10 minute read
School Uniform
We expect all pupils to wear their uniform smartly and correctly as a way of demonstrating pride in the School and our aspiration as a community.
Uniform Guide, including Sports Kit (Years 7-11)
A detailed guide with clothing lists, prices and links to purchase items is available via our website: https://wells.cathedral.school/joining-us
Purchasing our School Uniform
South West Schoolwear
Please see our Uniform Guide for items required for school uniform and sports clothing. All items of school uniform may be purchased at South West Schoolwear; certain items must be purchased there. To place an order, visit https://www.swschoolwear.co.uk, call South West Schoolwear on 01749 670000 or email wells@swschoolwear.co.uk. Orders placed by noon will be delivered to the Bursar’s Office in a labelled bag by 1.30pm. The shop is open Mondays to Saturdays from 9.00am - 5.00pm. They are located on 23 Broad Street Wells BA5 2DJ, behind Pickwicks.
The Parents and Friends' Association (PFA) Second-Hand Uniform Sales
General information
The PFA are happy to sell all current uniform items and some sports items, such as hockey sticks, tennis rackets and bags. Please see the Uniform Guide for details. Items must be of good quality, and the PFA reserve the right not to sell items that they feel are below the required standard. The PFA will retain 40% of the ticket price, returning 60% back to the seller. However, if you would like to donate the entire amount, there is a tick box on each label. The money retained will go to PFA funds, all of which are used to fund bids.
Secondhand uniform shop
The PFA secondhand uniform shop does not have fixed opening hours. If you need uniform items, we will open it up for you to view and purchase, or collect. Email secondhanduniform@wells.cathedral.school and the shop manager will aim to respond within one school day between Monday - Friday during term time. The shop manager can check our stock for you and arrange a time to open. In your email, please let us know what items you need, and in what size.
Wells Kukri Website
Additional branded Sports Kit items (optional) are available through via our team shop on the Kukri website: www.kukrisports.co.uk/teamshop/wellscathedralschool
Name Tapes
All items must be named for easy identification (name tapes may be ordered through South West Schoolwear).
Gender Neutrality
At Wells, we recognise that gender identity and birth gender play a factor in how people perceive themselves and therefore the uniform pupils can choose to wear may not always match the gender with which they were born. The clothing lists in our Uniform Guide represent the typical uniform requirements expected for a pupil that identifies themselves with that particular gender. For general uniform, any pupil may choose to wear either:
• a shirt, tie and blazer with trousers or
• a revere shirt (blouse) and blazer with either a skirt or trousers.
Sports clothing lists are given as appropriate to the identified gender and sporting activity. All pupils do at least one games session a week, and parents must supply their children with the appropriate school kit. Staff are available to talk through the implications of our gender neutral approach to uniform at any time.
General Uniform(Years 7 to 11)
All pupils must possess an official School blazer, which can be obtained from South West Schoolwear, and should be worn as part of our School uniform.
Shirts and Ties
Pupils in Years 7-11 wear white shirts. Shirts, if not purchased from South West Schoolwear, must be of a similar style and material as those sold there. Shirts must be tucked in, and the top buttons must always be fastened.
Ties must always be worn and properly tied. When in School uniform, only official School ties may be worn (House, Colours, or Choristers).
Revere Shirts (Blouses)
Blouses, if not purchased at South West Schoolwear, must be white and of similar style and material as those sold there. Blouses must be tucked in.
Trousers must be mid grey and fit properly. If not purchased from South West Schoolwear, trousers must be of the same colour, style and material as those sold there. Plain grey or black socks must be worn with trousers.
Skirts must be navy and purchased at South West Schoolwear. Skirts must be knee length. There is the option to wear the ‘trouser-skirt’ or ‘skort’ version. When wearing a navy School skirt, plain navy or black tights must be worn.
In Years 7-9, summer skirts are optional when hot weather dress is announced. With summer skirts, white or navy ankle socks or flesh-coloured tights must be worn.
Shoes must be black leather and polishable. Suede shoes and casual shoes are not permitted. Stitches or laces must also be black. Heels should not be more than five centimetres.
Hot Weather Dress (Summer Dress)
Pupils will be given the option of wearing Summer Dress at appropriate times of the year if the weather is considered sufficiently warm, following an announcement by the Deputy Head (Pastoral). Blazers need not be worn except for Cathedral services and other formal occasions.
Cold/Wet Weather Dress
Coats and Cagoules
Coats and cagoules should be plain navy or black. Cagoules, if not purchased from South West Schoolwear, should be similar to those sold there.
If worn, jumpers must be of official School design.
Pupils are permitted to wear either an official School bobble hat or beanie or a plain navy/black beanie. No other headgear is permitted with our School Uniform.
General Rules
Hair should be worn in a conventional style and must not be dyed to look unnatural.
When in School uniform, pupils must not wear excessive quantities of jewellery. A thin gold or silver neck chain is permitted and one finger ring. For those with pierced ears, plain studs or small rings may be worn (maximum of one in each ear) in the earlobe.
When under School responsibility but not in School Uniform, pupils should not wear any jewellery which requires piercing in a body part other than their ears.
Pupils are allowed to change into plain clothes after school each evening and at the weekend. Boarders should try to limit themselves to no more than three sets of casual clothes as storage space in dorms is at a premium. Please see our Boarding Handbook for details: https://wells.cathedral.school/joining-us
Years 7 - 9 should not wear makeup. Pupils in Years 10 and above may wear subtle makeup in natural colours; bright lipstick and coloured eye makeup are not acceptable. Nail varnish (other than clear) is not allowed.
Sixth Form Uniform
Members of the Sixth Form have a particular responsibility as the oldest pupils in the School for setting and upholding the high standards expected in all areas of school life. Sixth Form dress replaces school uniform and should be appropriate for the working day, giving pupils a feeling of wellbeing and confidence in themselves as leaders in the School. Pupils should above all look smart and professional. Please note that items regarded as ‘workwear’ by manufacturers do not necessarily conform to the guidelines below. The guidelines below are to assist you in choosing suitable clothing. If in doubt, please check with House staff or the Head of Sixth Form before making a purchase.
A single colour tailored suit in black/navy/dark grey (charcoal) consisting of jacket/trousers*, jacket/skirt,** jacket/dress**. These must be matching (i.e. same material/make) and should be plain or very finely pinstriped.
Additional Notes
• In addition, pupils may wear a muted tweed jacket with smart beige or navy trousers*. Chinos (beige or navy only) are acceptable.
• No velvet/cord/denim/leather. No obvious or ornate zips. No checked patterns.
• A waistcoat may be worn with a jacket in the same suiting fabric.
• * Trousers should exactly match the jacket and must be waisted. Legs should not be excessively wide nor cropped. ‘Jegging’ type trousers/ jeans are not acceptable.
• ** Skirts and dresses must be no more than 7cm above the knee. Skirts made of stretchy material are not acceptable. If worn, skirts and dresses must not be in mixed colour, diaphanous, lacy or floral material but must match the jacket exactly and be made of suiting material.
Number 1 Uniform
Suits with a white shirt (for girls and boys) will be required for formal occasions. Any tie worn with this formal wear must be a School tie or similar muted design. This will be known as ‘number 1 uniform’ and there will be occasions (such as School photographs, selected Cathedral services, Speech Day etc.) when this uniform will be indicated and expected.
Shirts should be plain or finely striped/finely checked with a proper collar. They may be long or short sleeved and made of cotton – no T-shirt material or style. They should be white, pale blue or pale pink.
Ties should be worn with formal shirts which button to the neck. These may be School ties (House, sports, etc.) or similarly muted.
Jumpers, if worn, should be fine gauge v-neck and should be worn with, not in place of, a shirt. Jumpers must not be heavy, chunky or hooded. Jumpers may not have motifs or patterns.
Tights and Socks
Tights should be navy/black or flesh colour (without holes or ladders). Socks must cover the ankles and be black or dark grey (not white). Please note that trousers must be long enough to cover the ankle so that socks are not overly exposed.
Shoes should be plain black, grey, brown or navy with no bright laces/logos. Shoes should be clean, polished and in good condition; any heels should be a sensible height. Ankle boots may be worn with trousers. Clogs, mules or sandals may not be worn.
If worn, belts should be black or navy. They should not be wider than 6cm and must not be ornate.
Outdoor coats should be plain navy or black. A shorter plain black or navy coat (no logos) may be worn provided that it completely covers the suit jacket beneath it.
When in Sixth Form dress, pupils must not wear excessive quantities of jewellery. A thin gold or silver neck chain is permitted and one finger ring. For those with pierced ears, plain studs or small rings may be worn (maximum of one in each ear) in the earlobe.
Sixth Form pupils may wear subtle makeup in natural colours; bright lipstick and coloured eye makeup are not acceptable. Nail varnish (other than clear) is not allowed.
Pupils should not have tattoos on show.
Hair should be well groomed, tidy and be of a ‘natural’ colour. Pupils are expected to be clean shaven.
Adhering to the Uniform
Pupils whose uniform does not conform to the above will be asked to replace those items. Staff decisions are final. Anyone who fails to conform to the expectations of the dress code will be required to wear Number 1 uniform until further notice.
It is impossible for these guidelines to be as detailed and specific as those for the wearing of uniform. Styles of dress change over time and it is intended therefore that these guidelines will be reviewed annually.
Games Kit
Please note that pupils must not wear assorted kit from elsewhere. All Sixth Formers require:
• a Wells tracksuit (top and bottoms)*
• a sports training top with School crest*
• either white School shorts* or a navy School skort*
• a School swimming costume*
• a pair of trainers designed for all-round sportswear
Team players may require additional items, but these can be purchased after arrival.
Additional optional branded items are available from South West Schoolwear and our Kukri online shop.
See above for further details about purchasing games kit items.
* These items must be purchased from either South West Schoolwear or a PFA second-hand uniform sale.