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H O LIST IC D E N T I ST RY Holistic dentistry is an approach to dentistry that believes your oral health is interconnected with your overall health. It focuses on using biocompatible (non-toxic) restorative materials, eliminating infections, and promoting optimal teeth, jaw, head and neck structural relationships. A holistic dentist will use nontoxic filling material rather than mercury fillings; will not use fluoride or hormone disrupting Bisphenol A sealants on the teeth. A holistic dentist will often present alternatives to using x-rays, will use infra-red rather than painkillers, and may use homeopathic healing agents during surgery. Altogether one can expect a more natural and whole body approach.

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here’s so much sensation in our mouths and at the same time there’s almost no pain that equals toothache. Here is a guide that helps safeguard your mouth, prevent fillings and toothache, guard against mouth ulcers and infection and keep it in optimal condition. 1. OI L S W I S HIN G & SE SAME M A S S AG E This is a traditional practice in Ayuvedic medicine and requires lightly warmed pure organic sesame oil. Put about 2 tablespoons of the warmed oil in your mouth and gargle, then swish it around your gums and pull it through your teeth for about 3 minutes. This is done to strengthen your teeth and gums, clean them and expel toxins. Take a bit more of the oil and apply to your fingers, then massage the gums. This practice is called kavala and is used to prevent fillings, soothe impacted wisdom teeth, heal receding gums and strengthen sensitive teeth. It can be done daily although twice a week is also beneficial.

2 . TO N GUE SC RAP IN G In both Chinese and Indian medicine, the tongue is an extremely important indicator of health. It’s often used as a diagnostic marker and regarded as the organ of not only taste and speech but cognition as well. Tongue diagnosis looks at colour, texture, the size and shape of taste buds, irregularities in pattern and swelling or scanty tongue volume. Experiencing different tastes promotes digestion, prevents craving and creates a harmonious relationship to food. That’s why keeping the tongue healthy is imperative. This is done using a stainless steel scraper gently scraping the entire tongue from back to front about 10 times every morning. The practice removes toxins, keeps the taste buds receptive, clears out dead bacteria, improves flavour, reduces bad breath and is also said to clear the mind. It definitely creates a more hygienic mouth.

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