Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond - Issue #5

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Wellness Woman Poem


Summer Plugging In : Take the Power out of Self-Medication


Meditation Is The Key To Being Fit


Meet Your Future Self: Have Your Own Inner Guide, Parent and Coach


The Curious Shift: Soul Health for Changing Times


5 Secrets to a Happier you


4 Reasons Why I Pray


Vacationing for Every Body


Enjoy the Ride


Holistic Thinking: The Foundation of a Healthy Mind


The Most Important Hormone


Great Gluten Free Recipes for the Summer


How to Detox Emotionally Using Meditation


Age Naturally and Gracefully WITHOUT Botox


Amorously Ageless Romance


Finding the Inspiration that Motivates You


Must Have Foods to Include in Your Diet After 40


Ohhhh What a Feeling‌The Wonderful Benefits of Massage



Wellness Woman 40 Columns Ask Rebecca Anything - With Rebecca Norrington


Dream Queen - With Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos


Rediscovering Life After 40 - How to Conquer the Top 5 Problems of Entrepreneurs - With Sam Rafoss, RHN


Fit & Fabulous After 40 - Fit & Fabulous at Any Age With Laticia “Action” Jackson


Featured Wellness Women – Our Stories Milan Perry, HHP, MH


Tami Lindahl, CPT


Carol Dunlop, CPT


Recipes Great Gluten Free Recipes for the Summer



-Gluten Free Blueberry Pie Smoothie



-Peach Salsa




CREDITS Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Lynnis Woods-Mullins, CHHC, CLC, CPI

Editorial Staff Victoria E. Moore, LLP

Contributing Authors Rebecca Norrington Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos Karen Wells, M.Div Nakeesha Harris, M.S., C.N.C.,C.M.C.

Layout & Graphic Design Paul Jones (www.WebPlexx.com )

Business Operations & Advertising Manager Victoria E. Moore, LLP

Senior Sales Advertising Manager Algie Mosley

Business Consultant Tyler Hutchinson (www.fullcirclebusinessconsulting.com)

Advisory Board Krista Dunk Mary Ellen Ciganovich Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos Susan Tolles Carol Dunlop Suzanne Strisower Monique Stoner

Jennifer Fugo, CHC Shawngela Pierce Suzanne Strisower Sam Rafoss, RHN Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD, LMT, RM, NHC Renee Wiggins, RD. LD. Milan Perry, CHC Diana Proctor  Dr. Camie Balleck, PhD,LMT Andrea Becky Hansom Dr. Kat Smith, PhD Lori Hanson Laticia Jackson, M.P.H., CPT Jeri Donnovan Lisa Mogoulas, CHC Dr. Katherine Kelley, PhD, M.S.P.H. Carol Dunlop, CPT

www.PraiseWorks.biz (916) 706 - 7565

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From The Editor I can remember hearing my grandmother tell me many 2mes “Lynnis, anything worth having is worth working for. Be pa2ent, do your best, let God do the rest”. Even today, I can see her in the kitchen dispers-­‐ ing her wisdom in what we could call “sound bites” today. Of course at the age I was (from babyhood to college age) I would listen and say to myself “yeah okay…”. But now…those words and so many others come back to me and minister to me everyday. Those words are what got me through the publishing of our latest issue of Wellness Woman 40 and Be-­‐ yond-­‐ Different Backgrounds, Same Journey E-­‐ Magazine. This par2cular issue is of great significance to me be-­‐ cause of what was going on in the background. While preparing to release this issue my children’s father passed away. It was sudden, totally unex-­‐ pected and was a great shock to our family. I had to put the magazine on hold and help my four daughters deal with their grief. During this 2me I learned much about strength and focus from my daughters. I also learned (again) that tomorrow is not promised and the 2mes we have with our loved ones are so precious. When I returned to finish up the issue of our e-­‐ magazine I had a new awakening as a result of this experience. I read each one of these ar2cles and I was amazed at the clarity, focus and vision of each message. I can honestly say that these ar2cles are from the heart of the writers. I am so thankful and humbled that they have given their 2me, talent and abili2es to our e-­‐magazine. This issue is truly won-­‐ derful summer reading. The topics are varied, infor-­‐ ma2ve and entertaining. From our “Dear Rebecca” column, to our “Dream Queen” column to our very special ar2cles about wellness vaca2oning, why we pray, foods to eat over 40, the power of medita2on

and much more…all of them have wonderful mes-­‐ sages to share. I can honestly say that this issue ministered to me during my 2me of grief. It was not only great sum-­‐ mer reading, but it upliWed me, encouraged me, and for2fied my mind, body and spirit connec2on. THANK YOU – to all the wonderful writers of Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond E-­‐Magazine. What a blessing it is to work with all of you and what a blessing it is to have you minister to so many women, including me. Health and Blessings Always, Lynnis Woods-­‐Mullins, CHHC, CLC, CPI, Publisher and Chief Editor, Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond, Different Backgrounds…Same Journey 7



Please help me educate women on mind body, spirit wellness and help me bring "Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond " e-­‐magazine to millions of women and all the people who love them. www.gofundme.com/67p1l8

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Plugging In: Take the Power out of Self-­‐Medica9on By Dina Proctor Self-­‐medica2on is a tricky topic. I happen to be fairly experienced in trying to medicate myself over the years -­‐ for a long 2me, alcohol was my “medica2on” of choice. I used it to feel be_er, to quiet my nega2ve thoughts, to ease headaches, to make myself feel more confident, a li_le bit happier, and when I was at my most desperate, I drank just to get out of bed in the morning. Not everyone uses a self-­‐medica2ng behavior to an extreme like I did, but many of us handle eve-­‐ ryday stressors with mild self-­‐soothing behaviors such as overea2ng, drinking too much, or zoning out on TV. What is behind our need to self-­‐soothe and how can we break our reliance on unhealthy behaviors and find a sense of peace, balance and wisdom that enables us to leave our self-­‐ medica2on substance or behavior behind for good? The first step is awareness. We are powerless without being aware of our triggers and precur-­‐ sors to unhealthy behaviors. Maybe the way an-­‐ other person behaves triggers us, or financial fear sets us off balance, or the frustra2on of over-­‐ whelm and feeling like there are not enough hours in a day set us up for a night of drinking or zoning out. I have a simple analogy that helps me understand all of this -­‐ I call it Plugging in my Power Cord. I believe we were all born with a natural drive to connect with the place of peace, wisdom, and personal empowerment within ourselves. How-­‐

ever, when we aren’t connected with how exactly to do this, we need to get peace and happiness from somewhere and we may mistakenly try to fill that need by looking outside of ourselves. That’s when we find ourselves looking to other people, or food, or drugs and alcohol to soothe that feeling of disharmony within. The trouble is that circumstances and people outside of our-­‐ selves were never designed to be our sources of fulfillment so we con2nue to have the need to soothe that inner ache. Just as over-­‐ea2ng junk food won’t sa2ate true hunger within ourselves, plugging into other peo-­‐ ple or circumstances won’t hold las2ng solu2on for finding inner peace either. The key is to re-­‐ 9

member that our power cord is designed to be plugged into one place only -­‐ that inner source of power, peace and wisdom given to us by a power greater than ourselves. When we learn to recog-­‐ nize our triggers as symptoms that we are looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment, we can re-­‐ focus on the only Source that could possibly fulfill us, and rely on that to create a healthy, balanced, happy life. www.madlychasingpeace.com -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ADVERTISEMENT -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐


Featured Wellness Woman Milan Perry HHP, MH Health & Wellness Coach, Herbalist, Personal Chef and Writer Beauty, Wisdom, CreaEvity “I don’t go with the flow of everyone else… I do what I feel is right for my body” There was something very intriguing about Mi-­‐ lan Perry when I first found her picture on Twit-­‐ ter. Her energy just jumped across the internet wires and I decided to contact her. I found that not only was she beau2ful outside, most impor-­‐ tantly she had a beau2ful spirit on the inside. Her constant quest to discover the best way to live holis2cally is mo2va2onal. I found her story of how she helped her beloved grandmother leave hospice care by using holis2c prac2ces, inspira2onal. As a Holis2c Chef, Herbalist, and Wellness Coach, Milan Perry is on a journey to further discover the benefits of living a life that is not only joyful but healthy. She represents all the components of a Wellness Woman.

Tell me a bit about yourself and how you came to be interested in holisDc health? I became interested in health and wellness when I was working for FedEx. I had spent 18 years with FedEx; seven of those years as a FedEx driver. I was constantly exhausted and started having problems with my back and ankles. I began to

get environmental toxins coming out of my skin and I also started geing extreme migraines. I eventually ended up in the hospital. I realized that the stress and being exposed to environ-­‐ mental toxins as a result of the kind of job I did as a driver was not how I wanted to age. I didn’t feel feminine anymore and I felt like my body was going the opposite direc2on of being well. I made a decision took a leap of faith and changed my lifestyle AND my career! I discovered holis2c 11

health. I was once a professional print model in my 20’s and 30’s. I always wanted to look good and feel good, but my need to feel be_er went past just looking good. I wanted to change what I could change. I discovered holis2c health. I took a leap of faith and turned in my resigna2on and de-­‐ cided to change my lifestyle. I read a book years ago “French Women Don’t Get Fat”. I began to think about the way the French eat and the fact that they don’t suffer from the same illnesses and diseases. I changed my diet and began to feel be_er. I began to help others with their diet and went back to school to become a Holis2c Health Coach. My grandmother had heart disease and al-­‐ most diet. I a_ribute her survival to what I have learned when it comes to ea2ng a healthy diet. I realized I was on a journey to educated women about the benefits of living a holis2c lifestyle

toms and also help to get to the causa2on of the health problem. For instance, herbalism is a very old and effec2ve therapy and has been around for years. One single herb has 300 to 500 different cons2tuents or healing proper2es. One part of the body can be ailing but the herb can also heal other parts of the body as well. There are other therapies that can help the body improve and heal itself. Modali2es such as acupuncture and mes-­‐ sage therapy can help the body in unison with allo-­‐ pathic medicine. These modali2es help the body to improve itself and be more in balance and come back to the homeostasis condi2on.

AJer the age of 40 life for women be-­‐ gins to change when it comes to their hormonal health. What holisDc Dps can you share that can be helpful for women Why do you think it is important for during this period of their life? women to live holisDcally? During this stage of our life it is important to really It is important because we juggle so many things educate yourself. Don’t be afraid to go outside of all the 2me. Our body is going through so many mainstream and try new and different methods different cycles; especially in comparison to our that can help you cope with the symptoms of male counterparts. We have our teen years which menopause. Holis2c medicine doesn’t work over-­‐ bring out on our period, childbirth, motherhood, night. We (our society) are used to quick fixes. In menopause, caregivers for parents. Many are s2ll order to live holis2cally you must condi2on your taking care of our households. We don’t think mind to understand that it takes 2me to see a about ourselves. We need to learn how to balance change. The body doesn’t fall sick over night. our mind, body and spirit by living a holis2c life-­‐ Therefore you will not heal overnight. Realizing style. I think it is important to not always look for that there will not be a quick fix is important but it a quick fix every 2me we get sick. When we get is also important to know that your body will feel sick we have a tendency to look for over the be_er over 2me. counter medica2on which is generally a temporary Why do you think the mind, body, spirit fix. Some2me when those drugs don’t work we look for stronger drugs all which can inevitably philosophy is so important when it cause more problems. I believe that living a holis-­‐ comes to having good health? 2c lifestyle could help to get rid of many symp-­‐ 12

Every organ in the body is connected. If you are sick then mentally you don’t feel well. If you are having problems of a spiritual and psychological nature you may start to feel physically unwell. My grandmother is 89 and she came out of a hospice stage as a result of essen2al oils, herbs and her posi2ve mental state. My grandmother wanted to live; she wanted to fight to live. If my grand-­‐ mother had taken a nega2ve approach; had nega-­‐ 2ve aitude, she would have died. But thankfully, she made up her mind she wanted to live and her body con2nued to fight. We need to be reminded ourselves of the importance of the mind, body, spirit connec2on and keeping that connec2on bal-­‐ anced. Balancing a mind, body, spirit connec2on starts with maintaining a quality of life. For me, quality of life is being able to enjoy those around you and the ability to do the things you love

What is your definiDon of a wellness woman? A Wellness Woman realizes that she does have a lot of things to juggle and throughout the stages of her journey she takes the 2me necessary to take care of herself and listen to her body. A Wellness Woman stops and takes care of her mind, body, spirit connec2on. She takes the 2me to listen to the signals of her body is sending her and she makes the necessary adjustments to stay well. She is a woman that cares about the signals that her body is sending her. She will make the changes necessary to stay well. As she is aging she is paying a_en2on to the li_le signs of her body She stops and smells the roses of her life and realizes she is that rose…basically. h_p://www.SoNaturelleWellness.com

What do you a5ribute your youthful ap-­‐ pearance to? Modera2on is the key to everything. I don’t con-­‐ sume a lot of animal products. In the Islands for instance a lot of their diet is not based on heavy animal products and they look amazing. I don’t al-­‐ low stress to control me and I don’t overly con-­‐ sume alcoholic beverages. I have come to under-­‐ stand that some things in life happen because of life experiences and decisions we have chosen. I have learned to accept this and not beat up on my-­‐ self. I listen to my body when I am ea2ng. I don’t force myself to eat because others are overindulg-­‐ ing. I want to encourage you to think about your body. How do you want to look and feel as you age? What do you feel you need to do to take care of you? These ques2ons are very important when it comes to doing the things needed to main-­‐ tain a youthful appearance as we gracefully age.


More Info



Medita9on Is The Key To Being Fit By Shawngela Pierce, MS To me, being fit means more than just being fit physically. To me, being fit is a holis2c concept which should include the mind, body and spirit. If you address only the physical body, then you miss part of the story. Your health should involve all aspects because all aspects affect each other. For instance, your thoughts and emo2ons affect your physical health. Your body doesn't know the difference between what it is thinking and what it is actually experiencing in the moment. If you are lying in bed or at work thinking about a stressful situa2on, your body is undergoing physiological changes. Your heart rate is increasing, your blood pressure is rising and other sympathe2c events are occurring. The same physiological reac2on oc-­‐ curs if you were actually in the situa2on. A repeated release of stress hormones either due to conscious or subconscious thoughts can result in chronic stress. It has been shown that chronic stress is linked to many types of disorders such as heart disease, weight gain, diges2ve problems, depression and anxiety. As you can clearly see, your thoughts are affec2ng your health. Due to this correla2on, it is important to address the mind when addressing the issue of being fit.

It is also important to address the spirit. Again, the mind, body and spirit are all connected and one cannot be separated from the other. When you have a healthy spiritual connec2on, there is more peace in your heart and more clear guid-­‐ ance to the answers that you seek. Having a healthy spiritual grounding gives you a sense of purpose, and a knowingness of who you are. All of this clearly affects the amount of stress and anxiety in your life. A stronger spiritual connec-­‐ 2on just naturally translates into less stress and anxiety. Medita2on is a way to address the mind and the spirit and thereby help to improve the physical. When you meditate on a consistent basis, you train your mind to naturally quiet. This releases you from the borage of anxious and stressful 15

thoughts in your conscious and subconscious mind. When you do this, you naturally “quiet” your body as well. This means that instead of releasing stress hormones, your body can return itself back into a bal-­‐ anced state. As this occurs, the body becomes more healthy. This process of geing back into homeo-­‐ sta2c balance is a process that naturally happens over 2me with medita2on. h_p://helpouts.google.com/+shawngelapierce

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Nakeesha Harris, M.S, C.N.C, C.M.C. Nakeesha T. Harris is a God-­‐fearing wife and cer6fied nutri6onal counselor. Nakeesha is cer6fied through the American Associa-­‐ 6on of Nutri6onal Counselors. A>er many years of die6ng and trying various programs, she learned that the best way to get healthy and not fluctuate with her weight was not a diet, but a lifestyle. Her desire is for everyone to live to their fullest poten-­‐ 6al and purpose without any hindrances. Because of this, she works very hard to remove any of those nutri6onal blockers. Nakeesha believes that making adjustments and dedica6ng some 6me to your health will bene-­‐ fit you, your family, and your purpose. Nakeesha is founder of Nakessha’s Nutri6on. www.nakeeshasnutri6on.com

Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H Dr. Katherine T. Kelly Ph.D., M.S.P.H. is a licensed health psychologist, consultant, author, and speaker. Named the “pioneer of soul health”, her book Soul Health: Aligning with Spirit for Radiant Living has reached na6onal acclaim through radio shows and magazines through-­‐ out the United States. www.drkatherinetkelly.com


Rebecca L. Norrington Rebecca L. Norrington is Radio Personality, Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Fitness Instructor, and talk show host of RealitySpirituality. In June 2013, Rebecca was one of 17 authors contribu6ng to publish-­‐ ing "If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Our Quest for a Quality Life". Rebecca authored Chapter 3 which focused on (1) Defining a Quality Life, (2) What's Important, (3) Life is a Gi>, and (4) Forgiveness www.rebeccanorrington.com

Kathleen O’Keefe-­‐Kanavos – Dream Columnist Dream Queen-­‐Kathleen O’Keefe-­‐Kanavos is a three-­‐ 6me breast cancer survivor whose precogni6ve dreams diagnosed her illness that was missed by the medical field. She penned SURVIVING CAN-­‐ CERLAND: The Intui6ve Aspects of Healing. She is represented by Steve Allen Media, a phone counselor for R.A. BLOCH Cancer Founda-­‐ 6on, Q&A cancer columnist for CapeWomenOnlineMagazine, an inspira6onal speaker, Living Well Talk Radio Show Host. Watch her videos, TV interviews & follow her blogs & social media sites @ www.survivingcancerland.com & www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com

Diana Lynn Diana Lynn is a business owner and freelance writer from Washing-­‐ ton State. Her responses to life’s obstacles serve to inspire readers of all backgrounds to find new beginnings. Find more inspira6on from Diana at www.recoveringdysfunc6onal.com or search for Pieces of Me: Life of a Recovering Dysfunc6onal on Facebook. Purchase your paperback or e-­‐book today at hip://amzn.com/0615663222 .


Dear Rebecca, I don’t like to admit this, but I am unhappy with other people’s success. It doesn’t even matter if I know the person or not. I always notice what someone else has that I don’t have. I have struggled with this for years and have not found an answer that will rid me of this awful behavior. It’s not that I don’t want them to have their success, but I feel I deserve success too. Can you please help me with this? Signed, Envious

My dear Envious, I love, love, love your ques2on. Believe me when I tell you that you are not alone with this dilemma. Don’t tell anyone, but I was guilty of the same type of behavior . . . for years. It was really hard for me to fake enjoyment if I thought I deserved the same things I was cove2ng. And as you said, I did not want to deny anyone else their good fortune, but I always wondered when my pot of gold was going to arrive at my door. I was stuck for quite a while, un2l I asked the Universe for help. As you know, when you ask it is always given. I asked, “Universe, why am I bothered when someone else experiences what I want to experience? Why can’t I be happy for someone else’s good fortune?” I should have asked a lot sooner and saved myself years of misery because the answer came very quickly. The reality is I am not bothered! My ego is the one that’s bothered! I AM NOT my ego. I am a physical extension of the Universe and, therefore, I truly am not bothered. I AM NOT dissa2sfied with someone else’s success, but my ego sure was dissa2sfied. It was 2me for me to finally realize, accept, and remember that there are two separate en22es/energies living inside of me. One is the ego and the other one is the Universe. How I feel depends solely on which en2ty/energy I pay a_en2on to! Love, Rebecca 19

Dear Rebecca,

Dear Drained,

I thought a marriage is about give and take and mutual support. I keep giving, but now I am resentful because it’s not mutual. My husband is good at taking and thinks mostly of himself. His actions are guided by doing what makes him happy. He shies away from responsibility. But he follows your principles of making self happy, putting his own happiness above all else. Example: When my son was fourteen years old and doing poorly in school, and clinically depressed, my husband was busy making plans to travel to New York to teach a workshop. That’s the part about the pursuit of self-happiness that I don’t quite understand. And I get it: I have to look out for myself and create my own happiness. I'm married to someone who is looking out for himself. I'm not faulting him, but it’s taken me twenty years and a major financial set-back to recognize the imbalance and why I feel so drained.

I am going to respond to you without a single reference to your husband. What your husband did, does, or doesn’t do has nothing to do with you or your happiness. Furthermore, your cir-­‐ cumstances, including your child’s health, have nothing to do with your happiness. Nothing. Let me be perfectly clear. It’s not your fault for thinking other people and various circum-­‐ stances are responsible for your happiness. That’s what we all are taught at a very early age: Someone else is responsible for our happi-­‐ ness; something else is responsible for our hap-­‐ piness. Take a look at the media. There’s always someone else to blame. I did it. I placed the

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blame on everyone except myself as to why I was so unhappy. My dear Drained, the reason you feel discontentment and unhappiness is coming from inside of you. And contrary to what you think, the reason why you feel “so drained” is because your focus has been on everything and everyone else other than you.

• STOP blaming someone else for your unhappi-­‐ ness

The formula for happiness never includes another equa2on other than you. Everyone else is ex-­‐ cluded including children, spouses, parents, friends, co-­‐workers, cashiers, bus drivers, medical staff, travel agents, astronauts, animals, and the mailman. This is a very powerful concept to “get” because now you—and you alone—are solely re-­‐ sponsible for your happiness. Let me repeat. You are responsible for your happiness. Spiderman, who quoted Voltaire, said, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

• STOP focusing on what’s wrong

Now that you know the truth, what are you going to do about it? As I see it, you only have two choices: (1) You can power-­‐up and take on the re-­‐ sponsibility for your happiness or (2) you can con2nue to feel powerless and make excuses and blame other people and or circumstances for your unhappiness. I look at life like this: If I’m solely re-­‐ sponsible for my happiness, and I am, what do I need to do now? What do I need to change? How do I change? How do I integrate this new informa2on into my daily life? I’m glad you asked. Here’s how. You want to be happy? Prac2ce the following every day, for the rest of your life. • STOP cri2cizing (yourself or others) • STOP complaining (about yourself or others) • STOP judging (yourself or others)

• STOP having opinions about what someone else is doing • STOP discussing anyone else unless its compli-­‐ mentary (including yourself)

Now you don’t have to prac2ce any of the above. But I promise you that if you don’t, you will remain unhappy. You want to be happy? “Unlearn” what you’ve learned and • START accep2ng people just as they are • START allowing people to be themselves, with-­‐ out judgment • START taking deeper breaths throughout your day • START focusing on what’s good in your Life • START becoming more self-­‐aware • START being honest with yourself • START living consciously • START making small changes • START looking in the mirror for answers • START asking the Universe for guidance Remember, every 2me you cri2cize, complain, judge, blame, have expecta2ons, and focus on “what’s wrong,” you literally subtract from your happiness. Now that you know the truth, what are YOU going to do about it? Remember, your happi-­‐ ness is never, and I repeat, never dependent on anyone else. I don’t care what they’re doing or

• STOP expec2ng anything from anyone 21

what they are not doing. No one has the power to make you unhappy. Finally, I’d like you to know that you will find the happiness you seek if you are willing to journey on the road less traveled. The reason why people are not as happy as they could be is because they are not willing to commit to the arduous daily task of monitoring all moments. It’s called living consciously and becoming self-­‐aware.

looking in the mirror because that’s where all your answers are. The only 2me-­‐off you get is when you’re sleeping. When you’re ready to make that type of moment-­‐by-­‐moment commitment, I prom-­‐ ise you, you will live happily ever aWer. Heaven is on Earth, pa2ently wai2ng for you to discover it.

P.S. I want you to know how much I love your cour-­‐ age to share the truth of your experience with the world. Every single one of us is not without mul2-­‐ ple challenges. You are excep2onal because you’re Warning: Taking responsibility for your OWN happi-­‐ asking the tough ques2ons. You’re asking tough ness is not necessarily easy, pleasant, or fun. ques2ons because you want answers. Why do you want answers? Because you want to be happy. University of Happiness A_endance Guidelines You’re in training every day, including weekends. You don’t take vaca2ons. You’re always on duty without lunch or breaks. And you’re constantly

Love, Rebecca


Meet Your Future Self Have Your Own Inner Guide, Parent and Coach By Suzanne Strisower MA,PCC

Many women are experiencing Emes of change brought on either by their age or changing circumstances. As we age, each of us wants to be happy, healthy and financially se-­‐ cure, yet at Emes, one or more of these is not happening and we are leM wondering what to do, what’s our next step and who can we trust to help us get back on track. In coaching cir-­‐ cles, there is an old saying that “the client knows best,” but if you feel confused or other-­‐ wise out of sync, how can you find that inner guidance or wisdom that can help you navi-­‐ gate the treacherous waters of your unknown future?

Your Future Self is the Most Loving & SupporDve Parent & Inner Guide There Is We have many untapped parts of ourselves, one is the Future Self and the great news about meeEng is your Future Self is that it’s like having a “good parent,” who honors you, treats you well, wants you happy and knows how to help you successfully navigate thru whatever is going on in your life. It offers guid-­‐ ance, energy and support to help you make the needed changes in your life. To help you arrive at the places of your heart’s desire, get

healthy or whatever else is troubling you or out of balance in your life.This is NOT a psychic reading, but rather geVng in touch with a more conscious part of yourself. Each person experiences this from within, you are not told anything, your being just guides you and you get to experience the love, healing, insights, guidance and well being from KNOWING that everything is going to turn out ok because you have just experienced it. Your Future Self shows you all the steps you need to take for the health, wealth and happiness that each one of us desire.

Instead of a Past Life Regression – Do a Future Self Progression Many women are Ered of rehashing the past in therapy and want to move forward with their lives. This unique approach -­‐ a visit with your Future Self, the super conscious and sub-­‐ conscious parts of you, that has already walked the steps and experienced what you have yet to do consciously. To visit the future, have a hypnotherapist guide you into a trance state where you can proceed forward in Eme – you can control how far into the future you want to go, you can actually experience your-­‐ self 5-­‐10 years in the future. You’ll see what you look like, how healthy you are, where you 23

are living, what you are doing, how you are feel-­‐ ing and get a perspecEve of what has taken place and how you arrived at where you are in the future. Are you curious? Watch this short video on my website and have a brief encoun-­‐ ter with your own Future Self… www.AwakentoYourLifePurpose.com .


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The Curious ShiG: Soul Health for Changing Times By Dr. Katherine T. Kelly, Ph.D, M.S.P.H “Happiness comes from…. some curious adjust-­‐ ment to life.” ~ Hugh Walpole It goes without saying that change can be diffi-­‐ cult. As we meet the many passages of life we have to adjust to various things, many of which we resist rather than view with curiosity. The real ques2on might be: “What doesn’t shiW as we get older?” Whether it is a body part that is expanding or heading south, the mind slowing down or zoning out, or our household growing or shrinking, all phases of life are accompanied by some form of adjustment…. whether we wel-­‐ come it or not. “Soul Health”, a new concept for many, is all about listening deeply within to align the key as-­‐ pects of your life (physical, psychological, social, interpersonal, intellectual/occupa2onal, environ-­‐ mental, financial, sexual, spiritual, and recrea-­‐ 2onal) to feel balanced, whole, and content. If we allow our lives to naturally align with the changes that appear, we feel much less frustrated and “dis-­‐eased” as we adjust. As we enter new phases of life, we oWen feel destabilized, discon-­‐ nected, and unable to recalibrate our lives with ease. This happens because we resist the change rather than look with curiosity for how the shiWs might actually help us grow. Too oWen, we dig in our heels to remain the same rather than follow the natural flow of change, growth, and evolu2on of who we are to become. To be curious is to have a strong desire to know or learn something. What if we approached our

phases of life with curiosity rather than angst? How much less discomfort would we feel? Would we age more gracefully? More peacefully? Aging gives us the opportunity to evolve beyond who we were and refine ourselves to be more and more of who we want to be. If we approach our evolu2on as a curious process, we expand our consciousness about not only ourselves, but the world at large as well. We also enter each phase of life with open arms rather than run or hide from it—which, as we know, is fu2le anyway. Our resistance to change reminds me of the screen doors that many of us have on our back porch or deck. These doors open and close very easily when they are aligned or centered on their metal track. But when they get off track, there is resistance as we try to move the door. In soul health, we must work to keep ourselves on track, regardless of what phase of life we are in. As you enter your 40’s and beyond, consider tak-­‐ ing some 2me to examine the key aspects of life men2oned above. Each ‘branch’ of our human condi2on affects the others and if we approach our overall health proac2vely, we inevitably lead more soulful and meaningful lives, and thus en-­‐ hance our well-­‐being at the deepest level—the soul level. Happiness is, in fact, a curious thing. Enjoy the process. h_p://www.drkatherinetkelly.com 25


5 Secrets to a Happier You By Renee Wiggins, RD, LD Have you ever walk into an office, get on a bus or take a seat on the subway next to someone, and they don’t even speak let alone smile? You won-­‐ der how those people can wake up and not be happy. Are you one of those people? Do you know there are 5 Simple Secrets to a Happier You? Start your day with gree2ng everyone with a smile. Think posi2ve thoughts such as I am happy to be in my right mind, I am happy to get up and help someone. Repeat affirma2ons throughout the day. Tell someone you love and appreciate them. Hang with posi2ve people because they want the best for you. Storms, hindrances, and obstacles roll off the backs of people who stay liWed in prayer, helping people, smiling, saying posi2ve affirma2ons and thinking posi2ve

thoughts. Yes, they have their pity par2es, but, the par2es do not last long because they know the storms are only temporary. I like to play in dirt. Yes, I love to grow plants, flow-­‐ ers and vegetables. I feel so good because the gar-­‐ dening brings me peace. In addi2on, I volunteer at a local school and help them with their garden and landscape.

My 5 secrets to a happier you are: 1) Stay upliWed, and hang with posi2ve people. 2) Think posi2ve thoughts. 3) Help others (this will take the focus off of you). 27

4) A smile will break down any frown. 5) Let affirma2ons be a part of your life. Speak good things about yourself to yourself. In truth, being happier begins with a simple choice to be happy. It also takes work, which is probably the one thing we never learn about it growing up. Happiness does not just happen; it requires a con-­‐ scious decision and puing in the work: staying up-­‐ liWed, thinking posi2ve thoughts, helping others, smiling and speaking good things to ourselves about ourselves. What is the outcome? When you

do good for someone else, the deed rewards both of you. Staying in the posi2ve radiates through your body causing your cells to stay in the posi2ve range. Joy fills you up; therefore no one or thing can destroy you. Happiness is contagious and you will be surprised at how yours will influence someone else, like that gloomy guy on the subway in the mornings. www.resultsbyrenee.com

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Dream Bliss: A New Way “ A d re a m w h i c h i s n o t i n t e r p re t e d i s l i k e a l e t t e r w h i c h i s n o t re a d . . . ” -T h e Ta lm u d Are you ready to make the most of your summer? Those lazy days are here, again. And, with them comes hours spent daydreaming in beach chairs, searching blue skies for forms and faces in wispy clouds. You find yourself lost in thought, and the cares of the world just driW away. Challenges seem to solve themselves and annoying tasks find perfect solu2ons. Ahhhh….doesn’t that sound dreamy? It is! You are daydreaming your way to problem solving by connec2ng with your inner guidance. Although everything and everyone dreams, many of us have trouble remembering our nightly dreams. However, everyone daydreams, and daydreams are easy to remember. Your daydream may be the doorway that opens to the memory of nightly dreams, one of which may be a healing dream that answers ques2ons about health issues and concerns. So embrace your daydreams and journal them just as you would a night dream. It is a natural and easy way to connect with your inner-­‐self for inner-­‐ guidance. Welcome to “Wellness Women 40 and Beyond”. I am Kathleen O’Keefe-­‐Kanavos-­‐your Dream

Queen. My Life Purpose is to help you dream your life to Wellness by: • Using 6 Easy Steps to Remember Your Dreams and • Iden2fying the 7 Categories of Dreams. In each publica2on we will explore how to find your pearls of wisdom and golden secret mes-­‐ sages in the world of dreams. Each addi2onal publica2on will take you deeper and deeper into the dream realm as we interpret your best dreams and worst nightmares. Today we are going to discuss Healing Dreams, visita2ons and interpret true examples.

Dear Dream Queen, 2 weeks ago my diseased father appeared to me in a dream in his human form. The dream was so real that I could see what he looked like and what he was wearing. He had tears in his eyes and as he looked at me and he said, "This is crazy isn't it?" We did not have a very loving relaJonship while he was alive. I’m not sure if he was sad about 29

my youngest sister being hospitalized for over 2 months, or that it took him this long to show up in my dreams. I hugged him and said, “It will be okay, Dad.” Never in 22 years have I had a visitaJon from him. He has been dead that long. I do get visits from loved ones who have “passed over” very oLen. In fact, one of them I needed to tell to stay away. They visited too oLen. Tina

Hi Tina, Thank you for sharing your dream with me. I don’t think it was a typical dream so underlined arche-­‐ types and symbolism would not really apply. I think you had a visita2on from the other side. Yes, our parents oWen get permission from “the other side” to return to us during difficult 2me. It sounds like your sister’s health challenge may have trig-­‐ gered his return. He knows about your sister and also realizes that he was less than he could have been as a father to you. He appeared to you with tears in his eyes. As our deceased parents spent 2me on the “other side” they learn the error of their ways here on earth, and oWen wish to make

amends. It is all part of the process of being hu-­‐ man here and spiritual over there. It may have taken him extra 2me on the “other side” to reach the point of spiritual evolu2on to be given permis-­‐ sion to return. You sound like you are very emo-­‐ 2onally evolved and have already forgiven your fa-­‐ ther and moved on with your life. I would imagine that you spent much of your childhood raising him and being the adult in the family. Your dad does love you. Believe it or not we choose our parents, for be_er or for worse, because they have some-­‐ thing to teach us and we have something to teach them. I was very impressed that you were able to rise above the difficult memories and emo2ons to embrace him with love. Cuddos to you!! I invite you to go to my website www.AccessYourInnerguide and download my free 7 Steps to Accessing Your Guides workbook to con2nue your dream journaling.

Join us next 2me for Prophe2c Dreams and how to watch for and understand their valida2ons. Kathleen O’Keefe-­‐Kanavos: The Dream Queen www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com www.survivingcancerland.com


4 Reasons Why I Pray By Karen Wells, M.Div I want to share about my journey of prayer. I wholeheartedly believe that prayer is the link to a truly ho-­‐ lis2c life. Prayer is God’s avenue for us to meet with Him in a rela2onship. In Acts 17 of the Bible, Paul comes across a city where many objects of worship were erected because the city was very religious. He came across an alter inscribed, To An Unknown God. Here it is that Paul tells them that he knows this Unknown God – it is Jesus Christ. I resonated with that account in the book of Acts because there was a 2me when I really did not know who to pray to either. And really, could prayer actually change my life? Well I am here to say that it certainly can! My very first prayer to Jesus changed my life forever! I was changed from the inside out – heart, mind, and soul. I felt cleansed, free, and accepted. It really was su-­‐ pernatural. But not only did that ini2al prayer impact me, it was the turning point to a connec2on with God. Over the years since that first prayer, I have come to cherish my 2mes of conversa2on with God. I have to say that my deeper 2mes of geing to know God come as I consistently carve out 2me each day to be in prayer. I have discovered there are many reasons why I should pray, and I’d like to share four of these with you; 31


it is in prayer where you will experience peace about your life situa2ons. I mean, who doesn’t

need peace in this life? There is so much strife, unrest, and struggles in everyday life. Jesus promises to give us a peace different from what the world gives. Instead He gives His peace directly from the throne room of God. With this peace, you can leave the outcomes to God.


it is through talking with God that you experience a renewing of your mind. This is not the same

as us geing ideas and changing our thinking about something, but instead it is God inspiring us with His truth about how we need to think and decide on our situa2ons. It is in prayer that you receive wisdom from the Holy Spirit.


it is in prayer that your faith is strengthened to believe that your answers to needs will come. Just

as an earthly parent desires their child to come to them when in need, so God does too. We all need help throughout our life. God knows this and invites us to trust Him to move on our behalf.


something happened once I began praying -­‐ I yearned for more of God. As I disciplined myself to

carve out special 2mes in prayer with Christ, I fell in love with God. I never dreamt in a million years I’d feel this way. But I am sure glad I do! This has been my journey. What about yours? I encourage you today – PRAY! Karen Wells, M.Div. www.unhooked7stepstoemo2onalfreedom.com


Vaca9oning For EveryBODY By Jeri Donavon A new traveling concept is evolving that has your personal well-­‐being upfront and in the center of your vaca2oning experience…. wellness vaca2oning. The innova2ve niche is exploding world-­‐wide with amazing opportuni2es for everyBODY in everything from yoga retreats amongst the soothing rainforests of Costa Rica to adventure cruising down the Ama-­‐ zon River, or partaking in a bona fide fitness vaca2on in spectacular loca2ons. A fitness vaca2on is a terrific way to feed your wan-­‐ derlust while jumpstar2ng posi2ve changes for your mind, body and soul. Ideal for both fitness seekers and fitness warriors, this type of vaca2on can: tone tushes, tantalize taste buds with delectable yet healthy cuisine, delight your inner yogi, and propose personalized fitness challenges. Perhaps most impor-­‐ tantly, a fitness vaca2on can send you down the path

to crea2ng a healthier, renewed and more relaxed version of yourself. Here’s a sampling of some of the crème de la crème fitness resorts truly serious about your personal transforma2on: BodyHoliday Le Sport. One of the most beloved fitness vaca2on resorts is hidden away on the idyllic beauty of St. Lucia. Situated on a private, gorgeous Caribbean beach lies the BodyHoliday where luxury fitness is queen and all-­‐inclusive packages include daily spa treatments at the well-­‐awarded and very comprehensive Wellness Center. A wonderfully di-­‐ verse range of fitness classes and watersports run by day, dancing to steel drums is enjoyed by night. Jungle Bay. Nestled on the in2mate and beau2ful is-­‐ land of Dominica is Jungle Bay Resort. This bou2que 33

barefoot luxury resort surrounded by luscious rainfor-­‐ est offers annual Fitness Boot Camps. Here you will experience a fitness vaca2on that is geared towards blending func2onal fitness training with hiking, yoga and spa therapies. Your fitness coach’s goal is to inte-­‐ grate a fitness and wellness program into your own lifestyle so that the results last long beyond your vaca-­‐ 2on. Isn’t that what we want? The Ranch at Live Oak Malibu. This ultra-­‐uber fitness resort is for health warriors seeking challenges that push beyond their current fitness level. The Ranch at Live Oaks is not for the faint of heart. Their low-­‐ impact 7 day program includes 10 hours of daily exer-­‐ cise consis2ng of yoga, strength training, water aero-­‐ bics, massage services, and revitalizing hikes. How-­‐ ever, in one intense week, you will definitely gain

strength and shed some unwanted pounds, whilst en-­‐ joying the beauty of sunny southern California. Rancho La Puerta. A true gem, Rancho La Puerta could be deemed as the godmother of all fitness re-­‐ sorts. AWer over 70 years of providing outstanding wellness vaca2ons, Rancho La Puerta does not rest upon their well-­‐earned laurels. This quintessen2al wellness resort con2nues to embody all that is wellness and provides sanctuary for the soul, engag-­‐ ing classes for the mind and an extensive range of ex-­‐ cep2onal fitness classes for the body. Spread over 3,000 gorgeous acres, The Ranch is located in Tecate, Mexico, and is easily reached with organized transfers from the San Diego airport. Pack your gym bag and let’s go! www.welltraveledco.com


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Renee Wiggins, RD. LD. Renee Wiggins is the owner and operator of Results By Renee, a Medical Lifestyle Spa with a mission of helping women achieve healthier, more balanced lives. As a Registered Die66an, Life Skills Coach, Cer6fied Personal Trainer, and Cer6fied Massage Therapist, Renee has been involved in the health and wellness industry for over twenty years. She is passionate about helping women who are anxious to discover their power and realize their goals, and has an excellent track record of doing so. Renee designs and tailors menus and physical training programs to help clients who want to lose weight, become more ac6ve, and enhance their overall good health. Her Website: www.resultsbyrenee.com “Being Fabulously Fit” Order Here: hip://resultsbyrenee.com/books/

Dina Proctor Dina Proctor is best-­‐selling author of Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day and a life and business coach.. A>er hinng emo6onal rock-­‐boiom, she -­‐quite unin-­‐ ten6onally!-­‐ created a process called 3x3 Medita6on (3 minutes, 3 6mes a day) that enabled her to transform every aspect of her life. From weight loss and banishing addic6ve cravings to reconstruc6ng rela6onships, this simple and yet incredibly effec6ve method has gained the support of Jack Canfield and Dr. Bruce Lipton, and is now helping thousands of others improve their lives as well. Dina's 3x3 Medita6on method is help-­‐ ing thousands to transform their personal and professional lives. “Madly Chasing Peace:How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day” Order Here: hip://amzn.com/1614483027 Website: www.dinaproctor.com


Jeri Donovan Jeri Donovan is the founder of Well Traveled, a wellness travel agency specializing in ac6ve adventure, spa des6na6ons, yoga and fitness vaca6ons and wellness cruises. In 2011, Jeri was diagnosed with a brain tumor (months a>er comple6ng a century bike ride) and underwent brain surgery. Jeri’s recovery was the catalyst for lifestyles changes both personally and professionally. Deciding to enter the travel industry, Jeri felt compelled to focus on a new niche, wellness travel. She became the first travel professional to become a Travel In-­‐ s6tute’s Well-­‐Being Travel Specialist. Wellness travel truly suited her soul combining her insa-­‐ 6able passion for travel with her commitment to wellness. hip://welltraveledco.com

Lori Hanson Life Balance Strategist Lori Hanson is the award-­‐winning author of four books, (including Stress Survival Kit™ for the Alpha Female) a transfor-­‐ ma6on coach and mo6va6onal women’s speaker. She founded Learn2Balance and inspires women with her keynote programs and women’s retreats. She supports women business owners and execu-­‐ 6ves and helps them integrate work/life success that is guilt-­‐free and feels good. She teaches clients techniques to boost confidence, break-­‐ through barriers, reduce stress, lead their “pack” confidently, be mindful, honor their rela6on-­‐ ship to Self and get the results they really want. She integrates holis6c nutri6on to build a solid founda6on for success. hip://learn2balance.com Link to book: hip://www.learn2balance.com/products/books.html


Enjoy The Ride By Diana Lynn I’ve always thought of “holis2c” as balanced. I’m going to take care of myself. I’m going to take care of each piece of me equally. Take 2me to heal the broken pieces of me. And make 2me to nurture the pieces of me that are thriving and healthy. Live balanced. I’m star2ng to realize balance is part of a holis-­‐ 2c life, but maybe, just maybe the real secret to a holis2c life is truth. I realize everything that’s broken in my life is broken because I’m not seeing or speaking the truth. The broken areas of my life are where my fears live. And I believe fears can’t live in the truth. The other day I wanted to ask a client for payment. Doesn’t seem like a big deal. I worked for him. He owes me money. But I felt sick to my stomach. Guilt filled my en2re body. I sat staring at the wall listen-­‐ ing to the voice inside my head saying “What if he thinks you’re poor? What if he thinks your pushy? Or worse, what if he finds a less pushy, less poor vendor, and he gets rid of you?” All because I wanted to be paid for services I provided. In that moment I lived in fear. 37

Again, I thought to myself. He’ll pay me when he’s ready. I’ll just wait. It’s ok. I wasn’t speaking my truth. My simple truth. “I worked on this project. I’ve completed it. Can I get payment on this?”

Every 2me that fear pops up inside me I have to ask why? What just happened? Did I speak my truth?

If my answer is “No. You stared at the wall, uncom-­‐ fortably.” Then I pop into my backseat and take notes. What made you feel uncomfortable? And Instead I stared at the wall and became uncomfort-­‐ where do you think that is coming from? able. I even went as far as thinking “He’ll never pay me! I worked for nothing! How dare he do this Now that you have some internal answers the next to me!” ques2on is, can you let that nega2ve feeling go? If not, how are you going to address it from the back-­‐ In not speaking my truth, I’m not living a holis2c seat? life. Quite the opposite. I’ve broken myself. I’ve done this, not him. He never said a word and most Don’t jump into the driver’s seat. Have you ever likely had no clue I was angry. driven your car when you’re angry? You may speed, avoid stop signs, possibly get a li_le reck-­‐ So, I’ve decided to become a backseat driver. I’m less. But from the backseat, you’re just observing, taking the backseat to all my rela2onships. I’m checking out the scenery, taking notes. learning it’s hard to examine your journey in life while you’re feverishly driving, cursing the drivers Only you can find your truth. Jump in the back-­‐ next to you. So, I’ll step back and watch. seat. And enjoy the ride. www.recoveringdysfunc2onal.com


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Featured Wellness Woman Tami Lindahl, CPT Fit, EnthusiasEc, Mindful “Be inspired to know you can eat delicious and wonderful food and it doesn’t have to be a bad thing…you just need to get the right mindset.” Tami Lindahl is truly a fitness guru. She speaks about helping women to get fit with great love and exuberance. She has done it all when it comes to fitness from Aerobics, to Kids Fitness, to being cer2fied as a Biggest Loser Weight Loss Expert and known as LA's #1 Health, Fitness and Weight Loss Coach. Through all of her adventures with Fitness her real passion is working with Women over 40. She especially has a love for working with seniors. When I first met Tami she had just finished her first book, now about two years later she has wri_en another book to be re-­‐ leased August 2014, “Eat and Think Your Way Into Weight Loss” which really focuses on one of her favorite topics…food and how to enjoy ea2ng while s2ll staying fit. Tami Lindahl is an inspira-­‐ 2on, at the age of 50 she is s2ll working hard to educate and mo2vate women 40 and over that it is never to late to get fit and have a great 2me do-­‐ ing it!

How did you get into fitness industry? I was volunteering at the Senior Center 13 years ago. There was a woman teaching low impact aerobics and they needed a sub for the class. I spoke with the teacher and offered to sub. I en-­‐ joyed it so much I went ahead and got my cer2fi-­‐

ca2on in aerobics, and con2nued to get more cer-­‐ 2fica2ons in fitness. I love it! Since then I have done personal training, I have worked sub and she spoke with her and told her she could do it. I went on and got many cer2fica2ons. Although I have worked with children, my real passion is working with women over 40. I went on and got my cer2fica2on, opened my own fitness center focusing on working with women over 40

Why are you so passionate about women being fit over 40? 39

Simple overall health and wellness. As we age we loose bone density and strength training is very im-­‐ portant. I want to help women prevent or stop os-­‐ teoporosis. I opened a gym for older women be-­‐ cause they are in2midated by the gym. I want women to be able to come in the gym and feel comfortable and mo2vated. It’s important to stay ac2ve keep you cardio vascular system going. You don’t have to necessarily be winded to get in shape. You can ride bikes, walk, dance…move-­‐ ment helps the overall quality of your life. There is also the social side of it. As we age we don’t get out as much as we should and working out in a gym with other woman is a great way to socialize. For instance the women I work with also socialize outside of the gym. The women I work with gather and spend 2me with each other.

How do you moDvate women to work-­‐ out? It depends on the person and where they are com-­‐ ing from. Some people see a picture of them and see how bad they look, or the doctor has told them they are sick, or they have a special event coming up. I try to understand what my clients struggle is. Is it their diet, is it some emo2onal challenge, and is it the need for more movement? Some2mes I will have my clients do some wri2ng

crea2ng a vision of what they want out of their life. Other 2mes I create excitement through food and delicious recipes. I show my clients the fun recipes that allow them to eat and s2ll loose weight. In my second book I spend a lot of 2me talking about the importance of nutri2on.

What are some of the common issues women have when trying to get fit? I believe there are three main issues: Hormones – I had a lady who used to be able drink and eat whatever she wanted. She developed is-­‐ sues with her thyroid and female hormone issues. There are many things she can do and one of them is to increase her exercise. Controlling your hor-­‐ mones is a big challenge but with monitoring your food intake and increasing your exercise will feel be_er. I can’t emphasize enough how important strength training is a big part of staying well and fit aWer 50. Backs, Shoulders, Wrists, Knees, -­‐ I have found that as we age we can develop some physical limita-­‐ 2ons in our backs, shoulder, wrists and knees. There are certain exercises you can do to strengthen these areas. Get a good personal trainer who can put together a good workout re-­‐


gime that will help you to strengthen those areas. They will design a program for you that fits.

cise and ea2ng right. How you look at dessert, candy or any kind of food, is important when you eat. Begin to look at food in a different way …the Time and Money – This can be a serious issue be-­‐ thought process is so important. It takes prac2ce cause women over 40 might s2ll be caring for kids to change your mindset. Some can do a complete at home, balancing the finance for kids in college, 180 and never go back, but most people have to or taking care of their parents. Inves2ng in your-­‐ try several 2mes to shiW the mind set. self is so important when it comes to your health. My food program keeps your body in the fat burn-­‐ ing zone. Managing your stress, pedicures, mes-­‐ sage, medita2on taking a moment to breathe; all of this helps to manage the cor2sol levels. The thy-­‐ roid issues get worse if you go all day without ea2ng and calorie burning goes down also. Taking the 2me to eat smaller por2ons but more oWen helps the thyroid to func2on be_er. I know that people doing strength training can increase the tes-­‐ torone and an2-­‐aging hormones. LiWing weights is great for fitness. Zumba is fun, but strength train-­‐ ing is really important. I like to teach more strength than cardio. Make sure you are feeding your body the right foods. Some2mes the body takes nutrients from proteins and muscles don’t develop as one might expect. I recommend work-­‐ ing for an hour in AM and an hour in the evening, to replenish the body correctly. Interval training is wonderful. Warm-­‐ups are important and make sure you have the right shoes to support your feet and knees.

What is your definiDon of a Wellness Woman? A Wellness Woman is someone who takes care of her mind, body and spirit. She knows that exces-­‐ sive exercising is not good, but she takes 2me to do strength training and cardio. She honors her body with the rights foods. She knows that having spiritual prac2ce or prayer is essen2al to her spirit and overall well being. www.tamilindahl.com

What is your second book, “Eat and Think Your Way Into Weight Loss” about? My first book I had all these secrets I shared with the world. This second book I wrote is about how important the mind shiW is when it comes to stay-­‐ ing fit. A mind shiW is just as important as exer-­‐ 41





Fit and Fabulous At Any Age In today’s society women are oWen led to believe that having shinier hair, fuller lips, smaller hips, a larger chest, wrinkle-­‐free skin and a fla_er stom-­‐ ach will make them feel be_er about themselves. Have you bought into this message? Has this mes-­‐ sage intensified as you have go_en older? If your answer to these ques2ons is yes, you are not alone! The media and adver2sers have done a great job of crea2ng the image of bodily perfec2on and al-­‐ though it doesn’t exist, many women are chasing this illusion. This chase intensifies as women age and although aging or entering into a new decade (40’s, 50’s 60’s) of life should be celebrated, it is oWen dreaded. Besides, you’re not the same woman you once were, your body has changed, your skin and hair has changed and the world’s expecta2ons of you have changed. Change, if posi2ve, can be a great process, but if you listen to all of the subliminal messages about aging, you will believe it is all downhill from here. Today I want to encourage you to ignore this mes-­‐ sage and help you to understand that aging is no reason to throw in the towel to geing fit and feeling great about yourself. Today you are wiser, more experienced and confident. In more ways than one you should be celebrated. Life has taught you many valuable lessons, and you have earned the right to stand tall with your chest up and your shoulders back.

In addi2on to standing tall while wearing your badge of honor for making it this far in life, real-­‐ ize life isn’t over. Regardless of your age you can s2ll get fit and feel fabulous at any age.

You can accomplish this by doing the following: 1) Exercise on a daily basis, adding cardio and re-­‐ sistance training: Research has shown that every decade aWer the age of 35 women lose anywhere between 3-­‐5 % of muscle 2ssue, a condi2on known as Sarcopenia. Therefore, in order to keep your body strong for ac2vi2es of daily living (ADLs) and increase bone density, incorporate a combina2on of resistance training exercises into your daily ac2vity. In addi2on to resistance train-­‐ ing, perform at least 35-­‐45 minutes of cardiovas-­‐ cular ac2vi2es most days of the week such as bik-­‐ ing, walking, dancing, running or swimming. 2) Drink up: Over 60-­‐65% of your body is water therefore hydra2on is essen2al to your skin and op2mal health. Staying hydrated can assist in keeping your skin looking healthy, provide a sense of sa2ety (fullness) and transport impor-­‐ tant nutrients to your cells. Drinking water be-­‐ fore, during, and aWer your workouts will provide you with many benefits of hydra2on. Don’t like the taste of water-­‐-­‐add natural flavoring such as mint or lemon to enhance taste. 3) Compliment, compliment, compliment: Never wait for a special occasion or weight loss to tell 43

yourself how amazing you are. Yes, every woman regardless of her size should feel great about her-­‐ self. On the days you’re not feeling great about yourself (everyone has these days) speak out loud 3 things that make you an amazing woman and don’t be afraid if someone hears you, you’re worth it! 4) Fruits and Veggies Please: Fruits and vegetables are filled with rich phytonutrients that provide the body with an array of vitamins, minerals and an2-­‐ oxidants. Therefore in order to nourish your body and to keep looking and feeling great add one new vegetable to your meal plan once a week and con-­‐ sume at least 3-­‐5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

6) Con2nue to look great: It is proven, when a woman looks great, she feels great about herself. Therefore don’t be afraid to try new clothes that you believe are for younger women. You have an amazing figure and should be proud of the hard work you have invested in keeping yourself fit. Try a new color palate on your skin and try a new bold lip color. Get bold and don’t apologize for it! At some point in life we have all sought bodily per-­‐ fec2on but it doesn’t exist. Therefore it is essen2al to realize that feeling good about yourself at any age first starts by accep2ng who you are and em-­‐ bracing yourself and your body at each stage of life. From there commit to doing those things that make you feel great, such as exercising on a daily basis, ea2ng healthy well-­‐balanced meals and tell-­‐ ing yourself each day how amazing you are you! On the days you feel alone in your struggles, re-­‐ member millions of other women feel what you feel. You are not alone. I am cheering you on; can you hear me cheering for you?

5) Know your numbers: Heart disease is the num-­‐ ber 1 killer of women therefore it is important to know your numbers such as blood pressure, cho-­‐ lesterol and triglyceride levels. In order to stay cur-­‐ rent with your status make your annual appoint-­‐ ments with your physician mandatory! In addi2on to regular physicals, discover ways to relax and pre-­‐ You are truly a diamond and it’s Jme to let the vent stress which is also contribu2ng risk factor to world see you shine. heart disease. www.la2ciajackson.com


Holis9c Thinking The Founda9on of a Healthy Mind By Andrea Hanson All the holis2c prac2ces in the world will not be fully supported if our thinking is not holis2c. So what is holis2c thinking anyway? It follows the guidelines and defini2on of “holis2c” ho-­‐lis-­‐Sc, adjec2ve/philosophy, characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as in2-­‐ mately interconnected and explicable only by ref-­‐ erence to the whole. Our “normal thinking” tends to be deduc2ve, gen-­‐ eralized, exclusive, judgmental, results oriented and based on conscious and compe22on and un-­‐ conscious personal and/or societal/cultural be-­‐ liefs. For example: A woman I will call Sally says to herself, “I am geing old. I am forgeing things gaining weight and don’t feel as a_rac2ve or strong as I did when I was younger. Oh well, I have to accept the hard truth or be miserable.” With this non holis2c statement several things happen. Sally sees herself as separate from the a_ributes of agelessness, op2mum weight, physical body and youthfulness. In a strange way she is in compe22on with her former self. Her self-­‐talk is judgmental at best

Her “either or” thinking, is actually elimina2ng all other possibili2es She has become part of the problem crea2ng this undesirable current reality and future for herself. With Sally’s transformed “holis2c thinking”, the conversa2on would go more like this: Everyone grows older. Some2mes things like memory, weight gain, physical fitness old behaviors and at-­‐ 2tudes are a_ributed to geing older. But when I look at the whole popula2on, I no2ce those traits at all ages. I also no2ce people older than I am that have great memories, op2mum weight, good fitness and seem very happy with them-­‐ selves. With this holis2c aitude and looking at the en2re popula2on as one make several things possible for Sally. She sees herself as part of the whole Her mind gains strength in memory, discernment, crea2ve solu2ons She is not judging herself She sees sources for op2mum health, weight, self-­‐confidence are open to her She is crea2ng a solu2on to her concerns and the desired reality and future she wants


This changes her reality and the reality of all those she influences.


A very important holis2c prac2ce is Contempla2on and Self Inquiry. Take 2me to contemplate each of these five a_ributes of Holis2c thinking. Find a quiet moment and ask yourself what each one feels like. Then contemplate how knowing these a_ributes can help you make be_er choices and guarantee true holis2c living. Use these basics to guide your thinking and your choices. Be a holis2c thinker! Everything is energy, everything is connected – All is one Energy is either flowing or it is stuck.

Listen to Our Journey To Wellness Moments h8p://www.spreaker.com/show/our_journey_to_wellness_mo ments

Judgment causes stuck energy causing suffering Everything I do, say, think and believe has a posi-­‐ 2ve or nega2ve effect on me and all others. There is no neutral. Compe22on is an old way of thinking. Coopera2on and collabora2on are holis2c thinking dynamics. www.mergingrivers.com


The Most Important Hormone By, Cammi Balleck, PHd Are you struggling with weight loss and think you are doing everything you can? Have you been on some kind of diet your en2re life? Do you crave a snack be-­‐ fore bed? Have you ever had trouble s2cking to a diet? Do you have weight gain, and can’t sleep as good as you used to? If you can’t seem to s2ck to health changes, chances are you have Lep2n resis-­‐ tance. Lep2n is a master hormone in the body that controls hunger and feelings of sa2ety. In other words, if you want to make las2ng health changes or lose weight and keep it off the good news is: if you’ve failed at diets or health changes in the past, it was likely be-­‐ cause you failed to regulate your Lep2n levels and do-­‐ ing so can help you finally make las2ng changes You got here in a downward spiral, Lep2n is the sa2ety hormone produced by fat cells, so it would seem logical that those with more fat cells would produce more Lep2n, which would signal the body to eat less food and weight would normalize. This over-­‐simplified idea is great in theory, but doesn’t always occur, especially in those with damaged metabolisms or endocrine problems (which includes most overweight people). The problem is not in the produc2on of lep2n, but rather, studies show that the majority of overweight individu-­‐ als who are having difficulty losing weight have a lep2n resistance, where the lep2n is unable to produce its nor-­‐ mal effects to s2mulate weight loss. This lep2n resistance is sensed as starva2on, so mul2ple mechanisms are ac2vated to increase fat stores, rather than burn excess fat stores. Lep2n resistance also s2mulates the forma-­‐ 2on of reverse T3, which blocks the effects of thyroid hormone on metabolism. So, the person is ea2ng excess food but the body thinks it is starving and tells the person to eat more. It’s easy to see how this cycle could contribute to weight gain! Factors that Contribute to Lep2n Resistance As with all hormone issues, Lep2n resistance is a complex issue with no singular cause, but there are many fac-­‐ tors that can nega2vely impact Lep2n levels including:

• Fructose -­‐ yes fruit sugar and fructose corn syrup • High stress levels 47

• Consump6on of a lot of simple carbs • Lack of sleep • High insulin levels • Overea6ng

How to Fix Lep2n Resistance: This is complex prob-­‐ lem, but not irreversible! I wish I could tell you, you can fix this by con2nuing the same lifestyle you are living, I wish I could tell you the answer was in a box or a pill, but that is not the truth the truth is : and its non-­‐nego2able:

• Exercising too much, especially if your hor-­‐ • You must not eat any starches, refined foods, sugars and fructose mones are already damaged • Gluten -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ADVERTISEMENT-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐

• You must consuming a large amount of pro-­‐ tein and healthy fats first thing in the morn-­‐ ing, as soon a>er waking as possible. Be in bed by 9:30pm and get 8 hours sleep. • Get outside during the day get some sunshine. • DON’T SNACK!!! Try to space meals at least 4 hours apart and don’t eat for at least 4 hours before bed. This includes drinks with calories but herbal teas, water, coffee or tea without cream or sugar are fine. • Don’t workout at first. If you are really Lep6n resistant, this will just be an addi6onal stress on the body. Let your body heal a liile first, then add in the exercise.

Happy, Healthy, Hormone Balance

Free Online Visit with the leading happy hormone doctor. Get a free entire body health scan when you purchase a copy of Happy the New Sexy for $25.00 ($67.00 value). www.happythenewsexy.com

• When you do exercise, do only yoga, pi-­‐ lates, walking and weight li>ing. Walk or swim if you want to but don’t do cardio just for the sake of cardio. It’s just a stress on the body. Also, workout in the a>ernoon or eve-­‐ ning, not the morning, to support hormone levels.


-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ADVERTISEMENT -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐

• Remove toxins from your life as these are a stress on your body. You must keep lep2n in a state of healthy balance for your metabolism to work correctly and your appe2te to be under control. This is not a situa2on where you take lep2n hormone as a substance. This is a case wherein diet, exer-­‐ cise, lifestyle, stress hormone cor2sol management, good nights of sleep, and various nutrients all help to op2mize lep2n func2on in your body. www.makinghappyhappen.com


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Great Gluten Free Recipes for the Summer By Jennifer Fugo While out in LA, I had the pleasure of visit-­‐ ing my dear cousin Lisa for a night. Every single 2me I go to stay with her, I leave with a bunch of new crea2ve tricks for food. She’s currently going to Duke’s Inte-­‐ gra2ve Health Coaching program and star2ng her own health coaching prac2ce out in LA.

Gluten Free BlueBerry Pie Smoothie

So as crea2ve as I am, it never occurred to me to add ground spices to my smoothies. Lisa, on the other hand, cre-­‐ ates these taste journeys for your taste buds while s2ll being nutri2ous and deli-­‐ cious. I suggest adding the spices in small amounts. They add a much larger punch since you’re only blending up a smoothie!

• 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

Since it’s blueberry season here, I started to work on a smoothie that’s both hydrat-­‐ ing and a burst of blueberry goodness!

Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 2 minutes Yield: 2

Ingredients • 1/8 cup of coconut milk (the fat) or 1/4 of an avocado • 1 1/4 cup fluid (could be water or almond milk) • 1 to 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice • 1 serving vanilla protein powder • 1 heaping tbsp ground flax • 2 to 3 gentle shakes of cinnamon and ginger • A tad of ground nutmeg and cloves • Op2onal: 2 ice cubes if blueberries were fresh, not fro-­‐ zen Instruc2ons 1. Blend together un2l smooth. En-­‐ joy! I’ve got so many peaches, I don’t even know what to do with them all! Since it’s the height of peach season, I want to share with you my incredibly easy Peach Salsa recipe. While it’s perfect 51

on it’s on with some great gluten free tor2lla chips, you can totally dress up some grilled fish or chicken as well with this crowd pleasure. I know you’ll love it!


Peach Salsa • 2 large ripe peaches, cubed • 1 medium onion, finely diced • 1 cucumber, skinned and cubed • 1-­‐2 tbsp minced cilantro • Juice from 1/2 lime • 1 tsp sea salt Mix ingredients together and enjoy! Great on top of tacos, grilled meats, or as a dip. It will

hold up for a day or so in the fridge as a leWover. And you can always add another fresh peach to it the next day to make it go further. This recipe is the way that it is because it lacks nightshade vegetables (ie. toma-­‐ toes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes). If you aren’t sensi-­‐ 2ve to them, you can also add in some jalapeño and red bell peppers and even some tomato!

Jennifer Fugo is the founder of Gluten Free School, a website dedi-­‐ cated to teaching gluten-­‐sensitive individuals simple, savvy and em-­‐ powering steps to get healthy. She’s a certified Health Coach named a “Gluten Free Guru” by Philadelphia Magazine who co-­‐hosts the popular “Gluten-­‐Free Sugar Cleanse” to empowers gluten-­‐free folks to take control of their diet, feel great and kick their sugar habit. Jennifer is a sought-­‐after expert about healthy, gluten-­‐free living as well as a speaker who has been featured on Doctor Oz, Yahoo! News, eHow, CNN, Huffington Post and Philadelphia Magazine. She hosts the popular "Gluten Free School Podcast" to share eye-­‐ opening health information vital to living a gluten-­‐free life. Her first book, “The Savvy Gluten-­‐Free Shopper: How to Eat Healthy without Breaking the Bank” will be available in February 2014. http://www.glutenfreeschool.com 52

Suzanne Strisower Life Purpose Expert and Career Coach Suzanne Strisower is commit-­‐ ted to helping people discover their purpose in life so that each person can live their best life. She has authored three books, includ-­‐ ing a life purpose workbook, 111 Inspira6onal Life Purpose Quotes and Exercises to Find Your Purpose in Life and a Life Purpose “Tweet” book. She is being featured in an upcoming segment of the Na6onal Geographic hit reality television show “Doomsday Prep-­‐ pers,” where she shows the world how to “leave survival behind and prosper by living consciously.” Visit her websites www.AwakenToYourLifePurpose.com and sign up for her free guidebook and www.YourNextStepCoach.com for a mini e-­‐course on finding your life purpose.

Andrea Becky Hanson Andrea Becky Hanson – an Amazon Best-­‐Selling author of Light Through the Keyhole – Best Kept Secrets of Extraordinary Holis6c Energy Healing, Founding Director of Merging Rivers Healing Prac-­‐ 6ces, researcher, speaker and retreat facilitator has 39 years of ex-­‐ perience in mul6-­‐cultural, holis6c healing studies and training in over 24 countries including 9 years as Program Director of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. As an innova6ve catalyst for healing and realiza6on of human poten6al, she weaves ancient wisdom sci-­‐ ences and leading edge scien6fic discoveries into empowering and sustainable healing prac-­‐ 6ces. www.mergingrivers.com


Milan Perry Milan Perry HHP, MH is a Health Wellness Coach, Herbalist, Personal Chef and Writer in Chicago, Illinois. She graduated “with honors” from The Interna6onal Culinary School of The Art Ins6tute (ILIC Chi-­‐ cago Campus) in 2010, with a specializa6on in Nutri6onal Cuisines. She went on to further her studies in Nutri6on, Holis6c Herbalism and Naturopathic Wellness— where she received professional cre-­‐ den6als as an (HHP) Holis6c Health Prac66oner, Master Herbalist, Nutri6onal Counseling cer6fica6on, and maintains board member-­‐ ship through the American Associa6on of Drugless Prac66oners (AADP). She consults a diverse clientele, but primarily works with women over 40 to empower them to make appropriate health and nutri6onal choices for their own unique situa6ons

Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD, LMT, RM, NHC Dr Kathy Gruver is the award winning Author of “Alterna6ve Medicine Cabinet” & the host of a Television show based upon the book. She has a thriving prac6ce in Santa Barbara, California and is a sought a>er speaker and expert in the field of holis6c health and integra6ve medicine. Visit Kathy’s Website at: www.kathygruver.com

Dr. Cammi Balleck, PhD Cammi Balleck, is a ANCB board cer6fied tradi6onal naturopath. The leading Happy Hormone Doctor. She specializes in teaching how to un-­‐ leash your happy hormones. She has 10 years experience, specializing in biochemical balance. She is the women's health expert for O, Pre-­‐ ven6on, Shape and First Magazines as well as a featured expert for FOX NEWS NATIONALLY and the CW sta6ons in Denver. www.makinghappyhappen.com


How to Detox EmoBonally Using MeditaBon By Shawngela Pierce Yes, it is true! Medita2on can help you heal emo-­‐ 2onally from the past through a process of "emo-­‐ 2onal detoxing”. Emo2ons from past rela2onships, fearful events, etc. that you have stored away can be released with a daily medita-­‐ 2on prac2ce. In order to understand how you can emo2onally detox with medita2on, let’s first look at the body and emo2ons from an energe2c perspec2ve. Eve-­‐ rything in the universe is energy. Remember the formula E=mc2? Well this applies to the physical body as well as to the emo2onal and thought bod-­‐ ies. Some emo2onal and thoughts energies vibrate at higher frequencies then others. Thoughts or emo-­‐ 2ons that make you feel good such as happiness, joy, peace or gra2tude vibrate at a higher fre-­‐ quency then thoughts that make you feel bad such as guilt, lack of self-­‐worth, lack of confi-­‐ dence, or fear. Now let’s look at the mind-­‐body connec2on. Thoughts (conscious and subconscious) affect your emo2ons and your body. Whether these thoughts affect your emo2ons and/or body in a posi2ve or non-­‐posi2ve way will depend on the frequency of the emo2ons. Higher frequency thoughts (thoughts that make you feel good) will produce a posi2ve effect and the opposite is true of lower frequency thoughts. To put it in another way, thoughts that make you feel bad cause a re-­‐ lease of stress hormones in your body. A consis-­‐ tent and frequent release of stress hormones, i.e. chronic stress, has detrimental impacts on your emo2onal health.

Before we move on, do realize that most of the thoughts you are forming throughout the day are subconscious thoughts. Let’s consider your sub-­‐ conscious thoughts as the “autopilot” thought processes occurring in your life. For most, espe-­‐ cially those undergoing chronic stress, this autopi-­‐ lot is either regurgita2ng nega2ve thoughts of the past or worrying about something in the future on a consistent basis. If these thoughts and thoughts of similar nature/vibra2on con2nue and con2nue for long periods, this emo2on will get “locked away” in certain regions of the body. As an example, let’s say you have repeated sub-­‐ conscious nega2ve thoughts of guilt or lack of self-­‐worth. These thoughts will trigger an emo-­‐ 2on and over 2me this emo2on gets “stored" in 55

your stomach because this is where you tend to hold your emo2ons. This is a feedback mecha-­‐ nism you have created of constric2ng your stom-­‐ ach either consciously or unconsciously every 2me you feel something you do not like. As a re-­‐ sult, you hold tension in this area and disallow these emo2ons to be released. Now because you have “stored this emo2on” in your stomach for many many years, every 2me you think a nega-­‐ 2ve thought you instantly feel it in your stomach. This is a result of a heavy, dense accumula2on of emo2ons in that area. Thank goodness for medita2on. Medita2on can help you to reverse this cycle. When you start to meditate, several things happen which allow you to “shake open” and release this stored energy. -­‐ You start to relax. When you start relax this area, you allow the natural release of this lower vibratory energy. -­‐ You remain more focused. When you can focus on what you are doing, you bring yourself into the present moment. A mind that is in the pre-­‐ sent moment and focused on what it is doing, is not worrying about the future or thinking about the past.

-­‐ You learn to become aware of your thoughts and to easily release them. -­‐ Your mind starts to quiet. The constant mental cha_er (conscious and subconscious) starts to de-­‐ crease because you are training your mind to fo-­‐ cus and release thoughts that do not serve you. The above concepts seem simple, yet the results are profound. A consistent daily medita2on prac2ce will allow you to emo2onally detox and raise your vibra2on to that of an emo2onally healthy person. You can release the old emo-­‐ 2onal baggage you have been carrying around for years and start feeling be_er now. Note: Some2mes, when you start to meditate, you can release emo2onal energies faster then you can handle it. This can happen especially for stored emo2ons that are more “dense” then oth-­‐ ers. When you start to release emo2ons faster than you can adjust, this is known as a healing cri-­‐ sis. To find out what you can do when undergoing a healing crisis, please read this ar2cle h_p://www.seekwithinyou.com/learn-­‐to-­‐medita te/296-­‐how-­‐do-­‐i-­‐deal-­‐with-­‐a-­‐healing-­‐crisis


Featured Wellness Woman Carol Dunlop, CPT Determined, Strong, Undefeated “You have to push yourself to stay moJ-­‐ vated and to get past those bumps in the road.” Carol Dunlop is one of the most “can-­‐do” mul2-­‐ talented women I have ever met. Even though she has had two bouts with cancer she has m o v e d f o r w a r d w i t h o p 2 m i s m a n d courage. Carol is a fitness expert, an outstanding graphic ar2st and web designer and she runs her own fitness company. She confronts life’s ups and downs with a sense of grace and determina-­‐ 2on that is inspiring. We have had many conver-­‐ sa2ons over the last few years and each 2me I fin-­‐ ish a conversa2on with Carol I feel I can conquer anything. Our favorite way to end one of these conversa2ons is “okay Lynnis, okay Carol…LET’S DO THIS!”

What made you decide to get into fitness and body building? Basically, I wanted to get in shape. I needed to do something that was a challenge. My husband and I started to go to gym and I saw a fitness con-­‐ test and in 1999 I started training to be a Fitness Compe2tor. I got a trainer, worked very hard, and placed last. I was devastated. I got another trainer and she was great and the next compe2-­‐ 2on I went from last place to 9th place. AWer that my husband thought I should do body build-­‐

ing. My first show overall 2nd for women over 45 but I was devastated that the other girl won. The next contest I competed against the same girl. I worked hard and focused on my goal and I won! I was so happy. I did five body building shows in 6 years. Had a blast! It was awesome seeing women in shape at that age liWing weights, see-­‐ ing pull ups, and stuff…I loved it! Now I am doing cross fit compe22ons which I love too!

How did you deal with your breast cancer scare? AWer doing five body building shows in 6 years I discovered I had a lump in my breast while taking a shower. I knew it was a problem and immedi-­‐ ately called my Doctor. They sent me for a biopsy and three day later I found out that the lump was cancerous. . My world just crumbled. How could this be? I was so healthy. I went to a breast sur-­‐ 57

geon who was awesome, and advised she advised me to get a plas2c surgeon and oncologist. I found a great plas2c surgeon, and already knew of a great oncologist. I also was anemic and I needed to get a blood transfusions. I was so depleted of blood I would stand up and get dizzy. I was diag-­‐ nosed at stage one. I could have had a lumpec-­‐ tomy, single lumpectomy or double. I made a deci-­‐ sion to have a double mastectomy and did immedi-­‐ ate reconstruc2on. My thing was if they go in and see more than one lump they may have to go and take all of it anyway; might as well take them both. Sta2s2cs have shown more women who have both breast removed have a be_er chance of survival. As long as you have breast 2ssue, the cancer can come back. For me it was not about saving the “ta-­‐ tas”, it was about saving my life. I went through six rounds of chemo therapy. I was scared to death of chemo. I had heard so many horrible things. I decided to educate myself. I went on-­‐line and found some support boards which helped me. Every 2me I got a treatment I was in the gym do-­‐ ing some type of cardio. I wanted to get this poi-­‐ son out of my body. I had medica2on to stop the nausea. I never did throw up but did get nausea. I only was in bed once during the chemo. My hair did fall out and my husband shaved all my hair off, so I was bald for awhile. Even aWer the opera2on I was moving to exercise my arm in order to prevent atrophy. Now, I have no problems. I never stopped working out, never stopped my ability to be fit

How do you keep your clients moD-­‐ vated? Look at everything you are doing (diet, exercise, lifestyle) that is bringing you close to your goal or causing you to move away from your goal. You

have to be passionate about your goal. The goals you set should drive you. Your goals should be such that if you didn’t meet this goal you will be devastated. It has to be fully important to you. I tell my clients to get their mind right, and that there are obstacles they will need to overcome. You may not always succeed. Some2mes you will have the support of others and some2mes you may not. You have to be ready and depend on yourself. I tell my clients the truth. It is all about choices. They have the power to choose how they want to live. I am real; there are no tricks to losing wait. You have to push yourself to stay mo2vated and to get past those bumps in the road.

What does a woman over 40 needs to think about when ge^ng fit? Saying “over 40” can be a boundary you set. You can get fit at any age. You can do anything you want to do. What ma_ers is how badly do you want it? We get hung up on the age thing. If I want to do something I am going to do it no mat-­‐ ter what the age, no ma_er what others might say.

What kind of exercises should you do for weigh gain as a result of hormonal imbal-­‐ ances? Well…you have a combina2on of cardio and strength training in short burst. That is why cross fits works so well. Strength builds muscle. Cardio builds endurance at 15 to 20 minute sessions. Do a move where you can sweat a lot (cardio) very in-­‐ tense. That is the main way to combat that weight. The other way is of course your diet. You can reduce those changes in your body as a result of hormones. You have to watch what you are 58

ea2ng, you can’t out train a bad diet. Muscle is metabolism, if you don’t have muscle your metabolism is gone, muscle burns fat. If you don’t build muscle you won’t burn fat. To build muscle you must strength train. No muscle, no fat burn. I had a client who lost four inches in a week and four pounds be-­‐ cause of ea2ng right and doing the workouts I told her to do. It is not that hard but it goes back to mo2-­‐ va2on and staying away from the stuff that might cause you to stop.

What is your definiDon of a Wellness Woman? She is a woman who takes care of herself and puts her fitness, health and wellness first. You lifestyle, fitness, skin care, what you eat, the friends and family you are around…they all contribute to your wellness. You can let your journey for wellness overwhelm you. You take your journey in segments. You tackle each one, one at a 2me. You may not ever achieve 100% but you con2nually think about how to stay fit and how to improve your overall wellness. Carol Dunlop's 30/30 Wellness Woman 40 Workout is fantas2c! It isn't easy but it will get you results within 30 days! The 30/30 Workout is a mix of endurance, strength and stretch your cardio capacity to the max. Give it a try and you will get results!! Work out instruc2ons with the video: ACCESS CODE: wellnessw40 h_p://op2mumbodysculp2ng.com/3030-­‐workout-­‐for-­‐wellness-­‐woman-­‐40-­‐and-­‐beyond/ For PDF instruc2ons: h_p://op2mumbodysculp2ng.com/wp-­‐content/uploads/2013/08/30-­‐30-­‐Workout-­‐by-­‐Op2mum-­‐Body-­‐Sc ulp2ng.pdf




h_p://www.marykay.com/ljohnsonhopkins Download The TimeWise Repair Brochure Here 60

Aging Naturally and Gracefully… WITHOUT Botox By Milan Perry I know of many people that claim to lead a “healthy lifestyle”. This is one of those unique phrases that are oWen leW each individual’s interpreta2on. For example; consider those people who feel that be-­‐ cause they never caught a cold—this in some way cons2tutes a healthy lifestyle. My personal (& clinical) opinion is that if you can go through life with its many changes and understand how to bring your body into an area of conscious awareness that balances those changes; then that is what puts you in line to age gracefully. AWer all, no one is perfect— right? In 2012; Botox fillers and Chemical Peels were among the most popular cosme2c procedures be-­‐ ing performed in the United States. According to the American Society of Plas2c Surgeons “… Botox treatments have risen by 8 percent since last year, to 6.1 million procedures, along with the skin-­‐smoothing treatment microdermabra-­‐ sion. This demand for fillers to smooth out the wrin-­‐ kles has jumped 5 percent, while laser hair re-­‐ moval treatments rose 4 percent and chemical peels jumped 2 percent. This is clear evidence of our yearning to look and feel young; to make ap-­‐ pear that we have aged gracefully. This superficial gracefulness can affect ones overall wellness with certain dangers that are oWen ignored. It’s not

painless, neither is it instant. There can be aller-­‐ gic reac2ons, and an unskilled injector could leave you lopsided. Through the looking glass of 2me Here are 4 keys that can assist you on a journey to age gracefully. #1; Being Stress Free… I am not speaking about the stress that you can’t control but more so the factors that are within your reach. Set small, measurable goals to carve out some amount of 2me for “YOU”, and block out the world. Enjoy a great movie with a friend or even alone. Reflect on past accomplishments not on present regrets. #2; Engage in Exercise ….that you really enjoy. It doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Anything that will makes you move. Walking or


even do some vigorous houses work with some energe2c music.

first thing my husband said when he walked into the room was “crack kills!”…and we had the big-­‐ gest laugh. In good humor I turned to him and #3; Eat more plants ….Raw Foods are not for every-­‐ said, “Yep… sure does”. one but you can adopt a 70/30, veggie/meat diet for now. So as you look back upon 2me, do you find your-­‐ self pondering the ques2on, “Have I aged # 4; Learn the art of laughter…. we live in a serious gracefully? Have I implemented my own balanced world that can be super-­‐scary at 2mes. We get so lifestyle in a way that I will never have to consider absorbed in our day-­‐to-­‐day, that we forget to Botox? You can! laugh a li_le. Yesterday, I was bent over the com-­‐ puter, finishing up a blog and not realizing that my h_p://www.sonaturelle.com cute low cut jeans was exposing my derrière. The


http://www.woman-2woman.org 62


Karen Wells, M.Div Karen Wells holds a Master of Divinity, majoring in Marriage and Family Counselling. She is the founder of Karis Counselling Services, with one aspect of the counselling service devoted to helping women regain the power they've lost because of a past trauma6c experience. Karen wants to give women HOPE. Life is too short to be stuck in your past. She wants every woman to know God has ex-­‐ ci6ng plans for them. As a globally-­‐minded woman, Karen offers her services by telephone, Skype/webcam, and we-­‐ binar. As well as hos6ng her own Woman To Woman radio show, she teaches online and in-­‐ person workshops, speaks at conferences, churches, and retreats. She has authored two books en6tled, “Even With My Knees Knocking I Will Follow God’s Call” and “UnHooked! 7 Steps To Emo6onal Freedom.” www.unhooked7stepstoemo6onalfreedom.com

Shawngela Pierce Shawngela Pierce is an educator, author, reiki prac66oner, business owner and medita6on instructor who specializes in mindfulness medita6on and qigong (chee gong). She is an avid meditator and has been prac6cing for over 10-­‐years. She has a masters degree in the field of educa6on with 3 1/2 years of post-­‐masters educa6on in naturopathic medicine. This includes mind-­‐body therapy, Tradi-­‐ 6onal Chinese Medicine (TCM), botanical medicine, nutri6on, hydro-­‐ therapy as well as other healing modali6es. She loves teaching, which is something she has done for over 15-­‐years. Her passion for teaching led her to design the Medita6on for Health Program. The program is designed to help people u6lize the benefits of medita6on as well as other holis6c lifestyle changes to live a harmonious, healthy and care-­‐free life. 63

Dr Kat Smith As a Doctor of Human Sexuality (Sexologist) and a Cer6fied Love Coach, it is Dr. Kat’s desire to inspire others to embrace the deca-­‐ dence of what love and in6macy has to offer. She has co-­‐hosted a syn-­‐ dicated morning radio program with ABC Radio Networks, Inc., along with a weekly show called A Woman’s Point of View. Dr. Kat’s speak-­‐ ing topics concentrate on rela6onship enrichment, love and life en-­‐ hancement. With messages that speak to the hearts and minds of those seeking to understand their internal dialogue and external com-­‐ munica6on she helps clients to learn to re-­‐parent themselves, rejuve-­‐ nate and re-­‐purpose their lives. She has authored several books and created programs, games and products to enrich rela6onships and increase one’s lovability. hips://kat-­‐smith.com

Lisa Magoulas Lisa is a Board Cer6fied Holis6c Health Prac66oner who helps people achieve permanent weight loss with small lifestyle changes. She is a happily married, open and honest person with a passion for helping people become fit and healthy. She is also a foodie who loves wine, gardening, exercise, and spending 6me with her husbandand 2 dogs. (Not necessarily in that order) -­‐ Visit her Web Site and Say Hey! hip://www.coachwithlisa.com


By Dr. Kat Smith If society had its way, love, sex and romance would only be privy to the young, bold and beau-­‐ 2ful. However, they would not be here if it were not for the mature women who gave them life. But, when the kids have leW to seek out their own life adventures, how do we s2r the desires of our bodies, hearts and minds with those we love. It happens oWen when women become mothers and spouses. We put everyone before ourselves and push aside the sexy, roman2c woman we once were, well, because now we have to fit the image of a good wife and mother. It is rumored that men marry women they are a_racted to and

they wish we never change. Yet, we marry men and hope to change them. This does not make a solid founda2on for mutual love and care. So now what do we do? He has endured the child rearing and the increase in equity (or weight gain) and greying of hair. You have embraced his changes as well, but the ques2on remains, is the love s2ll there? Do you s2ll respect each other and are ready to DO YOU? Well, it is never too late to reboot your romance. It takes some 2me and dedica2on. The same as when you devoted to raising your family or accomplishing your ca-­‐ reer goals. You shiW that 2me and energy into 65

planning and doing for each other the things that spark loving moments that are in2mate and filled with passion.

• Talk dirty to them or at least use a sexy, come hither voice.

• Have fun again. Laughter is not only medicine, it heals and bonds. Do the fun things together that you loved when you first • Set a weekly date and keep it special. No met or that you developed over the years. baby siVng the grandchildren on this day. Tell your kids this is the one day a week that • Plan a romanEc retreat to reconnect, reju-­‐ venate and relax together. The different scen-­‐ you reserve for your love. ery does wonders for dusty relaEonships. • Show your affecEon. Bring her flowers. Being amorous isn’t a thing of the past. All it takes Make his favorite meal. Caress, hug and kiss is a li_le brushing up on your old da2ng and seduc-­‐ oMen. 2on skills you learned back in the day. Its like rid-­‐ There are a host of ideas to bring you closer. Here are a few:

ing a bike. You don't forget. You only have to shiW

• Schedule mani/pedi appointments or do a a li_le and steer in the direc2on you wish to go. spa day. RelaxaEon reduces stress and allows h_p://www.drkatsmith.com the mind and body to respond to inEmacy. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ADVERTISEMENT-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐

h_p://www.DrBeverlyLSwanson.com 66

Finding the Inspira9on that Mo9vates You

By Lori Hanson If you’re a woman over forty chances are you have been there—a few 2mes. You know, that place where you’re flatlining through life. You just can’t seem to mo2vate yourself to tackle the new thing on your To Do list. Your energy is off, your mood is blah and no ma_er how many nights you’ve gone to bed promising yourself that tomor-­‐ row you’re going to take ac2on, it just isn’t hap-­‐ pening. You would go get help, but who has the 2me with your busy schedule. And where do you find the person who can break you out of this funk any-­‐ way? It’s not like you can make a call and ask if they have a funk doctor in the house! Women are complex beings—it’s a blessing actually. And that complexity combined with the

pressures of day-­‐to-­‐day life of working, raising a family, caring for your partner and/or aging par-­‐ ents can make it difficult to see or hear the clues from your uninspired state. Here are three easy steps you can take to find in-­‐ spira2on and get your mojo mo2vated and work-­‐ ing again.

1. Slow Down You won’t find inspira2on when you are running 24x7 and telling yourself and everyone else how busy you are. If you are a go, go, go, girl, you go_a take it down a notch and create some space for you in your life. When you’re running you aren’t really seeing, hearing or tuned in to your internal GPS. 67

This is why people hire coaches. When I’m coach-­‐ ing a client I lead them to discover the “why.” The As a woman you’ve been blessed with an incredi-­‐ real reason they want to do something. ble guidance system, your intui2on (your GPS). (www.Learn2Balance.com) Losing twenty pounds The li_le voice that reminds you it’s trash day isn’t going to happen if your mo2vator is that your when you’re running late for work. The nudge or spouse thinks you should. Why do you really want visual image you get that steers you in a different that promo2on? Is it for more money, more re-­‐ direc2on than you had planned to take. When you sponsibility, the corner office? Or is it because it pay a_en2on, you realize what a giW it is to have brings you closer to experiencing the dream vaca-­‐ this insight. And the best part is it’s free, you just 2on you always wanted? need to own it. Dig a li_le deeper and ask yourself what you really want and you’ll oWen find what’s missing. 3. Ask Yourself Why?

2. Tune in to Your IntuiDon

It could be you’re flatlined and haven’t taken ac-­‐ 2on because this feels scary, out of reach or you don’t know where to start. It’s easier to just shut down and ignore it. It’s not a top priority yet.

Transforma2on occurs when you are willing to go inside and take inventory. What can you let go of, what do you need to replace and what do you love most about your life?


How to Conquer the Top 5 Problems of Entrepreneurs over 40 Many years ago I began my entrepreneurial journey by leaving a social work job to be a stay-­‐at-­‐home mom with a desire to remain in a helping profession. I started teaching paren2ng classes at night, con2n-­‐ ued educa2on and training and became a holis2c nu-­‐ tri2onist, teacher, and mentor which led to my cur-­‐ rent passion for helping other holis2c entrepreneurs build and market their business. Over the years entrepreneurs have shared their big-­‐ gest fears and frustra2ons with me. At the core of almost every discussion were five common problems I could well relate to:

1. Lack of Confidence 2. Too Much Informa6on 3. No Focus 4. Energy Vampires 5. Money Fears Like any problem, once you recognize it, you can take steps to solve it. Here are my best 2ps to conquer the top five. #1 Lack of Confidence: You do not have to be a walk-­‐ ing “search engine”. It’s not uncommon for people to ask you something you may not know the answer to. Let your client know you’ll check it out and get back to them. Focus on your strengths and share the

best of you with your clients. They came to you be-­‐ cause they believe you can help them. Prove them right. Don’t let the fear of making a mistake hold you back. The best lessons are learned from over-­‐ coming mistakes and obstacles. Keep learning in your area of exper2se and prac2ce, prac2ce, prac2ce. Competence leads to confidence. Stay posi-­‐ 2ve. Replace fear and doubt with faith and determi-­‐ na2on. You will have good days and bad days. Know that this is part of the process and keep going. Have daily rituals that invoke a confident, posi2ve mind-­‐ set. 69

#2 Too Much Informa2on: Resist the urge to get caught up in trying to prove how much you know or how much you can help all at once. People want re-­‐ sults not more informa2on. Listen to what they have to say and help them solve the problem they came to you with. This has been reinforced to me many 2mes and I s2ll struggle with wan2ng to give people “their money’s worth”. Years ago I was teaching a paren2ng class and thought I was so brilliant because I shared so many wonderful posi2ve discipline concepts. At the end of the presenta2on, a mother came up to me with a frustrated look and said “can you just tell me how to keep my 2 yr. old son quiet and entertained in church?” I shared a few specific 2ps and her look of frustra2on changed to relief and gra2tude. She leW happy because she got the result she was hoping for. #3 No Focus: You can help more people when you become an expert in a specific topic or a niche target group of people, and when you focus on how you de-­‐ liver and market your services. It is near impossible to be great at everything. Choose what works for you and make a point of being the best at what you do. For example: If you like teaching a cooking class rather than one-­‐on-­‐one meal-­‐planning sessions, then 1) focus your 2me and energy on genera2ng awe-­‐ some cooking classes and 2) connect with a colleague who prefers the one-­‐to-­‐one and refer ideal clients to each other. It’s a win-­‐win for everyone. The same goes for marke2ng efforts like social media. Choose one or two pla…orms where your ideal clients are (i.e. FB, Twi_er, Instagram, Pinterest, You Tube) and focus your 2me and effort there.

is hard to avoid, you can politely walk away if they are being too nega2ve or you can give yourself an “energy boost”. I used to give myself a quick Reiki treatment and visualize a posi2ve energy bubble around me be-­‐ fore I had to interact with energy vampires. Give it a try, if you have yet to do it and see how you feel. #5 Money Fears: This was a big one for me and for many fellow holis2c entrepreneurs. Money fears don’t go away by themselves. If your personal and business finances are in a mess, hire a bookkeeper or accountant to help you get organized. It was the best decision I made and worth every penny. Learning to look aWer your finances is empowering and a cri2cal skill for a business owner. Another problem is the fear of asking for and receiving money. If you struggle with your money rela2onship, there is no quick fix or simple affirma2on that solves our money mindset. Acknowledge if you need to work on your money fears and get the help that works for you. When you acknowledge and take ac2on to conquer the problems that block your success, a life of fun, freedom, impact and abundance is yours. Get your copy of “The 4 Fundamentals of a Booming H o l i s 2 c B u s i n e s s ” a t www.makingmoneyasanutri2onist.com

#4 Energy Vampires: These are people who are unsup-­‐ por2ve or drain your posi2ve energy with their nega-­‐ 2ve energy. You know who they are. Remove energy vampires from your circle and con2nue to surround yourself with posi2ve like-­‐minded people. If the per-­‐ son happens to be a family member or a person that 70

Must Have Foods To Include in Your Diet A`er 40 By Lisa Magoulas Are you having problems losing weight or keeping it off? As our hormones change, our metabolism slows down and our stress levels go up. This causes the dreaded belly fat we all despise. Besides a regular exercise rou2ne, it’s important to maintain a healthy nutri2onal ea2ng plan that will support these hormo-­‐ nal changes. Here are some 2ps you can follow to get rid of or prevent weight gain. Drink plenty of water. Your taste buds don’t know the difference between hunger and thirst. By the 2me you realize you’re thirsty, you’re already dehy-­‐ drated. Staying hydrated is important for diges2on and for the health of your organs. Water will help flush your kidneys, and help with regular bowel movements. Staying hydrated will also give you a youthful appearance.

along with a bunch of other vegetables and make a chopped salad. Not only is it delicious, I can con-­‐ sume more vegetables than if I tried to eat them alone. Leafy greens are also packed with vitamins and nutrients, which is the most beneficial way to consume them. When you eat your vitamins, rather than taking a pill, your metabolism works at breaking those foods down. Your diges2ve tract has to work to break the food down – allowing for healthy bowel movements. As this process occurs, the vitamins and nutrients go right into your blood stream.

It may be easy to grab a Slim Fast or a frozen dinner such as Lean Cuisine, but those foods are highly processed and have very li_le nutri2on. Slim Fast contains Aspartame, which studies show causes crav-­‐ ings for carbohydrates. Frozen dinners such as Lean Cuisine are extremely high in sodium and most are very high in carbohydrates. Instead, try preparing larger meals on the weekend so that you can freeze por2ons. I have a freezer full of grab and go food. I know what’s in it and I know it tastes great. Add more leafy greens to your diet. Whether you juice them, put them in your smoothie, chop them up in a salad or sauté them, the more you eat, the be_er. Leafy greens are high in fiber, which will fill you up and helps with diges2on. I like to take a large variety of greens and chop them up very finely 71

Many of us have inflamma2on in our guts, which cause us to gain that belly fat. We get that from years of ea2ng an unhealthy diet. Inflamma2on can lead to other problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, candida, just to name a few. It can be a very serious condi2on. Following the 2ps I just shared with you can help heal inflamma2on, but it can be a long process. Dairy is a big culprit in triggering inflamma-­‐ 2on, so it’s a good idea to limit dairy. Don’t worry about the calcium. If you’re ea2ng plenty of leafy greens, you’ve got the calcium covered. Incorpora2ng these changes into your lifestyle will help you age gracefully. www.coachwithlisa.com


Ohhhh What a Feeling….

The Wonderful Benefits of Massage By Dr Kathy Gruver Massage has been around for centuries and we know it feels good, but what else can that rub-­‐ down do for us? Research has shown that massage lowers blood pressure and heart rate, can lower and stabilize blood sugar, help preterm infants with growth, decrease stress and increase feel good hormones like oxytocin. It also moves lymph throughout your body. What is lymph? Lymph is the cleansing system of the body. It runs through vessels similar to your circulatory system, but doesn’t have a pump to move it (like the heart). So lymph is moved through your body from movement, breathing, muscle contrac2on and massage. The more the lymph moves

through, the be_er your immune system, as the lymph carries away the “bad stuff”. In a situa2on involving cancer however, you don’t want those cells moving through the body via the lymph. If you’ve had cancer please tell your prac22oner up front. Massage helps with circula2on, which is why it is so good for elderly people or those that are inac-­‐ 2ve due to injury. Massage helps move the blood and fluid around which is extraordinarily benefi-­‐ cial in healing. People with swollen legs and an-­‐ kles like pregnant women or those with lymph edema can find relief with massage. Just being touched is another benefit for elderly, it is relax-­‐ ing, nurturing and can improve their quality of 73

life. It’s also shown to have a huge benefit for kids as there is so li_le healthy touch for them too. When we think of massage we think of muscles and that is the main part of the body that massage addresses. AWer a workout, our muscles produce toxins like lac2c acid. We want to move those out of the body to avoid muscle 2redness or pain. Mas-­‐ sage flushes those toxins, smoothes the muscle fi-­‐ bers and helps relax them. Massage techniques like deep 2ssue and trigger point massage actually help stretch out the muscles. Massage helps with muscle injuries by bringing healing blood to the area, but make sure you are not having deep 2s-­‐ sue done on a muscle tear, that can cause more problems! I’ve seen massage help with headaches, low back pain, knee pain, even abdominal pain. Seek out a qualified prac22oner. A technique called myofascial release can help those muscles even more by loosening up the fas-­‐ cia. What is fascia, you ask? When you take the

skin off a raw chicken breast and there is the shiny film that lies over the meat? That is the fascia. It is between the muscle and skin and helps support our movements. Some2mes the fascia gets bound to muscle and restricts our range of mo2on. Myo-­‐ fascial release works on unbinding that fascia to allow us less restricted movement and freedom. Where as massage used to be seen just as a luxury, more and more research is being done on its health effects. Some of the current research is showing that massage reduces nausea in cancer pa2ents, decreases pain aWer surgery, reduces hos-­‐ pital stays, reduces anxiety and depression and helps colicky infants relax and sleep be_er. As you can see the benefits of massage clearly make it an easy op2on to help keep you healthier. I hope your massages are frequent and enjoyable! www.kathygruver.com

-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ADVERTISEMENT-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ When I first started PraiseWorks I had a serious health issue – I was stressed out, anxious all the time, and a basket case. "Worry" and being "Stressed Out" was a way of life. I thought everyone felt like they were going straight down hill on a rollercoaster without restraints when they first wake up in the morning. Imagine that? I thought feeling stress out, scared and full of worry was the way life was. BUT NO MORE!! Over the last two years I have created a program for myself that I have shared with hundreds of women and now I want to share some of those tips with you! These 7 holistic tips will help you reduce your stress, increase your energy and help you to approach life with more vigor and joy! Register now for these informative and FREE Webinars. http://www.praiseworks.biz/our-coaching


LaScia “AcSon” Jackson Fitness expert and author La6cia “Ac6on” Jackson has over 12 years of experience in the health and fitness field. She holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health (M.P.H.), B.S. Degree in Exercise Science, A.A. Degree in Human Performance, is a Cer6fied Personal Trainer, Cer6fied Lifestyle Weight Management Specialists and Cer6fied Weight Loss Counselor. She’s the author of “I’m Not a Size Zero-­‐ Defining Your Curves While Loving Yourself”, an empowering women’s fitness training book that emphasizes being fit isn’t about being a size zero, it’s about being a size healthy. She is a 3-­‐Time Na6onal Fitness Cham-­‐ pion (N.P.C.), 2008 I.F.B.B. Fitness Olympian and top-­‐level I.F.B.B. fitness professional. She has been featured in over 12 na6onally recognized fitness publica6ons (Oxygen, Muscle and Fitness Hers, Flex, Ironman, Muscular Development) and has made mul6ply television appearances for sta6ons such as Fox 45/ABC 22 and C.W. 31 as the go to fitness expert. She’s a Veteran of the United States Air Force and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority who en-­‐ joys community outreach and volunteering. As a survivor of domes6c violence, it has become her mission to empower both young women and girls with the knowledge, skills and abili6es to embrace themselves from an inner and outer perspec6ve. hip://www.la6ciajackson.com

Sam Rafoss, RHN Sam Rafoss, RHN is a holis6c nutri6onist, speaker, author and business strategist for holis6c entrepreneurs. Her coaching is focused on help-­‐ ing the healers of the world airact their ideal clients and make money doing what they love to do. A recipient of the 2014 Amazing Coach Award from the Inspira6onal Business Leaders Council, Sam is serving her higher purpose so others can serve theirs. When you're ready to boom your business, Sam takes you by the hand and ensures you create the life of your dreams. www.samrafoss.com


Woman of Wellness Wellness women know the importance about breast exam and annual pap-smear
 This is something we must do every year
 Vitamins, protein, rest, and exercise is now our new regiment 
 now we are living life as if it’s heaven sent
 Wellness of mind, body, and soul is better than pure gold.
 Wellness is like the morning sun that keep your world brighten
 As you stand tall with strength, meeting each challenge 
 You take life by leaps and bounds
 Never touching the ground
 Wellness Women strike your pose for you are
 the new picture of the fountain of health
 Nurturing your body is your wealth
 Inspiring other women by living by example Is my sample
 Wellness is something you can’t keep a secret 
 Because your results are beaming when you step into the world
 You embrace life with such a glow as you speak your words f low
 You become the champion of your own destiny
 By loving yourself so much
 treating our body
 Like we treat our vehicle
 We keep it tune up and give it all the things
 To keep on running, we take pride in life
 We love the temple of our vessels
 And we thank God by showing him we love ourselves
 By being the Women of Wellness 76

© Luella Hill-­‐Dudley

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