STEPS TO SUCCESS (STS) PROGRAM All of us want to be successful in what we do. Each of us may define success differently but the fact remains we want to do well. For some it could be having a steady income, for some it could be earning more money and for some it could just be the satisfaction of seeing a smile on the customer’s face. We all do some kind of work and most of us want to improve in what we do. There are various programs for success and books on the subject. Most of them only deal with how to make more money. No one really focuses on improving your life through work, on how to improve and how to beat stress while working. But this is one program which is completely in your control and most importantly, we correlate work success and stress. Our concept is unique in the following ways: Work without getting stressed Sure and steady path to business, professional or educational success Stop worrying about money Balancing your life Definition of work Work is different for different persons: Earning a living is work For students, work is studying For home makers work it is managing the house and family The entire concept of STS is based on ‘how to work’ and not necessarily what kind of work. It helps if we are doing what we like but that is not too often.
Even in case of large businesses, the entrepreneurs or owners are not necessarily engaged in specific fields they like. They are just interested and excited about doing business per se.
For students, the field they select is not necessarily the area they like. There are lot of aspects like getting into the appropriate institute, availability of finance or managing a job with studies.
More often than not, a lot of people do not really have specific likes or dislikes. There is nothing wrong with it.
Copyrights gaurang chandarana October 2012.
In the case of home makers, they have to manage their household. If there are single mothers or ladies, they have to do both; work and manage the house.
This program is therefore independent of your likes or dislikes. You can succeed even if you are not in your desired area of work. Let us get on to the program itself. RULE # 1 – ACCEPT YOUR WORK Everyone has to do some form of work. Accept the fact. Humans are meant to work; physically and mentally. So whatever work you are doing, do it without dislike. If you think you are not doing something you want to, at least ensure you don’t dislike your work even if you may not love it. You can gradually plan a transition to areas you want to if you are really passionate about something. Do not get carried away by what others say. Their passions and opinions are different from yours. RULE # 2 – WORK FOR YOURSELF If you are doing something which looks mundane (or less lucrative) to others; but you are ok with it; then don’t get swayed. Just stick to what you are doing. You are not working for others. While at work or studies, do not get diverted by gossip, politics, conflicts or competitors. The moment you respond or get involved, you have stopped working for yourself and are working for others. You can always have friends and a social life; but try and balance it so that it does not start impacting work. Participating in work related events and functions are part of work. You do not have to be anti – social. Do have fun, but not at the expense of work. RULE # 3 - WORK WITH COMPLETE INVOLVEMENT While at work, just be in the present and focus only on work. The more involved you are on a daily basis, the more successful you will be. You do not have to be like a machine, but minimize breaks, personal calls, chatting, other activities, etc. Working for long hours, but with the mind somewhere else is not involvement.
Copyrights gaurang chandarana October 2012.
Even if you are doing household chores and your husband or kids do not contribute; there is no reason for you to a half hearted job. You have to do it with full involvement. Requiring assistance from someone if the workload is high, is a different issue altogether. It is not a reason to do a below average job; whether at home, business or office. RULE # 4 – WORK TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY Try to do the best you can, every time. There should be no slackening. Consciously find ways to improve on even small tasks. See how you can constantly work better and schedule better. Find ways and means to constantly excel in what you do, even if it is cleaning. The satisfaction of doing a good job for your self is entirely different. It is not to show others, or to fight for a better reward or promotion. It is just about challenging yourself daily and proving to yourself that you are good. RULE # 5 WORK BALANCED Don’t go overboard on work. Working long hours for days or months in a row is not good at all. Have activities other than work which you can enjoy. Activities means hobbies and sports; not going out drinking after work or watching TV or movies. Sleep well. Sleep early and sleep for 7 to 8 hours to refresh and rejuvenate. Also try and take a power nap in the afternoon. RULE # 6 – WORK WITHOUT EXPECTATION This is the single most important rule if you want to be completely stress free and happy. If you are following the first five rules, rewards will come automatically. They may not come at the same time and in the same fashion you have thought of, but the rewards will be significant. If you work and start expecting, you are inching towards a lot of stress. It is like very slow poison. Never compare or compete. You are unique with your own strengths. Just work diligently. You will get great returns in the most unexpected fashion and at different times.
Copyrights gaurang chandarana October 2012.
ďƒź Excessively agonizing about targets and how to achieve them is not going to get you rewards. It will bring stress. You should rather focus on how to put out a better product or service, how to do things better all the time. Then let go.....and see your life change. ďƒź Learn to observe what comes your way. We may grow a little slow in business or work but the flip side could be a brilliant family life. Is it not a reward? There are multiple such examples of people around you. All the achievers in any sphere succeeded not because they had targets but because they were passionate about their work and constantly wanted to do better. They were working in the same fashion even when they had no money and even when they got money. Sounds logical? Try it. To help you get rid of work stress and achieve success, we have created this simple pdf specially for you. If you need some queries answered or looking for some stress or professional counseling do write in your queries on and we will revert.
Copyrights gaurang chandarana October 2012.