Boarding Handbook for Wells Cathedral School

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Boarding Handbook

2024 - 2025

General Information


The Houses at Wells are large ‘family’ type units with each House fully integrated with boarding and day pupils (who use the Houses as a base during the working day). Houses range in size, with an average of about 85 pupils, of whom approximately 1/3 are boarders.

All of the Houses at Wells are located in old historic buildings, with the newest being about 200 years old! This adds a great deal to the charm and character of each of the Houses, and they are certainly different to modern purpose-built facilities.

House Staff

Each of the Houses has a resident Houseparent and Assistant Houseparent, along with non-resident Matrons and a number of staff who come in daily, or for one evening or more. This staff team is vital to the running of the House and leads to each having a slightly different flavour. However the Houses all aim to keep certain key areas standardised such as bedtimes, daily routines, prep times, and in-House times.

The House is the main unit of administration in the Senior School, and from Year 7 upwards all pupils are assigned to a House. This means that day pupils have a base and mix with the boarders. Boarders and day pupils participate in House events and competitions together which helps foster House identity and spirit.

During the school day Matron is the most important person in the House. Matron’s role is to run the House by answering the phone, dealing with enquiries, and assisting any visitors to the House. Matron is available in the House all day and in addition to ensuring your bedding, clothes and uniform gets away to the laundry, she also washes sports kit and manages the House and all that goes on in it during the working day. She will become a very important person in your school life and is most likely to be your first port of call with a problemanything from feeling unwell, finding the time of a music lesson, making an appointment, or forgetting where you should be. Whatever your problem may be, don’t worry as Matron knows what to do! Look after Matron too as she is worth her weight in gold.

House Captains and senior pupils are the link between the staff and the rest of the House, and they organise things like the duty list and House competition teams. Your House Captains are your representatives and who you can, and should, approach if you have a problem of any sort. They have been selected by other pupils in the House as someone who is approachable, reasonable and fair. Please do chat to them.

Plumptre House
Brock House

Advice From Other Boarders

Advice From Year 10 Pupils:

• Don’t be afraid to ask questions; everybody is happy to help you. In particular, ask the House Captains questions about the School. Remember that your Houseparent, Assistant Houseparent and Matron want to help you settle in quickly.

• Get into good habits early on; get into good routines and stick to them.

• Take on new opportunities and challenges. If you are good at rugby, hockey or cricket, try and get into the School team.

• Don’t forget to keep your parents up to date.

• Get to know your roommate(s) well and try and do things together as a dorm.

• Keeping your dormitory tidy is a good idea.

• Always log out of all social network websites.

• Make sure you sleep enough.

• Be organised by making good use of prep and Early Morning Practice if you are a musician.

• Make sure that all your clothes and personal possessions are named.

• Look at the House notice boards every day; they do contain vital information.

Advice From Lower Sixth Pupils:

• Take each day as it comes - don’t get freaked out by how much there is to get used to!

• Organise and do a quick tidy up at the end of every day - that way, the mess and stress can never pile up too high!

• Talk to Matron. Lots.

• If you have something you want to ask a teacher about, don’t be afraid to stick around after the lesson and ask them. Sixth Form is all about independent learning, and you’ll get more out of your lessons that way.

• Explore beyond your syllabus in ways that are useful and productive - watching something on BBC iPlayer isn’t time wasted if it will inform your understanding of your subjects in a broader sense.

• Accept that you cannot do everything perfectly all the time!

• Go to breakfast - it’s tempting to just sleep in that little bit longer, but getting a good meal in at the start of the day will pay off later.

• Use prep time wisely - it’s a rare time when the House is (reasonably) quiet.

• Set aside time for seeing friends - don’t get bogged down in the rhythm of work, practice, work, practice, work, practice. At the same time, don’t let that time splurge into hours and hours wastedyou’ll regret it later, so it’s better to keep it short and sweet.

• Enjoy it! Sixth Form is the best bit of School, and it’ll be gone before you know it.

De Salis Gardens Cedars House


Schools exist to enable us to prepare for life in a demanding and exciting world. These aims require us both to know ourselves and to be the best of ourselves. In order to do this, we work at School to:

• Discover our talents and develop them as far as possible

• Master academic subjects and useful skills

• Establish effective working habits

• Discipline ourselves to be efficient and reliable

• Learn to live happily and supportively with other people.

An academic and musical community of learning cannot allow individual selfishness or thoughtlessness to obstruct its broader interests, so there must be an agreed code of conduct which governs all that we do as members of that community, whether as boarders, as day pupils or as staff. As a boarding community, we live to a code of conduct that embraces the wider School principles. Every member of our House contributes to the smooth running of it by fulfilling various duties.

House Meetings

These occur weekly, and sometimes more frequently, and serve as forums to talk about upcoming events and deal with the general day-to-day issues. Every pupil has the opportunity to speak at these meetings. Should you feel unable to, the House Captains will raise an issue on your behalf.

House Online Suggestion Box

This is a vehicle for submitting anonymous suggestions to be raised at House meetings; there is no need to add your name. The QR code to submit your ideas to your Houseparent is displayed in House.

House Committee

This is made up of pupils from each year group and is chaired by the House Captain. The purpose of the committee is to lead the development and improvement of the House. The committee meets each term, minutes are taken and actions are passed on to the Houseparent and House meetings to be resolved.

House Rota

Each member of the House will be asked to do a duty once a week. This is fairly painless and will involve bringing in the milk, bread and fruit juices and placing them in the fridge. You will also need to help with the evening wash up.

House Families

All members of the boarding community are part of a House Family - a group of pupils in different years within your House. Your family members help you to get to know the School as a new pupil and support you as you settle in. They act as buddies and provide a listening ear. Later on, you may make house food together or work as a team in house competitions.

The School Chaplain

Our community is supported by our Chaplain who says, “It is a privilege to be a chaplain, wherever you are, because you get to share in people’s joys as well as their troubles.” Our School Chaplain holds regular services for our boarding community and manages to create a moment in the day that is quiet and serves as an intimate time for both talking and quiet reflection. It also allows us to ask and discuss questions of faith. Please feel free to talk to our Chaplain about anything that is on your mind; the door is always open.

St. Andrew’s Lodge

This is our School medical centre and serves to support the health and wellbeing of our School community. You will be given a full introduction to St. Andrew’s Lodge when you arrive at Wells. The centre is open daily for your medical needs. See page 12 for more information.


Pupils are allowed off-site visits with their parents’ permission, and parents need to email us to confirm travel arrangements. Boarders are allowed to visit family and friends after school on Saturday provided that they have no school commitments on either Saturday or Sunday (absences should not be requested on the weekend of the Cathedral Eucharist). Boarders should return in time for Sunday evening boarders’ service which is at 6.30pm (parents are welcome to attend the service or Eucharist at 10.30am). When there is no evening service on a Sunday, pupils may return half an hour before bedtime or by 8.40am on Monday morning.

Parental Visits

We encourage parental visits in order to maintain good family relationships. Good communication regarding visits or absences is essential. For single day visits, all absence requests should go through Houseparents. For longer requests, permission must be obtained from the Deputy Head (Pastoral), Mr Martin Ashton. Those wishing to go on a weekend visit must show their House staff a written request from their parents by the Thursday before.

Visiting Friends

If a boarder wants to stay with a friend then Houseparents will need an email from both sets of parents confirming arrangements by Thursday evening of that week.


Occasionally boarders are invited to parties during term time. Attendance at parties is permitted if the Head of Boarding is satisfied that age-appropriate supervision and adherence to the school’s alcohol policy is in place. Boarders should inform their Houseparent about any invitation at least a week in advance of a party.

Visits and Exeats

Exeat Weekends

There are fixed exeat weekends shown in the calendar in addition to holidays, which fall in the middle of six week terms. The School is closed, and pupils can choose from one of the following options:

• go home

• spend a weekend with either their guardian or a local host family

• attend the School’s Activity Weekend.

This gives pupils some respite from the school routine. Pupils are free to leave School after lessons on the Friday and boarding houses re-open at 5.00pm on the Sunday. There are no academic lessons, sports fixtures or music activities during an exeat weekend.

House Matters


When you are new to the School you may want luggage and parcels delivered before Term starts. Please can you have any parcels delivered to the School Reception during holiday time as the Houses will be closed (Pupil Name, 15 The Liberty, Wells, BA5 2ST)

Due to limited space within the Houses, please do not bring/send any more than two suitcases worth of personal items. Your child should be prepared for their first few days so should have things like pyjamas, uniform, washing kit and games kit with them on arrival.

Guardianship Policy

All pupils who live more than 30 miles away need to have a guardian who lives close enough to Wells that they can be practically involved. There may be times when pupils need to stay with them, for example before or after terms. You are obliged to have a guardian in place before you start at Wells, and the Registrar can help if you need advice with this. Arrangements for this should be made by the parent. Please confirm your Guardianship arrangements by 31st July:

• Parent Form: guardianship-form-parents

• Guardian Form (please send this link to your Guardian to complete: https://wells.cathedral. school/guardianship-form-guardians)

Laundry Facilities

You may wash your School uniform and casual clothes in House. It is very important that all your clothes are named. Some pupils purchase mesh wash bags for underwear, which helps prevent items from getting lost. Matron has an indelible marker pen if you need to name any of your personal clothing. You can send your blazers, trousers, suits and shirts to be dry cleaned (all dry cleaning will be recharged - see some prices below):

• Jacket: £7.60

• Trousers: £6.40

• Skirt: £7.00

• Two-piece suit: £12.40

• Woollen Jumper: £6.40

• Ties £4.00

Bed linen

The School provides sheets and pillow cases throughout a child’s school career. Please see page 10 for recommended bedding.


All pupils are enrolled in the Pupils’ Personal Accident Insurance Scheme, which provides cover against permanent disability or death. The cost is included in the fees. The Bursar will be pleased to provide details of the scheme on request. Parents are strongly advised to insure pupils’ personal effects against loss or damage. In particular, insurance should cover clothing, musical instruments, laptops, cameras, watches, mobile phones, tablets, cash and any other valuables. Cover provided by the School’s insurance policy is very limited for pupils’ belongings. An extension to the parents’ household policy will often suffice.

Facilities and Lockable Storage

Each House has a large flatscreen TV and a DVD player. Some also have an Xbox, a pool table and a table tennis table (activity options vary across the Houses). There is a fully equipped kitchen with crockery and cutlery, plenty of showers, washing machines and tumble dryers. Each bed space has a lockable space. Please bring a small combination padlock.


All rooms have access to the internet via WiFi. You will have to sign a document that confirms that you have agreed to abide by the School’s code of conduct for using the School’s ICT facilities. If you have a laptop you will have to have it checked by the School’s IT Department before you can use it. You will be given your own School email address. It is expected that you will use computing equipment in a sensible and mature way.

Phones and Laptops

Year 7-11 pupils hand their phones into the House office before prep and can retrieve them after to contact family and friends. Year 7-11 pupils hand in phones and laptops before bedtime to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Online Travel Form

This will be sent out by email at various times in the term and we request that ALL parents/guardians complete the form by the due date. The travel information is centralised in the Houses to ensure all pupils have outward and return travel. This may be on the School Heathrow Coach, a taxi or parents collecting and returning their son/daughter to School.

Heathrow School Coach

We arrange a coach to Heathrow for the start and end of each long break. As of March 2023, the total cost of the coach (and escort) is £50 per passenger for a single journey, which is put on the school bill. Please note that this service is dependent on demand and availability of facilities. Please also be aware it takes approximately 3 hours to travel from School to Heathrow - traffic dependent - and you should take into consideration check in times, when booking travel:

• Long haul and EI AI flights (3 hours before departure)

• European flights (2 hours before departure)

• UK & Ireland flights (90 minutes before departure)

Your Matron will email you a link to our Travel Booking Form once bookings open. This must be completed by the deadline to ensure your place on the coach.

Coach dates for the forthcoming year are posted on the Parent Portal.


We are able to book a taxi from School at the start of a break or to School at the end of a break. We book the taxis through Wookey Taxis, and the charge will get added to your school bill. We will try as far as possible to coordinate families and thus share the cost. These taxis are booked through our travel forms, which will be emailed to you before each break. You need to make your request at least two weeks before the end of term/ exeat.

Other Travel

Parents or guardians are responsible for booking all other forms of travel, including taxis at any other time, National Express, trains, coaches, etc. You should be aware that National Express Coaches will not carry children under the age of 14 years unless they are accompanied by an adult. We recommend children over this age carry proof of age to avoid difficulties.

Sixth Form Drivers

Boarders may not keep cars in the local area unless exceptional circumstances arise. In such cases, parents should discuss the matter with House staff and the Head of Sixth Form. If permission is given, car keys must be held by House staff.

Personal Items and Pocket Money

Recommended personal items

Boarders’ Additional Items

• 1 smart, casual outfit suitable for concerts and school trips (eg. chinos, tailored trousers or skirt, casual shoes [not trainers] and a collared shirt [not polo], blouse or smart top)

• 3 plain white base layers

• Underwear as required

• 1 dressing gown

• Sleepwear

• 1 Pair of slippers

• Casual clothes as required

• Shoe cleaning kit (optional)

• Toiletries

• Umbrella

• Photos and posters to personalise your dorm area

• Combination padlock

• Named case or bag suitable for the end of term


• 2 large bath towels (plain or coloured) with loop sewn at centre of long side (and name on towel under loop)

• 1 duvet and 2 non-identical duvet covers (covers named on the outside at the bottom)

Sheets and pillowcases are supplied by the School.

All items (including socks, underwear and casual clothes) must be clearly marked with woven name tapes. Please send some spare tapes.

Additional Electrical Equipment

Boarding pupils are welcome to bring their personal computers to School. Parents should ensure that any electrical item being brought to the School by pupils has been thoroughly checked for both suitability and safety and carries the CE standard mark; they should be fitted with correct fuses and plugs. This particularly applies to foreign items which may not be suitable for use in the UK or may not comply with British Safety Standards. We will test all electrical equipment for safety; we will make any minor repairs for no charge, but more severe faults will, however, result in the item being withdrawn from use by House staff until such time as the item has been repaired at the parents’ expense and has passed the test.

Pocket Money

Pocket money may be required for a number of reasons, such as to purchase toiletries, donate to our school fundraisers and for special treats on outings. Parents can contact the Bursary to top up their child’s pocket money if required.

Years 10+

Upper School pupils are advised to have opened a bank account before joining the School. In Wells there are branches of National Westminster Bank, Lloyds Bank and HSBC. We expect them to look after their money in these accounts. However, House staff are happy to act as ‘bankers’ if required (we recommend no more than £20 a term). Pupils should not keep large sums of money in their own possession.

Years 7-9

Building society and bank accounts may only be opened after consultation with House staff. If requested, House staff will retain cash on a safe basis for withdrawal when required, but we recommend no more than £20 a term.

Years 4-6

We recommend that Prep School boarders bring back no more than £10 to bank with their Houseparent for additional expenditure during Term.

Coming to school in England may feel very strange, and most overseas pupils agree that there is a very different cultural atmosphere here! Living in England is a great chance to improve your grasp of the language and local culture so take every opportunity to talk to House staff and fellow pupils and go on trips to see nearby places, interesting museums and concerts. It is also a good idea to take part in interesting activities like cooking, sports and community work. Don’t be shy!

Embrace boarding life but don’t forget to keep your parents up-to-date too! There is a telephone in House for emergencies, but most pupils have their own mobile phones and Skype on their laptops. Although this is a great way to speak to friends and family overseas, make sure that your dorm-mates are okay with this and perhaps arrange a time when you won’t disturb them. Also, try not to spend too much time chatting to people that aren’t here…live your life to the full and take every occasion to experience life at Wells and then you can tell your family about these experiences afterwards.

Although you may be far from home, most people agree that you don’t have time to feel homesick because of the large amount of things going on. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone if you do though! Matron, your Houseparent, your Assistant Houseparent and your friends will always be ready to chat if you need to.

Overseas Pupils

Keep an eye out for notices regarding overseas pupils which may come up concerning dictionaries for exams and certain other aspects that may not relate to other pupils. It is important that you attend these meetings so that you can take advantage of the help on offer and make sure that correct documents are filled in.

Our water here is chlorinated and this is the only way it can be provided so be ready for a change if you are not used to it. Also, according to some overseas pupils, we “don’t have normal bread, only toast”; that is not truewe do have bread!

Parent and Guardian Contact Details

Parents must provide us with the name, address and telephone number of a guardian or a relative in the UK, and with their own telephone number and email address abroad. Parents are responsible while abroad for making any appropriate arrangements which may be necessary in this country.

It is essential that we are able to contact either the guardian or parents by telephone in the case of illness, other urgent domestic situations or in connection with travel to or from their homes abroad.

Parents are asked to be especially careful to keep us fully informed about changes in addresses and telephone numbers.

Medical Information

All boarding pupils are registered with Dr. Machling as NHS patients based at Wells Health Centre. The Doctor visits Mon-Fri from 12.45pm to 1.30pm. Appointments are made through St. Andrew’s Lodge.

Dr. J. Machling

Wells Health Centre, Priory Health Park, Glastonbury Road, Wells, BA5 1XJ

+44 (0)1749 672137

During the holidays and exeats, pupils can be seen as a temporary resident with the home GP if necessary. If your child requires medical input or sees a specialist out of school, please ensure this information is sent to St. Andrew’s Lodge.

Immunisations will be provided in line with the Department of Health Immunisation Schedule. You will be contacted to give consent before any immunisation is given. For further information this website is helpful: aboutvaccinationhub.aspx

Please note the boarders’ immunisation records are shared with SAINT (School Aged Immunisation Team) via email.


The House staff can issue you with basic medicines for headaches, coughs and colds; you do not need to provide over-the-counter medication. If you are very ill as a boarder then you will in all likelihood spend some time in St. Andrew’s Lodge, the School’s medical centre. It is quiet, peaceful and very well staffed by qualified nurses.


If your child has prescription medicine or needs their own medication, please speak to the House staff and/ or the medical team at St. Andrew’s Lodge. The pupil will need to sign a self-medicating form at St. Andrew’s Lodge, and any medication must be stored in a lockable cupboard.

Travel to Medical Appointments

A cost is incurred for taking a boarding pupil to any scheduled appointment. When a hospital appointment date is received, the parents/guardians will be made aware of the date, time and location via email or telephone if short notice.

If the parent/guardian is unable to attend with the pupil then the School will arrange transport for the pupil. Transport will either be via a member of the School staff or will be via the taxi firm the School uses for travel purposes. All of our drivers have been registered and checked and will wait with the pupil during the visit. In the event that St. Andrew’s Lodge staff arrange transport, the associated costs will be recharged to parents.


A private physiotherapist comes to St. Andrew’s Lodge for scheduled appointments; please contact St. Andrew’s Lodge for further information.

My son/daughter has phoned home feeling homesick, what should I do?

Reassure them as you always do on the phone and perhaps arrange a date for you to come and visit. Then, contact the Houseparent to discuss your concerns.

When is the best time to call my son/daughter for a catch up chat?

After lessons or activities have finished (4.30pm) or directly after prep time (9.00pm) but before your child’s bedtime. Please see our Routine on page 14.

Should I send some food/snacks each term?

Snacks are provided for boarders in the evenings, after prep time and at the weekends, but you may also like to send some of your son’s/daughter’s favourite treats. These should be clearly labelled and can be stored in a named container in the kitchen. Please note that we are a nut-free school and would ask that you ensure that these snacks do not contain any nut ingredients.

I am worried about my son’s/daughter’s academic progress, who should I contact?

You can contact your son’s/daughter’s academic Tutor directly via their School email address. Alternatively, contact the Houseparent who will be happy to pass on any queries or concerns or find out information on your behalf.

FAQs by Parents

How do boarders celebrate their birthdays away from home?

Each individual House has their own way of celebrating a birthday. Please contact the Houseparent/Matron if you would like to make any special arrangements.

How can I find out how my son/daughter is settling in to boarding life?

Please email or phone the Houseparent who will update you on how your son/daughter is settling in.

Can I come and visit?

Of course! It is best to visit after Saturday school finishes or on a Sunday. Please contact the Houseparent if you are planning on visiting (see page 7 for details). If your child is new to boarding, it is best to leave them to settle for a few weeks before you come and visit. Please liaise with the Houseparent.

Day parents are also given the opportunity to tour the house and meet House staff. Some Houses may arrange a coffee morning for parents to come and see the House and meet the staff; if so, they will email out the details.

How do I send my child a letter?

If you wish to send a letter to your son or daughter, please address it directly to his or her House using the contact details found on the relevant House pages (see pages 16-31).


Whilst each House will have some variation in their routines, there are certain ‘pillars’ during the day that ensure all Houses adopt the same basic timings.

Monday to Saturdays


We will wake you up at 7.00am - 7.15am with the expectation that you are up and dressed by 8.00am.


We believe that it is important that all pupils are up in time to be able to go to breakfast and view this as a very important meal - the dining hall offers a very comprehensive choice.

7.30am: Year 4-8

7.55am: Year 9-Year 11 ‘out of House’ for breakfast

8.10am: Sixth Form ‘out of House’ for breakfast

School Day

The school day begins formally for boarders at 8.40am and continues with lessons until 3.55pm (12.10pm on a Saturday). Following this, numerous co-curricular activities take place. If for whatever reason you are unable to have lunch, then Matron will collect a packed lunch for you).


Supper is served in the dining hall from 5.00pm6.00pm.


Prep is from 6.30pm - 9.00pm each weekday evening (depending on year). Most older pupils choose to work in their rooms, but you can also work in the Library or the Sixth Form Centre. After the beginning of homework, Year 10 and Year 11 must have permission to leave the House. You should have a signed chit if going to the Library or a Music School building for private practice.

Free Time

Free time is from 9.00pm - 10.00pm. (Year 11 and above may visit other Houses).

Weekly Bedtimes

Year 6

Year 7 and 8

5.30pm (in house) 5.30pm (in house)

8.15pm (bedtime) 8.30/8.45pm (bedtime) 8.30pm (lights out) 9.00pm (lights out)

Year 9

Year 10

7.00pm (in house) 7.00pm (in house)

9.00pm (bedtime) 9.30pm (bedtime) 9.30pm (lights out) 9.45pm (lights out)

Year 11 Sixth Form

9.30pm (in house) 10.00pm (in house)

9.45pm (bedtime) 10.15pm (bedtime) 10.00pm (lights out) 10.30pm - 11.00pm (lights out)


8.55-9.10am Breakfast (voluntary for Years 10+): On Sunday we let you lie in and will wake you at about 10.00am. If you have early morning practice you need to be in your allocated practice room by 7.45am.

10.00am House check followed by ‘in House’ time except for those attending Sung Eucharist in the Cathedral. You should not visit other Houses before 11.00am

11.00am ‘In House’ time ends; you should be up and dressed

11.30am Brunch

5.00pm Supper

6.00pm House Check

6.30pm Cathedral Service

These are the official times and whilst some flexibility can be built into this with prior discussion, it is expected that this is what we adhere to.

School Activities

From Monday to Friday, there is a twenty-five minute break from 11.15am - 11.40am during which you can return to House for some toast or even cake if it is a special occasion. Lunch is from 12.40pm - 1.50pm. Each day, we offer activities and supervised prep from 4.00pm - 5.00pm. On Saturdays, lessons are followed by School sports fixtures in the afternoon. For those boarders not playing team sport, a programme of alternative activities is organised.

Keeping Fit

The School fitness suite is open after school between 4.30pm - 6.30pm for use by pupils.


The school’s swimming pool is available at various times throughout the week. It is heated and has a retractable roof so you can enjoy it throughout the year.

Early Morning Practice (EMP)

For some of you this is an important part of your musical education - so get up, get some breakfast and get practising!

Evening Activities

As well as House run events, sports coaches offer a number of evening clubs for you to attend, such as 5 a-side football, basketball, badminton and swimming. Details are posted on your House noticeboard. Music lessons, ensembles, orchestra rehearsals and practice also occur.

Weekend Activities

After school on Saturdays there are usually sports fixtures. For boarders not involved in sports fixtures or concerts, there is a range of activities available on a Saturday afternoon. We periodically take trips to exciting places such as ‘Harry Potter World’ and ‘Thorpe Park’.

On Saturday at 7.00pm there is a House check for all boarders. Many boarders will have concert commitments on Saturday evenings. There will always be some food available in House on Saturday evening - pizzas are popular, as are BBQs once it gets warm. On most Sunday evenings there is a service in the Cathedral that all boarders are expected to attend. Once a short term, boarders go to the Sung Eucharist in Cathedral on Sunday mornings instead.

Cedars House


Cedars House stands on the site of the former College of Montroy, a house of Chantry Priests that was built in 1430 and abandoned in the 16th century. Charles Tudway bought the land with the remains of the Chantry in 1761 and subsequently extended the site with other purchases, including land to the south where the cedar trees were planted. The building is entirely of the 18th Century or later, and is the finest of its period in the city. The House is now a lively and homely place for boarders and day boys alike, feeling like a real home rather than a boarding house.

About the House

Cedars House is one of three boys’ houses at Wells Cathedral School. The boarding area is situated on the first and second floors of the main Senior School building on The Liberty. The location is ideal for boarders and day pupils as it is so centrally placed within the School grounds and within easy reach of facilities and the dining hall. The views across Cedars Lawn, Cedars Hall and cricket pitch from the upper floors of the building are stunning and worth checking out!

Cedars House provides a family atmosphere and creates a supportive ‘home from home’ environment for boarders and day pupils alike. We have several large communal areas for all pupils to enjoy, including a study, a music room, a games room and a TV room. Our games room is well resourced with pool and table tennis tables and a Nintendo DS console, and in house tournaments continue to be very popular. Older members of the House support our Matron in toasting and buttering hundreds of slices of bread each breaktime, and pupils make good use of our kitchen facilities in evenings and weekends. Regular social activities such as curry nights, summer BBQs, and film nights bring the House together and encourage interaction between pupils of all ages. We believe in working hard and playing just as hard and find that healthy relationships are forged this way.

Our Staff

The Cedars staff team work closely to create a warm, friendly and trusting environment. The staff value good communication between pupils, staff and parents and all do their utmost to ensure that individual pupils can flourish at the School. Cedars House is run by Houseparent and an Assistant Houseparent who ensure that there is always someone available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Matron ensures the smooth running of the House during the working day. We have an evening duty team who oversee the prep routine and activities of our boarders between 7.00pm - 10.00pm.


Mark White

01749 834 300

Assistant Houseparent

Tenny Harlow


Julia Hutchison (Monday - Thursday) Rachael Milton-Parry (Friday - Saturday) 01749 834 302


Cedars House, 15 The Liberty, Wells BA5 2ST

Contact Details

01749 834 304

adsfkjasf;adsjf;ad Claver Morris House


Claver Morris is a much admired “jewel in the crown” among properties in Wells, and is right in the heart of the School on The Liberty. It is one of a picturesque line of houses, all of which have much history behind them.

The House was built in 1699 by Claver Morris, a celebrated doctor, diarist and amateur musician who founded some of the musical enterprises in Wells that still thrive today.

About the House

Claver Morris is home to our youngest boarders in Years 4 - 7, connecting our Prep and Senior Schools. The boarding staff strive to create a safe and nurturing home, allowing our boarders to thrive in a happy, caring and supportive community.

We celebrate our children’s successes and work together to bring fun, laughter and friendship to the house throughout this important stage in their childhood.

Our Staff

The Claver Morris staff team work closely to create a warm, friendly and trusting environment. The staff value good communication between pupils, staff and parents and all do their utmost to ensure that individual pupils can flourish at the School. Claver Morris House is run by Houseparent and an Assistant Houseparent who ensure that there is always someone available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Matrons ensure the smooth running of the House during the working day. We have an evening duty team who oversee the prep routine and activities of our boarders between 6.15pm - 9.15pm.


Clare Rowntree

01749 834 340

Assistant Houseparent

Katie Proctor


Kate Slattery (Thursday - Saturday)

Claire Vaughan (Monday - Wednesday) 01749 834 342


Claver Morris House, 19 The Liberty, Wells BA5 2SZ

Contact Details

01749 834 344

De Salis House


De Salis became a boarding house for boys in 1955. Parts of the House date back to the 14th Century. The house is named after Bishop De Salis who resided here from 1915 to 1931.

About the House

De Salis House is one of three senior boys Houses at Wells Cathedral School. De Salis benefits from two large common rooms known simply as the Drawing Room and the Games Room. The entrance hall provides a third very popular common area for boarders to “hang out”. There is also a kitchen for the pupils located in the Games Room. The dorms are mainly located on the first floor and range from 2 to 6 person rooms which are light, spacious and homely.

Our Staff

The De Salis staff team work closely to create a warm, friendly and trusting environment. The staff value good communication between pupils, staff and parents and all do their utmost to ensure that individual pupils can flourish at the School.

James Mayes, Houseparent, lives in De Salis Cottage with his wife Harriet. The Houseparent and Assistant Houseparent, Helen who lives within the main house, share the duties to ensure there is always someone available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Jayne and Natasha, or “Matron” as they are better known, play an integral role in the smooth running of the House. They work Monday to Saturday, looking after the daily needs of nearly 80 boys.


James Mayes

01749 834 380

Assistant Houseparent

Helen Arendse


Jayne Girling (Monday - Friday) Natasha Stoodley (Saturday) 01749 834 384


De Salis House, 17 The Liberty, Wells, BA5 2SZ

Contact Details

01749 834 384

Edwards House



Edwards House is situated on The Liberty, in a picturesque line of houses with much history behind them. Built in 1819 for William Parfitt, a chapter clerk of the Cathedral, Edwards House replaced a building which was found in records as early as 1469. The House is now a lively and homely place for boarders and day girls alike, feeling like a real home rather than a boarding house.

About the House

Edwards House provides boarding for girls from Year 9 to Lower Sixth. It is a place where you can relax after a busy day at school or settle down to prep with the help of duty staff and pupils. We are a big family who care for each other on a daily basis, and we enjoy all the achievements we gain together. Life is busy in Edwards with concerts to attend, sport fixtures and many other activities. We have large communal areas where the girls can work and socialise and there are always staff on hand to solve a problem or have a friendly chat.

Our Staff

The Edwards staff team work closely to create a warm, friendly and trusting environment. The staff value good communication between pupils, staff and parents and all do their utmost to ensure that individual pupils can flourish at the School.

Edwards House is run by a Houseparent and an Assistant Houseparent who ensure that there is always someone available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Matrons ensure the smooth running of the House during the working day. Our evening duty team are in House between 7.00pm - 10.00pm on their duty nights to help with prep and are always ready for a chat.


Kate Brown 01749 834 330

Assistant Houseparent

Hannah Birch


Julia Leyton (Monday - Wednesday) Catherine Parkman (Thursday - Friday/Saturday) Tijana Foley (Saturday) 01749 834 332


Edwards House, 23 The Liberty, Wells, BA5 2SZ

Contact Details

01749 834 334

Haversham House


Haversham House is situated on New Street in an 18th century terraced house. It enjoys being in a slightly distant and quieter location which allows girls to retreat from the busy atmosphere of school life.

About the House

Haversham House consists of boarding and day pupils from Year 9 to Lower Sixth. We are a close knit community and pride ourselves in being an environment where all are accepted and celebrated for who they are. We try to operate as a large - if slightly unusual - family, and it is central to our beliefs that we look after each other. Girls make particularly strong bonds across the year groups in Haversham. They look out for each other in the trickier moments that teenage life presents as well as celebrate the good times and achievements of each other too. We are a House that tries hard in all areas of school life and are always willing to have a go at a new challenge, but we also make a point of spending down time together. We also make particularly fantastic cakes!

Our Staff

The Haversham staff team work closely to create a warm, friendly and trusting environment. The staff value good communication between pupils, staff and parents and all do their utmost to ensure that individual pupils can flourish at the School. Haversham House is run by Houseparent, Rebecca Murdoch, with the Assistant Houseparent and Matrons. Together, our staff ensure the calm day-to-day running of Haversham. Our evening duty staff are in House between 7.00pm - 10.00pm on their duty nights. With many years of teaching and pastoral experience between them, they help to ensure a productive and relaxing atmosphere in the evening.


Elsbeth Ralls 01749 834 310

Assistant Houseparent

Anna Brown


Anne Spencer (Monday - Wednesday) Tracey Tibbs (Thursday - Friday)

Susannah Weller (Saturday) 01749 834 312


Haversham House, 10 New Street, Wells BA5 2LQ

Contact Details 01749 834 312


Plumptre House


Plumptre House, located on The Liberty, was built in 1737 for Dr Francis White. After a brief period as Dean Edward’s residence from 1963, the House was leased to the School in 1966.

Plumptre House takes its name from Edward Hayes Plumptre who was Dean of Wells from 1881 - 1891. During this time, the School went through a process of revival and the senior boys and the Cathedral Choristers owed much to the actual help Dean Plumptre gave them. In his will he made provision for their future by placing a sum of money in the hands of the Dean and Chapter with directions to apply the interest to continue the education of deserving Choristers at the Grammar School after they had left the Choir, and generally to advance them in life. The Choristers of this and future generations will have good reason to cherish the memory of Dean Plumptre.

About the House

Plumptre House is a girls House at Wells Cathedral School with boarding and day pupils from Year 9 up to Lower Sixth. Plumptre House is a warm, friendly and inclusive House where family and community is central to everything we do. We encourage our girls to be resilient and hard-working, but we also believe in having fun and aim to create memories that will last a lifetime. The staff in Plumptre work hard to ensure that our communal areas are welcoming after a busy day studying and play a huge part in ensuring that every member of Plumptre feels valued and supported.

Our Staff

The Plumptre staff team work closely to create a warm, friendly and trusting environment. The staff value good communication between pupils, staff and parents and all do their utmost to ensure that individual pupils can flourish at the School.

Plumptre House is run by Houseparent, Clair Willis, an Assistant Houseparent and Matrons. There is always someone available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Matrons ensure the smooth running of the house during the working day. An evening duty team oversee the prep routine and activities of our boarders between 7.00pm10.00pm.


Clair Willis

01749 834 320

Assistant Houseparent

Trudie Dowell


Becky Stott (Monday - Friday)

TBC (Saturday) 01749 834 322


Plumptre House, 21 The Liberty, Wells, BA5 2SZ

Contact Details

01749 834 324

Ritchie House History

Built in the late 18th Century, Ritchie House is named after Revd Prebendary Ritchie, Headmaster of Wells Cathedral School between 1924 and his death in 1954. It served as the Girls’ High School in the first half of the 20th Century and then the Junior School from 1948 when it was bought for this purpose by Ritchie. It was a Senior Boys’ House from the late 1970s.

About the House

Ritchie House is a co-educational, mainly Upper Sixth Form House designed to provide a stepping stone from school life to university. Ritchie House consists of three parts: the main house, the modern wing (Ritchie Gardens) and the satellite house (Brock House). It is located on New Street at the bottom of The Liberty. House life is purposeful and fun. There are House competitions in all the major and minor sports, drama and public speaking. There is a big Christmas party, a summer BBQ and informal events most weekends.

Our Staff

The Ritchie staff team work closely to create a warm, friendly and trusting environment. The staff value good communication between pupils, staff and parents and all do their utmost to ensure that individual pupils can flourish at the School.

Ritchie House is run by Houseparent, Bryan Moore, Assistant Houseparents (Phoebe Booker and Jessica Jarvis), and Matrons. Mr Moore and the team of resident staff ensure that there is always someone available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and our Matrons ensure the smooth running of the House during the working day. We have an evening duty team who oversee the prep routine and activities of our boarders between 7.00pm10.00pm.


Bryan Moore 01749 834 368

Assistant Houseparents

Phoebe Booker:

Jessica Jarvis:


Rachael Parsons, Kim Unwin and Sharon Dawkins 01749 834 362


Ritchie House, 9 New Street, Wells BA5 2LD

Contact Details

01749 834 364



Shrewsbury House


Shrewsbury House is located on the oldest continuously inhabited street in Europe with people having lived in Vicars’ Close since the mid 14th century. The houses of the Close were built to accommodate members of the Vicars Choral who have sung in Cathedral services since 1140. Shrewsbury itself is named after Bishop Ralph of Shrewsbury who was the Dean of Wells Cathedral from 1350-1364. It was he who took possession of the Close for the Cathedral and established what we now call Vicars’ Close. Shrewsbury House looks different from the other houses in Vicars’ Close because of a fire in the 18th century, which destroyed the original building. A replacement house was built in the style of the time which was Georgian. Before becoming a House for boarders and day pupils of Wells Cathedral School, Shrewsbury was a hostel for trainee priests, as well as a retreat for those wanting to escape from the stresses and strains of everyday life. It is difficult to imagine a more historic setting for a school building!

About the House

Shrewsbury House is one of our boys’ houses at Wells Cathedral School. Vicars’ Close is a short walk from the main School buildings as well as being close to the Music School and Cathedral.

In Shrewsbury House, life is busy and enjoyable with House competitions in all the major and minor sports, drama and public speaking. There is a big Christmas party as well as a number of more informal BBQs and pizza evenings. The House supports a nominated charity each year and at various points during the year we hold fundraising events, the largest of which is the House Charity Concert held during the Lent Term.

Our Staff

The Shrewsbury staff team work closely to create a warm, friendly and trusting environment. The staff value good communication between pupils, staff and parents and all do their utmost to ensure that individual pupils can flourish at the School.

Shrewsbury House is run by Houseparent, Chris Dine, and an Assistant Houseparent, Dom Grass. They share the duties between them to ensure that there is always someone available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and our Matron ensures the smooth running of the House during the working day. We have an evening duty team who oversee the prep routine and activities of our boarders between 7.00pm - 10.00pm.


Chris Dine

01749 834 370

Assistant Houseparent

Dom Grass


Sian Evans (Monday-Wednesday)

Mary Pritchard (Thursday-Friday)

Marie Isles (Saturday)

01749 834 376


16 Vicars Close, Wells BA5 2UJ

Contact Details

01749 834374

Back photo: Ritchie Gardens
Cover photo: Shrewsbury House

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