lifestyle choices. The key is not merely addressing the tumours and cancer cells that are the symptoms of cancer, but addressing and eliminating the root causes that led to cancer to begin with. Tony Isaacs suggests a protocol to eliminate cancer cells by either killing them or restoring them to normal function based on what we know about cancer and what nature and lifestyle choices have to offer...

www.cancersupportwa.org.au environment • wellness • healing

Art: Glory Fraulein Wolf

November 2009

Western medicine treats the body as a collection of parts instead of as a synergistic organism. When it comes to treating broken bones and injured body parts, mainstream Western medicine is unequalled. When this same approach is used to treat illness and disease – fixing or repairing the parts where the symptoms of underlying illnesses manifest themselves, modern medicine fails miserably. In the instance of cancer, instead of addressing the causes of cancer – toxins and a weakened immune system which result in a loss of proper cellular communication and oxidation and the cells mutating to cells that form a protective coating and replicate without dying – we see instead treatments that either slash, burn or poison away the tumours and cancer cells, which further weakens an immune system cancer has already defeated and only worsens the conditions that led to cancer to begin with. As a result, the way is paved for the return of the cancer or the introduction of another cancer or serious condition. Even worse, the road to further illness is often made easier due to the damage to the immune system and major organs caused by the treatment of the symptom. Nature, on the other hand, gives us an array of tools to beat cancer and the underlying causes that lead to cancer, including foods, vitamins, minerals, supplements and lifestyle choices. The key is not merely addressing the tumours and cancer cells that are the symptoms of cancer, but addressing and eliminating the root causes that led to cancer to begin with and prevent it from being eliminated. Here is a suggested protocol to eliminate cancer cells by either killing them or restoring them to normal function and to address the root causes of cancer based on what we know about cancer and what nature and lifestyle choices have to offer:

CLEANSING As soon as possible, cleanse your body to get rid of built up toxins like heavy metals and pesticides, as well as the undigested food, faecal matter and gallstones that build up in the body by cleansing your colon and liver and by chelation to rid the body of heavy metals. Such contaminations are breeding grounds for, and causes of, disease and illness. A toxic and unclean body weakens the body`s immune system that should be your first line of defense. Plus, once cleansed, the body is much more receptive to the good measures you take to rebuild your immune system and fight disease. It cannot be stressed enough how vitally important it is to cleanse, restore and protect the liver before, during and after your anti-cancer and disease battle. As the great cancer pioneer Max Gerson observed, cancer cannot develop unless the liver is impaired to begin with. An effective cancer fighting regimen can severely tax an already weakened liver because it will result in the release of a cascade of toxins that are released when cancer cells die. Such a release can overwhelm an already impaired liver and can even be fatal if measures are not taken to protect and regenerate the liver. On the following page is a suggested liver cleanse and suggested further measures to take to cleanse, detox, protect and help regenerate the vital liver.

Other things to do for the liver: COFFEE ENEMAS help open the bile ducts so bile and toxins can be released properly. COCONUT OIL a wonderful item everyone should take, it helps maintain a good bile flow.


5 DAY LIVER CLEANSE It is best to have day 4 on a Saturday or at a time when you are staying at home.

DAY 1: Drink 1 litre (4 cups) of apple juice during the day. Eat as normal otherwise. DAY 2: Drink another liter of apple juice. Eat


DAY 3: Drink a 3rd litre of apple juice. Eat normally DAY 4: Do not take any solid food after lunch


6pm – Take one level tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water 8pm – Take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. You may find that you already have to take a trip to the toilet before the 8pm Epsom salt. 10pm – Mix one half glass of olive oil and three quarter glass of freshly squeezed grape fruit juice by shaking it very well in a jar with a lid so that it mixes well and immediately get into bed after drinking the mixture. You will probably make more than one trip to the toilet during the night as well as during the next day.

DAY 5: 6am: Take another tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water 8am: Take one final tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. You will find that many gallstones from the liver will be passed and one will notice them in the toilet. They will vary in size from about pin head size to 10mm. Gallstones in the liver are a major cause of many health problems. The above liver cleanse can be repeated every month until one finds that for two months in succession no more gallstones are passed. The liver will then be clean. (You can read about this in much more detail in Andreas Moritz`s book ` “The liver and gallbladder miracle cleanse” which you can download from his site at www.ener-chi.com). Ed – Do not undertake this liver cleansing regime without first seeking professional healthcare advice.

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au


November 2009

BEETROOT JUICE is also good for the liver and bile flow. TURMERIC is a cancer fighter itself, especially for smokers, and it helps regulate bile flow. MILK THISTLE is a must as it helps protect the liver and actually regenerate it ALPHA LIPOIC ACID another liver supplement that also helps fight cancer SELENIUM a third liver supplement that is good against cancer too.

In the Berkson Clinical Study, three women who were facing liver transplants or chemo with interferon (a horrendous treatment with very low success rates for hepatitis and cirrhosis), took milk thistle, alpha lipoic acid and selenium, modified their diets a bit and got some daily exercise and restored their liver functions to normal. Besides cleansing and detoxing your body, also cleanse your environment to the greatest extent possible of pesticides, herbicides, household cleansers, air fresheners and other manmade chemicals. In an ideal world, you would move to a location where there was plenty of fresh air and sunshine and less stress. In the real world you may not find that possible, so eliminate common toxins in your household, workplace and other places you spend time.

treatment. Nothing seems to work to heal them. When these people finally wake up to the above and get their mouths cleaned up, they get well in weeks – not months. Almost everyone (8590% of the people I work with) has root canal-filled teeth. One lady had 13 of `em. They are ALWAYS related to the cancer. No exceptions.” Dr. Thomas Levy, one of the world`s experts on dental toxicity, told me he had done a study with Dr. Hal Huggins from 19942000. They removed “over 5,000 root canal-filled teeth.” He said they took every one of them to the lab and tested it. Every one of them had toxins coming out of it “more toxic than botulism.” His exact words. You can see on a thermogram the root canal tooth with its inflammation on the exact same meridian as the cancer tumour in the breast, colon, prostate, etc. There are over 40 million root canal fillings done in the U.S. alone every year. Is it any wonder we are all getting sick? Suggested reading: http://www.Beating-Cancer-Gently.com


ELIMINATE ROOT CAUSES OF DISEASE IN YOUR MOUTH If you have mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth, have them replaced. In many instances, this step alone has led to elimination of cancer. Cilantro and chlorella can help eliminate heavy metal accumulations in the body. Perhaps worse than amalgam fillings is root canals. According to Bill Henderson, author of “Cure Your Cancer” and “CancerFree”, root canal is “the big elephant in the room”. Bill reports that “it has been proved by many dentists and oral surgeons I respect that virtually all degenerative disease starts in the dentist`s chair and points to the book “The Roots of Disease” by Robert Kulacz, D.D.S. Bill goes on to say, “I have worked with hundreds of people who have struggled with all kinds of conventional and alternative

No matter what supplements or treatments you may choose to combat cancer, you must first establish a good foundation. While vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements may help you beat the symptoms of cancer and help boost your immune system, the diet and lifestyle you live will be the ultimate keys to beating cancer and keeping it at bay once and for all because in the end it is your own body which will win the war. To fail to embrace proper diet, nutrition and lifestyle and look for answers in supplements alone is akin to putting a new roof on a house that is falling apart from a broken foundation. Immediately eliminate bad habits and begin building good ones so that you will make sure that you no longer have habits that weaken your immune system and that you will be able to build your body to fight and conquer illness. A sedentary lifestyle with a poor diet, lack of pure water, sunshine and fresh air, and constant exposure to toxins will in time lead to bad health conditions. On the other hand, also be sure to get an abundance of sleep and physical rest to conserve energy for healing and cleansing. Remember, bad health habits are open invitations for illness and disease to enter your body.

www.cancersupportwa.org.au environment • wellness • healing

November 2009

Begin and maintain a healthy immune-boosting and cancer fighting diet. A good balanced diet, pure water, fresh air, sunshine and mild to moderate exercise are some of the essentials. You will find that a good diet does not have to be a bad tasting diet – far from it! However, it should be noted that the very best and most healthy diet is one that is close to the diet our ancestors evolved to utilize: lots of fresh and uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots and tubers, and fish and free range meat not subject to factory farming or feed lot practices and uncontaminated by growth hormones, artificial fertilizers or pesticides. Granted that is a tall order for fish and meat, but it is strongly recommended to consume ONLY such healthy non-toxic fish and meats and to limit meat consumption period when fighting cancer. It is also best to consume little or no grain or dairy products. It should be noted that of all the foods, essentially only raw vegetables and fruits contribute to an alkaline pH. Juiced vegetables and fruits are an excellent form of nutrition (Note: eat much more vegetables than fruit due to the high sugar content of fruits).


a-week fast. It will help keep your body cleansed and, if you are overweight, also help you reach and maintain your optimum weight. Two good daily fasts in addition to water only fasts when fighting cancer would be 1) a dark grape fast where you eat all the dark grapes and seeds you want but nothing else other than water (the concord grape is probably the best choice and seeds are a must!), and 2) a juiced vegetables fast.

PROPER FOOD COMBINING It is important to practice proper food combining as this prevents the putrefaction and fermentation of foods within the digestive system, and therefore toxicity, caused by mixing a predominantly protein food with a predominantly starchy food at the same meal. For example a poached egg on wholewheat toast. Fruits should not be combined with vegetables for the same reason. Proper food combining requires far less digestive energy which is then released for other more important bodily tasks.

The Budwig Diet is an excellent and proven cancer fighting diet which is highly recommended, especially the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese portion of the diet. NOTE: When using the Budwig Diet, avoid alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin e supplementation. Despite what some overly zealous Budwig proponents believe, other anti-oxidants and supplements are fine with the Budwig diet. Take the time to chew each bite thoroughly – as many as 50 chews if possible – to help aid digestion and take maximum advantage of the available nutrition.

THE IMPORTANCE OF SUNSHINE From the very first days that man walked upon the earth, sunshine has been a key to health and survival. The importance of the synergistic relationship between health and regular sunshine cannot be over-emphasized for both physical healing and mental health (which is itself a key to physical healing for cancer and any other illness). Contrary to popular beliefs about the harmful effects of over exposure to the sun, abundant sunlight has extremely high success rates for: * Safely stopping tumour growth, not destroying tumours (the only effect that conventional medicine recognizes), but stopping growth. * Preventing cancer by stimulating the body`s vitamin D production.

FASTING So long as you are not physically wasted, fasting is an excellent way to begin virtually any disease fighting protocol. It helps the body eliminate wastes and toxins and reset itself to optimum health levels for healing and fighting cancer and other illness. Many people are able to beat disease and illness of all kinds, including cancer, simply by fasting. After an initial fast of a few days or longer where you provide only the water needed to satisfy thirst, continue with a one-day-

* Preventing influenza like the bird flu also by vitamin D production. Don`t overdo the sunshine, but sunshine is essential to the production of vitamin D, and, strange as it may sound, has been found to be essential in warding off melanoma as well as other cancers. Be sure to get full body sun exposure avoiding the heat of the day and not allowing oneself to become more than mildly “pink” or sunburned by gradually increasing exposure time from a few minutes to perhaps a full hour and more each day.

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November 2009

INDIRECT SUNLIGHT INTO THE EYES GUIDELINES You really can`t get enough of this type of light. Sitting in a screen enclosed porch would be the minimum exposure and would require three times the duration to get the same effect as walking in full sunlight. Walking in full sunlight might only require one hour to get full benefit. Wearing a hat with a brim in bright direct sunlight should be sufficient UV protection. The UV problem for eyes is greatly over exaggerated to sell sunglasses which, like sunscreens, should be used sparingly. Source: http://alternativecancer.us/cancer

the peace and tranquillity you will experience. Indoor plants bring the added benefit of adding extra oxygen and removing toxins from you air. Everyone should have plenty of them! REBUILD AND STRENGTHEN THE BODY`S NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM. It is very likely that a weakened immune system contributed to your illness in the first place. It is absolutely certain that a rebuilt and strengthened immune system will help you beat your illness and keep it at bay. Again, good diet, nutrition and habits are all important – they lay the foundation for a strong and healthy immune system. However, they are not enough by themselves. You should build a good foundation and then make your body a healthy fortress against disease and illness. Quite simply, disease and illness hate healthy hosts. The stronger your immune system is, the harder it is for disease to survive and grow. And, to be the very strongest you can be, you need extra measures in the form of supplements as well as the healthiest foods. An oleander extract very much like you get when you make oleander soup was tested in Europe in 1986 – 87 and found to have six times the immune stimulating activity of the most powerful immune stimulators known to man.

Fair skin and the number of moles are the major risk factor for melanoma (skin cancer), not sunlight overexposure. In 1959. Jane C Wright, directing cancer research at Bellevue Memorial Medical Centre in New York City, instructed fifteen cancer patients to stay outdoors as much as possible that summer in natural sunlight without wearing their glasses, and particularly without sunglasses. By that Autumn, the tumours in 14 of 15 had not grown, and some patients had gotten better. It was discovered that the one patient that didn’t have good results had not fully understood the instructions – while she had not worn sunglasses, she had continued to wear her prescription glasses. This blocking of UV into her eyes was enough to stop the benefits enjoyed by the other fourteen.

EXPOSURE TO NATURE AND THE GOOD EARTH From the good earth did life spring and mankind lived for eons in close contact and relative harmony with the good earth. Mankind developed for eons in harmony with nature. It is beyond mere theory that regular exposure to soil organisms and the good earth provides both physical and mental healing. Many believe that there is an actual healing synergy from exposure to the earth itself. Today, far too many of us are shut off from nature in the artificial and closed environments of offices and closed in dwellings. To remedy this: TAKE FREQUENT WALKS in yards, fields and woods. Of course, seek out areas that are likely to be as free as possible from pesticides, herbicides and other chemical contamination.

As often as possible, take off your shoes, socks and sandals and go barefooted in the soil and grass. PLANT VEGETABLE AND FLOWER GARDENS (and use only organic products!). If that is not possible, use pots and other containers for patio, balconies and indoors. Working with your hands (and feet) in the soil is one of the most physically and mentally healthy things you can do. Those who have not had the pleasure will be amazed at

MAINTAIN AN ALKALINE PH AND GET PLENTY OF OXYGEN TO THE CELLULAR LEVEL Once cancer has gained a foothold, it does not survive well in the presence of an alkaline cellular pH level, nor in the presence of highly oxygenated cells. As Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg discovered, low cellular oxygen is a primary causal factor for cancer. His protege, Dr. Johanna Budwig of Germany, continued his work and found that in order for proper cellular utilization of oxygen to take place, our diets must contain adequate amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. Although many people use food grade hydrogen peroxide to obtain extra oxygen, perhaps a better option without the concerns some have with hydrogen peroxide is the product OxyGen. Each capsule contains oxygen and the equivalent of 12 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide derived from a combination of magnesium peroxide and pure anaerocidal oxygen.

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November 2009


anticancer form of selenium. Rather than killing cancer cells by necrosis, methylselenol kills cancer cells through apoptosis. Apoptosis is an orderly process of cellular self-destruction that does not provoke inflammatory responses. Methylselenol is also known to inhibit angiogenesis in beginning cancer tumours. Angiogenesis, the creation of new blood vessels, is necessary for cancer cells to grow into a tumour. For cancer prevention, doses of 200 to 400 mcg of methylselenocysteine are generally considered safe without medical supervision. Nutritionally-oriented physicians may use as much as 900 to 2,000 mcg selenium from methylselenocysteine daily as part of a comprehensive cancer treatment protocol.


BE SURE TO TAKE THESE CANCER FIGHTING MINERALS Make sure you have plenty of iodine, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin C, calcium and Vitamin D. All have been proven to be essential in beating and avoiding cancer. As mentioned above, cancer cells have lost the ability to be shut off by the body in what is called cellular apoptosis. These cancerous cells simply become abnormal and outlive the other cells in their normal cell life/replacement cycle and end up crowding out a territory over time. Iodine goes in and both does away with the surrounding cyst where cancer has set up residence and then also goes in and allows the specific shut down of the individual cells that are abnormal, diseased, or beset w/ pathogens to make room for new cells.

Water is essential for all healthy life; however, regular tap water contains trace amounts of hundreds to thousands of pesticides, carcinogens and other industrial pollutants. For that reason, the author recommends only the purest drinking water, such as reverse osmosis filtered water.

Some notes on iodine and selenium: Many people who take iodine and selenium take far too little for maximum therapeutic benefit. Both elemental iodine and potassium iodine should be taken and the total amount of iodine should be 100mg or more, perhaps beginning at 50mg and working up. Magnascent is a good form or elemental iodine. Lugols is also widely used. Since Lugols contains both elemental iodine and potassium iodine, the total amount of iodine one can take with Lugols is 300 mg. Selenium MUST be taken with iodine in order for iodine to be effective. The best form of supplemental selenium for fighting cancer appears to be methylselenocysteine. The most common form of supplemental selenium is selenomethionine whose general proteins have no anticancer activity. Another form, sodium selenite is more frequently metabolized to the toxic metabolite hydrogen selenide (H2Se), which does have anticancer effects but is more toxic than selenomethionine. Its primary mode of killing cancer cells (and at high levels, normal cells) is through the process of cell necrosis. Cell necrosis provokes inflammation and may kill healthy cells along with cancer cells. The recommended form of selenium, methyselenocysteine is found naturally in some vegetables including garlic, brassicas, leeks, and onions, especially when these are grown in high selenium soil. Methylselenocysteine is easily converted to methylselenol which has been demonstrated to be an effective

EXERCISE IN MODERATION Regular exercise does not have to be gruelling, but it is essential. Exercise stimulates the immune system, stimulates the production of natural human growth hormone, stimulates the production of hormones and pheromones that make us happier and healthier, and simply leads to a longer and happier life period. Innumerable studies have demonstrated the overall health benefits of exercise and the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle lacking in exercise. It is not a coincidence that studies have shown up that those who exercise only a few hours each week have up to 50% less chance of developing many different kinds of cancer.

DO NOT NEGLECT THE VITAL TRACE MINERALS Trace minerals are essential in beating cancer and are in fact essential to virtually all of the body`s important processes when it comes to utilizing vitamins, minerals and enzymes for good health. Two hundred years ago, the top layer of our soil contained up to 80 or more different minerals. Today, over-farming and the

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au


November 2009

chemical destruction of soil micro-organisms has stripped soils the world over of all but a handful of bio-available minerals, and even those remaining minerals are at levels that are only fractions of what were in the soil 100 years ago and continuing to decline. Man`s body is designed to utilize at least 60 or more trace minerals on a daily basis, and did so for thousands of years by eating the plants that processed such minerals (and the animals that ate the plants with processed minerals. Quite simply, without minerals nothing else works as designed, and every mineral deficiency, whether major or trace minerals, results in the body compensating in one or more ways which are often unhealthy. The only way to get an adequate supply now is to supplement, and the very best supplementation is from plant derived minerals, such as those that come from the famous plant prehistoric vegetable deposits in Utah and contain 75 trace minerals. Those who take them regularly report remarkable improvements in their health (and the author himself takes them religiously each and every day). The head of the National Cancer Research Foundation, Fred Eichorn, asserts that mineral deficiencies lead to changes in instructions to the DNA to make adjustments for alternate ways to produce hormones and amino acids – and that these changes lead to cancer. Eichorn believes that correcting those deficiencies leads to rebalancing that will eliminate cancer and his foundation`s website has some impressive testimonials: http://www.ncrf.org

GET PLENTY OF HEALTHY OMEGA 3`S Good natural sources include extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and organic butter, or better yet grass-fed organic butter. An excellent supplement is Doctor Mercola`s Krill Oil, which also contains a healthy ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids and has been shown to help ward against cachexia (the wasting of non-fat body tissue, especially skeletal muscle tissue).

THINGS TO AVOID Remember, what you avoid can be just as important as what you consume: Avoid sugar to the greatest extent possible. Sugar feeds cancer and other illnesses and causes a myriad of other health problems. Refined sugar is also the number one single cause of health problems in the entire world! Likewise avoid bread and other items containing bleached white flour, which is essentially empty and harmful calories that convert to sugar once ingested. Other items to avoid include non-fermented soy, pork, MSG, ALL charred foods and foods cooked at high temperature,

aluminium and coated cookware, micro-waved food, food in plastic containers and styrofoam.

GO ON THE ATTACK The next element of beating your disease and keeping it at bay is to go on the attack. As a matter of fact, all of the elements of the this anti-cancer and disease protocol are elements of attack, because they make the body strong and inhospitable to disease. What I am talking about here is more than just making the body inhospitable to your disease – I am talking about going on the attack and wiping it out! In the case of cancer, there are many very potent anti-cancer supplements. such as the ones listed above and several others. One such supplement, named SUTHERLANDIA OPC (not to be confused with the European anti-oxidant named OPC) has been used for the past five plus years in South Africa to treat HIV and cancer. Several thousand HIV patients have taken Sutherlandia OPC now and all are reported to be still alive and well with their symptoms either reversed or stabilized. Of the hundreds of cancer patients over the past five plus years, only 8 have been reported to not survive (5 were in their very final days and could not hold down the supplement and another three succumbed to organ failure as a likely result of prior traditional Western treatment via chemo). All the rest, save two who stopped taking the supplement once the tumours were gone and returned to their old lifestyles (and had the cancer return) are now alive and cancer free or else have their cancers in remission and tumours continuing to shrink. Compare that with the results of any mainstream medicine or treatment!

Dosage: The supplement comes in either an extract or capsule version and instructions call for five to 15 ml of extract three times daily or 1 to 3 capsules twice daily depending on the stage and aggressiveness of one`s cancer.

at CSA with Master Andrew Lim Every Wednesday from 1:30pm to 3pm in the Sun Room at CSA Cost $5.00 (CSA members) or $10.00 per class Phone CSA reception for more details on 9384 3544. Bookings not necessary.

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November 2009

Another source of oleander is the patented medicine version available from the Salud Integral Clinic in Honduras: http://www. saludintegral.hn IODINE (see above) is an absolute must for anyone fighting cancer, especially breast cancer. Many people have beaten cancer with iodine supplementation alone and it is a supremely powerful item to include in any cancer-fighting protocol. A supreme cancer tumour destroyer and cancer fighter for many forms of cancer is INOSITOL/IP6, such as is found in the product Cell Forte Max3. According to several users interviewed by the author, it often seems to just melt away tumours in a very short time period, and works well to normalize the PSA readings in prostate cancer sufferers. One caution – Inositol/IP6 may deplete minerals and/or interfere with mineral absorption, especially calcium and magnesium. Be sure to get plenty of Calcium and Magnesium (a good thing to do anyway) and take a good mineral supplement, preferably plant derived minerals (a second good thing to do in any event). Intensive cancer fighting dosage calls for 8 to 16 capsules per day. Note: intensive use of Inositol/IP6 is not recommended for more than a few months at a time, with lesser maintenance doses of one to two capsules the rest of the time and occasional breaks from the maintenance dose of up to one month (to guard against mineral depletion). CURCUMIN has many similar compounds to oleander and is a potent and highly proven cancer fighter and preventive. Curcumin has been particularly effective against cancer with smokers and helps prevent cancer in general from spreading. Independent research studies on the anti-cancer properties of turmeric suggests that Curcumin has the potential for treatment of five top cancers in the U.S. – colon, breast, prostate, lung and skin. An added plus is that turmeric is a wonderful anti-inflammatory, and thus would be a vital addition for those who have brain cancer, where swelling is always a concern. To fight cancer, 2500 to 3000 mg per day is recommended, divided into two to three doses and taken either with meals or with bromelain as described below. The best sources of curcumin may be the Life Extension Foundation and Turmeric-Curcumin.com. Curcumin is can also be obtained by taking the common spice turmeric, though turmeric and most curcumin supplements are not very bioavailable. Coconut oil or milk may help absorption and some studies have indicated that absorption may also be increased with 5-10 mg of bioperine (or else black pepper). A GOOD BLOOD TONIC, such as the Blood Support formulated by Baseline Nutritionals, helps cleanse the blood and the liver and makes the body inhospitable to cancer cells. CAYENNE PEPPER tincture is a very effective cancer fighter, especially so for prostate cancers and when used in combination with the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese elements of the Budwig diet.

Black cumin oil, also known as black caraway seed oil and blackseed oil, has been shown to be a potent cancer fighter and, along with oleander, it is one of the very few natural cancer fighters that have had good success against pancreatic cancer. IMMUNE BOOSTING AND CANCER FIGHTING MUSHROOM products, such as RM-10, a proprietary blend of 10 mushrooms by Garden of LIfe and available at the best price iHerb – (PLUS you can get a $5 discount on your first order at iHerb when you use the referral code XOT949). This formula is so potent that the naturopath who developed it used it to save his mother from stage IV Ovarian Cancer.


VITAMIN B-17, also known as laetrile, is a very potent and proven cancer fighter that is highly recommended although difficult to find (the best source is apricot pits). Note: laetrile by itself, or even as the primary element of a cancer fighting protocol, is best used by people who have been given 12-18 months or longer survival estimates, as it normally works best when taken for a prolonged period of time. COLLOIDAL SILVER is another must in my opinion – it has been shown to be deadly to single cell organisms and pathogens, and various cancers have been shown to have viral and/or fungal qualities, at least after they have become established. The caution with Colloidal Silver is that it may also eliminate beneficial bacteria when taken in amounts large enough to fight cancer and so it is a good idea when taking colloidal silver to also supplement with probiotics (yet another good thing to do anyway – especially after cleanses). Many recommend that colloidal silver be taken with Colloidal Gold because gold appears to enhance the silver`s actions when cancer is present. Take one to two ounces or more daily while actively fighting cancer. BROMELAIN Several studies have indicated anti-cancer and antitumour properties of the enzyme bromelain, which comes from the pineapple plant. One of the primary anti-cancer properties of bromelain may be it`s ability to help prevent cancer from growing and spreading. Bromelain is also a powerful binder which can greatly increase the absorption of other supplements and medications (for that reason, a qualified medical professional. Preferably a naturopathic one, should be consulted before taking large amounts of bromelain with other medications where increased absorption might be a cause for concern). Take 500 to 750 mg capsules thirty minutes before meals or two hours after meals. Good when combined with bromelain. SHARK CARTILAGE AND BINDWEED Besides attacking cancer, preventing it`s spread and tumour growth by the process of angiogenesis is critical. Many of the items in this protocol work against angiogenesis; however there are also two powerful angiogenesis inhibitors that should be included for maximum effect: Shark Cartilage and Bindweed. Studies have indicated that shark cartilage is effective at preventing cancer tumours from growing and spreading and bindweed was shown to be 100 times more effective by weight than shark cartilage. PANCREATIC ENZYMES/DIGESTIVE ENZYMES, especially those that contain chimotrypsin, have been very effective against cancer, especially pancreatic cancers. Digestive enzymes help in getting tumour response to treatments by disintegrating fibrinoprotein covering of tumours and make easy targets for the immune system to kill cancer cells by natural autophagy means. Also there are studies to show proteolytic enzymes mitigate tumour-induced and therapy-induced side effects, as well as indications that the enzymes are anti-metastatc. GRAPESEED EXTRACT has also been a very effective cancer fighter and a supreme antioxidant with many proven health benefits. The BECK TYPE ELECTRICAL ZAPPERS are sworn to by many and appear to have a history of eliminating cancer and illness from the body. Also, a great many successes have been reported by users of genuine RIFE TYPE MACHINEs, although they are hard to find and many inferior machines parading as Rife machines are out there. There are also the Zappers of Hulda Clark, although they are not my favourite. A CureZone member known as ParaZapper has a very good machine whom many, including myself, recommend for those who decide to use such machines.

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au


November 2009 N-ACETYL CYSTEINE (NAC), can help prevent cachexia and is considered an essential complimentary supplement to oleander in general. Other items that may help combat cachexia are coconut oil and especially Garden of Life`s Primal Defense, a natural blend of 12 species of probiotics and Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSOs). It helps support normal gastrointestinal balance of good and potentially harmful bacteria, and maximizes the benefits of a healthy diet by supporting normal absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the gut.

FINAL NOTES Some in the field of natural health will tell you that you can beat cancer through diet alone, or through diet and detoxing. In many instances that is true, and some of the most effective and popular natural anti-cancer protocols, such as the Budwig Diet, which relies heavily on flaxseed oil and cottage cheese (or yogurt or quark) are based on such a premise – and the use of flaxseed and cottage cheese as per Budwig`s instructions is very highly recommended.

STRESS REMOVAL AND A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE The final key to winning your battle is your mental attitude. Remove as much stress from your life as you can and believe that you are going to win. Stress and worry accomplish nothing – worse, they are actually allies of illness and disease. You have surely heard the term “stress, the silent killer”? It`s true! So you must do whatever it takes to remove stress from your life and make your mental attitude your ally. Meditate, take yoga, change jobs, retire, go fishing, find a pleasant hobby ¬ do whatever you must to remove stress and have a positive mental outlook. Equally important, if not more so, is addressing any emotional issues from the present or the past which may be contributing to stress and preventing the body from optimal healing – may even have contributed to your development of cancer in the first place. There have been many reports of cancer going into spontaneous remission after people successfully addressed emotional issues and stress. Remember, anyone or any issue which introduces or keeps worry and stress in your life is neither a friend nor an ally during this fight. And make no mistake, it is a fight – likely the most important one of your life. But it is a fight you can and will win. Think it, believe it and live it.

CACHEXIA (WASTING/ RAPID WEIGHT LOSS) Cachexia is loss of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not actively trying to lose weight, and is frequently seen in cancer, especially advanced cancers, HIV/AIDS and other conditions.

A healthy diet and lifestyle is without a doubt an essential foundation for any cancer fighting program; however, our depleted soils and the introduction of modern industrial toxins and contaminants makes it hard to build a strong enough immune system through diet alone. Our immune systems were not designed to handle the multitude of modern toxins they now face, which is why cancer is largely a modern disease. In my opinion, the more weapons you have in your natural arsenal which are compatible with one another, the greater your chances of success will be. That is why I advocate including several of the powerful natural supplements that have been proven to beat cancer and boost the immune system, and which address what we know about cancer. Live long, live healthy, live happy! ✦

NOTES: For ovarian cancer, see also: Ovarian Cancer (http://www.tbyil.com/ Ovarian_Cancer.htm) To better understand why many of the above elements are included in the All Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol, see: Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer – Part One (http:// www.tbyil.com/MMvsNature.htm) Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer – Part Two (http:// www.tbyil.com/MMvsNature2.htm) Oleander References: Oleander Case Reports and Studies (http://www.tbyil.com/Oleander_ Case_...) An Amazing Discovery in Turkey (http://www.tbyil.com/oleander1. htm) The Father of Oleander Soup (http://www.tbyil.com/oleander2.htm) The History of Oleander Before 1960 (http://www.tbyil.com/oleander3. htm) Success Against Cancer and HIV in South Africa (http://www.tbyil. com/oleander4.htm) Oleander Induces Autophagy – Exclusive Story (http://www.tbyil. com/autophagy.htm)

From: www.naturalnews.com. (See author bio on page 7).

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November 2009


Whatever it takes!

Last month Cathy Brown shared her personal cancer healing story with Wellness News readers. This month Cathy talks about her continuing journey with the CSA as a group facilitator. I felt that I had received so much from the CSA – and it was time to give back to the organization and also the amazing people I met on my healing journey, so in 1991 I completed a course as a Volunteer Carer and spent considerable time in providing telephone support, making visits to CSA clients in hospitals, supporting group participants at the Tuesday morning cancer support group and I also gave Reiki regularly on a one to one basis to clients of the CSA. I attended the Tuesday Support Group for five years as a participant and carer so in 1995, when the Group Facilitator, Lisa Campbell went on long service leave, I was asked to ‘stand in’ for her during this time. At first I was very apprehensive but during the three months she was away, I gained confidence and absolutely loved the work. Lisa decided to resign (and not return from long service leave), so I was employed by the CSA to work as a Group Facilitator. This was a huge opportunity for me and I knew I needed education and professional development as a Group Facilitator. I approached the Wasley Institute and was fortunate to be accepted into their two year training course as a Groupwork Leader. This course was fantastic and explored many aspects of the responsibility of being a group facilitator. It gave me to confidence to know that whatever happened in a group, I was capable of handling any situation. I also went to the Gawler Foundation in the Yarra Valley and trained as a Cancer Support Leader. This training enabled me to facilitate the Tuesday Open Forum, the 12 Week Wellness Course, the Women’s Support Group and CSA Volunteer Carers’ Support Meetings. In 1996 I started the Rockingham Cancer Support Group which was used by people from Rockingham and Mandurah. I facilitated this for five years and when I left the clients carried on this group for many years by themselves. Also in 1996 I initiated the development and conduct of the Reiki Clinics. I had found Reiki to be an integral part of my healing and felt that a clinic would be appreciated by members of the group if it were made available. I spoke to the Director and was given approval to buy several massage tables so that we could ‘service’ as many people as possible in a short time. These clinics were very well received and expanded to others days and meetings. With the support of an average of 10 Reiki practitioners on a Tuesday, we were able to help many people relax and allow them to enjoy some very peaceful and healing time at the end of the support meetings. I enjoyed representing the Cancer Support Association as a Speaker, and I gave many presentations to a variety of different forums including conferences, schools, Rotary Clubs, health centres, as well as hospital and allied health professionals. I was always pleased when people came up to me at the end of the presentations and shared their personal experiences with cancer, either as someone who had experienced it or as a close family member or friend of someone experiencing it. This reinforced the value of having someone to ‘listen’ to their story – as everyone has a story. In 1999, it became apparent for the need of a one day seminar for people newly diagnosed with cancer. I specifically designed the inaugural “Meeting the Challenge” seminars to introduce the various options available in an holistic approach to better manage treatment and the recovery phase and also sustain an improved sense of health and well-being.

Cathy Brown “Cancer is a challenge – something you can conquer. Use it to make changes in your life – the things you have always been going to do. Do them now and change them now. Be open to things you may never have explored before.” Cathy Brown was diagnosed with malignant melanoma twenty years. Her determination to beat cancer, her wisdom and her grace have been an inspiration to the CSA community for two decades. Cathy will facilitate the coming Gawler Foundation 12 Week Cancer Self-Help Programme – Cancer, Healing and Wellbeing – which commences at CSA in February 2010. You can register your interest with reception. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn Ian Gawler’s cancer healing methodology from an inspirational woman who is a living example of how a powerful will to live combined with the commitment to do ‘whatever it takes’ can literally cure cancer.

After leaving the CSA, my business partner and I created and presented corporate wellness programmes for four years. I have always had a fascination for the power of the mind so in 2005 commenced training as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. I really enjoy this work and now understand just how important it is to ‘tap’ into the power of the sub-conscious mind – for healing as well as many other physical and emotional challenges. ✦ Next month Cathy will explain more about upcoming The Gawler Foundation 12 Week Self-Help Programme: Cancer, Healing and Wellbeing.

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au


Community November 2009


By Deanne Walker Carmel Bainbridge’s recovery from breast cancer was a journey of healing, sharing , wholesome organic food and living close to nature.

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November 2009


It was 1990 when Carmel Bainbridge was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer and after having previously had many lumps that turned out to be benign. Although she admits to having a feeling that it was breast cancer this time around she still says that the news came as a terrible shock. “I remember thinking that it can’t be true and my flashing thoughts were breast cancer in neon lights . . . and it kept flashing,” she said. Now 19 years have passed since that life changing day and she herself will tell you that she feels great. Having seen Mrs Bainbridge with my own eyes just last week I can truly say that she is looking fabulous! Unfortunately she was plagued by an ear infection but all I could see was immaculate hair and make-up. Like most cancer patients, Mrs Bainbridge admits that after her diagnosis she did try to deny that anything in her life had changed. She told me that she was constantly reassured her family and friends that everything would be fine. “I remember going around, saying to everybody ‘oh, don’t worry its fine’ and I think you just get carried away on that wave of ‘oh no, it’s not going to be a problem’,” she said. However deep down she felt a lot of worry and distress. “I was devastated and I felt that I couldn’t say that to [my family and friends] because I’d set this bar that it’s going to be okay . . . I felt that I could not go back on that,” she explains.

Mrs Bainbridge’s first visit to the CSA was less positive. At first it was fine, but then she started to notice the amount of ill people and she didn’t want to be a part of it. She recalls her thoughts at the time as “Oh, just let me out of here! I am not a cancer patient. I refuse to be like these people. I am not coming back to this place.” The idea of joining the group just made her situation seem all the “more poignant and more threatening”. However after making this resolve her wellbeing began to suffer and the suffering went on and became worse. She found herself back at the doors of the CSA. This time she took with her some old knickknacks from her home to give to the women at the op shop. When she arrived she was greeted by the then president of the CSA Cath Meaden. It was then that Mrs Bainbridge heard five life changing words come from Mrs Meaden lips, ‘Are you a cancer patient?’ At first Mrs Bainbridge was shocked by the question. “I was very cross that she picked me as a cancer patient, because I didn’t look like one at all. I had my makeup on, and my hair done. I didn’t look ‘different’. “So the tears started to fall and Cath said ‘come with me and we will have a cup of tea’ and she was just wonderful and from then on I felt that I had people that I could relate to.” She no longer had to deny anything or pretend that everything was fine when it wasn’t. She was now able to share her feelings without fear of upsetting her family or her friends. Mrs Bainbridge said that her journey was made a whole lot easier by the support that was offered by the CSA. She participated a lot in meditation groups and discovered the many benefits of meditation and made some wonderful friends. She describes these particular groups as “total support groups”. Mrs Bainbridge pinpoints these meditation groups as the thing that started her on her journey of seeking what she describes as the “natural way”. Although Mrs Bainbridge chose to go down the medical path to help treat her cancer she says that it really was the natural way that helped her through. “I just knew that anything in the alternative way, if it could possibly help, I was going to look at, “she explains. For Mrs Bainbridge the natural way not only meant natural healing methods but also being closer to nature. So the next step in her journey involved a total relocation away from Cottesloe and the fierce ocean as she describes it, to a more peaceful

In an article written for the CSA back in 2004 Carmel Bainbridge shared these words of advice...

so where am I now, fourteen years down the track? Amazing isn’t it? Back in 1990, I wanted to hear about somebody who survived breast cancer for three months and I held onto that. Then I heard about somebody who survived for six months. Wow, that sounded good to me! I’d go for that goal! Then I heard of a lady who had breast cancer and was alive and well eight years later! I couldn’t believe it and I thought, wow, that does happen? So sharing your story, sharing the inspiration, just as you do in your CSA magazine, in your meditation, in your group sessions is SO important. It’s the support, the wonderful caring support from other people that sustains us, makes us grow, makes us healthy, and makes us happy. And all of those things are on our journey to healing .

It was after her medical procedures when Mrs Bainbridge turned to the Cancer Support Association (CSA). She had chosen not to go through with a full mastectomy and instead went for the alternative of lumpectomy with lymph nodes removal and radiotherapy. A decision that in hindsight she says she should have made a little more wisely by looking into the affects of radiation. But of course she went through with the chosen procedure which she said is the moment when she became unstuck. I could not continue saying there was nothing wrong and it was no big deal, because it was a big deal,” she said.

continued on next page...

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au


November 2009

More and more of us are choosing the organic way to live – a chemical-free approach to life that respects the planet and us. Here, Linda Ross shows you how to grow healthy organic food in your own backyard. I remember my grandma’s garden. It was full of tasty treats – a choko growing over the outdoor loo, a passionfruit along the fence, and if we were lucky, it was strawberry season and there were long rows of corn, cabbage and carrots. I felt like Peter Rabbit let loose in Mr McGregor’s garden. Life was simpler and slower then, we always ate well and I learned a lot about providing good food for family and friends. Somehow, the old-fashioned skills of growing your own fruit and vegies have not been passed down as they were in previous generations. These life skills that were so important during the Depression have drifted away with the onset of the computer generation, mobile phones and the internet. But recently, there has been a groundswell of support for the organic gardening movement and many of us are realising it’s much easier than we thought. Growing food in our own backyards means we can produce fruit and vegies the chemical-free way and save money, too. You’ll have an abundance of seasonal crops, a supply of fresh eggs, and you’ll be able to make pickles and jams for the family or to give away to friends. On the one hand, organic gardening includes the practical side of growing fruit and vegetables. But on the other hand, it relishes the ethical side of gardening, where people are concerned with global warming, the water crisis, wildlife habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity. The organic garden solves these concerns with practical measures, such as water tanks, utilising grey water, drip irrigation, mulching, recycling of kitchen scraps and providing a suitable habitat for wildlife. So, if you want to make a difference and you don’t know where to start, why not begin in your own backyard?

...continued from previoous page

area. “I just wanted to be safe and quiet. I wanted to be somewhere that just hugged me and nurtured me,” she explains. Carmel searched for a long time and eventually gave up because she felt that none of the houses she had looked at were absolutely right. It wasn’t until months later that she opened the paper and found a small advert for a beautiful property, Mimsbrook Farm, at Darling Downs, just outside Armadale and she immediately fell in love with the property. “It was beautiful from the beginning. It had a feeling of peace and tranquillity and healing and that’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I just have loved it.” It was at this farm where Mrs Bainbridge began growing her own biodynamic and organic vegetables which she says really helped her through the illness associated with treatment. “When you’ve gone down a medical way and radiation . . . your immune system is compromised because it’s very heavy duty. Surgery you get over rather quickly but these other things, they linger with you. So anything that is an irritant, like chemicals or pesticides in any form don’t serve you well at all.” She also says that she felt the affects of eating organic foods practically right away. “I pretty quickly felt differences and you feel great. Your vitality is lifted,” she explains. Carmel admits that words like biodynamic and organic were not exactly common in those days but certainly now organic seems to be the way to go. For Mrs Bainbridge 2009 has been her most successful year. After another cancer scare over Christmas 2008 in which cists on her ovaries turned out to be benign she felt extremely lucky and she knew that 2009 was her year. “I said . . . it is time to really push this community supported agriculture now this is the time to do it, this is the year and I’ve go the energy to do it. She is now seeing the success of her Community Supported Agriculture system, which included a successful open day last month where she received a lot of support. Her aim is to bring fresh and pure foods to the community for all to enjoy. She really does think purity is important, “I believe it is our birthright to have pristine food. That’s my passion, that’s my job in life I believe,” she said. “Then of course once I realised the difference in taste of organic food, well you just don’t go back, then of course you get paranoid and you can almost see the chemicals jumping out of the other food”. Now all her energy and focus goes into making her farm the best it can be. So although she may seem like the true success story for overcoming her battle with cancer it seems that her success is now measured in how well her farm does and when her farm is a success she will also be a success. As for her health, it’s great, “Now I’m 72. I’ll be 73 this year and I really am very well” she told me. She still eats entirely organic and makes her own juices and if her current state is anything to go by I’d say it has done her wonders! ✦

www.cancersupportwa.org.au environment • wellness • healing

November 2009

How to Plant

AN ORGANIC GARDEN By Linda Ross Growing food – the organic way There are numerous delicious fruits and vegetables you can grow at home in the garden, in containers, or in no-dig plots. There are seedlings that are grown in the winter and ones that are grown in the summer. The seedlings available at nurseries will give you the best indication of what to plant at what time of the year, but don’t be afraid to ask for advice. The key to growing healthy plants is sunlight, and plenty of it! Choose a section of your garden that gets six hours of sun a day. The area will also need to be protected from strong winds and frost. To improve the fertility of your soil, you’ll need to add plenty of natural nutrients, which can be found in organic manures. Also, with regards to watering, bear in mind that if you have lots of trees surrounding your vegetable patch, they’ll be competing for the water. To reduce the risk of soil-borne pests and diseases, it is important to plant similar plants in the one garden bed, then rotate these beds each year. A rotation system with four garden beds could include the following: • Bed 1: corn, pumpkins, cucumbers. • Bed 2: peas, beans. • Bed 3: onions, beetroot, carrots. • Bed 4: tomatoes, eggplants, capsicums. The fruit trees that are best to plant depends on your location, so ask your local nursery which ones would be most suitable for your area. Orange, lemon and lime trees will grow almost anywhere, kiwifruit, apple, cherry and peach trees thrive in cooler weather, while fruit varieties, such as mango, avocado and pawpaw prefer warmer, tropical climates. If you have limited space, you can make the most of it by planting multi-grafted, dwarf and espalier fruit trees.

Deterring pests with plants & animals Instead of spraying with chemicals to rid your garden of pests, you’ll find the organic alternatives a lot more appealing. Interplant your vegetables with an array of flowers and herbs and you’ll have stronger vegetables with more resistance to pests and diseases. Basil, borage, chives, echinacea, garlic, pyrethrum daisy and nasturtium are all effective in deterring pests. Also, if you’re not spraying chemicals around the garden, it’s more likely that your local lizards will enjoy keeping the snail population down and the resident frogs will gladly cull the insects. In my garden, the lizards keep the tadpoles under control and we have reached a lovely sustainable balance when it comes to wildlife, pets and plants.


Attracting insects Beneficial insects will help to create a balanced garden. Ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies will help keep down the population of aphids, scale insects, red spider mites and caterpillars, while the bees, by pollinating the flowers, will increase your fruit yield. Plants to attract insects include marigold, dill, sweet Alice, coriander, echinacea, cosmos and Queen Anne’s lace.

Keeping chooks Chooks are great in the organic garden. They’re well behaved, quiet and resourceful. They love to eat bugs and beetles, and will cull grubs, snails and slugs. All they need is fresh water, supplementary grain and a dry place to sleep. An extended run in the fruit orchard means they’ll keep the fruit flies under control and fertilise the soil as well. I recommend ISA Brown hens, which have sweet personalities and usually produce one egg per day each.

Recycling your waste Kitchen scraps, grass clippings, shredded paper, leaves and twigs should all go into a compost. This helps to slow landfill and recycles vital resources back into the garden. Whether you choose to build a three-bin system or buy a purpose-built compost bin, it is good to get everyone in the household recycling their scraps and being aware of green waste. Composting works by decomposing layers of material with heat and time. After three months, you should have friable compost that you can work back into the soil, negating the need for store-bought fertilisers.

Watering wisely Drip irrigation cuts down on evaporation and is the most efficient way to irrigate the garden. Grey water recycled from your washing machine, shower and handbasins can be stored and sent out to the garden via underground pipes. Grey-water systems should be installed by enviroplumbers, who specialise in environmentally sensitive methods. Installing a tank is one of the easiest ways to water the garden guilt-free. Harvesting the water that falls on the roof and directing it into a tank means you can water at any time. Install the largest tank you can fit and add a pump so you can water up slopes. Other ways to save water include laying porous pathways, laying paving to direct water into beds not stormwater pipes, and covering beds with a thick layer of mulch. ✦

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au


November 2009

Growing an Organic Garden Can Help Your Health & Budget! Get the nutrition you need & enjoy tastier food

Many studies have shown that organically grown food has more minerals and nutrients than food grown with synthetic pesticides. And there’s a good reason why many chefs use organic foods in their recipes – they taste better.

Save money food bill.

Growing your own food can help cut the cost of your weekly

Protect future generations

The average child receives four times more exposure than an adult to at least eight widely used cancer-causing pesticides in conventionally grown and processed food.

there is a “largeIn myplacegarden for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful.dd Abram L. Urban

Prevent soil erosion

In conventional farming, the soil is used more as a medium for holding plants in a vertical position so they can be chemically fertilised. As a result, farms around the world are suffering from the worst soil erosion in history.

Protect water quality

Pesticides – some cancer causing – contaminate the groundwater in many places, polluting the primary source of drinking water for much of the world’s rural population.

Save energy

Modern farming uses more petroleum than any other single industry, consuming 12 percent of the country’s total energy supply. More energy is now used to produce synthetic fertilizers than to till, cultivate and harvest crops..

Keep chemicals off your plate

The EPA considers 60 percent of all herbicides, 90 percent of all fungicides and 30 percent of all insecticides carcinogenic. Pesticides may cause an extra 4 million cancer cases a year in the US alone.

Protect farm workers & help small farmers

Farmers exposed to herbicides have six times more risk than non-farmers of contracting cancer. And organic farming could be one of the few survival tactics left for family farms.

Promote biodiversity

Mono-cropping is the practice of planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year. The lack of natural diversity of plant life has left the soil lacking in natural minerals and nutrients, and single crops are also much more susceptible to pests, making farmers more reliant on pesticides.

Help beautify your community

Besides being used to grow food, community gardens are also a great way to beautify a community, and to bring pride in ownership. ✦

www.cancersupportwa.org.au environment • wellness • healing

November 2009


The Herb SPIRAL A herb spiral is a kitchen garden which pulls together many permaculture design principles and follows a shape commonly found in nature – the spiral. Anthony Jones takes us step-by-step through the construction of a herb spiral.

The idea behind a herb spiral is to get as many different herbs as possible in a confined area. The spiral and the subsequent height differences mean you create a number of different environmental conditions which normally would not be possible in a small space. The small area also means herb spirals are ideal for a small garden and harvesting and watering is easy. How it works is that you have a spiral bed in which to plant, this is held together with a structure of rock, brick or anything really that can absorb the heat of the sun through the day which in turn heats the soil. The top of the spiral gets more sun and has significantly more drainage than the lower parts, which informs your choice of planting. This means that you are able have thyme growing almost next to mint or ramsons. The bottom of the spiral often incorporates a small pond allowing frogs and toads to breed creating a wetter, moist environment. To build your spiral you first need to select a site about two metres across. Ideally, it should be close to the kitchen for easy access, but if this means that you have the site it in the shade then you will have to settle for another site and longer walk. This is at the heart of permaculture principles the siting of your spiral will depend on finding an area which receives enough sunlight to keep Mediterranean herbs happy and is not so far away from the house that it does not get any use. If you have to pass the vegie patch and a green house before you get to it then there will be so many distractions that you will have forgotten what you went out there for, or is that just me? When you have found an ideal compromise between convenience and sunlight, measure your circle by estimating the middle and placing a stick in the centre with a piece of string one metre in length attached to it. This will give you the arc of the circle. Use a knife or stick to mark this out in the soil There is no reason for it be exactly round but it does look good, so you may just want to do it by eye. Around the outer circle lay a thick layer of cardboard or newspaper – this simply stops weeds growing up through the rocks. Try and face the end of the spiral towards north so as to

improve the efficiency, this will make sure that the microclimates you are trying to create are in an ideal situation. Now is the fun part! Get your rocks or bricks or whatever you can lay your hands on to create the wall. Start by laying out the shape of the spiral on the ground – this will be your foundation. A tip here is to keep the more attractive rocks for the top, it may be permaculture but it still can be pretty. The rocks around the edge need be only one deep, it’s the middle where you need more height. Try and aim for about one metre high but again this is not a rule. As the wall gets higher start to infill with gravel. This is for drainage but will also stop a collapse as it gets higher. The type of gravel is up to you use but always try to use what you have at hand rather than buy something specific. Remember to leave enough space for compost and top soil. You can then treat it as a raised bed. Traditionalists will have you believe that the spiral should go clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the south, you can make up your own mind. Finally the end of the spiral can just be capped with rocks or if you decide to add a pond try to make it level with the soil with no lip and have something that creatures can crawl in and out of. Think of it as more of a wet damp area than a conventional pond. When it’s finished, water it well and allow it to settle. Then you can start to plant it up, the choice of herbs is up to you – just bear in mind that the plants which require more drainage go at the top while plants which prefer wetter conditions go at the bottom. One thing to consider is the final height of the herb to be planted as this will affect what can be planted next to it due to the shade it will cast. I would say to leave out things like bay as it grows large and could take over – but use common sense. Remember to be practical – there is no point filling your garden with rare and beautiful herbs that you never use, think of what you like and use and then find a place for it. ✦

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au


November 2009

cooling soups &

s d a l a s

As the weather warms up choose foods which help you cool down and stay calm

watermelon salad Ingredients

Asian Style Cucumber Salad

Watermelon (cubed) Feta cheese (crumbled) One small red onion (finely sliced & chopped) Fresh herbs – your choice (mint, basil, cilantro ...) Fresh squeezed lime juice (about two small limes) Kalamata olives (about half a pound) Olive oil



4 lg Lebanese cucumbers; cut in slices 3 Shallots; white part only, (3 To 4) sliced thinly 1 tb White vinegar 2 tb Sweet chilli sauce Fish sauce to taste A good handful of coriander leaves 50 g Crushed roasted peanuts

- Finely slice the onion and place in a bowl with the lime juce – leave for about ten minutes to marinate and mellow out the onion while you are preparing the rest of the salad - If you have a whole watermelon, cut it in half, and cut and cube pieces from one half, and place the pieces in a bowl (start with half a watermelon, add more if you desire) - Pit and rip up the olives. - Combine the watermelon, feta, herbs, the limey-onions, and the olives in a large bowl (or if you like serve it in the shell of the watermelon) - Drizzle with olive oil - Toss the salad and Share .... yum! (Vegans, leave out the cheese, and perhaps add a little sea-salt though keep in mind the olives can be quite salty themselves.)

Method Put the sliced cucumbers into a bowl with the shallots and sprinkle over the vinegar. Add the sweet chilli sauce and fish sauce and toss the salad. Just before serving add the coriander leaves and peanuts and toss again. Serve at once.

Email your healing recipes and food news to the Wellness News editor: editor.wellness@yahoo.com.au

www.cancersupportwa.org.au environment • wellness • healing

November 2009

Chilled Cucumber Dill Soup


The Cucumber

Ingredients 3 md Cucumbers 2 tb Butter 1 Leek; chopped 2 Bay leaves 1 tb Flour 2/3 l Chicken broth 1 ts Salt 1 c Half-and-half Juice of 1/2 lemon Chopped dill Sour cream

Cucumber Nutrition and Cucumber Diet For Summer... Cucumber is the ideal cooling summer food. You can have cucumber slices seasoned with a little pepper and salt as a cool and crunchy snack. It has a high water content and helps to keep your body cool and refreshed. The term ‘as cool as cucumber’ probably has its origins in the cooling effects of this fleshy vegetable. Salad is the ideal summer food, and along with tomatoes, lettuce and citrus fruits, cucumber is an essential part of it. It helps reduce oiliness, and imparts a fresh and cool feeling.

Method • Peel and thinly slice 2 (only two) cucumbers. Melt butter. Add sliced cucumbers, leek and bay leaves, and cook slowly until tender but not brown. Discard bay leaves.

Cucumber Foods And Health Benefits Of Cucumber • Cucumber belongs to the same family of vegetables as zucchini, pumpkin and other squashes. It has a light green skin, with a light green and sometimes almost white flesh. The flesh is crunchy and juicy.

Add flour and mix well. Add chicken broth and salt and bring to boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Puree through a sieve or in blender container and chill soup in refrigerator several hours. Peel, halve and remove seeds from the third cucumber, then grate. Add to soup with Half-andhalf, lemon juice and chopped dill to taste. Serve in cold soup cups and top each serving with a dollop of sour cream. Recipes from: justvegetablerecipes.com

• Cucumber has many medicinal benefits which make it an essential part of an ideal summer diet. It can also be used as a cooling beauty aid during summer. Its positive properties were known even in ancient times by the Japanese, Greek, Roman and Arab physicians, who recommended it to their patients, especially in the hot dry summer months. • Cucumber has a diuretic property which increases the flow of urine. This is especially helpful in the dry summer months in order to flush toxins out of the body and maintain healthy tissue and skin. • Researchers have found an enzyme called Erepsin in cucumber juice, which is invaluable for maintaining the health of the entire intestinal tract. This aids better digestion and is especially helpful in summer, when digestion tends to become sluggish. • Cucumber has minimal amounts of sugar, carbohydrates and fats which decreases it calorie content which makes it ideal for a summer diet. It also contains significant amounts of Vitamin B, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and other minerals. • Cucumber is helpful in providing relief from gastritis, stomach acidity and heartburn which occurs more frequently in summer. • Cucumber helps control arthritis, eczema and gout. • It helps those with high or low blood pressure problems, as well as those with diseases of the stomach, lungs or chest. • Having cucumber juice regularly benefits those with gum diseases. It also helps healthy growth of hair, and prevents the nails of toes and fingers from splitting. • Regular consumption of cucumber also helps those with diabetes. From: Diet, Healthy Nutrition and Exercise Guide for better health

of the Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au

CSA Wellness Shop www.wellnessshop.com.au

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Health products


cancer specific, general health and nutrition titles Cancer Specific MEMBERS You Can Conquer Cancer – Ian Gawler 23.80 D.I.Y. Cancer Treatment – Jill Royce 17.00 Quest For Life – Petrea King 21.30 Living Simply with Cancer – Ross Taylor 12.50 Your Life in Your Hands – Jane Plant 23.80 Cancer – A biochemical-nutritional approach – Osiecki 45.95 Meditation The 5 Minute Meditation – Eric Harrison 12.75 General Health Sick Homes – Part 1 Volatile Chemicals Cosmetics and Sick Homes – Part 2 Dust and the Science of Cleaning Dangerous Beauty – Peter Dingle and Toni Brown Gardening and Eating for Living – Caralyn Lagrange NUTRITION The Untold Truth about Virgin Coconut oil by Ian Blair Hamilton and Cassandra Bond A Recipe for Life by Dorothy Edgelow A Recipe for Life 2 by Dorothy Edgelow Nutrition : The Good, the Bad and the Politics Food for Life by Petrea King Personal stories and verse Earthman’s Gratitude by Ian Robbins

products to support health and wellness

RRP 28.00 20.00 25.00 14.75 28.00 54.05 15.00

7.00 7.00 32.75

8.20 8.20 38.95

8.00 25.50 31.50 21.00 25.00

10.00 30.00 34.95 25.00 29.50



Gift Items

leadlight angels, inspiring cards, natural soaps & candles

Leadlight Angel small Leadlight Angel large Leadlight tealight Angel (candleholder) Leadlight Angel (hanging with crystal) Corynne’s Natural Soaps Corrynne’s candles Jewellery – large selection Greeting Cards – inspirational

MEMBERS 19.00 35.00 20.00 25.00 3.50 3.40 Enquire for prices Enquire for prices

RRP 22.50 40.00 25.00 30.00 4.50 4.00 -

Footsies Detox Patches (20’s) Maxi-Phyte – Soya Phytosterols Perfect Sweet – natural Sugar Substitute BalanceZyme Plus (Transformation) DigestZyme powder (Transformation) Plantadophilus (Transformation) SuperCellZyme (Transformation) Acid/Alkaline Food Chart Chewing Gum (perfect sweet) Chlorella (vitamin and mineral powder blend) 120g Alkalizer (Becoming Younger) Testing Kits (Global harmony) CH77 (Global harmony) Coconut oil (1 litre) Tropical Traditions Rainshow’r – dechlorinating shower filter Denta-Med Dental Care Product

MEMBERS RRP 40.00 46.00 25.50 30.00 15.30 18.00 49.50 55.00 31.50 35.00 45.00 50.00 49.50 55.00 8.50 10.00 2.55 3.00 20.35 23.95 35.00 30.00 37.40 41.20 33.00 36.30 35.00 38.50 95.00 110.00 15.00 16.50

Supplements for optimum nutrition when diet alone is not enough DEF – digestive enzyme formula (Orthoplex) 60’s Omega 3 (By Nature) Vital Greens 120g Vital Greens 400g Barley Green ikg Barley Green 200g B Vital (Orthoplex) 150g Alkala N (Sanum) Sanuvis (Sanum) Sanumgerman (Sanum) Vit C (200g with hesperidin) (Millenium) Vit C (500g with hesperidin) Hepatic Detox (Advanced Medicine) Glutamine (Advanced Medicine) Chelatox 120’s (Orthoplex) Multiflora 30 caps (Orthoplex) Zymin 200ml (Orthoplex) Vit E 500IU100 caps (Vital) Arctic D Cod Liver Oil 237ml (Nordic)

MEMBERS RRP 22.50 26.50 30.15 35.50 25.10 29.50 86.40 73.45 101.15 119.00 36.00 41.00 20.30 23.90 22.50 26.50 29.90 35.20 35.90 42.25 16.35 19.25 35.45 41.70 30.50 35.90 30.75 36.20 45.60 53.60 24.95 21.20 17.75 15.10 20.85 17.70 39.95 33.95


All these items are available by personal collection or by mail order. Payment can be made by cheque or credit card. Postage is $5.00 for the first item, then $2.50 per subsequent item in the order. Please phone CSA on 9384 3544 to order, OR POST OR FAX THE ORDER FORM BELOW. OR log on to the secure Wellness Shop website: www.wellnessshop.com.au. The online shop stocks the entire catalogue listed here and you can pay easily and securely with your credit card.



chemical free household and personal care products

organic personal care products and cosmetics Balancing Cleanser Gentle Exfoliant (Sensitive) Balancing Moisturiser Rejuvenating Moisturiser Desert Flower Shampoo (Norn-Dry) Lemon Myrtle Shampoo (Norm-Oily) Shine Herbal Conditioner Anise Toothpaste Spearmint Toothpaste Lemon Toothpaste Sunshower Body Wash Ancient Spice Roll-on Deodorant Tahitian Breeze Roll-on Deodrant Aroma Free Deodorant Rainforest Air Freshener Lip Balm Mascara (black) Styling Gel (hair) Blemish Gel

MEMBERS 34.00 25.50 42.50 42.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 6.80 6.80 6.80 10.20 6.80 6.80 6.80 8.40 6.50 17.25 14.50 24.50

RRP 40.00 30.00 50.10 50.10 17.00 17.00 17.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.90 7.60 20.25 17.00 28.80

Body and Hair Cleanser (1 Litre) Sensitive Body and Hair Cleanser (1 Litre) Hair Conditioner (375ml) Moisturiser Lavender (250 ml) Disinfectant (1 Litre) Dishwashing Liquid (1 Litre) Dishwasher Powder (1 Kg) Fabric Conditioner (1 Litre) Laundry Liquid(1 Litre) Laundry Powder (1 Kg) Laundry Powder (5 Kg) Fruit and Vegetable Wash Oven and Barbeque Cleaner (1 Litre) Vigor All Purpose Cleaner (1 Litre) Delicate Wash (1 litre) Cloth Moth Trap Pantry Moth trap insect and Roach Trap Pet Sensitive (1 Litre)


MEMBERS 12.75 11.70 14.20 15.70 9.80 8.90 13.90 8.60 10.10 13.60 50.10 8.20 12.70 9.00 8.50 10.20 11.10 6.50 19.50

RRP 15.00 13.80 16.70 18.50 11.50 10.40 16.30 10.10 11.90 16.00 58.90 9.60 14.90 10.50 9.90 12.00 13.00 7.60 23.00

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November 2009

In fond memory of those who have shared part of their journey with us...

The Gift

Charles Benn Aislinn Andrews Judy McVeigh Carol Holmes John Dwyer

“Cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me.” A friend said that to me when I was first diagnosed with cancer.

Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain...

I was outraged! How could anyone tell me that cancer was a good thing? How could my friend experience cancer and say that it made her life better? I refused to accept her words. Her joyous assessment was out of sync with my beliefs and perceptions of cancer. Fear, Anger, Pain, Loss of control, and a feeling of impending death were the only things I could experience. To me, cancer was a death sentence. Shock, anger, denial, and fear are all a normal part of the grieving process we go through when facing a cancer diagnosis. This is expected. Cancer is scary and uncertain.

health & wellness puzzle Answers to puzzle on page 3

However, after the initial shock, comes what can be described as a turning point for cancer patients. Something occurs deep within you that affirms your choice to either live or die. At this point, those who choose to live start on their healing journey. Those who choose to die begin to do so. There are no clear reasons why some people survive cancer and some don’t. Prayer, medicine, surgery, mental attitude, lifestyle, meditation and imagery, as well as experimental procedures have all been attributed to cancer healing and cure. These are tools we must learn about, make choices about, and use in our healing. No combination of treatments work for everyone. Cancer has opened my eyes to a whole now world and life. Everyday is special. I am off the treadmill I once called life. My priorities are clearer. Friendships are cherished. I no longer waste time. I do what I choose to do not what I should do. I no longer hold back feelings. I say what I want to. I have had the opportunity to mend broken relationships and to strengthen others. I am in active control of my life. I have realised that we all will die. No one is immortal. I have chosen to live until I die. You, too, have that choice. And that is The Gift. ~ Marianne Bryant Potter

www.cancersupportwa.org.au environment • wellness • healing

Groups & activities at CSA...

November 2009


A weekly group held every Tuesday at CSA from 10am – 12noon. Anyone who’s life has been affected by cancer or other life threatening illnesses is welcome to attend.

Meditation Made Easy weekly meditation classes with Bavali Hill Every Monday at CSA from 10am to 11.30am. Newcomers welcome. Cost: Free for CSA Members, $5 for non-members. No booking necessary.

in the Sun Room at CSA A gentle, holistic, relaxing class with Sydel Weinstein Tuesdays 9.30 – 10.30am. Suitable for beginners.

Grief and Loss Support Group at CSA Last Wednesday of each month. 1-3pm. This open support group is for anyone experiencing grief as a result of losing a loved one to cancer. Join us for an opportunity to share these feelings with others in a safe and compassionate space.


CSA Laughter Club


with Kimmy O’Meara At the CSA every Wednesday morning 11.45am to 12.45pm. Cost: CSA Members $3; Others $5. For enquiries phone CSA of on 3544. the9384 Cancer Support Association of WA September 2008 Cancer SupportMagazine Association www.cancersupportwa.org.au

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The Cancer Support Association of WA Inc is a registered charity and non-profit organisation, formed to help people affected by cancer. The Association relies on donations, bequests and member subscriptions to continue its services.

contact cancer support association... 80 Railway St, Cottesloe, Western Australia. PO Box 325 Cottesloe WA 6911 Australia Phone 08 9384 3544, Fax: 08 9384 6196. Email: csa@cancersupportwa.org.au Web: www.cancersupportwa.org.au

Wellness News magazine is published by the Cancer Support Association of WA Inc (CSA). Wellness magazine contains a diverse selection of articles and information on subjects related to cancer, wellness and healing. The contents of this magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CSA and should be not be construed as medical advice. CSA encourages readers to be discerning with information presented and when making treatment, dietary and lifestyle choices. © Copyright of all articles and images remains with individual contributors.

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