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Generations Michigan

Winter 2004



Nutrition A Path to

Better Health Also in This Issue: ■ The New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit ■ A Look at AAAs Around Michigan Published quarterly by Michigan’s Area Agencies on Aging

Welcome to Michigan Generations Michigan is divided into 16 AAAs, each serving a different part of the state.


They are:

AAAs— Gateways to Community Resources




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3A 3B



4 Region IV Area Agency on Aging 5 Valley Area Agency on Aging 6 Tri-County Office on Aging 7 Region VII Area Agency on Aging 8 Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan 9 NEMCSA Region 9 Area Agency on Aging 10 Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan 11 Upper Peninsula Area Agency on Aging 14 Senior Resources of West Michigan

6 1A

The services offered by Michigan’s 16 AAAs cover a broad spectrum of needs, such as information and referral, case management, in-home services, home-delivered meals, senior centers, transportation, and special outreach. To read more about each of Michigan’s AAAs and the services available, turn to page 10 of this issue. MI





Generations WINTER 2004 Published quarterly

through a cooperative effort of Michigan’s Area Agencies on Aging. For information contact: Jenny Jarvis 248-262-9202 jjarvis@aaa1b.com


Editorial Project Development: JAM Communications, Atlanta, GA Design and Production: Wells-Smith Partners, Lilburn, GA

On the Cover: Healthy eating starts in the kitchen, where cooking includes lots of nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables. For more details on good nutrition, turn to page 4. Photography by Anne Ledbetter.

Winter 2004, Volume 1, #3 © 2004 by the Michigan Area Agencies on Aging. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, the Michigan Area Agencies on Aging and JAM Communications make no warranty to the accuracy or reliability of this information. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission. All rights reserved.

Michigan Generations


Whether you are an older adult yourself, a caregiver or a friend concerned about the well-being of an older adult, Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) are ready to help. AAAs in communities across the country serve as gateways to local resources, planning efforts, and services that help older adults remain independent. AAAs were established under the Older Americans Act in 1973 to respond to the needs of Americans aged 60 and over in every community. The services available through AAA agencies fall into five general categories: information and consultation, services available in the community, services in the home, housing, and elder rights. A wide range of programs is available within each category.

1A Detroit Area Agency on Aging 1B Area Agency on Aging 1-B 1C The Senior Alliance 2 Region 2 Area Agency on Aging 3A Kalamazoo Cty.Human Services Dept.Region 3A 3B Burnham-Brook Region IIIB Area Agency on Aging 3C Branch-St.Joseph Area Agency on Aging IIIC





ontrary to common belief, “old” and “tired” do not go hand in hand. Feeling exhausted is not a normal part of aging! If you or your caregiving recipient feels fatigued for weeks on end, it could be a sign of an undiagnosed health problem. Make an appointment for an overall physical exam. If your doctor has ruled out a major medical cause of fatigue, the next thing to think about is overall fitness.With aging, muscles tend to lose bulk and strength.Thus a person’s reservoir of stamina and energy, in essence, is shallower, and he or she can tire more easily. What to do? Both strengthening and endurance exercises will push those reserves higher. Follow these tips: ■ Exercise moderately every day.Walking, leg lifts from a seated position and light hand weights will build muscle strength and endurance. ■ Eat smaller amounts of food more often, and avoid large portions of fatty or starchy foods. ■ Take time every day to relax.






EVEN KNOW IT? The symptoms of a ministroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack, or TIA, last only a few minutes. They’re also

atch out for a scam targeting seniors, which has been popping up all over the country. It involves an offer for “free scooters,” but, in reality, is a means to defraud Medicare of your tax dollars. The scammers may or may not actually provide a free scooter, but they then charge Medicare for a wheelchair — which is over twice the cost of a scooter. They keep the difference, and Medicare is out the money. If you suspect that you have been the victim of Medicare Fraud, call 1-800-275-3626.


milder than the symptoms of a full-blown stroke, although similar in nature. They include numbness or weakness, vision problems, confusion, dizziness, or loss of balance/ coordination. If you experience any of these symptoms — even briefly — seek medical help immediately.

Surfing the Net Each issue of Michigan Generations offers several websites of interest to older adults and their caregivers … right at your fingertips. www.eldercare.gov links caregivers to the information and referral (I&R) services of their state and Area Agencies on Aging. These I&R programs can help you identify appropriate services in the area where you or your family member resides. www.nmha.org is a comprehensive site for the National Mental Health Association, the largest U.S. nonprofit organization addressing all aspects of mental health and mental illness. It offers in-depth information, news and advice, fact sheets, resources and legislative updates. www.hospice.net guides caregivers facing end-of-life situations including pain control, discussing loss with children, coping with grief and understanding Medicare hospice benefits. Look for more helpful websites in the next issue of Michigan Generations. Winter 2004

Scam Alert

Need Help Paying Winter Utility Bills?


ll Michigan seniors, regardless of income, fall under the Michigan Public Service Commission’s “Winter Protection Plan” that prevents utility shut-offs from December 1 through March 30. There are several resources available to older adults who need continuing assistance with energy bills after the Winter Protection Plan concludes. The following public and private organizations can help with information and assistance: Your local Area Agency on Aging (Turn to pages 10–19 for AAA telephone numbers) Consumers Energy 800-477-5050; www.consumersenergy.com DTE Energy 800-477-4747; www.dteenergy.com SEMCO Energy Gas Company 800-624-2019; www.semcoenergy.com Michigan Public Service Commission 800-292-9555; www.cis.state.mi.us/mpsc Family Independence Agency 800-292-5650; Energy Assistance Hotline Michigan Veterans Trust Fund 800-827-1000 THAW, 800-866-THAW (The Heat and Warmth Fund, a private nonprofit agency serving 22 Michigan counties) 3


Nutrition A Path to Better Health By Martha Nolan McKenzie

If you have passed your 60th birthday, sitting down for a big meal may not hold the same appeal for you that it once did. That’s because age can bring a loss of both appetite and hunger.


A meal delivered to the door ensures good nutrition for this home-bound senior.

ppetite is the psychological desire for food and hunger is the physiological desire,” said Louise Whitney, RD, nutrition coordinator for the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging in East Lansing. “Isolation, loss of loved ones and depression can reduce your appetite. Chronic disease, medications and reduced activity and muscle mass can reduce hunger. So if you don’t feel hungry and you don’t have any interest in food, you may say, ‘Why eat?’” Because you need to. Even though your desire for food may have decreased, your need for many important nutrients has increased, or at least stayed the same. And you’re not alone. Many seniors throughout the state — and the country — are malnourished. Not malnourished as in at risk of starvation, but they are deficient in key nutrients. This deficiency can compromise the immune system, hamper mental abilities and keep the body from performing as well as possible. So it’s important for seniors to pack as many nutrients as possible into the calories that they do consume. That means a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lowfat dairy foods and lean meats.


Seniors at risk Many seniors find it difficult to follow that ideal diet. Missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures can make eating fresh fruits and vegetables troublesome. Lean meats may be out of the price range of some. And a jug of milk may be too heavy to carry home from the grocery store for a senior who no longer drives. Perhaps the No. 1 issue putting seniors at nutritional risk is chronic disease. Diseases can reduce your appetite, make it difficult for you to eat or change the way your body absorbs food. “And when you’re looking at seniors, you’re looking at people who have multiple chronic diseases, from cardiovascular disease and hypertension to diabetes and cancer,” said Whitney. The medications seniors take to combat these diseases can have side effects, including decreased appetite, nausea, change in taste, dry mouth, constipation or interaction with the foods they eat. Poverty can also sabotage good nutrition. As many as 40 percent of older Americans have incomes of less than $6,000 a year. These seniors may not be able to afford fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. Michigan Generations

Social isolation and depression can also impact nutrition. “If you live alone and your spouse is no longer with you, you may not have much interest in preparing, or even eating food,” said Karen Jackson, a registered dietitian and nutrition contracts manager for the Area Agency on Aging 1-B in Southfield. “Brushing up on cooking skills for one or two, setting an attractive table or inviting a guest for lunch can make a difference in one’s appetite.” Changes in your body may also present nutritional challenges. Decreased senses of taste and smell make foods less appetizing. As you age, less muscle mass can mean lower hunger levels. And changes in the digestive tract reduce the body’s ability to absorb the nutrients from the food that is eaten. “Senior nutrition is like a complex woven fabric,” said Whitney. “There are threads of social issues, chronic diseases and physical changes all woven together to make nutritional needs even more complex than in the younger population.”

Nutritional needs As a result of all these nutritional challenges, many seniors fall short in getting enough of some key nutrients, including calcium, zinc, magnesium, vitamins A and D, and the B6 vitamins. Many also don’t consume enough fiber or drink enough water. The latter is so important that the modified food pyramid for adults over age 70 rests on a base of water. “As you age, your sense of thirst decreases,” said Jackson. “And you may be having some problems with bladder control, so some individuals may avoid drinking a lot of water. But seniors need water to keep themselves hydrated and to wash the medications they take out of their systems so they don’t build up.” Seniors are advised to drink eight or more eight-ounce servings of water a day. Fruit and vegetable juice, soup and lowor non-fat milk can count as a serving. FIBER IS AN IMPORTANT NUTRITIONAL COMPONENT for seniors, because it helps prevent constipation, diverticulosis and diverticulitis. High-fiber diets can also help lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels and blood pressure, reduce fasting blood sugar levels and increase satiety rate after eating a meal. Men over age 50 should consume 30 grams of fiber each day and women should get 21 grams. Good sources of fiber include whole-wheat bread, legumes, brown rice, dried and fresh fruit, cooked vegetables, tomatoes, cabbage and high-fiber cereals. CALCIUM KEEPS BONES AND TEETH STRONG and may help regulate blood pressure. After age 50, the recommended daily consumption increases from 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams. That’s because as we age, our body’s ability to absorb calcium declines and our bones lose calcium more quickly. Good sources of calcium are dairy products including yogurt, canned salmon, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fortified soy foods and calcium-fortified orange juice. VITAMIN D ALLOWS THE BODY TO ABSORB and metabolize calcium. Adults aged 51 through 70 should consume 400 International Units (I.U.) daily, compared with 200 I.U. for the under-50 population. Seniors over age 70 should get 600 I.U. daily. Need for vitamin D increases as our body’s ability to synthesize the nutrient from sunlight decreases, so about half of all seniors are vitamin D deficient, according to Jackson. Vitamin D Winter 2004

occurs naturally in salmon and sardines. It is fortified in yogurt, margarine, soy and cow’s milk and some cereals. FOLATE, A B VITAMIN, HELPS GUARD AGAINST HEART DISEASE and may also help brain function. Adults of all ages should get 400 micrograms of folate daily. Since risk of heart disease increases with age, it is critical that seniors consume the recommended amount. Older adults commonly have a lower acid level in the stomach and may use prescription drugs that raise the pH in the gastrointestinal tract. Both of these can contribute to reducing folate levels in the blood. Good sources of folate include legumes, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and fruits such as oranges and cantaloupe. All flour and grain foods produced in the U.S. are fortified with folate.

Programs around the state are reaching out to an increasingly ethnically diverse population. VITAMIN B6 MAY HELP WITH BRAIN ACTIVITY, and it is essential for making antibodies as well as protein and fat metabolism. Women over age 50 should consume 1.5 milligrams daily, 1.7 milligrams for men. Good sources include baked potatoes with skin, bananas, chicken, beef, liver, canned tuna and ham, grains, seeds, legumes and dried figs. VITAMIN B12 PROMOTES MENTAL FUNCTION, balance and muscular function. It may also help prevent heart disease. Adults of all ages should consume 2.4 milligrams daily. However, older adults may have trouble absorbing the vitamin, so seniors should take a B12 supplement or eat B12-fortified cereal and grain products and animal foods rich in this vitamin. “Seniors need to get a big bang for their nutritional buck, so they need to eat a very nutrient-dense, high-quality diet with a variety of foods,” said Jackson. “When living with a chronic illness such as diabetes they especially need to work with a registered dietitian and develop an eating plan they can stick with.”

Programs around the state In an effort to help ensure Michigan’s 1.6 million seniors are meeting their nutritional needs, state and local agencies offer myriad programs. Last year, more than 117,000 Michigan seniors participated in various congregate and home-delivered meals programs, according to the Office of Services to the Aging. Congregate meals in a senior center are a great solution for lonely diners, and meals-on-wheels programs make sure frail, homebound seniors get the food they need. In addition, educational programs throughout the state help increase awareness of seniors’ unique nutritional challenges. Here’s a look at some of the innovative nutritional programs offered around the state: ■ Cindy Smagala recognized congregate meals at a senior center are not appealing to all seniors. The meals are served at a specific time — usually noon — and there’s not a lot of choice on the menu. And some seniors feel it’s akin to a soup kitchen, even though there are no income requirements to participate. 5

Freshly-cooked ethnic dishes are served to Hispanic seniors by Latin American Services in Grand Rapids.

So Smagala, the nutrition director for the St. Joseph County Commission on Aging in Three Rivers, began a partnership between the AAA and local restaurants. Now seniors can buy a coupon for $2.50 and use it to buy a meal at one of 11 participating restaurants. “They can go any time the restaurant is open and choose from between five to 10 items,” said Smagala. “The meals meet the same nutritional requirements as the meals we prepare at the senior center, but there is more variety on a daily basis.” The program has proven very popular, particularly among younger, active seniors. Last month alone, over 2,000 restaurant meals were served through the program. Sturgess residents Naomi and Fred Blanchard, aged 87 and 91 respectively, enjoyed some of those meals. “We use the coupons quite a lot,” said Naomi. “Yesterday we drove 23 miles just to go to a Chinese restaurant with the coupon. We live on a limited budget, so we wouldn’t be going out to restaurants much if we didn’t have these coupons.” Several other AAAs around the state have rolled out similar restaurant partnership programs. ■ Sally Klute, executive director of Senior Nutrition Services in Benton Harbor, realized some seniors were falling through the cracks. They were seniors who needed home-delivered meals for a short time, because they were recovering from surgery or an illness. “They didn’t qualify as a home-delivered client, but, for a week or two, they couldn’t get out of their homes,” said Klute. So Klute started the SOS — Services of Short Term — program. Seniors can get up to four weeks of delivered meals while they recuperate without going through the assessment of the Meals on Wheels program. Senior Nutrition Services also provides quick meals for the senior on the go. “All the seniors who come to our centers can stay and eat, but some just come in, do a class and dash out,” said Klute. “So they can call ahead and order a cold box lunch 6

that they can take with them. It meets all the same nutritional requirements as our hot meal, but they can eat it on the run.” ■ In Farmington Hills, Diane Gaydek had a similar idea. As part of the city’s senior services, Gaydek wanted to attract the more active seniors to the center’s congregate dining program. So she introduced a “light and healthy” menu option. Three days a week, the center offers a lower sodium, lower fat alternative to its regular meal. “Our noon meal is sort of heavy,” said Gaydek. “Pork chops, turkey and dressing are favorites for some. However, those meals didn’t appeal to a lot of the active seniors who were coming to the center to swim or take an exercise class. Our light and healthy menu includes entrée salads, soups and sandwiches, and it has started attracting seniors who weren’t eating with us before.” Programs around the state are reaching out to an ethnically diverse population. The food pyramid and other nutritional information has been translated into Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese and Chinese, among other languages. Congregate and homedelivered meals are being tailored to the tastes of different ethnic groups. “Regardless of the color of our skin or our ethnic background, we all have the same nutritional needs,” said Whitney. ■ In Rochester, the Older Persons Commission caters to an Asian clientele as part of their community. Their central kitchen prepares meals that are served in six other senior centers and delivered to homes throughout the area in addition to the daily meal served in its own dining room. Having just opened a new and much larger facility early this year, it is going to add Asian foods to its menu. “We’re doing it not only for the Asian participants, but also for a variety of younger seniors who are coming in and who are more exposed to foods from different cultures,” said Marye Miller, director of the center. ■ In Grand Rapids, Gloria Zamarripa oversees what she believes to be the only kitchen cooking Hispanic meals from scratch for seniors. The project supervisor of Latin American Services, Zamarripa and her staff prepare meals that are served in the senior center as well as delivered to about 40 Hispanic seniors in the area. “We make enchiladas, fajitas, Cuban food and rice — if we don’t have rice every day they get upset,” said Zamarripa. “We use the seasonings that they grew up eating, like adobo and sofrito. They don’t like to eat the same kind of meals that non-Hispanics do, and they wouldn’t eat as much if that’s what we served them.” Also, at the La Amistad senior center in Pontiac, authentic Hispanic dishes are requested for the special activities at the center to draw the older Hispanic adult community and add to the festivities planned. ■ In Oak Park, Andrea Asarch oversees the preparation and delivery of 112 kosher meals daily. “We have a kosher kitchen and specially trained cooks,” said Asarch, the chairperson of the National Council of Jewish Women, Kosher Meals on Wheels Program. “We deliver a hot and cold meal every day, including homemade soup, and we also deliver kosher meals to an adult day care center.” AAA 1-B’s Jackson hopes to see more programs like these. “One of the things we are trying to grow is our ability to meet not just the nutritional requirements, but the cultural and reliMichigan Generations

gious needs that center around food,” she said. “Just a little change, like adding sofrito to flavor the rice can make a huge difference to your Hispanic seniors. Offering non-pork options also means a lot to some of your Arabic and Jewish participants who may otherwise avoid the protein portion of their meal.” ■ The food stamp program can help low-income seniors afford the food they need to stay healthy, but only about 30 percent of eligible seniors participate. To try to boost enrollment, the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) has funded six demonstration projects around the country, including one in Genesee County. The Michigan model, called MiCAFE (Michgan’s Coordinated Access to Food for the Elderly), helps with the application process. Seniors can go to any of 12 sites around the county, and trained volunteers, most of whom are seniors themselves, will interview them and fill out an online application. “The computer also screens the senior for eligibility for other nutrition programs such as congregate meals and home-delivered meals, provides a personalized report with referrals and direction to the programs, a nutritional screen and, if the senior is at high nutritional risk, referrals to free counselors in their area,” said Candice Janiczek, project manager of MiCAFE in Lansing. So far, MiCAFE has helped 500 seniors apply for food assistance. The average household benefit in the state is $60 a month. “For many seniors, that can make a considerable difference in their purchasing power at the grocery,” said Janiczek. For more information on the MiCAFE program, seniors in Genesee County can call 1-877-6MI-CAFE. ■ For many older men, the kitchen is a place as foreign as Timbuktu. Yet, when their wives become ill and are unable to cook, men may have to take over the cooking if they want to eat. AAA 1-B’s Jackson hopes to make the transition a little easier for them. She is promoting a Men Making Meals program, which she hopes to roll out in area senior centers early next year. The program will cover kitchen essentials — from cook’s tools to reading recipe terminology and cooking methods. “We’ll teach them the difference between pan frying and poaching, how to handle foods safely, how to freeze foods and how to shop the perimeter of the grocery store to buy the fresh products,” said Jackson. “By cooking, men can take more control over their nutrition wellbeing and their wallets.” ■ Getting general nutrition information out to area seniors is one of Linda Eaton’s missions. The internship director of the Oakland County Health Division in Southfield trains dietetic interns to become registered dietitians. As part of their training, the interns do nutritional presentations at senior centers four times a year. “We do one on eating healthy when you’re eating out,” said Eaton. “Another talks about how to evaluate labels on frozen and prepared foods and make the healthiest choices.” ■ Meeting nutritional needs in a rural community can be particularly taxing. In addition to serving congregate meals at three Winter 2004

senior centers, the Mecosta County Commission on Aging in Mecosta delivers 150 meals to home-bound seniors each weekday. Some of the meal recipients live as far as 85 miles away. “It’s very challenging to find ways to get meals to the most isolated people,” said Claudia Lenon, meals program coordinator for the Commission. “We contract with a bus system to deliver meals to a lot of our rural areas, and we have a core of volunteers who are unbelievable.” Like most meals-on-wheels programs, the Mecosta Commission delivers a hot lunch five days a week, along with a cold evening meal and frozen meals for the weekends. It also provides liquid supplement meals for cancer patients or others who cannot eat solid food but are independent in their homes. Though the programs are varied, they all share the same goal — to improve the nutritional health of seniors. “We want to make sure people’s eating habits and choices change as their needs change,” said Jackson. “And we want to dispel the myth that diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure are inevitable parts of old age. With good nutrition, you can prevent or delay such diseases and enjoy a better quality of life.” MI

Modified Food Pyramid for Adults Over Age 70 •

Calcium,Vitamin D & B12 Supplements

Fats, Oils & Sweets Use sparingly

Milk, Yogurt & Cheese 3 servings

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs & Nuts 2 servings

Vegetables 3 servings

Fruits 2 servings

• •

Bread, Fortified Cereal, Rice & Pasta 6 servings

Water 8 servings



OSA Maps Out

FutureGoals By Sharon Gire

y 7:30 a.m., staff begins arriving at the brick building six miles west of the Capitol and heads toward cubicles on the first floor. Vacant cubicles are reminders of retired colleagues whose jobs have been absorbed. Throughout the day, staff arrives from and departs to meetings, hearings and field visits. Staff members in need of a sugar boost visit the wellprovisioned snack table, “nuke” a bag of popcorn or raid the ‘fridge. The tapping of computer keyboards will continue past 5:00 p.m.; much later if necessary. The daily routine is sprinkled with monthly coffees, birthday parties and potlucks and punctuated by urgent discussions and quick decisions. The Michigan Office of Services to the Aging (OSA) is a small but significant unit of state government. With less than


1. Maintain or improve the health and nutritional status of older adults; 2. Improve access to information and services; 3. Promote financial independence and safeguard the economic security of vulnerable older adults; 4. Protect Michigan seniors, especially those at risk from abuse and exploitation; 5. Extend the time older adults are able to remain in their own homes. As the tenth director of OSA, I have been delighted with many aspects of the job. First, I’m impressed by the hard work and dedication of the OSA staff. Next, I have visited each area agency and am struck by both their variety and shared commitment to older adults. My visits increased my appreciation for the AAA’s tremendous impact on Michigan’s older population. Finally, I’m grateful for the thoughtful discussion of difficult issues that occurs among the state’s aging network. The Commission on Services to the Aging, its State Advisory Council, the Area Agencies on Aging directors, local service providers and our many other partners have contributed their perspectives on challenging issues such as housing, employment, transportation, long-term support services, chronic disease prevention, nutrition, guardianship, dementia and family caregiving. As the leading edge of the baby boom generation arrives at the aging network’s doorstep, we must nourish our network while partnering with those who can bring new ideas to thorny problems. OSA has never achieved great things on its own; it has relied on the support of the aging network, service providers and most of all, older adults. Together, we can do great things. MI

We must nourish our network while partnering with those who can bring new ideas to thorny problems. 30 staff members and an annual budget of roughly $90 million, OSA is the central resource for serving Michigan’s older population. Since 1965’s passage of the federal Older Americans Act, OSA has been the designated state unit on aging. The Older Americans Act provides just over half of OSA’s budget for services such as home-delivered meals and in-home assistance. The remaining portion of the budget is state funds, either General Fund/General Purpose or restricted funding designated for respite services. The majority of OSA funding is distributed to the 16 area agencies on aging; other organizations receive smaller amounts. OSA’s budget provides funds for supportive services such as home-delivered meals, community services, in-home services, adult day care and respite services. While we count service units and monitor program costs, we know that services are the means to assisting an older person to remain at home. We contribute to the older population’s well-being through the 16 area agencies, which are key components of the aging network. OSA recently completed its multi-year state plan for aging services for fiscal years 2004-2006. The plan is built on the five critical goals identified for Governor Granholm in early 2003. The goals identify a scope of activity considered central to OSA’s mission: 8

SHARON GIRE is the director of the Office of Services to the Aging (OSA). For more information on programs and services available through OSA, please call 517-373-8230 or visit www.miseniors.net.

Michigan Generations


Louanne Bakk

Medicare’s New Prescription

Drug Benefit

When will the new Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit be available? BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2006 all

Medicare beneficiaries, older adults 65+, will be eligible for a prescription drug benefit under Medicare Part D. The benefit will be available through at least one private plan and one enhanced Medicare + Choice Plan (HMO). In areas where there are fewer than two plans, the federal government is required to administer coverage through traditional Medicare.

I currently have a Medigap policy that provides prescription drug coverage. Will I be able to continue with this plan? NO MEDIGAP POLICIES PROVIDING DRUG COVERAGE will be sold, issued or renewed

after January 1, 2006. This currently includes plans H, I & J. Individuals with Medigap policies that provide a prescription benefit will be required to enroll for the new Medicare Prescription Drug benefit under Medicare Part D to have continued coverage.

Is there a deductible on this plan and do older adults have to pay any monthly premiums? YES, THERE IS A DEDUCTIBLE on the new

Medicare prescription drug benefit of $250

Do you have a caregiving question? Write or email your question to our “Expert” at: Jenny Jarvis,Area Agency on Aging 1-B, 29100 Northwestern Highway, Suite 400, Southfield, MI 48034; jjarvis@aaa1b.com.We will make every effort to answer your question in an upcoming issue of Michigan Generations.

Winter 2004

per year in 2006 which is indexed to increase annually. Additionally, there is a premium of $35 per month, which is also indexed to increase annually.

Do I have to enroll for the Medicare Prescription Benefit? THE NEW PRESCRIPTION BENEFIT IS AN OPTIONAL PROGRAM under Medicare. If you wish to have this benefit you will need to enroll in the program. There will be an initial enrollment period before the program launches in 2006. If a current Medicare beneficiary chooses not to enroll during the initial enrollment period and enrolls at a later date, that beneficiary will pay a higher monthly premium. Also, if you are currently on Medicaid, you will be required to enroll in the Medicare drug benefit to continue receiving prescription coverage.

who have assets no greater than $6,000 for a single person or $9,000 for a couple will have no deductible or premium and a copay of $2 for generics and $5 for name brand drugs up to $2,250, after which the co-pay is waived. Lastly, individuals with incomes between 135 to 150% of poverty, or $12,123 to $13,740* who have assets no greater than $10,000 for a single person or $20,000 for a couple will pay a sliding scale premium, a $50 annual deductible and a 15% copay up to $2,250. Once the cost exceeds $2,250 the individual will pay the greater of $2 for generics and $5 for name brand drugs or 5% of the cost of each prescription.

Will there be any interim coverage available between now and January 2006? NEW MEDICARE-ENDORSED PRESCRIP-

How does the co-pay work when purchasing prescriptions and is there any time when I may not have coverage? EACH YEAR, AFTER MEETING THE DEDUCTIBLE

of $250, the Medicare benefit plan will pay for 75% of your drug costs from $251 to $2,250. The plan does not provide any coverage for prescription drug costs between $2,251 and $5,100. Once costs have exceeded $5,100 you will pay the greater of $2 for generics or $5 for brand names (this co-pay will increase annually) or 5% of the cost of each prescription.

Is there a subsidy for lower income older adults? YES, OLDER ADULTS WITH INCOMES less than $8,980* (or 100% of poverty level) will have no deductible, or premium, and a copay of $1 for generics and $3 for name brand drugs up to $2,250. When your drug costs exceed $2,250 the co-pay will be waived. Older adults with incomes between 100 to 135% of poverty, or $8,980 to $12,123*


able to all Medicare beneficiaries beginning in April 2004. The annual cost for the card will be approximately $30 and savings are estimated between 10 and 15 percent. For older adults with incomes less than $12,123, who do not have Medicaid, the government will pay the enrollment fee and deposit $600 to their discount card account.

Who can I call if I have additional questions on the new Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit? ANY INDIVIDUAL , INCLUDING OLDER ADULTS AND FAMILY CAREGIVERS, who

have questions on the new program may call the Medicare Medicaid Assistance Program at 1-800-803-7174 and speak with a trained counselor. There is no charge for this program. LOUANNE BAKK Director of Access and Benefits for the Area Agency on Aging 1-B. * Income amounts are based on the Federal Poverty Levels for 2003. 9

REGIONALNews In communities across the U.S., Area Agencies on


Aging (AAAs) serve as gateways to local resources, planning efforts and services that help older adults remain independent. Here are the programs and services offered by Michigan’s AAAs.

1A Detroit Area Agency on Aging 1B Area Agency on Aging 1-B 1C The Senior Alliance 2 Region 2 Area Agency on Aging 3A Kalamazoo Cty.Human Services Dept.Region 3A 3B Burnham-Brook Region IIIB 3C Branch-St.Joseph Area Agency on Aging IIIC 4 Region IV Area Agency on Aging 5 Valley Area Agency on Aging





6 Tri-County Office on Aging 7 Region VII Area Agency on Aging 8 Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan 9 NEMCSA Region 9 Area Agency on Aging 10 Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan 11 Upper Peninsula Area Agency on Aging 14 Senior Resources of West Michigan


14 6 4


3A 3B 3C


1A 1C


Tri-County Office on Aging A consortium of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham counties and the cities of Lansing and East Lansing

Office on Aging’s Nutrition Program Purchases a HOT SHOT Truck


fter many years of research, debate and fundraising, older adults in Clinton, Eaton and Ingham counties will benefit from the technology of the HOT SHOT. In February 2003,TCOA was able to purchase this versatile vehicle.The modified truck chassis has hot, cold and dry storage compartments with HOT SHOT delivers meals to Tri-County seniors. the capacity to hold 800 meals. and Eaton Rapids. During long transThe HOT SHOT makes two trips port times, the truck keeps the daily.The first delivers north to St. temperature of the food constant Johns and Ovid, and the other mealand preserves the quality and taste delivery run stops in Mason, Onondaga of the meal. 10

The HOT SHOT has higher ground clearance and a wider wheelbase than most trucks or vans. According to the TCOA nutrition program director, the vehicle handles well in inclement weather conditions. Another unique feature of the HOT SHOT is the ability to spotlight major donors on the side panels — Delta Dental of Michigan and the Eyde Company.TCOA also has their logo, address and website on the sides and back of the truck, which has increased our visibility in the community. For further information, contact Tri-County Office on Aging at 517-887-1440 or 1-800-405-9141. Michigan Generations

Detroit Area Agency on Aging Serving Detroit, Highland Park, Hamtramck, Harper Woods and the five Grosse Pointes in Wayne County

Fitting Physical Activity into Everyday Life


n an effort to combat inactivity in Detroit’s older adults, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has awarded “Detroit Active for Life® ” — a collaboration of the Detroit Area Agency on Aging, the Greater Detroit Area Health Council and Wayne State University’s Community Health Institutes — a fouryear grant to help sedentary seniors become physically fit. Detroit Active for Life® is based on a behavioral change model developed by the Cooper Institute in Dallas and Human Kinetics. Participants meet weekly in small groups for five months to develop the behavioral skills needed to build moderate to vigorous physical activity into their daily lives. The program is a great way for inactive older adults to learn how to become physically fit through a structured course conducted by trained facilitators. The Detroit Active for Life® model is unique because it employs the efforts of a network of churches, community centers and senior centers.This collaboration enhances and expands the outreach of Detroit Active for Life® by including organizations that have access to seniors in a variety of settings. “Detroit Active for Life® targets adults aged 50 and older who are inactive and motivates them to indulge in some form of physical activity everyday,” says Paul Bridgewater, executive director of the Detroit Area Agency on Aging. “Our participants have lost weight, improved their health and have credited a better outlook on their lives and an overall sense of well-being to these meetings.” The Detroit Active for Life® project will coordinate and administer group meetings in four community locations in Detroit, led through Cass Community Winter 2004

Detroit Active for Life® graduate speaks about how she has benefitted from the program.

Social Services, New Calvary Baptist Church, Northwest Neighborhood Health Empowerment Center and Virginia Park Citizens Services Corporation. Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity can stave off age-related illnesses and increase life spans. Sadly, high incidences of chronic

elsewhere in the state,” says Bridgewater. “Adults between the ages of 50 and 59 are dying at an even higher rate of 122% in Detroit.” The Wayne State University study also found that seniors in Detroit reported higher frequencies of chronic health conditions — such as diabetes, heart disease and hypertension.

The program is a great way for inactive older adults to learn how to become physically fit. disease are especially paramount in Detroit. Earlier this year, the Detroit Area Agency on Aging commissioned researchers at Wayne State University to do comparison health studies on seniors living in metropolitan Detroit as opposed to seniors living throughout the rest of Michigan. “The studies conducted by Wayne State University have shown that adults aged 60 and older in Detroit are dying at a 48% higher rate than seniors living

“Moderate physical activity, along with proper nutrition, can help to reduce these high occurrences of chronic illness,” says Bridgewater.“Keeping active is one of the most important steps older adults can take to prevent the loss of independence that often leads to living in a nursing home.” For more information on Detroit Active for Life®, contact Shirley Williams at the Detroit Area Agency on Aging, 313-446-4444. 11

Area Agency on Aging 1-B Serving the counties of Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw

Out-of-Home Respite Program Gives Caregivers a Welcomed Break


he Area Agency on Aging 1-B’s Out-of-Home Respite Program is intended to lessen the burden on caregivers — people who provide at-home support for elderly family members, friends and persons with disabilities — who need to get away from their caregiving duties for a short time. The program allows caregivers to place their loved ones in a reserved space The beautiful interior at the Out-of-Home Respite location in Farmington Hills. at a local adult foster care home for an arranged period of time. “One of the most difficult Our program gives caregivers flexibility challenges facing any caregiver is to plan time away while knowing their arranging to be away from their loved loved one is in good hands.” one for a length of time, whether it’s The Out-of-Home Respite Program to take a brief vacation or attend a provides safe, around-the-clock care in family or business event,” says Sandra a homelike atmosphere for persons Reminga, executive director of the 60 and older and for persons with Area Agency on Aging 1-B. “Many caredisabilities who need assistance with givers had nowhere to turn until now. two or more daily activities. Care-

givers can reserve space in advance and for up to two weeks at a time. The program is made possible through the AAA 1-B’s share of funding from the federal Older Americans’ Act — National Family Caregiver Support Program. Clients are asked to make a voluntary cost-sharing contribution. The amount of the voluntary contribution is determined by the client’s income and other factors. Clients who can’t afford to pay will not be turned away. The Area Agency on Aging 1-B (AAA 1-B) serves the residents of Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw counties. Reservations for the Out-of-Home Respite Program are firstcome, first-served, and can be made by calling the AAA 1-B at 1-800-852-7795.

Community Care Services Helps Persons with Disabilities


hrough Community Care Services, the Area Agency on Aging 1-B (AAA 1-B) provides access to services that help older adults and persons with disabilities remain as independent as possible in their own homes. The AAA 1-B services are funded through multiple sources, including the Older Americans Act, the Older Michiganians Act,Tobacco Settlement dollars, client cost sharing and grants. Programs available through Community Care Services include Care Management, In-Home Services, MI Choice Home and Community-Based Waiver and Rapid Response. Referrals to Community Care 12

Services come from many sources: doctors, home care nurses and social workers, other service providers, family members and individuals themselves. Once an individual is referred

needs and then establishes a plan of care. The care plan may include personal care, homemaking, respite, medication set-up and other services. There is no fee; however, clients are

A care management team — consisting of a nurse and social worker — visits the person in their home, assesses the individual’s needs, and then establishes a plan of care. to Community Care Services, and if he or she meets the eligibility requirements, an AAA 1-B care management team — consisting of a nurse and social worker — visits the person in their home, assesses the individual’s

encouraged to share in the cost of their care for some of the available programs. For more information, call the Area Agency on Aging 1-B at 1-800-852-7795 and ask for Community Care Services. Michigan Generations

Questions about Medicare?

Help is a Phone Call Away The Area Agency on Aging 1-B is the first resource for older adults, caregivers and persons with disabilities to call when looking to resolve problems or locate the resources they need to improve the quality of their life. When individuals call the toll-free Information and Assistance (I&A) service at 1-800-852-7795, they speak with a certified Information and Referral Specialist to determine what their needs are and the services and assistance available to address those needs. Once the needs are determined, the specialist accesses the I&A database of over 2,000 community agencies and mails the individual a complete listing of relevant services and providers in their local community. Call us. We can help.



he Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP) helps older adults and their families learn about their rights under different types of insurance, including Medicare, Medicaid, long-term care insurance and HMOs. Trained MMAP counselors assist clients by phone as well as face-to-face in community settings such as churches, senior centers and hospitals. Last year, the AAA 1-B MMAP volunteers helped 4,851 individuals and saved these beneficiaries the highest regional total in the state — $3.7 million. For more information or to speak with a counselor, please call the MMAP at Caregivers receiving valuable Medicare information. 1-800-803-7174.

The Senior Alliance Serving caregivers and seniors in the 34 communities of southern and western Wayne County

Cheer! Cheer! For the Home Team


he Senior Alliance works hard to help seniors live independently. But that’s only part of what we do. Partnering with community organizations such as the Detroit Tigers, Olympia Entertainment and the Detroit Pistons, we help create opportunities for older adults to get out of the house too, and enjoy themselves for a day out with their friends and family. This past season, The Senior Alliance, the Detroit Tigers and DTE Energy created the hugely successful Senior Day Series: five afternoon baseball games, great seats, a soda and a snack, all priced for less than half the normal charge. These five games brought older fans back to the ballpark, some for the first time in Winter 2004

decades, and who could argue with the results? On Senior Days the Tigers won four times and lost only once. Olympia Entertainment has also partnered with The Senior Alliance, offering discounted tickets to seniors and their families for the very popular Radio City Christmas Spectacular featuring the Rockettes. In addition to the Christmas Spectacular, Olympia Entertainment offers many, many discounted programs to older adults at the beautiful Fox Theater, Joe Louis Arena, Cobo Hall and the Palladium. New this year, the Detroit Pistons are making the opportunity to cheer on the championship-bound Pistons a little easier for their more experienced fans. On four Wednesday evening dates, older

adults, their friends and families can attend a Pistons game at the Palace of Auburn Hills for a little bit more than half the regular price — and buses bringing in seniors will be allowed to park at the Palace for free! “We try our best to serve all older adults,” states The Senior Alliance Executive Director Mike Simowski.“And it’s very important for everyone, not just seniors, to never let too many obstacles get in the way of going out and having fun with your friends and family.” For more information on the Detroit Tigers/DTE Energy Senior Days, contact Jordan Field at 313-471-2052. For more information on Olympia Entertainment, contact Meg Worth at 313-471-3099. And for more information on the Detroit Pistons Senior Nights, contact Jaclyn Immel at 248-377-8286. 13

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging Serving Hillsdale, Jackson and Lenawee counties

Domestic Violence Does Not Respect Age


he Region 2 Area Agency on Aging is committed to exposing late-life domestic violence and elder abuse. Older women who are victims of domestic violence are among the many women who are abused every eight seconds in the United States. Older women often have difficulty admitting that domestic violence is a problem, or even more surprisingly, that it is occurring. This population was socialized to marry “for better or for worse,” with divorce a rare option. Women often live in silence because the shame of being labeled “battered” is of great concern. According to national data, elder abuse is primarily a “family problem,” with perpetrators most likely being

adult children (47%), spouses (19%) and grandchildren (9%). The most common types of abuse are neglect (49%), emotional/psychological (36%), physical (25%) and financial/material exploitation (30%). Those being abused are the most vulnerable (48% of victims are only marginally able to take care of themselves), including those within long-term care facilities. Crimes committed by family members and caretakers occur far more frequently than crimes perpetrated by strangers yet are the least reported and prosecuted. Only 21% are ever reported to Adult Protective Services or police. It has been said that you can measure the worth of a society by

how it treats its children and its elderly. The value placed on our most vulnerable population reflects community conscience and compassion. The Region 2 Area Agency on Aging is working with the other human service organizations and the communities in Hillsdale, Jackson and Lenawee counties to increase public awareness and raise issues of elder abuse and late-life domestic violence out of the shadows and into public forums, meetings and homes. The Region 2 Area Agency on Aging facilitates an elder abuse meeting every other month, with participation from all three counties. Please call Ginny Wood-Bailey at 1-800-335-7881 for more information.

Kalamazoo Cty. Human Services Dept. Region 3A Covering Kalamazoo County and its 24 municipalities

Taking a Break: Adult Day Programs


he Area Agency on Aging 3A provides funding for two adult day programs, offering a stimulating and safe environment for the person needing care while giving a much-needed break to the caregiver.These programs offer transportation to and from the site, which is especially helpful for working caregivers. Alliance Senior Day Services is designed to help individuals with dementia and/or physical frailty, as well as some individuals with developmental disabilities or difficult behaviors. An interdisciplinary team provides support for physical needs such as nursing or personal care, and for emotional and 14

behavioral needs, as well as social, sites — therapeutic and one at St. recreational activiMichael ties. Alliance is Lutheran Church located at 751 in Portage and Pleasant Avenue in the other at Kalamazoo. Hope Full ComCovenant munity Center Senior Day in Richland. Program primaCall the AAA Staff and participants at an adult day program. rily serves older 3A for informaadults with tion about addidementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. tional adult day programs, in-home respite Staff and volunteers provide a day of services, support groups or the upcoming planned activities that include exercise, Caregiver Wellness Day. music, crafts, outings, beauty shop, gardenInformation and Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . 269-373-5147 ing opportunities and Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269-387-2146 health monitoring. Covenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269-324-3250 There are two Michigan Generations

Burnham Brook Region IIIB Serving Barry and Calhoun counties in Southwest Michigan

Respite Program for Caregivers


oris, age 77, is the primary caregiver for her 82-year-old husband, who has Parkinson’s disease. She helps him in and out of bed, assists with his personal care, takes him to the doctor and helps him get up off the floor when he falls. When her husband chokes on his food, Doris is there to assist him; and when he stops breathing at night, she is at his bedside to wake him. Doris is exhausted from her 24-hour-a-day caregiving responsibilities. Her back aches from helping her 200-pound husband off the floor, and she longs for a good night’s sleep.Yet Doris is committed to keeping her husband at home. Last year Doris learned of the Region IIIB Area Agency on Aging’s

care facility or nursing respite program. She home. There is no arranged for shortcharge for this servterm relief so she ice, but there is a could attend a high voluntary cost share school reunion. She based on the care also used the prorecipient’s income. gram to take a This respite care few days off to allows caregivers to rest. “The Doris talks about the responsibilities of caregiving take time off to run respite has and the benefits of the Region IIIB’s respite program personal errands, been a blessfor caregivers. go to a medical ing,” she says. appointment or have lunch with a friend. “I would have fallen apart without it. I Having an occasional break can improve feel secure knowing it’s available, and the caregiver’s mental and physical wellI know my husband is in good hands.” being and provide renewed energy to The Adult In-Home and Out-ofcontinue caregiving duties. Home Respite Care Program provides For more information on the respite care in the care recipient’s home by a program, call 269-966-8136 or visit our contracted home health care agency or website at www.burnhambrook.com. in a contracted and licensed adult day

Branch–St.Joseph Area Agency on Aging IIIC Serving a two-county area surrounding Sturgis, Three Rivers, Coldwater and Quincy

Low-Vision Seminars Offered to Older Adults and Caregivers


he Branch-St. Joseph Area Agency on Aging has recently applied for a $10,000 “Health Vision 2010” grant to provide community-based education and health promotion projects addressing low vision in our planning and service area. The National Eye Institute, the National Institute of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services are making these funds available in an effort to reduce visual impairments and increase use of vision rehabilitation services. Community seminars will be offered in Spring 2004 in both Branch and St. Joseph counties. Local experts and practitioners will make Winter 2004

presentations on topics including: ■ Diabetic retinopathy ■ Glaucoma, macular degeneration and other diseases of the eye ■ Vision rehabilitation services ■ Adaptive devices ■ Community resources Although we have not yet heard if our application is funded, we will offer the seminars regardless! So, keep an eye out for information, dates and times for the seminar being offered in your community! For more information about services and providers, contact the Branch-St. Joseph Area Agency on Aging (IIIC) at 517-279-9561 (dial extension 137) or toll-free at 1-888-615-8009.You may also visit our website at www.bhsj.org. 15

Region IV Area Agency on Aging Covering Michigan’s Great Southwest including Berrien, Cass and Van Buren counties

Reaching Out by Telephone

This program matches persons who may be isolated or unable to get out with a “friend” who calls to check up on them and chat.


o the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” We all need to connect with others for just a little help and advice from time to time.These are days of instant communication — e-mail, pagers, text messaging, personal digital assistants, cell phones, fax machines and answering machines. The Region IV Area Agency on Aging has started a program aimed at connecting people using the old familiar phone. This low-tech approach matches persons who may be isolated or unable to get out with a “friend” who calls to check up on them and chat.

Lu Billa talks with her telephone friend.

Some of the subscribers (who receive calls at no cost) live alone. Others are alone for part of the day and appreciate having someone call to provide reassurance, support and conversation. If a volunteer can’t reach someone, a friend or family member is called as designated by the subscriber.

The two-part training includes learning about community programs, how to use good listening skills, how to handle an emergency situation and more. People who want to volunteer but can’t attend the training can receive the information by viewing the training session on videotape at home. If you wish to subscribe to the program, or know someone who could benefit from a regularly scheduled call, contact the Senior Info-Line at 1-800-654-2810 for more information.

ValleyArea Agency on Aging Serving Genesee, Lapeer and Shiawassee counties

Need Help with Food Costs? Try MiCAFE!


veryone knows the cost of living is skyrocketing, especially for those seniors on a fixed income. To provide help with the spiraling cost of food, the State of Michigan has initiated the MiCAFE Program, which helps seniors in Genesee County apply for food assistance at designated Senior Centers using on-line applications. Funding for this program is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture, with additional funding through Family Independence Agency, Michigan Department of Services to the Aging, Community Foundation of Greater Flint and the Michigan State Bar Foundation. MiCAFE has several different components that make it a unique 16

program. Perhaps the most unique feature is the one-on-one assistance seniors receive throughout the

Volunteer interviews MiCAFE applicant.

process of applying for benefits. Trained volunteers ask seniors the necessary questions, enter the infor-

mation into a userfriendly computer program and help seniors organize the paperwork that must accompany the application. These trained assistants will also educate seniors on using the new Bridge Card, which has replaced paper food stamps. MiCAFE provides seniors with a personalized nutritional risk assessment, recommends congregate meal sites and offers homedelivered meal information, as well as no-cost nutrition counseling, if needed. In its first year, the MiCAFE Program has helped 500 seniors, or 400 households, apply for benefits, with over 70% qualifying for assistance. For more information, please call 1-877-6MiCAFE (1-877-664-2233) or VAAA at 810-239-7671. Michigan Generations

Region VII Area Agency on Aging Serving Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Huron, Isabella, Midland, Saginaw, Sanilac and Tuscola counties

Volunteers Guide Seniors and Caregivers Through Health Care Channels


ave you ever had questions about your Medicare bill? Perhaps you had a denial or an invalid code. Maybe you had questions about supplemental Medigap insurance, long-term care issues, Medicaid or the high cost of prescriptions? We can help. The statewide toll-free telephone number, 1-800-803Stacey Lopez, MMAP counselor, assists Ken Hess with 7174, connects you to a volunMedicare forms. teer program called MMAP care forms, insurance and pharmaceu(Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Protical discount programs. gram). The program offers free oneIn 2003, we served 1,000 people on-one counseling to assist seniors for a total of 750 logged hours. This and disabled persons 18 years of age created savings of $1,006,280, an averand older through the maze of health

age of $1,000 per person. Region VII is grateful for the attention our counselors dedicate to each individual’s situation. Counselors also provide important information to families and caregivers who often handle financial and insurance questions as well as the direct care for a family member. This year, 27 new volunteers, many of them retirees, completed four days of MMAP training. There are now 63 MMAP counselors within Region VII. All of our counties are looking for persons interested in working with us in this important community effort. For further information, contact Region VII at 1615 South Euclid Avenue, Bay City, MI 48706, call us toll-free at 1-800-858-1637 or visit our web site at www.region7aaa.org.

Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan Serving Allegan, Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo and Osceola counties

Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Support Group


new education and support group is being offered in West Michigan for people who are newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. “Until now, there has been very little support for people who’ve just learned they have this devastating disease,” says Tom Czerwinski, director of the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan (AAAWM). “The early stages of the disease are often the hardest, when they know something is wrong, and they’re struggling,” he adds. The Early-Stage and Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Support Group, funded by a grant from AAAWM with money from the National Family Caregiver Winter 2004

Support Program, runs for six weeks. Two different groups will be offered in 2004. “The most important thing is to reach out to people early on in the process so they can know there’s hope, understand their illness and know they’re not alone,” says Dr. Suzann Ogland-Hand, Ph.D., a clinical geropsychologist and a co-leader of the group. “People are so grateful to have a resource, a place to connect and not be frightened,” she adds. Each support group is split into two sessions. The first hour is an educational time for persons with the disease and their caregivers. During the second hour, they split up for separate meetings focusing on

emotional support. Over the course of six weeks, the group discusses medical issues, legal and financial planning, coping, communication, difficult behaviors and community resources. The final session includes a potluck, hobbies and sharing of stories, after which participants are transitioned into long-term support groups. “People with early-stage Alzheimer’s are just as functional and important as others. They can write stories, be active in public policy and serve on boards of directors,” says Sue Kolean, program director for the Alzheimer’s Association of North/West Michigan. For more information, call the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan at 1-888-456-5664. 17

NEMCSA Region 9 Area Agency on Aging Covering 12 counties of Northeast Michigan

Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Assists Residents and Families


hat is a long-term care ombudsman? In the United States, a long-term care ombudsman explains the long-term care system in understandable terms and helps individuals advocate for their needs and rights. Long-term care ombudsman services are confidential and free. Ombudsmen: ■ Advocate ■ Educate ■ Provide information ■ Give referrals These services can empower longterm care residents by assisting them in exercising their rights. Ombudsmen will represent the residents’ interests before governmental agencies. In addi-

tion, they will educate legislators and tinely visiting residents of a specific, other policy makers about long-term licensed long-term care community. care issues. As advocates, they will You would empower and assist resibring residents to the forefront to dents and families to resolve their voice their concerns directly to A long-term care ombudsman explains the public officials on long-term care system and helps individuals issues affecting advocate for their needs and rights. their lives. The ombudsman program needs your help. We are concerns on an individual or collective looking for volunteers to join our probasis.You would promote dignity, the gram.You can make a difference in the rights of residents and cultural change lives of Michigan seniors residing in within the long-term care community. long-term care communities. VolunTo learn more about this exciting teers are needed in all of our 12 opportunity or for more information, counties in Region 9. As a volunteer, contact your local ombudsman at 1-866you would serve as a resource by rou485-9393 or 989-356-3474 ext. 230.

Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan Offering information and funding senior services in the 10-county area of Northwest Lower Michigan

Community Pharmacy Program Offers Prescription Assistance


he Community Pharmacy Program is a community-based program established in Spring 2003 to assist low-income older adults who have no prescription insurance.The program helps seniors obtain prescriptions through the patient assistance programs of major pharmaceutical companies. Eligibility criteria include residency in Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska or Leelanau counties. The clinic has seen 88 clients and helped with 351 prescriptions to date. This assistance A client visits the clinic.


provided 782 months of medications at an average wholesale price of $55,410.62. Most prescriptions for which there is a program available are provided free of charge. The clinic is funded through a grant from the Grand Traverse Regional

Community Foundation and is a collaborative effort with the regional Commission on Aging offices, the Community Health Clinic, Munson Medical Center’s MEDs Program and the Area Agency on Aging. Volunteer nurses and support staff, along with a pharmacist and pharmacy technician, provide service for each clinic day. The Community Pharmacy Program is open on Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Eligibility screening and scheduling are conducted through the county’s Commission on Aging offices. The time between the appointment and receiving medications ranges from two to eight weeks. For more information, call your Commission on Aging office or the Community Pharmacy Program Clinic at 231-935-0648. Michigan Generations

Upper Peninsula Area Agency on Aging Serving all 15 counties of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

AAA Hosts Senior Convention


n September 18, 2003, the Upper Peninsula Area Agency on Aging, along with co-sponsor OSF St. Francis Hospital, hosted the 35th annual Upper Peninsula Senior Citizen’s Convention and Expo.The theme of this year’s convention was “Celebrating the Golden Years.” 770 seniors from across the Upper Peninsula made their way to Escanaba to participate in a wide variety of activities, including informational exhibits from over 35 vendors, health-related screenings, glamour shots, bingo with cash prizes, a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle.This year’s convention also offered antique appraisals. Marquette General Hospital offered a free “Stroke Awareness Screening”

problems and interactions of prescription medications. The third speaker was Gary Lark, Escanaba Public Safety Officer, who talked about abuse and the use of prescription medications within the community, noting that sometimes seniors

throughout the day.The Upper Peninsula Diabetes Outreach Network (UPDON) also provided free kidney screenings for seniors with diabetes or high blood pressure. The keynote speaker was Sharon Gire, director of the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging. Ms. Gire focused on the importance of volunUpper Peninsula Senior Citizen’s Convention. teerism, particularly in make easy targets for people in search light of current budget realities, noting of drugs. that seniors helping seniors will make For further information, contact limited state and federal resources go the Upper Peninsula Area Agency on further. Aging at 906-786-4701 or toll-free at Dr. Ronald Bissett from OSF St. Fran1-800-338-7227. cis Hospital spoke about the potential

Senior Resources of West Michigan Located on the shores of Lake Michigan, serving the three counties of Muskegon, Oceana and Ottawa

Tri-County Protection Team


ulnerable adults are well served in Muskegon, Oceana and Ottawa counties by the Tri-County Protection Team. This team, which was initiated by the Family Independence Agency (FIA), Western Michigan Legal Services, Senior Resources Attendees at a mini-conference learn about financial and the prosecuting attorexploitation. ney’s office of each county, works to serve the adult couraged when investigating cases and population in the areas of abuse, negfelt that the area police departments lect and financial exploitation. and prosecuting attorneys did not The group began as a way to understand the seriousness of the improve how cases of adult neglect adult abuse. Now the team has grown and abuse were handled. The Adult to include Michigan State Police, local Protective Services staff had been dispolice departments and other busiWinter 2004

nesses and agencies that are concerned with the welfare of the disabled and frail elders. During the three years of its existence, the team has hosted a number of trainings for police departments, agency personnel, home health aides, bank employees and senior citizens. Topics have included the Vulnerable Adult Act of 1994, the Financial Exploitation Law of 2000 and How to Recognize Abuse and Neglect. The Tri-County Protection Team’s efforts have resulted in the creation of the Vulnerable Victims’ Unit within the Muskegon County Prosecutor’s Office — a unit that is exclusively dedicated to victims, regardless of age. For further information, contact Senior Resources of West Michigan at 231-739-5858 or 1-800-442-0054. 19

Determine Your Nutritional Health The warning signs of poor nutritional health are often overlooked. Use this checklist to find out if you or someone you know is at nutritional risk. Read the statements to the right. Circle the number in the “yes” column for those that apply to you or someone you know. For each “yes” answer, score the number in the box. Total your nutritional score.

YES I have an illness or condition that made me change the kind and/or amount of food I eat.


I eat fewer than 2 meals per day.


I eat few fruits or vegetables or milk products.


I have 3 or more drinks of beer, liquor or wine almost every day.


I have tooth or mouth problems that make it hard for me to eat.


I don’t always have enough money to buy the food I need.


I eat alone most of the time


I take 3 or more different prescribed or over-the-counter drugs a day.


Without wanting to, I have lost or gained 10 pounds in the last six months.


I am not always physically able to shop, cook and/or feed myself.



Total your Nutritional Score. If it’s: 0–2 Good! Recheck your nutritional score in 6 months. 3–5 You are at moderate nutritional risk. See what can be done to improve your eating habits and lifestyle. Your office on aging, senior nutrition program, senior citizens center or health department can help. Recheck your nutritional score in 3 months. 6 or more You are at high nutritional risk. Bring this checklist the next time you see your doctor, dietician or other qualified health or social service professional. Talk with them about any problems you may have. Ask for help to improve your nutritional health.

SPONSORS Gentiva Health Services

Visiting Physicians

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Health & Home Services Unlimited, Inc. Care, companionship and peace of mind. In-home or wherever your residence may be! We specialize in meeting your needs — from personal care to home maintenance. Insured and bonded. 1-800-314-8718.

Whirlpool Corporation Whirlpool Corp., the global leader in home appliances, proudly serves and sponsors agencies that help people live their lives to the fullest.

Thanks to these companies and organizations for their generous support. For more information on becoming a sponsor of Michigan Generations please call Jenny Jarvis at 248-262-9202 .

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