1 minute read


This month, Climate Action Wendover is launching its campaign to plant a lot more trees around our village. You may well be thinking “why, when we live in the beauty of the wooded Chilterns, do we need to plant trees?” The answer is simple; scientific study has proven that planting billions of trees across the world is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis. We know how to do it - we don’t have to wait for technology to be developed, it is cheap and every one of us can get involved. And locally it is obvious that the soil and climate conditions are favourable to prodigious tree growth – so let’s get on with it.

Our aim is to see a tree planted for every resident of Wendover over the next three years – that’s more than 8000!

We need your help:

•Plant trees in your own garden – get expert advice on appropriate species for the space you have.

•Send us your ideas on where trees could be planted around our village. The best way to do this is a simple sketch map; show the road names, drains and other utilities as best you can, footpaths etc, other trees already there and anything else that might help. This needs to be on publicly accessible land. We will look at hedging and infilling gaps as well as larger areas – using “whips” (small saplings that are at the very start of their growth). And ideas for mature tree planting are also welcome – we will be seeking funding to do this. We will work closely with the Parish Council and Buckinghamshire Council – getting landowner approval and complying with other requirements for highways etc. Take a picture of your sketch map and send it to the email address below.

•Please join our group; we need folks to put the plans together, plenty of spades and arms in the winter planting season, and help to care for trees in their early years of growth. Details from our email address.

Contact: climateactionwendover@gmail.com

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