Theenneagramoffunstuff ebook

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f o s e p Ty y t i l a n Perso y Objects da Every ith by

lls Sm e W e Jacki

Ennea-body Want to Play? T

eachers of the Enneagram have attached colors, animals and other visuals to their interpretations. These are not part of the actual system and change depending upon the teacher. Yet, these kinds of visuals can be useful as a way to get a clearer idea of how the nine Ennea-types go about their daily life. We decided to do a few creative enneagrams of our own. Some of these may be useful as a conceptual aid, but mostly they are a fun way to think about the Ennea-types. A few are just silly, like the Enneagram of Ice Cream, but the required research was fun, so we included it. (We recommend you do your own field study on this one to see if you agree with our findings.) The ability to laugh at yourself is a powerful transformational tool, and we hope you get a few chuckles from our “The Enneagrams of Fun Stuff.�

How to Create a

HAPPIER LIFE with the Enneagram

The Enneagram of

Colors I

f you think about it, personalities resemble colors. Each personality has its own shade and hue that looks and feels unique. How closely do our choices match up to your actual preferences? One — Silver is the color of perfect wisdom. That’s why our hair turns gray as we age. Two — Red is the color of love and passion. Three — Yellow This world needs a little brightening. Let’s add more sunshine yellow. Four — Deep Violet is a mysterious blend of red and blue — very hard to understand. Five — Blue is a calming color. We should all remain calm and use our heads! Six — Beige is a neutral color that goes with everything. Seven — Rainbow Sevens can’t limit their options to just one color! Eight — Black and White The world is black & white, right & wrong. The right way is my way. Nine — White is all the colors blended in perfect harmony.

The Enneagram of

Animals A

s a child did you ever play, “If you were an animal, what animal would you be?” Be a child again.

One — Ant, Bee Let’s make this hive perfect for the next generation of larvae. Two — Puppy, Cat I love it when you stroke my ears. Let’s cuddle. Three — Peacock, Eagle I look great when I soar and strut my stuff. Four — Oyster I’ll stay in my shell. After all, the world is waiting to eat me alive. Five — Owl Whooo says we need emotions. I’d rather not be bothered with feelings when I am cruising for prey. Six — Deer, Wolf Let’s stay with the herd and we’ll be safe. Or, let’s hunt with the pack and we’ll have plenty to eat. Seven — Monkey, Butterfly Who wants to stay on the ground when you can swing through the trees or fly away like a butterfly? Eight — Bull, Rhino Look out world! I’m coming through! Nine — Dolphin, Elephant We need to be concerned with other species, not just our own, and I am not budging on this!


Life Themes L

et’s start with the ”life philosophy” for each EnneaType. How does this match up with your life theme?

One — Life is more than a test to pass or fail. You need a perfect score. Two — Life is a never ending a love song. Sing with me. Three — Life is a game to win, and I have the edge. Four — Life is a blank canvas to create something uniquely beautiful. Five — Life is knowledge. Knowledge is power, and I have the intellect of a god. Six — Life is a game of chance, and whoever is the most prepared wins. Seven — Life is a playground with limitless possibilities. Eight — Life is like a battle that you either win or lose, but it’s the challenge that makes it interesting. Nine — Life is a symphony. When we all play our part, there is harmony.

The Enneagram of

Trees R

ooted in traditional symbolism, planting a tree near your home will bring more of a certain quality to your life. We chose these trees based on what would bring the most happiness to each Ennea-type. Your local garden shop can tell you if it will actually grow in your area. One — Beech For greater tolerance and softening of criticism. Two — Elm For strength of will and intuition. Three — Cherry For understanding and sacrifice. Four — Weeping Willow For inner healing. Five — White Ash For sensitivity and higher awareness. Six — Aspen For overcoming doubts and fears. Seven — Maple For balance and practicality. Eight — Holly Tree For overcoming anger and strengthening protective impulses. Nine — Cypress For new awakenings.

The Enneagram of

Countries H

ave you ever considered that countries also have personalities? We imagined what might really go on at the United Nations. One — Switzerland We have achieved perfection, so we must remain diplomatically neutral while the rest of you catch up. Two — Italy We’ll work it out after we have all have a good meal with a nice bottle of wine. Three — U.S.A. Follow us and this planet will be outstanding! Four — France No one understands us because ours is the culture of love and art. Five — Great Britain There is nothing an intelligent, thoughtful negotiation can’t solve. Six — Germany We’re not starting any more wars. We just want to build nice cars, not tanks. Seven — Brazil/Ireland Let’s break early, meet up and toast each other, then settle everything with a game of darts. Eight — China, Iran We don’t negotiate and no one tells us how to run our country, so, back off. Nine — Mexico We should all take a siesta and come back later to talk.

The Enneagram of

Ice Cream W

e spent hours field-testing to get just the right results. We suggest you do comparative studies of your own to verify our results. One — Haagen Dazs It doesn’t matter what the flavor is, as long as it’s the perfect ice cream. Two — Chocolate Chocolate is for lovers. Three — Whatever brand is most expensive Hey, I’m worth it. Four — Rocky Road Life is rough. Why shouldn’t my ice cream be rocky, too? Five — Vanilla It’s simple and there is no need to worry about what’s in the ingredients. Six — Fudge Ripple Vanilla and chocolate, so no one is disappointed. Seven — Tutti Frutti I like them all. I don’t want to decide on a favorite. Eight — Mint Chocolate Chip The flavor of the mint challenges the chocolate. Nine — Neapolitan I think all the flavors are good. It’s best when they blend together.

The Enneagram of

Gems and Stone G

ems have symbolic meaning, and some people believe they have healing powers. Here are our choices of what might bring the most balance to your Type.    One — Lapis Lazuli Deepens wisdom. Two — Amber Changes negative energy to positive. Three — Rose Quartz Attracts more love and goodness. Four — Pearls Balances emotions. Five — Opal Amplifies emotional response. Six — Moonstone Balances yin and yang. Seven — Hematite Grounds emotions and clarifies thoughts. Eight — Turquoise Opens heart to love. Nine — Amethyst Heals body, mind and spirit.

The Enneagram of

Planets T

his one is way out there in another orbit. How would you organize the solar system?

One — Saturn Somebody has to keep all those rings and moons in line. Two — Venus It’s the planet of love. Three — Neptune With wind speeds of 2,100 km/hour, it’s just the right pace. Four — Pluto Is it a planet or not? It’s just too complicated to be classified as either. Five — Mars It has an interesting history to study. Where did those faces come from, anyway? Six — Uranus It’s solid, reliable and underrated. Seven — Mercury Riding closest to the sun without getting burned — what could be better than that? Eight — Jupiter It’s big, bold and shields us from all those pesky asteroids. Nine — Earth It’s a green planet for the earthy type.

The Enneagram of

Flowers F

lowers have been used as a way to convey a personal message for centuries. If we were to give each Type a bouquet, here are the flowers we would choose. One — Iris Means wisdom. Two — Red Rose Means love. Three — Marigold Means winning grace. Four — Forget-me-not Means daintiness. Five — Carnation Means distinction and fascination. Six — Daffodil Means respect or regard. Seven — Larkspur Means levity and lightness. Eight — Lilly of the Valley Means purity. Nine — Daisy Means simplicity and modesty.

The Enneagram of

Sports H

ow does this line up with your favorite sport? Have we hit a home run or struck out?

One — Golf Perfection is a hole-in-one. Two — Yoga I like getting in touch with myself and others. Three — Running Busy people stay on the run. Try and keep up. Four — Modern Dance Interpretive dances allow me to express feelings. I don’t expect you to understand. Five — Spinning Classes It’s good exercise and no one talks during class. Six — Soccer This is a team sport everyone can play — unless you would prefer softball. Seven — Rock Climbing I love high adventure. Eight — Football It’s the ultimate challenge; one man against a whole team trying to stop you. Nine — Hiking I love those nature trails. They’re so peaceful.

The Enneagram of

Music M

usic is a way to connect with your emotions. Here are our notes on the subject. Do they strike a chord with you? One — Modern Country It’s easy to listen to and you can understand the lyrics. Two — Classic Country These are love songs for real people. Three — Top Forty The radio tuned for people going to the top. Four — Folk Rock Janis Joplin was a Four. What else is there to say? Five — Fusion Jazz I like the complexity and trying to identify the patterns. Six — Swing It’s fun, dance music for everyone. Seven — Jazz I like the unpredictable and spontaneous music with the passionate vocals. Eight — Classic Big Band Big is better. Nine — New Age I like the harmony of instruments balanced with sounds of nature.

The Enneagram of

Cars I

t has been said (probably by a Seven car salesman) that you can tell a lot about a person by the car they drive. Does your car fit your Type? One — Nissan Acura It’s clean, well made and low maintenance. The perfect commuter vehicle. Two — Chevy Mini-Van I love my van! It’s a great family vehicle. Three — BMW It’s designed to impress. Four — 1960’s Volkswagen Van It’s the preferred vehicle for the flower child of any generation. Five — Volvo It has the best safety record. Six — Ford Pick-up For reliability and dependableness, there is no better vehicle. Seven — Porsche It’s fast and high maintenance like me. Eight — Rolls Royce I like a car that’s big, expensive and showy because I am worth it. Nine — Hybrid Let’s keep the planet in balance using less gas.

The Enneagram of

Volunteerism V

olunteering can be a great way to expand your life and find meaning and purpose. Here are places to consider devoting a few hours per month based on your Type. (We had to include at least one serious topic.)

One — Shelters for the homeless or abused women and children. Two — Animal Rescue Societies. Three — Men and Women’s leagues that fundraise for charitable causes. Four — Community theatre or art festivals. Five — Score keeper for children’s sports organizations or serving on the advisory board of a charity. Six — Coaching local sports or organizing group activities through churches and community centers. Seven — Organizing activities for groups of adults with social disorders. Eight — Big Brother or Big Sister organizations. Nine — Local green space or park recovery groups.

The Enneagram of Nine Personalities is a powerful transformational tool for uncovering your self-defeating behaviors and creating a happier life. More than a personality assessment system, it combines psychology with spirituality for a unique system of self-development. The Enneagram is widely used in business and therapy practices. The Enneagrams of Fun Stuff is a playful perspective of your Ennea-Type in everyday applications. For a deeper understanding of the Enneagram, be sure to visit our website.

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How to Create a

HAPPIER LIFE with the Enneagram

Š 2012 Wells-Smith Partners

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