The Ennea-Charts Enneagram Reference Cards

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The Ennea-CHARTS Enneagram Reference Cards 9

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By Jackie Wells Smith

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Ennea-Type ONE The Ethical Idealist At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Principled, Discerning, High-Minded Unhappy and Stressed: Abrasive and Critical Perfectionists

Direction of Expansion = Green Arrows


Direction of Stress = Red Arrows Grounding Wing = Brown Arrow


Arrows Expansion Point:

When ONEs learn to be more spontaneous and playful like healthy SEVENs, they enjoy their life by becoming more relaxed, no longer feeling the pressure to never make a mistake.

Stress Point: Stressed ONEs become envious like ego-reactive FOURs and fantasize about being free of responsibility. Often this is responsibility they have assumed, that really belongs to someone else. WINGS Energizing Wing:

When ONEs align with TWO qualities of kindness, they become energized by empathy and experience deeper connections with the people in their life.

Grounding Wing:

ONEs have more emotional satisfaction when they relax their standards a little and learn to be more accepting of others, like a healthy NINE.


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Energizing Wing = Yellow Arrow


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ONEs with a strong influence from the‌ NINE Wing are intellectual, reserved and very loyal people of integrity. They have the idealism

of a ONE, but can be perceived as elitist, stiff or impersonal because of the NINE tendency to withdraw. TWO Wing are passionate activists and can be hands-on with the causes they support. They

are warmer and less judgmental than other ONEs, focusing more on people than ideas.

Natural Center: ONEs at their best reflect the quality of idealism. Helplessness Belief: At the core of ONE’s self-defeating behavior is the belief that they must earn love and respect by never making a mistake. Helplessness Fear: ONEs are most afraid of being too “bad” to be loved and accepted. Happiness Desire: ONEs most want to have integrity; to do and be good. Unhappy & Stressed

Happiest & Most Effective

Separating Vice: Anger — ONEs often resent others for not meeting their expectations, and angry with themselves for their failures and imperfections.

Connecting Virtue: Serenity — The most effective ONEs are at peace with themselves by accepting the bad and the good as being part of life.

Stressed ONEs Seek: Perfection — Unhappy or Stressed ONEs try to make the world perfect by imposing their standards on everyone around them.

Happiest ONEs Give: Idealism — Happy ONEs possess an idealism for making the world a better place.

Unhappy/Stressed Qualities: Rigid, inflexible, worriers, intolerance, perfectionism, critical, opinionated, picky, demanding and self-righteous.

Happiness Qualities: Wise, dependable, fair, detailoriented, conscientious, honest, ethical, prudent, hardworking, composed, purposeful, and idealistic.

Missing Connection: Joyfulness — ONEs have difficulty connecting with the feeling of joy believing it is only found when their life is perfect.

Happiest Self: Happy ONEs have the ability to rally people to make a difference in the world with their idealism about what is possible.

False Self-Image: ONEs see themselves as the reasonable person who knows the right way to do things.

Highest Self: The happiest ONEs accept that there are many right ways to do something.

Connecting to ONEs

intimacy with ONEs

Demonstrate fairness and integrity when dealing with ONEs. They’re very ethical people.

Find ways to help them slow down. ONEs are usually very hard on themselves.

Acknowledge and appreciate the extra effort they put into the things they do.

Encourage them to relax and have more fun, and to plan and organize a little less.

If you are wrong, admit it and apologize. ONEs can be very forgiving if they don’t feel you are blaming them for the mistakes of others.

Avoid sounding critical. Use words like “we missed the mark” or “not quite what I expected.” Encourage with a statement like “we’ve learned how to do this a little better.”

Be clear about your expectations. ONEs like knowing exactly what you want them to do.

Understand the source of their criticism is the mistaken belief that they are deficient.

When they make a mistake, reassure them of your continued respect.

Let them know they will still be loved if they let go of some responsibility.


EMOTIONAL STYLE OF ONES Coping Style: Stressed or unhappy ONEs control their fear in social connections by controlling the standards and compelling others to follow their rules. Happy and healthy ONEs don’t always have to be right. Disappointment Style: ONEs try to out-perfom disappointment by holding themselves to very high standards and working hard to avoid ever making a mistake or disappointing anyone. The happiest and most effective ONEs are still very hardworking, but more relaxed about trying new things, even if they make mistakes. Bonding Style: ONEs who are stressed or unhappy bond by trying to earn the love or good opinion of others. They get very upset if they think they haven’t met your standard. The happiest ONEs are people of integrity who are accepting of shortcomings in themselves and others.

9 Charts and Guide Bundle

• 9 Color Cards. One for Each Personality Type • Rounded Corners Resist Wear from Hanfling • 32-pg Color Guidebook and Instructons

Easy reference to your Enneagram type personality traits and those of your family, friends and co-workers.

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12:02 PM

At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable Unhappy or Stressed: Complacent and Stubborn Couch Potatoes


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12:02 PM

Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their qual best

ity of idea Helplessne lism. must earn ss Belief: At the love and core of ONE’s respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. most afraid that they Desire: of being ONEs most too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Separating Vice: Anger for not meetin — HAPPIEST g their expec ONEs often resent & MOST themselves others tation EFFECTIVE for their failures and s, and angry with Connecting imper fection Stressed are at peace Virtue : Serenity s. ONEs Seek: — The most with themselves ONEs try the good Perfec tion effective to as being by — Unhap part of life. accepting the bad ONEs standards make the world py or Stresse perfec t by on everyo and d imposing ne aroun Happiest d them. their ONEs Give: Unhappy/Str an idealis m for makin Idealism — Happy intolerance, essed Qualities: g the world ONEs posses Rigid, infl a better s demanding perfec tionism, critica exible, worrie place. and self-rig l, opinionated, rs, Happiness hteous. picky, Qualities: Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, connecting working, Joyfulness fair, details, honest, compo with — ethica ONEs the feeling sed, purpo found when seful, and l, prudent, hardof joy believ have difficulty their life idealistic. ing it is only is perfec Happiest t. Self: Happy False Self-Im people to ONEs have make a differe the ability person who age: ONEs see idealism nce in the to themselves about what knows the world with rally as the reason is possib right way their le. to do things able Highest . CONNECTIN Self: many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES ways to accept that Demonstrat do somet there are hing. ONEs. They’re fairness and integr INTIMACY ity when e very ethica dealing with WITH ONES l people. Acknowledg Find ways the things e and appreciate to help them the extra they do. hard on slow down. themselves. effort they ONEs are put into If you are usually very wrong, admit Encourage very forgiv them to it and apolog ing if they relax and and organ ize. ONEs the mistak have more ize a little don’t feel es of others less. you are blamin can be fun, and to plan . Avoid sound g them for ing critica mark” or Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed a statem what I expec NINEs with a strong influence from the… ent like “we’v exactl the ted.” Encou y what you expec tations. ONEs better.” e learned want like knowi how to do rage with to assert ng needed. They have a Eight Wing haveWhen a corethey strength and arethem able to when do. themselves this a little Understand make a mistak contin powerful presence, andued are very sensual. They may also have a quick temper. e, reassu respec t. belief that the source of their re them your One Wing are very ethical and fair people capable of findingofthe commonality in opposing they are deficient. criticism is the mistak EMO Let them en TIONAL and idealistic people, but may have the perfectionist viewpoints. They’re imaginative know STYLE OF some respon they will still tendencies of a ONE. ONES be loved sibility. Coping Style: if they let go of Stressed compelling others to or unhappy ONEs follow their control their Disappointm rules. fear in social ent Style: Happy and working ONEs try healthy ONEs connections hard by contro very hardw to avoid ever makin to out-perfom don’t alway lling the disapp orking, but s have to g standards be right. more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding and Style: ONEs g d about 11/2/13 12:02 PM elves trying new ointing anyone. The thems very upset who are to very high things, even if stressed happie shortcoming they think they or unhap if they make st and most effectstandards and haven py bond s in thems mistakes. ive ONEs by trying elves and ’t met your standa are still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete






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Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their qual best

Ennea-Type NINE The Passionate Peacemaker






ity of idea Helplessne lism. must earn ss Belief: At the love and core of ONE’s respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. Direction of Expansion = most afraid that they Desire: of being ONEs most Green Arrows too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept Direction of Stress = ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Red Arrows Separating Vice: Anger Grounding Wing = for not meetin — HAPPIEST g their expec ONEs often resent Brown Arrow & MOST themselves others tation EFFECTIVE for their failures and s, and angry with Connecting Energizing Wing = imper fection Stressed are at peace Virtue : Serenity Yellow Arrow s. ONEs Seek: — The with thems most effect ONEs try the good Perfec tion elves by ive to as being — Unhap part of life. accepting the bad ONEs standards make the world py or Stresse perfec t by Arrows on everyo and d imposing ne aroun Happiest d them. their ONEs Give: Expansion Point: Unhappy/Str an idealis m for makin Idealism — Happy When NINEs include intolerance, essed Qualities: g the world ONEs posses traits Rigid, infl a better the healthy s of a demanding perfec tionism, critica exible, worrie place. THREEs, they become and self-rig l, opinionated, rs, Happiness hteous. focused and have a picky, Qualities: Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, determination to meet connecting their goals. working, Joyfulness fair, s, honest, detailcompo with — ONEs ethica the feeling sed, purpo found when Stress Point: Stressed nt, hardseful, and l, prude of joy believ have difficulty their life idealistic. ing it is only or unhappy NINEs can is perfec Happiest t. Self: Happy become anxious and False Self-Im people to ONEs have make a differe the ability retreat into worry and person who age: ONEs see idealism nce in the to rally themselves about what knows the ruminations like an world as is with the right way possible. their unhealthy SIX, unable to do things reasonable Highest . to make decisions. CONNECTIN Self: many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES ways to accept that wINGs Demonstrat do somet there are hing. ONEs. They’re fairness and integr Energizing Wing: INTIMACY ity when e very ethica dealing with WITH ONES l people. NINEs who develop the Acknowledg Find ways healthy qualities of a the things e and appreciate to help them the extra ONE add structure to they do. hard on slow down. themselves. effort they ONEs are their lives and use that put into If you are usually very wrong, admit Encourage to be more organized. very forgiv them to it and apolog ing if they relax and and organ They develop an eye for ize. ONEs the mistak have more ize a little don’t feel es of others less. you are blamin can be fun, and detail and are energized tointo . Avoid sound plan g them for action by planning ing critica mark” or out their goals. Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed Grounding Wing: a statem what I expec NINEs with a strong influence from the… ent like “we’v exactl the ted.” Encou y what you expec tations. ONEs better.” e learned NINEs who learn to want like knowi how to do rage with to assert ng needed. They have a Eight Wing haveWhen a corethey strength and arethem able to when do. themselves this a littleassert themselves like Understand make a mistak contin a healthy EIGHT are powerful presence, andued are very sensual. They may also have a quick temper. e, reassu respec t. belief that the source of their re them able to set boundaries your One Wing are very ethical and fair people capable of findingofthe commonality in opposing they are deficient. criticism is the in mistak EMO Let them en their relationships. TIONAL and idealistic people, but may have the perfectionist viewpoints. They’re imaginative know They enjoy their social STYLE OF some respon they will still tendencies of a ONE. ONES be loved connections more by sibility. Coping Style: if they let go of making their desires Stressed compelling important in their own others to or unhappy ONEs follow their contro Disappointm lives. rules. Happy l their fear in ent Style: social conne working and health ONEs try hard ctions by y ONEs don’t very hardw to avoid ever makin to out-perfom always have controlling the standa disapp orking, but g to be right. rds and more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding Style: ONEs g d about 11/2/13 12:02 PM elves trying new ointing anyone. The thems very upset who are to very high things, even if stressed happie shortcoming they think they or unhap if they make st and most effectstandards and haven py bond s in thems mistakes. ive ONEs ENN986 EnneaCharts Complete.indd 19 by trying elves and ’t met your standa are still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete






© 2012 WELLS-SM

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love and core of ONE’s respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. most afraid that they Desire: of being ONEs most too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Separating Vice: Anger for not meetin — ONEs HAPPIEST often resent g their expec & MOST themselves others tation EFFECTIVE for their failures and s, and angry with Connecting imper fection Stressed are at peace Virtue : Serenity s. ONEs Seek: — The most with thems ONEs try the good Perfec tion effective elves by to make as being — accept Unhap the part of life. standards ing the bad ONEs py or Stresse on everyo world perfec t by and d imposing ne aroun Happiest d them. their ONEs Give: Unhappy/Str an idealis m for makin Idealism — Happy intolerance, essed Qualities: g the world ONEs posses Rigid, infl a better s demanding perfec tionism, critica exible, worrie place. and self-rig l, opinionated, rs, Happiness hteous. picky, Qualities: Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, connecting working, Joyfulness composed, s, honest, ethica fair, detaill, prudent, found whenwith the feeling of — ONEs have diffi purposeful, hardjoy believ culty their life and idealis ing it is only is perfec Happiest tic. t. Self: Happy False Self-Im people to ONEs have make a differe the ability person who age: ONEs see idealis nce to m about themselves knows the what is possibin the world with rally as the right way their le. to do things reasonable Highest . CONNECTIN Self: many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES ways to accept that Demonstrat do somet there are hing. ONEs. They’re fairness and integr INTIMACY ity when e very ethica dealing with WITH ONES l people. Acknowledg Find ways the things e and appreciate to help them the extra they do. hard on slow down. themselves. effort they ONEs are put into If you are usually very wrong, admit Encourage very forgiv them to it and apolog ing if they relax and and organ ize. ONEs the mistak have more ize a little don’t feel es of others less. you are blamin can be fun, and to plan . Avoid sound g them for ing critica mark” or Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed a statem what I expec ent like “we’v exactl the FIVES with a strong influence from expec the… tation ted.” Encou y what you better.” s. ONEs e learned want them like knowi how to do rage with to possessing sensitive ng insights as well as Whenemotional this a little FOUR Wing are more they makethan other FIVEs,do. Understand a mistak continued the source e, reassu intellectual objectivity. Theyrespec can be artists, often in the role of director or project belief lead. of re them that t. their they are of your deficient. criticism is the mistak SIX Wing are analytical and scientific, possessing the ability to organize information. EMO Let them en know they AL STYL They tend to be moreTION extroverted than other FIVEs, and may be erratic in their some personal will E OF ONES still be loved responsibility relationships. Copin if they let . g Style: go of Stressed compelling others to or unhappy ONEs follow their contro Disappointm rules. Happy l their fear in ent Style: social conne working and health ONEs try hard ctions by y ONEs don’t very hardw to avoid ever makin to out-perfom always have controlling the standa disapp orking, but g to be right. rds and more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding Style: ONEs g d about trying new ointing anyone. The themselves to very very upset who are things, even if high stressed happie shortcoming they think they or unhap if they make st and most effectstandards and haven py bond s in thems mistakes. ive ONEs by trying elves and ’t met your standa are still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete

© 2012 WELLS-SM





12:02 PM


© 2012 WELLS-SM



















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Ennea-Type NINE The Passionate Peacemaker

At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable Unhappy or Stressed: Complacent and Stubborn Couch Potatoes


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Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their qual best



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ity of idea Helplessne lism. must earn ss Belief: At the love and core of ONE’s Direction of Expansion = respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating Green Arrows ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. most afraid Direction of Stress = that they Desire: of being ONEs most Red Arrows too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept Grounding Wing = ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Brown Arrow Separating Vice: Anger Energizing Wing = for not meetin — HAPPIEST g their expec ONEs often resent & MOST Yellow Arrow themselves others tation EFFEC for their TIVE failures and s, and angry with Connecting imper fection Stressed are at peace Virtue : Serenity s. ONEs Seek: — The mostArrows << with thems ONEs try the good Perfec << effective Point: elves by < tion to as being Expansion — Unhap << part of life. accepting the bad ONEs standards make the py or Stresse When NINEs include < < world perfec t by on everyo and d < < ne aroun imposing Happiest the healthy traits of a d them. their << ONEs Give: << Unhap an idealis < < py/Str m for makin Idealism — Happy THREEs, they become < <intolerance, essed Qualities: focused and have a g the world ONEs possess Rigid, infl << a better determination to meet demanding perfec tionism, critica exible, worrie place. and self-rig l, opinionated, rs, their goals. Happiness hteous. picky, Qualities: Stress Point: Stressed Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, or unhappy NINEs can connecting working, Joyfulness fair, details, honest, compo with — ONEs ethica become anxious and the feeling sed, purpo found when nt, hardseful, and l, prude of joy believ have difficulty retreat into worry and their life idealistic. ing it is only is perfec Happiest ruminations like an t. Self: Happy False Self-Im people to ONEs have unhealthy SIX, unable make a differe the ability person who age: ONEs see idealism torally make decisions. nce in the to themselves about what knows the world as is with the right way possible. their to do things reasonable wINGs Highest . CONNECTIN Self: many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES Energizing Wing: ways to accept that NINEs who develop the Demonstrat do somet there are hing. healthy qualities of a ONEs. They’re fairness and integr INTIMACY ity when e very ethica ONE add structure to dealing with WITH ONES l people. Acknowledg their lives and use that Find ways the things e and appreciate to be more organized. to help them the extra they do. hard on slow down. They develop an eye for themselves. effort they ONEs are put into If you are detail and are energized usually wrong, admit Encourage very very forgiv them to into action by planning it and apolog ing if they relax and and organ ize. ONEs the mistak have more ize a little out their goals. don’t feel es of others less. you are blamin can be fun, and toGrounding . Avoid sound plan Wing: g them for ing critica NINEs who learn to mark” or Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed assert themselves like a statem what I expec ent like “we’v exactlyinfluence expec the SEVENs with a strong the… ted.” Encou tations. ONEs a healthy EIGHT are what youfrom better.” e learned want them like knowi how to do rage with able to set boundaries to do. ng of life. They are When this a little SIX Wing are very outgoing witty people who have a childlike awe they and in their relationships. Under make stand the a uedand e, be affectionate, likecontin to travel party, mistak but can very productive, too. Many entertainers are source of reassu They enjoy their social respec belief that re them t. their they are of your SEVENs with a SIX Wing. deficient. criticism is the mistak connections more by EMO Let them en making their desires know they AL STYL EIGHT Wing are very TION aggressive, but pragmatic people. They’re not afraid to gosome after what important in their own E OF responsibility will still be loved they want regardless the effect on other ONES people. They’re often entrepreneurs. CopingofStyle: lives. if they let . go of Stressed compelling others to or unhappy ONEs follow their contro Disappointm rules. Happy l their fear in ent Style: social conne working and health ONEs try hard ctions by y ONEs don’t very hardw to avoid ever makin to out-perfom always have controlling the standa disapp orking, but g to be right. rds and more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding Style: ONEs g d about 11/2/13 12:02 PM ENN986 EnneaCharts Complete.indd 19 elves trying new ointing anyone. The thems very upset who are to very high things, even if they think stressed happiest standards shortcoming or unhap and most if they make they haven and py bond effective s in thems mistakes. by trying ONEs are elves and ’t met your standa still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete <

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Grounding Wing: SIXes become less fearful and more willing to trust themselves and others when they learn objective observation skills like a healthy FIVE.

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wINGs Energizing Wing: When SIXes develop the healthy SEVEN qualities of optimism and spontaneity, they become energized by the exciting possibilities of life.

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Stress Point: Stressed and unhappy SIXes become driven workaholics like unhealthy THREEs. They worry about their image and trying to find a secure place in the group (office, social or family).


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Expansion Point: When SIXes learn to be open and accepting like healthy NINEs, they become less suspicious and more relaxed in their personal and professional relationships.



12:02 PM

At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Spontaneous, Versatile, Fun-Loving Unhappy or Stressed: Shallow and Distracted Manipulators

ity of idea Helplessne lism. must earn ss Belief: At the love and core of ONE’s Direction of Expansion = respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating Green Arrows ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. most afraid Direction of Stress = that they Desire: of being ONEs most Red Arrows too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept Grounding Wing = ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Brown Arrow Separating Vice: Anger Energizing Wing = for not meetin — HAPPIEST g their expec ONEs often resent & MOST Yellow Arrow themselves others tation EFFEC for their TIVE failures and s, and angry with Connecting imper fection Stressed are at peace Virtue : Serenity s. ONEs Seek: — The mostArrows with thems ONEs try the good Perfec tion effective Point: elves by to as being Expansion — Unhap part of life. accepting the bad ONEs standards make the world py or Stresse When SEVENs perfec t by on everyo andlearn to d imposing ne aroun Happiest focus their attention d them. their ONEs Give: Unhappy/Str an idealis m for makin Idealism — Happy like healthy FIVEs, intolerance, essed Qualities: they’re able to use g the world ONEs possess Rigid, infl a better their gifted minds for a demanding perfec tionism, critica exible, worrie place. and self-rig l, opinionated, rs, constructive purpose. Happiness hteous. picky, Qualities: Stress Point: Stressed Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, SEVENs become critical connecting working, Joyfulness fair, details, honest, compo with — ONEs ethica like unhealthy ONEs. the feeling sed, purpo found when nt, lash seful, and l, prude of joy believ have difficulty hardThey out at others their life idealistic. ing it is only is perfec Happiest when they don’t get t. Self: Happy False Self-Im people to ONEs have what they want and make a differe the ability person who age: ONEs see idealism blame nce in the to rally others for their themselves about what knows the world as is own mistakes and poor with the right way possible. their to do things reasonable decisions. Highest . CONNECTIN Self: many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES wINGs ways to accept that Demonstrat do somet Energizing there hing. are Wing: ONEs. They’re fairness and integr When SEVENs adapt INTIMACY ity when e very ethica dealing with the healthy qualities WITH ONES l people. Acknowledg of an EIGHT into their Find ways the things e and appreciate to help personality, they learn them slow the extra they do. hard on themselves. effort they down. ONEs to use the power of put into If you are are usually leadership wrong, admit Encourage very instead of very forgiv them to it and apolog manipulating others. ing if they relax and and organ ize. ONEs the mistak have more ize a little don’t feel es of others less. you are blamin can be fun, and They become energized tobyplan . Avoid sound impacting others’ g them for ing critica lives in a positive way. mark” or Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed Grounding Wing: a statem what I expec ent exactl expec the like “we’v SIXes with a strong influence from the… tation ted.” Encou y what you better.” SEVENs become more s. ONEs e learned want them like knowi how to do rage with to do. ng Whenand this a littleemotionally stable FIVE Wing are serious the theyself-controlled, make a mistakbut socially conscious, often becomingUnder when they learn to face stand ued respec champion of thecontin “underdog.” They are perceptive technical the source e, reassuand organized people, usuallybelief their fears and anxiety of their re them that they t. of your are deficient. criticism is the experts. like a healthy SIX and mistaken EMOTION Let take responsibility SEVEN Wing are social andAL extroverted. They are playful, yet serious-minded. Theythem haveknow STYLE OF some respon they will still ONES be loved for their actions and sibility. good interpersonal skills and are hard workers, but may have a tendency to procrastinate. Copin if they let g Style: go of choices. Stressed compelling others to or unhappy ONEs follow their control their Disappointm rules. Happy fear ent Style: working and health in social connections ONEs try hard y ONEs don’t by very hardw to avoid ever makin to out-perfom always have controlling the standa disapp orking, but g to be right. rds and more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding Style: ONEs g d about 11/2/13 12:02 PM ENN986 EnneaCharts Complete.indd 15 elves trying new ointing anyone. The thems very upset who are to very high things, even if stressed happie shortcoming they think they or unhap if they make st and most effectstandards and haven py bond s in thems mistakes. ive ONEs by trying elves and ’t met your standa are still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Direction of Stress = Red Arrows Grounding Wing = Brown Arrow Energizing Wing = Yellow Arrow




Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their qual best

Direction of Expansion = Green Arrows

Ennea-Type Seven The Thrill-Seeking Adventurer




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© 2012 WELLS-SM

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At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Committed, Reliable, Compassionate Unhappy or Stressed: Defensive and Suspicious Skeptics




12:02 PM


© 2012 WELLS-SM

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© 2012 WELLS-SM






Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their quality best Helplessne of idealism . must earn ss Belief: At the

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Ennea-Type SIX The Loyal Supporter



love and core of ONE’s respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. most afraid that they Desire: of being ONEs most too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Separating Vice: Anger for not meetin — ONEs HAPPIEST often resent g their expec & MOST themselves others tation EFFECTIVE for their failures and s, and angry with Connecting imper fection Stressed are at peace Virtue : Serenity s. ONEs Seek: — The mostArrows with thems ONEs try the good Perfec tion effective Point: elves by to make as being Expansion — accept Unhap the part of life. standards ing the bad ONEs py or Stresse When FIVEs learn to be on everyo world perfec t by and d imposing ne aroun Happiest confident like healthy d them. their ONEs Give: Unhappy/Str an idealis m for makin Idealism — Happy EIGHTs, they become intolerance, essed Qualities: more willing to extend g the world ONEs possess Rigid, infl a better themselves socially demanding perfec tionism, critica exible, worrie place. and self-rig l, opinionated, rs, at work and in their Happiness hteous. picky, Qualities: personal lives. Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, Stress Point: Stressed connecting working, Joyfulness detailcomposed, s, honest, ethica fair, FIVEs become l, prude found whenwith the feeling of — ONEs have diffi purposeful, nt, hard-unfocused joy believ scattered, culty their life and idealis ing it is only is perfec Happiest tic. and disorganized like t. Self: Happy False Self-Im people to ONEs have unhealthy SEVENs. make a differe the ability person who age: ONEs see idealism nce in the to rally themselves about what knows the world withwINGs as the is possib right way their le. to do things reasonable Highest . Energizing Wing: CONNECTIN Self: many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES When FIVEs accept ways to accept that more commitments in Demonstrat do somet there are hing. their lives like healthy ONEs. They’re fairness and integr INTIMACY ity when e very ethica SIXes, they become dealing with WITH ONES l people. Acknowledg energized by being Find ways the things e and appreciate a valued part of the to help them the extra they do. hard on slow down. themselves. community. effort they ONEs are put into If you are usually wrong, admit Grounding Encourage very Wing: very forgiv them to it and apolog FIVEs who connect to ing if they relax and and organ ize. ONEs the mistak have more ize a little don’t feel es of others less. you are blamin can be fun, and their emotions like a tohealthy . Avoid sound plan FOUR become g them for ing critica more empathic and mark” or Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed compassionate with a statem what I expec ent like “we’v exactlinfluence the FOURs with a strong fromexpec the…tation ted.” Encou y what you other people. Their better.” s. ONEs e learned want them like knowi how to do rage with relationships improve to do. They’re social, ng this a little THREE Wing areWhen more ambitious artistic and tend to be they makethan other FOURs. and they allow more a mistak with projecting the “right” image. Understand the contin cultured. They can alsoued be overly concerned e, reassu source of intimacy in their lives. respec t. belief that re them their they are of your deficient. criticism is the mistak FIVE Wing are cerebral and highly creative. They tend to be quiet and intense people who EMO Let them en know are introspective and TION often AL brilliantly insightful. They also tend to be socially withdrawn and STYLE some respon they will still OF ONES be loved sibility. moody. Coping Style: if they let go of Stressed compelling others to or unhappy ONEs follow their contro Disappointm rules. Happy l their fear in ent Style: social conne working and health ONEs try hard ctions by y ONEs don’t very hardw to avoid ever makin to out-perfom always have controlling the standa disapp orking, but g to be right. rds and more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding Style: ONEs g thems d about ointing 11/2/13 12:02 PM elves to very anyon trying new very upset who are things, even e. The happiest if high standa stressed shortcoming they think they or unhap and most rds and if they make haven py bond effective s in thems mistakes. by trying ONEs are elves and ’t met your standa still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete



Ennea-Type FIVE The Objective Intellectual

At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Curious, Insightful, Pioneering Unhappy o

Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their quality best Helplessne of idealism . must earn ss Belief: At the

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Ennea-Type FOUR The Sensitive Individualist At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Original, Artistic, Romantic Unhappy and Stressed: Melancholy and Self-Absorbed Victims

love and core of ONE’s respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. Direction of Expansion = most afraid that they Desire: of being ONEs most Green Arrows too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept Direction of Stress = ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Red Arrows Separating Vice: Anger Grounding Wing = for not meetin — ONEs HAPPIEST often resent g their expec Brown Arrow & MOST themselves others tation EFFECTIVE for their failures and s, and angry with Connecting Energizing Wing = imper fection Stressed are at peace Virtue : Serenity Yellow Arrow s. ONEs Seek: — The most with thems ONEs try the good Perfec tion effective elves by to make as — being accept Unhap the part of life. standards ing the bad ONEs py or Stresse Arrows on everyo world perfec t by and d imposing ne aroun Happiest d them. their ONEs Give: Expansion Point: Unhappy/Str an idealis m for makin Idealism — Happy When FOURs learn intolerance, essed Qualities: g the world ONEs posses like Rigid, infl a better to be organized s demanding perfec tionism, critica exible, worrie place. healthy ONEs, they and self-rig l, opinionated, rs, Happiness hteous. become more practical picky, Qualities: Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, in their decisions and connecting actions. working, Joyfulness composed, s, honest, ethica fair, detaill, prude found whenwith the feeling of — ONEs have diffi purposeful, Stress Point: Stressed nt, hardjoy believ culty their life and idealis ing it is only FOURs are possessive is perfec Happiest tic. t. Self: Happy and clingy like False Self-Im people to ONEs have make a differe the ability unhealthy TWOs. << << << << << << << << << << << <<see < < ONEs < < < < < age: < <person idealis nce to rallycan be needy and m about who knows themselves what is possibin the world with They the right their way to do as the reasonable le. emotionally dependent things. Highest on the people closest to CONNECTIN Self: many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES them. ways to accept that Demonstrat do somet there are hing. ONEs. They’re fairness and integr wINGs INTIMACY ity when e very ethica dealing with WITH ONES l people. Energizing Wing: Acknowledg Find ways When FOURs learn the the things e and appreciate to help them the extra skill of objectivity like they do. hard on slow down. themselves. effort they ONEs a healthy FIVE, they put If you are are usually into wrong, admit Encourage very are energized by the very forgiv them to it and apolog ing if they relax and and organ balance they bring to ize. ONEs the mistak have more ize a little don’t feel es of others less. you are blamin can be fun, and their moods. They have tofewer . Avoid sound plandepressions and g them for ing critica mark” or are more willing to take Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed risks. a statem what I expec ent like “we’v exactlyinfluence expec the THREEs with a strong the… ted.” Encou tations. ONEs what youfrom better.” e learned Grounding Wing: rage with want them like knowi how to do this to do. ng Whenand TWO Wing are warm emotional people who are outgoing and charismatic. While a littleFOURs become more they Undervery make a mistak stand contin successful in their life ued respec e, reassu charming, they are attention seekers who care a lot about what others think of them. belief that the source of their re them t. when they attend to they criticism of your is the mistak the practical realities FOUR Wing are quiet, private and emotionally vulnerable people. They are hard workers and are deficient. EMO Let them en know they like a THREE. They AL tend to be artistic andTION highly creative. self-image comes from their work. some STYLETheir OF ONES responsibility will still be loved work harder to achieve Coping Style: if they let . go of goals and spend less Stressed compelling time obsessing about others to or unhappy ONEs follow their contro Disappointm their feelings. rules. Happy l their fear in ent Style: social conne working and health hard to avoid ONEs try to out-pe ctions y ONEs don’t by very hardw ever makin rfom disapp always have controlling the standa orking, but g to be right. rds and more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding Style: ONEs g d about 11/2/13 12:02 PM elves trying new ointing anyone. The thems very upset who are to very high things, even if stressed happie shortcoming they think they or unhap if they make st and most effectstandards and haven py bond s in thems mistakes. ive ONEs ENN986 EnneaCharts Complete.indd 9 by trying elves and ’t met your standa are still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete

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Grounding Wing:

ONEs have more emotional satisfaction when they relax their standards a little and learn to be more accepting of others, like a healthy NINE.


love and core of ONE’s Direction of Expansion = respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating Green Arrows ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. most afraid Direction of Stress = that they Desire: of being ONEs most Red Arrows too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept Grounding Wing = ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Brown Arrow Separating Vice: Anger Energizing Wing = for not meetin — ONEs HAPP IEST & MOS often resent g their expec Yellow Arrow themselves T EFFEC others tation for their TIVE failures and s, and angry with Connecting imper fection are at peace Virtue : Serenity <Stress <<< ed ONEs s. — The mostArrows <<<< with thems Seek: Perfec ONEs the good effective Point: When elves by << try<to as being Expansion <<<< the world tion — Unhappy part of life. accepting the bad ONEs standards <make or Stresse <<<< THREEs learn perfec t by on everyo andto trust d imposing ne<aroun <<< d Happiest themselves to be open their <<< them. ONEs Give: <<< Unhappy/Str an idealis <<< m for makin Idealism — Happy with other people as <<< intolerance, essed Qualities: healthy SIXES do, they g the world ONEs possess Rigid, infl <<<<<< a better are able demanding perfec tionism, critica exible, worrie place. to accept and self-rig l, opinionated, rs, themselves and have Happiness hteous. picky, Qualities: true intimacy in their Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, relationships. connecting working, Joyfulness composed, s, honest, ethica fair, detaill, prude found whenwith the feeling of — ONEs have diffi purposeful, Stress Point: Stressed nt, hardjoy believ culty their life and idealis ing it is only is perfec THREEs become Happiest tic. t. Self: Happy apathetic and False Self-Im people to ONEs have make a differe the ability withdrawn like an person who age: ONEs see idealism nce in the to rally themselves about what knows the NINE. They world with unhealthy as the is possib right way their allow anyone to le. don’t to do things reasonable Highest . get close and distract CONNECTIN Self: many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES themselves with activity ways to accept that Demonstrat do somet to avoid unpleasant there hing. are ONEs. They’re fairness and integr feelings. INTIMACY ity when e very ethica dealing with WITH ONES l people. Acknowledg wINGs Find ways the things e and appreciate to help them the extra they do. hard on Energizing Wing: slow down. themselves. effort they ONEs put If you are When THREEs learn to are usually into wrong, admit Encourage very accept their emotions very forgiv them to it and apolog ing if they relax and and organ like a healthy FOUR ize. ONEs the mistak have more ize a little don’t feel es of others less. you are blamin can be fun, and they are energized by to plan . Avoid sound g them for their own creativity and ing critica mark” or self-expression. Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed a statem what I expec ent like “we’v exactl Grounding Wing: the TWOS with a strong influence from expec the…tation ted.” Encou y what you better.” s. ONEs e learned want them THREEs form more like knowi how to do rage with to do. ng They tend to be very this a littleemotionally satisfying ONE Wing have When a strong sense of duty for service to the greater good. they Under make a mistak continued relationships when they serious and purposeful people but are oftene,very controlling. They may struggle belief againststand their the source reassu respec of re them that t. their they are allow themselves to be of your personal needs as being “selfish.” deficient. criticism is the mistak more sensitive to others EMOTION Let them en know THREE Wing are charming andSTYL outgoing free spirits who are also task oriented. They combine AL like a healthy TWO. some respon they will still E OF be loved image consciousness people skills, but ONES may become gossips. They tend to be more sibility. Copingwith if they let Style: go of ambitious thancompe other TWOs. Stressed or unhappy lling others ONEs contro to follow Disappointm their rules. l their fear ent Style: Happy and in social working ONEs try healthy ONEs connections hard by contro very hardw to avoid ever makin to out-perfom don’t alway lling the disapp orking, but s have to g standards be right. more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding and Style: ONEs g thems d about ointing 11/2/13 12:02 PM ENN986 EnneaCharts Complete.indd 7 elves to very anyon trying new very upset who are things, even e. The happiest if high standa stressed shortcoming they think they or unhap and most rds and if they make haven py bond effective s in thems mistakes. by trying ONEs are elves and ’t met your standa still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete


Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their quality best Helplessne of idealism . must earn ss Belief: At the

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wINGs Energizing Wing:

When ONEs align with TWO qualities of kindness, they become energized by empathy and experience deeper connections with the people in their life.



Ennea-Type THREE The Determined Achiever At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Success-Oriented, Adaptable, Motivated Unhappy and Stressed: Driven and Image-Conscious Posers

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Stress Point: Stressed ONEs become envious like ego-reactive FOURs and fantasize about being free of responsibility. Often this is responsibility they have assumed, that really belongs to someone else.



Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their quality best Helplessne of idealism . must earn ss Belief: At the

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Arrows Expansion Point:

When ONEs learn to be more spontaneous and playful like healthy SEVENs, they enjoy their life by becoming more relaxed, no longer feeling the pressure to never make a mistake.

love and core of ONE’s Direction of Expansion = respec t by Helplessne never makin self-defeating Green Arrows ss Fear: behavior g a mistak ONEs are is the belief Happiness e. most afraid Direction of Stress = that they Desire: of being ONEs most Red Arrows too “bad” want to to be loved have integr UNHAPPY and accept Grounding Wing = ity; to do & STRE ed. and be good. SSED Brown Arrow Separating Vice: Anger Energizing Wing = for not meetin — ONEs HAPP IEST & MOS often resent g their expec Yellow Arrow themselves T EFFEC others tation for their TIVE failures and s, and angry with Connecting imper fection Stressed are at peace Virtue : Serenity s. ONEs Seek: — The mostArrows with thems << ONEs try the good Perfec tion effective Point: elves by < <— to as being Expansion Unhappy << part of life. accepting the bad ONEs standards make the <world or Stresse When TWOs perfec t by on everyo andaccept << d imposing Happiest < < ne around them. both their good and their ONEs Give: << Unhap an idealis << m for makin Idealism — Happy bad feelings as being < < py/Stressed important, and as g the world ONEs < <intolerance, perfec Qualities: Rigid, a better healthyposses << s do, inflexible tionism demanding place. FOURs , worrie and self-rig , critical, opinio they discover creative nated, picky,rs, Happiness hteous. Qualities: outlets to express Missing oriented, Connection: conscientiou Wise, dependable, themselves and become connecting working, Joyfulness detailmore willing to make composed, s, honest, ethica fair, l, prude found whenwith the feeling of — ONEs have diffi purposeful, their needs a nt, own hardjoy believ culty their life and idealis ing it is only is perfec Happiest tic. priority. t. Self: Happy False Self-Im people to ONEs have Stress Point: Stressed make a differe the ability person who age: ONEs see idealis and unhappy TWOs nce to m about rally themselves knows the what is possibin the world withcan as the become overly right way their le. to do things reasonable aggressive like an Highest . CONNECTIN Self: unhealthy EIGHT and many right The happiest ONEs G TO ONES ways to accept that meddle in the lives of Demonstrat do somet there hing. the people are closest to ONEs. They’re fairness and integr them. INTIMACY ity when e very ethica dealing with WITH ONES l people. Acknowledg wINGs Find ways the things e and appreciate to help them Energizing Wing: the extra they do. hard on slow down. themselves. effort they When TWOs become ONEs put If you are are usually into morevery focused on goals wrong, admit Encourage very forgiv them to it and apolog like a healthy THREE, ing if they relax and and organ ize. ONEs the mistak have ize don’t feel a they are energized by more fun, little less. es of others you are blamin can be and tonew . Avoid sound plan ideas and projects, g them for ing critica instead of obsessing mark” or Be clear “not quite l. Use words like about your “we missed over their relationships. a statem what I expec ent like “we’v exactl the ONEs with a strong influence from expec the…tation ted.” Encou y what you better.” Grounding Wing: s. ONEs e learned want them like how to do rage with ng They have the idealism do.people of knowi When they reserved and very to this a littleTWOs become more NINE Wing are intellectual, loyal integrity. Understand make mistak balanced and happier contin of a ONE, but can be perceived stiff or impersonal because of the NINEbelief tendency tothe source ued respecasaelitist, e, reassu in their relationships of re them that t. their they are of your withdraw. deficient. criticism is the mistak when they learn to set EMOTION Let them en standards for how they know TWO Wing are passionate activists can be hands-on with the causes they support. They AL STYLand some respon they will still E OF want to be treated like be loved sibility. are warmer and less judgmental than otherONES ONEs, focusing more on people than ideas. Copin if they let g Style: go of a healthy ONE. Stressed compelling others to or unhappy ONEs follow their contro Disappointm rules. Happy l their fear in ent Style: social conne working and health ONEs try hard ctions by y ONEs don’t very hardw to avoid ever makin to out-perfom always have controlling the standa disapp orking, but g to be right. rds and more relaxe a mistake or disapp ointment by holdin Bonding Style: ONEs g thems d about ointing 11/2/13 12:02 PM ENN986 EnneaCharts Complete.indd 5 elves to very anyon trying new very upset who are things, even e. The happiest if high standa stressed shortcoming they think they or unhap and most rds and if they make haven py bond effective s in thems mistakes. by trying ONEs are elves and ’t met your standa still others. rd. The happieto earn the love or good st ONEs opinion of are people others of integr ity who are . They get accepting ENN986 EnneaCh of arts Complete S.

Direction of Expansion = Green Arrows Direction of Stress = Red Arrows Grounding Wing = Brown Arrow Energizing Wing = Yellow Arrow

Ennea-Type TWO The Nurturing Caretaker At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Compassionate, Empathetic, Affectionate Unhappy and Stressed: People-Pleasing and Possessive Meddlers

Natural Cent reflect the er: ONEs at their quality best Helplessne of idealism . must earn ss Belief: At the

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Ennea-Type ONE The Ethical Idealist At Their Happiest and Most Effective: Principled, Discerning, High-Minded Unhappy and Stressed: Abrasive and Critical Perfectionists

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