38. Self-reflection. 39. Meditation, prayer, exercise and manifestation.
64. Read or listen to audiobooks instead of scrolling through social media.
40. Simple, make sure you smile as soon as you wake up.
65. Choose not to smoke.
41. Get enough sleep. 42. Early morning and lots of water. 43. Eat more plants and stay hydrated. 44. Be positive and let go of things you can’t control. 45. Cut down on sugar. 46. Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep, drink water and exercise.
66. Limit your alcohol intake. 67. Take care of your teeth. 68. Get some fresh air. 69. Begin your day with something positive, something you enjoy. 70. Give your eyes a rest by looking away from your screen for at least 20seconds every 20 minutes. 71. Get some alone time.
47. Be grateful.
72. Try something new.
48. Physical activities are good for both your mental and physical well being.
73. Make time for friends and family.
49. Ten minutes for yourself every day. Read, breathe, walk. Good mental health equals good physical health.
74. Practice gratitude. 75. Take good care of your skin.
86. I’m a firm believer of “mind over matter”- I am always striving to have a positive mindset, taking care of myself using immune support supplementation and spending lots of time in and with nature. 87. I like to get up one hour before anyone else and spend some time in prayer, reflection, and active engagement of my emotions. 88. Turn off all electronics when you eat and truly experience the food that you are eating. You’ll be surprised at how much quicker you will feel full when you’re tuning in to your body! 89. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing… 90. Learning to open up to friends and family has been a mental health game-changer!
50. Know your goals, and know your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to your health and wellness.
78. Set goals and work towards achieving them.
91. When cooking, keep it clean, keep it raw and cooked foods separately, cook through, be mindful of safe temperatures to keep your food at, and make sure your water source is safe.
79. Consume less salt and sugar.
92. Speak kindly to yourself and others.
51. Drink lots of water and meditate.
80. Check your blood pressure regularly.
52. Walking in nature! Great for stress management, mental health and burning calories.
81. Throughout the day, I make sure that I have at least one portion of veggies, two fruits, two proteins and a healthy fat, and move your body in any way you love.
93. I try to listen to what my body is telling me.
53. Inhale and exhale what is not in your control. Let the universe guide you to a solution #mentalwellness. 54. It’s good to have a plan. The secret lies in its execution and sustainability. 55. As PT’s we have to remember we work in the health and fitness industry; it’s not JUST exercise. 56. You can not pour from an empty cup. Make sure you look after yourself before you look after others. 57. Body stress release (TREtension/trauma release exercises). 58. Grounding in nature (walking barefoot). 59. Swimming in cold water. 60. Sleep meditations. 61. Create a vision board/manifesting. 62. Write a gratitude list. 63. Unplug from electronic devices as often as you can.
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76. Wash your hands. 77. Choose a physical activity you enjoy.
82. I fuel my wellbeing through connection to nature – walking, hiking, running… and sitting in stillness. I follow a mostly plantbased diet and choose to consume consciously: local, seasonal and sustainable. 83. Supplement daily with the right supplements for your body; we are all unique, and therefore our needs are as individual as ourselves. I love the benefits of sulforaphane. Taken daily, it helps my body’s immune system, reduces inflammation, assists with energy levels and enables my body to detox well! 84. We are what we eat! I try to eat a rainbow every day; food of all colours provides my body with much-needed phytonutrients! 85. Consistency is key. Keep your skin glowing by drinking lots of water, gently cleansing your face twice daily, applying good sunscreen and a natural serum.
94. You’ll be surprised by what you learn by keeping a fitness journal. 95. Find your why! What is the deepest (positive) reason for your health and fitness journey? 96. It may seem silly, but I had to learn how to rest and recover… And I’m emotionally and physically stronger for it! 97. Don’t just focus on the scale. There are other ways to measure success. 98. To avoid discouragement, make sure your goals are measurable and realistic. 99. I made a list of things that trigger my bad decisions. Now that I know them, they can’t catch me by surprise. 100. I view every day as a clean slate to be the person I want to be.