March Newsletter

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Hearty Thanks to the Independent Order of Oddfellows, Lorraine Lodge #4, who helped us prepare an old space for a new use!

Wellspring Administrative Center 225 W. Breckinridge Street (502) 637-4361

P.O. Box 1927 Louisville, KY 40201-1927

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Luckily, a gift from the Beargrass Fund has already gotten us 1/2–way there!

Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer Katharine R. Dobbins

March 2019

Business First recently recognized Louisville’s “Health Care Heroes”. The news agency recognized community members making an impact through their concern for patients, research and inventions, management skills and innovative programs for employees and their services. Wellspring is proud to say that our organization’s CEO, Katharine Dobbins, LCSW, received the Health Care Hero Manager Award from a list of five phenomenal nominees! While Kathy has been an integral part of Wellspring since the organization began serving the community in 1982, she has made a dramatic difference during her nearly ten years as the organization’s CEO. Since 2009, Kathy has guided Wellspring as it has more than doubled the number of clients served and doubled its organizational budget. Under her leadership, Wellspring has:

Thanks to a new fundraising challenge from William O. Alden, Jr., Wellspring has an opportunity to receive a gift of $20,000...IF we can raise matching dollars!

Alan MacDonald, Chair Carrie Schanie, Vice Chair Steve Kerrick, Treasurer Curtiss Scott, Secretary Rolandas “Ro” Byrd Paul Coomes Dawn Croft Rosmond Jones Dolen Rif El-Mallakh, M.D. Rich Freeman Bill Friel Gregory E. Mayes, Jr. Cissy Mills Margaret Pennington George W. Rapp, Jr. John “Jack” Trawick Jefferey M. Yussman

Wellspring’s Health Care Hero

It’s March “Matchness!”

Now is the perfect time to mail a check to Wellspring, call with a credit card, or go online to

Derby Preview Party Tuesday, April 23, 2019 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Millionaires Row, Churchill Downs Thanks to our American Pharoah Sponsors:

expanded the volume and types of services offered, tripled its agency-owned and leased housing, doubled the workforce providing services, received the industry’s highest accreditation (CARF) in 4 categories.

But Kathy’s devotion to improving Louisville through mental health recovery services goes beyond Wellspring. She has been a key player in numerous advocacy groups and she constantly campaigns for the best interests of adults with serious mental illnesses – especially those who are most vulnerable from experiencing homelessness, trauma, or co-occurring substance use disorders. She has worked tirelessly on behalf of families whose lives have been disrupted when serious mental illness altered the course of what they had hoped would be. As we celebrate Kathy’s 10th Anniversary as Wellspring’s CEO, we are so glad that the editors of Business First also recognized her outstanding leadership as they awarded her the Manager Health Care Hero Award!

Home at Last

Churchill Downs The LDG Foundation Todd Asset Management WAVE 3 News

Photo courtesy of John Nation

with special guests: wave 3’s Kevin Harned, Master of Ceremonies

Tim Laird, America’s CEO - Chief entertaining Officer Bill Doolittle’s Kentucky Derby Handicapping Tips

Donna has come a long way since just a few months ago when she was living in a freezing tent, her basic needs going unmet. “I might not own it, but it’s my apartment,” says Donna. She has been in her new place since November. She spent more than a year being homeless, part of it in her car, and then eventually, in a tent that was freezing in the winter. She lost an incredible amount of weight as many times it was too cold to go out to get food. One of Donna’s best friends was her father. She took care of him and he helped her manage life with a mental illness. Cancer took him from Donna in 2015 and it started her downward spiral. “It pushed me over the edge,” Donna said. She had been hospitalized in the past due to her mental illness, but when she got out, her dad was always there for her. He helped to provide a home and stored her belongings. She lost everything when she lost her father. She started out in her van but was told it would be towed if she was living in it, so she moved into a tent. “I honestly don’t know how I made it,” she said of those rough months. Continued Page 3

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Our Mission: Wellspring promotes mental health recovery and supports individuals in building

healthy and hopeful lives through behavioral health, housing and employment services.

crisis stabilization services | supportive housing | case management services | outpatient services | supported employment

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