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Key Websites and Resources at Wells Cathedral School

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School Website


Our website has our latest news, fees, key policies, scholarship application forms, events you may wish to attend (such as concerts, holiday clubs and summer music schools) and handbooks. You may find our parent information page useful.

Parent Portal


Our Portal covers such areas as reports, rewards and conduct, timetable, activities, exam results and detentions. It is how you report absences and request leave. Logging into the Portal also automatically logs you into some of our other websites (there are links to these sites from the Portal homepage). If you haven’t activated your Portal account yet, please see page 54 for details.

SOCS Co-Curricular


SOCS Co-Curricular can be found via the co-curricular button on the Portal homepage. You can use this to find and book clubs that your child is eligible for as well as book sport and PE options for those in Years 10+. You can view their co-curricular timetable, which includes all of their activities (apart from music lessons) as well as details for any sports fixtures that they are participating in. You can sync this calendar to your personal calendar if you wish. A user guide is available on our website: https://wells.cathedral.school/parent-information

SOCS Sport


Our SOCS Sport site has results and fixture information for all of our sports. To search by team, click on the tab “Sports” in the bottom menu (mobile) or the Sports & Teams option in the left menu (desktop). To search by date, use the “What’s on” tab and select the date (mobile) or via the calendar on the homepage (desktop). The password for team sheets can be found on the Portal Co-Curricular page.

SOCS School Calendar


Our School Calendar is updated regularly with details about what’s happening in School. You can filter it, search by keyword and sync it to your personal calendar.

Vectare (School Bus)


Vectare can be found via the Bus Booking button on the Portal homepage. Day parents can use this website to book a bus, either as a recurring booking or a one-off trip (depending on availability). A user guide is available: https://wells.cathedral.school/parent-information

Music Timetable


This website is only accessible via your child’s Google School login so they will need to log you on. Once logged in, you can see details of any music activities/lessons they are taking part in, including date/time, teacher, location and any other participants (if applicable).

Wells Community Website


This website brings our wider community groups together: the Parents and Friends’ Association, Wellensian Association and the Friends of Music. Please register and join the community: https://community.wells-cathedral-school.com/register

Wellbeing Hub


With our membership to the Wellbeing Hub, you have access to parenting courses, weekly podcasts and articles, Q&As, careers resources, access to specialists, webinars and top tips - all designed to help you to meet the social, emotional and educational needs of your children. For more information and to take advantage of our membership, please visit the Portal for further information on how to register: https://portal.wells.cathedral.school/showme/wellbeing

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