1 minute read
Thank you local Rotary Clubs
Rotary provides specialist equipment to a child with a severe visual impairment
J is an 8 year old local boy, who was born with Oculocutaneous Albinism. His condition means his eyes did not develop normally and at 2 years old he was registered as Severely Sight Impaired. He has complex visual problems, which include difficulty with visual focus, judging distance and depth, blurred, jumping vision and light sensitivity. Unfortunately, glasses do not fully correct for his visual difficulties.
At his local school, J receives adapted work and large print books to help him to access the curriculum. He is also learning touch typing and Braille.
Rotary provided J with a piece of specialist equipment designed specifically for people with visual impairments, just before Lockdown and the school closure. This piece of equipment, the Connect 12, has fully adaptive positioning. It enables any text to be enlarged and also enhanced so the clarity of the text is improved. J can access reading books via the Connect 12 and also complete worksheets and activity books on the screen. J can continue with his schoolwork at home, and when he returns to school it will be a vital support for his independence with his homework and so much more. J’s family says: “We can’t thank the Rotary Clubs of Wendover and District, Chesham and Amersham enough for this amazing gift which makes such a huge difference to his day-to-day life!”
To contact Rotary in Wendover & District, email cheryl@monkeypuzzlehighwycombe. co.uk.