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COVID-19: Reflecting on the Way Forward

The government is keen to get the economy moving again and we are all working to develop ways of living and working that make us feel safe. As government advice, particularly once it has been fired through the prism of the media, seems to be a bit fluid, my advice is “back to basics”. Keep the social distance, wash hands, use masks and gloves when necessary. “If in doubt, keep out” seems to be a reasonable position. Using our own judgement, we can all gain a bit of normality, work, or shop, keep safe and get the country moving. Wendover has weathered this COVID-19 storm well. Now we need to make sure that no one gets left behind during the next phase.

Tom Walsh, Chairman, Wendover Parish Council

1 August and the Wendover Good Neighbour Scheme

1 August is a significant date for those residents who are shielding. It is the date the Government have decided they can venture out and return to some form of normality. Whilst many will welcome the opportunity, others will not be so confident having been confined to their homes for such a long time.

The change will also impact on the Wendover Good Neighbour Scheme, with many of the residents previously relying on the support of the Wardens now able to complete their own errands. Recognising the significance of this change, the Good Neighbour Scheme will make a phased withdrawal during the period 1 August to 15 August. This will enable the Wardens to liaise with any residents having concerns and offer assurances to help build their confidence before venturing out. The Parish Clerk will engage with the authorities to ensure they are aware of the transition, so their support services are maintained.

A letter was sent to all the Wardens explaining the adjustment and a copy is included below for wider community appreciation:

‘Good Neighbour Scheme – Transition of duties/responsibilities from 1 August (post shielding watershed)

I last wrote to you on 23 June confirming the Council’s intentions to maintain the WGNS beyond this crisis and I look forward to your further inputs once we commence our “lessons learned” review of Wendover’s COVID-19 experience to date. Meanwhile, we must consider the here and now and our approach on easing the incredible support provided by the Wardens.

1 August is a watershed for the formally shielded. For many it will provide a gratefully received opportunity to return to some form of normality, for others the new normal will be extremely daunting but they will cope, and there is another group of individuals who will have a continuing need for support from the statutory authorities who are responsible for social care. It is important that if we think that anyone we know is being left behind in this process that we highlight that fact.

So, what does this mean for the Wardens and Drivers? The Regional Wardens have agreed a two-week transition period to 15 August during which the current support offered through the warden scheme, including home deliveries for shopping, will be withdrawn for all residents. The transition period will enable you to engage with the shielding residents, explain the change in support and offer reassurances that the WGNS will be ready should circumstances change for the worse.

Many of us will no doubt continue to support our friends and neighbours on an informal basis if that is necessary and the WGNS will respond as required to any future emerging community need as well as another spike or second wave.

The Parish Clerk will be engaging with the authorities to ensure they are aware of the transition and that necessary support is maintained. He will also be reviewing the many issues and suggestions highlighted by yourselves, businesses, and residents throughout the crisis with the Community Board and working to get them addressed, so we can be ready should there be another need.

Meanwhile, many thanks again for your continued support and please let me know if you have any concerns relating to these arrangements.’

The Council and community appreciate the exceptional support provided by the Wardens and the fact they remain willing to step up again should there be another need.

Whilst the relaxation in restrictions creates a feeling of normality and a lifeline for local businesses, please ensure you adhere to the essential defences by wearing a mask, washing your hands and complying with the social distancing rules whilst enjoying the Wendover facilities. Keith Shelley Clerk to Wendover Parish Council

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