This framework is a great approach to teaching reading and listening skills lessons. The basic idea is that you try to help students to know a little about what they're going to read or listen before they read or hear it, give them a reason to read or listen by setting questions or other reading listening tasks, and then asking them to do something with the information they get from the reading or listening.
This lesson framework helps teachers plan and deliver effective listening, video and reading lessons. The framework is based on research and using it helps ensure students are motivated, engaged
and active before, while and after (pre, during and post – PDP) listening
to, watching or reading a text.
The stages of the framework are:
Pre Ss prepare to listen: • They talk about their knowledge or and experience with the topic of the
listening or reading
• They
understand the meaning of key vocabulary in the text they understand what they will listen or read for in the text before they begin working with it
• They can make predictions about what the text will be about.
During Ss focus their attention on the listening or reading text and complete tasks which develop and deepen their understanding of the text progressively (i.e., from simpler and more general to more complex and more specific). They can also do tasks that help them develop specific listening and reading skills. Post Ss extend and integrate the understanding and knowledge they gained from working with the listening or reading text into other skills areas or contexts.
• Approach: refer to theories about the natural of the language
and language learning. It describes how language is used and how people acquire their knowledge of the language.
• Method: is the practical realization of an approach. • Procedures: is an ordered sequence of techniques. • Technique: is a single activity rather than a sequence.
Features about Grammar-translation method: • Language was treated at the level of the sentence only.
• There was little of the spoken language. • Accuracy was considered to be a necessity.
Direct Method: is a technique of foreign language teaching in which only the target language used. Audiolingualism: it’s based on behaviorist theory.
PPP, which stands for Presentation, practice and production. • Teacher presents a situation that gives context to what is going to
be taught.
• Students practice using reproduction techniques. • Production come when students make sentences on their own using new language.
• Community Language Learning: a teacher
helps the students say what they want to say by translating, suggesting or amending the students' utterances.
• Suggestopaedia:
is concerned above all with the physical environment in which the learning takes place.
• Total Physical Response (TPR). • Silent
Way: Learning is best facilitated if the learner discovers and creates language rather than just remembering and repeating what has been taught.
A language is considered foreign if it is learned largely in the classroom and is not spoken in the society where the teaching occurs. • Study
of another language allows the individual to communicate effectively and creatively and to participate in real-life situations through the language of the authentic culture itself..
• Learning another language provides access into a perspective other than one’s own, increases the ability to see connections across content areas, and promotes an interdisciplinary perspective while gaining intercultural understandings
Language is the method of expressing ideas and emotions in the form of signs and symbols. These signs and symbols are used to encode and decode the information. There are many languages spoken in the world. The first language learned by a baby is his or her mother tongue. It is the language, which he or she listens to from his or her birth. Any other language learned or acquired is known as the second language.
Learning a new language takes time and dedication. Once you do, being fluent in a second language offers numerous benefits and opportunities. Learning a second language is exciting and beneficial at all ages. It offers practical, intellectual and many aspirational benefits. Here are the top benefits of learning a second language: • Better job prospects • Brain health • Travel and leisure • Improved understanding of the world
Moodle: is a course Management System (CMS) enabling educators to create their own private website filled with dynamic courses that extend learning, anytime, anywhere. Moodle is an ideal solution for online learning in: • Schools • Collages/Universities
• Companies
Advantage of Moodle is that it allows for many different types of content formats to be uploaded and available for use by the students and the instructor. Moodle not only allows for learning to be done online or at a distance but also it allows for resources to be available to students in who are in instructor-led classes Disadvantage of Moodle is that it is a technological tool which can be challenge for some students. If someone has a hard time with technology, Moodle may be a problem for the student. If the student does not have access to the Internet or some form of technology to utilize Moodle, then this becomes a disadvantage for the student and also for the instructor.
My experience in the online course was nice and interesting because I learned to create my own free e-learning. It is a good way to learn online course. Teachers and students can learn actively and interactively. For me it was a good experience to learn and acquire new knowledge about online courses both as teacher and student. At first it was a bit difficult to understand but I achieved my goal of creating my own course and if I dedicate a lot of time to do it.
The role of the teacher in the hi-tech classroom as a diagnostician and moderator whose role is to work with student groups, and help them make progress on their own in coping with the task presented to them by the computer. Solomon claims that teaching and learning in the hitech classroom needs to be based on new understandings regarding the psychology of learning and technology – on the possibility that computer technologies, in essence, “invite� the use of computer learning environments in an intelligent fashion.
• Clear and steady communication.
• Information Technology (IT) and content area competence. • Management.
• Vision. • Open-minded attitude. • Leadership.
My experience as an online teacher was very good and I take it a little serious, since in the near future I want to be a teacher, and acquiring this kind of knowledge will help me in my work area. I know that in my future everything I have learned, experiences and expectations will help me to develop as a teacher. To play in this role is not easy because it requires time and dedication and above all love of what one does.
The Role of the Online Learner consists of a number of skills and competences which are not a birth gift, but have to be acquired and practiced purposefully, knowing that the skills and competences applied in a traditional setting, as onsite students, should be either replaced, reinforced, or reoriented, when learning as online learners. Consequently students need to be involved in discussions, be prepared to speak out, develop solutions, and work within minimal guidelines. Further, generating deeper levels of understanding requires students to work collaboratively.
• Have basic computer skills and access to technology. • Open minded attitude. • Not hindered by the absence of auditory.
• Self-motivated and self-disciplined. • Willing
to commit significant time to their studies
My experience as a student was very good and I feel that I played a good role during my courses in lines. I can say that we as students need to learn to become active learners and seek active learning strategies in their learning.
Values: define what we accept as good, right or acceptable. We may have our own personally thought-out and constructed values but many of the values we accept are socially or culturally constructed. Society develops a value system or a set of values and conveys these to us through schools, governments, churches, the media, the family etc.
Attitudes are how values are manifested in our actions and thoughts to others. ATTITUDES are our feelings towards certain idea or issues.
It important to take into consideration the following values such as: • Determined
• Cooperation
• Honesty
• Tolerance
• Responsible
• Integrity
• Punctual
• Loyal
• Respect
• Creative
• The
values and attitudes are very important within the online classes because we showed our true personality. It important take into consideration that represent interpretation of “right” and “wrong” also, provide understanding of the attitudes, motivation, and behaviors of individuals and cultures. Attitudes are forming our true values
I was a beautiful experience with my students of Intermediate English Language because I had from 14 to 16 students in the classroom. I was working with them very nice, I did activities very interactive and all students participated in each activity. I was a good environment and felt appreciated for them. When they always had a doubt they asked and I helped them in what they need. I tried to do the best work inside classroom. I am happy to have been with them and to play a good role during the process.
The development of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) brought with it a methodology which emphasized communication in the classroom, pair and group activities and student involvement in the learning process
Teacher Talking Time (TTT) is the amount of time the teacher talks in the classroom. It pays to make this as little as possible.
Positives of TTT: • Ss develop listening skills • Ss grasp new vocabulary in context.
Negatives of TTT: • Ss don’t speak much • Ss may become demotivated • Language used for instructions may be not understood
• The
teacher can explain things to the whole class at once.
• Students can learn useful things, from the language used by the teacher.
• Overuse
of TTT is inappropriate, because you will give less change to speak students. • Teacher talking time can make boring the classes. • If the teacher talks and talks the students will have less time for other things such as reading and writing.
I can conclude the teaching is not an easy process; it is more time-consuming than traditional, rote teaching methods. It requires a supportive classroom environment in which students feel confident in expressing and discussing their ideas. ď‚–Students make their conceptions explicit so that they become aware of their own ideas and thinking.
• Students are constantly engaged in evaluating and revising
their conceptions.
• Technology is a versatile and valuable tool for teaching and
learning and becoming a way of life. The most important thing is that teachers need to be prepared to use these technologies effectively. Schools, Colleges/ Universities and institutions can use technology effectively and for the welfare of students, teachers and society, it must be done.
• I recommended to teachers of English Language of the Universidad
Tecnológica de El Salvador that Work on network and enabling interaction with other networks.
• Use
of technological resources to increase students interest in learning.
• They
will help to the student of English language use the four skill areas (reading, writing, listening, and speaking).
• They can use standard internet technology. • They must be facilitating the development of communication skills