SPEECH DAY Friday 2nd July 2021
Order of Proceedings 9.15am Senior School Prize-Giving in Cedars Hall Livestreamed for pupils and parents 11.15 am End of Year Service in the Cathedral Upper Sixth pupils and parents attend; a video recording of the service will be issued at a later date 12.15 pm Families are invited to bring their own private picnic to eat in a socially-distanced group on the Cedars Cricket Field
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Senior School Prize-Giving 9.15am Cedars Hall Introduction Chair of Governors, The Very Reverend Dr John Davies DL Address Head Master, Alastair Tighe including a musical interlude Emmanuel Séjourné - 'Khamsin' Stan Talman (U6th) and Yufei Zhu (L6th), Marimba Academic Prizes Announced by Deputy Head (Pastoral), Martin Ashton Reflections on School Head Boy, Cameron Tucker and Head Girl, June Rippon Specialist Prizes Announced by Martin Ashton Conclusion Head Master, Alastair Tighe
Prize Winners 2021 Year 7 Prizes
Archie Blee Alex Murray
Year 8 Prizes
Eleanor Atkins Freddie Tuke
Year 9 Faculty Awards: Creative Arts English Humanities Languages Mathematics Music Science Year 10 Prizes
Jessica Drysdale Buck Williams Archie Bray Tabitha Heaselgrave Oliver Burmester Holly Reinhardt Elizabeth Massey Archie Spindler Marnie Benson
Year 11 Faculty Awards: Creative Arts Lara Keirle English Florence Hutchison Humanities Sophie Karseras Languages Alexei James-Cudworth Mathematics Jason Kong Music Connie Davies Rob Henson Science Madison Jade Lewis For an outstanding Year 11 Science pupil. Originally the Pat Glen prize first awarded in 1998. Pat was a laboratory assistant who died from cancer. Rob Henson was Head of Science from 1988-2008 and re-endowed the prize. Lower Sixth Prizes
Finn Emmens-Green Amelia McCormack
Upper Sixth Art Upper Sixth Biology Upper Sixth Business Studies Upper Sixth Chemistry Upper Sixth Classical Civilisation Upper Sixth Computing Upper Sixth Economics Upper Sixth English Upper Sixth English as an Additional Language Upper Sixth EPQ Upper Sixth French Upper Sixth Geography Upper Sixth Geology Upper Sixth German Upper Sixth History Upper Sixth History of Art Upper Sixth Latin Upper Sixth Mathematics Upper Sixth Mathematics (Further) Upper Sixth Music Upper Sixth Music Technology Upper Sixth Photography Upper Sixth Physical Education Upper Sixth Physics Upper Sixth Politics Upper Sixth Psychology Upper Sixth Religious Studies Upper Sixth Spanish Upper Sixth Theatre Studies
Martin Ip Max Li Ting Yang Oscar Purcell-Shirley Rose Ormond Zac Hannam Henry Leung Tippi Lewis Tracy Leung François Cloete Harry Chantrey Humphrey Boot Humphrey Boot Jan Cowell Oscar Howe Amber Cooknell Tabitha Spindler Harry Chantrey François Cloete François Cloete Milo Tuke Marco Yeung Katherine Hastilow Summer Brooks Lily Webb Catrin Dimond Isabella Maunder Tabitha Spindler Isabella Maunder
Brass Cup Amelia Lawson Composition Cup Elaina Charalambous Keyboard Cup Max Li Percussion Cup Stan Talman Yfrah Neaman Strings Cup Tom Mahoney Given in memory of Yfrah Neaman, an international violinist, who was a key person in setting up the specialist music scheme at Wells. Vocal Cup Cordelia Wood Woodwind Cup Felicity Lennard
Organist’s Prize Awarded for outstanding choristership.
Gabriel Harrison-Colegate
Wells Cathedral Music Foundation Prize Awarded for outstanding choristership.
Beth Burdge & Hannah Krekel
Dean and Chapter Prizes Head Boy Chorister Head Girl Chorister
Gabriel Harrison-Colegate Elsa Melia
Rev Juliette Hulme & Major Peter Henfrey Memorial Chaplaincy Prize Laura Jenkins Awarded to a Senior School pupil who has most encouraged and inspired other pupils in the Christian faith through his/her words and actions, and/or has fostered good relationships between the School and the Cathedral. Rev Juliette Hulme was a former Chaplain (2006-2018) and Major Peter Henfrey was the first Bursar at Wells Cathedral School (1949-1965). Peter Thomas Prize Amelia Watson In recognition of outstanding achievement across the Sciences by an Upper Sixth Form pupil. Peter Thomas was a former Teacher of Physics and later Head of Science. Van Den Brand Prize Amaryllis Wills Richard van den Brand (left 2000) made a significant improvement in his Mathematics in his final year at School and offered this prize for the pupil who makes the most improvement in Mathematics from any year group. Frances Lacey Prize Lottie Gordon Awarded to an excellent linguist who has shown determination and is intending to continue studying Languages at University level. Frances Lacey was Head of Modern Languages (1973-1996). International Pupil Award
Taylor Xu
Librarian’s Prize
Rose Ormond
The Anderson Cup Olivia Cocks For most improved clarinettist. FOMWCS Cup Harry Jordan Awarded by Friends of Music of Wells Cathedral School to an outstanding Year 9 Specialist Musician. Nathan Hewitt Trumpet Prize Luke Lane For an outstanding trumpeter. In memory of former pupil and trumpet specialist Nathan Hewitt (Cedars 1995-2000). The trophy is made from Nathan’s trumpet.
Roland Jacobs Trophy Summer Brooks For an outstanding percussion or viola player. In memory of Roland Jacobs (Shrewsbury 1985-1990) who was both a percussion and viola specialist. Jan Faulkner Memorial Prize Amelia Corr For the most promising young percussion player. Jan Faulkner was a percussion teacher, well known instrumentalist, composer and music outreach leader. Choi Trophy Sejin Yoon Awarded to the Concerto Competition winners. Ian Owles Prize Shona M'gadzah For outstanding contribution to community and outreach music. T.P.I. Performer's Prize and Trophy Ellen Steward Awarded for wholehearted commitment to Music over a sustained period of time. Green Trophy for Senior Drama Tilly Goodwin Given by Geoffrey Green, former Head of Geography and Humanities. Pennington Trophy Shona M'gadzah Awarded to a pupil for outstanding contribution to Technical Theatre. Lower School Drama Prize
Woody Collins & Harry Hellier
Gary Tonks Memorial Trophy Shona M'gadzah Awarded to a senior cadet for service to the Combined Cadet Force. In memory of Warrant Officer Tonks who served as School Staff Instructor (2009 to 2014). Morton Cup Tiger Ching Awarded in the past for Ten Tors and general Outdoor Learning efforts. The first time it was awarded was 1994. Mamokete Mongale Memorial Trophy Elsa Melia In memory of Mamokete Mongale (1992-94) who came to Wells from South Africa supported by the Bishop Simeon Trust. Awarded for a piece of work which reflects any aspect of racial harmony and which raises awareness of cross-cultural issues. The John Baxter Cup Justin Chan & Cecilia Keiffer Awarded for success in the face of adversity. Given by John Baxter (Head Master 1986-2000) in memory of Ed Nowell, a pupil at the school with encephalitis (Hunter’s Syndrome).
The Bufton Trophy for Creative Leadership Laura Jenkins Awarded to the Sixth Former who has demonstrated outstanding creative leadership. Given by the Bufton family who had four daughters as pupils from the late 1980s to early 1990s. Ros Bufton was a former Governor. Dr Kemp Award for Leadership Isabella Maunder Awarded to an Upper Sixth pupil who has embodied the values of service, care and support for others whilst in a formal leadership role. Dr Andy Kemp was Senior School Head (2016-2019) and formerly Senior Deputy Head and Director of Studies. Rudyard Cup Will Rowley Awarded for an outstanding all rounder.
Russell Fox Heath Award Harry Chantrey, Jan Cowell, Freddie Falzon, Hector Gummer, Rose Ormond, Henry O’Sullivan Page, Tabby Spindler, Charles Wilson In memory of Russell Heath, a former pupil who died mountain walking in New Zealand in 1992. Awards are made each year to Upper Sixth pupils who are planning adventurous activities, expeditions or projects in the year after they leave School. Wellensian Association Horizons Awards Emilia Candlin, Harry Chantrey, Maddie Davis, Tom Fox, Hector Gummer Awarded by the Wellensian Association towards the cost of an activity which will enrich the pupil outside of their academic pursuits. Victor Ludorum Ben Brooks & Jack Denegri Awarded for the outstanding male sportsman of the year. Victrix Ludorum (Sinclair Trophy) Martha Lacey & Amelia Watson Awarded for the outstanding female sportswoman of the year. Old Wellensian Crests Deputy Head Boy Clement Liu Deputy Head Girl Isabella Maunder Old Wellensian Crests & OW Year Ambassadors Head Boy Cameron Tucker Head Girl June Rippon
End of Year Service 11.15am Cathedral Welcome
Mrs Sarah Curl, School Chaplain
Please remain seated Introit Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks, so longeth my soul after thee, O God. My soul is athirst for God, yea, even for the living God. When shall I come to appear before the presence of God? My tears have been my meat day and night, while they daily say unto me, “Where is now thy God?”
Music: Herbert Howells (1892-1983), Words: Psalm 42 vv. 1–3 Please stand Bidding School Chaplain We come before God in thankfulness: for our School and all it means to us; for friendships made and nurtured in this place; for knowledge gained and intellectual discoveries made; for self-understanding developed here. We gather in this building to reflect on the importance of faith in the life of this community and in our own lives, that we may be conscious of what we cannot comprehend, and that in seeking to be open to horizons beyond our knowing, we may find a deeper knowledge of our lives. In this spirit, let us commend ourselves and our School to God’s gracious providence. Opening Prayer Alastair Tighe, Head Master We thank you, heavenly Father, for your guidance, help and care during all the time that is past. We present to you for your blessing all that has been attempted and accomplished, and ask you to forgive what has been unworthy or left undone. We especially commend to your fatherly care, O Lord, those who are about to leave the School; may your goodness and mercy follow them throughout their lives; guard them in danger and keep them from evil; guide them continually in the way that is right, and strengthen them in every good work, to the glory of your name; we ask it through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Please sit Lesson June Rippon, Head Girl Then Jesus led them outside as far as Bethany, where he blessed them with uplifted hands. While he was in the act of blessing them he was parted from them and was carried up to Heaven. They worshipped him, and turned back to Jerusalem with great joy, and spent their days in the temple, praising and blessing God.
St Luke, Chapter 24, verses 50-53 Sermon
The Very Reverend Dr John Davies DL, Dean
O Thou the central orb of righteous love, Pure beam of the most high, Eternal light of this our wintry world, Thy radiance bright awakes new joy in faith, Hope soars above, above.
Come, quickly come, and let thy glory shine, Gilding our darksome heaven with rays divine.
Thy saints with holy lustre round Thee move, As stars about thy throne, set in the height of God’s ordaining counsel, as Thy sight gives measur’d grace to each, Thy power to prove.
Let Thy bright beams disperse the gloom of sin, Our nature all shall feel eternal day, In fellowship with Thee, Transforming day to souls while ere unclean, now pure within, now pure within. Amen.
Music: Charles Wood (1866-1926), Words: H.R. Bramley (1833-1917) Prayers School Chaplain and Cameron Tucker, Head Boy At the conclusion of the prayers we all join together in the following: O God, we offer you our senses, and passions, and our whole heart. We offer you all our desires, all our designs, all our studies, all our endeavours and all the journey of our lives. All that we have, or are, we offer up to your service. Amen
Based on a prayer by Bishop Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells (1685 - 1691)
Hymn (sung by the Choir alone) 1. God be with you till we meet again; May he through the days direct you; May he in life’s storms protect you. God be with you till we meet again.
3. God be with you till we meet again; In distress his grace sustain you; In success from pride restrain you; God be with you till we meet again.
2. God be with you till we meet again; 4. God be with you till we meet again; And when doubts and fears oppress you. May he go through life beside you, May his holy peace possess you. And through death in safety guide you; God be with you till we meet again. God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet again.
Words: J. Rankin (1828 - 1904), Tune: Randolph, R.Vaughan William (1872 - 1958) Arranged: M. Stringer Valediction
School Chaplain and House Parents
Choral Blessing Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the shining stars to you. Deep peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you. Deep peace of Christ, the light of the world to you. Deep peace of Christ to you.
A Gaelic Blessing, John Rutter (b.1945) Please stand Blessing Dean Go forth into the world in peace; be of good courage; hold fast that which is good; render to no one evil for evil; strengthen the fainthearted; support the weak; help the afflicted; honour everyone; love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit; and the blessing of God almighty,the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you now evermore. Amen. Organ Voluntary
Final from Symphony No. 6
Louis Vierne (1870-1937)
Members of the Upper Sixth, following the Head Boy and Head Girl, leave the Cathedral first, through the doors at the west end of the Cathedral, followed by the main procession. The congregation is asked to remain standing until the end of the procession and to remain in their seats until instructed to leave by a steward. Choir Directors: Mark Stringer & Christopher Finch
Organist: François Cloete
2021 Upper Sixth Leavers Humphrey Boot Benjamin Brookes Summer Brooks Emilia Candlin Kristy Chan Simon Chan Ella Chan Justin Chan Skye Chan Abbie Chan Ava Chan Harry Chantrey Elaina Charalambous Wayne Chen Ermis Cheng Michelle Cheung Gina Cheung Tiger Ching Ambrose Chiu Hani Chui Serena Chung Roisin Clarke Saskia Clarke François Cloete Amber Cooknell Jan Cowell Louis Critchley Jack Denegri Catrin Dimond Oscar Duddy Alexander Eastment Freddie Falzon Thomas Fox Bryce Furlong
Rory Galloway David Gaski James Gooding Tilly Goodwin Lottie Gordon Hector Gummer Zachary Hannam Lucy Harris Katherine Hastilow Michael Heather Maja Higgins Timothy Ho Oscar Howe Archie Hutchison Martin Ip Isabel Jarman Laura Jenkins Ceci Keiffer Martha Lacey Jeremy Lai Amelia Lawson Scarlet Lee Felicity Lennard Henry Leung Tippi Lewis Max Li Leo Li Clement Trevor Liu Phoebe Loney Jake Lyon Tom Mahoney Steven Mai Ellie Mapleston Isabella Maunder
Zara Merican Shona M'gadzah Sabrina Morgan Oisin Moriarty Didi Murray Brown Harley Mycock Rose Ormond Henry O'Sullivan-Page Harriet Perring Oscar Purcell-Shirley Laney Rimpf June Rippon Jude Rowland William Rowley Tabitha Spindler Ellen Steward Stan Talman Cameron Tucker Milo Tuke Hector Watch Amelia Watson Lily Webb Nellie Whittam Lauren Wilkinson Charles Wilson Haysus Wong John Woo Cordelia Wood Ting Yang Marco Yeung Sejin Yoon Tommy Yung Lucy Zheng
Upper Sixth Leavers: July 2020 Thomas Adams Beulah Adeleke Eleanor Ager Charlotte Arthur George Birkett Rosa Bonnin Katie Cadoret George Carling
Oceanography Modern Languages Anthropology and Archaeology Music Performance Business and Management Music Art Foundation Computer Science
University of Southampton University of Warwick Durham University Guildhall School of Music & Drama Oxford Brookes University University of Oxford
Goldsmiths, University of London Pharmacology Ka Yee Chan University of Glasgow Music Performance Janis Chan Royal Northern College Psychology with Biology University of St Andrews Hiu Laam Chang Music Kanokrada Changfun Goldsmiths, University of London Psychology Hei Yu Chau University of Exeter Business Economics Christy Cheung Loughborough University and Finance Music Performance (Viola) Royal Academy of Music Howard Chiu Hiu Ying Samantha Chiu Music Composition and University of Hertfordshire Technology for Film and Games Computer Science Chun Hei Chu University of the West of England University of Surrey University of Plymouth
Psychology Joseph Clark George Crabb-McMullan Geography with International Relations Physics and Astrophysics University of Birmingham Alfred Creber Psychology Callum Deans University of Exeter Mathematics, Mireille Farthing University of Warwick Operational Research, Statistics, Economics (MORSE) Religion, Society and Frances Fraser Durham University Culture (2021)
Boris Garcia Melvyn Gnai Samuel Goodwin Emma Greenshields Georgina Hackett Edward Harris William Haskins James Hollingsworth Matthew Howard Yolanda Kauper Doyeon Kim Eunhyuk Kwon Bui Ka Brianne Lee Howard Lee Ella Leonard Nathaniel Xun Jie Leong Yunong Li Harriet Loe Ching Hei Loh Jack Luk Chung Nam Ma James Manning Thomas Nettle Lok Lam Ng Yeuk Ying Ng Polly Palmer Thomas Patterson Fox Toby Pearce Jacob Potts
Geography (Human and Physical) Biology Veterinary Medicine Medical Physiology Geology Theoretical Physics Real Estate Geography Psychology Music Performance History of Art Psychology Music Performance Music Performance Medicine Economics and Mathematics Music Biomedical Sciences Music Performance Economics Creative Music Production Music
University of Reading Gap Year Currently applying University of Edinburgh University of Manchester University of Portsmouth Durham University Oxford Brookes University Loughborough University University of Edinburgh Royal Northern College of Music University College London University of Bath Royal College of Music Royal College of Music University in Malaysia University of York Currently applying University of Edinburgh
Royal College of Music University of Manchester Institute of Contemporary Music Performance Norges Musikkhøgskole /Amsterdam Conservatoire 2021 International Business University of Sussex Management Linguistics University of Edinburgh Paramedic Science Bournemouth University Management, University of Manchester Leadership and Leisure Music Performance Architectural Engineering
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Cardiff University
Hannah Pratt Nicholas Richards Tallulah Rogers
Liberal Arts (2021) Physics and Astronomy (2021) Music Performance
Astrid Rose-Edwards Anthropology and Archaelogy (2021) Maria Sidorova Computer Science and Mathematics Alys Skinner Medicine Joseph Slattery Engineering Pui Yee So Psychology Simon Spies Music Performance Hugo Spindler French Philippa Tall Music Performance Eliza Talman Music Performance Quentin Taschini History of Art and French Megan Taylor Earth Sciences Hing Yan Tsang Psychology Alexander Verity PPE Dole Wannakanok Music Georgia Webster Matthew Whitehead Isaac Wiessler Katy Wili Hannah Williams Danielle Woodnut Peixuan Xie Tsz Ching Yan Tailai Yang Shuxu Zhang
Philosophy and Politics Music Performance Geology Drama Music Performance Music Performance Music Performance Human Geography Music Media
Kings College London Durham University Royal Welsh College of Music Durham University University of Manchester University of Liverpool University of Warwick University of Warwick Guildhall School of Music & Drama University of Oxford Royal College of Music Royal Academy of Music University of Bristol University of Oxford Durham University Currently applying The Princess Galyani Vadhana (Bankok) Durham University Royal Welsh College of Music Currently applying Currently applying Royal Academy of Music Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Royal College of Music Queen Mary University Durham University Media University of China, Beijing