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Rotary - Wendover & District - D1260
Covid Heroes
Back in September we asked for nominations for your Covid-19 heroes. Thank you for nominations so far. If you have someone to add to the list, please do so by Sunday 31 January.
You will know what this person has been doing but others may not. They may have been just doing their regular job but you will know that they have put to use their own personality and skills to walk the extra mile making a big difference because of their actions. Their regular job could be being a good neighbour in a truly discrete but caring way.
Please give:
• your own name
• the name of your nominee
• an indication of what your named hero has done for an individual or a group of people.
Donation to Chilterns MS Centre
On Wednesday 9 December, Rotary in Wendover and District went to the Chilterns MS Centre to hand over a cheque in the value of £336.50 raised at the Duck Race which took place on Sunday 25 October in the Heron Stream, by the Memorial Orchard, a joint effort by Wendover and Great Missenden Clubs.
We can now publish the results: 1st place, 117; 2nd, 134; 3rd, 70. To see a short video of the Duck Race drama, go to https://youtu. be/VifhbAgl6TU.
Watch out for details of another Duck Race in the spring or when we can gather again for some fun.
Santa EcoSleigh
A big thank you to everyone who gave to this year's Santa EcoSleigh. Once again, the weather defeated us on occasion. Local charities to benefit will be Pace and Chilterns MS Centre, click on QR code to donate. More detail on https://www.facebook.com/ RotaryinWendoverandDistrict.
Wendover Rotary hope to carry on with our Santa Eco-Sleigh next year to benefit local charities and community events, but we need more volunteers/members. Membership fits with your availability - do what you can when you can, bring your own ideas, use your skills and talents. Men and women 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s +. We welcome all who want to help their community. If you would like to join our small but vigorous and fun loving club, please contact cheryl@monkeypuzzlehighwycombe.co.uk.