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Mouth To Mouth
There’s so much sensation in our mouths and at the same time there’s almost no pain that equals toothache. Here is a guide that helps safeguard your mouth, prevent fillings and toothache, guard against mouth ulcers and infection and keep it in optimal condition.
This is a traditional practice in Ayuvedic medicine and requires lightly warmed pure organic sesame oil. Put about 2 tablespoons of the warmed oil in your mouth and gargle, then swish it around your gums and pull it through your teeth for about 3 minutes. This is done to strengthen your teeth and gums, clean them and expel toxins. Take a bit more of the oil and apply to your fingers, then massage the gums. This practice is called kavala and is used to prevent fillings, soothe impacted wisdom teeth, heal receding gums and strengthen sensitive teeth. It can be done daily although twice a week is also beneficial.
In both Chinese and Indian medicine, the tongue is an extremely important indicator of health. It’s often used as a diagnostic marker and regarded as the organ of not only taste and speech but cognition as well. Tongue diagnosis looks at colour, texture, the size and shape of taste buds, irregularities in pattern and swelling or scanty tongue volume. Experiencing different tastes promotes digestion, prevents craving and creates a harmonious relationship to food. That’s why keeping the tongue healthy is imperative. This is done using a stainless steel scraper gently scraping the entire tongue from back to front about 10 times every morning. The practice removes toxins, keeps the taste buds receptive, clears out dead bacteria, improves flavour, reduces bad breath and is also said to clear the mind. It definitely creates a more hygienic mouth.
Many toothpastes have ingredients that actually erode teeth over time. Using a herbal toothpaste is incredibly important. Sweet toothpaste is reported to thicken saliva and lead to tar formation. Fluoride and baking soda are common components of toothpaste yet are said to erode the gums. “Toothpaste should be bitter and astringent, and made with herbs like neem, triphala, cinnamon, clove and fennel”, says a leading Ayurvedic doctor. Once you get used to using herbal and natural toothpastes, your body will recognise them as much more beneficial than non-herbal varieties.
It’s said that if you only do one thing towards mouth hygiene then flossing is the thing to do. Rated as more beneficial than tooth brushing, floss will keep infection and plaque build-up from occurring. Opt for natural floss and keep an extra pack on you so you can floss during the day after meals. To keep infection at bay, add a few drops of tea tree oil to your floss.
Teeth issues can often be prevented, by getting enough minerals. Besides supplementing with calcium, magnesium and zinc, eating sesame seeds is an added option. A mouthful of raw white organic sesame seeds eaten in the morning before breakfast is highly recommended. Besides ingesting them, rubbing the seeds against the teeth is a great way of polishing and cleaning them.
Natural unadulterated licorice root is said to clean the mouth, help promote salivation and has natural plant chemicals that kill mouth bacteria as well as preventing the build up of plaque. Besides that, the stick makes a great toothbrush.
Brushing with cacao powder is proven to remove biofilm from the teeth, preventing fillings from developing. It’s the tannins, polyphenols, and flavonoids – strong antioxidants in cacao that help improve the environment of the mouth and promote healthy teeth.
To relieve swollen gums use powdered organic turmeric massaged onto the gums. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Buchu tea distilled and cooled is an excellent mouthwash and breath freshener. Even better is buchu water. You can use it to gargle and rinse the mouth. Drinking buchu is also a natural way of deoderising the body and the mouth. It has great detoxification properties.
Known as Indian gooseberry, Amla is well known for supporting longevity and youthfulness. It’s also known to rebuild oral health and strengthen gums and teeth. Taken in capsule form, it has a long-term benefit to the mouth and gums. Take note that it needs time to work on the whole body before effects are noted on the teeth and gums.
Both Traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine use the tongue to diagnose the state of health and indicate any imbalances in the body. Different parts of the tongue correspond to different organs of the body. Looking at the tongue in thirds: the front third represents the lungs, heart, chest, and neck; the middle relates to the liver, spleen, stomach and pancreas; and the back to the small intestine and colon.
Swollen areas of the tongue, the colour, the coating on the tongue, different textures are all used to denote physical and emotional imbalances. A thick coating on the tongue indicates toxins in the stomach, a line down the middle of the tongue could indicate holding onto emotions.