Autumn Conference 2017 Guide

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Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru

Cynhadledd yr Hydref 2 - 3 Medi 2017, Llanelli Welsh Liberal Democrats

Autumn Conference 2 - 3 September 2017, Llanelli

Cynhadledd y Gwanwyn 2018

Cadwch y dyddiad! 14eg a 15fed Ebrill 2018 Gwesty’r Village, Coryton, Caerdydd, CF14 7EF

Manylion bwcio i ddilyn cyn bo hir

Spring Conference 2018

Keep the date! 14th and 15th April 2018 Village Hotel, Coryton, Cardiff, CF14 7EF

Booking information to follow soon Conference Dinner with Vince Cable, Saturday 8pm Don’t miss out - buy your tickets as soon as you can:

Cinio’r Gynhadledd gyda Vince Cable, Sadwrn 8yh Peidiwch colli’ch cyfle - prynwch eich tocynnau cyn gynted â phosib:

Cynnwys Gwybodaeth am leoliad y gynhadledd


Dadleuon, pleidleisiau a siarad Gwybodaeth am gynigion Siarad yn y gynhadledd


Trefn y ddadl, pleidleisio


Cynigion trefniadol


Agenda ac amserlen y Gynhadledd




Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi


Dydd Sul 3ydd Medi


Caffi Polisi




Adroddiadau’r Blaid


Sesiynau eraill



Contents Conference venue information


Debates, Votes and Speaking Information about Motions


Speaking at Conference


Order of Debate, voting


Procedural Motions


Conference agenda and timetable


Saturday 2nd September


Sunday 3rd September


Policy CafĂŠ




Party Reports


Other sessions




Lleoliad y Gynhadledd Ddesg Gofrestru Mi fydd y ddesg ger dderbynfa’r gwesty, ac ar agor o 08:30 ar ddydd Sadwrn a 09:00 ar ddydd Sul. Dosbarthu Llenyddiaeth Byddwch yn ymwybodol ni chaniateir dosbarthu llenyddiaeth yn lleoliad y gynhadledd heb gymeradwyaeth ymlaen llaw gan Gadeirydd Pwyllgor y Gynhadledd. Ceir eithriadau ar gyfer y rheiny sy’n cynnal stondin neu cyfarfod ymylol. Ysmygu Mae ysmygu yn unrhyw ran o leoliad y gynhadledd yn anghyfreithlon. Ystafell Gotiau Ceir ychydig o le ar gyfer cotiau a bagiau yn y lleoliad. Ni fydd Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru na’r lleoliad yn cymryd unrhyw gyfrifoldeb dros unrhyw eitemau a adewir yno. Ni chanteir bagiau mawr yn neuadd y gynhadledd. Ffotograffiaeth Fflach Dylai cynrychiolwyr sydd â thueddiad at epilepsi nodi gallai ffotograffiaeth fflach gael ei defnyddio yn neuadd y gynhadledd. Eiddo Coll Dylai pob item a eiddo coll gael eu rhoi i mewn a’i ail-hawlio wrth y Ddesg Cofrestru. Ffonau symudol A wnewch chi sicrhau bod pob ffôn symudol wedi’i ddiffodd cyn mynd i mewn i neuadd y gynhadledd, ystafelloedd ymylol a sesiynau hyfforddi.



Conference Venue Registration Desk The Registration Desk can be found near the hotel reception, and will be open from 08:30 on Saturday and 09:00 on Sunday. Distribution of Literature The distribution of literature within the venue is not permitted without the prior approval of the Chair of Conference Committee, unless as an Exhibitor it is distributed from your stand or as a Fringe host within your Fringe venue during designated Fringe sessions. Fundraising, including the selling of raffle tickets, is only permitted from an exhibition stand or in a fringe meeting. Smoking It is illegal to smoke within any part of the Conference venue. Designated smoking areas are available. Cloakroom Limited cloakroom facilities are available at the venue, with all items left at the owner’s risk. The Welsh Liberal Democrats nor the venue will accept responsibility for items left. Large items of luggage will not be permitted inside the Hall. Flash Photography Conference attendees affected by epilepsy should note that flash photography may be used in throughout the weekend. Lost Property Any items of lost property should be handed in to, and reclaimed from, the Registration Desk. Mobile Phones Please ensure that all phones are switched off or set to silent before entering the Conference Hall, fringe events and training sessions.



Dadleuon, pleidleisiau a siarad Gwybodaeth am Gynigion Mae pob Cynnig a drafodir yn y Gynhadledd yn ymddangos yn y canllaw hwn yn yr un drefn ag y trafodir hwy gan y Gynhadledd. Iaith y Cynigion Mae pob cynnig yn ymddangos yn y Canllaw hwn yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg. Gan fod yr holl gynigion wedi gyflwyno yn wreiddiol yn Saesneg, os oes anghysondeb rhwng yr ieithoedd bydd y fersiwn Saesneg yn cael blaenoriaeth. Gwelliannau i Gynigion Gall pob cynig sydd yn ymddangos yn y Canllaw hwn gael ei wella. Gall gwelliannau gael eu cyflwyno gan Bleidiau Lleol, Pwyllgor y Blaid yng Nghymru sy’n gyfrifol am y fater a godwyd yn y cynnig, grŵp Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru yng Nghynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru neu yn Senedd y DU, neu 20 aelod. Dylid e-bostio gwelliannau at erbyn canol-dydd ddydd Mercher 23ain Awst. Bydd pob gwelliant a dderbynnir ar gyfer drafodaeth yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn Cyhoeddiadau'r Gynhadledd a fydd ar gael ar wefan y Blaid yn yr wythnos cyn y Gynhadledd ac oddi wrth y Ddesg Gofrestru yn y Gynhadledd.



Debates, Votes and Speaking Information about the Motions Every Motion to be debated at the Conference appears in this section in the same order as they do in the Conference Hall Agenda earlier in the Conference Guide. Language of Motions All motions appear in this Guide in both Welsh and English. As all motions were originally submitted in English, if there is a discrepancy between the languages the English language version shall take precedence. Amendments to Motions All motions that appear in this Guide can be amended. Amendments may be submitted by Local Parties, the Welsh Party Committee that has responsibility for the issue raised in the motion, the Welsh Liberal Democrat group in the National Assembly for Wales or in the UK Parliament, or 20 Conference Representatives. Amendments should be e-mailed to by midday on Wednesday 23rd August 2017. All amendments accepted for debate will be published in the Conference Announcements which will be available on the Party website in the week before Conference and from the Registration Desk at Conference.



Dadleuon, pleidleisiau a siarad Cynigion Amserol Cynigion Amserol yw cynigion polisi sy'n seiliedig ar ddigwyddiad sy'n digwydd ar ôl y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno cynigion polisi h.y. 27 Mehefin 2017. Gall Cynigion Amserol gael eu cyflwyno gan Bartion Lleol, Pwyllgor y Blaid Cymreig sy’n gyfrifol am y fater a godwyd yn y cynnig, grŵp Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru yng Nghynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru neu yn Senedd y DU, neu 20 aelod. Dylai Cynigion Amserol gael ei e-bostio at erbyn canol-dydd ddydd Mercher 23ain Awst. Bydd pob Cynnig Amserol a dderbynnir ar gyfer drafodaeth yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn Cyhoeddiadau'r Gynhadledd a fydd ar gael ar wefan y blaid yn yr wythnos cyn y Gynhadledd ac oddi wrth y Ddesg Gofrestru yn y Gynhadledd. Gall Cynigion Amserol a gyhoeddwyd yn Cyhoeddiadau'r Gynhadledd gael ei wella. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno gwelliant i Gynnig Amserol yw 9yb ar ddydd Sadwrn 2il Medi. Dylai gwelliannau gael ei e-bostio I neu ei roi i Gadeirydd Pwyllgor y Gynhadledd ar ffurf copi caled.



Debates, Votes and Speaking Topical Motions Topical Motions are policy motions which are based on an event which happens after the deadline for submitting policy motions i.e. 27 July 2017. Topical Motions may be submitted by Local Parties, the Welsh Party Committee that has responsibility for the issues raised in the motion, the Welsh Liberal Democrat group in the National Assembly for Wales or in the UK Parliament, or 20 members. Topical Motions should be e-mailed to by mid-day on Wednesday 23rd August 2017. All Topical Motions accepted for debate will be published in the Conference Announcements which will be available on the party website in the week before Conference and from the Registration Desk at Conference. Topical Motions published in the Conference Announcements may also be amended. The deadline for submitting an amendment to a Topical Motion is 9 am on Saturday 2nd September. Amendments should be e-mailed to or given to the Chair of Conference Committee in hard copy.



Dadleuon, pleidleisiau a siarad Cynigion Brys Cynigion brys yw cynigion sy’n ymwneud â digwyddiad sy'n digwydd ar ôl y dyddiad cau ar gyfer Cynigion Amserol. Dylai Cynigion Brys fod yn gryno. Gall Cynigion Brys gael eu cyflwyno gan Bartion Lleol, Pwyllgor y Blaid yng Nghymru sy’n gyfrifol am y fater a godwyd yn y cynnig, y grŵp Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru yng Nghynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru neu yn Senedd y DU, neu 20 aelod. Mae dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno Cynigion Brys yn dibynnu ar pryd mae’r digwyddiad bod y cynigion yn ymwneud a yn digwydd. Ar gyfer digwyddiadau sy'n digwydd cyn dechrau'r Gynhadledd y dyddiad cau yw dechrau'r Gynhadledd h.y. 9:00 ddydd Sadwrn 2 Medi. Ar gyfer digwyddiadau sy'n digwydd yn ystod Cynhadledd y dyddiad cau yw dair awr cyn y slot yn yr agenda ar gyfer Cynigion Brys.



Debates, Votes and Speaking Emergency Motions Emergency Motions are motions relating to an event which occurs after the deadline for Topical Motions. Emergency Motions should be brief. Emergency Motions may be submitted by Local Parties, the Welsh Party Committee that has responsibility for the issues raised in the motion, the Welsh Liberal Democrat group in the National Assembly for Wales or in the UK Parliament, or 20 members. The deadline for submitting Emergency Motions depends on when the event that the motions relates to occurs. For events that occur before the start of the Conference the deadline is the start of Conference i.e. 9:00 on Saturday 2nd September. For events that occur during Conference the deadline is three hours before the slot in the agenda for Emergency Motions.



Dadleuon, pleidleisiau a siarad Siarad yn y Gynhadledd Pwy all siarad? Gall Aelodau Blaid sydd wedi'u cofrestru fel aelod bleidleisio neu aelod heb bleidlais siarad mewn unrhyw ddadl. Gall Sylwedyddion Cofrestredig siarad gyda chaniatâd Pwyllgor y Gynhadledd. Hyd Areithiau Ym mhob dadl ar gynnig, caniateir 5 munud i Gynigwyr Mesur, 4 munud i Gynigwyr Gwelliannau a 3 munud i bob siaradwr arall, yn cynnwys Crynhoiwyr Cynigion a Gwelliannau. Gall y Cadeirydd leihau yr amseroedd hyn i ganiatau mwy o aelodau I siarad mewn dadl. Os byddant yn gwneud hyn byddant yn cyhoeddi’r newid yn ystod y ddadl. Os ydych chi’n siarad a bod y Cadeirydd yn gofyn i chi ddod â’ch araith i ben, bydd yn rhaid i chi orffen yn brydlon. Cyfieithu ar y Pryd Yn anffodus nid oes cyfleusterau cyfieithu ar y pryd wedi’u cadarnhau ar gyfer y gynhadledd hon.



Debates, Votes and Speaking Speaking at Conference Who can speak? Party Members who are registered as voting or non-voting members of Conference can speak in any debate. Registered Observers may speak with the permission of the Conference Committee. Length of Speeches In every debate on a motion, 5 minutes will be allowed for Proposers of motions, 4 minutes for Proposers of Amendments and 3 minutes for all other speakers including Summators of both motions and amendments. The Chair may reduce these timings to allow more members to speak in a debate. If they do this they will announce the change during the debate. If you are speaking and the Chair asks you to bring your speech to an end please finish promptly. Simultaneous Translation Unfortunately, simultaneous translation facilities have not been secured for this conference. Those wishing to address Conference in Welsh are welcome to do so, but should be aware that their contributions will not be translated for the non-Welsh speaking members of the audience.



Dadleuon, pleidleisiau a siarad Sut i fynd ati i siarad Dylai unrhyw un sydd am siarad mewn dadl lenwi cerdyn siaradwr a’i chyflwyno i Fwrdd y Siaradwyr ac aros i weld a ydynt yn cael eu galw yn y ddadl. Dylai cerdyn wahanol gael ei llenwi ar gyfer pob dadl. Mae cardiau Siaradwyr ar gael o Fwrdd y Siaradwyr, gan stiwardiaid yn yr awditoriwm, ac wrth y Ddesg Gofrestru. Cwblhau Cardiau Siaradwyr Mae tri phwynt allweddol i’w cofio i wneud y gorau eich siawns o gael eich galw: 1 Gyflwynwch eich cerdyn ymhell ymlaen llaw. Os ydych eich cerdyn wrth law yn hwyr, rydych chi’n anhebygol iawn o gael eich galw. 2 Llenwch eich cerdyn yn gyfan gwbl. Yn ogystal â’r wybodaeth ar flaen y cerdyn (enw, plaid lleol, o blaid neu yn erbyn y cynnig, ac ati), mae yna ddwy adran ar y cefn, ar gyfer cefndir perthnasol (profiad broffesiynol neu defnyddiol, cefndir yn y blaid, ac ati) ac ar gyfer amlinelliad byr o’r hyn yr ydych yn mynd i ddweud. 3 Gwneud yn siwr ei fod yn ddarllenadwy! Peidiwch â chymryd hyn fel gwahoddiad i lenwi pob centimetr sgwâr o’r cerdyn, a Peidiwch ag ysgrifennu yn annarllenadwy, neu mewn llythrennau bach iawn, neu mewn inc gwyrdd ... yr hawsach rydych chi’n ei wneud i’r gadairydd a’r cymhorthwr i ddarllen eich cerdyn y fwyaf tebygol y byddwch yn cael eich galw.



Debates, Votes and Speaking How to go about Speaking Anyone wishing to speak in a debate needs to fill in a speaker’s card and submit it to the Speakers’ Desk and wait to see if they are called in the debate. A separate card should be filled in for every debate. Speaker’s cards are available from the Speakers’ Desk, from stewards in the auditorium, or the Registration Desk. Completing Speakers Cards There are three key points to remember to maximise your chances of being called: 1. Submit your card well in advance. If you hand your card in late, in a popular debate you’re very unlikely to be called. 2. Fill in your card completely The second major mistake potential speakers make is not to fill in all the information on the card (name, local party, for or against the motion, etc.). These sections are needed for the chair and aide to balance the debate – to make sure that people with relevant experience are called, and to make sure that they don’t call a whole string of people who’ll make the same point. 3. Make sure it’s readable! Don’t take this as an invitation to fill every square centimetre of the card; and don’t write illegibly, or in very small letters, or in green ink … the easier you make it for the chair to read your card the more likely you are to be called.



Dadleuon, pleidleisiau a siarad Trefn Dadl Yn gyffredinol fydd Cynigion yn cael eu hystyried yn y modd canlynol: Cynigydd y cynnig Bydd cynigwyr unrhyw welliannau yn siarad yn eu tro Bydd siaradwyr cael eu galw ar bob ochr y ddadl gyda’r cadeirydd yn ceisio sicrhau cydbwysedd Bydd crynhoiwyr y gwelliannau yn siarad yn eu tro Bydd crynhoiwr y cynnig yn siarad Bydd y Cadeirydd yn cymryd pleidlais ar y gwelliannau a phleidleisiau ar wahân yn eu tro - o blaid/yn erbyn Cynhelir pleidlais ar y cynnig


Dim ond Aelodau Pleidleisio sy’n cael pleidleisio. Bydd ganddynt "Pleidleisio" ar gefn eu Bathodyn Cynhadledd. Os ydych yn dymuno pleidleisio mewn dadl mae rhaid i chi fod yn Neuadd y Gynhadledd erbyn diwedd araith crynhoiwr y cynnig achos fydd neb yn cael mynd i mewn i’r neuadd unwaith y bydd pleidleisio wedi dechrau. I bleidleisio, dylech for yn eistedd a dal eich Bathodyn Gynhadledd yn yr awyr, gyda’r ochr "Pleidleisio" yn wynebu’r Cadeirydd. Dilynwch y cyfarwyddiadau y Cadeirydd ar y pryd I bleidleisio. Efallai y gofynnir I chi gadw eich Bathodyn Gynhadledd yn yr awyr am amser hir i sicrhau y gall yr holl bleidleisiau cael eu cyfri.


Debates, Votes and Speaking Order of Debate, and Voting Motions will generally be considered in the following way: Proposer of the Motion Proposers of any amendments speak in turn Speakers will then be called on all sides of the debate with the Chair seeking to ensure balance Summators of the amendments will speak in turn The summator of the motion will speak

The Chair will take votes on the amendments and separate votes (if any) in turn - for and against A vote will be taken on the motion as a whole

Only Voting Members will be able to vote. Voting Members will have “Voting” on the back of their Conference Badge. If you are a Voting Member and wish to vote in a debate you must be in the Conference Hall by the end of the speech by the summator of the motion as no-one will be allowed to enter the hall once the voting has started. To vote, you should be seated and hold your Conference Badge in the air, with the “Voting”side facing the Chair. Please follow the instructions of the Chair on when to vote. You may be asked to keep your Conference Badge in the air for a long time to ensure that all the votes can be counted. Decisions on the motion and amendments are by simple majority of those voting.



Dadleuon, pleidleisiau a siarad Cynigion Trefniadol Mae Cynigion Trefniadol yn ymwneud â weithdrefn y gynhadledd. Cyfeirio Yn ôl - i roi'r gorau I ddadl ar Gynnig ac anfon y Cynnig i gorff a bennwyd ar gyfer mwy o waith. Busnes Nesaf - i roi'r gorau I drafod a symud at yr eitem nesaf ar yr agenda. Atal Rheolau Sefydlog - I godi un neu fwy o'r rheolau sy'n rheoli gweithrediad y Gynhadledd. Gall Cynigion Trefniadol gael eu cyflwyno gan unrhyw aelod bleidleisio yn ysgrifenedig ynghyd â datganiad o resymau o 75 o eiriau neu lai. Bydd y pleidleisiau yn cael eu cymryd yn yr un ffordd ag ar gyfer Cynigion a Gwelliannau, ac eithrio nid oes pwynt torri i ffwrdd i fod yn Neuadd y Gynhadledd ar gyfer y bleidlais ar p'un ai I gael dadl-fach. Mae penderfyniadau ar cynigion trefniadol yn cael eu gwneud gan fwyafrif syml o’r rhai sy’n pleidleisio.


Yn gyffredinol fydd Cynigion Trefniadol yn cael eu hystyried fel hyn: Gall unrhyw Aelod bleidlaisio gynnig Cynnig Trefniadol yn ysgrifenedig cyn diwedd dadl ar y Cynnig Mae'r Cadeirydd yn darllen y datganiad ysgrifenedig o blaid y cynnig trefniadol Fydd pleidlais yn cael ei gymryd ar p'un a fydd dadl-fach ar y cynnig trefniadol.

Os y penderfyniad yw i gael dadl-fach: Gall gynigydd y cynnig trefniadol siarad Gall rhywun sy’n wrthwynebu'r Cynnig Trefniadol siarad Gall siaradwyr eraill cael eu galw i siarad Cynhelir pleidlais ar y cynnig trefniadol


Debates, Votes and Speaking Procedural Motions Procedural motions concern the procedure by which conference operates.

Procedural motions are usually considered in the following way:

Reference Back - to stop debate on a Motion and send the Motion to a specified body for more work

Any Voting Member can propose a procedural motion in writing before the end of a debate on a motion

Next Business - to stop debate and move to the next item of business on the agenda.

The Chair reads out the written statement in support of the procedural motion

Suspension of Standing Orders - to lift one or more of the rules governing the operation of conference. Procedural Motions may be submitted by any voting member in writing together with a statement of reasons of 75 words or less. Votes will be taken in the same way as for Motions and Amendments, except that there is no cut off point for being in the Conference Hall for the vote on whether to have a mini-debate. Decisions on procedural motions are made by simple majority of those voting.

A vote will be taken on whether there will be a mini-debate on the procedural motion If the decision is to have a mini-debate: The mover of the procedural motion may speak Someone to oppose the procedural motion may speak Other speakers may be called to speak A vote will be taken on the procedural motion



Mynegai ac amserlen yr agenda Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 09:00

Agor y Gynhadledd gan y Cyng Roger Williams



Cynnig: Rheolau etholiadau mewnol Cynnig: Ffioedd Cynadleddau 2018 Cynnig: Ethol Senedd Cymru cyfrannol a chynrychiadol Cynnig Amserol/Brys

24 30 32

10:30 Sesiwn ymgynghorol: Adolygiad rheolaeth


11:30 Cynnig: Dewisolrwydd arweinyddiaeth y blaid


12:30 Cinio (bwffe wedi’i gynnwys â’ch ffioedd cofrestru) 52 13:30 Cynnig: Rhoddion i’r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cynnig: Adolygiad cyfansoddiadol Cynnig Amserol/Brys

52 54

14:30 Araith: Y Farwnes Sal Brinton


14:55 Adroddiad a Q&A: Kirsty Williams AC


15:20 Te prynhawn (wedi’i gynnwys wrth gofrestru)


16:00 Adroddiad a Q&A: Pwyllgor Ymgyrchoedd ac Ymgeiswyr


17:00 Cynhadledd yn oedi Dydd Sul 3ydd Medi 09:30

Ethol y Panel Apelio / Etholiadau mewnol



Q&A: Syr Vince Cable AS




11:30 Cynnig: Cysylltiadau fferi gydag Iwerddon Cynnig: Ymgyrchu etholiadol yn Gymraeg Cynnig Amserol/Brys

64 66

12:30 Sesiwn Caffi Polisi


13:30 Cau’r Gynhadledd 22


Agenda index and timetable Saturday 2nd September 09:00

Opening of Conference by Cllr Roger Williams



25 Motion: Internal election rules 31 Motion: Conference fees for 2018 Motion: Electing a proportional and representative 33 Welsh Parliament Topical/Emergency Motion

10:30 Consultation session: Party governance review


11:30 Motion: Party leadership eligibility


12:30 Lunch (buffet included in your registration fees)


13:30 Motion: Donations to the Liberal Democrats Motion: Constitutional review Topical/Emergency Motion

53 55

14:30 Speech: Baroness Sal Brinton


14:55 Report and Q&A: Kirsty Williams AM


15:20 Afternoon tea (included in your registration fees)


16:00 Report and Q&A: Campaigns and Candidates Committeee


17:00 Conference adjourns Sunday 3rd September 09:30

Election of Appeals Panel / Internal elections



Q&A: Sir Vince Cable MP




11:30 Motion: Ferry links with Ireland Motion: Welsh language election campaigning Topical/Emergency motion

65 67

12:30 Policy cafĂŠ session


13:30 Close of Conference



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 09:00 - Agor y Gynhadledd Cyng Roger Williams Llywydd Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru

09:20 - Sesiwn cynigion Newid y cyfansoddiad: Rheolau etholiadau mewnol Cyflwynwyd gan y Pwyllgor Gwaith Cenedlaethol Mae’r Gynhadnedd yn nodi: 1. Bod nifer o fudiadau, gan gynnwys blaid ffederal y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol, yn defnyddio systemau pleidleisio electronig ar gyfer eu hetholiadau mewnol. 2. Diffiniad pleidleisio electronig ar gyfer y cynnig hwn yw proses lle gofynir i bob aelod sy’n cael pleidieisio ymweld â gwefan lle, ar ôl proses diogelwch, gellir taro pleidlais yn yr un modd a gellr gwneud gyda phleidlais bapur. Byddai gan y wefan cyngor ar sut I bleidleisio a system i stopio pleidleisio anghyfreithlon, yn ogystal â modd hawdd i weld maniffestos yr ymgeiswyr. 3. Bod buddiannau pleidleisio electronig yn cynnwys gwell cywirder, costau is a, lle mae’n briodol, gwell cyflymder. Cred y Gynhadledd yw: 4. Bod y cyfansoddiad presennol yn gwahardd yn amhwrpasol pleidleisio electronig ar gyfer etholiadau mewnol ar gyfer aelodau pwyllgorau, swyddogion y blaid, ac ar gyfer yr Arweinydd, y Dirprwy Arweinydd, y Llywydd a’r Dirprwy Llywydd. 5. Gan sicrhau nad oes anfantais i unrhyw aelod sydd am bleidleisio ar bapur pleidleisio traddodiadol, does dim rheswm



Saturday 2nd September 09:00 - Opening of Conference Cllr Roger Williams President of the Welsh Liberal Democrats

09:20 - Motions session Constitutional amendment: Internal election rules Submitted by the National Executive Committee Conference notes: 1. Many organisations, including the Liberal Democrats Federal party, conduct internal elections using, in part, electronic balloting systems. 2. Electronic balloting is defined for purposes of this motion as a procedure in which all members eligible to vote are advised to visit a website where, after some security check to ensure compliance, a vote may be cast in the same way as would be the case for a paper ballot. The website typically would have advice on how to vote and a system to prohibit illegal voting, as well as easy access to manifestos from candidates. 3. The benefits of electronic balloting include greater accuracy, lower cost, and, where appropriate greater speed. Conference believes: 4. The current constitution inadvertently prohibits electronic balloting for internal elections for committee members, party officers, and for Leader, President, Deputy President, Leader and Deputy Leader.



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi da pam na ddylid defnyddio pleidleisio electronig gan Ddemocratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru. 6. Byddai mân newidiadau i’r cyfansoddiad yn cael gwared â’r gwaharddiad ar bleidleisio electronig. 7. Dylid cael system ‘optio fewn’ tri cham i bleidleisio electronig. Yn gyntaf, anfonir ebost i aelodau gyda chynnig i optio fewn i bleidleisio electronig. Yn ail, bydd y rheiny nad sydd wedi optio fewn yn derbyn papur pledleisio a maniffestos fel yr arfer, ond gyda chynnig ac esboniad o sut fedrant pleidleisio’n electronig fel dewis amgen i ddychwelyd y papur drwy’r post. Yn drydydd, bydd aelodau newydd yn ymuno o heddiw ymlaen gan ddefnyddio gwefan y blaid ac yn darparu cyfeiriad ebost yn cael eu nodi ar gyfer pleidleisio electronig, ond gyda dewis i optio allan. Mae’r Gynhadledd yn dewis: 1. I newid y cyfansoddiad i alluogi pleidleisio electronig fel y ganlyn: a) Dylid newid Adran D 'The Organisation of the Party', paragraff 8, sydd ar hyn o bryd yn dweud: All elections (other than those arising from a meeting of the Conference which need to be held at that meeting) to be carried out by the Conference shall be carried out by a postal ballot of all those registered as members of the Conference for the current year (and not their substitutes) immediately after the relevant meeting of the Conference. I’r canlynol: All elections (other than those arising from a meeting of the Conference which need to be held at that meeting) to be carried out by the Conference shall be carried out by a ballot



Saturday 2nd September 5. Provided that those members who wish to vote using traditional paper ballot and the postal system are not disadvantaged in any way, there is no good reason why electronic balloting should not be used by the Welsh Liberal Democrats. 6. Minor changes to the wording of sections of the constitution would remove the prohibition on electronic balloting. 7. There should be an 'opt in' to electronic balloting in three stages. Firstly, members will be emailed with an offer of opting in to electronic balloting. Secondly, those who do not opt in will be sent a postal ballot and manifestos, as has been done in the past, but with an offer and explanation of how they may vote using the electronic balloting system as an alternative to returning the paper ballot by post. Thirdly, new members joining from today onwards by using a party website and supplying an email address to the party will be deemed to have opted in to electronic balloting, but with a checkbox or similar to allow for an opt out. Conference resolves: 1. To amend the constitution to permit electronic balloting as follows: a) Section D 'The Organisation of the Party', para 8, which currently reads: All elections (other than those arising from a meeting of the Conference which need to be held at that meeting) to be carried out by the Conference shall be carried out by a postal ballot of all those registered as members of the Conference for the current year (and not their substitutes) immediately after the relevant meeting of the Conference. Should be amended to read:



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi of all members for the current year immediately after the relevant meeting of the Conference. b) Atodiad 1: Election Rules, Appendix 1: Election Rules for Annual Elections by Conference, E: Ballot, sydd ar hyn o bryd yn dweud 2. When there are more candidates than offices or positions to be filled, a postal ballot shall be conducted by the Single Transferable Vote in accordance with the currently published rules of the Electoral Reform Society. 3. Those entitled to vote in these elections shall be those registered members of Conference (and not their substitutes) for the Annual Meeting of the current year. Dileu’r gair 'postal' ym mharagraff 2 uchod, a newid paragraff 3 i: 3. Those entitled to vote in these elections shall be all members for the current year. c) Atodiad 1: Election Rules, Appendix 3: Rules for Postal Ballots of the Whole Party. Dileu’r gair 'postal' o’r teitl. 2. Gofyn i Lywydd y blaid, neu rhywun arall ar ddewis y Llywydd, i reportio’n ôl i bob gynhadledd ar ddefnydd ac effeithrwydd pleidleisio electronig.



Saturday 2nd September All elections (other than those arising from a meeting of the Conference which need to be held at that meeting) to be carried out by the Conference shall be carried out by a ballot of all members for the current year immediately after the relevant meeting of the Conference. b) Annex 1: Election Rules, Appendix 1: Election Rules for Annual Elections by Conference, E: Ballot, which currently reads 2. When there are more candidates than offices or positions to be filled, a postal ballot shall be conducted by the Single Transferable Vote in accordance with the currently published rules of the Electoral Reform Society. 3. Those entitled to vote in these elections shall be those registered members of Conference (and not their substitutes) for the Annual Meeting of the current year. Delete the word 'postal' in paragraph 2 above, and substitute paragraph 3 with: 3. Those entitled to vote in these elections shall be all members for the current year. c) Annex 1: Election Rules, Appendix 3: Rules for Postal Ballots of the Whole Party. Delete the word 'postal' from the title. 2. To require the President of the party, or a nominee of the President to report back to each conference on the use, take-up and effectiveness of electronic balloting.



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi Ffioedd Cynadleddau 2018 Cyflwynwyd gan Bwyllgor y Gynhadledd

Mae’r Gynhadledd yn nod bod: a) Am resymau gwahanol, mae cynhadleddau diweddar Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru wedi’u trefnu a’u hysbysebu ar gyfnod byr o amser. b) Presenoldeb yng nghynadleddau Cymru diweddar wedi bod yn isel, ac yn cynrychioli presenoldeb gan llai na 4% o’r aelodaeth yng Nghymru. c) Cynadleddau Cymru diweddar mewn lleoliadau â chyfleusterau o safon newidol, ac nad ydynt o hyd yn cael eu derbyn fel gwerth arian y rheiny sy’n mynychu. Cred y Gynhadledd yw: a) Dylid trefnu cynadleddau Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru er mwyn bod o leiaf lleoliad y gynhadledd nesaf ar wybod erbyn pob cynhadledd. b) Gellir rhoi mwy o hyblygrwydd i brisiau ffioedd cofrestru ar gyfer y gynhadledd, er mwyn i gynigion disgownt cael eu cynnig i’r rheiny sydd am brynu 2 gynhadledd olynol ar yr un pryd, prynu grŵp o gofrestriadau ar yr un pryd gan rheiny o’r un plaid lleol, cynnwys bwyd, diodydd a llety mewn pris holl-gynhwysol, ac hysbysebion eraill felly yn ogystal â’r disgowntau ‘cyntaf I’r felin’, digyflog a mynychwyr tro cyntaf sydd eisioes ar gael, er mwyn cynyddu presenoldeb yng nghynadleddau Cymru.



Saturday 2nd September Conference Fees 2018 Submitted by Conference Committee

Conference notes that: a) For various reasons, recent conferences for the Welsh Liberal Democrats have been organised and advertised at relatively short notice. b) The attendance at recent Welsh conferences by members has been low and represents attendance by significantly less than 4% of the membership in Wales. c) Recent Welsh conferences have had a variable quality of locations and facilities that are not always perceived as value for money by attendees. Conference believes that: a) Welsh Liberal Democrat conferences should be organised such that at least the first future venue is known at the time of each conference. b) Greater flexibility could be given to the pricing of registration fees for conference such that discount offers can be made for the purchase of 2 successive conferences in one transaction, the purchase of a group of registrations in one transaction by members of one local party, the inclusion of meals, beverages and accommodation in an all-inclusive price, and other such promotions in addition to the usual ‘early bird’, unwaged, and first time attendee discounts traditionally offered, all intended to increase attendance at Welsh conferences,



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi c) Gellir gwella’r dewis o leoliadau a chyfleusterau ar gael i’r gynhadledd er mwyn o hyd darparu gwell gwerth am arian ar gyfer mynychwyr. Mae’r Gynhadledd yn penderfynu: a) Cadw uchafswm ffi cofrestru ar gyfer cynadleddau Cymru yn 2018 yn £60, ond ni ddylai’r uchafswm hon gynnwys costau ffioedd a godwyd gan y systemau ticedi a thalu a ddefnyddir. b) Cadw disgownt 50% ar gyfer aelodau digyflog yn 2018, yn ogystal â disgownt 50% (a osodwyd ar ôl disgowntau eraill) ar gyfer mynychwyr tro cyntaf, ond nad oes cyfnod na phris gosodedig ar gyfer disgowntau ‘cyntaf i’r felin’ c) Dylai cynllunio ariannol cynadledd Cymru er mwyn defnyddio’r holl incwm oddi wrth ffioedd cofrestru aelodau ar gyfleusterau’r gynhadledd, a chynllunio gwarged yn unig o’r cinio, arddangoswyr, arsyllwyr a gweithgareddau eraill nad sy’n perthyn i’r gynhadledd.

Ethol Senedd Cymru cyfrannol a chynrychiadol Cyflwynwyd gan y Pwyllgor Polisi Mae’r Gynhadledd yn nodi: 1. Bod y trefniadau etholiadol a ddewiswyd i ethol aelodau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru ar ei gychwyn yn 1997 yn wedi’u dewis er mwyn sicrhau llywodraeth mwy gyfrannol a chynrychiadol yng Nghymru nag o dan y system ‘cyntaf i’r felin’.



Saturday 2nd September c) The selection and purchase of conference venues and facilities could be improved to consistently provide better value for money for attendees. Conference resolves that: a) The registration fee for Welsh conferences in 2018 should be held at a maximum of ÂŁ60 but that this maximum should exclude the cost of fees charged by the ticketing and payment systems used. b) The 50% Concessionary discount for unwaged members remains for 2018, and the 50% discount (applied after other discounts) for first time attendees also remains for 2018, but that the amount of the ‘early bird’ discounts and the date on which these apply is not fixed. c) The financial planning of Welsh conference should seek to use all the anticipated income from member registration fees on conference facilities, and should plan for surpluses only from the gala dinner, conference exhibitors, observers, and other non-conference activity.

Electing a proportional and representative Welsh Parliament Submitted by Policy Committee

Conference Notes; 1. That the electoral arrangements chosen to elect members to the National Assembly for Wales at its inception in 1997 were chosen to deliver more proportional and representative government in Wales than under First Past the Post (FPTP).



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 2. Er hyn, mae’r blaid Lafur wedi parhau i oruchafu yng ngwleidyddiaeth Cymru ac wedi llywodraethu Cymru ar ben eu hunain neu drwy glymbleidio ffurfiol ac anffurfiol ers 1999. 3. Bod y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol wedi pleidio achos diwygio etholiadol, mwy o aelodau, a phleidisiau’n 16 er mwyn sicrhau llywodraeth teg, tryloyw ac atebol, sy’n cynrychioli barnau a dewisiadau’r etholwyr. 4. Cread Grŵp Cyfeirio Gwleidyddol gan y Llywydd er mwyn ystyried trefniadau etholiadol Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o 2021 ymlaen, gan gynnwys yr oedran pleidleisio, nifer yr aelodau etholedig, a’r system etholiadol. 5. Y bydd cynigion yn dod ymlaen cyn diwedd tymor presennol y Senedd i ail-enwi’r Cynulliad yn Senedd Cymru a chreu Aelodau o Senedd Cymru (ASC). 6. Polisi Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru ar diwygio etholiadol sy’n bodoli eisioes, Paying down the Democratic Deficit, a gymeradwywyd gan y Gynhadledd yn 2014. Cred y Gynhadledd yw: 7. Dylai’r system etholiadol a ddefnyddir i ethol aelodau i Senedd Cymru fod yn deg a chyfrannol, gan sicrhau bod pob pleidlais yn cyfri.



Saturday 2nd September 2. Despite this, the Labour party has continued to dominate Welsh politics and has governed Wales alone or through formal and informal coalitions since 1999. 3. That the Liberal Democrats have long advocated for electoral reform, more members, and votes at 16 to ensure fair, transparent and accountable government, which representative of the views and preferences of the electorate. 4. The creation of a Political Reference Group by the Llywydd to consider the electoral arrangements of the National Assembly for Wales from 2021, including the voting age, the number of elected members, and the electoral system. 5. That proposals will be brought forward before the end of the current Assembly term to re-name the Welsh Assembly the Welsh Parliament and that Welsh Parliament Members (WPM). 6. Existing Welsh Liberal Democrat policy on electoral reform, Paying down the Democratic Deficit, approved by Conference in 2014. Conference believes; 7. That the electoral system used to elect members to the Welsh Parliament should be fair and proportionate ensuring that every vote counts.



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 8. Bod y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol yn credu taw’r system mwyaf cyfrannol a theg er mwyn sicrhau bod pob pleidlais yn cyfri yw’r Bleidlais Sengl Drosglwyddadwy (STV). 9. Dylai’r oedran pleidleisio ar gyfer etholiadau yng Nghymru gael ei ostwng i 16, yn ogystal â gwella addysg dinasyddiaeth ar gyfer pobl ifanc. 10. Dylid cynyddu’r nifer o aelodau etholedig o Senedd Cymru er mwyn sicrhau archwiliad digonol o Lywodraeth Cymru, cynrychiolaeth cyfrifol o’u hetholwyr, a chyflawni ar lywodraeth effeithiol ar gyfer pobl Cymru. 11. Dylid cynyddu’r nifer o aelodau etholedig I rhwng 80 a 90 o aelodau, a dylid gwneud hyn mewn modd nad sy’n effeithio ar gynrychiolaeth lleol effeithiol. Mae’r Gynhadledd yn galw am: 12. Ddemocratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru i gyflwyno achos bositif o blaid diwygio etholiadol sy’n cyflawni ar bleidleisiau tecach, a llywodraeth mwy gyfrannol a chynrychiadol ar gyfer pobl Cymru. 13. Ddemocratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru i bleidio achos cyflwyno pleidleisiau’n 16, i gynyddu’r nifer o aelodau i rhwng 80 a 90, ac i ail-enwi’r Cynulliad yn Senedd Cymru.



Saturday 2nd September 8. That Liberal Democrats believe that the most proportional and fair system to ensure that every vote counts is the Single Transferable Vote (STV). 9. That the voting age for elections in Wales should be reduced to 16, coupled with improved citizenship education for young people. 10. That the number of elected members of the Welsh Parliament should be increased to provide adequate scrutiny of Welsh Government, responsible representation of their electorate, and to deliver effective government for the people of Wales. 11. That the number of elected members should be increased to between 80 and 90 members, and should be done so in a way that does not distort effective local representation. Conference calls for; 12. The Welsh Liberal Democrats to present a positive case in favour of electoral reform which delivers fairer votes and a more proportional and representative government for the people of Wales. 13. The Welsh Liberal Democrats to advocate for the introduction of votes at 16, to increase the number of members to between 80 and 90, and for the Welsh Assembly to be re-named the Welsh Parliament.



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 14. Ddemocratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru i bleidio achos Cynulliad wedi’i hethol drwy STV ar y nifer lleiaf posib o etholaethau er mwyn mwyafu pa mor gyfrannol yw hi.

10:30 - Sesiwn ymgynghorol Adolygiad Rheolaeth y Blaid Yn dilyn canlyniad etholiadau 2016 i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, dechreuwyd adolygiad o strwythurau a phrosesau rheoli’r blaid gan Bwyllgor Gwaith Cenedlaethol Dem Rhydd Cymru. Bwriad hyn yw darganfod y ffordd mwyaff effeithiol o weithio nid yn unig mewn oes newydd o ymgyrchu gwleidyddol, ond hefyd gyda llai o bresenoldeb yn y ddwy Senedd. Mae’r sesiwn hon, dan arweiniad tîm yr adolygiad rheolaeth, yn gyfle i chi gyfrannu i’r broses hon. Dewch yn llu, a dewch â pha bynnag profiad sydd gennych chi yn y blaid gyda chi; mae’n bwysig i‘r adolygiad glywed gan gyn nifer o aelodau ar bob lefel y blaid â phosib.

11:30 - Sesiwn cynigion Rheolau dewisolrwydd yr arweinyddiaeth Cyflwynwyd gan Banel Adolygu’r Cyfansoddiad Mae’r Gynhadledd yn nodi bod: 1. Cyhoeddiad diwethaf cyfansoddiad Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru ym mis Tachwedd 2015.



Saturday 2nd September 14. The Welsh Liberal Democrats to advocate for an Assembly elected by STV on the smallest possible number of constituencies so as to maximise proportionality.

10:30 - Consultation session Party Governance Review Following the outcome of the 2016 National Assembly for Wales elections, the Welsh Lib Dem National Executive Committee instigated a review of the party’s structures and governance processes. This is to find the most effective way of working not only in a new age of political campaigning, but also with a reduced presence in both parliaments. This session, led by the governance review team, is a chance for you to contribute to this process. Please come along and bring whatever experience you have within the party with you; it is important for this review to hear from as many members at all levels of the party as possible.

11:30 - Motion session Leadership eligibility rules Submitted by the Constitutional Review Panel Conference notes that: 1. The last publication of the constitution of the Welsh Liberal Democrats was in November 2015. 2. Under the current constitution there is only one member that is eligible to stand as leader of the party and who is



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 2. Yn ôl y cyfansoddiad presennol dim ond un aelod sy’n gallu dod yn arweinydd y blaid, a dyw hi methu rhoi ymrwymiad i’r rôl ar ôl mis Medi. 3. Mae Adran D, rhan 3 o’r Cyfansoddiad yn dweud: “The Welsh Liberal Democrat Constitutional Review Panel shall be responsible for keeping the Party’s Election Rules under review and submit any proposals for amendment to the Conference for approval.” 4. Mae Adran M pwynt 3 y Cyfansoddiad yn dweud: “There shall be a standing, Constitutional Review Panel which shall have the power to amend the Constitution subject to ratification by Conference at its next meeting (and if necessary by any all-member ballot if the rights of an individual are reduced (Clause M.6 below)) following any changes”. 5. Mae’r Panel Adolygu’r Cyfansoddiad wedi newid y cyfansoddiad er mwyn ymestyn dewisolrwydd y rheiny sy’n gallu cael eu hethol yn Arweinydd Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru ac nawr mae’n rhaid cadarnhau’r newidiadau hynny â phleidlais y Gynhadledd â mwyafrif dau-traean. 6. Trafodwyd yr egwyddorion tu ôl i’r newidiadau ar ddiwrnod ar gyfer pwyllgorau Dem Rhydd Cymru ar ddechrau mis Mehefin, ac roedd cytundeb cyffredinol rhwng y rheiny a oedd yno eu bod nhw’n addas. Cred y Gynhadledd yw: 1. Bod y newidiadau a gwneir gan Banel Arolygu’r Cyfansoddiad yn angenrheidiol ac addas er mwyn sicrhau dyfodol cynaladwy ar gyfer y blaid.



Saturday 2nd September currently unable to provide the commitment the role needs beyond September. 3. Section D part 3 of the Constitution states: “The Welsh Liberal Democrat Constitutional Review Panel shall be responsible for keeping the Party’s Election Rules under review and submit any proposals for amendment to the Conference for approval.” 4.

Section M point 3 of the Constitution states: “There shall be a standing, Constitutional Review Panel which shall have the power to amend the Constitution subject to ratification by Conference at its next meeting (and if necessary by any all-member ballot if the rights of an individual are reduced (Clause M.6 below)) following any changes”.

5. The Constitutional Review Panel has amended the constitution to extend the eligibility of those able to be elected as Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats and that the amendments now require ratification by a two thirds majority at conference. 6. The principles outlined in the amendments were discussed at a Welsh Liberal Democrat Committees away day at the beginning of July and there was a general agreement from those in attendance that they were appropriate. Conference believes that: 1. The changes that have been implemented by the Constitutional Review Panel are necessary and appropriate to ensure a sustainable future for the party.



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi Mae’r Gynhadledd yn penderfynu dylid: 1. Dileu Adran E, pwyntiau 5, 6, 7 ac 8 cael eu dileu ac yn eu lle gosod: 5. The Leader of the Party a. The Leader of the Party shall be elected from the Welsh Liberal Democrat members of the European Parliament, House of Commons and the National Assembly for Wales and shall become Leader of whichever Group they originate from. Candidates for this office shall be nominated by a Welsh Liberal Democrat Member of the European Parliament, House of Commons, House of Lords, or National Assembly for Wales; and supported by 50 members, of whom not more than seven shall be members of the same Local Party or Youth/Student SAO. No member shall sign more than one nomination paper. The election shall be by ballot of the membership in accordance with Annexe 1, Appendix 3 of this Constitution. b. There shall be an election for Leader within twelve months of a Westminster General Election or a Welsh General Election or Elections to the European Parliament depending on which Body the Leader resides. An election shall in addition take place if they resign, cease to be a member of the European Parliament, House of Commons or the National Assembly for Wales, if a vote of no confidence by the relevant group from which they originate is passed by a majority of that Group or by a resolution of no confidence passed by at least 40% of Local Parties, following a quorate General Meeting of each Local Party. The Welsh National Executive Committee shall select one of the Deputy Leaders, described in sections 6,7 and 8, to assume the position of Acting Leader of the Party during a period where the Leader



Saturday 2nd September Conference resolves that: 1. Section E, points 5, 6, 7 and 8 be deleted and replaced with: 5. The Leader of the Party a. The Leader of the Party shall be elected from the Welsh Liberal Democrat members of the European Parliament, House of Commons and the National Assembly for Wales and shall become Leader of whichever Group they originate from. Candidates for this office shall be nominated by a Welsh Liberal Democrat Member of the European Parliament, House of Commons, House of Lords, or National Assembly for Wales; and supported by 50 members, of whom not more than seven shall be members of the same Local Party or Youth/Student SAO. No member shall sign more than one nomination paper. The election shall be by ballot of the membership in accordance with Annexe 1, Appendix 3 of this Constitution. b. There shall be an election for Leader within twelve months of a Westminster General Election or a Welsh General Election or Elections to the European Parliament depending on which Body the Leader resides. An election shall in addition take place if they resign, cease to be a member of the European Parliament, House of Commons or the National Assembly for Wales, if a vote of no confidence by the relevant group from which they originate is passed by a majority of that Group or by a resolution of no confidence passed by at least 40% of Local Parties, following a quorate General Meeting of each Local Party. The Welsh National Executive Committee shall select one of the Deputy Leaders, described in sections 6,7 and 8, to assume the position of Acting Leader of the Party during a period where the Leader



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi of the Party leaves the post without notice. The Deputy Leader shall act in the post for a maximum of 10 weeks, and as such, nominations must be opened within 4 weeks of the Deputy Leader taking on the post of Acting Leader. When opening nominations, the returning officer shall be mindful of the situation described in 5c, and should therefore keep the period of nominations to a maximum of 3 weeks. c. Should there be no suitable candidate nominations put forward for election before the close of nominations, then the Returning Officer shall reopen nominations for a further 3 weeks (in line with Appendix 3 Annexe 1). The reopened nominations shall extend the eligible candidates to include members of the House of Lords and Welsh Liberal Democrat members that are approved candidates for the European Parliament, House of Commons and the National Assembly for Wales. Nominations containing 2 candidates to serve as joint leaders shall also be accepted at this point. Any nomination containing approved candidates shall be nominated by those listed in 5.a. or by the Executive Committee of a Local Party. Should a member of the House of Lords, or an approved candidate be elected leader, then they shall serve for a maximum of 3 years before being eligible for re-election, at which point the eligible candidates for leader shall revert to those list in 5a. In such circumstances nomination shall open a minimum of 6 weeks before the 3rd anniversary of the Leader. 6. The Leader of the Parliamentary Group a. If not elected Leader, the Leader of the Parliamentary Group shall be elected from the Welsh Liberal Democrat members



Saturday 2nd September of the Party leaves the post without notice. The Deputy Leader shall act in the post for a maximum of 10 weeks, and as such, nominations must be opened within 4 weeks of the Deputy Leader taking on the post of Acting Leader. When opening nominations, the returning officer shall be mindful of the situation described in 5c, and should therefore keep the period of nominations to a maximum of 3 weeks. c. Should there be no suitable candidate nominations put forward for election before the close of nominations, then the Returning Officer shall reopen nominations for a further 3 weeks (in line with Appendix 3 Annexe 1). The reopened nominations shall extend the eligible candidates to include members of the House of Lords and Welsh Liberal Democrat members that are approved candidates for the European Parliament, House of Commons and the National Assembly for Wales. Nominations containing 2 candidates to serve as joint leaders shall also be accepted at this point. Any nomination containing approved candidates shall be nominated by those listed in 5.a. or by the Executive Committee of a Local Party. Should a member of the House of Lords, or an approved candidate be elected leader, then they shall serve for a maximum of 3 years before being eligible for re-election, at which point the eligible candidates for leader shall revert to those list in 5a. In such circumstances nomination shall open a minimum of 6 weeks before the 3rd anniversary of the Leader. 6. The Leader of the Parliamentary Group a. If not elected Leader, the Leader of the Parliamentary Group shall be elected from the Welsh Liberal Democrat members



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi of the Parliamentary Group in the House of Commons and shall be known as Deputy Leader of the Party. Candidates for this office shall be nominated by a Welsh Liberal Democrat member of either House of Parliament supported by 30 members of whom not more than five shall be members in the same Local Party, or Youth/Student SAO. No member shall sign more than one nomination paper. The election shall be by ballot of the membership in accordance with Annexe 1, Appendix 3 of this Constitution. b. An election for the Leader of the Parliamentary Group shall be held within twelve months of a General Election for a term ending with a similar election after the following election. An election shall in addition take place if they resign, cease to be a member of Parliament or a vote of no confidence in the Leader of the Parliamentary Group is passed by a majority of the Parliamentary group in the House of Commons or by a resolution of no confidence passed by at least 10 Local Parties, following a quorate General Meeting of each Local Party. c. Should only one Welsh Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament be returned to the Westminster Parliament that member shall, if not elected as Leader of the Party, be automatically styled as Deputy Leader of the Party. In the event that there are no Welsh Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament then the Leader of the Parliamentary Group shall be elected from the Welsh Liberal Democrat members of the House of Lords according to the same provisions as laid out in Clause 6.a above. 7. The Leader of the National Assembly Group a. If not elected Leader of the Party, the Leader of the National Assembly Group shall be elected from the Welsh Liberal



Saturday 2nd September of the Parliamentary Group in the House of Commons and shall be known as Deputy Leader of the Party. Candidates for this office shall be nominated by a Welsh Liberal Democrat member of either House of Parliament supported by 30 members of whom not more than five shall be members in the same Local Party, or Youth/Student SAO. No member shall sign more than one nomination paper. The election shall be by ballot of the membership in accordance with Annexe 1, Appendix 3 of this Constitution. b. An election for the Leader of the Parliamentary Group shall be held within twelve months of a General Election for a term ending with a similar election after the following election. An election shall in addition take place if they resign, cease to be a member of Parliament or a vote of no confidence in the Leader of the Parliamentary Group is passed by a majority of the Parliamentary group in the House of Commons or by a resolution of no confidence passed by at least 10 Local Parties, following a quorate General Meeting of each Local Party. c. Should only one Welsh Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament be returned to the Westminster Parliament that member shall, if not elected as Leader of the Party, be automatically styled as Deputy Leader of the Party. In the event that there are no Welsh Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament then the Leader of the Parliamentary Group shall be elected from the Welsh Liberal Democrat members of the House of Lords according to the same provisions as laid out in Clause 6.a above. 7. The Leader of the National Assembly Group a. If not elected Leader of the Party, the Leader of the National Assembly Group shall be elected from the Welsh



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi Democrat members of the National Assembly Group and shall be known as Deputy Leader of the Party. Candidates for this office shall be nominated by a Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member, supported by 30 members of the Party, of whom there shall be at least 5 from each Assembly Electoral Region. No member shall sign more than one nomination paper. The election shall be by ballot of the membership in accordance with Annexe 1, Appendix 3 of this Constitution. b. An election for the Leader of the National Assembly Group shall be held within twelve months of a Welsh General Election for a term ending with a similar election after the following elections. An election shall, in addition, take place if they resign, cease to be member of the National Assembly, a vote of no confidence in the National Assembly Group Leader is passed by a majority of the National Assembly Group, or by a resolution of no confidence passed by at least 10 Local Parties, following a quorate General Meeting of each Local Party. c. Should only one Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member be returned to the National Assembly for Wales, that member shall, if not elected as Leader of the Party, be automatically styled as Deputy Leader of the Party. In the event that there are no Welsh Liberal Democrat Members of the National Assembly for Wales then the Leader of the Party shall be permitted to select a Deputy Leader, who shall act as the spokesperson for Welsh Affairs. 8. The Leader of the European Parliamentary Group a. If not elected Leader of the Party, the Leader of the European Parliamentary Group shall be elected from the



Saturday 2nd September Liberal Democrat members of the National Assembly Group and shall be known as Deputy Leader of the Party. Candidates for this office shall be nominated by a Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member, supported by 30 members of the Party, of whom there shall be at least 5 from each Assembly Electoral Region. No member shall sign more than one nomination paper. The election shall be by ballot of the membership in accordance with Annexe 1, Appendix 3 of this Constitution. b. An election for the Leader of the National Assembly Group shall be held within twelve months of a Welsh General Election for a term ending with a similar election after the following elections. An election shall, in addition, take place if they resign, cease to be member of the National Assembly, a vote of no confidence in the National Assembly Group Leader is passed by a majority of the National Assembly Group, or by a resolution of no confidence passed by at least 10 Local Parties, following a quorate General Meeting of each Local Party. c. Should only one Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member be returned to the National Assembly for Wales, that member shall, if not elected as Leader of the Party, be automatically styled as Deputy Leader of the Party. In the event that there are no Welsh Liberal Democrat Members of the National Assembly for Wales then the Leader of the Party shall be permitted to select a Deputy Leader, who shall act as the spokesperson for Welsh Affairs. 8. The Leader of the European Parliamentary Group a. If not elected Leader of the Party, the Leader of the European Parliamentary Group shall be elected from the Welsh Liberal Democrat members of the European



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi Welsh Liberal Democrat members of the European Parliamentary Group and shall be known as Deputy Leader of the Party. Candidates for this office shall be nominated by a Welsh Liberal Democrat member of the European Parliament supported by 30 members of whom not more than five shall be members in the same Local Party, or Youth/Student SAO. No member shall sign more than one nomination paper. The election shall be by ballot of the membership in accordance with Annexe 1, Appendix 3 of this Constitution. b. An election for the Leader of the European Parliamentary Group shall be held within twelve months of a European Election for a term ending with a similar election after the following election. An election shall in addition take place if they resign, cease to be a Member of the European Parliament, a vote of no confidence in the Leader of the Parliamentary Group is passed by a majority of the Group in the European Parliament or by a resolution of no confidence passed by at least 40% of Local Parties, following a quorate General Meeting of each Local Party. c. Should only one Welsh Liberal Democrat Member be returned to the European Parliament, that member shall, if not elected as Leader of the Party, be automatically styled as Deputy Leader of the Party. In the event that there are no Welsh Liberal Democrat Members of the European Parliament then the Leader of the Party shall be permitted to select a Deputy Leader, who shall act as the spokesperson for European Affairs in Wales. 2. Dylai’r etholiad cyntaf dan y rheolau hyn symud ar unwaith i alluogi i unrhyw ymgeisydd cael eu henwebu yn ôl Adran E, pwynt 5.c y cyfansoddiad newydd.



Saturday 2nd September Parliamentary Group and shall be known as Deputy Leader of the Party. Candidates for this office shall be nominated by a Welsh Liberal Democrat member of the European Parliament supported by 30 members of whom not more than five shall be members in the same Local Party, or Youth/Student SAO. No member shall sign more than one nomination paper. The election shall be by ballot of the membership in accordance with Annexe 1, Appendix 3 of this Constitution. b. An election for the Leader of the European Parliamentary Group shall be held within twelve months of a European Election for a term ending with a similar election after the following election. An election shall in addition take place if they resign, cease to be a Member of the European Parliament, a vote of no confidence in the Leader of the Parliamentary Group is passed by a majority of the Group in the European Parliament or by a resolution of no confidence passed by at least 40% of Local Parties, following a quorate General Meeting of each Local Party. c. Should only one Welsh Liberal Democrat Member be returned to the European Parliament, that member shall, if not elected as Leader of the Party, be automatically styled as Deputy Leader of the Party. In the event that there are no Welsh Liberal Democrat Members of the European Parliament then the Leader of the Party shall be permitted to select a Deputy Leader, who shall act as the spokesperson for European Affairs in Wales. 2. The first election under these rules shall move immediately to allow any approved candidate to nominated in line Section E, Point 5.c. of the amended constitution.



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 13:30 - Cinio Mae cinio bwffe wedi’i chynnwys yn eich ffioedd cofrestru. Gweinir hi yn y Gwydrdy.

14:30 - Sesiwn cynigion Rhoddion i’r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cyflwynwyd gan blaid leol Sir y Fflint Mae’r Gynhadledd yn nodi; 1. Bod y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol yn blaid sy’n gwasanaethu Cymru gyfan ac yn ceisio ennill cynrychiolaeth ym mhob etholaeth. 2. Rydym yn blaid lle mae gan pob aelod yr hawl i gael ei glywed, ac yn eu hannog i’w hymgyrchu ar sail ein polisïau a’n hegwyddorion. 3. Rydym yn blaid sy’n cael ei chynnal gan ein haelodau sy’n rhoi’n ariannol er mwyn galluogi iddi gweithio ac ymgyrchu ar bob lefel o lywodraethu. Cred y Gynhadledd yw: 4. Bod rhaid i bleidiau lleol gwneud popeth y medrant er mwyn arddangos ein polisïau i’r etholwyr ac hyrwyddo eu hymgeisydd fel dewis amgen go iawn i’r holl bleidiau eraill. 5. Er mwyn cyrraedd y nodau hyn mae’n rhaid i bob plaid lleol godi arian drwy weithgareddau ac heiliondeb eu haelodau a chefnogwyr. 6. Mae hyn wedi dod yn fwyfwy anodd wrth i’r blaid cenedlaethol symud i ddefnyddio platfformau arlein lle mae gan pob neges gan y blaid genedlaethol i aelodau a chefnogwyr



Saturday 2nd September 13:30 - Lunch A buffet lunch is included in your registration fees and will be served in the Conservatory.

14:30 - Motion session Donations to the Liberal Democrats Submitted by the Flintshire local party Conference notes; 1. That the Welsh Liberal Democrats are a party that serves the whole of Wales and seeks to gain representation from all of its constituencies. 2. We are a party in which every member has the right to be heard, and encourages them to campaign on the basis of our policies and principles. 3. We are a party that is sustained by its members who contribute financially to allow it to function and campaign at all levels of government. Conference believes that: 4. local constituency parties must do everything they can to present our policies to the electorate and promote their candidate as a real and viable alternative to all other parties. 5. to achieve these goals each constituency party must secure the funding through its own efforts and the generosity of its members and supporters. 6. This has become increasingly difficult as the national party has moved to use on-line platforms where every communication by the national party to members and



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi modd i gasglu arian drwy ddefnyddio botwm arlein ‘Donate’ a ‘Donate – Rhoddwch’. 7. Mae aelodau lleol yn ymateb yn hael i’r apêl cenedlaethol ond yna’n ystyried peidio rhoi eto i apêl lleol am arian, gan adael pob plaid lleol â llai a llai o arian pob blwyddyn er gwaethaf cynydd mewn aelodaeth. 8. Mae’r blaid eisioes wedi cydnabod yr angen i ddosbarthu arian i bleidiau lleol drwy ddosrannu rhan o’r holl ffioedd aelodaeth i’r etholaeth lle mae’r aelod yn byw. Mae’r Gynhadledd yn galw am; 9. Ddychwelyd rhan o’r holl roddion a godwyd drwy’r teclyn arlein ‘Donate’ a ‘Donate – Rhoddwch’ i’r blaid lleol sy’n cynrychioli’r ardal o le mae’r rhodd yn deillio. 10. Dylai hyn fod yn 60% o bob rhodd yn dychwelyd i’r blaid lleol o ble mae’n deillio. 11. Bwyllgor Cyllid a Rheolaeth Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru i greu mecanwaith er mwyn sicrhau trosglwyddo rhoddion, ac i godi’r fater gyda phencadlys y Blaid Ffederal.

Adolygiad cyfansoddiadol Cyflwynwyd gan blaid lleol Cymoedd Dwyrain De Cymru Mae’r Gynhadledd yn nodi: 1. Dylai’r cyfansoddiad darparu amddiffyniad ar gyfer hawliau democrataidd aelodau, a sicrhau fframwaith o ddyletswyddau a gweithdrefnau sy’n galluogi i Ddemocratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru gyflawni ar amcanion a nodau’r blaid. 2. Mae’r cyfansoddiad presennol yn methu yn y gweithred hyn oherwydd ei fod ef allan o ddyddiad, yn anhyblyg, ac yn gwrth-ddweud ei hun, ac felly’n anaddas.



Saturday 2nd September supporters has a facility to gather money via the simple use of the on-line ‘Donate’ and ‘Donate – Rhoddwch’ button. 7. local members respond generously to this national facility but are then reluctant to donate again to local appeals for local funding leaving each constituency party with a diminishing return year on year for their efforts despite having an increasing membership. 8. the Party has already acknowledged the need for the dispersal of funds to local parties which they do by allocating a share of all annual membership fees to the constituency where the member resides. Conference calls for; 9. A proportion of all donations raised via the on-line ‘Donate’ and ‘Donate – Rhoddwch’ facility to be returned to the constituency party that represents the area from where the donation originates. 10. This should be 60% of each donation to be returned to the constituency party from which it originated. 11. The Welsh Liberal Democrats Finance and Management Committee to devise a mechanism for implementing donation returns, and to raise with Federal Party HQ.

Constitutional review Submitted by the South Wales East Valleys local party Conference notes: 1. The constitution should provide a safeguard to the democratic rights of members and should provide a framework of duties and procedures that enable the Welsh Liberal Democrats to achieve the aims and objective of the party.



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 3. Nid oes gan unrhywun fersiwn cyfredol y cyfansoddiad. Er bod y cyfansoddiad yn rhoi manylder ar weithdrefnau newid y cyfansoddiad, nid oes dyletswydd ar unrhyw berson na phwyllgor i ddiweddaru a choeddi’r ddogfen newydd. 4. Pan yn ysgrifennu’r cynnig hwn, dyddiad y fersiwn cyhoeddedig diweddaraf yw 2015, ac felly nad ydyw’n cynnwys gwelliannau a wneir gan Banel Adolygu’r Cyfansoddiad, neu mewn cynadleddau ers y dyddiad cyhoeddi. Nid oes unrhyw ofyniad i adroddiad cael ei gyhoeddi o bob gynhadledd. Os fyddai adroddiad o’r fath yn bodoli, gellir cynnwys rhestr o’r holl pleidleisiau a gynhelir ar gynigion, gan gynnwys newidiadau i’r cyfansoddiad, a gall aelod ddefnyddio’r adroddiad hwnnw i gadw fersiwn cyfredol y cyfansoddiad. Fel y mae, mae gwerth dwy flynedd o welliannau heb eu cyhoeddi, ac mae’n afresymol disgwyl i aelodau, pwyllgorau, swyddogion a staff gadw at reolau cyfansoddiadol nad sydd wedi’u cyhoeddi. Cred y Gynhadledd yw: 1. Mae’r dasg o ddiweddaru’r cyfansoddiad, newid ei gynnwys i adlewyrchu newidiadau mewn rheolaeth, a symleiddio’r ddogfen, yn broses hir a mawr. 2. Byddai ceisio parhau gyda’r cyfansoddiad presennol yn anodd oherwydd nid oes fersiwn cyfredol wedi’i cyhoeddi; oherwydd mae’r fersiwn diweddaraf sydd wedi’i cyhoeddi yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau at staff nad sy’n bodoli bellach; nad ydyw wedi’i ddiweddaru i gynnwys egwyddor un aelod un pleidlais, yn cynnwys y blaid mewn strwythr sy’n rhwystro arweinyddiaeth ac yn drysu atebolrwydd, sydd weithiau’n anymarferol oherwydd nid oes gan y nifer o staff a gyflogwyd ar hyn o bryd gan y blaid Gymreig yr amser na’r adnoddau i ymgymryd â’r tasgau a ofynnir ganddynt yn y



Saturday 2nd September 2. The current constitution fails in this basic purpose because it is out of date, inflexible, and contradictory, and is thus unfit for purpose. 3. No-one has a current version of the constitution. Whist the constitution provides great detail on the procedures for amending the constitution, there is no duty placed on any person or committee to update and publish the amended document. 4. At the time of writing this motion, the latest published version of the constitution is dated 2015, and thus does not contain amendments made by the Constitution Review Panel, or at Conferences since the publication date. There is no requirement for a report of each conference to be published. If such a report were to be published, it could contain, amongst other useful information, a list of the voting outcomes of the motions debated at conference, including constitutional amendments, and a conference report would enable a dedicated member to maintain a current version of the constitution. As such, there are currently two years’ worth of amendments that are not published and it is entirely unreasonable to expect members, committees, officers and staff to be able to comply with unpublished constitutional rules. Conference believes: 1. The task of updating the constitution, changing its content to reflect changes in operations and governance, and hopefully simplifying the document, is a major and lengthy operation. 2. Attempting to continue with the current constitution would be difficult because there is no current published version; because the latest publish version of the constitution contains reference to staff positions that no longer exist; has



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi cyfansoddiad, ac yn aml yn anghyson, anhyblyg neu’n dawel ar brosesau pwysig. 3. Tra bod y cyfansoddiad yn cael ei adnewyddi, mae angen ar drefniadau dros dro er mwyn galluogi i’r blaid weithio’n effeithiol. Dylai unrhyw drefniadau felly ond bod yn eu lle am amser cyfyngedig. 4. Mae’n rhaid dod o hyd i ffordd rhesymol a theg a fydd yn galluogi parhad ar gyfer egwyddorion ac amddiffyniadau y cyfansoddiad tra’n galluogi hyblygrwydd i’r blaid Gymreig ddatblygu a gwella’r ffordd mae’n gweithio wrth i’r cyfansoddiad gael ei adolygu. Mae’r Gynhadledd yn dewis: 1. Cadw rhan gyntaf fersiwn cyhoeddedig diweddaraf y cyfansoddiad, sef ‘The Preamble’, yr holl adrannau sy’n dilyn sef ‘A: The Party,’ ‘B: The Functions of the Party, ‘C: Membership’, a ‘D: The Organisation of the Party’, ynghyd â pharagraff yr adran nesaf ‘E: Officers of the Party’, paragraffau 5 i 8 adran ‘L: The Appeals Panel’, adran ‘M: Amendments to the Constitution’, ac Annex VIII: ‘Conference Standing Orders’, ac i ddileu holl adrannau eraill y gynhadledd a’r atodiadau a atodir. 2. Dylai Panel Adolygu’r Cyfansoddiad gyhoeddi o fewn un mis ddogfen newydd o’r enw ‘Guidance for Members, Committees and Officers of the Welsh Liberal Democrats’ sy’n cynnwys holl rannau’r gyfansoddiad a ddileuir uchod. 3. I orfodi i swyddogion a phwyllgorau gadw at brosesau a gweithredoedd o fewn y dogfen ‘Guidance for Members, Committees and Officers of the Welsh Liberal Democrats’ a na ddylir gwyro o’r Canllaw hwnnw onid oes rheswm da dros gwneud hynny, er enghraifft pan mae’r



Saturday 2nd September not been updated to incorporate the principle of one member one vote, encases the party in a structure that inhibits leadership and muddles accountability, that is often impractical because the number of staff currently employed by the Welsh party have neither the time nor the resources to undertakes the tasks required of them in the constitution, and is frequently contradictory, inflexible or silent on critical procedures. 3. While the constitution is being revised, some transitional arrangements are necessary to enable the party to function effectively. Any transitional arrangements should be in place for a limited period of time. 4. Some reasonable and fair way must be found that will enable the principles and safeguards contained within the constitution to be maintained whilst allowing the Welsh party the flexibility to develop and improve the way it works during the time the constitution is being revised. Conference resolves: 1. To retain the first part of the latest published version of the constitution being ‘The Preamble’, all the subsequent sections titled ‘A: The Party,’ ‘B: The Functions of the Party, ‘C: Membership’, and ‘D: The Organisation of the Party’, together with the first paragraph of the next section ‘E: Officers of the Party’, paragraphs 5 to 8 (inclusive) of section ‘L: The Appeals Panel’, section ‘M: Amendments to the Constitution’, and Annex VIII: ‘Conference Standing Orders’, and to delete all of the remaining parts of the constitution and the Annexes and Appendices attached thereto. 2. The Constitutional Review Panel to publish within one month of this amendment a new document entitled ‘Guidance for Members, Committees and Officers of the Welsh Liberal



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi ddogfen yn anghyson, allan o ddyddiad, anaddas neu fyddai’n gorfodi gweithredoedd nad sy’n ddefnyddiol. 4. Gall unrhyw aelod, aelod o bwyllgor neu swyddog y blaid ofyn i Banel Adolygu’r Cyfansoddiad am ganllaw ar ddehongli’r pwynt uchod, neu gofyn i’r Panel farnu ar unrhyw ddadl ar ddehongliad y pwynt uchod; yn yr achos hwnnw dylid gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw o fewn un mid o dderbyn y cais, ac mae’r penderfyniad yn un terfynol. 5. Gorfodi i’r Panel gwblhau adolygu a newidiadau i’r cyfansoddiad llawn cyn gynhadledd yr Hydref 2019, ac i rhoi adroddiad ar eu gwaith i bob cynhadledd, ac ar weithredu’r cynnig hwn. 6. Dylai’r gwelliant hwn stopio cael effaith ar ôl cau Cynhadledd yr Hydref 2019 neu 30ain Hydref 2019, p’un bynnag sydd gyntaf.



Saturday 2nd September





Democrats’ to contain all the deleted parts of the latest published version of the constitution as detailed in the point immediately above. To require officers and committees to abide by procedures and actions contained in the document ‘Guidance for Members, Committees and Officers of the Welsh Liberal Democrats’ who should not deviate from this Guidance document unless there is good reason to do so, such as the Guidance document is contradictory, out of date, inappropriate, or would require actions that serve no useful purpose. Any Member, committee member or officer of the party may ask the Constitutional Review Panel for guidance on the interpretation of the point above, or may ask the Constitutional Review Panel to adjudicate on any dispute that may arise from an interpretation of the point above, in which case the decision of the Constitutional Review Panel shall be made within one month of the request, and shall be final. To require the CRP to complete the revision and amendments to the full constitution before Autumn conference 2019, and to provide a report to each conference on the progress on their revision work, and on the functioning of this amendment. This amendment shall cease to have effect after the close of Autumn conference 2019 or the 30th October 2019, whichever is sooner.



Dydd Sadwrn 2il Medi 14:30 - Araith Y Farwnes Sal Brinton Llywydd y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol

14:55 - Q&A Kirsty Williams AC Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg O.N. Cyflwynwch gwestiynau ymlaen llaw gan ddefnyddio’r cardiau cwestiwn sydd ar gael yn y neuadd.

15:20 - Te prynhawn Gweinir yn y Gwydrdy. Wedi’i cynnwys yn rhan o’ch ffioedd cofrestru.

16:00 - Adroddiad a Q&A Pwyllgor Ymgyrchoedd ac Ymgeiswyr O.N. Dyma yw’r unig sesiwn adroddiad pwyllgor a gynhelir yn y brif neuadd eleni. Am wybodaeth ar adroddiadau pwyllgorau eraill y blaid, gweler tudalen 76.

17:00 - Oedi’r Gynhadledd



Saturday 2nd September 14:30 - Speech Baroness Sal Brinton President of the Liberal Democrats

14:55 - Q&A Kirsty Williams AM Welsh Lib Dem Cabinet Secretary for Education N.B. Please submit all questions in advance using the question cards available in the hall.

15:20 - Afternoon tea Served in the Conservatory. Included as part of your conference registration fees.

16:00 - Report and Q&A Campaigns and Candidates Committee N.B. This is the only committee report session held in the main hall this year. For details on reports from other party committees, see page 77.

17:00 - Conference adjourns



Dydd Sul 3ydd Medi 09:30 - Panel Apelio / Etholiadau mewnol Ar yr adeg hon gofynnir i’r Gynhadledd gymeradwyo apwyntiadau ar Banel Apelio’r blaid Gymreig. Bydd enwau’n dangos yng Nghyhoeddiadau’r Gynhadledd. Byddwn hefyd yn cyhoeddi enwebiadau ar gyfer etholiadau mewnol Cymreig.

10:00 - Q&A Syr Vince Cable AS Arweinydd y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol O.N. Cyflwynwch gwestiynau ymlaen llaw gan ddefnyddio’r cardiau cwestiwn sydd ar gael yn y neuadd.

11:00 - Brecinio Gweinir yn y Gwydrdy. Wedi’i cynnwys yn rhan o’ch ffioedd cofrestru.

11:30 - Sesiwn cynigion Cysylltiadau fferi gydag Iwerddon Cyflwynwyd gan blaid lleol Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro Mae’r Gynhadledd yn nodi: 1. Mae cysylltiadau fferi Cymru gydag Iwerdon drwy Doc Penfro, Abergwaun a Chaergybi yn lwybrau pwysig ar gyfer Prydain Fawr gyfan i Iwerddon, sydd wedi arwain at fuddsoddiad mewn isadeiledd ffyrdd yng Nghymru ac yn chwarae rôl bwysig yn yr economi Gymreig drwy hyrwyddo twristiaeth a masnach.



Sunday 3rd September 09:30 - Appeals Panel / Internal Elections At this time Conference will be asked to approve appointments to the Welsh party Appeals Panel. Names will appear in Conference Announcements. We will also announce the nominees for the Welsh party internal elections.

10:00 - Q&A Sir Vince Cable MP Leader of the Liberal Democrats N.B. Please submit all questions in advance using the question cards available in the hall.

11:00 - Brunch Served in the Conservatory. Included as part of your conference registration fees.

11:30 - Motions session Ferry links with Ireland Submitted by the Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire local party Conference notes: 1. The Welsh ferry links with Ireland through Pembroke Dock, Fishguard and Holyhead are important routes from the whole of Great Britain into Ireland which have led to investment in the road infrastructure in Wales and play an important role in the Welsh economy through promoting tourism and trade.



Dydd Sul 3ydd Medi 2. Yn ôl Siambr Llongau’r DU, aeth 2.5 miliwn o deithwyr a 530,000 o lorïau ac ôl-gerbydion drwy’r porthladdoedd fferi yn 2016. “The greatest risk for Welsh ports arising from the UK's departure from the EU is the imposition of border controls at ferry terminals.” (Siambr Llongau’r DU ar 20 Ionawr 2017 mewn cyflwyniad i Bwyllgor Materion Allanol a Deddfwriaeth Ychwanegol Cynulliad Cymru) 3. Mae dull Brecsit Caled y Llywodraeth Geidwadol y gymrud y DU allan o’r farchnad sengl yn bygwth creu ffin galed a niweidio’r cysylltiadau fferi hyn, a fyddai’n drychinebus i economi Cymru a buddsoddiad yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol. Cred y Gynhadledd yw: 1. Dylai Cymru a’r DU aros yn rhan o’r Farchnad Sengl 2. Bod yna fuddiannau sylweddol i economïau Cymru a’r DU yn dod o rhyddid symud pobl a nwyddau. Mae’r Gynhadledd yn dewis: 1. Dylai Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru ymgyrchu er mwyn sicrhau nad yw teithio rhydd nwyddau a phobl drwy Doc Penfro, Abergwaun a Chaergybi yn cael eu heffeithio yn y negodiadau Brecsit.

Tegwch ar gyfer ymgyrchu cyfrwng Cymraeg Cyflwynwyd gan 20 aelod y blaid Mae’r Gynhadledd yn nodi: 1. Bod trefniadau presennol ar gyfer cyfyngiadau gwario ar gyfer etholiadau yng Nghymru dan reolaeth y Comisiwn Etholiadol.



Sunday 3rd September 2. According to the UK Chamber of Shipping, 2.5 million passengers and 530,000 lorries and trailers went through the 3 ferry ports in 2016. “The greatest risk for Welsh ports arising from the UK's departure from the EU is the imposition of border controls at ferry terminals.� (UK Chamber of Shipping on 20 January 2017 in submission to External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee of Welsh Assembly) 3. The Hard Brexit approach of the Conservative Government of taking the UK out of the single market and customs union threatens to create a hard border and to damage these ferry links which will be detrimental to the Welsh economy and future investment in Wales. Conference believes: 1. That Wales and the UK should remain a part of the Single Market 2. That there are significant benefits to the Welsh and UK economy arising from the free movement of people and goods. Conference resolves: 1. That the Welsh Liberal Democrats should campaign to ensure that the free passage of goods and people through Pembroke Dock, Fishguard and Holyhead are not compromised through the Brexit negotiations.

Fairness for Welsh language campaigning Submitted by 20 party members Conference notes: 1. That the current arrangements for spending limits and reporting requirements for all elections in Wales are subject to regulation by the Electoral Commission.



Dydd Sul 3ydd Medi 2. Bod Mesur yr Iaith Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 yn creu fframwaith gyfreithiol i osod dyletswydd ar rhai fudiadau i gydymffurfio gyda safonau gweithredu yn Gymraeg. 3. Yn 2017 cyflwynwyd strategaeth newydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ‘Cymraeg 2050’, er mwyn cynyddu’r nifer o siaradwyr Cymraeg yng Nghymru i 1 filiwn erbyn 2050. 4. Bod Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru ond ar hyn o bryd yn cyflawni ymgyrchoedd dwyiehtiog mewn nifer fach o etholaethau ac awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru.

Cred y Gynhadledd yw: 1. Bod gan pob etholwr yr hawl i gael mynediad at ddeunydd ymgyrchu yn iaith eu dewis, ac ar gyfer nifer o bobl y Gymraeg yw’r iaith hwnnw. 2. Bod cyfyngiadau gwario presennol a gofyniadau reportio yn trin yr iaith Gymraeg, a’r rheiny sydd am gael mynediad at ddeunydd ymgyrchu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, yn anffarfiol. 3. Er gwaetha’r ffaith nad oes rhaid i fudiadau gwleidyddol gydymffurfio eto gyda Mesur yr Iaith Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011, mae Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru wedi’u hymrwymo i dŵf a defnydd y Gymraeg mewn bywyd dyddiol. 4. Byddai gwneud y gofynion reportio ar gyfer gwariant etholiadol yn fwy ffafriol tuag at yr iaith Gymraeg yn galluogi gwell ymgyrchu dwyieithog.

Mae’r Gynhadledd yn dewis: 1. Dylai Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru weithio gyda phleidiau eraill â diddordeb er mwyn cyflwyno dadl i’r Comisiwn Etholiadol ynglyn â reportio gwariant deunydd dwyieithog er mwyn sicrhau tegwch.



Sunday 3rd September 2. That the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 establishes a legal framework to impose a duty on some organisations to comply with standards of conduct on the Welsh Language. 3. That in 2017, the Welsh Government unveiled a new strategy, ‘Cymraeg 2050’, to increase the number of Welsh speakers in Wales to 1 million by 2050. 4. That the Welsh Liberal Democrats only currently deliver bilingual campaigns in a small number of Welsh constituencies and Local Authority areas.

Conference believes: 1. That all voters have the right to access campaign material in the language of their choice, and for many that will be through the medium of Welsh. 2. That the current spending limits and reporting requirements treat the Welsh language, and those who wish to access campaign material through the medium of Welsh, unfavourably. 3. That despite political organisations not yet being required to comply with the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, the Welsh Liberal Democrats are committed to the growth and use of the Welsh language in daily life. 4. That making the reporting requirements for electoral expenditure more favourable towards the Welsh language would enable greater bilingual campaigning.

Conference resolves: 1. That the Welsh Liberal Democrats should work with interested parties to present a case to the Electoral Commission regarding the method of reporting expenditure for bilingual materials to ensure parity.



Dydd Sul 3ydd Medi 2. Dylid newid y ffordd mae deunydd etholiadol yn cael ei reportio er mwyn adlewycrhu natur ymgyrchu dwyieithog ar draws Cymru. Dylsent naill ai; A. Rhannu costau, er mwyn golygu dim ond hanner cost deunydd dwyieithog sy’n cael ei reportio fel gwariant i’r Comisiwn Etholiadol; neu B. Creu lwfans gwariant ychwanegol yn benodol ar gyfer dwyieithrwydd/y Gymraeg, er mwyn cynnwys costau cyfieithu, cyflogi staff sy’n medru’r Gymraeg, ac argraffu deunydd cyfrwng Cymraeg.

12:30 - Sesiwn Caffi Polisi Dyma yw’r sesiwn Caffi Polisi olaf; am fwy o wybodaeth ar y cysyniad a sesiynau eraill, ewch i dudalen 72.

Amrywieth o fewn y blaid Trafodaeth ar sut gallwn ni wneud aelodaeth, ymgeiswyr a chynrychiolwyr etholedig ein plaid yn fwy amrywiol, a diweddariad ar y cynnig amrywiaeth a gymeradwywyd yn 2016.

Incwm Sylfaenol Cyffredinol A yw cysyniad UBI yn annog symudedd cymdeithasol, ac a dylsai’r blaid mabwsiadu hi fel polisi?

13:30 - Cau’r Gynhadledd



Sunday 3rd September 2. That changes should be made to the reporting of electoral material to reflect the bilingual nature of campaigning across Wales. These should be either; A. Split costs, meaning that only half the cost of bilingual literature is reported as expenditure to the Electoral Commission; or B. An additional spending allowance be identified specifically for bilingualism/Welsh language, to include some costs of translation, hiring Welsh speaking staff, and printing Welsh language materials.

12:30 - Policy Café session This is the third and final Policy Café session; for more information on the concept and other sessions, head to page 73.

Diversity within the party A discussion on how to make our party’s membership, candidates and elected representatives more diverse, and a progress update on the diversity motion passed in 2016.

Universal Basic Income Does the concept of a UBI encourage social mobility, and should it be adopted as party policy?

13:30 - Close of conference



Caffi Polisi Dan arweinyddiaeth y Pwyllgor Polisi, mae’r sesiynau hyn yn arbawf o fodd mwy anffurfio o drafod cyfeiriad polisi’r blaid. Yn canolbwyntio ar un neu ddau pwnc, bydd y drafodaeth ymlaciedig yn cael ei harwain a’r syniadau eu nodi er mwyn ffurfio dogfennau polisi mwy ffurfiol yn y dyfodol. Cffi 1: Cymru ar ôl Brecsit (Sadwrn 13:00-13:45, Ystafell 2) Pan ddeith pwerau yn ôl o Frwsel i’r DU, 1. Beth dylid digwydd i’r pwerau sydd eisioes wedi’u datganoli’n rhannol i Gymru, e.e. amaeth? 2. Beth dylai trefniadau cyfansoddiadol Cymru fod ar ôl Brecsit? 3. Beth dylai safbwynt Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru fod ar Brecsit? Caffi 2: Rhyddfrydiaeth mewn Cymru fodern (Sadwrn 16:1517:00, Ystafell 2) Diffinio cenhedaeth, safbwynt a neges Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru. Beth ydyn ni eisiau i Gymru edrych fel ymhen pumdeg mlynedd? Oes na unrhyw faterion mawr rydym ni angen eu trafod? Caffi 3: Amlrywiaeth / Incwm Sylfaenol Cyffredinol (Sul 12:30-13:30, Prif Neuadd) Gweler tudalen 71 am fwy o wybodaeth.



Policy Café Led by the Policy Committee, these sessions are an experiment of a more informal way to discuss the direction of party policy. Centring around one or more topics, the relaxed discussion will be led and ideas captured to form more formal policy documents in future. Café 1: A post-Brexit Wales (Saturday 13:00-13:45, Room 2) When powers are brought back from Brussels to the UK, 1. What should happen to those powers already devolved in part to Wales, e.g. agriculture?. 2. What should be the constitutional arrangements for the UK post-Brexit? 3. What should be the position of the Welsh Liberal Democrats on Brexit? Café 2: Liberalism in a modern Wales (Saturday 16:15-17:00, Room 2) Defining the Welsh Liberal Democrat mission, position and message. What do we want Wales to be like in fifty years time? Are there any big issues we need to debate? Café 3: Diversity / Universal Basic Income (Sunday 12:3013:30, Main Hall) See page 71 for more information.



Hyfforddi yn y Gynhadledd Cynhaliwyd arolwg o’r aelodaeth gan y Pwyllgor Ymgyrchoedd ac Ymgeiswyr er mwyn darganfod eu hanghenion hyfforddi. Ymysg y prif bynciau ar gyfer hyfforddiant oedd Connect, yr wasg a chyfryngau cymdeithasol, a hystingau. Felly, er mwyn dangos ein bod ni’n gwrando, dyma chi! Connect yn syml Dydd Sadwrn 09:25 – 10:35, Ystafell 1 Bydd Cadan ap Tomos, Rheolwr Connect Rhanbarthol Cymru, yn cyflwyno chi yn syml i fas data pleidleiswyr y blaid, a sut gall eich plaid lleol chi ddefnyddio hi i helpu’ch ymgyrchu.

Delio gyda’r wasg Dydd Sadwrn 13:25 – 14:35, Ystafell 1 Cyflwyniad byr i ddelio gyda’r wasg, o ennill sylw yn y papur lleol i gyfweliadau ar y teledu. Hollbwysig os ydych chi am ddod yn ymgeisiwr Seneddol cymeradwyedig neu eisiau ennill sylw i’ch plaid lleol / grŵp cyngor.

Delio gydag hystingau Dydd SUl 11:45 – 13:15, Ystafell 1 Gall hystingau a siarad cyhoeddus fod yn bethau nerfus i ymgeiswyr newydd a hen. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn ceisio rhoi’r hyder i chi gallu wynebu’r cyhoedd a darlledu neges y Dem Rhydd.

Mae’r Pwyllgor eisiau darparu mwy o gyfleoedd hyfforddi ar draws Cymru ar gyfer aelodau o bob lefel, unrhywun sydd eisiau gwella sgiliau’r blaid a helpu gyda’r frwydr. Os oes gennych chi unrhyw syniadau ar beth hoffech chi weld, cysylltwch â Karen Roberts, Is-Gadeirydd CCC ar



Training at Conference Campaigns and Candidates Committee recently carried out a members’ survey to find out what they identified as their training needs. Amongst the top subjects were training for Connect, media and social media, and hustings. So, to show we really are listening, you asked and we oblige. The basics of Connect - Saturday 09:25 – 10:35, Room 1 Cadan ap Tomos, Wales’ Regional Connect Manager, will introduce you to the basics of the party’s voter database and how your local party can use it to help your campaigning.

Dealing with the media Saturday 13:25 – 14:35, Room 1 A brief introduction to dealing with the media, from getting noticed in the local paper to TV interviews. Essential if you are looking to become an approved Parliamentary candidate or just get your local party / council group noticed.

Dealing with hustings Sunday 11:45 – 13:15, Room 1 Hustings and public speaking can be amongst the most nerve wracking things for new (and not so new) candidates. This session aims to give you the confidence to deal with facing the public and getting the Lib Dem message across.

CCC are anxious to set up more training opportunities across Wales for members at all levels. In fact anyone and everyone who is interested in order to upskill the party and aid the fightback. If you have any ideas of what you would us to offer then please get in touch with Karen Roberts, Vice-Chair of CCC on



Adroddiadau’r Blaid Eleni, mae’r rhan fwyaf o adroddiadau gan bwyllgorau a chynrychiolwyr y blaod yn cael eu cynnal mewn ystafelloedd ymylol. Ceir copïau ysgrifenedig o bob adroddiad wrth y Ddesg Gofrestru. Yn ystod pob sessiwn bydd modd gofyn cwestiynau ar adroddiadau’r cynrychiolwyr/Cadeirydd y pwyllgorau a restrir. 10:00-10:20, Ystafell 2 Pwyllgor Gwaith Cenedlaethol Pwyllgor Polisi Pwyllgor Cyllid a Rheolaeth Pwyllgor y Gynhadledd 14:20-14:40, Ystafell 2 Cynrychiolwyr Cymreig i’r: Bwrdd Ffederal Pwyllgor Polisi Ffederal Pwyllgor y Gynhadledd Ffederal Pwyllgor Ymgyrchoedd a Chyfathrebu Ffederal Pwyllgor Ffederal Datblygu Pobl 16:00-16:15, Ystafell 2 Grŵp Dem Rhydd Cymru yn Senedd y DU 16:00-17:00, Prif Neuadd Pwyllgor Ymgyrchoedd ac Ymgeiswyr



Party Reports This year, most reports from party committees and representatives will be held in fringe rooms. Written copies of each report will be available from the Registration Desk. During each session you will be able to ask questions on the reports of the representatives/Chair of each committee listed. 10:00-10:20, Room 2 National Executive Committee Policy Committee Finance and Management Committee Conference Committee 14:20-14:40, Room 2 Welsh Representatives to: Federal Board Federal Policy Committee Federal Conference Committee Federal Campaigns and Communications Committee Federal People Development Committee 16:00-16:15, Room 2 Welsh Lib Dem group in the UK Parliament 16:00-17:00, Main Hall Campaigns and Candidates Committee



Sesiynau eraill Cyfarfod blynyddol Rhyddfrydwyr Ifanc Cymru Dewch i gwrdd â’ch cyd-aelodau ifanc Dem Rhydd Cymru. Adroddiadau, cynigion, cwestiynau ac enwebiadau ar gyfer y gweithgor nesaf! Aelodau RhIC yn unig. Dydd Sadwrn 16:00-17:00, Ystafell 1 Sut gallwn ni ddatblygu a chynnwys ein haelodaeth? Dan arweinyddiaeth Hilton Marlton, cynrychiolydd Cymru ar Bwyllgor Ffederal Datblygu Pobl. Dydd Sul 09:00-10:00, Ystafell 2 Ymgynghoriad adolygiad rheolaeth Cyfle arall i chi fwydo fewn i’r adolygiad o reolaeth a strwythurau’r blaid. Dydd Sul 11:40-12:30, Ystafell 2 Fforwm Swyddogion Pleidiau Lleol Dan arweinyddiaeth y Dirpwy Llywydd Mark Cole, dyma gyfle i swyddogion lleol drafod unrhyw faterion sydd wedi codi, a chyfathrebu rhwng pleidiau lleol a’r blaid Gymreig. Dan wahoddiad yn unig. Dydd Sul 12:30-13:15, Ystafell 2



Other sessions Welsh Young Liberals meeting and AGM Come and meet fellow young Welsh Lib Dems. Reports, motions, questions and nominations for the next Executive! WYL Members only. Saturday 16:00-17:00, Room 1 How do we develop and engage with our membership? Led by Hilton Marlton, Welsh representative on the Federal People Development Committee. Sunday 09:00-10:00, Room 2 Governance review consultation Another chance for you to feed into the review of the party’s governance and structures. Sunday 11:40-12:30, Room 2 Local Party Officers Forum Led by Deputy President Mark Cole, this is an opportunity for local party officers to discuss issues that may have arisen, and ongoing communication between local parties and the Welsh party. Invite only. Sunday 12:30-13:15, Room 2



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