Wednesday Activities
About our Wednesday Activities Programme
At Wells, we aim to live by our Core Values: Creativity, Aspiration, Responsibility and Endeavour (CARE). To this end our Wednesday activity programme, for pupils in Years 10 to 13, has been developed to encourage pupils to fully engage with, and develop, these values. Whether parading with the CCF, challenging themselves to learn a concerto or grappling with code; our pupils can select from our wide range of choices to develop their talents and interests in a broad
range of fields. We believe strongly that by exposing pupils to a range of activities in these, their formative years, they will become engaged world citizens with a knowledge of themselves, their passions, and their dreams. In this way our pupils are truly able to become the best that they can be. - Stuart Elks, Director of Outdoor Learning
Wednesday Afternoons - An Overview As part of our Wednesday activities programme pupils will be able to achieve their Bronze Wells Award. Pupils can choose from a selection of strands depending on their skills and interests.
Year 10 and 11 Pupils can choose to join the CCF, engage with a six week carousel of CARE activities or engage with our specialist musician programme (by invitation only).
Sixth Form Pupils can choose to join the CCF, engage with a six week carousel of CARE activities or engage with our specialist musician programme (by invitation only). We also offer a range of specialist Sixth Form courses (see pages 10 and 11).
Silver and Gold Wells Award Pupils wishing to achieve their Silver or Gold Wells Award will need to engage in activities beyond our core Wednesday offering. These activities could be within School or in the wider community. Pupils will be encouraged to record their achievements with their tutors on a termly basis and will receive their awards at the end of the academic year.
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The Wells CCF continues to go from strength to strength with over 200 enrolled cadets. The CCF is led by Major Stuart Elks and a team of supporting officers. We are delighted to be the only school in the country to offer all four cadet sections: Army, Navy, RAF and Royal Marine Band. Wednesday (and Thursday) sessions begin with a whole Contingent parade on Cedars Lawn. Pupils work
throughout their year to develop their skills through the CCF syllabus. Cadets also have the opportunity to engage in sailing, flying and field craft. In addition to the wide range of activities on offer, Sixth Form pupils have the opportunity to achieve their BTEC level 2 in ‘Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community’.
Creativity Paper Craft In this truly creative activity, pupils explore how the humble piece of paper can be transformed into a myriad of creations. Pupils will develop both their own creativity and an appreciation of the creativity of others. The activity includes the opportunity for pupils to try a range of activities, such as paper cut decorations, origami, card making and more.
Gardening An appreciation of our wider environment is considered key to living a happy and fulfilled life. Through this activity, pupils will maintain the School allotment, look into rewilding projects and produce food for our community to eat.
Reading Spa It is key for everyone to have a calm, productive and non goal oriented space of time within a busy week. Reading for pleasure benefits not only our pupils mental well-being but also enhances their academic performance.
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Music The Wednesday afternoon activity session gives our musicians some time to focus mid week on their instrumental studies. The Wells Cathedral School Symphony Orchestra of eighty players, has its main rehearsals from 3.00-6.00pm
on Wednesdays. Other musicians take the opportunity to practise, have instrumental lessons, rehearse with our team of accompanists or take part in a vocal performance class during this time.
Individual Research Project
Computing Project
In the style of the EPQ, pupils engage in a six week research project. This project can either look at their future career aspirations or a topic that they are truly passionate about. Through engaging in this project, pupils will develop their research and analytical skills as well as the ability to put together a report containing both nuanced and meaningful arguments.
Computing is about understanding and solving problems, it is about how to break a problem up into smaller solvable parts to solve a bigger problem. Coding is just part of this, but it will help you to develop valuable problem-solving skills.
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Responsibility In this strand pupils will consolidate their ability to work effectively in a team, and develop their leadership abilities through participation in a rotation of challenging tasks and problem-solving activities. Pupils will be encouraged to reflect on specific aspects of their leadership skills and abilities, and to work on their identified areas
for development. At the end of this programme pupils will have practiced and improved in a range of team leading competencies, and will have acquired a better understanding of key leadership principles. Each pupil will have a plan that sets out how to continue their personal development.
Endeavour Italian
Have you ever wanted to order gelato whilst on holiday in Italy or wished you could understand one of the most beautiful European languages? This brief introduction to Italian will prepare you for future adventures and equip you to order a pizza at our local pizzeria, Da Lucianos!
Whether exploring the great outdoors or enjoying a Sunday stroll, navigation is a key life skill. In this activity pupils will develop an appreciation of the beautiful countryside in which we are so fortunate to live; as well as learn key skills such as reading a map and using a compass.
Model United Nations Model United Nations is an activity in which participants assume the role of national ambassadors or representatives to debate and seek to solve global issues. There are few better ways of understanding international affairs and global politics than putting yourself ‘in the shoes of world leaders’. Because participants discuss UN topics and represent their adopted country’s position, they will often be arguing from an unfamiliar perspective, developing their knowledge, understanding and empathy.
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Sixth Form additional options University Preparation Cookery
Lower School Games Coaching
As pupils prepare to leave us for University, a key skill will be their ability to feed themselves. In this year long course pupils will learn to cook a range of delicious, economical dishes. They will also learn to budget and meal plan so that they can be truly independent when they leave home.
(by invitation only) Our skilled sports players are a true asset to our Sports Department. Through this activity pupils will develop their leadership skills whilst assisting our school coaches in the development of our upcoming players.
Pupil Leaders Community Service We are part of a wider community here in Wells. In this activity, Sixth Form pupils will volunteer in either a local charity shop, school or care home (COVID allowing) to develop their service of our wider community.
By the time our pupils have reached the Sixth Form, they will often have developed a passion for a certain area of school life. In this activity, pupils will join their teachers in leading one of the four strands of the CARE award. They will coach their peers in their chosen activity whilst developing their own teaching and leadership skills.
Private Study (Upper Sixth only) An opportunity for pupils to take some time out of their busy week to focus on their academic studies. Pupils will work in Ritchie or the Sixth Form Centre under the supervision of Mrs Rowley and Miss Bird.
(by invitation only)
This year our Sixth Form Drama pupils will be rehearsing and performing the play ‘Our Country’s Good’ by Timberlake Wertenbaker; the shocking, compelling and ultimately life-affirming true story of a disparate group of convicts and officers whom travelled to Australia in the 1700s in order to settle its first colony. A modern classic, the production explores the use and abuse of language, crime and punishment and most importantly, the redemptive power of theatre.
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Find Out More If you would like to find out more about Wells Cathedral School, please contact our admissions team on 01749 834441 / or visit our website