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et other school owners scratch their heads about huge declines in enrollments and active students...you’re on the fast track to success! Once you request and receive your FREE NAPMA Fall Success Series, you’ll have exclusive access to SIMPLE, POWERFUL strategies that could FLOOD your school with new students THIS FALL!
re you tired of struggling through the summer “slows,” just to be disappointed by a mediocre Back-to-School and fall season? Could you benefit from associating with other SHARP school owners, all focused 100% on building and systemizing their businesses, creating TOP-NOTCH students and generating a cornucopia of cash? Would you like more time to spend with your family and friends, and focus your efforts on working ON your business, not just working IN your business? If so, then continue to follow the signs! If you want to drive dozens, even hundreds, of martial arts students through your front door with LOW- and NO-COST marketing systems, and leverage your time and effort for maximum profitability, then you want the FREE Fall Success Series! The National Association of Professional Martial Artists (NAPMA) wants to help you create the martial arts school of your dreams by implement this unique, PROVEN system. NAPMA will prepare you for this influx of new students, with a special package of school-growth, marketing and sales tools…PLUS, the NAPMA Maximum Impact Membership to help you SKYROCKET your results! The package is worth $2,310.12, and is specifically targeted to help you grow your martial arts school in today’s economy!
Claim your FREE NAPMA Fall Success Series worth $2,310.12 at NAPMAFreeOffer.com.
Your FREE NAPMA Fall Success Series Begins With… • FREE, Exclusive Audio Program/TeleSeminar for Professional Martial Arts School Owners entitled, “How to MULTIPLY Your Back-to-School Marketing Results!” (Priceless value) • FREE Promotional Secrets Report, “HIGH Leverage Marketing for the Fall Season”—an insider’s guide that reveals how top school owners use the fall season to create new streams of revenue and take advantage of the unique opportunities the fall presents! (Priceless value) • FREE 1-on-1 Personal School Business Analysis: a thorough 30-point Business Check-Up, with expert NAPMA martial arts school analysts, personally selected and trained by Stephen Oliver and Toby Milroy. (Priceless value)
My student base went from 83 to more than 450 students in less than 9 months! NAPMA has set me free from headaches. Each month its new ideas and marketing materials takes away all the gueasswork. With NAPMA, my student base went from 83 students to over 450 students in less than 9 months. NAPMA showed me the way. It’s simple, follow the NAPMA guidelines, do a little cut and paste and you’re on your way. Now I spend my time doing what I like to do, and do best...Teach. Experience the difference—NAPMA. Bruce Drago Master Drago’s Karate Reading PA From 0 to Over 300 Students In Our First Year! We moved to Santa Barbara where we knew one person and opened up a studio. We decided that it would be a good idea to go to the NAPMA convention and pick up a few ideas. What we found were programs that we could use to build and manage our business, an experienced, professional, helpful
“ I wish I’d been a NA PMA mem my schoo ber when l.” I had “ Most of m y mar tial ar ts schoo NAPMA. T ls are par hey’re the t of ones that UFAF orga a r e nization.” successfu l in my
“ I’m happy to see martial arts instructors are creating higher educational standards for safety and professionalism through NAPMA’s ACMA. It’s the right idea at the right time. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California
Chuck Nor ris
From 0 to Over 300 Students In Our First Year! We moved to Santa Barbara where we knew one person and opened up a studio. We decided that it would be a good idea to go to the NAPMA convention and pick up a few ideas. What we found were programs that we could use to build and manage our business, an experienced, professional, helpful
Direct Response Marketing for Martial Arts Schools is a step-by-step blueprint, with the PROVEN marketing systems that have propelled hundreds of schools to the “top of the heap” in the martial arts school industry. ($97.00 Value)
For the martial arts proFessional
ad”— “How To Le The Teaching s In ing Th ht Rig culum Your Curri
by stephen oliver
take ts’ ability to y on, your studen school. Simpl Without questi best teacher for your won’t cut it, the g stories just ACTION is skills and sharinimpor tant as Leadership. lifethe reciting In as July Resources Kits, you received parts 1 and 2 of an interview with my instructor Jhoon Rhee. Jeff skillAugust to aand when it comes
A Series of Valuable Lessons…
Smith and I have been associated with Jhoon Rhee for 45 and coming up on 40 years, respectively. If you pay close attention discussions we’ll have at the Extreme Success Academy, then there are many, many n to the interview and thestuden ts learn Motivatio lessons to learn Rhee. First, ,aand trivia point, the song, “Nobody Bothers Me,” you heard on the CD was Nils help your you Jhoon thatfrom (leadership) impor tant on earth It’s most Lofgren. He wasskill a Jhoon Rhee student with Jeff Smith (and myself) in Kensington, MD. He’s now a key member of the . How do you sought-after action the most to take “E-Street Band” with Bruce Springsteen (if you see them playing, he’s the shorter guy to Bruce’s left [as you are facing motivate them to take action? to helpthem] ts with the bandana). In Washington, D.C., you couldn’t go anywhere without people knowing both “Nobody Bothers studen to students motivate your ingful be mean Me” and USA-1000 phone number.) ship must [their d is
Engels Member Gary Learning leaderthe material being learne By NAPMA quicker and lessons… se when to somewill understand becauAnyway, ts t every es of almos ingful, studen is meanLesson longer.realization that commercial d the globe biggest mistak 1: early success was necessary. Jhoon Rhee (as well as Bruce Lee) was skills want One of the school aroun retain those you “teach If you don’t ss:martial martial arts g proce openly reviled by many in the arts community. Both for their “innovation” and their “commercialism.” I recall it, students. When ear and learnin professional to know ship to their about your in one see a reason Think is you one being “The Case against Commercialism” and another referBlack Belt Magazine debates intruth the 1960’s: teaching leaderchildren, often, it goes or do notarticles’ life-skill ber it. The grasp to to information the ring The Karate. Upon listening to the interview, I thought I’d clarify one point. for a child leadership” to Jhoon Rheetoasremem the Pipedunder Piperstand. of Korean not likely ence and It’s difficult confid other.2 then you are ber what you do not uted is for .” out the ee t, discipline, k tion Contrib g of leader respec You might have gotten the idea that Bruceship Lee was “anti-commercial.” Actually the opposite is true. If you look at the as remem Wpts, such seldom the meaning g to knowledge, a destina conce to apply Parentin ber 2008 d, not learnin letters between the two of them, then you’ll see that Bruce Lee was sending Jhoon Rhee advertising from Chuck Norris Novem true way ing only is a roa the new they “teach leadership. that relate of tion es d to ts for karate schools attitud studen son “Perfec and others was very interested in the business aspects. However, Bruce Lee decided that his ns and and your ach and, instea to Lead.” The HudRhee See kappro your BurJhoon iences, opinio can’t find is “How at theeExtreme Success teaching azing, of Chang pathexper to wealth was acting, not operating martial arts schools. Jhoon Rhee made the opposite decision. I’ve talked with the; you begin el a ideas, taken, lly am 1 tination are ship,” trav Academy. Learn more at lts Adu the y possess. des s that leader work d to of foraction and rea ch isalread tation har hablethe presen Week Grand Master Rhee about this goals statement that Bruce Lee wrote. Jhoon Rhee was actually on the phone with him in the ExtremeSuccessAcademy.com is tion hard, beginning the nce nsla be, whi unreac king so differe Tra ed andwor is really acquir and you can per fection. at the time. Clearly neither Bruce Lee nor Jhoon Rhee had “hang-ups” about whether they should be making ion isis an money classet s. ead ofyour g that MENT ience fectthat per fect AL BENEFITS experPer ch the bes p. Inst during be nalist ma ulum “ The thin on being approaYour ral par ts from martial arts. Jhoon Rhee described it to me in two ways: first, it’s impossible to accomplish much of anything curric to point. up Improvewithon any hor, jour e, try to expte ectmy leaderitship or seve ut when Your giving rself.” an aut r nowher le toeve illustra in onea worko d ing you Americ Strengthen Confidence road to an examp you can be ers finish per fect ppointe findout financial resources. Second, if you are providing a great service, then you deserve to be well compensated. becom a Quindlen, August 2008 to memb Your Attitude disa ist Let me useclosestrship and to ity Team be mn ect Ann the Increase Your ly to “leadeership” the abiln ion colu about ht exp to talk G.O.L.D. Leade ’re like take the Concentration “My Definite Chief Aim: them You hav and opin You explai You mig ent, the with if you but you fect Gain Peace ion. class. r life,practi fect par fect and you sit it during ay life, d they of you show of you everyd rt ofceper by examp le and couldsho Adults fect—the per , Video per Segments: Help Reduce Mind how goo I, Bruce Lee, will be the highest paid Oriental superstar in the United States. In return I will give the g ion in r fall of leadin the how they per reciate tion for fect Stress yee the ed by during class, youtance per app hard of Transla hard to be fect emplo Maint and train imporwith so nts theGuard, ain Your Intere most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting in that putthe rwhelmfor Passing so Edge MMA: BJJ Techniques Carlos Machado theismto ess. mome to do k for way st , the per y to be ove Rather than We try Enjoy New Friend others to greatn e,them one e to loo spouse push 1970, I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980, I will have in my possession eas Misterstre tim ss.Guy 5: Kung will y tim . le in Lead fect the No More Nice Fu San Soo Footwork, with Kathy Long ver s per ne is ue How to you feel gso their examp or her head your and achieve inner harmony and peace.” fect all teachI please that it e everyo ansTeaching make $10,000,000. Thenarts I will livector, the way from undf to be per without bein is shaking his way. instru boss— the class l suffer you l becaus s Precision Kama Training for Competition, with Daniel inSterling me t rsel s arts their martia l are, Kid a goa and on be studen as le for them you, Every Alberigo your mistake close to effort e on h your martia tion Alliehab How doBruce who youble always to you sendaBy reac throug1969 you Member andHorenstein nsla Lee, January rning as pressur Bat Breaking, atio withns, NAPMA TraMoti acceptRecordossi KungFuKids is not agreement, g from ruc- ts how to lead Work 70’s, conce AdFlyer.indd much uld try toWorld that ispt Hard rninearly 1 work ’re inst studen fection done ply imp ble expect Leathe Acce nstrat s. in youed andMaster best, ”and demo be ossiShape, twith research take Rhee Grand JhoonPer Rhee you sho tical. It’s sim imp ing of “how oolents youration, curriculum? etimes, accom plishm inform r sch set wan to per fect.However,makes misto ng to be -cri retain stand the mean ts that Great , you be. Som kick hard under r ability of r so self Rather than person you be ts tryi nts’ eve to results Lesson 2: The Master-Mind effect. You heard a little bit about the people that Jhoon Rhee surrounded himself you projec ’ll s shared ellent are the “stude you are d: as youIndian . ecting Help your studen ng them to tackle exc r test or ine the with prepareding per fect learne ion anoag for an theyper to workthat work. Be pletraryto lead” fectWamp hout exp by allowi I can tell you from personal experience his peer group and “Master-Mind” group was not the other guys runthats colonis ts and determ have !” on you want you tempowith. people cell read. ent ises of of job com they husett should that goal, wit d the them. If they pra million to help the what s, • 10% roa ofn will that “Ex ration and want excuses. ellentto endure uth, Massac ©2 s impor tant ning schools whotowererage failing making Who tor ip. Atr times, If they a traditio write it. and of coope are must was he associating with? Well, other than Bruce Lee, he was the Plymoyour teachershing . 08 M an exc hardsh on you 7) do toward symbo n01621, artial 7-18 encou they lheard r t feast, establi youtowill was awill The material be her toservbe mentswork will Arts—fo you did the meal ed. (0 enhard t teac of what ble nMaharves rketing, Inco rage 20% anima associating with athen large group of them. congressmen andalize senators; he affiliated with smart and wealthy people ranging from fect centuries before Kids you ls, then prefer the mo Rights ReThe•harves autum rporaossi ted. Allyears. willForsay an ause whwould per , s, 400 saw. ts to intern t, will encou ent sans. Americ se areas Pueblo others, It’s imp tion for Be theyThe to be nmen studen ate bec and you par Native task.enviro helpeasier tedf.for almost mistake ts and of what The for your He groups, suchappreci res. Anderson Tony hRobbins. brought Nick Cokinos (EFC founder) into the martial arts business (as well as Transla es, you try and youto yoursel you doing an enoug a few onial and saw. . Jack r choan you work you• 30% English colonis uldd cerem tant even celebra the experience. kes en Native heard ionwhen youAmeric lf to hard to betwe theysho ma iastic be impor fect include yourse f and how tion Sometim friends and what you et when uta, •many enthus never forget . per rsel Commit myself, Jeff Smith and He was constantly seeking out others who could contribute to his goals and who could interac they others). ryone ourspoke 50% of thal,t which leading a group you t festiva in North Americ or ups s, they lazy.t, so ut time aswith e bit of reduce. boredom. you e. Eve projec of harveslife thearen’t saw, Europeans , thinkd abo abo littlof spend of ried associate with parent forever. a tion they wor this type will arrival the tim ’t be U.S.,dwe be glad them what action goo they just the of ead and to all enjoye with in g took s that Belt, work 70% feel Inst try Creek, • . Today, carried ncin ip in celebra feeling , as they ree Black ee .and y. Don Cherok per fect nionsh runs Don’t of thanks learned and s leaders. You must they spoke on and experie ick is a 5th-deg Educati be be. t’s oka n per fect tother par- 90% world shave celebrations what al-and FitzPatr g good are s will in of compa Billld be at reports, create For more tools and visit your Member Area at NAPMA.com intern yourand succes enjoyin and to s Degree t around the Kid be • and tha are less tha dances s wan Institute not that Master' a wha culture cou meals will to Success n holdsyour t’s tful want had o you ies and just for t you this experience ? fit AmericaIt’s ofion e thadeligh bes s eating cussion non-pro lives think you are and wh familie that the theper ecountr e you sionss Dis. you the .” Manyrother fect cess.com. meal becaus nceyin tim discus sgiving Thanks The Cla giving differe e you becaus of a the holida them www.mastersuc you y “Thank as call wer bit des who you d grades just the make all such not n holida to e ? ul, ndthey mayionized littl imes, wefection d gra , theenougbeh When spegh 1.thankf d. aSomet althou hoped per nce fectwhy you shouldlike back. If you earn goo ect; earn goo similar your you’d s onerie rter. days, reach who of per berany ts exp one studen the people ant to remem A.commay lose and the clothe ’t you s idea import ent s exp become smapeo NAPM is allyour head It’sple’ y canantly, At times, you chabove most Whimport er Areatoatchild. all people er whi and,2. roof can goal is to see your Memb table, rself,the you would learn and satisfy oth on you we truly are, but what you AM report s, visitand empathy be the granted. Your to of how lucky do for you, s or the 9/10/08 10:52:37 be taken fortools andcompassion, love trying e no time to must be reminded country can other human same should neverFor more what your can do for during sharing the ?” “Ask not l to us; they you hav of you. What is it you are specia be in the spirit, of your family, to be treated your goal. it is easy to members would I like ys, but describes can ask ber holida planet? Again, as if sthey were ? ask yourself, “How Kennedy quote that also Kid is the the Decem but fect sure, F. per sgiving or John compo sion for your hout the year s be Thank to cus famou throug a d spirit alive See Jhoon Rhee country” is 1 f?” Class Disyou ever trie do forrsel your ership.indd keeping this you e at the Extreme Success 07193 BB GoldLead forward it goal. l 1. Hav can you “be pay to optima Academy. Learn more at can be a day 2. How ssion and ExtremeSuccessAcademy.com Thanksgiving love, compa AM who the gift of 10:55:05 A.com and 8 those and share 9/10/0 you love NAPM simple the people Area at them. The empathy. Tell mber appreciate l that you l people are your Me are specia August 2008 how specia , visit recognizing nce of a reports gesture of be the differe ls and thanks may me day for re too and saying evably aweso For mo August 2008 k Belt or of Blac ner, auth mon Bren by Solo
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The FREE NAPMA Fall Success Series will napma now lead you to a one-stop source of legitimate, tested, proven, innovative, yet original, BLACK BELT dialogue with members even radical strategies, to transform your S WORD school into an extraordinary martial arts ction Perfe business, a virtual beehive of activity. You’ll learn how to leverage every offline action and online means of attracting students... to immunize and insulate yourself from I recession...to increase dramatically your income, decrease your stress, improve your student service and make your martial arts school a lucrative career. Because I’m a coach and advisor who wasn’t invented yesterday on the Internet...and has dramatically built ROCK-SOLID martial arts schools, NAPMA staff, and other successful with a 30-year track record...I can guide you to that place where martial arts business owners that were happy to share their ideas on smart, progressive and aggressive school owners gather to exchange and share how to make a business grow. We’ve been in business now for timely information and the strategies and techniques that are working today. Bully-Proof Marketing Campaign Back-to-School Bash for Mom Marketing Campaign Disappearing Bully Poster Kickin’ and Black Belt Club Newsletters NAPMA NOW Reports Bonus: After-School Program Ads/Flyer Bonus: Bully-Proof Presentation Report arts Marketi
Your monthly support materials are worth 10 times what you charge! First of all, I would like to thank you and NAPMA for your help. When my wife and I decided to open a martial arts school, we had practically no business experience. With your monthly business tips, eye-catching ad material, and video support, we’ve grown by leaps and bounds. When we first joined NAPMA, My student base went from 83 to more than 450 students in less than 9 months! NAPMA has set me free from headaches. Each month its new ideas and marketing materials takes away all the guesswork. With NAPMA, my student base went from 83 students to over 450 students in less than 9 months. NAPMA showed me the way. It’s simple, follow the NAPMA guidelines, do a little cut and paste and you’re on your way. Now I spend my time doing what I like to do, and do best...Teach. Experience the difference—NAPMA. Bruce Drago Master Drago’s Karate Reading PA
So many school owners suffer from mediocre results…BUT NOT YOU…when you implement ALL the tools in the FREE NAPMA Fall Success Series!
and an unbeli ne’s face good day smile to someo Bringing a as the sun someone. shine as bright Set your that smile Program Features: in return. and seeing you will need your fellow is all the thanks instructor, The neighb Way or to Truth, Beauty, Love and Profits, and tell your next-door sights high family or the celebrate.with Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee students, your – don’t just thanks Give e in the how you feel. “Be the chang Gandhi said, As Mahatma want.” world you
© 2008 Martial
NAPMA staff, and other successful martial arts business owners that were happy to share their ideas on how to make a business grow. We’ve been in business now for a little over a year, have over 300 students and we’re still growing. For over 30 years I’ve kept my martial arts “sword” sharp by daily training, now I keep my business “sword” sharp with NAPMA. Thank you NAPMA. We couldn’t have done it without you. Dave Wheaton Hapkido International Martial Arts Family Fitness Santa Barbara, CA
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Marti al Art s Mark
87) Marti (07-1 al Art rved. s Mark eting, Inc1orporated. All Rights Rese Color.indd
07193 Kickin
rved. eting, Incorporated. All Rights Rese
schOOl name address
9/8/08 3:05:39 PM
See Jhoon Rhee at the Extreme Success Academy. Learn more at ExtremeSuccessAcademy.com
Part 1
August 2008
Video Segments:
PM 9/9/08 2:58:06
Call us now no-obligation to schedule a FREE, , two-lesson (a $100 value)! trial course
87) (07-1
Edge MMA: BJJ Techniques for Passing the Guard, with Carlos Machado
No More Mister Nice Guy 5: Kung Fu San Soo Footwork, with Kathy Long Precision Kama Training for Competition, with Daniel Sterling
World Record Bat Breaking, with NAPMA Member Moti Horenstein Rhee Shape, with Grand Master Jhoon Rhee
0 08
Marti al Art
s Mark
rved. eting, Incorporated. All Rights Rese
87) (07-1
See Jhoon Rhee at the Extreme Success Academy. Learn more at ExtremeSuccessAcademy.com
August 2008
Package Contents:
You’ll also receive ABSOLUTELY FREE, SEVEN POWERFUL High-Level Business Development, ProfitMaximizing Webinars. ($997 value) The New NAPMA Virtual Classroom is an amazing online resource that simplifies your classroom and staff training planning, with some of NAPMA’s most popular and useful curriculum content: G.O.L.D. Leadership Team Reports, Words of the Week character development lessons and a comprehensive library of video training segments. ($229 value)
Bully-Proof Marketing Campaign Back-to-School Bash for Mom Marketing Campaign Disappearing Bully Poster Kickin’ and Black Belt Club Newsletters NAPMA NOW Reports Bonus: After-School Program Ads/Flyer Bonus: Bully-Proof Presentation Report
a little over a year, have over 300 students and we’re still growing. For over 30 years I’ve kept my martial arts “sword” sharp by daily training, now I keep my business “sword” sharp with NAPMA. Thank you NAPMA. We couldn’t have done it without you. Dave Wheaton Hapkido International Martial Arts Family Fitness Santa Barbara, CA ©2
Prepare to strike off in a new direction— the right direction—with more success tools! 25 school-building interviews—the ideas, innovations and success secrets of the best marketing, business and motivational experts, celebrity martial artists and top school owners. ($581.23 value) NAPMA’s Online, Seasonal Marketing Resource Archive. ($118.00 value) NAPMA Best-Practices On-Demand Library. ($110.94 value) Maximum Impact Membership—two monthly school-development and support packages, plus extras. Package #1: NAPMA Basic Tool Kit. • NAPMA Innovations DVD. • Sounds of Success Audio CD. • Professionally Designed Marketing Campaigns. • Numerous Black Belt Reports to drive enrollments, upgrades, retention and student quality and improve staff performance.
00 8
Marti al Art s Mark
87) (07-1 rved. eting, Incorporated. All Rights Rese
Your monthly support materials are worth 10 times what you charge! First of all, I would like to thank you and NAPMA for your help. When my wife and I decided to open a martial arts school, we had practically no business experience. With your monthly business tips, eye-catching ad material, and video support, we’ve grown by leaps and bounds. When we first joined NAPMA, we had approximately 25 students and were teaching in an old television repair shop out of the city limits. Both my wife and myself were working full-time jobs plus running our school full time.
Program Features:
The Way to Truth, Beauty, Love and Profits, Part 1 with Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee
0 08
Marti al Art s Mark
rved. eting, Incorporated. All Rights Rese
87) (07-1
NAPMA’s advice allowed us to more than double our enrollment and be able to move to a better location. We cannot begin to thank you enough for helping build the backbone of our dojo. We now have a student base of 130, and have recently expanded our school to double the size with a bigger lobby, smoothie bar, and a second classroom currently under construction. This is now our full-time job. Our plan is to be at 200 students within this year. Your monthly support materials are worth 10 times what you charge (maybe I shouldn’t say that). Not only would they help a school just starting out, but also help existing schools by adding new ideas and maintaining retention. Mark Myers Myers Family Karate Center Hammond, Louisiana
• Best Industry Practices. • NAPMA NOW: The Ultimate Grow-Your-School Advice for Success. • “Done-for-You” Kickin’ Newsletter (and quarterly Black Belt Club Newsletter). • The Mile High Maverick Newsletter—Loaded with my observations about how to achieve the highest level of success…PLUS, bonus lessons and ideas from industry and business leaders Maximum Impact Business-Building Kit • Member Success Story Audio CD—The inside stories of those NAPMA members that have experienced dramatic jumps in enrollments and upgrades, resulting in $300,000 to $1,000,000 in annual revenues at a single school or multi-school chains. • Tools and Techniques for School-Growth Success DVD—POWERFUL schoolgrowth essentials and grassroots marketing secrets to grow your school beyond your wildest dreams, with little or no investment!
Two years ago, I decided to start teaching karate on my own and I joined NAPMA. I started with 60 students, teaching for the Stratford Recreation Dept. Since then, I started two more programs at the town of Orange and the Valley YMCA in Ansonia. I now have my own business teaching full-time and have 180 quality students! Chris Sansonetti Superior Karate Ansonia, CT
• The Monthly Maximum Impact Teleconference—Your best opportunity to have your questions answered about how to take immediate action to grow your school quickly…with Toby Milroy, NAPMA COO, and myself, and special appearances by experts in our industry! Your Free, No-Obligation Bonus ($79.95 Value): The Explosive School-Growth Guide and DVD will re-direct your efforts, so you can move rapidly from point A (today’s stagnant growth) to point B (huge increases in enrollments, revenues and personal prosperity).
Explo School-Gsive row Guide th
All That—and More—Is FREE!
e’ll even send you some additional school-growth materials I didn’t list. No catch. You simply enroll in our VALUABLE program at our lowest current tuition rate of $397, and we’ll ship you all these FREE Bonus Gifts! Right now, you may feel like you’ve lost your way, but NAPMA will help you set your course with the FREE Fall Success Series. It’s your roadmap to amazing growth and prosperity…and all you have to do is visit NAPMAFreeOffer.com. Dedicated To Dramatically Growing Your School,
Stephen Oliver
Stephen Oliver, MBA 8th-Degree Black Belt National Association of Professional Martial Artists (NAPMA), CEO
g at my n i t t i s e while m a oneyc m t , h l g u u f r o e final th h e pow mation t r o f n i p .PS. My o altering ffe e sh o e c f i u visit l e o t y i d r n n o a e v h s a f bu s i n e s PMA w d A n a N g m s t it’s ro u j f t makin E o E n eive FR .com is wor th c e r s that l e l ’ m u i r t e yo f y f an ts for AFre eO ue, but also m fi M o r P p A N s h v al u es a n d a n c e v 2 e 1 r . h $2,310 l-growt o o h c s . in s tment e a m ou n t v n i l l r y s ma your ve
How You Ca NAPMA Me n Join the Thousa nds of Esta mbers W ho and Profi bl t Growth in are Creating Exci ished Building Greater Su their Martial Arts ting Sales ccess, Co Schools an ntrol and d Freedom Business in thei Listening to the Straight Talk from this Month’s Lives r Success Story Will Take You Straight to the Top. NAPMA NAPMA
care with Tools and Techniques for School-Growth Success handle DVD: Master the Art of Real Estate Investments and Learn r Howexplos to Expand Your ive Personal Prosperity Beyond new membe the Martial Arts, Part 2, with Terry Bryan, 9th-Degree Black h dvd -growt and Ph.D. schoolBelt edStory Member Success enclos 08081 New
School Growth
G1 1
July 2008 Maximum Impact Teleconference Audio CD #2: Learn More of the Inside Secrets about How to Conduct Intros and Enrollments that Lead to Maximum Upgrades and Fast-Growing Revenues, with Toby Milroy, NAPMA Vice-President of Sales and Marketing
Audio CD #1: “Straight-Talk” Secrets That Will Help You Develop More Professional Self-Worth and Higher Tuition Pricing to Grow Your School and Maximize the Learning Experience for your Students, with Frank Brown, Mile High Karate Franchise Trainer 12/2/08 Stephen Oliver Teleconferences 3:15:02 PM
It’s your best opportunity to receive the answers to your specific questions during the next teleconference with Stephen Oliver. Submit them to his email address below and mark the date on your calendar.
August Teleconference Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008; 12:00 p.m. MST (11 a.m., Pacific; 1 p.m., Central; 2 p.m., Eastern) Telephone: 646-519-5860 (Domestic U.S. callers); 001-646-519-5860 (International callers) Pin: 2047.
September Teleconference
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008; 12:00 p.m. MST (11 a.m., Pacific; 1 p.m., Central; 2 p.m., Eastern) Telephone: 646-519-5860 (Domestic U.S. callers); 001-646-519-5860 (International callers) Pin: 5986.
October Teleconference Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008; 12:00 p.m. MST (11 a.m., Pacific; 1 p.m., Central; 2 p.m., Eastern) Telephone: 646-519-5860 (Domestic U.S. callers); 001-646-519-5860 (International callers) Pin: 4780. Submit Questions to: StephenOliver@MileHighKarate.com Type MAXIMUM IMPACT QUESTION in the subject line. All questions must be submitted at least 48 hours in advance (by noon Monday, August 4, 2008; noon Monday, September 1, 2008; and noon Monday, September 29, 2008). Help eliminate background noise during the teleconference. Mute your audio by entering *6 on your keypad unless you want to ask a question.
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Live Events Get information about the 2008 NAPMA Extreme Success Academy, September 26–28, at ExtremeSuccessAcademy.com.
“Straight-Ta lk” Secret s That Wi You Develo ll Help p More Pro fessional Sel Worth and fHigher Tui tio Grow You r School and n Pricing to Learning Maximize Experience the for Your Stu dents An Interview with Mas ter Frank Brow n, Mile High er, by Toby Karate Milroy, NAP MA Vice-Pres of Sales and ident Marketing
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